
mhall119jcastro: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/graphics_at2.shtml?5-daynl#contents00:52
mhall119btw, www.nhc.noaa.gov should probably be bookmarked (and the www. is required)00:53
dholbachgood morning07:20
nigelbhello dholbach07:21
dholbachhi nigelb07:28
nigelb!ping | nigelb07:29
ubot2nigelb, please see my private message07:29
nigelbok, forgot to put a hilight for my nick :P07:29
dpmgood morning all07:34
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nigelbmorning mhall11911:39
mhall119morning nigelb11:40
paultagsomeone shoot me :)12:37
paultagI've been told to do development (by the guy who's helping me today) on windows12:39
paultagfor a linux app. that runs on linux12:39
* popey points and laughs at paultag 12:39
paultagand it's xp12:39
paultagand full of bloatware12:39
paultagand, best of all12:39
paultagit's *java*12:40
paultagOh great. Got a NullPointerException on install12:40
head_victimpaultag: just make sure you give them full and detailed installation instructions that involve a virtual machine and a linux installation ISO. It will still run on windows, just not the way they probably intended.12:42
jussipaultag: that sucks12:52
jcastroCan I get some upvotes for this: http://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/1089/community-promotion-ads-1h-2011/1632#163212:58
jcastroI only need 3 more12:58
duanedesignhey paultag !13:02
paultagduanedesign: heyya :)13:05
paultaghead_victim: dude, people run linux here13:05
paultaghead_victim: I basically got hired because I do Ubuntu dev13:05
* Pendulum hugs paultag 13:06
* paultag hugs Pendulum 13:08
paultagso I have do do *linux* *java* dev on windows until I can get someone who leads to group to +1 me using Ubuntu13:08
paultagfor some unknown reason13:08
paultagand then I'll have to set up my devenv again13:08
paultagI should just write a dpkg meatapackage to do it for me13:09
head_victimmmmm meatapackage :D13:09
head_victimGetting close to lunch time hey13:10
head_victimAh well fingers crossed they +1 Ubuntu sooner rather than later.13:10
paultagthanks, I hope so13:10
paultagat lease Debian or something13:10
paultagleast *13:10
* mhall119 wants a meatapackage13:29
* nigelb hugs paultag 13:47
* paultag hugs nigelb 13:53
paultagthis is :(13:53
dholbachAlanBell, which launchpad project deals with ubuntu wiki css? is it ubuntu-website?14:51
dholbachI'll just file it there for now14:56
dholbachhey jono15:23
jonohey dholbach15:27
jonohey jcastro15:27
nigelberr, anyone knows where randal is?15:52
cjohnstonjono: do you have randalls number?15:53
AlanBelldholbach: yeah, close enough :)15:53
dholbachAlanBell, is it a different ont?15:53
AlanBellbut newz2000 manages both15:58
jcastrountil I saw the playing card I didn't know AlanBell was the -uk leader15:58
jcastroI was #blamingpopey15:59
* jcastro is interviewing with uupc tonight!15:59
jonocjohnston, all good to go?16:03
jonosorry, was on a call16:03
cjohnstonall good now.. he showed up16:04
czajkowskijcastro: dont forget to answer this time :p16:12
jcastroczajkowski: I did answer!16:14
jcastroand then I waited another like 45 minutes!16:14
czajkowskijcastro: this is true #blamepopey works well16:14
dholbachjono, want me to share the community week link on the ubuntudev page too?16:18
jcastroDO IT!16:18
jonodholbach, yes please :-)16:18
dholbachwe need to ramp up our UGJ efforts afterwards as well16:19
dholbachpopey, technoviking, got pleia2's last mail on the CC list? :)16:22
jcastroAlanBell, nhandler, popey, paultag, czajkowski: ya'll have LoCo events during community week, dropping a mention of the Global Jam would be most appreciated!16:24
pleia2dholbach: thanks :)16:24
dholbachpleia2, pinged the other guys as well :)16:25
dholbachjono, 5m?16:25
dholbachhangout? :)16:25
cjohnstonjcastro wants cheap advertisement.. make him pay for it!16:25
jcastroI'm not cheap, just frugal!16:25
jonodholbach, G+?16:29
dholbachjono, invited you16:29
jonoone sec16:29
pleia2jono: I'd suggest launching lernid from a terminal (so you can see errors in terminal) and submitting bug reports if you have problems (slides not showing?), we can use all the testers we can get :)16:30
czajkowskijcastro: sure16:39
czajkowskiI really dislike G+16:40
jcastroI almost have as many people following me on +  than on twitter16:42
czajkowskiyeah but I havepeople who've added me I've no idea16:42
czajkowskiI also have a ton of the ideni.ca folks which was the reason I stopped using identi.ca16:43
jcastrolooks like 1990's linux guy is back on twitter16:57
jcastro<3 that guy16:57
dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow17:07
tsimpsonczajkowski: (re: g+) other than the notification that people have added you to a circle, what's so bad about it?17:09
czajkowskitsimpson: people I've no idea who they are just adding me17:09
popeywhy is that bad?17:09
czajkowskion b I get a notifacation and i ignore or block if I've never met them17:09
czajkowskipopey: I just don't like it *shrugs* possibly I'm weird17:10
tsimpsonczajkowski: the good thing about G+ is that you don't have to see what these random people say though :)17:10
tsimpsonthey can add you, but you don't have to add them17:10
czajkowskitsimpson: but maybe I don't want them adding me17:11
popeythey cant see what you say17:11
tsimpsonyou'll always get the people who's goal in life seems to be "get the highest friend/following/whatever.. count" though17:11
czajkowskion fb I culled there ages back, if I'd not met them or intereacted with them I blocked them17:11
czajkowskipopey: clearly I'm odd I just dont see the point in clicking adding random people I've no idea who they are17:12
czajkowskiand why they've added me17:12
PiciBut facebooks 'friending' is a mutual agreement. adding someone to a circle isn't. Its like following on twitter.17:12
czajkowskimakes diddly squat sense to me17:12
popeymakes total sense to me17:12
popey"Oh look, she says interesting things. *click*"17:12
tsimpsonyou don't have to add/follow them, so if you don't know them you don't see their messages17:13
czajkowskiyes but maybe I don't want them knowing what I say17:13
tsimpsonand you can always choose only to "share" with a limited group(s)17:13
czajkowskiI disclose certain things in certain places17:13
popeythey wont!17:13
czajkowskiI also hated the fact it automatically uploaded my pics from phone camera!17:13
jcastrooh I love that17:13
PiciThose pictures aren't automatically shared iirc.17:13
jcastrobut I had to turn it on17:13
jcastroyeah, sometimes I wish I could select a circle from my phone17:14
czajkowskijcastro: nope automatically for me and I'd been playing with an app for pics. ws soo not wise17:14
jcastroand then just share party pics in real time, etc.17:14
PiciI've been told that they're automatically uploaded to picasa, but not publically shared.17:14
topyliyes they go to a private album. you have to go and share them (if you want to share them)17:15
popeyjcastro: join #ubuntu-uk-podcast :D17:18
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mhall119jcastro: what's your moving day?18:03
mhall119btw, would you like to attend http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-us-florida/1056/detail/ ?18:04
mhall119we're thinking of moving to a venue in Orlando18:04
mhall119might be a bit of a drive though18:05
mhall119you can always participate over IRC18:06
cjohnstonmhall119: he is not allowed to participate via irc18:07
cjohnstonhe can stay at my place18:07
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jcastropopey: hah man that was fun20:37
jcastroI wish I lived in the UK so I could do some stuff Laura-style20:37
jcastro"oh hi, I am going to crash your podcast, ALL THE TIME."20:37
czajkowskiheh I dont do it any more :)20:39
* czajkowski hugs jcastro 20:39
czajkowskiyou are a  looon20:39
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
jonojcastro, I see new presentations are syncing :-)21:26
jcastroreview feedback with robbie right now. :)21:26
jonoawesome :-)21:28

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