
bizyHey can any one assist me in installing vmware workstation 7 on kubuntu 11.0401:08
bizyafter installing workstation, before the first run when itwants to compile every thing i get this error01:10
zenroxi just used vmware player01:13
bizyzenrox, from what i have gathered this allso affects vmware player01:13
zenroxhmm i dint have any prob01:14
zenroxwhent and got vmplayer 3.1.4 i386 01:15
zenroxraducotescu-vmware-server-linux-2.6.3x-kernel-release-1.6-0-gbb26dce.tar <--- maby this helped tho i ant too shure01:16
zenroxi know this was for server but from what i read this worked for any of the vmware modules01:17
zenroxi had googled howto install vmware player in ubuntu 11.0401:19
bizyzenrox, yea it seems to be broken on ubuntu for the time being01:37
zenroxworks just fine for me01:40
bizymaybe i just give up to easly01:48
bizyzenrox, can you give me a download link for that?01:48
zenroxi had to combine to different howto's01:48
bizydo you remember them?01:48
zenroxdont rember whare  got it or the howtos01:48
zenroxgoogle is a geat resource tho01:49
bizyyea.... been doing that for a few hours now.01:49
zenroxkeep it up01:49
zenroxyou'll find the right stuff01:49
zenroxtook me 2 days to find the right info01:49
bizyI know.. I need a break01:50
zenroxtake a break and start agine tomaro01:50
bizyfor now the player is working01:50
bizyso ill use that for the time being01:50
bizythe pain i put myself through to play EVE01:51
zenroxeve can run under wine01:51
bizyzenrox, Heh. sure.  So ive herd.01:51
bizyzenrox, vmware has the been the only solution to work01:51
zenroxwinetricks i think has a script for it to install01:52
zenroxmakes it easy01:52
zenroxi got fable : the lost chapters to install under winetricks01:52
bizyill check into that01:53
bizybut last time i tired even using that the program didnt boot01:53
zenroxhmm 01:53
bizyit would run, not give an error... but the game never came up.01:54
zenroxworth a try tho01:54
bizywell thanks01:54
bizyyou were more help than most :D01:54
zenroxalso check winehg for some special configs for eve01:55
bizyi did01:55
zenroxread the comments too01:55
zenroxi had to read them for fable01:55
zenroxsometimes thares nuggets of good info in the comments01:56
bizyzenrox, are you farmilar with quassel02:03
bizyI my self am new to kde02:03
bizyand i herd theres a feature that hosts an irc client server that you can connect to with the main gui on a client machine02:04
bizyOh found what im looking for :d02:06
newz2000hey technoviking, I'm ready to start working on the openid stuff for the forums but need some info about the error and configuration before I can start.14:02
technovikingnewz2000: I cold not get the plugin to load in vb 416:56
newz2000technoviking: can you tell me what the errors are? or show me?16:58
technovikinglet me look16:59
technovikingnewz2000: it is not currently in the template will have to try to re-add it to test forum.17:02
newz2000technoviking: I can pull up the test forum site17:02
technovikingwill be a few days17:02
newz2000oh :-(17:02
newz2000I can't do much until I can actually get details about the prob17:02
technovikingdid anyone write instruction for the plugin on the LP team? ubuntugeek is gone so I'm just stomping in the mine field17:06
newz2000technoviking: not that I know of17:08
newz2000I've glanced at the code but this is the first tiem I've done anything with it17:08
technovikingnewz2000: PM me your email, want to CC you on a email17:11
newz2000technoviking: there you go.17:12
newz2000I have ssh access to the server if you need it17:12
newz2000though probably no better permissions than you have17:12
newz2000technoviking: thanks. Hopefully we'll hear from ryan.17:30
sphikaHey everyone. I just installed Vista to a separate partition on my laptop. I had to reinstall GRUB2 so that I could switch between the two operation systems. However, grub now finds many, many multiple linux images (so I have over a dozen options). Any Idea what the problem is?18:30
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