
* mandel installing crappy OS updates :(08:24
faganhmmm no tasks at the moment ill go do some blog posts08:50
* rye is waiting for karni08:57
faganWaiting for packages is really annoying09:01
Chipacaduanedesign: pgraner: let me know how the deleted files thing went09:31
gordhrm, i just noticed that if i right click a file in my phones instant upload directory (using the ubuntu one files app on android) on my desktop, i can't use the right click context menu to public the files or copy the web link, anyone know if thats expected or if i can fix that?10:02
fagangord: you would have to ask karni that but he isnt online yet10:03
fagangord: he should be around very soon but cant give you an exact time10:04
gordcool cool10:05
karniGood morning!10:18
faganmorning karni and ralsina10:20
karnihi guys!10:20
fagankarni: gord has a question10:20
karnigord: I hear you had a question?10:20
fagan11:02 < gord> hrm, i just noticed that if i right click a file in my phones instant upload directory (using the ubuntu one files app on android) on my desktop, i can't  use the right click context menu to public the files or copy the web link, anyone know if thats expected or if i can fix that?10:20
faganOh thats a desktop question10:21
faganMy bad10:21
karnigord: ↑ I would say that's a quesiton to rye10:21
karniI had a similar issue. Didn't have time to debug, but reconnecting to U1 / rebooting helped.10:22
* fagan just saw android and thought karni 10:22
karniThat's a good correlation.10:22
ryegord, aha, so your nautilus does not pick the new directory, what ubuntu version are you running?10:23
gordrye, O right now, also rebooting doesn't help10:23
ryegord, ok, you do have context menus in Ubuntu One directory, right?10:25
gordrye, yup, and some my other u1 directories, just not the pictures from my phone one10:26
ryegord, ok, could you please pastebin the output of u1sdtool --list-folders ?10:27
gordrye, http://paste.ubuntu.com/646385/10:28
faganralsina: have any intern work to do for me10:28
ralsinafagan: not yet, let's think about it!10:29
faganralsina: Im looking at the bug list in the meantime10:29
ralsinafagan: could you check for new+unassigned bugs in the last 3 months?10:29
ralsinaThose we have to assign...10:30
faganralsina: sure will do10:31
ryegord, let's do clean start, could you please restart nautilus - nautilus -q10:33
gordrye, done, doesn't help :)10:34
ryegord, good, that's interesting now10:34
gordrye, i get all the "interesting" problems ;)10:40
* fagan break for a few10:40
ryegord, i just subscribed to Pictures - Liquid UDF for my phone and it is working, which may mean something broke in Oneiric10:41
duanedesignmorning all10:42
* mandel walking dog10:43
gordrye, i don't think so, on my laptop (also on O) it works okay10:43
Chipacaduanedesign: morning!10:43
ryegord, oh, that is even more interesting10:46
ryegord, do you have the access to the laptop now?10:46
gordrye, sure10:46
ryegord, could you please pastebin the u1sdtool --list-folders from there?10:47
Chipacaralsina: morning!10:49
ralsinahello Chipaca10:50
gordrye, looks about the same to me http://paste.ubuntu.com/646401/10:50
duanedesignChipaca: i think pgraner got all his folders back10:50
Chipacaduanedesign: what was it?10:51
Chipacaralsina: mumble plz?10:51
ralsinaChipaca: in 1'10:51
duanedesignChipaca: ill PM you10:51
Chipacaralsina: here's hoping that's one minute and note one light-foot10:52
ralsinaChipaca: have to close the office door. Kid asleep :)10:52
Chipacalet sleeping babes lie. Or lying babes sleep. Or something.10:53
ralsinaOn mumble now10:53
* mandel back11:35
mandelralsina: ping11:35
ralsinaHola facundobatista!11:36
facundobatistaHola ralsina!11:36
facundobatistaI have two posavasos for you!11:36
ralsinamandel: pong (just in case)11:37
ralsinafacundobatista: I know I know11:37
mandelralsina: did you get the morning report?11:37
ralsinafacundobatista: We meet the 30th, right?11:37
ralsinamandel: got it11:38
ralsinamandel: I was about to check your 1st branch11:38
facundobatistaralsina, yeap11:38
ralsinafacundobatista: bring them along :-)11:38
mandelralsina: ok, I think this way of working is waaaaay better to solve diff time zone issues11:39
ralsinamandel: cool!11:39
ralsinamandel: sometimes it takes time to figure out processes :-)11:39
mandelralsina: yeah, looks like it, specially when we are not in an office, that makes things more interesting11:40
ralsinamandel: yeah, working from home is great but it tends to lead to bad habits.11:41
mandelralsina: he, tell me about it, has been a year working from home alone, I'm like and old craky geek11:42
mandelfull of bad habits11:43
ralsinamandel: as long as you don't start  eating chicken standing up, in the sink, like an animal, you're recoverable ;-)11:43
nessitahello everyone!!!11:44
facundobatistaHola nessita11:44
mandelralsina: hmmm I could have been doing worse :)11:45
faganmorning nessita11:45
nessitahi fagan11:45
facundobatistaour brains have good reasons to block some memories11:46
nessitamandel: reviewing your fix-os-helper now11:46
ralsinagood morning nessita!11:46
mandelnessita: thx!11:46
nessitahi ralsina!11:46
ralsinanessita: I have not 2, not 3, not 4, but 6! small branches for review ;-)11:47
nessitaralsina: I read that from the report. I will review, but I will prioritize mandel's, if that's ok11:48
ralsinaI couldn't sleep on friday, hopefully the code is not full of comments like "# that pink elephant is looking funny at me'11:48
ralsinanessita: they are all much less important than mandel's11:48
nessitaralsina: did you see that movie? is aweful11:48
ralsinanessita: which one?11:48
nessitathe one with the pink elephant looking at another character11:49
nessitaand people thought that other character was crazy11:49
ralsinanessita: no, didn't see it :-)11:49
mandelnessita: is that dumbo?11:50
ralsinaI did see theone with jimmy stewart and the giant invisible bunny though11:50
nessitamandel: no, dumbo was grey and "cute"11:50
mandelnessita: but there was a pink drunk elephant in it :)11:50
ralsinaoh, back in the day, when kids movies could contain drunkard jokes11:51
mandelralsina: and lots of sex related ones… which explains how I turned out...11:53
mandelroger rabit was great :)11:53
ralsinaIf you ever actually see Disney's pinochio... it's scary11:53
ralsinaI started watching it with my kid, he got so freaked out we had to stop11:54
mandelfacundobatista: ping11:55
facundobatistamandel, pong11:55
facundobatistaralsina, I'm in a fight for my kid to don't watch Disney content, it's a very evil corporation11:56
mandelfacundobatista: super stupid question: I'm getting some error in the test that use the memento handler because some paths have \\\\ instead of \\ and it seems to happen when I do '~/Test'.replace('/','\\') since the repr of that turns out to be '~\\\\Test', do you know what amd I doing wrong?11:58
facundobatistamandel, mmmm, see:11:59
facundobatista>>> '~/Test'.replace('/','\\')11:59
facundobatistathis is different to what you're supposing its happening11:59
mandelfacundobatista: and the repr12:00
facundobatistamandel, the response of the interactive interpreter is the repr12:00
facundobatista>>> print repr('~/Test'.replace('/','\\'))12:00
mandelfacundobatista: I sear to god, this is what I get:12:01
mandel>>> repr('~/Test'.replace('/', '\\'))12:01
facundobatistamandel, there you're doing repr() *twice*12:01
mandelfacundobatista: oh, because python in doing it for me already.. got it12:02
facundobatistamandel, the response of the interactive interpreter is the repr12:02
nessitamandel: ping12:02
mandelnessita: pong12:02
ralsinafacundobatista: you know that also means no pixar, right?12:03
karniAnybody has Droid X phone?12:03
nessitamandel: in the test_filesystem_notifications, in setup, you add:12:03
nessitaself.basedir = LONG_PATH_PREFIX + os.path.abspath(...12:03
nessitamandel: isn't it better to use the abspath from os_helpers?12:04
facundobatistaralsina, damn :)12:04
ralsinafacundobatista: and no ESPN, while we are at it ;-)12:04
mandelnessita: let me take a look closer12:04
facundobatistaralsina, see, that's why they associated to Cablevision in .ar, evil with evil12:05
nessitamandel: last week, if I understood you correctly, we agreed LONG_PATH_PREFIX should never be used outside os_helpes12:05
mandelnessita: which line of the diff are you looking at?12:06
mandelnessita:  is it 18?12:06
nessitamandel: you're removing that12:07
nessitaI was using meld and looking the diff "al revés"12:07
nessitamandel: so let me rephrase my question :-)12:07
mandelnessita: sure, we start from 0 :)12:08
nessitamandel: shouldn't abspath from os_helper be needed in the setUp?12:08
nessitamandel: I don't understand why we sometimes we use os.path.something and some other time those from os_helpers12:09
mandelnessita: the real reason why we are using os_helpers abspath is because within sd we use os.abspath(suggested_path) when suggested_path uses the unix separator and not the windows one12:11
mandelnessita: in this case we really dont care becuase it should be the filesystem_notification that deal with the fact of the path being to long12:12
nessitamandel: I thought we had our own abspath because os.path.abspath will not do anything is the path was literal12:12
mandelnessita: yes, but that got removed as soon as we no longer use literal paths in sd, right?12:15
mandelnessita: so if we get a literal path from sd is that something is broken12:15
nessitamandel: ok, that makes sense. I didn't know that abspath from os_helpers was removed12:15
mandelnessita: it is there, just does the replace('/', '\\') for whenever is called from sd with a udf suggested path12:16
mandelnessita: maybe callign it udf_abspath is a smarter thing to do, it can be done in that same branch12:16
nessitamandel: yes please, and move that to vm_helper12:16
nessitainstead of being in os_helper12:17
mandelnessita: sure, on it right now12:17
nessitamandel: so, the new test_abspath that is added in diffline 99 will be removed?12:21
mandelnessita: hmm very good point I forgot about the illegal paths!!12:23
mandelnessita: we need to keep it there so that the illegal paths are removed...12:23
nessitamandel: ... I'm very confused at the moment12:23
nessitamandel: why would be removed illegal paths on abspath?12:24
nessitathose should be 2 separated ops12:24
mandelnessita: because you can try to do abspath('./illegalpath?')12:24
nessitamandel: and that is ok, isn't it?12:24
mandelnessita: where we perform os.path.abspath('./illebalpath%utf8_char')12:25
mandelnessita: with the current implementation doing that is correct, that is why we have abspath in os_helper, and I forgot about it (ouch!!)12:25
mandelnessita: the test in line 99 is testing that you can do that12:26
mandelnessita: creates a path with illegla chars and performs abspath on it12:26
nessitamandel: I did, and it worked12:27
nessitalet me paste that12:27
mandelnessita: please do12:27
nessitamandel: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/646464/12:28
mandelnessita: ok, so I cleary had that wrong, cool I'll move it to vm_helper12:29
mandelnessita: will do a grep first just in case12:30
nessitamandel: does that work like that in your vm?12:30
mandelnessita: it does, I should have tested tha irl before implementing it12:31
mandelnessita: also, we added it to have \\?\ but since we do not need it we should not use os_helper abspath anymore12:32
mandelnessita: removing it right away12:33
nessitamandel: ack12:34
nessitamandel: also, we agreed we won't be landing the magic decorators  _get_windows_valid_path and _get_syncdaemon_valid_path as is, so why are they in the diff?12:41
mandelnessita: ouch, sorry, mea culpa12:42
karninessita: How do you handle situation if, for any remote reason, you authenticate the user, get the tokens, but pingU1() fails?12:45
nessitakarni: remove tokens from the keyring and tell the user there was a problem, and offer to login again12:46
karninessita: Thank you12:46
karninessita: ^ ^ Also, I hope you're feeling better (the diet thing)12:46
nessitakarni: thanks12:46
faganstandup in 1012:50
Chipacanessita: morgen! and, ping :)12:53
nessitaChipaca: morgue!12:53
nessitaand pong12:54
faganralsina ?13:00
* fagan thinks this is more or less it 13:00
nessitamandel: go!13:01
mandelDONE: splited mega branch into a pipeline. Started looking at why some test brake when the Memento handler is sued.13:01
mandelTODO: Remove abspath from os_helper. Test changes and push for review.13:01
mandelBLOCKED: no13:01
mandelfagan: go13:01
fagan* Looked at the bug list a little13:01
fagan* got started on blog reports for the past few weeks13:01
fagan* wrote up notes for a meeting later13:01
fagan* Last 3 months unassigned bugs13:01
fagan* Nope13:01
fagannessita: go13:01
nessitaDONE: interviewed windows candidate, UDF debugged (had not a lot of info to do this), bug #810724, several reviews13:01
nessitaTODO: be-ready-to-review mandel's branches, review ralsina's 6 (!!!) branches, bug #810656 and maybe bug #81066213:01
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes13:01
nessitaNEXT: ralsina13:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 810724 in ubuntuone-control-panel "Should use u1lint instead of pylint (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81072413:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 810656 in ubuntuone-control-panel "QT UI: Preferences tab do not show the loading overlay (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81065613:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 810662 in ubuntuone-control-panel "QT UI: "Delete" button in the devices tab does not work (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81066213:01
ralsinaDONE: closed bug #811006 bug #811116, proposed branches for bug #811109 bug #811099 bug #811246 bug #811111 bug #807828 bug #80546013:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 811006 in ubuntuone-client (and 1 other project) "Problem with logfile rollover on windows (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81100613:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 811116 in ubuntuone-windows-installer "Last screen shows "are you sure" dialog when closing the wizard (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81111613:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 811109 in ubuntu-sso-client "The sign in form can be submitted even if no captcha solution was entered (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81110913:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 811099 in ubuntuone-windows-installer "Terms and conditions is not shown (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81109913:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 811246 in ubuntuone-windows-installer "The Control Panel is not opened in the last step (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81124613:02
ralsinaTODO: fix bug #80037613:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 800376 in ubuntuone-windows-installer "Add "syncing your computer to the cloud" page to the installer (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80037613:02
ralsinaBLOCKED: no13:02
nessitaany comments?13:02
* mandel lunch13:02
nessitaok then13:02
* ralsina ======>coffee13:03
* fagan ==========>tea13:04
faganoh alecu is here now13:04
faganhey alecu13:04
fagan(just missed standup by 1 minute)13:04
* alecu is writing standup notes13:04
nessitaalecu: go when ready!13:05
tcolebleah, what's the staging username/password again?13:05
tcolewrong dinwo13:05
tcoleer, wrong window13:05
alecuDONE: branches for bug #806655; found bug #811307 and started working on it13:07
alecuTODO: finish branch for second bug above13:07
alecuBLOCKED: no13:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 806655 in ubuntuone-control-panel (and 1 other project) "Windows: SyncDaemonTool should provide a way of registering a callback for status changed notifications (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80665513:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 811307 in ubuntuone-client "CredentialsManagementTool.register tries to send a function thru PB (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81130713:07
nessitamandel: needs fixing added to the MP13:14
alecuO thunderbird. Why can't you handle a handful of imap without choking!13:18
nessitaalecu: amen13:18
nessitaralsina: ping regarding https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-windows-installer/show_spinner/+merge/6814513:28
ralsinanessita: pong13:29
nessitaralsina: the test def test_overlay_connections(self): is not the best choice because a single item can do the 6 connections itself, so the test will pass even if what you're expecting to happen does not happen. Can you please split in isolated test for each _ui?13:29
ralsinasure, I had my doubts about that one :-)13:29
nessitaralsina: thanks!13:29
ralsinaoh, wait13:29
nessitaralsina: also, question: in self.assertEqual(self.ui.overlay.hide_counter, 2) <-  why "2"?13:30
ralsinathe conenctions are not done in the .ui files, they are all done in a single function13:30
ralsinanessita: because we hide the overlay on __init__13:30
nessitaralsina: can you add a comment in the test, something like "we hide the overlay once in __init__, and once when calling hide()"13:31
ralsinanessita: so, one for the __init__() call, one for the next()13:31
ralsinaok, will add13:31
nessitaralsina: not sure what you meant with "the conenctions are not done in the .ui files, they are all done in a single function"13:31
ralsinanessita: the 6 connections are done in __init__13:31
nessitaralsina: but you're testing against clicking a given button13:31
nessitaso, one test can be:L13:32
ralsinaoh, you are right, I got confused13:32
ralsinaI remembered the test wrong13:32
nessitaralsina: also, any reason to call self.ui.setup_account.ui.set_up_button.clicked.emit(False) instead of self.ui.setup_account.ui.set_up_button.click()13:32
ralsinaYes, basically, it complained if I called click()13:33
ralsinaQt complained I mean13:33
nessitaralsina: complained how?13:37
nessitaralsina: I'm usually use click(), and I haven't seen any complain, maybe I missed them?13:38
ralsinalet me check, this branch is getting fuzzy :-)13:38
faganralsina: should I be assigning the bugs reported by you and the other team members as well?13:38
ralsinaNo, I just used clicked() because I was testing signal connections, so I just tested it from signal emition13:38
* mandel back13:38
ralsinaI remembered it complaining about clicked requiring an argument, thus the confusion13:39
ralsinafagan: no, not those13:39
ralsinafagan: are there many?13:39
faganralsina: more than the community ones tbh13:40
ralsinafagan: don't follow you13:41
nessitaralsina, alecu, mandel, Chipaca: meeting in 4'13:41
ralsinanessita: pushed with the suggested changes13:41
mandelnessita: ack13:41
faganralsina: there seem to be more bugs reported by us than community ones it seems so far13:41
alecunessita, mumble or skype?13:41
ralsinafagan: yes, that's usually so for us13:41
nessitaalecu: mumble :-)13:41
nessitaseems like my phone line is stable since the weekend13:42
* alecu crosses fingers13:43
* nessita too13:43
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
VEndixhello, can someone help me with logging into Ubuntu One section?14:37
faganHmmmmm what project was the tb plugin?14:38
faganI cant remember the name14:38
faganVEndix: what problem are you having?14:38
alecuralsina, the filenames in fat32 are stored with the "Long File Names" extension to standard fat, and use two bytes in disk per character: http://home.teleport.com/~brainy/lfn.htm14:49
ralsinaalecu: arghhhh I am starting to believe NOONE knows this crap :-)14:50
CardinalFang"Boy, IRC sure is quiet today.  ....   Oh, parenthesis around channel names.  I'm connected, but not in any channels?  Thanks, Xchat."14:50
faganCardinalFang: hahahaha14:50
alecuralsina, I do :-)14:51
faganmost of the bugs im running into now are windows client ones14:52
mandelralsina: choose a flight! they are bloody expensive!14:52
faganim just saying update coming and assigning to mandel if thats cool14:52
VEndixfagan: http://img827.imageshack.us/i/nuotrauka.png/14:53
faganVEndix: interesting one14:54
faganralsina: is there something going on server side at the moment?14:54
ralsinafagan: not that I know of. Ask on the other side of the fence :-)14:54
faganralsina: will do14:54
ralsinafagan: the windows ones are handled, don't worry14:55
VEndixfagan: what should i do in that case?14:55
faganVEndix: Just checking with the server people14:56
faganralsina: ah ok I was just assigning them to mandel14:56
ralsinafagan: if they are about the windows beta, that's ok14:56
mandelfagan: are you spamming me?14:56
faganmandel: yeo14:56
faganralsina: yeah tis14:57
faganVEndix: id say try again later14:59
faganthat would be my best guess15:00
faganspam spam spam I love bug mail :D15:02
VEndixwhy can't i login now?15:03
faganVEndix: is a server side issue it seems15:04
VEndixa problem in the server?15:04
faganVEndix: I asked our server people and they will look at it later15:04
faganVEndix: looks like something with the login server yes15:04
VEndixa yes15:05
VEndixbe carefull15:05
VEndixwith that thing15:05
VEndixUbuntu One15:05
faganVEndix: yep we are15:05
nessitaralsina: you approved your own branch? :-) https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-windows-installer/fix-810053/+merge/6789415:33
ralsinaI liked it so much! ;-)15:35
ralsinaNo idea, probably opned the wrong tab in chrome or something.15:36
nessitaralsina: you in the hotel already? :-)15:38
ralsinanessita: yes15:42
ralsinabut on the phone waiting for the manager, so not for long15:42
ralsinawill probably be testing the wifi for real soonish15:42
nessitaralsina: I'm re-reviewing fix-810053, and I just notice you're passing these arguments:15:55
nessita310+    yield client.sso_cred.login_or_register_to_get_credentials('Ubuntu One',15:55
nessita311+        'http://www.google.com',15:55
nessita312+        'This is a test.', 0,15:55
nessitacan you please replace those with the proper constants from ubuntuone.credentials? APP_NAME, TC_URL and DESCRIPTION?15:55
ralsinaoh, yes15:55
ralsinacopy&paste :-(15:55
* fagan EOD 16:19
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
nessitaalecu: can I haz a review please? https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/fix-810656/+merge/6828517:55
ralsinanessita: I am reviewing already!18:00
nessitaralsina: yey! I did not know you were here :-)(18:01
* ralsina is ninja-like :-)18:01
ralsinaOr rather kung fu panda-like, but hey18:02
ralsinanessita: +118:03
nessitaralsina: thanks18:03
nessitaralsina: you let me know when the fixes I mentioned for both branches are pushed18:04
nessitaI ll re-review then18:04
ralsinanessita: for 810053 they are pushed already18:04
nessitaralsina: ack18:04
ralsinanessita: if the other one was the one with the sextuple test, I pushed that one too18:05
nessitait was18:05
nessitaack then18:05
ralsinacool, thx18:05
nessitaralsina: tests are failing for me in 005318:15
ralsinanessita: ok, let me check!18:15
nessitaralsina: also, pep8 reports errors over the _ui.py files, so you need to tweak this line:18:17
nessitaIF EXIST "%PYTHONEXEPATH%\Scripts\pep8.exe" "%PYTHONEXEPATH%\Scripts\pep8.exe" --repeat ubuntuone_installer18:17
nessitato be:18:17
nessitaIF EXIST "%PYTHONEXEPATH%\Scripts\pep8.exe" "%PYTHONEXEPATH%\Scripts\pep8.exe" --repeat --exclude="*_ui.py,*_rc.py" .18:17
DanRabbiturbanape, threeve: ping18:24
threeveDanRabbit: pong18:24
DanRabbitthreeve: good morning :) how's it going?18:24
threeveDanRabbit: I'm well into afternoon over here, but going well :)  how about you?18:25
DanRabbitthreeve: doing well, doing well.18:25
urbanapeDanRabbit: heya18:25
DanRabbitthreeve: I was trying to wait for some feedback on some iOS designs from other design team members, but I dunno if that's gonna happen :p18:25
threeveDanRabbit: I'm open to looking at anything you're willing to show me18:26
DanRabbitthreeve: okay cool. I'll send you some stuff in email in just a second18:27
DanRabbitthreeve: is there anything in particular you want sooner than later?18:27
threeveDanRabbit: Nothing specific, but I would say anything that is going to involve lots of customization, so I can give some thought as to how to implement it while you finish designs/create assets.18:28
nessitaralsina: I filed bug #812468, I hit that while doing a review18:28
ubot4Launchpad bug 812468 in ubuntuone-windows-installer "Entering invalid email address shows no error in the UI (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81246818:28
DanRabbitthreeve: okay sounds like a plan18:28
ralsinanessita: we need a decent email validation function. The one currently on SSO is 'if "@"  in email'18:29
nessitaralsina: it's proven that we can't do any better, we need to handle errors from SSO18:29
threeveDanRabbit: and anything that might use non-trivial interactions, e.g. long press, swipe-menu rows like twitter has, etc.18:29
nessitaralsina: the regex to validate email address is extremely big18:29
threeveDanRabbit: I don't expect a whole lot of that for the files app, but maybe you've come up with something I won't expect :)18:30
nessitaralsina: when we designed this, we made the settlement that we'll do a very simple validation (@ in email) and handle validation from SSO18:30
ralsinanessita: ok, I'll fix that soonish18:30
ralsinanessita: pushed test fixes. I am not really happy with the callback test now, because of visibility problems, but I think it's barely adequate18:31
nessitaralsina: ok. On other front, I'm never getting the captcha downloaded the first time I enter the sign in form18:32
nessitaralsina: I always have to click refresh18:32
ralsinanessita: ugh18:32
nessitaralsina: is it loading for you?18:32
ralsinanessita: it is in trunk18:32
ralsinalet me check it on this branch18:32
ralsinaYes, worked. Took a few seconds, so I need to add some delay feedback there18:33
ralsinanessita: I do get an error message for invalid emails: http://screencast.com/t/l7ARg0J3Jt18:37
nessitaralsina: can you please try without captcha?18:38
nessitaralsina: ie, an empty captcha18:38
ralsinanessita: ok18:38
nessitaralsina: the message appears "sometimes"18:38
ralsinanessita: but there is another branch that doesn't let you submit with an empty captcha :-)18:38
nessitaso I'm guessing we have some timing issue, which is not food18:38
nessitaralsina: it does not matter, I want to see if you can reproduce what I hit18:39
nessitaI definitely had no message18:39
ralsinaok, trying18:39
nessita(the first time, the second I did)18:39
ralsinanessita: I get both errors: asdasdads@asdasdasd18:40
ralsinaI get both errors in a popup18:40
nessitaralsina: they should be 3 errors18:40
nessitau'errors': {u'captcha_solution': [u'This field is required.'], u'email': [u'Enter a valid e-mail address.'], u'__all__': [u'Wrong captcha solution.']}18:40
ralsinaOk, I get all three :-)18:41
nessitaralsina: so, 2 things:18:41
nessita* I swear I did not got the message the first time, so we may have a timing thing there18:42
nessita* the "This field is required" message is very confusing for the user :-)18:42
ralsinanessita: yes, that should  not be a popup18:42
nessitaralsina: neither the "email invalid"18:42
ralsinanessita: that should go into the error labels next to each field, and is not done yet18:43
nessitaralsina: I'll adjust the bug description18:43
mandelralsina: ping18:47
ralsinamandel: pong18:47
mandelralsina: do you remember that crazy bzr command to show the history of the branch in a qt ui?18:48
ralsinabzr qlog?18:48
mandelralsina: the one we used in london...18:48
ralsinamandel: what, have a too interesting one? ;-)18:48
mandelralsina: maybe :P18:49
mandelralsina: I used bzr qversion, which is a shitty dialog hehehe18:50
nessitaralsina: you need to add the directory to scan to pep8, I suggested to use '.'18:55
ralsinanessita: ? I copied/pasted your line, I think18:56
nessita"%PYTHONEXEPATH%\Scripts\pep8.exe" --repeat --exclude="*_ui.py,*_rc.py" . <- see the dot :-)18:56
ralsinaok, adding the dot18:56
ralsinanessita: pushed18:57
ralsinanessita: have 5 miutes for a short mumble? I am stuck with something related to controlpanel19:06
nessitaralsina: sure, give me 2 minutes19:07
ralsinaok, thx19:07
nessitaso I finish answering aquarius19:07
DanRabbitthreeve, urbanape: I just sent you guys some mockups and such. Let me know if there's any questions or suggestions :)19:12
threeveDanRabbit: looks good, though for "I'm new" we will be able to offer in-app sign up for files.  We just can't do that for music due to requiring a paid subscription.19:18
DanRabbitthreeve: excellent. In that case, I'll go mock up the in-app sign up stuff :D19:19
DanRabbitthat's definitely a relief19:19
threeveDanRabbit: also, for the login screen, keep in mind that when the keyboard shows it will all have to be shifted up, so you might want to consider what that will look like19:19
threeveDanRabbit: that is, what parts are visible, whether it scrolls or is fixed, etc.19:20
threeveLet me know if you need me to grab keyboard dimensions or anything for you19:20
karniduanedesign: Hi, I'm a user that needs help :P My UBuntu One is not working lolz ;)19:21
karniduanedesign: When I open U1CP, and it shows me the login screen19:21
karniduanedesign: I type in my credentials (I triple checked'em)19:21
karniduanedesign: I click Connect, and after short moment it tells me19:21
karni"An exception representing an authentication failure." in red, just above the username (email) field19:22
karninessita: ↑19:22
DanRabbitthreeve: that's definitely a great point! I know the previous designer had the U1 logo up top there, but IMHO it's not really needed. I'll try to get back to him and if he doesn't respond we can keep on trucking ;)19:22
karniduanedesign: I removed the Ubuntu One token from seahorse before trying what I described.19:22
nessitakarni: we've talked about this already :-)19:22
nessitabug #70350719:23
ubot4Launchpad bug 703507 in ubuntu (and 1 other project) "I can't log in - "an exception representing an authentication failure" (affects: 4) (heat: 37)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70350719:23
urbanapeDanRabbit: also, threeve put together an in-app sign in for the U1 Music app. We should definitely standardize at least this interaction across our apps.19:24
DanRabbiturbanape: good idea. Is that somewhere I can test?19:25
urbanapealso also, I really applaud elementary. That shiz looks good.19:25
karninessita: I should consider taking holiday :/ Thanks <319:25
urbanapeDanRabbit: did you sign up on TestFlight?19:25
nessitakarni: :-P19:25
DanRabbiturbanape: indeed19:25
DanRabbiturbanape: thanks :)19:25
* karni bitchslaps himself19:25
urbanapeDanRabbit: okay, we can get you a recent build that will be equiv to what we're submitting19:26
DanRabbiturbanape: awesome, I would appreciate that19:26
urbanapethreeve: want to add him to the r18 build?19:27
threeveurbanape: I don't have access to add him to the provisioning profile.19:27
urbanapeoh, right19:27
urbanapeyeah, okay, few minutes.19:27
threeveDanRabbit: have you done iOS design before?19:27
urbanapeman, I wish Apple would adopt a roles-based security model.19:27
DanRabbitthreeve: not really no haha19:28
threeveurbanape: they did, it's called an "agent".  Unfortunately there can be only one ;)19:28
DanRabbitI'm quite new to mobile ;)19:28
threeveDanRabbit: okay, so just FYI, iOS doesn't support calibrated color spaces, and colors will tend to appear darker on the device than you may have intended.19:28
urbanapethreeve: well, I wish Apple would adopt a more flexible roles-based security model.19:28
DanRabbitthreeve: ah okay. How can we work around this?19:29
threeveDanRabbit: I've had designers shoot for "gold" that came out looking... well, "brown" or even salmon colored, etc.19:29
DanRabbitah that's unfortunate19:29
DanRabbitI guess testing will be important here :p19:30
threeveDanRabbit: there isn't a terribly good way other than testing.  if you want to spot-check some colors you can make a quick PNG palette or something and I can run it on device and do a screen grab or something.19:30
threeveor really, just email yourself a PNG and open it on your device, should give you a reasonable idea.19:30
DanRabbitthreeve: that's a really good idea :)19:31
threevemake sure to turn off embedded color profiles when you export19:31
DanRabbitthreeve: as far as implementing the orange UI and such, I'm not sure how iOS does its theming. Would it be better to provide you with images or with hex values or?19:32
threeveDanRabbit: it depends on the particular widget. sometimes an rgb color is fine, other times we'll create a stretchable image to use as a background.19:33
threevebuttons typically use images in order to get exact gradients and caps.19:33
DanRabbitthreeve: okay, so I guess just let me know what you need and I'll get it ;)19:33
threeveyeah, once we get one screen ready we'll go through how to slice up assets and then you'll know for all screens.19:34
DanRabbitthreeve: excellent19:34
urbanapeDanRabbit: I've also got code that already wraps up our color palette19:37
urbanapefor use in Cocoa code.19:37
DanRabbiturbanape: oh sweet. that'll be helpful19:37
urbanapeand our fonts (well, font, until the monospace font is finalized)19:37
nessitaralsina: have you tried the latest version of the installer (fix-810053)?19:39
nessitaralsina: I'm getting odd traces19:39
ralsinanessita: yes I have, but not extensively19:39
nessitaralsina: I'll try to record a screencast19:40
ralsinanessita: about to try it now19:41
ralsinanessita: just went all through the setup new account process without any strance traces19:43
nessitaralsina: can you try logging in?19:43
nessitaralsina: hum, I know what happened19:44
nessitaralsina: there was a problem pinging the server19:44
nessitaso the credentials were deleted and CredentialsError was emitted19:44
nessitaso the installer closed19:44
ralsinaThere is no real handler for CredentialsError yet19:44
nessitaralsina: so, HIgh TODO, handle properly CredentialsError19:44
nessitaralsina: can you please file a bug?19:44
ralsinanessita: bug #81250619:46
ubot4Launchpad bug 812506 in ubuntuone-windows-installer "Handle CredentialsError correctly on the Qt UI (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81250619:46
ralsinanessita: I'll follow the gtk UI's behaviour, and do it right after this branch19:46
amorphous1Hello everyone, can you teel me if there are any implications when using symlinks in U1?19:47
amorphous1as an example, I'm symlink the Documents folder to U1 for syncing...19:47
ralsinaamorphous1: U1 doesn't follow your symlinks. You shuld just sync ~/Documents19:48
DanRabbitthreeve: how do you feel about something more like this? http://imagebin.org/16367619:49
DanRabbitshould give plenty of room for the keyboard, no?19:49
threeveDanRabbit: that should be just about right, as the keyboard will nestle right up under the "sign in" button19:49
threeveDanRabbit: I should say I didn't dislike the old version either, just that it needs to account for how it looks when the text fields and buttons are moved up when the keyboard shows.19:50
threeveBut this one is nice19:50
DanRabbityea, I think it'd much rather not have the UI jump all around when the keyboard pops up19:51
threeves/jump/animate smoothly/, but yeah :-P19:51
nessitaralsina: ping does not work, email is empty19:57
nessitaralsina: I'll show you the logs19:58
ralsinanessita: ok19:58
nessitaralsina: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/646770/20:01
nessitaralsina: see lines 42 and below20:01
* ralsina looks20:01
nessitain 42 the email is set20:01
nessita2011-07-18 19:55:54,359:359.999895096 - ubuntu_sso.main.windows - DEBUG - SSOLogin: emitting LoggedIn with app_name "Ubuntu One" and result 'nataliabidart+0@gmail.com'20:01
nessitain 44 is no longer set20:02
DanRabbitthreeve, urbanape: just to be clear the mockups I've shared haven't been signed off on. So I think we have to run them back past the design team before we can implement20:02
nessita2011-07-18 19:55:54,368:368.999958038 - ubuntu_sso.credentials - INFO - Login/registration was successful for app 'Ubuntu One', email ''20:02
nessitaralsina: I think this has to do with the wizard using the widgets "independently"20:02
ralsinano, it's the same problem of CredentialsError, I think20:02
threeveDanRabbit: that's fine, I'm working on the network stuff now anyway.20:03
nessitaralsina: nopes20:03
nessitaralsina: the CredentialsError occur in the "future"20:03
nessitaralsina: the first problem is that the ping fails20:03
nessitaand why it fails? because the url is "bad"20:03
nessitawhy the url is bad? because the url does not have any email20:03
DanRabbitthreeve: okay great. Sorry for the delay20:04
nessitaralsina: and why the url doesn't have any email? because the email is ''20:04
threeveDanRabbit: no worries, plenty of other stuff to do in the meantime.20:04
ralsinanessita: ok, that should be caught by the validator in a pending branch20:04
ralsinanessita: the logic for enabling the "submit" button was very limited20:04
ralsinaI don't understand why it's getting to the ping with an empty email20:05
nessitaralsina: I did enter a valid email address20:05
nessitaa real one, in fact20:05
nessitaralsina: the email was lost in the layers in the code20:05
nessitaralsina: this is not a validation issue20:05
nessitaralsina: see line 42, please20:05
nessitaralsina: the email is there20:06
nessitaralsina: but then see line 44, email is, all the sudden, ''20:06
nessitaso then, we have this line:20:06
ralsinaok, let me check that...20:06
nessita2011-07-18 19:55:54,384:384.999990463 - ubuntu_sso.credentials - INFO - Pinging server for app_name "Ubuntu One", ping_url: "https://one.ubuntu.com/oauth/sso-finished-so-get-tokens/", email "".20:06
nessitaand that equals boom20:06
urbanapethreeve: where, by design team, you mean our folks: lisette, claire, and andrews?20:06
urbanapeer, DanRabbit ^^20:06
DanRabbiturbanape: indeed20:07
ralsinanessita: I get the ping right: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/646778/20:09
nessitaralsina: were you trying to register or login?20:13
ralsinanessita: login20:13
* mandel back20:14
nessitaralsina: well, is not working here, so this may indicate timing issues20:14
mandelralsina: ping20:14
ralsinamandel: pong20:14
nessitaralsina: like things are not waiting for another things, and your computer may be faster than this VM20:14
ralsinanessita: it probably is faster, yes20:14
mandelralsina: logistics question, can you buy  a sim for my phone  in AR?20:14
ralsinamandel: sure20:14
ralsinafor phone, no problem, for data, it's a bit expensive20:15
mandelnessita: adding those missing tests now20:15
nessitamandel: ack20:16
* mandel found a way to sleep in the plain: http://imgur.com/JUzY820:16
nessitaralsina: so, can you try using Cheepaca's VM?20:17
nessitaralsina: or you can log in an I can show you20:17
nessitaralsina: so you debug there, this is a "serious" issue20:17
ralsinanessita: I don't have password for it, and can't connect to vnc-over-ssh from windows AFAIK20:17
nessitaralsina: ok, ideas then?20:17
ralsinabut sure, let me start my natty VM and tell me how to login via PM20:17
nessitaalecu: ping20:20
alecunessita, pong20:21
nessitaalecu: can you please review a branch from ralsina, which is failing when testing IRL for me?20:21
alecuralsina, if you ssh using putty on windows you'll probably be able to make a ssh tunnel and vnc to it.20:21
nessitaalecu: when trying to login, the email field inside the sso layers become the empty string so the pinging always fail20:22
ralsinanessita: I'm on chipaca's VM, testing now20:22
ralsinanessita: let's not play cursor hockey :-)20:22
alecunessita, I can't test it right now; I'm leaving in 5 minutes to pick up amelia. I might test it later in the evening.20:22
nessitaralsina: ping20:25
nessitaalecu: ack20:25
nessitaralsina: so you could not replace self.ui.reset_password.ui.reset_password_button.clicked.emit(False) by self.ui.reset_password.ui.reset_password_button.click()?20:35
ralsinanessita: no, I just don't see why. I am testing signal connection, so I emit the signal and expect the result, instead of doing a click that may have other effects.20:36
ralsinait's more "unit" this way, IMHO20:36
nessitaralsina: but the goal of the test is "when user clicks on X button, the loading overlay appears"20:36
nessitaralsina: you're using an implementation detail of QT, IMHO. QT provides an API to click a button20:37
ralsinanessita: no, the goal of the test is ensure the signal is connected. Triggering the signal is Qt's work, and I trust it. Or else, I have to test a millin other things, like "when the user clicks on scrollbar, things scroll" :-)20:37
ralsinanessita: no, that click emits clicked() is the implementation detail. The thing I am using is the signal, not the button.20:37
nessitaralsina:  that click emits clicked() is the implementation detail <- exactly, so you need to mimic what the user will do, which is clicking a button20:39
nessitathe user will not emit a signal20:39
ralsinanessita: this is supposed to be a unit test, not a UI test20:39
nessitaralsina: it is20:39
nessitaI mean, is as much unit test as possible without mocking QT20:40
nessitaQT is a black box for us20:40
nessitaright on top of that, we write the unit tests20:40
ralsinanessita: if the code says whatever.connect() I think the right thing to test is that whatever is connected, not that clicking on a button emits whatever. I think this is just a difference of opinion, but anyway, if you tell me "change it", I will.20:41
nessitaralsina: what if you change your code from whatever.connect() to on_whatever_clicked()?20:42
ralsinanessita: then the test will fail, of course.20:42
nessitawe should be able to change that without any code breaking since is a implementation detail20:42
nessita(a detail in our project)20:42
nessitawithout any test* breaking, I mean20:43
ralsinanessita: ok, I don't want to argue this20:44
nessitaralsina: can I at least point out readability of the test? :-/20:44
ralsinano you can't. (j/k)20:44
nessitaralsina: I don't want you to change this because I say so...20:44
ralsinaok, if I change them to click() they all work except test_overlay_connection_setup_account that fails. So I'll debug that now.20:50
mandelnessita: I added the tests for can_write, pushing now and going to bed21:13
nessitamandel: ack!21:14
ralsinanessita: calling click() may or may not require entering the event loop for the clicked() signal to be triggered.21:14
nessitaralsina: eh?!?!?!?!21:15
mandelnessita: and my main reason to leave is that I'm being attack by mosquitos the size of a plain :(21:15
nessitaralsina: I'm tempted to say "False", but I guess I need to look at some code first21:15
ralsinanessita: click() queues the signal for emition, doesn't emit it directly.21:15
nessitaralsina: have a branch I can debug?21:15
ralsinanessita: sure, let me push it.21:16
ralsinanessita: check test_overlay_connection_setup_account in the show_spinners branch21:16
ralsinait's exactly the same as the others, but it only works with clicked.emit() and not with click()21:17
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
nessitaralsina: checking21:17
nessitaralsina: I see all tests using clicked.emit21:19
nessitaralsina: did you push the click()?21:19
ralsinanessita: yes, and the first one fails for me21:19
mandelnessita: laste version is in in lp, so if you review it I'll take a look tom early EU time21:20
mandeleveryone, have a great evening21:20
nessitamandel: ack21:20
* mandel hides from mosquitos21:20
nessitaralsina: as far as I know, widget sets execute all the callbacks connected to a signal before returning execution21:22
ralsinaif that's so, I have no idea whatsoever why that test fails. It's the same as all the others21:22
nessitaI ll debug it a bit21:23
ralsinaplus, it works IRL21:23
ralsinaI just read the C++ code for QAbstractButton and it does emit clicked() immediately.21:30
nessitaralsina: so... puzzle!21:32
ralsinanessita: I had guessed that about the event loop because on test_choose_signin_cancel I had to add a processEvents in the middle of the test or it failed (using click, too)21:33
nessitaralsina: I ve been there with GTK, and that smeells21:33
nessitaralsina: let's keep the emit() for now, let's no waste more time21:33
ralsinaok, I'll keep it for that test21:33
ralsinaOk, I get it21:34
ralsinaclick() is hiding the overlay, but then next() is also getting called.21:34
ralsinaOr maybe not. Let me check ;-)21:34
ralsinaNo, it's not that. Back to puzzled21:35
ralsinanessita: pushed with the clicked.emit() back in it21:37
ralsina+ a puzzled comment21:37
ralsinanessita: sorry about the harsher-than-necessary comments a while ago, this has been a very frustrating day, and I apologize21:41
nessitaralsina: is ok :-)21:41
ralsinanessita: when I screwup i public, I apologize in public :-)21:42
nessitamakes sense21:43
=== statik` is now known as statik
duanedesignkarni: sorry i missed you. Was booted into windows for a bit22:18
karniduanedesign: no probs :) nessita helped out my tired memory ;)22:19
nessitaduanedesign: OMG! are you ok after that?!?!?!22:19
karniduanedesign: FYI the answer is: make sure your system clock is synced with NTP or just make sure it's not too much off :)22:19
duanedesignnessita: ha! :D  It is definetly a frustrating experience.22:20
duanedesignanyoone have a PowerPoint ppt file i can use for a test?22:24
karniduanedesign: Who uses that, yuck! ;)22:24
karniduanedesign: Use google docs and export some sample to .ppt22:24
karniduanedesign: I'm pretty sure they have that.22:24
duanedesignohhhhh really22:24
* duanedesign looking22:24
ralsinaOk, I am taking a break now, will probably do a couple more hours tonight. If anyone needs me, email me.22:29
ralsinanessita, alecu, I sent the email to marianna, there is a nice hotel near my home that has room22:29
nessitaralsina: and that hotel has internez?22:31
ralsinanessita: allegedly, wifi everywhere22:31
ralsinafibertel, 10MB22:31
nessitaralsina: sounds good22:31
ralsinaSo, expect good downloads, not-so-good uploads22:31
ralsinaanyway, it's not like it's 30 of us, so it should manage :-)22:32
alecuhmpf. Will need to pause my downloads.22:32
alecunessita, I didn't notice you were still here22:33
nessitaalecu: I'm! :-)22:33
nessitaI was investing some extra time trying to get SSO (qt version) building on linux22:33
nessita(extra time of my own ;-))22:33
nessitais building, but it will not run, windows is all over the place in the controllers implementation22:34
duanedesignthanks karni i was able to export a ppt file22:39
karniduanedesign: yw22:39
nessitaok, I'll run some errands now22:43

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