
mojzdar morede ftp soal daram07:02
mojzi have a question about ftp07:04
mojzi dont know how to set permission to ftp clients07:05
jussimojz: #ubuntu is probably a better place to ask.07:05
mojzjussi, thank you07:06
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l
WilczekHi all :)18:07
WilczekI have question18:07
WilczekHow to get Ubuntu IRC cloack?18:07
PiciWilczek: are you an Ubuntu Member?18:07
PiciWilczek: Mind sharing your launchpad profile url?18:08
PiciWilczek: Unfortunately it looks like you are not a member of the Ubuntu Members group, which is required before you can get an Ubuntu cloak.18:10
Pici'Ubuntu Members' Is not the same thing as 'Ubuntu Users'18:10
ubottuUbuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership18:10
PiciYou can still request an 'unaffiliated' cloak in #freenode if you wish to hide your hostname.18:10
FuchsPici: would being operator in an #ubuntu-* channel be sufficient to become a member?18:11
Fuchs(I am not interested in the cloak, but the @ubuntu.com mail forwarder would be nice)18:12
PiciFuchs: It would be up to whatever membership board you chose to go in front of.  Personally, I think that and the support that I do was what got me my membership.18:13
WilczekPici: Sure, I was wrong18:13
Fuchsheh, then that should be easy to get :)18:13
PiciFuchs: Note that the IRCC is now able to assign membership status.18:14
PiciWilczek: Its okay, it happens :)18:14
FuchsPici: that's why I asked here, irc-council would be the way to go for me18:14
topyliFuchs: membership recognises significant and sustained contribution. your contributions may well happen mostly or completely on irc18:15
Fuchstopyli: well, I am an #ubuntu-de operator for quite a while now, plus I am an active supporter in the german ubuntuusers portal, which is, afaik, official as well18:16
topyliand since irc is "nowhere", the regional councils might not be familiar enough with your contributions. this is why the ircc can now also grant memberships18:16
topyliyour #ubuntu-de contribution however might well be better known by regonal people18:17
Fuchsrather not, since -de is a big region (I am not german)18:17
Fuchsoh well, it was just an idea, since the e-mail address sounded nice. I won't die without it :)18:20
topyliit's not hard to get membership at all, if you're been around and active18:21
Fuchswell, I've been around as an operator for at least two years, that's about how far back my chatlogs go :p18:23
Fuchsah, more or less exactly two years, joined on 2009-08-13  according to launchpad18:23
topyliso that's certainly something to put on your wiki page18:24
Fuchsokay, I did not know that I do have a wiki page18:26
topyliif you don't, just create one :)18:26
WilczekI want to join Ubuntu members18:27
Fuchsah, you are talking about wiki.ubuntu.com, I thought launchpad might have one on it's own18:27
WilczekI read about this in the Ubuntu Wiki18:27
FuchsI will keep that in mind for after the summer holidays, then I should have time for this. I'll come back to you then.18:27
topylijust do the stuff on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership and apply in an IRCC or regional board meeting18:28
Fuchswill do so, thanks18:29
Wilczektopyli: In Ubuntu wiki I read that you are one of the people that accept the declaration18:30
topyliWilczek: members are accepted in meetings of regional or team boards, not single board members18:32
Wilczekoh, ok18:32
WilczekBut I don't know where to write before meeting18:36
topyliare you sure you've done all the required stuff described on the membership page? (linked above)18:38
Wilczek"In each case, you need to add your name to the agenda for the next meeting of the membership board for your region, or the team council," ← I don't know how.18:45
Wilczek"Your contributions should therefore be carefully documented on your personal wiki page." ← Where I can make this page?18:45
k1lWilczek: there is a wiki page for the next meetings. just type your name in there18:46
k1lwiki.ubuntu.com and create your own wiki page18:46
charlie-tcaYou can even use my own page as an example, if you need to:18:47
Wilczekcharlie-tca: thanks :)19:28
Wilczek<k1l> Wilczek: there is a wiki page for the next meetings. just type your name in there ← where?19:28
k1lWilczek: read that carefully: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership  the orange text is a link. the section for your interest is the procedure for obtaining membership19:29
charlie-tcaat the membership board you are going to apply to19:29
k1lWilczek: take a breathe and take more time than 1min. for the effort to become a member. its not helping if you are doing it in a rush19:30
WilczekOk, I now create Wiki page ;)19:48

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