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vibhavdoes irclogs.ubuntu.com log PMs14:22
ppqvibhav: no, technically that's impossible, only freenode could do that (of course it doesn't)14:23
lubotu2In #ubuntu-cn, sikao_lfs1 said: !who is your name15:51
lubotu2In #ubuntu-cn, Jakalala said: !who is your dady15:52
vibhav!who is your name15:57
vibhavwhat is the canonical irc channel16:54
vishvibhav: for which topic?16:56
vibhavjust for knowing16:57
vishvibhav: they have their own private irc network, only for canonical employees16:57
vibhav#canonical does not work16:57
vishvibhav: thats a channel on freenode, as it says in that channel's topic it has been moved, might be an old remnant16:59
charlie-tcaI need help adding a #xubuntu specific factoid to ubottu23:20
charlie-tcafactoid should be !nothelping23:20
charlie-tcaPlease do not disrupt the channel with off-topic subjects. If you are not using Xubuntu, you are not helping this user.23:20
rwwcharlie-tca: !nothelping-#xubuntu is <reply> Please do not...23:21
charlie-tcaokay, I will try that23:21
rwwalthough that seems redundant with our !offtopic factoids, assuming there's one for #xubuntu that mentions #xubuntu-offtopic23:21
rww(also, I use Debian. Can I not help users now ;)?23:21
charlie-tcaWe have several people telling users they can't be helped because the person is not running Xubuntu. We would prefer they not even answer in that case23:23
charlie-tcaWe have one that mentions #xubuntu-offtopic, but would like one that tells you not to tell our users you don't run Xubuntu23:23
charlie-tcaIf help == "I don't use xubuntu, so I don't know any answers. I use Debian."23:24
charlie-tcaThen, no, that is not helping23:24
rwwover in #ubuntu, I generally throw !guidelines and its "When helping, be helpful" header at them.23:24
m4vthe factoid should be more clear then, the way is worded, sounds as "you can't help if you aren't using xubuntu"23:24
charlie-tcaThat's very direct to the user as stated23:25
charlie-tcaIf your response is you are not using Xubuntu, you can not help. correct23:25
charlie-tcaIf they help is called"I don't use this", then no, your help is not wanted.23:26
rwwHow about this: !behelpful is <reply> As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the question being asked, let someone else handle it instead of making offtopic comments or jokes.23:26
rwws/question being asked/issue at hand/23:28
charlie-tcaThat would be good, too23:28
charlie-tcaI would be happy that instead23:28
charlie-tcaWe need to get a handle on this one quickly, though. telling users what you use instead of Xubuntu is not helping at all for us.23:29
rww!behelpful is <reply> As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.23:29
ubottuI'll remember that, rww23:29
charlie-tcaThank you, rww23:29
rwwI also note that for corner cases, the IRC Guidelines' command to obey operator directives is useful :)23:29
charlie-tcayes, I brought that up, too23:30
charlie-tcaI knew someone else would be better than me with wording it.23:33
charlie-tcawith growth comes pain, I guess23:34

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