
bob2sounds like perms on the ftp server are busted00:11
PengOr it's just FTP bustedness.00:12
lifelesssmells like that windows cluster-fs issue someone was running into a couple years back00:16
lifelesswhere the cluster sync locked the file against renames or something-like-that00:17
Kamping_Kaiserno jelmer?05:56
Kamping_Kaisersems not.05:56
rigelhi, i'm trying to work with the bzreclipse plugin, and i can't figure out how to import a project directly from bzr with it, if indeed that is possible.13:04
rigeljust because my experience is that it's kind of a PITA to get source from a VCS, and then import that13:05
=== JoeMaverickSett is now known as MavJS
* maxb wonders why 'bzr pull' would be write-locking the source branch18:24
maxbOh, not the source branch per-se, but the bound branch18:26
=== maxb changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control <http://bazaar.canonical.com> | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: Riddell and jam
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
jonathanji seem to have this happen to me often enough that i'm wondering if there is something in bzr to help me22:04
jonathanji start making changes in a branch and then realise later that these should probably be in another branch and i'd like to apply the diff on branch A to branch B22:04
jonathanjcurrently i just do bzr diff > ~/tmp && bzr revert && cd .../other-branch && patch -p0 < ~/tmp && rm ~/tmp22:05
lifelessbzr merge --uncommitted22:06
jonathanjlifeless: but then don't i have to fiddle with revisions to only merge the thing i want and not all the other changes?22:06
jonathanjoh i see, --uncommitted is *only* uncommitted22:07
jonathanjgreat, thanks!22:07

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