
lifelessbryceh: btw - 80301201:27
lifelessbug 80301201:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 803012 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "Intel driver incorrectly renders some UI elements" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80301201:27
lifelessbryceh: I just saw the same symptoms on my natty nvidia machine01:27
lifelessbryceh: dunno what that means.01:27
RAOFlifeless: Presumably with nouveau?01:34
lifelessRAOF: nup01:35
lifelessproprietary foo01:35
RAOFThat's almost certainly a different bug, then?01:37
lifelesssame symptoms01:37
lifelesswondering if its a userspace issue at heart (classic mode fail?)01:37
brycehlifeless, so little X code is shared between -nvidia and anything else that if it is the same bug, that points to perhaps something non-X/non-kernel involved01:38
brycehlifeless, X bugs frustratingly often show identical symptoms on two different drivers but are ultimately very different bugs underneath01:39
brycehlifeless, probably the right thing to do would be to test oneiric (or a backport of this -intel fix).  That would be more definitive.01:39
lifelesshows oneiric fs stability atm ?01:40
brycehthe /run bugs from last week were fairly bad, but that should be solved now01:40
RAOFI haven't hit any fs bugs (barring the /run amazement).  AFAIK the ecryptfs bug is gone.01:46
brycehI put the patch in for natty sru as well, so if you don't want to upgrade yet, should be available in natty-proposed whenever the buildd's are done01:48
jasoncwarner_bryceh and RAOF ... saw x come down today and I decided to be brave. so far no problems...anything I should be looking for?03:11
jasoncwarner_and RAOF, I've been using nouveau ever since the rally...no problems to mention...03:12
RAOFjasoncwarner_: Not really; that was just the xorg metapackage.03:12
RAOFjasoncwarner_: Cool.03:12
jasoncwarner_RAOF nouveau was such a non-issue I forgot I was using it ;)03:13
RAOFThe xorg package updated fine?  It didn't hit a file conflict in xorg-server?03:14
jasoncwarner_RAOF: no, everything seemed to go just fine..rebooted and everything...though now I hvae to reboot because I wanted to test nvidia driver again...03:16
jasoncwarner_be back03:16
RAOFI wonder if that makes my local problem self inflicted :)03:17
* RAOF heads off for a run and lunch.03:25
TheMusoRAOF: hrm seems I got the conflict when updating a chroot here.04:33
TheMusoRAOF: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/doc/xorg', which is also in package xserver-xorg 1:7.6+7ubuntu204:33
pittiGood morning04:45
jbichahi, could I have someone look at https://code.launchpad.net/~jbicha/ubuntu/oneiric/transmission/transmission-2.32/+merge/6777204:51
pittijbicha: ah, can do04:59
pittijbicha: hm, current source package's Vcs-Bzr: says that it uses lp:ubuntu/transmission, not the old ubuntu-desktop branch any more05:00
pittibut *shrug*, as long as that one is up to date.. the ubuntu:transmission one will be auto-updated05:01
pittijbicha: no, lp:~ubuntu-desktop/transmission/ubuntu is outdated, it's for maverick05:02
jbichapitti: oh, then I think there might be changes I've missed then05:03
pittiI can't remove the old ubuntu-desktop branch unfortunately05:04
jbichapitti: hmm?05:04
jbichaso I should rebranch off ubuntu:transmission, right?05:05
jbichathe ubuntu-desktop branches are more convenient, except that Launchpad doesn't expect them05:06
didrocksgood morning05:06
jbichadidrocks: howdy05:07
RAOFMorning didrocks05:07
didrockshey jbicha, RAOF!05:07
TheMusoMorning pitti, didrocks.05:07
pittijbicha: right05:07
didrocksmorning TheMuso05:08
pittihey didrocks05:08
didrocksguten morgen pitti :)05:08
pittijbicha: sorry for the wasted time :/05:08
pittihey TheMuso, how are you?05:08
TheMusopitti: Not too bad thanks, yourself?05:14
pittipretty good, thanks05:15
brycehhey, there's a bug with the xorg metapackage05:27
brycehlooks like the version we got from debian does some symlinking magic which breaks when it gets updated05:27
ubot2Ubuntu bug 812665 in xorg "package xorg 1:7.6 7ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/doc/xorg', which is also in package xserver-xorg 1:7.6 7ubuntu2" [Undecided,New]05:28
didrockssession restart, brb05:54
RAOFpitti: bug 812665 looks to be a result of the documentation-linker having a namespace clash.05:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 812665 in xorg "package xorg 1:7.6 7ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/doc/xorg', which is also in package xserver-xorg 1:7.6 7ubuntu2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81266505:56
RAOFThe xserver-xorg now ships the documentation in /usr/share/doc/xorg, but the auto-linker has kindly symlinked /usr/share/doc/xorg (in the xorg package) to x11-common.05:57
RAOFWith hilarious consequences!05:57
pittiuh, eww indeed05:58
pittiRAOF: but we never symlink entire directories05:59
pittiis that something the xorg package does itself?05:59
pittibecause dpkg handles directories specially, pkgbinarymangler only symlinks individual files05:59
pittilrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2011-03-03 18:16 /usr/share/doc/xorg -> x11-common05:59
pittithis isn't pkgbinarymangler's doing05:59
RAOFAh, ok.06:02
RAOFSo now I get to work out what *is* symlinking that directory!06:03
RAOFOh, my.06:04
pittiRAOF: I get teh symlink when building locally without any mangling06:06
RAOFYeah, it's some crazy-arse preinst magic.06:06
pittiRAOF: how about this:06:06
pitti        for p in $$(dh_listpackages -i -N$$t); do \06:06
pitti          rm -rf debian/$$p/usr/share/doc/$$p; \06:06
pitti          ln -s $$t debian/$$p/usr/share/doc/$$p; \06:06
RAOFIndeed, you have found ite :)06:06
RAOFHah.  With the even more hilarious consequences that dpkg now thinks /usr/share/doc/xorg actually exists!06:08
pittione should avoid shipping directory symlinks like the plage06:09
pittiat some point they *will* shoot you into the foot06:10
RAOFBecause dpkg gets all narky on you.06:10
RAOFAlthough, to be fair, the problem's not the symlink in this case.  The problem is the namespace conflict.06:10
pittiand you need all sorts of black preinst magic if you ever want to get rid of them again :)06:10
pittiyes, right06:10
RAOFPreinst magic like “is this a link?  If so, rm -rf it.”? :)06:11
pitti"rm" should be enough, but yes06:11
pittiand checking that it points to the right place, handling aborted package upgrades and put it back then, etc.06:11
RAOFYeah.  xorg doesn't do any of that pansy sanity checking.06:12
pittibut I'm not suggesting to actually remove the link now06:12
RAOFIf someone's stupid enough to symlink /usr/share/doc/xorg to /, they deserve all they get!06:12
pittiI guess it's easiest to just drop the duplicate file?06:12
RAOFThat's what it does *right now*06:12
RAOFHm.  That doesn't seem to have come from debian.  Are we dancing the ‘I hope you haven't symlinked /usr/share/doc/{x11-common,xorg,xserver-xorg} anywhere you care about’ fandango in Ubuntu diff?06:16
pittiI think we can safely assume that the user didn't tamper with these links06:16
pitti/usr/share/doc/ must have the property that users can rm -rf it entirely without anything breaking06:17
RAOFYeah.  It'd suck to have accidentally replaced a symlink in there at some point in the distant past, though.06:17
RAOFAh, yes.  This *is* Ubuntu diff.  In fact, it's an oldschool pre-pkgbinarymangler symlink-the-docs hack.06:18
RAOFFrom brave-old 200706:18
RAOFWhen men were real men, and symlinking doc directories was real men's work. :)06:19
pittiso either we do the preinst bits of removing the links and drop all the manual symlinking06:19
pittiand let the mangler figure it out06:19
RAOFI'm super-inclined to let pkgbinarymangler take this problem off my hands.06:19
pittierm, no either06:19
pittiwe can't ship the same symlink in two packages, period06:20
pittiRAOF: my gut feeling is "drop all this, remove all symlinks in preinst, and drop the preinst bits after the next LTS"06:20
RAOFThat's what I'm thinking, too.06:21
jbichais it safe for me to remove .pc, drop in the new upstream source, and then quilt push the patches I want?06:43
didrocksjbicha: depends if you have applications/libraries dependending on your .pc file06:44
jbichaI'm working on transmission and I've not done much with .pc stuff06:45
jbichaI tried quilt pop but it said it couldn't remove cleanly06:45
pittijbicha: don't just remove .pc06:46
pittijbicha: I suggest theh following:06:46
pitticheck out ubuntu:pkgname06:46
pittiquilt pop -a06:46
pittiand then rm -r .pc (which should now be empty)06:46
pittiyou can commit that as "unapply patches"06:46
pittiapplied patches in bzr are excruciatingly hard to maintain, and against common practice IMHO06:47
pittiso in my branches I don't apply them06:47
pitti(they also break merge-upstream)06:47
jbichawell I had like 200 something conflicts when I tried to merge with the Debian bzr06:48
jbichawhat if quilt pop complains about not being able to remove cleanly?06:48
didrocksmvo: hey, how are you?06:50
jbichais quilt pop -a -f ok?06:50
jbicha-f fixes everything!06:50
pittijbicha: if quilt pop -a in a cleanly checked out tree doesn't work, then something has gone seriously wrong :(06:51
pittijbicha: did you try this _after_ merging with debian?06:51
* didrocks looks for a wiki page to show jbicha quilt best practices06:52
jbichawell I did bzr revert and I hadn't made any commits06:52
jbichabut I'll do a bzr branch again to make sure06:52
pittijbicha: if it gets too complicated, just use apt-get source and merge the old way with diffing debian/ ..06:52
jbichapitti: well quilt pop -a -f worked, I just didn't know if it was a good idea06:53
pittiI don't know either06:53
pittiif the patches don't apply, they need to be fixed either way06:54
pittibut then the bzr branch is horribly inconsistent, as in this case you couldn't even have built the source package for uploading06:54
jbichapitti: I guess something has gone seriously wrong :-)06:54
didrocksjbicha: if you like to read some documentation to understand how quilt works, you can have a look there, it seems quite nice: http://www.shakthimaan.com/downloads/glv/quilt-tutorial/quilt-doc.pdf06:54
mvodidrocks: hey, good morning06:55
jbichapitti: but all I really need to do is to get a clean source tree, it doesn't matter whether I use quilt pop or do it manually, right?06:56
pittijbicha: right, but how do you get it if the patches don't unapply?06:56
jbichajust plopping in the source & removing .pc :-)06:57
SweetsharkMorning all!07:19
didrockshey Sweetshark07:25
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone07:30
* bryceh waves07:31
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
didrockshey chrisccoulson! good evening bryceh07:32
brycehheya didrocks07:33
RAOFHey hey chrisccoulson!07:33
chrisccoulsonhi RAOF and didrocks, how are you?07:34
didrockschrisccoulson: I'm fine thanks! Yourself?07:34
chrisccoulsondidrocks, yeah, good thanks, but a bit tired07:35
pittihey chrisccoulson07:39
pittimorning bryceh07:39
RAOFI'm pretty good.  Going for a run before lunch has offset the 7:30 start :)07:39
chrisccoulsonhi pitti, how are you?07:40
brycehhi pitti07:40
pittichrisccoulson: I'm great, thanks!07:41
didrocksjibel: hey, FYI, with the new compiz, I tagged the regression to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bugs?field.tag=
pittididrocks: can you please fix "achuni" in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-oneconf?08:10
didrockspitti: ok, should have mispelled the launchpad name, taking a look in a sec08:10
pittibonjour seb12808:16
seb128hey pitti, how are you?08:16
pittiI'm fine, thanks! how about yourself?08:16
seb128pitti, I'm fine thanks, a bit tired, got used to go late to bed and I have difficulties to get started in the mornings ;-)08:17
didrockshey seb12808:18
seb128didrocks, hey, nothing like a compiz abi break to start the day? ;-)08:19
didrocksseb128: exactly! Where is the fun otherwise? :-)08:19
jbichapitti: round 2 https://code.launchpad.net/~jbicha/ubuntu/oneiric/transmission/transmission-2.32/+merge/6834708:23
pittijbicha: did I mention that I hate UDD branches? :-)08:24
pittihey rodrigo_08:25
jbichapitti: I was going to do it as a ~ubuntu-desktop branch... ;-)08:26
chrisccoulsonhey seb128, how are you?08:27
jbichaactually the end result was the same except for the changelog entries & dropping a lot of upstreamed patches08:27
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, I'm starting being awake and I think I'm good thanks, how are you?08:29
chrisccoulsonseb128, pretty much the same, but i feel less awake ;)08:29
seb128you know what you need right...08:30
chrisccoulsonheh :-)08:31
chrisccoulsonand bacon!08:31
seb128jono: ^08:31
seb128I wouldn't have done it if he was around don't worry ;-)08:32
seb128you didn't get breakfast yet? you should start with that ;-)08:32
seb128rules 1- get breakfast before starting IRC08:32
seb128or you might still be typing on IRC an hour later without coffee and starving08:32
geseran IRC diet?08:37
didrocksseb128: btw, my server down while at Dublin was due to the power supply which died…08:39
seb128didrocks, oh ok08:42
seb128pitti, thanks for doing desktop sponsoring! ;-)08:44
pittino worries :)08:44
jbichapitti: thank you08:47
pittijbicha: thanks to you!08:47
didrockssalut huats08:48
huatssalut  didrocks08:48
seb128lut huats08:51
huatssalut seb12808:51
rodrigo_man, this g-o-a package doesn't want to build09:16
jbichapitti: looks like transmission needs a mir for libminiupnpc and libnatpmp09:20
seb128rodrigo_, need help with it?09:21
seb128extra mirs again...09:26
seb128jbicha, do you know if those are optional or mandatory depends?09:30
seb128jbicha, is there any chance you would like to write the mirs for those? ;-)09:30
jbichaseb128: those libs are actually in the transmission tarball & Debian is using a patch to override them with distro-maintained versions09:32
seb128yeah, security team doesn't like much bundled copy of system libraries09:32
jbichaand I can write the mirs probably tomorrow09:32
seb128it means you have to track and fix all copies when there is an issue, which doesn't really make sense09:32
seb128jbicha, thanks!09:32
seb128jbicha, no hurry for those, but we better use the system libs if we can09:33
chrisccoulsonseb128, the security team must hate me then ;)09:33
seb128don't ctrl-W in xchat :p09:35
seb128they probably hate all the web browsers maintainers indeed09:35
chrisccoulsonheh :)09:35
seb128security team is just a bunch of haters :p09:35
seb128but still we are glad to have them ;-)09:36
chrisccoulsong'ah, i wish that linking thunderbird wasn't so painful09:38
chrisccoulsonmy machine just grinds to a halt every time09:39
chrisccoulsoni need more RAM :)09:39
rodrigo_seb128, yeah, will probably push for a review, as I don't know what's making it fail09:43
seb128rodrigo_, ok09:43
rodrigo_seb128, I'll try a little bit more 1st, as the error it is showing is supposed to be fixed with the patch I added, so not sure what's wrong really09:44
seb128rodrigo_, ok, but feel free to push, I can have a glance maybe I spot something09:44
rodrigo_seb128, ok09:44
rodrigo_seb128, lp:~rodrigo-moya/gnome-online-accounts/3_1_1_release09:46
rodrigo_seb128, it gives an error about undefined symbols, which all are in libgoa-1.0.la, that's why I add the 01_git... patch09:47
seb128rodrigo_, your rules doesn't use autoreconf.mk09:48
seb128rodrigo_, so the patch will be useless, you need to run automake to update the makefile.in09:48
rodrigo_hmm, does it need to if you don't patch configure.ac?09:48
seb128rodrigo_, well, you patch makefile.am09:49
seb128you need a makefile.am->makefile.in09:49
seb128which is automake09:49
rodrigo_ok, trying...09:49
seb128rodrigo_, yeah, builds fine with it09:50
rodrigo_seb128, ok, that was it :)09:51
rodrigo_ok then, I thought autoreconf was only needed if you patched configure, but I understand it better now :)09:51
rodrigo_seb128, thanks!09:51
seb128rodrigo_, yw09:51
seb128rodrigo_, usually autoreconf is useful if you patch any configure.in,ac or makefile.am09:52
seb128it does run autoconf, automake, aclocal, etc09:52
rodrigo_right, makes sense09:52
seb128./configure && make use configure and makefile.in09:52
seb128the other option is to patch the makefile.in in your patch09:53
seb128but usually those are less fun since the makefile.in is autogenerated it's likely that the patch will be less trivial and not apply to new versions09:53
seb128rodrigo_, your changelog version needs a revision09:54
rodrigo_seb128, ok09:55
pittijbicha: or disable upnp?09:59
jbichapitti: I haven't looked to see what those libraries do, but isn't UPNP important for torrents working across NAT?10:00
pittijbicha: ah, so the previous version used the internal libs, but already had the functinoality?10:01
pittithat would make the MIRs easier10:01
njpatel_mvo, meet bschaefer, he's the awesome dude that has added CJK support to xapian (or is adding), he has some questions for  Software Centre10:06
bschaefermvo: Hello, my question is that it looks like the software center uses the term generator along with the parse query, but does it use the same libxapian as unity-place-applications?10:08
mvobschaefer: hello! yes it does use the same libxapian, but its using the python bindings when unity-places-application is using the c++ lib10:10
mvobschaefer: should not make a difference though of course10:10
mvobschaefer: hello btw :)10:10
mvobschaefer: I'm just leaving for lunch, I will be back in ~45min or so10:10
bschaefermv: Alright I might have to email you then, as it is late here haha, ( -8 PST )10:11
* mvo nods and vanishes10:12
didrocks(the xapian testsuite is huge)10:13
bschaeferdidrocks: only the xapian-core matters10:14
didrocksbschaefer: right, but the package runs everything :-)10:14
bschaeferdidrocks: yeah I never liked compiling it at first haha, but it seems error free so far :)10:15
seb128bah, new compiz is really slow to display things10:16
didrockswb seb12810:16
didrocksseb128: ah, it's not only me swapping then10:17
seb128like my session takes 15 seconds to get a background when it was taking 3 seconds before10:17
seb128I restarted several times thinking it was stucked10:17
didrocksnever get any stuck session, but I have the impression that compiz is slower, yeah10:17
seb128opening anything display a dialog with wrong geometry and no decoration for 2-3 seconds10:17
seb128then it gets updated as it should10:17
didrocks12:17:43        seb128 | opening anything display a dialog with wrong geometry and no decoration for 2-3 seconds10:18
seb128happens for anything, apport dialog, gedit, nautilus10:18
didrocks-> half a second here, I reported it10:18
seb128well here it's 2-3 seconds on a modern i5 box10:18
didrocksseb128: want to confirm bug #812711 ?10:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 812711 in compiz "Some dialogs jumps before appearing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81271110:18
seb128but using intel, I guess video matters over cpu for that issue10:18
didrocksseb128: see, for once, my box is better than yours :)10:18
seb128didrocks, done10:20
didrocksthanks :)10:20
didrocks2-3s is scary though10:20
didrocksdo you want to file one with the general slowiness?10:21
seb128didrocks, I've updated the title and raised the setting10:21
seb128didrocks, it's not slow otherwise, like workspace switch etc have no issue10:22
didrocksseb128: looks good10:22
didrockshum, the slowliness at startup you get?10:22
seb128I just think something is resources expensive in the mapping and where a dialog takes 3 seconds the background takes 15 seconds10:22
seb128well imho it's the same issue10:22
didrocksbut there is no dialog at session login?10:22
seb128just proportional to how much there is to render10:22
seb128no, but it's not specific to dialogs10:23
didrockshum, that will do it with the wall window otherwise10:23
didrockswhich doesn't seem to be the case10:23
seb128well, let's wait for smspillaz to comment, if he thinks it's a different issue I will open a new bug10:23
seb128or DBO10:23
didrocksas you wish :)10:23
didrocksseb128: we stopped adding unity master tag btw10:24
seb128but I think the background is just a nautilus ui element and getting the same issue10:24
didrocksmaybe, anyway, windows are slow to drag in the expo mode as well10:24
seb128didrocks, oh ok, well I don't do it in a systematic way, I just want a bug showing up on unity lists10:24
didrocksseb128: I added the tag on compiz bugs for all regression from this upgrade10:25
didrocksshould be easy to find them back10:25
didrockshttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bugs?field.tag= (current list)10:25
seb128is there a spec describing the unity dialog behaviour somewhere?10:27
seb128like what should happen in the file-selector too small to be used case10:27
didrocksseb128: nothing from what I know, I just saw some screenshots and I would like to know for that case as well10:27
didrocksI filed bug #812712 for that one so that we don't loose this issue10:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 812712 in compiz "Can't get normal modal dialog size" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81271210:28
seb128right, I noticed10:29
seb128the issue is not new with 0.9.5 though10:29
seb128well maybe the fixed size is new10:29
didrocksno, see my comment :)10:29
seb128but opening the dialog is a too small to be used geometry is buggy and was already buggy in the previous version10:29
didrocks"This isn't linked to properly, but from the new unity dialog, just  keeping it there to see if a solution is possible"10:30
seb128but I didn't find a spec say if the unity dialog should go out of the container in those case10:30
seb128or if the geometry should get updated10:30
didrocksas this is part 2 of unity dialogs (the u-w-d side), I think it's fine to track it there10:30
didrocksanyway, the current behavior is buggy, and we need design feedback10:30
seb128didrocks, it's sort of bug #80597510:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 805975 in unity "Modal dialog size too small if it belongs to other modal window" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80597510:31
didrocksyeah, same issue in nested dialogs, not sure it should be fixed the same way, pointing to it on the bug report10:31
didrocksthanks for finding the ref :)10:32
didrocksbschaefer: some test failed. Trying without the patches to ensure it's the cause of the issues10:37
bschaeferdidrocks: hmm, which ones failed?10:42
didrocksbschaefer: Running test: flintdatabaseformaterror3... FAILED10:43
didrocksin apitest10:44
didrocksbschaefer: but let me confirm first it's the patch creating an artifact in the API there10:44
bschaeferYeah I went to straight to testing on dash I am running them right now. I knew I was forgetting something..10:44
didrockswill be long, the testsuite is long :-)10:44
bschaeferyeah haha10:44
seb128smspillaz, didrocks: u-w-d segfaulted10:46
seb128 #0  0x0805cabf in remove_frame_window ()10:46
seb128 No symbol table info available.10:46
seb128 #1  0x0805cde7 in window_closed ()10:46
didrocksseb128: I won my personal bet! I was sure you will get a crash within a day :)10:46
rodrigo_didrocks, :)10:47
seb128will open the bug with a debug stacktrace10:49
seb128but after lunch10:49
didrocksseb128: enjoy10:49
bschaeferdidrocks: well I am going to let this run, I am pretty tired right now so I cant help much anyway. If you could send me email about any other fails I will spend tomorrow trying to fix it10:56
bschaeferdidrocks: @ brandontschaefer@gmail.com10:57
didrocksbschaefer: sure, will do! Thanks again for your work there! Have a good night :-)10:57
bschaeferdidrocks: You too, and hopefully everything works out haha.10:58
didrocksbschaefer: let's hope so :)10:59
seb128oh, new decorator segfault11:09
chrisccoulsonseb128, oh, i just realized that i can turn off gconf support in firefox at build time already11:10
seb128chrisccoulson, \o/11:10
seb128chrisccoulson, what about gnomevfs? ;-)11:10
seb128oh, in the same commit11:10
chrisccoulsonseb128, i turned that off last cycle ;)11:10
didrocksseb128: no decorator segfault?11:11
didrocksoh new*11:11
* didrocks will soon buy glasses11:11
seb128didrocks, yeah, it did it again11:11
didrocksseb128: oh do you get it?11:11
seb128didrocks, yes, the stacktrace before was from me already11:12
seb128got it twice since I upgraded11:12
didrocksis there any special way for you to trigger it or it's just random?11:12
seb128didrocks, but I learn something on the way11:12
seb128starting unity-window-decorator makes compiz hang for quite some seconds11:13
seb128so maybe the slowness issue is a decorator one11:13
didrocksseb128: yeah, more than possible as it's all linked to the unity dialog part 211:13
didrocksseb128: can you try with gtk-w-d ?11:14
didrocksjust to ensure11:14
seb128didrocks, rather random but not totally, I got it first on an apport dialog autoopening and now when doing send&receive in evolution11:14
seb128so maybe it has to do with dialogs autoopening or focus stealing prevention or something, will try to figure if I find a reliable way to trigger it11:14
rodrigo_seb128, ok, I think g-o-a is now ready for a review, so feel free to look at lp:~rodrigo-moya/gnome-online-accounts/3_1_1_release11:15
rodrigo_I'll do some g-c-c building with it in the mean time11:15
didrockshum, interesting :)11:15
seb128didrocks, g-w-d doesn't hang compiz for a while11:15
seb128and compiz seems snappier again11:15
seb128so yeah, I bet it's unity dialog's updat11:15
seb128rodrigo_, ok, looking11:15
didrocksok, will make sense, the core didn't change that much otherwise11:15
seb128great, I will keep the gtk decorator for now ;-)11:16
didrocksseb128: come on, come to play the slow game! :-)11:16
* didrocks tries to build xapian in a pbuiler just in case…11:17
seb128is that a drinking game? ;-)11:17
didrocksI fear it's not that fun :)11:17
seb128what about xapian? is compiz using it for something?11:17
didrocksno, the cjk support we were discussing above with bschaefer and njpatel11:17
seb128oh ok11:17
seb128who is bschaefer?11:17
seb128is he new around?11:18
didrocksyeah, he's a contributor who worked on that with the help of Mikkel, it's awesome :)11:18
didrocksapart from the testsuite, he told there is no regression and we get cjk support for free in unity-place-applications11:19
didrocks(and then, software-center)11:19
didrocksstep 2 will be zg of course11:19
seb128rodrigo_, seems mostly fine11:30
seb128the lib should probably be named libgao-1.0-0 rather to match the soname11:30
rodrigo_seb128, oh, ok11:30
seb128standards-version is 3.9.211:30
seb128you don't need the clean-la.mk line in the rules since we just don't ship the .la for new binaries11:31
seb128that's only useful for transitions for packages that used to ship one11:31
rodrigo_seb128, ok fixing that11:34
rodrigo_seb128, btw, works fine with control center, just a missing icon which I'm fixing11:34
seb128rodrigo_, libgoa1.0-dev should Depends on glib dev since its .pc requires gio11:34
rodrigo_seb128, right11:35
seb128rodrigo_, ok, great ;-)11:35
seb128rodrigo_, you need to build-depends on dh-autoreconf11:35
seb128rodrigo_, you can drop the quilt build-depends since you use source v311:36
seb128rodrigo_, why the dpkg-dev build-depends?11:36
rodrigo_seb128, hmm, don't remember why I added, but there was a reason iirc11:37
seb128ok, I was rather curious about this one, usually that's not needed11:37
rodrigo_removing it, the reason will show up for itself if there is one :)11:37
seb128otherwise looks good, great work11:37
seb128the copyright format is the old one also, not sure how picky other reviewers will be on this one11:38
seb128see sni-qt for a recent example using the new format11:39
jbichaI converted a copyright file & the Debian dev said it was basically a waste of time, lol11:40
seb128rodrigo_, oh, you should have a compat file with a version in it and the corresponding version in the in build-depends11:41
rodrigo_seb128, ok11:41
seb128rodrigo_, that's it I think ;-)11:41
rodrigo_seb128, hmm, what's the "corresponding version in the in build-depends"?11:42
seb128jbicha, yeah, different people have different perspective on those ;-) I tend to not bother much with those cleaning usually but for a new source as well doing it right ;-)11:42
jbichaI tried goa today on Fedora rawhide; it made setting up gmail on evolution super easy11:42
rodrigo_jbicha, yeah11:43
seb128rodrigo_, if you use version 5 you build-depends on debhelper (>= 5..) is fine11:43
rodrigo_seb128, ah, ok11:43
seb128jbicha, email or calendar or both?11:43
rodrigo_ah, already have debhelper (>= 5.0.0) on BuildDepends11:43
jbicharawhide's scary though, I find it breaks a lot worse than Ubuntu devel11:43
seb128jbicha, how many distros do you run? ;-)11:44
jbichaseb128: calendar didn't seem to work for me :-(11:44
seb128jbicha, evolution-settings (when it worked) made already that super easy, it was basically "enter your email"11:44
rodrigo_seb128, ok, pushing all fixes, so what needs to be done to upload this?11:44
seb128it figures the server imap, smtp, user name, etc for you11:44
jbichaseb128: for several months it was just Ubuntu but now I have Arch & Fedora around11:45
seb128seems to segfault in 3.1 though11:45
seb128jbicha, oh, arch, you like building things ;-)11:45
seb128rodrigo_, you are not a motu right?11:45
jbichaseb128: maybe, I don't do much with it11:45
jbichaFedora at least is useful since it's closely aligned with Gnome and it's useful to verify if some bug affects them too11:46
seb128rodrigo_, I forgot one thing, you probably want a .symbols11:46
seb128jbicha, yeah, indeed11:46
rodrigo_seb128, yeah, right I thought about it, but forgot11:46
rodrigo_adding it11:46
seb128rodrigo_, mterry will block mirs on having one of those if you run into him ;-)11:46
rodrigo_yeah :)11:47
rodrigo_seb128, no, I'm not a motu11:47
seb128so you need a sponsoring bug or to find a sponsor11:47
* rodrigo_ looks for sponsor-seb128 :)11:47
seb128mterry, hey, do you care about the copyright file being in a recent format for new packages you review for mir?11:47
seb128rodrigo_, yeah, I can sponsor it once I'm happy with it ;-) i.e add the .symbols and maybe update the copyright and we are good I think11:48
rodrigo_seb128, ok11:49
seb128Package: libgoa-1.0-011:49
seb128 This package contains the files needed to build applications that access11:49
seb128 the service.11:49
seb128 11:49
seb128rodrigo_, description copy error?11:49
rodrigo_seb128, yes11:52
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seifdidrocks, when do you have time11:56
rodrigo_seb128, ok, all fixed and pushed to the branch, so feel free to sponsor :)11:59
seb128rodrigo_, ok, will do that in a bit11:59
seb128just finishing something else I'm on first12:00
rodrigo_seb128, no hurry, I'll fix the g-c-c bug in the meanwhile (the missing icon)12:00
seb128rodrigo_, ok, is that one we ship in the wrong gnome-icon-theme binary maybe? or is that an upstream bug?12:00
rodrigo_well, and I'll go out for lunch first, now that pedro_ is here, so that I can avoid listening to him for a while :-)12:01
pedro_rodrigo_, that'd be perfect so i can assign thousand of bugs to you while you're not around :-)12:01
rodrigo_seb128, it's an icon in g-c-c sources, so it doesn't get installed when building g-c-c with g-o-a12:01
seb128oh ok12:01
rodrigo_pedro_, no please, I'm not the top on the list anymore, feel free to harass someone else :D12:01
seb128pedro_, ola!12:01
pedro_salut seb128 :-)12:02
seb128pedro_, don't listen to rodrigo_, he can take on some extra bugs, he likes g-s-d and g-c-c bugs12:02
rodrigo_pedro_, heh, there you have a person to harass now, seb128 :)12:02
pedro_heh :-)12:04
rodrigo_ok, lunch now, bbl12:04
meborcHi all12:13
meborcis the current way the bar and indicator area is displayed on multiple monitors the intended way?12:14
meborcWhat I mean is that if I have 2 monitors, I have top-bars on both of them including the indicator area?12:15
meborcThat is major showstopper for me. I have been used to having more screen real-estate on the second monitor12:16
meborcany ideas? blueprints? plans? in that regard      - Thanks!12:16
jbichameborc: design issues are discussed in #ayatana but yes the design decision is that the "indicator" system menus show on all monitors12:19
meborcjbicha: ok, thank you! I will go there and at least try to make a case for a change :) have a nice day12:20
didrocksseif: John is sick today, so probably later this week?12:23
mptjasoncwarner_, hi, was it you who JohnLea discussed with about disabling Suspend and Hibernate by default on uncertified hardware?12:28
mptOr was it someone else?12:29
pittithis seems like throwing out the baby with the bathwater12:32
pittiwe break 99% of machines because 1% have trouble with suspend?12:32
seb128it seems it could be discussed for hibernate12:33
seb128but yeah, suspends works nowadays so no need to break that12:33
mterryseb128, no, I don't care about copyright format12:34
pittiI really doubt that we can do something about the hibernate certification12:34
seb128mterry, ok, great ;-)12:34
pittiI think in most cases it's specific to the swap space you configure, or whether you plug in a particular usb device or what not12:34
pittiwe enable it by default or we don't, but by-machine doesn't seem practical to me12:35
seb128pitti, well, we could opt out hibernate by default with a g-c-c settings to turn it on12:35
pittiseb128: I agree; but not by-machine12:35
seb128well "by machine" in the sense of some oem could decide to turn it on on their image12:35
pittiright, I meant having large white/blacklists in pm-utils12:36
seb128but yeah, let's not do an hardware detection or an hardware list in ubuntu12:36
pittihibernation isn't really hardware/platform specific12:36
pittiit sucks everywhere equally :)12:36
seb128pitti, btw is your indicator still not turning blue on new messages?12:39
seb128it works there12:39
pittiI don't think so12:39
pittiseb128: ping me on jabber again?12:39
seb128so it was not kenvandine's fault but mvo's one ;-)12:47
kenvandinehey seb12:47
seb128pitti, one other case of "recommends didn't get installed on upgrade"12:47
kenvandinewhat didn't i do :)12:47
pittihey kenvandine12:47
mvoha! thats fixed with the new apt12:47
seb128kenvandine, pitti didn't have telepathy-indicator installed12:47
pittikenvandine: I got blue envelopes back!12:47
kenvandinemvo, that is pretty frustrating :)12:48
seb128mvo, right, I was mostly teasing you ;-)12:48
seb128kenvandine, he said that should be fixed for a week, apt blocks those updates now12:48
seb128like put them on hold12:48
kenvandineoh, good12:48
seb128the same way as if you have a new depends12:48
seb128kenvandine, wasn't bug #257190 supposed to be fixed?12:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 257190 in telepathy-gabble "Setting status to 'Hidden' changes status to 'Busy' instead" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25719012:50
seb128pitti, ^12:50
pittiI still get it here12:50
seb128do you get it from the empathy ui as well?12:50
seb128or only from the indicator?12:50
pittiseb128: same bug from the ui12:51
seb128pitti, are you connected only to jabber?12:51
pittiseb128: no, also google talk, some sip services, etc.12:51
seb128I think part of the issue is due to protocols which don't handle hidden12:51
seb128the status is not by protocol12:51
seb128like if you are connected to jabber only it should work12:52
kenvandinei think that is tricky, depending on accounts12:52
kenvandinethe indicator tries to set it to the best match for all accounts12:52
kenvandinethere is a tp api for that12:52
pittiright, it flips to invisible, and .3 s later it goes back to busy12:52
seb128kenvandine, right, it's not specific to the indicator since the empathy ui has the same issue12:52
kenvandinepitti, killall telepathy-indicator12:53
kenvandinesee if it still does that12:53
* kenvandine hopes he didn't do something bad12:53
kenvandinei doubt that would make a difference though12:53
kenvandinetp-indicator just listens and does things as needed12:53
pittikenvandine: confirmed it's gtalk -- if I disable the account, and leave bonjour and the sips ones, it works12:54
kenvandinepitti, so gtalk might not support it12:54
pittikenvandine: the fun thing is, if I flip gtalk back on, status changes from invisible to busy, but in the accounts dialog, gtalk is shown as invisible :)12:55
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seb128pitti, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55050212:56
ubot2Gnome bug 550502 in General "Invisible Status Is Not Working Correctly" [Normal,New]12:56
seb128or https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3076512:57
ubot2Freedesktop bug 30765 in tp-glib "Add most-available-requested-presence" [Normal,New]12:57
pittiseb128: thanks12:57
kenvandinethey have an old branch for that12:59
kenvandinebut never merged12:59
pittihm, gnome-icon-theme FTBFSes now, configure fails with "configure: error: Could not find gtk-update-icon-cache"12:59
pittiseems there's only -3.0 these days12:59
pittioh, libgtk-3-bin diverts it to update-icon-caches.gtk213:00
pittierr, no, what?13:00
pitti/usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache -> ../lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgtk2.0-0/gtk-update-icon-cache13:01
pittic'est ne pas i38613:01
seb128works for me on i386 :p13:01
seb128but it's quite weird13:01
pittiyou and your pre-medieval architectures13:01
seb128it's coming from the stone age, it's solid and tested ;-)13:02
didrocksmpt: hey, small question about usc redesign, I'm ready to do the OneConf ui part, did you get a chance to work on that?13:02
mptdidrocks, I did not, sorry13:02
* pitti backs out from fixing gnome-icon-theme, and looks into fixing gtk2 then13:02
didrocksmpt: do you think you'll have time soon or that we can experiment something? all the rest is almost finished and it's the only thing blocking putting OneConf by default AFAIK13:03
seb128pitti, it's weird there was no recent gtk2 or 3 updates13:03
didrocksmpt: btw, I made the screenshot icon preview :)13:03
pittiseb128: last g-i-t upload was June 2913:03
pittiseb128: last gtk+2.0 upload was June 30, with "Build for multiarch"13:04
seb128pitti, well, for sure gtk-update-icon-cache is used out of the g-i-t build13:04
seb128like for anybody installing an icon theme or upgrading one13:04
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seb128or a package installing an icon in the icon theme dir13:04
seb128pitti, when was that symlink updated?13:05
seb128on your disk13:05
pittilrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 55 2011-06-30 16:1913:05
pittisounds like the time of the most recent gtk+2.0 upload13:05
seb128hum ok13:05
seb128weird that nobody notice it during this time, I though that was called to update icon indexes when installed a package shipping one13:06
pittibut that broken symlink is in the actual .deb13:07
pittiseb128: presumably we are using the -3.0 version now?13:07
seb128the trigger uses the versionned name13:07
seb128pitti, right13:07
seb128that explains it13:07
pittilrwxrwxrwx root/root         0 2011-06-30 16:19 ./usr/bin/gtk-query-immodules-2.0 -> ../lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgtk2.0-0/gtk-query-immodules-2.013:07
pittisame problem with that one13:07
pitti^ from less libgtk2.0-bin_2.24.5-0ubuntu3_all.deb13:08
seb128liking an error in the rules13:08
pittioh, wait13:08
pitti_all.deb ??13:08
pittiPackage: libgtk2.0-bin13:08
pittiSection: misc13:08
pittiArchitecture: all13:08
pittiso weird that we never caught this13:09
seb128same for libgtk-3-bin13:09
seb128-bin only has symlinks13:09
pittibzr blame is for rev 113:09
seb128the actual binaries are in the lib13:09
seb128-bin is only symlinks and manpages13:09
pittilrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 2011-07-15 21:05 /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache-3.0 -> ../lib/libgtk-3-0/gtk-update-icon-cache-3.013:10
pittifor -3.0 the symlinks aren't platform specific13:10
pittibut for 2.0 they seem to be13:10
seb128pitti, gtk3 is not multiarched yet13:10
seb128it was not out when slangasek started his work13:10
pittiseb128: ok, fixing gtk2.0 for now13:10
seb128pitti, just make the -bin arch any I guess13:10
pittididrocks, njpatel: what's the standard icon size for launcher icons? something like 48x48?13:14
didrockspitti: right, 48x4813:15
mptdidrocks, do you mean installing it in Ubuntu by default?13:24
seb128kenvandine, do you want to do a round of testing and sponsor https://code.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/gnome-online-accounts ?13:24
seb128kenvandine, it seems fine to me, I can NEW it if somebody else do the upload ;-)13:24
kenvandineseb128, sure13:24
mptdidrocks, sorry, what screenshot icon preview is that?13:24
kenvandinei'll do it now13:24
seb128kenvandine, i.e I already did a review from a NEW perspective so it just needs an uploader, if you want to give it a round of testing as well you are welcome though13:24
seb128kenvandine, thanks13:25
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seb128oh, if somebody is interested by packaging a new source: http://p11-glue.freedesktop.org/p11-kit.html13:27
seb128next gnome-keyring will depends on it13:27
seb128I've added it to the etherpad13:27
didrocksmpt: right, the plan was to put OneConf by default this cycle. For the preview, it's putting a preview of the wallpaper for each computer/device registered in OneCon13:30
mptdidrocks, ah, nice13:31
kenvandineseb128, is there no UI in the goa package?13:35
kenvandinei expected it to be in the control-center13:35
seb128kenvandine, it's in g-c-c, it needs a rebuild with goa once that one is in13:36
seb128kenvandine, we patched g-c-c to disable it since that was not packaged13:36
seb128kenvandine, you can probably rebuild gcc and drop the patch rodrigo added to disable it13:36
* kenvandine uploads goa in the mean time13:36
rodrigo_kenvandine, oh, uploaded already?13:48
kenvandinerodrigo_, yup13:49
rodrigo_ok, so now we need a MIR13:49
* rodrigo_ MIR's13:49
kenvandinerodrigo_, cool13:49
rodrigo_kenvandine, btw, no need to drop the patch, just rebuild it with libgoa-dev installed13:49
kenvandinerodrigo_, will do13:50
rodrigo_but I'll submit a package with the part of the patch for disabling the onlñine accounts panel, as soon as g-o-a is in main13:50
seb128rodrigo_, you need to mir for some of the depends also it seems13:51
rodrigo_seb128, yes, was looking at the build failure13:51
seb128rodrigo_, that's yet something else13:52
seb128rodrigo_, you lack a build-depends as well indeed it seems13:52
smspillazseb128: backtrace ?13:57
seb128smspillaz, I will get one with debug symbols next time it happen, I didn't have debug symbols and the one I got was pretty useless14:01
seb128smspillaz, btw running u-w-d "blocks" compiz for at least 5 seconds there14:03
smspillazseb128: right, it's generating a bunch of default decorations I need to optimize it14:03
smspillaz(I needed that to make dialogs work, but it's not efficient)14:03
smspillazseb128: I need to work on this settings key override stuff now14:04
smspillaz(for didrocks)14:04
seb128smspillaz, btw is the wanted behaviour speced on the wiki or somewhere?14:04
desrtdidrocks: ping14:04
seb128smspillaz, like is there a spec describing what is supposed to happen in different scenarios, with interaction models etc?14:05
smspillazseb128: I think there is some somewhere14:05
seb128will ask john when he's back, thanks14:06
desrtsmspillaz: so i talked to matthias about GSettings key names14:08
desrtsmspillaz: i plan to lift to 1024 chars.  will that make you happy forever?14:08
didrocks32 to 1024, waow :)14:09
smspillazdesrt: can we lift the restriction requiring no use of "_", "?" etc and make them CaSeSeSiTiVe?14:09
seb128pitti, did you clean all the i386 retracer logs?14:09
pittiseb128: I moved the amd64 ones to ../log-archive/14:10
desrti think you can have caps already14:10
seb128pitti, he had an empty log, no rotated log and a lock file, I just removed the lock14:10
pittiseb128: I didn't touch the i386 ones14:10
smspillazdesrt: nope14:10
seb128pitti, doh, I meant amd6414:10
seb128pitti, thanks ;-)14:10
desrtah.  sorry about that.14:10
desrti'd prefer not to lift those.14:10
pittiseb128: a few hours ago I noticed that i386 was working, and amd64 was broken, and I fixed/cleaned the amd64 one14:10
smspillazdesrt: though, there's only one key with caps :)\14:10
smspillazso I can just change it14:10
seb128pitti, ups, it's still busy on the dup consolidation14:11
seb128pitti, that takes ages nowadays14:11
pittioh, I thought we commented it out14:11
pittibecause it crashed14:11
pittiso it's actually running now?14:11
pittiit hasn't run for ages, so it'll certainly take a while to review all the crash bugs of the last weeks14:11
seb128pitti, well I didn't change anything, the crontab line is not commented and there is a dupcheck job in the processes list14:12
pittiseb128: I mean the consolidation part14:13
seb128pitti, the log has14:13
seb12807/19/11 14:10:01: Initializing crash digger, using chroot map None14:13
seb12807/19/11 14:10:01: Consolidating duplicate database...14:13
pittibut I recently updated bzr, I guess I might have reverted that14:13
pittiseb128: as long as it's running, that's fine14:13
seb128pitti, it's sitting there14:13
pittiif that actually stopped crashing now, then let's have it catch up14:13
seb128in fact the log has14:13
seb12807/19/11 12:00:01: Initializing crash digger, using chroot map None14:13
seb12807/19/11 12:00:02: Consolidating duplicate database...14:13
seb12807/19/11 14:10:01: Initializing crash digger, using chroot map None14:13
seb12807/19/11 14:10:01: Consolidating duplicate database...14:14
seb128 14:14
pittioh, it did crash silently then?14:14
seb128pitti, so I'm wondering it if took 2 hours to crash14:14
seb128pitti, I will run it by hand14:14
pittiah, was just about to do that14:14
pittibut yes, fine if you do14:14
pittiplease run in screen14:14
seb128pitti, don't bother, I'm on it14:14
=== zyga-food is now known as zyga
pittiif it still fails, I'll comment out the consolidation again14:15
rodrigo_kenvandine, just pushed a build fix to lp:~rodrigo-moya/gnome-online-accounts/3_1_1_release, so if you can sponsor that to fix the build problems o my 1st package?14:15
kenvandinerodrigo_, sure14:15
seb128rodrigo_, you can move it to ~ubuntu-desktop btw14:15
rodrigo_seb128, ok14:15
kenvandineseb128, i did already14:16
kenvandinei'll merged rodrigo's branch14:16
rodrigo_kenvandine, ah, sorry, just pushed it also14:17
kenvandinerodrigo_, no worries14:17
rodrigo_can it also be added to the desktop packageset?14:17
rodrigo_I guess a mail to cjwatson is needed? :)14:17
seb128rodrigo_, indeed14:17
* rodrigo_ writes MIR report14:19
desrtsmspillaz: okay.  limit is now 1024 upstream.14:19
smspillazdesrt: lovely14:25
mvochrisccoulson: what is a good name for the flag in the debian/control file for e.g. firefox to prevent unattended inplace upgrades. XB-Upgrade-Requires: {app-restart,session-restart,system-restart} ?14:28
dobeypitti, seb128: the plan is to not have gtk2 on the CD, right?14:28
seb128dobey, that's the goal14:28
seb128dobey, not sure we will get there this cycle but we are trying to14:28
pittidobey: not necessarily for oneiric, but hopefully in the next few cycles14:28
dobeyah ok14:29
rodrigo_of these deps: http://pastebin.com/2gWTXHcE <- only librest needs to be MIR'ed, right?14:29
dobeyi guess banshee and tomboy are the big blockers for getting gtk2 off the disc?14:29
seb128rodrigo_, yes14:29
seb128dobey, and firefox and libreoffice14:29
rodrigo_ok, another MIR needed14:29
dobeyseb128: oh, right. :(14:30
seb128dobey, well apparently firefox has a gtk3 patch which is somewhat working14:30
ronocrodrigo_, hey, just plugging together that new indicator. 'gnome-control-centre bluetooth' call fails to raise the bluetooth dialog, it just brings up the control centre14:39
ronocis that call correct ?14:39
rodrigo_ronoc, yes14:39
ronocjust a bug ?14:39
rodrigo_ronoc, works for me, so do you have /usr/lib/control-center-1/panels/libbluetooth.so ?14:40
seb128works for me as well14:40
seb128ronoc, is gnome-bluetooth installed?14:40
rodrigo_ronoc, or any output if you run from the terminal?14:40
mvohey mpt - Im working on the unattended-upgrades stuff currently, there is a workitem about asking if the user should get any sort of notification about upgrades getting installed in the background.  I can't find anything about this in the SoftwareUpdater spec, does that mean that the answer is "no" (i.e. just no notifications of any sort that something is going on)?14:41
ronocseb128, rodrigo_ its installed, the .so is in the right place. gnome-bluetooth though is not in my path14:42
seb128ronoc, can you pastebin what you typed and the command line log?14:43
ronocseb128, gnome-bluetooth: command not found14:44
seb128ronoc, it should be "gnome-control-center bluetooth"14:44
seb128not gnome-bluetooth14:44
seb128it's a control center panel14:44
ronocseb128, gnome-control-center bluetooth brings up the control centre but not the actual bluetooth panel14:45
ronocthats the problem14:45
seb128ronoc, can you pastebin the command line log when you run that?14:45
seb128ronoc, does "gnome-control-center background" work?14:46
seb128or sound14:46
ronocseb128, display and sound work14:46
ronocseb128, ^14:46
ronocseb128, background works14:47
seb128ronoc, $ strace gnome-control-center bluetooth 2>&1 | grep bluetooth.so14:47
seb128what does that say?14:47
ronocseb128, no trace14:48
ronocgrep couldnt find anything14:48
seb128if you drop .so?14:48
seb128$ strace gnome-control-center bluetooth 2>&1 | grep bluetooth14:49
seb128then pastebin it14:49
mptmvo, correct, no notifications14:49
jibeldidrocks, with latest compiz everything becomes sluggish after using the desktop for few hours. To the point I'll reboot in a minute. Is it known or just me ?14:49
cdbsdidrocks: pingw14:50
didrocksjibel: hum, slowliness at start is known14:50
didrockscdbs: hey14:50
didrocksjibel: become slower and slower isn't the case here (didn't restart since 9am)14:50
mvompt: great, thanks14:50
cdbsdidrocks: Wouldn't mind if I transfer over 3 WIs on the spec over to you or <insert someone here> ?14:50
seb128jibel, did you increased memory usage from the compiz process?14:50
cdbswhere the spec is the unity integration spec14:50
didrocksjibel: please open a bug if it's a regression and tag it It's not the same than before the upgrade with just unity14:51
didrockscdbs: no, do not hesitate, the sooner is the better14:51
didrockscdbs: which one in particular?14:51
ronocseb128, http://paste.ubuntu.com/647348/14:51
cdbsdidrocks: the wm class matching one, and the nautilus ones14:51
cdbsI'll do the SC integration14:52
seb128ronoc, ls -l /usr/lib/control-center-1/panels/libbluetooth.so ?14:52
didrockscdbs: "wm class" matching?14:52
jibelseb128, no, and the process doesn't seem to use an unreasonable amount of memory (162MB)14:53
jibeldidrocks, ok will do14:53
cdbsdidrocks: err, wmclass matching14:53
didrockscdbs: what the WI title exactly, can you paste them there, please?14:53
cdbsdidrocks: "wmclass matching in desktop files for getting quicklists even if you don't pin the right one"14:53
didrockscdbs: I don't remember writing that one or what it is about, sounds more a bamf WI14:54
ronocseb128, http://paste.ubuntu.com/647352/14:54
cdbsdidrocks: yeah, even I didn't get it well. bamf should deal with it. DBO ?14:54
seb128ronoc, that's puzzling14:55
didrockscdbs: and the nautilus is just the quicklist one, isn't it?14:55
ronocits seems to be there and everything but just not showing up14:55
ronocits a new install this machine so shouldn't be an upgrade problem14:55
cdbsdidrocks: yeah, and I'll do the copy progress14:55
cdbsdidrocks: only the quicklist one, and the wmclass one, whatever it is :)14:56
seb128ronoc, does it show up in the gnome-control-center shell?14:56
ronocbut I'll test it14:56
seb128can you open it?14:56
seb128rodrigo_, ^ help there ;-)14:56
ronocseb128, no14:56
ronocthat's it14:56
seb128ronoc, I bet it's your broken pulse install again14:57
seb128rodrigo_, unping14:57
didrockscdbs: I won't do the wmclass if I don't understand what it is, just land it over to DBO for now :) give me the quicklist one14:57
seb128ronoc, is there any way you could try with the ubuntu pulse?14:57
cdbsdidrocks: alright, making the changes14:57
ronocI can but for now I would rather leave the hookie pulse in place in order to test a feature Harry, diwic and I are working no14:57
ronocon even14:58
ronocseb128, i trust it works :)14:58
seb128ronoc, ok, so just assume the call will work on a non hacked system like yours ;-)14:58
ronocseb128, exactly14:58
ronocfingers, toes and eye lashes crossed :)14:58
cdbsdidrocks: Done. You have the quicklist one, and DBO has the *ahem* one :)14:58
cdbsDBO: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-default-apps-unity-integration15:01
cdbsDBO: See the WI assigned to you15:02
DBOcdbs, I dont see any15:02
DBOI see it now15:03
cdbsDBO: Check clearly, you're jassmith right?15:03
DBOyeah sorry15:03
DBOI was expecting Jason Smith15:03
seb128rodrigo_, do you know if g-c-c specify things like the login shell to use to accountsservice?15:07
* cdbs leaves15:07
seb128rodrigo_, default seems to be sh rather than bash, is that a g-c-c or accountsservice bug?15:07
rodrigo_seb128, hmm, I think it's accountsservice15:10
rodrigo_yes, g-c-c does not tell it which shell to use15:11
chrisccoulsonseb128, accountsservice doesn't specify a shell either, it just uses the default, determined by useradd15:12
chrisccoulson(which is defined in /etc/default/useradd)15:12
chrisccoulsonmvo - XB-Upgrade-Requires looks ok (sorry, i only just saw your message)15:13
seb128chrisccoulson, shouldn't it use adduser rather than useradd?15:13
seb128"       useradd is a low level utility for adding users. On Debian,15:14
seb128       administrators should usually use adduser(8) instead.15:14
seb128it's from the useradd manpage15:14
chrisccoulsonseb128, i'm not sure. it seems that adduser sets a different login shell by default too15:14
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure which is the correct one to use though15:15
seb128adduser uses bash by default15:15
seb128it doesn't make sense to use dash as an user shell15:15
seb128$ grep sh adduser.conf15:16
seb128# The DSHELL variable specifies the default login shell on your15:16
chrisccoulsonseb128, it doesn't look like it would be difficult to use adduser, but is that more correct than changing the default in /etc/default/useradd to bash?15:16
seb128well the useradd manpage recommends using adduser15:16
seb128the useradd default should probably be fixed on ubuntu as well yes15:17
seb128but still if useradd documentation recommends it to not be used it should perhaps not be ;-)15:18
chrisccoulsonseb128, is adduser debian/ubuntu specific?15:18
seb128seems so15:19
seb128google says that on redhat it's a symlink to useradd15:19
pittijasoncwarner, Sweetshark, bryceh, chrisccoulson, didrocks, tremolux, Riddell, kenvandine, cyphermox, mterry, rodrigo_, seb128, tkamppeter, pedro_: meeting reminder in 10 mins15:19
seb128chrisccoulson, http://serverfault.com/questions/218993/whats-the-difference-between-useradd-and-adduser says15:19
seb128"On Ubuntu, useradd simply creates an entry in the user database (/etc/passwd etc.).15:19
seb128adduser on the other hand also creates a home directory for the user, populates it with the content of /etc/skel and lets you set the password interactively."15:20
seb128let me move that to #ubuntu-devel15:21
seb128it's a bit out of desktop discussions ;-)15:21
chrisccoulsonsure :)15:21
pittikenvandine: do you want to put the partner update to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2011-07-19 before the meeting?15:22
kenvandinepitti, doing it now :)15:22
* pedro_ waves15:29
seb128pitti, meeting ;-)15:31
* kenvandine waves15:31
pittijasoncwarner, Sweetshark, bryceh, chrisccoulson, didrocks, tremolux, Riddell, kenvandine, cyphermox, mterry, rodrigo_, seb128, tkamppeter, pedro_: meeting now15:31
pittihello everyone!15:31
rodrigo_hi all15:32
pittiso, let's dive right in15:33
pittikenvandine: thanks for the partner update on the wiki15:33
pittikenvandine: so the new icon/name thing in the panel without a menu is now not the me menu any more?15:33
kenvandinepitti, right15:33
kenvandinethat is provided by indicator-session15:33
kenvandineand is only displayed if you have more than one user15:34
pittikenvandine: let me guess, wasting 15% of your panel to show your own name was a design decision? :-)15:34
kenvandinefor the design15:34
pittikenvandine: is the absense of a menu a bug, or by design?15:34
kenvandineby design15:34
kenvandineit means guest session is missing if you only have one account15:35
pittithen breaking the menu structure certainly is a bug15:35
pittikenvandine: well, it's missing now, too15:35
pittikenvandine: the session menu only has the logout/reboot stuff, and there's no change user/guest session etc. anywhere15:36
pittior a link to your personal settings15:36
kenvandinethat stuff is in the "User menu"15:36
kenvandinewhich is only displayed if you have more than one account15:36
pittibut didn't you just say that it's designed to not have a menu?15:36
kenvandineso no way to get to the guest session unless you have multiple accounts15:36
* pitti has three accounts on this machine15:36
seb128the menu not showing is an unity bug15:37
kenvandineoh, you see your name and no menu right?15:37
kenvandinethat is a bug15:37
seb128njpatel said he would fix it for this week unity update15:37
pittiah, ok15:37
seb128it works in the unity greeter15:37
kenvandinetedg is supposed to be working out what we are supposed to do about the lack of a menu for guest session, etc15:37
kenvandinefor single users15:37
seb128something is wrong in the unity panel loader15:37
pittiseb128: not really -- I get an [Invalid UTF-8] there :)15:37
pittianyway, not meeting fodder at this point any more15:38
pittibut I was interested in the general direction15:38
seb128pitti, same bug it displays a menu when clicking on it ;-)15:38
pittithanks for the update15:38
pittistill ugh@ full user name15:38
pittikenvandine: whom can we talk to for changing this back to the login name?15:38
pittion a netbook screen, "Jean-Baptiste Lallement" would take a third of the screen, leaving not enough room for menus15:39
pittiwe should totally require designers to have four names!15:39
kenvandinempt i think15:39
kenvandinempt ^^15:39
pitti"Matthew-Paul Thomas" isn't exactly short either15:39
kenvandinempt,  lets change your name15:39
seb128it's displaying seb128 here15:41
seb128but that's probably because I didn't put my full name with my user account ;-)15:41
didrocksit's displaying nothing there, and I have two users…15:41
pittididrocks: anything to discuss for unity?15:42
pittiyay for indicator-gtk315:42
didrockspitti: nothing more than what the report said :)15:42
pittitremolux: thanks for the s-c report, anything to discuss there?15:43
pittitremolux: do you think the new design branch will land for alpha-3, so that we can get some bigger feedback?15:43
tremoluxpitti: nope, mainly trying to catch up some work items this week15:43
tremoluxpitti: still to early to tell for sure, but I would tend to think it won't15:44
tremoluxpitti: as default, I mean15:44
pittitremolux: so it'll be a perky penguin thing then?15:44
tremoluxpitti: heh, well, it's not ruled out yet for O, but..15:45
tremoluxpitti: it's a lot of changes15:45
tremoluxpitti: probably perky, I guess I'm saying15:45
pittiok, thanks for the heads-up15:46
pittitremolux: well, the current s-c works, so we aren't "under the gun" here, right?15:46
pittitremolux: or did we get regressions under gnome 3?15:46
tremoluxpitti: exactly, and we are pulling in some 5.0 features still15:47
tremoluxpitti: no, it seems in good shape15:47
pittigood to hear; thanks for the update!15:47
tremoluxpitti: thanks!15:47
pittiwhich brings us to ... http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/canonical-desktop-team-oneiric-alpha-3.html :)15:47
pittichrisccoulson: what's the current word on the tbird integration?15:47
pittichrisccoulson: seems some are actually done, like charline's user testing15:48
chrisccoulsonyeah, that one is done now15:48
pittiand the "Discuss strategy for creating new Ubuntu One address book" is actually three WIs15:48
pittidid that come up in the last meeting?15:48
chrisccoulsonthe launcher integration is done too15:48
chrisccoulsonoh, i don't think we mentioned that one in the end15:49
pittichrisccoulson: can you put it on tomorrow's agenda?15:49
pittistrategic discussion is already quite late at this point15:49
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, will do15:49
pittibryceh, RAOF: should we move https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/multimedia-desktop-n-xorg-multihead-defaults to p at this point, or do you still want to work on this for o?15:50
pitti(^ for eastern edition)15:50
pittikenvandine: new gwibber landed, great! looks like the remaining things on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-gwibber-gtk3 are now "nice to have" extra features?15:51
pittior do they represent regressions?15:51
kenvandineand there are some regressions not listed there15:51
kenvandineworking through them though!15:52
kenvandinewill land another release tomorrow15:52
pittiseb128: for https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-screensaver, do we actually have cycles to reintegrate hacks?15:52
pittiseb128: or should we perhaps just slightly patch the top bar to not look so shell specific?15:53
seb128it's going to be difficult15:53
pittithat's what I thought15:53
seb128we will probably have extra GNOME3 work still with new things like the online account or contacts browser work15:53
seb128not counting some design changes suggestion that should come as well15:53
pittiover to perky then?15:53
seb128let's make it not look like g-s at least yes15:54
chrisccoulsonwe can just turn off the top bar can't we?15:54
seb128chrisccoulson, you said you would maybe be interested to bring the hack code back, do you think you will cycles for it?15:54
pittiwell, having a clock isn't too bad15:54
rodrigo_yes, I think so15:54
seb128chrisccoulson, or is tb going to keep you busy full time for the cycle?15:54
chrisccoulsonseb128, i was going to look at it, but there was talk at the rally about using lightdm to lock the screen. is that still the case?15:54
seb128good point15:55
seb128well that doesn't change that if we want hacks support we should still have a renderer for them and a config ui15:55
seb128but worth checking with robert_ancell if he thinks he will have time to make lightdm the lock screen15:55
pittikenvandine: discussion in parallel, the avatar thing is done in the current version for https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-telepathy-indicator ? or is that something else still?15:56
kenvandinethat is blocked by libindicate and gtk315:56
kenvandinei'll followup with tedg on that15:56
pittiseb128: so how about I file an alpha-3 bug about improving the gnome-screensaver panel, and we move that spec to p?15:57
seb128pitti, well realistically move the hacks work to next cycle and keep the "redesign the lock screen" to this cycle15:57
pittinice :)15:57
seb128the goal was to use the same design for login and lock screen I think15:58
seb128but we should check15:58
seb128- if lightdm is going to be used or if we need a lightdm like screen for gnome-screensaver15:58
seb128- if robert_ancell will have time for it15:58
seb128- otherwise fallback to minimal tweaking15:58
seb128like not displaying a top bar or something15:58
seb128 15:58
seb128pitti, does it make sense?15:59
pittisounds good to me15:59
seb128ok, that's a plan then15:59
pitticyphermox: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-desktop-network-enhancements -> switching to automatic and optional IPv6 sounds like a small change we shoudl get in as fast as possible; is it actually small, or blocked on something?15:59
seb128we can move on15:59
pittiI need to catch Robert in the morning, but didn't see him yesterday or today16:00
seb128he's usually around but not talking if you don't ping him ;-)16:00
pitticyphermox: porting indicator-network to current NM: is i-network required by OEM or other projects, or could we safely defer that?16:00
seb128but it's possible that login manager hacking and testing make it no easy to stay on IRC as well16:00
pittiseb128: yes, I checked that; he wasn't on IRC, but I got up a little later than usual today16:01
seb128drop him an email I guess16:01
seb128during the rally he was often on a vt for lightdm hacking16:01
pittiwill do that then16:01
seb128so it's likely that he's not on IRC a lot nowadays16:01
pittiwhile I wait for cyphermox's answer, public announcement:16:01
pittiI'll be on holiday in the next two weeks16:02
pittiso if you need me to do something urgent, please speak up this week16:02
pittidoes someone feel like doing the team and release meeting in these two weeks?16:02
seb128can do16:02
pittiseb128: would be great if you could take the release meeting, you have most experience with it16:02
pittiand someone else perhaps the desktop meeting16:03
seb128I can do both16:03
seb128desktop meeting is easy16:03
pitti(which is mostly preparing the wiki template and copying the log back to it16:03
pittiseb128: merci16:03
seb128de rien ;-)16:03
kenvandinepitti, have a great vacation!16:03
seb128pitti, enjoy you time off and crossing finger that you have nice weather ;-)16:03
cyphermoxpitti: we can safely defer porting indicator-network (AFAIK)16:03
pitticyphermox: thanks16:03
cyphermoxpitti: as for ipv6; I'm working on it right now. It's basically all already on, but we get delays in connections; that's a little bad; but it's more a bug than anything else16:04
pitticyphermox: ah, good to hear; thanks for the heads-up16:04
cyphermoxso I'll just clean up the work items there to make this clearer16:04
pittithat's it from me; does anyone have further discussion topics?16:04
pitticyphermox: I sent you a review of usb-modeswitch, btw16:05
pittilooking forward to seeing this land16:05
cyphermoxpitti: yes, I saw. Thanks a lot.. just haven't looked at it yet on account of being deep in NM code to figure out the connection delays ;)16:05
pitticyphermox: yes, no hurry16:05
pitticyphermox: I'll try to get to the second half of it this week still16:06
cyphermoxwill look and merge today hopefully16:06
pitticyphermox: it'll take some time, I mostly just added comments :)16:06
pittiso, no AOB?16:06
seb128pitti, so feature freeze is in a bit less a month, can we land things on the CD while you are not there?16:06
seb128we have some pending things I've on my list we need to track16:06
seb128- sort the clutter depends16:06
pittiseb128: sure; you will be the acting release engineer for the desktop team :)16:06
seb128- sort the cheese new requirement and the fact that empathy will use it16:07
pittiI don't have a personal lock on the CDs :)16:07
seb128- get gnome-online-account installed16:07
kenvandinecheese, yummy16:07
pittijust see my note about CD size on the wiki page16:07
seb128- look at packaging the GNOME 3.2 addressbook16:07
pittiwe lost our potential 15 MB savings16:07
seb128hum :-(16:08
seb128do we still have a pending "drop python 2.6"?16:08
seb128well I guess it's smaller since we cleaned the pyc16:08
rodrigo_how much space are we at?16:08
seb128we need to win at least 11mb it seems16:08
pittiso as for the meeting, thanks everyone!16:09
seb128that's not counting that we will need to add libcheese, clutter, clutter-gst, gnome-online-account, the addressbook16:09
pittiwell, 8 MB, as we should have 703 MB images16:09
seb128thanks pitti16:09
pittiseb128: I thought we'll drop cheese from ubiquity's depends, and move it to universe?16:09
seb128pitti, 11mb on i386 still16:10
pittiah, right16:10
seb128pitti, empathy will depends on it16:10
seb128or optionally depends16:10
seb128we might get away with cheese16:10
seb128but it will bring clutter and clutter-gst in16:10
pittiseems we need to find some time to get rid of that second webkit16:11
pittiand until then, keep the current empathy?16:11
chrisccoulsonthe blocker on the second webkit is banshee though isn't it?16:12
pittiand shotwell16:12
pittiand libubuntuone-1.0-1, but that might be related to banshee only, too16:13
seb128I don't see us dropping a webkit this cycle16:13
pittioh, python-webkit16:13
pittiseb128: so what will bring in the clutter stuff? new totem?16:14
seb128empathy, totem16:14
seb128cheese -> libcheese -> empathy,ubiquity16:14
pitticould we patch out the new requirements?16:14
pittiubiquity can drop cheese AFAICS16:14
seb128not easily apparently16:15
seb128ubiquity can yes, though ev wanted to use it this cycle to take a picture during the installation16:15
seb128but I guess we could do some small direct python and gst hacking for that16:15
pittiwell, we have to say no at some point16:15
seb128 16:15
seb128empathy is an issue16:15
seb128clutter and clutter-gst will be used for video rendering16:15
pittiwe could keep the current empathy, or patch it out again from 3.2, or go back to 3.0?16:15
seb128that's the only way to put controls over the video or that sort of things, that they want to do16:16
seb128kenvandine, ^16:16
kenvandineupstream really wants that...16:16
pittiI didn't see any work on downsizing the kernel, or downsizing libo, or the other bits on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-cdspace, so I guess we can't rely on that any more for o16:17
* kenvandine runs to lunch, bbiab16:17
seb128pitti, it's hard to bring empathy down to 3.0 especially with the new contact integration work in GNOME 3.2 I guess16:17
seb128well we could probably patch the new video code using clutter out if needed16:18
* rodrigo_ needs to run, bbl16:30
pittigood night everyone!16:42
seb128'night pitti16:42
tremoluxgoodnight pitti!16:48
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Ampelbeinhi there, the latest gtk+2.0 upload only ships the symlink /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache in the i386 package, bug 810747 is a result of this.18:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 810747 in gtk+2.0 "package indicator-weather 11.05.31-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 127" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81074718:21
cyphermoxAmpelbein: thanks18:33
cyphermoxAmpelbein: the issue should alreday be fixed in -0ubuntu4; could you please check the revision of libgtk2.0-bin you have?18:38
Ampelbeincyphermox: it is -0ubuntu4 that has the problem, see my comment on the bug (I used dpkg-deb -c to display the contents)18:38
Ampelbeincyphermox: -0ubuntu3 and before was arch: all, so the symlink was pointing at the wrong place.18:39
Ampelbeincyphermox: but -0ubuntu4 is arch:any and only has the symlink in the i386 package.18:39
seb128pitti, ^18:40
cyphermoxah I see18:40
AmpelbeinI would have tried fixing myself, but gtk+2.0 is a 2 hour build on my system, so... no. ;-)18:41
seb128should be fixed in gtk but the indicator is buggy as well, it shouldn't call the update command in its postinst, that's done by a trigger18:49
cyphermoxthis is a pretty cool bug; very interesting  :)18:54
cyphermoxseb128: testing a build now18:54
Ampelbeincyphermox: from looking at the source it could be that the -bin is still listed in BINARY_INDEP_PKGS (in debian/rules).18:56
james_wseems gnome-keyring-daemon is in caps mode, not setuid mode in oneiric?19:31
cyphermoxhmm. 42 minutes to build gtk20:09
cyphermoxseb128:  still around?20:09
seb128cyphermox, sort of20:11
seb128on a box with IRC but not on oneiric box, why?20:12
cyphermoxwell, I filed a merge request anyway20:12
cyphermoxfor the gtk thing20:12
seb128isn't get in the desktop set?20:12
cyphermoxah, I thought it would be in core20:12
cyphermoxgiven the relative importance and all :)20:12
seb128well I think it's in desktop, try uploading20:13
cyphermoxsure, I'll check20:13
seb128if it's not ask kenvandine if he can do sponsoring, otherwise I will do it tomorrow morning when  I'm on a box with my keys20:13
cyphermoxah, it seems it is, my bad20:14
cyphermoxI really should have checked before20:14
seb128no worry ;-)20:14
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cyphermoxseb128: Ampelbein: done, thanks20:20
seb128thank you20:20
micahgcyphermox: kees is piloting if you need something20:22
cyphermoxmicahg: thanks, but I actually could upload that, just didn't expect to ;)20:24
dobeycan i bug someone for a quick sponsoring?20:27
seb128dobey, try pinging kees he's patch pilot today20:31
seb128will do it when I'm on box with my keys tomorrow otherwise20:32
dobeyok, thanks20:32
seb128kenvandine, could you make gwibber not use python-wnck?20:46
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seb128kenvandine, it seems there is a one line get screen call, should be easy to use gtk or the wnck gir instead?20:46
seb128kenvandine, it's one of the few things keeping the old libwnck in ;-) do you want a bug about it?20:47
kenvandinemust be gwibber-accounts using it still20:47
kenvandinei'll do it now :)20:47
kenvandineno bug needed20:47
ejathi .. will compiz 0.9.5 backport to natty soon ?20:48
seb128ejat, not sure it will be backported at all20:48
seb128it's not a bug fix update and it has already a bunch of known issues20:49
seb128speed issues and bugs20:49
ejatowh okie thanks ..20:50
ejatu mean the 0.9.5 got bunch of known issues?20:50
seb128ejat, yes20:50
ejatic .. noted20:51
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kenvandineseb128, actually, can you file a bug about dropping wnck?  the kids are  calling me and i might forget if i wait until tonight :)21:09
seb128kenvandine, sure21:09
* kenvandine runs... bbl21:09
seb128kenvandine, see you ;-)21:09
kenvandinehave a good night seb128!21:10
seb128kenvandine, bug #81318221:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 813182 in gwibber "should stop using the old wnck static binding" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81318221:25
seb128mterry, is there a way to open the datetime preferences in current oneiric?21:55
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
RenatoSilvahttp://pastie.org/2239582. The onboard audio is selected as default output. However, the front audio (headphone) only starts working after I "stimulate" it by plugging in some connector in the onboard hear jack. Doesn't happen in Windows. Worth to file a bug?22:30
jbichaRenatoSilva: yes, ubuntu-bug audio22:54
RenatoSilvajbicha: ubuntu-bug audio? tags to the bug?22:54
jbichaRenatoSilva: no, run that command and it will help you report the bug22:55
RenatoSilvajbicha: oh cool! let me see22:55
jbichayou can also run just ubuntu-bug to get other choices22:56
jasoncwarner_RAOF TheMuso bryceh robert_ancell ready for the meeting?23:03
RenatoSilvajbicha: it's collecting data since minutes23:03
TheMusoMorning jasoncwarner_.23:03
RAOFLike a fox!23:03
TheMusoIts a rather unpleasant day in Sydney today.23:03
jasoncwarner_TheMuso: so in other words, you have nothing better to do?  ;)23:04
jbichaTheMuso: too cold?23:04
TheMusojasoncwarner_: lol23:05
* RAOF is pondering moving to in front of the fire to defrost his arse.23:05
TheMusojasoncwarner_: Not at all, got plenty to do, but its a day thats an inside day.23:05
TheMusojbicha: No, very windy and rainy.23:05
jasoncwarner_TheMuso: :)23:05
TheMusoThe cold I can deal with, wind, is another story.23:05
RAOFYeah.  It's pretty miserable here, too.23:06
RAOFAlthough not windy.23:06
jasoncwarner_ready to get crackin'? [TOPIC] X update23:06
RenatoSilvaapport it's collecting data since minutes, what do I do?23:07
jasoncwarner_hey bryceh ... you or RAOF  want to update us on X?23:07
jbichaRenatoSilva: please ask in #ubuntu-bugs23:07
* RAOF deferrs to bryceh 23:08
brycehfor wayland, I've filed a MIR which we're waiting on.23:08
RenatoSilvajbicha: thanks23:08
brycehonce that's in we can put libwayland-egl support in mesa and move ahead with things there.23:08
brycehfor now we're in a holding pattern waiting on the mir.23:08
brycehbug report situation is looking quite good for X right now23:09
bryceheither things are really stable, or few people are running oneiric23:09
RenatoSilvajbicha: thanks anyway23:09
brycehthere's a few gpu lockups reported for intel, but upstream says a newer mesa snapshot would fix23:09
brycehI'm cherrypicking one patch for a confirmed fix and will upload it after the meeting23:10
brycehI've stuck a new xdiagnose in the archive, which brings improved apport hook functionality23:10
jasoncwarner_is there any risky or tricky planned for mesa or x the rest of the cycle? Any landmines we should be watching out for?23:10
jasoncwarner_we are coming up on A3, so after that I would like it to be bugs bugs bugs!23:10
brycehyes, raof will probably do some additional mesa updates as 7.11 matures23:10
brycehand probably updates to -ati and -intel23:11
* RAOF has mesa rc1 waiting in git, pending wayland MIR.23:11
brycehthe only major change we're contemplating is turning on Intel's new SNA architecture23:11
jasoncwarner_timing on those?23:11
brycehRAOF, ah cool.  maybe I'll chuck it in a ppa if the MIR doesn't go through soon.23:11
brycehjasoncwarner_, SNA is available now if we wish to turn it on.  So it's just a matter of having a firm decision on direction23:12
RAOFBut the mesa updates will not be particularly dangerous; we're tracking the 7.11 release branch, so avoid the major crack.23:12
brycehyeah 7.11 appears to be in bugfix mode.  Who knows though, mesa can  be crazy sometimes.  But I agree it's probably going to be smooth here on out.23:12
jasoncwarner_bryceh: great, thanks.23:13
jasoncwarner_anything else x related?23:13
brycehthe trade-off with SNA we face is if we don't update NOW, we're faced with being forced to update for the LTS23:13
brycehhowever, if we adopt SNA NOW, we also risk more bugginess than if we wait.23:13
RAOFAssuming someone else adopts SNA before we do :)23:14
brycehoh one other thing with xdiagnose23:14
brycehI notice that some reports appear to be coming in still without xdiagnose having been installed23:14
brycehso I'm wondering if we should consider making xorg depends on xdiagnose rather than recommends.  RAOF, thoughts?23:15
RAOFI think xdiagnose should be a Depends rather than a Recommends.  apt will only complain a bit when upgrading removes Recommends, and then that system will forevermore not have xdiagnose installed.23:16
brycehalright, I'll make that change.23:16
brycehall from me.  RAOF, anything I missed?  What are you working on?23:16
RAOFFinishing off mesa rc1 and enabling the wayland-egl stuff.23:17
RAOFAlso, colord.  It's *vaguely* X related :)23:17
brycehoh also we had that xorg symlink bugaboo yesterday23:17
RAOFYeah.  2007 escaped from its cage and bit us.23:18
RAOFThat should be fixed now, and in the future.23:18
brycehjasoncwarner_, guess that's it.  Oh should also note I could be disappearing for paternity leave any day now.23:19
brycehI'll send a note23:19
jasoncwarner_bryceh: could you tell the lovely wife this just isn't a good time? maybe in early november would be better?23:19
jasoncwarner_see how that goes over23:19
RAOFThere's also some scope for slimming down the X server packages should a couple of tens of kilobytes be required on the CD.23:19
jasoncwarner_RAOF: I'm pretty sure Pitti would be excited to hear about any 10s of kilobytes at this point ;)23:20
jasoncwarner_thanks, bryceh and RAOF23:20
jasoncwarner_TheMuso: anything you wanted to update?23:20
RAOFAnd finally from me, colord is ready in alioth git.  It requries a review and upload - preferably to Debian.23:21
TheMusojasoncwarner_: Unfortunately no, been fighting infrastructure changes thsi week and have een less productive as a result, but all seems well now so hopefully things can move forward quickly for me.23:21
jasoncwarner_how are we doing accessibility wise? ubiquity? 2d? 3d?23:21
TheMusojasoncwarner_: Unity a11y no change, doesn't help when DX are revamping nux's architecture. 2D is no change either, but I am keeping an eye on QT a11y patches and unity-2d dev work itself for things to try.23:23
TheMusoubiquity well I'm still working on that, the infrastructure change stuff affected my work on that a bit, but that should be behind now.23:23
jasoncwarner_thanks, TheMuso23:25
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell, around?23:25
jasoncwarner_AOB? I have a couple of things23:25
jasoncwarner_if no one else23:26
jasoncwarner_ok...#1 from me. A3 is coming up, after which I want us to be focusing on bugs, as I've said...I'd like to see us really hammering every aspect of the system and making sure this thing is awesome.23:26
jasoncwarner_no bug is too big, no bug too small :)23:27
jasoncwarner_and those quirky ones thta are all about usability...23:27
jasoncwarner_and don't get me started on Unity related stuff...hammer Unity to death!23:27
jasoncwarner_Ok...#2 unity update yesterday/today. Anyone update yet?23:27
TheMusoNo, that unity update was for the new compiz ABI.23:28
RAOFI updated last night.23:28
jasoncwarner_did anyone update to that, though? with new compiz?23:28
RAOFYeah, I'm running the new compiz now.23:28
RAOFNothing particular to report.23:29
RAOFWere there meant to be user-visible changes?23:29
jasoncwarner_I'm having a terrible morning with window lag and I was wondering if anyone else was having that as well. Switching between windows has a perceptible 1s or so lag23:29
RAOFAh, yeah.  That.23:29
jasoncwarner_it is most noticable switching between firefox tabs23:29
jasoncwarner_RAOF: so I'm not going crazy ;)23:29
RAOFOh, no.  That's not what I'm seeing.23:29
RAOFAt least, I don't think so.23:29
jasoncwarner_RAOF: what are you seeing?23:30
RAOFAlt+Tab is supremely unresponsive under system load.23:30
jasoncwarner_ok..might be related23:30
RAOFAs in: the switcher window can take upwards of 10s to appear when something's using the CPU.23:30
jasoncwarner_just wondering if anyone else saw it...I'll check with smspillaz23:31
RAOFGiven we're getting a new alt-tab shortly, I'm not sure how much to care.23:31
jasoncwarner_RAOF: wow...23:31
jasoncwarner_uh, that probably isn't good23:31
jasoncwarner_thanks, RAOF I'll track it down...Anyone else have anything or AOB? if not we can end the meeting.23:31
TheMusoBetween now and FF, DX wil dump a lot of stuff on us that will likely be broken.23:31
jasoncwarner_TheMuso: NEVAR!23:31
chrisccoulsonRAOF, indicator-datetime-service and e-calendar-factory go crazy here and spam the session bus, causing dbus-daemon to use lots of CPU23:32
bryceh...and will get reported as X.org bugs23:32
chrisccoulsonwhen that happens, i see the same behaviour as you23:33
chrisccoulson(with alt+tab)23:33
brycehwell, either X.org or Yelp23:33
chrisccoulsonbut, also, everything seems to grind to a halt23:33
RAOFchrisccoulson: That could well be what I'm seeing.23:33
chrisccoulsonit can take me in excess of 5 seconds or so just to switch workspaces when that happens too23:33
jasoncwarner_you guys reporting bugs to smspillaz and dbo/jason?23:34
RAOFSomewhat informally, yes.23:34
jasoncwarner_ok...thanks...i'm going to find smspillaz when he wakes up and poke him a bit...he likes to be asked about compiz performance issues first thing in the morning ;)23:35
DBOjasoncwarner_, you'll be happy to know I am working on Unity performance now23:35
DBOnow go file some paperwork or whatever it is your job mandates :P23:36
jasoncwarner_DBO: I am happy to know that. Though, I'd like smspillaz to work on it as well so we can have someone with skillz on the job too...23:36
jasoncwarner_DBO: :P23:36
jasoncwarner_thanks everyone! [END MEETING]23:36
jbichabryceh: so just curious, wayland might happen for, what, 12.10?23:41
brycehjbicha, depends on what is meant by "happen"23:41
brycehjbicha, but no, there's no specific dates written down for anything23:42
jbichahow about usable by the omgubuntu crowd, but not necessarily default23:42
brycehnot sure what that means23:44
brycehjbicha, if you're asking when will unity run on wayland... well have to ask the unity guys, I've no idea.23:45
jbichabryceh: thank you23:48
RAOFjbicha: At this point I'd be unsurprised to have lightdm, at least, as a wayland server in 12.10.  It's unclear to me how a full transition would go.23:50

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