
KM0201do you think we'll ever see a time when you walk into a best buy, etc.. and buy a pc/laptop w/o an operating system, and you can purchase it separately (or use your own)....00:00
stlsaintKM0201: nope, but you can order one from off line that will be cheaper than store with no OS00:01
KM0201i doubt that00:01
KM0201i got a pretty nice laptop for $299 out the door saturday00:02
KM0201it SUCKS w/ 7 (not enough ram)... but it's awesome w/ Lubuntu.00:02
stlsaintKM0201: nice00:03
KM0201they sell you a cheap laptop, knowing your'e gonna be totally irritated that it's slow, because it doesn't have enough ram.00:03
KM0201i wonder how many got hoodwinked by that.00:03
KM0201and then.. i had to tell that clown at best buy, "No, I don't want any antivirus... I don't care that it's free"00:04
KM0201so the guy finally gets the drift i don't want AV, a free trial of office, etc.. takes me to the Geek Squad to check out (already knew i'd be in for another sales pitch)00:05
KM0201and of course they want to set my laptop up for me, and install Norton, and MS Office, bla bla bla.00:05
KM0201i finally had to tell them i'm just not interested in their stuff, and they finally let me pay00:05
linuxman410anyone here02:33
linuxman410lubuntu uses less ram than puppylinux02:33
KM0201linuxman410: i dunno about that02:34
KM0201how much ram does your system have02:34
linuxman410KM0201 i tried puppy live cd and lubuntu live cd with 768 ram and lubuntu was faster02:35
KM0201linuxman410: hmm, don't really see how thats possible, but.. ok.02:36
linuxman410KM0201 does lubuntu decided on lmde yet or not02:37
KM0201linux mint debian edition?02:37
linuxman410i mean light version02:37
KM0201i have no idea what you're talking about02:38
KM0201how much lighter can lubuntu be?02:38
alazare619i think he means a minimal install02:39
alazare619ie no apps02:39
Unit193linuxman410: LightDM or LXDM?02:39
alazare619wich in all honesty if you want that just get debian netinstalll and start from scratch02:39
Unit193linuxman410: There is always lubuntu-core02:39
linuxman410KM0201 they was talking about changing from lxde to something lighter i forget what it was02:39
Unit193!info lubuntu-core02:39
ubot5lubuntu-core (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment - minimal installation. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.24 (natty), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 powerpc ia64 sparc lpia armel)02:39
linuxman410light gm02:40
KM0201linuxman410: dunno, i like lxde, so i hope they don't change it just for the sake of changing it.02:40
alazare619afaik why not just do debian and choose your guy from the netinstall...02:40
alazare619or ubuntu netinstall02:40
KM0201never heard of light gm02:40
KM0201linuxman410: or do you mean light gdm?02:40
KM0201i dunno02:41
KM0201i just hope they don't screw up lubuntu...02:41
KM0201Unit193: what is that alternative log in screen you sent me a while ago.02:41
Unit193Lubuntu uses LXDE and that will not change02:41
KM0201i wanna put that on my new laptop02:41
Unit193LightDM is what it's (so far) going with in 11.1002:41
Unit193KM0201: GDM02:41
Unit193KM0201: Doesn't seem to work the best with Lubuntu02:42
KM0201Unit193: i got it on a desktop working fine w/ lubuntu02:42
Unit193Alrighty then, I never tried that hard :P02:43
KM0201it works fine02:47
KM0201i put it on my mom/dads/sisters PC... it was easier than telling them to type user names.02:47
KM0201now it's kinda like they had w/ Ubuntu, click a username, enter password02:47
KM0201that was weird02:49
Unit193KM0201: That's how it's going to be with LightDM (If they stick with it)02:49
KM0201Unit193: i kinda hope they go w/ it02:51
KM0201i like it02:51
KM0201but the default lubuntu screen doesn't bother me either.02:51
KM0201hmm, think i might have screwed something up02:59
KM0201lol, i'll know ina  second02:59
alazare619hows lubuntu performance everyone id like to know a little before i wipe my crunchbang laptop03:01
linuxman410KM0201 when is 11.10 coming out03:02
KM0201ok, got it fixed03:03
KM0201seems lxdm didn't co-operate as easily as i thought it would..lol03:03
linuxman410KM0201 when is 11.10 coming out03:03
KM020111.10 ---- october 201103:03
KM0201linuxman410: thats how all ubuntu's are version numbers ar edone.... (Year year/month month)...03:04
KM0201so.. 4.10 came out... october of 200403:04
KM02016.06 --- June of 0603:04
KM0201and so forth03:04
john_rambowhen I click on the start menu, launchers ...nothing happens08:53
john_ramboopened xchat using Gnomedo08:54
john_rambowhen I click on the start menu, launchers ...nothing happens  ..Just rebooted but same thing09:02
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zkriesse_hello lubuntu-ers16:52
EagleScreenhoe can i enable auto-login in 11.04?20:26
EagleScreenI dont want to have to type my user and password in lxdm each time I start the computer up20:32
lubuni cant delete or transfer files off of my mp3 players and flash drive... it always shows errors... (i just did a fresh install) do i need to install drivers?21:49
KM0201lubun: what type of mp3 player and flash drive?21:51
lubuni have an old ipod nano... a phillips go gear aria, and a usb stick cruzer?21:51
lubunKM0201: see above21:52
KM0201ok, the "old nano".. use gtkpod to sync... ou can't drag/drop to them21:52
KM0201the cruzer... that's a sandisk isn't it?21:52
KM0201on sandisk thumb drives, sandisk puts a utility on them, to keep them from being used on anything but windows, there's a utility you can install either from the ubuntur epositories (it's a command line utility) to remove that, you can use fdisk under ubuntu to do it, or you can boot wndows (if you still have it) and download a tool from sandisk, to remove it21:53
lubunlet me try and find that21:55
KM0201lubun: if you still have windows....  http://u3.sandisk.com/launchpadremoval.htm21:58
lubuni do have it but on another pc.21:59
KM0201ok, then you'd need to sudo apt-get install u3-tool21:59
KM0201you might even be able to use fdisk to just wreck the thumb drive, and then format it to a new filesystem.22:00
KM0201lubun: keep mind, all those tools, you will lose data, so make sure any important data on the thumb drive, is backed up22:00
lubunwell... i backup everything on a external HDD before i went from Ubuntu to Lubuntu. idk what happened, but now they dont work under lubuntu...22:01
KM0201lubun: your external hard drive (that worked on Ubuntu) won't work on Lubuntu?22:03
lubunno  i mean the devices22:03
lubunKM0201: its the mp3's that are not working... they worked fine in ubuntu22:04
KM0201li don't understand, an mp3, is a file, not a device.22:04
KM0201are you saying you cant play mp3s?22:04
lubunthe only thing i ddint like was that the mp3 always had the music mixed up when i played it.22:04
lubunmp3 device22:05
lubunthe go gear, the flash drive, the ipod22:05
KM0201ok, i don't know about the go gear and the flash drive, but the ipod, install gtkpod22:05
lubunwell actuall i just got the sandisk but so idk about that22:05
lubunlet me try to use that now22:05
cg2916how do you join the lubuntu artwork team?22:14
KM0201cg2916: i dunno, but they need help22:15
KM0201phillw: probably knows22:15
cg2916what with?22:15
cg2916phillw, do you know?22:16
lubunKM0201: heres a kind of off topic question do you know how to take pictures out of a ipod and save them to the computer?22:16
KM0201lol, uh, everything. lubuntu's artwork leaves a bit to be desired (although thats part of its charm)22:16
KM0201lubun: as far as i know, gtkpod should be able to do that... i don't have an ipod anymore...22:16
cg2916phillw must be afk22:18
cg2916he seems to know a lot, considering i see his name on every other page on the wiki22:18
KM0201lol, i think thats his "job" (to updat the wiki)22:18
cg2916so, nobody knows about the artwork team other than phillw?22:21
saganbyteHi there :)22:21
saganbyteI just installed Lubuntu for the first time and was wondering how I could change the font size for the system22:21
saganbyteIn Ubuntu it was Preferences>Appearance, how s it in Lubuntu22:21
saganbyteOk found id22:22
saganbyteThanks anyway :)22:22
cg2916sent phillw an email22:22
lubuneven gtk wont let me delete,,,?22:24
KM0201delete what?22:24
KM0201songs on an ipod22:24
lubunyeah, i just get errors22:25
lubunthats how i feel22:27
ubot5For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod22:28
KM0201lubun: what happens when you try to sync the ipod back to your pc?22:46
cg2916phillw, you there now?22:48
lubunit says full, but thats becuase i have to much music22:48

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