
cyberangerthat reminds me, I forgot to show you all it, and I know two of you (at least) would look at the live cd when done (I've got some updates to do to that one too, hopefully done tommorow, and I'll upload them somewhere for you all)00:01
Unit193wrst: Re: Solaris. Did you try OpenIndiana?00:04
wrstno haven't had much time here lately Unit19300:04
Unit193wrst: That's fine, I have just glanced at it once and I had no idea what you have tried00:04
wrstI like trying things01:23
Unit193OpenIndiana = OpenSolaris So I'm not sure if I should bother (But I want to try BSD and Solaris)01:25
cyberangerUnit193: What's stopping you? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxUZUnRwH7s01:26
cyberangerwhoops, wrong link, cool video though01:26
Unit193cyberanger: I'm fat and lazy, that's why! Free over Open?01:27
Unit193(I'm not actually fat if you were wondering)01:27
Unit193I do kinda like the little devil...01:29
cyberangerUnit193: it's the same license, if that's why you asked free vs open01:29
Unit193cyberanger: I was just wondering why you pointed at Free vs Open01:31
cyberangerI've used it more, and hence I'm more aware of it01:32
cyberangerhowever, I think the ports system in FreeBSD (think apt repository for comparison) isn't in openbsd, one reason freebsd stands out01:33
Unit193Does it happen to have a LiveCD type? (Or should I just look? :P)01:46
cyberangerGood Question! ;-)01:47
cyberangerderivides of FreeBSD with Live boot01:49
Unit193I would assume you would think it's best to stick with FreeBSD?01:52
cyberangerMy case it's what I used, but idk if it'll be best for your desktop01:53
cyberangerI use it way more as a server01:53
Unit193Sweet, I would guess it's good then ;)  It and Debian both have PPC builds so it may be something I can try of an old G301:58
cyberangerlol, I'd go with Debian myself01:59
cyberanger(I like it more, but use both)01:59
* cyberanger has finished another script, open wifi autoconnect, still have to work on another one that deals with captive portals02:02
cyberangerman, I have too many projects (and today I actually got alot done with most of them)02:04
* Unit193 still would (maybe) try BSD and Solaris in VM02:04
Unit193Congrats on getting stuff done (sounds to be much needed)02:05
wrstwell wow, we singed an offer on a house yesterday and just got one on ours a couple hours ago02:07
cyberangerwrst: wow, a huge hurdle in this market too02:09
Unit193No kidding! Going for bigger?02:10
wrstyep Unit193 with the little one comes a need for space, we have been blessed and we could handle doing two houses for a few months if need be but man you talk about a load lifted :)02:11
wrststill pending financing on the buyer... but pretty sure that's going to work out02:13
Unit193Did I know about little fella? I would guess so...02:14
wrstUnit193: she's fairly new four months old today02:14
wrstbut she has an ever expaning kingdom02:14
cyberangerUnit193: you do now for sure ;-)02:27
Unit193Aye, I'll forget though...02:27
Unit193Little girl or boy?02:28
cyberangerwrst: closer to work for either of you?02:28
cyberangerUnit193: Girl if I remember right ( wrst correct me if I'm wrong)02:29
wrstoh yes Unit193 a girl02:32
wrstcyberanger:  actually about the same but its a little handier for my wife to drop the baby off to my mom he is going to keep her when school starts back02:33
wrstmy wife is a teacher02:33
cyberangerwrst: I thought I recalled that02:36
Unit193Not to break this up, but did anyone see this? http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Microsoft-contributes-a-lot-of-changes-to-Linux-kernel-3-0-1280528.html02:37
cyberangerand nice it benifits in some way like that02:37
wrstcyberanger: now my fear is that I may not be able to get as fast of a connection at the new place02:37
cyberangerI was thinking cheaper driving, shorter distance02:38
cyberangerwrst: you can get as much as you can afford02:38
cyberangerUnit193: that's fuzzy math02:39
wrstcyberanger:  short of buying a large company I have as much as is possible here 10/102:40
cyberangerbetween Novell being a Microsoft company and the "study" citing code that won't enter the actual kernel, (so called staging area)02:40
cyberangerwrst: you don't have to buy from a large company, just look like one a little02:41
cyberangerbuy from Charter FiberLink, Earthlink Bussiness, AT&T Bussiness02:41
wrstcyberanger: how would they get it to me?02:41
cyberangerthey'll do whatever your heart desires, for a price your wallet will hate02:43
wrstha ha well cyberanger I think it would require stringing a wire from about 20 miles away :)02:43
cyberangerif it's fiber, from the nearest node to you, underground02:43
cyberangerdeploying boosters & such as needed02:44
cyberangerdepends where exactly you'll be02:44
wrstwell probably more like 10 it would have to come from cookeville we aren't so wired here02:44
cyberangerwrst: how close are you to I -40?02:45
cyberangernot an exit, just the interstate02:45
wrstthe new house probably 15 miles or so02:46
wrstcyberanger: this is where we are going to: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=210+golden+circle+cookeville+tn&hl=en&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=37.052328,86.572266&z=1602:48
* wrst apologizes for the stupidly long link02:48
cyberangerwrst: wrst you might be better off than you think02:53
wrstcyberanger: if i can get my current set up I will be happy02:53
cyberangerright near cookeville hwy, between Cookeville & Livingston02:53
wrst10/1 and very reliable.. right now02:53
cyberangerlikely some lines in the that area due to that02:54
wrstyeah as long as I can keep what I have I will be ok all through the same provider02:55
wrstwell good night guys think I will head to bed03:01
cyberangernight wrst03:10
cyberanger2 am, suprised you hadn't wrst03:10
cyberangeryou've been a bit of a night owl tonight03:10
cyberangerUnit193: 3am for us, perhaps I should head off too03:11
* cyberanger thinks about that for a sec03:11
cyberangerNAW, sleeps for fools ;-)03:11
Unit193cyberanger: I know! I got off last night at 6am! (wait, was that still night?)03:28
cyberangerno, morning03:34
cyberangerwhoops, my time is set for GMT atm04:00
cyberangerthat's why it doesn't feel so late04:00
cyberangerlive disc, duh\04:00
Unit193Did you ever see this? http://youtu.be/NYGlWjIKoY404:01
Unit193And I would have done this www.youtube.com/watch?v=3L-rrkyvApU04:03
wrstcyberanger: think you need to check your clock ;)11:59
Unit193cyberanger: If you were still looking at it, this was accepted  Bug 81168813:12
Unit193Er... Too used to ubottu https://launchpad.net/bugs/81168813:13
cyberangerUnit193: lol14:42
cyberangerwrst: I did, it was set 4 hours fast14:42
cyberangerlive disc defaults to GMT14:43
* cyberanger nearly took out his whole $HOME directory, luckily all the worthwhile stuff is backed up, planning to reinstall today, did backups on friday14:45
cyberangerscript did what it was meant to do, just fired off a little soon, sorta like celebrating New Years Day at 9PM on New Years Eve14:47
cyberangerlol, whoops15:30
Unit1930_o I'm being stalked... ^^ Was in the other LoCo channel too...21:45

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