
minus_yagoo, Thanks!00:00
yagooctl-z doesnt turn it off.. if u want to see list of background apps in bash.. "jobs" shows..00:01
he||phyrehey everybody00:01
minus_yagoo, I see. Awesome.00:01
yagoo(ctl-z suspends, application is frozen) .. but if you want to kill if you can use "kill -9 <processid>" for what its worth..00:03
minus_yagoo, Is there a way to put programs in the background wihtout suspending them?00:03
yagoominus_, if u typed ctl-z, you can type "bg %#" (# as for the number from the jobs list)00:04
th0rminus_: bg?00:04
minus_yagoo, I actually looked in top to see if mencoder was stuck in something. But I guess I didn't look hard enough :P00:04
yagoo(type "help fg" or "help bg" .. fg/bg are bash-builtin commands)00:04
minus_yagoo, th0r: I'll try that out.00:04
yagoominus_, i believe u can type "bg <command>" as well...00:05
minus_Damn.. How have I missed the "help" command. It's like a mini "man"00:05
yagoominus_, no.. "help" is a bash-only builtin for referencing its builtins00:05
yagooit's very useful for bash scripters.. (help test)00:06
yagooman bash is a big wasteful manual.. a monster to decipher00:06
minus_yagoo, 3653 rows. Now that is something :D00:07
minus_yagoo, too bad mplayer had 6758 rows :P00:08
yagoominus_, /usr/share/doc/packagename is also locations where there can be examples for example -- (mencoder package is it?-- /usr/share/doc/mencoder)00:08
allowoverridewhat is the hotkey/cmd to pull up gnome panel without a mouse? to select with keybrd? i forgot lol thanks!00:08
intel_ixIs there anyone who can tell me how to check if the root.disk file is damaged, and/or how to fix it from windows.00:08
yagooallowoverride, look up your keyboard shortcuts.. should be in there.. it may be ctl-esc or with superwin key00:09
KopikoHi - I have a computer with Ubuntu Server 10.04 running on it with CSF, but weird things are happening.00:09
KopikoFor example, even if I specify port 7465 in UDP_OUT in /etc/csf/csf.conf, it still gets blocked and shows up in00:09
KopikoDoes anyone know why?00:09
yagoointel_ix, screwn windows.. just boot the ubuntu grub livecd and do an e2fsck00:09
allowoverrideyagoo: um, thats on the panel00:09
nightrid3rallowoverride so just explain your mouse doesn't work00:10
allowoverridesomeone know its for sure, i asked about a year ago lol00:10
yagooallowoverride, no clue.. maybe look up anything to do with 'accessibility'00:10
allowoverrideits a simple hotkey, its like standard, my gawd00:10
allowoverridei just forgot it00:10
yagooallowoverride, then that's old a year.. something else for sure must of come along the way00:10
allowoverrideyagoo: you obviously dont know it, anyone else00:11
worstadminallowoverride, Love that name00:11
yagooallowoverride, well X is for mice primarily.. so i dont see how you are expecting anyone to know00:11
yagooto not use the mouse.. people look into "accessibility" features..00:11
allowoverridewelp, its not fnc-esc lol. thats puts desktop to sleep lolol00:12
allowoverrideworstadmin: yours too ;)00:12
allowoverrideits from apache conf00:12
minus_allowoverride, What do you mean by "pull up gnome panel" ?00:12
kiichiroHow do I set it up so my xubuntu box doesn't have a login screen and set it up so teamviewer automatically opens upon startup00:12
allowoverrideyes minus without a mouse, its my screen is too big lol00:12
allowoverrideactually that reminds me, there is also a hotkey for window size something +00:13
allowoverrideugh... i should right this stuff down00:13
allowoverridei used to have a cmd book, but i lost it during last move00:13
allowoverridemaybe page up/down00:13
yagooallowoverride, you're swarming with the wrong things.. you said it was a year ago. Maybe it's not in ubuntu anymore. I'd say you ask in #gnome..00:13
minus_allowoverride, Hang on. I'll check if there is a keyboard shortcut somewhere00:13
minus_allowoverride, Do you have a menubutton on your keyboard?00:14
minus_should be between alt-gr and right-ctrl00:14
allowoverrideits like a standard hotkey, kinda like cntrl-P ya know00:14
allowoverridectrl-alt arrows move between desktops00:15
grellhi there!00:15
minus_allowoverride, ctrl-alt-tab?00:15
allowoverrideim looking for what pulls up the gnome menu so ican mouse around00:15
minus_"move between the panel and the desktop"00:15
allowoverridethat moves between open windows00:15
grellhey someone there knows how to install de phpmychat?!00:16
minus_allowoverride, You sure? When I press ctrl-alt-tab, I can go to the panel00:16
allowoverrideactually so does alt-tab then shirft to go backwards00:16
grellhey someone there knows how to install de phpmychat?!00:16
szal!repeat | grell00:16
ubottugrell: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:16
allowoverridenope, not me00:16
* yagoo thinks allowoverride is asking on how to set "focus" on the panel.00:16
allowoverrideits lke ctrl esc f1 something like that00:16
yagooYah there's a shortcut for that.. if you asked the question properly..00:16
allowoverridewith alt--F2 where can i find window for mappings per suggestion earlier00:17
grellOh well00:17
yagooallowoverride, alt-d, or maybe ctl-d tapped twice00:17
kiichiroHow do I set it up so my xubuntu box doesn't have a login screen and set it up so teamviewer automatically opens upon startup00:17
allowoverridenope that will close a window00:17
allowoverrideor shell00:17
grellsee you!00:17
minus_I can at least focus the panel with ctrl-alt-tab00:17
allowoverridegood greif00:17
allowoverrideill be back00:17
yagooallowoverride, look at your keyboard list00:17
yagooas i said long long long ago00:18
minus_Though: I'm running JoliOS which is built on Ubuntu00:18
allowoverrideyagoo: thats on the friggen panel,,, silly00:18
yagooallowoverride, can you confirm my belief what you want?00:18
yagooallowoverride, you want "focus" on the panel or not?00:18
allowoverridefor furture ref00:18
minus_allowoverride, You could always press alt-f2 and start gnome-control-center00:18
yagooallowoverride, cuse u sure aren't asking the question properly00:19
minus_and check your own keyboard binds00:19
allowoverrideok, just so you all know who didnt,,, its alt-F1 try it ;) thats what i wanted00:19
allowoverrideim out, l800:19
minus_alt-f1 starts a terminal for me00:19
minus_that doesn't really "focus" the panel00:20
yagoominus_, i think he was trolling00:20
yagootold him twice to check his own keyboard settings00:20
CentallithCtrl+alt+f2 start Superterm. Ubuntu's master terminal.00:20
BDR!info bison00:24
ubottubison (source: bison): A parser generator that is compatible with YACC. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.4.1.dfsg-3 (natty), package size 456 kB, installed size 1768 kB00:24
quittix3hello, I need help with something on ubuntu. I've downloaded testdisk from here: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Download And I don't know how to start it up and use it. How do I?00:24
jimubaowhat is a good ide for php development on ubuntu ?00:25
leeloo_I have something writing to my SSD at 300k/s and cannot find what file it is - tried iotop, iostat, etc.  Any ideas?00:25
szal!info testdisk00:26
ubottutestdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.11-2 (natty), package size 1558 kB, installed size 4612 kB00:26
szalquittix3: forget about your download & run 'sudo apt-get install testdisk'00:27
szalquittix3: rule #1: when looking for software, first look in your favourite package management application00:28
quittix3When I do it gives me this: :~$ sudo apt-get install testdisk Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package testdisk00:28
van7hucould my dell machine run ubuntu?00:29
szalquittix3: what *buntu version?00:29
quittix3is testdisk compatible with 11? I have an old ubuntu 9 live cd around somewhere if it isnt compatible with the newer version00:30
DynamicFaili'm currently unable to update my system00:32
sorakanybody know whats up with Realplayer? i think i need it to make hangouts on google+ work, but their site says its discontinued. very unhappy.00:33
DynamicFailNot all updates can be installed00:33
ctmjrquittix3, you need to add the universe repo to get testdisk00:33
quittix3I have that enabled\00:33
* szal finds it highly unlikely that some install would come w/ universe not enabled00:33
szalvan7hu: "Dell machine" is a wide field comprising a host of different hardware from >20 years of manufacturing history00:34
=== Pilif12p is now known as Pilif|HatesNagio
ctmjrszal, then he is screwing up some where else it is in universe and he cannot install it where would you start00:35
kiergehow do i both download and upload photos to and from facebook using ubuntu ?00:35
Barnabaskierge, using FireFox?00:35
kiergeBarnabas, thank you.  what extension ?00:36
Barnabaskierge, why would you need an extension for uploading a picture ?00:36
szalquittix3: 'grep -i universe /etc/apt/sources.list' -> paste to pastebin00:37
kiichiroHow do I set it up so my xubuntu box doesn't have a login screen and set it up so teamviewer automatically opens upon startup00:37
szalkiichiro: define 'doesn't have a login screen'00:38
kiichirodoesn't require a login00:38
quittix3szal: what do you mean by pastebin?00:38
szal!paste | quittix300:39
ubottuquittix3: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:39
th0rkiichiro: under System-LoginWindow set up for an automatic logon. Then put teamviewer in the autostart programs for the user that is automatically logged on.00:39
quittix3you want me to type grep -i universe /etc/apt/sources.list into that patebin thing?00:40
kiichiroit says show the screen for choosing who will login, has log in as (gray box) automatically00:40
szalquittix3: lol, no, what use would that have..00:41
quittix3oh nvm into the terminal then paste what it teels me into pastebin00:41
Barnabasquittix3, ctrl+alt+t00:41
th0rkiichiro: on the Security tab check Enable Automatic Login and then choose the user00:41
szalquittix3: I want you to type that in the terminal & paste the output (preferably including what you entered) into the pastebin00:41
Barnabasa black box will appear called a terminal00:42
Barnabastype it in there00:42
RenatoSilvahow to exclude filters in synaptic? exclude button doesn't work, so I need to hack into the files...00:42
Barnabaspaste the output to pastebin00:42
szalBarnabas: unnecessary effort, he already had a terminal open for apt-get ;)00:42
kiichirohow do I find the security tab?00:42
Barnabashe did not seem to realize :-)00:42
Infernethey all00:43
th0rkiichiro: under System-LoginWindow set up for an automatic logon.00:43
szalquittix3: then give us the URL the pastebin gives you00:43
quittix3ok, here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/646128/00:43
kiichiroThere is a gray box under the auto login00:44
kiichirohow do I find the security tab to allow me to set that account for autologin00:44
KM0201quittix3: what are you tring to do?00:44
szalquittix3: unusually condensed, but should work, unless there is a maximum number of arguments apt can parse as repository descriptors00:45
quittix3KM0201: im trying to install testdisk00:45
KM0201!info testdisk00:45
ubottutestdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.11-2 (natty), package size 1558 kB, installed size 4612 kB00:45
szalKM0201: apparently his apt system doesn't find the package, even though universe is enabled00:45
szal!info testdisk maverick00:45
KM0201szal: way i look at it, universe is NOT enabled00:45
ubottutestdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.11-1 (maverick), package size 1510 kB, installed size 4672 kB00:45
szalKM0201: see the upper half of the paste00:46
ctmjrgee go figure00:46
KM0201hmm, thats wierd, its in there twice00:46
szalctmjr: ?00:46
szalKM0201: I suspect someone manipulated the sources.list by hand; it's not the default appearance, afaik00:47
KM0201quittix3: try removing all the # signs you see there, and see if that will let you install it00:47
KM0201szal: definitely00:47
Barnabasapt-get update then upgrade00:47
Barnabasafter editing the sources.list00:48
szalBarnabas: why upgrade?00:48
Barnabasor apt-get install00:48
KM0201Barnabas: well, yeah... apt-get update.. i did forget that, then apt-get install testdisk00:48
Barnabasanyways, if anything new turns up the auto update tool will pick up on it anyways00:49
quittix3KM0201: What # signs and where?00:49
KM0201quittix3: you don't see the # signs in that paste?00:49
KM0201quittix3: all the ones in front of a line that starts with "deb"00:49
kiichiroon the system login I cannot choose my account to auto sign in00:49
quittix3what about them?00:49
* pappa_bear Joins and waves hello! 00:49
sputnickhi there00:49
BDRthanks ctmjr and others for your help over the last few days - I'll come back once I can reintroduce myself to Linux + Internet connection.00:49
KM0201quittix3: remove the # signs... (nothing else) then run sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get install testdisk00:49
sputnickanyone can send me the output of "ping acsid.net" please ?00:50
szalKM0201, quittix3: well, yes, the whitespace following the # as well00:50
sputnickdoesn't work @home00:50
ministerdudeis there a trick to doing a straight instal/dual boot of windows?00:50
quittix3KM0201: What # signs? Where do you want me to get rid of them from?00:50
KM0201szal: that shouldn't be necessary00:50
KM0201quittix3: are you looking at your pastebin you gave us?00:51
pappa_bearcan someone tell me where the X configuration file is?00:51
KM0201quittix3: do you see lines 10-15, how there's a # sign, at the beginning of each line?00:51
szalsputnick: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/acsid.net00:51
quittix3yes, i do00:51
KM0201quittix3: you need to delete those pound signs.00:51
Barnabassputnick, unreachable from here00:51
sputnickthnaks szal00:51
KM0201(and the space, which is a good point)... so that it lines up w/ the ones above)00:52
sputnickthnaks Barnabas00:52
Barnabashave you enabled ICMP ping to your router00:52
sputnicknot sure00:52
KM0201quittix3: are you saying you dont know how to do that00:52
sputnickI will purge iptables00:52
kiichiroI'm at the login screen and am wondering how to set my account to auto login, I set it to not ask for password00:52
arfbtwnsputnick: same as Barnabas' result, though I get an IP reply for it00:52
jipsyhow to have two sata in one computer?00:52
arfbtwnsputnick: starting to get replies now00:52
Barnabassputnick, IP too here00:52
KM0201kiichiro: that's under "Login Window"...00:52
Barnabasbut without an ICMP allow a ping is not possible00:53
arfbtwn64 bytes from ns38938.ovh.net ( icmp_req=84 ttl=50 time=71.7 ms00:53
szalpappa_bear: unless you have installed a proprietary driver, X is configured on-the-fly & usually doesn't have a configuration file..  if it does have one, however, it's either in /etc/X11/xorg.conf or split into several files in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00:53
Barnabaseventough web / ftp may be open00:53
KM0201sputnick: i get nothing...00:53
Barnabasor other00:53
kiichiroI don't have a thing under system called login window00:53
kiichiroI only have a login screen00:53
sputnickarfbtwn can ping oO00:53
KM0201kiichiro: ... ok, then login screen00:53
kiichirothis is while signed in under the system tab00:53
quittix3KM0201: I dont see how this will help, but here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/646131/00:53
jipsyhow to have 2 sata in one computer?00:54
KM0201quittix3: now, sudo apt-get update00:54
sputnickarfbtwn: do you have dnsmasq or such ?00:54
ministerdudeHow do I partition my drive for a dual boot?00:54
kiichiroit will not let me select my own account for auto login00:54
KM0201quittix3: wait a second... did you remove the #sign from your source list, or from the pastebin?00:54
centHOGGministerdude: you got paypal?00:54
ministerdudeI do... why00:54
arfbtwnsputnick: I'm behind a wireless router, so it's just talking to Orange's DNS servers00:54
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szalcentHOGG: what's that question for?00:54
KM0201quittix3: lol.. thats a good one..00:54
centHOGGhire me :)00:54
seahuntercan someone point me in the right direction for reading material for linux+ certification by chance???00:54
=== mike is now known as Guest65133
KM0201quittix3: you need to remove the # signs from your source list!00:55
arfbtwnsputnick: I get a response from ssh too00:55
Barnabassputnick, perhaps its a DNS setup change that have not replicated globally yet00:55
jipsyhow to connect two sata in one computer?00:55
quittix3I cant..00:55
sputnickBarnabas: no change made00:55
aeon-ltdjipsy: two sata what?00:55
quittix3i just typed in "00:55
KM0201quittix3: why can't you?00:55
jipsytwo hard disks in one computer00:55
KM0201editing the source list is very simple00:56
KM0201jipsy: of course you can, but thats not really ubuntu related00:56
szalcentHOGG: this is (1) not helpful, and (2) iirc, advertising commercial services is not allowed on Freenode00:56
jipsyhow can I manage that using linux?00:56
jipsycan you guide me?00:56
quittix3(sorry for the 2 lines, accidentally pressed enter) i just typed in "grep -i universe /etc/apt/sources.list" and it gave me what i showed you in the pastebin00:56
centHOGGok ok... ministerdude google it for free then00:56
ministerdudeI just need to dual boot so I can use itunes00:57
Barnabasjipsy, first of all how did you connect your two drives to your motherbord / disk controller00:57
KM0201quittix3: ok, so you don't know how to edit your source list...  type this in a terminal  sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list00:57
KM0201quittix3: lemme know when it opens up00:57
ctmjr!mount > jipsy00:57
Barnabasjipsy, can you see your drives in your BIOS00:57
ubottujipsy, please see my private message00:57
szalcentHOGG: this is not helpful either00:57
quittix3KM0201: Now what?00:58
jipsyI used two cables to connect to the motherboard and another two for power00:58
KM0201quittix3: do you have your source list open?00:58
Barnabasjipsy, cool00:58
jipsythnx! what's next?00:58
Barnabasjipsy, if you can then see your drives in your bios, you can probably already see them in linux as well00:58
Barnabasonly linux does not know how to mount the new second drive00:59
jipsyhmmm you know the path in bios where I can see it? the raid in bios is disabled by the way00:59
KM0201quittix3: do you ahve your source list open?00:59
samuelhello guys00:59
sputnickis acsid.net works now ?01:00
Barnabasjipsy, the path in bios ?01:00
samuelanyone know if some sort of program that monitors a device via ping and sends an email alert if its not found???01:00
quittix3KM0201: The terminal just said a whole bunch of stuff, but it doesnt say sourcedisk anywhere01:00
jipsyI can go to bios alright.. then go to advance... from there im lost.01:00
sputnicksamuel:  look nagios01:00
ManhoseIs it true you guys have a bot with chat macros for everything01:00
KM0201quittix3: can i PM you, cuz you're not following01:00
KM0201and your source list is screwed up enough01:00
sputnicksamuel: or for a very simple need it's easy to script01:01
sputnickwhat do you want to test ? samuel ?01:01
Barnabasjipsy, bios'es are quite different from make to make, but look for a menu item called disk or hard disks01:01
ManhoseGuys? Is it true you guys have a bot with chat macros for everything?01:01
jipsyill be right back!01:01
sputnicksee ya01:01
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots01:01
=== Pilif|HatesNagio is now known as P|HatesNagiosAnd
sputnicksamuel: in crontab01:03
sputnickping &>/dev/null -c1 foobar.tld || ping -c1 | mail -s "alert, foobar.tld don't ping anymore !" -- samuel@mil.tld01:04
samuelsputnick, just check an ip camera if its working, however I want a more complete solution. I have a script that does just that, however I am thinking about putting up some more cameras and other devices so I am looking for something that might be easy to expand upon in the future01:04
sputnicksamuel: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Nagios01:05
samuelsputnick, thanks very much01:05
sputnicksamuel: can you ping acsid.net for me please ?01:05
samuelhold on01:05
sputnickhi sadi01:06
sadisputnick hi01:06
sadisputnick can u help me please01:07
samuelsputnick, ns38938.ovh.net time about 18001:07
samuelsputnick, although I am in mexico01:07
sputnickok, thanks01:07
sputnicksadi: don't ask to ask01:07
samueljust ask01:07
sadisputnick I've  problem with sound.I dont get sound through the speaker but get sound through the headphone what to do now?01:09
samuelmake sure that its not muted01:09
seahuntercan someone point me in the right direction for reading material for linux+ certification by chance???01:09
=== ibmx37 is now known as hexacode
sadiI use ubuntu 10.04 sputnick01:09
sputnickhttp://pastie.org/2229289 sadi01:09
sadiSamuel I already do that01:10
sputnicksadi: do all the things in my URL and give us the reply for point 801:10
sadisputnick for 8 it says, Playing WAVE '/usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 48000 Hz, Mono01:13
sputnicksadi: I don't care, did you ear something ?01:13
sadinot at all01:13
sputnickis the ghetto blaster "on" ?01:14
kiergeis there an ubuntu application that will assist me in arranging or adding/removing photos from facebook ?  i'm not very good using facebook website itself.01:14
sadighetto blaster?? where I found it??01:14
sputnickkierge: curl or better : perl + WWW::Mechanize01:14
kiergei was looking for something with a gui and easy to use01:15
sputnickthat needs some time to know how to use it, but after you will be a poweruser !01:15
sadisputnick there is no alsaconf at ma laptop01:16
sputnicksadi: install alsa alsa-utils01:16
sputnicksudo apt-get install alsa alsa-utils01:16
sputnickor use synaptic01:16
sadiI've does alsabase ,alsamixer,alsa-utilites01:16
=== P|HatesNagiosAnd is now known as Pilif12p
sadisputnick I've those alsabase ,alsamixer,alsa-utilites01:17
sputnickyou need "alsa-utils" package01:18
sputnickis the sound have had works or you have a fresh install sadi ?01:19
RenatoSilvaI just did crap, it did exist /root/.bashrc but I created one under /root/something/.bashrc, then there I moved it up overwriting the original .bashrc!!!! How to recover from this?!!!01:20
OwnerHey I was just on here01:20
sadiMy sound have had work on only at headphone nt at its speaker01:20
sadiI already checked it now again01:20
Ownerand I restarted my computer after setting it to not require a password and I forgot my username, is there any way I can get my username without logging in01:20
RenatoSilvahow a standard ubuntu /root/.bashrc look like?01:21
sadisputnick My sound have had work on only at headphone nt at its speaker .I already checked it now again01:21
sputnickRenatoSilva: did you mad some improvements in .bashrc or you just want a fresh one ?01:22
sadisputnick is there any thing that can open all the channel at a time?01:22
sadiby using command line??01:22
sputnickRenatoSilva: sudo cp /etc/skel/.bashrc /root/.bashrc01:23
HackerIIi like what you said at the bottom sputnick   rok on man.01:23
sputnicksadi: try this http://pastie.org/222932401:24
Owneris there a way I can get my username on linux, I forgot what it was since it's been set01:24
eagleserver  Owner.. thats probly ure name01:24
RenatoSilvasputnick: I don't recall customizing it, so a fresh one from a reliable source is pretty welcome!!!01:25
eagleserverif thats what it called when u logged into xchat01:25
RenatoSilvasputnick: hmmm!!!!01:25
szalOwner: ls -lA /home/ <- the user dirs are named after the users01:25
RenatoSilvasputnick: are you sure that's the root version???01:25
BillClintonhi there. I am trying to get scim set up so I can type in Pinyin but when I try to install the Simplex pinyin package from set up it freezes01:25
eagleserverszal, assuming he can log into it at all :)01:25
BillClintonand when I try to install it from command line01:25
szalOwner: unless you have a user without a home dir, but that's a highly unlikely configuration for a general-purpose user01:25
sputnickor "echo $USER" Owner01:25
BillClintonI get scim has exited abnorally.01:26
BillClintonhalp please01:26
szaleagleserver: if he can't, he can still use a live CD to look at the home dir or partition ;)01:26
sputnickRenatoSilva: that's the same for everyone I think01:26
eagleserverBillClinton, is it a .deb or are you compiling from source?01:26
BillClinton.deb, eagleserver01:26
Ownerso in other words I'm up the creak without a paddle, aka in trouble01:27
sadisputnick for command 3, amixer set 'Front',0 90%,90% unmute  amixer: Unable to find simple control 'Front',001:27
sputnickRenatoSilva: nope, on debian that's not the same, sorry01:27
eagleserverBillClinton, if you are using the correct tags, try redownloading the file.01:27
RenatoSilvasputnick: well but root is often an exception to things you know....01:27
szalOwner: why so?01:27
RenatoSilvasputnick: aaaaaaa!!!01:27
BillClintoneagleserver, should I purge the program first?01:27
OwnerI don't have anyother accounts to login to01:27
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sputnickRenatoSilva: http://pastie.org/222933401:27
BillClintonBefore going for a fresh install I mean.01:27
szalOwner: as I said, use a live medium to identify the user's home folder, then you have the name01:28
sputnickthat's debian one01:28
Ownerwhat would a live medium be for example01:28
szalOwner: any live CD you can come up with01:28
Ownerso another xubuntu cd01:28
sputnick"[03:23] <HackerII> i like what you said at the bottom sputnick   rok on man." whar are you talking about ?01:28
szalOwner: e.g.01:28
szalOwner: but why 'another'?01:28
sputnicksadi: do you have tested one more time sound system ?01:28
OwnerI don't know where my original one is01:29
RenatoSilvasputnick: that's skel or root's?01:29
szalOwner: no loss; burn another one ^^01:29
RenatoSilvasputnick: yours?01:29
sadiyap sputnick but still don't work01:29
sputnickfrom debian01:29
sadino sound at ma speaker01:29
Ownertrue, and yay for freeness known as linux01:29
sputnickRenatoSilva: default debian one01:29
RenatoSilvasputnick: can you $diff -U 0 /etc/skel/.bashrc /root/.bashrc please?01:30
RenatoSilvasputnick: you're on Debian?01:30
Yukinorohhow do I force an application to run in 32bit mode? is there a command for that?  I have one and it just won't run, it ends in a segmentation fault01:30
sputnicksadi: search google about "lspci | grep -i aud" output01:31
tertl3what app?01:31
sputnickhttp://pastie.org/2229344 RenatoSilva01:31
Yukinorohtertl3: mugen01:32
RenatoSilvasputnick: man that's a big diff hehe01:32
Yukinorohit's the linux vesion but it will just segfault in ubuntu 64bit01:32
mehmetAnybody using ruby 1.9.2 on Ubuntu 11.04 without RVM ?01:32
sputnickkierge: maybe http://download.cnet.com/Photo-Uploader-for-Facebook/3000-13455_4-10971765.html is a clue01:32
RenatoSilvasputnick: you're on Debian? because I want just the Ubuntu version01:32
sputnickRenatoSilva: yes, this is not the same01:32
YukinorohHow do I force a program to run in 32bit compatibility mode?01:33
Owneralright booted into the xubuntu 11.04 disc, now what do I do01:33
sputnickRenatoSilva: I think that's the same while ubuntu is a debian tweak01:33
tertl3Yukinoroh, it should be automatic01:33
RenatoSilvasputnick: yes for debian, you're using debian?01:33
Yukinorohtertl3: it's obviously not for this application01:33
Yukinorohand I have no other clue why it'd segfautl01:34
sputnickRenatoSilva: I use archlinux on my desktop, debian for my servers (ovh and backup one) and ubuntu in a VM for developpement01:34
RenatoSilvasputnick: so in ubuntu they're different but not in debian?01:34
Ownerszal, after loading the disc what do I do afterwords01:34
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sputnickRenatoSilva: do you mean differences ?01:34
petedunhammAnybody using ruby 1.9.2 on Ubuntu 11.04 without RVM ?01:35
RenatoSilvasputnick: yes01:35
szalOwner: find out what partition contains your /home/ folder, mount that & look at it01:36
szalOwner: if in doubt, just mount all partitions, doesn't hurt ;)01:37
min|dvir|usAny way to do something on USB disconnect?01:38
Ownerwait so I choose to boot from first hard disk correct01:39
szalOwner: if you have only 1 partition, you will find a /home/ directory there containing the users' personal directories; if you have a separate partition for /home/, you will see the users' directories directly there01:39
szalOwner: no, you boot from the CD01:39
OwnerI put the disk in and have the following options: Install xubuntu, check disc for defects,test memory, boot from first hard disk, and rescue a broken system01:39
szalOwner: is that a live CD or an alternate CD?01:40
Ownerit's the copy I burned to originally install xubuntu01:40
sputnickmin|dvir|us: in a terminal : while grep &>/dev/null /mount_point; do sleep 2; done; echo "DO SOMETHING, usb is disconnected"01:41
sputnicksorry, incomplete :01:41
HackerIInvm sputnick  i was thinking something else01:41
sputnickwhile grep &>/dev/null /mount_point /etc/mtab; do sleep 2; done; echo "DO SOMETHING, usb is disconnected"01:41
szalOwner: wait a sec, I'll boot a live CD01:41
Ownerokay, it's 11.04 xubuntu01:42
szalOwner: it's an alternate CD, get a live CD01:42
min|dvir|ussputnick: That's a great way to DoS a system.01:42
min|dvir|usI'm thinking more like udev-type shiznit.01:42
sputnickmin|dvir|us: no01:42
RenatoSilvacan I safely do a sudo cp /etc/skel/.bashrc /root/.bashrc in Natty (11.04). Are they the same file in Natty????01:42
reddelicious49Does anybody know if upgrading an Ubuntu OS on a dual boot computer requires any special procedure?01:42
sputnickmin|dvir|us: I agree : that's quick and dirty. Now if you know udev, goo looking "man -k udev"*01:43
dlireddelicious49, how do you 'upgrade'? but unless you want to do something fancy, no, ubuntu can handle dual boot auto01:43
rww!upgrade reddelicious4901:43
rww!upgrade | reddelicious4901:44
ubottureddelicious49: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade01:44
rwwreddelicious49: those instructions should work fine, nothing special to do01:44
fatkittyasfaafgghow do i use this program to join a different Server? I cant find a server list or anything of the sort,01:44
reddelicious49ok. Thank you all01:44
rwwfatkittyasfaafgg: /connect address.of.server, probably01:44
fatkittyasfaafggi use xchat gnome01:44
fatkittyasfaafggor something01:44
fatkittyasfaafggi'll try that. thank you :)01:45
Ownerokay where do I get a live cd01:45
Derpadongis it a good idea to runs windows along side ubuntu?01:45
szal!download | Owner01:45
ubottuOwner: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Natty, and help keeping the servers' load low!01:45
infobitOwner, read all the instructions on get Ubuntu page01:46
szalOwner: you need one that says 'desktop' in the filename01:46
Ownermkay thank you very much01:46
KM0201don't use wubi!01:46
fatkittyasfaafggno luck01:47
Ownerwow got to get this all fixed by tomorrow, GREAT01:47
fatkittyasfaafggnothing appears to be happening.01:47
Derpadongim not going to use wubi. im going to do it via live cd.01:47
infobitfatkittyasfaafgg, use xchat 2.8.8 there in the startup of xchat you get network list01:47
rwwfatkittyasfaafgg: .connect isn't /connect01:47
fatkittyasfaafggi tried it with /connect01:47
fatkittyasfaafggi figured maybe command was wrong after trying several times01:48
fatkittyasfaafggso i figured . or , might work.01:48
Ms_Darkangylhi all01:48
infobitMs_Darkangyl,   hi whats up01:48
szalOwner: gotta grab some sleep, be back around 0900 UTC, just in the unlikely case you won't find other assistance here01:49
Ms_Darkangylnot much01:49
sputnickmin|dvir|us https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=11911101:50
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RenatoSilvais this the only diff between /etc/skel's and /root's .bashrc? http://pastie.org/222941601:53
szalRenatoSilva: the stuff in /etc/skel/ is templates01:54
reddelicious49I'm still running 9.04. Is there a reason I can't upgrade through the update manager?01:55
[THC]AcidRainim running 9.04 as well01:56
rww!eol | reddelicious4901:56
ubottureddelicious49: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades01:56
[THC]AcidRainyou cant update because we are unsupported01:56
rww(second link)01:56
[THC]AcidRainwe have been left behind01:56
[THC]AcidRainforgotten as children to fail in our todays society01:56
rww[THC]AcidRain: 1) go read the documentation I had ubottu link, 2) stop being melodramatic :P01:56
Owneralright so I should choose to boot frmo cd01:57
[THC]AcidRainlol :)01:57
szalOwner: right01:57
RenatoSilvaszal: so?01:58
pappa_bearszal, i figured it out. it was exactly where you said. i just had to edit the starting resolution. thanks for your help01:58
grollwhy does ubuntu stops loading when i click restart ? i get the screen with dots, and it just stops there. have to manually shut down, and restart. Also, it seems to be creating some sort of partition or idk, when i'm asked which OS i'm going to run01:58
enderHi there.01:58
grollEnd there.01:59
enderI am a total noob and need some help. =]01:59
szalgroll: press Esc when shutting down, so you see the messages01:59
[THC]AcidRainsup ender01:59
[THC]AcidRaini shall help you. you are a worthy noob02:00
grollno i mean, i have to hold the power button to force shut down, and then I can restart it well. But an automatic shut down from gnome desktop will make it stop loading02:00
enderI am attempting to add a graphics card to my ubuntu system. I am currently running 11.04 build with an AMD IG chip and am upgrading to an Nvidia GT 52002:00
KM0201ender: well, ask your question02:00
[THC]AcidRainwhere is the issue in this?02:00
KM0201ender, ... slightly off topic, do you post on GT?02:00
[THC]AcidRaini have an nvidia card02:00
enderSo I put in the card, and hope.... maybe that ubuntu will detect it02:00
[THC]AcidRainKM0201: actually his question relates to ubuntu02:01
KM0201ender: it should detect it just fine02:01
grollshouldn't he get the 10.04 if he's new with ubuntu ?02:01
grollthe LST02:01
KM0201[THC]AcidRain: i know that...  i was asking hi a question not related to ubuntu02:01
Derpadongare you doing this while its loading up?02:01
enderI start up my system and it gets to the ubuntu logo02:01
enderthen i get an error02:01
[THC]AcidRainender: write a suspence movie lol02:02
ubottuAs our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.02:02
ender"skipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.bin.firefox02:02
[THC]AcidRaini dont think that has anything to do with the new gfx card...02:02
KM0201ender: that won't keep the machine from booting02:02
endersorry i was manually typing it in02:02
RenatoSilvawhat's  /etc/bash.bashrc?02:02
rwwender: That's not an error, it's an informational message about something that's set by default.02:02
rwwRenatoSilva: the systemwide bash configuration file02:02
enderwell how do i get past this screen to the splash?02:03
enderit seems to be stuck lol02:03
Ownerin the xubuntu live cd what does rescue a broken system do?02:03
ctmjrender,  it hangs after that message?02:04
enderit doesnt hant, i can still do commands02:04
enderbut it also doesnt proceed to the splash02:04
enderi never had this issue until i inputting my new card today02:04
ctmjrender, so it just sends you to a terminal prompt?02:05
enderjust a blank flashing _02:05
Ownerhey Im running the live cd for xubuntu, and was woandering what to type into the boot options to be able to see the names of all users on the partition02:05
[THC]AcidRainender: you didnt see a message about detecting new software?02:05
[THC]AcidRaini mean hardware02:05
RenatoSilvarww: doesn't serve as replacement for lost /root/.bashrc, right?02:06
c00pAnyone got a good howto for ubuntu server and a Windows 2008 domain? I can't get a 11.04 box to join a domain ...02:06
endera lot of content went by fast, i dont think i did02:06
c00p*ubuntu server running samba02:06
enderi tried booting into safe mode02:06
enderand installing the drivers02:06
enderwhich worked02:06
FloodBot1ender: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:06
enderi restarted and go tthe same issue02:06
c00ponly want to do file sharing02:06
* rww kicks FloodBot1 02:06
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c00pads is failing and rpc results in 'Could not initialise lsa pipe'02:07
szalOwner: nothing special, just start the live system (in your case likely: "Start Xubuntu"), wait till the desktop is there, then use file browser to look through the hard drive partitions to find either /home/ or the user dir(s) (in the former case the user dir(s) will be in /home/)02:07
endervoice please02:07
rwwender: please don't overuse your return key, you're making our bots mad.02:07
[THC]AcidRainlol. floodbot1 gave ender owner privaledges02:07
rww[THC]AcidRain: No, FloodBot kickbanned ender.02:07
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RenatoSilvais /etc/bash.bashrc intended asreplacement for a lost /root/.bashrc? see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=118557102:08
enderlike i said i got into safemode and was able to install the nvidia drivers, but when i installed it sent me to the same old prompt and error(?)02:08
RenatoSilvas/asre/as re02:08
enderis there a command to run the splash?02:08
ctmjrender, startx02:09
ctmjrsee what error you get02:09
enderno sudo required?02:09
rwwdo not use sudo with startx.02:09
endernothing happened rww02:09
rwwRenatoSilva: just use /etc/skel/.bashrc. They're not different in any way that matters.02:09
Derpadonghe might need root access to do startx02:10
rwwDerpadong: startx does not require root access. Running sudo startx sometimes has the fun side-effect of breaking the permissions on the dotfiles in ~/02:10
RenatoSilvarww: ok checcking in natty, it seems root just removes an alert alias and comments some /etc/bash_completion related 'if'02:10
Derpadongjust saying02:11
ctmjrender, do you have a terminal prompt or just a little flashing line02:11
enderflashing line02:11
RenatoSilvarww: I'm about to replace with one from another buddy which is just like I described. Thanks!02:11
ctmjrrww, yes it does02:11
rwwctmjr: What?02:11
Derpadongsudo startx is a way to start x-org files.02:12
ctmjrrww, your comment about running sudo startx02:12
rww"sudo startx" is liable to break things. I recommend we move on before I start kicking people for recommending commands that break things.02:13
Derpadongits the same for arch, xubuntu, ubuntu, etc02:13
enderok well i am still stuck02:13
RenatoSilvawhat are default permissions of /root/.bashrc? because afaik mv overwrites permissions too and I just mv'd over that file. I've got a new file now want to adjust permissions02:13
enderclearly my new card is affecting my system, it will not allow me to go to the splash screen from start up02:13
rwwRenatoSilva: It doesn't really matter. If you want a suggestion anyway, owner root, group root, permissions 60002:14
RenatoSilvarww: ok thanks02:14
ctmjrender, that little flashing line is not a terminal prompt your system is hanging you need to boot into rescue mode and fix it02:15
Derpadongrww: when did sudo startx start breaking stuff?02:15
enderhow do i do that ctmjr?02:15
anadonhey, how do I manually add a windows entry and how do I find what that entry needs to be?02:16
ministerdudeConfigure gtkpod anyone?02:16
Ownermkay thank you sz__02:16
Ownerer szal02:16
quittix3who was helping me just a little bit ago?02:17
rwwquittix3: KM020102:17
KM0201quittix3: ?02:18
quittix3KM0201: Sorry to bother again, but what do I have to inter into the terminal to get that text file up to edit the sources?02:18
KM0201quittix3: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list02:19
Derpadongi was about to say that KM0201 lol02:19
malvthis new openssh update for 10.04 broke my system02:20
malvsomething to do with debconf and frontend02:20
malvfrontend segfaults making it impossible to finish the openssh upgrade02:20
quittix3By intering some code into my terminal, it totally destroyed my ubuntu on my hard drive, and it deleted all my stuff in home. All that was there was a file named mythtv. I tried recovering my files but testdisk says they are corrupt02:23
ray__Hey fellas, I just installed Ubuntu 11 narwal, and when I try to use streamtuner, it disappears, it closes, what is the problem? thanks02:23
anadonhey, how do I manually add a windows entry and how do I find what that entry needs to be?02:24
RenatoSilvamy root folder permission is 655, is that right?02:25
celthunderRenatoSilva: / should be 751 i think02:26
quittix3KM0201: I edited that file and did what I did last time, I tried installing testdisk and it said could not locate02:27
KM0201quittix3: then you didn't edit it properly02:27
KM0201did you type sudo apt-get update02:28
KM0201to update your source list02:28
ctmjrender sorry for the delay but i need to go state your problem again and maybe someone else can help you. again am sorry02:28
quittix3ah yes, i forgot :P02:28
KM0201if you don't reload yoru source list, it won't find it02:28
RenatoSilvacelthunder: it's 755 actually02:28
dliRenaKunisaki, my / is 75502:28
celthunderRenatoSilva: dli kk i didn't look was just going off memory02:29
celthunder755 sounds more right than 65502:29
dliRenatoSilva, I wonder what happens you chmod / to 65502:30
celthunderdli: probably not much unless you add -R02:31
rwwprobably bad things02:31
rwwlet's save the speculation for a non-support channel :P02:31
dlicelthunder, no, with -x for /, you can not open / folder, so, can not open any folder at all, not even chmod to chmod02:31
celthunderdli: supposedly but that goes like saying rm -rf / in theory rm should be deleted pretty fast ...02:32
RenatoSilvadli: I wonder why 755, why allow others to read/execute from root, /root should be totally, recursively, xx0 I think02:33
quittix3KM0201: I edited the text file right, updated the thing in terminal, and it still wotn let me install testdisk. could I be missing something?02:33
dlicelthunder, better not to mention such thing in a support channel. still it's different, since linux uses copy-on-write, so rm itself is no issue02:33
KM0201quittix3: obviously you are... gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list    and pastebin the contents of that file.02:33
KM0201!pastebin | quittix302:33
ubottuquittix3: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:33
dliRenaKunisaki, to open a folder, you need 'x' permission02:34
RenaKunisakidammit RenatoSilv02:34
dliRenaKunisaki, and all user must be able to open the folder /02:34
RenaKunisakipeople keep highlighting me instead of you XP02:34
celthunderdli: yeah but that does'nt stop it from getting rid of stuff you need to remove stuff ( rm was just an example didn't think it through)02:34
rwwAlrighty, I think we're done discussing "how do I break my Ubuntu" now, thanks.02:34
celthunderrww: it's easy to break...gotta break to fix :)02:35
quittix3http://paste.ubuntu.com/646169/ alot of the text seems to be missing from like last time02:35
Centallithubuntu is actually really fragile. I've broken mine 4 times for different reasons. Kubuntu is surprisingly stable though.02:35
RenatoSilvain short, what should be the permissions of /root, including recursively? I wonder if my Ubuntu got messed after so many upgrades and no fresh install since years02:36
celthunder/root should be 710 i think02:37
celthunderuser all execute group nothing for all others02:37
rww700 or 710 is fine. Again, it doesn't matter much.02:37
rwwsince you're not using the root user, since #ubuntu doesn't support that configuration, right... :\02:38
quittix3When I try to enter: sudo apt-get update,  It gives me this: E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? (at the end of a bunch of stuff)02:39
celthunderquittix3: do you have a lock file left over or another package manager running?02:39
rwwquittix3: You have another package manager running (e.g. synaptic, update-manager, aptitude, apt-get). Close it.02:39
dliquittix3, do you have dpkg running? ps aux|grep 'apt|dpkg'02:39
RenatoSilvafor example this is my odd root http://pastie.org/222956302:40
celthunder I e-er ort..."02:40
celthunderer oops02:40
rwwRenatoSilva: As I attempted to hint above, #ubuntu does not support unlocked root accounts or offer help with them. It appears you have one. Have fun with that.02:40
RenatoSilvarww: I have no idea what is unlocked root accounts, I'm those idiots you know. Besides, I've never touched /root's permissions, so if something is wrong with them, it's because of bug[s] in upgrade processes02:42
celthunderRenatoSilva: so what's wrong with it far as i saw at a quick glance you gave a few extra permissions but overall it should still work02:42
quittix3when I enter: sudo apt-get install ubuntu it still wont install it, even though I did everything I was suposed to...02:42
RenatoSilvacelthunder: just worried about the 755 on root itself, and ANY permission at all for 'other' in some stuff02:42
quittix3this is so random.. it worked a litytle bit ago02:42
celthunderquittix3: apt-get install ubuntu???? apt-get won't work unless you already have ubuntu (or debian/smoe other distro that uses apt-get but not that point)02:43
RenatoSilvacelthunder: should I be fine if I at least chmod /root o-rwx?02:43
celthunderRenatoSilva: so take off the "other" permissions02:44
RenatoSilvacelthunder: recursively or just on /root as I said?02:44
celthunderRenatoSilva: yeah..02:44
celthunderdoesn't matter much02:44
rwwRenatoSilva: It doesn't matter, given that if /root can't be accessed by other, then nothing inside of /root can.02:44
poseidonAny suggestions for a good mp3 play which isn't made by apple?02:44
RenatoSilvacelthunder: hmmmm.... I suspect it does matter friend...02:45
celthunderRenatoSilva: how? if other can't open the folder in the first place (changing /root to no permissions to other) they really can't do much in it either...unless you do something stupid like use userdir from apache and turn it on for root too...but that's another issue02:45
RenatoSilvarww, celthunder: that's why I want to touch only /root, being less intrusive, since everything under it will also be inaccessible as rww said02:45
RenatoSilvaposeidon: player?02:46
kiergeposeidon, tomahawk player uses playlists similar to genius playlists the are automatic playlists based on what you define.  it works best on KDE for which it was intended.02:46
poseidonsorry, hardware02:46
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
celthunderposeidon: mpd is perfect...and any android phone makes for a great hardware player02:47
poseidonaudio player which plays on it's on.  For driving/running02:47
poseidoncelthunder: I use mpd :)02:47
quittix3celthunder: lol. I ment to say testdisk, not ubuntu02:47
RenatoSilvacelthunder: didn't get anything after userdir. So I'm just ok with chmod o-rwx only in /root, right?02:47
poseidonYea, I'll have to look into an new phone02:47
celthunderposeidon: ok that aside the Sansa Fuse i've heard good things about02:47
celthunderRenatoSilva: sure02:48
celthunderquittix3: what's the error?02:48
quittix3celthunder: me... thats what, I was missspelling it\02:48
celthunderlol well least you got it working now02:49
Derpadongaudio players you say?02:49
celthunderposeidon: how much space you need? sdcard? battery life?02:49
RenatoSilvacelthunder: ok thanks friend. Would that make my root a non-"unlocked root accounts", if you ever know what it means?02:49
ssfdre38how can i comment out Unity from login?02:49
RenatoSilvassfdre38: comment out?02:49
celthunderRenatoSilva: he means don't use root for x...02:49
celthunderRenatoSilva: and no ...it doesn't02:49
ssfdre38RenatoSilva: i want to get Unity off my system02:50
celthunderssfdre38: what display manager?02:50
celthundercomment it out from the display manager or delete it?02:50
RenatoSilvassfdre38: I wanted it too, it's just selecting classic session or something (after you choose/type an user)02:50
ssfdre38i know but i want to remove it off the system where i dont even see it on the login02:51
RenatoSilvassfdre38: it seems you can't uninstall Unity, but as I said you can stop using it02:51
kiergessfdre38, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop or xubuntu-desktop then you can remove ubunutu-desktop if you wanted.  just switch your DM at login02:51
celthunderssfdre38: delete it from gnomes scripts there should be a Unity.Desktop file that you can delete somewhere...searching one sec02:51
celthunderer gdm scripts not gnomes whatever ...if you're~ using it02:52
RenatoSilvawhat's an unlocked root account?02:52
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RenatoSilvacelthunder: for x?02:52
celthunderRenatoSilva: one that has a password (any normal person has one...)02:52
celthunderthe dumbest thing to do with root is run X from it (or the obvious stupid stuff)02:52
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".02:52
RenatoSilvacelthunder: how did he deduce mine was unlocked? how can he know without looking at my /etc/passwd?02:53
celthunderRenatoSilva: he doesn't...he was guessing because you're using roots home folder...02:53
ministerdudeWhy does ubuntu suck? Because it's harder then hell to get anything to work right on it02:53
kiergeRenatoSilva, your paranoia is getting the best of you02:53
quittix3is it a bad idea to use testdisk on an ubuntu live cd to copy my files from a deleted partition on a hard drive to my phones memory chip?02:54
RenatoSilvacelthunder: s/passwd/shadow02:54
celthunderministerdude: it sucks because it has shoddy defaults and gives no choices .02:54
RenatoSilvacelthunder: he thought I was using the desktop as root? ah ok, he failed02:54
celthunderRenatoSilva: same answer02:54
ministerdudeThank you for agreeing. I'm about to toss this damn thing out the window02:54
rwwHave fun! Let #ubuntu-offtopic know how well it bounces.02:55
celthunderministerdude: lol video it02:55
ZimskyHow do I use gnu screen?02:55
celthunderZimsky: to do what?02:55
RenatoSilvakierge: sorry?02:55
ministerdudeI'm still trying to sync my iphone with this damn thing so I can transfer ALL my music. not just part of it02:56
ZimskyI have a process with a console running on my server and I am connected to it via SSH, I need to be able to view that console from my SSH client02:56
kiergeministerdude, ubuntu doesn't suck.  all my hardware "works with it"  it does everything i can expect it to do.02:56
celthunderZimsky: screen with no arguements works to open a screen session screen <progname> runs program in a screen session that is then opened...screen -r <session resumes> screen -x connect to an already connected display02:56
RenatoSilvakierge: it wasn't a paranoia dude, actually a bit of yours heh02:56
ministerdudeMy hardware (iphone) don't work with it02:56
Jordan_UZimsky: The best solution is to have started whatever process you need to watch in a screen session. Are you familiar with screen?02:57
rypervencheministerdude: Use Windows or iTunes or a VM with Windows.02:57
kiergeministerdude, apple is to blame not ubuntu.02:57
ZimskyJordan_U: no02:57
RenatoSilvakierge: I wasn't worried, just curious how could he know whether I have a password set for root or not, like is he some kind of magician? :P02:57
celthunderministerdude: iphone's suck...please do the world a favor and drop it out the window and then run it over a few times02:57
Jordan_U!screen | Zimsky02:57
ubottuZimsky: screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen02:57
celthunderRenatoSilva: he DIDNT02:57
ministerdudeAndroid sucks. That I'll never use again02:57
quittix3I dont really think of ubuntu as "difficult".. I just think of it as annoying because If I want to do one simple thing on ubuntu it takes like a half hour when I could be using windows and it would take me just minutes..02:57
RenatoSilvacelthunder: I KNOW! you told me!02:57
CaptWhoanyone out there  have a link for eeebuntu?02:57
rwwThis is obviously a problem with Ubuntu and not with iPhones. It's inconceivable that they could deliberately be set up by Apple to stop people from being able to sync from them with non-iTunes programs.02:57
celthunderRenatoSilva: lol :)02:57
RenatoSilvacelthunder: just answering (23:53:32) kierge: RenatoSilva, your paranoia is getting the best of you02:58
rypervenchequittix3: Then don't use Ubuntu. Problem solved.02:58
quittix3thats the plan02:58
RenatoSilvaquittix3: I use both02:58
RenatoSilvaquittix3: I'm about 1h or more trying to recover my .bashrc of root02:59
kiergerww, wow, you got away with that explaination.   amazing :)02:59
celthunderRenatoSilva: ROFL? just take one from /etc/skel like the rest of the world02:59
quittix3ive already broken ubuntu so many times im scared to touch everything.. lol im just trying to rescue everything off my hard drive before ubuntu makes it implode02:59
celthunderRenatoSilva: or make a new one...03:00
RenatoSilvaquittix3: now I just remembered of my beloved PS1 I just lost with my bashrc replacement. I closed the last terminal with it. Now I need more two hows or so on remembering how that thing of colors work :D03:01
RenatoSilvacelthunder: I mostly took the skel version, just that 1. I saw a little diffs then used them rather 2. my beloved PS1 is gone and I'm on the way to recall how it was!03:02
quittix3oh nooo nautilus has closed unexpectedly!03:02
quittix3whats that? o_o03:02
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ZimskyI'm still having trouble with connecting03:03
celthunderquittix3: a file browser...among other things03:04
seangroveHey all, I have a setup with lxc running on ubuntu, and I'm trying to mount a loop device in the container via `mknod -m660 /dev/loop0 b 7 0', but I'm getting an error: mknod: `/dev/loop0': Operation not permitted03:04
ZimskyThe console i'm trying to connect to is bukkit03:04
seangrove(this is as root)03:04
celthunderZimsky: did you start it in a screen session03:04
seangroveI thought it was perhaps a permissions issue, but I think it's actually a kernel problem03:04
seangroveI don't have modprobe in the container though, so I'm wondering how I can get the container to be able to mount loop devices03:05
seangroveI know this is probably a bit technical - any suggestions?03:05
celthunderseangrove: worked for me...03:06
seangroveWhat do you mean?03:06
Zimskyeh, nvm03:07
celthunderseangrove: i just tried making a loop device like that works fine...note if it is a kernel issue i'm not likely using the same one as ubuntu does03:07
KM0201quittix3: whats wroong now?03:08
quittix3I copyed my home folder to my downloads folder on accident and now it wont let me delete it03:08
Reikokusudo rm -rf foldername03:08
Reikokuwithin your downloads folder03:08
KM0201just pay attention you don't remove /home03:08
quittix3umm.. im not sure exactly how to get there03:08
Reikokucd ~/Downloads03:08
celthunderuhm shouldn't it not let you move /home to /home/use/downloads03:09
KM0201celthunder: i was thinking the same thing03:09
quittix3i copyed, not move03:09
KM0201that should rip a hole in the space time continuum03:09
ReikokuYou can't move it there, he probably hard linked it03:09
KM0201quittix3: even copy, i don't think it should let you do that03:09
quittix3i used testdisk to copy an older home folder on my hard drive03:09
celthundersame thing you can't copy a folder to a subfolder of itself...you can link it but..03:09
ReikokuKM0201: I think it hard links it if you try03:10
ReikokuInstead of actually copying it03:10
seangrovecelthunder: do you have the loop module loaded?03:10
ReikokuCan't confirm as I don't have Nautilus installed03:10
ReikokuHaven't used Linux for a while :P03:10
quittix3lol i cant delete my home because im using a live cd.03:10
celthunderseangrove: of course03:11
ReikokuOh lol03:11
celthunderseangrove: kernel 2.6.3903:11
seangroveYeah, there's something happening in lxc here..03:11
celthunderseangrove: lxc just makes a chroot no?03:12
ReikokuUmm, so I'm going to blaspheme here but, how portable is unity? :P03:12
celthunderseangrove: try making one without lxc03:13
=== RtFM is now known as Guest26971
rwwReikoku: what do you mean by "portable"?03:13
celthunderReikoku: ? i don't think it's usable on a desktop...doesn't look / from what i tried feel too usable for a portable system either03:13
seangrovecelthunder: I can do it in the host, but not in the container - it's piggybacking off of the host kernel of course, but I'm getting this: mknod '/dev/loop6' 7:6 060660' failed: Operation not permitted03:14
celthunderthough if you mean canyou copy your settings from 1 comp to another type of portable ...yeah sure03:14
quittix3wow. when you run out of space in ubuntu it gets unstable and freezes up. lovely.03:14
Reikokurww: I mean, how easy is it to port to another distro/unix-based OS?03:14
celthunderquittix3: don't fill up / ? and i have systems with like 1 MB of free space that have been running for months03:14
Reikokucelthunder: Felt gorgeous on my laptop, but Linux is a bit too power hungry for me to run on there03:14
rwwReikoku: shouldn't be too hard, if your destination supports the current version of compiz03:14
ReikokuI'm running NetBSD, I do have compiz03:15
mrdebwhat changes do you think will be in next lts03:15
ReikokuNot sure how current it is :P03:15
celthunderReikoku: lol netbsd is usually not SUPER far behind ...comparatively...upstream...yeah usually it's not the most current03:16
celthunderwolf9s: evening03:16
rwwmrdeb: The UDS for 12.04 hasn't happened yet, so there's nothing to base speculation on. #ubuntu-offtopic for baseless speculation.03:16
wolf9sI want to study TCP/IP 。 How?03:17
CentallithBut just to be sure Thunderbird AND chrome are both default packages in 11.10 right? Wanted to make sure that wasn't also speculation.03:17
celthunderCentallith: chrome and thunderbird are in the repo's yeah...03:17
rwwCentallith: #ubuntu+1 for oneiric discussion (but I believe the answer is "yes thunderbird, no chromium"03:17
celthunderwolf9s: what about it?03:17
Reikokucelthunder: I think it's one of the 0.8.4 compiz builds03:18
audreyrhi, can someone recommend a good rss reader for ubuntu?03:18
celthunderwolf9s: tcp/ip the entire network stack? routing? what about it tcp/ip in itself is kind of useless without the rest around it03:18
rwwaudreyr: liferea on GNOME, aKregator on KDE, Google Reader on the web03:19
pokoko222how do i get started with opengl in ubuntu?03:19
ReikokuI like Simple RSS03:19
wolf9sI don't know how to start, or where to start.03:19
Kazillawolf9s: each computer is given a number. there, you've learnt it03:19
rwwaudreyr: oh, newsbeuter on command-line03:20
celthunderwolf9s: pick up a networking book ...03:20
ReikokuKazilla: That doesn't really explain TCP/IP :P03:20
celthunderKazilla: rofl03:20
celthunderKazilla: that also describes udp and a bunch of other stuff03:20
Reikokuwolf9s: http://www.w3schools.com/tcpip/default.asp03:20
wolf9sKazilla: What number?03:20
jbermudesHas anyone ever had their .bashrc file interpret a colon in a path declaration as a literal colon instead of a delimiter? I'm not using an escape character but it's still doing it :(03:21
Reikokupokoko222: What are you trying to do with OpenGL?03:21
audreyrrww, Reikoku: thanks for the tips. trying liferea now :)03:21
celthunderaudreyr: newsbeuter i've heard good things about snownews i've used and isn't terrible03:22
pokoko222Reikoku i will work through a book on graphics and it uses it03:22
h00kwolf9s: studying TCP/IP isn't an Ubuntu related question, perhaps try a networking channel03:22
h00k!alist | wolf9s03:22
h00k!alis | wolf9s03:22
ubottuwolf9s: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*03:22
Reikokupokoko222: You're trying to program for opengl?03:22
Reikokuor you're trying to make it run? :P03:22
wolf9s3Q everyone.03:22
pokoko222Reikoku i want to simply use opengl for graphics apps :)03:23
audreyrcelthunder: cool, will try those too. I'm curious about if I'd like a command line rss reader03:23
pokoko222to write graphics stuff what else03:23
Reikokupokoko222: If you want to write opengl you'll need some hefty books :P03:23
ReikokuIf you just want to run stuff it should run natively on either proprietary driver or I believe ati opensource03:24
pokoko222Reikoku yeah but what library, what do i install on ubuntu03:24
pokoko222i guess then i should go to windows for this03:24
ReikokuWhichever proprietary video driver should work03:24
ReikokuThey install their own implementations of libgl03:24
ReikokuYou don't need to go to windows03:24
jamescarrthe application launcher will not slide away03:25
jamescarrhow can I make it slide away?03:26
jamescarrit is frustrating03:26
kroq-gar78hey guys. I think my laptop's HDD is dead. Is there any way to check? I'm on an uck-costomized Live Image running off a USB Card reader. can u help please?03:26
jamescarrit obstructs my view03:26
kroq-gar78jamescarr: do you have libreoffice open?03:26
kroq-gar78jamescarr: are you running 11.04 and Unity?03:27
celthunderkroq-gar78: e2fsck?03:27
jamescarrkroq-gar78, yes03:27
kroq-gar78celthunder: how do I do that?03:27
kroq-gar78jamescarr: what programs do you have open? I remember libreoffice and 2 other programs cause that problem03:27
kroq-gar78though I can't remember the names of the other 203:28
rsyringJust re-installed nvidia drivers after kernel upgrade, now my second monitor is not detected correctly.  Suggestions?03:28
kroq-gar78celthunder: ok my hdd doesn't even show up when I do "ls /dev/ | grep sd"03:30
kroq-gar78or in GParted?03:30
ReikokuSounds phooked :(03:30
jamescarrdamn it03:30
kroq-gar78jamescarr: ?03:30
kroq-gar78Reikoku: as in dead?03:30
jamescarrthat app launcher03:30
jamescarrannoys the F out of me03:31
klaxiani did an update today and somehow my package management is now broken.  every apt-get command I do gives me something like "update-alternatives: error: alternative link /usr/share/man/man1/nvidia-xconfig.1.gz is already managed by x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf"03:31
jamescarrit will not go away unless I restart X03:31
kroq-gar78jamescarr: ah.... what programs do you have open?03:31
Reikokukroq-gar78: Sounds like it :S03:31
jamescarrxchat, intelliJ, terminal and gvim03:31
klaxianeverything gives me that alternatives error and i can't install or remove anyting03:31
klaxianany ideas?03:31
kroq-gar78jamescarr: ok, none I have ever encountered... try doing a quick google search: "unity launcher won't hide"03:31
Jordan_Ukroq-gar78: Can you pastebin the output of "dmesg"?03:31
klaxianany way i can repair dpkg and/or apt?  apt-get -f doesn't help03:32
Centallithklaxian have you checked your software sources in the Ubuntu software center.03:32
kroq-gar78Jordan_U: sorry for the dumb question, but how do I pastebin? is there a "!pastebin" message that ubottu recognizes here in IRC?03:33
kroq-gar78!pastebin | kroq-gar7803:33
ubottukroq-gar78, please see my private message03:33
klaxianyes.  sources are good.  i did install nvidia-current from xswat ppa.  perhaps that caused the problem?03:33
klaxiantho now i can't remove it, can't change anything03:33
klaxiani tried installing nvidia-current from ubuntu repo and got the same problem03:33
klaxiani tried reinstalling libmesa and got the same error again03:34
klaxiani can't do anything with apt or dpkg without that error03:34
kroq-gar78Jordan_U: here is the pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/646188/03:34
hyliananyone know why gnome 3 refuses to let you add programs to your favorites list in 10.04?03:35
rwwhylian: GNOME 3 isn't in the official repositories for any current version of Ubuntu, and thus is not supported in #ubuntu.03:36
Jordan_Ukroq-gar78: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -lu"?03:36
hylianrww, but i didn't have to install it, it is on ubuntu 10.04 vanilla... they have on the distro something they don't support?03:37
rwwhylian: GNOME 3 is not on Ubuntu 10.04 vanilla.03:37
hylianrww, all you have to do is type gnome-shell --replace. don't have to download a thing.03:37
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rwwhylian: "gnome-shell" and "GNOME 3" are different things03:38
=== `_` is now known as Nalo
hylianrww, strange, this is a vanilla install, and when i type the command i geta very "gnome 3" ish looking gui. maybe i am getting somehting mixed up here?03:39
rwwand in answer to "why doesn't gnome-shell 2.28 let you add programs to your favorites list", I say "I have no idea, but gnome-shell 2.28 is old and from back when gnome-shell was horrible, so don't use it"03:39
kroq-gar78Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/646193/03:39
rwwhylian: GNOME Shell is the default user interface for GNOME 3. The version of gnome-shell in lucid is from GNOME 2.28, when it wasn't default and was also terrible. gnome-shell is also not installed by default in Lucid, though it is in the repositories and thus supported here.03:39
kroq-gar78hylian: just for curiosity, run this: dpkg -s gnome-shell | grep Version03:39
kroq-gar78hylian: oh nevermnd03:40
hyliankroq-gar78, Version: 2.28.1~git20091125-1ubuntu0.203:40
kroq-gar78hylian: yeah it's the default from lucid03:41
hyliankroq-gar78, well thanks for the help. hmm. i just wanted to try out gnome 3, since i am not a huge unity fan.03:41
Centallithdoesn't sudo apt-get install gnome-session from a recovery console solve all of this or am I missing the point?03:41
hylianCentallith, yeah, i cna get back, but I am not trying too. :) i want to see what gnome 3 is like.03:42
Klevi|PCThis is something that should be damn simple but i've never managed to figure it out. How can I execute a desktop shortcut on a computer I'm SSHing into?03:42
CentallithIt's nice, I used it for a while hylian. Now I am on kde and loving it.03:43
hylianok thanks all for letting me pick ur brains! :)03:43
hylianCentallith, if i could somehow get kde3, then maybe. i ran to gnome from kde4 because of how prettified it is. if i could somehow remove all the pretty from kde 4, then i would be happy again.03:44
kroq-gar78hylian: unity isn't in 10.04, unless you want to upgrade to 11.04 or 10.10 )netbook)03:44
rwwStarSky_1: FloodBot1 is not sentient.03:44
hyliankroq-gar78, yeah, not interested. i like to stay with the lts's. i hate unity, which is why I am trying out gnome 3.03:44
Centallithif you are not looking for pretty then Gnome 3 isn't the answer. It is more prettified than KDE 4.03:45
kroq-gar78hylian: ah cool03:45
NeoncamouflageIn terms of function over looks, Gnome 3 better than Gnome 2.x?03:45
hylianCentallith, yeah, but i have limited choices here. i am not willing to go lxde, for instance. gnome 2 is here for a finite time only.03:45
RenatoSilvathanks all03:45
kroq-gar78hylian: there's also xfce4 and kde. I prefer xfce03:46
Centallithhylian have you tried Enlightenment 17? it is not as pretty.03:46
hylianCentallith, yeah, not my first choice either. to be honest the one i hate the least is currently gnome 3. If i  could leave it gnome 2 forever, that would be fine with me.03:47
rwwwait for Ubuntu 11.10, install GNOME Shell, enable GNOME 3 Fallback03:47
CentallithYeah, as of right now Gnome 3 is a bad option. Super unstable. Wait for oneric.03:48
rwwat which point it will be slightly less super unstable03:48
hylianrww, good idea, but i am gonna wait till 12.04. i like the lts versions the best.03:48
rwwthat works too03:48
hylianthanks all for heaing me out.03:48
* hylian wishes gnome 2 would be picked up by some peeps, and re named so i can use it 4 ever.03:49
MidnightFoxallo folks03:50
MidnightFoxi have a question if any one might be up to the task in helping me with it03:51
rwwbest to ask it and see if anyone is :P03:51
MidnightFoxok i'm a windows user, go on laugh at me but i'm mainly a gamer and most of my games require windows, how ever it's taht time of year where i need to do a full reinstall of everything to clean out the computer of all it's junk files.03:52
CentallithGo on...03:53
peaynessis there a help channel03:54
aku_apakah ada yang bisa membaca tulisanku?03:54
CentallithYou found it.03:54
MidnightFoxi have 2 HDD's one is a 1.5TB HDD the other is a empty 250GB HDD. can i take a short cut and change the boot order in the bios so that the 250GB HDD is read first so i can just install Win7 on there w/o having to wipe out the win7 instal thats on the 1.5TH HDD03:54
rww!id | aku_03:54
ubottuaku_: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia03:54
mnewtonCan someone help me with security on Ubuntu. How do i make it so a program cant use the internet? Does ubuntu have a firewall preinstalled or do i need to get one?03:54
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.03:55
peaynessis there any utility availiable to give more control over a laptop touchpad03:55
CentallithOr download firestarter. Good firewall GUI with an install wizard and everything.03:55
peaynessrunning ubuntu03:56
aku_bagaimana cara mendapatkan brouser conkueror KDE?03:56
rwwaku_: English here, please.03:56
rwwZimsky: please don't CTCP our bots, btw. It makes them angry. You won't like them when they're angry.03:57
aku_why to the KDE brouser03:57
MidnightFoxi only ask cause if i can take this short cut, it would save me hours in moving and burning files to DVD03:57
rwwMidnightFox: Perhaps you're looking for ##windows?03:58
MidnightFoxi didn't know that channel was there, forgive me.03:59
peaynessi need mouse help04:00
peaynessis there any utility availiable to give more control over a laptop touchpad04:00
Chiku|dchi I got problem with make install http://www.pastie.org/222978604:01
LordDragonhey all04:01
LordDragoni am using ubuntu on my mac. it seems 11.04 has built in HFS filesystem drivers. i can read files and stuff off my mac drive04:02
LordDragonhowever, some stuff i cant access04:02
LordDragoncertain folders are locked04:02
LordDragonhow can i access them?04:02
LordDragoni think the last time i went through this, i had to change the user permission number on my ubuntu install partition to make it recognize apple's premission number or smoething04:03
Centallithsudo nautilus and then change permissions.04:04
CentallithJust don't do it to /var04:04
xangua!gksu | Centallith04:04
ubottuCentallith: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)04:04
LordDragonCentallith, what do i change the permissions on? everything except /var in ubuntu ?04:05
CentallithOn EVERYTHING? Well in that case you would need to make your account root.04:05
CentallithYou can do so in user account settings.04:05
starlonWhat tool can I use to check my hard drive for errors?04:06
LordDragoni think last time i rebooted the computer into root, then globally changed the permission level number on my ubuntu partition to match the mac's drive permissions04:06
LordDragonbut i dont remeber what number that is04:06
eagleserverstarlon, man fsck in terminal04:07
kalinkahi, I'm having problem with ld command, although I have put library path to both /etc/ld.so.conf.d/mylib.conf and the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable into .bashrc and run the command sudo ldconfig. ld still cannot find my library04:07
kalinkathe library name is libcuda.so04:07
=== kks is now known as semaj
kalinkain /usr/lib/nvidia-current04:07
kalinkaI can see it clearly there04:08
Jordan_Ustarlon: Fsck will check the *filesystem*, which may be what you want. smartctrl will check the drive (as in check for hardware problems with the drive).04:08
starlonOh yeah that's what I want to do; check the hardware for problems. Thanks.04:08
starlonDo I need to run that from the live cd?04:09
Jordan_Ustarlon: No. And if you prefer a GUI you can use "Disk Utility", which comes with Ubuntu.04:09
starlonkk thanks :)04:09
Jordan_Ustarlon: You're welcome :)04:09
LordDragonhow can i change the userID on an account from a root shell? whats the command04:10
* RenatoSilva has recovered his PS1, pretty much like it was originally. It was a damm 01;38;05;208m color code!04:13
NeoncamouflageProbably a stupid question, but why do some bash scripts have "done" at the end and others do not? What does this do?04:14
rwwNeoncamouflage: "done" is the closing statement of a bash "do" loop.04:14
plustaxhaving an issue. I click skype to open it and use it. The icon with an x in it goes to my taskbar and Im not able to use the program or launch its interface04:15
rww(used with for, while, until, etc.)04:15
NeoncamouflageSee, stupid question. :P Thanks rww.04:15
RenatoSilvaNeoncamouflage: not sure but done is end of while statement, for example04:15
plustaxI tried uninstalling skype and reinstalling to no avail04:15
NeoncamouflageI have one of the scripts up looking at it and there is a do loop in it, so that makes sense.04:16
RenatoSilvaNeoncamouflage: you sounded like a single done alone at the end of file out of nothing :P04:16
NeoncamouflageRenatoSilva: That's what I thought they were, I had no idea why people were putting them there. Not very far into bash scripting just yet myself.04:17
rwwNeoncamouflage: fyi, #bash is probably more useful for bash questions04:17
NeoncamouflageI didn't know that channel existed, will join now. Thanks. :)04:18
plustaxanyone help me?04:18
gomaHello. I'm configuring ufw with gufw and I want to Deny everything Outgoing except HTTP and SSL - how do i do this?04:18
nit-witplustax, never used skype personally but I assume you can make a launcher04:19
nit-witplustax, if it is installed corectly.04:19
plustaxit is indeed.04:19
plustaxI just cant run it04:19
nit-witplustax, do you know how to make a launcher04:20
plustaxyeah I made one04:20
plustaxstill doesnt work04:20
plustaxeven opening it from terminal doesnt work04:20
plustaxIt puts the skype icon in my taskbar but its gray and has an x through it.04:20
nit-witplustax, is it/usr/bin/skype04:20
plustaxI can screencap if need be04:20
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.04:21
plustaxnit-wit, I just looked04:21
plustaxits not in there04:21
nit-witplustax, I'm not familiar with skype so the lauch I suspect is nopt there, sorry  don't really know.04:22
gomaI'm setting up the firewall. I don't want to allow everything out. What should I whitelist? I tried whitelisting ports 443 and 80 - but I couldn't access the internet. Why?04:23
rwwpunkinhell: I strongly recommend you toggle your capslock key off.04:24
punkinhellrww : i just wanted to highlight my question04:25
alexleonhello i think i have a java problem in my firefox nd i go to java website nd it says i need to update04:25
Neoncamouflagepunkinhell: That's not highlighting, that's making people not read it.04:25
CentallithWell that is the wrong way to do it.04:25
RenatoSilvayay http://i.imgur.com/3hEQf.png04:26
punkinhellNeoncamouflage : should i repost the question then??04:26
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nit-witplustax, I found this link you may find it helpul, not sure. http://ubuntuguide.net/install-skype-on-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal-3264-bit04:26
CentallithRevise it a bit, reduce the yelling, then sure.04:26
RenatoSilvahow to run a command after a sudo automatically?04:27
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LordDragonhey all04:27
LordDragonhow can i tell if im running the 64 bit version of ubuntu or the 32 bit version?04:27
rwwLordDragon: What's the output of uname -m?04:28
rwwLordDragon: 32-bit04:28
LordDragon32 bit i guess then04:28
LordDragonare there are advantages to running 64 bit version?04:28
CentallithMinor increase in processing power and speed I believe.04:29
LordDragonoh ok. i didnt think i could get more than 4gb of ram in 32bit04:30
LordDragonbut it seems to show all 12Gb04:30
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info04:30
rwwUbuntu detects RAM size and installs the PAE kernel if it's useful.04:30
LordDragonoh. i must be using the PAE then04:30
jonathonWhat is the best way to burn an *.mkv file to DVD? I tried Devede but the formating wasn't right, my DVD player read disc error and computer played empty file.04:32
Neoncamouflagerww, So if Ubuntu automatically installs the PAE kernel, there's really no point in installing 64 over 32, right? As you take advantage of the extra RAM regardless.04:32
* Descriptioned Good Morning.04:33
BryanWBhow can i disable multiple system services at once? i knew how to do this w/ sysv init scripts but no idea for upstart jobs04:33
rwwnothingspecial: for most users, there is no noticible difference in performance between 32-bit with PAE and 64-bit, no.04:33
rwwnothingspecial: sorry, mistab04:34
rwwNeoncamouflage: ^^04:34
BryanWB$ sudo update-rc.d -f service_name remove   # but how to do the same for upstart jobs?04:34
rwwBryanWB: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#disabling-a-job-from-automatically-starting04:35
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BryanWBrww, ouch that's pretty crude, tks04:36
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bullgard4What is the function of my Natty directory /tmp/virtual-<username><6-digit_random_ID>? It is empty.04:51
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majuk_Hey all. General question: I have a collection of MP3s, most are VBR but some aren't. Anyone know a command line tool that can tell me which are encoded in VBR?04:55
shareefhi everyone.. can anyone tell me what would be the best appleIIgs emulator for ubuntu?04:55
majuk_'file' just says they're 128kbps04:55
=== fatkittyasfaafgg is now known as Sareen
m0nhi guys. Wondering if i could get some help with ubuntu 11.04 and bluetooth/wireless issue on my laptop. Wireless works fine, but the bluetooth side of the wireless card does not work. Any help at all would be much appreciated. Laptop is a Toshiba NB550D04:58
syclopseis anybody having good experience is qt.?05:05
syclopseI am facing problem in displaying image captured from the webcam in qt05:06
Jordan_Usyclopse: #qt would be a better place to ask.05:11
syclopsejordan_u: can i have link for that.?05:12
tripelbHi, I found lxdream_0.9.1_i386.deb the Dreamcast emulator on a web page. What is the correct method of installing it? I normally use apt-get05:13
Jordan_Usyclopse: You are on a chat network with multiple channels. Right now you are in the channel "#ubuntu", which is for Ubuntu support questions. This is another channel, "#qt", for qt support. To join the channel #qt type "/join #qt" into your client (without the quotes).05:14
C_Smithhey, I can't start Transmission, and I on the System Monitor, I notice Transmission starts up as "Transmission GTK", and I also have a process called Transmission GT that I can't kill (it had been labeled as "Zombie" before I even tried ending the process), is there anything short of relogging that can fix this?05:16
C_SmithI'd prefer not to relog because I'm installing a bunch of software.05:17
tertl3C_Smith, sudo system-monitor, then kill it05:18
tertl3that work?05:19
mr_as_khanhi guys05:19
mr_as_khani need help05:19
mr_as_khanwhen i call from skype my system stop working  (work very slowly) could you help me05:21
k_szeWhat GUI text editor is there for Xubuntu that supports multiple character encodings?05:21
k_szee.g. GB18030, Big5, etc.05:21
mr_as_khani  also tells you this is happening after i install updates05:21
C_Smithwell, sudo system-monitor does nothing, and sudo gnome-system-monitor brings it up, but only shows the processes that are root.05:23
C_Smithin other words, sudo doesn't fix this,05:24
C_SmithI tried killing it via Terminal naming it's pid, and that did nothing.05:24
intlkleinblueI just reinstalled Evolution after uninstalling it yesterday05:24
intlkleinbluenever tried it before, I assumed it was as bloated as it was when I tried it ~10 months ago05:25
intlkleinbluebut after looking for alternatives and getting discouraged, I reinstalled it05:25
intlkleinbluehowever, the whole message thing in the notification area is gone now05:25
intlkleinbluehow do I bring it back for Evolution now?05:25
m0nintlkleinblue, did you install evolution-plugins? there should be a notifications/indicator plugin for it.05:27
tripelbwhat does THIS do?   sudo dpkg -i package.deb05:27
m0ntripelb, that installs a debian package05:27
m0ni believe05:27
C_Smithtripelb, that installs a .deb package via dpkg.05:28
m0ni'm going to repeate myself, but i haven't received a response to this question yet...05:29
m0nhi guys. Wondering if i could get some help with ubuntu 11.04 and bluetooth/wireless issue on my laptop. Wireless works fine, but the bluetooth side of the wireless card does not work. Any help at all would be much appreciated. Laptop is a Toshiba NB550D.05:29
=== luftikuss is now known as bullgard4
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup05:29
tripelbok mon mOn m0n  I want to install ... lxdream_0.9.1_i386.deb .. It's a Dreamcast emulator.  [guess everthing runs fine so I'm stepping out.]05:29
tripelbubottu's bluetooth link does not work05:30
ubottutripelb: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:30
uRockshame on ubottu05:30
tripelboops works the second time05:30
tripelbshame on me05:30
tripelbor ?05:30
tripelbhow do I install lxdream_0.9.1_i386.deb  .. someone on #reddit said do  sudo dpkg -i package.deb  --- my experience is sudo apt-get ----- so I'm branching out.05:32
uRockthe sudo dpkg command looks correct05:32
dunbarwhat happened when you sudo dpkg -i lxdream_0.9.1_i386.deb?05:32
m0ntripelb, what you would do is sudo dpkg -i lxdream.0.9.1_i386.deb05:33
C_Smithso, I couldn't get sudo gnome-system-monitor to show the transmission-gt process, but when run regularly, the process is still there, any other suggestions?05:33
m0ndepending on the installer you may need some extra options but generally that should do it.05:33
C_Smithlike I said, I tried killing it via command line, and that didn't do anything.05:33
tripelbah so.. m0n05:33
tripelbty m0n05:34
uRockC_Smith: do you have htop installed05:34
C_Smithnot to my knowledge, no.05:34
uRockit is like top, but prettier and makes killing things via CLI much easier05:34
uRockto install it just run sudo apt-get htop05:34
m0nuRock, i've run through that... it has a bluetooth module installed, bluez is installed etc etc, it's just that the bluetooth module does NOT work. Says bluetooth is disabled, click on the turn on bluetooth button it blanks out.05:34
C_Smithwell, I'd install it if I didn't have 45 games installing via the software center.05:35
m0ni've read somewhere that the ID for the bluetooth module loads the incorrect (toshiba_bluetooth) module when it should load the ath3k module05:35
tripelbm0n it "cannot access archive" (It's on a webpage not in an archive.)05:35
C_Smithand it's tough to stop that many.05:35
uRockm0n, I own no bluetooth stuffs, so I can't be of much help there05:35
m0nfair enough. *sigh* funny thing is it works perfectly fine in xubuntu.... :(05:36
uRockeek, that is a lot of stuff to have going at the same time in USC05:36
C_Smith45 packages including mostly games, and the Kubuntu and Xubuntu desktop environments.05:36
m0ntripelb,  you will need to save the deb package to your computer05:36
m0nthen run the command05:36
uRockC_Smith: do you have a SNickers bar, you aren't going anywhere for a while05:36
C_Smithguess I'll wait till tomorrow, restart, and see if this persists,05:36
tripelbm0n at what location will the dpkg package expect to find the file of interest. Ie where should I put it.05:37
m0nc_smith i find that using cli for installing packages to be MUCH quicker and more descriptive than the software centre gui05:37
C_SmithI know, it's getting late here, so I'll just let it run overnight, hopefully it aint still running that torrent.... kinda doubt it as the process is labeled as zombies.05:37
m0nanywhere.... more than likely save it to your downloads folder05:37
C_SmithI'm not afraid to use command line (if that's what you're talking about) IF I know the package I'm looking for,05:38
m0nthen start up terminal, go to your downloads folder and run the package.05:38
C_Smithbut for just browsing, I use software center, I just use command line for installing everything else, VB, SBM, etc.05:39
m0nfair enuff C_Smith, if i find a package i like, i generally put it into a text file, and when i rebuild my box i have a recollection of software i like and can quickly do it via CLI05:39
* m0n shrugs05:39
C_Smithsame here,05:39
C_Smithsometimes I have to use the net to find the repo if the repo changed, though, but I tend to use apt-get, A LOT.05:40
C_Smithwell, I'm off, gonna see if this process persists in not being killable tomorrow.05:40
dunbarso did it install tripelb?05:41
bullgard4_What is the function of my empty Natty directory /tmp/virtual-<username><6-digit_random_ID>?05:42
tripelbdunbar, I dont know where to put it so that dpkg will find the file. Do you know where?05:42
dunbarwhere is it now05:43
m0ntripelb,  download the file to your downloads directory (eg /home/<yourusernamehere>/Downloads05:44
tripelbNP will do that m0n05:44
sunitI am giving sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 restart and getting sudo: must be setuid root. please help05:44
thomiDoes anyone know how I can find out "what packages were updated on my system yesterday"?05:44
m0nthen go to your terminal and type in cd /home/<yourusernamehere/Downloads press enter, then type in sudo dpkg -i <thefileofthe.deb>05:45
Jordan_Uthomi: Look in /var/log/dpkg.log05:46
thomiJordan_U: thanks05:46
Jordan_Uthomi: You're welcome.05:46
tharakahi I need a help on installing apc. I tried sudo pecl install apc. but it gives me an error saying sh: phpize: not found05:47
tharakaERROR: `phpize' failed05:47
tharakawhat is the reason for that05:47
tharakacan anyone help me please05:47
tharakahi can anyone help me please???05:50
tripelbm0n, success (it's happening) but: I downloaded it and still It could not find it. Then I looked and I couldnt find it either. So I was clicking on the download link at the bottom of the webpage to see if there were 2 folders named Downloads and it started installing. (no argueing with success bu it's baffeling)05:52
bullgard4_thomi: Use Synaptic > File > History > July2011 > 07/17/201105:52
`blackmk4would someone mind answering a few questions about briding adapters under linux?05:53
m0ntripelb, cool. Once it's fully downloaded try using terminal to run the package install ;)05:53
Lasersbullgard4_: How will you do it once synaptic is phased out of default installations (in the future)?05:53
tripelbI clicked install on the gui thing already.05:54
m0nah or that will do05:54
m0ni'm a CLI kind of guy ;)05:54
bullgard4_Lasers: I will install Synaptic by hand.05:54
punkinhellis there any command in FTP to transfer only the updated portions of files like the rsync command???05:54
thomipunkinhell: No, I'm pretty sure there's not.05:55
Dulakpunkinhell: no, for ftp you have to retransmit the entire file to get updates05:55
arunkumar413synaptic not showing the latest version of chromium browser inspite of reloading. The installed version is 12 and the latest version is 1405:55
tylhi is it possible to use httpd.conf instead of apache.conf?05:55
punkinhellbut i see that rsync is much slower than normal FTP05:56
tylthe default configuration forces apache2 to use apache2.conf instead of httpd.conf05:56
tripelbm0n do I have to start it from terminal. I suppose I need to learn that for myself. My camera doesnt work in skype unless I start skype from terminal.  My cam does work in omegle as I found out. they should call it "bag o' dicks" tho. I could tell they could see me. They kept clicking off. Or askig for boobs. I kept clicking off too. It waa boring.05:56
m0nso in looking for a fix for my bluetooth it seems that ubuntu assigns my bluetooth the incorrect driver. It tries to use toshiba_bluetooth when it should be using ath3k (being a AR3011 bluetooth card). Any one know how to get this working?05:56
tripelbOh a0n , apologies for off-topic. hangs head05:56
bullgard4_punkinhell: I grepped for »update« in 'man ftp' and got no output.05:56
punkinhellwell thanks guys, just thought i should ask around b4 reinventing the wheel05:57
m0ntripelb not sure. probably not. i've never really had to install a deb package tbh ;)05:57
fips4di'm getting this error: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/441240/05:58
fips4dwhat's the issue?05:58
tripelbm0n, now how do I start it? will it be in the menus?05:58
arunkumar413hi friends, i'm unable to update the chromium browser. plz help05:59
tripelbm0n, it's not in wine. I think I'll go look at the help pages. THanks.06:00
tripelbarunkumar413, it updates itself.06:00
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bhueywhat's an easy way of setting up NAT on my machine ? URL ?06:04
madmnis there a centos channel i have a problem trying to connect my wireless06:04
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madmnis there a centos channel i have a problem trying to connect my wireless06:06
bullgard4_bhuey: You usually do not set up NAT on  your machine but rather on your router.06:06
dunbarits #centos06:06
bhueybullgard4_: I prefer my machine for better networking control06:07
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ozatomichi guys, when i start my system i get the message "mountall: disconnected from plymouth" what is this from06:09
thomiHi, on the 15th I installed the latest updates, which included a new Qt version,  linux kernel, and video drivers, end ever since then my window decoration theme in unity looks really ugly. Has anyone here heard about this before? Does anyone know what the issue might be?06:09
tripelbm0n, can I pm you?06:09
eagleservermadmn, whats problem?06:10
m0nsorry at work so doing 2 things at once06:10
madmni am trying to connect my wireless in centos i have the live cd but i am not having any luck06:10
madmni am back in ubuntu trying to get info on how i can do that06:10
soulis77-SEHi all, a very basic question. I'm installing a new VPS server and want to disable root login. Now before that I need to set up a new user account. I want to know which permissions the user should have? I also would like to be able to edit files, install software and reboot system.06:11
madmnwhy would you not want root soulis77-SE06:12
bhueyanybody here know about setting up static interfaces directly ? is /etc/network/interfaces deprecated ?06:12
AutodidactiteDoes anyone know why in 10.04 the "Keep Aligned" option is still stuck on06:13
astraljavabhuey: If you use NetworkManager, then yes. You need to do that by using the nm-applet.06:13
bhueywhat about via command line remotely ?06:13
Myrttimadmn: ubuntu has root disabled06:13
=== UltimediaOS is now known as Markus-[uOS]
Autodidactitemadmn, sudo is your friend06:14
soulis77-SEmadmn: Easier to hack, or well they know the username. It is a server, remote host, not my local computer.06:14
Dulakbhuey: it's not deprecated, but any interface setup in /etc/network/interfaces won't be managed by network manager.06:14
fips4di'm getting this error: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/441240/06:14
fips4dwhat's the issue?06:14
Dulakbhuey: so it's either/or, not deprecated.06:14
madmnwhat would your user that create need to do then soulis77-SE06:15
bullgard4_bhuey: Please read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_address_translation. Having done so, please put here in this channel a more specific question.06:15
Flannelbullgard4_: I don't think that's relevant.06:16
madmnsoulis77-SE, you can set the permissions for the new user that you make and give any access to that user that you want that user to have06:16
bullgard4_Flannel: Ah! What do you think is relevant?06:16
soulis77-SEmadmn: install, remove software, edit most files, reboot system, setting up LAMP. So Sudo is needed06:16
madmnits pretty easy to give that kinda access to a user06:17
slothCan someone tell me how to scan my network for the ip adresses of the other users?06:17
madmnjust be carefull who you give access to what06:17
soulis77-SEmadmn: Yes but I then want to disable root login but don't want to lock myself out from the system by mot be able to edit the sshd_config06:18
Autodidactitesloth, nmap06:18
bullgard4_sloth: nmap06:18
Flannelbhuey: https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-help/net-fixed-ip-address.html and https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html#static-ip-addressing gives you GUI and manual methods of setting static IPs (it still uses /etc/network/interfaces)06:18
Dulaksloth: arp -n06:18
KeLv_MaNuSloth, access your router and you can view the ip06:18
AutodidactiteYes arp also06:18
slothyes but how do i see their PC names?06:18
slothit only shows me there are 3 active hosts06:18
slothnot whos who06:18
madmnas far as i know soulis77-SE root is disabled by default06:18
AutodidactiteSome don't do that KeLv_MaNu06:18
Dulaksloth: find the ip, then run 'smbclient -L ip.address.here'06:19
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madmnthe user that you made when you installed should be close to root06:19
KeLv_MaNuah ok06:19
madmnthen you can do such commands06:19
slothI can't find the ip06:19
soulis77-SEmadmn: No this is a VPS server set up by a Service Provider. My only way of access is the root at the moment.06:19
madmnand if the need be you can use su do for the stuff you need06:19
Autodidactitesloth, I believe nmap will tell you there computer names, even the OS type06:19
slothwhats the nmap command to list them, if there is06:19
KeLv_MaNuwith my router i can view the ip addresses of the pcs that are connected to my network06:20
madmnis this ubuntu box soulis77-SE06:20
WarOpJust curious with ubuntu 10.10 are you still able to configure the login window wallpaper06:20
slothIt does Autodidactite but i can't isolte their IPs06:20
AutodidactiteCool, KeLv_MaNu is it a Netgear?06:20
soulis77-SEmadmn: 10.0406:20
KeLv_MaNunope, D-Link06:20
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AutodidactiteI don't know exactly what you mean sloth06:21
WarOpI know if you went into Login Window in 8.10 then it'd allow you to install custom login windows06:21
slothok, I want to find the ip adress of my brothers computer06:21
AutodidactiteCool KeLv_MaNu, yes I have seen that in D-Link also06:21
bullgard4_sloth: For example ~$ nmap -sP obtains with me the hostnames also.06:21
slothi'll try it06:22
AutodidactiteCan you sit at your brothers computer sloth?06:22
slothI can, but thats not the point06:22
slothi want to know how to do it remotely06:22
AutodidactiteSure of course06:22
DulakI told you how to do it.06:23
WarOpUse a sniffer06:23
Dulakbullgard4_ also gave you a good way to do it06:24
bhueyFlannel: what about command line ? this is a remote machine06:24
Flannelbhuey: See the second link, the serverguide one.06:25
bullgard4_What is the function of my empty Natty directory /tmp/virtual-<username><6-digit_random_ID>?06:26
AutodidactiteSo no one knows why the "Keep Aligned" option is still stuck on in 11.04?06:27
ossnossCouldn't get my d-link wifi to work at all. Had to plug right in.06:28
AutodidactiteThat can happen06:28
AutodidactiteI have found D-Link to be very buggy06:29
m0ni've found alot of manufacturers to have very buggy linux support06:29
m0natheros, d-link to name a few.... :P06:29
KeLv_MaNuthats true m0n06:29
AutodidactiteTrue m0n but Modems/ Router are OS agnostic06:30
KeLv_MaNulinux always left behind06:30
fips4di'm getting this error: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/441240/06:30
fips4dwhat's the issue?06:30
ossnossI haven't used linux in years, just installed this ubuntu now on my windows box. I'm liking what I see so far.06:30
m0nAutodidactite, this is true.06:31
saikathi all06:31
AutodidactiteIt's all in the browser06:31
AutodidactiteHi there saikat06:31
KeLv_MaNuhi saikat welcome06:31
AutodidactiteCool ossnoss06:31
AutodidactiteI only use Ubuntu Linux nowadays06:32
saikatI have a problem in ubuntu 11.0406:32
AutodidactiteI just got sick of dealing with Windows hoo har06:32
AutodidactiteWhat problem is that saikat?06:32
AutodidactiteMicroshaft Windblows06:33
saikatIs there any way to recover the user passwd in ubuntu 11.04?06:33
AutodidactiteNot that I am aware of saikat06:34
Dulaksaikat: you can boot recovery mode and then change the password, but it'd be really hard to recover the password06:34
saikati have forgotten the passwd & also not able to log in in single user mode as the menu is in hidden option06:34
Autodidactitesaikat, any other accounts on the system?06:35
Dulaksaikat: hold down left shift as it boots to get the grub menu06:35
KeLv_MaNulog in as root if you know the pass06:35
saikatroot user has not created06:35
KeLv_MaNuthe root user is always there06:36
KeLv_MaNui guess06:36
sunitI am trying to run postgres and getting error as Insecure directory in $ENV{PATH} while running with -T switch at /usr/bin/pg_ctlcluster line 63.                                                                          [fail]06:36
Flannelsaikat: LiveCD06:36
Dulakit's there just locked with no password06:36
AutodidactiteI didn't know you could do that KeLv_MaNu. Nice one, I have never had to that06:37
saikatin recovery mode there i found a option....its root.,...Drop to root shell promt06:38
saikati think i can change the passwd now06:38
KeLv_MaNuits like login as admin in windows to erase the user pw06:38
AutodidactiteI must remember this06:38
=== fairuz_ is now known as fairuz
saikatthanks every one06:39
saikati change the user passwd now06:40
soulis77-SEWhen disable the root login, Can I still log in as another user and then thange to root? Or to use su command for root account?06:40
KeLv_MaNunice saikat ;-)06:40
KeLv_MaNusoulis, i guess you can use su command06:40
Blue1you prolly want to use su -06:41
Myrttisoulis77-SE: use sudo for everything06:41
Myrttisoulis77-SE: not su06:41
KeLv_MaNuyes sudo06:41
KeLv_MaNusu is for login as super user06:41
Blue1KeLv_MaNu: yes - but there is a diff between su and su -06:42
KeLv_MaNui didnt knew that blue06:42
Dulaksudo -i06:42
MyrttiBlue1: and su - is not encouraged either06:42
Dulaknot su, not su -, use 'sudo -i'06:42
KeLv_MaNuand the "-i" is for?06:43
Dulakinteractive shell06:43
al_nz1whats wrong with sshfs user@ -p 443 /mnt/windows ? I get mssing host error?06:43
Dulakit gives you a properly configured root shell, which su doesn't always do.06:44
Blue1Dulak: yes06:44
soulis77-SEok, but I want to disable root login from ssh but still be able to access the account. Can I login as xxxx and the su - to root ?06:44
KeLv_MaNugood to know that blue, thx06:44
fips4di'm getting this error: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/441240/06:44
soulis77-SEOr will it be locked since i disable root loginb?06:44
fips4dwhat's the issue?06:44
Blue1al_nz1: not sure but isn't 443 used by samba?06:45
Lasersfips4d: "The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available" -- and you tried to use Debian package on Ubuntu system.06:45
slothso... how do i reveal the active ips through a scan?06:45
KeLv_MaNusoulis you can still use the sudo command06:45
Dulaksoulis77-SE: if you disable root in sshd_config, you can still be root, you just can't login directly as root.  If however you lock root with system tools, you cannot use su, and would only be able to use sudo06:46
soulis77-SEOk, thanks everyone. I'm disable root login in sshd_config and login as another user and then change to su - whenever needed.06:47
soulis77-SEis not a good passoword for a root account. Or how many signs do you all use?  10, 15 or more?06:48
Myrttisoulis77-SE: ubuntu doesn't come with root password enabled06:49
lonixsoulis77-SE: dont use a root password06:49
wildbatsoulis77-SE: why not just sudo -i or -s ~?06:49
Dulakenabling root is just opening an attack vector for no good reason06:50
AutodidactiteYes I agree totally, sudo -i all the way06:50
KeLv_MaNusoulis you can use the same pw of your user account06:50
KeLv_MaNuif you want06:50
AutodidactiteYes it is very easy once you know how06:50
DulakKeLv_MaNu: that's very horrible advice06:51
KeLv_MaNuwell its better than not assign a pw at all06:51
DulakKeLv_MaNu: just because it's less crappy than another option isn't a good reason to give 'less crappy' advice.06:52
soulis77-SEhey i changed it to 20 characters and then user account is different.06:52
soulis77-SEAnd the root will be disabled when I set up some more stuff on the server.06:52
AutodidactiteI thought you people were talking about doing sudo or sudo -i06:52
KeLv_MaNujust saying06:52
bullgard4_What is the function of my empty Natty directory /tmp/virtual-<username><6-digit_random_ID>?06:52
KeLv_MaNusorry if you didnt liked it06:52
KeLv_MaNuif you have a good pass you can use it for both accounts06:53
AutodidactiteI don't know KeLv_MaNu06:53
KeLv_MaNuanyone have to know that06:53
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AutodidactiteOops I meant bullgard406:53
KeLv_MaNusorry, not anyone have to know that*06:53
AutodidactiteI don't know bullgard406:54
fips4dLasers: no, vice versa, actually...ubuntu packages on a debian system...06:54
Autodidactitebullgard4, have you tried to search engine it?06:54
fips4dLasers: are you able to retrieve this key?06:54
lonixwhat was the battery info command again ?06:55
DulakKeLv_MaNu: please stop giving bad advice06:55
Lasersfips4d: No. I didn't bother to look for it. >_>06:55
AutodidactiteWas there mention of enabling the root account?06:55
KeLv_MaNui just want to keep it simple06:56
bullgard4_Autodidactite: If you had a closer look at the problem you would have seen that this problem is not amenable to googleing.06:56
tuxx-lonix: acpi -b06:56
AutodidactiteYes the mysterious folder, I was just checking your process so far06:57
DulakKeLv_MaNu: it's bad advice, if a password is compromised, regardless of how good it is, you lost 2 accounts, including root, for the price of 1 password.  It's just not a good idea.06:57
KeLv_MaNui know that risk06:57
lonixtuxx-: thanks mate06:57
AutodidactiteWhy not just use sudo and sudo -i?06:57
tuxx-monday mornings >_>06:58
lollabhello, I mounted an external harddrive through smbmount, but arabic characters are showed with ???? marks, anybody can help?06:58
tuxx-my head feels like its gonna explode06:58
tuxx-i hope it doesnt06:58
Autodidactitelollab sounds like corruption to me.06:58
KeLv_MaNua good advice? use 2 different pw with numbers, letters and symbols06:59
LasersOr leave root with random password. Use sudo -i for everything.06:59
wildbatlollab: smbmoun to mount external HDD?~ you mean windows share right?06:59
AutodidactiteDon't have the root account enabled at all?06:59
lollabwildbat, yes the harddrive exports data via windows share06:59
DulakKeLv_MaNu: that's alright, but the best advice is to leave root locked and use sudo -i to get a root shell when you need it07:00
lollabAutodidactite, no, I don't think so, I see english characters normally07:00
KeLv_MaNuthat can be a better choice07:00
lollabwildbat, Autodidactite file names with arabic names seen as ????.doc07:00
wildbatlollab: you didn't set the character set07:01
Autodidactitelollab, then I would say that there is some sort of corruption going on.07:01
Dulaklollab: that's a codepage issue, you need to set the character set correctly07:01
KeLv_MaNubut if you forgot the user pw, logining as root could help when you want to recover or erase the forgotten pw07:01
rahul_currently I am using ubuntu 11.04, is there any way I can downgrade it to 10.10 without formatting my Hard Disk07:02
AutodidactiteVery true KeLv_MaNu, good point07:02
DulakKeLv_MaNu: you boot recovery mode for that, passwordless root access.  It's just better to leave root locked.07:02
Lasers!downgrade | rahul_07:02
ubotturahul_: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.07:02
wildbatlollab: mount with mount option "iocharset=utf8"07:03
KeLv_MaNuroot access without pw?07:03
Lasersrahul_: Use 10.04 LTS07:03
kiergeanyone have experience with acidrip ?  i just encoded a movie but there was no video output.  i selected xvid and set abr:br=256 for sound.07:03
rahul_Lasers : what do you mean by that?07:03
Laserskierge: Handbrake works well for me.07:03
kiergeor can anyone recommend a easy way to rip to xvid retail dvds from ubuntu ?07:03
Dulakrahul_: not really, though you can save your prefs by backing up your home dir before you wipe it.  And keep /home on a seperate partition to make it a much easier thing to do in the future07:03
kiergeLasers, handbrake no longer writes to avi in its latest versions07:04
Lasersrahul_: In other words, you can't downgrade. Just backup /home/rahul/ and /etc/07:04
saikatHi all07:04
lollabwildbat, oh thank you, I seen this in the man page, but didn't know what iocharset07:04
lollabwildbat, let me try , few mins07:04
saikatI have a question07:04
rahul_Lasers : why should I backup /etc/07:04
Laserskierge: Start using mkv?07:04
kiergei could do that.  what would i use for mkv ?07:05
os_Which port does Evolution mail use for sending mails via smtp.gmail.com by default?07:05
saikatHow to install Tamil Language pack in ubuntu 11.0407:05
kiergeneed an easy solution07:05
Lasersrahul_: You don't have to -- but it won't hurt. It's only 10MB at most. Your systemwide settings.07:05
DulakKeLv_MaNu: yes, recovery mode boots a single user root shell, without a password.  The idea is that if someone has physical access to the machine, you are boned without encryption anyways.07:05
Laserskierge: What do you mean? Easy solution? Most computers with VLC can run MKV just fine.07:05
rahul_Lasers : okay. thanks07:05
Dulakmp4 runs much better for me, vlc mkv support isn't awesome yet07:06
Lasersrahul_: /etc/apt/sources.list (and among many things) are under /etc/ -- Sometimes we make changes and forget to keep them.07:06
KeLv_MaNuat least physical access is required07:06
os_Can someone please suggest how can I find the default port being used by Evolution for sending mails07:06
kiergeLasers i meant the encoding07:06
Dulaki'm on a netbook though, on a good cpu you prolly wouldn't notice the difference07:06
rahul_Lasers : thats why it is necessary?07:06
KeLv_MaNubut isnt secure at all07:06
AutodidactiteI have recently changed my video player preference from VLC back to Movie Player07:06
Dulakos_: sending mail is port 25 or 587 for email07:07
mojzhello i dont know how to set permissions for ftp clients07:07
Myrttios_: depends on your email provider, smtp uses 2507:07
lollabwildbat, unfortunately, didn't work out07:07
trevorjIsn't there a package that puts /etc in a versioning system of sorts?07:07
lollabwildbat, the command accepted however07:07
DulakKeLv_MaNu: it's not a big deal, if they boot a livecd they can just mount the hdd and have root access anyways.07:07
trevorjI remember a project to do such and I remember there being a package for it that was dead easy to use07:08
DulakKeLv_MaNu: but you can encrypt the data on disk that is sensitive, for level of protection against physical access.07:08
Lasersrahul_: Necessary or not. It's an option. I mean, you don't have to back up your home directory too. -- But you want to. It's up to you.07:08
lollabwildbat, this is the command: smbmount // /media/HD_users/ -o username=xyz,password=abc,iocharset=utf807:08
os_Well, if I don't give any port the mails are sent just fine to my id on gmail.com. But if i set the port to 25, 587 or 465 the sending mail fails.07:08
wildbatlollab: what version of windows you use ~? you may have to try other codepages.07:08
os_the server being used is smtp.gmail.com07:08
rahul_Lasers : I have got about 150+GB data in my home directory and I dont wanna lose it07:09
Viking667'llo. does anyone have any issues when they ping www.google.com? My Ubuntu machines (natty) all seem to wait for five seconds between each ping reply...yet if I ping the IP directly, I get responses every second, like normal.07:09
pratzwhats the best pdf writer for linux ??07:09
Viking667hm. I use Openoffice, probably LibreOffice would do the same.07:09
Dulakos_: outbound email is typically blocked by residential isps, I'm guessing it's maybe using port 80, but that's kinda weird07:09
KeLv_MaNuthe pws are encrypted and saved in a database file, right?07:09
lollabwildbat, the harddrive doens't run windows, its an external disk with network interface and people just get into share and find files. I'm trying to mount in order to copy the files to my system07:10
Dulakpratz: you can print to pdf from any application, so 'best' is kinda hard to define.07:10
Lasersrahul_: Wow. Back them up. I generally keep hard drives separated so reinstalling any OS is relatively easy for me. :)07:10
DulakKeLv_MaNu: they are hashed, not encrypted, but yes07:10
KeLv_MaNuoh ok07:11
rahul_Lasers : I dont have any other HardDisk with me, I dont know how I am going to backup my data...but I will surely arrange something soon07:11
j-rHi I want to allocate an array of files. I have seen the sytax: FILES=(*.jpg) but it is not correct. I use the bourne shell.07:11
Autodidactitekierge, I used to do this really easily and well07:11
pratzDulak: i am asking for a pdf writer07:11
wildbatlollab: can't gnome nautilus automount it ?07:11
Viking667pratz: what are you wanting to put into the pdf writer? text? Pictures? html?07:11
Dulakpratz: hit print, choose 'print to file' then 'pdf'.  Pdf written.07:11
lollabwildbat, actually no gnome installed , I have ubuntu server07:12
robinschI want something07:12
pratzViking667: almost all of that07:12
lollabwildbat, do you suggest to install one?07:12
os_with port 587 i get 'connection reset by peer' error. Is is coz my ISP is doing something fishy here.. :-/07:12
Lasersrahul_: Meanwhile, use 11.04 until you have something in place. I guess. I'd recommend you to use multiple hard drives as to keep OS and 150GB~ data of personal consumption separated. :)07:12
AutodidactiteSo do I robinsch07:12
robinschsorry, wrong window07:12
Dulakpratz: you can do that from just about any application in linux, so the app you use depends on what you want in the pdf07:12
Viking667Dulak: what apps support that? I haven't seen a "printer driver" that outputs pdf.07:13
KeLv_MaNuSomeone read about Ubuntu apps running on webOS HP Touchpad?07:13
DulakViking667: it's been built into cups for about 7 years now.07:13
LasersViking667: Just print something. You'll see it there. "Ctrl + P"  Select PDF.07:13
rahul_Lasers : do you know any good themes 11.04?07:13
Viking667weird... I wasn't aware cups had that by default.07:13
LasersViking667: "Save to file" -- Something. I'm not quite sure. :)07:13
DulakYeah it's nifty.07:13
Viking667... given I come from the lpd era, it's been ... a while.07:13
Lasersrahul_: I use Shiki-Colors Fat.07:13
lollabwildbat, I will try to use mount -t cifs07:13
Lasersrahul_: Flat*07:14
pratzany pdf editor actually07:14
Juozasos_ have you opened the port in router if you have one07:14
rahul_Lasers : can you tell me from where I can download it?07:14
os_Juozas: oh thanks for the pointer. Lemme check it out.07:14
Dulakpratz: pdf is not supposed to be an editable file.   It's a digital printout, not an editable document.07:14
Lasersrahul_: http://goo.gl/VKq5y07:14
rahul_Lasers : downloading it07:15
Lasersrahul_: Cool.07:15
Juozasalso os_, check your firewall for ports too (ether windows one or on linux (iptables probably))07:15
lollabwildbat, ops!  I figured that I'm on the directory mounted, I was umount while I'm in the directory itselt :)07:16
Dulakpratz: so lets say you want to make a flyer.  You fire up your graphics program, let's say inkscape.  You design the flyer, then you save it as an editable graphics file.  Then you print to pdf to get a pdf version.07:16
rahul_Lasers : how to install it?07:16
wildbatlollab: so it worked?07:16
lollabwildbat, iocharset worked correctly, thank you!07:16
KeLv_MaNuyou can convert the pdf file to doc file then edit it and save it as pdf07:16
bullgard4_What is the function of my empty Natty directory /tmp/virtual-<username><6-digit_random_ID>?07:17
Lasersrahul_: Install it in ~/.themes07:17
Lasersrahul_: Just plop it there, really.07:17
wildbatlollab: lol~ good for you , i think they should have make utf8 as default by now ~ but oh well ~07:17
rahul_Lasers : directly the .zip file?07:17
DulakKeLv_MaNu: you lose all the formatting, and sometimes words, depending on what charset it is.  It's not made to be directly editable.07:17
Lasersrahul_: No. Bunch of Shiki folders.07:17
KeLv_MaNuthats the risk07:18
Lasersbullgard4_: Search Engines said it comes from gvfs07:19
rahul_Lasers : this theme will not look as intended because the required window manager theme 'Shiki-Colors-Flat-Metacity' is not installed" what should I do?07:19
rahul_Lasers : "This theme will not look as intended because the required window manager theme 'Shiki-Colors-Flat-Metacity' is not installed" what should I do?07:19
Lasersrahul_: Dun dun dun. Try other themes. I don't think that's the theme you wanted.07:20
rahul_Lasers : the theme is looking good but there are many things missing....how to install this theme in metacity?07:21
ossnossI got these USB headphones by cyber acoustic. I plug them in, the power comes on but they don't work. Is it possible to get them working?07:22
Lasersrahul_: I use compiz. Unsure about metacity. You should do this -- "sudo apt-get install gnome-colors" for icons.07:23
bullgard4_Lasers: Thank you.07:24
rahul_Lasers : you are using ubuntu 11.04 or 10.10?07:25
intlkleinbluem0n: I'm downloading package right now and will test it soon07:26
Lasersrahul_: I'm not using Ubuntu -- but I'm using Gnome.07:27
Lasersrahul_: I like giving out candies and supports.07:27
rahul_Lasers : thats good man. I am using 11.04 but without unity.07:28
* YankDownUnder feels sorry for anyone running 11.0407:28
saikathow to install Tamil Language pack in Ubuntu 11.04 ?07:29
rahul_YankDownUnder : thats funny07:29
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YankDownUnderrahul_, Actually, it's rather sad, my friend...07:29
VotingHi, folks. Trying to use gparted to convert a 3TB USB drive which came formatted w/ NTFS to ext4. Not seeing the /dev/sdb1 device and don't know how to get it to show up (nor do I now how to convert to ext4 w/o gparted off hand.) Thanks!07:30
rahul_YankDownUnder : Its very sad. I am suffering badly. I wanna go back to ubuntu 10.1007:30
KeLv_MaNui'm using 11.04 ubuntu studio07:30
YankDownUnderVoting, In all actuality, you'd want to repartition and reformat the drive - as long as you've gotten all the data off of it...07:31
Lasers3TB or not, USB drives suck and have short life span.07:31
VotingYankDownUnder: yes, it is a new drive. Nothing on it I care about.07:31
VotingLasers: thinks. I'm just going to use it to back stuff up.07:32
YankDownUnderVoting, Well my friend, you can very nicely just use gParted to blow out the existing partition and start afresh...07:32
VotingLasers: thanks, rather. How do I make it show up in gparted07:32
flexyHow do I set sda to have deadline scheduler right at boot, so that the rest of the disks still get cfg scheduler? (I have ssd as sda, other drives are normal spindles...)07:32
LasersVoting: I'm guessing you ought to umount it first and refresh gparted?07:32
VotingYankDownUnder: how do I do it? I'm not seeing the device.07:32
YankDownUnderVoting, It might not show up if, repeat IF it was formatted "dynamically" by MS Windows...07:33
YankDownUnderVoting, are you comfortable using fdisk from the terminal?07:33
llutz_Voting: you need to set partitiontable type to "gpt", not msdos07:33
rahul_can anyone please help me install this theme http://tinyurl.com/6hhgvyh I am using ubuntu 11.0407:34
Votingllutz, don't know how to do that.07:34
Votingllutz_: how do I reset to gpt?07:34
YankDownUnderVoting, Question: do you see the device when you open a term and type: sudo fdisk -l => you'll get a listing of devices that are seen by the system...07:35
Votingdevices only has the main hard drive.07:35
llutz_Voting: not sure if gparted can do, parted would work07:35
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llutz_YankDownUnder: afaik fdisk cannot handle gpt-drives (drives >2TB) correctly07:36
s7nfguys where can I check which network card am I using?07:37
Votingfdisk -l   =>07:37
Voting  Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System07:37
Voting/dev/sdb1             257   732558336  2930232320    7  HPFS/NTFS07:37
YankDownUnderllutz_, Hmmm....roger that...07:37
llutz_s7nf: lspci | grep -i net07:37
YankDownUnderVoting, Is *that* the drive?07:37
nkhhi every body! any one can help me for an easy way to upgrade my gcc to 4.6 in Lucid ?07:37
VotingYankDownUnder: yes, fdisk sees it.07:38
s7nfllutz, thx07:38
nkhI'm in a hury unfortunately :|07:38
YankDownUnderVoting, Right. So then you'd want to use fdisk to blow the partition (/dev/sdb1) and then you'd be able to re-partition and then reformat...are you ready to try this?07:38
nkhIs there any repo to add and apt-get it to do all? I also need g++ to be the same version07:38
nkhSo gcc and g++ 4.607:39
nkhany help!?07:39
flexynkh: source...07:39
flexynkh: install from source...07:39
Votingllutz_ how do I set the partitiontable type to "gpt" ? Is that what I need to do next?07:39
flexyHow do I set sda to have deadline scheduler right at boot, so that the rest of the disks still get cfg scheduler? (I have ssd as sda, other drives are normal spindles...)07:39
flexyI know the elevator=deadline line to /etc/default/grub GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT... but it changes the default elevator. The rest of the disks get the same elevator. I could echo to /sys/block/... at boot time, but then when usb hdds are attached, they too get the deadline elevator...07:39
lollabwildbat, yes it worked, yes it should be by default07:39
nkhflexy: Ok which sources I should get !? for both g++ and gcc ?07:40
lollabwildbat, thanks07:40
nkhflexy: can you lead me a link?07:40
flexynkh: sure, compile and install07:40
flexynkh: no, but google is your friend07:40
llutz_Voting: seems fdisk learned to use >2TB-drives, just try to partition it to your needs07:40
VotingYankDownUnder: I'm happy to blow the partition if that is the right next step, yes.07:40
flexynkh: there might be a repo also, but I don't know about those07:40
nkhflexy: yes you right I'm in hury and I can't think on what i say :D07:40
nkhflexy: Hmmm tnx07:41
Votingllutz_: HOW should I do the partioning? I'm trying to do it w/ gparted and the devices menu still does not have the /deev/sdb1 device in there.07:42
llutz_Voting: use fdisk07:42
YankDownUnderVoting, Right oh. So, do: fdisk /dev/sdb => and then you can type "d" to delete the partition => it will show you the partitions. Then you can type "w" to write the partition table (this will be an empty partition now), and "q" to quit fdisk. At this point, you should be able to run gParted and actually SEE the device...if not, then we can use fdisk again to create a partition and then format it after that, eh?07:42
VotingYankDownUnder: THANKS!07:43
YankDownUnderVoting, Roger that.07:43
llutz_Voting: sudo fdisk /dev/sdb "t" to change type of sdb1 to "83"07:43
VotingYankDownUnder: sadly, I'm stupid about disk partioning so I was hoping to do it all in a graphical UI.07:43
nkhflexy: one another Q ! does g++ have another source for itself ? or gcc contains g++ ?07:43
ghufranhi. is there a way to get some of the applets from older versions back? like the inhibiter applet .. or force quit applet ..07:43
YankDownUnderVoting, Follow what I just wrote - when you're done, you might be surprised.07:43
llutz_Voting: "w" "q" done, then "sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1 "07:43
flexynkh: don't know about that.07:44
llutz_Voting: err*  "sudo mkfs.ext4 -m0 /dev/sdb1 "07:44
nkhflexy: Thanks07:44
VotingYankDownUnder: should I start with   sudo fdisk /dev/sdb "t"    ?07:44
YankDownUnderVoting, No. Just do as I suggested. "d" for delete, then partition "1". Then "w" (write) and "q" to quit. Then fire up gParted and see what you can see. IF gParted doesn't see it, we'll use fdisk to create a new partition, eh?07:45
HackNewtoncan anybody know a good download manager for Gnome Ububtu which i can attach with chrome ?07:48
YankDownUnderHackNewton, You want to chrome plate a download manager? Hmmm...07:50
s7nfguys, can I do (tagged) vlan between two computers directly connected over ethernet (without router/switch)?07:50
LasersMore of Chrome Extension question than Ubuntu.07:50
HackNewtonYankDownUnder, I mean google chrome browser07:50
YankDownUnderHackNewton, ;)07:51
HackNewtonYankDownUnder, nice one though, you know any ?07:51
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YankDownUnderHackNewton, Um, no. I just use it straight outta the box...however, there appears to be 22,600,000 returned search results for what you're asking... ;)07:52
kz3can anyone please help me install this theme http://tinyurl.com/6hhgvyh07:53
kz3I am using ubuntu 11.0407:53
HackNewtonYankDownUnder, yeah i googled it but... they are out of my need07:53
VotingYankDownUnder: I'm worried, please see http://paste.ubuntu.com/646285/    - When I typed "w" it dumped me out w/o my having to quit. Did it work right or did something go wrong?07:53
llutz_Voting: more important is the warning, fdisk gave you. use parted to change partitiontable format07:55
kz3can anyone help me in installing a theme?07:55
YankDownUnderVoting, Try then this: sudo fdisk /dev/sdb => "c" => "w" => "q"07:55
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s7nfguys, can I do (tagged) vlan between two computers directly connected over ethernet (without router/switch)?07:56
YankDownUnderkz3, Mate, you're trying to install a GTK2 theme on a GTK3 system.07:56
bobweaverany grub guru around07:56
YankDownUnderbobweaver, I've eaten grubs. Cooked (actually, fried).07:56
kz3YankDownUnder : means I cant install it?07:56
YankDownUnderkz3, Um....short answer: no.07:56
bobweaverI am looking for the fule that list all grub history and also07:57
HackNewtonkz3, find themes for GTK307:57
YankDownUnderbobweaver, Fule? Um...FILE?07:58
bobweaverYankDownUnder: yes sir07:58
YankDownUnderbobweaver, /var/log/boot.log ??07:58
wd40swhat would be a good distro to move onto after ubuntu?07:58
thegoodcushionwd40s: why are you moving on?07:58
ikoniawd40s: what ever you want, it's personal choice, no-one says you have to change07:58
bobweaverwd40s: look at distro watsh07:59
HackNewtonwd40s, well here are ubuntu fans07:59
YankDownUnderwd40s, hehehehehhehe...BeOS!07:59
kz3HackNewton : dude what about this one http://tinyurl.com/6xh5mad ?07:59
bobweaverwd40s: look at distro watch *07:59
HackNewtondunbar, nice suggestion :D07:59
wd40swell i want something more involved where i can learn more about linux07:59
johnhi,I'm from China.07:59
bobweaveryou can add kde to ubunut08:00
bobweaveryou can add kde to ubuntu08:00
llutz_wd40s: that depends on YOU not on the distro you use08:00
dunbaryou can learn a lot on ubuntu08:00
HackNewtonwd40s, distro dont come in way while learning linux08:00
vikapiwd40s, wat exactly r u expecting from a linux distro..08:00
VotingYankDownUnder: Please see http://paste.ubuntu.com/646289/    gparted still does not have this new device in the menu.08:00
YankDownUnderDebian Squeeze? Gentoo? Arch? Slackware?08:00
vikapiwd40s: almost all linux distro be it debian or redhat or arch or slack are similar..not same though08:00
ikoniachaps - other distros are not this channels problem/concern, maybe take this to #ubuntu-offtopic08:01
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KeLv_MaNuif you want to learn more about how linux works, use arch or gentoo08:01
bobweaverikonia: +108:01
llutz_Voting: use "parted". "sudo parted /dev/sdb" then "mklabel gpt" "mkpart primary 0 3001G" "quit" then "sudo mkfs.ext4 -m0 /dev/sdb1"08:01
kutumbabaHey guyz08:01
YankDownUnderVoting, As llutz_ suggested, try running "parted" - not gParted - on this drive. If it's not installed (should be) then install it...08:01
wd40si was thinking about trying out arch but ive heard there can be security issues since they dont sign their packages08:02
kutumbabaWhere can i get fancy shmancy login splash screen?08:02
ikoniawd40s: then you need to do more research as that you are saying has no relevence, however I suggest you take this to #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to chat more08:02
john_rambo Hi, if upgrade to Ubuntu 11.10 now, will the wine PPA work ?08:03
Lasersjohn_rambo: PPA will be disabled if I remember it correctly.08:03
ikoniajohn_rambo: 11.10 is not supported at all, so it's not something we suggest08:03
Carnage__Hey guys. Starting this morning, I've been having serious issues with my (K)ubuntu 11.04. Several programs do not start anymore, clicking the K-Menu butto does not work anymore, etc. For example, Firefox does not start anymore. When I start it with strace, I see that its last action is to try to read from a socket in /tmp/.ICE-unix and there it hangs08:03
rwwjohn_rambo: If you upgrade to Ubuntu oneiric now, your computer will burst into flames and then eat your cat. It is not stable at all, and the Wine PPA will be the least of your problems.08:03
Votingllutz_ and YankDownUnder: thanks! OK, will try. Sorry I'm so slow/dumb about these things. I do them **so** rarely.08:03
Carnage__Since I also got a few messages that programs cannot connect to localhost, I assumed it to be a network problem. However, I can ping localhost and also remote URLs...08:03
* YankDownUnder thinks that having yer distro eat your cat is worse than things bursting into flames08:04
john_ramboLasers, ikonia rww Okay ..... I will wait then08:04
kutumbabaPlease don't remove synaptic from 11.10 coz i depend on it heavily..08:05
Lucawhen I try to extract a file it gives Child returned status 208:05
HackNewtonCarnage__, if you have firewall enable try to view into its log if localhost had been blocked08:05
Lucatar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now08:05
YankDownUnderVoting, Patience is a virtue...taking time to learn something is always a good effort, not a waste.08:05
Carnage__HackNewton: I did not enable one actively, but it could be that it is running by default. Where would I check?08:06
rwwkutumbaba: please feel free to install it, then. packages taken out of the default install do not disappear, they're still in the repositories.08:06
Laserskutumbaba: You could always install it back afterward.08:06
HackNewtonCarnage__, there is default firwall you can find in System Setting08:06
kz3Lasers:  can you help me install this theme http://tinyurl.com/6xh5mad ?08:06
Lucawhen I try to extract a file it gives Child returned status 2  tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now I am on SSH (server)08:06
Votingllutz_: after I typed "mkpart primary 0 3001G" it says:  "Warning: The resulting partition is not properly aligned for best performance.08:06
VotingIgnore/Cancel?" what should I do?08:06
Laserskz3: rahul?08:07
VotingYankDownUnder: thanks for the encouragement. should I cancel?08:07
llutz_Voting: read google about "partition alignment". sorry can't help you with that, i never had to do that08:07
kutumbabaI don't have fast and reliable inet connecshun to use software center. Instead i try to resolve the dependencies manually and install them from local disk08:07
kz3Lasers : yes, actually I Just registered on freenode , so I chose a new username, I hope its okay08:08
YankDownUnderVoting, No...just hang on a tick...08:08
Carnage__HackNewton: I cannot access the KMenu (as well as System Settings)08:08
VotingYankDownUnder: hanging!08:08
Laserskz3: That's for Gnome3, I think. You, on other hands, are using Unity.08:08
kz3Lasers : I am not using unity anymore08:08
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YankDownUnderVoting, Choose "ignore" and continue the process laid out by llutz_  => once that is done, you can "check" the partition afterwards.08:08
VotingYankDownUnder: thanks! will do...08:09
Laserskz3: Well, try and plop it in ~/.themes08:09
kz3Lasers : thats it??08:10
Votingllutz_: its writing the inode tables.08:11
tylwhere is php located?08:11
Laserskz3: Either that or launch Appearances, drag the file to that window.08:11
YankDownUnderkz3, Remember, plopping is hard to do, mate.08:11
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
llutz_!info parted08:11
ubottuparted (source: parted): The GNU Parted disk partition resizing program. In component main, is standard. Version 2.3-5ubuntu5 (natty), package size 50 kB, installed size 200 kB08:11
kz3Lasers : thanks man08:11
Lasers!php | tyl08:11
ubottutyl: PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. A command-line only version can be installed in Ubuntu with the "php5-cli" package. See also !lamp for integrated server PHP. The Ubuntu server PHP5 guide is found at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/php5.html08:11
tyli need to run this command08:11
Laserstyl: "sudo dpkg -L $PACKAGE_NAME"08:12
joobiehey guys.. anyone know how to make the 'date' command output 1 or 2 alternatively, based on the week it is in? so for example week1 of the year output 1, week 2 output 2, week 3 output 1, etc..08:12
tylin mac osx i do this08:12
llutz_hmpf, parte-faq says parted should align partitions automagically since 1.7...08:12
tylApplications/MAMP/bin/php5.2/bin/php push.php development08:12
cychello, I've got a bunch of packages marked as "ri" in "dpk -l" output.  Packages seem to be installed fine, but what does that "r" mean?08:12
Lasersjoobie: Make a script, me think.08:12
tyli need to know where bin/php is located on ubuntu08:12
llutz_tyl: "which php"   if empty, sudo apt-get install php5-cli08:13
llutz_tyl: /usr/bin/php   most likely08:13
tylllutz_: i already have installed php08:13
kz3Lasers : its a .7z file and its giving an error when I am try to drag it into "Appearence"08:14
llutz_tyl: the -cli package aswell?08:14
kutumbabatyl: type where php08:14
Laserskz3: Uncompress it. Un7z the file.08:14
llutz_!info php5-cli08:14
ubottuphp5-cli (source: php5): command-line interpreter for the php5 scripting language. In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.5-1ubuntu7.2 (natty), package size 2876 kB, installed size 7632 kB08:14
kz3Lasers : you know any program which can unzip it?08:14
Laserskz3: Search for 7z in the repo. I'm sure you'll find it.08:15
tylin ubuntu's terminal bash what does green and teal files mean?08:15
kz3Lasers : you mean software centre?08:15
Laserskz3: I think so.08:15
kz3Lasers : sorry man but I am a noob08:15
Da|Mummyhow do i figure out if a usb device ive got plugged in is usb1.1 or usb2?08:16
Laserskz3: I said I think so (because I don't use Software Center myself so I'm not quite sure).08:16
lonixLasers: its in software center08:16
tylllutz_: yes cli is installed08:16
YankDownUnderkz3, You're only a n00b until you learn something. Then you're "an educated n00b"08:16
Laserslonix: Cool. Thank you. :)08:16
kz3Lasers : I am installing a software which can uncompress the 7z08:17
tylkutumbaba: i can't run where as a command says not found08:17
llutz_tyl: "which php"08:17
VotingYankDownUnder and/or llutz_ what do I do when the thing is done writing inodes and completes? its only up to 5k of the 22k it needs... (and When people type stuff like " !info php5-cli " what DB is the bot using to answer these questions? Where do I read about this cool bot and what it can do for me?)08:17
kz3 YankDownUnder : very true08:17
lonixkz3: from software center ?08:17
tylwhich php08:17
tylopps that was suppose to go into terminal08:17
kz3lonix : ??08:17
llutz_tyl: that is a command08:17
llutz_!bot | Voting08:17
ubottuVoting: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots08:17
kutumbabaOof sorry mah bad08:17
YankDownUnderVoting, Ya wait until it's finished writing out the inodes my friend...it's a large drive...might take a while dude...08:18
Votingllutz_: you are most helpful!08:18
lonixkz3: did you search for 7z in software center ?08:18
LasersVoting: More than an hour, I'd imagine! :)08:18
VotingYankDownUnder: I might fall asleep. I tis 4:18 in NYC.08:18
kz3lonix : yes08:19
lonixkz3: good then it will work niceliy08:19
YankDownUnderVoting, NO ONE sleeps in NYC mate...you must be from Jersey. ;)08:19
nmaxchathello. I have a question. First of all, please understand I am NOT a techie and that many technical answers are over my head. I want to know if upgrading from Lucid Lynx 10.04 to 10.11 would solve a number of bugs I get on 10.04. I don't hink I want to upgrade to 11.04 as I read it remains unstable compared to win 708:19
VotingYankDownUnder: well, don't sleep much...08:19
kz3lonix : its working nicely08:20
VotingYankDownUnder: but, just in case you guys are not around when it DOES finish...08:20
lonixnmaxchat: First of all, there is noe version called 10.11 its 10.10, what bugs are you experiencing08:20
Votingwhat do I do next?08:20
Lasersnmaxchat: If you're NOT a techie as you so claim, you might want to stay on 10.04 LTS. Will it solve a number of bugs? Yes -- but is it your bugs? We don't know.08:20
Votingllutz_: What do you THINK I will need to do to finish the rest of the work, post creating inodes?08:21
tylthanks guys it looks like its working08:21
lonixkz3: good08:22
llutz_Voting: just use the drive?08:22
alazare619the 10.04 i855 problem is really a nussance its kinda annoying...they really need to do something about i855 intel chip drivers in ubuntu...08:22
nmaxchatlonix, First I have not been able to print recently w/my HP 1018. Then When I log in, after the log in screen I get a window: A program is still running Power manager and my mouse does not work. Thirdly, half the time my shutdown button is greyed out.08:22
Votingllutz_: Oh, that's it? It should auto-mount when I stick it into an ubuntu machine?08:22
Rousehow to develop the qt skills ?08:23
iszakDoes anyone recommend a web based snmp client?08:23
llutz_Voting: it should, it might have permission problems as it holds an unix-fs. "sudo chown -R you:you /media/blah" afte rmounting,  if you want YOU to have full access08:23
nmaxchatLasers, I had been happy w/ Linux but I still find it lacks some features I want that may be in a more recent version.08:24
crackerjackzsay i ssh into a another computer.. isn't there a way to get the program to render on my screen instead?08:25
llutz_crackerjackz:use ssh -X08:26
Lasersnmaxchat: Such as?08:26
crackerjackzllutz, ssh -X username@domain?08:26
llutz_crackerjackz: right08:26
Lasersssh -Y?08:26
crackerjackzllutz, ty :)08:26
Lasersnmaxchat: Well -- If you don't mind occasional bugs and glitches, the experiences on 10.04 and 10.10 is pretty similar with several changes. However, 11.04 is the whole different ballpark.08:27
nmaxchatLasers, I did read that it was not super stable08:28
llutz_crackerjackz: btw it's user@host  not @domain </nitpick> ;)08:28
crackerjackzllutz, i'll make a mental note of that ty..08:28
Lasersnmaxchat: It's up to you. It varies for every person (and their machines!)08:28
kutumbabaWhere can I find good ol' QDesign Music decoder? Btw the upcoming ubuntu really needs a better player than banshee. Just sayin08:28
Kidlike_does anyone here know about kernel messages ?08:28
nmaxchatLasers, I dont like MS, but I need a stable system. My PC is my "wheelchair" fir my ADHD08:28
kz3can I uninstall unity from ubuntu 11.04?08:28
Da|Mummyhow do i figure out if a usb device ive got plugged in is usb1.1 or usb2?08:29
llutz_kz3: just don't use it08:29
crackerjackzllutz, can you make any sense of this http://pastebin.com/MczbAEEk08:29
rww!classic | kz308:29
ubottukz3: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".08:29
nmaxchatLasers, IF I upgrade to 11.04, would it solve my bugs which I posted earlier ?08:29
Rousetell me some c++ channels08:29
gry2http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6973850&postcount=4 worked. What is the nature of the problem?08:30
gry2Rouse: ##C++08:30
llutz_crackerjackz: sudo won't work with ssh -X, use "sux"08:30
ikoniaRouse: freenode.net lists channels08:30
gry2Rouse: /msg alis help list08:30
llutz_crackerjackz: not sure, "ssh -Y " as Lasers mentioned, might help in that case08:31
blivoriIs it possible to make a folder on a server running ubuntu read only? (a user accessing the system cannot copy,move or delete a file)08:31
gry2blivori: hi08:31
gry2!permissions | blivori08:31
ubottublivori: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions08:31
Kidlike_does anyone know a good room for linux administration ?08:31
ikoniablivori: sure make it owned by root and set the permissions to read only access08:31
gry2Kidlike_, here too08:31
blivorigry2: Yes but I only want the users accessing the servers to read-only08:31
ikoniaKidlike_: freenode.net - read the channel list08:31
Votingllutz_: If it does not auto mount, I can use the mount command I suppose? (mount *Always* confuses me...)08:31
Kidlike_well I could ask here too.. but I think it's a bit hardcore :)08:32
ikoniaKidlike_: are you using ubuntu ?08:32
Kidlike_no :/08:32
llutz_Voting: yes, "sudo mkdir /media/bigdrive && sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/bigdrive"08:32
ikoniaKidlike_: ok - then it's no place in this channel08:32
blivoriubottu: It's an intranet server running ubuntu - Employees need to read PDF files but I need to restrict usage.. as in I don't want them to copy the files to their own PC, delete them or move them but they can read them and open them08:32
ubottublivori: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:32
llutz_Voting: "mkdir" only needed once to create the mountpoint08:32
blivorigry2: It's an intranet server running ubuntu - Employees need to read PDF files but I need to restrict usage.. as in I don't want them to copy the files to their own PC, delete them or move them but they can read them and open them08:33
ikoniablivori: you can't stop them copying it to their PC as that is read access08:33
gry2blivori: Permissions can do that08:33
blivoriikonia: Any solution on how to solve the problem then? lol08:33
blivorigry2:  is there any way in linux on how to do it?08:33
llutz_gry2: permissions CAN'T do that08:33
ikoniawell I'm keen to hear what gry2 solution is08:33
ikoniaapparntly permissions can do it,08:34
blivorigry2:  how?08:34
Votingllutz_: THANKS!! YankDownUnder: THANKS!!!08:34
gry2blivori, I'm just chmod and chown it like you need, the permissions page explains how to do that08:34
blivoriok i will give them a look. thanks08:34
ikoniagry2: how will that stop them copying it to their own PC08:35
YankDownUnderVoting, Um...did it work?08:35
ikoniablivori: that won't stop them copying it to their own PC08:35
kz3can I use metacity themes on ubuntu 11.04?08:35
gry2ikonia: it won't, they'd be able to edit the files, adobe pdf technology has ways to make files read only then08:35
crackerjackzllutz_, this is with ssh -Y http://pastebin.com/4zCr9qV008:35
YankDownUnderkz3, 11.04 doesn't use Metacity08:35
blivoriikonia: I know.. I had already looked into permissions but they can still copy them08:35
ikoniablivori: you won't be able to do what you want with raw permissions08:36
kz3 YankDownUnder : cant I install it?08:36
YankDownUnderkz3, Short answer: No.08:36
blivoriikonia: any idea on how to do it then?08:36
ikoniablivori: gry2 was wrong, hence why he's just quit08:36
rubyyhey bros,  i have installed kubuntu.  and on first boot. it crashed (gets held with a black screen)  .. it happens before the big K icon is loaded. help ?08:36
YankDownUnderkz3, Wait - sorry - you're running "Classic Desktop", right?08:36
wildbatblivori: when i can read it i can copy it `08:36
ikoniablivori: that's really tricky, I'm thinking some group policy on the clients side (assuming the clients are windows) but I honestly don't know08:36
blivoriikonia: ok thanks08:37
blivoriwildbat: I know.. that's why I'm looking for help :P08:37
YankDownUnderkz3, Mate, so sorry - yeah, cuz that's Gnome2 - so yes, you can use Metacity themes (put them in your ~/.themes directory)08:37
kz3where will i find that directory?08:37
blivoriikonia: maybe some kind of linux firewall on the server side could do that? like restrict uploading of files?08:38
llutz_crackerjackz: just don't use GUI-stuff :)  sux is not a sudo-replacement, its a "su" which sets x-env correct. so you have to "sudo sux" on the remote host08:38
ikoniablivori: nah, that's not going to do anything, it will have to be a client side policy/restriction08:38
YankDownUnderkz3, It's in your "Home" directory => if you don't see it, you can set Nautilus to see "hidden files and folders"08:39
YankDownUnderkz3, ...and if you don't have it, you can create it.08:39
kutumbabaOk I'm leavin. Buhbye all.08:39
blivoriikonia: hmmm.. ok thanks08:39
* rubyy waits for help\08:39
crackerjackzllutz, yah but what if i want to use GUI stuff?08:40
llutz_crackerjackz: try the second part of my last line08:40
fabzor3i am having trouble with r1q2 in ubuntu08:41
fabzor3it says /dev/dsp cannot restart08:41
crackerjackzllutz, run sudo sux from the ssh session or physically go to the host computer and run sudo sux?08:41
ikoniarubyy: can you please wait quietly08:41
llutz_crackerjackz: from ssh session08:41
VotingYankDownUnder: just finished making iNodes!08:41
YankDownUnderVoting, Right oh. Go get a bagel and smile.08:42
crackerjackzllutz_, i get the same error08:42
llutz_crackerjackz: no idea then, sorry08:42
rubyyikonia if you say please. sure08:42
fabzor3/dev/dsp: Bad file descriptor08:42
fabzor3Could not reset /dev/dsp08:42
fabzor3 <-- what does this mean?08:42
crackerjackzllutz_, does sux have to be on both computers?08:42
llutz_crackerjackz: nope08:42
VotingYankDownUnder: cut the antisemitic humor :-) and tell me about that "checking to see if the alignment is correct" thing, please? Is that the next thing I should do?08:43
YankDownUnderVoting, Wasn't a joke my friend - I've spent heaps time in NYC years ago...heaps...meanwhile, if you run gparted on that drive you should be able to check for errors (if there really are any)08:44
VotingYankDownUnder: avoiding wheat myself... brb08:45
YankDownUnderVoting,  ;)08:45
fabzor3yeah palimest is a cool app YankDownUnder08:45
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fabzor3or palimsest or whatever its called08:46
VotingYankDownUnder: Still don't see "/dev/sdb" in gparted's menu of devices.08:47
YankDownUnderVoting, Ok...so the drive has been formatted...and we're sure of that now...so, what you might do is to remove the drive, wait a few seconds, then plug it in and see 1.) does it show up on the desktop and 2.) can gParted see it.....?08:48
YankDownUnderfabzor3, Um...is it about the Archimedes "Palimpsest"?08:53
fabzor3its the name for the gnome disk tool in the command line08:53
VotingYankDownUnder: it does not seem to automount and no, gparted does not seem to see it. Should I try llutz_ suggstion of creating a mount point and mounting it?08:54
YankDownUnderfabzor3, Oh, right oh...thought it was a referral to the document that they've been "de-coding" for years from Archimedes... ;)08:54
YankDownUnderVoting, That's always a good go. (Try just creating a dir under /media, and mounting it there)08:55
JoAnneThraxHi, #ubuntuans.  I just installed a new ubuntu system on this box, and everything seems smashing except that my computer seems confused about the size of my monitor.08:55
bobweaveranyone know hoe to make the desktop widget come back the one that is there right after install on kubunntu 10.1008:55
JoAnneThraxEverything displayed is a bit too stretched horizontally/squeezed vertically...08:55
NephroJoAnneThrax, laptop?08:55
JoAnneThraxNephro: Yes.08:55
NephroJoAnneThrax, sandy bridge architecture?08:55
wolf9sWhat is the different between Process and Thread in Linux?08:55
JoAnneThraxNephro: I don't know what that means...08:56
NephroJoAnneThrax, is your laptop very new and carries an intel i5 processor on it?08:56
YankDownUnder"Sandy Bridge" is an architecture for graphics on the motherboard.08:56
JoAnneThraxNephro: Not "very" new...it's a year or two old.08:57
JoAnneThraxI'm unsure what the processor is...08:57
YankDownUnderJoAnneThrax, Have you tried beating it with a stick yet? (Joking) => you might want to check for the proper video driver.08:58
NephroThe newest ubuntu is pretty smart I must admit, only this os was capable of identifying and properly running drivers for my sandy bridge, so I think it should work with anything older08:59
JoAnneThraxYankDownUnder: So...how do I go about that?09:00
soulis77-SEWhen I as root creates an user with adduser xxxxx     does that user get root priviliges by default?09:01
Myrttisoulis77-SE: no09:01
llutz_soulis77-SE: no09:01
YankDownUnderJoAnneThrax, I'm not happy nor familiar with 11.04, so you might want to look somewhere in the System Settings for "Hardware Drivers" => see if the proper video driver is installed mate.09:01
soulis77-SEI have created an acount, I could log on to the account but then I did: PermitRootLogin No in sshd_config and now I can't even access the ssh prompt.09:02
soulis77-SETo me that don't seem right.09:02
Votingllutz_: was able to mount it, make myself the owner of all the files, etc. now I can create files on this thing. gparted STILL does not seem to see it. No idea of I have allignment problems.09:03
JoAnneThraxYankDownUnder: I'm not using 11.04; I'm using 10.04.209:03
JoAnneThraxYankDownUnder: Also, I'm not familiar with this "system settings" thing09:04
m0nJoAnneThrax, try using Jockey to see if there's proprietary drivers for it. If not you can try using xorg-edgers open source drivers09:04
llutz_Voting: "alignment" is just a performance thingy. i don't know gparted, can't ssay why i won't see the drive. i'd just stick with other tools09:04
YankDownUnderJoAnneThrax, Awesome. Right. Then click SYSTEM => ADMINISTRATION => ADDITIONAL DRIVERS09:04
JoAnneThraxm0n: Jockey?09:04
m0nSee what YankDownUnder  said ;)09:05
JoAnneThraxYankDownUnder: Awesome. Right.  I'm not using one of the standard guis.09:05
m0nAdditional Drivers is jockey.09:05
YankDownUnderJoAnneThrax, Roger that.09:05
rsvan app checks for ubuntu 10.04. how to make it believe that it is running in 10.04. if my actual installation is 10.1009:05
JoAnneThrax...so I'm looking for the usual command-line/editing a file type thing...09:06
m0nJoAnneThrax, easier method if you want to run it via cli type in jockey-gtk09:06
YankDownUnderJoAnneThrax, (or jockey-text)09:06
JoAnneThraxIt's very strange; It's never had this problem before in my previous installation, but that was jaunty/karmic09:06
JoAnneThraxOkay.  Installing that.09:07
soulis77-SESo can anyone think of what is wrong? Everything is done with ssh since it is a remote host. I logged in as root. Created a new account, without root priviliges. I tested that account, and I could login. I could do su - and change to root.  Then I edited sshd_config and put PermitRootLogin No and did a restart. Now I can't even access the ssh prompt.09:07
telxti got a problem09:07
YankDownUndertelxt, We all have problems.09:07
telxtmy ubuntu is running a sshd09:08
telxtbut i never started it09:08
telxtor configured it09:08
llutz_soulis77-SE: sshd runs fine after restarting it?09:08
llutz_telxt: sudo apt-get purge openssh-server09:08
soulis77-SEllutz: don't know since I can't access server...09:08
llutz_soulis77-SE:" nmap -p 22 servers-ip"09:09
JoAnneThraxYankDownUnder and m0n : groovy...it's downloading a driver.  I'll let you know if it works...  Thanks!09:09
YankDownUnderJoAnneThrax, Does that mean you're buying the beer?09:09
m0nJoAnneThrax, no worries :)09:09
JoAnneThraxYankDownUnder: The virtual beer, sure.09:09
m0nif only my problem was that easy to fix! LOL09:10
* JoAnneThrax doesn't use the legal drugs herself.09:10
YankDownUnderJoAnneThrax, Roger that.09:10
telxtllutz_ : it vanished thx alot09:10
YankDownUnderm0n, hehehhehe...yeah...I need to find out where to bury the body! hehehhehehehehe (nah, me missus is great)09:10
h2killthere some chinese?09:10
JoAnneThraxI could go for some chinese.09:10
m0nYankDownUnder, mate there's plenty of "backyard" just find a spot ;)09:10
JoAnneThraxUnfortunately, there're not enough good chinese places in this city...09:11
YankDownUnderm0n, ;) I've got a national forest just five minutes from me....hehehehehhee....09:11
Myrtti!offtopic | just a quick reminder09:11
ubottujust a quick reminder: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:11
telxtllutz_ : any idea how it started? iam 100% sure i never did /etc/init.d/sshd start or something similar09:11
YankDownUnderRight. Time for tea. cheerio!09:11
JoAnneThraxMyrtti: Sorry :)09:11
llutz_telxt: it runs automatically when being installed. no idea what/who pulled it into your system09:12
szal!cn | h2kill09:12
ubottuh2kill: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn /join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk09:12
soulis77-SEllutz: I only have ssh putty connection. How can I do the nmap -p 22 servers-ip command then?09:13
carpenterhi is there any  chanel linuxmint  with many users?09:13
m0nSo, i've been trying to get my bluetooth working on ubuntu 11.04. The bluetooth card is an ath-ar5b95, which is an ar9285 wireless card and a ar3011 bluetooth card in one. Works with xubuntu 11.04 but not ubuntu 11.04. Any one able to help me out?09:13
Myrttisoulis77-SE: you must know the ip address of the server if you are connecting to it09:13
soulis77-SEyes I know the ip09:14
wildgoose!mint > carpenter09:14
ubottucarpenter, please see my private message09:14
soulis77-SEbut I can't access the ssh prompt anylonger since i did the Permitroot...09:14
Myrttisoulis77-SE: nmap is to check if the ssh port is even open anymore09:15
Myrttisoulis77-SE: do you even get a password prompt when you try to log in?09:15
grollWhat are those extra "partitions" or idk, i can choose them when booting, they appeared when I had to force shut down09:15
carpenteri only want a canel link of linuxmint with many users09:15
carpentera chanel09:15
llutz_soulis77-SE: i'd "guess" you made a typo in sshd-config and it refuses to start now. try to get rescue-system running and check09:15
Myrtticarpenter: ubottu should have gave you a channel name?09:16
jemaduxi am on lucid and installed thunderbird via ppa ... the latest edition ...and the i18n not working09:16
wsagentone of my friend's laptop got stolen ... how can we find out who and where is it using now ?09:16
JoAnneThraxWhen mounting a partition in my /etc/fstab, I've got "/dev/sda4     /mnt/OtherUbuntu   ext3   <options>   0   2"...what would be appropriate for the <options> (and is "2" the appropriate <pass> entry)?  It's the partition that held/holds my previous linux installation...09:16
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carpentermyrtti no people in mint09:16
Myrtticarpenter: if there aren't any people active on the channel ubottu gave you, we don't know any other channel to give, sorry09:17
ikoniacarpenter: there are many people in and active09:17
wsagentone of my friend's laptop got stolen ... how can we find out who and where is it using now ?09:18
ikoniawsagent: you can't09:18
Myrttiwsagent: by default there isn't any way to do that09:18
llutz_!ot | wsagent ask the nsa or whoever. if theres no remote-access service running you can't09:18
ubottuwsagent ask the nsa or whoever. if theres no remote-access service running you can't: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:18
m0nJoAnneThrax, i generally tend to us noatime options for most of my fs if it's for home use. This helps reduce load on the hdd, and sometimes can help increase performance on the drive.09:19
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wamichoi have configured samba and iam getting errors couldn't find the service09:20
wamichoi have configured samba and iam getting errors couldn't find the service what does that mean09:20
m0nJoAnneThrax, particularly helpful for increasing speeds with smb sharing and raid arrays used with mdadm, but may not allow you to give info on last time accessed on files09:21
JoAnneThraxm0n: Okay...would "defaults" be a good option?09:21
wsagentis there any laptop tracking software for ubuntu, to protect my laptop from being stolen09:21
m0nJoAnneThrax, sure they would be good enough :)09:21
tobagohow to find out the names of bots of channel?09:22
Myrttitobago: of this channel or a channel in general?09:22
tobagosay i wanna know the name of the helping bots of #ubuntu?09:22
tobagoMyrtti in general09:22
Myrttitobago: there isn't a 100% sure way of finding out09:22
tobagoMyrtti is there a command i can use?09:22
Myrttitobago: no not really09:23
JoAnneThraxThanks, m0n.  Brb.09:23
Myrttitobago: other than asking the operators, and even they may not be aware of the unofficial uncommissioned bots09:23
tobagoMyrtti o.k. what do you try to find the helpings bots of # when you're new to it?09:23
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Myrttitobago: me? I'm usually, by default annoyed by IRC bots, so I don't bother :-D09:24
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tobagoMyrtti o.k.09:27
JoAnneThraxm0n and YankDownUnder: The new driver worked.  Gracias.09:28
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brahmanaHi all09:30
mehmeh2i'm on lucid, is there any way i could install natty repos? i have tried to replace one line from lucid to natty and i don't get new versions after update09:30
brahmanaI am trying to cerate a bootable USB drive09:30
brahmanaI created it by following the steps give here : http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download09:31
telxtis there a possibility that sshd is installed when i run "apt-get install ssh"?09:31
brahmanaHowever when I try to boot from it, I get a message "Boot Error"09:31
llutz_telxt: yes, ssh is a meta package to get client+server09:31
brahmanaThis is Lucid 10.04.1 i386 desktop image09:31
brahmanaWhat is the problem and how can I rectify that?09:31
llutz_telxt: look at "apt-cache depends ssh"09:31
brahmanaThe 2GB USB drive was clean before I started the creation of bootable disk09:32
ChristianAdamskiHi, Ubuntu 11.04, Gnome 2x: new Windows opened by applications (new Firefox Windows, or Pidgin Chatwindows etc.) open not-focused, but in front of all other windows. This kind of impractically. Can I modify this behavior?09:33
telxtllutz_: k found the bad guy, itse me... thanks again09:33
mehmeh2why does my debinstaller crash after i manual try to open a file for a newer ubuntu version? this really sucks09:33
mehmeh2wtf's wrong with this system09:33
mehmeh2LTS my ass09:33
llutz_telxt: could have been worse :)09:33
Myrttimehmeh2: getting stuff from natty to lucid is a Bad Idea™09:33
ikoniaMyrtti: control the langauge please09:33
ikoniaMyrtti: ahhh, sorry09:34
Myrttimehmeh2: you're bound to get stuff broken09:34
mehmeh2i need new packages09:34
ikoniamehmeh2: control the language please.09:34
mehmeh2then i should fucking get back to debian09:34
FloodBot1mehmeh2: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:34
brahmanaAny suggestions on the bootable USB drive questions?09:36
ChristianAdamskibrahmana: are you actually sure, that you are booting from the stick?09:40
brahmanaChristianAdamski: Yes.09:40
ChristianAdamskiAnd you are not using a 64bit version on a 32bit system?09:41
brahmanaNo. it is a i386 image and it is a 32-bit system09:41
ChristianAdamskiDo you have any other system in reach? Could you try to boot the USB there? Just booting doesn't modify anything, so its safe09:42
brahmanaOk, let me try that on another laptop.09:43
SuperLagI'm looking at the "Character Map" to find the euro symbol, and I'm not sure where to find it.09:43
brahmanaGive me a minute. I am recreating the bootable USB drive09:43
SuperLagor is there some keyboard shortcut I can use for the euro symbol?09:43
ChristianAdamskiSuperLag, with a european keyboard layout, try AltGr + E09:44
ChristianAdamski€ <- see :)09:44
SuperLagChristianAdamski: I'm using the US layout. How can I do the Euro symbol with my current layout?09:45
ChristianAdamskiSuperLag: although, with all the stupid things politicians are doing right now, it might not be worth the effort, to learn € now, might be historical soon09:45
brahmanaChristianAdamski: lolz...09:46
ChristianAdamskiSuperLag: no clue, sorry09:46
tylwhere is phpmyadmin located in ubuntu i did which phpmyadmin but it doesn't show up09:46
ChristianAdamskityl: phpmyadmin should be available cia http://localhost/phpmyadmin09:46
tylno inside the filesystem09:46
tylnot from the outside09:46
ChristianAdamskityl: the actual files are somewhere in /usr/ I think09:47
SuperLagsudo find / -name phpmyadmin09:47
sirfilipworktyl open /etc/apache/sites-available09:47
ChristianAdamskityl: look through the apache2 config (assuming your using apache) there is a link somewhere09:47
brahmanatyl: I believe it would be under the web-server's public folder, no?09:47
Chakravantiyour computer is a WMD09:47
tylnvm found it09:47
tyletc foler09:47
ChristianAdamskityl: FYI: etc/ conatins the config files of phpmyadmin only09:49
tyli actually wanted that i need to change the time out09:49
JoAnneThraxHi...my ubuntu seems to have lost its DNS server...can someone please remind me what to edit (and what to put there) to fix this?09:50
JoAnneThraxIt happens periodically, on rare occasions.  I know not why.  Usually I just edit a particular file with an address or two (which I can't remember) for DNS servers that lets me resume browsing and such without rebooting everything...09:51
llutz_JoAnneThrax: /etc/resolv.conf but it will be overwritten by dhcp or other processes09:52
intlkleinblueHello everyone, does anyone know a way to sync Google Reader RSS feeds with Evolution's RSS plugin?09:53
JoAnneThraxllutz: Groovy...can you suggest an entry?09:53
llutz_JoAnneThrax: if you like google, nameserver
soulis77-SEOk I now know what is the problem. I have Parallels Power Panel installed and it messes up my changes. Anyone know a url with info of what the parallells messes up? or how to see it? The parallells site is not that good. I use ubuntu 10.0409:53
susuna77hi all, I'm looking for a gui  application, that can index file names on my filessystem, so I can search for filename faster. I used to use Locate32 on windows, is there something similar for linux ?09:54
JoAnneThraxllee: I've no particular love of google, but I'd consider using their nameserver...09:54
JoAnneThraxllutz: er...that was at you.09:55
JoAnneThraxllutz: any idea why the previously selected nameserver craps out once in a while?09:55
llutz_JoAnneThrax: broken dhcp-requests?09:56
ChristianAdamskisusuna77: If I click on "places", the second option from the bottom is (german for) "Search for files..."09:57
brahmanaChristianAdamski: The bootable USB worked on another laptop.09:58
susuna77ChristianAdamski: I don't want to search entire filesystem everythime, i have 300k file, it takes ages. I want a proggy to index filenames on filesystem, so i can search faster09:58
JoAnneThraxllutz: I suppose that's possible...09:58
brahmanaChristianAdamski: The one on which I get "Boot Error" is a pretty old one. How do I figure out what is causing it?09:58
ChristianAdamskisusuna77: I think the programm you are looking for is called "tracker"09:59
Drake|hey I have some problems getting flash player to work. running ubuntu 11.0410:00
Drake|doesnt work in eighter ff or chrome10:00
ChristianAdamskibrahmana: Could you try booting from a CD-R? Just to see if that is crashing too? Just "boot error" is not that helpful10:00
susuna77ChristianAdamski: thanks, checking out10:00
brahmanaChristianAdamski: I have an old Ubuntu CD which boots up fine until the menu for install or live start comes. After that it fails with kernel panic (blinking caps-lock)10:01
aumhow can i install ubuntu in usb flash device,10:02
brahmanaChristianAdamski: The scenario is that, the machine was dual boot with XP and Ubuntu. I accidentally deleted the Ubuntu partition and now grub in the MBR does not know what to boot and throws me in the rescue shell.10:02
brahmanaChristianAdamski: Since the live is CD is not good (Disck Check shows some 21 errors) I am trying the USB approach.10:03
brahmanaaum: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick#Installing%20Ubuntu%20directly%20on%20a%20USB%20flash%20drive10:04
ChristianAdamskibrahmana: did you try to install ubuntu from Windows? I'm a little bit lost here, but doens't Ubuntu somehow support that? Could you try to boot up WinXP and insert the latest Ubuntu disc and see what it offers?10:04
ChristianAdamskiDrake|: 64bit Ubuntu?10:04
brahmanaChristianAdamski: Problem is I am unable to boot Windows either. The moment I turn on my computer grub loads and throws me in a rescue shell.. !!10:05
HektoRHello guys. I'm usingi ubuntu 11.04. i've added second monitor to my PC and i want to make them separated. i have nvidia video card and using this config http://paste.ubuntu.com/646368/  but after i log in to system, window manager doesn't start. can anyone help me ?10:05
philluminatiwhat's aptitudes version of "provides" as in, what packages provides a given executable please?10:06
ChristianAdamskiDrake|: there is a 64bit Beta of Flash out for just a few days. You can download that and put it to ~/.mozilla/plugins10:06
SuperLagDo any of you use Fastmail for hosting your email?10:06
Drake|ChristianAdamski: ty I will try that10:06
SwedeMikeChristianAdamski: it's not even beta, it's actually a real release: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashplayer.html10:06
ChristianAdamskibrahmana: Sorry, no clue, maybe "I think he's dead, Jim!" :-)10:07
grollWhat are those extra "partitions" or idk, i can choose them when booting, they appeared when I had to force shut down ?10:08
saikathi , can anybody tell me how to configure samba in Ubuntu 11.04 ?10:09
philluminatiI want to uninstall /bin/plymouth-upstart-bridge. how do I do this please?10:09
samba_saikat, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba10:10
Myrttigroll: can you describe what you are seeing?10:10
Myrttigroll: are you in grub? seeing different options that say 2.6.xx and some say (rescue mode)?10:10
philluminatiWhat the f*** does this even mean? http://pastebin.com/psjzPC9F10:12
ikoniaphilluminati: control the language please.10:12
ikoniaphilluminati: if you have to star it out, don't use it10:12
oscari need help with my wireless card can someone point me in the right direction?10:15
Drake|ChristianAdamski: I finally got it to work. Installed flash plugin trough Synaptic. I have tried that "beta" before with no luck.10:15
kz3can anyone help me to copy songs into my ipod touch 4G10:16
ChristianAdamskiDrake|: consider yourself a lvl-2 Ubuntu crack now :)10:16
Drake|wooop woop10:16
tiresiashello all10:17
Drake|well i have used synaptic before.. just forgot it after software center came10:17
kz3can anyone help me to copy songs into my ipod touch 4G10:17
tiresiasi'd like to mount my hard disk when using the live cd10:17
szal!repeat | kz310:18
ubottukz3: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:18
Drake|tiresias: well its not that hard. open terminal and do a "sudo fdisk -l" and you should get a list of disks connected to your susten10:18
Drake|tiresias: or have u checked if it shows up in the file explorer?10:19
tiresiasDrake|, arf, i was using cat /etc/fstab but the dd doesn't appear  thx ;)10:19
Drake|no u have to add it to fstab first ;)10:19
philluminatidoes anyone think it's safe to just delete plymouth-upstart-bridge. it hangs on my machine and if it didn't exist...10:22
CyborgSmurfIs there any flashprogram for ubuntu?10:36
a111the flash player for your browser cy?10:37
CyborgSmurfa111: I mean where to create flash stuff10:37
a111Oh, not that i know of10:37
MyrttiCyborgSmurf: no GUI apps, Flex is your best bet10:38
sirfilipworkCyborgSmurf: there was a flexbuilder for linux not sure if its live any more10:38
kkkHello world10:38
=== Croharin is now known as Dj-Scorafix
CyborgSmurfMyrtti: If I dont use it in a GUI, is it straightly command line?10:39
dydwhen i'm coding in bluefish if i type words with è or à they are shown wrong with strange signs... how can i fix this?10:39
CyborgSmurfsirfilipwork: okay, I will check it out10:39
MyrttiCyborgSmurf: not commandline, but 'coding' with text editor10:40
CyborgSmurfMyrtti: I see... thanks, I will search a bit10:41
wyllj #oficina10:42
ratcwhen I zip a directory using the standard uibuntu compres util, and I unzip it again, all permission are changed, and I cannot read the file anymore. THe problem is when i try to set the permission back to normal, it won't work. anybody know why?10:48
ratcthis happens to directory's only, not to files10:48
ikoniaguignant: can we help ?10:52
joseph_no I discover the site10:52
guignanti dont speak10:52
ikonia!es | guignant10:53
ubottuguignant: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.10:53
joseph_only spanish ?10:53
joseph_de donde estas ?10:53
guignantsoy de buenos aires argentina10:53
guignanttu de donde eresss10:54
MyrttiEnglish please10:54
ikonia!ar | guignant10:54
ubottuguignant: La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe10:54
guignantlike my surmane10:54
gurkeewill the update from 11.04 to the next LTS be supported?10:55
joseph_have a nice day bye !10:55
SwedeMikegurkee: via 11.10, probably.10:55
Myrttigurkee: next version from 11.04 isn't an LTS, so direct update wont be supported10:55
boairchi guys10:55
SwedeMikegurkee: it's always been that you can't skip releases when upgrading, unless it's from one LTS to another LTS.10:55
boaircanyone knows if it is possible to setup 2 video cards and 3 monitors in Ubuntu 11? NOT with xinerama because that produces huge CPU usage, video artifacts and poor performance.10:56
gurkeeMyrtti and SwedeMike: so when now changing distributions with the aim of using the next ubuntu desktop LTS.. would you now start using 10.04 LTS?10:57
SwedeMikegurkee: why do you want to only use LTS releases?10:57
Myrttigurkee: hard to day without knowing why you've decided to go for 11.04 in the first place if your aim was LTS10:57
SwedeMikegurkee: if you want stability and 10.04 LTS works on your HW, I'd go for 10.04 right now, yes.10:57
monsterwizardfor some reason everything has gotten smaller in pidgin10:58
gurkeeSwedeMike: we are a scientific working group and I think we do not want to have a major upgrade every few months10:58
brightsitesHow do I do this in ubuntu 'Reconfigure SELinux to allow the httpd process to connect via the port specified by the email server.'?10:58
gurkeeMyrtti: I did not chose 11.04 so far :) I was just wondering what to implement _now_ with the aim to use the next LTS10:58
Myrttigurkee: then go for 10.0410:59
DERMANNgurkee ?10:59
gurkeeDERMANN, yes? :)10:59
DERMANNwhats your question :-910:59
gurkeeDERMANN, sorry? what is not clear to you?11:00
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DERMANNi do not read it because i was away11:00
DERMANNwhats your problem with ubuntu 11.04 ?11:00
gurkeeDERMANN: no problem :)11:00
CrazieShtuffhey folks11:00
saturn6962Hi all, can anyone help me with a command to see what wireless drivers I have loaded currently?11:01
gurkeeMyrtti and SwedeMike: thanks so far.. I am not Ubuntu-experienced so far and we will switch from SLES/D. Are modern Firefox and Thunderbird versions supported in 10.04 and is Acrobat reader (+ browser plugin) and Flash running smoothly?11:03
psypher246hello all. Does anyone know what to do when you have tried everything to kill a runaway process? I have tried kill -9 PID I have tried killing it in top, what else can I do?? If I try reboot the server remotely it gets stuck so I am completely lost as to what to do with this remotely accessed server. only way i can fix this is a hard reboot and thats not an option right now? Why does kill -9 not work??11:04
gurkeeWhat is the "lucid-updates" repository for?11:04
SwedeMikegurkee: personally I install firefox via separate repositories, so I always have the latest one. I don't know about adcrobat reader, but PDF reader is included and is working well, flash I've never had a problem with on 32bit platforms.11:07
gurkeeSwedeMike, I just tried 11.04 64bit in a VM yesterday and was very pleased that Flash/Acroread were working out-of-the-box in Firefox 5 -- so you think I can have the same experience with 10.04 if I use special repositories?11:09
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astraljavagurkee: acroread can be found on partner repo, but not sure on which release. I remember it being there at least on most of them, and is on 11.04, but cannot confirm on lucid, though.11:09
glebihanpsypher246, if the process is a zombie, there's nothing you can do to kill it except kill its parent (if it's not init...) or reboot11:09
psypher246glebihan: crap... thanks11:09
glebihanpsypher246, you're welcomee11:10
gurkeeastraljava: and it is no problem to just use e.g. natty's partner repo for 10.04?11:10
shadyzgeeki also tried 11.04 on virtual box an d was a bad experience11:10
KM0201gurkee: no, you don't want to do that11:10
astraljavagurkee: Would advice against that, because of the dependencies.11:10
glebihanpsypher246, however a zombie should not cause any issue, why do you need to kill it ?11:11
KM0201gurkee: there should be a PPA for Firefox 5.0, ten just download the current version of Flash, and put it in Firefox11:11
gurkeeSwedeMike: from which repo do you install most recent Firefox to 10.04?11:11
astraljavagurkee: http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/pool/partner/a/acroread/acroread_9.4-1lucid1_i386.deb11:11
astraljavagurkee: So it seems to be there for lucid as well.11:12
KM0201gurkee: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/06/firefox-5-lands-in-firefox-stable-ppa.html          that details how to add the firefox PPA, and then install 5.011:12
psypher246glebihan: it's a pyhton process whihc has stopped working, tried top stop and restart but it won't stop or start again. when i run a reboot now the whole server hangs and I have to hard reboot11:12
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+111:12
gurkeeKM0201: isn't that way to install Firefox a bit dirty?11:12
soulis77-SEAnyone know how to see which files the Parallels Power Panel is using. I'm upgrading my system and modifying files for security reason but the PPP is killing me. I need to know which files that PPP is using to knwo what to be extra careful when modifying. dpkg function anyone?11:12
glebihanpsypher246, what is the parent process ? is it init ?11:12
gedOHello. Can some one tell what is JAVA 2 SDK path in ubuntu?11:13
gurkeeastraljava: thanks for pointing me there11:13
KM0201gurkee: why on earth would it be "dirty" you're adding a stable PPA repository, and installing from there11:13
KM0201gurkee: thats how i'm using t-bird 5.0, and i have no problems at all w/ it.11:13
gedOGuys, does anybody knows what path is to JAVA 2 SDK in ubuntu?11:14
KM0201gurkee: if you were using a testing PPA, or a daily build PPA, then i might agree w/ you, but that repository only gets updated by mozilla upon stable release.11:14
gurkeeKM020: I was just asking :-) PPA is something like user-contributed, or am I wrong?11:14
gedOwhere I can find that JAVA 2 SDK11:14
gurkeeKM0201, ah.. I see :)11:14
KM0201gurkee: it is, but that one is supported by the mozilla team, it's safe.11:14
SwedeMikegurkee: don't know off the top of my head, I'd have to look it up and then you could do it too.11:14
gurkeeKM0201, where do I get a good overview about the meanings of the repos like updates, backports, partner, PPA, ...?11:15
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories11:15
shadyzgeekcan anybody explain to me why ma wireless keep on hanging in ubuntu11:15
soulis77-SEged0: use the following: http://drnikki.org/node/611:15
gurkeethanks :)11:15
arunkumar413hi, i have an dvd which contains ubuntu 11.04(live) and some other ISOs. I want to make the ISO of the Ubuntu 11.04 and use it as a repository.11:15
KM0201shadyzgeek: whats your wireless device?11:16
gurkeeand one last question, although google would be fine for that, too -- I think: Is KDE 4.x avaiable and stable for 10.04?11:16
shadyzgeekit is an Atheros 928511:16
KM0201shadyzgeek: weird, i've got that atheros device and it works flawlessly (on it now actually)11:17
KM0201gurkee: now that, i do't know about... don't use KDE... but i dont recall ever seeing a repo for 10.04 and kde411:18
psypher246glebihan: yes it is init11:18
glebihanpsypher246, in that case, I guess you'll have to go for a hard reboot...11:18
gurkeeKM0201, :) thanks -- and... aeh :D is Kubuntu + gnome-desktop the same as Ubuntu + ubuntu-desktop?11:18
shadyzgeekuse Kde but still not helping11:19
psypher246glebihan: ok, darn, if this keeps up I have to consider a pdu to do remote reboots11:19
gurkeescrewed the question up11:19
hammoommahhello peoples, i just reinstalled ubuntu 11.04 onto my new hd, is there a way to tell it to fetch updates and install my applications off old hard drive rather then re downloading?11:19
szal!info kdebase lucid | gurkee11:19
KM0201yeah, you did..lol11:19
ubottugurkee: kdebase (source: meta-kde): the K Desktop Environment, base applications. In component main, is optional. Version 5:55ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 8 kB, installed size 36 kB11:19
arunkumar413hammoommah: use aptoncd11:19
SwedeMikehammoommah: you can look in /var/apt/cache on the old one and see if it has a lot of packages there, if it has, copy them to /var/apt/cache on the new hd11:19
gurkeeVersion 5:55?11:20
szal!info kdebase-bin lucid | gurkee11:20
ubottugurkee: kdebase-bin (source: kdebase): core binaries for the KDE 4 base module. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.4.5-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 290 kB, installed size 1324 kB11:20
glebihanpsypher246, what is that script btw ? cause the problem probably comes from it11:20
MonkeyManHi - I am a bit of a newbie to Linux, and was wondering if someone could help me partition my HD11:20
hammoommahnice work SwedeMike11:20
shadyzgeekwho have got the ubuntu livehacking dvd11:20
KM0201shadyzgeek: what version of ubuntu are you using?11:20
vibhavshadyzgeek, Me11:20
KM0201MonkeyMan: i will... want a PM?11:21
MonkeyMansure, thanks11:21
psypher246glebihan: phoenix miner. it's a bitcoin miner, not sure if you have heard of it11:21
psypher246glebihan: guess i will log it with them as a bug as well11:21
shadyzgeekvibhav do u really like it11:21
glebihanpsypher246, yep probably a good idea11:21
vibhavshadyzgeek,  worth the money11:22
szal"Live Hacking DVD is a new Linux distribution packed with tools and utilities for ethical hacking, penetration testing and countermeasure verification." <- iow, Live Hacking != *buntu11:22
oj_Hi, I recently switched back to Ubuntu Classic on 11.04 and my desktop icons are not visible and I can't right click or left click with my mouse, what can I do?11:22
jriboj_: nautilus is responsible for those things. Try to figure out why it won't start11:22
shadyzgeekbut ma wireless is not working in that11:22
vibhavI meant the book was worth the money11:22
souravhello all, the window/file explorer (DOLPHIN) in my kubuntu box has crasher..., when I login, I am getting the termional, how can I restore it?11:23
oj_jrib nautilus is working, because I can start any application and use my mouse within any active application window, and the panel, and the menus...it's just the desktop11:23
jriboj_: run nautilus in a terminal11:23
szalsourav: (1) don't crosspost to multiple channels; (2) how about just restarting Dolphin?11:24
f3bruarysourav: try reinstalling dolphin11:24
oj_jrib: it opened up my home folder.11:24
jriboj_: right click on your desktop11:24
oj_jrib nothing's happening11:24
souravszal: how can I restart dolphin?11:24
jriboj_: check gconf preferences to see if nautilus is set to show_desktop11:25
szalsourav: lol..  click on menu entry (or quicklaunch icon, if you have one)?11:25
souravI am not even getting the menu entry!!11:25
oj_jrib ahh..thanks... I wonder why it didn't activate it before11:26
lisakcould please anybody help me out? colleague of mine made a typo during installation   regarding  hostname11:27
aumis there any other way to install ubuntu on flash usb drive without using virtualbox ?11:27
jrib!hostanem | lisak11:27
jrib!hostname | lisak11:27
ubottulisak: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.11:27
szal!hostname | lisak11:27
lisakif I grep through   etc11:27
lisakfind . -name "*" | xargs grep11:27
lisakthere is nowhere11:27
lisakI corrected it in /etc/hostname   /etc/hosts11:27
jriblisak: and?11:28
lisakbut I still get exceptions like java.net.UnknownHostException: ehop: ehop11:28
lisakinstead of eshop11:28
lisakwhen running applications11:28
jriblisak: have you rebooted?  Or used the hostname command as ubottu suggests?11:28
shadyzgeekanyone with an idea how i can change from spanish in ubuntu language to english11:29
aumi could not follow the instructions of the virtualbox in the given link   http://mintarticles.com/read/operating-systems-articles/how-to-install-portable-linux-ubuntu-on-a-bootable-usb-flash-drive-from-sun-virtualbox,13641/11:29
shadyzgeekKM201 ANY IDEA11:30
szal!caps | shadyzgeek11:30
ubottushadyzgeek: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.11:30
lisakjrib, right, my fault .. thanks11:31
lisakI was used to not have to11:31
Terminushello. does anybody know of a pdf viewer that can span multiple screens? i'm trying to get it running on kde in lucid.11:31
lisakin other distros11:31
shadyzgeekOR vibhav any idea11:31
lisakit was obtained from the file11:31
lisaknot via hostname tool11:31
Terminusi've tried evince, okular and xpdf. none of them seem to support spanning multiple monitors.11:31
OolHi, everybody, I'm looking for informations about the system account backup(34:34) to know if it's a good idea (or not) tu use it for backuppc client via SSH (rsync)11:32
shadyzgeekof how i can change back to english11:32
jribTerminus: seems more like a window manager issue tbh11:32
shadyzgeeky dont u google it out lisak11:32
szal!google | shadyzgeek11:33
ubottushadyzgeek: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.11:33
Guest41248ПИДОРЫ ВЫ ВСЕ11:33
Terminusjrib: hmmm... i've tried disabling all the checkboxes in the display configuration and it still snaps to just a single monitor on full screen.11:33
szal!caps | Guest4124811:33
ubottuGuest41248: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.11:33
szal!ru | Guest4124811:33
ubottuGuest41248: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:33
Terminusjrib: what i'm looking for is presentation mode in a pdf viewer spanning two monitors to be specific.11:34
aumi could not follow the instructions of the virtualbox in the given link   http://mintarticles.com/read/operating-systems-articles/how-to-install-portable-linux-ubuntu-on-a-bootable-usb-flash-drive-from-sun-virtualbox,13641/11:34
aumis there any other way to install it...11:34
Terminusjrib: nevermind. found one. thanks though. =)11:37
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newbWhen I compile a c program in codeblocks it works fine but when I do it in the terminal is doesnt, why?11:42
Sp4rKymissing libraries ?11:42
rubyywhile i fsck sda6 . i t says bad magic number in super block while trying to re open . aborting journal on device sda6-8.    mapped to illega pblock.  abortin journal on dev.11:43
newbSp4rKy, ye but why would it work in codeblocks then11:43
shadyzgeeksorry lisak11:43
shadyzgeekthanks ubottu11:43
rubyyterxx1 ?11:44
[skl-]Comment fait on pour voire les pseudos des gens qui sont sur le chan ?11:44
grolllmfao is he kidding me11:45
grollalready on chatroulette, the only country where they all speak in their language rather than english is france, even here now :p11:45
[skl-]thought that i was @ ubuntu-fr11:46
[skl-]sorr y;p11:46
grollthen nevermind lol11:46
arunkumar413i'm not able to access the contents of fedora 15 from ubuntu 11.04. when i tried with the sudo it says authentication failure11:47
gribouilleubuntu screwed my X configuration. now, the 1280x1024 screen resolution isn't available any more11:48
ChrisA[1]how do people quickly open the home directory in Nautilus - similar to hitting 'Start-E' in Windows?11:48
odiumI have a working installation but no boot directory, is there a apt-get install something to get a 64 bit kernel11:48
ChrisA[1]I tried setting up a shortcut similar to this, but it doesn;t seem reliable, and is quite slow when it works..11:48
grigorisometimes my network driver goes down and ubuntu cannot find any wireless network and i should re-install ubuntu to fix the problem. is there any better solution?11:51
soulis77-SEI have the following error when rebooting ufw: WARNING: Deprecated config file /etc/modprobe.conf, all config files belong into /etc/modprobe.d/.  I found a google help that only said that I should delete fhe file???11:51
arunkumar413i'm not able to access some folders of  the fedora 15 from ubuntu 11.04.plz help me11:51
grigori sometimes my network driver goes down and ubuntu cannot find any wireless network and i should re-install ubuntu to fix the problem. how to solve it?11:53
eagleserverarunkumar413, you will have to mount them11:55
shadyzgeeki agree with u grigori11:55
arunkumar413eagleserver: its mounted11:56
gribouilleubuntu screwed my X configuration. now, the 1280x1024 screen resolution isn't available any more11:56
eagleserverarunkumar413: whats the error you are getting?11:57
arunkumar413arun@arun-desktop:/media/4d50e4a3-eacc-4488-894c-6ec0253fc621/home$ cd arun11:57
arunkumar413bash: cd: arun: Permission denied11:57
eagleserverarunkumar413: sounds like a permissions error then :)11:58
eagleserverdid you mount it with sudo?11:59
arunkumar413eagleserver: no, mounted it by clicking in the places11:59
ambro718Hi. Is there an easy way to install and run a 64-bit kernel on a 32-bit Ubuntu install?11:59
eagleserverarunkumar413: hmmm, try sudo cd to the folder?12:00
breaker313moin: ich möchte das User die per SFTP (auch gechrootete User!) auf einen Server zugreifen, Dateien mit umask 0002 ablegen bzw. auch solche Ordner anlegen12:00
icerootambro718: reinstall12:00
breaker313Hat da jemand einen Tipp?12:00
iceroot!de | breaker31312:00
ubottubreaker313: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!12:00
sipiorambro718: sure. you can roll your own kernel, or just grab the 64-bit kernel package.12:00
grollQuestion : http://i54.tinypic.com/rvaccp.jpg12:00
arunkumar413eagleserver: arun@arun-desktop:~$ sudo cd /media/4d50e4a3-eacc-4488-894c-6ec0253fc621/boot/grub12:01
arunkumar413[sudo] password for arun:12:01
arunkumar413sudo: cd: command not found12:01
eagleserverin /mnt/ do an ls - la see if the permissions are the same as the mounts you can access12:02
Myrttigroll: those are different versions of the linux kernel, you can choose one and try if they work any better than the one you're using by default (the top one, hilighted), but other than that that is perfectly normal12:02
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)12:02
grollYeah but I had only one originally12:03
grollwhy did they appear ?12:03
groll(i did some suggested security updates and stuff from ubuntu)12:03
Myrttigroll: they appear if you've updated your system, security updates12:03
grollo i c12:03
grollhow can i even see the differences?12:04
grolland are the differences important ?12:04
arunkumar413eagleserver: did ls in /mnt/ but couldn't get anything12:04
Myrttigroll: when it comes to different kernel versions, about the only way you personally could see any differences is if some odd hardware starts working. Otherwise they might be security updates, preventing intruders cracking into your system12:05
grollhmm and the default one is the most recent, which includes all the latest security updates i did ?12:06
Myrttigroll: yup12:06
wrek-garhas anyone ever used squirrelmail or configured dovecot for send/receive email?12:06
grollmmk mmk thx12:06
arunkumar413eagleserver: i tried to do a system recovery when i was in fedora. It did something called relabelling12:07
gribouilleubuntu screwed my X configuration. now, the 1280x1024 screen resolution isn't available any more12:07
eagleserverarunkumar413: i dont know much about that, it sounds bad though12:08
eagleserverarunkumar413: you trying to recover data ? or get it to boot?12:08
arunkumar413eagleserver: get it to boot12:09
eagleserverarunkumar413: you should be editing your grub then not its12:09
arunkumar413eagleserver: ubuntu grub is detecting the fedora, but due to some error i made in menu.lst of fedora i'm unable to boot it12:10
icerootarunkumar413: you can correct your error by editiing the grub-line pressing "e" on that line12:11
eagleserverarunkumar413: what he said :)12:11
arunkumar413eagleserver: i dont know what he is saying. I just want to replace the menu.lst with backup copy i saved in /home/arun folder of fedora.12:13
arunkumar413eagleserver:  neither i'm able to edit the menu.lst nor able to access the /home/arun folder of fedora12:15
kaushalis there an application to extract text from image available in Ubuntu ?12:16
eagleserverarunkumar413: a quick search found this, perhaps its your problem.  http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/fedora-35/how-can-i-mount-lvm-partition-in-ubuntu-569507/12:17
=== dreaded66 is now known as fyrfaktry
arunkumar413eagleserver: it's already mounted12:20
aikInsaanhey....can someone have a lot at https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/16520212:20
aikInsaani am the one suffering from this :(12:20
TraintopHi Folks! What is the easiest way to install a zd1211rw-driver patched for packet injection on an ubuntu 11.04-64-bit-box?12:21
nmaxchatHello. I have a question, simple for U, complicated for me. I downloaded a script which should fix a problem I have. I have no clue how to run it. I suspect pasting the whole thing on a command line is not the way to do it but can't find instructions with Google12:23
=== alakoo_ is now known as alakoo
arunkumar413eagleserver: getting authenticatin failure after reaching this:arun@arun-desktop:/media/4d50e4a3-eacc-4488-894c-6ec0253fc621/home$ su12:24
arunkumar413su: Authentication failure12:24
TraintopI tried the tutorial from aircrack-ng but when I do modprobe zd1211rw it exits with: "FATAL: Error inserting zd1211rw (/lib/modules/2.6.38-8-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/zd1211rw/zd1211rw.ko): Invalid module format" :-(12:24
Myrttiarunkumar413: su isn't supposed to work in ubuntu anyway12:24
raph_aelhi i disabled network-manager to start at boot, though it comes again, where should it be tweaked ?12:25
Traintopalthough I downloaded the linux-source-2.6.38-package via synaptic12:25
Myrttinmaxchat: running scripts that you do not know what they do can be dangerous...12:25
Traintopnmaxchat: try "sudo chmod ugo+c <script-file-name>12:25
Traintopnmaxchat: or even better without sudo12:26
Traintopnmaxchat: s/ugo+c/ugo+x/12:26
arunkumar413Myrtti: then why did it ask for password12:26
* p1l0t 12:26
nmaxchatTraintop, Let me take it one step backward. I found this which seems to address my printer problem but dont know where to download http://ptspts.blogspot.com/2010/06/how-to-fix-hp-laserjet-1018-on-ubuntu.html12:28
aikInsaanhey....can someone have a lot at https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/16520212:28
Pici!root | arunkumar41312:28
ubottuarunkumar413: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:28
raph_aelhmm network-manager is not present in /etc/rc*, what could make it start at boot ?12:29
arunkumar413eagleserver:  how to change the permissions of it then12:30
Traintopnmaxchat: in a terminal go to the place where you downloaded the script and do: chmod u+x fix.....sh12:31
Traintopnmaxchat: then you can easily do: ./fix....sh and it will execute12:31
trackerx90i have ever seen cpu monitor bar in someone video12:31
nmaxchatTraintop, OK, Gottya12:31
trackerx90i have installed ubuntu 10.0412:31
trackerx90how to find the best one for me12:31
KM0201trackerx90: a cpu monitor?.. there's system monitor, thats a panel applet, it's pretty easy.12:32
KM0201but it's pretty "bare"12:33
KM0201beyond that, you're probably wanting to look at gdesklets12:33
ubottugDesklets provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets -- tiny displays sitting on your desktop in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness. Homepage is http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/12:33
trackerx90sorry for noob question12:33
Traintopok, guys,another question: how am I suppodes to recompile kernel-modules in ubuntu 11.04? -download package "linux-sources-2.6.38", then apply the patches and "make modules" ?12:33
trackerx90how to install it12:33
newb100I am trying to get the help documentation for vi, whats the command in therminal?12:34
[THC]AcidRaini have an external drive, it wont mount. and i have a red light on the front of my computer that flashes every 30 seconds.  the drive says DBus unknown error occured12:34
Traintopnewb100: man vi ?12:34
[THC]AcidRainanyone know why these things are happening?12:34
airtone ai blz12:34
sipiornewb100: "man vim", but you're probably best off just trying ":help" inside the editor.12:34
[THC]AcidRainthe red light started flashing last night12:34
trackerx90gu mai roo a i sadd12:34
sipiornewb100: it's quite comprehensive.12:34
trackerx90pong mung tai12:35
[THC]AcidRaini did notice last night that both of my external drives were reduced in speed12:35
blablaHi, I'm about to install ubuntu on my PC, currently running win7. Is an ext4 partition okay for ubuntu ?12:35
=== zz_ng_ is now known as ng_
dr_willisnewb100:  theres a vitutorial app. not sure about any other tutorial docs12:35
newb100if I do :help I get The Vim online help is not installed on this Debian GNU/Linux system.12:35
newb100WHY ?12:35
newb100Because the "vim-runtime" package containing it is not installed.12:35
ikoniablabla: it's fine12:35
popeyblabla: yes12:35
airtone ai algum brasileiro por ai?12:35
dr_willisnewb100:  be sure to install the vim full package12:35
blablaikonia: popey : thanks I shall proceed then :)12:35
[THC]AcidRainany ideas?12:36
dr_willisnewb100:  the default vi is vim light12:36
newb100dr_willis, thanks12:36
[THC]AcidRainError org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply.12:37
[THC]AcidRainjust got this error12:37
[THC]AcidRainout of no where12:37
=== jupiter is now known as Guest43432
[THC]AcidRainDBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)12:37
[THC]AcidRainand now this error12:37
[THC]AcidRainis my entire system crashing?12:38
[THC]AcidRainwhat is going on?12:38
dr_willisdbus is confused perhaps12:38
[THC]AcidRainwhat is the relation between dbus and the red light on my comp?12:39
dr_willisthe error is a bit vague also12:39
[THC]AcidRaini know they have something in common12:39
dr_willisred light where12:39
[THC]AcidRainon my tower12:39
[THC]AcidRainit started flashing last night12:39
[THC]AcidRainand my external drives started moving very slow12:39
[THC]AcidRainnow after a restart, 1 of them wont even mount12:39
dr_willischeck dmesg output for errors12:39
[THC]AcidRainin log?12:40
dr_willishd failure , hw issues perhaps12:40
[THC]AcidRainwow seriously?12:40
[THC]AcidRaini just bought this drive12:40
dr_willisrun 'dmesg' command  -     look for info12:40
dr_willismount it by hand. look for error messages12:40
eagleserverarunkumar413: if you are still around chmod12:41
[THC]AcidRain727.100541] usb 2-1: reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 212:41
airtonalgum brasileiro por ai?12:41
[THC]AcidRain[  838.046332] EXT3-fs warning: maximal mount count reached, running e2fsck is recommended12:41
tobagohow to make instantbird popup the message, when received?12:42
newb100Whats the command line to convert chm to pdf?12:42
Myrtti!br > airton12:42
ubottuairton, please see my private message12:42
[THC]AcidRain[  289.599406] JBD: recovery failed12:42
dr_willis!find chm2pdf12:43
ubottuFound: chm2pdf12:43
ScuttleSometimes when I reboot my server there is a prompt telling me one of the disks is "missing", asking me if i want to continue. Is there a way to disable this? Makes it impossible to reboot remotely12:43
dr_willis!info chm2pdf12:43
ubottuchm2pdf (source: chm2pdf): A Python script that converts CHM files into PDF files. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.1-1.1ubuntu4 (natty), package size 20 kB, installed size 136 kB12:43
[THC]AcidRain[  289.483306] sd 10:0:0:0: [sdc] Result: hostbyte=DID_ERROR driverbyte=DRIVER_OK,SUGGEST_OK12:43
[THC]AcidRainwhat do these errors mean?12:43
[THC]AcidRainthere are so many12:43
Myrtti[THC]AcidRain: not all of them are errors12:44
ng_ok means okay12:44
ng_i guess12:44
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
dr_willistime to fsck the filesystems also12:44
cutiyarhow to create toorent file from download link?12:44
ng_+                       } else if (ioc->bus_type == FC) {12:45
ng_+                               /*12:45
ng_+                                * The FC IOC may kill a request for variety of12:45
ng_+                                * reasons, some of which may be recovered by a12:45
ng_+                                * retry, some which are unlikely to be12:45
FloodBot1ng_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:45
[THC]AcidRaincan anyone tell me why my drive wont mount?12:46
[THC]AcidRainif this external drive has failed...12:47
dr_williswhat filesystem is it [THC]AcidRain12:47
[THC]AcidRaini had to format the drive myself12:47
[THC]AcidRainbut that was months ago12:47
dr_willisi would fsck it first. and try mounting it again12:47
[THC]AcidRainive had it for about... 3 months12:47
aikInsaananyone had a chance to look at https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/165202?12:48
Myrtti[THC]AcidRain: turn the computer off, put the drive away and try again in a couple of hours12:48
Myrtti(you can use the computer, but don't try to put the harddrive on it)12:48
tobagoMyrtti but you use bot as well (!br)12:48
ikonia[THC]AcidRain: control the language please.12:48
[THC]AcidRainWARNING!!!  Running e2fsck on a mounted filesystem may cause12:48
[THC]AcidRainSEVERE filesystem damage.12:48
sipior[THC]AcidRain: well, that's certainly true.12:49
dr_willisso it is mounted,  somewhere12:49
dr_willisuse mount command to see where12:49
[THC]AcidRain.... it just mounted out of no where :/12:49
[THC]AcidRaini didnt even do anything12:49
sipior[THC]AcidRain: the dmesg excerpt says that it is mounted, if you look closely.12:50
Myrttitobago: "usually, by default"12:50
dr_willisi would double check cables and so forth12:50
=== Rei`ZzZz is now known as Reikoku
Myrttitobago: there are exceptions :->12:50
[THC]AcidRainyeah. after a reboot, i had unplugged both of the drives, and only 1 was detected12:50
[THC]AcidRainnow both are working fine12:50
[THC]AcidRainthe red light appears to be gone12:50
Myrtti[THC]AcidRain: now is the time of making backups... ;-)12:50
dr_willisproblem fixed.. heres your bill....  ;^)12:50
tobagohow to let instantbird popup new messages like pidgin does?12:51
[THC]AcidRainMyrtti: i have like 1.5 TB of backups to make12:51
[THC]AcidRaini need another external drive12:51
dr_willisjust 1.5? ;)    i bought a 3tb for backups and its now 98%full12:51
dr_willis3 tb over usb = lot of time to backup12:52
[THC]AcidRainlol. well 1.5TB is alot considering i have 1 working 250GB external, and 1 internal 80GB12:52
welshladhi there guys12:52
Myrtti[THC]AcidRain: I was recently in the same situation as you, with an encrypted harddrive giving out I/O errors. After keeping the harddrive on the side for a few days, I got it mounted and quickly rescued what was most important - family photos. I may use the harddrive again after reformat, but I will not trust it again12:52
[THC]AcidRainyeah, these issues started occuing last night when i moved all my music and movies over to the drive that is messing up12:52
ReikokuI just have a 4TB NAS device in RAID-512:53
gaurav_nattyi am Getting problem in ubuntu 11.04 my system is getting very slow12:53
ReikokuMoving 3TB over USB would be painful even with rsync12:53
newb100Are the C++ standard libraries automatically installed in ubuntu 10.04?12:53
[THC]AcidRainMyrtti: so your telling me i need to go to walmart as soon as possible and raise hell?12:53
welshladI just installed linux from cd, i think it is 10.4. Im new to linux and want to know is there any other programs i need to install?12:53
dr_willisReikoku:  it took a while. usb3 helped a lot12:53
Reikokugaurav_natty: What's the specification of your system and what do you have open?12:53
[THC]AcidRainbecause once more, i have learned my lesson to NEVER buy electronics from walmart12:53
Reikokudr_willis: I far prefer sending it over network :P12:54
[THC]AcidRainthey are AGAIN!, at a 100% fail rate with me12:54
szalwelshlad: there is no such thing as Linux 10.412:54
dr_willis[THC]AcidRain: what brand is it12:54
[THC]AcidRainim not even sure12:54
ReikokuI bought a cheap array off a datacentre that was shutting down, dr_willis12:54
Ownerszal,  you on12:54
welshladubuntu 10.4 i think12:54
Myrtti[THC]AcidRain: not necessarily to raise hell, but make sure you've got backups of the most important things somewhere12:54
tobagoanybody uses instantbird?12:54
szalwelshlad: it's either Ubuntu 10.04, or something else ;)12:54
[THC]AcidRainits a My Passport12:54
szalOwner: obviously ;)12:54
Myrtti[THC]AcidRain: after *that* you can go raise hell.12:54
welshladSzal yes hehe12:55
dr_willis[THC]AcidRain:  so it has nothing to do with walmart.. hds are the weakest link these days..12:55
[THC]AcidRaindr_willis: so what would you suggest? i need a good hdd that wont fail on me12:55
Owneryou remember how last night I forgot my username? Well I found it and everytime I type it in it goes to a black screen and bring me back to the login screen12:55
lotuspsychje==>likes ssd drives12:55
dr_willisbuy ones with the best warrenty12:55
Reikokugaurav_natty: Long story short, Ubuntu installs a bunch of stuff that you don't need, if your system can't deal with it all just uninstall the bloatware and install a more resource-friendly desktop/set of apps12:55
newb100Are the C++ standard libraries automatically installed in ubuntu 10.04?12:55
ReikokuOwner: Can you login as root?12:55
szalReikoku: there is no root login12:56
dr_willis[THC]AcidRain:  they can all die.. without warning12:56
Ownerhow do I do that12:56
szalReikoku: at least not by default12:56
[THC]AcidRaini didnt buy the warranty on this one. but even at that man.... so what. i just get my money back and a new drive, but lose all my files?12:56
[THC]AcidRainthis is a horrible sick twisted worled we live in. sick i tell you!12:56
eagleserverlotuspsychje: hey did ssd install ok etc no issues ? just out of curiosity12:56
gaurav_nattySpecification of my system is good daulcore processor 2.4 GHz and 3 gb ram i not oopen anything after booting it take an hour to work properly i removed many thing changed the startup application .12:56
dr_willis[THC]AcidRain:  the hd makers warrenty. not one from walmart12:56
sipiornewb100: should be. if not, install libstdc++6 and libstdc++6-?.?-dev12:56
ReikokuOwner: I assume go to a tty, su -, passwd12:56
ReikokuHmm actually12:56
ReikokuCan you login to a tty?12:56
gaurav_nattyReikoku, Specification of my system is good daulcore processor 2.4 GHz and 3 gb ram i not oopen anything after booting it take an hour to work properly i removed many thing changed the startup application .12:57
Reikokuszal: Ahh, been a long time since I used Ubuntu :P12:57
dr_willis[THC]AcidRain:  segate has replaced several hds for me12:57
lotuspsychjeeagleserver: running natty on trancend ssd (slc) without problems and very fast boot12:57
newb100sipior, thanks12:57
[THC]AcidRainyeah. my 250GB is a segate12:57
cutiyarhow to create toorent file from download link?12:57
szalReikoku: logging into tty will help him exactly how?12:57
[THC]AcidRaini think my next drive is going to be one just like that12:57
Reikokugaurav_natty: Ouch, yeah that spec should run Ubuntu flawlessly12:57
Ownerit is not letting me login to su12:57
Reikokuszal: If he can log in at tty but not X, the issue isn't with login12:57
[THC]AcidRainwell my drive mounted. but it mounted at Server2__ instead of Server212:57
eagleserverlotuspsychje: yeh im sure its running like a dream with ssd, im getting an upgrade soon going dual ssd (raid) should be nice12:57
ReikokuOwner: Press ctrl-alt-f2 and try logging in there with your username & password12:58
dr_williscutiyar:  that dosent make sence. but most torrent cients can make a torrent file12:58
szalReikoku: it most probably isn't12:58
welshladso is there any other programs i need to install as i just installed 10.4?12:58
OwnerI'm in12:58
lotuspsychjeeagleserver: sounds nice upgrade :p any idea what brand to choose?12:58
Reikokuszal: Also if he can login at tty, it means he doesn't have to chroot in to fix the problem12:58
cutiyardr_willis, how to create it12:58
dr_williswelshlad:  its 10.04 ;)12:58
szalwelshlad: anything you wish12:58
gaurav_nattyReikoku, What Specification do i need12:58
ReikokuOwner: So the issue appears to be with your X packages12:58
[THC]AcidRaincan someone tell me how to change the mount path again?12:58
dr_williscutiyar:  check your clients menus and docs12:58
welshladok 10.04 then hehe?12:59
Reikokugaurav_natty: Yours should run Ubuntu fine, the only things I can think of are a full HDD or faulty RAM12:59
Owneris there a way to fix this12:59
newb100Im trying to write a simple compute game in c, can anoyone recomend some simple open source to have a look at, I am aiming for a sodoku game12:59
lotuspsychje[THC]AcidRain:try installing pysdm and gparted for drive probs12:59
eagleservereagleserver: not yet waiting on the tax return :) then do some research, i know there are big differnces between them, research is a must with it.12:59
dr_willis[THC]AcidRain:  it automounted to the label of the drive. it added the _ because the dir was not removed when it last unmounted12:59
Ownerwhat the, evidently that fixed it12:59
blackdivinecan anyone help me setup my xorg.conf please???12:59
aikInsaanwhats the quickest way to undo an update?12:59
aikInsaani updated from 10.10 to 11.0413:00
aikInsaanbut would like to go back to 10.10 ASAP13:00
MonotokoaikInsaan, why?13:00
dr_willisaikInsaan:  reinstall13:00
MonotokoaikInsaan, you can get the classic desktop...13:00
ReikokuOh, what's your graphics card gaurav_natty? Unity can be slow on older graphics chipsets13:00
Monotokoif that is the problem13:00
gaurav_nattyReikoku, Yeah :( I Am full HDD and Ram is Working Fine13:00
lotuspsychjelemme guess u dont like unity :p13:00
aikInsaanMonotoko: because of this: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/16520213:00
ReikokuOwner: What? You can login to X now?13:00
blackdivinecan anyone help me setup my xorg.conf please???13:01
szalgaurav_natty: if your HDD is full, that's probably the issue13:01
ReikokuI love unity :P I wish I knew how to port it :<13:01
szal!repeat | blackdivine13:01
ubottublackdivine: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:01
welshladalso it isnt showing my dvd drives13:01
aikInsaanMonotoko: i wanted the new desktop but....as you can see i am in a bad bad place13:01
welshladany help please?13:01
szalblackdivine: define 'setup xorg.conf'13:01
Reikokublackdivine: ATI or nvidia?13:01
dr_willisblackdivine:  set it to do what13:01
eagleserveraikInsaan: is this your pc?13:01
MonotokoaikInsaan, I would download live 11.04 and try to run that13:01
Monotokoit could be the update that's borked...using the live version will show you13:02
eagleserveraikInsaan: get a different vid driver.13:02
eagleserveraikInsaan: may have picked wrong one.13:02
aikInsaaneagleserver: how do I get that?13:02
eagleservergoogle search for your vid card?13:02
ReikokuaikInsaan: Is the issue only persistant in Unity/X?13:02
ReikokuThis just looks like your resolution is too low and it's trying to duplicate across13:02
aikInsaanReikoku: it was working fine on 10.10...if that's what you mean?13:03
gaurav_nattyReikoku, how i know which graphics card i am using13:03
welshladcan anyone help? cant find my dvd drive in a new install of 10.0413:03
szal!google | eagleserver13:03
ubottueagleserver: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.13:03
MonotokoaikInsaan, he means if you press ctrl+alt+f1...what is it like, does it take up the full screen?13:03
ReikokuaikInsaan: What video card do you have?13:03
ReikokuIf you don't know, do lspci and look for 'VGA compatible controller'13:04
szalgaurav_natty: lspci | grep -i vga13:04
Reikokugaurav_natty: lspci in a console13:04
ReikokuLook for a VGA compatible controller13:04
Reikokuor that13:04
eagleserveraikInsaan: http://downloadcenter.intel.com/SearchResult.aspx?lang=eng&ProductFamily=Embedded+Components+and+Flash+Memory&ProductLine=Embedded+Chipsets&ProductProduct=Intel%C2%AE+845+Chipset+Family i think13:05
gaurav_nattyReikoku, VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)13:05
eagleserveraikInsaan: pick linux obviously13:05
aikInsaanMonotoko: ctrl+alt+f1 is still the same13:05
[THC]AcidRainsee, that red light goes crazy when i try to move files around on that drive13:05
szalgaurav_natty: nothing you can do about it; Intel gfx drivers are in the kernel13:05
[THC]AcidRainim scared13:05
rene_hi there13:06
raph_aelhi what could start networkmanager at boot, if it is disabled in upstart ?13:06
HackerII[THC]AcidRain  back off the thc13:06
gaurav_nattyszal, my system will work like this13:06
Traintop[THC]AcidRain: perhaps this red light indicates harddrive-activity... ;->13:06
welshladcan anyone help? cant find my dvd drive in a new install of 10.04. what can i do please as im new to linux13:06
FaTHeRBaDTouCHQ: How can I delete .pulse without it coming back three seconds later?13:06
Reikokugaurav_natty: Only thing I can think of is the desktop doesn't like the Intel onboard graphics13:06
MonotokoaikInsaan..hmm..sounds like more then X then, I would try to download 11.04 and run it from the disk, see if that is any better#13:06
[THC]AcidRainTraintop: if that was true, why wouldnt it do it on my other ddrive?13:06
aikInsaanReikoku: i have intel 845gl13:07
[THC]AcidRainbesides, its moving at max of 5.8mb/sec right now...13:07
rene_i've some trouble booting my system. i've switched my hd controllermode from ide to ahci13:07
[THC]AcidRainwhen it should be moving around 30mb/sec13:07
ReikokuaikInsaan: Do xrandr -q and put the output on http://www.paste2.org13:07
aikInsaanMonotoko: yeah, i think i'll give it a go now13:07
Traintop[THC]AcidRain: just guessing... :-)13:07
rene_at boot the system hangs even if i plug in a usb stick.13:07
Reikokurene_: The last time I had that issue it seemed to be because I was using a bad motherboard13:08
rene_i think the place in dmesg is between..13:08
rene_[   16.800584] usb 1-5.2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 513:08
G00053well hello rainy monday13:08
rene_and the next line [   27.828002] Adding 9936164k swap on /dev/sdc5.  Priority:-1 extents:1 across:9936164k13:08
gaurav_nattyReikoku, thanks13:08
welshladcan anyone help? cant find my dvd drive in a new install of 10.0413:09
lotuspsychjewelshlad: did you try a dvd disc?13:09
rene_Reikoku i can't say that the board is bad13:09
Reikokurene_: I don't mean faulty13:10
blackdivineszal, Reikoku, dr_willis: I updated to 11.04, and it gives me very low resolution, I have builtin card, Intel DH55PJ13:10
dtcrshrwhere do i see computer information via gnome? ( need the computer host name)13:10
[THC]AcidRainwow. when i unplug this drive the red light goes away. im about ot quit at life13:10
Reikokurene_: I mean I bought an ASRock motherboard13:10
[THC]AcidRaini swear imma merc everyone in walmart13:10
danusiaI have a problem13:10
Reikokublackdivine: Try xrandr -q13:10
rene_Reikoku: i understud you before13:10
danusiaplese help13:10
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:10
Reikoku[THC]AcidRain: The red light is probably disk indicated13:10
tobagohow to let instantbird popup new messages like pidgin does?13:10
Reikokudanusia: Might be able to help but I need to know what the problem is13:10
Monotokorene_...I've had a similar issue before, switch it off at the plug, open up the case and take the battery out of the mobo13:10
blackdivineReikoku, Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1024 x 768, maximum 8192 x 819213:11
blackdivineVGA1 connected 1024x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 0mm x 0mm13:11
blackdivine   1024x768       60.0*13:11
blackdivine   800x600        60.3     56.213:11
blackdivine   848x480        60.013:11
blackdivine   640x480        59.913:11
FloodBot1blackdivine: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:11
welshladYes i put a dvd disc in and nothing13:11
danusiaafter hibernation my cursor disappears!13:11
danusiaafter hibernation my cursor disappears!13:11
szal!repeat | danusia13:11
ubottudanusia: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:11
rene_Monotoko: take the batery out of mobo ? What should thad do?13:11
blackdivineReikoku, http://paste.ubuntu.com/646492/13:11
Monotokorene_, it will reset your motherboard, time, settings everything13:12
danusiawill u help me?13:12
Reikokublackdivine: What's your normal resolution?13:12
aikInsaanReikoku: here's the output from xrandr -q: paste2.org/p/152657113:12
ReikokuAlso can you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:12
rene_Monotoko: and what has it to do with the hang on boot?13:12
danusiaafter hibernation my cursor disappears!13:12
blackdivineReikoku, you mean optimal? its 1360 x 76813:12
ReikokuaikInsaan: Looks like your xorg.conf is set up wrong13:13
blackdivineroot____, hello13:13
Reikokublackdivine: OK, what video driver are you using? intel or vesa?13:13
danusiaafter hibernation my cursor disappears!13:13
Reikokudanusia: Stop spamming :P13:13
danusiaplease help13:14
blackdivineReikoku, I didn't mess up with defaults, I'm not sure. I guess Intel, how to check?13:14
Monotokodanusia: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/55205813:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 552058 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[915GM] Mouse cursor disappears when laptop lid closed" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:14
gerzelDoes anyone have the right deb lines for the Virtualbox repos?  I've tried adding 'deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian natty contrib' but have been unable to get it to load properly13:14
ReikokuI needto register with Ubuntu forums :P13:14
Reikokublackdivine: Look in /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:14
ReikokuIf you can't read it just pastebin it13:14
blackdivineReikoku, I just want to tell my Xorg to go with the optimal resolution which is 1360 x 768, i tried "sudo Xorg -configure" but it gives some error13:14
Reikokublackdivine: What's the error?13:15
danusiadon't know how to fix it13:15
blackdivineReikoku, it's not generated. Not there. In recent systems it's nor required, but if you are having problems, you can manually generate it and set resolution in it which you want to use. That's what I am trying to do13:15
aikInsaanReikoku: how do i fix my xorg.conf then?13:15
blackdivineReikoku, to give you exact error i have to stop gdm and try reconfigure again, should i go then? i'll be back13:16
ReikokuDo sudo Xorg -configure |&2> ~/xorglog blackdivine13:16
aikInsaanReikoku: actually, first where is xorg.conf kept?13:16
ReikokuaikInsaan: /etc/X1113:16
Ownerszal,  I am wanting my computer to autologin. I am at the login screen settings but it will not allow me to choose myself to autologin, how do I fix this13:16
Monotokodanusia...you can try switching to tty: ctrl+alt+f1 then switch back to X: ctrl+alt+f713:16
nerd_blokehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/292203 has been marked as invalid against ppp, which project should it be assigned to for user creation with a usergroup membership?13:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 292203 in ppp (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/pppd has group owner dip, not dialout" [Undecided,Invalid]13:16
karthick87How to change the splash image of live ubuntu cd?13:16
=== Owner is now known as kiichiro
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danusiaevery time?13:17
Reikokukarthick87: Write a new CD with a new image13:17
Monotokodanusia, probably...there are a few problems with hibernation, never use it myself...does it do the same on Standby?13:17
blackdivineReikoku, did it, no output13:17
karthick87Reikoku: where i have to place the new image?13:17
danusiano, only hibenation13:18
Reikokublackdivine: Yeah pastebin the file at /home/yourusername/xorglog13:18
danusiaI really likexubuntu, but this is really......13:18
danusiastrange poblem13:18
danusiaproblem I men13:18
Reikokudanusia: Hibernation is awkward in general on unix-like OS's :>13:18
Monotokodanusia, just use standby instead? These days standby doesn't use much power at all13:19
danusiaok, thank you for your help. I will be going. Bye!13:19
MonotokoReikoku, seconded...I haven't ever got it to work on my 3 computers >.>13:19
danusiaoh, really?13:19
danusiaok, I will13:19
ReikokuMonotoko: It works on my Macbook Pro13:19
BluesKajHi all13:20
danusiawow! You really are an expert!13:20
ReikokuBut that's the only laptop I've had fully functioning standby on13:20
ReikokuAnd I had to mess with some code to get it to13:20
danusiamy friend!13:20
blackdivineReikoku, "Server is already active for display 0" I have to stop GDM it will not generate log this way. Wait i'll be back.13:20
danusiawill you marry me?!13:20
danusiaI think I love you!13:20
h00k!ot | danusia13:20
ubottudanusia: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:20
Reikokulol danusia I'm not an expert :/13:20
MonotokoReikoku, I need a mac >.>13:20
danusiabut will you marry me?13:21
kiichiro I am wanting my computer to autologin. I am at the login screen settings but it will not allow me to choose myself to autologin, how do I fix this13:21
ReikokuMonotoko: You don't, trust me13:21
ReikokuI wouldnt have mine if it weren't for being an iOS developer :P13:21
[THC]AcidRainhow do i make a drive mount at a certain location everytime?13:21
danusiaI am 27 years old, have long legs, blond hair and beautiful blue eyes13:21
karthick87Reikoku: ??13:21
h00kdanusia: please keep conversation on topic,please13:21
MonotokoReikoku, I have always wanted to start iOS development...even tried to get a VM going but without much success :P13:21
Reikokukarthick87: I write applications for iPhone/iPad so I need the mac environment to compile13:22
ReikokuMonotoko: I used to have Xcode 3 working on hackintosh13:22
danusiaso your answer is....13:22
[THC]AcidRainsudo mount /dev/sdg1 /media/Server213:22
ReikokuBut 4 flat-out refused13:22
eagleserver[THC]AcidRain: make a link13:22
[THC]AcidRaini can run this. but on next boot, it mounts at Server2__13:22
Reikokudanusia: Sorry, I'm married :P13:22
danusiaI understand13:22
[THC]AcidRainive already made the link13:22
ReikokuMonotoko: Objective C is pretty nice to write13:23
eagleservera link to the mount ponit?13:23
[THC]AcidRaineagleserver: yes sir13:23
[THC]AcidRainit seems to be creating its own links though13:23
[THC]AcidRaini configured this about 2 months ago13:23
[THC]AcidRainand im looking at it now in computer:///13:23
[THC]AcidRainit creates Server2_ and Server2__13:23
aiyorajuhi  got a question"""can i have a duel boot os but one as the default i.e untill i press a button during start up os option should not pop up13:24
[THC]AcidRainhow do i associate the drive with the link?13:24
Monotokoaiyoraju, you can...there is an option in GRUB13:24
Monotokoaiyoraju, let me see if I can find it...13:24
Traintopaiyoraju: monotoko was faster... -d'oh!13:25
eagleserver[THC]AcidRain: man link13:25
Monotokoaiyoraju: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#/etc/default/grub (file)13:25
aiyoraju@monotoko thanks13:25
MonotokoTraintop: ;)13:25
aguitelwhat package need to install to add printer ?13:25
Reikokucups usually, but I think its in base13:26
TraintopI want to compile a driver which is in the main-kernel; can I only do "make modules" or can I somehow specify to only compile one module or perhapd only all wireless-modules?13:26
roastedin Ubuntu 10.10, if you're running a DHCP server, where's the file at? I'm having a brain fart finding it and dhcpd.conf isn't where it's at.13:26
ReikokuTraintop: Is the module already compiled but not inserted, or does it need to be switched on?13:27
Reikokuin the kernel?13:27
blackdivineReikoku, For some reason I can't dump output of "Xorg -configure" to a text file with >, but the error is "Number of configured devices is greater than connected devices. Configuration failed..."13:27
aiyoraju@monotoko if i install ubunto and windows 7 and want windows 7 to start without input will it work(sorry m new to computers)13:27
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Monotokoroasted: /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf13:27
Reikokublackdivine: Hmm, I have no idea :S - try #xorg, sorry13:27
ReikokuThey should be able to help13:27
Traintopreikoku: it is not yet compiled... -but I only want zd1211rw to be compiled not all modules; but doind "make modules" takes hours... so can I somehow specify to only compile zd1211rw?13:28
blackdivineReikoku, ok thanks for your help mate :)13:28
usrx,teia<>�oog/oi/�g(7HU) oa:ss:i�<>j0nn�<>3m41L@9m41L.C0m13:28
roastedMonotoko, ahh I JUST found it. No it's not dhcpd.conf in my case. I'm running an LTSP thin client server, I forgot it's in /etc/ltsp not /etc/dhcp3. thanks though!13:28
Monotokoaiyoraju, you will need to make Windows 7 your default (not quite sure how as I don't have a ubuntu computer close at the moment, but you can probably find out) then modify the hidden grub settings13:28
ReikokuTraintop: gcc -DMODULE -D__KERNEL__ -O6 -c module.c13:28
ReikokuI believe13:28
[THC]AcidRainlink: cannot create link `/media/Server2' to `/dev/sdh1': Invalid cross-device link13:28
TraintopReikoku: I assume cd'ing to drivers/net/wireless/zd1211 before and just issuing this command?13:29
ReikokuTraintop: But realise that your module may have modular dependencies within the kernel13:29
dr_willis[THC]AcidRain:  i think you are confused about what you are doing13:29
ReikokuTraintop: Correct13:29
[THC]AcidRainim trying to make this 1 drive mount at the same location everytime13:29
[THC]AcidRaini delt with this a while ago. but i forgot13:29
Monotoko[THC]AcidRain...you probably want /etc/fstab13:30
eagleserver[THC]AcidRain: the link should be /mnt/mountname /otherdrive13:30
Reikoku[THC]AcidRain: Look in /etc/fstab13:30
dr_willis[THC]AcidRain:  make a fstab    entry for it.13:30
blackdivineReikoku, lol there are less than 50 people there :P and all silent13:30
brahmanaHi all13:31
dr_willisor if its automounting. make sure no dirs with thr same lable name exist in /media/13:31
brahmanaI burnt a 10.04 iso on to a CD and tried booting it on a fairly old laptop13:31
Reikokublackdivine: Only other thing I can suggest is searching the Ubuntu forum, I can't because I'm not registered :P13:32
brahmanaIt boots until I see the five blinking dots and then after some time the screen just goes blank..13:32
blackdivineHello, I generated a modeline with cvt, can anyone tell me how to insert it to my VGA section in "xrandr"?13:32
TraintopReikoku: your command exits with: "zd_chip.c:28:24: fatal error: linux/slab.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden13:32
Traintopcompilation terminated."13:32
brahmanaNothing comes up even after some 15-20 minutes.13:32
Monotokobrahmana, how old is that laptop?13:32
brahmana2003 I believe13:32
ReikokuTraintop: Sorry, what's that in English?13:32
TraintopReikoku: but build-essentials and linux-headers are installed13:32
blackdivineReikoku, lol you should, and I already have a thread there and searched for 2,3 days. The solution is there, it is to use HDMI cable, but I want it to work on VGA :P13:32
Traintop"file or directory not found compilation terminated"13:32
Reikokublackdivine: VGA cable can handle your resolution13:32
brahmanaMonotoko: I am not entirely sure. It is definitely older than 200613:33
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Monotokobrahmana, it probably won't run Ubuntu 10.04...take a look at xubuntu though13:33
Monotokoit is designed for older computers13:33
ReikokuTraintop: It seems like it's looking for a dependency13:33
brahmanaMonotoko: How about 8.04 - hardy heron?13:33
ReikokuI suggest either looking for a pre built module or rebuilding the kernel overnight13:33
blackdivineReikoku, It can ofcourse, but the new Ubuntu doesn't do a good job on guessing the optimal resolutions on VGA cable, that;s what i read13:33
szalbrahmana: 8.04 is dead in the meantime13:33
Monotokobrahmana, perhaps..but I believe it is at end-of-life now13:34
icerootblackdivine: lubuntu if you are slow at performance13:34
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:34
szalbrahmana: and on the desktop it has been for 2 years already13:34
ReikokuMonotoko: Ubuntu 10.04 should run on a 2003 laptop :S13:34
Traintopsome few days ago I read a make-command something like make modules SUBDIR=drivers/net/... -but I am not sure and do not find it again... -does this sound familiar to anyone?13:34
brahmanaszal, Monotoko - End of life should be ok. If I can boot some linux I will be good to go13:34
aciculaTraintop: its missing an include file, id guess slab.h is part of the linux kernel headers13:34
[THC]AcidRain so in fstab i will do...13:34
[THC]AcidRain /dev/sdh1 /media/Server2 ext3 defaults,user,rw 0 013:35
szalbrahmana: try pressing F6 on CD boot & issuing "edd=on"13:35
blackdivineiceroot, LOL no, I have i3 and 4gb ram, just want bigger resolution so lines don't wrap on my VIM :P13:35
Traintopacicula: I did this in the extracted kernel-tree... :-)13:35
MonotokoReikoku, not well I suspect... brahmana, you may want to try DSL or some other "small" distribution13:35
Reikoku[THC]AcidRain: What's in there now?13:35
szalbrahmana: (toggle option w/ space bar)13:35
ReikokuAlso you have to edit it as root (sudo)13:35
szalbrahmana: and "nomodeset" too, for that matter13:35
icerootblackdivine: ah wrong nick :)13:35
blackdivinehaha ok :)13:35
ReikokuMonotoko: Isn't Ubuntu 10.04 gnome3 based?13:36
[THC]AcidRainReikoku: the link to a non existant floppy drive and. my cd rom13:36
brahmanaszal: Hang.. let me do that right away before I lose you.. :)13:36
welshladwell guys do i stick with 10.04 or get the newer version?13:36
MonotokoReikoku, no it's Gnome213:36
[THC]AcidRainbut. my other drive has been mounting in the same location for years now13:36
Traintopdamn it -I'll wait some time to let make compile all modules... :-(13:36
blablafrom linux). Do I have to add windows to grub or something ?13:36
[THC]AcidRainwhy is this drive wanting to do what i have not set it to do?13:36
ReikokuMonotoko: gnome2 will run on 03 hardware13:36
brahmanaszal, Monotoko -- fwiw, it did actually boot a 9.10 cd but ended up throwing Bus Error so I couldn't do anything useful.13:36
ReikokuI have gnome2 running on 1999 hardware :P13:36
[THC]AcidRaincause everyone here had helped me before, showed me a different way to mount the drive13:36
MonotokoReikoku, it all depends...it sounds like 10.04 doesn't know or support his video card13:37
aciculaTraintop: unless you tell it where to find the include files ti will just lookin in the default include directories. just unpacking kernel source somewhere will not do that. though if you are building a module within the kernel tree itself that shouldnt be an issue13:37
blablaHi. I'm a windows user and installed ubuntu on an ext4 partition. Now grub doesn't see windows at boot anymore. What went wrong ?13:37
ReikokuHe probably needs the alternate install CD13:37
ReikokuThe curses-based one13:37
Reikokublabla: Did you delete your Windows partition?13:37
brahmanaReikoku: Can I download alternate install CD by http? i.e without torrents?13:37
blackdivineblabla, Are you sure you didn't installed Ubuntu over windows partition? because if you didn't grub does a good job on detecting and listing windows so you can boot13:37
blablaReikoku: I can still see the files from dolphin13:37
[THC]AcidRainthe drive keeps changing its device name13:38
MonotokoReikoku, perhaps...but xubuntu may support it better as it is designed for older computers13:38
Reikokubrahmana: http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/ubuntu-10.04.2-alternate-i386.iso13:38
ReikokuMonotoko: Yeah he'd probably be better with xubuntu13:39
ReikokuBut he could just install ubuntu then install xfce13:39
Traintopacicula: the error came from a gcc-command for compiling a kernel-module; now I just did "make modules_prepare; make modules"... -it compiles EVERY module now, but it seems I have to wait that long for zd1211rw :-)13:39
MonotokoReikoku, perhaps..but rather than going the long way around, he might as well just install xubuntu? http://www.xubuntu.org/13:39
[THC]AcidRainReikoku: it appears to be working13:39
ReikokuTraintop: Most modules have several dependencies13:39
blackdivineblabla, whats dolphin?13:40
TraintopReikoku: which means?13:40
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ReikokuMonotoko: I haven't used xubuntu, I don't know its nuances13:40
ReikokuIf it's anything like kubuntu I wouldn't touch it with a 10 ft bargepole :P13:40
blablablackdivine: well i defined /dev/sda5 as / and /dev/sda1 as nothing13:40
ReikokuTraintop: It means your module can't install without compiling other ones it depends on13:40
MonotokoReikoku, it isn't..I've used it to bring ancient computers back to life a lot :P13:40
ReikokuLike when you apt-get something and it gets 30 software packages :P13:41
blablawith /sda1 being my windows13:41
ReikokuMonotoko: I haven't used LINUX for a while, tbh :P13:41
Traintopbut doing make modules_prepare should do the trick, shouldn't it?13:41
arcaoshello good people, I need if possible some orientation with the sound system on a 11.04 install13:41
Monotokoit's a life saver for a quick fix...and it is designed to be light :P13:41
Reikokublabla: Go into a terminal and do fdisk -l /dev/sda13:41
ReikokuMonotoko: I have a dual-architecture purpose built rescue USB for Linux which I always carry13:41
ReikokuA lot of friends use it :P13:41
arcaoshaven't found anything I can understand in the forums and am hoping to have a bit more luck here13:41
szalReikoku: if you don't even use Linux, then be the heck quiet about different desktops :P13:41
ReikokuI'm mostly on the BSDs now :P13:42
Reikokuszal: I use different desktops :P13:42
ReikokuI'm running NetBSD on most of my boxes13:42
Monotokoszal..I should have just said that in the first place I think :P13:42
blablaReikoku: it says it cannot open the disk13:42
Reikokublabla: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda13:42
blackdivineblabla, if you are running ubuntu now, you should see the drives on left panel if you are in your home, click on them and identify your windows drive, is it there?13:42
szalMonotoko: XFCE is far from light any longer, as I understand it13:43
Reikokuszal: It's a lot lighter than gnome/kde/unity :P13:43
pupuserf0be20hi guys i need help with my home directory13:43
Monotokoszal, I think the recent one isn't very light...but 10.04 does the job quite nicelty13:43
blablablackdivine: yes13:43
arcaosI have no sound coming out of my system, it used to work before but now I don't even hear the initial drums, then the sound icon appears in the system tray but there are no volume bars and no application has sound. Anybody here experiences something like it?13:43
brahmanaMonotoko, szal, Reikoku -- Would the laptop being old have anything to do with it throwing up "Boot Error" (Just that nothing else) when I tired booting with USB earlier (before I tried a CD)?13:43
blackdivineblabla, and you dont see it in grub right?13:44
pupuserf0be20"it does not appear to exist" and it does =O13:44
blablablackdivine: no13:44
Reikokubrahmana: It might not be able to boot from USB13:44
* szal remembers XFCE 3, which would start up in <5 secs from a Knoppix CD on a 1.7 GHz single-core CPU13:44
Monotokobrahmana, anything pre-2006 generally can't boot from USB#13:44
brahmanaOh.. !13:44
blackdivineblabla, ok open terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and run "sudo apt-get purge grub-pc)13:44
Reikokuszal: You mean the whole OS booted in 5 secs or xfce did? :P13:44
szalReikoku: the XFCE desktop13:45
pokoko222what do i need to work with opengl in ubuntu?13:45
blackdivineblabla and then in the same terminal, run "sudo apt-get install grub-pc" and paste the output at http://pastebin.pk/13:45
brahmanaReikoku, Monotoko : There is an option for temporary order selection on the laptop and that lists the USB drive (as a USB HDD) only when it is plugged in..13:45
ReikokuFrom startx my xfce4 boots in around 3 on a Celeron E320013:45
Traintoppkoko222: do your mean running applications or developing them?13:45
brahmanaAnd the bios has both USB HDD and USB FDD options for boot order selection13:45
InternetpcHI....Where can I Suggest name for future version of ubuntu ?13:46
pokoko222Traintop develop13:46
kiichiroon xubuntu how do I make it so it automatically logs me in?13:46
Monotokobrahmana, pre-2006 they could boot from certain USB HDD's, not flash drives though13:46
pupuserf0be20can anyone hlep me?13:46
Reikokukiichiro: Does it use xdm?13:47
Internetpc<pupuserf0be20> : abt what ?13:47
brahmanaMonotoko: oh.. I see..13:47
Monotokopupuserf0be20, what's wrong? Sorry I missed your message13:47
Monotokothis place moves too fast at times >.>13:48
pupuserf0be20"my home directory does not appear to exist", i got that message after my desktop froze and i had to force shutdown...13:48
Traintoppokoko222: I always used synaptic to install libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev, this installs all every other dev-packages...13:48
pupuserf0be20when i tried to log in13:48
Monotokopupuserf0be20, is that when you login?13:48
pokoko222Traintop that is all i need?13:48
pupuserf0be20it worked just fine before13:48
Monotokopupuserf0be20, switch to a console (ctrl+alt+f1) and try to login13:48
blackdivineblabla, any progress?13:48
blablablackdivine: I think it did it : http://pastebin.pk/77513:49
Traintoppokoko222: this is one of the libs you need to have: the others are all dependant and are installed alongside13:49
Reikokukiichiro: I cant remember if xubuntu uses gdm or xdm, if it's gdm it's in sudo gdmsetup13:49
blablablackdivine: the longest part was having the site respond the url :P13:49
Monotokopupuserf0be20, it sounds like your home directory has corrupted when you force rebooted13:49
pokoko222Traintop thank you13:49
blackdivineblabla, yes "Found Windows 7 (loader) on /dev/sda1" that marks your success, congrats :)13:49
Genghizwhat do I google for when I want synaptic/ package manager to pop-up saying "so and so" program not installed , do you wanna install from package manager ?13:49
Genghizfrom python ?13:49
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blablablackdivine: I think I should reboot to try at this point, thank you for your help :)13:49
Traintoppokoko222: do not use *swx* ; it's software-rendering13:50
blackdivineblabla, yeah go ahead, no problem, give and get :)13:50
Traintoppokoko222: use libgl1-mesa-dev13:50
dcorkingare there rogue updates in my update stream? they attempt to replace apt on the grounds of a package validation bug, but the bug in the changelog returns a 'page not found' at https://launchpad.net/bugs/784473 :(13:50
ubottuError: ubuntu bug 784473 not found13:50
Monotokopupuserf0be20, can I PM you? This place is moving way to fast for me to give effective help13:50
pupuserf0be20PM me? where?13:50
Monotokoon here...hold on13:50
Monotokopupuserf0be20, I sent you a message13:50
pokoko222Traintop ah i saw that and installed swx it automatically uninstalled libgl1-mesa-dev ok will do it agai13:51
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* Dreamscape[A] is now away - Reason : Auto-Away (Away from Keyboard)13:51
roadfishI can set position of wma files but NOT mp3 files. How do I get amarok to position mp3 files?13:51
szaldcorking: there you have it..  smells like a rootkit or something13:51
szaldcorking: other than that, at what occasion is apt trying to be replaced?13:52
ReikokuSmells nasty13:52
dcorkingszal, thanks. seems a bit blatant - hiding in plain sight by mentioning pkg vaslidation in the changelog13:52
dcorkingszal, comes in update-manager13:52
szaldcorking: friggin' GUI stuff..  does it also come up on the terminal?13:53
ReikokuI don't trust my guis :P13:53
ReikokuThey hide too much output13:53
pokoko222Traintop which header do you then include to work with opengl, and which libraries you link to13:54
Traintoppokoko222: just a moment13:54
Traintophave to boot up another machine... :-(13:55
szalsome mirrors are bloody slow to send headers, slowing cache update down.. -> Fetched 72 B in 52s (1 B/s)13:56
pokoko222Traintop i would be very greatful, i can wait13:56
dcorkingszal - a search on launchpad shows up a bzr braanch with the same puzzling changelog: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/natty/apt/natty-security/revision/14113:57
Traintoppokoko222: try this file http://paste.ubuntu.com/646531/13:58
Traintopit's a simple window with a spinning cube: compile with "gcc cube.cpp -o cube -lGL -lGLU -lglut"13:58
vk4akpHi guys.13:58
vk4akpAnyone know the URL to download the White version of Ubuntu?13:59
pokoko222Traintop i am in netbeans13:59
kiichiroxubuntu uses I believe the xdm13:59
pokoko222pokoko222 wow nice file i can take it from here, thank you so much :)14:00
vk4akpI'm after the release that doesn'have the Nigerian RootKit installed.14:00
brahmanaszal: I just tried the "edd=on" and "nomodeset" and the behavior is still the same.14:00
Traintoppokoko222: try this one on the terminal; if it works you can try getting it to run in netbeans; but I prefer emacs and terminal :-)14:00
dgandhi360Greetings all, I was wondering if there is a way to get gnome-terminal to zoom-in when called instead of requiring menu/hotkeys.14:00
brahmanaszal: The CD drive just goes dead silent a little while after the blinking dots screen (which otherwise is pretty noisy)14:01
szaldcorking: what's the final pkg version of the apt pkg to be installed?14:01
szalbrahmana: does it ever get past the dots?14:01
aciculaTraintop: you can compile individual modules as long as the source tree is configured and prepared, think you can use make M=path/to/module/directory14:02
dcorkingI know it is standard for the security team to hide launchpad bugs until the fix is available, but is 784473 supposed to remain hidden "page not found" ?14:02
ReikokuIsn't there a way to hide the dots and see the bootup under it?14:02
brahmanaszal: I have tried only two scenarios - the default and with your suggestion - and in both cases a little while after the dots the screen goes blank and no key press does anything14:02
szalReikoku: press Esc when booting14:02
Traintopacicula: thanks :-) "make oldconfig;make modules_prepare;make modules" is still running, but after it finishes I'll try your suggestion14:02
Reikokubrahmana: Try that14:03
kiichiroReikoku, xubuntu uses the xdm I believe14:03
aciculaReikoku: think alt-f1 or tab or some combination of it might make it switch back to text, not sure though.14:03
dcorkingszal : going to apt version
ReikokuPress esc when booting14:03
ReikokuSee what the error is14:03
szaldcorking: that update came a week or so ago; I normally don't bother about changelogs, so I didn't notice something strange there14:03
szaldcorking: perhaps poke the maintainer about your finding14:05
Traintopok, after aborting my last compile I just read a line which I overread till now: "WARNING: Symbol version dump /home/marcus/zd/linux-source-2.6.38/Module.symvers is missing; modules will have no dependencies and modversions.14:05
dcorkingszal - ta - where do you find the dates on the updates?14:06
starlonis there any way to disable specific cores? I know I can pass maxcpus=1 in Grub. I don't know which core's being used though.14:06
Traintopthis is exactly the problem I have with this module...14:06
starlonDoes it simply go 0, then 1, etc..?14:06
Traintophow can I get this fixed... -copy Module.symvers from /boot?14:06
brahmanaszal, Reikoku : Doesn't halt at an error. Lead me to the blank screen and silent CD drive again.14:06
Reikoku Traintop: Did you make before make modules?14:06
dydwhat's a good way to make an image of all my so + applications? like a recovery dvd14:07
TraintopReikoku: no14:07
brahmanaszal, Reikoku The last thing that looked like an error was : ureadahead-other stopped with status 414:07
Reikokubrahmana: Seems like it's trying to load X but failing :/14:07
szalbrahmana: that's normal, afaict14:07
natrixnatrix89how do i access ubuntu guest user account?14:07
brahmanacan I start this in runlevel 3?14:07
ReikokuAre ttys enabled in livecd environment?14:07
offermann_hi, hab ubuntu 11.04 leider ist kein ruhestand instsalliert, wie kann ich das ändern?14:07
ReikokuTry ctrl-alt-f214:07
brahmanaNo, none of those worked14:07
szalnatrixnatrix89: there is no guest user account, unless you created one14:08
TraintopReikoku: I did the following: 1. apt-get install linux-sources-2.6.28.tar.bz2 2. patch zd1211rw-module 3. cp /boot/config-2.6.38-8-generic .config 4. make oldconfig;make modules_prepare;make modules...14:08
brahmanaReikoku: i.e none of Ctrl + alt + F(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) worked14:08
brahmanaszal: Is there a boot up option like edd=on to start in runlevel 3? (i.e. no X)14:09
starlonIs there a particular package I can install via apt-get that'll install a bunch of common build tools, such as automake, gcc, std libs, etc?14:09
szalbrahmana: append "text" to the kernel line in Grub14:09
Reikokubrahmana: I can only suggest the alternative CD14:09
ReikokuTraintop: That should work assuming your kernel is a similar version14:09
kiichiroon xubuntu how do I make it so it automatically logs me in?14:10
ReikokuI assume all as root :P14:10
TraintopReikoku: I downloaded this version because this is the kernel my machine uses atm...14:10
root____where do u think i should start learning backtrack???14:10
ikoniaroot____: in #backtrack-linux14:10
TraintopReikoku: thought this would be the only way... :-)14:10
ikoniaroot____: this channel is for Ubuntu support14:10
ReikokuTraintop: Oh, you're not upgrading kernel then? :P14:10
starlonah build-essentials14:10
TraintopReikoku: no, I just want to recompile this one module called "zd1211rw.ko"14:11
brahmanaszal: The end of the boot options line looks like this now : "initird=/casper/initrd.lz quiet splash -- text" -- Is that fine?14:11
Traintopbecause I have to patch this module for some specific reason...14:11
szalbrahmana: yes14:11
szalbrahmana: while you're at it you might want to remove "quiet splash"14:12
TraintopReikoku: what yould be the way you suggest to do this? -the only reason I'm fiddling with the kernel is this packet-injection-patch for the zd1211rw-module... -I do NOT want to compile my kernel or up- or downgrade it; just get this module to work with this patch... :-(14:13
nahabhallo jemand da?14:13
brahmanaszal: it worked.. I got the prompt.. ! :)14:13
szalbrahmana: in other words, it's an X load problem14:13
Traintopnahab: yo, alda :-)14:13
szal!de | nahab14:13
ubottunahab: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!14:14
ReikokuTraintop: I'm struggling to see why it isn't working, I assume you do make oldconfig, then make menuconfig to turn on the module you want, then patch, then make modules14:14
ReikokuI used to have a module I had to patch all the time for my Mac's backlight14:14
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Traintopreikoku: ok, wrong order; I first did patch, then make oldconfig...14:14
TraintopReikoku: should I try the other way round?14:14
dddbmtHow do I check the temperature of my ubuntu 11.04 machine? It is quite warm, and just turn off without warning.14:14
brahmanaszal: Yes. I wonder if some conf file tweaks can get X also running... nevertheless the command prompt should be good enough for now..14:14
kiichirocan someone help me so I don't need to login, I know I just asked this but I switched computers to more easily read everything14:15
brahmanaszal, Reikoku, Monotoko : thank you all very much...14:15
tyler_dwhy is it that in ubuntu 11.04 the terminal title does not update on ssh? fresh install(32)14:15
nahabgerman ubuntu?14:15
szalbrahmana: if you want to actually install something on that machine later on, I suggest grabbing the alternate CD14:15
tktiddleIm looking for a package "alfresco" which should be in the partners repo, but i cant find it with aptitude.. does anyone know anything about this package? is it available on ubuntu10?14:15
natrixnatrix89kiichiro: do you mean autologin?14:15
Traintopnahab: es gibt einen deutschen ubuntu-channel; aber worum geht es? -vielleict kann ich dir weiterhelfen?14:16
kiichiroCorrect natrixnatrix8914:16
brahmanaszal: I will remember that.14:16
natrixnatrix89kiichiro are you on natty?14:16
kiichiroxubuntu 11.0414:16
head_victimAnyone have some good rsync flags for syncing a mirror? I'm using -vtlrh --delete and my mirror has slowly gorwn over time to 800 GB14:16
brahmanaszal: However the case here is that, it was a dual boot eariler and I accidentally deleted the Ubuntu partition from windows and now I need to set the MBR right so that I can boot Windows at least.. !14:16
Reikokubrahmana: Depending what your graphics card is, you may need to be prepared to mess around to get it to work14:16
natrixnatrix89kiichiro: then just go to settings and click login screen14:17
ikoniahead_victim: try #rsync14:17
natrixnatrix89and use autologin14:17
pokoko222which header and library do i need to install for glut in ubuntu?14:17
szalbrahmana: ah, that should work fine on the terminal ^^14:17
CaptWhoanyone have any idea how to burn a 788mg iso image on a 700mg data disk?  is it possible to break the iso into 2 parts?14:17
kiichiroMy name is not available to be choosen from the list, the drop box just remains gray even after I unlock it14:17
head_victimikonia: cheers, looked for a mirror room but that's another aspect14:17
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natrixnatrix89have you checked the checkbox?14:17
Traintoppokoko222: just open synaptic and enter "glut dev" in the search field14:17
kiichiroyes I have14:17
brahmanaReikoku: I think I will keep this old one on Windows. I will just the new one for Linux. :)14:18
pokoko222Traintop by the way i got gl and glu headers right :) ok i will do this one now14:18
natrixnatrix89weird. maybe you have to reconfigure login screen manager..14:18
pokoko222Traintop but there is other stuff like freeglut dunno what to install14:18
kiichirohow exactly would I go about doing that14:18
szalTraintop: he found the German channel ;)14:19
Traintoppokoko222: it's always the same when setting up a new machine... installing all the libs and headers for GL... -but if you got it running once you have no worries anymore... :-)14:19
natrixnatrix89kiichiro: just sudo dpkg --reconfigure <your login manager>14:19
natrixnatrix89on ubuntu it would be gdm14:19
kiichirowhat would my login manager be exactly?14:19
natrixnatrix89on lubuntu it was lxdm as I remember14:19
madpropshow can this make any sense? http://www.mybravetruehero.com/skype-upside-down-video-problem-solved/14:19
natrixnatrix89I don't remember.. google for that14:19
madpropshow is that file supposed to run skype?14:19
Traintopszal: I always sit here because I HOPE there are more english-speaking-ubuntu-users than german ones.. .:-)14:19
pokoko222Traintop ok so which one do i install there are more glut headers and libraries stuff all over the place :)14:19
BluesKajbrahmana, are you sure you deleted the ubuntu partition , or did you install windows after installing ubuntu and now you can't access14:20
szalTraintop: obviously there are ;)14:20
tomodachidoes anyone haw a quick fick for ultra slow workspace switching performance? im on latest ubuntu nvidia proprietary driver14:20
brahmanaszal: btw, I been following this post : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=508927 to reset the MBR and it suggests use of the package ms-sys which now seems to be removed from repo for licensing issues. Is mbr the right package to use now?14:20
Traintoppokoko222: mom14:20
tktiddleIve enabled the partners repo but i cant find sun-java6-jdk14:20
pokoko222Traintop mom?14:20
brahmanaBluesKaj: I am pretty sure I deleted the Ubuntu parition. Though I had that other problem that you stated quite a few years ago... :)14:20
Traintoppokoko222: wait a moment :-) german-online-gamer-language :-)14:21
szalbrahmana: reinstalling Grub should do, unless the installation is so b0rked that even more stuff is missing14:21
szal!grub | brahmana14:21
ubottubrahmana: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)14:21
Traintoppokoko222: install freeglut3-dev14:21
tktiddleHow do i install sun/oracle java?14:21
Traintoppokoko222: packets with a red ubuntu-icon are always good to install :-)14:21
kiichironatrixnatrix89, wait, just remembered something, how do I get to the security tab14:21
brahmanaszal: aah.. um.. well I deleted the ubuntu parition from the Windows Disk Management tool..14:22
pokoko222Traintop thank you so much so so much oh boy i cant wait to get to program now14:22
szalbrahmana: then there's nothing to do but to reinstall14:22
natrixnatrix89kiichiro: security? it should be seahorse14:22
Traintoppokoko222: did you get the cube-demo to compile and run?14:22
pokoko222Traintop well i needed the glut header just a sec14:23
brahmanaszal: No, I just want to reset the MBR and just have windows on this machine (for now at least). Do I need to install the OS complete for that?14:23
pokoko222Traintop what do i include now i have both freeglut.h and glut.h :D14:23
szalbrahmana: you better do that from an appropriate Windows install medium14:23
Traintopbrahmana: boot into windows anyhow and do this chkdsk -fix-mbr ...14:23
Traintoppokoko222:should work both if both are installed by synaptic14:24
szalTraintop: afaik, incumbent instructions are different for XP and Vista/Win714:24
Traintopszal: havent't booted into non-linux-os for over 6a now... -so I do not remember all the syntax-options from DOS... :-(14:25
szalTraintop: XP has a 'fixmbr' command, for Vista/Win7 I'd have to look instructions up.. </ot>14:26
Traintopszal: same for me: my last win was XP SP2; all other windows after this I haven't seen but in the commercials... :-)14:26
Traintopyesterday, a friend of mine asked my for some help with his new laptop and this runs win7 ultimate... -did not find anything at first :-)14:27
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Traintopby the way: someone out there running ubuntu 11.04 64bit a14:29
pokoko222Traintop which libraries do i need to link to/14:29
Traintopnd has a running zd1211rw.ko with packet-injection... :->14:29
kiichironatrixnatrix89, for the auto login I hear I'm suppose to open the login screen and move to the security tab, is that different in natty14:29
BluesKajbrahmana, if you can find an app called easyBCD then you should be able fix the mbr on W7/Vista using that .14:30
Traintoppokoko222: gcc cube.cpp -o cube -lGL -lGLU -lglut14:30
ReikokuTraintop: I haven't used Windows on a home PC since Clinton was in the white house :P14:30
Traintoppokoko222: the order of -lGL and -lGLU and -lglut is important...14:30
natrixnatrix89kiichiro: shouldn't be..14:30
kiichiroodd I don't have a security tab for my thing, ya sounds like a reconfigure thing for sure14:30
Traintopreikoku: clinton was early-90s, wasn't he?14:30
asher^hello, im wondering if someone can tell me how to view the current linux kernel config from a command line14:31
TraintopReikoku: did you just give him as a time-mark or did he do something to get you off windows?14:31
brahmanaBluesKaj: Just looked at easyBCD's website. Does it work when I am not able to boot into any OS at all?14:31
BluesKajbrahmana, I thought it was on a live-cd14:32
pokoko222Traintop yeah but i am in netbeans and i try to now locate those libraries14:32
brahmanaBluesKaj: Ok. Will read the guides. Thank you for the suggestion.14:33
szalbrahmana: Windows help is in ##windows14:33
ReikokuTraintop: Time mark :P14:33
brahmanaszal: Oh ok.. thank you.14:33
ReikokuAnd he was up until 98 I believe14:33
Traintoppokoko222: I did not use netbeans yet; so you have to figure this out somehow, but can you compile this test-cube on the command-line with the given command; then you could at least assure your installation is working...14:33
pokoko222Traintop yeah oki doki, i will figure out now which libraries i need to link and where do i  find them14:34
Traintopok, then late-90s; also quite a time for linux and bsds...14:34
brahmanaszal: Though I would prefer to fix this MBR from my Ubuntu LiveCD that I have booted already.. :)14:34
Traintoppokoko222: I just mentioned the command so you could check if you have everything installed...14:34
[THC]AcidRainok i have a question about mounting a drive.  in the fstab, when i associate the drive with its mount point, my drive changes names on its own.  so do i just link every possible name it could have?14:35
[THC]AcidRainit just recently started doing things i dont want it to do -.-14:35
Traintopediting the lib-paths in netbeans should be documented somewhere...14:35
VEndixHello, i change password and procedure comes right way, but i can't login into Ubuntu One, section.14:35
VEndixCan someone help me to do that?14:35
Traintop[THC]AcidRain: if your drive changes names try mounting it via its uuid14:35
XLVbrahmana, my take, boot into ubuntu from the live cd, install grub2, then use easybcd to setup a bcd entry intro windows boot manager using grub2 template.. works great14:36
Traintopthen the name is not relevant anymore...14:36
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[THC]AcidRainTraintop: how do i do that?14:36
[THC]AcidRainit changes from /dev/sdg1 to sdh1 sdc114:36
[THC]AcidRainand so on14:36
arcaosany sound expert around? need some help please14:36
mmocnyHi All: I've just rebooted and after BIOS/POST the screen goes black.  I can't Ctrl+Alt+F1 to see term, I don't see any loading graphics or anything.  I _can_ ssh into the machine, so ubuntu is loading and responding.. how can I diagnose the issue?  (I totalled my home folder before reboot, in order to remove ecryptfs, and am working on fixing it now)14:36
brahmanaXLV: Ok, now how do I install grub2 in the right location and in the right way?14:37
TraintopTHC: just a moment14:37
BluesKaj!grub | brahmana14:37
ubottubrahmana: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)14:37
XLVbrahmana, apt-get install grub2 will do all that for you14:37
[THC]AcidRain /dev/sdc1       /media/Server2     ext3     defaults 0   014:37
brahmanaXLV: Ubuntu LiveCD is running now and I have access to command prompt (as root)14:37
[THC]AcidRainthis is what i have so far14:37
kz3is there any way I can sync apps to my iPod touch in Ubuntu14:38
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[THC]AcidRainbut when i unplug the drive, or reboot. it will load the drive as /dev/sdg114:38
Traintopsudo blkid /dev/sda114:38
Traintopor in your case /dev/sdg114:38
[THC]AcidRainTraintop: the drive was named sdg1 for 2 months14:38
[THC]AcidRainthis blocks a drive id?14:38
Reikokukz3: RhythmBox can sync with iDevices14:38
TraintopTHC: this will give you the uuid for this partition14:38
brahmanaXLV: Where on the hard-disk will the installed files be? (since this is live cd)14:38
ReikokuNot sure if the patch is built in though14:38
TraintopTHC: so you can mount it via fstab even if the name changes14:39
XLVbrahmana, you need to mount the ubuntu / somewhere, then into shell, issue the command "sudo chroot /<path and dir of mounted ubuntu>14:39
XLVbrahmana, then use the apt-get command14:39
brahmanaXLV: aah.. ok.. got it14:39
[THC]AcidRainTraintop: on the command you gave me. no output...14:39
Traintoproot@Lunar:~# sudo blkid /dev/sda114:40
Traintop/dev/sda1: UUID="2be3d9ea-da14-4a77-9a27-b83ef8f3ed72" TYPE="ext4"14:40
[THC]AcidRainoh nvm14:40
[THC]AcidRainUUID="1d112679-6e31-481f-86eb-f7ec25756183" TYPE="ext3"14:40
Reikokukz3: Looks like it's supported out of the box on Ubuntu14:40
[THC]AcidRainok this is very interesting14:40
[THC]AcidRainnow im going to link it with this in fstab?14:40
kz3 Reikoku : means?14:40
Picikz3: 'sync apps'?14:40
TraintopTHC: in fstab just alter /dev/sd... against 1D112679-....14:40
TraintopTHC: wrong!14:41
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[THC]AcidRain1d112679-6e31-481f-86eb-f7ec25756183       /media/Server2     ext3     defaults 0   014:41
ReikokuOh wait, apps?14:41
Picikz3: What do you mean by 'sync apps'?14:41
TraintopTHC: dev/sd... should be UUID=3452345234514:41
ReikokuHmm, can't you download them on the iPod Touch directly? :S14:41
[THC]AcidRainyea thats what i have...14:41
ReikokuPici: He means download apps from iTunes store14:41
kz3 Pici : I mean installing apps on ipod14:41
Reikokuand sync themn14:41
ReikokuBut iPod has App Store14:41
Reikokuand WiFi14:41
[THC]AcidRaini didnt get any errors regarding location not found14:42
[THC]AcidRainso i guess it worked14:42
Picikz3: No, you cannot use any Linux programs to do that.  I don't know what the viability of running itunes in a virtual machine is though.14:42
[THC]AcidRainlet me unmount and unplugg and replug. see what happens14:42
ReikokuYou should be able to download them straight to the iPod assuming you have a wireless network14:42
TraintopTHC: That's what UUID are for :-)14:42
[THC]AcidRainok. umount14:43
[THC]AcidRainunplugged, and replugged.14:43
[THC]AcidRainlets see what we got14:43
Reikokukz3: Is App Store not working on your iPod/you don't have wireless?14:43
[THC]AcidRainit mounted as Server2_14:43
ReikokuOn my iPad (which is basically just a big iPod Touch) I always download Apps straight on the device14:44
kz3 Reikoku :  actually the downloading speed on my iPod is very slow....I dont know why but it is14:44
TraintopTHC: shouldn't it mount as /media/Server2 ?14:44
TraintopTHC: according to your fstab14:44
[THC]AcidRainyes it SHOULD.14:45
[THC]AcidRain1d112679-6e31-481f-86eb-f7ec25756183       /media/Server2     ext3     defaults 0   014:45
dr_willis[THC]AcidRain:  unmount it. remove any extra /media/server2 dirs. plug it back in. and it should to to /media/server214:45
Reikokukz3: That's very odd14:45
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Pici[THC]AcidRain: It needs to say UUID= in front of your UUID.14:46
dr_willis[THC]AcidRain:  but fstab may disable the automounting stuff14:46
[THC]AcidRaini took your advice dr_willis14:46
[THC]AcidRainit loaded fine as Server2 this time14:46
kz3Reikoku:  it is...what should I do?14:46
[THC]AcidRainPici: does it HAVE to say uuid=? infront14:46
[THC]AcidRaincause it appears to be working without it14:46
Reikokukz3: It's probably that the iPod doesn't like the encryption, the older iPods use processor instead of a dedicated chip to decrypt14:47
dr_willis[THC]AcidRain:  it automounted.. ignred the fstab entry14:47
TraintopTHC: in my fstab every uuid-entry begins with UUID=14:47
[THC]AcidRainok. ill try again. i edited it uuid14:47
Pici[THC]AcidRain: I was under the impression that it did need to start with that.14:47
[skl-]How to make a remote list on xchat-gnome guys ? :(14:47
[THC]AcidRainok trying again14:48
dr_willis[skl-]:  to do what exzactly. most people perfer the normal xchat also14:48
[THC]AcidRainit says: You are not priviledged to mount the volume 'Server2'.14:48
Reikokukz3: I expect if you turn off encryption on your router it will go much faster but that's not really a solution :P14:48
CloudBluehi i need help14:49
pokoko222Traintop I got the most beatiful rotating cube on my screen thank you :D14:49
[THC]AcidRaindo i have to sudo to mount?14:49
ActionParsnip[THC]AcidRain: prefix with sudo14:49
kiamoI seem to have a problem with my repos14:49
[THC]AcidRaini want it to automount as Server214:49
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kz3 Reikoku: my network doesnt have encryption key14:49
[THC]AcidRaini dont want to run sudo everytime to mount :(14:49
ActionParsnipkiamo: can you give a pastebin of:  sudo apt-get update; lsb_release -a14:49
Traintoppokoko222: :-) -now you should go to NeHes site to get to know how to programm opengl from bottom to top :-)14:49
kiamosure, just a second ActionParsnip ^^14:49
CloudBluei need help =(14:50
ActionParsnip[THC]AcidRain: you can add it in /etc/fstab and it will mount at boot, you can use nautilus and you won't need any authentication14:50
ActionParsnipCloudBlue: ask away :)14:50
[THC]AcidRainActionParsnip: i can add sudo in fstab? :/14:50
[THC]AcidRaincause ive already added it in fstab.14:50
CloudBluemy home directory ¨does not appear to exist¨ and shows up as an empty file when i log into another account. This was after my desktop froze and i had to hard reset...14:50
yuvatejaby using ping command finding ip address of a particular  domain name is taking long time there is any other command is there?14:50
ActionParsnip[THC]AcidRain: no, it needs a different syntax, I'd look into using nautilus first (far easier)14:51
CloudBluewhen i loged in before it worked just fine14:51
kiamowhat's a good pastebin alt?14:51
[THC]AcidRainactually fstab seems to be handling it. cause i just got an error saying Server2 not found14:51
kiamopastebin isn't loading for me14:51
[THC]AcidRainso ill have to create the dir now14:51
pokoko222Traintop i got myself this book called interactive computer graphics top down approach but i got also beginning game programming with opengl too because i need an opengl book and this one seems to be just that14:51
Traintopkiamo: paste.ubuntu.com14:51
ActionParsnip!paste | kiamo14:52
ubottukiamo: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:52
kiamonevermind, i found another ^^14:52
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com14:52
[THC]AcidRainfinal test right here!14:52
dr_willis[THC]AcidRain:  you may want to read up on fstab and mounting. you may be overlooking some basic fundamentals and getting confused14:52
sipioryuvateja: "dig domain.name.com", if i understand your question correctly.14:52
[THC]AcidRaingrrrr! got a mount priviledge error again14:53
Traintoppokoko222: if you first get some demo to compile and run the journey really starts :-)14:53
[THC]AcidRainim gonna reboot and see if it will mount automatically14:53
Traintops/run the/run; -the/14:53
CloudBluehow can i get my home directory account back?14:53
Guest30519Hi there, I think this is relevant...I am also trying to edit /etc/fstab in order to mount a second harddrive, however I am getting an error message14:53
brahmanaXLV: I was trying that chroot thingy and got confused in the course.14:53
h4xx0rwats up :D14:54
Guest30519hmmm.. why do I come up as Guest30519?14:54
[THC]AcidRainGuest30519: what is your error? we will make it together14:54
kiamoActionParsnip, forgot to put your name, don't know if you saw.  http://paste2.org/p/152668614:54
yuvatejasipior:yes,thank you14:54
brahmanaXLV: I have a partition with ext2 fs now and I mounted / on that parition. Am I doing it right?14:54
BluesKaj!nick | Guest3051914:54
ubottuGuest30519: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.14:54
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions14:54
Traintoppokoko222: the guys over at channel #gl or #opengl are also quite friendly and some of them have very good knowledge about gl :-)14:54
Guest30519the added line is line 9.  The error message says that line 9 is bad, but it is pretty much copied from the line that lists the main harddrive14:54
ActionParsnipkiamo: sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 94E58C34A8670E8C14:54
XLVbrahmana, go into /mnt, sudo mkdir test, then chroot /mnt/test14:55
ActionParsnipkiamo: the xbmc doesn't have a natty folder, so you will get that error until they update14:55
ubottuYour nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.14:55
XLVbrahmana, sudo chroot /mnt/test14:55
[THC]AcidRainGuest30519: run sudo blkid /dev/disk14:55
kiamoActionParsnip, oh i see.14:55
kiamothanks ActionParsnip :)14:55
XLVbrahmana, also, you dont have to issue sudo all the time, if you use sudo -i one time at beginning14:55
ActionParsnipkiamo: you forgot to add the GPG key for your screenlets PPA too14:55
ActionParsnipkiamo: the command imports it14:56
brahmanaXLV: sudo is fine, I did sudo bash to avoid the pain.. :)14:56
ActionParsnipkiamo: you CAN change the ppa in software centre to maverick and it will be ok but it may cause issues later. Your choice14:56
VEndixCan someone, help me to understand why do the FileZilla crashes without any error when i try to upload file to the server?14:56
dr_willisbetter to do sudo -i or -s14:56
brahmanaXLV: I am little confused here. At beginning no part of the file system points to any hard-disk parition, right?14:56
kiamoActionParsnip, ill try it.  I just want to test xbmc out before deciding to build a machine for it.  ^^14:57
dr_williskiamo:  check out boxxee also14:57
XLVbrahmana, lets say your root partition of your ubuntu install is /dev/sda114:57
kiamodr_willis, oh yea?14:57
BluesKajsudo or aliases and sudoers14:57
* kiamo googles14:57
ActionParsnipkiamo: its not bad, resource hungry but not bad at all. If you make a dedicated system for it I'd suggest using some light desktop like LXDE instead of gnome14:57
VEndixCan someone, help me to understand why do the FileZilla crashes without any error when i try to upload file to the server?14:57
dr_williskiamo:  its xbmc +moar14:58
XLVbrahmana, you mkdir /mnt/test then mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/test then chroot /mnt/test14:58
ActionParsnipVEndix: do other ftp clients work ok? does the same behaviour occur as all users?14:58
brahmanaXLV:  Well, that's the problem here. No ubuntu install exists here. The parition on which Ubuntu was installed is deleted.14:58
XLVbrahmana, ... then just reinstall ubuntu14:58
ActionParsnipkiamo: could just install Lubuntu to make life easier ;)14:58
VEndixActionParsnip: well i will try, what client i should install?14:59
kiamodr_willis, im looking for a better solution for watching movies.  at the moment I am transcoding with PMS.  However about 50% of the time I have transcode errors14:59
ActionParsnipVEndix: there are plenty available, search software centre14:59
K4kI'm getting a random, blank, window on my screen at login. I'm using icewm and I've got xscreensaver, nm-applet and xfce4-power-manager starting up, all without apparent errors. Any ideas what this window might be? I'm unable to close it.14:59
kiamoActionParsnip, I was thinking of just installing the XBMC Live.14:59
kiamoActionParsnip, maybe easier?14:59
brahmanaXLV: I am trying to just reset the MBR for now. I am trying to avoid an install here. This is an old laptop and cannot handle the regular 10.04. So I want to leave it with just Windows14:59
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dr_williskiamo:  i had issues with xbmc live14:59
CloudBluecan someone help in a personal channel, it will only take a sec...15:00
ActionParsnipkiamo: that works too, not sure how drivers would work. depends what is on the CD to how well it will work15:00
dr_willisxmbc live was a little old last i tried it15:00
brahmanaXLV: Will a grub install to a hdd partition without any ubuntu install work?15:00
XLVbrahmana, ok, then just go into windows, fire up easybcd, remove all linux entries from bcd menu if they exist, then somewhere in easybcd panels, theres an option "write mbr"15:00
ushillsNickServ identify ushills stanley15:00
BluesKajkiamo, you can add the xbmc repos to your soiurces list the 10.10 repos version works15:00
ActionParsnipushills: ooops15:01
Assidso im planning on setting up an ubuntu desktop which works over iscsi for a diskless boot15:01
XLVbrahmana, why you want grub on a system with no linux or any other OS that uses grub? use windows boot manager15:01
brahmanaXLV: I have no way of going into Windows.. Grub just lands me in rescue shell.. !15:01
dr_willisushills:  time to change password15:01
ushillsOoops indeed15:01
Assidcan someone help me go about this?15:01
ActionParsnipushills: I recommend you join #freenode and change password15:01
Traintopushills: someone has to change its password... :-)15:01
ushillsPassword isn't correct fortunately15:01
ActionParsnipAssid: then you'll need a pxe server15:01
ActionParsnipushills: lucky15:02
brahmanaXLV: No, I do not want grub. I just want to reset the MBR so that I can boot the machine.15:02
iVictorI updated ubuntu to and rebooted today. Since then, the system is not booting up. It throws error & drops to BusyBox.15:02
kiamodr_willis, ActionParsnip, i had issues on this computer too.  I figured I would buy a low end system that is compatible and suitable for 1080p playback15:02
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ActionParsnipiVictor: if you hold shift at boot, can you boot to the older kernel?15:02
roy__i need help guys with installing gallium and mesa over fglrx15:02
AssidActionParsnip i already have endian firewall15:02
XLVbrahmana, well, this is then purely #windows support territory.. but just to complete it, i'll say you need to boot from windows install cd, then depending on windows version ( xp or vista/7 ) theres a # of things to do15:02
kiamodr_willis, boxee looks intresting15:02
roy__can someone help me with that?15:02
ActionParsnipAssid: does that have a pxe server and tftp server installed?15:03
iVictorI didn't try holding shift key & booting to earlier version. Though, right now, I am logged in to (recovery).15:03
brahmanaXLV: ok.. so essentially no way of doing from Ubuntu then?15:03
dr_williskiamo:  i bought a boxee device the other day for $200. does netflix and a lot moar. smaller then a mini pc also15:03
XLVbrahmana, none15:03
AcidRainthe drive mounted properly this time15:03
AssidActionParsnip i think so.. it does let me set the filename and rootpath for any fixed leases i want to setup15:03
brahmanaXLV: ok.. thank you15:03
ActionParsnipiVictor: if it boots to the older version then run:   sudo update-grub15:03
AssidActionParsnip can we take this in pm15:03
AcidRainbut i have one last question.  in ubuntu, when i create a sym link.  how can i make the contents of that link accessible through the home dir of an ftp server15:04
ActionParsnipAssid: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallServer15:04
roy_guys since fglrx gives me lots of issues15:04
ActionParsnipAssid: I dont support in PM15:04
roy_i want to try open source drivers15:04
roy_can someone help me install it properly and configure it?15:04
AcidRaini have the sym link in the home ftp server dir now. but it says no such file or dir15:04
dr_willisAcidRain:  ftp server may need some 'follow symlinks' setting enabled15:04
AcidRainhmmm... ill check it out15:04
iVictorActionParsnip: Before I could boot normally to (recovery), I've had to do a update-grub. So essentially, I've already done update-grub.15:04
AcidRainthat would be in config right?15:04
kiamodr_willis, can it play 1080p mkvs of a smb share easily enough?15:04
dr_williskiamo:  should do it.15:05
Assidokay so  i need a tftp server15:05
AcidRaini use ftpdpro15:05
CloudBluehelp, my home dir is screwed... when i log in a message pops up that ¨it does not appear to exist¨ and i would like root to be my home dir...15:06
AcidRainit has a little buggy gftpdpro admin gui15:06
dr_williskiamo:  it does samba well and 1080p i belive. and can play mkv. but iv no 1080p videos that i know of15:06
AssidAcidRain you use a diskless setup?15:06
BluesKajkiamo, personally I found xbmc clunky to use , too many menus to do what you want ...I prefer the simplicity of vlc , which is very configurable , and works well for our HT on this media server pc15:06
dr_willisCloudBlue:  you mean /root? or /15:06
AcidRainyeah. its in repos15:07
CloudBlueyes slash root (/root)15:07
kiamoBluesKaj, you use vlc for your HT?  Presumably running on ubuntu and just browse for the media you want?15:07
dr_williskiamo:  boxee and xbmc have android phone remote apps also. so does vlc.. check out gmote also if using android.15:07
dr_williskiamo:  i use vlc that way also. depends on my mood15:07
CloudBluethen when i logged into another account the folder shows up as a empty file15:07
rocket16Hello guys. I got my new Dell Inspirion 14R today and after installing Ubuntu 11.04, it says "Warning, this partitio is misaligned by 1024 bytes" in Disk utility. So, does it really affect performance?15:08
dr_willisCloudBlue:  why not make a proper /home/username dir15:08
BluesKajkiamo, yes altho I use kde ,but that's almost immaterial..we find vlc easy ..even wife can access and watch without grief :)15:08
CloudBluemake another one?15:09
kiamodr_willis, I've got an android phone but no bluetooth on the pc.  Does the remote use the wifi?15:09
iVictorany suggestions?15:09
dr_willisCloudBlue:  each user has a /home/username  dir owened by them. how did yours vanish?15:09
kiamoalso, google results suggest a lot of stuttering on boxee for 1080p mkvs15:09
dr_williskiamo: they all do it via wifi15:10
kiamotoo bad, it was looking nice15:10
kiamoaaah excellent :)15:10
dax_Hi, does anyone know where I can find keyboard models for sony vaio? It currently doesn't recognize my right alt and ctrl keys15:10
rocket16Any help, guys?15:10
CloudBluei dont know, all i know is it happened after my computer froze on the same account and i had to hard shut down15:10
dr_willisCloudBlue:  i wouls suggest fscking the filesystems and remakiing a proper home dir then15:11
freemoserhi leute15:11
iVictorI updated ubuntu to and rebooted today. Since then, the system is not booting up. It throws error & drops to BusyBox.15:12
kiamook, so how do I fix the xbmc repo version?15:13
CloudBlueyea i did fscking, but should i delete the empty file and create a new one, is that what your suggesting?15:13
dr_willisCloudBlue:  what empty file? the home dir.. is a directory..15:13
dr_willis /home/yourusername15:13
dr_willisand it needs to be owned by your user also.15:14
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions15:14
BluesKajkiamo, if you insist on xbmc , I suggest you join #xbmc-linux for help15:14
kiamoaaah thank you :)15:15
roy_guys can u help me out with something?15:16
dr_williswebupd8 blog site has a guide on installing xbmc. like 3 lines cut/paste15:16
Traintoproy_: depends on what you are thinking about... :-)15:17
roy_the issue is this, fglrx.so locks up my system after giving me two boom messages in kernel log15:17
roy_im running xubuntu 64bit 11.0415:17
roy_ati hd385015:17
roy_and i decided to give the open source driver a try15:18
Traintoproy: sorry, but I have no knowledge about fglrx... :-(15:18
roy_but right now im stuck with software support only: OpenGL renderer string: Software Rasterizer15:18
Traintopisn't there a whole channel for fglrx?15:18
roy_can u tell me its name?15:19
roy_actually i dont want fglrx anymore15:19
roy_i want the open source15:19
farhad2161how can i set a destionation folder for tar to extract file there.i want to untar a file from cd drive to /test/15:19
roy_i removed the fglrx15:19
Traintopfarhad2161: then do "cd /test; tar -xvf /path/to/tar"15:20
unopfarhad2161,  tar xvf file.tar -C /path/to/extract/to15:21
rocket16Does a misaligned partition reduce performance in real?15:21
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CloudBlueum, how can i delete a file when i have no permission?15:23
ileawhat program in need or how it is caled to see system info?15:24
MonotokoCloudBlue, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:24
Monotokoilea, which system info are you after?15:25
Monotokothere are several programs15:25
ileai knew a program that ended with the word benchmark15:25
ileawith that i could see all the info15:25
ileavideo card15:26
Guest61894hi I am using lubuntu lxde I was wondrig if there is a auto login setting?15:28
ActionParsnipGuest61894: sure there is15:29
darnelhow can i convert ppt to pdf at the command line?15:29
ActionParsnipdarnel: I believe imagemagick may be able to15:30
Guest61894ActionParsnip I cant find it15:30
darnelActionParsnip: how?15:30
ActionParsnipdarnel: read the man page of: convert    after you install imagemagick15:30
darnelActionParsnip: can it do pptx also?15:30
darnelActionParsnip: i think it cant15:31
BluesKajdarnel, http://askubuntu.com/questions/11130/how-can-i-convert-a-ppt-to-a-pdf-from-the-command-line15:31
darnelmaybe pdf to ppt15:31
snimavatfor my 64 bit processor, should i use 64 bit ubuntu or ? as the ubuntu site seems to recommend 32 bit15:31
edbiansnimavat: go for 64 bit15:32
edbiansnimavat: Sometimes there are some small hangups but not usually anymore15:32
darnelBluesKaj: that tool is obsolete an ddoesnt exist anymore15:32
snimavatone more thing, how do i setup wireless network between ubuntu and my win 7 laptop15:32
snimavatboth are connected to a wireless router15:32
ActionParsnipGuest61894: gksudo leafpad /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf15:33
edbiansnimavat: What are you trying to share between the two machines?15:33
Traintopsnimavat: just go to "Network" in nautilus :-)(15:33
snimavatfiles and printer15:33
Guest61894ok thanks15:33
snimavatthe main thing is, i want to share win7 files in linux and vice-versa15:34
snimavatTraintop: what after that ?15:34
Traintopsnimavat: if you have installed samba you can easily browse the win-shares via network in nautilus; if you want to share dirs on your ubuntu-machine for win-machines right-click them and go to "Freigabeoptionen" don't know how this is called in english15:35
=== Einstein` is now known as Wiz[a]rd
snimavatlet me try it, does any one know the english name for it, btw ?15:35
Snicers-Work2where do I set a custom lib path for php?15:36
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Traintopshould be something like "share-options" or similar15:36
ActionParsnipsnimavat: look into samba15:36
Traintopin german it's the third entry from the bottom of that context-menu15:36
Guest61894ActonParsnip thank you have the settings up what do i need to change auto login setting to15:36
=== RtFM is now known as Guest27525
ActionParsnipGuest61894: try READING the file...15:38
Traintopin german from bottom there are: "Eigenschaften, Senden an, Freigabeoptionen"15:38
Traintopso in english it should be: "Properties, Send to, Share...."15:39
Guest61894autologin=dgod read it15:39
ActionParsnipGuest61894: make sure it isn't commented out and autologin will happen15:40
Guest61894ok thank you15:42
ActionParsnipGuest61894: make sure the session is session=/usr/bin/startlxde15:42
ActionParsnipGuest61894: save the new file, reboot to test15:42
=== Evixion` is now known as Evixion
snimavatshared it15:43
snimavatbut still win7 doesnt see the folder.15:43
AlfE1where does network manager store vpn logs?15:44
Traintopsnimavat: did you look for "Workgroup", the samba-shares are in this group15:44
Snicers-Work2TML-prv: ok, so if i want to recompile php from source and overwrite my old compiled php what do I do?15:45
snimavatTraintop: how do i do that ?15:45
BeelsebobHey, OS X has a command "atos" that translates an address in either a process or a library to a string (i.e. will convert a function pointer to it's name)  – is there a similar command under linux?15:45
snimavati just did \\15:45
snimavatwith the ip15:46
TML-prvSnicers-Work2: Well, if you installed PHP via a package, you should use "apt-get source php5" and then build yourself some custom .debs15:46
Snicers-Work2So I need to recompile apache and have it replace the old apt-get version of apache. How do I do this?15:48
TML-prvapt-get source apache2 && apt-get build-dep apache215:48
TML-prvThat will give you a source tree and all the build dependencies15:48
Snicers-Work2TML-prv: I did that, it did not change the php configure command in phpinfo15:49
TML-prvSnicers-Work2: Recompiling Apache wouldn't change PHP, no15:49
jribSnicers-Work2: why do you believe you need to recompile apache?15:49
Snicers-Work2jrib: I did not mean to type apache at all, I meant php5.15:50
jribSnicers-Work2: why do you believe you need to recompile php5?15:50
TML-prvSnicers-Work2: Well, then you should be saying 'php5' instead of 'apache2' in my above suggestions, but jrib's question still bears merit15:51
Snicers-Work2jrib: Because I need to change the configure command, can I do this without recompiling php5? I was told I had to.15:51
TML-prvSnicers-Work2: Why do you need to change the configure command?15:51
TML-prvWhat's the *real* problem you're trying to solve with all of this/15:51
jribSnicers-Work2: *why*?  What is your end goal that the version in the repositories is not allowing you to accomplish?15:51
Snicers-Work2TML-prv: Because I am including MSSQL library and was told it had to be included via the configure command line.15:51
Snicers-Work2TML-prv: Freetds is not a part of PHP out of the box, I need to include it.15:52
TML-prvSnicers-Work2: apt-get install php5-sybase15:53
Snicers-Work2TML-prv: that has freetds?15:53
isarlI upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04, and now my computer won't start. I suspect it's due to the graphics - if I time it just right, I can Ctrl-Alt-F3 into a virtual terminal before the drivers load, but it's tricky timing. I'm using a LiveCD right now. How can I fix it?15:53
isarlI already tried removing my xorg.conf so that a new one would get autogenerated; no luck.15:54
TML-prvSnicers-Work2: Although, honestly, unixODBC is going to be a lot smooth for you than freetds.15:54
petanilinuxhello all15:54
thrasher456hello ^^15:54
ActionParsnipisarl: what video chip do you use?15:54
petanilinuxsome one can help me15:54
isarlATi Radeon HD 5480, IIRC15:55
Snicers-Work2TML-prv: I can work on unixODBC another day, this is just to apease the microsoft department.15:55
petanilinuxi can't setting my printer15:55
kz3can wine support Photoshop CS5?15:55
Pici!appdb | kz315:55
ubottukz3: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help15:55
petanilinuxhow to setting EPSON STYLUS OFFICE T3015:55
petanilinuxon ubuntu15:56
isarlActionParsnip: I have the ATi driver downloaded, but from within the LiveCD, a chroot to my hard drive isn't enough to get the installer working.15:56
petanilinuxi didn't found driver for it15:56
lokHi everyone ... does anybody now about the package Sip-Api-7.1 or can anyone help me to install serna ... it always tells me that I need this package ... I read that python-sip was a virtual package for sip-api-7.1 ... I've installed that already but still it asks for the sip-api-7.1 ... anyone got an idea?15:56
AlfE1where does network manager store the vpn logs?15:56
bytesaber_workHow do I make smb mount point show up in ubuntu's nautilus as mounted drives?15:57
Snicers-Work2TML-prv: Do I need to restart a service after running 'apt-get install php5-sybase'?15:57
TML-prvSnicers-Work2: Well, at this point, I don't think this conversation belongs in #ubuntu - we can discuss the quality (or lack thereof) of PHP MSSQL drivers on Linux in ##PHP15:57
ActionParsnippetanilinux: http://www.openprinting.org/printer/Epson/Epson-Stylus_Office_T3015:57
MindspiderHey. I'm having a problem with Chromium on Ubuntu 11.04. For seemingly no reason it has started loading websites painfully slow, not at all or without any kind of style, just text. Other applications, including other browsers work fine.15:57
petanilinuxActionParsnip: thx brother15:57
ActionParsnipisarl: i'd uninstall theproprietary driver in the installed OS, then reboot and install thedriver15:57
jason__ActionParsnip thank you auto login now works15:57
ActionParsnippetanilinux: all I did was websearch.....15:58
ActionParsnipjason__: sweet15:58
isarlActionParsnip: How do I do that? I can't even boot...15:58
ActionParsnipisarl: hold shift at boot, select recovery mode, select root.No X server to get in the way15:58
petanilinuxActionParsnip: oke i am sorry.. brother15:59
isarlActionParsnip: Thanks; I'll give that a try.  Is that just for Grub2, or for classic as well?15:59
petanilinuxthx all15:59
zeroburnhay all. I am experiencing a problem with getting apache to run. I installed ubuntu 10.04 32bit alternative install, followed by an install of xinit and xubuntu-desktop. I aslo installed apache2 (using synaptic) and then downloaded and installed webmin to administrate te server. But apache refuses to run. the only output in the terminal is: "no such file or directory: apache2: could not open error log file logs/error_log. unable to open logs." then it exit15:59
NielsMknHey guys15:59
ActionParsnipisarl: you just need recovery mode root, get it however you normally would15:59
lokHi everyone ... does anybody now about the package Sip-Api-7.1 or can anyone help me to install serna ... it always tells me that I need this package ... I read that python-sip was a virtual package for sip-api-7.1 ... I've installed that already but still it asks for the sip-api-7.1 ... anyone got an idea?16:00
isarlActionParsnip: cheers. If I'm not back in 10 minutes, it's because it's worked.16:00
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NielsMknI don't wish to be a troll, but is xubuntu 11.04 more similar to gnome 2.6? I don't like unity but I want to stay with the latest release16:00
szallok: what tells you to install that?16:01
szal!classic | NielsMkn16:01
ubottuNielsMkn: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".16:01
petanilinuxActionParsnip : thx brother i am found driver for it16:01
zeroburnNielsMkn: its very simmilar to win 2000 and pre....16:01
zeroburnNielsMkn: the xubuntu interface...16:02
lokszal: apt-get or the software center, depending on which one I try it with ... it says there are unresolved dependecies16:02
NielsMknah is it true that the rollback option to gnome will be removed in 11.10?16:02
zeroburnNielsMkn: yep.. unfortunatly.. according to the ubuntu forums, Gnome3 wont support the "classic" desktop out the box.. needs to be installed seperately (or something simmilar to the clasic desktop)16:03
dydi've downloaded a file in tar.gz16:03
dydi suppose i have to unzip that in usr folder16:03
dydhow can i do that by command line?16:03
NielsMknI hate both gnome 3 and unity :((16:03
NielsMknI hate typing things everytime in search16:04
surfdueHello, is there a way to make the system recognize extra space if its on avirtual machine without a restart16:04
PiciNielsMkn: GNOME isn't supporting gnome2 anymore, so we don't have much of a choice.16:04
ActionParsnipNielsMkn: then use a different DE16:04
coder21i am using ubuntu 11.04 ,before i was using lucid 10.04 lts ,in that my graphics card was working 3d appearance were working but in 11.04 not working,any suggestions??16:04
szallok: what *buntu version?16:04
zeroburnNielsMkn: wel.. haha i never flame windows, but atleast ubuntu gives you a chance to get used to the new desktop environment before making the full switch :)...16:04
lokszal: 11.04, natty16:04
NielsMknwell yeah :D16:04
ActionParsnipNielsMkn: problem solved :D16:05
szallok: a quick search suggests that Natty doesn't have sip-api-7.1, it has 8.0 and 8.116:05
NielsMknActionParsnip, which DE?16:05
ActionParsnipNielsMkn: KDE, LXDE, XFCE or just go with openbox, fluxbox etc ;)16:06
=== zkriesse_ is now known as Guest48804
NielsMknWell which one is most like gnome 2.6?16:06
NeoncamouflageKDE reminds me of Windows too much, it's irritating.16:07
ActionParsnipNielsMkn: look at some screenshots, see which you like16:07
NielsMkneh, I don't want my ubuntu to look like Windows :/16:07
NeoncamouflageNor do I, why I used it for like 15 minutes and switched back to Gnome16:07
lokszal: thanks ... the problem is, now, can I use a former version or would that ruin other programms or how can I get serna ...16:07
coder21compiz manager,3D settings not working in ubuntu 11.04 natty16:07
NielsMknWell ActionParsnip I looked at them, and found xfce similar :o16:07
ReikokuNielsMkn: LXDE is pretty GNOME-like16:07
NielsMknnot gnome 3 right? :O16:08
szallok: what the ... is serna?16:08
ActionParsnipNielsMkn: then use that, sudo apt-get install xfce4   log off, select xfce as the session and log in16:08
NeoncamouflageI have a question, how is Gnome pronounced? I've heard three different ways of saying it, is there an official pronunciation?16:08
dcorkingthe committer of the apt changelog I mentioned earlier tells me that the linked LP bug is private, which is why it is invisible to the web.16:08
lokszal: serna is a WYSIWYG xml editor ... actually the best open source one16:08
NielsMknbut right now, you guys told me it was like windows 2000 :O16:08
NielsMknand I dont' want windows and definetely not an old one :P16:08
ReikokuNeoncamouflage: I pronounce it as in Gnome with a silent G16:09
ReikokuSo nome16:09
zeroburnNielsMkn: follow the other guy's advice... google... lolz..16:09
NeoncamouflageI've always said it as like Gee-Nome.16:09
NeoncamouflageAs does my friend16:09
NielsMkndoing that, just wanted your opinions as well :D16:09
ActionParsnipNielsMkn: look at screenshots and try it, you can always add another panel if you like the double panel look16:09
=== Guybrush_Threepw is now known as Guybrush88
ReikokuNielsMkn: Try all of them out16:10
NielsMknAll of them :O16:10
szal!info serna16:10
ubottuserna (source: serna-free): Graphical XML editor. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.svn270-3ubuntu1 (natty), package size 52211 kB, installed size 92076 kB16:10
surfdueHello, is there a way to make the system recognize extra space if its on avirtual machine without a restart16:10
ReikokuPick the one you don't like16:10
ActionParsnipNeoncamouflage: Gnomes are little fictitious people16:10
Reikokuyou like*16:10
NielsMknlol why would I pick one I don't like :P16:10
ActionParsnipNeoncamouflage: I use lxde personally but I theme it so it looks like gnome :)16:10
ReikokuI'd try at least kde4, gnome 3, xfce 4 and lxde16:10
zeroburnNielsMkn: KDE is very win7/vista like... If you HAVE to compare... Unity people say is alot like osx.(dont know if this is true) but really, just theme it?16:10
NeoncamouflageActionParsnip: My desktop is fictitious? O.o16:10
ActionParsnipNeoncamouflage: just its name16:10
ReikokuI like fluxbox lol16:11
zeroburnsurfdue: please explain your question in more detail?16:11
NielsMknso what do you guys use?16:11
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:11
ReikokuI like unity too, but can't get it over here16:11
ActionParsnipNielsMkn: in short, there is more selection of desktop in Ubuntu.  More than just Gnome, I'd try a few and review16:11
ReikokuNielsMkn: FluxBox or xfce or e17 I use16:11
szallok: file a bug16:11
ReikokuRight now xfce416:12
lokszal: sorry, I don't understand16:12
ReikokuBut I don't like panels, period16:12
NielsMkncan I try them in ubuntu maverick as well?16:12
NielsMknUsing it right now16:12
NeoncamouflageI use Gnome 2.x with both panels on autohide. I like it as minimalistic as possible.16:12
ReikokuNielsMkn: You might have to find a 3rd party repo to try the latest builds16:14
ReikokuBut on the whole yes16:14
NielsMknor just adapt to unity... :s16:15
Reikokulol so many people hate unity16:15
ReikokuI love it :P16:16
* szal never tried it & probably never will16:16
NeoncamouflageI've been refusing to upgrade just because of all the Unity hate. I like Gnome and I'm keeping it.16:16
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NielsMknI tried it and hate it16:16
* szal just uses KDE16:16
* Neoncamouflage shudders at the thought of KDE16:17
szalall the way back to 2003 (3.2)16:17
NielsMknWhy did it change the menu bar at the top ? :(16:17
ReikokuI don't like kde at all but DEs are an aesthetics thing16:17
Reikokue17 has been my favourite DE so far16:17
Neoncamouflagenever even heard of that, will have to look it up16:18
femican someone help me?16:18
* szal would have a hard time w/o all the kioslaves16:18
zeroburnNeoncamouflage: its ALOT like osx16:18
szalfemi: with what?16:18
femiinstalled this flashplugin-nonfree. Adobe Flash Player plugin installer (transitional package)16:19
NielsMknno screenshots on their site :/16:19
ReikokuEnlightenment DR17 yes16:19
femiand now I can't remove it16:19
ReikokuNot the stable one (e16)16:19
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szalReikoku: will E17 ever come out of development state? ;)16:20
femiwhen I try to remove it gives me an error16:21
Reikokuszal: I'm really not sure16:21
Reikokufemi: What's the error? :P16:22
femiinstallArchives() failed: dpkg: error processing flashplugin-nonfree (--remove): Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should reinstall it before attempting a removal.No apport report written because MaxReports is reached already Errors were encountered while processing: flashplugin-nonfree16:22
szalfemi: sudo apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin-nonfree && sudo apt-get remove --purge flashplugin-nonfree16:23
=== Guest25243 is now known as napster
femiReading package lists... Done16:24
femiBuilding dependency tree16:24
femiReading state information... Done16:24
femiYou might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:16:24
femiThe following packages have unmet dependencies:16:24
femi flashplugin-nonfree : Depends: flashplugin-installer but it is not going to be installed16:24
casey 16:24
FloodBot1femi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:24
coder21compiz settings manager not working in ubuntu 11.04 natty,so extra visual effects not getting enabled,i use dell studio 1558 with 1Gb AMD graphics card installed16:25
dirk69i have installed "flash-aid" for16:25
rstaplesdoes anyone know of a ubuntu/linux equivalent command to windows {windows-s} for screen captures?16:25
Guest14388Would anyone be able to tell me what line to add to the below fstab file if my goal is to mount /dev/sba: # /etc/fstab: static file system information.16:25
Guest14388# Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier16:25
Guest14388# for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name16:25
Guest14388# devices that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).16:25
FloodBot1Guest14388: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:25
femi...that thing muted me16:25
dirk69firefox and i have never flashprobs16:26
szalfemi: now read the bot message & guess why..16:26
NielsMknlater guys16:26
jihaduallahhello, are ubuntu custom keyboard shortcuts actually working for anyone ? because all i'm getting is this type of error: ''Error while trying to run (F) which is linked to the key (<Control><Alt>f)''16:26
rstaplesdoes anyone know of a ubuntu/linux equivalent command to windows {windows-s} for screen captures?16:27
szalfemi: and, for a change, read what you pasted -> [18:24:55] <femi> You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:16:27
ActionParsnipGuest14388: you can't mount /dev/sdb16:27
skegeekI want to assign my http server user home directory to an unusual location, but also have it accessible via the standard location. Is it wise to use a symlink under /home/ pointing to the real location or is that looking for trouble?16:28
jason__is gnash player able to play youtube videos sometime since I tried it ubuntu 9,04 i think16:28
Guest14388ActionParsnip Thanks. Is there no way to see my secondary harrdive then?16:28
ActionParsnipjason__: have you tried minitube?16:28
coder21compiz settings manager not working in ubuntu 11.04 natty,so extra visual effects not getting enabled,i use dell studio 1558 with 1Gb AMD graphics card installed16:28
ActionParsnipGuest14388: yes, you mount the partitions16:28
ramsesqwanelljai créé mon serveur jabber et jai installé gajim sur une autre machine. comment lenregistrer sur mon serveur svp?16:28
szal!fr | ramsesqwanell16:28
ubotturamsesqwanell: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:28
ActionParsnipGuest14388: the first partition is /dev/sdb116:28
HackerIIrstaples  ctrl+ptr/scr16:29
jason__minitube? not heard of it16:29
ActionParsnip!info minitube16:29
femiE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)16:29
ubottuminitube (source: minitube): Native YouTube client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3-1 (natty), package size 445 kB, installed size 1268 kB16:29
Anon1234Hi, I've got a problem with unity not working after switching the graphics card. It works from any live media, but not on the previous installation16:29
szalfemi: when doing what?16:29
HackerIIrstaples  sry  its tab+ prt/scr16:29
Anon1234Also the session startup time has become extremely long16:29
jason__ok i wil giv it a go thanks16:29
Guest14388ActionParsnip I can see the first harddrive and the second physical harddrive is not partitioned. ...okay, clearly this will require more reading. Can you suggest where to start?16:30
femisudo apt-get -f install16:30
ActionParsnipAnon1234: then run:  dmesg | less      and look for large gaps in time (left hand colomn is the time since boot in seconds)16:30
Anon1234ActionParsnip: ok16:30
ActionParsnipGuest14388: look into gparted16:30
Guest14388ActionParsnip Thanks will do!16:31
Anon1234ActionParsnip: The gaps are at most a few seconds,16:32
PanarchyHow do I add a custom location to the Ubuntu 11.04 dock?16:32
fonfyCan anyone advice about installing drivers for Nvidia GeForce GT 540M on ubuntu 10.10 LTS ?16:32
ActionParsnipAnon1234: did you read the full log?16:32
aikInsaanhey folks...I have upgraded to natty from maverick hoping to use Unity....but I am still on the classic gnome16:32
Anon1234ActionParsnip: yes16:32
ActionParsnipPanarchy: do you mean unity?16:32
ActionParsnipAnon1234: I'd read slower16:33
ActionParsnipPanarchy: its currently immovable16:33
NeoncamouflageDoes anyone know how to make an application launcher that runs with java? I tried the command to run it with java as a prefix but it didn't work.16:33
PanarchyNo, I mean, I want to add /home/projects to that dock16:33
PanarchyNeoncamouflage: You can just wrap it in C16:33
NeoncamouflagePanarchy: I don't know C16:34
Phr3d13Panarchy, scroll to the bottom there's a add location thing i think16:34
=== Punkoff is now known as Eugeny
fonfyhow do I tell Ubuntu 10.10 LTS where to look for nvidia drivers, or do I have to do this manually?16:34
PanarchyPhr3d13: But I already have the Home folder on the dock, I want an extra folder link for my Projects folder16:34
aikInsaanhey folks...I have upgraded to natty from maverick hoping to use Unity....but I am still on the classic gnome16:34
Anon1234ActionParsnip: It is rather short. And I was mainly looking for the gaps. They are mainly around remounting16:34
sandetriit would be under system16:34
ActionParsnipPanarchy: I've seen a replacemenr /usr/share/applications which you can add entries to the right click menu16:35
NeoncamouflageaikInsann-When on the login screen there'll be an option to change from gnome classic to Unity.16:35
PanarchyNeoncamouflage: It'll only take a minute, find someone elses wrapper and have some fun16:35
sandetrisystem> Admin> addtiaonl srivers16:35
szalaikInsaan: educated guess: log out, select your user, choose Session Type "Unity" (or whatever it's called), log in16:35
=== HHRian is now known as HamRian
Phr3d13Panarchy, i'd have to log into my unity, but as far as i know, down at the bottom of the unity sidebar, there's options to add stuff to it16:36
Anon1234ActionParsnip: now after a long time (1548s) there's another thing: [drm:drm_mode_getfb] *ERROR* invalid framebuffer id16:36
yuvatejamay create buttons and textboxs and combo boxes in shell scripting?16:36
fonfyhow do I tell Ubuntu 10.10 LTS where to look for nvidia drivers, or do I have to do this manually?16:36
aikInsaanszal: thanks...i'll give that a go16:36
aikInsaanNeoncamouflage: tx16:36
PanarchyHOW DO I ADD /home/Projects to my UBUNTU DOCK!?16:36
szal!caps | Panarchy16:37
ubottuPanarchy: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.16:37
nit-witPanarchy, drag the folder to the dock16:37
Panarchy!rage | szal16:37
Phr3d13fonfy, System > Administration > Additional Drivers16:37
aikInsaanszal: unity isn't listed under session type16:37
Panarchynit-wit: Drag didn't work :\16:38
yuvatejamay create buttons and textboxs and combo boxes in shell scripting?16:38
ActionParsnipAnon1234: ok then see what that means online16:38
Panarchyyuvateja: Sure, in Perl16:38
Phr3d13Panarchy, scroll to the bottom of the sidebar and there's two add stuff options16:38
szalaikInsaan: what _is_ listed there?16:38
PanarchyPhr3d13: Can't see that option :\16:39
Anon1234ActionParsnip: it seems it's a problem with nouveau drivers. But I've got an ATI card, not nVidia16:40
yuvatejapanarchy: not possible in shell script16:40
ActionParsnipPanarchy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/646628/   here is mine, I can right click and the extra entries appear :)16:41
wcchandler_workWhen messing with SLES or RHEL during the install I have an option to use network based logins.  Is that possible on Ubuntu?  Is it trivial?16:41
Phr3d13Panarchy, try opening what you want to add and then find it in the sidebar, right click on it, select keep in launcher16:41
ActionParsnipAnon1234: could blacklist the nouveau driver, may help16:41
Anon1234ActionParsnip: Alright, I'll see16:41
Anon1234ActionParsnip: But it doesn't even seem to be loaded right now. The only ones related to graphics are fglrx and radeon16:42
PanarchyPhr3d13: That's what I was planning on doing, but since I already have a nautilus shortcut in the dock (for Home) I can't add a second one for \home\projects16:42
yuvatejapanarchy: is n't possible in shell script ?16:43
Anon1234ActionParsnip: Also, this seems to appear in the log everytime I switch sessions (or whatever it's called, jsut ctrl+alt+f1/f7)16:43
Phr3d13how do i register my nick here?16:44
fonfyCould someone advise me about getting Nvidia drivers running in Ubuntu 10.10 LTS.  I tried System->Adminstration->Hardware Drivers and nothing is listed16:44
ActionParsnip!register | Phr3d1316:44
Anon1234And the big problem is that gnome-panel doesn't appear16:44
ubottuPhr3d13: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:44
ActionParsnipfonfy: which nvidia chip?16:44
[snake]can you get atlantis2 plugin for compiz on ubuntu 10.04 x86_6416:44
Phr3d13fonfy, what ubuntu version?16:45
fonfyActionParsnip, its NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M 2GB VRAM16:45
ActionParsnipfonfy: sudo apt-get -y install nvidia-current16:45
fonfyActionParsnip, stickers also says GEFORCE GT540M CUDA 2 GB16:45
saturn6962Does anyone know if the brcm80211 broadcom wireless drivers still need to be patched for full functionality with pen testing tools?16:45
aikInsaanhello again...i was talking about enabling unity on natty when my battery died16:46
fonfyActionParsnip, its running. I'm praying it works16:46
ActionParsnip!info nvidia-current maverick16:46
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 260.19.06-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 25690 kB, installed size 76364 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)16:46
fonfyActionParsnip, just bought a brand new Acer Aspire 5755G laptop16:46
ActionParsnipfonfy: you may need the xorg edger updates ppa to get the 270 driver16:47
LokHi, can anyone tell me if I can have two version of the same package on my pc ... I would need sip-api-7.1 but I already have sip-api-8.1 and I am not sure whether 8.1 is needed by other packages so I can't just remove it16:47
fonfyActionParsnip, i'll be happy to just get the 1366 pixel resolution resolved16:47
fonfyActionParsnip, i'm locked to 102416:47
ikoniaLok: how have you got 2 versions of the same package on the PC ?16:47
Phr3d13Yay I'm registered!16:47
Guest14388Question: What type of formatting should I give to my secondary harddrive if I want to use it as a mirror/backup for my primary drive?16:48
ActionParsnipfonfy: the driver will help a lot. You are currently using the open driver16:48
Lokikonia: I haven't ... I have 8.1 cause it is in the package repositories, but for another programm I would need a former one16:48
aikInsaanso the options on the log in screen are 'ubuntu' 'recovery console' 'ubuntu classic' 'ubuntu safe mode' 'user defined'16:48
Rudolf_Y i dont get the option of 'install ubuntu alongside windows 7' while installing ubuntu?16:48
[snake]can you get atlantis2 plugin for compiz on ubuntu 10.04 x86_64?16:48
fonfyActionParsnip, you mean the previous sudo apt-get recommendation may fix the problem?16:48
Guest14388gparted does not seem to hande ext4 which is what my primary harddrive is16:48
ikoniaLok: do you have any ide of the software you want to use needs that specific version or a minimum of that version ?16:48
aikInsaanthere is no option for unity...and i have tried these options...unity isn't one of them16:49
ActionParsnipfonfy: the command I gave installs the driver for you16:49
Phr3d13aikInsaan, i believe ubuntu if the 'unity' option16:49
Lokikonia: you mean if I know what it is? or if I know the source?16:49
ikoniaLok: what software do you want to use ?16:49
aikInsaanPhr3d13: that's what I thought....turns out it isn't16:49
[snake]can you get atlantis2 plugin for compiz on ubuntu 10.04 64bit?16:49
Lokikonia: Serna ... it is a graphical xml editor... the best i know acutally and I did not find any equivalent free alternative16:50
Phr3d13aikInsaan, if you don't have a good enough card/the right drivers the unity interface won't show up16:50
aikInsaanPhr3d13: i read somewhere that there are some hardware requirements16:50
fonfyActionParsnip, I tried running the drivers directly from the nvidia website before. it was a shell script but it didn't seem to work.  I guess the apt-get maybe works nicer because its aimed directly for ubuntu right? (its nearly finished downloading)16:50