
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
MJBruneanyone here06:16
MJBruneI am having sound troubles06:16
MJBruneI can hear sound but its really quiet and everything in the sound mixer is turned up for both alsa and pulse06:16
orngjce223Generic "is this thing on" question: Have you checked the volume level on your external speakers, if there is any?06:18
MJBruneorngjce223: yes I checked both06:23
MJBruneorngjce223: is there anyway to increase my volume past 100%?06:28
MJBrunei know in vlc you can go to 400%06:28
MJBruneis there something like that for the whole system?06:28
orngjce223Unfortunately, I don't know of anything like that.06:28
MJBruneso i have to run everything though vlc to get decent sound?06:29
orngjce223Try #opensourcemusicians they might know of a software amplifier you can use or something. I'm stumped :/06:30
aatkMJBrune: are you sure the speakers are okay, have you tried plugging another device in and checked cables?08:08
aatkI've spent hours trying to fix quiet audio to find the cable was damaged in the end08:09
MJBruneaatk: yes I have08:23
MJBruneaatk: I have checked the ports and cords08:23
MJBruneits 100% software08:24
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MJBruneHow can I make xfce terminal start at 120 by 30 instead of 80 by 24?11:09
SysiMJBrune: mousepad ~/.config/Terminal/terminalrc11:23
MJBruneSysi: ty11:24
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=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!13:52
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!13:53
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:53
jnsl_is there a compiz switch for natty?14:16
charlie-tcacompiz is not installed by default in Xubuntu14:24
nasrullahhi to all16:12
nasrullahhow to make parole player play vcd16:12
derpadongAnyone alive?17:16
* KM0201 is alive17:17
derpadongGot a question17:17
derpadongWhy does everything lok so big when in 1360x768 resolution?17:18
KM0201what looks big?17:18
KM0201and are you sure you're at 1360x76817:18
derpadongFirefox and Yes Im sure. Ive set the TV to it and Xubuntu17:19
KM0201hmm, i dunno.. what exactly looks "big" in firefox? the buttons, the menu, ?  or does the whole OS look larger than normal?17:20
derpadongWhole OS looks larfer than normal17:21
KM0201derpadong: and yu're sure the OS is using htat resolutioon?17:22
KM0201i don't use Xubuntu.17:23
KM0201but.. i think there's a "Zoom" feature.. you've probably got that set to high.17:23
KM0201Unit193: does xfce have that zoom feature?17:24
KM0201i know gnomme does17:24
derpadongWhat are you using then?17:24
Unit193derpadong: Anything fun with the DPI?17:24
KM0201the most awesome-sauce GUI there is.17:24
derpadongNot that I know of17:25
derpadongI will have to test it out later17:25
derpadongIm going to probably reinstall Ubuntu17:25
derpadongOr just use xfce17:25
derpadongwith xubuntu17:26
derpadongIm going to dual boot17:26
Unit193Are you going to be using this on TV?17:26
ubottuMythbuntu is an Ubuntu derivative centered upon setting up a standalone MythTV system. See: http://www.mythbuntu.org for more information17:26
Unit193Is that maybe somethting you would bbe looking for?17:27
Unit193I think it's switching to XFCE too17:27
derpadongI know what mythbuntu is17:27
derpadongIm using this for a computer17:27
derpadongNot TV shows and whatnot17:27
Unit193Alright, I can only think of res and DPI right now.17:28
derpadongKM0201, whats this zoom feature on ubuntu?17:29
KM0201derpadong: it's a setting in nautilus17:29
KM0201(i think thunar has a similar one)17:29
derpadongHm. Link me?17:30
KM0201it's in thunar17:31
KM0201derpadong: hold on, i'm installing thunar17:33
KM0201 hmm, nope17:33
KM0201i know nautilus does though17:33
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Mandrewhi which network manager is it that you guys have in xubuntu?21:10
Sysinetworkmanager used through nm-applet21:11
Sysiwicd should work too21:11
Mandrewso its called nm-applet the network manager?21:15
Mandrewthat cant be right or am i misunderstanding you sir?21:16
Unit193That's correct21:16
charlie-tcano, it is called network-manager or maybe gnome-network-manager21:16
Mandrewthat is being used in xubuntu?21:16
Unit193*The command seems to be nm-applet21:17
Mandrewso xfce dont have a special one21:17
Mandrewok tnx21:17
Mandrewi got to go my belly is killing me :S21:17
charlie-tcacorrect. Xfce uses either network-manager or wicd, depending on the distribution itself21:17
Mandrewso what do i need to get it to show up in the applet21:18
charlie-tcaIf you went and got xfce and tried to install it, you would find you need to install a distribution to get xfce to do anything useful21:18
Mandrewsorry need to go my belly is really hurting, tnx for the help21:19
charlie-tcaXubuntu community meeting in #xubuntu-devel in 35 minutes. Everyone is invited to attend. Agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings21:24
Mandrewwhats not helping?23:16
beardygnomeI think charlie is testing a bot response23:18
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:18
charlie-tca!nothelping #xubuntu is <reply> Please do not disrupt the channel with off-topic subjects. If you are not using Xubuntu, you are not helping this user.23:18
ubottucharlie-tca: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:18
charlie-tcait ain't working yet23:19
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines23:26
Mandrewcharlie-tca, are you playing around with the ChanServ ? ;)23:29
charlie-tcano, I am piecing together a new factoid23:29
Mandrewis there like a cmd for sub channels?23:30
charlie-tcaWe can limit factoids to specific channels23:31
ubottuAs our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.23:31
Mandrewlike /me but something in the line of /sub-channel23:31
charlie-tcaI don't think so23:32
Mandrewthe /me thing is actually the only one i know hehe23:32
charlie-tcathere is /msg ubottu to talk to the bot without the channel being in the middle23:32
Mandrewok that sound just even more lonely then sitting and talking to the computer :S23:33
Mandrewis there a cmd guide or cmd reference guide for irc?23:34
charlie-tcayes, there is23:35
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines23:35
Mandrewooh cool23:35
charlie-tcaoh, but that isn't really the cmd guide. Let me find that23:35
Mandrewthis one is a good one: Don't ask for operator privileges23:38
charlie-tcamost commands will be found in http://www.irchelp.org/, which is a lot of reading23:40
Mandrewi have a channel that they keep giving me "talk privileges" dont even know what it is, but i really dont think it necessary for other then the OPs to have special privileges23:40
charlie-tcaThis is easier, but do not use away, please23:41
charlie-tcatalk privileges in some channels is needed just so they can see what you are typing.23:42
charlie-tcasome channels do not allow "anyone" to talk, so they give special permissions.23:42
Mandrewhehe charlie-tca i did test things in the settings panel ;) remember? didnt know it would spam the channel, just thought it would say something if someone sent me a PM or clicked on me23:43
charlie-tcayeah, such things happen. Normally, we tell you and you become aware of it23:43
Mandrewi was in like 15 channels and everyone got pissed off, not so much fun was it ;)23:44
charlie-tcaI usually take mine down to just one or two channels for that stuff23:45
Mandrewi would have done that now in retrospect or just have opened a empty channel to try it out, but done is done23:46
charlie-tcaif you take it down to just #xubuntu- channels, it is easier for everyone to see what happened, and we don't jump as much.23:46
Mandrewand the funny thing with away msg is that you never see it yourself but you discover it the hardway by being banned and not being able to come back ;)23:48
Mandrewcharlie-tca, do you use nstapaper?23:49
charlie-tcadon't know what that is23:49
Mandrewok i was thinking there might be a app for that or some like it for linux23:50
MandrewA simple tool to save web pages for reading later.23:51
charlie-tcaThere is one23:51
charlie-tcalet me find it23:51
Mandrewthere is? nice23:52
Mandrewi found it today and its a really good tool, now i have a bunch of good articles on my ipad23:54
charlie-tcahttrack lets you save the website23:54
charlie-tcaI don't know if it is the same, though23:54
Mandrewi think not, but i dd a string on google and i think i got some good hit23:55
charlie-tcaI usually just click on File -> Save Page As... in firefox23:55
charlie-tcait saves a page and folder with the same name. Just click the page name and it opens it Firefox23:55
Mandrewthe good thing with instapaper is that as soon a save it to one place i have it on all devices23:55
charlie-tcaThen it is storing them in the cloud?23:56
Mandrewand if i need to help a friend, i just login to instapaper on the web23:56
Mandrewyea some like it23:56
Mandrewbut i have it off line too23:57
charlie-tcaI see.23:57
Mandrewso i can read stuff when im abroad too without the need to go online23:57
charlie-tcagot to run for a few minutes23:57
Mandrewok you have a nice one23:58
Mandrewi might not be here later23:58
Mandrewgetting tired23:58
Mandrewits late here23:58

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