
mecheeseedbian yes i do have a xorg.conf. the display works in recovery mode if your talking about from the cd.00:00
edbianmecheese: the liveCD is NOT recovery mode :)  We need to remove xorg.conf (change it to backup.xorg.conf at least)00:01
edbianmecheese: Do you know how to do that from a liveCD or should I guide you?00:01
mecheeseedbian done00:02
edbianmecheese: reboot00:02
mecheeseedbian ok00:03
edbianmecheese: You edited the xorg.conf on the install and not on the liveCD right?00:03
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yaaasehi there00:05
lwizardlanyone know what is a good nvidia card for displaying on a hdtv via component00:06
szallwizardl: -> either #ubuntu-offtopic or ##hardware00:06
subminuentischhas anyone a clue on removing the proxy for apt00:06
yaaaseI had a question.  I am running ubuntu 11.04, x64.  Using VGA to double output to my tv (lcd).  The scaling is wrong on the tv output, the top and left areas of the screen get cut off.  Anyone know how to tell the system to measure the screen from the 2nd monitor rather than from the primary?00:07
ronqbci'm tryinh to open the running evulution that won't pop up. why?00:07
szalyaaase: use either a digital cable or, if applicable, the TV's auto-adjust feature00:08
yaaaseszal thank you00:08
szal(TFT monitors have that, I'd be damned if TV sets didn't)00:08
mecheeselol no x00:09
scoundrel50aHi, I was just wondering, what is the next version of Thunderbird, above 3.1.11, I think I got version 5 off Mozilla, it was a zip file, but it does show you how to install it. How do I install it?00:10
mecheeseno x at all00:10
sudokillmecheese, did you upgrade ubuntu or something?00:11
kroq-gar78scoundrel50a: did you donwload a tar.gz file from mozilla.org (or something like the website)00:11
mecheesei renamed my xorg.conf and now x doesn't start00:11
mecheesesudokill I'm using lucid00:11
scoundrel50aFrom Mozilla00:11
sudokillmecheese, why rename xorg.conf00:11
scoundrel50aand yes it was a tar.gz file00:11
mecheesei tried upgrading and went back to lucid that's how it all started00:11
kroq-gar78scoundrel50a: do you HAVE to uswe the version from mozilla, or do you just want thunderbird 5?00:11
edbiansudokill: He had some legacy one.  I told him to remove it for a bit.00:12
sudokilloh ok00:12
edbianmecheese: what happens when you boot?00:12
sudokillmecheese, is it even possible to go back a version?00:12
mecheeseedbian i did it now x doesn't run at all00:12
edbianmecheese: What happens when you boot?00:12
scoundrel50akroq-gar78: I wante to try version 5,00:12
mecheesesudokill I have the disk for lucid00:12
scoundrel50akroq-gar78: I have the file on my desktop00:12
mecheeseedbian no x00:13
sudokillmecheese, s its a clean install?00:13
szalmecheese, edbian: no surprises here, since part of the process of installing the nVidia driver is blacklisting nouveau00:13
edbianmecheese: I know that.  What do you see?00:13
scoundrel50abut what I do with it, I dont know00:13
edbianszal: We didn't install the nvidia driver00:13
szaledbian: iirc, we did that yesterday00:13
edbianszal: He says he's using nouveau00:13
kroq-gar78scoundrel50a: ok open up a terminal and run the following command "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/thunderbird-stable"00:13
mecheesesudokill it's clean with a neuveau nvidia driver too00:13
phretorwhat is the proper way for flashing a SATA PCIe card BIOS? I've used a USB FreeDOS boot disk and the flash utility provided by the vendor, but the version of the BIOS on the SATA card doesn't actualy upgrade. Any idea why?00:13
sudokillnouveau doesnt even need xorg.conf does it?00:14
mecheeseedbian i see a full screen terminal00:14
phretorthe card in question is a JMB36300:14
edbianmecheese: can you run startx ?00:14
cyperbgedbian, it's currently installing and hopefully there will no problems :) Fingers crossed :)00:14
ronqbci'm tryinh to open the running evulution that won't pop up. why?00:14
edbiancyperbg: :D00:14
kroq-gar78scoundrel50a: it's safer (as in more stable probably) to get it from the ubuntu guys who did a few modifications to thunderbird and get auto-updates than get it from mozilla00:14
graalgonstrucktI was wondering if anyone would be able to assist me to adding a radio station to banshee on ubuntu.00:14
edbiansudokill: That's why I had him remove it00:14
szalphretor: not a *buntu problem; ask in #ubuntu-offtopic or in ##hardware00:14
sudokillmecheese, if its very clean install, if i was you id try another re-install might be quicker00:14
mecheeseedbian I don't know haven't tried it yet00:14
edbianmecheese: try it00:14
kroq-gar78graagonstruckt: go to the menu, then do File -> Add radio statino00:15
scoundrel50akroq-gar78: I just did that, what next?00:15
mecheesesudokill it would be the 6 or 7th reinstall00:15
kroq-gar78scoundrel50a: then "sudo apt-get update"00:15
edbianmecheese: run startx00:15
sudokillmecheese, :s no idea why it shouldnt work out the box00:15
mecheesesudokill i'm very persistant00:15
Guest87903I try too install Backtrack on my LUbuntu 10.10, anyone can help me??00:15
sudokillbacktrack is offtopic00:16
kroq-gar78scoundrel50a: then, once that's finished, run "sudo apt-get upgrade"00:16
ActionParsnipGuest87903: ask in the backtrack channel00:16
sudokillGuest87903, but,  what do you mean install backtrack IN lubuntu?00:16
mecheesesudokill ya. the screen just goes "signal out of range" and I jump through hoops to get graphics.00:16
kroq-gar78scoundrel50a: and then you should have it installed00:16
edbianmecheese: run startx00:16
Guest87903sudokill: i mean install BT software00:16
edbianmecheese: What happens if you run startx00:16
Guest87903ActionParsnip: Okk sorry00:16
mecheeseedbian I'm about to see.00:17
sudokillGuest87903, afaik a lot of the software isnt in the repos and youd have to compile from source. ask in backtrack or juts google it00:17
scoundrel50akroq-gar78: ok,l its going the the upgrade now00:17
kroq-gar78scoundrel50a: cool just post back if any sort of problems, etc.00:17
Guest87903sudokill: Okk00:17
scoundrel50akroq-gar78: ooh, that looks interesting.......I will let you know how I get on00:18
scoundrel50athank you00:18
scoundrel50agoing to have a play with it now00:19
Guest87903When I start a Game like Airstrike and all my screen turn to black and everything close...is it my graphic card the problem or my Computers? (ThinkPad T23)00:20
sudokillGuest87903, hard to tell00:20
JohnyMnemonicplease please i make blowjob if sm1 teach me how to install spidermonkey C lib00:20
sudokillJohnyMnemonic, promise?00:20
DrDeepsany fast ways to remove the games in Ubuntu00:20
DrDeepsthey're annoying me00:20
bazhangsudokill, last warning00:20
sudokillbazhang, wasnt me that said it..00:21
the[void]anyone have issues with ubuntu minimal cds not downloading, despite getting an ip fine via dhcp?00:21
ActionParsnipDrDeeps: remove gnomine quadrapassel gnome-mahjong gnome-sudoku aislerot00:21
DrDeepsthank you ActionParsnip00:21
ActionParsnipDrDeeps: I always remove them after a clean install00:21
* NEWSFLASH JUSTIN BIEBER DEAD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2rgkSW_wRA00:21
ActionParsnipDrDeeps: spelling may be out but you get the idea00:21
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DrDeepsgot it00:22
* edbian test00:22
rhin0just had something bizarre happen -- software update (update manager) -- just asked for grub menu generation -- what is that? - - never seen an update ask for confirmation on anything didn't know it did00:22
DrDeepsdecided to purge them instead of remove00:22
DrDeepsaislerot won't disappear00:23
DrDeepsspelled wrong derp00:23
mecheesei estimate nearly a 100 hours working on this.00:25
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mecheese3 weeks of reinstalls and popping the disk back in and reinstalling xchat00:25
mecheeseI'm tired00:26
mixmasterxpI'm trying to dual boot windows 7 and ubunto 11.4. I have already installed windows 7 and created the following partitions: C: NTFS for windows, D: NTFS for ubunto, E: NTFS for swap and G: NTFS for storage00:26
mecheeseyou're getting to know me00:26
mixmasterxpbut I'm currently on ubunto now and I only see sections00:26
bazhangmixmasterxp, theres not a ntfs for swap or ubuntu00:26
bazhangmixmasterxp, are you perhaps installing ubuntu from within windows, aka wubi00:27
mecheeseok. so startx generated errors about things like screen not existing00:27
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bazhang!away > xindzz`off00:27
ubottuxindzz`off, please see my private message00:27
bazhang!manual | mixmasterxp please have a read00:28
ubottumixmasterxp please have a read: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/00:28
bazhang!wubi > mixmasterxp00:28
ubottumixmasterxp, please see my private message00:28
mecheesemy indurence for ubuntu is waning00:28
edbianmecheese: What happened with startx ?00:29
mecheesemaybe I farted wrong and my graphics card couldn't  handle it edbian startx generated warnings about missing things like no screen00:30
edbianmecheese: Mmm, I'm not sure anymore00:30
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fishscenegreetings! I'm using centrify-express to integrate with Windows AD. I installed virtualbox in Ubuntu 10.04LTS and virtualbox is reporting I am not able to use USB because I'm not part of the "vboxusers" group. Does anyone know how to solve this?00:31
mecheeseedbian neither am i. I remember using some one line command to get it to work last time i needed to fix it. i think maybe lucid just worked. the previous versions were giving trouble like now.00:31
sharpobjectwhat's the preferred way to install packages that require later versions of libc6?00:31
mecheeseedbian wait maybe if I install the driver before I update. I forgot I updated.00:32
mixmasterxpbazhang: does wubi come with the 11.4 iso or am I going to have to re-download the whole thing?00:32
mecheeseedbian I had thought that lucid worked for nvidia right after the install.00:33
edbianmecheese: I don't know.00:33
mecheesemaybe updates are making things hell in there.00:33
mecheeseedbian i don't know either. I know i'm about to shoot my ubuntu disk.00:33
mecheesewe see if something works argggghhhh00:34
goetteris there a way to ssh into a machine, and launch an application on the local display?00:35
mecheesewhere does firefox keep it's bookmarks so I can backem up?00:35
edbianmecheese: There is an export tool or you can just save the whole .mozilla forlder00:36
BluesKajgoetter, yes ssh -X use@remotehst00:36
mecheeseedbian can't use export tool with no x so I'll find that .mozilla00:36
edbianmecheese: /home/you/.mozilla00:36
goetterBluesKaj: I'm interested in manipulating the X display that is already locally running, to launch another application in it.00:37
goetterI don't want X forwarding00:37
Jordan_Ugoetter: Yes. So by local you mean the display physically connected to the remote machine?00:37
Jordan_Ugoetter: export DISPLAY=:0.000:38
BluesKajthen that's the remote display00:38
goetterYeah, sorry.00:38
goetterIs there a way to get a list of active X displays and what is running inside them, to be sure I have the correct display identifier?00:38
Jordan_Ugoetter: After that all commands will use the physicaly attached display.00:38
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_grAnd__anyone can tell me what country is this channel?00:39
Jordan_U_grAnd__: This channel is international, though English language only.00:39
sharpobjectis there a way to install packages that require later versions of libc6?00:39
BluesKajworldwide, but the language is english, _grAnd__00:40
ActionParsnip_grAnd__: english is the language of the channel00:40
KSHawkEyeDoes anyone know how I can force a command line option to not be used with cflags when compiling with GCC? such as -mno-cygwin?00:40
fishsceneI'm using centrify-express to integrate with Windows AD. I installed virtualbox in Ubuntu 10.04LTS and virtualbox is reporting I am not able to use USB because I'm not part of the "vboxusers" group. Does anyone know how to solve this?00:41
Gskelligbelieve it or not00:42
DrDeepsi love being yelled at for using Ubuntu over any other distro00:42
DrDeeps"WHY DON'T YOU USE ARCH?! noob"00:42
Gskelliggetting network printing setup is actually easier on ubuntu that on windows for me00:42
mosx1ok, who can help me out here...big time. My ssh server just died on me as did my vnc server00:42
mosx1I have one remaining session on ssh still active00:42
mosx1don't want to reboot00:43
mosx1have restarted both services but cannot connect to either00:43
Gskelligmosx1, check ports00:43
_grAnd__I'm from Spain and entered into this server because the IRC-Hispano is impossible to enter00:43
mosx1port 22 is closed00:43
cyperbg1edbian: The Installer crashed. First time I see this :(00:44
gold_Cya somos 200:44
cyperbg1so I have to do it again00:44
StaticElectricitHi, I need some help with intel drivers, I'd ask on #intel-gfx, but I am banned for some reason despite never being on there before.00:44
edbiancyperbg1: who far did it get?00:44
mixmasterxpWhen using wubi, installing ubuntu as an app, do I need to set swap partitions, etc?00:44
gold_C_grAnd__,  me pasa igual00:44
bazhang_grAnd__, /join #ubuntu-es00:44
_grAnd__«[gold_C]» algun problema habrá00:44
sharpobjectis there a way to install packages that require later versions of libc6?00:44
gold_Cel servidor seguramente00:44
edbianmixmasterxp: I believe wubi handles everything for you.00:44
bazhanggold_C, english here00:44
dlimosx1, can you restart ssh server?00:44
gold_Cok sry guys00:44
dlisharperguy, yes, chroot00:45
mosx1am trying sudo service ssh start00:45
mosx1the port remains closed00:45
dlisharperguy, or even virtual machine00:45
bazhangStaticElectricit, intel drivers for ubuntu?00:45
StaticElectricitMint actually, but yeah00:45
mosx1ssh stop/pre-start, process 278900:45
bazhangStaticElectricit, MINT is not ubuntu.00:45
StaticElectricitIt is close00:46
cyperbg1edbian: alsmost at the end. The status was Installing File system I think. It's been like 30 minutes.00:46
bazhangStaticElectricit, check the mint support channel00:46
IdleOnenot close enough00:46
dlimosx1, works?00:46
bazhang!mintsupport > StaticElectricit00:46
ubottuStaticElectricit, please see my private message00:46
rwwStaticElectricit: #ubuntu only supports Ubuntu and official derivatives.00:46
Fudgehi using hamachi cli and am logged in, im using a 192.169.-.2 ip with 255.0 netmask trying to figure out how to browse the computer at
cyperbg1edbian could it be because there was no parition on the drive? I expected the Installer to create it.00:46
edbiancyperbg1: Ok. yeah try it again00:46
edbiancyperbg1: If you choose 'use entire drive' it will create partitions for you00:46
fjorgynn127.0.0.1 try to connect to my server00:46
bazhangfjorgynn, please dont00:47
IdleOnefjorgynn: Do you have an Ubuntu support question?00:47
cyperbg1edbian that's what I chose :)00:47
mosx1no, port remains closed00:47
edbiancyperbg1: Not sure why it crashed.  Re-create the USB ?00:47
cyperbg1edbian I just deleted all the partition and will leave it in the same state as before.00:48
edbiancyperbg1: sounds great00:48
StaticElectricitI just needed help with glxproto.h :(00:48
shockrateshey how can i find what is the name of my laptops wifi device?00:51
mosx1sudo service ssh start00:51
mosx1that is the right command to start it right ?00:51
edbianshockrates: sudo lspci -k   will list it00:51
ActionParsnipshockrates: sudo lshw -C network00:52
fishscenenvm! turns out I needed to recompile the vbox kernel driver (silly me), I forgot I had updated to the newest Kernel 2 hours ago..00:53
gnaddelHi there, I've got a little problem permanently disabling my optical out, I can do it manually by "amixer set IEC 958 off" but would like to do it automatically on boot00:53
mosx1what cli command starts ssh service ?00:54
edbiangnaddel: But that line at the end of /etc/rc.local00:54
edbiangnaddel: before the 'exit 0'00:54
gnaddelI've tried to add the line to /etc/rc.local but that doesn't seem to work edbian00:54
dlignaddel, can you disable it in BIOS?00:54
edbiangnaddel: It should... ?00:54
cyperbg1edbian: so I choose Erase disk and Install Ubuntu and on the next step I select it says The entire disk will be used but below that it also says: 1 partition will be deleted. Why?00:54
edbiancyperbg1: The partition left from the last failed install.00:55
cyperbg1I deleted everything after the fail attempt00:55
edbiancyperbg1: Use gparted on the liveCD to get a look if you want.00:55
cyperbg1I used it00:55
gnaddeledbian, yeah that what google told me, doesn't work though ;)00:55
edbiancyperbg1: Look at it in gparted?  Does it say 'unallocated' ?00:55
edbiancyperbg1: then IDK.  Are you installing it to the wrong HDD ?00:55
cyperbg1I deleted all the partitions after the fail attemmp00:55
gnaddelDon't think I can disable it in the macbooks efi (or whatever the bios replacement is properly called)00:56
edbiancyperbg1: IDK00:56
cyperbg1th Installer have inbuilt parition tool00:56
cyperbg1if I select it there are no partitions00:56
cyperbg1but it still says 1 will be deleted00:56
edbiancyperbg1: IDK.  strange00:56
gnaddelcould it be that the device gets somehow reactivated on login?00:56
dlignaddel, or you can choose to blacklist the kernel driver00:56
cyperbg1the Advanced Partition tool says: Device: dev/sdb Free space 779000:57
edbiangnaddel: Maybe, but I don't that that would happen after the script.00:57
cyperbg1and there is only 1 active button: New partition table00:57
edbiancyperbg1: It's probably just a bug.00:58
vibhavmixmasterxp no00:58
cyperbg1ok I will continie00:58
gnaddeldli, i think that would be a little bit extreme, I still want to be able to use it when I need it00:58
bazhangvibhav, pardon?00:59
vibhavoh never mind00:59
sloalehow do i determine the ip address of a shared computer via wired connection with Ubuntu Internet Connection Sharing from WLAN host? i am headless, with GUI display.00:59
sloale^and ssh'd into the host01:00
gnaddelahh..... here we go01:00
gnaddelI wrote iec958 instead of IEC* in the script01:01
vibhav!ot | gna01:01
ubottugna: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:01
vibhav!ot | gnaddel01:01
ubottugnaddel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:01
dlisloale, more details, better with specific IP, etc.01:02
gnaddelthanks for the help guys, bb01:02
sloalei am ssh'd into a box that which is connected to the internet via a wireless card. another box is sharing the Internet connection via a wired connection01:04
sloalei know it's ip falls in the range i see when passing `ifconfig`01:04
sloalebut i don't know the specific ip and would like to learn01:04
sloalein my specific case `ifconfig` returns inet addr: so i know it's in that range. but can i determine specifically what the ip of a shared wired connection would be when on the host computer?01:06
wasutton3i am running grub2 and trying to boot windows server2003. when i try to boot from the entry, all i get is an empty line and a blinking cursor. does anyone know why or how to fix this?01:11
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stunts513Could someone remind me the force acpi on boot command01:11
edbianwasutton3: boot ubuntu and run: sudo update-grub01:11
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wasutton3edbian, grub is actually installed on the ntfs partition01:12
brodockanyone knows when gnome-shell will be updated on oneric?01:12
edbianwasutton3: ... grub is installed in windows?01:12
bazhangbrodock, #ubuntu+1 for that01:12
brodockbazhang: thanks01:13
thehelixso, i dunno if this is ubuntu people, but what the _fuck_ is up with the new gcalc?01:13
thehelixits a total piece of shit01:13
bazhangthehelix, no cursing here01:13
thehelixit went from being useful, and able to be used entirely from the keyboard01:13
thehelixto a complete waste of space01:14
stunts513Ok I have a problem with ubuntu and my gfx card, or possibly my southbridge01:14
thehelixwhose brilliant bloody idea was that rewrite?01:14
bazhangthehelix, thats enough01:14
thehelixits just incredibly frustrating to have a good tool totally clobbered01:14
gekken@stunts513 - What's the problem?01:15
dlisloale, I can not understand which computer is which from your description01:15
stunts513Sry bou that01:16
stunts513He left didn't he01:16
stunts513I'm on iPod and the app crashed01:16
sloaledli: the wlan host is box1 the wired guest is box2 - can i pass a command on box1 to determine the wired connections (box2's)ip?01:17
komodiemosomebody  that speak spanish?01:17
MixmasterxpSo I cant use wubi, I'm setting up the partitions myself01:17
bazhangkomodiemo, in #ubuntu-es01:17
stunts513I have problem with ubuntu and my gfx card or possibly southbridge01:17
Mixmasterxpbut I'm only allowed 4 primary partitions01:17
MixmasterxpI want to install ubuntu and windows and also have a storage partition. I currently have 3 primary partitions; 1mb for system reserved, 100mb for some windows thing and 200gb for windows01:17
MixmasterxpI want to make another partition for ubuntu, but I also need to make 2 other partitions; for swap and for storage01:17
Mixmasterxphow do I handle a situation like this?01:17
bazhangstunts513, more details would get a better answer01:18
MixmasterxpCan I delete the 1mb partition labeled as SYSTEM RESERVED?01:18
dlisloale, usually, it's not a problem, the wired one is handled by dhcp or static IP01:18
Mixmasterxpthere is no flag on it that states it to be of type BOOT01:18
stunts513Ok if I Try to boot from cd, the graphic card goes way outta refresh rate range and screen starts flickering b4 any text comes up about the boot or a bootscreen01:19
dlisloale, if you still have no idea, do something like 'ip add list', it display a list containing wired IP, netmask, you can ping within that subnet01:19
stunts513And now iy seems like it locked up caus not even the numlock is responding01:20
szalMixmasterxp: why not make an extended partition & put some partitions on it?  *buntu shouldn't have a problem booting from tha01:20
dlisloale, or, do something like: netstat -n|less01:20
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dlistunts513, if you know your video card, try to disable Kernel Mode setting from kernel cmdline01:22
nitrohaxhow would one delete a partition and then expand the existing ext4 partition?01:22
stunts513It's a chips and tech gfx card01:22
bazhangnitrohax, with gparted, or gparted live cd01:22
stunts513It's odd cause debian runs fine01:22
ClouseHi there all just started to try Evolution instead of Thunderbird and I use IMAP with Gmail and when I click on an email I get this error message; Unable to retrieve message01:22
ClouseCould not find message body in FETCH response.01:22
nitrohaxtried that. won't let me make the existing ext4 bigger. is there something i'm missing?01:23
dlistunts513, do you use KMS in debian?01:23
bazhangnitrohax, its still mounted?01:23
mosx1seriously. this is getting to me now. I want to add a new user from the desktop gui in 11.0401:23
bazhangkomodiemo, #ubuntu-es   <-----01:23
stunts513I don't think so01:23
cyperbg1edbian: another Installer crash at the same time :(01:23
stunts513Remind me what that is, I havnt used it in a while01:23
nitrohaxbazhang, yes. it's root for install01:23
nitrohaxif i go to live cd and then run gparted there it will allow to make it all ext4 with out losing data?01:24
bazhangnitrohax, you booted the live cd to do this? you would need to unmount anything to resize it01:24
mosx1The configuration could not be saved: you are not allowed to modify the system configuration01:24
mosx1what a fail01:24
stunts513The whole reason I'm doing this is cause when I upgraded my dostro I crashed the debian os01:24
dlistunts513, just remove 'quiet splash' add something like 'i915.modeset=0' or 'radeon.modeset=0', depends on your video card01:24
nitrohaxbazhang, no i'm on the installed HDD. I'm trying to make this partition to the full disk01:25
stunts513dli: um ok where can I findiut what I need to put01:25
bazhangnitrohax, you need to be on a live cd of some sort, if you are talking about resizing the partition you are currently running from01:25
nitrohaxok thank you01:26
dlinitrohax, if everthing else has failed, try to copy out the partition (cp -avxAH, or partimage)01:26
nitrohaxdli, thank you01:26
bazhangdli, he was trying to resize a mounted partition. gparted wont do that01:26
bob_Hey guys, I have had a few guys help me install an updated driver for my video card in hopes to be able to run Unity.  I have the new driver installed, but cant seem to get Unity instead of the classic interface.  Any ideas how to get Unity started up?01:29
bob_Or... at least determine if there is another hardware requirement I am not meeting?01:29
bazhangbob_, installed from where, which driver, which card01:29
sloaledli: nmap -sP :) so stoked!01:29
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sloaleyour clue about netstat led me to it01:29
bob_It is the nVidia GeForce4 440 MX01:30
philipballewcan i have a split screen in gnome terminal01:30
bob_I installed the nvidia-current drivers earlier with some help here01:30
bob_We installed it via tty, using sudo apt-get install nvidia-current or something near that01:30
mosx1tried cli adduser: it didn't like the . in the username01:30
dlisloale, still silly, if it's static IP, you should already know, if it's dhcp, dhcpd usually records it in syslog01:31
mosx1still a fail though as the gui said that was ok01:31
stunts513Ok I ttys booting without splash screen and now it shows some text for a half second then refresh rate goes nuts01:31
dlistunts513, sounds like KMS01:31
stunts513What is kms01:31
dlistunts513, just disable it01:31
dlistunts513, I already mentioned it 'kernel mode setting'01:32
stunts513Sry I'm doing this from iPod01:32
MixmasterxpI heard things can get corrupted01:32
MixmasterxpIs it recommended I share a ntfs storage partition between ubuntu and windows?01:32
dliMixmasterxp, should be stable01:33
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stunts513dli: how do I find the right one, or do I try nomodeset01:34
dlistunts513, you can add them all, 'i915.modeset=0 radeon.modeset=0'01:35
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MesheltonHi All01:36
MesheltonI have a quick question if anyone is on right now01:36
ActionParsnipMixmasterxp: why not just make the windows partition bigger then have ubuntu access you mydocs via the usuall ntfs way, or did you want a seperate userdata partition?01:37
ActionParsnipMeshelton: ask away01:37
MesheltonOk so I found a script that will automatically rip a dvd when you put it in a drive01:37
Mesheltonwhich is pretty cool cause I'm putting together a media server01:37
MixmasterxpActionParsnip: I'm used to having a seperate partition for my storage, something outside of the C drive01:38
Mesheltonthe issue is that the script automatically takes the name of the disc for the mkv file it eventually creates01:38
bazhangMeshelton, whats the question01:38
MesheltonI was wondering if there was a way for me to make the script prompt the user for the title of the movie01:38
bazhangMeshelton, use ogmrip instead01:39
Mesheltonok i'll check it out01:39
bazhangMeshelton, many nice presets with numerous options01:40
szalMeshelton: that's more of a question for the author of the script than for a general support hub01:40
bazhang!info ogmrip01:40
ubottuogmrip (source: ogmrip): Application for ripping and encoding DVD. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.13.6-0ubuntu2 (natty), package size 315 kB, installed size 1504 kB01:40
stunts513dli: ok tried those 2 and same result01:40
dlistunts513, do you know what's the video card?01:41
dlistunts513, try a command line only livecd01:42
stunts513dli: it's a chips and tech card think 69000f or something01:42
dlistunts513, I have no idea what it is01:42
stunts513dli: I havnt ever tryd doing that, how do I setup the parameters?01:42
dlistunts513, what parameters?01:43
whatismynameGreetings, now that i've got my wireless internet working, there's just one major issue I need to take care of: dual screen. my 5 year old 15.1" (1280x.. res) laptop running windows 7 was able to handle an extra 22" screen connected to it (1650x.. res), it doesn't work with ubuntu 11.0401:43
bazhangwhatismyname, using randr?01:44
whatismynamebazhang: what is randr?01:44
stunts513dli: booting only into a terminal from boot parameters01:44
dliwhatismyname, xrandr ?01:44
whatismynamelet me google01:44
bazhang!xrandr | whatismyname01:44
ubottuwhatismyname: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1201:44
aj00200since we're talking about xrandr, will dual-screen be automatic on the x replacement that is being worked on?01:45
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bob_How can I force Ubuntu to attempt to start up Unity?01:45
bazhangaj00200, wayland? thats a ways off , hard to say01:45
aj00200bazhang: what is the target for that? 12.04?01:46
bazhangbob_, you cannot. you could use unity-2d though01:46
dlistunts513, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions01:46
mlybrandhi all, just installed 11.04 on a compaq presario CQ60 with an Atheros wireless card.  Wireless network is showing as disabled, apparently due to a hardware flag. The wireless light is blue indicating connection.  Any idea how to best rectify?01:46
bazhangaj00200, hardly. longer than that01:46
aj00200ok, thanks01:46
bob_bazhang, is there a way I can determine what hw requirement I am not meeting?01:47
bob_I was told yesterday that it was just because I didn't have the newer driver installed01:47
bazhangbob_, how old is your graphic card01:47
szalbob_: are you still running nouveau?01:47
bob_Pretty old, but I was told it was still good enough for Unity.  GeForce4 44001:47
dlistunts513, try "Safe graphic mode", and add 'i915.modeset=0 radeon.modeset=0'01:47
Mesheltoninfo shrip01:48
bob_szal, hey there, sorry to keep coming back :)  earlier the other person helping me said I was good, but here is what I get when I do sudo lspci -k01:48
bazhangMeshelton, /msg ubottu info package01:48
bazhangMeshelton, or /msg ubottu find related01:49
bob_szal, http://pastebin.com/XRCnWnxQ01:49
Mesheltonkk thx01:49
bob_szal, sure looks to me like I am still running the old driver01:49
szalbob_: guess there's your problem then01:50
bob_szal, looks like the new driver is installed though.  Is there a way to tell it to use the other one?01:50
szalbob_: pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf please01:51
Mesheltonbazhang: how would I find info about the CLI for ogmrip?01:51
szalMeshelton: man ogmrip; look for docs in /usr/share/doc/packages/, or on the 'net (the author's/project's home page might be a good starting point)01:52
bob_szal, I dont have an xorg.conf in that folder01:53
bazhangMeshelton, /msg ubottu find ogmrip    still waiting for the laggy bot to respond01:53
szalbob_: then you didn't run 'sudo nvidia-xconfig'01:53
bob_szal, no i did not, let me do that now01:53
szalbob_: when that is done, reboot01:54
Muctare their somebody that can tell me how can get rid of this netbook looking thing i got on my netbook :p01:54
mlybrandno help for compaq atheros wireless card issue? :(01:54
xangua!classic | Muct01:54
ubottuMuct: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".01:54
bazhangMuct, get rid of completely? or just switch to the old gnome style desktop01:54
Muctget rid of it ;)01:55
Mucti dont like the netbook version of ubuntu01:55
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bazhangMuct, installing the gnome-3-session for natty will do that01:55
Muctor what is called01:55
bazhangMuct, there is not a UNE anymore, its all unity01:56
bazhang!une | Muct01:56
ubottuMuct: Starting with Ubuntu 11.04, the Ubuntu Netbook Edition is no longer being offered as a separate install as Unity is now standard for all Ubuntu desktop installs.01:56
bazhang!unity > Muct01:56
ubottuMuct, please see my private message01:56
whatismynamebazhang, thanks for telling me about xrandr01:57
ActionParsnipMuct: http://mygeekopinions.blogspot.com/2011/05/wanna-install-old-netbook-launcher-in.html01:57
bazhangwhatismyname, welcome01:57
bazhangMuct, dont mistake the gnome-3-session with the unsupported gnome3 PPA01:57
ActionParsnipMuct: gives the old netbook interface in natty :)01:58
stunts513dli: this is an ubuntu derivitive, it dies t have the safe gfx mode, I've tryd that b4 though without luck01:58
bazhangstunts513, which derivate01:58
Mucti just want the old theme or what i should call it with menu :p01:59
bazhangstunts513, thats a supported version, not a derivate01:59
ActionParsnipMuct: I gave a link....01:59
bazhangMuct, thats classic01:59
stunts513I didn't realize that01:59
ar0nicgetting tired of shit gfx driver support from ubuntu01:59
bazhangMuct, select at login window after choosing user name01:59
stunts513Any form of ubuntu I try has same problem01:59
bazhangar0nic, no cursing please01:59
mlybrandDo I interpret lack of response to no one really having anything helpful, or am I lacking in explaining myself (or perhaps patience)?02:00
bazhangmlybrand, more details would be better02:01
Muctok i shall try then later i be bsk :)02:01
Muctbe back*02:01
ActionParsnipmlybrand: if nobody knows they cannot reply. Try a bit later as different users will be in02:01
mlybrandbazhang, thanks.  I am not sure what you would need to know. Ubuntu 11.04, Compaq Presario CQ60. Atheros Wireless card. Ubuntu indicates Disabled due to hardware switch. Wireless button on device shows blue (functional). What more do I need to provide (clueless newbie, sorry)?02:03
bazhangmlybrand, did you try turning the hw switch off then back on, there was a bug I had on my laptop similar (different chipset though); also, is it a hidden essid or not02:03
ActionParsnipmlybrand: if you run:  sudo iwlist scan     do you see wireless networks?02:03
bazhangmlybrand, which atheros precisely, please02:03
mlybrandActionParsnip, hold please.02:04
mlybrandActionParsnip, that command shows three items, lo, eth0, wlan002:05
mlybrandall three show interface does not support scanning02:05
mlybrandwlan0 further shows network is down02:05
mlybrandbazhang, hold on while I find out exactly which Atheros02:06
bob_szal, K, now Ubuntu won't start.  :(02:06
bob_this is reminding me why I have stayed away from Linux02:07
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stunts513Ok I'm back02:08
MesheltonIf I ssh into ubuntu will i see the output of a script that is constantly running?02:08
bob_how do I boot up without the gui so I can change the video card drivers?02:08
bazhang!nox | bob_02:08
ubottubob_: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode02:08
mlybrandAtheros is AR500102:09
szalbob_: define 'won't start'02:09
bob_szal, stuck at the ubuntu splash screen02:09
mlybrandbazhang, Atheros AR500102:09
szalbob_: press Esc & see what the messages say02:09
bob_szal, it must be locked up, Esc does nothing, let me boot holding down Esc02:10
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1744471 mlybrand02:10
whatismynamethere's a little problem, I tried the following commands:02:11
mlybrandbazhang, sudo rfkill unblock wifi ??02:11
bazhangbob_, you need shift to get to grub not esc02:11
bazhangmlybrand, thats what the thread suggests02:11
mlybrandokay.  Let's see what happens.02:12
bob_bazhang, yep, i used Shift.., it seems to be in an infinite loop, messages keep displaying, but moving too fast to see what they say, they are scrolling too fast02:12
whatismynamexrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 1280x800 --rate 60.1 and then separely, xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1680x1050 --rate 59.9 --left-of LVDS102:12
whatismynameit didn't work, it messed up both the screens and I blindly typed xrandr to reset the screens02:13
stunts513dli: soo I have tried a few things u told and no luck sofar02:13
whatismynameit worked fine when I only set one screen, and it cloned the display02:13
bob_bazhang, szal, got it to stop scrolling... says fail next to "Stopping automatic crash report generation", ... rest says OK... Does say "Stopping System V initialisation compatibility"02:14
Bi0haz4rdhow do i make the files a iso so i can put it on virtualbox02:14
mlybrandbazhang, SWEEET.  Worked like a charm.02:14
bazhangBi0haz4rd, what files02:14
Bi0haz4rdfor ubuntu02:14
bazhangBi0haz4rd, what file for ubuntu02:15
Bi0haz4rdit gives me a RAR file02:15
Bi0haz4rdi have ubuntu on a cd02:15
mlybrandbazhang, good tips for getting up to speed with all the command line commands available.  Any tutorials, or the like?02:15
Bi0haz4rdbut i want to run ubuntu through virtual box02:15
bazhangBi0haz4rd, you dont extract the iso, you use the iso as is for vbox02:15
Chillancedoes anyone here know how I can start a vncserver session that includes using my nvidia drivers?02:15
Bi0haz4rdi have a error now that says failed to open a session for the virtual machine ubuntu02:16
bazhangmlybrand, thats a pretty broad subject, I usually just "item name ubuntu" in a search engine, and it leads directly to ubuntuforums posts02:17
bazhangBi0haz4rd, it does not use rar. dont extract from iso02:17
mlybrandbazhang, what did you search for this time, for example. you found that pretty fast.02:17
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bazhangmlybrand, atheros 5001 11.0402:18
dee27anybody useing flush torrent02:18
bazhangdee27, what is that02:18
bazhangdee27, unless you mean flux02:18
dee27nah is called flush02:19
bazhangdee27, from where02:19
stunts513dli: if The os is booting while gfx card is screwed up, is there a chance I can ssh into the live os and get a copy of it's startup log02:19
mlybrandbazhang, hahahahhaa. you get better results than I did.  I bow to your superior search ability :)  Thanks again.02:19
dee27in the ubuntu software if u type flush it would pop up02:19
bazhangmlybrand, glad its working02:19
szalbob_: do you get a login prompt?02:20
bazhangdee27, its simply called flush, whats the question about it02:20
bob_szal, nope, just an infinite loop.  I am starting the reload.  Will use the steps you suggested yesterday first thing after installing02:20
dee27thats what i said02:20
bob_szal, hopefully that will do the trick.  You were wanting me to do the nvidia-96 instead of nvidia-current.. maybe that was the issue02:20
bazhangdee27, whats the question about it02:21
stunts513Sorry I lagged out02:21
dee27is anybody having problems with it??02:21
bazhangdee27, never used it, transmission works here02:21
bob_sval, if this still doesn't work, I am going to grab a newer video card02:21
szalbob_: that's my guess too, especially since BluesKaj failed to explain what he meant when he said that 'nvidia-current' is supposed to pull in different driver versions according to the card in use02:21
YcareneCan the gtk 2 and gtk 3 libraries co-exist on the same system?02:22
bazhangdee27, what are *your* precise problems with it02:22
bob_sval, hopefully third reload is the charm :)02:22
bazhangYcarene, using the gnome3 PPA?02:22
szalbob_: if you get the text mode to boot up, rename /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and it should revert to using the nouveau driver02:22
pappa_bearHello, I'm trying to get my miniHD-out to work on my macbook. i'm running 11.04.02:22
dee27dont start at all02:23
dee27i think it has a bug02:23
bazhangYcarene, thats not supported and breaks things. best to avoid02:23
pappa_bearAlso, is there a way to get the old nvidia monitor controls from 10.04?02:23
bob_sval, too late, I have started the OS install, no biggie, it was a fresh install before02:23
bazhang!gnome3 | Ycarene02:23
ubottuYcarene: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.02:23
szallol, ok02:23
szalbob_: and clean your glasses and/or learn to tab nicks :P02:24
stunts513Ok my laptop won't boot into live os, igbo take off quiet splash, it displays about 2 seconds of readout then the screen starts flickering from refresh rate going outta range, help02:24
bazhangdee27, what about other torrent clients, like transmission etc02:24
bob_szal, yeah, this stuff is very new to me.  I always get frustrated when I install Linux such that I abandon it.  I am hoping to get there this time :)02:25
dee27work good02:25
bazhangdee27, have you tried starting flush from the terminal to see the errors02:25
pappa_bearHello, I'm trying to get my miniHD-out to work on my macbook. i'm running 11.04.02:25
dee27yea i did that see alot of errors02:25
pappa_bearAlso, is there a way to get the old nvidia monitor controls from 10.04?02:25
bazhangdee27, so file some bugs?02:25
bazhangpappa_bear, what is the name of the old ones02:25
dee27i post the bugs in launchpad.02:25
dee27flush was working fine couple of days ago,and now is broken lol02:26
bazhangdee27, so follow the bug reports02:26
bazhangdee27, if transmission is working though why not just use that02:27
dee27idk trans i like flush lol02:27
bob_szal, this better?02:27
szalbob_: yep :)02:28
bob_szal, ahh.. i was doing sval :) lol, sorry about that02:28
ChakravantiHello, I'm trying to install 11.04 on an nilfs partition but the installer isn't giving me any options to do it.  It want's to format the partitions itself and has no NILFS2 support.  Does anyone know a workaround?02:34
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VxQeOk so.02:38
VxQeI may have borked Nautilus something fierce. :/02:38
VxQeI get "Nautilus cannot handle "smb" locations"02:38
VxQewhenever I try to open an smb share02:38
VxQeand same for the network browse button as well.02:39
VxQeTried reainstalling gvfs / nautilus02:39
VxQedidn't help.02:39
defectzhi all, so im using ubuntu 32bit and i need to put native drivers on my computer for my wireless adapter, i have a guide on how to do it but i dont know what to do =\02:39
VxQeWhat wireless adapter?02:39
VxQeDo you know what chipset it is?02:39
centHOGGsudo lspci02:40
Dr_Willisyou have a guide.. but dont understand what it says? you mean to say?02:40
VxQeis it a usb one?02:40
VxQeor an internal one?02:40
defectzits usb and dr_willis: ya i have a guide and do know what to do02:40
VxQehop onto terminal and type lsusb02:40
VxQeYou might need to do that as root...02:40
VxQethat should give you a list of usb devices plugged into your computer02:41
VxQeand it should list the chipset of the wireless thingy.02:41
defectzraling rt702:42
defectzralink RT702:42
VxQesounds about right.02:42
richardgozinyahi everyone, i screwed up my routing and now my dns doesn't work. example, i had to find the ip address for irc server rather than typing in its name.02:42
defectzkk now what?02:43
VxQerichardgozinya, what is in your resolv.conf?02:43
richardgozinya1 sec, i think thats prob02:43
VxQedefectz, sec having a look.02:43
stunts513Anyone have an idea to get a boot log from a computer I can't get the graphics card to work in ubuntu, it's refresh rate goes off the charts but from what ican tell, the terminals work02:43
ChakravantiAny one has any information at all on installing ubuntu on nilfs?02:43
richardgozinyathere is problem02:43
richardgozinyashould have nameservers right02:44
richardgozinyais blank now02:44
VxQerichardgozinya, nameserver <ip>02:44
Chakravantilol, yeah, i most I've found is some man pages for nilfs-tools02:44
Chakravantiwhat makes btrfs so great?02:45
VxQedeface, you said you have drivers? From where?02:45
Chakravantiwhy is it supported when it doesn't even have disk checking tools yet?02:45
Chakravantii'm scared to use it02:45
richardgozinyaperfect thanks02:46
VxQeChakravanti, I understand it is not yet very stable.02:47
stunts513Help booting live cd, refresh rate goes way out there on gfx card, makes screen flicker black screen02:47
ChakravantiVxQe, that's what I'm saying!  That's why I want to use nilfs but it's like ubuntu just wants to hump btrfs02:48
Chakravantifor SSD's02:48
VxQeEveryone wants btrfs.02:49
ActionParsnipChakravanti: I used it and found it slower, but i've no knowledge of it so maybe there is something more to it02:49
VxQeBecause it is getting huge backing from companies, I believe.02:49
stunts513Help, can't boot ubuntu cd, makes gfx card refresh rate go off the charts02:49
Guest43460stunts513 I had a friend who had the same problem. 10.10 works fine, 11.04 flickers. I was told later that this computer didn't have enough processor speed.02:50
Guest43460I don't know if that's true or not, that is what I was told02:50
ChakravantiActionParsnip, which one?02:50
DanaGsay, anyone know of a good app to continously sync a mac with ubuntu?02:50
DanaGDocuments and Pictures folders, that is.02:50
stunts513Guest43460: Weird I couldn't use 10 or a few previous ones either tho02:50
ChakravantiActionParsnip, on an SSD?02:51
th0rDanaG: if you want a cloud service look at Spideroak02:51
stunts513Guest43460: debian works fine though,  that's what's odd since ubuntu is based on it02:51
ActionParsnipChakravanti: no on a PATA drive02:52
Chakravantiwell yeah, it's meant to be used on an SSD not an HDD02:52
DanaGI mean to my own server.02:52
DanaGIt's like 300 gigs of stuff.02:52
DanaGBoatloads of pictures.02:52
VxQebtrfs is owned by Oracle02:52
VxQeBig :(02:52
Dr_Willisrsync, or unison perhaps DanaG02:52
VxQeStupid oracle buying everything.02:52
ChakravantiI have a new laptop with a new intel 320 40GB and I want to put nilfs on it and ubuntu is just acting ignorant about it02:53
DanaGIf I had the mind-control powers Yuri (in RA2 and Yuri's Revenge) had, I'd mind-control them to re-release zfs as GPL.02:53
Guest43460I see02:53
ChakravantiVxQe, it's FOSS, oracle is developing it02:53
ActionParsnipChakravanti: wikipedia says it is yet to be released, not sure how old the data is though02:53
Chakravantiit's in ubuntu...i can format a drive nilfs and I have02:54
Chakravantii just can't install ubuntu to it02:54
Chakravantitrying to figure a workaround02:54
Dr_Willisi would wonder if grub can boot from it...02:54
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Chakravantigrub2 can and i'm installing 11.0402:54
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ActionParsnipDr_Willis: yes it does. I made my / partition btrfs once and it was ok, just a little sluggish02:55
ActionParsnipIn 2008 the principal developer of the ext3 and ext4 file systems, Theodore Ts'o, stated that ext4 is a stop-gap and that Btrfs is the way forward,[11] having "a number of the same design ideas that reiser3/4 had02:55
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greg_brutalhello room, I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me with a very strange laptop issue02:55
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Chakravantigoogle returns five results for archaived man pages on canonical and then: MILFS lol02:56
Chakravanti(that's WITH safe search on lmao)02:56
stunts513I can't get ubuntu to boot, it makes gfx card go outta the refresh rate range of standard monitors02:56
greg_brutalthis is the first time it occurs after having used ubuntu for two months, essentially  what happened was a hang/freeze at startup and then my laptop fan started running super fast02:56
Pwnnai need some help with certain memory issue02:57
IdleOne!ot | Chakravanti02:57
ubottuChakravanti: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:57
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Dr_Willisstunts513,  ive noticed grub using some bad modes. I edited the /etc/default/grub to use a low res text based menu for this box.02:57
ChakravantiIdleOne, it is on topic, I'm referring to the lack of information about ubuntu & nilfs02:57
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Chakravantiwhich is my question, how to install ubuntu on nilfs02:57
Chakravantitypically google doesn't pronspam till at least page 302:58
VxQeI joined to get help with something and instead started helping other people.02:58
VxQeDamnit. ~_~02:58
Dr_WillisVxQe,  shame :)02:58
stunts513I Dr_Willis: I'm booting from a live cd, when kernel is loading, this happens02:58
Dr_Willisstunts513,  try the nomodeset option? it can fix a lot of issues02:58
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:59
stunts513Tried italready02:59
Dr_Willishit it with a hammer? :)02:59
Dr_Willisstunts513,  whats your video chipset>?02:59
nezZarioHow do I get ubuntu to read /and/ write netbsd partitions ?02:59
stunts513Ancient one called chips& technologies02:59
Dr_WillisnezZario,  could be root user has access to them if you can mount them02:59
stunts513, intel bought em out ages ago02:59
ActionParsnipChakravanti: try http://duckduckgo.com/02:59
Pwnnacan anyone help?03:00
ActionParsnipChakravanti: it breaks you from your web bubble03:00
Dr_Williswhat fs does bsd use anyway?03:00
Pwnnamysterious memory issue --> http://askubuntu.com/questions/51785/swap-shoots-to-100-after-a-couple-of-hours-of-usage03:00
greg_brutalanybody have any idea what might be going on with the hang/freeze startup issue?03:00
ActionParsnipPwnna: are there any clues in dmesg?03:00
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PwnnaActionParsnip: what am i looking for?03:01
stunts513Dr_Willis: I think the gfx model is 69000f or something made by chips and technologies03:01
Pwnnaor, anything i should grep for?03:01
nezZarioDr_Willis: what do you mean?03:01
Dr_WillisnezZario,  i thought they used ext3   but   its been years since i laste messed with bsd.03:01
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ActionParsnipPwnna: anything that doesn't sound right03:02
nezZariodude, they use 4.2-BSD ffsv1 partitions03:02
ActionParsnipPwnna: just read from the ipv6 warning and below03:02
Dr_WillisnezZario,  and thats why i asked...03:02
PwnnaActionParsnip: kay03:02
nezZariocan't really find much useful stuff on google03:02
ActionParsnipPwnna: I assume you didnt disable ipv603:02
Pwnnaprobably not03:02
Pwnnalol, ipv6 duplicate detected?03:03
stunts513Dr_Willis: if it helps my computer is a compaq armada 350003:04
Dr_Willisstunts513,  means very little.. its all about the chipsets being used in the thing...03:04
nezZarioi can mount it read-only via03:04
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nezZariomount -t ufs -r -o ufstype=ufs2 /dev/sda1 /mnt/03:04
Dr_Willisstunts513,  ie: nvidia, ati, intel....03:05
nezZariowithout the -r it gives me an error though03:05
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Dr_Willisnight all...03:05
stunts513You leaving?03:06
stunts513Aw man03:06
Chakravantithanks ActionParsnip it is giving me more relevant information than google but nothing usable I'm afraid there's no support for installing ubuntu on nilfs and I'm gonna hav eto some wierd imaging crap installing to a differnt fs03:07
Chakravantiyuck yuck yuck03:07
stunts513Anyone else got some ideas?03:07
ActionParsnipChakravanti: everyone just uses google, that's why I use 'websearch' rather than 'google'. people need to start looking around at other engines.03:08
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ActionParsnipChakravanti: just like when people start using Linux they realize there is more than wnidows03:09
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Chakravantiwell google used to be the best search engine by merit, that's changing and sadly not because of a rising competitor :(03:10
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PwnnaActionParsnip: something is leaking bad, i can't even stay up for 1 hour without rebooting.03:10
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mrlanelooking for some basic PnP help03:12
mrlanethe creative camera i am using works but the creative mic won't register03:13
mrlaneany ideas?03:13
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PwnnaUgh.. something is leaking bad, i can't even stay up for 1 hour without rebooting.03:14
centHOGGchange OS03:14
Pwnna.... yeah. the other option is windows >.>03:15
nezZariolinux does dynamically loaded modules right?03:15
nezZariokernel modules03:15
nezZarioI can compile ufs write support & load it without rebooting?03:15
nezZariohey, i'll paypal anybody here 5 bux if they can get me the UFS module for ubuntu so I can load it dynamically with write support03:18
nezZarioUbuntu 10.04.2 LTS \n \l is what /etc/issue says03:18
mrlanelooking for some PnP help03:19
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mrlaneanyone know what they are doing?03:19
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bullgard4mrlane: What do you mdean by "PnP"?03:20
bullgard4mrlane: What do you mean by "PnP"?03:20
mrlaneplug and play03:20
nezZariolike IP UPnP ?03:21
mrlanenot sure03:21
nezZariowell generally for plug and play, you plug it up and play it03:21
ActionParsnipPwnna: try in the liveCD to see if it does the same03:21
mrlanei have a creative plug and play webcam that works03:21
nezZariono one wants to take me up on the ufs module?03:21
VxQe"Nautilus cannot handle smb locations." error. Tried reinstalling gvfs/nautilus. didn't fix it. Anyone else got any ideas?03:21
nezZarioi don't have an ubuntu box handy and I'm short on time03:22
mrlanethe creative plug and play microphone doesn't work03:22
nezZarionor have I really went too deep into how to rebuild linux kernsl03:22
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bullgard4!sound | mrlane03:22
ubottumrlane: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.03:22
IdleOne!nickspam > cerveza03:22
ubottucerveza, please see my private message03:22
goetterI'm having some trouble with avahi. Ubuntu host A `avahi-browse -at` shows services on host A, and windows hosts B and C. Ubuntu host B `avahi-browse -at` only shows services on host B.03:22
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goetterIt's like my network is partitioned :( but it's not.03:23
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StepNjumphi guys, I have an app I would like to install, it's written in Java and comes as a tarball. Could anyone would be patient enough to tell me how to install it?03:23
PwnnaActionParsnip: i can't really do a liveCD right now, it took A LOT to actually install and make ubuntu usable. I had to patch the kernel from xorg-edgers (2.5.39-3) with fglrx to allow switchable graphics to work. If not, I could use the vgaswitcheroo, which wouldn't let me shutdown/reboot/logout without hard resetting. I can tell you though, i didn't notice this issue before patching the kernel.03:23
bob_szal, okay, it looks like the nvidia-96 package is broken03:24
bob_szal, the first thing I did was a sudo apt-get install nvidia-96 and the package returns broken packages03:24
bob_szal, so I am assuming I am out of luck, will probably need to report it as a bug, no?03:25
ActionParsnipPwnna: maybe it's the 3rd party kernel you are using03:25
PwnnaActionParsnip: xorg-edger?03:25
Pwnnawell .38 wouldn't work03:25
Pwnnait crashes with my graphics card03:25
Pwnna--> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=173919903:25
DanaGLast time I tried nvidia 96, before I got rid of that hardware that needed it:03:25
ActionParsnipPwnna: could try oneiric to test03:26
DanaGIt crashed Xorg.03:26
DanaGIt was 4 years ago now, that the driver went from "works" to "crashes Xorg".03:26
DanaGAnd each year thereafter, nvidia updated it to crash new versions of Xorg.03:26
ActionParsnipPwnna: that video chip switching stuff always causes grief03:26
bob_yeah, probably will need to just get a newer vid card03:26
PwnnaActionParsnip: idk if that would work with fgrlx03:26
DanaGWhich card?03:26
redmorningIs there a software to see the power(watt) of my computer?03:27
bob_DanaG, mine?  nVidia GeForce4 440 MX03:27
DanaGpowertop is one, but only when on battery power.03:27
rwwredmorning: No. Go buy a kill-a-watt.03:27
StepNjumpactionparsnip, I have an app I would like to run that's not available from the repo. It's written in java and comes in a tarball. Could you kindly tell me how to set up the permissions of the folder where it needs to be installed? it's supposedly to be very simple.03:27
PwnnaActionParsnip: from weeks upon weeks of research, I've only been able to find that 2.6.39 works03:27
DanaGyeah, same here.03:27
Pwnnaalso idk if it's the video switching stuff that's causing the issue of the memory03:28
Pwnnait seems possible, but still somewhat unrelated03:28
DanaGbob_: er, meant that for you.  geforce *cough*oneplusoneequalsFOUR* MX, mobile.03:28
ActionParsnipPwnna: could install the 3.0.5 kernel from the kernel ppa to test03:28
bob_DanaG, yeah, this is an older machine, but sounds like I will be better off replacing it03:28
PwnnaActionParsnip: would that require me to patch again?03:28
ActionParsnipbob_: you can get decent nvidia video cards for the price of a 6 ack :)03:28
ActionParsnipPwnna: its a seperate kernel, no patching. Just install the packages03:29
DanaGThe machine I had that in was a laptop with something I'd call "crap²".03:29
DanaGP4 is crap, and Celeron is Crap.  P4-Celeron?  That's crap².03:29
ActionParsnipDanaG: p4 isn't crap03:29
bob_ActionParsnip, any thoughts on the minimum requirements I need to look for on a new card?03:29
centHOGGyeah stuff get's obsolete fast03:29
DanaGWell, this was a 1.6.03:29
StepNjumpAnyone familiar to know where I'm supposed to install an app in Linux?03:30
DanaGAnd a P4 is the worst thing you could ever put in a laptop.03:30
ActionParsnipDanaG: my media pc has a 1.6Ghz Semperon AM203:30
PwnnaActionParsnip: yeah but i had to do all this --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10996043#post10996043 to get it working03:30
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:30
ActionParsnipbob_: just at least a 6150 nvidia03:30
DanaGAnyway, I'm trying Unison.03:30
DanaGIs there any realtime-sync solution, sort of like dropbox?03:30
centHOGGP4 = too hot03:30
DanaGBut local, not cloud.03:30
DanaGAnd Celeron doesn't have SpeedStep.03:30
bob_ActionParsnip, thanks03:30
mixmasterxpAny idea why windows would give a BSOD right after boot screen and suddenly restarts? I just installed ubuntu on another partition03:31
DanaGHeh, I have a 17" ze5500 sitting here in my closet -- it has a desktop P4 in it.  Works perfectly, but is garbage.03:31
DanaGI'm wondering: who would have a use for such a beast, assuming I gave it to them for free?03:31
IdleOneDanaG: Get on topic please03:31
DanaG(8:30:31 PM) DanaG: Anyway, I'm trying Unison.03:31
DanaG(8:30:39 PM) DanaG: Is there any realtime-sync solution, sort of like dropbox?03:31
bob_ActionParsnip, ok, I sure hope I can get away with a lesser card than that.. those are still >$300 :)03:32
ActionParsnipPwnna: http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-install-linux-kernel-3-0-rc2-in-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal   worth a try, it can be removed03:32
DanaGBut anyway, yeah, back on topic now.03:32
IdleOneDanaG: one sentence that is sorta on topic does not make it ok to continue being off topic03:32
DanaGI'm running Ubuntu on an HP Microserver.  It's nice.03:32
ActionParsnipPwnna: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.0-rc7-oneiric/03:32
Pwnnai have to restart to get my ram back..03:32
ActionParsnipPwnna: it's a 3rd party kernel so it's your risk03:32
Pwnnaagain, the default kernel doesn't work for me03:33
bob_Is there a place where you can get a list of video cards supported by default?03:33
Pwnnait crashes upon boot03:33
stunts513Can someone help me fix my live cd, it won't bootyp right, the graphics cards refresh rate goes off the charts so I can't see anything03:33
DanaGargh, where'd /proc/acpi/dsdt go?03:35
DanaGAnd does anyone know of a way to override a different (not DSDT) ACPI table on boot?03:36
[THC]AcidRaini need cool things to do with my box03:36
[THC]AcidRainany ideas?03:36
ActionParsnip!hcl | bob_03:36
ubottubob_: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection03:36
KrashKingwhat is the newest version of FireFox for Ubuntu 10?03:37
mrdebKrashKing: 3.6.1803:37
KrashKingdarn was hoping it was 503:37
VxQe11 has 5. :/03:38
VxQeYou could always install the mozilla ppa.03:38
KrashKingso is Chromium any better?03:40
teddyroosebeltis there any way to install two different firefox browsers on one system?03:40
centHOGGdoes it have extensions03:40
alum1numlike 2 different versions?03:40
teddyroosebeltsure that would work03:40
alum1numyou could; just put them into separate folders and create launchers for each03:41
alum1numand of course make sure they're not set to update because then you'd just have 2 of the same browsers03:41
ActionParsnip!info firefox maverick03:41
teddyroosebeltgood deal. i just need it to be able to run on my seperated x screens03:41
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 3.6.18+build2+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.10.2 (maverick), package size 11114 kB, installed size 29968 kB03:41
ActionParsnipKrashKing: I'd say try it. I think Chromium is great (I use the daily build ppa myself)03:42
Pwnnahow do i "kernel check to download it and compile it"03:42
KrashKingok, linux noob here, ppa?03:42
stunts513Couldbsomeone help me boot my live cd, it makes refresh rate on gfx card go way outta range03:43
alum1numteddyoosebelt: you could just open two windows of the same browser03:43
teddyroosebeltalum1num, wont let me, says firefox is already running on the 2nd xscreen (my tv)03:43
centHOGGtry another livecd03:44
ActionParsnip!ppa | KrashKing03:44
ubottuKrashKing: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa03:44
nezZariowhere the hell can I get an actual URL for the ISOs?03:44
nezZarioand not use the website's little javascript whatever thingy03:44
centHOGGjust google the iso you would like03:44
alum1numtry a different browser? or run two browsers? running two versions of the same browser is more complicated03:44
celthunderalum1num: --prefix ftw?03:45
teddyroosebeltalum1num, tried to run chrome for that and it wont go fullscreen on the site i want to stream to the tv, also it wont run the games that i play so its kinda useless to me.03:45
alum1numteddyroosebelt: you used f11 right?03:47
defectzhi all, so i need to install java on my computer using ubuntu 32 bit03:47
teddyroosebeltf11, no i didnt. whats f1103:47
alum1numdefectz: if it's 11.04 it should be preinstalled03:47
alum1numteddyroosebelt: f11 is the function key for fullscreen in chrome03:48
KrashKingok, lat question03:48
defectz2well this is what it says    * gcj-4.4-jre-headless  * gcj-4.5-jre-headless  * openjdk-6-jre-headless03:48
KrashKingwhat is a good IRC prog to use in Ubuntu?03:48
goetterrargh avahi is pissing me off03:49
alum1numKrashKing: i prefer pidgin03:49
teddyroosebeltalum1num, ah no, but its not the browser i think its flash issue because the fullscreen button dissapears on the video player in chrome but appears in firefox03:49
ActionParsnip!irc | KrashKing03:50
ubottuKrashKing: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines03:50
[THC]AcidRainpidgin sucks03:50
teddyroosebeltKrashKing, xchat works nicely for me03:50
[THC]AcidRainit wont load my old contact list03:50
[THC]AcidRain:/ fail03:50
ActionParsnippidgin here for irc too03:50
alum1numthat does suck03:50
ActionParsnipKrashKing: try a few, see which you like03:50
[THC]AcidRaini guess anything over 600 contacts wont load03:50
ActionParsnip[THC]AcidRain: yikes, thats a lot03:50
teddyroosebeltirssi works wonderful too if you know what you are doing (irc) wise03:50
KrashKingActionParsnip: don't really like pidgin's IRC client03:50
alum1numim just not an empathy fan03:51
centHOGGanything that doesn't beep alot03:51
ActionParsnipKrashKing: the link ubottu gave has a list of some clients for ubuntu03:51
ActionParsnipKrashKing: try some, see which you like03:52
alum1numteddyroosebelt: what app are you trying to fullscreen03:52
teddyroosebeltalum1num, historychannel 's videos03:52
alum1numand you have flash setup with chrome?03:54
teddyroosebeltya, video loads fine but no "fullscreen" button.03:54
alum1numteddyroosebelt: firefox works fine right?03:55
teddyroosebeltya perfectly03:55
alum1numdid u try using a new window03:55
[THC]AcidRainwhat type of cool system can i create?03:55
[THC]AcidRainsomething interactive with the people around me03:56
[THC]AcidRainpreferably through cell phones03:56
alum1num[THC]AcidRain: what?03:56
mrjbarHow can I find out what kind of video card I'm using?03:56
teddyroosebeltwell i know i can run it in a terminal and run --display=.0 etc to get it there but i usually need to close my firefox regularly. esp if im watchin somethin on tv and working on something on the main screen.03:56
[THC]AcidRainjust some cool interactive project to work on03:56
[THC]AcidRainperhaps something informative03:57
alum1numteddyroosebelt: you need to use terminal to move your firefox window to your other screen?03:58
teddyroosebeltsure do, because i have it set for seperate xscreens.03:58
alum1num[THC]AcidRain: a cell phone jammer? lol03:58
[THC]AcidRainalum1num: already did that03:59
[THC]AcidRainturns out text bombing will lock up just about any cell phone. including my droid x03:59
[THC]AcidRainespecially if its random msgs03:59
alum1num[THC]AcidRain: wow haha03:59
[THC]AcidRainor smiley messages ;)03:59
tertl3how do I logout from terminal?03:59
[THC]AcidRainand i bought a cool cell phone jammar off ebay03:59
venolhelo, How I can create cron job to execute my script just for 5 minutes at 2.00 PM ?03:59
goetterhas anyone heard of a host being unable to send multicast, even though it can receive it?04:00
alum1num[THC]AcidRain: try not to jam ur own phone haha04:00
goetteri have ubuntu hosts A and B. tcpdump on A shows it sending a multicast to
goettertcpdump on B shows it receiving that multicast, and sending its own04:00
goettertcpdump on B does not show B's multicast04:00
goetterer on A04:00
alum1numteddyroosebelt: oh hmm i dont rly work with xscreens04:01
Smeecan someone offer advice on an SFTP server using openssh? I have it installed, and can ssh, but sftp connections time out04:02
[THC]AcidRainanyone know a safe way to upgrade to the ubuntu 11.11 gnome gui from ubuntu 9.0404:02
rww!eol | [THC]AcidRain04:02
[THC]AcidRainrww: got noth8ing04:02
rww[THC]AcidRain: try /msg ubottu !eol. The bot's being stupid at me.04:03
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades04:03
rwwthere you go04:03
teddyroosebeltalum1num, not a problem. ty for your input anyways :)04:03
[THC]AcidRaini dont want to take anything off my system though...04:03
DanaG!find ipmi_smb04:03
KrashKingwrong X there04:03
ubottuPackage/file ipmi_smb does not exist in natty04:03
KrashKingwhat do I need to do to keep from having to enter my password a million times a day?04:04
centHOGGon linux?04:04
KrashKinganytime I want to add a program, check updates, etc04:05
alum1numteddyroosebelt: sorry04:05
KrashKingPITA when setting up a new box04:05
[THC]AcidRaini want my desktop to loook like the 11.11 desktop. from 9.0404:05
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centHOGGKrashKing: you can edit your sudoers04:06
alum1numKrashKing: lol thats linux for you XD at least ur secure04:06
DanaGmakes sure the syntax is correct, so you can't lock yourself out.04:07
KrashKingcentHOGG: how04:07
centHOGGKrashKing: not too hard.. google on how to do it04:07
alum1numKrashKing: centHOGG's right you can edit your sudoers but I'd be careful on how you do it because if you never have to type in your password; you kinda defeat one of linux's security measures04:08
KrashKingI'm the only one who would use it04:09
centHOGGKrashKing: still linux has a lot of pwords04:09
centHOGGgotta get used to it04:09
KrashKingbut I am the only user04:09
afeijohi folks04:13
afeijohow can I access a windows shared folder thru shell?04:13
afeijoI need to copy files there04:13
afeijoonly that way? I wanted to use rsync04:14
chaddyafeijo: I was wondering the same, got as far as the help ono smbclient04:15
afeijochaddy, I want to automatize daily backups :)04:16
afeijoit might need to mount the windows network drive04:16
DanaGhmm, so, does anyone know of a good realtime (or at least faster than Unison) file sync utility to sync from OS X to Ubuntu?04:18
echosystmanyone here using a macbook?04:18
centHOGGa bunch of scripting there04:19
greg_brutalcan anyone help me a laptop issue? i had a hang/freeze occur at startup and then my fan was running full speed04:21
centHOGGhas it ever happend before04:21
greg_brutalfirst time in two months04:21
nezZarioIf I select 'virtual machine host' when installing04:21
nezZariowhat on earth does that do?04:21
nezZariodoes that use xen or what?04:21
centHOGGgreg_brutal: do you know how to get into your bios04:22
ghufranhi. is there a way to fix permissions for /var folder ? i accidentally changed all ownerships..04:22
greg_brutalcentHOGG: yes i do :)04:22
centHOGGpop in there and verify thing ok04:22
greg_brutalwouldn't that require a reboot? or is there a way to do it via CLI?04:23
greg_brutallol, well I can always reboot and check things out from there :P04:24
guest_Hey guys, Im locked out of my own account and had to log in as a guest cause Light gdm isnt owrking04:26
guest_how can i remove it via terminal?04:27
enigmusHas anyone made a SSH module or wrapper tool that would be capable of making SSH "more reactive/interactive" over slow links? In the same manner NX can be very interactive over slow links (much better than a SSH session over the same link).04:28
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guest_Can anyone help please?04:29
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carbon357guest : your ubuntu account or irc ?04:30
Blue1guest_: you could try renaming /etc/password and /etc/shadow04:30
guest_no i think its just the Light gdm is crashing for some reason04:31
guest_id rather remove it via terminal now, but i dunno the command.  I had it bookmarked under my normal account too :/04:31
carbon357guest : boot with a live cd and change the password04:31
guest_whos a troll?04:32
guest_carbon357, You really think its the passwork?04:32
[THC]AcidRaincool. i just setup rythmweb04:33
[THC]AcidRainvery nice plugin for rhythm box04:33
carbon357guest_: no now04:35
guest_Does anyone know how to remove Light GDM via terminal?04:37
edbianguest_: What is Light GDM?  GDM stands for gnome display manager.  I'm not aware of a light version.04:38
guest_edbian, Its what they are going to use in 11.10.  Ive been testing it and now it keeps crashing after a new update and wont let me into my normal login for some reason :/04:38
Kreative`guest_, you mean LightDM? In that case, it should be sudo apt-get remove lightdm, and then dpkg --reconfigure gdm04:38
edbianguest_: Are you using 11.10 ? If so ask in #ubuntu+104:39
guest_Kreative`, o wow...my bad04:39
Kreative`Haha, it happens.04:39
py9371is a 73.78% a c or a c-?04:39
guest_makes sense if they named it my way though ahahha04:39
edbianpy9371: Depends on the scale the professor is using.  This is offtopic04:40
bobweaverAny one know anything about Making a splash screen for kubuntu ?04:40
guest_Kreative`, shit...umm, since i can only get into a guest account apparently i cant sudo?04:40
Kreative`Well, you kindave have to to set gdm back to default.. :P04:40
Kreative`Though, removing lightdm should set it as default04:41
Kreative`If you have no other dm installed, that is04:41
guest_nope just lightdm04:41
guest_though wouldnt removing it require sudo?04:41
edbianThis should all be in #ubuntu+104:41
Kreative`Ah, yes it would04:41
guest_um using 11.0404:42
guest_damn....there has to be a way.04:42
bobweaverI have tried downloading a a tar file  changing all the permissions then changing out the pictures and renaming the new pictures to what the old ones are still nothing04:42
edbianbobweaver: What are you trying to do?04:47
bobweaveredbian, tring to make a splash screen for kubuntu04:47
edbianbobweaver: never done that :(04:48
bobweaveredbian, thanks04:50
bobweaveredbian, thanks any ways04:50
fenjamini've opened a pdf in gimp with the intentions of editing it, but nothing shows up when i click04:57
fenjaminim trying to type and nothing shows up04:57
fenjamindoes anybody have experience with this?04:58
Skuddso i feel like a total n00b for asking this, but... somehow i just double clicked and lost all the titlebars for all my windows... how do i get them back?04:58
bazhangfenjamin, why not use pdfedit04:59
bazhang!info pdfedit | fenjamin04:59
ubottufenjamin: pdfedit (source: pdfedit): Editor for manipulating PDF documents. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.5-2 (natty), package size 1957 kB, installed size 6636 kB04:59
bazhangSkudd, are you in 11.04 unity?05:00
Skudd11.04, but not unity05:00
bazhangSkudd, what window decorator are you using05:00
Skuddi honestly can't remember and it's late enough in the day that i don't even remember how to check... i'm just trying to get a server migration done so i can get to bed :-/05:01
wh1zz0Sup folks05:02
fenjaminbazhang: thanks05:02
nezZariowhat the hell05:02
bazhangSkudd, what does alt f2 metacity --replace    do05:02
nezZariowhat's sshd's package name?05:02
nezZariolinux is so confusing =)05:02
YugYugI just jumped on ubuntu today!05:02
nezZarioall these different pkg managers05:02
afeijois it possible to copy my HD content to a new hd, replacing where my ubuntu stand?05:02
bazhangafeijo, clone?05:03
weizhaohi,everybody, new here05:03
vishafeijo: yup, clone..05:03
afeijobazhang, yes05:03
Skuddbazhang: that fixed it05:03
bazhangafeijo, /msg ubottu clone   or perhaps clonezilla05:03
afeijois it the app name, clone?05:03
bazhangafeijo, no05:03
vish!clone > afeijo05:04
ubottuafeijo, please see my private message05:04
bazhangnezZario, apt-cache search ssh05:04
afeijoso I use it to install all I have to the new hd, then I copy my home folder?05:04
wsagentpls need help: "docky requires compositing to work pls enable compositing and restart docky"05:04
bazhangafeijo, its a clone, so it will copy everything05:04
bazhangwsagent, alt f2  compiz --replace    does what05:05
afeijobazhang, here what ubottu sent me "To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing)"05:05
afeijoreplicate packages dont sound as a full copy05:05
fenjaminbazhang: pdfedit is hard to use!05:06
bazhangafeijo, yes, thats different than clonezilla , which I also said05:06
fenjaminthe UI is nuts05:06
goetterhow painful is it to upgrade from ubuntu 8 to 10?05:06
goetteror 11...05:06
wsagentbazhang if i do that my theme get screwed05:06
afeijobazhang, ubottu knows nothing about clonezilla05:06
bazhanggoetter, which version of 8, there is not an 805:06
goetterhardy. 8.0405:06
bazhangafeijo, thats right, go to their website05:06
bazhang!upgrade | goetter please read this05:07
ubottugoetter please read this: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade05:07
wsagentbazhang: what i am doing now is , sudo metacity --replace and logout & login05:07
bazhangwsagent, there is no reason for sudo there05:07
bazhangwsagent, use alt f205:07
goetterIs there no upgrade path from 8.04->10.04?05:08
afeijobazhang, nice, I will test it05:08
bazhanggoetter, you read the link? yes there is05:08
afeijobazhang, I will purchase another 1 tb HD, not the same model, no problem right?05:08
bazhangafeijo, how can I guarantee that? thats hardware so no idea05:08
afeijoI'll copy my linux partitions and see what happens05:09
wsagentbazhang: I did compiz --replace and my its refresh everything on my desktop05:09
goetterLink mentions 8.04 LTS only (Hardy Heron). I don't think I have Hardy Heron because I've never heard the word Heronbefore.05:09
bazhangwsagent, so restart the dock now05:09
nezZariowhy does it say there is no such device eth005:09
nezZariowhen i clearly have an eth005:09
nezZariowhen I, # ifup eth0 ?05:09
bazhangnezZario, what is "it"05:09
dliafeijo, like 'rsync -avxAH', you need to correct UUIDs after that, in /etc/fstab and grub05:10
goetterAlso, this will need to be entirely commandline; the server is headless.05:10
wsagentbazhang : thanks a lot05:10
bazhangnezZario, first, its very hard to read when you hit enter every two words, second, why are you root05:10
goetterWithout optical drive.05:10
nezZariowell I put the # in there for demonstration purposes05:10
bazhanggoetter, then read the server instructions on the link05:10
goetterThank you.05:13
PwnnaActionParsnip: k i'm compiling the kernel using kernel check.. would i need to still patch it with my old patch?05:14
goettersudo do-release-upgrade yields: Failed Upgrade tool signature05:15
goetterAnd other failures.05:15
nezZariogoetter: http://tinypic.com/r/2m4sqgz/705:15
nezZario(sorry, I'm logged in via VNC and can't copy and paste the text)05:15
goetternezZario: I don't get the relevance..05:16
nezZariorelevance of what?05:16
nezZarioi'm really confused now..05:17
nezZariowell, the ubuntu installer appeared to download packages from the network configuration I gave it05:17
nezZarioit booted, and I have no network05:18
nezZarioand it's acting like I'm lying to it when I'm attempting to bring up the network05:18
StepNjumpHas anyone tried Gnome 3 to replace unity yetÉ05:19
StepNjumpHas anyone tried Gnome 3 to replace unity yet?05:20
ActionParsnipStepNjump: gnome3 won't replace unity05:23
ActionParsnipStepNjump: unity isn't a DE05:23
bazhangStepNjump, the gnome3 ppa is not supported, and breaks things05:23
bazhang!gnome3 | StepNjump05:24
ubottuStepNjump: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.05:24
bazhangStepNjump, we know. its still offtopic and not supported here.05:24
StepNjumpok so you guys don't suggest I install it then05:25
ActionParsnipStepNjump: unity is only a shell. It runs in a gnome desktop and uses compiz as the WM05:25
bazhangStepNjump, did you not just see the huge warning factoid above?05:25
StepNjumpno I just logged on05:25
ActionParsnip!gnome3 | StepNjump05:25
ubottuStepNjump: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.05:25
bazhangStepNjump, you were already here. I tab completed your nick05:25
StepNjumplet me read back05:26
StepNjumpthanks guys05:26
StepNjumpwell, I did a search under factoid... Nothing found. Guess I really wasn,t here.. What was his warning about gnome 3?05:28
bazhangStepNjump: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.05:28
bazhangStepNjump, look up^05:28
wh1zz0Does anyone have a really good guide on how to understand man pages05:28
bazhangwh1zz0, get them online05:28
wh1zz0I know typing man man brings something up.. But05:28
wh1zz0Yeah ryt.. thanx bazhang05:29
goetteranyone know how to start debugging the problem of one host believing it's sending a multicast to, and another host connected by a l2 switch not receiving?05:29
StepNjumpbazhang you are studdering05:29
bazhangStepNjump, pardon?05:29
goettertotal mystery to me :/05:29
StepNjumpbien oui mon ami. Tu te répètes. Je ne suis pas con05:29
dibblegois there a command to change the country code used in /etc/apt/sources.list?05:30
HackNewtonhi all05:31
bazhangdibblego, a command? like sed?05:31
dibblegobazhang: wasn't sure if there was anything more specific than sed05:31
bazhangdibblego, much easier to select in synaptic package manager05:31
dibblegobazhang: I want to script it05:31
bazhangdibblego, you could certainly edit the sources.list that way though05:32
nezZariowhy, why is ubuntu renaming my interfaces randomly?05:33
HackNewtonhi hamed05:34
graalgonstrucktCould anyone tell me how I could view / read .code files?05:37
nezZarioseriously wtf05:38
nezZariothis is why I don't use linux on a day to day basis05:38
nezZarioUbuntu: "eth0 is so old fashioned, let's just call it eth1."05:39
dibblegois there a command to see what distribution you're on?05:40
Pwnnauname -a?05:40
bazhangdibblego, lsb_release -a05:40
Pwnnauname -r05:40
dibblegothat's him, lsb_release, thanks05:40
bazhangPwnna, thats kernel not version05:40
Pwnnai thought distros tag their stuff there05:41
nezZariodibblego: cat /etc/issue05:41
nezZarioit'll usually give you a soft/cushy name, like Ubuntu 10.04.02 LTS05:41
dibblegoI need lsb_release -r -s but thanks05:42
nezZarioother than "somekernel- SMP (somekernel) Fri Apr 20, 1969 Ice:Cream:Man UTC"05:42
bazhangPwnna, ?05:43
ActionParsnipdibblego: lsb_release -d   usually does it ;)05:43
tertl3I am over the moon05:44
joakoWhat's the ubuntu way to set/reset mysql root pw?05:45
nezZariojoako: it's going to be the same everywhere05:45
ActionParsnipjoako: http://www.absolutelytech.com/2010/07/01/howto-reset-mysql-root-password-on-ubuntu-when-youve-forgotten-it/05:45
kaellanhi, whats the full location of the text editor?05:45
nezZariostart mysqld with --skip-grant-tables and manually update the `mysql`.`user` table05:45
ActionParsnipkaellan: which one?05:45
bazhangkaellan, which gedit ?05:46
ActionParsnipkaellan: I can name about 6 without effort05:46
joakoActionParsnip, Yes I already follow those same exact steps, and I still can not access mysql either from phpMyAdmin or the CLI05:46
ActionParsnipkaellan: if you run:    which gedit      it will show the location of the gedit binary, obviously you can change gedit to whichever editor you want05:46
bazhangActionParsnip, he quit05:47
kaellanthe standard one nemaed text editor :)05:47
ActionParsnipjoako: could ask in #mysql too05:47
ActionParsnipbazhang: thanks05:47
ActionParsnipkaellan: if you run:    which gedit      it will show the location of the gedit binary, obviously you can change gedit to whichever editor you want05:47
ActionParsnipkaellan: I beleive it's gedit which you ae referring05:47
vin_I'm putting a light bulb inside my house, and I wanted to know how I can make the room dark. Do I have to use coal power for dark light and wind power for white light?05:48
kaellanjust need annything to make scripts in :)05:48
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bazhangvin_, thats not an  ubuntu support issue, is it05:48
vin_i guess not..05:48
rwwvin_: #ubuntu exists for all your Ubuntu technical support needs. #ubuntu-offtopic exists for all your flashlight and other light-related needs.05:48
vin_Which type of energy is my ubuntu running on? White energy or dark energy?05:49
vin_jp jp05:49
dee27which directory programs are installed in?05:49
Wallyi think you want #minecraft05:49
bazhangvin_, thats enough please05:49
WallyVin energy saving light bulb05:50
ActionParsnipkaellan: you can use gedit to make scripts, it will highlight syntax too ;)05:50
bazhang!ot | Wally05:50
ubottuWally: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:50
ubuntunewbie21New to ubuntu need help installing Python05:50
ActionParsnipubuntunewbie21: its in a default install05:50
vin_apt-get cache search python05:51
bazhangubuntunewbie21, already there05:51
rwwvin_: that's not a valid command05:51
Wallyisn't it apt-get install python05:51
vin_apt-cache search python05:51
vin_apt-get install package-name05:51
ActionParsnipubuntunewbie21: or run:  python -version05:51
Wallyisn't it apt-get install python-devel05:51
bazhangWally, as its already there, that'll do nothing05:51
rwwno, it's "oh look, python is installed already, let's go use it"05:52
Wallyrww: haha05:52
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ubuntunewbie21albert@albert-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install python-devel05:53
ubuntunewbie21[sudo] password for albert:05:53
ubuntunewbie21Reading package lists... Done05:53
ubuntunewbie21Building dependency tree05:53
ubuntunewbie21Reading state information... Done05:53
FloodBot1ubuntunewbie21: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:53
ubuntunewbie21E: Unable to locate package python-devel05:53
Wallyubuntunewbie21: its already installed chap05:54
vikapiubuntunewbie21: sudo apt-get install python-dev05:55
oh3adheya, anybody have good knowlege or links on howto setup email alerts on zoneminder ? (Ubuntu 11)05:56
wsagent_ubuntu always asking for distro upgrade.... I am using ubuntu 10.10 with macubuntu theme and lots of apps installed in it ... will there be any problem in upgrading the distro  ?05:56
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abhijeetwsagent_, it completly depend on your machine.. I did the upgrade from the 10.10 to 11.04 and unable to boot to the machine.. If you hate unity or do't want to redo all the installation, I will suggest to stick to 10.10.06:00
abhijeetit's my personal opnion06:00
wsagent_abhijeet: really i hate unity and Love ubuntu 10.10 and just wondering is there any possibility to disable the distro upgrade reminders06:01
vikapiubuntu will stick on to unity or will they upgrade to gnome 3?06:02
brainwave92gnome 3 i guess? shouldnt they?06:02
abhijeetvikapi, ubuntu will have unity as default but gnome 3 will be there06:03
Omegavikapi: 11.10 uses gnome 306:03
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vikapiunity and gnome3 are almost similar.. will one be able to make out the difference??06:03
abhijeetwsagent_, I have no idea how to stop it .. guys any suggestion how to stop the auto upgrade06:03
joako__what's the ubuntu way to do "init 3"?06:04
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Wallybazhang: we were discussing in the other chan.. Do you have cats?06:04
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DizzyLizzyFresh install of 11.04. How do I turn off this bleeding eye-candy06:07
DizzyLizzyI can't find any compiz or desktop-effects settings anywhere06:07
joako_As far as I can tell there's no easy way to make Ubuntu run in text-only mode, is that correct?06:07
BesogonAnybody! Does anyone know What the samba-client package is for? I know cold answer that it is a virtual package, but what it actually can do? What is the difference between it and the samba package?06:07
HackNewtonjoako_,  you are wrong ! but depend on your ubuntu expertise this task may be easy or hard for you06:09
eagleserverBesogon, as far as i know samba is the actual server and samba client is so you can log onto windows fileservers06:09
BesogonI'm interest if samba-client package allows make shares?06:10
joako_HackNewton, In EVERY OTHER linux you can type "init 3" or "telinit 3" to go to commandline only/ no graphics mode. From what I've been able to gather, it seems the closest in Ubuntu is to RESTART with the kernel flag "text"06:10
joako_Besogon, No it's the client. You would want the samba server to do that.06:10
nezZariowhere would I get the source for the 2.6.32-29-generic kernel?06:10
eagleserverDizzyLizzy, install ccsm from packet manager06:10
lintuxjoako_: not sure how to go back gui but alt -f206:11
Besogonjoako_, ok. then I'll use samba server06:11
joako_lintux, But the entire point is I am running ubuntu inside a virtual machine. I want to disable the GUI to save memory. Pressing alt-f2 will only swtich to a text console, the gui is still running.06:11
nezZariowell, what's the funny little name for ubuntu 10.04 ?06:12
brainwave92joako_ you can use recovery mode06:12
nezZariohardy, lucid, ?06:12
brainwave92Maverick meerckat06:12
joako_brainwave92, But why do I need to reboot the system. In every other linux you can stop and start the GUI at will.06:13
jlindstorffjoaka_: If you can do a new install then use the server version and install minimal-virtual06:13
brainwave92jlindstorff, its gonna be simpler than that!06:14
brainwave92joako_ i did a hack once to start in cli and switch to gui when i want06:14
brainwave92what i did then was move the script which started the gdm out of its folder...06:14
brainwave92and all i needed to do to run the gui was start the script06:15
* Kreative` is away: Away06:15
brainwave92i bet even ubuntu has an easy system to d othat06:15
brainwave92nezZario, lucid lynx it seems06:16
zykotick9joako, "sudo service gdm stop" to stop it temporarily.  What version of Ubuntu are you running (not sure it matters)?   Check the file /etc/init/gdm.conf and see if you can disable the upstart process from there (not sure it applies/works).06:16
nezZariouh, seriously?06:17
nezZariowhere do I find kernel sources for this kernel, 2.6.32-29-generic ?06:17
nezZariokernel.org doesn't have it06:17
eagleservernezZario, should be able to get them with apt-get06:19
zykotick9joako, you might be able to disable gdm by renaming the init script, like /etc/init/gdm.conf to /etc/init/gdm.disabled  something else to test anyways.06:19
nezZarioeagleserver: any idea what the kernel source pkg's look like? e.x apt-get source ...??06:20
nezZariotrying to find one, but not finding them06:20
nosa-jgood day06:21
eagleserveri just found this variable.. make it work for you perhaps.   kernel-source-2.4.2706:22
ActionParsnipnezZario: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/linux-headers-2.6.32-29-generic06:22
ActionParsnip!kernel | nezZario06:22
ubottunezZario: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)06:22
ActionParsnip!chinese | yinee06:23
ubottuyinee: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn /join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk06:23
nezZarioI don't want the header files06:23
yineethank you ubottu06:23
nezZarioI want the full source06:23
nezZarioI need to recompile the ufs support06:23
ActionParsnipnezZario: the link ubottu will help06:24
VxQeAnyone remember where Xauthority file is meant to be?06:26
kaellanwen i play wow in wine i get loged out all the time from ubuntu ... whats the hotkey to logout cous im guesing im pressing it wen i play. ?06:28
kaellan(whats the hotkey to logout from ubuntu?)06:29
VxQeThere's a program to check your keyboard shortcuts06:29
eagleserverkaellan, ctrl d06:29
VxQeAlso that.06:29
prathambmy wireless is not working06:29
kaellanis it posible to remove that hotkey?06:30
nezZarioNo, headers aren't suffice :(06:30
prathambwireless disabled by hardware switch06:30
BesogonDoes anyone remember the name of a package which allows syncing user's Samba and users' Linux?06:30
aumhow can is install audio from command line06:30
BesogonI forgot06:30
aumi do not have /dev/dsp06:30
kaellaneagleserver: how do i remove the ctrl+d hotkey?06:31
prathambany advice ??06:31
aumbut still gnome sound recorder is working fine06:31
lintuxdid joako leave? i meant to say hold ctrl-alt-f206:31
abhijeetprathamb, what do u mean by disabled by hw switch...06:31
abhijeetprathamb, can't u turn it on on ubuntu??06:31
prathambnope is says wireless disabled by hardware swicth06:32
abhijeetprathamb, do u have dual boot sytem06:32
abhijeetwith windows06:32
kaellannwm i found it06:32
prathambi looked it up on google it they say its a bug06:33
abhijeetprathamb, quick solution will be boot to windows.. turn it on...06:33
eagleserverkaellan, compiz06:33
prathambany way to turn it on ubuntu??06:33
abhijeetprathamb, I have done this when i faced that issue.. does ur wifi device need any extra driver...06:33
abhijeetcheck jockey-gtk06:33
abhijeetprathamb, which version of ubuntu you are using06:34
nezZariowow, finally got it06:34
abhijeeti have seen this on 10.04 guess06:34
nezZarioI thought the GPL license was suppose to make getting the src easy..06:34
abhijeetprathamb, ohh06:34
luckysmackanyone willing to help me figure out why i cant manage to get audio to work. Fresh install of Natty. using 'lshw' my hardware is 'MCP55 High Definition Audio' by Nvidia.06:34
abhijeetprathamb, your hot keys are working fine for volume rocker and brightness06:35
Besogonprathamb, hm... there was some tool.. give me a second. May be I'll find06:35
prathambno problem with hotkeys06:35
luckysmackive tried all different manner of audio settings but theyre set to what they have always been set to. but still it doesnt work.06:35
prathambit says i have to update sta wireless driver update06:35
abhijeetprathamb, update it.06:36
abhijeetprathamb, many wifi drive are closed and do not come with ubuntu.. installl that ... i think it will work for you06:36
prathambyea maybe06:36
prathambi need to update the driver thats all06:36
abhijeetyeah.. then just reboot06:37
entropyI am new to ubuntu. i just installed it and wanted the cube. i bet thats a surprize but i got compiz and now my systems and applications drop downs are gone. can someone tell me how to get them back?06:38
kinectionshello, i'm having some problems with a sacnner, when i run `scanimage -L` with sudo, it works, however i get a permission error when i try it just normally, or even as the saned user. ls -l on /dev/usb/hiddev0 shows that it is owned by the saned group...06:39
kinectionsgoogling has a whole bunch of posts advising that you add the user to the 'scanner' group... there is *no* scanner group (I am using maverick)06:40
kinectionsanybody have any clues on what to do here?06:41
abhijeetentropy, what do you mean by drop downs are gone06:45
kinectionsnvm, strace figured it out06:45
tertl3how do I get the size of a folder from the terminal?06:45
vikapitertl3: du -sh [directoryname]06:45
Besogonprathamb, try rfkill list06:46
tertl3vikapi, ah thanks :)06:46
Besogonprathamb, that tool could unlock wifi06:47
Guest67264system monitor says my sda5 partition is 29GB w/3GB used....yet gparted says 105GB w/79GB used. anyone know which one is correct?06:48
luckysmackanyone willing to help figure out why I cant get sound to work? cant seem to figure it out06:49
tertl3luckysmack, in flash or elsewhere?06:52
luckysmackwell wait06:52
Guest67264when i type df -kh i also get that my sda5 partition is 30GB, i can't understand why gparted lists it as 105GB w/79GB used06:52
luckysmacktertl3, yea everywhere06:53
tertl3luckysmack, did you use the volumecontrol and configure it?06:53
luckysmackyea. well from the sound preferences.06:54
luckysmacktrying that one now06:54
nezZariois it possible to modprobe load a /file/06:54
nezZarionot in /lib/modules/...06:54
nezZarioe.x. modprobe /path/to/mod06:54
DizzyLizzyWell that was an exercise in futility. What I really wanted was the Login-screen option "Ubuntu Classic (No Effects)". Screw compiz.06:55
nezZarionevermind, had to use modprobe to remove, insmod to add06:55
DizzyLizzythanks for the help y'all! I hope this is the beginning of a rocky, but good friendship.06:56
entropyi used this link to try and get my system and application panels back. it worked for a second but the file edit view history bookmarks tools and help panel are in the way06:56
entropyhow do i move or get rid of the file edit view history bookmarks tools and help panels?06:57
luckysmacktertl3, in pavucontrol on output devices it shows audio playing (the moving audio bar for sound levels) but nothing is playing through the speakers.06:57
luckysmackon configuration its set to 'Analog Stero Duplex' which is what it was always set to when it worked06:58
tertl3luckysmack, try typing pulseaudio ---start06:58
luckysmackdoesnt seem to have an effect. there was no output from the command. so no error07:00
tertl3luckysmack, idk07:01
tertl3luckysmack, alsamixer07:02
nezZarioso ok07:02
nezZarioi wish they would put up a big freaking sign "UFS WRITE SUPPORT BROKEN"07:02
nezZariobefore i went and did all that..07:02
cyberbobI have fresh installation of Kubuntu 10.10 (64bit)07:02
cyberbobI can see my sound card identified by linux but still unable to play any file. .07:03
luckysmacktertl3, trying07:03
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luckysmacktertl3, same. not much luck07:05
tertl3luckysmack, i'm not sure, maybe reboot and keep trying07:05
luckysmacktertl3, yea thats what i was trying before. ill keep trying though. odd, its always just worked for me. even on the last 11.04 install.07:07
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tertl3luckysmack, are you on a fresh install?07:08
luckysmackive installed a few things, but yea for the most part. just installed it yesterday07:09
tertl3luckysmack, do you need a Google+ invite? :P07:09
luckysmackhrmm, hadnt even really thought about trying it to be honest. heh. but ill try one out. sure.07:10
luckysmackcould be interesting07:10
tertl3luckysmack, i am not impressed with it so far, but if you want an invite I'll need your preferred email07:10
luckysmacktertl3, thanks for trying to help, btw. appreciate it07:11
luckysmacktertl3, ok ill PM it07:11
VxQ2Ok so I can't log into ubuntu anymore, I get an error from gnome saying cannot update .ICEauthority.07:11
VxQ2The file is there and I can open it with vim.07:11
VxQ2Tried created a new user and I get the same error.07:11
VxQ2Anyone able to help?07:11
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widewakevcqe try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=175224707:12
VxQ2I can't open that.07:12
VxQ2I have no gui.07:12
VxQ2I am using IRSSI07:13
FloodBot1VxQ2: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:13
VxQ2I wonder if I have lynx...07:13
VxQ2Apparently I can't start another term session.07:14
widewakekeep posting around in here07:14
VxQ2How painfull.07:15
Fudgehi trying to figure out in cli how to browse a vpn, using hamachi. anyone know about them?07:15
lv__hey guys i installed ubuntu OVER fedora with an encrypted (i  set the passphrase) lvm --- i'm able to load now lia lilo, but i want to wipe that encrypted root partition thats giving me problems on startup and i also want to replace with grub. any clues?07:17
s3ct10n_8can anybody help me with a quick partitioning question?07:20
VxQ2I can try?07:20
VxQ2Actually I gotta rock and try to get this off hte gorund07:21
s3ct10n_8well, I made a boo boo and unplugged my machine during a resize, I was shrinking my ubuntu partition.. now I can't boot into my system.  On my live now 10.10 btw... what should I do to get it back up?07:21
VxQ2back later07:21
s3ct10n_8haha, uh oh07:21
VxQ2Sorry not something I know how to do. :/07:22
s3ct10n_8that's ok, thanks anyway07:22
m00seop around?07:23
m00sefine then...keep your onjoin07:24
m00seI don't have time for nonsense07:24
ceshihelp me:        (EE) virtualbox usb tablet:failed to initialize for relative axes.07:26
MndrllHi everyone!07:27
Mndrlldoes someone knows how to open a .DPJ file ??07:27
ceshihelp me:        (EE) virtualbox usb tablet:failed to initialize for relative axes.07:27
lotuspsychjeto who report spam?07:28
rwwlotuspsychje: onjoin spam in this channel?07:29
lotuspsychjerww: yes07:29
rwwlotuspsychje: #ubuntu-ops or PM me07:29
=== r_ is now known as Guest28254
m00serww msg plz07:29
terrenceKJHelp - Mythtv backend cannot bind to port 6543 error07:30
Fudgeits only spam the topical information if you dont want to be here07:30
ceshihelp me:        (EE) virtualbox usb tablet:failed to initialize for relative axes.07:30
RejunUbuntu ve?07:31
rwwRejun: perhaps you mean /join #ubuntu-ve07:31
Rejunrww: Tankyou, I From Venezuela, no speak english07:32
m00seso rww - am I on ignore these days?07:33
rwwm00se: I don't put people on ignore. The thing you PMed me about is being dealt with; I was planning on letting you know when I figure out what's up.07:34
m00sewhat's up is that dude is onjoin spamming07:34
rwwwhat's up is that this is not something I can reproduce.07:34
m00sewhy do you need to/07:34
rwwbecause I don't kickban people because people tell me to?07:35
m00setwo people have told you already07:35
m00seI see...well then, carry on07:35
VxQeThat was pretty wierd.07:36
VxQeSomehow gnome-session was uninstalled07:36
VxQeso it kepy trying to login to gnome-classic which is borked.07:36
terrenceKJHi again - Iḿ getting an error - cannot bind to port 6543 when I run mythtvbackend07:36
VxQeReinstalled gnome-session and now I can login07:36
terrenceKJcan someone help please07:36
VxQeterrenceKJ, have you check to see if something else is listening on that port?07:37
soreaurww: You MUST do what the majority say. And since there's only one voter, that's 100%07:37
VxQeMabe do netstat -anp --tcp |grep 654307:37
terrenceKJYes - nothing else listening on that port and Iǘe diabled firewall07:38
terrenceKJOK Iĺl try quickly07:38
terrenceKJVxQe: I get this now tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      970/mythbackend07:39
terrenceKJSeems like its listening now07:40
VxQeRight... myth is already on that port. :)07:40
terrenceKJOK great - then I don know why the frontent isn working07:41
Bl4Ck0uTtutorial on mpd07:41
terrenceKJWhen I run Watch tv  - it shows channel 1 - Start Playing and then goes back to menu07:42
ikoniaBl4Ck0uT: helps if you ask a proper question rather than just saying words07:43
RejunFuck Windows07:43
sktn07Kingston usb 4gb not supporting...when i connect it to my lapi, laptop does not show  usb is connected07:43
ikoniaRejun: control the langauge in this channel please07:44
ikonia!language > Rejun07:44
ubottuRejun, please see my private message07:44
Bl4Ck0uTdoes anyone know a good tutorial for mpd?07:44
ikoniaBl4Ck0uT: mpd ?07:44
ikoniaBl4Ck0uT: multipath daemon ?07:44
sktn07please someone get me out of this problem07:45
lotuspsychjesktn07: fat or ntfs formatted?07:45
=== internet is now known as aditya
ikoniasktn07: ask in #xchat07:45
brainwave92sktn07, can you plug it out.....then type lsusb and then plug it in and type lsusb again, and compare?07:45
adityaapple314: iam getting a rpoblem07:46
Bl4Ck0uTikonia: no music player daemon07:46
adityawat is initrmfs07:46
ikoniaBl4Ck0uT: never used it, however googles just turned up a few reasonable looking guides07:47
m00se yes07:47
adityaiam getting a problenm of initrmfs07:47
adityawat is thi?07:47
ikoniaaditya: a file system that's held in ram at boot time07:47
adityaokay how can i gget out of it?07:47
ikoniaaditya: you've not actually said what the problem is07:48
adityaikonia: how can get rid of it?07:48
ikoniaaditya: what do you mean "get rid of it" ?07:48
terrenceKJWhen I run Watch tv  - it shows channel 1 - Start Playing and then goes back to menu07:49
adityaikonia: i mean its a problem iam geeting while booting07:49
ikoniaaditya: that means there is a problem with your install07:49
brainwave92i am getting a problem like, when i close my laptop lid, and plug it into a power source, only the mouse moves, but no click or typing helps07:50
ikoniaaditya: has it ever worked ?07:50
terrenceKJAny help on getting MythTv to work pleas07:50
brainwave92the virtual terminals stil work, and i have to kill X to get it working again07:50
adityaikonia: ya07:50
brainwave92any help?07:50
ikoniaterrenceKJ: in what respect ?07:50
ikoniaaditya: ok - what happened before it stopped working ?07:50
terrenceKJCant get the frontend to watch live tv07:50
adityaikonia: it worked and stopped when i quit myself07:50
adityafrom internet07:50
terrenceKJSows cannel number and then goes back to menu07:51
adityaikonia: plaese07:51
ikoniaaditya: ? you need to be clearer, - quit yourself ? from the internet ?07:51
lotuspsychjeanyone had blurry icons and mouse pointer on boot (natty) before?07:51
adityaikonia: wait07:51
adityaikonia: i vl tell u clearly07:51
ikoniaterrenceKJ: is the client on the same machine as the server?07:51
soulis77-SEHi all, I'm having some ip numbers trying to access my server through ssh. Can I block the ip numbers and if so how?07:51
terrenceKJYes it is07:51
wh1zz0Please help..!07:52
sktn07brainwave,  louspsychje ,see http://imagebin.org/16333607:52
ikoniasoulis77-SE: look at a software package called "fail2ban" or look at iptables07:52
adityaikonia: i was running  mozilla and it  stopped working so i restarted ny system and iam getting the problem07:52
ikoniawh1zz0: you need to ask a question07:52
wh1zz0oops.. sorry.. I am trying to accept a file usin pidgin from one of my contacts..07:52
wh1zz0But I can't just click on it. I have tried and tried and tried.. It's not clicking07:53
ikoniaaditya: are you using anything such as raid ?07:53
terrenceKJikonia: It is on same machine07:53
adityaikonia: did u get the problem?07:53
adityaikonia: no07:53
wh1zz0I'm on Ubuntu 11.04... My mouse works perfectly07:53
ikoniaterrenceKJ: is your mythbackend showing signal07:54
sktn07brainwave92,  louspsychje ,see http://imagebin.org/16333607:54
adityaikonia: i will tel u clearly wait a min07:54
ikoniaaditya: I have no idea why that's happening without more information07:54
terrenceKJikonia: where would I check that07:54
ikoniaterrenceKJ: it's inthe mythbackend guid07:55
pheonixmancan anyone help me in installing themes for grub2..?07:55
terrenceKJlet me see07:55
terrenceKJDo I run the myth backend set up program07:56
ikoniaterrenceKJ: you can do if you want, just make sure you don't overwrite your config07:56
wh1zz0Is this a bug or what?07:57
nomad111 my laptop fan is constantly running at max speed. I don't know how to address this issue. can anyone help?07:58
terrenceKJikonia: There are 69 channels - It scans and says it hasn found any new ones07:59
Juozasnomad111, is it overheating, did you try to clean the dust?07:59
ikoniaterrenceKJ: is it showing signal ?07:59
nomad111it's spotless and only a month old07:59
pheonixmanhello does anyone here know how to install themes in grub2?08:00
nomad111i got the laptop when the model was released last month and it is on ubuntu's supported hardware08:00
ikonianomad111: how do you know it's supported08:00
ikonianomad111: the symptons you are showing is common with hardware that doesn't have supported powerscaling or thermal sensors08:01
terrenceKJikonia: I don even see an option saying signal08:01
wh1zz0Sometimes the windows get stuck and you can't click on them unless you press alt + tab to re-switch08:01
wh1zz0Sometimes I'l try to place the cursor in pidgin chat window and it wouldn't just appear.. Please has anyone experienced this? What's the cause and how can I sove08:01
adityaikonia: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed:no such file or directory wat is this problem how can i rectify?08:01
adityaikonia: mounting /sys/on /root/sys failed:no such file or directory08:01
adityaikonia: r u der?08:01
=== nosrepa is now known as aperson
adityaikonia: r u der?08:01
adityaikonia: did u get my problem?08:01
adityaikonia: dre?08:01
adityaikonia: can u rectify?08:01
=== nightwis- is now known as nightwish
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=== PwnusMaximus_ is now known as PwnusMaximus
john_exodus`my ubuntu has herpes08:01
=== selig5_ is now known as selig5
=== Praxi_ is now known as Praxi
nomad111ikonia: my laptop is the core i5 version08:01
ikoniaaditya: I told you I can't do anything without more info08:01
ikoniajohn_exodus`: please don't be silly here08:01
ikonianomad111: just reading the link, seeing if there is anything of interest08:02
bazhang!guidelines > john_exodus`08:02
ubottujohn_exodus`, please see my private message08:02
ikonianomad111: read point 2 of that page08:02
* Juozas slaps john_exodus` with a huge CRT Monitor08:02
=== Wally is now known as Wally|away
adityaikonia: did u get me?08:03
=== Wally|away is now known as Wally
wh1zz0I cannot accept the file neither can i cancel the file transfer request08:04
nomad111ikonia: Standard images of Ubuntu may not work at all on the system....?08:04
ikoniaasmodeus: yes, and I've responded 3 times to you08:04
wh1zz0But my mouse is workin 100$08:04
kaellanwen i play wow in wine i somtimes hear a realy nasty sparkeling. is it posible to damage hardware if i get it to mush or just enoying?08:04
ikonianomad111: yes, did your laptop come with a pre-installed version of ubuntu08:04
adityaikonia: no answer wat hapnd?08:04
nomad111ikonia: nope08:04
nomad111ikonia: win708:04
brainwave92aditya, patience....08:04
terrenceKJikonia: on which bacekend screen do I check08:04
wh1zz0Please will anyone help me?08:04
ikonianomad111: ok, so point 2 "standard images of ubuntu may not work well"08:04
brainwave92wh1zz0, go ahead ask!08:04
ikoniaterrenceKJ: I don't have my myth machine here to ask08:04
wh1zz0Sometimes I'l try to place the cursor in pidgin chat window and it wouldn't just appear.. Please has anyone experienced this? What's the cause and how can I solve08:05
terrenceKJOk thanks08:05
ikoniaterrenceKJ: I know it's somewhere in that menu, but I don't have my mythbox here to tell you exactly08:05
wh1zz0I am on ubuntu 11.04 I am using pidgin for chat. I cannot accept fie request08:05
terrenceKJIs there a stup by step Ubuntu setup for Myth that I can check out08:05
ikoniaterrenceKJ: I've seen the issue you describe when there is no signal being recieved08:05
wh1zz0Sometimes when i open firefox, the window freezes08:06
nomad111ikonia: sigh so the answer is to go back to windows 7? hehe08:06
lotuspsychjewhere can i get a vhost?08:06
bazhang!cloak > lotuspsychje08:06
ubottulotuspsychje, please see my private message08:06
adityaikonia: initramfs wat is this?08:06
bazhanglotuspsychje, #freenode08:06
ikonianomad111: I find that hardware page you've linked to just stupid to be honest, saying it's supported, but also may not work08:06
wh1zz0Please will some one helpe me?08:06
terrenceKJThanks Ikonia: youǘe been a great help08:06
ikoniaaditya: please stop asking me, - I've spoke to you multiple times08:06
bazhangwh1zz0, try #pidgin08:06
ikoniawh1zz0: stop asking who will help - if someone can help and wants to, they will08:06
Pwnnacannot believe that xorg-edger's linux kernel caused so much issue.08:07
wh1zz0thnx bazhang08:07
ikoniaPwnna: do you need help with something on Ubuntu ?08:07
Pwnnaikonia: yeah, for the last 2 weeks. askubuntu.com/questions/51785/swap-shoots-to-100-after-a-couple-of-hours-of-usage <--- so much pain.08:07
Pwnnanow fixed =c08:07
ikoniaPwnna: ok - so it's fixed, so what can we help you with ?08:08
Pwnnanothing, i was just exclaiming08:08
Pwnnasomeone should bug report this to xorg edger. >.>08:08
ikoniaPwnna: please try to keep it to support discussion08:08
ikoniaPwnna: you are welcome to report the bug yourself08:08
=== JimmyJ_ is now known as JimmyJ
Pwnnai know, i'm busy =x08:08
ikoniaPwnna: not too buys to talk in here with it - either do it yourself or don't reference it, it's pretty insulting to complain that a bug needs reporting but can't be bothered to do it yoruself08:09
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
Pwnnai g2g08:10
coolnquietis there a similar program under winxp that can control CPU speed like cpufreq-set(cpufrequtils) under linux?08:10
bazhangcoolnquiet, try ##windows08:11
ikoniacoolnquiet: there is powerscaling in Linux08:11
wh1zz0doesnt look like anyone is alive in #pidgin08:11
bazhang!it | sandro_08:11
ubottusandro_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)08:11
Pwnnaactually i have 10 min.. i'll try to report before i head out08:11
coolnquietbazhang, people using windows seemed don't care about this, and they don't know cpufrequtils08:11
bazhangcoolnquiet, ubuntu support is not where you ask windows questions08:12
wh1zz0Let me rephrase just incase my question was  not clear... Anyone there? Please I really need help. I'm on Ubuntu 11.04 and using pidin 2.9. I noticed that as I cannot accept file trasnfers. Anytime  someone sends me a file, I can neither click on accept nor click on cancel. The window just acts as though it's an inactive window but in08:12
ikoniawh1zz0: the question was clear08:12
wh1zz0 reality it's active. I simply annot just click. Please help, my mouse and keyboard work 100% fine so I do not know why I1 keep experiencin  this.. Please  what could be the probelm here?? help!08:12
coolnquietbazhang, sorry about that, i wasn't meant to08:13
elkyJust updated a laptop to unity and the panel has no clock. How can I get it back?08:15
pheonixmanhello does anyone know how to theme grub2..?08:15
john2_hello, I just installed ubuntu in my macbook and I have to reboot 4 times to get to the refl menu08:16
soulis77-SEIs there a default installed firewall with ubuntu 10.04 and what is the name?08:16
john2_otherwise I just see a black screen08:16
john2_any idea?08:16
bazhangsoulis77-SE, iptables08:16
elkyOh. it seems the clock text is the same as the panel text. LIkewise the global menu. Lovely.08:16
ikoniasoulis77-SE: "ufw" ubuntu firewall, however it is just a controller for the reel firewall iptable08:16
ikoniareal firewall, iptables08:16
bazhangsoulis77-SE, gufw is you need a gui08:16
ikonia(that should have read)08:16
elkyer, same as the panel colour.08:16
ikoniaelky: sounds poor08:16
soulis77-SEbazhang & ikonia: thanks08:17
pheonixmanhas anyone read my question?08:17
elkyikonia, i must have had this using a different gtk theme. this is poor indeed08:17
ikoniapheonixman: yes, we can see them08:17
bazhangpheonixman, yes, takes more 5 seconds to do a search to help you08:17
lotuspsychjeis ufw blocking ports by default ubuntu install?08:17
john2_here you can see how my disk looks like http://pastebin.com/xQ45MurE08:17
ikonialotuspsychje: it's all open by default08:17
elkyI can't seem to find the place to change it. gah.08:17
selowwwsoulis77-SE: UFW08:18
lotuspsychjeikonia: not meaning anyone can intrude your system?08:18
pheonixmanbazhang, i have posted the question 15 mins earlier..and no one replied...so i was reposting it08:18
ikonialotuspsychje: it means the firewall is open by default, nothing more/less08:18
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1534689 pheonixman08:18
elkywoo, fixed08:19
soulis77-SEMy maillog file is to big for nano to open. I have made a copy, can I somehow delete the content of the file but not the file?08:20
ikoniasoulis77-SE: use head or tail08:20
os_room yang berbahasa indonesia mana yah?08:20
ikoniasandro_: why are you posting that url ?08:20
ikonia!id | os_08:21
ubottuos_: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia08:21
Juozas!tail | soulis77-SE08:21
soulis77-SEsorry still got out of memory...08:22
ikoniasoulis77-SE: how big is the file ?08:24
john2_I just installed linux in my macbook but I have to reboot 4 times to get to the relt menu, otherwise I just see a blank screen08:25
john2_my disk looks like http://pastebin.com/xQ45MurE08:25
bazhangjohn2_, what version of ubuntu08:25
ikoniajohn2_: refit is an apple product, ask in ##apple or ##macosx08:26
soulis77-SE391 000 000 in just 2 says08:26
john2_bazhang: last one: 11.0408:26
ikoniajohn2_: ahh, sorry, I was thinking bootcamp08:26
soulis77-SEikonia: 391 000 000 in just 2 days that is08:26
ikoniasoulis77-SE: how big is it (kb/mb/gb)08:27
soulis77-SEikonia: 380 000 kB08:27
selowwwdoes anyone know why if i want to update my pc, the screen appears and showing this message "An upgrade from 'jaunty' to 'lucid' is not supported with this tool. "08:28
ikoniasoulis77-SE: 370mb is not massive, there should be no problem opening that, however it will take a while08:28
bazhangselowww, its end of life08:28
soulis77-SEikonia : when I try opening it I get "killed" or nano out of memory08:28
bazhangselowww, check the eolupgrades link08:29
bazhang!upgrade | selowww08:29
ubottuselowww: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade08:29
ikoniasoulis77-SE: try it with vim - as a test08:29
selowwwtks bazhang and ubottu, will try08:29
soulis77-SEikonia: it works with vim08:30
ikoniasoulis77-SE: ok, so it's going to be a nano limitation then08:30
nomad111is there a way i can see how acpi is behaving?08:31
ikonianomad111: in what respect ?08:31
brainwave92what is the irc channel for ubuntu developers? I want to start contributing as a developer08:32
ikonia!contribute > brainwave9208:32
ubottubrainwave92, please see my private message08:32
nomad111ikonia: how it is setting fan levels08:32
brainwave92ubottu, right way. ikonia thanks08:32
ubottubrainwave92: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:32
ikonianomad111: I'd look at the themal info, see if it "thinks" it's hot, or if it knows it's cold, but just "wants" to run the fan08:32
=== phretor_ is now known as phretor
soulis77-SEikonia: when i try opening syslog I get "killed" also with vim08:33
ikoniabrainwave92: basically, pick a bug off launchpad.net and fix it08:33
adityainit not found /sbin/init08:33
ikoniasoulis77-SE: how big is the syslog08:33
soulis77-SEsame size08:35
ikoniasoulis77-SE: has your machine got ram free ?08:35
brainwave92ikonia, what does !contribute mean? You wrote !contribute>brainwave08:36
soulis77-SEikonia: don't know it is a server not local. How can i ssh check?08:36
ikoniabrainwave92: it triggered ubottu to send you a private message on how to contribute to ubuntu08:36
ikoniasoulis77-SE: use top or free08:36
soulis77-SEikonia: yes lots of memory free 468 MB free08:37
lotuspsychjeanyone knows what service to uninstall to close this port? 49153/tcp open  http       Intel UPnP reference SDK httpd 1.2 (UPnP 1.0, platform Linux
ikonialotuspsychje: some sort of media sharing application08:38
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».08:38
ikoniasoulis77-SE: that's not a massive ammount free, more so if you're opening a 370 meg file08:38
bazhang!it | sandro_08:38
ubottusandro_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)08:38
=== me is now known as Guest57059
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».08:39
soulis77-SEikonia: well I only have 500 MB to start with so for me it is a alot  ;)08:39
ikoniasoulis77-SE: just keep in mind, 500mb RAM, you are trying to open a file that is almost 400MB in ram, 4/5ths of your system, plus run your system, and applications08:40
ikoniasoulis77-SE: can you give me an example of the file name you want to read08:41
brainwave92can any of you tell me what happened at freenode?08:41
ikoniabrainwave92: what ?08:41
brainwave92I got 5 screen full of messages flashing at freenode08:41
soulis77-SEikonia: What is in the file or the file name?08:41
ikoniabrainwave92: ask in #freenode08:41
WallyThis is freenode?08:41
ikoniasoulis77-SE: file name08:41
ikoniaWally: it is08:41
Wallyikonia: I know it is08:41
* Wally gives brainwave92 an coke08:42
soulis77-SEikonia: /var/log   then syslog and maillog  (mail log worked) but syslog got killed08:42
ikoniasoulis77-SE: ok, can you please do this "cat syslog | wc -l" and give me the output08:42
os_help,why to open my file ".doc/.docx"08:44
soulis77-SEikonia: I just get lots of numbers. 289929308:44
brainwave92os_, it should open with libre office na?08:44
cinnabar12I have my wificard working now (detecting other networks, rt3090bc4) but I can't connect to mine?08:44
hroiIm upgrading from 10.10 to 1108:44
lotuspsychjeany way to list open ports next to the service in terminal?08:45
hroihowever I get the following: W:Failed to fetch http://is.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/Release.gpg  Something wicked happened resolving 'is.archive.ubuntu.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)08:45
brainwave92hroi, go ahead.....put your question08:45
hroi, E:Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.08:45
ikoniasoulis77-SE: please do "cat syslog | head - 1449646 > syslog.part1"08:45
ikonialotuspsychje: netstat -a08:46
cinnabar12I have my wificard working now (detecting other networks, rt3090bc4) but I can't connect to mine?08:46
bazhanghroi, change servers in synaptic manager and try again08:46
soulis77-SEcant open 14496646 no such file08:46
ikoniasoulis77-SE: that's head -1449646 sorry, no space08:46
llutzhead -1449646  syslog > syslog.part108:46
sh0rtyhey guys, I am getting this error : Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates/ubuntu/dists/natty/Release  Unable to find expected entry 'restricted/binary-i386/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)08:47
sh0rtyany idea on how to rectify this. Thank you.:)08:47
cinnabar12I have my wificard working now (detecting other networks, rt3090bc4) but I can't connect to my wifi network?08:47
ikoniash0rty: remove the ppa - it looks like it's dead08:47
bazhangcinnabar12, dont repeat so quickly08:48
sh0rtyikonia : thanks will try that.:)08:48
lotuspsychjeikonia: i dont have torrent media sharing apps installed, cant find what this higher ports refer to..08:48
soulis77-SEikonia: thanks now it worked.08:48
ikoniasoulis77-SE: looks like you're just running a bit shy of ram08:49
hroibazhang:  I now changed the server to main, and clicked reload as instructed08:49
lotuspsychjecinnabar12: what security type wifi on that rt card?08:49
hroibazhang:  I now get... Failed to fetch http://linux.dropbox.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/Release.gpg  Something wicked happened resolving 'linux.dropbox.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)08:49
bazhanghroi, thats iceland right? try someplace closer08:49
hroibazhang:  yes, I changed from Iceland to the main server... wherever that is... its called main08:50
cinnabar12lotuspsychje: You mean the wifi network? It's WPA Personal.08:50
soulis77-SEikonia: Ok, good to know. I open the files on client instead. About the fail2ban I have installed it. Can I somehow ban Ip numbers now.. since I know the ip of the ppl that tried hacking my system.08:50
os_why to costumize my firefox opion? newbie08:50
bazhanghroi, looks like an internet connection issue not a server issue08:50
hroibazhang: in the synaptic pack. man08:50
ikoniahroi: remove that dead repo08:50
alphafoxcan someone help me, i have a fakeraid problem08:50
Gh0Sty2kcan someone please tell me why when i login to my pc it keeps saying unlock login keyring and wont go away? how can i stop this?08:50
lotuspsychjecinnabar12: is that a linksys card?08:50
alphafoxim a newbie though08:50
cinnabar12lotuspsychje: nope, RaLink, the splendidness of it all...08:50
ikoniasoulis77-SE: well, either let tham attack and it will get banned or manually put the ip's into the iptables firewall as that's all fail2ban uses08:50
bazhanghroi, lets see your sources.list please in paste.ubuntu.com08:51
ikoniaalphafox: fakeraid is a terrible technology in linux08:51
alphafoxoh okay08:51
ikoniaalphafox: I advise you to try not to use it08:51
lotuspsychjecinnabar12: my rtl card is a linksys, i had to set on WEP security on natty08:51
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alphafoxhmmzzz but i already installed it on my pc08:51
alphafoxand everything works fine08:51
soulis77-SEikonia: Thanks a lot. I'll google the firewall.08:51
ikoniaalphafox: I advise you to re-do it without08:51
lotuspsychjecinnabar12: wpa personal disconnected me on natty08:51
ikoniaalphafox: clearly it doesn't work fine as you're asking for help with a fakeraid problem08:52
alphafoxwell im not able to create a new partition08:52
Gh0Sty2kcan someone please tell me why when i login to my pc it keeps saying unlock login keyring and wont go away? how can i stop this?08:52
ikoniaalphafox: ok - so that's a problem08:52
ikoniaalphafox: not working fine08:52
cinnabar12lotuspsychje: no I think this is a proper RaLink card and unfortunately I can't change my security type, I know how to I just can't since the network isn't mine08:52
Gh0Sty2kalso how can i access \\server\share as there is no addressbar like in windows08:52
ikoniaalphafox: I again echo what I've said "it's a terrible technology in linux, I advise you not to use it"08:52
alphafoxwell i have 2 partitions a swap and a regular partition where linux is installed on08:52
hroibazhang:  how do I list my sources?08:52
hroiikonia:  I want to remove this useless repo.08:53
hroiikonia: but where?08:53
lotuspsychjecinnabar12: i think this might be a bug on natty+wpa security types, but not be abled to fixed it myself08:53
ikoniahroi: either /etc/apt/sources.list or a file in /etc/apt/souces.d08:53
alphafoxand i want to create a other one using gparted, but it can create the partition, i only not able to format it08:53
bazhangcat /etc/apt/sources.list   -----> copy to paste.ubuntu.com hroi08:53
cinnabar12lotuspsychje: do you think I should downgrade to maverick for now and seeif that makes a difference?08:53
szalikonia: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/08:54
lotuspsychjecinnabar12: you could try the livecd maverick to test out yes08:54
ikoniaszal: thank you08:54
cinnabar12lotuspsychje: well I can't since to get my card working I have to reboot but I'll certainly do a wubi install08:54
nicofsHello! Can someone help me diagnose why my mobile broadband connection is not working? I have reception, credit and the right access point - yet all I get is "Disconnected".08:54
hroiikonia: bazhang: http://pastebin.com/dZmL8B2B08:55
=== Fudge is now known as Fudg
bobweavernicofs, paste bin lspci -nn && rfkill list all && lsmod08:55
lotuspsychjecinnabar12: you could also try this room if any known bugs on natty and wpa (rtl cards)08:55
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bazhanghroi, and now paste.ubuntu.com the output of sudo apt-get update08:56
cinnabar12lotuspsychje: ok I'll install maverick and report back in about half an hour or so08:56
cinnabar12lotuspsychje: thanks anyway08:56
lotuspsychjecinnabar12: also check syslog (logs) to find any wifi problems08:57
nicofsbobweaver, the device is usb - shall i use lsusb instead?08:57
bobweavernicofs, Yes08:57
bobweavernicofs, thanks08:58
andrewh192hey, was wondering if anyone could tell me where to go for questions about knobbix08:58
andrewh192or however u spell it08:58
ikoniaandrewh192: look on it's website08:58
bazhang#knoppix andrewh19208:58
hroibazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/645292/08:59
nicofsbobweaver, http://paste.ubuntu.com/645293/08:59
icerootwhat is the ubuntu-prefered way for virtualisation? kvm or xen? or are both official supported?09:00
hroibazhang:  maybe its just this dropbox repo...?  anyway i just wanted to upgrade from 10 to 1109:00
ikoniaiceroot: xen seems pretty dead these days on any linux09:01
bazhangFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/Release.gpg   <-- thats the problem hroi09:01
bobweavernicofs, do you have two wireless cards?09:01
icerootikonia: so i guess i should use kvm09:01
ikoniaiceroot: seems to be the way development is going09:01
icerootikonia: any alternatives? (not vmware, vbox)09:02
ikoniaiceroot: kvm is very very good09:02
bobweavernicofs, also are you using wpa/wpa2? you want only wpa or wpa209:03
nicofsbobweaver, WLAN, LAN and mobile broadband - and as for wpa/wpa2: i don't know about that for mobile broadband...09:04
icerootikonia: a great as it seems kvm is using full-virtualization. need something fast for io-devices09:04
hroibazhang:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/645294/09:04
dr-leec u09:04
hroibazhang:  I ran it again... this time with the aptitute gui closed... so it could get a lock09:04
hroibazhang:  I get more than one fail to get...09:04
hroibazhang:  can I do without maverick?09:05
bazhanghroi, some of the google and dropbox ones too?09:05
bobweavernicofs, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1436954&page=209:05
hroibazhang:  yeah   google earth and maverick dropbox09:05
hroibazhang:  those are the only ones.09:05
hroibazhang:  can I disable all of these?09:06
=== Fudg is now known as Fudge
hroibazhang: so I can get on with updating my ubuntu from 10 to 1109:06
graalgonstrucktHow would I go about repartioning my harddrive to delete windows 7 from ubuntu thats installed, and adding the remaining 500gb freed up space to ubuntu?09:07
rubyyPici u there09:07
rubyyhi, what program is BEST and featurefull like code , normal, preview    like frontpage features, auto script completion and tell you where the script it wrong or missing. highlight.   for html, php, etc  . ?09:07
graalgonstrucktwithout interrupting my files on ubuntu of course*09:07
nicofsbobweaver, sorry, but how does that help?09:07
bobweavernicofs, I do not know that much about moblie broadband alot about realtek and broadcom09:07
hroibazhang:  ok now, my synaptic pack man behaves and does the reload without problem09:08
lotuspsychjegraalgonstruckt: u could try gparted09:08
graalgonstrucktlotuspsychje, ill search that brb.09:08
lotuspsychjegraalgonstruckt: or backup your active ubuntu and reformat your hole drive09:09
graalgonstrucktlotuspsychje, how would I do that? Would it keep my installed apps, files, etc?09:09
ugly_duckanyone played 0ad?09:10
nicofsCan someone help me diagnose why my mobile broadband connection is not working? I have reception, credit and the right access point - yet all I get is "Disconnected".09:10
hroibazhang:  anyway... my update manager is now continuing without problem in setting software channels.09:10
hroibazhang: probably this is fixed... beats me how though >S09:10
bazhanghroi, good news09:11
bazhanghroi, those repos will be disabled once the upgrade has gotten going09:12
lotuspsychjegraalgonstruckt: there are few ubuntu backup progs that save all your system conf and files09:12
bazhanghroi, the problem was you had more than one instance of apt running/open09:12
lotuspsychjegraalgonstruckt: like nepomuk, then after backing it up you can do a fresh ubuntu install (500gig drive)09:13
Fudge~is it possible to send one stream via rear port and other stuff to front headphones?09:14
lotuspsychjeanyone knows howto see all ubuntu logs in one? (not seperated)09:14
Fudgeim wanting to use totem to play music via stereo and front headdphones to listen to tts from speech-dispatcher09:14
ikonialotuspsychje: you can't, they are seperate files, and there for a reason09:14
Senjailotuspsychje, download them all, and write a script to concat them together :/09:15
lotuspsychjeikonia: im trying to colortail -f all new incomming logs09:15
vibhavhi bazhang09:16
lotuspsychjesenjai: im trying to realtime view new logs in my system09:16
aumhow can i install ubuntu on a flash device is there any good link over that09:16
vibhavhi lotuspsychje09:16
Senjailotuspsychje, like RSS?09:16
ikoniavibhav: you don't need to say "hi" to everyone, you've been told this before.09:16
Senjailol ikonia09:17
lotuspsychjesenjai: try install colortail its cool terminal follow tool09:17
graalgonstrucktlotuspsychje, will it keep my settings like I have ubuntu classic + the new unity bar modded to my ubuntu 11.04. Will it keep that?09:17
Senjailotuspsychje, I'm fine, thanks09:17
icerootis ubuntu doing anything if installed on "special" hardware? like ssd, notebook, vbox and so on which will NOT be changed if i use the hdd on another system? (e.g. for ext4, or if the first system has 8gb ram and the second only 1gb) or is ANYTHING dynamicly at boot?09:17
`ph8does anyone know how i can refresh my /dev/disk/by-uuid? i've just done some formatting and want to setup fstab by UUID, but i don't want to reboot09:17
lotuspsychjesenjai: colortail does already realtime follow seperate logs (like rss) yes09:17
Senjaiiceroot, Ubuntu comes packaged with default software and drivers. Some of which may not be compatabile with other devices.09:18
HackerIIaum   I've used unetbootin  and it worked fine09:18
Senjailotuspsychje, I'm just not interested.09:18
iceroot`ph8: can you remove the traling ` please? also you can use sudo blkid to get the uuid09:18
SenjaiHackerII, your name really?09:18
llutz`ph8: sudo blkid -g && sudo blkid09:18
ikoniaiceroot: unless there is a specific device in that system that is not in the other it should at least boot allowing you to make minor changes to tweak it09:18
HackerIIaum  http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/09:18
gaurav_nattyhow i make my ubuntu machine in wifi hotspot09:19
ikoniaSenjai: it's a nickname, let it go09:19
`ph8thanks llee09:19
icerootikonia: but the installer is setting special things in configs if there is a "special" hardware?09:19
`ph8* llutz09:19
ikoniaiceroot: shouldn't do09:19
icerootikonia: e.g. ext4 optimazing when using a ssd09:19
ikoniaiceroot: the installer is very generic09:19
brainwave92guys is there another channel for ubuntu development? The ubuntu-beginners-dev is too silent and very few members, i am not gttng desired help09:19
lotuspsychjegraalgonstruckt:it should yes09:19
`ph8ah i think the problem is, sdc and sdd used to be in a RAID configuration, so blkid shows them with the same UUID09:19
lotuspsychjegraalgonstruckt: thats what backup progs do09:20
ikoniabrainwave92: pick a bug on launcpad.net and try to fix it09:20
nicofsIs there a channel that specializes in mobile internet related problems? or an expert around?09:20
zimm3rOk I recently plugged my ipod into my computer to charge while running ubuntu and ubuntu mounted it and stuff but then when I go boot back into windows and launch iTunes iTunes can no longer read it, why is it soomething with ubuntu mounting it09:20
ikoniazimm3r: ubuntu won't change it09:20
arunkumar413brainwave92: try #launchpad09:20
hwq001rubyy: I use Geany +Firefox+firebug for web developing09:20
brainwave92ikonia, i picked a bug, a brasero unable to eject bug, and now i want to get the code, but i am not getting where to get the exact package name.09:20
brainwave92arunkumar413, thanks09:20
zimm3rikonia: even though it mounted it09:21
ikoniabrainwave92: the package name should be listed inthe bug09:21
ikoniazimm3r: correct09:21
graalgonstrucktlotuspsychje, Nepomuk does not support Ubuntu 11.04 natty.09:21
zimm3rok then09:21
`ph8/dev/sdc1: UUID="d7bb3fce-abbf-ae00-58a3-8c2c8abcba9d" TYPE="linux_raid_member"09:21
`ph8/dev/sdd1: UUID="d7bb3fce-abbf-ae00-58a3-8c2c8abcba9d" TYPE="linux_raid_member"09:21
`ph8how can i stop these disks being raid members? gparted says they're formatted to NTFS09:22
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=== SlashOverride is now known as Haps
gaurav_nattyhow i make my machine to wifi hotspot09:23
iceroot`ph8: remove the ` please, its hard to write with you on qwertz09:23
brainwave92ikonia, the bug i chose has been filed in ubuntu lucid lynx but i'm using natty where the problem is the same. Can i still work on the bug?09:24
llutzgaurav_natty: look for "hostapd", make sure to have a supported wifi-device, google abot ip-forwarding/masquerading, setup, done :)09:24
ilangeerani have to type the command sudo wvdial netconnect,everytime i connect to the internet through my wireless modem.i want it connected,when i insert the modem without typing that command.help me.09:24
ikoniabrainwave92: sure, fix it in natty and back port the fix to lucid09:24
=== me is now known as Guest19047
anghelokohi all... i just noticed that my external HD's partition type says HPFS/NTFS, but the type is Ext3? What does this mean?09:25
gaurav_nattyikonia, how i setup my ubuntu machine to wifi hotspot09:25
ikoniagaurav_natty: why are you asking me ?09:25
ilangeerani have to type the command sudo wvdial netconnect,everytime i connect to the internet through my wireless modem.i want it connected,when i insert the modem without typing that command.help me.09:26
ubottuext3 is the default filesystem on older versions of Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org09:26
anghelokohow can the partition type be different from the type? @_@09:27
graalgonstrucktlotuspsychje, Nepomuk does not support Ubuntu 11.04 natty.09:28
llutzangheloko: partition id has nothing to do with the filesystem, its just an id09:32
anghelokollutz, it means that my external HD is ext3 then? but the partition ID is just HPFS/NTFS?09:33
lotuspsychjegraalgonstruckt: http://superuser.com/questions/163318/how-to-remove-windows-from-a-windows-ubuntu-machine09:33
lotuspsychjegraalgonstruckt: http://askubuntu.com/questions/784/how-to-i-remove-windows-but-keep-ubuntu09:34
llutzangheloko: partition id has nothing to do with the filesystem. your drive has partition-id 0x07 but ext3 as a filesystem. nothing to worry about, you can change it into partition-id 0x83 using cfdisk09:35
anghelokollutz, thanks for clarifying :)09:35
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
aumthank you Hacker !!09:38
Flynsarmyis there a command line tool I can use to show current bandwidth in and out and what process is using it?09:41
llutzFlynsarmy: ntop09:41
llutzor iftop09:42
llutzFlynsarmy: " iftop" it was, ntop is something different. sorry09:43
Guest58656Is this the right place to get Ubuntu installation help?09:46
vibhavGuest58656, Yes09:46
Guest58656Sorry, very new and lost....09:47
=== P4R4N01D1 is now known as P4R4N01D
Guest58656installing from USB09:47
Guest58656and have got 'blank' neon coloured screen09:48
pinko2go site ubuntu09:48
brainwave92Guest58656, get a nickname with /nick <nickname> so that we can address you quickly09:48
Guest58656with error "Sorry, Compiz closed unexpectedly"09:48
periHi there. I hope this is the right place for this query. I installed empathy but it does not show up under the applications -> internet menu.  I can launch empathy by Alt+F2 <<empathy>> but would like a launcher under Applications. I haev rebooted system. I'm using 11.04  but under the old desktop. Most grateful for any suggestions09:48
eloweenquelqu'un connais un chan pour symfony ?09:49
brainwave92peri, you can manually add empathy using alacarte09:49
periThanks brainwave. I am still learning Ubunutu. What is alacarte?09:50
brainwave92peri, go to a terminal, type in 'alacarte'09:50
brainwave92you'll know when you see what comes up09:50
periok. now I understand.09:50
brainwave92tell me when you are done09:50
brainwave92peri, yes so now go to 'internet' and if empathy isnt there, use add09:51
=== Bodsda_ is now known as Bodsda
Flynsarmyllutz: I'm doing an iftop wlan0 and downloading a file in chrome. Chromes reporting a solid 675kb/s however iftop's saying it's only going at 300kb/s...the values i just provided are averages of over a couple of mins...any idea where the discrepency would be coming form?09:51
airtonixwhats the desktop agnostic command to launch the gui filebrowser ?09:51
Guest58656Brainwave.... do I have a nick yet?09:51
jribairtonix: gvfs-open ~09:51
llutzFlynsarmy: no, sry09:52
brainwave92Guest58656, no. if you had a nick , it would show up, like mine shows brainwave. Type in '/nick igotanick' without the quotes09:52
periOK. Yup. Thanks Brainwave. Just ot prove what a moron I am, I meant to type epiphany!09:52
periand Epiphany is not there.09:52
brainwave92peri, lol! its ok...i'm a bigger moron as many here will testify.....:) so you got epiphany?09:53
perinope. only epiphany web book marks09:53
=== brainwave92 is now known as hey
=== Guest58656 is now known as Steve92
heyperi then use the same alacarte to add epiphany if you have epiphany, else if its not installed, install with package manager09:54
periOk. Hey, thanks. I have it installed and it runs, via ALT+F2. Do I use the new item button? I am hesitant to fiddle too much with this because I am very good at mucking things up.09:55
periBTW: I installed with the software centre rather than synaptic09:56
=== hey is now known as brainwave92
=== werner_ is now known as testing
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »09:57
pericrackerjackz - was that !aptfix suggestion for me?09:58
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brainwave92peri, i doubt09:58
crackerjackzperi, negative it was for me, i couldn't remember the command09:58
crackerjackzperi, did you need help with something?09:58
brainwave92peri, crackerjackz instructed the bot to help him out :)09:59
rubyyhow to correct table errors or hardisk09:59
brainwave92peri, do you have the epiphany tab in your internet menu/10:00
periBrainwave92 - no I do not.10:00
crackerjackzis there a GUI for starting and stopping services?10:01
Juozas!fsck | rubyy10:01
ubotturubyy: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot10:01
periCrackerjackz - thanks for question.10:01
zer0-dayzer0-day  6450 90.5 15.6 814632 311764 ?       Sl   Jul15 780:56 /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=plugin --plugin-path=/opt/google/chrome/libgcflashplayer.so10:01
periall i have in the list is Epiphany web bookmarks10:01
periit is unchecked10:01
andrewh192hey, how do u make somethign force quite10:01
zer0-day90,5% cpu consumption with libflash...10:01
andrewh192quit rather10:01
ar71khey i was wondering if i mess with /etc/sensors3.conf, can i lower the temperature when the fans start up?10:02
brainwave92andrewh192, you can go to system monitor and force it down there10:02
zer0-daywith chromium and chrome10:02
brainwave92andrewh192, or you can find pid of that process from terminal using pidof <process> and use kill <pid>10:02
brainwave92ar71k, isnt that a bios thingie?10:03
ar71ki have a asus 1015ped i can't do much in the bios, do you know any way to edit it?10:04
rubyy-Juozas i need to check all hd . that has differe file systems10:04
zer0-dayis posible to get a low cpu consumption with flash, i actualy i'm not viewing a video o something like that in chrome10:04
=== dave is now known as Guest40105
crackerjackzis there a G.U.I for starting and stopping services in ubuntu? seems like i remember something called system monitor under -> applications / system tools / system monitor ..... but all i see is htop10:04
Steve92Hi, I'm trying to install Ubuntu from USB...  but the destop won't load. All I have is: "Sorry, Compiz closed unexpectedly" which flashes.  No desktop showing, just a blank screen with neon colours?  Alt + F1 flashes a couple menus, but not enough to do anything.   Help?!10:05
brainwave92crackerjackz, yes that is it......system monitor10:05
brainwave92look for tabs here and there10:05
crackerjackzbrainwave92, its not installed and i can't find the package name.. do you know the package name?10:05
brainwave92i dont know. It should come by default. Else use synaptic to search for system monitor10:06
crackerjackzbrainwave92, i found it, its under system / administration10:07
jacky_broi want to know openvpn server10:08
crackerjackzi'm trying to remove the lamp stack but its not letting me do i need to stop the services first? and if so then why wont it let me stop them it says they are uninteruptable10:09
Steve92Hi, I'm trying to install Ubuntu from USB...  but the destop won't load. All I have is: "Sorry, Compiz closed unexpectedly" which flashes.  No desktop showing, just a blank screen with neon colours?  Alt + F1 flashes a couple menus, but not enough to do anything.   Help?!10:10
DistroJockeySteve92: Try Safe graphics mode via F4 at the boot menu. See:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions10:13
FourTensDoes anybody know how to make Gnome Do accept the Windows / Flag / Super key as an activation key?10:13
dddbmtHi guys. When trying to install "Desktop recorder" through Software Center, I get and error: "The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources."10:14
dddbmtDetails: gtk-recordmydesktop recordmydesktop10:15
Juozasdddbmt, try to "sudo apt-get update" on terminal first and try again10:16
=== bambee_ is now known as bambee
rubyy- i need to check all hd , tables,  that has differe file systems  , fat, ntfs, ext4. everytime i install kubuntu. its stuck with error on 23% of wipiing swap area. ?10:17
crackerjackzi found the guide for removing lamp but its not working10:18
jribcrackerjackz: "Package php5-mysql is not installed, so not removed"10:21
crackerjackzjrib, what about apache210:22
jribcrackerjackz: "Package apache2 is not installed, so not removed"10:22
dddbmtJouzas, that didn't make a difference.10:22
crackerjackzjrib, but system monitor says its running...10:22
jribcrackerjackz: so?10:22
jribcrackerjackz: you can run something and then delete it... it will stay in memory until no process is using it10:23
crackerjackzjrib, whys it saying that? and i want to completely remove the lamp stack and reinstall it... i broke it so bad i think i'm better off just reinstlaling it and starting from scratch10:23
crackerjackzahhh i see10:23
jribcrackerjackz: how did you break it?  Why don't you remove phpmyadmin?10:23
Juozascrackerjackz, try dpkg -r {packa} if installed other way then apt, or dpkg -l | grep {package} to find some10:23
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:23
crackerjackzjrib, ive tried.. hang on i'll paste you the output10:23
jribcrackerjackz: I'm more interested in my first question :D10:24
crackerjackzjrib, even though i know for a fact i didn't forget the root mysql password... it said i had the wrong password when trying to install phpmyadmin. so i used this guide to reset the mysql root password.. everything went downhill from there some people IRC told me to type some commands to fix it and everything just stopped working10:25
jribcrackerjackz: you need to give more details10:25
* Juozas slaps sandro_ with a big red brick10:26
=== even is now known as Guest32830
crackerjackzjrib, i used this guide to reset the password http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/recover-mysql-root-password.html... shortly after i tried installing phpmyadmin and it said that it couldnt setup the database for phpmyadmin while mysql was running with --skip-grant-tables10:27
DistroJockeySteve92: Most welcome :)10:27
jribcrackerjackz: that means you didn't do step 5 (Exit and restart the MySQL server.) in your link10:27
bsmith093can anybody think of any reason why gpodder is really slow in downloading , but works fine in a vm? and yes i purged the config files, and then i manually deleted the database files and reinstalled, no effect, >10kbps per file, but its fine if i just use firefox to download the podcasts10:27
crackerjackzjrib, well how can i just completely remove the lamp stack so that i can start over?10:28
jribcrackerjackz: what happens when you attempt to remove phpmyadmin now?10:28
jribcrackerjackz: and you said some people gave you commands that you ran.  What commands?10:28
sandro_List of Channels10:29
crackerjackzjrib, i dont remember..10:29
jribsandro_: /msg alis help10:29
jribcrackerjackz: look in your terminal's history10:29
jribcrackerjackz: or your irc client's10:29
rubyy- i need to check all hd , tables,  that has differe file systems  , fat, ntfs, ext4. everytime i install kubuntu. its stuck with error on 23% of wipiing swap area. ?10:29
crackerjackzjrib, i have history disabled on IRC.. but how do i check the history of the commands ran in the terminal?10:30
jribcrackerjackz: « help history »10:30
crackerjackzjrib, http://pastebin.com/UcWJqCv9 <-- when i try to remove phpmyadmin10:31
han_ubuntu 11 autodetects external monitor and changes display settings on its own, without my permission. i want to disable this behavior. anyone know how?10:32
DistroJockeyrubyy-: What does the error say?10:32
rubyy-check the log files10:33
jribcrackerjackz: fuser -v /var/cache/debconf/config.dat10:33
crackerjackzjrib,                      USER        PID ACCESS COMMAND10:33
crackerjackz                     root       2954 F.... frontend10:33
crackerjackzblahh that was a messy paste10:34
rubyy-DistroJockey to check the log files10:34
jribcrackerjackz: do you have some apt process open?10:34
DistroJockeyrubyy-: That's pretty vague. Does it say which log file?10:34
crackerjackzjrib, update manager is open but it's not doing anything atm10:34
rubyy-DistroJockey yes. var/log something10:35
han_whenever i plug in/out an external monitor to/from my laptop (which i do often) ubuntu 11 just changes display settings on its own. i want to disable this behavior and let ubuntu do absolutely nothing when a monitor is plugged in/out. anyone know how?10:36
Juozascrackerjackz, close it before uninstalling anything from command line10:36
DistroJockeyrubyy-:  Did you look at the log for any related messages?10:36
jribcrackerjackz: no idea what "frontend" is but if you reboot it should go away...10:36
crackerjackzjrib, okay i'm gonna reboot real quick brb10:36
PhalstaffWhat is the general opinion of the Unity interface>10:38
arfbtwnimho: needs work...10:38
rubyy-DistroJockey i dont know how to look. using live cd10:39
crackerjackzk i'm back10:40
PhalstaffArfntwn - I guess that is to be expected I really like Gnome better ...10:40
=== Lomex_off is now known as Lomex
crackerjackzjrib, when ubuntu was booting it says starting apache.. mysql10:41
crackerjackzjrib, apache2 is running according to pstree10:41
DistroJockeyrubyy-: If the Live system is the one that is showing the error, you can start nautilus and browse to  /var/log10:41
Dascneed help >_< updated my ubuntu and I can't login anymore10:41
jribcrackerjackz: is apache2.2-common installed?10:41
PhalstaffWill Ubuntu continue to support Gnome?10:42
Dascanyone? :X10:42
asdjaputraDasc: anything you do after updating?10:43
crackerjackzjrib, if tasksel install lamp-server installs that service then yes i suppose it is installed10:43
jribcrackerjackz: that's where apache is10:43
Dascasdjaputra - nope updated it and it asked me to restart10:44
asdjaputraDasc: and?10:44
crackerjackzso i should apt-get remove apache2.2-common then?10:44
Dascasdjaputra: it gets to the login screen > I put in my password > it goes black and kicks me back to the login screen again10:44
Dascasdjaputra: if I put in the wrong password it says authentication failed10:45
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Dascasdjaputra: I've tried using CLI to add a new user called tester, which it logs then just halts with the default background10:45
crackerjackzi'm about to just reinstall ubuntu rather than mess with all of this10:46
Ramosatried to install ubuntu server through virtualbox on an x64 cpu, and got the message: "This kernel requires an x86-64 CPU, but only detected an i686 CPU." It's a Core 2 Duo P7350, it's 64 bit for sure, but it's not i686 right?10:46
crackerjackzwhy isn't there a detailed guide for removing lamp?10:46
asdjaputracrackerjackz: LAMP bundle?10:47
crackerjackzasdjaputra, i dunno i ran sudo apt-get install tasksell then sudo tasksel install lamp-server10:47
asdjaputracrackerjackz: sudo tasksel, then pick Web server, SQL, etc10:48
DistroJockeyDasc: Sounds like your graphics driver module needs to be updated to match the kernel maybe. Especially if you had a manufacturer downloaded driver before the update.10:49
bluegoonhello guys10:49
bluegoonI have a huge red "1" up left on my screen10:49
crackerjackzasdjaputra, none of those are listed10:49
crackerjackzit says choose software to install... if i select lampserver will it just reinstall it and fix it?10:50
DascDistroJockey: Hmmmm, but I'm able to get on to the login state though, with the mouse and everything10:50
crackerjackz(even though its not uninstalled yet)10:50
Ramosauname -a outputs x86_64, so i dont get why it complains about i68610:50
bluegoonEr, hey chaps, I have a giant red "1" in the top left of my screen, its in a red box.10:50
DistroJockeyDasc: Pretty sure the video mode/driver used swaps at login.10:50
asdjaputraDistroJockey: can it be the gdm?10:51
jribcrackerjackz: reinstalling or removing and installing will likely not fix anything. How is it broken?10:51
frater_sxhello everyone10:51
DascDistroJockey: think you can guide me through updating the video driver?  I have an nvidia graphics card 8600GT to be exact10:51
frater_sxI wish to thank you for the help you provided me some time ago, thanks10:52
Dascasdjaputra: you want me to past what comes up when I type in gdm?10:52
asdjaputraDasc: or gdm310:52
DistroJockeyasdjaputra, Dasc: Could be a few things, hard to say at this point.10:52
Dasciit has gdm10:52
Dascnot gdm310:52
asdjaputraDasc: probably wouldn't hurt if you do this anyway10:53
oCeanRamosa: your cpu has to have virtualization capability to run 64bit guest os10:53
asdjaputraDasc: sudo apt-get install --reinstall gdm && sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm10:53
crackerjackzjrib, i dont know how to explain it i just want to get rid of it.. can you help me get rid of it? i can reinstall it and start fresh in 5 minutes10:53
Dascasdjaputra: gdm says warning, failed to acquire org.gnome.displaymanager10:53
jribcrackerjackz: I told you what to remove10:53
Dascasdjaputra: cool 1 sec10:53
crackerjackzjrib, apache2.2-common right?10:53
RamosaoCean, ahh! so 32bit I can run?10:53
jribcrackerjackz: to remove apache, yes10:53
asdjaputraDasc: it'll reinstall gdm and tries to reconfigure it for you10:53
bsmith093does anyone know what other configs affect connectivity from a custom lucid to a fresh vm install?10:54
oCeanRamosa: run  egrep '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo  in a terminal to check if your cpu has those capabilities, but 32bit should run anyway10:54
crackerjackzjrib, i want to completely remove everything tasksell install lamp-server installed10:54
DistroJockeyDasc: How you update the nvidia driver would vary depending on how you installed it before the update. I think :)10:54
bluegoonMy screen seems fuzzy10:54
Dascasdjaputra: updated but didn't do anything much10:54
crackerjackzjrib, also apt-get remove apache2.2-common returns similar errors as the previous pastebins i showed you10:55
JonnyI want to get nvidia drivers, but I see 3 options and I don't know which one to chose, also I dn't know what exact card I have10:55
jribcrackerjackz: pastebin10:55
DascDistroJockey: I remember using synaptic package to install the nvidia thing10:55
bluegoonWhat is the aspect ration of a 22" screen usuallY?10:55
RamosaoCean, no output, but thanks10:55
jrib!ot | bluegoon10:55
ubottubluegoon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:55
oCeanRamosa: no output means, your cpu does not have the capabilities..10:55
bluegoonjrib, sorry mate10:55
crackerjackzjrib, http://pastebin.com/61smbuqV10:56
DistroJockeyDasc: In that case it should have updated with the upgrade I would think.10:56
asdjaputraDasc: so does it work?10:56
Dascasdjaputra: nope didn't work10:56
Jonnydoes it matter which nvidia driver i install anyone?10:56
jribcrackerjackz: remove the apache packages mentioned in the output.  But as I said, this will likely not solve anything for you and is a waste of our time10:57
baswcan somebody help with grub?10:57
Dascasdjaputra: in the cli it downloaded some stuff, then just updated it, but didn't help with the login, still kicks me out immediately after I type in the correct password10:57
crackerjackzjrib, why won't it solve anything? if i remove it then reinstall it.. it'll be default wont it?10:57
jribcrackerjackz: no10:57
asdjaputrabasw: #grub10:57
crackerjackzjrib, whys that?10:58
jribcrackerjackz: well it depends on what you didn't which I don't know10:58
DistroJockeyDasc: At the login screen, does changing the session to failsafe graphics help?10:58
oCeancrackerjackz: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#Starting%20over,%20How%20to%20remove%20the%20LAMP%20stack10:58
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crackerjackzoCean, i've read that ... all it says is not to use tasksell to remove packages and then it list the packages that lamp server installs and it also goes on to say that it assumes you have no other programs that require those packages10:59
DascDistroJockey: I tried booting into recovery mode as failsafe graphics, it doesn't seem to load completely.  I get the first screen asking, load safemode this time only? then after that it flickers a bit with another prompt and kicks me back to the cli menu10:59
crackerjackzand then*10:59
oCeancrackerjackz: so?10:59
crackerjackzoCean, well when i try to apt-get remove.. on any of those packages it doesnt work (yes i'm root)11:00
jribcrackerjackz: not any of those, all of them at the same time11:00
oCeancrackerjackz: you don't need to be root, you have to execute the command using sudo.11:00
crackerjackzoCean, i use sudo bash so that i don't have to type sudo a million times11:00
jribcrackerjackz: do not use sudo bash, use « sudo -i »11:01
oCeancrackerjackz: if you really feel you need that, run sudo -i11:01
crackerjackzokay i'll make a mental note of that, what is the difference between sudo bash and sudo -i11:01
jribcrackerjackz: well sudo bash is dumb and sudo -i is not :P11:01
jribcrackerjackz: (really: sudo -i will do nice things with your environment)11:02
lampsneed 1 volunteer (for 3 minutes) with linux and firefox 5 to make a few screenshots of a firefox add-on. the screenosts will be published on mozilla add-ons page of this addon-on. /q me11:02
tsimpsonlamps: #ubuntu-offtopic is a better place to ask that11:03
lampstsimpson: ok thanks11:03
DistroJockeyDasc: Sorry, I've run out of ideas atm.11:04
Jonnyhey can someone help me decide which nvidia driver to get11:04
DascDistroJockey: have boot into CLI root with network and typed in startx , I get the mouse and just a black screen, can move my mouse around no problems11:05
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crackerjackzjrib, oCean http://pastebin.com/GHZBBeNV11:06
Guest30436in Natty, is there a command-line way to make ubuntu start in classic mode instead of unity permanently? (My hardware can't handle unity, so I can't do it the graphical way)11:07
bluegoonjrib, IdleOne said I should ask my question here, after you said I should ask my question there..11:08
jribGuest30436: edit ~/.dmrc I suppose11:08
DistroJockeyDasc: Could even be Compiz related if you had that before the upgrade. Can you check the /var/log/xorg.0.log for errors?11:08
jribbluegoon: aspect ratio of a 22" screen is not ubuntu related.  Is it?11:08
IdleOnejrib: it isn't sorry.11:09
jribbluegoon: I suggest ##hardware11:09
pooltablehow to fix this dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. ?11:09
bluegoonjrib, thanks mate11:10
DascDistroJockey: I have compiz11:10
oCeancrackerjackz: it seems you have removed part of the lamp stack, but not all? Run and pastebin apt-cache policy mysql-server-5.1 phpmyadmin11:10
crackerjackzpooltable, maybe !aptfix .. let one of the other guys answer you for sure on that one though i'm not positive11:10
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »11:10
bluegoonIs the Catalyst Control Center not officially supported by Ubuntu?11:10
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DistroJockeyDasc: What version did you upgrade from?11:11
DascDistroJockey: good question, I just clicked on do updates (the usual security and stuffs)11:11
DascDistroJockey: currently have 10.0411:11
jribpooltable: run « sudo dpkg --configure -a » as the error you pasted suggests11:12
elkybluegoon, i believe it's not even in our repositories.11:12
bluegoonelky, there a way to run the drive without the CC?11:13
crackerjackzoCean, http://pastebin.com/4SAsntXP11:13
DistroJockeyDasc: hmm. The  /var/log/apt/history.log  will show you what was updated/changed. Maybe you can spot something in there that may be related.11:14
pooltablecrackerjacksz it work thanks11:14
pooltableand jrib11:14
elkybluegoon, i have absolutely no idea as to what driver you're trying to run as you've not stated.11:15
DascDistroJockey: cool thx will do, am going out for food first, need a break from this11:15
DistroJockeyDasc: You're welcome, enjoy :)11:15
DistroJockeyDasc: And goodluck when you return.11:16
pooltablehow do i fix this http://paste.ubuntu.com/645345/?11:17
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Chillanceok, can someone please tell me how I can make vncserver load the nvidia drivers for a seesion?11:19
crackerjackzpooltable, what are you trying to install?11:19
soulis77-SEIf the ufw firewall is enable and the port for ssh isn't 22. Is there some way to access the server?11:20
crackerjackzpooltable, where did you get that command from...11:20
crackerjackzshow me what you're looking at11:20
asdjaputracrackerjackz: the computer11:21
Peddylet's have a typing speed race! http://play.typeracer.com/?rt=trpeddy11:22
asdjaputra!ot | Peddy11:22
ubottuPeddy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:22
pooltablecrackerjacksz try to convert vmware to vbox11:22
Peddyasdfasdfa, sorry >.> meant to post in -offtopic11:22
wildbatsoulis77-SE: open what ever port you use for ssh in ufw11:22
crackerjackzpooltable, send me a link to what ever guide it is you're looking at11:22
crackerjackzasdjaputra, lol11:22
soulis77-SEwildbat: yeah and when you can't access it with ssh...11:23
soulis77-SEsince the correct port is blocked?11:23
pooltablecrackerjacksz here http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-convert-vmware-image-to-virtualbox-image.html11:23
crackerjackzpooltable, i see what you did wrong11:24
wildbatsoulis77-SE:  you what you are asking is to break thru the ufw ~ XD ~ sorry no hacking will be supported.11:24
asdjaputrawildbat: lol11:24
crackerjackzpooltable, assuming you already installed qemu11:24
crackerjackztry this...11:25
asdjaputrasoulis77-SE: try #backtrack-linux if you're trying to hack11:25
soulis77-SENo it's not hacking. I followed the wiki installation steps and when enable. But nowhere that I should check the port before starting11:25
crackerjackzqemu-img convert debian.vmdk /tmp/debian.bin11:25
pooltablecrackerjacksz qemu is installed11:25
crackerjackzwhat are the name of the images you're trying to convert11:26
pooltablecrackerjacksz qemu-img: Could not open 'debian.vmdk': No such file or directory11:26
pooltableqemu-img: Could not open 'debian.vmdk'11:26
wildbatsoulis77-SE: so you should have access to your ufw-ed machine why can't you set it ?11:26
crackerjackzpooltable, change debian.vmdk to the correct file name11:26
crackerjackzchange it to the name of the image you're trying to convert11:26
soulis77-SEwildbat: When i installed the uwf it must have blocket my ssh port (I changed it) and now I can't continue the installation. The server isn't at my location, but is it possible to do it if you are at the server itself?11:28
asdjaputrasoulis77-SE: should be11:28
crackerjackzpooltable, give me the names of the 2 files you wish to convert.. also give me the file path of where they are located11:28
han_whenever i plug in/out an external monitor to/from my laptop (which i do often) ubuntu 11 just changes display settings on its own. i want to disable this behavior and let ubuntu do absolutely nothing when a monitor is plugged in/out. anyone know how?11:29
asdjaputrarubyy: are you somewhat trying to flood?11:29
han_(this never happened in ubuntu 10 btw)11:29
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pooltablecrackerjacksz location Desktop-BIT 2-Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.8 VMware Image-Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.8 VMware Image NAME Mac OS X Snow Leopard.vmdk11:30
wolfricdoes ubuntu have some way other than rc.d links to start services? i used rcconf and confirmed that all links were now changed to K instead of s howver openssh server still starts when i reboot11:31
wildbatsoulis77-SE: i see you lock yourself out (bring keys when you going out! ) ~ you have to do it from server side then ~ firewall are mean to be 'secure'.11:31
mongyI have 4gb ram and I want a swap partition of equal size so I can hibernate if needed, what is the exact number in mb that I need to use in the partitioner, as I am a little confused with 4096 not really equalling 4gb11:31
wildbatmongy: 4Gib = 4096 Mib ~ 4 Gb = 4000 Mb ~ for ram it should be Gib.11:32
soulis77-SEwildbat: Yeah and all insallation procedures don't help dummies ;)   I guess uwf only listen for port ssh on port 22 on default?`11:33
crackerjackzpooltable, try something like qemu-img convert "Mac OS X Snow Leopard.vmdk" "/tmp/Mac OS X Snow Leopard.vmdk"11:33
crackerjackzwith the qoutes11:33
crackerjackzcause it has spaces in the file name11:34
wildbatsoulis77-SE: i don't quite remember ~ may be ~ or it come with empty profile which no port is open11:34
bluegoonhow do see what xorg version I have?11:34
astraljavasoulis77-SE: ufw, by default, will block every port. You won't get in unless you specifically open _some_ ports.11:34
wildbatbluegoon: Xorg -version11:35
bluegoonwildbat, thank you11:35
astraljavasoulis77-SE: I'm no firewall expert by any means, but when I install gufw, and enable the firewall, I can't get in at any port.11:35
soulis77-SEatraljava: ok but can the server provider access the server and change this since even the ufw instruction itself don't say this...11:36
soulis77-SEEverystep only referes like if you are on the server not ssh from outside11:36
T3ecXpl0rerheyy guys i need help11:36
astraljavasoulis77-SE: Absolutely. That would be a seriously lousy server component if it didn't allow opening some ports. :)11:36
T3ecXpl0rerhow can i run an application and then go to another command in the single terminal................................11:37
soulis77-SEyeah, then I just have to pay them for doing it.. Ok but atleast I don't have to reinstall everything :)11:37
asdjaputrasoulis77-SE: hth are you going to ssh from the outside if you didn't open the ports to ssh to the server?11:37
StevenRT3ecXpl0rer: use screen or look at backgrounding processes11:38
astraljavasoulis77-SE: Yes, that is the standard way of writing instructions. If you're doing something remotely, it is generally expected that you have some experience and understanding how that differs from the basic scenario.11:38
crackerjackzpooltable, did that work?11:38
pooltablecrackerjacksz how do i know it is working it is just setting there ?11:38
asdjaputrasoulis77-SE: you have to be physically infront of it, to actually make ufw allow ports to ssh into the server11:38
VxQeT3ecXpl0rer, if you want to run an application in the background, add & to the end of the command.11:38
IdleOneT3ecXpl0rer: you could try: firefox &11:38
VxQeYou might have to kill the process to close the application though unless it has a gui or something.11:39
soulis77-SEasdjaputra: I followed the step by step instructions from uwf itself...  I should have config the ports before.. But easy to know now.11:39
crackerjackzpooltable, tell me what it says11:39
pooltablecrackerjacksz not a thing just blank line11:40
T3ecXpl0rerbut the problem is ...i have to use "sudo"....for example "Etherape"11:40
T3ecXpl0rersudo etherape & ........its not working11:40
asdjaputraT3ecXpl0rer: su -c 'etherape &'11:40
T3ecXpl0rerits not working....saying"None of the authentication protocols specified are supported"11:43
crackerjackzpooltable, is it still just hanging there?11:43
T3ecXpl0reri think i have to write a bash script11:44
Inkura[desktop] <-eth0-> [netbook] <-ppp0-> [internet]   How do I accomplish such network sharing setup?11:44
Hedgehog456My webcam, when connected, does create video0 (according to dmesg), but then immediately disconnects and releases it.11:44
InkuraI've tried NetworkManager, brctl and ufw without success.11:44
crackerjackzHedgehog456, what kind of webcam do you have?11:44
=== Lomex is now known as Lomex_off
Hedgehog456crackerjackz: Halina Multi-function DCI8IB11:45
pooltablecrackerjacksz yes11:45
Hedgehog456crackerjackz: It's not a driver problem, because Ubuntu definitely recognises it according to dmesg, but then it disconnects it11:46
crackerjackzHedgehog456, see what happens when you try to test your cam here http://www.testwebcam.com/11:46
T3ecXpl0reris there any other way.....11:47
crackerjackzpooltable, press ctrl c inside the terminal to make it stop11:47
dobblegowhen I install hddtemp I get a prompt to start hddtemp as a daemon -- can I somehow automatically answer that in a script?11:47
T3ecXpl0reri made it worked... gksu etherape....working11:48
crackerjackzpooltable, run this.. pwd11:48
crackerjackztell me what directory you're in11:48
T3ecXpl0rerthanks @asdjaputra for ur suggestion11:49
Inkura[desktop (Windows)] <-eth0-> [netbook (ubuntu)] <-ppp0-> [internet]   How do I accomplish such network sharing setup?11:49
asdjaputrai didn't help at all, you figure it out yourself :-)11:49
=== JohnyMnemonic is now known as Johny_Mnemonic
Hedgehog456crackerjackz: no, because v4l2 uses video0, and video0 is always disconnected and released11:50
DistroJockeydobblego: What command are you using for the install?11:51
crackerjackzHedgehog456, Halina Multi-function DCI8IB is that what you get when you run lsusb?11:51
dobblegoapt-get install sensors-applet11:51
DistroJockeydobblego:  try adding a:  -y11:52
dobblegoDistroJockey: sorry, I have a -y in there11:52
pooltablecrackerjacksz pwd?11:52
Hedgehog456crackerjackz: No, when I run lsusb I get Avago Technologies, Ltd.11:52
crackerjackzpooltable, pwd is a command;.. it stands for print working directory11:52
bluegoonhow do I install ATI linux drivers?  Its in .run format11:52
crackerjackzyou need to cd to the directory of the image11:52
crackerjackzwhere is the image saved at?11:53
FlynsarmyAnyone here have DDR2 RAM in their laptop?11:53
crackerjackzHedgehog456, pastebin me the output of lsusb11:53
Inkura[desktop (Windows)] <-eth0-> [netbook (ubuntu)] <-ppp0-> [internet]   How do I accomplish such network sharing setup?11:53
Hedgehog456crackerjackz: OK, this might be useful too: dmesg output http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/645357/11:54
crackerjackzInkura, what are you trying to do exactly could you elaborate a little more11:54
a9_is there a streamlined way by which i can paste text snippets into vim from links211:54
a9_ideally with a timestamp11:54
DistroJockeydobblego: Well there is  --force-yes  but that can be nasty. Check:  man apt-get  for info and other possible options11:55
Hedgehog456crackerjackz: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/645358/11:55
DistroJockeydobblego: I'd assume -y is not working as the package is unauthenticated?11:56
dobblego-y is not working because it is presented as a whiptail dialog11:56
DistroJockeydobblego: ahh11:57
crackerjackzHedgehog456, try installing cheese and running your webcam through cheese11:57
crackerjackzno never mind..11:58
crackerjackzthats not gonna work11:58
omegaphihi folks11:58
Hedgehog456crackerjackz: Yes, 'No Device Found'. It was through the Cheese help that I found about dmesg.11:58
crackerjackzHedgehog456, idk sorry i don't have the knowledge to help you further11:59
crackerjackzgoogle doesn't seem to know much about your cam11:59
crackerjackzi've got 3 webcams and only 1 of them works with linux11:59
Hedgehog456crackerjackz: does any other webcam automatically dismount when connected?11:59
erryim trying to upgrade and ive booted from cd to do it12:00
errybut it says it needs to unmount /dev/sda1 and it cant12:00
DistroJockeydobblego: How about:  -q12:01
crackerjackzHedgehog456, i'm not sure i'm still pretty n00b to be honest sorry i couldn't help12:01
Hedgehog456crackerjackz: ah, thanks. i think the problem lies in gspca, thanks!12:02
ubuntuCEOhi, how to get the fire effect installed in ubuntu 10.10?12:02
crackerjackzubuntuCEO, compiz i think12:02
omegaphiI am trying to save some data from corrupted ubuntu installation which is on wubi. when I try to mount the root.disk file, I get the  input/output error. Please help :(12:03
Pwnnawow, problem's back12:05
Pwnnathought it was fixed12:05
bluegoonhow can you see what graphics card drivers you are using?12:05
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szalbluegoon: lspci -k <- look for your gfx card12:07
omegaphi*reposting* I am trying to save some data from corrupted ubuntu installation which is on wubi. when I try to mount the root.disk file, I get the  input/output error. Please help :(12:09
DistroJockeyomegaphi: Do you know why the Ubuntu installation is corrupt? I'm thinking your hard drive is dying.12:09
szal!repeat | omegaphi12:09
ubottuomegaphi: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:09
[THC]AcidRainDistroJockey: im thinking the disk was scratched ;)12:09
Hedgehog456crackerjackz: it seems to be a problem over all linux distros, i'll try in #linux , thanks12:09
crackerjackzi'm trying to remove lamp but it won't listen :/ http://pastebin.com/wcDf8T7s12:10
omegaphiDistroJockey , May be, but I have a dual boot system and windows work fine. ATM I just want to save my data from corrputed ubuntu12:10
crackerjackzHedgehog456, sorry i coulnd't be of any help. hope ya get it worked out soon!12:10
bblonkowskiHI Anubisss12:11
DistroJockeyomegaphi: Can you copy that root.disk file to another drive?12:11
bblonkowskiI need help with my ubuntu12:12
omegaphiDistroJockey , yes, from the windows! but that file is absent when I try to access it from the live cds12:12
bblonkowskii Have some problem with sound12:12
Sidewinder1omegaphi, Just so you are aware, wubi is not a dual-boot installation.12:12
Pwnnaanyone want to help be find a potential kernel  bug (suspected) that's really really bad (eats up the memory by caching them and not releasing it when program needs to allocate them, at least that's suspected)? Link: http://askubuntu.com/questions/51785/swap-shoots-to-100-after-a-couple-of-hours-of-usage12:13
szalomegaphi: Wubi != dual boot12:13
omegaphiok got it!12:13
omegaphiwubi!=dual boot12:13
Pwnnai've been trying to solve this for the past 2 weeks. can't find a solution. 5 hours of usage max before swap is getting used12:13
OerHekscrackerjackz, first stop mysql > sudo service mysql stop12:13
OerHekscrackerjackz then you could remove it.12:14
DistroJockeyomegaphi: If you can copy the file without IO errors then the disk is probably fine12:14
Sidewinder1wubi runs from within windows; therefore is not dual boot.12:14
Jed_84hi everyone12:14
crackerjackzOerHeks, it won't stop i can't stop the service ive tried12:14
omegaphiDistroJockey : when I put a live cd and mout the disk where wubi is installed, I get the same wubi folder as windows, but it is missing the  /disks/root.disk file :(12:16
omegaphiDistroJockey : Now since the file is absent the i/o error is quite obvious, isn't it?12:16
DistroJockeyomegaphi: And I'm not sure why you can't see that file on the Windows partition from a live CD. Live CD's see more than Windows does most times.12:16
DistroJockeyomegaphi: Not used wubi really, but it won't be automatically mounted in /disks12:17
omegaphiDistroJockey : My PC is a mess. It has got ubuntu10 and windows7, and over windows 7 I have ubuntu11 installed via wubi12:17
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit12:18
pooltablehelp with this http://paste.ubuntu.com/645364/?12:18
Juv1228hello, so i have a bit of a odd case setup scenario that ive been trying to work out the best options of12:19
DistroJockeyomegaphi: (repeating incase you missed it) Not used wubi really, but it won't be automatically mounted in /disks12:19
crackerjackzpooltable, is the image located on your "desktop"12:19
Juv1228one desktop PC that i would like to use for all my desktop tasks, which requires windows for some stuff, and i run ubuntu as my primary OS12:20
omegaphiDistroJockey : ok12:20
pooltablecrackerjacksz no desktop in folder vm\12:20
Pwnnai've been trying to solve this for the past 2 weeks. can't find a solution. 5 hours of usage max before swap is getting used12:20
Juv1228unfortunately i need access to a specific PCI device within windows so most vmware/other stuff is out12:20
crackerjackzpooltable, you need to be in the same directory as the image12:20
Juv1228also would rather not have to reboot into windows whenever i need it.12:21
crackerjackzcd /path/to/file.vdmk12:21
crackerjackzthen once you're in that directory12:21
crackerjackzrun this12:21
Abhinav1while watching video on ubuntu, video should be save in /tmp folder but in my case no video is there. where to configure it12:21
Juv1228so i was toying with the idea of using xen, as it would allow me to pass the PCI device through to the domU12:21
crackerjackzqemu-img convert "Mac OS X Snow Leopard.vmdk /tmp/Mac OS X Snow Leopard.bin"12:22
pooltablecrackerjacksz how do i do that ?12:22
crackerjackzpooltable, tell me where is the file saved12:22
pooltablecrackerjacksz here eightball@Sophia:~/Desktop/vm$ ls12:22
pooltableMac OS X Snow Leopard.vmdk12:22
crackerjackzpooltable, now type this12:23
crackerjackzqemu-img convert "Mac OS X Snow Leopard.vmdk /tmp/Mac OS X Snow Leopard.bin"12:23
Juv1228my thinking is that i can run my current ubuntu install as dom0 and setup a windows xp as a guest under xen, but this begs the question.12:23
Juv1228performance issues?12:23
crackerjackzthat's not right12:23
crackerjackztype this12:23
brainwave92dont punctuate with enter....else the flood bot will quieten u12:23
crackerjackzqemu-img convert "Mac OS X Snow Leopard.vmdk" "/tmp/Mac OS X Snow Leopard.vmdk"12:23
crackerjackzpooltable, just copy and paste it12:23
MercyboxMoniumhi - quick question. is there a way of upgrading directly from 9.10 to 11.04?12:24
crackerjackzbrainwave92, sorry12:24
MercyboxMoniumjust i avoided 10.04 because i heard there were 'issues'12:24
pooltablecrackerjacksz ok12:24
coz_MercyboxMonium,  I dont believe so12:24
MercyboxMoniumclean install it is then12:24
brainwave92Neither do i......like what? There are issues with every distro.12:24
crackerjackzpooltable, i goofed again.. type this instead12:24
szalPwnna: what's the exact OS?  you don't mention that anywhere12:24
pooltablecrackerjacksz went back to the blank line but will wait this time12:24
Pwnnaanyone want to help be find a potential kernel  bug (suspected) that's really really bad (eats up the memory by caching them and not releasing it when program needs to allocate them, at least that's suspected)? Link: http://askubuntu.com/questions/51785/swap-shoots-to-100-after-a-couple-of-hours-of-usage12:25
coz_MercyboxMonium,  that is always the preferred way :)  then you can be sure,, if anything is buggy , that it was not cuased by an upgrade glitch12:25
Pwnnaszal: there ^^^^12:25
crackerjackzqemu-img convert "Mac OS X Snow Leopard.vmdk" "/tmp/Mac OS X Snow Leopard.bin"    @ pooltable12:25
MercyboxMoniumsomeone i know upgraded and it didn't like his nvidia card. caused him hours of grief12:26
szalPwnna: no, it's not in there12:26
Pwnnaubuntu 11.0412:26
coz_MercyboxMonium,  not su rprising12:26
MercyboxMoniumclean install means backing up and all that though and i am extremely lazy12:26
Pwnnauname -a Linux ulti-laptop #1 SMP Sat Jul 16 12:55:43 CST 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux12:26
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coz_MercyboxMonium,  but in the end you will see that it was worth the effort and maybe condition  you to back up as you go along12:27
szalthat's obviously a non-standard kernel; try the stock kernel instead12:27
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Pwnnaszal: http://www.thehosthelpers.com/general-chat/linux-kernel-bug(severe-memory-leak-or-not-releasing-cached-memory)/12:27
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Pwnnagah url fail12:27
Pwnnagotta copy and paste, sorry12:27
HelpWithNattywhat does it mean when my PC freezes and the caps lock light is blinking?12:28
J0hnDoehi everyone - I currently have a few computers which are spare and arent being used - could anyone giveme some suggestions for what I could use them for ?12:28
MercyboxMoniumhehe coz_ did i mention just how lazy? ... nah i think i knew the answer, and i reckon it does the old system good to completely nuke the disks  and start afresh12:28
oCeanJ0hnDoe: #ubuntu-offtopic is a more appropiate place to ask12:29
omegaphihi, if I save the root.disk file from my wubi installation and then do a fresh wubi installation and then overwrite the existing root.disk with saved one. Would it save my data?12:29
Hedgehog456my webcam has no batteries, but it still appears to work12:29
coz_MercyboxMonium,  I believe it does,,and if you want to really clean up the disk before installation ,, download  Dban  and writ zeros to the drive,, depending on t he drive size, however it can take hours12:29
HelpWithNattywhat does it mean when my PC freezes and the caps lock light is blinking?12:29
brainwave92HelpWithNatty, dont repeat so quickly!12:29
MercyboxMoniumit's just a good few hours of configuring and tweaking12:30
brainwave92Anyone who knows the answer will tell you, else you have to wait buddy12:30
Pwnnaszal: does that help you at all?12:30
crackerjackzoCean, i still can't get rid of lamp :/12:30
MikeTGhello there!12:30
crackerjackzHedgehog456, howd you get it working?12:31
MercyboxMoniumDBan... can that be run from its own boot disc?12:31
DistroJockeyHelpWithNatty: Kernel panic from what I can gather with a quick Google search12:31
DistroJockeyHelpWithNatty: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96879212:31
Pwnnaszal: here's the patching method: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10996043#post1099604312:31
szalPwnna: define "can't even restart"12:31
crackerjackzoCean, i've tried stopping mysql first but it doesn't want to listen either12:32
Pwnnaszal: kernel hangs during restart12:32
HelpWithNattyDistroJockey: thanks. am using natty on an AMD Llano, pretty new. what would you suggest?12:32
Pwnnawell i'm out of ubuntu already12:32
shawnyGoodmorning room!  I was hoping to get some info on DNS.  Specifically, how do I get my own name servers to serve my internal names, and default to my ISPs nameservers if they [my server] doesn't have a listing12:32
crackerjackzi'm just gonna reinstall ubuntu if i can't get rid of it12:32
MercyboxMoniumlooks good coz_ thanks :)12:32
coz_MercyboxMonium,  no problem,, keep Dban around it comes in handy12:33
shawnyI read about views, but I don't have anything I want to serve on an external dns12:33
oCeancrackerjackz: It's dependencies issues. Result of removing some but not all packages. There's lots of hints when apt fails (like "try apt-get -f install") and such. I suggest you follow those suggestions12:33
Johny_Mnemonichello my darlings. Is there someone who can say HOW TO install Perl module JavaScript::SpiderMonkey when there is no SpiderMonkey C library?12:34
MercyboxMoniumi just hope i remember to burn the os iso to disc before running dban on the system :p12:34
DistroJockeyHelpWithNatty: Can't really suggest anything sorry. Depends how you are/were running it, etc.12:34
coz_MercyboxMonium,  yes that would be wise,, also you may conisder the minimal install cd,, it downloads from the net12:34
crackerjackzoCean, what is apt-get -f install?12:35
HelpWithNattyDistroJockey: do you think running the LTS 10.04 version will make it more stable?12:35
coz_MercyboxMonium,    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD12:35
brainwave92HelpWithNatty, does it happen everytym?12:35
coz_MercyboxMonium,  it is only 19 megs and little change of packet collisions and corrupt iso images... at some point  you will get a list of what can be installed,,  arrows to scroll the list and the "Space"  bar to tick a box12:35
DistroJockeyHelpWithNatty: No idea sorry.12:35
HelpWithNattybrainwave92: very often. Im thinking it could be a kernel module12:35
oCeancrackerjackz: -f is fix-broken, attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place12:35
crackerjackzoCean, it errored out.. http://pastebin.com/jL7QLnGa12:36
brainwave92HelpWithNatty, it could be a kernel problem if caps lock is blinking. What distro are you running? And what is the output of uname -r?12:36
shawnyhmm, perhaps I should look for a more specific room12:37
HelpWithNattybrainwave92: 2.6.38-8-generic and i am running natty12:37
oCeancrackerjackz: var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process. -> shutdown other apt/softwaremanager instances12:37
DistroJockeyHelpWithNatty: You could try Googleing with machine model and add +ubuntu  to the search12:37
brainwave92HelpWithNatty, then you already have a proper kernel. If you go to 10.04 i doubt things would improve.12:37
bazhang!google > DistroJockey12:38
ubottuDistroJockey, please see my private message12:38
g0tResults for > DistroJockey on Google:12:38
crackerjackzoCean, i don't have anything like that open it must be running in the background.. how do i tell it to stop?12:38
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.12:38
szalbrainwave92: you might want to update, 2.6.38-10 is the current kernel12:38
HelpWithNattyDistroJockey: ill try that. it might be good to mention as well i have an ATI gpu card and I may be having issues with fglrx12:38
brainwave92szal, i updated just now....:) maybe HelpWithNatty should try that12:38
BluesKajHiyas all12:38
oCeancrackerjackz: search for the process that is using that file:  fuser -v /var/cache/debconf/config.dat12:39
DistroJockeyThanks bazhang but I explained what to do in Google and not just to Google it.12:39
brainwave92HelpWithNatty, since i got a kernel 2.6.38-10 today.....you just update your system. You'll also get it. See if some problem is fixed.12:39
ubottubrainwave92, please see my private message12:39
bazhangDistroJockey, please dont do that.12:39
bhavesh_I am making a Gambas program to edit GRUB menu, with this program I am attaching a C++ (g++) program which gives terminal a command "sudo update-grub2" but when I do so it asks for password "sudo" how can I show a window in Ubuntu which asks user for a password. Like the one which Synaptic Package Manager shows at start?12:39
brainwave92bhavesh_, u can try gksudo12:40
HelpWithNattybrainwave92: i updated to that -10 but it messed up my graphics. So went back to -8.12:40
nightrid3rbhavesh_ gksudo12:40
coz_bhavesh_,   gksudo12:40
crackerjackzoCean, says command is frontend and pid is 3403   kill -9 3403?12:40
brainwave92lol how many replies...! we are a helpful community :) no doubt12:40
johnaI  have had to rebuild me server - was running Centos 5.5 - but I am thinking of moving over to Ubuntu 10.04+. What is/are the best tools for administering a family server - phenom II x4, 8Gb, 6Tb hdd. Is LVM worth it? what would be an optimal partitioning scheme? ...12:40
oCeancrackerjackz: or check what is that PID first   ps axuwww |grep PID12:40
brainwave92How can i use private message the bot to send me some info?12:40
bazhangbrainwave92, /msg ubottu12:41
balvinder25Hello all,12:41
balvinder25im abit new to ubuntu and i need to backup12:41
szaljohna: what did you use on CentOS for "administering"?12:41
balvinder25all of my customizations and settings on a dvd12:41
omegaphiDistroJockey : I am not able to copy/paste my root.disk file , I just found it out. can you help?12:41
crackerjackzoCean, the grep command you just gave me returned the pid of 388012:41
bazhangbalvinder25, rsync or sbackup12:41
rogers@shawny - Get webmin and use it to configure bind. Create a new zone for your local servers. Add nameserver entries to /etc/resolv.conf for your local dns and also for your external zone.12:42
johnaCentos has a gnome based GUI, Plus built in tools.12:42
oCeancrakdmirror: you have to grep for 340312:42
bazhang!sbackup > balvinder2512:42
ubottubalvinder25, please see my private message12:42
Sidewinder1balvinder25, You might look at grsync for back-ups; it's in the repositories.12:42
theToffHey, I have a Toshiba Satellite L305-S5921, and have Natty installed... and I just had a very messed up system failure.... my laptop just overheated with no apparent cause...12:42
szalrogers: as I understand it, webmin is NOT supported on *buntu12:42
theToffI opened it up, checked all the cables, and everything seemed in order, the fan is running properly, etc...12:43
BluesKajjohna, best to ask in #ubuntu-server12:43
rogers@szal neither is it supported on Debian which I use commercially. It still works well enough. In fact I've never had an issue other than changing default locations of config files.12:43
nightrid3rjohna depends what you want to do with it but as  a pure server http://www.zentyal.com/ might be usefull and its  ubuntu based12:44
theToffAny ideas as to what might have caused the issue?12:44
crackerjackzoCean, http://pastebin.com/DgR35dJQ12:44
brainwave92theToff, does it happen everytime?12:44
theToffNot at all, actually, and then twice this morning alone.12:44
coz_theToff,  you may want to test the hard drive temps12:44
coz_theToff,  sudo apt-get install  hddtemp12:45
balvinder25well i was actually looking to create an image of the current installed version so i can install it again the way it is.. something like norton image does, creates a snapshot of your hard rive . we write it on a dvd and just restore it back again..12:45
coz_theToff,  it doens have to be started at boot so ignor that prompt12:45
johnaBluesKaj: Thanks! the centos WEB site doesn't mention that channel!12:45
theToff@coz_: I'll check that out.12:45
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nightrid3rbalvinder25 ghost4linux12:45
balvinder25Perfect !!!12:45
coz_theToff,  if you want to test temps in   celcius   the command is   sudo hddtemp /dev/sd*   i fyou want farenheit it is  sudo  hddtemp --u=F  /dev/sd*12:45
theToff@balvinder25 ghost is an awesome program12:45
balvinder25ill look into it..12:45
crackerjackzoCean, also not sure if this will help but here is output of pstree http://pastebin.com/gvL9qtiN12:46
brainwave92guys how big should a brasero source at launchpad be?12:46
=== greatpopcorn_ is now known as greatpopcorn
brainwave92I tried pulling it out with bazar to fix a bug (my first) but its already downloaded 75 Mb and shows no relent yet12:47
vikapiwat is the alternative of /var/log/messages in ubuntu..i dnt find one in my installation..12:47
oCeancrackerjackz: I have no idea why tasksel-debconf is there. Might be a hanging process from earlier?12:47
crackerjackzoCean, that sounds plausible12:48
theToff@coz_: I ran said prog.... 102F is my current reading12:48
Leeds26mhey all...does anyone know where I can read the release notes for Gnome 3?12:48
coz_theToff,  whoa ,, that's way too hot12:48
bazhangLeeds26m, check the PPA maintainer. its not supported here12:48
coz_theToff,  80 F  or  83 F should be the ceiling12:48
theToffI  know.... and this is on a laptop, mind you...12:49
crackerjackzoCean, any ideas?12:49
bazhang!gnome3 > Leeds26m12:49
ubottuLeeds26m, please see my private message12:49
coz_theToff,   shut it down,, let it cool off ,, then restart and see if the temps increase again12:49
omegaphiMy root.disk file has got i/o errors so I Can't access my ubuntu. How do I repair it? I installed ubuntu with wubi12:49
oCeancrackerjackz: earlier you rebooted to get rid of this process, right?12:49
coz_theToff,  if it gets beyong 90 F  shut it down again12:49
theToffok.... btw, is there a prog I can use to check my core temps, etc?12:50
vikapigot it.. /var/log/syslog it is..12:50
coz_theToff,  otherwise you will get termal damage and the drive will fall into read only mode12:50
pooltablecrackerjacksz ok look like it is done where do i find it and open it load it in vbox12:50
crackerjackzoCean, yah but someone in here told me to run tasksel and find webserver and mysql in hte list but i never could find them... i think i pressed enter with lamp-server highlighted.. rahter than pressing ctrl c12:50
bipuli don't understand what does it mean <Please ensure that you have enabled VT-x/AMD-V properly in the BIOS of your host computer>12:50
oCeancrackerjackz: then I suggest to reboot again, and then run  sudo dpkg --configure -a  and  apt-get -f command again12:50
crackerjackzwhen i pressed enter it did nothing though.. it just took me back to the command line12:50
johnanightrid3r: the trouble with zentyal and other is that they tend to impose their ideas as to configs, eg, their postfix setup uses quarantine, whereas I drop anything that even remotely smells of spam; as my famuly is spread of 3 of the 5 continents I want things like webdav... and I ma not sure that zentyal et al support suchthings?12:51
rugnurhello I have a problem with partitions, can u help me pls? http://shortText.com/ZbRQBB12:51
theToff@bipul, what it means is that you need to have hardware virtualization support on the machine you are hosting the guest virtual machine12:51
crackerjackzokay brb12:51
omegaphi*reposting* my root.disk file has got i/o errors so I Can't access my ubuntu. How do I repair it? I installed ubuntu with wubi12:51
bipultheToff then how can i rectify this problem ?12:52
Leeds26momegaphi... have you tried fsck with a livecd?12:52
omegaphiLeeds26m It failed12:53
brainwave92theToff what did you say your temperature was?12:53
omegaphiLeeds26m : because the root.disk is not even visible from livecd12:53
lotuspsychjeomegaphi: hard disk broken?12:53
Leeds26mmmm, I'd say you're out of luck then omegaphi, I'm afraid12:54
omegaphilotuspsychje : no12:54
omegaphiLeeds26m : can I try checkdisk from windows?12:54
theToff@brainwave92: currentyl, 104F12:54
lotuspsychjeomegaphi: sata, ide, ssd?12:54
coz_theToff,  still too hot12:55
omegaphilotuspsychje : how do I find it out?12:55
coz_theToff,  for a video card that is reasonable temp not for hard drives12:55
theToffI know...12:55
brainwave92theToff, thats even lower than mine.....that is normal12:55
brainwave92mine is 118 farenheit!12:55
theToffHow can I judge my processor's heat?12:55
lotuspsychjeomegaphi: open your computer case and check, if ubuntu does not recognize hd, must be broken12:56
crackerjackzoCean, i'm not sure if maybe this would have anything to do with it.. but when i reboot. after i log in it says system problem detected, do you want to report problem now? cancel or report problem...12:56
coz_theToff,  you dont want to drive to get too much termal damage,, as i said it will fall into read only mode then you could be looking at a new hard drive12:56
pooltablecrackerjacksz what do i do nest?12:56
coz_theToff,  terminal damage makes a drive unreliable12:56
rugnurhello I have a problem with partitions, can u help me pls? http://shortText.com/ZbRQBB12:56
oCeancrackerjackz: ok, i have no clue what a "system problem" is, never seen that12:57
crackerjackzoCean, clicks on report problem then it says.. sorry the package phpmyadmin 3:3.3.10-1 failed to install or upgrade.12:57
coz_theToff,  another thing to try is install an earlier version of ubuntu ,, see if the temps continue to rise12:57
omegaphilotuspsychje : I am on the same computer, and from the live cd I was able to access the HD12:57
brainwave92theToff, my hard disk is 118.4 . From what you say...that is a problem12:57
crackerjackzoCean, then it goes on to say.. you can help the developers to fix the package by reporting the problem... clicks on report problem again12:57
coz_theToff,   however here,, 11.04.. the only thing I noticed is increase in ram useage not much in temps of hard drive or video card12:58
lotuspsychjeomegaphi and on natty clean install doesnt show?12:58
oCeancrackerjackz: hm, well that's all related to the current dependency issue12:58
crackerjackzoCean, then it opens up a webpage that says this... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debconf/+bug/34946912:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 349469 in debconf (Ubuntu) "debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable" [Medium,Triaged]12:58
oCeancrackerjackz: is the debconf / frontend process running atm?12:58
crackerjackzpooltable, send me the guide you're following again12:59
crackerjackzdid the last command i give you work?12:59
crackerjackzoCean, how do i tell if it is running again?13:00
oCeancrackerjackz: ok, it seems there's  a common debconf issue in that bug13:00
oCeancrackerjackz: please run fuser -v /var/cache/debconf/config.dat again13:00
lotuspsychjerugnur: what your prob with partitions?13:01
crackerjackzoCean, should i run sudo dpkg --configure -a  first?13:01
oCeancrackerjackz: nope13:01
crackerjackzoCean, when i type that command it returns no output.. it just takes me back to the command line13:02
haunted85Hi everyone I'm a ubuntu 10.10 user and my numeric keypad no longer works... can anyone please help me with that?13:02
crackerjackzi suppose thats a good thing right?13:02
pooltablecrackerjacksz http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-convert-vmware-image-to-virtualbox-image.html13:03
rugnurhi lotuspsychje basically, if you have a look on /dev/loop0 I have not space, while in /deve/sda5 there are 26 Gb free...I don't understand why appear a message saying:"you have 96 Mb only"13:03
pooltablecrackerjacksz i not sure  where do i fine the file?13:03
oCeancrackerjackz: ok, it seems debconf/frontend is not running currently. Now run  sudo rm /var/cache/debconf/* to clear that cache, and hopefully to prevent it from failing again13:03
lotuspsychjerugnur: try to install gparted and pysdm to understand what partitions you have13:04
crackerjackzpooltable, VBoxMange convertdd /tmp/nameofimage.bin nameofimage.vdi13:04
rugnurok... lotuspsychje ...13:04
noob7hey folks I just wanted to tell a quick problem I have a folder wirh some images/drawings and when I added some files nautilus just freezes when I open this folder http://pastebin.com/LMdALSbw13:04
noob7ubuntu 10.0413:05
crackerjackzoCean, now try to remove lamp or should i run apt-get -f install first13:06
oCeancrackerjackz: you removed the cachefiles? Then first  sudo dpkg --configure -a   and see if there's any output13:06
pooltablecrackerjacksz co comand VBoxMange ?13:06
oCeanpooltable: VBoxManage13:06
crackerjackzoCean, yup cleared the cache with that command you gave me.. it returned no output so i guess that means it worked aye?13:07
oCeancrackerjackz: no try  sudo apt-get -f install   again13:07
pooltableocean yes13:07
crackerjackzoCean, i think its gonna work this time :) it says please choose webserver that should be automatically configure to run phpmyadmin13:08
crackerjackzpooltable, what is the name of your image again?13:09
pooltablecrackerjacksz still lost here not even sure if the converrt work13:09
crackerjackzpooltable, paste bin me the output of everything youve done regarding that and ill look over it13:09
oCeancrackerjackz: ok, we're now actually getting somewhere? Once it's done, you still have to remove the lamp packages13:09
oncahow do I prevent ubuntu from ugrading my kernel unless I compile it myself?13:10
oCeancrackerjackz: once the -f install is done, check   pt-cache policy php5-common mysql-server-5.1 apache2.2-common13:11
pooltablecrackerjacksz  here http://paste.ubuntu.com/645383/13:11
bazhang!pinning > onca13:11
ubottuonca, please see my private message13:11
crackerjackzoCean, awesome lamp is gone i'm pretty sure.. but how do i make certain that it is completely removed from the system.. i odn't want it to leave any config files behind or anything because i'm going to be reinstalling it13:11
oCeancrackerjackz: see my previous command13:11
oncaawesome cool bot too13:11
crackerjackzoCean, i ran apt-get remove name of every package that has to do with lamp13:12
oCeancrackerjackz: ok, but remove does not remove configuration completely. You might have to run apt-get purge <list-of-those-packages> again13:13
omegaphilotuspsychje : I have windows and ubuntu via wubi, I can see everything but the root.disk file from live cd13:13
crackerjackzoCean, okay also did you mean ept-cache rather than pt-cache?13:13
crackerjackzor perhaps apt-cache13:13
oCeanif you mean apt rather then ept, then yes, I meant apt :p13:13
oncahow might I clean up my system before I back it up?13:14
oCeancrackerjackz: ok, to be sure, run  dpkg -l | egrep '(apache2.2-common|mysql-server-5.1|php5-common)'13:14
bazhangonca using deborphan, apt-get clean and apt-get autoremove13:15
bazhangfjorgynn, ?13:15
oncathank you13:15
ronqbccan i make skype not to appear in the task bar?13:15
rugnurlotuspsychje: Gparted says: /dev/sda5 /host 25.19 Gib, used 9.98, Unused 15.2113:16
rugnurwhat is this loop0?13:16
crackerjackzpooltable, type ls -a  and paste me the output13:16
crackerjackzpooltable, you typeod the command13:17
fjorgynnrugnur: probably13:17
fjorgynnronqbc: checked the13:17
psychicisthi, I'm trying to play the radio stations at http://www.parleremo.org/radio.php but many don't work on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS AMD64 with all codecs installed (except for win32 codecs) but most of them don't work13:17
venolhelo, How I can execute my script just for 5 minutes at 2.00 AM (2.00, 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.04, .05) with cron ?13:17
ronqbchow can i download chrome?13:17
fjorgynnronqbc: the software center?13:17
psychicistdoes anyone have an idea how to fix this or should I take this up with the ubuntu devs?13:18
fjorgynnpsychicist: tried to install mplayer?13:18
pooltablecrackerjacksz eightball@Sophia:~/Desktop/vm$ ls -a13:18
pooltable.  ..  Mac OS X Snow Leopard.vmdk13:18
ronqbcdo these results are bad? the ping?13:18
bazhangronqbc, google has repos for that, they add them automatically when you install chrome13:18
pooltablecrackerjacksz have to go how do i record session from now to i come back ?13:19
psychicistfjorgynn: not yet, but do you think it would solve anything? I've tried VLC already, but its mozilla plugin isn't working well and unmaintained13:19
fjorgynnpsychicist: gecko-mediaplayer13:19
crackerjackzpooltable does it list a Mac OS X Snow Leopard.bin?13:19
fjorgynninstall that13:19
psychicistfjorgynn: ok, will do so13:20
fjorgynnsudo apt-get install gecko-mediaplayer13:20
pooltablecrackerjacksz no13:20
fjorgynnthink it will work13:20
ronqbci've big problems using irc. the chat delay in 5 min. why?13:20
fjorgynnronqbc: leeching pr0n?13:20
fjorgynnronqbc: what chat program are u using?13:20
bazhangfjorgynn, thats not acceptable here. stop it13:20
* Juozas slaps fjorgynn with a 40-lb Unix Manual13:20
oCeanvenol: 1-5 2 * * * /path/to/program13:20
AnonUserHi, I've got a problem. After switching my graphics card (nvidia to ati), session startup takes more time, the system is slower and most part of gnome do not appear to be working.13:20
fjorgynnbazhang: yeah maybe leeching is the problem?13:21
oCeanJuozas: stop that please13:21
bazhangfjorgynn, last warning13:21
fjorgynnAnonUser: install drivers?13:21
ronqbcfjorgynn, xchat13:21
AnonUserfjorgynn: already did13:21
ronqbcso how is my connection? http://www.speedtest.net/result/1388197618.png13:21
crackerjackzpooltable, if you have to go then just add me to skype and i'll help you later on13:21
AnonUserfjorgynn: And nothing works still - gnome-panel doesn't appear and half the time it hangs after logging in13:21
=== zz_ng_ is now known as ng_
venoloCean: Thanks for your reply. I think so. But, the fact that's failed.13:22
pooltablecrackerjacksz how do i do that?13:22
crackerjackzpooltable, email me i guess then... russiankgb@rocketmail.com13:22
venoloCean: Maybe U can help me please..13:22
oCeanvenol: sure, explain13:22
crackerjackzi have to go get ready for a funeral though13:23
pooltablecrackerjacksz ok thanks i hope to get this fix today chat l8r13:23
AnonUserDoes anybody have an idea? Logs tell me nothing (there's a gap of 150s)13:23
AnonUserBefore xorg does anything13:24
spitziHi. I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty. Apparently the software repositories I had configured are no longer available. How do I easily update my list of software repositories ? I don't want to upgrade my Ubunutu version.13:24
venoloCean: I have 2 script programming and I want to execute my first script just 5 minutes and then my second script the next 5 minutes13:24
valleydaddy78hello all13:24
crackerjackzpooltable, but if you send me an email i'll help you13:24
venoloCean: I have try with your suggestion but no result.. My script is not running by cron .13:25
crackerjackzpooltable, its around 925 am the funeral is at 2pm.. i gotta wash some clothes and what not.. i should be back around 6pm my time13:25
oCeanvenol: 1-5 2 * * * /path/to/program1   <--- this will run program1 at 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.04 and 2.0513:25
crackerjackzi can help you around then.. i'll more than likely be in the IRC..13:26
Dascanyone know how to downgrade linux headers?13:26
oCeanvenol: you have to be sure it's executable, and that the cron can find the path to the program. Check /var/log/syslog for failed cron jobs13:26
venoloCean: Ok..13:26
oCeanDasc: downgrade?13:27
bazhangspitzi, its end of life, its not supported. you need to upgrade13:27
MikeTGhello again13:27
bazhang!upgrade > spitzi13:27
ubottuspitzi, please see my private message13:27
spitzibazhang - I use it for so little stuff. C'mon, it's not dead per se.13:27
DascoCean: yeah13:27
MikeTGmy ubuntu always crash. does anyone can tell mw why please?13:28
bazhangspitzi, its not supported here. do what you wish, just dont ask for our support13:28
spitziSurely there's some working repository for jaunty still somewhere.13:28
bazhangspitzi, no, there is not13:28
oCeanDasc: if you're building anything against your current kernel, you need the current headers version also13:28
DascoCean: updated my ubuntu and it seems to stopped allowing me to login via gnome :(13:28
oCeanDasc: that has nothing to do with -headers, if you want to boot into an older kernel, do so via grub menu13:28
bazhangspitzi, see the eolupgrades link in the link you got13:28
remoteCTRLhi guys!+13:29
valleydaddy78dasc, use ubuntu classic13:29
spitziOh well, thanks. Bye.13:29
DascoCean: hmmmm the older headers doesn't seem to work either :( and the problem I have is, I clicked on the update button 2 days ago and has now stopped working13:29
=== ok1234 is now known as WukongSun
Dascvalleydaddy78: I would if I have to >_X;;; I just want to logon to my desktop13:30
oCeanDasc: the *headers* have nothing to do with that.13:30
oCeanDasc: what version ubuntu / gnome are you using?13:30
MikeTGcould some one help me please, before ubuntu crashs again13:30
crackerjackzoCean, remember the apt-get purge command? it seems to purge some of it but some of it would not... http://pastebin.com/3rGeefvH13:31
DascoCean: my box was working till the last update, a guy here told me to check the apt history.log file, it says there it updated a few linux-header files and that's when my box stopped working13:31
DascoCean: I'm on 10.04.213:31
khadrintrying to figure out why blkid is wrong about uuid and filesystem type: http://paste.ubuntu.com/645387/13:32
oCeancrackerjackz: ok, to be sure, run  dpkg -l | egrep '(apache2.2-common|mysql-server-5.1|php5-common)'13:32
khadrinits not the cache file13:32
oCeancrackerjackz: or grep for even more packages13:32
crackerjackzoCean, i did the output of that command is in the same pastebin13:32
MikeTGLinux Coadmin-System 2.6.38-10-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 28 15:05:41 UTC 2011 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux  always crashes13:33
NeedHelp_Hi, I've got a problem with gnome panels/whole of unity not appearing13:33
Tornehow do you remap keys on the keyboard globally? for all users, in X and the console, all the time? I need to swap left alt and left win because i have a weird backwards keyboard. :)13:33
MikeTGneed help or advices13:33
oCeancrackerjackz: right now i see.. you can run a   sudo dpkg -P packagename  for those 3 packages, but it's still no guarantee that *every* configfile has been removed13:33
oCeancrackerjackz: you you might have to look for those remaining configs in /etc (sub)directories yourself13:34
crackerjackzoCean, what does dpkg -P do?13:34
Sidewinder1!classic > NeedHelp_13:34
ubottuNeedHelp_, please see my private message13:34
remoteCTRLi got this strange phenomenon that apeears to be copy protection related: when i insert an audio cd with a children's play on it, ubuntu suggests i open it with banshee which i dont as it crashes but i would like to see its contents so i choose nautilus, but then i get: Could not display "cdda://sr0/". i dont even get to see it when i use the mount command, also there is no entry for cdrom in /etc/fstab, nor a cd or dvd device in /dev but vlc DOES13:34
szalMikeTG: how does it crash13:34
ronqbcso how is my connection? http://www.speedtest.net/result/1388197618.png13:35
NeedHelp_Sidewinder1: I'm not asking about switching to classic13:35
ronqbccan i make skype not to appear in the task bar?13:35
oCeanDasc: ok, I have no clue why you cannot login. But I can tell you it's not the -headers update. But if -headers whas updated, then the linux-image (kernel) was updated also (likely) so you should be able to boot into the previous kernel13:35
MikeTG<szal> thanks for asking, it just hang up. All I've to to is to turn it off13:35
szalremoteCTRL: VLC does what?13:35
oCeancrackerjackz: it's a purge option. You can read details in the  man dpkg  page13:35
szalMikeTG: sounds like a hardware problem13:36
Sidewinder1NeedHelp_, No one else was answering; it was simply a suggestion, sorry. :-)13:36
NeedHelp_Sidewinder1: I'm asking about getting anything to work - suddenly no interface wants to appear, be that Unity or classic, and session takes ages to start13:36
NeedHelp_Sidewinder1: Ah, ok13:36
crackerjackzoCean, okay ty you have been a big help. thank you for helping me i gotta go get ready for this funeral now13:36
NeedHelp_Sidewinder1: better than nothing I guess :D13:36
psychicistfjorgynn: thanks, that seems to have solved most problems, although some of the channels that used to work with Totem's plugin have stopped working13:36
oCeancrackerjackz: glad to be of help. See you later13:36
MikeTG<szal> is there anyway to find it out?13:36
maaheswhere can I purge my notify-osd settings if I've screwed them up?13:36
DascoCean: well my current situation is that it boots onto the logon screen in gnome, lets you select uers, but after I've entered the correct password it goes black for 0.5 sec and then kicks me back to the login screen again.13:36
rugnurhello ubuntu says that there are only 130 Mb of space, and I don't know what to do considerating that the space is 29 Gb and 15Gb are unused, and it's installed in windows...13:37
remoteCTRLszal: if i choose to play the cd with vlc from within ubuntus "what shall i do with the media that you just inserted" dialog, then it plays! if i open vlc and click on the "file" menu then open location or open file i get the Could not display "cdda://sr0/". error13:37
Dr_WillisDasc:  as a test  - use the console to make a new user. see if the newly made user works.13:37
Dr_Willisrugnur:  you used a wubi type install in windows?13:37
maahesrugnur→ you probably have a weird runaway log file. If you know how to use the terminal: go to /var/log and run du13:37
szalMikeTG: overheating -> install lm-sensors and some monitoring tool for whatever UI you use; if it overheats, open case & clean fan(s) and heatsink(s) (can't hurt anyway)13:37
remoteCTRLszal: also i cannot seem to figure out where ubuntu nowadays actually mounts the cdrom drive to as there a re no entries in fstab, nothing in /media, nothing in /dev, i'm confused!13:38
szalMikeTG: could be RAM -> run memtest86+ w/ as many passes as possible13:38
Dr_WillisremoteCTRL:  normally /media/VolumeNameOfTheCD from what ive seen13:38
szalremoteCTRL: afaik, audio CDs are not mounted13:38
oCeanDasc: I'm sorry, but I really have no clue why that happens. You can search launchpad (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu) for known bugs. Or try to boot in older linuxkernel (press and hold shift during boot to enter the grub men)13:39
remoteCTRLDr_Willis: that is exactly what i was hoping for, but thre is just nothing there! yet vlc plays it!13:39
Dr_Williscorrect - you do not mount audio music cds13:39
szalMikeTG: could also be a too weak or failing PSU13:39
DascDr_Willis: tried making a new user, it allows me to login, but then just stops loading after you've put in the correct password.  It has the background image and you can move your mouse around, no right clicks or anything.13:39
Dr_WillisremoteCTRL:  audio cd  gets accessed directly via the /dev/XXX item13:39
remoteCTRLDr_Willis: szal no?? erm... what then?13:39
Dr_WillisremoteCTRL:  i dont know what you are trying to do....13:39
remoteCTRLDr_Willis: do you happen to know that /dev/xxx item that could be? cos there is no /dev/cdrom nor /dev/dvd nor anything that would resemble a cd...?13:40
Dr_Willis /dev/cdrom is normally a link to /dev/sr0 here13:40
remoteCTRLDr_Willis: well i was listening to an audio play with my daughter, then all of a sudden it ended in the middle, vlc does not recognize any further chapters, so i tried to just look what actually IS on the cd, but i can fugure out no way to just see its contendt, nautilus also says Could not display "cdda://sr0/".13:41
MikeTG<szal> you could be wright. Under Windoz it uses to turn off automatically. Now I've open the case and put a ventilator on the side ;-). it is traditional but I think it should take care of the heat13:42
Dr_WillisremoteCTRL:  check dmesg command output perhaps. it may mention some errors13:42
cinnabar12anyone know how to get a rt3090 wifi card working in natty?13:43
remoteCTRLDr_Willis: ok, the /dev/sr0 hint was already wery nice, could you also tell me with what filesystem option i should mount  a cdrom? like -t ext4 or -t iso99somthing?13:43
RandomCakeHi, I'm having troube with mutt, my command is 'mutt -s "email subject" -a data.txt tom@example.com < hello.txt', but it gives this error: 'Can't stat tom@example.com: No such file or directory', any suggestions on where I'm going wrong?13:43
llutz_RandomCake: mutt -s "email subject" -a data.txt  -- tom@example.com < hello.txt13:45
remoteCTRLi really can't recall when i ever had to do this manually...13:45
RandomCakethanks very much llutz :) I just found it on a forum! always the way, spend ages searching, and as soon as I ask, find it elsewhere aswell :)13:46
llutz_RandomCake: "man mutt" 4 seconds to find :)13:46
remoteCTRLDr_Willis: erm... dmesg throws like a ton of errors...13:46
RandomCakeyeah, silly me trusting online documentation before man!13:47
PhonicUKhey all - I'm installing 10.04 LTS x64 on a machine that already has Windows 7 installed for a dual boot setup, however the "Install them side by side, choosing between them each startup" option is missing - it wants to either use the entire disk or use manual partitioning (which won't let me resize the windows partition)13:47
bazhanghttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/541620  cinnabar12 have a look here13:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 541620 in linux (Ubuntu Natty) "Ralink RT3090 Wireless Not Supported in Lucid" [High,Fix released]13:48
PhonicUKam I going to have to use something like GParteD first?13:48
remoteCTRLDr_Willis: mostly keeps repeating the same thing over and over, like these 5 lines: http://nopaste.info/e090de0d3e.html13:48
remoteCTRLis that copy protection related?13:49
cinnabar12bazhang: I've looked there before, the workaround that's posted doesn't work13:49
astraljavallutz_: Yeah, manpages... such a forgotten resource. :-/  Also reminded me of this: http://xkcd.com/912/  But alas, I digress, for which I apologize.13:50
ronqbccan i make skype not to appear in the task bar?13:50
ronqbcso how is my connection? http://www.speedtest.net/result/1388197618.png13:50
ronqbci've big problems using irc. the chat delay in 5 min. why?13:50
bazhanghttps://launchpad.net/~markus-tisoft/+archive/rt3090?field.series_filter=natty cinnabar12 this should13:50
PhonicUKronqbc, impressive xD is that tethered or a landline?13:51
Mamedhi guys i have a problem with ubuntu. When i log on nothing is showing up except whats on the desktop. And Ctrl+Alt+T and Alt-F2 dont work i have been able to go around it and open the folder with all the applications so i can still opn terminal that way but i dont know what to do. If i log in to ubuntu without any special effects it works fine.13:51
ronqbcPhonicUK, landl13:51
cinnabar12bazhang: I've tried that too but oddly it either works for one run session and then on next startup it doesn't or it causes a kernel panic13:51
astraljavaronqbc: Could you please pastebin the output of `ping -c 50 www.google.com`13:51
PhonicUKronqbc, wow - where are you that it's that bad?13:51
Dr_WillisMamed:  so that points to it being a compiz or unity related issue.13:51
astraljavaronqbc: That will let us know whether there are packets dropping on the way.13:52
bazhangcinnabar12, thats all I can find presently, sorry13:52
edbianMamed: Are you using unity or ubuntu classic?13:52
astraljavaronqbc: Otherwise, that connection shouldn't be the cause of such a delay.13:52
cinnabar12bazhang: wait a mo, it's been updated since I used it last13:52
cinnabar12bazhang: I'll give i a shot13:52
oncawhere are modules selected to be loaded, how do I remove some?13:52
Dr_Willis!blacklist | onca13:52
ubottuonca: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »13:52
stercor_My mouse is stuck.  What process should I look for and kill?  Or does it require a reboot?13:52
ronqbcastraljava, how much time should the process take?13:53
Dr_Willisstercor_:  you could try going to the console and restatting the X session. 'sudo service gdm restart'13:53
edbianonca: It's all in kernel code.  When the system boots the hardware is scanned and proper modules are selected for you from a long list of available ones.13:53
ronqbcPhonicUK, israel13:53
szalremoteCTRL: copy protection can have weird effects..  I have some copy-protected CDs, and everytime I insert one it shows a different number of tracks, so I can be lucky to have the whole CD showing, or nothing at all, or anything in between13:53
astraljavaronqbc: The '-c 50' option means "try 50 times", and it pings once a second.13:53
stercor_Dr_Willis: Thanks.  I'll do just that.13:53
cinnabar12bazhang: if it does happen to work and I add the PPA to my sources.list do you think it would still work if I did an upgrade to Oneiric when it comes out?13:53
Mamedya i happened after i installed ccsm and then i crashed and restarted and i when into classic and everything works fine there and i uninstalled ccsm and went back to notmal ubuntu and it was the same problem and i went back into classic again and installed ccsm again thinking that maybe maybe i could go back to the default settings but everything is already on default and it still isnt working13:54
maahes /buffer notify highlight13:54
szalremoteCTRL: at this occasion I pat my audiocd:/ kioslave (KDE)13:54
remoteCTRLszal: hehe weird... yet still you are one step ahead of me, cos i don't even get to see the tracks -.-13:54
ronqbcastraljava, will it be sufficient to make it just 20?13:54
Dr_WillisMamed:  there was no need to uninstall ccsm. it just tweaks the compiz settings..13:54
astraljavaronqbc: If it's a really bad case, probably.13:54
bazhangcinnabar12, all PPA are removed upon version upgrade, it will either be included in oneiric, or perhaps the maintainer will make one for oneiric13:54
Dr_Willis Mamed  there are some commands to reset unity and compiz back to defaults. I think i got the url bookmarked at -> http://delicious.com/dr_willis13:54
exutuxbazhang: hi, can I pm you a bit?13:55
Dr_WillisMamed:  its from the webupd8 blog site13:55
bazhangexutux, ask here for support please13:55
exutuxbazhang: isn't for support13:55
bazhangexutux, sure13:55
PhonicUKhttp://www.speedtest.net/result/1318863973.png << jelly?13:55
oncahow might I enforce the loading of a module?13:56
Dr_Willisonca:  tell us what you are trying to acomplish by all this.13:57
llutz_onca: at boottime? add it to /etc/modules13:57
edbianonca: What module, for what hardware? (generally the best way is to remove all other possibilities).  You can also sudo modprobe it manually13:57
oncaI have patched my kernel for the unifying receiver for logitech and for the Digitalpersona for my fignerprint scanner13:57
oncaDr Willis does that help?13:57
remoteCTRLszal: darn... i might really invest into some dvd-playa, cos somehow i've had these "NO YOU CANNOT LISTEN TO THIS CD ON YOUR COMPUTER, COS WE ARE COPY OVERPRETECTIVE" nonsense up to here... or... i stop buying cds and start downloading like them everybody else... i really detest them *****s!13:58
Dr_Willisonca:  so you knew how to patch a kernel . but not load a module?13:58
Skaperenanyone know when Ubuntu will support (have a package for) unionfs or aufs or something like that?13:58
oncaDr_willis, it's been ten years since I've done this13:58
oncaand it's very different13:58
savidHi, I'm trying to replicate unity's functionality w/o using unity (because it's unstable as hell).   I'm using docky + gnome-do for launching,  but I really liked the app-menus and maximzed feature of unity (ie, where the window titlebar merges into the panel when maximized).   Is there a way to do this?13:58
remoteCTRLszal:  Dr_Willis: anyways, thanks for you'r efforts!13:58
Dr_Willisonca:  what issue were you having with the unify reciever? the one i have here just 'works'13:59
oncaMy keyboard works fine13:59
oncamy mouse won't13:59
oncaI have three dongles and none of them pair up13:59
Dr_WillisOdd. Mine both worked here.. untill the wife took them. :)13:59
szalremoteCTRL: can't hurt having a hardware player anyway, especially since they cost almost nothing these days14:00
oncaI have a nifty solar powered keyboard14:00
edbiansavid: The only way I know of is a) install / use unity.  b) edit some source code (which is what they did to create unity).  I'm not sure of another way.14:00
oncagotta reboot14:00
edbianoutta batteries for your keyboard?14:00
Utopia_any kind soul to help me with an ubuntu server issue?14:00
Dr_Willisedbian:  its in the shade. :)14:00
savidedbian,  are you suggesting I actually participate in open-source development?  That's madness!14:00
edbianUtopia_: What's the issue?14:01
ronqbcastraljava, http://paste.ubuntu.com/645400/14:01
nocilisjust put the new ubuntu on my machine aaaaaand now I can't find most of my packages14:01
edbiansavid: I'm recommending you don't re-invent the wheel14:01
Skaperensavid: why is that?14:01
goatWalkerZhi  I'm having problem with my window's title bar....they're not showing :((14:01
f3bruaryUtopia_: whats your problem14:01
Dr_Willisnocilis:  'my' packages? what packages...14:01
nocilisspecifically libsdl-dev and liballeg-dev14:01
savidSkaperen,   /sarcasm14:01
Dr_Willis!info libsdl-dev14:01
melvincvHi. I'm trying to create a dialer. I'm using ADSL modem by BSNL India. It is running in bridged mode. PPPoE somehow fails after some time. I used the DSL tab in the Edit connections box, but I'm unable to connect from a standard user account using GUI. It just says "Wired network: device not managed" Please help me.14:01
ubottuPackage libsdl-dev does not exist in natty14:01
edbiannocilis: Have you looked at Synaptic -> Edit -> Software Sources ?14:01
nocilisunforunately, yes14:01
Skaperensavid: of course, but adding sarcasm to open source projects would be great, IMHO14:01
Utopia_Well trying to install ubuntu server on a HP DL380 G4 server but installation only stops after "detecting harware" part..14:01
nocilisedbian: no, checking that now14:02
edbiannocilis: sure14:02
Dr_Willis!info libsdl1.2-dev14:02
ubottulibsdl1.2-dev (source: libsdl1.2): Simple DirectMedia Layer development files. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.14-6.1ubuntu3 (natty), package size 804 kB, installed size 3444 kB14:02
goatWalkerZcan anyone help me?  :/14:02
Dr_Willisapt-cache search libsdl | grep dev     :)14:02
bazhanggoatWalkerZ, on unity?14:02
goatWalkerZno on gnome classic version14:02
edbianUtopia_: Bad place to get stuck.  Try removing certain bits of hardware one at a time and booting.  Then you'll see which is the problem. Easy first one: hdd14:02
SkaperenUtopia_: I've found that about 40% of HP models won't work with Linux as is ... but I've also found that some of them will work if ACPI is turned off in BIOS first14:03
nocilisdr_willis: trying that14:03
bazhanggoatWalkerZ, what does alt f2 metacity --replace    do14:03
nocilisubottu: umm? so it's installed automatically with libsdl?14:03
ubottunocilis: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:03
Dr_Willisnocilis:  if trying to compile a package in the repos. you can use the 'build-dep' option in apt to pull in all the ndeede -dev packages also.14:03
Utopia_Yea it's horrible place to get stuck, no commadline (working) or anything =(14:03
Utopia_only the purple screen =(14:03
savidedbian,  getting unity to a place where it's not buggy will likely take more effort than I'm willing to expend  (I gotta pay the rent).14:04
savidedbian, Like I said, I've got most of the stuff I like about it.  I have docky + gnome-do for launching, and  I figured out how to get app-menus using the appmenu indicator applet.   The only thing left is the maximizing feature.  If that's something I can't replicate w/o unity then I'm fine without it.  I was just asking here just in case there was something I wasn't aware of.14:04
venolExcusme, anybody here can show to me, where is the tutorial configuration mailgraph on ubuntu 10.0414:04
nocilisUtopia_ -- tried switching to a different virtual terminal?14:04
Utopia_but ok, try to turn off ACPI first.. and for this test i can't remove Hd's i'm only using 1 atm14:04
bullgard4http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME_Keyring: "GNOME Keyring is a daemon application designed to take care of the user's security credentials, such as user names and passwords. The sensitive data is encrypted and stored in a keyring file in the user's home folder." What is the name of this file in Natty?14:04
edbiansavid: There used to be a gnome-applet called maximizer. See if that is still around14:04
goatWalkerZbazhang: "compiz --replace" or "metacity --replace" or in other words reloading the window manager or changing the window decorator didn't help14:04
robin0800PhonicUK, you could use the alternate cd which has a much better partitioner14:04
lotuspsychjeDr_willis: you know a way to colortail -f all logs togheter instead of seperate, so i can see realtime changes in any of /var/log14:05
ronqbchttp://paste.ubuntu.com/645400/  does this bad? what should i do?14:05
bazhanggoatWalkerZ, which theme and which window-decorator are you using14:05
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edbiansavid: They put the feature you're talking about into maximizer and then they moved everything and now call it unity.14:05
Dr_Willislotuspsychje:  cat them all, and pipe it into colortail perhaps.14:05
PhonicUKrobin0800, i just found out its because the hard disk is failing its SMART test and has bad sectors xD14:05
PhonicUKso its refusing to do much14:05
Dr_Willislotuspsychje:  that may be a big mess. :)14:05
PhonicUKgotta RMA the drive14:05
goatWalkerZbazhang: emerald window decorator and compiz as the wm14:05
melvincvMay I know how to create a dialer for an ADSL modem running in bridged mode?14:05
the[void]anyone know why i might be getting so many errors retriving libs during install?14:05
lotuspsychjedr_willis: lol14:05
xertiaHello, is anyone able to help me out regarding 11.04 installation onto ext USB HDD? I get as far as partitioning and then it decides not to recognise the USB drive (even though the Live booted OS does).... help plz :) PM me if need.14:06
bazhanggoatWalkerZ, I'd see emerald as the issue as its no longer maintained nor supported14:06
Dr_Willislotuspsychje:  some of the files in /var/log dir. I think are 'binary' data. so you dont want to cat them14:06
nocilishmm - dr_willis... it now seems like I can apt-get libsdl1.2-dev14:06
Sidewinder1melvincv, Perhaps this will help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=170634114:06
Dr_Willisnocilis:  thats the package name. :)14:06
nocilisdr_willis but it wasn't showing up in the package manager14:06
Dr_Willisnocilis:  it did here...14:06
Dr_Willisapt-cache search libsdl | grep dev     :)14:06
Sidewinder1melvincv,  Sorry it took me so long to find. :-)14:06
lotuspsychjedr_willis: ive read up a tool multitail, it can tail seperate logs14:06
goatWalkerZbazhang: so how do I fix this? If I want to remove emerald window manager14:06
Dr_WillisgoatWalkerZ:  emerald is a window decorator. not a window manager.14:07
lotuspsychjedr_willis: but i was wondering if logs can be tracked in one central place?14:07
nocilisdr_willis yeah I tried that and it found it, so thanks for your help. It's working now :D14:07
Dr_Willislotuspsychje:  theres so many things taht can be done with logs and logservers its scary.. so proberly can.. but i never need to do it.14:07
goatWalkerZbazhang: sorry I mean will it be fixed if I remove it14:07
bazhanggoatWalkerZ, not sure, I've never had that issue and not used emerald in several years14:08
oCeanlotuspsychje: you can configure syslog to log in single file See /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf14:08
venoloCean: Helo, thanks for your suggestion. The script success running for 5 minutes first. But, when I try again that's fault..14:08
Skaperenlotuspsychje: unix has been logging multiple logs from different machines onto one before Linus even went to school14:08
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ronqbcdoes #css logged?14:09
ronqbchttp://paste.ubuntu.com/645400/  does this bad? what should i do?14:09
venoloCean: is there any effect of changing the time I do ?14:09
bazhangronqbc, ask them14:09
daGrevisHello, guys. Maybe you can take a look at http://askubuntu.com/questions/53327/screen-is-going-crazy-after-connecting-to-wi-fi-network and help me? Please.14:09
oCeanvenol: I don't understand.. changing the time?14:09
daGrevisI can stand Windoze!14:09
nocilisdagrevis: ha14:10
melvincvThanks, but why doesn't the DSL tab work???14:10
SkaperendaGrevis: yeah, Windows makes people mistype contractions14:10
lotuspsychjeocean: tnx lemme try that14:10
venoloCean: Oh thanks, that's solved. I just need restart the cron. :)14:10
melvincvIt worked, till I logged in as a desktop user.14:10
daGrevisdamn, ´ this doesnt work14:10
oCeanvenol: ok!14:10
daGrevisironic, huh?14:10
SkaperendaGrevis: what I can't stand are people that like Windows14:11
savidedbian,  is it "maximus" that you're talking about?14:11
oCeanSkaperen: stay on topic please14:11
cybervolfei am having trouble with my moblie broadband connection14:11
edbiansavid: sure!14:11
daGrevisoCean, can you help me?14:11
edbiansavid: Why do you say that?14:11
SkaperenoCean: I did14:11
cybervolfeits getting disconnected automatically14:11
cybervolfecan any one help me plz....before it get disconnected14:12
daGrevisit recognize my device, but when  try to connect... it just doesnt do anything. just tried and thats all. fater few minutes it asks psw again/14:12
Gama11any idea why I gotta type in my pass 4 times until i can actually use my ubuntu? the settings are changed to auto-login, so i don't log in from the login screen. Also, I definetely didn't mistype it, as it doesn't say that and it's _always exactly 4 times_14:12
oCeandaGrevis: nope14:12
daGrevisoCean, damn.14:12
daGrevisany1 else?14:12
edbiandaGrevis: Are you logging into unity or ubuntu classic or ubuntu classic no-effects14:12
Dr_WillisGama11:  you mean the keyring is poping up 4 times?14:13
savidedbian, well, you called it "maximizer" earlier -- but I couldn't find anything on that.  wanted to make sure it was the same thing you were talking about.  not sure yet.14:13
daGrevisedbian, xubuntu - xfce.14:13
stercorHow do I change the video resolution on my terminal sessions?14:13
edbiansavid: I think you found it and I remembered the name wrong.14:13
edbiandaGrevis: Do you have desktop effects running?14:13
Dr_Willisstercor:  the consoles can use the framebuffer tools to change their res. fbset and a fes other fb* commands.14:13
mrk1newbie question: i mounted a second hard drive yesterday after formatting it as ext4. i can see it but it does not let me create any files or folders. It is a permissions problem so i tried chmod in terminal but that is not working either. any advice?14:13
daGrevisedbian, what do u mean with that? There arent such mega effects in xfce. just simple desktop. and it works, ye.14:14
Dr_Willismrk1:  set the permissions and ownership of the mountpoint to be owned by your user. Or make a directory  in the drive/mouintpoint and chown.chmod that.14:14
edbianmrk1: sudo chown -R you:you /path/to/folder/with/hdd/mounted/in/it14:14
edbianThat was a long path!14:14
edbianmrk1: That will make you the owner14:14
cybervolfehey guys help me please..........14:14
Dr_Willis!permissions | mrk114:14
ubottumrk1: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions14:14
ehndecould anyone help with this question? http://askubuntu.com/questions/53332/lost-access-to-my-files-after-changing-plan14:15
melvincvHmm. I guess updating my Ubuntu box should iron out some bugs... hope it fixes the DSL one too.14:15
ehndei can't get to my files on ubuntu one anymore14:15
Gama11Dr_Willis: exactly.14:15
edbiandaGrevis: What wifi card do you have?  What driver are you using?  What video card do you have. what driver are you using for that?14:15
Dr_Willisehnde:  you may want to try the #ubuntuone channel14:15
bazhangehnde, also try in #ubuntuone14:15
ehndeDr_Willis: thanks, i had no idea there was a channel for that14:15
SkaperendaGrevis: what video card are you using?  seems maybe the driver for it is fubar14:15
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edbian!ask | cybervolfe:14:15
ubottucybervolfe:: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:15
xertiacan anyone tell me why 11.04 live recognises my ext usb hdd, but then the installer wont?14:15
Dr_WillisGama11:  you can reset the keyring, and have it use unsafe storage. so it never asks.. if you wanted. it could be 4 differnt apps accessing the keyring at the same time.. ive never had it be an issue14:16
mrk1dr willis thanks14:16
mrk1edbian thanks14:16
Skaperenxertia: is it partitioned?14:16
melvincvIf not, may I know where to report the bug in Network Connections GUI?14:16
edbianmrk1: sure14:16
edbianmrk1: Did that fix it?14:16
cybervolfeedbian: i am having trouble with the mobile broadband connection14:16
edbianxertia: Is it mounted?14:16
bazhang!bug > melvincv14:16
ubottumelvincv, please see my private message14:16
xertiayep, just used gparted to create ext4 (bootable) and swap partitions on it, then launched installation, get to allocating disk and it wont show up ??14:16
daGrevisedbian, i have linksys wusb60n stick. i did all like in this tut - http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-wireless-networking-41/linksys-wusb600n-driver-and-dlink-dwl-ag132-driver-622449/ . i dont know what v0car i have, but its on-board. and no drivers for it. just native for linux.14:17
Skaperenxertia: I've found that the installer fails on certain partition limits of its own being exceeded14:17
cybervolfeedbian:it getting disconnected automatically14:17
Dr_WillisGama11:  keyring files are in ~/.gnome2/keyrings/ it seems14:17
mrk1edbian i am trying it out now ill let you know14:17
edbianxertia: Just cause you partitioned it does not mean it's mounted.  In fact it means those partitions are probably unmounted14:17
edbiancybervolfe: what?14:17
lotuspsychjeoCean: so it can harm if i change /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf all seperate lines to /var/log/general or something?14:17
Dr_Willisxertia:  ive had cases where ive needed to reboot after repartitioning a disk. for the os to see the new changes.14:17
Skaperenxertia: did you partition on mbr or gpt format?  any partition numbers above 15 ?14:17
lisakguys I installed sendmail, but it doesn't run on port 25 even after I changed  daemon_netmode to dynamic in sendmail.conf14:18
xertiambr i believe...14:18
lisakanybody have experience with that ?14:18
xertiadr_willis: yeah i tried a reboot14:18
cybervolfeedbian:yes ,the  internet connection is getting disconnected automatically14:18
xertiathe device (ie. /hda) doesn't even appear in the disk allocation list14:18
Gama11Dr_Willis: I've got quite a few indicators in my systray - possible that they want me to type in the pass....14:18
thecooldickI have this problem!14:19
Skaperenxertia: does the device show up in the output of the command (from a terminal):  cat /proc/partitions14:19
thecooldickwatch toe video, ot shows it14:19
cybervolfeedbian:i am using ubuntu 10.0414:19
thecooldickplease help me14:19
edbiandaGrevis: reading...14:19
xertiaskaperen: yes it does14:19
edbianthecooldick: I will answer simply because you have a video and that is fun.  Watching...14:19
oCeanlotuspsychje: it's been a while since I've changed the syslog config. Anyway backup the file before you edit.. But I think it is possible to let every priority log to its own logfile AND add a 2nd "general" logfile14:19
bazhangthecooldick, stop it, that has zero to with ubuntu14:20
effeietsanderscan someone ban suzy_ ? he/she's spamming new joiners14:20
edbianthecooldick: ... ?14:20
cybervolfeedbian:but there is no problem with the connection in the backtrack linux14:20
BaltazaarSkaperen, fint navn du har der!14:20
edbiancybervolfe: This is the ubuntu channel.  Not backtrack14:21
thecooldickplease! someone help me14:21
edbiandaGrevis: What driver are you using right now then?  does lspci show the device??14:21
bullgard4http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME_Keyring: "GNOME Keyring is a daemon application designed to take care of the user's security credentials, such as user names and passwords. The sensitive data is encrypted and stored in a keyring file in the user's home folder." What is the name of this file in Natty?14:22
cybervolfeedbian:hey i just told the symptoms14:22
SkaperenBaltazaar: jeg stjal den14:22
xertiaim a little lost with this one... might give up on the idea of installing to the usb... which means not installing ubuntu at all :\14:22
daGrevisedbian, can u tell me how to now what driver am i using? im new to linux. what info do u need and how can I get it?14:22
edbiancybervolfe: This is ubuntu support, not backtrack14:22
cybervolfeedbian:please help me man14:22
lotuspsychjeoCean: would be cool to colortail all log warnings, lemme try that :p14:22
BaltazaarSkaperen, med mindre du ER skaperen, så gjorde du nok det...14:22
cinnabar12bazhang: hey it's me, markus' driver might've worked but all I'm getting is the lines continuously going up the network manager icon and i asking for my encryption key14:22
edbiandaGrevis: sure, sudo lspci -k    Does that output show the device?  (if yes it will list the driver)  It is long.  You can use paste.ubuntu.com for me to read it if you like.14:23
szalBaltazaar, Skaperen: please speak English here14:23
ongolaBoyhello. what can explain that a friend is registered in launchpad but he can't edit https://wiki.ubuntu.com14:23
FloodBot1thecooldick: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:23
Baltazaarszal, it was only a short joke about his name ;-)14:23
daGrevisedbian, ty. gonna paste link to output after few mins.14:23
edbiandaGrevis: ok14:24
edbiandaGrevis: I am quite sure it won't show up there because it's a USB device.  But I wanted you to look to be sure14:24
Gama11i've got a microsoft sidewinder 4 keyboard with some extra keys that can be configured - normally. how would i do this on linux?14:24
puzzonesfor delete a directory  with inside files,what i do?14:24
cybervolfeedbian: i can connect to the internet only for 3 minutes using the NetworkManager Applet 0.8.114:24
edbianpuzzones: rm -r /path/to/folder14:24
Skaperenszal: sorry, just making a quick snide remark back in the same language ... I can translate if needed but it was o/t so you probably don't care14:25
edbianwow really14:25
edbiancybervolfe: I told you twice this is Ubuntu support NOT backtrack14:25
puzzonesnot rmdor?14:25
puzzonesnot rmdir?14:25
oCeanSkaperen: please don't again. This channel is english only14:25
SkaperenoCean: does that also apply to nicknames?14:26
cybervolfeedbian:hey i am using ubuntu 10.04 now14:26
BaltazaarSkaperen, I knew that was coming... Just had to comment your nick14:26
edbiancybervolfe: hahah, that was fast14:26
cybervolfeedbian: thats why i am here14:26
ikoniacybervolfe: my test suggests your not14:26
edbiancybervolfe: I can't very well help you now!  I'd look like a lunatic14:27
cinnabar12has anyone got a rt3090 wireless chip working in Ubuntu?14:27
bsmith093how do i fix an index to an audio file14:27
oCean!guidelines | Skaperen you can find our guidelines here. If you have questions about those, ask in #ubuntu-ops14:27
ubottuSkaperen you can find our guidelines here. If you have questions about those, ask in #ubuntu-ops: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines14:27
ikonia!backtrack > cybervolfe14:27
ubottucybervolfe, please see my private message14:27
lucusHi! Using apt-mirror, is it possible to see what is downloading? Is there any log?14:27
bsmith093specifically i just joined a bunch of mp3s but they stop at the point here they join14:28
cybervolfeedbian:hey i don't know more about linux ,please help me14:28
ikoniacybervolfe: #backtrack-linux is the correct channel14:28
lotuspsychjecinnabar12: did maverick fail on yout oo?14:28
SkaperenoCean: sorry, those guidelines do not answer the question I asedk14:28
cinnabar12lotuspsychje: yes indeedy, it did the same thing, kept asking for my encrption key14:28
bazhangSkaperen, lets move on please14:28
oCeanSkaperen: read my previous answer14:28
daGrevisedbian, http://paste.ubuntu.com/645410/14:29
cybervolfeikonia: i am not using the dam backtrack now14:29
cinnabar12lotuspsychje: I actually get the feeling my network owner has blocked the IP address used by Ubuntu on the network but not Windows unless they'd be the same14:29
lotuspsychjecinnabar12: you sure you have the right case sensitive key available for that network?14:29
ikoniacybervolfe: my test suggests you are14:29
cinnabar12lotuspsychje: I tried both upper and lower case, sometimes it's picky sometimes it's not14:29
SkaperenoCean: the answer that is before the question which asks a different aspect?14:30
lotuspsychjecinnabar12: did you try a hotspot on same card, are card drivers installed?14:30
edbiandaGrevis: (it is not there) Does the device show up in lsusb  ?  (this one is shorter)14:30
SkaperenoCean: sorry, you are not being clear or maybe you didn't understand the question?  how can we speed this up?14:30
cybervolfeikonia:oh my god ,what would i do ,i have intstalled backtrack in my system thats true14:30
cinnabar12lotuspsychje: there aren't any hotspots around I can try and yeah the card drivers are installed...I think14:30
mrk1edbian thank you it worked and i understand it much better now14:30
edbianmrk1: awesome :)14:30
lotuspsychjecinnabar12: might be that ubuntu is not the reason you can connect to it...14:30
cybervolfeikonia:but now i am using ubuntu 10.04 for god's sake14:31
ikoniacybervolfe: ok, so if your using backtrack, the best place and correct place to ask in #backtrack-linux there are some good guys there14:31
nezZariohow can I get src/recompile when most of the fs is read only?14:31
ikonianezZario: you don't14:31
ikonianezZario: what do you want to build14:31
cinnabar12lotuspsychje: yeah my network owner was fiddling with the IP addresses the other day so I think that's maybe it14:31
daGrevisedbian, ye, i do shows up in lsusb.14:31
nezZarioikonia: fs/ufs/ufs.ko14:32
nezZarioyou can't do it with the silly 'headers only'14:32
ikonianezZario: the ufs kernel module is already included I believe ?14:32
edbiandaGrevis: what is the output of sudo lsmod | grep rt28    ?14:32
nezZarioikonia not with write support14:32
lotuspsychjebrb reboot14:33
cinnabar12does anybody else have any suggestions on getting the rt3090 wireless card working?14:33
cybervolfeikonia:please man my internet connection is getting disconnected automatically in ubuntu 10.0414:33
ikonianezZario: that's experimental and I assure you doesn't work, I've tried it a good few times14:33
cybervolfeikonia:help me:-(14:33
nezZariotypical linux14:33
ikoniacybervolfe: sorry, I'm busy helping in #backtrack-linux14:33
cybervolfeikonia:u got the os as backtrack because i am booting ubuntu using the backtrack's grub14:35
ikoniacybervolfe: pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get update" please14:35
cinnabar12anyone else got any ideas on how to get an rt3090 wireless card working?14:39
daGrevisedbian, give a a sec.14:39
edbiandaGrevis: sure14:39
rawfodogIs there a way to find a string in a haystack of files in a folder ? I have about 40 txt files and I'm looking for part of a string.14:40
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nocilisikonia and edbian? you guys are the administrators/moderators?14:40
KrenairRunning Ubuntu 10.04 with the default Gnome desktop environment. Was wondering if I could set it up to swap between desktop backgrounds every few minutes?14:40
exutuxrawfodog: man grep14:40
nocilisand yes, rawfodog14:40
edbiannocilis: ha, no but thanks for the compliment14:40
edbiannick_h: I just help a lot14:40
rawfodogHow do I grep a folder14:40
ikonianocilis: if you need someone try #ubuntu-ops14:40
bumslengау есть русскоговорящие?14:40
puzzonesin whitch place put the files delete ubuntu?14:40
nocilisgrep [foldername]/* -e "[string you are looking for]" -l14:40
rawfodogsweet thanks14:40
nocilisreplace the stuff in brackets (and the brackets too) with the apropriate information14:41
puzzonesi delete hide files but i few space again14:41
daGrevisedbian, it gives me nothing. ;(14:41
nocilisrawfodog: are they all in one folder or are they several folders deep?14:41
edbiandaGrevis: I was afraid of that.  Hang on14:41
szal!it | puzzones, in case you didn't know14:42
ubottupuzzones, in case you didn't know: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:42
edbiandaGrevis: Can you sudo modprobe rt2800usb14:42
nocilisbecause then add -r to the end of the command to make it a recursive grep rawfodog14:42
daGrevisedbian, sure14:42
nocilisikonia i don't need anyone, you guys just seem like THE awesome ubuntu/linux ninja wizard people14:42
edbiandaGrevis: then do sudo lsmod | grep rt28  and see if it returns something (it should now)14:42
nocilisedbian you've helped me several times in the past14:43
bullgard4http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME_Keyring: "GNOME Keyring is a daemon application designed to take care of the user's security credentials, such as user names and passwords. The sensitive data is encrypted and stored in a keyring file in the user's home folder." What is the name of this file in Natty?14:43
rawfodogthanks it worked great :D14:43
edbiannocilis: Oh good :)14:43
cybervolfeikonia:here is the url http://paste.org/pastebin/view/3617314:43
nocilisrawfodog no problem14:43
daGrevisedbian, k. but 2800 wasnt for v1? i have v2 and the numbers are different.14:43
cinnabar12Krenair: perhaps this may help? http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/06/crebs-wallpaper-slideshow-generator-gets-a-ppa-new-features/14:43
effeietsandershello all. A computer here with Ubuntu 9/10 point something ends up in grub but whatever choice I make, it gives the error "target filesystem doesn't have requested /sbin/init. No init found, try passing init= bootarg" and then goes to busybox14:43
daGrevisu see, there r two versions of my stick. and i have v2.14:44
bsmith093bullgard4: i think its called secring in .gnupg folder,14:44
effeietsandersI have a livedisk Ubuntu 6.6, and tried to unmount, but that doesn't do the magic...14:44
edbiandaGrevis: This website is the most up to date most reliable source:  http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Devices/USB14:44
bullgard4bsmith093: And not pubring.gpg?14:44
edbiandaGrevis: It lists rt2800usb for all versions (it's for down on the list)14:44
effeietsanderswould anyone have an idea how to tackle this issue with booting?14:45
bsmith093bullgard4: possibly, im not entirely sure14:45
puzzonesszal, what i dunno?14:45
bullgard4bsmith093: Ok.14:45
nociliseffeietsanders: I had a similar problem that was maybe even the same thing14:45
bazhangeffeietsanders, 6.06?14:45
bsmith093check with the others, theyll know14:45
nociliseffeietsanders: couldn't find a solution anywhere14:45
effeietsandersbazhang: yes, 10.10 gave another error14:45
Krenaircinnabar12, exactly what I was looking for, thanks a lot.14:45
effeietsandersnocilis: I found many solutions :) none worked so far14:45
bazhangeffeietsanders, try 11.04 or something else supported14:45
cinnabar12Krenair: no problem :-)14:46
cybervolfeikonia:now u believe14:46
nociliseffeietsanders: if you want to try getting the files off try booting into a livecd/liveusb and mounting the filesystem14:46
llutz_bullgard4: pubring.gpg holds your public gpg-keys, secring the secure-keys14:46
effeietsandersbazhang: The live disk is mainly helpful to run a terminal and fix issues, not to install :)14:46
nociliseffeietsanders: exactly14:46
ikoniacybervolfe: truthfully no, but there maybe others in the channel that do14:46
nociliseffeietsanders: what exactly is it you are trying to do?14:47
bullgard4llutz_: And which one is wikipedia referring to?14:47
Axelaxel12Hello there14:47
llutz_bullgard4: checked: ~/.gnome2/keyrings/default.keyring?14:47
effeietsandersnocilis: I'm trying to fix it - if that is realistic14:47
daGrevisedbian, http://paste.ubuntu.com/645417/14:47
llutz_bullgard4: or: ~/.gnome2/keyrings/*14:47
nociliseffeietsanders: hmm not sure how you'd do that14:47
cinnabar12anyone know how to get a rt3090 wireless card working?14:48
cybervolfeikonia:hey i need the solution what do i do to make u believe me?14:48
edbiandaGrevis: can you get on a wifi network?14:48
effeietsandersnocilis: i found several posts online who say they fixed it with gparted14:48
M4d3Lhi. what is the command to check partition usage14:48
effeietsandersbut it seems that the 6.6 version of gparted doesn't have the "check" option that is needed14:48
szalpuzzones: that there is an Italian channel..  your English is a sight for sore eyes, so you might get better help there14:49
qinM4d3L: df -h14:49
effeietsandersso if someone could help me with doing that through the terminal...14:49
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nociliseffeietsanders: yeah I can't help, sorry14:49
bullgard4llutz_: I had a look into the directory ~/.gnome2/keyrings the other day. This did not answer the question which I have put here today.14:49
bazhangeffeietsanders, get the gparted live cd iso14:49
bazhangeffeietsanders, 60mb dl14:49
daGrevisedbian, u mean.. connect? before i saw that there r no firmware for it. then i compile drivers, add something to blacklist and other stuff (not sure) - as said in that tut. and then it didnt show that there are no firmware. i can see all networks and when i try to connect my network... it asks for psw. i enter it... it tries to connect and after few minutes it ask for psw again.14:50
M4d3LI have 390go use on my /home, I try to figure what folder take all that space14:50
qinM4d3L: du -sh ~/*14:50
edbiandaGrevis: That is the state of things right now?  You're confusing me a bit.14:50
effeietsandersbazhang: then how should I use that/14:50
daGrevisedbian, ask me if you arent clear about something. i will try to explain.14:51
Axelaxel12Hey, my friend need some help, he wanna know if his system is 32 or 64 bits14:51
Axelaxel12It's Focusyn14:51
Axelaxel12Please, somebody can help?14:51
edbiandaGrevis: Are you getting errors about missing firmware right now?14:51
ikoniaAxelaxel12: look at the output of uname -m14:51
bazhangeffeietsanders, you said the 6.06 version did not have what you need for gparted, get the latest one then 60mb dl live cd iso14:51
daGrevisedbian, no. all seems to be working. just i cant connect to my network.14:52
Focusynespera Axelaxel12 se han despertado en el otro canal14:52
Focusynpruebo lo que me dicen ahi14:52
cinnabar12anyone know how to get an rt3090 wireless card to work?14:52
Axelaxel12Well, thanks for the help ikonia14:52
edbiandaGrevis: alright hang on a second...14:52
daGrevisedbian, sure.14:52
edbiandaGrevis: What is your card listed as in lsusb ?14:53
exutuxM4d3L: du -a /home/$USER | sort -nr | head -n 10   gives you 10 biggest dir on your home14:53
GeekManubuntu 10.04.2 Hi im trying to backup my server: I want to run somthing like cron to backup via rsync every month. I also need a script or somthing that runs to turn off a program called hamchi and then wait until rsync finishes to turn the program back on.14:54
lietuany ideas why my wlanhas an awfully unstable latency on my linux mint on a mac mini? .. the latency on the wlan itself should be fine, I tested with several other wireless client devices and they get a stable <10ms ping just fine, but the mac mini gets a highly unstable ping generally around 300-1500ms, but moves around 5-3000ms... all tested clients were within ~30cm of eachother, distance to router <1m14:54
sktn07My usb not supporting14:54
sktn07i use ubuntu 9.1014:54
bazhanglietu, try the mint support channel, its not supported here14:54
daniel_HUhi guys14:54
ikoniaGeekMan: there are plenty of example rsync scripts on the net that can be modified14:54
ikoniasktn07: 9.10 is end of life, you may wish to consider upgrading14:54
daniel_HUI have a question about ssh/scp14:55
lietuerm, mint is basically ubuntu anyways, shouldn't make much difference14:55
bazhang!mintsupport | lietu14:55
ubottulietu: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:55
bazhanglietu, its not.14:55
dvdrgnome system monitor shows my cpu being chewed up (100% use) and that pulseaudio is using 86% of that... Ive got dual cpus and everything else seems to run fine, just pulseaudio gets really greedy when I play video... any ideas?14:55
LukaszPoznantell me, what is the command for running tomboy. I will put it into the startup applications14:55
GeekManikonia: i found those but i need to make a script that checks for process like rsync what whould i look for14:55
puweii have a long question , my i past it  here14:55
llutz_GeekMan: look at rsnapshot14:55
lemanya quelq un14:55
maxagazhow to switch off a server (samba) ?14:55
maxagaza service14:55
puweii have a long question , may i past it  here14:55
bazhangleman, #ubuntu-fr for french please14:55
sktn07ikonia: unless upgrading is there any other way ?14:56
ikoniaGeekMan: get your rsync job to touch a file when it starts, and remove it when it ends, then just do an if -f [ lockfile ] exit14:56
daniel_HUis it possible somehow to route files over ssh between three server? I mean that there is a server which copies files between two others?14:56
puweisorry for this .14:56
puweii have a long question  so i split it in lines.14:56
puweimy pc1 have two netcard  eth0( wlan0(
puweiand i setup a VPN server in my pc114:56
puweiuse another pc2 ( connect to pc1 thogh VPN14:56
puweinow the VPN connect works allright,14:56
FloodBot1puwei: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:56
nocilisLukaszPoznan, tomboy14:56
ikoniasktn07: the OS isn't supported so I don't see any point in wasting time trying to fix something that's dead14:56
lemanwhy we can off plymouth on ubuntu 11.04 plz at startup for watch terminal14:56
bazhang!nox | leman14:56
ubottuleman: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode14:56
qinmaxagaz: sudo service smb<TAB> stop (or something)14:56
nocilisLukaszPoznan just "tomboy"14:56
bazhangleman, you mean that?14:56
GeekManikonia: i will try to learn about this method thank you14:57
lemanthank u :)14:57
lemani love linux!!14:57
sktn07ikonia: it was supporting before.....for two days it is not working14:57
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://goo.gl/UUTAB for details.14:57
cinnabar12anyone know how to get an rt3090 wireless card to work?14:57
daGrevisedbian, http://paste.ubuntu.com/645419/ . wusn60n14:57
ikoniasktn07: its not supported now14:57
lemani have delete windows 7 lol14:57
LukaszPoznanafter Ive typed tomboy it gave me some warning message14:58
maxagazqin, it will stop it for this session only14:58
nocilisLukaszPoznan, yes, most programs do that14:58
nocilisLukaszPoznan if you add it to startup applications though you should not see the message unless you choose to run it in a terminal14:58
maxagazqin, I want to preve14:59
maxagazqin, I want to disable it14:59
LukaszPoznangreat, I thought the same right now, I will do it14:59
nociliskk LukaszPoznan good luck14:59
nocilisu bet14:59
edbiandaGrevis: run dmesg and look at the last 20 or so lines.  Does it say anything about missing firmware ?15:00
crackerjackzoCean, do you have IRC logs?15:01
bazhang!1984 | crackerjackz15:01
ubottucrackerjackz: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/15:01
avinashhmHi friends , i am using ubuntu 10.10 .. and actually not able to install using apt-get .. get  '404 not found' error .. more logs @ http://paste.ubuntu.com/645423/.. any help pls ..15:01
szal1984?  lol..15:01
stercorDr_Willis: Is there a workaround using the keyboard for the frozen mouse?15:02
edbiandaGrevis: I'm not really sure why that driver isn't working.  The site I linked does not list any documenation so I'm guessing the driver is incomplete.  Have a look at rt2x00 it's some graphical tool for the driver we modprobed.  If you restart the machine it will be back to how it was before I ran any commands. All we did was insert the rt2800 module and look around a bit.15:02
edbianI'm not sure what else to do here! :(15:02
szalavinashhm: did you run 'sudo apt-get update' before installing?15:02
rseverocinnabar12: welcome to wireless hell (are you dealing with a old notebook also?)15:03
avinashhmszal, nope .. didn't run apt-get update .. i don't want to update kernel and all .. i am fine with those .. only want to install vlc ..15:03
Sidewinder1sktn07, Perhaps this will help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades#Why%20choosing%20a%20fresh%20install15:03
tew88Hoping someone can help. Fairly new to Linux in general and am giving Ubuntu a try on my netbook. When I click to connect to a wireless network (after having entered the password), the desktop cuts out and the screen is filled with instead with text that refer to many different error codes (I'm guessing they're error codes). Any suggestions?15:03
daGrevisedbian, gere r full output I got from dmesg. it seems that there arent a lot of drivers... ;( i really appreciate ur help... http://paste.ubuntu.com/645425/15:03
tew88It's an Asus EEE 1001P15:03
rseveroI'm having problems with a wireless Atheros AR2413 that won't complete activation because "association took to long". Any ideas on how to fix this?15:04
szalavinashhm: you seem not to know the difference between 'apt-get update' and 'apt-get upgrade'..15:04
edbiandaGrevis: whoa, those are all your radion driver freaking out.15:04
rseverocinnabar12: What's your problem exactly?15:04
edbiandaGrevis: It's incomplete so not very useful15:04
daGrevisedbian, im glad that it isnt my linksys.. =D15:04
daGrevisedbian, its all that i got from that cmd. or no?15:05
avinashhmszal, ok .. got it actually .. its only for apt / pkg utility .. ll update and then try .. thanks man ..15:05
edbiandaGrevis: Ahh, it's probably left over from last time it happened.  How did you get your graphics back after it freaked out?15:05
avinashhmszal, thanks man .. this works like charm ..15:06
daGrevisedbian, last time? i installed linux today.15:06
edbiandaGrevis: Last time that the grahpics freaked15:06
daGrevisedbian, hmm. i just unplugged computer from electricity. and thats all. all seems to worked.15:07
edbiandaGrevis: what?15:07
daGrevisedbian, my computers screen wnt like in these images... http://askubuntu.com/questions/53327/screen-is-going-crazy-after-connecting-to-wi-fi-network and then i just plugged out my computer from electricity.15:09
edbiandaGrevis: So it worked fine on battery power?15:09
avinashhmHi , i have installed standard vlc in ubuntu .. when i open a file , it plays for like 5 seconds and then closes down .. .this was working fine a week back and started like this today .. re installed it, but didn't help .. is there any way to get log when i launch vlc ?15:09
PuffTMDHey all15:10
daGrevisedbian, what battery power? its desktop. not laptop. i plugged out it and it shutted down. no electicity - its off. then i plugged electricity again and all worked.15:10
PuffTMDanyone using komodo15:10
Algorithfirst run it from the terminal and see if anything interested pops up15:10
edbiandaGrevis: I'm not sure what the problem is then :(15:11
daGrevisedbian, maybe its ebecause of 64 bits I have? in that topic... they say that it works only wth 32 bits. What do u think?15:11
BluesKajavinashhm, what kind of file /15:12
edbiandaGrevis: That sounds extremely likely to me15:12
avinashhmBluesKaj, both mp3 as well as AVI file ..15:12
daGrevisedbian, i dont like out-dated architetures, but I wiould better use 32 bits linux then 64 bits windoze. ;(15:13
avinashhmBluesKaj, if it helps mp3 logs @ http://paste.ubuntu.com/645426/15:13
BluesKajavinashhm, what about other media players15:13
ikoniadaGrevis: it's called Windows15:13
goetterAnyone know why my two ubuntu boxes can't see each other's avahi services? Tcpdump shows one host sending the port 5353 multicast, but the other host's tcpdump does not show it receiving it.15:13
goetterthe other direction, however, shows normally in tcpdump15:13
dvdron ubuntu 11.04, pulseaudio is chewing up to 86% of my cpu... any ideas why or how to fix it?15:13
daGrevisikonia, yes. i know. whatever. actually15:13
avinashhmBluesKaj, totem works like charm .. if u want i can collect logs15:14
pickelsMy laptop(Thinkpad t520) has been randomly freezing since I installed Ubuntu 11.04. What's the best course of action to find out what is causing this?15:14
entropyi only have the file-help panels. i tryed this link and it didnt work. can someone please tell me how to get my application and system panels working again.15:14
ikoniagoetter: that sounds like either a firewall or routing15:14
goetterBoth on the same switch though :/15:14
edbiandaGrevis: 32 bits isn't outdated yet!15:14
edbiandaGrevis: :D15:14
tew88When trying to connect to the wireless, the screen goes black with lots of text and the last error to appear on the screen is "panic occurred, switching back to text console". Any suggestions? It's an Asus 1001P netbook.15:14
pickelsI also asked this question on askubuntu with a little more information: http://askubuntu.com/questions/53341/ubuntu-11-04-complete-freeze-on-thinkpad-t520 Any help is appreciated :)15:15
daGrevisedbian, eh.. gonna try 32 bits.15:15
edbiantew88: That's called a kernel panic.  It's bad.15:15
edbiandaGrevis: good luck friend!15:16
entropyi only have the file-help panels. i tryed this link and it didnt work. can someone please tell me how to get my application and system panels working again?15:16
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BluesKajavinashhm, seems you have a bug in vlc , try  , sudo apt-get update , first , then , sudo apt-get install --reinstall vlc15:16
daGrevisedbian, thanks. if u need web page... contact me. im pro at that. ;)15:16
edbiandaGrevis: Ha, I make websites too actually :)  Probably not as good as you though15:16
avinashhmBluesKaj, i think i re installed and didn't help .. but yep, managed to get it solved .. tried http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1669570 .. helped ..15:16
avinashhmBluesKaj, i couldn't understand .. thanks man ..15:17
daGrevisedbian, its my official job. =P php, sql, html, css, js... kohana and jquery <3. u name it ;)15:17
edbiandaGrevis: awesome15:17
daGrevisedbian, just in linux i suck. kinda =D15:17
edbiandaGrevis: You'll learn.15:17
daGrevisedbian, if i will set up my computer. somehow. =D15:18
MamedDr_Willis: i did as the commands said and everything is fine now, terminal was complaining on some stuff but i hope it wasent to bad :/ thanks alot, do you bye any chans know if there is a way to make use of 3 finger or 4 finger thouch to move between the workspaces15:18
daGrevis12% of xubuntu 11.04 2bits. 88% to go. =D15:18
=== nick is now known as Guest31356
daGrevis* 32bits15:18
bullgard4http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME_Keyring: "GNOME Keyring is a daemon application designed to take care of the user's security credentials, such as user names and passwords. The sensitive data is encrypted and stored in a keyring file in the user's home folder." What is the name of this file in Natty?15:19
BluesKajavinashhm, just reinstalling isn't the same as install --reinstall , just so you know.15:19
lisakwhy is there default-java/ java-1.6.0-openjdk/ java-6-openjdk/  ?15:20
lisakis the default one sun one ?15:20
bazhanglisak, you need to enable partner repo for the sun15:20
bazhang!partner | lisak15:21
ubottulisak: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »15:21
bazhang!java | lisak15:21
ubottulisak: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.15:21
lotuspsychjeoCean: creating a general.log worked tnx mate15:21
nezZariodoes ubuntu have a make.conf ?15:22
nezZarioi'm curious on where i'm suppose to put this kernel config option15:22
lisakbazhang, I don't have add-apt-repository15:23
bazhanglisak, what version of ubuntu15:23
lisakon current release ubuntu server15:23
bazhanglisak, sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the # in front of partner15:24
bazhanglisak, save, then sudo apt-get update and install15:24
mookyhuh ?15:27
alan_not just a test15:27
mookywhat ?15:28
lisakthank you15:28
sadiwc line15:29
sadihi I'm new at ubuntu15:29
edbiansadi: Hello!15:29
sadiI've got a problem15:29
sadihello debian15:29
sadiCan any one solve it15:30
edbiansadi: What si the problem?15:30
bazhangsadi, this is ubuntu support15:30
Dr_Willisits easier to just ask the problem at the beginning... :)15:30
llutz_!enter | sadi15:30
ubottusadi: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:30
nezZariowtf ?15:30
ehndecan you guys recommend any really addictive free games that are multiplayer and run natively on ubuntu?15:30
Dr_Willisehnde:  freeciv, freecom, wesnoth,15:31
sadiMy laptop don't get sound at spiker mode but got sound at headphone mode deb15:31
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Dr_Willisfreecol i mean.15:31
sadillutz hi15:31
ehndeDr_Willis: i've played wesnoth and it was great, i'll check out the other two15:31
nezZarioCONFIG_UFS_FS_WRITE=y .. if I was compiling a kernel module where would I put this to pass the option to the module?15:31
bazhangsadi, debian?15:31
edbianbazhang: typo on my name.15:31
ikonianezZario: you don't that would compile it into the kernel - you want a module, not built in15:31
Dr_Willisehnde:  if you like the old sid meirs gaames - civilization and colonazation :) they are great.  also  ported to windows i belive15:31
sadiMy laptop model is HP Compaq presario CQ42 i38615:32
bazhangsadi, are you using ubuntu or debian15:32
sadiI also update my alsa15:32
bullgard4http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME_Keyring: "GNOME Keyring is a daemon application designed to take care of the user's security credentials, such as user names and passwords. The sensitive data is encrypted and stored in a keyring file in the user's home folder." What is the name of this file in Natty?15:32
sadina i use ubuntu 10.04 lts edition15:32
sadiIm using ubuntu15:32
ikoniabullgard4: if you look in the gnome docs, it will be the default location15:32
obert_mm seems i cannot boot from usb pen drive using ubuntu mini.iso?15:32
bazhangsadi, put everythin on *one* line15:33
Socky_Hey guys, I built rtorrent from source so I could have the color options, but every time i do an apt-get upgrade it breaks, and seems to go back to the version that doesnt support colors.  Is there a way I can tell apt-get upgrade to exclude rtorent?15:33
edbianSocky_: sudo apt-get remove rtorrent15:34
bazhang!pinning | Socky_ this?15:34
ubottuSocky_ this?: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto15:34
Socky_k, ill try15:34
sadiIm using ubuntu 10.04 n got updated ma alsa but till now it dont got sound.Ma lappy model is HP compaq presario cq 42 n its intel based15:34
edbianSocky_: When you compile from source and install one of things it does it put a file called rtorrent in /usr/local/bin/  and you install using the package manager it replaces that file with one of the exact same name without your customization in there /usr/bin.  This conflicts with the name 'rtorrent'  So you have to tell the package manager to butt out.15:35
sadibt if i add headphone got the sound15:35
bullgard4!sound | sadi15:35
ubottusadi: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.15:35
=== tauntaun` is now known as tauntaun
sadiubottu thanks dude :)15:36
ubottusadi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:36
lotuspsychjedr_willis: it worked like oCean said creating /var/log/general.log entries to 50-default.conf, so now it creates all the seperate logs in 1 file so i can colortail it :p15:37
shah_Hi Guys,15:37
shah_I am trying to connect Dell BH-200 blue-tooth headset with Lenovo Thinkpad T410 on Ubuntu 11.04 Studio version. It detects device and connect but after 5-10 sec. headset get switch-off. I followed several forums but it doesn't work at all. Could you please suggest.15:37
FloodBot1shah_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:37
shah_Followed links: http://nexthing.wordpress.com/2007/08/13/bluetooth-headset-with-ubuntu-skype-and-voip-applications/http://www.stgraber.org/download/projects/gbtsco/15:37
sadiBut I already done maximum of them n now think that need help frm developers15:37
ikoniashah_: why dont you use the official instructions instead of random 3rd party sites15:38
ikonia!skype > shah_15:38
ubottushah_, please see my private message15:38
=== Virus is now known as Kyzer
dlisadi, you get sound from headphone, but not from speakers?15:38
sadiyap dill15:38
=== Kyzer is now known as KyzerSoze
sadiN also update ma alsa too :( dill15:39
dlisadi, first,  check settings in alsamixer, or pavucontrol (if you are using pulse)15:39
BDRHi guys15:39
dlisadi, also, remember to troubleshoot sound problem is never straight forward15:40
BDROk, so thanks for the help the other day, but trouble is I still can't get online with my computer15:40
edbianBDR.  hi15:40
dliBDR, wifi?15:40
BDRedbian: hey15:40
BDRdli: Wireless, yes.15:40
edbianBDR What card do you have?15:41
zaxiusi have 10.04 and i want to upgrade to 11.04.  it should show up in the update manager, right?  even after i checked "show normal releases" i still don't see it.15:41
edbianzaxius: sudo apt-get update first maybe?15:41
sadidli I already checked my alsamixer there that got my sound card but why it didnt work at my speker ??15:41
BDRedbian: It's an Intersil 3886 but the adapter is working fine (as in Linux recognizes it and can use it to detect wireless networks)15:41
edbianzaxius: It should show up after you do that.15:41
dlizaxius, what about: sudo do-release-update15:41
zaxiusactually, now i see 10.10.  do i have to get 10.10, then 11.04?15:41
lotuspsychjeanyone knows why themes changes on natty boot?15:41
szalzaxius: supported upgrade path is from 10.04 to 10.10 to 11.0415:41
edbianBDR: Then what is the issue?15:41
zaxiusah got it15:42
zaxiusthanks guys15:42
BDRedbian: it just can't connect to the router/modem combo15:42
sadidli : it works on my headphone15:42
dlisadi, volume muting for speakers and headphone is different15:42
edbianBDR: try to connect then pastebin the output of dmesg   is that possible ?15:42
simo_hi can someone please help me? I am trying to check 2 SSDs for errors, I am using Ubuntu Live CD15:42
dlisadi, just confirm you unmute everything, and increase volume everything15:42
dlisadi, also, make sure you have no pulseaudio running15:43
BDRedbian: I'm not running Linux on the computer I'm chatting with and I can't get online with the computer I'm trying to fix.15:43
sadidli, how could i unmutie that speaker15:43
ikoniasimo_: why do you think they have errors15:43
lotuspsychjesimo_:whats the problem with your ssd's?15:43
BDRedbian: so I doubt it15:43
sadidli, I've done that by alsamixer15:43
sadibut still have problem15:43
dliBDR, the only problem is connection between router and your computer, right?15:43
edbianBDR: Alright. Do what i said and just manually read the last 20 lines or so and dmesg.  See if it says anything about hte connection (it probably will)15:44
edbiandli: yes, wifi networks show up for him)15:44
dliedbian, what encryption?15:44
simo_My pc restarts quite often, I checked the ram for errors but found nothing. I suspect it's the SSDs.15:44
edbiandli: IDK15:44
sadidli, If I use mint 10 or ubuntu 10.10 then I got sound from ma speaker15:44
dliBDR, what encrption?15:44
ikoniasimo_: I suspect it's not, as if it was you'd get errors15:44
lotuspsychjesimo_:on natty?15:44
ikoniasimo_: is the PC just hard resetting ?15:45
sadidli, what should I do now??15:45
edbianBDR: turning off encryption temporarily is a good starting place15:45
dlisadi, so, it's nothing to do with hardware15:45
vikapiAmarok is sad..15:45
dlisadi, can you stop pulseaudio by something like: sudo killall pulseaudio, or pkill -9 pulseaudio15:45
simo_lotuspsychje yea I'm on 11.0415:46
lotuspsychjesimo_: did you check on ubuntu logs for errors?15:46
simo_ikonia I think it is hard resetting.15:46
sadidli no nt at all15:46
ikoniasimo_: ok, so it's very very very unlikley it's a disk problem15:46
dlisadi, what not?15:47
sadidli, I didn't kill pulseaudio15:47
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BDRedbian: I'll try turning off encryption - 'dmesg' got a lot of try time outs in the last 20 lines15:47
simo_lotusspychje no i didn't check ubuntu log, i don't know how to, btw i was using Windows15:48
dliBDR, disable encryption at the router end15:48
edbianBDR: That's a bit vague.  Yes try turning encryption off15:48
jigI can't install ubuntu on laptop, have tried 4 cds15:49
lotuspsychjesimo_:like ikonia sais i also dont think its ssd thats broken...i would go for bios and check cpu temperature15:49
simo_ikonia, i thought hard resetting was only done manually?15:49
dlijig, can you try USB?15:49
edbianjig: what happens?15:49
ikoniasimo_: no,15:49
jigno laptop doesn't recognize boot usb15:49
jigI tried ubuntu regular, alternate, xubuntu alternate, and minimal15:49
lotuspsychjesimo_:did you have those resets on natty too instead of windows?15:49
jigeverything it sort of freezes at the boot menu, the keyboard doesn't work15:50
dlijig, make sure you verify the data when burning CD15:50
sadidli, are you a developer?? could you please give me any module for that speaker??My speaker is from ALTEC LANSING15:50
simo_lotuspsychje, I was just gonna say that, nope ubuntu live cd runs perfect15:50
dlijig, BTW, grub2 supports USB booting by default, even if your BIOS doesn't support USB booting15:50
Mamedwhat dose it mean when it says ibus failed?15:50
lotuspsychjesimo_: pc reboots does come from corrupt windows lol...15:51
Chillanceso, Im using x11vnc, and managed to get the nvidia drivers to load by faking a screen by using Option "ConnectedMonitor" "CRT" in the "Device" for the nvidia.. works fine. However, I only get 800x600 resolution! How can I increase this? (yes, I want to avoid having a real monitor connected)15:51
jigwhat can I do? the keyboard acts dead at the boot menu every time15:51
ChillanceI tried adding modes for the "Screen" but didnt work15:51
Mamedi had trouble with unity so i reset it but now Ctrl+Alt+T donsnt work nor does Alt+F215:51
dlisadi, if you can get sound from headphone, alsa works already, the problem is control, not driver15:52
lucidguyCan anyone recommend a webhosting company that does NOT use cpanel.  I want a plane jane virtual server that I configure myself.15:52
sadiI heard that in alsa it make problem with ALTEC speaker15:52
simo_lotuspsychje Yea I am aware of that and that is why I formatted my SSD (RAID 0) and installed WIn again, the prob is still there15:52
jigis there a boot cd that doesn't have a splash screen? I think maybe my graphics card is screwing it up15:53
dlijig, if it's an option, take the hard drive to another computer, like in an enclosure, install from there15:53
dlijig, you can try "safe graphics' mode15:53
sadidli, should I have to kill pulse audio??15:53
jigI can't try anything because it freezes as soon as it comes up15:54
dlisadi, kill pulse, just for testing15:54
BDRedbian: I've turned off the security settings and it's taking a rather long time to connect.15:54
lotuspsychjesimo_: we cant discuss win probs here so, i suggest you stick to good ol ubuntu :p15:55
dlijig, please read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions15:55
dliBDR, but it connects, right?15:55
edbianBDR: Does it connect at all?15:55
Polahlucidguy: Not really relevant here, but a lot of VPS hosts don't use cPanel.15:55
jigthat's useless unless there's a way to edit the cd so it is already configured15:56
simo_lotuspsychje I need windows for some softwares to run, I just wanna try the disk check and thats all15:56
sadidli, no pluse audio found15:56
asenHello, guys! I have a problem with Ubuntu. I've just installed it on a brand new PC and after restart it won't go further than the ubuntu logo.15:56
asenCould someone please give me a hand?15:56
dlisadi, another point, install pulseaudio, and play with pavucontrol15:57
edbianasen: with what?15:57
lotuspsychjesimo_: ssd drives dont work like physical drives, im pretty sure nothings wrong with your ssd15:57
asenedbian: I described my problem a few lines up15:57
dliasen, try to remove 'quiet splash' kernel parameters in grub15:57
edbianasen: Does it freeze or go black?15:57
edbianasen: Yes, remove those kernel options15:57
sadiok, dli15:58
asenI suppose it freezes - like I said, I heard the log-on sound and it's been displaying only the velvetish background with the ububtu logo for 15 minutes now15:58
jigcan I kill the splash screen before I get to it, cause my graphics card is screwing it up... what the hell is the point of an alternate cd with a graphics splash screen15:58
asenhow do I remove the quiet splash?15:58
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edbianasen: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313215:59
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dliasen, press 'e' when grub shows you bootup entries15:59
edbianasen: Look at the one about temporarily on an installed OS (not wubi)15:59
edbianIf you have wubi then follow thos15:59
sadidli, give me the terminal command please15:59
dlisadi, sudo vi /etc/default/grub; sudo update-grub16:00
asenThanks, guys! I'll see what happens next and will get back to you.16:00
jigsince I cant install it any other way can I use wubi and then make that a full installation?16:00
sadiitz grub command not the pluse audio16:01
dlisadi, sorry, sudo apt-get install pulseaudio pavucontrol; pulseaudio --start;pavucontrol16:01
ghufranHi, i'm using 11.04 and want to change the order of applications in launcher. i've seen a couple of guides but they tell me to look at gconf-editor > desktop > unity-2d. but i don't have unity-2d section there ..16:02
jigHELLO Hello hello ello16:03
jiglo lo lo16:03
BDR[10:55] <edbian> BDR: Does it connect at all? <- it still has not connected, actually.16:03
edbianBDR: mmmm, this is a long time. What card? What driver?16:03
ghufranany suggestions?16:04
* Dr_Willis missed the problem16:04
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BDRedbian: here's a non timeout line from dmesg = [3888.703867] type=1400 audit(1310553298.513:86): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" parent=1 profile="/usr/bin/evince" name="/dev/.udev/data/b11:0" pid=1999 comm="evince" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=1000 ouid=016:06
stealthboyhi i am having it go to lock wean i tell it to never do that can you help16:06
BDRedbian: it's an intersil 388616:06
asenAll right, so I removed the quiet splash and added nomodeset, but I still don't see the OS itself. Right now it's frozen at "Stopping userspace bootsplash [OK]"16:06
edbianBDR: That dmesg has nothing to do with your wifi.16:07
edbianasen: That's useful.  We can both start googling it.16:07
BDRedbian: Sorry, not real experienced with the messages.16:07
edbianBDR: What driver?  sudo lspci -k16:07
edbianBDR: That's ok.  evince is a pdf veiwer16:07
sadidli, error E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?16:08
BDRedbian: I see a "link is not ready" message in reference to wlan0 - is that more like it?16:09
dlisadi, sudo apt-get -f update16:09
dlisadi, and try again16:09
gechmogHello, I tried googling and cannot find the answer anywhere. I run ubuntu 10.04, and after installing a recent update my comp froze up, so I reboot, and then I get thrown into a (initramfs)? Uh, what do?16:09
gechmogOkay, I'm typing this from my laptop right now so I am unable to copy paste anything from the box that is with the problem (lacks networking).16:09
edbianBDR: That has a lot to do with wifi but it is not immediately helpful.  How about that driver?16:10
anthony_devhi. I installed clutter lib to my system (to use it in my development in future). now I'm trying to compile a simple example, but gcc+netbeans wasnt able to find clutter.h. so I found it and edited this example. but now in clutter.h gcc+netbeans cant finde glib.h which already installed in system. Where I can add kind of alias to glib.h and the actual path to this header file? (ubuntu)16:10
BDRedbian: I believe it's r8169 still, as I was dissuaded from the ndiswrapper + remove original driver solution yesterday.16:12
dlianthony_dev, you can do command line option for gcc: gcc -I /path/to/ for headers16:12
BDRedbian: (which worked, in that the computer recognized the adapter, but it can't talk to the network)16:12
edbianBDR: sudo lspci -k will tell you which driver is being used.16:12
edbianBDR: WE're at the same place here right?16:13
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DanaGhmm, what do I need to do to get airprint on my ubuntu server?16:13
zeroflyHi, I have some problem on libvirt when I try to use virsh pool-define to create a storage pool, who knows it?16:13
DanaGMy printer isn't showing the URF record it's supposed to show16:13
BDRedbian: a moment, since literally none of the info from lspci directly refers to the adapter.16:14
edbianBDR: Is this a usb device?16:14
zeroflyDoes anybody who knows libvirt storage pool?16:14
BDRedbian: yes16:14
DanaGah, had to check "share printers connected to this system".16:14
edbianBDR: Ahh, that's why :P16:14
BDRedbian: I already know the 1630:0005 number too!16:15
edbianBDR: sudo lsmod | grep r816916:15
BDRedbian: will do16:15
lotuspsychjeBDR: you using wpa personal on natty?16:15
BDRlotuspsychje: i turned off all wireless security from the router16:17
BDRlotuspsychje: said router isn't hooked into linux16:17
lotuspsychjeBDR: i had disconnects from wifi wpa personal on natty, had to switch to WEP to get it working on rtl card16:18
ronqbcdoes Konqueror safe? can i install it on gnome?16:19
ronqbchttp://paste.ubuntu.com/645400/  does this bad? what should i do?16:19
BDRlotuspsychje: it wasn't working on WEP, kept returning authentication requests - now without security, it has been trying for at least 15 mins to connect without success16:19
Abhijitronqbc, you can installl it in gnome16:19
ronqbci've big problems using irc. the chat delay in 5 min. why?16:19
lotuspsychjeBDR: did you clean install natty or update?16:19
ronqbcAbhijit, why i don't see this browser in the list?16:20
BDRedbian: "r8169 42534 0" is the result (tab between r8169 and 42534)16:21
BDRlotuspsychje: I can't update - I can't get online, thus can't pull anything from the Internet.16:21
edbianBDR: That means the r8169 driver is loaded but not being used.  I'm not sure what the problem is.16:21
sadidli, no sound till now16:22
Abhijitronqbc, i think its conkeror16:22
ronqbcisn't Abhijit16:22
daedraBrasero (burning tool) says 100% Done but is creating an image checksum, and the ETA is slowly creeping up. It's been doing this for 2 hours now16:23
ronqbchow may i solcve this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/645400/16:23
daedrais it safe to stop Brasero?16:23
Abhijitronqbc, but why you want konqeror?16:23
BDRlotuspsychje: I *can* reinstall linux but I've already done that like twice now. This is a brand new computer in so far as it was put together on Wednesday and this install is like from Thursday/Friday or so.16:23
lotuspsychjeBDR: one day i had to add cd-rom to update my system in synaptic, before it loaded the correct wifi driver (when i could not axs the web)16:23
sadidli, no sound till now16:23
sadidli, no sound till now16:23
BDRlotuspsychje: also the only thing I put on so far was a fix to make Linux recognize my adapter, which worked as I can see my router with it.16:24
ronqbcAbhijit, i don't need it. just out of curiosity16:24
Abhijitasterix is not in repo?16:24
Abhijitronqbc, no idea16:24
sadidli, no sound till now16:25
robin0800BDR, what did you do to make it see your router?16:25
ron__i've a real problem in xchat. i'm trying to assign sounds to events from the settings but they disappear after a closure. why?16:26
lotuspsychjeBDR: installing ubuntu without internet is always pain in the ass lol16:27
BDRlotuspsychje: I was not expecting that!16:27
sakuragnohow do i make vlc play in auto dvds and paroleMP play in auto cd-audio? (i'm using xubuntu10.1016:28
lotuspsychjeBDR: cant you axs cable to pc to update system to the internet?16:28
RubyTNI have an odd situation, where my wireless internet works for about 10-12 hours and then disconnects.  After it disconnects, I am not able to reconnect unless/until I restart.  What do I need to do to fix this or at least be able to reconnect to my wifi?16:28
BDRrobin0800: http://packages.ubunut.com/hu/maverick/all/linux-firmware-nonfree/download16:28
ron__what can i do about my irc problems? i often see a major delay16:28
BDRlotuspsychje: I don't have any cables like that lying around.16:29
lotuspsychjeRubyTN: are you on natty and wpa personal?16:29
ron__what can i do about my irc problems? i often see a major delay16:29
ron__i've a real problem in xchat. i'm trying to assign sounds to events from the settings but they disappear after a closure. why?16:29
RubyTNlotuspsychje: wpa personal16:29
DonezBDR what`s your WIFI card?16:29
lotuspsychjeRubyTN: try WEP on natty it dosconnected me too16:29
BDRDonez: The adapter is an Intersil 3886.16:30
RubyTNlotuspsychje: what do you mean natty?16:30
BDRRubyTN: natty = 11.0416:30
lotuspsychjeubuntu natty(latest version)16:30
RubyTNlotuspsychje: is there any way to reset the network settings on 10.0.4?16:31
daedraBrasero (burning tool) says 100% Done but is creating an image checksum, and the ETA is slowly creeping up. It's been doing this for 2 hours now. Is it safe to stop Brasero?16:31
ron__i've a real problem in xchat. i'm trying to assign sounds to events from the settings but they disappear after a closure. why?16:31
BDRrobin0800: I was about to use an ndiswrapper solution and remove the r8169 driver, but bazhang told me it was a last ditch and found the solution above, which seemed to work (and then I ran into the wall which is that the driver I would have removed isn't doing anything anyway)16:32
savidHas anyone here used Kupfer?  I'm trying to figure out how to use plugins.  For example, I've enabled the gmail plugin but I have no idea how to use it.16:33
rhino__BDR: is there any way to reset the network settings on 10.0.4?16:33
BDRrhino__: Are you talking the computer with Linux on it or the router/modem settings?16:33
daedradoes brasero usually fail all over the place?16:34
miasmais there some kind of control panel in ubuntu that lets one choose the default sound device for pulseaudio?16:34
rhino__BDR:  the computer with Linux, I know how to and have already reset the router and modem16:34
C1iFFHello everyone, I desperately need to create an exact backup of my Ubuntu partition and would like to know the best way to do it. I need to be able to restore my computer from it in case any updates I make go bad in the original.16:34
JemtHello guys. I want to dual boot on a Mac Book Pro. Will I need to install OSX first, or can I install Ubuntu and later OSX ?16:35
BDRrhino__: I've already reset the router/modem combo. As for the Linux computer, I've been actively using it for about 2-3 days so I don't know where anything is - you'll have to tell me what you mean by '10.0.4' unless that's the IP I have to go to in Firefox, in which case I'll do that.16:36
ioJemt: depends if you want to play with Ubuntu or OS X first16:37
Jemtio: Ubuntu first. But I'm not sure whether the OSX installer will wipe my entire drive16:37
andreiri need help here16:37
ron__what can i do about my irc problems? i often see a major delay16:37
andreirhope anyone will help me16:37
ioron__: use a closer server16:37
ioJemt: it won't16:37
JemtPerfect, thanks16:38
andreiri have an samusng galaxy s 2 and i`ve got the red spot, how can i get it dissapear?16:38
ioron__: where in the world are you?16:38
ron__io, but hey. after few mins the problem gets ok. it's like igniting16:38
OerHeksandreir, are you running ubuntu on your Galaxy S2 ?16:38
ron__io, israel16:38
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andreirim running Gingerbread16:38
andreiri guess16:39
OerHeksandreir, this urc channel is for ubuntu support only.16:39
ioron__: not good with geography, take a look at http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml16:39
io!offtopic | andreir16:39
ubottuandreir: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:39
ron__i've a real problem in xchat. i'm trying to assign sounds to events from the settings but they disappear after a closure. why?16:40
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raven_i get input output error with one file on a ntfs partition. any way to recover this file?16:41
ioron__: #xchat16:41
ron__io, tnx16:42
C1iFFWhat is the best way to create an exact backup of my Ubuntu partition? I need to be able to restore everything on it afterwards. I dont know which command is works best for that..16:42
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning16:42
DanaGhar, sshd: root@notty16:42
DanaGWho's "notty"?16:42
ron__does this healthy? http://paste.ubuntu.com/645400/16:42
DanaGReally, it should be noTTY16:42
BDRWell, thanks for trying edbian, lotuspsychje, robin0800 - I think I may just go ahead and get a new adapter.16:43
BDRSee y'all later16:43
DanaGAnyway, I fixed my airprint... despite checking "share this printer", I also had to check "share printers" separately.16:43
edbianBDR: hav ea good one!16:43
OerHeksron__, looks fine16:43
BDRedbian: you too16:43
StevenRron__: that looks fine, very consistant, no packet loss.16:43
C1iFFThanks ubottu !!16:45
raven_i get input output error with one file on a ntfs partition. any way to recover this file?16:45
lotuspsychjeBDR: without internet might be same prob16:46
PaoloRotolohi all16:46
zaxiusok, i'm halfway there...but i accidentally kept my menu.lst when i upgraded to 10.10 (because i have windows in it).  but i remember from last time that this means i'm not getting the latest kernel.  i'm not sure what to change it to since it looks like there's a checksum in the line.16:46
lotuspsychjeBDR:cant you add cdrom source to update rep. to find correct wifi adapter?16:46
OerHeksraven_, you could use testdisk to verify the partition.16:47
zaxiusmaybe it's not a checksum but: kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-22-generic root=UUID=c1b4cd26-dcd8-4284-b0016:47
zaxius6-f3510a3cd05f ro quiet splash16:47
webczatHey. Will openjdk7 be included in ubuntu before 11.10?16:47
zaxiuscan i just copy someone else's?16:47
lotuspsychjeraven_: install pysdm16:48
ikoniazaxius: just change the kernel name to the kernel you want to use16:48
zaxiusikonia: that whole hex string stays the same?16:48
OerHekswebczat, i'm not sure, ask in #ubuntu+1 ?16:48
ikoniazaxius: yes, that's a disk identifier16:48
ChogyDananyone else run into an issue with chromium, and flash crashing everytime a page is closed?16:49
lotuspsychjeChogyDan: flash crashing on chromium sounds like exploit or malicious code16:50
bil21alcan any one tell me a good software of data recovery?????16:50
sakuragnohow do i set autoplay for dvd and audiocd'16:50
ikoniabil21al: what's happened ?16:50
ChogyDanlotuspsychje: o come on, really?16:50
BlackBinary-> suzy_  this user/bot spams with URLs in privat messages16:50
ikoniaBlackBinary: again, thanks16:50
sakuragnohow do i set autoplay for dvd and audiocd?16:51
webczatWho/what is it?16:51
webczata bot or a spammer?16:51
bil21alikonia; i want to restore my data from mobile some very  imp things are deleted so i want to recover them ,so is there any software to recover my data???16:51
BlackBinarywebczat:  yes16:52
ikoniabil21al: what file system is on your mobile phone ?16:52
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BlackBinaryspams with porn URLs16:52
sakuragnohow do i set autoplay for dvd and audiocd?16:52
webczatBlackBinary: This was the response to what question?16:52
OerHekssakuragno, here is a tutorial how to STOP autoplay, you need to turn it round  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-turn-off-auto-play-of-cdsdvds-and-ipods-in-ubuntu.html16:52
bil21alit was a vedio  ikonia;16:53
BlackBinary<webczat> a bot or a spammer?16:53
ikoniabil21al: what file system is on the phone16:53
bil21alhmm its nokia mobile phone nokia 2700 classic  ikonia;16:54
webczatHmm, I want openjdk7 on ubuntu. It's going to be released in about ten days.16:54
ikoniabil21al: no, I asked what file system is on the phone, not what phone it was16:54
sakuragnoOerHeks, does not work :D16:54
bil21ali dont know..how to know it??? ikonia;16:55
ikoniabil21al: research16:55
DonezBDR I read http://wiki.debian.org/prism54#p54pci , but ubuntu got linux-wlan-ng-firmware.. however  I don`t know if it contain p54pci driver16:55
ikoniabil21al: I suspect doing this under linux is not a good option due to the questionable results gnokii supports when connecting to nokia16:55
OerHekssakuragno, this part > http://www.ubuntugeek.com/images/au/3.png16:56
bil21alok now what can i do guide me plz  ikonia16:56
gorgonzolahello peoples. i have a very annoying problem that is driving me insane, and want soe help. my laptop doesn't get dhcp addresses oon wifi. any idea how to debug this? note that i have no control over the access points16:56
ikoniabil21al: what ? I've just told you to resarch what file system is on the phone, and then suggested that linux may not be the best way to do it, I'm not guiding you16:57
KennyXi am back here in this room! woo hooo16:57
sakuragnoi perfect know :D i'm using vlc instead of totem but ok.. when i put a disk in...nothing happens.. and if i double click on it stills open just the folder16:57
sakuragnoOerHeks, i perfect know :D i'm using vlc instead of totem but ok.. when i put a disk in...nothing happens.. and if i double click on it stills open just the folder16:57
ikoniagorgonzola: it's probably not binding to the wifi access point, so not getting an IP16:57
gorgonzolaikonia, it is binding, it is dhclient that fails after waiting for dhcp leases.16:57
KennyXis getting a google+ invite that hard?16:57
ikoniagorgonzola: how do you know it's connecting16:58
ikoniaKennyX: that's offtopic here16:58
gorgonzolaikonia, the problem is completely erratic. some ap wrk, some don't right now i was at one that was supposed to wrk reliably, now it is not working again.16:58
gorgonzolaKennyX yes.16:58
KennyXoh sorry for asking16:58
ikoniagorgonzola: then either a.) your dhcp server has ran out of leases b.) your client is not connecting to the access point16:58
KennyXreally? it is easy for me. i can invite people16:58
gorgonzolaikonia ah.16:59
gorgonzolaikonia i hadn't thougth of that.... i'm mostly using public ap's as i'm travelling in europe...16:59
ikoniagorgonzola: they are the most realistic options16:59
skritehey all16:59
gorgonzolaikonia it sounds very reasonable. it just hadn't occurred to me. the depths of ap admins' imcompetence defy the imagination.17:00
gorgonzolaikonia thanks for the ip.17:00
cyperbgguys: I'm trying to install Ubuntu 11.04 on a 4GB flash drive and managed to remove the 4.4GB free space requirement, but the Installer crashed because it ran out of space on the 2.28GB parition I created. So do you know how much actual space does it need? And can I create the Swap partition really small - like 300MB for example?17:00
Mamedhello again17:01
skritei am doing an install from the cli mini iso, got a system up but i don't know the name of the package that helps with installing hardware drivers, like for nvidia17:01
KennyXI am just curious. is there a way for me to chat on irc freenode on a Chrome OS notebook? i can't access #ubuntu on irc.freenode because freenode blocks mibbit. i had to install Ubuntu on it, and install irssi17:01
ikoniaKennyX: how is chrome OS something #ubuntu should support ?17:03
ron__how can i make windows semi transperent?17:03
ikoniaKennyX: I suggest you read the topic of this channel17:03
ChogyDancyperbg: if you have 1g ram, you can get by without swap17:03
KennyXchrome os is built with canonical. it is ubuntu base17:03
cyperbgChogyDan, I have 2GB of ram - so you are saying it i safe NOT to create a parition for SWAP?17:03
ikoniaKennyX: chome isn't an OS built with canonical -17:03
ikoniaKennyX: keep in mind we support 'Ubuntu here17:04
skritewhat is the name of the package to install for the restricted drivers manager?17:04
ChogyDancyperbg: yes, it is safe at 1g.  I have 2g myself, and I have almost never used the swap that I have17:04
ikoniaskrite: it's installed by default17:04
KennyXdid you read the news? canonical and google made chrome os17:04
ikoniaKennyX: no17:04
skriteikonia: well, i installed from a mini.iso17:04
ikoniaKennyX: this isn't canonical support either, it's "ubuntu" support17:04
szalcyperbg, ChogyDan: I wouldn't bet on that17:04
KennyXi am using ubuntu 11.04 on a cr-4817:05
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