
jibelev, cjwatson could you update wubi isolist to 10.04.3  ?07:30
cjwatsonjibel: I committed the change for that a few days ago and asked ev for a new build09:14
cjwatsonhuh, I'm confused now09:15
cjwatsonhttp://people.canonical.com/~evand/wubi/lucid/ has wubi-r191.exe dating from 21 Jan09:15
cjwatsonmy commit was r191, dated 15 Jul09:15
cjwatsonev: did you forget to push your 10.04.2 wubi commit, perhaps?09:15
evtrying to figure out how to update my lucid chroot with a 3.0 kernel09:15
evprobably :-/09:16
cjwatsonuse a 3.0.0 kernel instead, it'll be less painful09:20
cjwatsonmaybe you could use a checkout to avoid that problem?09:20
evcjwatson: new wubi up10:36
evthanks for the tips10:36
cjwatsonjibel: is there any hope of validating the installer changes in lucid-proposed in time?10:44
cjwatsonjibel: given that Peter checked my grub-installer patch for bug 695842 when applied out of band, I think regression-testing some other system with apt-setup/proposed=true passed as an installer boot parameter (alternate or server install) would be enough to let that into lucid-updates.  What do you think?10:47
ubot4Launchpad bug 695842 in grub-installer (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "Cannot install on HP Proliant DL385 G7 - dual RAID controllers (affects: 1) (heat: 26)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69584210:47
cjwatsonjibel: bug 442941 should be easy to validate - the permissions check would be enough, given that the update-manager test will be hard to do in this case10:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 442941 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 14 other projects) "debconf failed to upgrade from 1.5.27ubuntu1 to 1.5.27ubuntu2: exit status 128 - Use of uninitialized value $reply in scalar chomp at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/FrontEnd/Passthrough.pm line 66 (affects: 452) (dups: 300) (heat: 2461)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44294110:48
cjwatsonpitti: I think we need to waive the waiting period for base-files and debian-installer to get them into lucid-updates in time for 10.04.310:49
cjwatsonis anything else in lucid-proposed needed for 10.04.3?10:50
cjwatsonoh, bug 777759 too, that should be easy to validate as well (per my comment 1 indicating that we can probably just do regression-testing there)10:51
ubot4Launchpad bug 777759 in casper (Ubuntu Natty) (and 3 other projects) "10.10 live CD prompts to upgrade to 11.04 (affects: 1) (heat: 57)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77775910:51
jibelcjwatson, 442941 if tha's the only check then I verified it on many installs.10:51
jibel777759 is verified, i'll update the status10:51
cjwatsonjibel: 442941> the permissions check?10:52
jibelright, permissions check. Anything else I can verify ?10:52
cjwatsonit's tricky with an up-to-date image, is the problem10:53
cjwatsonsince there's naturally nothing to update10:53
cjwatsonand doing any preparatory operation that touches the debconf database in any way will invalidate the test10:53
cjwatsonperhaps check that you can install a package on top with software-center or whatever10:54
cjwatsonjust as an extra regression test10:54
cjwatsonother than that I don't think there's much we can check - we'll just have to revisit if the problem recurs later10:55
jibelthat's one of the post-install test I run. installing something with software-center.10:55
jibel695842, I can only do regression-testing, since I don't have the hardware.10:56
jibelcjwatson, I get the problem again with oem install, I can't pass the second stage of the installation.10:57
cjwatson695842> I think we can accept that given Peter's comment 17; but since I wrote the patch, I'd like a second opinion from pitti10:58
jibelhow can I debug this ? it is not reproducible. It happens on less than 10% of the install I did.10:58
cjwatsoncan I have logs, to start with?10:58
cjwatsonI can at least see if there's anything obvious in them10:59
cjwatsonit must mean that oem-config has failed part-way through11:00
cjwatsonI think you'll find that /var/lib/oem-config/run still exists?11:00
cjwatson(it'll be zero-length)11:00
cjwatsonthis happens if oem-config exits non-zero11:01
jibelright, that's the only error I see in the logs "oem-config main process terminated with status 1"11:02
cjwatsondid you run the second stage with the 'debug-oem-config' boot parameter11:05
pittijibel, cjwatson: I'm fine with regression-testing on bug 695842, indeed11:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 695842 in grub-installer (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "Cannot install on HP Proliant DL385 G7 - dual RAID controllers (affects: 1) (heat: 26)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69584211:05
pitticjwatson: want me to move to -updates?11:06
cjwatsonlet's wait 'til regression-testing has actually been done11:06
pitticjwatson: the current lucid dailies use -proposed?11:06
cjwatsonoh, yes, that grub-installer version should be what's on the CD11:07
cjwatsonI'll just double-check that11:07
cjwatsonyeah, it is11:07
pittii. e. the iso testing, and the following certification testing pretty much serves as regression testing11:07
cjwatsonshould do, yes11:08
cjwatsonjibel: I'd like to see the logs just in case there's something that doesn't look like an error but that might give me a clue, though11:08
jibelcjwatson, logs attached to bug 81223011:12
ubot4Launchpad bug 812230 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "OEM install always boots to 'prepare for shipping' (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81223011:12
cjwatsonoh, I misread your original report11:14
cjwatsonyou never even get oem-config running, do you11:14
cjwatsonjibel: can you boot with the '--verbose' boot parameter, and then attach /var/log/syslog?11:16
jibelcjwatson, I add it to the kernel boot command ?11:19
jibelinteresting, I also get logged out after few minutes.11:21
ubot4Launchpad bug 812230 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "OEM install always boots to 'prepare for shipping' (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]11:24
jibelI think ev already fixed something similar with upstart.11:24
cjwatsonif you have details, that would be helpful11:26
cjwatsonit apparently at least tries to run11:28
cjwatsonthen immediately afterwards, gdm starts11:28
cjwatsonI wonder if they're both running on different VTs11:28
cjwatsonthis looks like a straightforward race between 'starting gdm' and 'stopping rc'11:29
cjwatsonit was fixed in oneiric11:30
cjwatsonactually natty, at least in part11:30
cjwatsonhowever, it took a few goes to get it right; I'm not comfortable with backporting it in a hurry11:30
cjwatsonbug 65070311:31
ubot4Launchpad bug 650703 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Natty) (and 4 other projects) "oem-config-prepare works, but oem-config fails to start after reboot (affects: 15) (dups: 2) (heat: 45)" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65070311:31
cjwatsonhah, d'oh, it has a 10.04.3 task11:31
cjwatsonwell, I don't know.  what do other people think?11:31
jibelyep, that's the one11:31
cjwatsonI think the fix is http://paste.ubuntu.com/646431/11:33
cjwatsonwhat we could do is move all the current installer bits to -updates, and then I do a fresh upload for this bug11:34
cjwatsonthen we build new images against -proposed11:34
cjwatsonif they pass, we waive the waiting period and let the new one in; if not, we leave it in -proposed11:35
cjwatsonthen either way, we build 10.04.3 images against -updates11:35
cjwatsonanyone?  Bueller?11:50
cjwatsonpitti: do you think I can go ahead and copy base-files and debian-installer to -updates despite the short wait, on the basis of iso testing?12:14
pitticjwatson: pease do; base-files only was the .3 bump anyway, right?12:14
pitticjwatson: want me to move ubiquity, too? was verified now12:16
jibelre 650703, sounds good to me.12:17
cjwatsondone base-files and debian-installer12:18
jibeldo you think of a way to reproduce it ?12:18
cjwatsonpitti: grub-installer needs to go before ubiquity12:18
cjwatsonjibel: well, it's a race between 'stopping rc' and 'starting gdm', so to reproduce it, you could try to force 'starting gdm' to happen later to widen the window12:22
cjwatsonjibel: here's one possible hack that might do it:12:22
cjwatsonjibel: edit /etc/init/dbus.conf, and find the 'post-start' line; in oneiric that reads 'post-start exec kill -USR1 1'12:22
cjwatsonchange that to:12:22
cjwatsonpost-start script12:22
cjwatson    kill -USR1 112:22
cjwatson    sleep 1012:23
cjwatsonend script12:23
jibelok, trying12:23
cjwatsonah, grub-installer verified now; I'll go ahead and move the installer bits, then12:24
jibelsorry for the delay12:24
cjwatsonthat's ok12:26
cjwatsonurgh, 'sru-release lucid ubiquity' is timing out12:35
cjwatsonI bet it's the bazillion duplicates of bug 44294112:35
ubot4Launchpad bug 442941 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 14 other projects) "debconf failed to upgrade from 1.5.27ubuntu1 to 1.5.27ubuntu2: exit status 128 - Use of uninitialized value $reply in scalar chomp at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/FrontEnd/Passthrough.pm line 66 (affects: 452) (dups: 300) (heat: 2506)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44294112:35
* cjwatson wonders whether doing it on cocoplum will work better12:35
cjwatsonright, there we go.  15 seconds, too long for the API I guess :-/12:38
jibelcjwatson, I can move part of the duplicates to another report if that helps.12:39
cjwatsonit's ok, it's done now12:40
jibelI confirm that I can reproduce 650703 with the additional sleep in dbus.conf12:42
cjwatsongood, preparing an upload now12:45
cjwatsonpitti (or other ubuntu-sru member): could you review ubiquity in {lucid,maverick}-proposed, please?12:58
cjwatsonwell, the maverick version might not be there yet.  somebody in the bug report is asking for it urgently though so I thought I should do both12:58
pitticjwatson: can do; still waiting a couple of minutes for the diff to arrive12:59
lamontfyi, chroot tarballs freshened for natty ('twas pre-release) and oneiric13:02
pitticjwatson: so, admittedly I don't fully understand the correctness of the upstart condition changes, but as this was a backport, it looks fine to me13:11
pittidoing maverick a little later, when the queue diff arrives13:11
cjwatsonthe quick explanation is that this moves the 'stopping rc' off into a separate package that isn't installed except on server systems13:12
pittiah, we don't install this; that makes it clearer indeed13:12
cjwatsonso you get either 'stopping rc' or 'starting gdm' in your job graph but not both13:12
cjwatsontypically, anyway13:12
cjwatsonI don't think it's *ideal*, but I think it should be sufficient13:13
cjwatsonso, once that builds and publishes, I'll do another build with -proposed, which should amount to fixing that ubiquity bug plus sorting out wubi isolist versions13:13
cjwatsononce 650703 is validated, we should then push it to -updates and do a 10.04.3-candidate build with -updates only13:14
cjwatsonand verify the hell out of that13:14
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jibelI tried ubiquity 2.2.27 in lucid-proposed and that fixes 650703.14:59
cjwatsonwith the dbus.conf hack to widen the race?15:01
cjwatsondid you just upgrade it in place?15:01
jibelyes I upgraded in place15:02
jibelbut I need to try on a real image to validate the fix because the conditions of the race are a bit different15:02
jibelfor example with the sleep in dbus there is a process that locks debconf config.dat that is not running in the original bug.15:03
cjwatsonOK, not entirely surprising that it would permute some things15:04
cjwatsonI was waiting for the powerpc build to finish before starting images, since that will be less hassle15:04
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Ursinhabug 67539616:14
ubot4Launchpad bug 675396 in nmap (Ubuntu) "Icon missing in Kubuntu Remix menu (affects: 3) (heat: 14)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67539616:14
cjwatsonUrsinha: is that the bug you meant to quote?  it doesn't seem urgent16:23
Ursinhacjwatson: I was just abusing the bot, sorry16:24
cjwatsonah, ok16:25
micahg!msgthebot > Ursinha16:39
ubot4Ursinha, please see my private message16:39
GrueMasterskaet: Why is ubuntu server armel+omap daily on the tracker for 10.04.3 release testing?  Is this something I need to look at?17:58
skaetGrueMaster, hmm,  that's not an image I was expecting to see...  and am not seeing the netbook ones on it.   hmm...18:07
GrueMasterThere should be no armel images in 10.04.3,  We have no LTS releases at this time.18:07
skaetGrueMaster, ack.18:08
GrueMasterI do SRU testing for 10.04, but that support ends with 11.10 release (yea!).18:08
skaetcjwatson, ^^ I'm going ahead and disabling ubuntu server armel+omap,  since it wasn't on the 10.04.2 manifest.18:10
skaetcjwatson, have started off DIST=lucid buildlive ubuntu-netbook daily-preinstalled && (for-project ubuntu-netbook cron.daily-preinstalled &)18:54
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cjwatsonbuilding another round of lucid images now that ubiquity 2.2.27 is in place20:46
=== Ursinha-nom is now known as Ursinha

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