
KM0201alex_mayorga: if you're using 11.10, pretty sure its gone.00:00
alex_mayorgaKM0201: I know, just wondering what can I install to get the option back00:01
KM0201gnome 2.x is gone, but it might be in the repos if you want to install it (not using 11.10 at the moment)....00:01
micahggnome 2 is mostly gone, superseded by 3.0.x or 3.1.x00:02
KM0201and unity fro that matter (if you're on ubuntu)00:02
KM0201but gnome 2.x is likely still in the repos if you want to use it.... i had a soft spot for Gnome 2.x, just can't get used to Unity or Gnome 3, so I started using LXDE, and it's just awesome.00:03
micahgKM0201: almost everything with a 3.0.x or 3.1.x has been superseded00:03
KM0201micahg: i understand that, but i imagine you can find 2.x somewhere...00:04
micahgKM0201: not in oneiric00:04
KM0201hmm.. i dunno, where theres a will, there's a way...lol00:06
KM0201just wouldn't surprise me if someone backported it, or someething like that00:06
micahgKM0201: with the 3.2 release GNOME won't support it either00:06
bjsniderit could be backported at the cost of breaking everything00:08
bjsniderso it wouldn't produce a usable desktop00:08
micahgit would be forward porting in this case00:08
KM0201well, the good news is, as bad as gnome 3 sucks, xfce seems halfway decent (but i don't care for it either)... and LXDE is just awesome..00:09
bjsniderusing lucid would be the best way to use gnome 2 at this point00:09
micahgif you want 2.x to last as long as possible, lucid is the best option00:09
KM0201i dn't really wanna use 2.x, i like 2.x, a lot... but i consider Unity/Gnome 3, train wrecks, so i just hopped off that train so i could start learning something else00:10
bjsniderno one's criticizing you, but you're wrong00:10
micahgwell, there's GNOME 3 w/out shell00:11
bjsnideryeah, you coul duse a vt00:11
alex_mayorgaso how do I get gnome3 on Oneiric?00:53
rwwalex_mayorga: do you mean GNOME 3 or GNOME Shell?01:08
alex_mayorgarww: gnome 301:08
rwwalex_mayorga: Ubuntu Oneiric has GNOME 3 out of the box.01:09
alex_mayorgarww: so how I get whatever is "classic" now?01:10
alex_mayorgalogin only has unity and unity 2d01:10
rwwno idea. If I were trying to do so, I'd probably install GNOME Shell and turn on fallback mode, but that seems like a roundabout way of doing it.01:11
alex_mayorgarww: what package is gnome shell?01:11
rww(bearing in mind that "classic" in Ubuntu 11.04 is GNOME 2.something, and there is no GNOME 2 in Oneiric)01:12
KM0201or embrace the horror, gnome as we know it is gone, move to LXDE or XFCE.. :)01:13
Dr_Willisthats what the kde users did... switched to gnome...01:14
Dr_Willissounds weird.. but im getting so used to how the GUI on my phone  works.. pc's seem.. weird.01:14
Dr_WillisNow to test  Ocelot on my problematic Nvidia systems....01:15
rwwKDE is fine after about 4.3 or 4.4. Perhaps GNOME will be fine after 3.3 or 3.4 ;)01:15
rww3.2 already looks like it's going to be a vast improvement.01:15
alex_mayorgaDr_Willis: what phone OS do you have01:16
Dr_Willisandroid 2.2 right now01:16
alex_mayorgarww: thanks!01:16
rwwalex_mayorga: let me know if it actually works, I'd be interested to know01:16
Dr_WillisKDE is very nice now. but its still just overwhelming in so many ways.. and so obscure in how to do things.01:17
Dr_WillisI hope unity at least 'works' on my machines in Ocelot.01:17
alex_mayorgarww: Breaks: gnome-control-center (< 1:3.0)01:17
rww!info gnome-control-center01:18
ubottugnome-control-center (source: gnome-control-center): utilities to configure the GNOME desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.1.3-0ubuntu5 (oneiric), package size 489 kB, installed size 2744 kB01:18
rwwalex_mayorga: and? :P01:18
alex_mayorgarww: only that01:18
rwwaccording to ubottu, oneiric doesn't have < 1:3.0...01:19
KM0201Dr_Willis: u gotta try lubuntu.. :)01:19
KM0201if kDE is overwhelming to you01:20
Dr_WillisKM0201:  thats what ive been using since the big change to unity...01:20
KM0201Dr_Willis: then why change to kde?.. :)01:20
Dr_Willislubuntu + AWN for a decent launcher panel01:20
Dr_Willisi was using Openbox + AWN. :)01:21
rwwamusingly, I'm fine with KDE and find Lubuntu overwhelming due to the design... quirks. I guess it's all about what you're comfortable with.01:21
Dr_Williswindowmaker even..01:21
Dr_Willistrying to sit down and actually explain to someone how to use kde.. is.. overwhelming. :) i know where to find things/look for things.. but for most users it will be chaotic.01:22
Dr_WillisI still get confused and wonder where the 'copy dialog box' went to....01:22
rwwwhat's a 'copy dialog box'?01:22
Dr_Willisa lot of the default 'desktop widgit things'  i still hve never gotten to work..01:22
Dr_Willis'copying 100 of 1000000.... time.. 20 min.'  dialog window01:22
rwwah. yeah, stateful notifications are a bit fun01:23
Dr_Willisi forget its got that little notify icon at the boottom right in kde. :)01:23
Dr_WillisI just WISH someday the file managers would get smarter and start queing up the copy requests.. im constantly draging a 3gb file somewhere.. then another... then a few more.. and the disks  melt from trying to do all 5 at once.01:24
rwwI disagree with a lot of Ayatana, but the whole "notifications should be notifications and not have buttons and progressbars and other random crap on them" idea turned out well.01:24
Dr_WillisI could sware ive seen OS's that do  queing that way.. :) perhaps beOS.01:24
rwwnotify-osd is a lot less confusing than KDE notifications01:24
alex_mayorgarww: so would my system break beyond repair if I install gnome-shell?01:48
alex_mayorga!info gnome-shell01:48
ubottugnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.2-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 816 kB, installed size 3976 kB01:48
rwwnot more than it probably already is if you're running oneiric :P01:48
alex_mayorgafair enough01:48
alex_mayorgawould Ubuntu ever show at http://www.gnome.org/getting-gnome/01:48
alex_mayorgaor is that relationship now death for good?01:49
rwwI doubt it. Ubuntu's priorities don't include showcasing the latest and greatest GNOME stuff. Fedora's do (to the point that they modified their plans for default artwork so they'd be more like upstream).01:50
rww(disclaimer: I know nothing about openSUSE)01:51
alex_mayorgarww: all packages have been fetched and installed01:53
alex_mayorganow how do I activate it?01:54
alex_mayorgasomething to reconfigure?01:54
rwwthe dropdown in GDM, I'd assume01:55
alex_mayorgait works!01:58
alex_mayorgalooks "odd" too though :(01:58
Dr_Willishot pink and puce theme?01:58
alex_mayorgathat or "I'm getting old"01:58
Dr_Willisthe next trend in gui design. :)  'im too old to understand'01:59
Dr_WillisOld Otter. :) for the next release.. for us old timers.01:59
alex_mayorgaI guess we'd be beyond "windows" soon :)02:00
Dr_Williswe seem to be going full circle in many ways.. theres to many   things i notice that 'this feature is not configureable'  seems to get applied to.02:02
Dr_Willisa long way from the 'pick your window mnager, pick your file manager, pick your launcher... ' from the days of old...02:02
alex_mayorgaDr_Willis: In all fairness, the only reason I boot up a PC these days is to launch a web browser :S02:07
Dr_Willisalex_mayorga:  i do more web surfing on my cellphone then the pc.. :)02:17
Dr_Willisnight all...02:17
alex_mayorgaseems like gnome shell doesn't have the weather icon either :(02:32
h00kI think Oneric's wallpaper slideshow should transition nicely03:57
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protiIf anybody could have a look.09:28
protiIt's another problem at boot. vgchange -a y just hangs and hanged the whole boot process.09:29
protiIt became unkillable.09:29
smerz[18.07.2011 14:17:03] erasedata: plugin can't start for unknown reason.12:17
smerz[18.07.2011 14:17:03] seedingtime: plugin can't start for unknown reason.12:17
smerzrutorrent reinstall doesn't seem to work :(12:17
smerzmy bad. wrong chan sry12:17
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dr_williswell so far this release boots better for me. i just cant get to the gnome desktop. just a screen and pointer.. i dont even see it ask for my password12:46
dr_willisconsole works nicely. ;)12:46
lamalexhi guys. when i log in it just hangs. with lightdm13:07
lamalexi can't get into any sessions13:07
dr_willissame issue here lamalex13:08
lamalexdr_willis: have you found any way around it?13:09
dr_willisstartx works.. almost13:09
dr_willisnot beat on it yet. just installed from daily build last night13:09
lamalexwhen you do startx do you just get a failed to load session "gnome" error13:11
lamalexdr_willis: ^13:11
lamalexdr_willis: what kind of graphics chip do you have13:13
BluesKajHi all13:20
charlie-tcaTry choosing "Other..." on the lightdm login, then enter the name and password.13:21
lamlexcharlie-tca: yah ij ust found that bug report13:22
lamlexwas about to poing dr_willis with it :{13:22
dr_willislamlex: yeo. so i maded a custome .xsession13:24
dr_willisi never saw where to enter pass on litedm13:25
dr_willisi made .xsession run  gnome-terminal, and exec  gnome-session --session=gnome  i think13:26
lamlexdr_willis: did you try charlie-tca's suggestion of doing 'other' then typing your username manually?13:27
dr_willisnot at home so i cant try it13:27
dr_willisi was playing with other distros the last 3 days. ;)13:28
dr_willisthen decided to try  the alpha13:28
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lamalexdr_willis, it works!13:39
dr_williswhat did?13:41
lamalexchoosing other at the lightdm screen13:42
dr_willisheh. gotta love workarounds13:42
BluesKajdoes the nvidia-current driver still break X ?13:46
BluesKajor the reverse ?13:48
lamalexBluesKaj, nope- it's ok here13:48
BluesKajlamalex, which nvidia card ?13:49
BluesKajI have the 8400gs and 7600gt on my older machine13:49
lamalexBluesKaj, honestly i forget what mine is. whatever is in the last gen of macbook pros13:49
BluesKaj8400gs on this13:49
BluesKajwell this is a pretty generic HP desktop , so that's a difficult prdeiction and comparison to make :)13:55
yofelBluesKaj: my problem's bug 81064713:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 810647 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu Oneiric) "[10de:08a0] nvidia isn't loading" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81064713:56
BluesKajok yofel thanks...checking13:57
BluesKajyofel, did you blacklist nouveau ?14:03
yofelno, I didn't see that solution fast enough, so I did it the brute force way:14:05
yofelsudo rm /lib/modules/3.0.0-5-generic/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nouveau.ko14:05
yofelsudo update-initramfs -k $(uname -r) -u14:05
BluesKajhmm. glad to see there's a fix/workaround , but I think I'll wait for a while anyway14:08
dupondjeNobody happen to have a Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6230 ?17:46
KM0201dupondje: why?17:55
KM0201my new laptop has a Celeron P4600, whatever that is17:55
KM0201dr_willis: why did you remove the caps from your name?17:56
dr_willisto hide from my enemies...17:56
dupondjeNeed to have someone that can simulate an issue I have17:58
PiciAt least hes identified today.18:00
robin0800has anyone found a wallpaper changer that works in 11.10 the background gnome3? is now from somewhere different I think18:04
donniezzdfsdfsI can't get to my desktop. As soon as i click my login name in lightdm it goes off. No password is asked. I am left to a blank screen. I can get to tty.19:43
charlie-tcaclick on Other..., enter your username and password19:44
donniezzdfsdfsthanks charlie-tca19:49
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edasdsadsasomebody know if gnome 3 is included in ubuntu 11.10 yer ?21:14
edasdsadsayet ?21:14
micahgedasdsadsa: gnome 3 packages are, gnome 3 w/out shell I don't think exists as a unit yet21:15
edasdsadsaokay it is not chooseable in the lightdm jetzt ?21:15
edasdsadsajetzt = yet21:15
micahgnot that I know of, but gnome shell should be21:16
edasdsadsayes i meant the gnome shell21:17
Dimmuxxyou have to install gnome-shell if you want to use it21:17
edasdsadsaand do you think in the final release gnome-shell will be preincluded21:17
Dimmuxxit won't21:17
edasdsadsai have a problem with unity21:18
edasdsadsamaybe you can help ,e21:18
BUGabundoonly one?21:18
BUGabundolucky u21:18
edasdsadsaif a window21:19
edasdsadsais more than 50 percent on the other virtual desktop21:19
edasdsadsaand i maximize it21:19
edasdsadsait maximizes on the other desktop21:20
edasdsadsano help21:23
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jakempI'm using the Oneric Alpha, and I am getting a strange lag in cursor response.21:36
bjsniderBUGabundo, you notice the new flash plugin causing the whole desktop to crash?22:02
BUGabundoI'm using 11 .so22:03
KM0201wha tis a bit, and why do we need 64 of them, and not 96 or 128?22:10
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