
latagoree_t_: Sorry for the late reply. I only vaguely understand what you mean but it is okay. Thank you for your help00:15
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allquixoticHi, I'm running Kubuntu 11.04 with latest KDE 4.6.x bugfix release (from Kubuntu PPA). I'd like to enable Spanish language IME in both KDE4, plain Qt4, and GTK2/Gnome2 applications. Can I do this from KDE control center, or where? The kind of IME I'm looking for can unfortunately be compared to Windows: to make an accented character, you'd type e.g. 'a to produce á and so on.01:46
BullSharkwhat happened to kdirstat in 11.04?01:54
szalwhat's that?01:55
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unknown212__having an error while trying to update version from 10.0402:00
unknown212__codename lucid02:00
unknown212__need some help02:00
Bynwhi, recently retrying KDE (since i dont like Gnome3 or Unity) ... but i really dont like the KWallet app either ... i uninstalled it but if i login under a guest login, the kwallet comes back .. how do i totally remove it?02:01
unknown212__it doesnt give me an option to upgrade02:01
szal!upgrade | unknown212__02:02
ubottuunknown212__: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade02:02
BullSharkwhy was kdirstat removed from kubuntu's repos?02:05
allquixoticBullShark: it looks like kdirstat is a very old program, the news site was last updated 2006... most likely it still runs on KDE3/Qt302:07
allquixoticif there's no Qt4/KDE4 port, don't expect it to stick around forever. you wouldn't expect us to support Qt2 or Qt1.0 programs today, would you?02:07
BullSharkallquixotic ☠ is there a good alternative? i wasn't seeing any probs with the latest stable version of kdirstat02:09
allquixoticBullShark: quick google, http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3116549.002:09
unknown212__ubotuu doesnt work02:09
szalallquixotic: what's an IME?02:09
allquixoticszal: input method editor.02:10
szalunknown212__: "doesn't work" is NOT a precise error description02:10
Bynwhow do i completely remove kwallet from my system? it is gone from my login but not the guest login that i have for others to use my computer02:10
mark__Hey. I'm trying to turn on the "Disable touchpad while typing" feature but can't figure out how... Anyone able to help me out?02:10
szalallquixotic: just use an appropriate keyboard layout (can be selected from Systemsettings)02:10
allquixoticszal: I figured it out already, but thanks02:11
allquixoticBynw: kwallet is a keyring provider; anything that depends on keyring functionality will fail to work without a keyring provider. this can lead to apps not working or crashing, or automatically failing authentication without even asking you for a password (Firefox or Chrome's saved passwords for example). Are you sure you want to do that?02:14
allquixoticthere is no `kwallet' package. It's integrated into the core KDE libs, I believe. surgically extracting it without breaking any apps would probably require invasive code changes and rebuilding all applications that depend on a keyring provider.02:14
unknown212__more precise02:15
unknown212__when i check my updates it never shows me an upgrade02:15
Bynwso how do you get it so it doesn't pop up for everything you do .... the gnome keyring provider doesn't do that02:16
allquixoticBynw: the default behavior, I think, is for kwallet to only leave itself open for a certain number of minutes, after which the wallet "closes" and you have to re-authenticate again if you need keyring services after the timeout.02:17
unknown212__szal it usually gives me an upgrade notice in kpackagekit02:18
unknown212__but i get nothing even know i know there is higher version02:18
allquixoticthis is a security feature to reduce the attack surface of someone gaining access to your computer (physical, over the network, etc) and using your keyring to authenticate as you.02:18
allquixoticIf I recall, that number is either 5 or 10 minutes02:18
allquixoticso if you use your keyring very frequently it should stay open, but if you use it once every 10 minutes then you'll have to keep typing your password02:18
Bynwi find it very annoying. especially for the guest login, they cant access the internet when i tell the wireless to connect automatically, it doesnt want to because of kwallet02:19
allquixoticthere used to be a system tray applet when the wallet was open, and you could right-click and change settings or disable the lockout timer02:19
allquixotictry it: do something that causes a wallet authentication, then type the password, then look in the system tray02:20
allquixoticBynw: I found another way to do it02:20
allquixoticinstall the kwalletmanager package02:21
allquixoticthen start kwalletmanager and go to Settings -> Configure Wallet02:21
Bynwk that is installed02:21
allquixoticthere's your lockout timer, etc settings02:21
allquixoticalso a checkbox to disable it02:21
allquixoticall without removing any packages :)02:21
Bynwi'll give that a shot and try it out02:22
unknown212__i mean i used to get upgrade notices now nothing02:22
unknown212__and there is two versions ahead now02:22
allquixoticunknown212__: you may have to go to the console and run `update-manager -d'02:22
unknown212__ok let me try02:25
unknown212__it says its not installed02:26
unknown212__so whatd  does that do and what does that mean02:28
allquixoticunknown212__: when you start the update manager normally, it's like running update-manager without the -d switch. the -d switch tells it explicitly that it should try to do a distro upgrade02:48
allquixoticyou should be able to update to natty or maverick from there02:49
unknown212__im a nix user *02:50
AndrewS17Hello :D03:06
allquixoticunknown212__: If that's so, then you should know about `man' or at least running --help with a command. Either of those would get you all the info you need on what the -d switch does for update-manager.03:07
AndrewS17Anyone have a free minute to answer a question??03:07
allquixoticand if you're more familiar with the CLI than GUI, try: man aptitude03:07
allquixotic!ask | AndrewS1703:07
ubottuAndrewS17: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:07
AndrewS17I use Ubuntu 11.04 off my external hard drive, but my wireless adapter Netgear WNDA3100v2 isn't working with it, and I cannot connect to the internet. I've even used ndiswrapper to activate the driver, but I can't connect to the internet in any way...03:08
redeyyezis there a way to diable subtitles with dragon player?03:11
unknown212__all thanks not used to using man03:16
AndrewS17Is there a way to get my wireless adapter Netgear WNDA3100v2 to pick up?03:17
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unknown212__got a q05:28
unknown212__how do i access the man pages05:28
unknown212__like i want to see how the -d switch works05:30
unknown212__allquix can you help me05:33
dhqhey there, i have a problem with my kubuntu11.04 when i use it i get goood download speed ... when my screen is locked the download speed drops by more than 1/205:34
bluegraxxonHello, I need help with a huge font issue for Kubuntu 11.4.06:01
bluegraxxonI'm new to linux and would really like to get away from Windows.06:02
bluegraxxonThe forums seem to suggest that this is some kind of ghost bug that cannot be pinned down.06:10
bluegraxxonIs anyone able to help me, or should I try again during more normal hours?06:18
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ct529hi! What do you use to dynamically read rss feeds? The onlye thing I was able to find is RSSnow, but it is slow nd not very dynamic, notwithstanding a veyr fast connection.07:48
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Carnage__Hey guys. Starting this morning, I've been having serious issues with my (K)ubuntu 11.04. Several programs do not start anymore, clicking the K-Menu butto does not work anymore, etc. For example, Firefox does not start anymore. When I start it with strace, I see that its last action is to try to read from a socket in /tmp/.ICE-unix and there it hangs08:04
Carnage__Since I also got a few messages that programs cannot connect to localhost, I assumed it to be a network problem. However, I can ping localhost and also remote URLs...08:04
valorieis your /tmp full?08:04
Carnage__My root partition has ample space left08:05
Carnage__That's where /tmp is located08:05
well_laid_lawnCarnage__: does /tmp .ICE-unix exist?08:06
well_laid_lawnCarnage__: does /tmp/.ICE-unix exist?08:06
Carnage__Yes, the socket file in there exists as well08:07
Carnage__And changing access rights does not help either08:07
well_laid_lawnI'd logout of X and into a tty and remove it then try an X environment again Carnage__08:10
Carnage__I rebooted several times already, but I'll try that08:11
well_laid_lawnit's my best guess from here08:11
Carnage__Does not help either, I'll reboot once more...08:13
well_laid_lawnfrom here - http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=508975 - /tmp/.ICE/unix is directory for the X session Carnage__08:18
well_laid_lawnso rebooting isn't necessary just restart X08:18
well_laid_lawnI'd check the X log and .xsession-errors08:18
=== Thorsten_ is now known as TE_
rubyyhey bros,  i have installed kubuntu.  and on first boot. it crashed (gets held with a black screen)  .. it happens before the big K icon is loaded. help ?08:36
well_laid_lawnsomething with your video driver I guess - is there a /var/log/Xorg.0.log file?08:47
rubyywhile using x . it says.  kernel panic. not syning: fatal exception in interupt. pid 1874 com: virtuoso-t tainted : G .. call trace. blba bla bla .panic ouccured. switching back to text mode.         key board numlock and caps blinking .08:49
bobweaverhow to make the desktop widget come back ?08:50
bobweaverthe one that is there right after install08:51
bobweaverrubyy: you are trying to install08:53
rubyybobweaver i have installed08:53
bobweaverit just wont boot08:54
rubyyit boots but at the k icon . while loading desktop. it goes back to text mode08:57
ikoniarubyy: is the machine hung ?08:58
bobweaverrubyy: fsck -y /where/ever/08:59
ikoniawhy fsck ?09:00
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bobweaverto fix the hard drive >?09:00
ikoniawhy do you think there is a problem with the hard disk ?09:00
bobweaverif it is installed and it boots then he gets a infrafs or however you spell it09:01
bobweaverlets get deep with it09:01
ikonialook at the error09:01
ikoniabobweaver: fsck randomly is not "getting deep"09:01
bobweaverin text mode do a09:01
rubyyikonia it might. iam not sure09:01
bobweaversudo /ect/init.d/kdm restart09:02
bobweaverback in gui ?09:02
rubyyikonia ok. how to see error file? ill use boot cd09:02
ikoniarubyy: the reason I'm asking is the phrase kernel panic - that should normally hang the system, so I'm trying to get an understanding of your current state to then advise you of options09:02
bobweavertry to sign in back to text ?09:02
ikoniarubyy: the fact that it's suggesting a back trace on the kernel also suggests it's hung, I just need you to confirm/reject that09:03
rubyyikonia ok. so what should i do09:05
ikoniarubyy: I need you to confirm if your system is hung or not09:05
rubyyit was hung. with keyboard lights blinking on off09:05
ikoniarubyy: ok - that ties in. Do you know how to boot into "recovery" mode from the grub menu ?09:06
ikoniarubyy: can you do that please09:08
rubyyikonia btw i have booted from live cd. and its good.09:09
rubyyor should i go in recovery mode ?09:09
ikoniarubyy: the livecd is not your system, so that holds no value at this time09:09
ikoniarubyy: we can work from the livecd if you want09:09
ikoniarubyy: do you know how to mount your hard disks's file system ?09:09
rubyyso what should i do now09:09
rubyyah never mind. ill go in recovery mode :)09:10
rubyywhich option should i choose in rec mode09:10
rubyyrepair packages. root shell ?09:10
rubyyiam in rec mode09:11
ikoniarubyy: ok, what video card do you have in your machine09:11
rubyyintel r 915g09:12
ikoniainteresting, I didn't expect that09:12
rubyystandard vga adapter09:12
rubyyiam in rec mode. now09:13
ikoniarubyy: ok - a few questions09:13
ikoniarubyy: 1.) have you used any 3rd party repos or PPA's ?09:13
rubyynop. i just installed kubuntu. and i havnt see my first desktop except once when i    startx on command line. that crashed too09:14
ikoniarubyy: ok - 2.) what version of kubuntu is this ?09:15
rubyyi have used multiple live cds (different downloaded iso )on multiple identical machines. same errors .09:16
ikonia3.) can you see if you have a file /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:16
ikoniarubyy: ok - so if this is happening on multiple identical machines it suggests there is a hardware incompatability with those machines09:16
rubyyikonia first tell me what option to choose at rec mode09:16
ikoniarubyy: what option ?09:16
rubyyhow to locate .org.conf09:18
ikoniarubyy: its in /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:18
rubyyi dont have it09:19
ikoniarubyy: ok - now I'm going to give you a command that "may" break your system, or it may tell us what the problem is, are you comfortable with that ?09:20
rubyyi have xorg.conf.failsafe09:20
ikoniarubyy: that's fine, don't worry about .failsafe09:20
ikoniarubyy: are you comfortable doing something that may damage your install ?09:20
ikoniaI'm assuming as you've never been able to use it there is nothing of value on there09:20
* rubyy just cant control the passion09:20
* rubyy thinks, isnt it a good idea to check log files09:21
ikoniarubyy: which log files do you suggest checking for a kernel panic ?09:21
rubyyikonia sys log files. that have list of errors may be.?09:22
ikoniarubyy: go for it then, good luck09:22
rubyyno.. you proceed09:22
rubyywhat command you were talking aboue09:23
ikoniano, it's fine, I've got other things to do09:23
ikoniagood luck09:23
rubyyikonia proceed09:23
ikoniarubyy: sorry, I'm off to do other things now09:23
ikoniagood luck with your log files09:24
rubyywhat if i say please09:24
ikoniarubyy: please don't push me in this channel too09:24
ikoniaI'm not smiling09:24
rubyybtw, what was the command09:24
ikoniadoesn't matter, check your logs09:25
rubyyare you a ubuntu user .(considered most nice in os people) or a guy with ego09:27
rubyyif 2 = true   then ikonia != ubuntu user09:28
ikoniarubyy: your attitude doesn't help09:29
ikoniarubyy: if you want nice help - you should consider how you speak to people and stop trying to wind them up, more so after you've been removed from one channel already09:29
rubyyi just suggested fsck. and that brang you inferiority complex09:30
rubyy* rubyy thinks, isnt it a good idea to check log files09:30
rubyyi just suggested log files*. and that brang you inferiority complex09:30
rubyyikonia keep you help with you. i dont think you deserve to use ubuntu. or help09:31
ikoniarubyy: I was putting effort in to help you with clear consise info and research around your problem. it's up to you what you do09:31
ikoniarubyy: I help many people, I'd bet they would disgree09:31
rubyyquest to all, while i fsck sda6 . i t says bad magic number in super block while trying to re open . aborting journal on device sda6-8.    mapped to illega pblock.  abortin journal on dev.09:35
ikoniasounds like file system corruption09:35
rubyyikonia those were MY coments. i dont have a certificate what others think09:35
rubyyhow to fix file system ubuntu sers ?09:38
rubyyfsck is not working09:38
=== zw_ is now known as william
deanHi all could someone tell me if Kubuntu is as user friendly as mint kde?10:58
deanDoes no one talk in here?11:01
souravhello all, the window/file explorer (DOLPHIN) in my kubuntu box has crasher..., when I login, I am getting the termional, how can I restore it?11:21
James147sourav: is dolphin crashing or is your session crashing...?11:27
=== booster is now known as Guest8450
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gribouillehi. kubuntu screwed my X configuration. now, the 1280x1024 screen resolution isn't available any more11:50
gribouillekubuntu screwed my X configuration. now, the 1280x1024 screen resolution isn't available any more12:10
BajKis there a way to revert back to Xine backend?12:41
BajKgstreamer sucks12:41
BajKon natty12:41
FloodBotK2BajK: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:42
BajKokay, switched to VLC . dunno why all consider GStreamer the best back-end12:55
BajKit is SO damn buggy and VLC has a nice surround sound effect in it :D12:55
szalBajK: on KDE, use Xine backend.  Period. ;)13:02
BajKszal: tell this the Kubuntu guys -.-" but they seem to really like messing up working systems with beta software^^13:03
szalBajK: Systemsettings -> Multimedia -> Phonon -> Backend13:05
BajKI know but it is not installed by default anymore on natty :)13:05
BajKjust installed it13:05
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BajKok so Xine does not work at all13:06
szaldefine 'does not work'13:06
yofelszal: xine backend is unmaintained since phonon 4.5, gstreamer should be used instead13:12
rene_ah, some nasty people at the ubuntu chanel with even nastier tips:)13:14
rene_i'll try here13:14
szalfriggin' Gnome'ification..  imho, the GStreamer backend was inferior from day 113:15
szaland whatever happened to the VLC backend?  was that dropped too?13:15
rene_I've switched my ide to ahci in bios. after that my (k)ubuntu want start up even if i plug in some usb stick13:15
rene_wont :)13:15
szalswitch back?13:16
yofelszal: no, vlc should work too, gstreamer is just the recommended one currently13:16
rene_no, i like to have it at ahci mode13:16
rene_if i plug the stick all works fine and fast13:16
BluesKajHi all13:20
ghanimy package not working on my kde13:35
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chachanguys, any regex editor?14:40
BluesKajchachan, try kiki14:47
tsimpsonchachan: there is kodos, which is really for python regex but should be fine for non-python regex too14:48
chachanhm, I'm coding on python, I'll give it a try to both kiki and kodos :)14:49
Ddpbfvikapi: did you fix your problems?14:55
ncfi1013i have a very simple question...how do i get the sound to work in vlc...it worked yesterday...15:13
Ddpbfhav you upgrade it from some ppa?15:13
ncfi1013no it just came upgraded when i upgraded to the current kubuntu version...15:15
Ddpbfcould you paste dpkg -l vlc15:17
Ddpbf*output of that command15:17
BluesKajncfi1013, are nyou ure it's vlc , do you have audio on youtube for example ?15:19
Ddpbfyou could check if something is wrong with configuration files15:19
Ddpbfncfi1013: wich phonon dou you use? vlc or gstreamer?15:20
ncfi1013blueskaj...no audio on youtube15:20
BluesKajI'll bet alsa main ctrl is muted15:21
ncfi1013ddpbf...gstreamer phonon15:21
Ddpbffirst check what BluesKaj said15:22
BluesKajopen alsamixer in a terminal and make sure all ctrls are up15:22
Ddpbfopen konsole and type alsamixer15:22
BluesKajwell, relavent ctrls at least15:23
ncfi1013master: 100, master m: 100, pcm: 65, surround: 0, center: 100, lfe: 0, line: 0, cd: 65, mic: 0...15:26
Ddpbfncfi1013: you have system sounds?15:27
Ddpbfand you could listen music in amarok15:27
Ddpbfwatch vids in dragon player?15:27
ncfi1013no on the dragonplayer question...15:28
Ddpbfyou could not watch vids?15:28
BluesKajnc  type alsamixer -V all , that will increase all ctlvols , or just use the arrow keys to navigate and move the ctls up and down15:29
Ddpbfbut you could listen music?15:29
ncfi1013cant listen to music either...15:30
Ddpbfwitch music server dou you use?15:30
Ddpbfpusle or audio?15:31
Ddpbfgo in system settings->multimedia->phonon15:31
Ddpbfand see for every instance what are you yousing15:33
ncfi1013are you talking about the backend...?15:33
jimmy51_i'm having keyboard key handler wackiness  in my 11.04 box.  it seems related to CPU usage.15:33
Ddpbfdo you use pulse15:33
Ddpbfor alsa15:33
jimmy51_when cpu usage is high, i start having "dropped" keys and stuck keys rather often15:33
jimmy51_does anyone know of a solution?15:34
Ddpbfncfi1013: i will post you picture to get idea15:34
jimmy51_it is maddening to try to code15:34
ncfi1013i have dummy, unix oss, alsa, pulseaudio and file audio output options...15:37
ncfi1013do any of those answer your question...15:37
Ddpbfyou should select15:39
Ddpbfalsa or pulse15:39
Ddpbfyou should tell vlc wich output to use15:39
Ddpbfstart it15:40
BluesKajncfi1013, what do you have at the top in device preference/music on phonon?15:40
Ddpbfthan ctrl+P15:40
Ddpbfthan audio tab, and select lets say alsa15:40
ncfi1013blueskaj...intel ich...15:42
jimmy51_this bug looks to be related:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/19421415:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 194214 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Keys get "stuck" down" [High,Fix released]15:43
jimmy51_if you scroll all the way to the bottom it's still hitting people.15:43
jimmy51_can someone make sense of the 4th post from the bottom for me?  it loks like that guy figured out a way to stop it15:43
jimmy51_"removed screensaver handling B.S. from xine-ui" ?15:44
BluesKajncfi1013, whatever device like dev=0 that shows when you hold the cursor over intelich in phonon should be the same as the device in vlc /tools prefernces/audio/device15:45
ncfi1013do i use s/pdif when available...?15:48
BluesKajncfi1013, I always do,  you can use a digital coax feed to an audio amp with that kind of setup as well15:49
BluesKajthe audio amp has to have digtal inputs15:52
jimmy51_sudo apt-get install keyboard-handler-that-works15:53
BluesKajjimmy51_, good toi hear ...I had no clue how to help you15:53
jimmy51_that didn't work... i'm just frustrated.15:53
jimmy51_this seems to be an obscure bug that hits some people very badly, but not enough to catch attention15:54
BluesKajit's filed on launchpad tho ?15:54
szaljimmy51_: a bug from 2008?15:54
jimmy51_yeah.  was fixed and came back.  or new bug with same results.15:55
jimmy51_ can't type a single line of text withouttttttttttttttttttttttttttt a dropped key at the beginning of words or stuck keys15:55
jimmy51_(that dropped "I" at the beginning and stuck on the t)15:55
BluesKajare your volume ctrls showing on the scrn when you try them ...I had a sismilar prob a week or 2 ago and it somehow got fixed15:57
BluesKajdropping letters here and ther for no apparent reason15:57
BluesKajsee , some are still dropping15:58
jimmy51_BluesKaj: you mean if i press a keyboard volume key?15:58
jimmy51_BluesKaj: first of all, i didn't ever notice i had them until now :).  second, yeah, it seems to work fine.15:59
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jimmy51_BluesKaj: maybe i should kill the volume control process and se if it's related16:00
BluesKajjimmy51_, that's an indicatorto me that you're hafway there ...I had no vol ctrls at all with my problem , then fixed after an update, didn't notice which libs tho16:00
jimmy51_the only time i ever use the mixer is after a dist update when the levels get zero'd... if that takes care of it i will gladly ban kmix from my startup!16:02
jimmy51_BluesKaj: bah... didn't make a difference.16:04
BluesKajjimmy51_, what KB islisted in system settings / input devices ?16:05
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jimmy51_BluesKaj: i don't see a model listed... ust numlock on KDE startup and keyboard repeat settings. wrong place?16:06
BluesKajkde>apps>settings>systemsettings/input devices16:08
jimmy51_BluesKaj: interesting.... i don't have an input devices item in system settings16:08
BluesKajjimmy51_, it's in the hardware section16:10
jimmy51_i'll have to paste some screenshots. my system settings panel doesn't seem to have what yours does16:12
jimmy51_i've got a lunch meeting to get to... i'll paste them afterwards.  thanks for helping, btw.16:12
BluesKajjimmy51_, which kubuntu ?16:13
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szaljimmy51_: http://www.abload.de/img/20110718_syssettt83g.png16:25
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TKLeaderHey. I'm trying to figure out how to disable my touchpad while typing for my laptop and I can't find the option anywhere. Could someone help m eout?16:34
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hazamonzo_Good KDE desktop recording software?16:35
szalwhole sentences?16:36
BluesKajhazamonzo_, try recorditnow16:37
hazamonzo_BluesKaj: Cheers16:38
BluesKajTKLeader, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27105216:39
DdpbfTKLeader: how about to check in option: automaticly switch on keyboard activity16:40
DdpbfBluesKaj: this is option only if he has *xorg.conf*16:41
TKLeaderDdpbf, Where do I find that? This may seem like a bit of a stupid question, it's just that I'm legitimately having trouble finding it. Also, that thing BluesKaj sent didn't work.16:42
Ddpbfbuntu 9.10 an newer does not came with it16:42
Ddpbfand type synaptiks16:42
Ddpbfyou ll get module for configuration16:42
TKLeaderNothing is showing up16:42
TKLeaderI don't think it installed the right packages or something16:43
TKLeaderand I can't find them.16:43
Ddpbfgo in system settings16:43
Ddpbfand in subsection devices16:43
TKLeaderSubsection devices?16:43
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Ddpbfyes you have icon16:44
Ddpbfand down of it is written devices16:44
Ddpbflike here16:45
Ddpbfinput devices16:45
TKLeaderYours is different16:46
TKLeaderDo I have the wrong version of Kubuntu...?16:46
TKLeaderI'm using 10.04 LTE16:46
Ddpbfit is deffinitly different16:47
Ddpbfit is kde 4.4.216:47
Ddpbfi forget how it looked like16:48
TKLeaderIS there a newer version?16:48
Ddpbfof kde?16:49
Ddpbfsome 10 newer stable releases16:49
Ddpbfactual kde is 4.6.516:50
Ddpbfyou could upgrade to 4.5.3 in lucid16:50
szal!info kdebase-bin lucid16:50
ubottukdebase-bin (source: kdebase): core binaries for the KDE 4 base module. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.4.5-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 290 kB, installed size 1324 kB16:50
TKLeaderISounds like I just need to update this really badly. I installed this via a liveCD my pal got from Linux Fest NW.16:51
TKLeaderSo it might have been old-ish16:51
TKLeaderHow do I update KDE?16:51
Ddpbflook here http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-release-day-453-100416:51
Ddpbfbut keep in mind that it is semi officila ppa16:52
BluesKajTKLeader, do you have synaptiks installed , it's a gui app with touchpad/KB/mouse options16:52
TKLeaderI don't think so - and I have been looking for a way to install it.16:52
shadeslayeri'll try and keep that PPA alive with security patches now and then, but it won't be quick16:53
BluesKajthe kpackagekit should have it in the repos16:53
BluesKajTKLeader, or open a terminal , sudo apt-get install synaptiks16:54
TKLeaderI'm considering re-installing Kubuntu with a more recent disk16:54
DdpbfBluesKaj: synaptiks is kcm module16:55
Ddpbfit comes with kde 4.5.0 and newer16:56
BluesKajTKLeader, there's no new LTS version until 12.04 which is april 201216:56
TKLeaderI think I'll try 11.04. I'm not too worried about LTS seeing as I tend to swap between different distros fairly often16:57
DdpbfTKLeader: as i said you could install 4.5.3 on lucid or to upgrade your kubuntu to natty16:57
nico___Hello !16:58
DdpbfHelio :)16:58
nico___Distes, j'ai une petite question...16:58
BluesKajTKLeader, or open a terminal , sudo apt-get install kde-config-touchpad16:58
szal!fr | nico___16:58
ubottunico___: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:58
nico___english channel... ooop.. excuse me16:59
TKLeader"E: Couldn't find package kde-config-touchpad"16:59
nico___I can try in english... :)16:59
BluesKajDdpbf, no kcm modules in 10.10 ?16:59
Ddpbfsynaptiks is available in 10.1016:59
nico___so... I need someting to capture video via USB.16:59
Ddpbfi think16:59
DdpbfMaverick has KDE 4.5.117:00
Ddpbfso it should came with system17:00
BluesKajTKLeader, do you have all your repositories enabled? including other software17:00
TKLeaderWont even let me add repositories via a GUI I have to use terminal17:01
TKLeaderI'm just gonna install 10.10 I think17:01
BluesKajnot adding ..just enable the the available ones17:02
* BluesKaj shrugs17:02
DdpbfOnly repository for lucid wich has synaptiks kcm is kubuntu backports17:02
BluesKajbbl errands17:09
eskpadosHola, alguien?17:16
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.17:16
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:16
karmoHi, does unetbootin support ext4 filesystem in USB? If i tried to boot up then it showd me error "missing operating system". No problem with fat32.17:18
jimmy51_szal:  ok, wow.  my system settings panel has nowhere near that much stuff in it17:23
razerj /ubuntu17:24
FloodBotK2EvilRoey: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:24
razeri screwed something up and now i can't use sudo ir su17:25
EvilRoeyrazer:  install 'sl' and then type it, for those times where you intended to type 'ls' but mis-typed 'sl' :)17:25
EvilRoeyit's cute17:25
Pici!info sl17:25
ubottusl (source: sl): Correct you if you type `sl' by mistake. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.03-16 (natty), package size 24 kB, installed size 188 kB17:25
szalrazer: define 'something'17:25
Picisl = steam locomotive17:25
EvilRoeyahh :)17:25
razerszal:  was trying to run virtualbox but it had an owneership problem, i  ran "sudo chmod -R root:root /usr/" and now i cant use sudo or su17:26
szalrazer: that cmd should've thrown an error and done nothing17:27
razerszal:  it was chown17:31
razerszal: it was sudo chown -R root:root /usr now i cant use sudo or su17:34
szaldefine 'cant use'17:34
razersudo: must be setuid root17:35
razersu: Authentication failure17:35
PiciYou're going to have a lot more problems that just that.17:36
Picirazer: I suggest a backup and reinstall at this juncture.17:36
razerPici:  is there no rescue mode?17:36
Picirazer: Its not going to fix something of this magnitude.  You've broken the permissions for a lot of your install.17:38
Armi^Hi all. I'm having troubles getting firefox to print through kprint. Could somebody make a screenshot (or pdf) of about:config with 'print' in filter???17:40
jimmy51_is it possible to update 10.04 to 11.04?17:40
jimmy51_(without a complete reinstall?)17:40
Picijimmy51_: you'll need to go through 10.10 first.17:41
jimmy51_Pici: ok.  to do that, do i need to apt-get dist-upgrade?17:41
jimmy51_and it will automatically take me to 10.10?17:42
Picijimmy51_: no17:42
PiciThats not what dist-upgrade is for.17:42
jimmy51_Pici: ok.  wha'ts the command to trigger a version upgrade?17:42
szal!upgrade | jimmy51_17:42
ubottujimmy51_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade17:42
jimmy51_szal: that has me use update-manager, which isn't installed.  is that a kubuntu safe app?17:44
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jimmy51_(i don't want to clutter up if it's ubuntu specific)17:44
PiciYou can use do-release-upgrade17:44
jimmy51_szal: nevermind... should have read more carefully.  there's a link to kubuntu specific at the bottom17:44
jimmy51_oh, i think i see my issue.  i had LTS only selected.17:45
jimmy51_i'm going to go for it.  seeya a few reboots later!17:46
chachanguys, any application like cclive?, but I just want to get the audio, not the entire video17:47
chachanI know there're some web-based application, but it would be better something from shell :)17:47
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NewGeekCa va ?18:05
NewGeekSalut !18:05
Pici!fr | NewGeek18:05
ubottuNewGeek: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:05
BluesKajchachan, I think k9copy has an audio only for video/dvd . not sure about web based unless you download the video with youtube-dl or wget or curl , then use k9copy to extract the audio18:12
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seawolfhi all,how to make a donation to kubuntu?18:16
Carnage\I'm running Kubuntu 11.04 and I have a davfs2-Mount in my fstab, that is supposed to be mounted during startup. However, I regularly get a message that this mount cannot be performed because the network is not yet available. What is the common practice to make sure that this happens after upstart has configured the network interface?18:20
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chachanBluesKaj, got it18:39
BluesKajCarnage\,  does the server have a static IP that  can be added to hosts.allow with portmap18:43
BluesKajchachan, which method ?18:44
chachanBluesKaj, I'm downloading the video with cclive and now I'm going to try to extract the audio using k9copy18:45
chachanlooks like it only works for DVD images =/18:48
Carnage\BluesKaj: The WebDAV-Server? I already tried mounting it using an IP instead of the URL but then it gives me a certificate error.18:51
BluesKajchachan, there's amethod to extract audio only witjh ffmpeg if you feel like browsing man ffmpeg in the konsole18:57
BluesKajchachan, check this out  http://www.catonmat.net/blog/how-to-extract-audio-tracks-from-youtube-videos/19:07
chachanBluesKaj, hm, sure, I don't know why didn't think that before19:07
BluesKajit does any kind of video not just flash/swf19:07
chachanBluesKaj, cool, it works great for me :)19:18
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BluesKajchachan,  glad to hear it :)19:27
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areichmanhello. I'm looking for some screencasting software for kubuntu. I tried recorditnow but it's not working. It might be because I have 2 monitors setup20:03
preecherrecordmydesktop/desktop recorder gtk has always worked best for me but i cant say how it would do with 2 monitors20:05
wtfman_hola, i have a problem with my graphics card. I start kubuntu and it will crash after a couple of secs in the KDE20:17
wtfman_in windows I have the problem that it crashes when I use hardware acceleration in Firefox. However, at least it recovers after some time, but in Kubuntu total freeze20:18
wtfman_any ideas what could help?20:18
wtfman_I have reinstalled the card btw, it worked until I installed the driver20:19
gomiboywtfman_: i fear your card is dieing... i had a similar problem the past week :(20:23
wtfman_could be, it was a RMA, but they didnt repair it, just traded me another card20:24
wtfman_i even have problems with standard clock settings in windows20:24
wtfman_i have written a mail to the manufacturer, they have written an email that every card is tested before shipping and it could have only been caused by transport. bla blub..20:25
wtfman_not sure how well they test the card. I have the fear that they wont find the error, when I send the card in :)20:25
wtfman_but back to topic, is there a way to disable desktop effects via terminal for KDE?20:26
gomiboywtfman_: disabling the effects did nothing for me. I managed to start kde only removing nvidia drivers and using nouveau... so, no 3d but at least i can boot...20:31
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wtfman_oh yea20:48
wtfman_display went gray without reason now. think  thats it :)20:48
BluesKajwtfman_, which graphics card is it ?  and gomiboy if you are running a nvidia card there's no reson to use nouveau, nvidia-current should work, it's the recommended driver in joxkey20:51
BluesKajerr jockey20:51
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wtfman_its radeon 485020:52
gomiboyBluesKaj: my card (as wtfman_'s) is dieing... at least the 3d portion of it, so nouveau is my best choice20:54
BluesKajgomiboy, do you "know" that it's dying ? errors etc or ... ?20:57
gomiboyBluesKaj: garbled text from bios till desktop, kde crashes with nvidia drivers, windows crashes as soon i install nvidia drivers, etc.... :)21:00
BluesKajwtfman_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver21:00
BluesKajgomiboy, is it a pci or integrated ?21:02
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gribouilleubuntu screwed my X configuration. now, the 1280x1024 screen resolution isn't available any more. what should I do ?21:14
bluegraxxonHello, I was wondering if someone could help me with a game controller issue under wine.21:35
bluegraxxonI have a logitech F310 Gamepad and Wine doesn't seem to recognize it.21:37
Picibluegraxxon: #winehq is your best bet for Wine help.21:37
bluegraxxonThanks for the tip, but I've scoured that site and haven't found anything regarding my issue.21:38
bluegraxxonI am new to Linux.21:38
Picibluegraxxon: I refer to the channel here on IRC.21:40
bluegraxxonOh..  LOL  sorry, I misread that.  Ok, thanks.  I will check it out.21:40
gribouilleubuntu screwed my X configuration. now, the 1280x1024 screen resolution isn't available any more. what should I do ?21:41
bluegraxxonMy next question is Linux related.  I recently installed Kubuntu 11.4 and after updating the Nvidia drivers all my fonts became huge.  I have fixed this by setting the DPI to 96, but the fonts are still huge on the user login screen.  I can live with this, but if there is a fix, I'd prefer that instead.  :P21:43
erikdeckerhi i need a tad bit of halp21:50
erikdeckerhelp. sprry21:51
e_t_!anyone | erikdecker21:52
ubottuerikdecker: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.21:52
erikdeckersorry i just wanted to make sure someone would help21:53
erikdeckerso i have the sun java on kubuntu 11.04 natty21:54
erikdeckerand every time i go to install something21:54
erikdeckerit redownloads the sun-java6-bin21:54
erikdeckerand then gives me an error that something went wrong21:55
macowhen you installed it before, did you agree to the license on it?21:55
macoX'ing out without agreeing causes lovely loopy breakage21:55
erikdeckeryes i did. ive tried reinstalling and the message never comes back up21:56
erikdeckerthe error is: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 221:56
erikdeckeri just tried again and it says at the part with sun-java6-bin that: update-alternatives: error: alternative path /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/ControlPanel doesn't exist.22:00
erikdeckerdpkg: error processing sun-java6-bin (--configure):22:00
erikdecker subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 222:00
erikdeckeri looked at the location were it said and  inside the /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/ floder there is nothing hence the error. how do i get that?22:02
erikdeckercome on everyone just idles22:14
chachanerikdecker, update-alternatives --config java22:18
erikdeckerits istalled and it works but it always installs the bin when i try to insatll anything.22:18
chachanI don't get it,  what do you mean "it always install the bin"?22:21
erikdeckeri go to insatll something then after its done insatlling in KPackageKit it starts downloading sun-java6-bin after the others are downloaded then it starts to install the bin but it gets an error and stops the whole installation22:23
chachanerikdecker, hm, why don't you try from a shell?22:24
erikdeckerit always links dependancies to it for some reason and still fails22:24
chachanerikdecker, sudo aptitude install sun-java6-bin22:25
erikdeckerno that fails too22:25
chachanand paste the result. http://paste.kde.org/22:25
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chachanok, but show us the fail22:26
erikdeckerthee you are22:27
erikdeckerhope that helps u help me. haha22:30
chachanerikdecker, give me a sec, I'm in something22:35
chachanerikdecker, aptitude search sun-java22:41
chachanerikdecker, of course, paste the result (same way)22:43
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u19809hi all, since I use 11.04 i have nothing but kde problems.  E.g I cannot send emails I need to login twice because I have no focus the first time, I have DNS lookup issues  causing 25 seconds delay.  Seems my akonadi/nepomuk/dbus  servers are screwing up.  Is there any way I can run them in debug ?22:49
erikdeckeraptitude does not work its outdated. any other way with apt?22:52
chachanerikdecker, do: aptitude update, it has to work22:53
chachanapt-cache search sun-java22:53
chachanbut it's the same database22:53
u19809erikdecker : yes22:53
chachanso update it, apt-get update # or whatever you prefer ;)22:53
chachanoops, it doesn't show whose are installed. Use aptitude, sorry22:55
erikdeckerim installing aptitude it'll take a minute22:57
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit23:37

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