
JeZ-l-Leecopy and paste does not work too well in 11.04 - will this be fixed in 11.10 ?01:09
JeZ-l-Leecurrently can copy and paste to desktop - have to drag and drop the file01:10
JeZ-l-Leecurrently can't*01:10
GridCubewhat kind of copy-paste? from where to where?01:13
GridCubeusing thunar to cut folders and paste them on another place works perfectly, crossing cuts and pastes usually wont work01:14
GridCubeif you cut something on thunar it wont probably paste on nautilus01:14
beardygnomeGridCube: I thin k what JeZ-l-Lee is saying is that you can't cut in Thunar and paste on to the Desktop01:17
beardygnomeyou have to drag/drop or paste into the /home/user/Desktop folder in Thunar01:18
PhalstaffI just loaded xubuntu how do I configure the wireless connection?01:39
PhalstaffThe device was found I need to access it set up the connection stff01:40
charlie-tcaJeZ-l-Lee: no, it won't be fixed. You still won't be able to copy and paste to the desktop, but it works fine in thunar01:48
charlie-tcaPhalstaff: rightclick the network manager in the panel01:49
PhalstaffThank you charlie-tca ... I dont see the network manager.01:54
Phalstaffis there a way to see what the interface is called?01:55
charlie-tcait should look like two tv's in the panel, or maybe a quarter circle, I think01:55
charlie-tcaor a couple of plugs, maybe?01:55
charlie-tcaby usually right-clicking on the icon gives the name at the top01:56
Phalstaffhmmm  i dont have it back later thanks!!01:56
rubyywhile i fsck sda6 . i t says bad magic number in super block while trying to re open . aborting journal on device sda6-8.    mapped to illega pblock.  abortin journal on dev.09:37
ikonia /remove rubyy I told you not to cross-post - the next time this gets progressed to Freenode09:43
shiintohi , am i right for community Xubuntu support? Cause my xubuntu gui crashed somehow11:00
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!11:01
TheSheepshiinto: just ask your question, and if anybody knows the answer they will speak up11:02
shiintookay it's not so easy to write ;) ... soo my problem is i just booted my laptop and now i dont have any window borders11:03
TheSheepok, that mean xfwm4 crashed11:03
Sysialt+F2 "xfwm4"11:04
shiintonot easy to write, because the window behavior is also false. Ok i'll try this11:04
shiintoohh nice :) worked perfectly11:05
shiintothanks a lot. :) i will now reboot, do you think it will crash again?11:07
k_szeWhat text editor in Xubuntu supports multiple encodings?11:08
TheSheepk_sze: gvim11:23
TheSheepand vim too11:23
k_szeactually, I just found out that gedit does multiple encodings.11:24
ochosik_sze: i think medit can also do that11:25
TheSheep!hi | Wizard12:18
ubottuWizard: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!12:18
WizardTheSheep, thanks, i've been here once or twice ;)12:18
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Wizardk, ubuntu xfcized13:47
jjjjjjjjjhelp me!14:21
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:22
jjjjjjjjjplease give me a key, shortcut that allows to change resolution?!14:22
charlie-tcawhat is the version/release of Xubuntu?14:22
jjjjjjjjjdon't know, I think latest14:23
jjjjjjjjjis there a hope?14:23
charlie-tcaopen a terminal and type    lsb_release -a14:23
jjjjjjjjjI don't see a shit! I am writing on an a different pc, after I chabged resolution I cannot see a shit on linux pc!14:24
charlie-tcaWe don't have a shortcut defined for 'display', but you can define one14:24
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.14:24
jjjjjjjjjso I am lost14:24
charlie-tcaDid you try shutting the computer off completely and turning it back on14:24
jjjjjjjjjstill screen is black and white14:25
jjjjjjjjjplease help me14:25
charlie-tcaWithout knowing what you did, it is very difficult to help you14:25
charlie-tcablack and white?14:25
charlie-tcait lets you login?14:25
charlie-tcait doesn't get to the login screen?14:25
jjjjjjjjjI have changed resolution from 1024x768 and after that my screen went black and white. System is working fine, but I cannot change resolution as I don't see a ****. Is that a key they will change resolution? I cannot reinstall system as I have got too many files on it that I need.14:26
charlie-tcait stops after bios checkss?14:26
charlie-tcaThere is no magic key to change resolution, that I know of14:26
charlie-tcastop that14:26
jjjjjjjjjoh no!14:26
jjjjjjjjjwhat will I do now?!?!?!14:27
charlie-tcaYou are not doing anything to make it possible to help you14:27
jjjjjjjjjI have so many important files on it!14:27
charlie-tcachanging resolution does not change the screen to black and white14:27
jjjjjjjjjplease help me....14:27
charlie-tcawhen you restart the computer, what do you see?14:27
jjjjjjjjjstill black and white14:28
charlie-tcasounds like the video went out completely, then. Maybe the video card is bad.14:28
jjjjjjjjjI see loging screen and it is ok, i can see seveything, but after i am logged screen goes black and white14:28
jjjjjjjjjloging screen can be seen correctly, after being logged screen goes to black and white14:29
jjjjjjjjjhelp, please.......14:31
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:31
GridCubejjjjjjjjj: press alt-f2     then write xterm and hit enter, then write xrandr -s 1024x76814:31
GridCubeand press enter14:31
jjjjjjjjjthank you, will try it now14:32
jjjjjjjjjhope it will do14:32
jjjjjjjjjthank you!14:37
jjjjjjjjjIt works! I cannot say hot grateful I am!14:37
jjjjjjjjjThank you kind sir again!14:38
jjjjjjjjjIf you will ever need a kidney or liver just let me know!14:38
GridCubejjjjjjjjj: now if you press xrandr alone you can see all the displays you can use14:38
GridCubejjjjjjjjj: so you can -s the best resolution for your screen14:39
GridCubeand next time please be a little more patient :)14:39
jjjjjjjjjthank you once again14:46
jjjjjjjjjreally, you did great!14:46
GridCubeyou are welcome :) have a nice day14:48
* GridCube adds a star to his helping history14:50
roy_hey can anyone help me here installing open source drivers over fglrx?15:10
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jnsl_where can i disable the annoying window roll up thingy when i scroll ?16:41
ochosijnsl_: the "roll up thingy" is called "shade"16:45
ochosijnsl_: go to the menu > settings > settings editor > xfwm4 > general > mousewheel_rollup and set that to false16:45
jnsl_ochosi thanks bud, i keep hitting the wheel when I'm hovering over windows apparently16:46
ochosijnsl_: and yeah, i see the irony of me saying that it's called shade (which it is called!) and the option being called rollup ;)16:46
jnsl_haha ;)16:46
jnsl_worked like a charm16:47
JoshMcDHas anyone had a problem with tumblerd using all available memory?17:15
JoshMcDAnd all the swap?17:16
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charlie-tcawhat release?17:52
charlie-tcaI run Oneiric, and haven't seen that17:52
charlie-tcaoh, too late17:53
N3Hey, I installed Xubuntu on my sisters computer, and when it starts up it gets this "low-level" shell (It says something about Busy-Box).18:12
N3I just type exit and it works, but is there anyway to get rid of that18:12
charlie-tcaN3: did the install complete without errors?18:23
charlie-tcaUsually that means something did not finish18:23
N3charlie-tca: yeah, AFAIK everything wen't to plan.18:24
N3I've installed Ubuntu/Arch/DSL/BT5/Mint18:24
N3I just told her to type "exit"18:24
N3(which works, then it boots up normally)18:24
charlie-tcaand it goes to gdm then?18:25
N3strange how xubuntu uses gdm18:25
N3I might put slim on there18:25
charlie-tcaOnly times I have seen that, I did a new install on top and it worked18:25
charlie-tcawe are moving to lightdm for the next release18:25
N3its a old ass computer18:25
N3oh ok18:26
N3Yeah I ditched Ubuntu after the 11.04 release18:26
N3Xubuntu 11.04 is ok18:26
Guest54949Quick launch panel question: All my launchers are crammed to the left end of the panel. How do I center them?18:31
charlie-tcaadd a "separator" to the panel18:33
charlie-tcaon each end, and expand them. The launchers will be centered then18:33
Guest54949Thank! I tried adding separators but overlooked the expand feature. It worked!18:35
charlie-tcayou are welcome18:36
N3o lawd18:38
charlie-tcaI don't think He did that18:49
joshmcdanyone around?19:23
charlie-tcajoshmcd: please ask your real question, all on one line if possible.19:25
charlie-tcaSince we are all volunteers here, we will answer if we can, and won't if we can not.19:26
joshmcdhave you ever had a problem with the thumbnail service? (tumblerd)19:30
joshmcdIt might have a memory leak? Is that something specific to xfce or is it more general?19:32
charlie-tca!info tumbler19:33
ubottutumbler (source: tumbler): D-Bus thumbnailing service. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.21-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 58 kB, installed size 256 kB19:33
charlie-tcaLooks like Xfce19:33
joshmcdI think it may have been trying to thumbnail a 6gb jpeg 2000 file... it aquired 5gb of memory and all of the available swap19:35
joshmcdi feel like i should tell someone19:35
joshmcdMaybe the xfce forum?19:37
charlie-tcafile a bug19:38
charlie-tcaopen a terminal, type     ubuntu-bug tumbler19:39
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