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RenatoSilvacan someone say something about bug 73339321:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 733393 in emerald (Ubuntu Natty) "[natty, SRU] emerald segfault on launch" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73339321:42
RenatoSilvaspecifically about comment 12, which I find very pertinent21:43
wgrantRenatoSilva: #ubuntu-bugs may be a better place.21:45
RenatoSilvaIn sum, I was happy on Maverick with my emerald and compiz. Just upgrading to Natty simply destroyed emerald. I searched for a solution and it is in comment 1621:45
wgrantOr be able to direct you to the appropriate forum.21:45
RenatoSilvawgrant: ok thanks21:45
RenatoSilvawgrant: I just want an answer to comment 12, why isn't the package updated, if it's dead, why is it maintained yet in the repo? Only repo maintainers could answer that. Because of this problem, I had to make a workaround to have emerald working again.21:46
RenatoSilvabut thanks anyway21:46
wgrantRenatoSilva: Oh, I remove emerald from Ubuntu years ago, but users complained so somebody else brought it back, and it lay abandoned.21:47
wgrantBut 0.8.8 is in oneiric.21:48
lifelessRenatoSilva: the repository is much larger than the set of packages that have folk caring for them21:48
lifelessRenatoSilva: Canonical only maintains stuff directly in 'main', the rest depend on various groups of volunteers21:49
wgrantlifeless: Well, that's not quite accurate these days, but it will do for now.21:49
lifelesswgrant: its a close enough approximation to reason about21:50
wgrantRenatoSilva: Emerald was maintained by a small set of community members, and they stopped updating it. May have become too busy, lost interest, etc. Canonical makes no claim that it maintains such packages -- it's entirely up to interested community members.21:51
wgrantSo asking why Canonical hasn't updated it is wrong.21:51
wgrantIt's up to interested community people to do that.21:51
RenatoSilvaI've read a page that states that new features are only delivered in next ubuntu release. Example: libreoffice 3.0.0 will always be 3.0.0, at last 3.0.0~ubuntuXYZ (for security/severe bugs). Is that true?21:51
wgrantCanonical can't possible perfectly maintain all the tens of thousands of pieces of software in universe.21:51
wgrantRenatoSilva: There are some exceptions, but that is the general rule.21:52
lifelessRenatoSilva: after a release is made, there are very large numbers of users that are not expecting things to change21:52
lifelessRenatoSilva: security updates can be done without inconveniencing them21:52
RenatoSilvawgrant: that was one question I made in #ubuntu no one could answer. Since my newer version is local, how can I know the original location, and how can I know when I can get rid of the local files (because now they lie on the repo)21:53
wgrantRenatoSilva: If you installed it as a package, tools such as Synaptic will show it as locally installed.21:53
wgrantIf you did not install it as a package, you are on your own.21:54
* RenatoSilva has never noticed the freeze-feature thing o.O21:55
RenatoSilvawgrant: sorry for disturbing, because this is for #ubuntu, but I installed the deb and it shows in synaptic as local. But I don't want to keep the local files forever, when the 0.8.8 gets released for Natty, I want to know that so that I can delete my local files. But I don't know what synaptic is going to do when that happens...21:57
RenatoSilvaI'm imagining it will simply ignore the new version because the same version is locally installed, so I'll never know when the updated went into the repo21:58
wgrantRenatoSilva: 0.8.8 will likely never be released for natty. As shown at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/emerald, the SRU is still based on
micahgRenatoSilva: #ubuntu-motu would be a better place to discuss updates for this package22:06
RenatoSilvathanks all22:07
RenatoSilvawgrant: someone in the bug comments about backporting to it, hopefully22:07
RenatoSilvawgrant: and please don't remove this package, I use it :D http://www.videolog.tv/video.php?id=67050822:09
wgrantI haven't removed it for around four years now, and am not likely to do it again soon :)22:09
* RenatoSilva hugs wgrant22:09

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