[11:19] hey danilo. thanks for your translations CHR reply. I'm glad you didn't see the email until today. :-) The 48 backlogged transalations things were not *all* from the same project, right? I thought the one I looked at specifically because of a question in Answers was isolated (And weeks old :-/ ). I'm glad we are at 2 now, though. Thank you. :-) [12:11] gary_poster: Morning. Are you able to sign off on https://www.canonicaladmin.com/canonical/intramaster.nsf/0/9569997B9E24448A802578CB004E1168?opendocument yet? [12:11] morning, gmb. I'm checking... [12:11] Thanks [12:12] gmb, no [12:12] :-( [12:12] Bah. [12:12] gary_poster: Should I ask Sarah to do it? [12:12] I'll contact dragnob now. This is the third at least [12:13] Okay, thanks. [12:15] gary_poster: Separately, would you have any objection to me shifting my working hours to 07:00-16:00 UTC (then becoming 08:00-17:00UTC when the clocks go back)? I'm finding myself working at that time in the morning anyway, so it would make sense to make it official and give myself more time in the evenings. [12:18] (question asked of Sarah on IRC; she's talking with someone else and will get back to me.) gmb, I honestly don't love earlier hours because that reduces our overlap, and increasing overlap is one of the reasons I and the other Americans start early. That said, I certainly understand the desire. [12:18] * gary_poster thinks about it. [12:19] gary_poster: I'm quite happy for the answer to be "Stay away work stuff until 9am local time"; it was just an idea. [12:19] gmb, are there some days that would be better than others for starting early, or not really? [12:20] gary_poster: Not really. And I'm not that strict about keeping to an 8-hour day (I always work 8 hours or make up the time on another day; I often work over). [12:21] As I said, it's just an idea since I was up and hacking at 08:00 my time this morning :). Maybe I just need to learn to be more disciplined about it. [12:21] (Which is ironic, since I'm always telling my wife the same thing about her work) [12:21] heh [12:23] gmb, ok. Well, I'd prefer to keep as much overlap as possible, so I'd rather not have the change you propose. As another alternative (which I probably wouldn't love myself, but just an idea) when you start at 8 you could give yourself a 2 hour lunch...but it sounds like you are giving yourself that kind of flexibility already, which is fine by me. [12:23] well, and a two hour lunch would be...now. :-) [12:24] gary_poster: Okay. I'm happy to keep things as they are; I appreciate the point about the overlap. [12:24] Two-hour lunches bore me, though, so I'll work on starting later :). [12:24] :-) ack, thanks gmb [12:31] getting ready [12:32] gary_poster, (IRC pings do not work very well for me it seems :)) so, 48 translation imports were all for one single project [12:32] gary_poster, the two that we are at now are going to be auto-approved in the next few hours so I didn't touch them :) [12:34] gary_poster, also, are we having a call? [12:36] meh [12:36] sorry [12:37] was doing HR stuff [12:37] do you have super powers again wrt canonicaladmin? [12:39] no bac :-( [12:39] Well, my super power is that I can ask Sarah to do stuff and she will do it for me :-/ [12:40] bac benji danilos gmb, sorry for late start, but Skype now [12:40] ok [12:50] gary_poster: which machine version do you have? e.g. mine is a 5,1 [12:50] bac, 5,3 [12:51] gmb, you didn't get a chance in the go-around, did you? :) [12:52] danilos: I had nothing to say anyway :) [12:52] gmb, I suck sorry [12:52] gmb, I heard sorrowful "I just..." :) [12:52] gary_poster: i'm surprised you had such difficulty. i recall natty was pretty straightforward, except for a video driver issue which still plagues me [12:52] My day is pretty much "Aaargh, Rob Collins, what do you want now..." [12:52] lol [12:52] gmb, isn't that what every day is like for everybody? :) [12:52] Well, yeah. [12:52] :) [12:52] gmb, my head was filled with "aaah, this call is so late, I have to finish it" [12:53] (for your sakes) [12:53] gary_poster: No worries; I didn't have anything to add. I actually said "cheers..." but danilos, being the sympathetic man that he is, heard it as a cry for attention. [12:53] :-) [12:54] bac, virtually all of the mac advice is based on a machine with a single shared harddrive [12:54] gmb, I am all emotions, you know me [12:54] :) [12:54] I thought it woud be easier to install on a separate harddrive [12:54] ah [12:55] but having the cdrom connected via USB threw it for a big loop to start with [12:55] which involved a pretty workaround [12:55] wacky [12:55] and then after that it wouldn't recognize the partition [12:55] rEFIt does not know how tohandle a second hardrive [12:56] sorry, wouldn't recognize it as bootable [12:56] gary_poster: you going to document your breakthrough? [12:59] bac, heh, yeah, I thought about it. I'm not quite sure what I did to fix the last problem, is the only thing. I think I know what triggered the fix, but not sure. Also, I think a lot of what I did was unnecessary (for instance, rEFIt was never necessary nor usable for me; I no longer have it installed). But it's all kinda vague. [12:59] I also have a couple more steps I want to make: [13:00] 1) I made two OS partitions, so one can be "stable" and one can be "next" [13:00] but I haven't used the "next" one [13:00] so I need to set that up [13:00] 2) I want the Mac side to use your "share the home directory" trick. I expect/hope that will be pretty easy, but we'll see [13:00] (share the home directory in my vms) [13:03] benji, I am about to drop out to get some food, can I get you anything? [13:03] benji, or if there's a branch you want me to take a look at or just have a chat, we can do it in 20-30 mins [13:04] danilos: some sushi would be good [13:05] we'll talk after you get back === gary-lunch is now known as gary_poster [13:46] benji, back, so whenever you feel like asking questions, I am around (no sushi, sorry) [13:46] :) [13:47] danilos: I just want to verify that the picker depicted on http://ubuntuone.com/p/10mp/ is indeed the picker now shown on https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/synaptic/+sharing-details labled "Linked upstream series" [13:55] benji, it is, though I wouldn't worry too much about enabling the picker itself: the second part of the screenshot depicts a bit more complex case where you can have multiple, and I have no idea either how that would be best presented, or how would one allow someone to add more linked projects/packages [13:56] danilos: so you don't think the upstream link needs to be editable on the +templates page? [13:57] benji, for the initial go, no, or you'd set yourself up for a much harder job — you could perhaps statically link to the +sharing-details page instead (that'd be helpful as well), because that allows one to set up a few more things and not just the link [13:58] danilos: that sounds good. I'd much rather do the non-inline-editable version first. [13:58] where "first" means "at all" :-) [13:59] benji, right, I think that'd be best as well; basically, you'd only have to show the link if all of the checkboxes except the last one ("automatic synchronization") on the +sharing-details are checked [14:00] gary_poster: :) [14:00] benji, you can ignore the last one, or you can fix it, because it's broken :) [14:00] danilos: ok [14:46] spotify rocks [15:29] gary_poster: i just started using spotify this morning. i'm a bit disappointed that it doesn't have some functionality like pandora. [15:29] I agree bac [15:30] I suspect they have a motherload of data available for "people also listened to..." which would be a lot less sophisticated than Pandora but might be sufficient [15:30] the ads are also more annoying on Spotify than Pandora [15:33] I love being able to try out the full albums I want though [16:17] tests pass; time for lunch [17:04] * gmb -> away for the evening === benji is now known as Guest43852 === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-nom === Ursinha-nom is now known as Ursinha