[01:15] I think it could only be cool to take your mom to fosscon if she was a better hacker than you [01:17] ouch [01:17] women have to be smarter than the men they go to a conference with now? [01:17] I guess I can't go to fosscon either [01:19] Someone else defend me. I have to go to sleep now. [01:19] * pleia2 is bored with disparaging remarks about mothers on the internet [01:20] Fine, I'l defend myself [01:20] I'm not talking about going to Fosscon with a woman, I'm talking about going with your mom! [01:20] so it'll just suck once I have kids? [01:20] thanks, that makes it so much better! [01:21] I can't help that if you have a son you will be his mom. You can't expect him to take you everywhere with him. [01:21] ChinnoDog: should just crawl into a hole and be done with it [01:21] I don't see where somone made that expectation [01:21] rmg51: probably, but I take getting in trouble with pleia2 as a challenge [01:22] youmake it way to easy [01:22] dang spacebar :P [01:22] ChinnoDog: it's just annoying because people don't flinch at people going to tech conferences with their father [01:23] InHisName has brought his son to events, no one was any less cool for that [01:24] I wouldn't want to bring my mom [01:24] The assumption here is that the one bringing the mom is only doing it because she is his mom, not because she is genuinely interested [01:24] I wouldn't bring my dad either unlesss that condition was met [01:24] she would have no idea what was going on [01:24] you can go to sleep [01:24] lol [01:24] except I will tease you about going to sleep at 9:30 [01:24] pleia2: <3 [01:24] night :-) [01:24] night :) [01:25] if I bring mom ChinnoDog should have to baby sit her [01:25] ChinnoDog thinks conferences are boring [01:25] he's not coming :( [01:26] wait till he spends time with mom [01:39] Is there any way to watch a silverlight video in linux? [01:42] Ah. I see a project called "moonlight", but no obvious packages for debian. [02:25] moonlight was never very good anyway, they were always playing catch-up with silverlight so even once you got a usable moonlight it would change in 2 days and stop working [02:27] i dont think the current moonlight works w/ todays silverlight [02:27] I think that's what I just said :) [02:28] yes pleia you did [09:20] Morning. [09:23] pleia2: didn't MS give out some code to help make it work? what happened to that. [09:39] morning JonathanD [09:39] howdy rmg51 [09:39] o/ [09:40] how goes? [09:41] slowly :) [09:43] y'all up way tooooooo early [09:44] I am ? [09:45] hello x_hochiBisjeK, InHisName [09:46] x_hochiBisjeK: it's almost 6, time to get moving. [09:46] noooooooooO! [09:46] * x_hochiBisjeK eyes bed, dreams of crawling back in [09:46] My it's getting late, the kids will be up soon and I'll have to stop typing to give them more attention. [09:47] don't let us stop you, give kids lovin's [09:48] I sleep when its dark and lights out. Now can't turn off the sun. Too light might as well get up and mess with computer while others wake up. [16:35] [16:41] [16:52] [16:56] [16:58] [17:23] I need to enlist the help of someone who is NOT coming to fosscon. [17:23] For a secret mission. [17:23] Any volunteers? [17:28] hmm [17:28] that might be me due to other obligations [17:29] JonathanD: how secret? [17:29] vaguely secret [17:29] but I found someone [17:31] k [18:07] Wait there are people who aren't coming to fosscon? Why not? [18:09] waltman: they are silly I guess. [18:09] waltman: on the other hand, we're almost out of space. [18:20] Well, you were lucky to find one of them! [18:21] we may have to look bigger next year [18:22] ah yes, the yo-yo effect [18:22] not too much bigger, andrew [18:22] JonathanD: also, if it is really this week, you need to start hyping it more on facebook [18:22] but if we can find space for 180 [18:22] andrew: if we're so close to full, is there a point? :) [18:25] remind people? [18:25] it's more than just advertising [18:25] I just posted. [18:25] continue to hype [18:25] i see