
RenatoSilvaanyone know how to create a filter in synaptic for showing checked changes only from proposed?00:39
RenatoSilvaalso, how to exclude filters in synaptic? exclude button doesn't work, so I need to hack into the files...00:42
RenatoSilvaRenatoSilva: remove manually from /root/.synaptic/filters00:47
RenatoSilvasorry guys but #ubuntu is mostly useless, sorry for asking here: can I safely do a sudo cp /etc/skel/.bashrc /root/.bashrc in Natty (11.04). Are they the same file in Natty????01:42
RenatoSilvathanks all anyway02:06
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AnAntHello, what's the preferred bug title for merge requests ?05:38
RAOFAnAnt: Depends - do you want something to be merged, or do you want a merge sponsored?05:39
AnAntto be sponsored05:40
RAOF“Please merge $FOO from $DEBIAN_RELEASE” is what I'd go with.05:40
philipballewhey, there's a package in apt-get thats like 6 years out of date. can i build a deb for it or sugest it gets updated for 11.10?05:40
AnAntRAOF: and use merge tag ?05:43
RAOFphilipballew: Certainly!05:43
philipballewits kismet05:43
jmarsdenphilipballew: Yes.  You can also check if it is being synced from Debian, and if so, talk with its existing maintainer, or become its maintainer :)05:43
philipballewi would love to be a maintainer!05:43
philipballewhow can i learn!05:44
RAOFAnAnt: I guess; I generally don't look at tags, and it'll just hit the sponsoring queue, which I think I'm due to be wandering through tomorrow :)05:44
AnAntRAOF: you sponsor main packages ?05:44
RAOFAnAnt: Now that I'm a core-dev, yes :)05:44
jmarsdenphilipballew: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/  is one place to start05:44
AnAntRAOF: ah, congrats05:45
philipballewsounds like ill have some fun reading!!!05:45
zookoFolks: we're hoping to upgrade Tahoe-LAFS in Ubuntu to the new Tahoe-LAFS v1.9 (not yet released) when it is ready. It will have a new dependency -- on protovis. Does anyone want to package protovis for Ubuntu?05:45
RenatoSilvahow to notify the propose guys some package should not go into mainstream, because it's buggy?06:34
RenatoSilvaproposed for natty is buggy, just tested, what works is the one from https://launchpad.net/~malteworld/+archive/compiz06:35
RAOFRenatoSilva: Post a follow up message to (one of) the SRU bugs the proposed package is intended to fix; it'll be marked verification-failed and will not be propogated to -updates.06:36
RAOFOr even propagated ;).  Also, man, we still have emerald in the archive?  And it works at all with the new compiz?06:37
RenatoSilvawhat's SRU? just forgot06:37
jmarsdenRenatoSilva: Stable Release Update06:38
RAOFStable Release Update; in order to get into -proposed that emerald package must have been marked as fixing at least one SRU bug.06:38
RenatoSilvaRAOF: Emerald working nicely in Natty: http://www.videolog.tv/video.php?id=67050806:41
philipballewjmarsden, once i learn how to package, how can i get started with ubuntu?06:41
RenatoSilvathe bug that points to that ppa which contains a 0.8.8 version of emerald, is not listed in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/emerald06:41
RenatoSilvahowever see comment 28 in Bug 73339306:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 733393 in emerald (Ubuntu Natty) "[natty, SRU] emerald segfault on launch" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73339306:43
RenatoSilvaso it should be listed there on the package bugs, but can't find it!06:43
RAOFThat's one of the SRU bugs; please follow up on that (or on bug #749047) if you've been testing the -proposed package and found a problem.06:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 749047 in emerald (Ubuntu Oneiric) "emerald version 0.7.2-0ubuntu6 failed to build on i386" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74904706:46
lifelessRenatoSilva: its fix released in oneiric06:47
lifelessRenatoSilva: the non-series bug view shows bugs based on their conjoined-master task, and the conjoined-master is updated when the default-series task is changed.06:47
lifelessRenatoSilva: so that bug has a conjoined-master which is fix released and thats why yu can't see it06:48
* RenatoSilva dizzy06:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 733393 in emerald (Ubuntu Natty) "[natty, SRU] emerald segfault on launch" [High,Fix committed]06:51
RAOFNote that we're not going to pull in a PPA package into the stable release :).06:53
RenatoSilvaJust commented on the original bug where I found the solution to my problem, is that enough or I need to comment somewhere else?06:54
RenatoSilvaRAOF: I think you can just pull the Oneiric's06:54
RenatoSilvaRAOF: they're probably the same stuff06:55
RAOFWe're unlikely to pull in oneiric's, either, although if the current version is *totally* broken then we might.06:55
RenatoSilvaI mean pull from oneiric06:56
RenatoSilvaoneiric contains the 0.8.8 package, then just use it in natty, that's my suggestion06:57
RenatoSilvaRAOF: yes, the current version in release, 0.7.2-0ubuntu6, DOESN'T WORK06:58
RenatoSilvaRAOF: it doesn't show up ANY border in the windows. I think it's just because current Natty's compiz is too new, and 0.8.8 is the one which works with the new compiz.06:59
RenatoSilvaRAOF: just to be very clear: the proposed 0.7.2-0ubuntu6.1 doesn't work either (can't see right border)07:00
RenatoSilvaI just want to help in the sense that (1) current emerald is totally broken (2) that fix in proposed is broken too (3) the 0.8.8 version works fine in natty (at least the one from that PPA, which is likely the same as the one pushed to Oneiric)07:04
RenatoSilvaok so anything else I could do? Comment on another bug or something?07:08
RenatoSilvagotta go. I'm subscribed to that bug in any case07:16
RenatoSilvathanks all07:16
dholbachgood morning07:20
oierHi, I uploaded a new package (an indicator)  I wrote to REVU, and I get an error about the maintainer field "The Maintainer field is invalid. It has to contain an @ubuntu.com address (usually the Ubuntu Developer Team's). The packager can leave his/her name as XSBC-Original-Maintainer. "09:50
oiersince I wrote the package and intend to maintain it I don't understand the error09:51
dupondjeWhat we do with a package that got removed in Debian?09:51
oieryou can check the control file here http://paste.ubuntu.com/646361/09:53
jtaylorwhat the reason for the removal?09:53
oierBTW, I got a second question. Should the version number be 0.1 or 0.1-0ubuntu1? it has never be published before in debian or ubuntu09:55
jtaylor0ubuntu1 then09:56
oierbut the i get the error because of the maintainer field09:57
oierdpkg-source: warning: Version number suggests Ubuntu changes, but Maintainer: does not have Ubuntu address09:57
oier and also "dpkg-source: warning: Version number suggests Ubuntu changes, but there is no XSBC-Original-Maintainer field"09:58
oierdoes that mean that only ubuntu members can be maintainers?09:58
jtaylorubuntu has no dedicated maintainer I think09:58
oierso what should i put in the maintainer field then?10:00
jtaylorI guess you can ignore that messages, its probably do prevent that ubuntu users spam debian maintainers with ubuntu bugs10:04
jtaylorbut as there is no debian version that should not apply10:04
Laneywe still usually use the list for maintainer and packager for XSBC-Original-Maintainer10:05
dupondjejtaylor: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=63371510:05
ubottuDebian bug 633715 in ftp.debian.org "RM: hornsey -- ROM; dead upstream, superseded by banshee-meego" [Normal,Open]10:05
jtaylordupondje: sounds like it can be removed from ubuntu too only has a vote of 91, maybe ask the last ubuntu uploader10:09
jtaylordoes someone have a working armel pbuilder? I fail to get mine working10:10
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rsajdokAny suggestions? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=179685612:35
Laneyask in #gwibber for gwibber support12:37
tumbleweedrsajdok: you are running it in the source directory12:37
tumbleweedalso: sudo setup.py install isn't easily uninstallable :)12:38
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jdstrandfyi, here is the hardy supported list: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/ubuntu-cve-tracker/master/view/head:/hardy-supported.txt13:59
oierHi, anyone up for reviewing indicator-bug? it's indicator that displays a list of bugs for  Launchpad projects that match the defined search settings (tags,status...) and notifies you if there a new bugs (for example if there are new bitesize bugs)14:12
oierI uploaded a candidate at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=914714:13
jtayloryou can also drop the (C) its redundant14:15
oierdone. thanks jtaylor14:17
oieranything else?14:18
jtaylorwriting a comment at revu14:19
jtayloroier: sent14:28
jtayloras your upstream, the star should have a tooltip, its not clear that it opens the about dialog14:29
jtaylorin preferences14:29
oierok thanks14:29
jtaylorcan you only monitor one project with it?14:31
dupondjeHow can we get a new package in Ubuntu16:00
dupondjeits already packaged by Debian16:00
micahgdupondje: requestsync16:01
dupondjeok done16:02
dupondjedidn't know it was THAT easy :D16:02
Laneyproviding you tested it works and said why we want the package in the sync request, yes16:04
dupondjequite nice to have no ?16:07
dupondjepartition cloner16:08
dupondjeused in clonezilla16:08
dupondjedamn good stuff16:08
dupondjehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/812388 there :D16:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 812388 in Ubuntu "Sync partclone 0.2.22-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New]16:10
Laneyyou built it on oneiric?16:11
dupondjeerr forgot16:15
dupondjedoing now16:15
dupondjebuilds :)16:16
Laneysync request (as a sponsor) mantra: builds installs (upgrades) runs, rationale16:16
dupondjegotto love the speed :D16:18
oierwhat is the format of a watch file if upstream is in Launchpad?16:19
jtaylorsomething like this: https://launchpad.net/nunitv2/+download .*/NUnit-([\d.]+)-src\.zip16:20
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technomancyIs this appropriate for getting this package updated in oneric, or should a separate sync request be filed? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/clojure/+bug/73197917:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 731979 in clojure (Ubuntu) "please update to clojure 1.2" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:11
micahgtechnomancy: you can just edit that bug with the output from requestsync17:12
micahgtechnomancy: and then subscribe ubuntu-sponsors17:12
technomancymicahg: thanks!17:13
micahgtechnomancy: oh, and reset the status back to new as well, thanks17:13
technomancyis it cutting it kind of close in terms of timing to make it into oneric, or is there a good chance it could land?17:14
technomancyI've got a new package I'd love to see make it in, but it has this plus three other deps that need to be synced.17:15
micahgtechnomancy: we're still 3 weeks out from feature freeze17:15
technomancythat sounds encouraging. =)17:16
technomancyhm; the package is clojure1.2 in sid, should that be considered a new package for the purposes of requestsync?17:17
micahgtechnomancy: yes17:18
technomancyso just take the output of requestsync and add it as a comment?17:20
technomancyit doesn't look like I can edit the description17:20
micahgtechnomancy: I'd just suggest a new request since it's for a new source17:20
micahgtechnomancy: is Debian deprecating the old sourcE?17:21
oierhi again, after addresing the packaging issues I had thanks to jtaylor, I am looking for some MOTUs to take a look at my package on REVU and upload it eventually http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=915017:21
technomancymicahg: I don't think so17:21
sbeattieclojure1.2 is already in oneiric, FYI.17:21
oierI would aprreciate your help very much17:21
micahgsbeattie: indeed :)17:21
technomancysbeattie: oh dang; how did I miss that?17:22
technomancyI guess I was just looking at "clojure"17:23
technomancyok, I must be dumb; I can't see how to close this bug I just created17:23
sbeattietechnomancy: should be able to set the task state to invalid17:24
technomancythere we go; thanks17:25
technomancyit's my first day on launchpad; I guess I need to be cut some slack =)17:25
dupondjewe can do a mass sync :P17:26
dupondjeLaney: we can sync https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hdbc right :)17:38
dupondjebdrung: I testbuild all my sync reqs in pbuilder. So they all should build fine :)17:38
bdrungdupondje: that's my standard procedure. on which arch do you build them?17:39
bdrungdupondje: building the packages does not consume the time. the time consuming part is to check the diffs17:39
dupondjewell true :)17:40
bdrungdupondje: and 2 of 12 failed to build today. so that's a valid check.17:45
bdrungdupondje: even if you build them, they can ftbfs days later17:45
dupondjethats true17:45
Laneydupondje: yes, likely. Check the reverse dependencies are still installable with the new package.17:47
technomancyjust loaded my GPG key into LP... feels like some James Bond stuff going on. =)17:57
Ampelbeinlfaraone: hi! you don't need to request a freeze exception yet, feature freeze is still some 3 weeks away (august 11th) (regarding bug 812409)17:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 812409 in pithos (Ubuntu) "Sync pithos 0.3.10-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81240917:59
dupondjebdrung: dunno if your able to sync tryton-*18:01
dupondjethats like 40 packages :p18:01
bdrungdupondje: 40 packages?18:01
bdrungdupondje: i have enough for today.18:01
Laneyplease, as we have repeatedly urged, exercise restraint when requesting syncs18:02
micahgdupondje: the only point in syncing them at this point is if the Debian uploaded added something on top of the Ubuntu patch18:03
micahgdupondje: otherwise, just wait for next cycle, or a new Debian upload with something we need18:03
technomancywhy do I get "relay access denied" with requestsync? do I need to provide lp credentials or something?18:04
Ampelbeintechnomancy: that's a message from a smtp-server.18:05
dupondjecause it can't email :)18:05
Davieytechnomancy: use requestsync --lp18:06
technomancyDaviey: thanks18:06
Davieythen it'll use the lp api, rather than mail.18:06
Daviey(/me ponders why that isn't the default.)18:06
gesertechnomancy: which ubuntu-dev-tools version do you use?18:07
micahgDaviey: not everyone wants to have an LP account/auth against it, I guess18:07
Davieymicahg: then they can use --mail :)18:07
Davieymicahg: it's not like it's running a binary blob with credentials. :/18:08
geserDaviey: when --lp got added, I didn't want to change the default (mail) and till now there was no discussion about the default mode so it stayed that way18:08
technomancygeser: 0.104 on one machine; natty on another18:09
Davieygeser: I actually aliased it myself because i'm lazy.18:09
technomancythat worked; thanks18:10
micahgtechnomancy: 0.104 uses an old mail relay18:10
gesertechnomancy: u-d-t till version 0.115 has a smtp-server hardcoded which isn't a MX for launchpad.net anymore18:11
oierif some motu is bored and doesn't know on what to spend time, reviewing indicator-bug is fun! http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=915018:12
technomancyworked fine with --lp after I ran manage-credentials; just would have appreciated a better error message18:12
technomancyanyway, got my sync requests in; sweet18:12
DavieyScottK: Hey, How did you get on with those ARM boxes you were given for people to use?18:12
* micahg thinks bored motu is an oxymoron18:13
bdrungdupondje: re bug 812454 were is the change "Change BD on haddock to ghc-haddock"?18:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 812454 in hdbc (Ubuntu) "Sync hdbc 2.2.6-4 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81245418:24
lfaraoneAmpelbein: haha, sorry, lol.18:41
lfaraoneAmpelbein: I got my freezes confused.18:42
lfaraoneAmpelbein: anyway, those bugs need to be fixed to fix a urgency: high bug in oneric.18:43
lfaraonelp 80786018:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 807860 in pithos (Ubuntu) ""Error: Protocol incompatible. Please upgrade libpiano."" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80786018:43
Ampelbeinlfaraone: yeah, I guess someone from ~ubuntu-archive will run a sync soon-ish. There's quite some in the queue.18:44
lfaraoneoh joy.18:44
ScottKDaviey: I'm hoping we'll get native support for them in Oneiric soon so they can be updated.  I do have one I can give MOTU access to if needed.18:48
dupondjebdrung: that seems a mistake indeed! My excuses19:18
dupondjeLaney: http://packages.qa.debian.org/h/haddock.html haddock got removed in debian. Guess the package should be fixed in debian also. I see your the maintainer :)19:19
micahgdupondje: he's not the maintainer of that19:20
dupondje'the package' = hdbc :)19:20
dupondjewhich uses haddock as bdep19:20
dupondjeBut its evening :) time to stop doing things where I need to think :D19:21
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kernalhi all!22:08
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