[00:34] So there are a couple of programs that I can't get to stop launching on startup aninstall has been acting wonky lately and instead of trying to go through and fix it, I've decided I'd just re-install. Rip and repave, if you will. [00:36] ugh ignore that post sorry about that. What I meant to ask was this:So there are a couple of programs that I can't get to stop launching on startup and I was wondering where these might be configured, it isn't in the session and start up config menu === kjhkhk is now known as m00se === m00se is now known as Guest84254 [01:31] hi [01:32] I need athk5 (atheros wifi drivers), which packet in apt is that ? [01:32] err ath5k [01:32] is that hostapd? never heard of that in the form of a daemon. [01:34] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Atheros [01:34] Try that? === `mOOse` is now known as m00se === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [02:27] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) // Does that mean apt didn't install my packages ? === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [09:11] hi all [09:13] !hi [09:13] Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay! === `mOOse` is now known as m00se === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [14:10] Is there any way to hide the arrow that shows hidden items in the notification tray / systray on the XFCE panel? [14:10] hide? or disable? [14:15] @GridCube: Either, I just don't want to see the arrow because the only things I have hidden are volume icons which are made redundant by the volume icon in the indicator panel. [14:16] It is a very minor issue, but if there is a way to disable it I'd be interested. [14:16] are you using 11.04? [14:16] Yes I am. [14:19] go to the panel, rigth clic and at the bottom there is a secundary "options" menu, (i dont know how its called on english), there you have "Propierties" and when you open the panel propierties the third tab is "items" there you should find the update manager [14:21] Update manager? [14:21] FourTens: i think i understand your problem. there is (to my knowledge) no way of hiding that arrow. and tbh it would also be a bit against the intended design [14:21] The applets I'm using are Notification Area, Indicator Plugin, Clock, Session Menu. [14:21] FourTens: what volume icons are you talking about specifically? [14:21] @Ochosi: Thank you for the reply. [14:22] That is what I suspected. [14:22] I'm talking about the "output volume" and "mic volume" controller. [14:22] a-ha, what programme puts them there? [14:22] i mean maybe there's a way of getting rid of the systray-icons on the programme-side (which would be the sensible way to do it imo) [14:22] "Sound Preferences"? [14:23] oh, you mean the sound-indicator? [14:23] or the mixer? [14:23] what specifically? [14:23] Here, I can take a screenshot. [14:23] good idea :) [14:23] Do you know if Ubuntu One allows you to publically link files like Dropbox? [14:24] sry, no clue, never used either of the two (maybe someone else here knows) [14:24] oh as you said the arrow i though you meant the update manager :/ [14:25] :) [14:29] Okay ochosi [14:29] http://img.imgcake.com/panelpngpy.png [14:30] FourTens: hm, what on earth are those icons? i've never seen them before in a standard xubuntu setup [14:30] The red icons are the ones I want to remove. My solution was to "hide" them, but then there is an arrow. [14:30] yeah sure [14:30] i get that [14:30] Which icons are you refering to? [14:30] i mean: where do they come from? (the two red ones) [14:30] Ubuntu One does not actually well with Xubuntu [14:31] Well I'm not using Ubuntu One at the moment, I was just wondering about it because I was thinking about using it to upload the image since it would be convenient. [14:32] @ochosi: They come from "sound preferences" [14:32] That's what they link to anyway when you right click on them. [14:32] but when they appeared for the first time? after installing what? [14:33] FourTens: that must've been installed with some additional package. as long as i don't know what that is (pavucontrol? gnome-sound-preferences?) it's difficult to go any further [14:33] I'll check if gnome-sound-preferences is installed. [14:34] not sure that package is called like that, was mostly guessing :) [14:34] I think I found the culprit. [14:42] will UNetbootin do what I think it does? Will it write a bootable OS to my usb drive? [14:44] yes [14:48] FourTens: so what was the source of problem/trayicons? [14:50] Thank you for the assistants ochosi. [14:50] I was able to remove the icons. [14:50] *assistance [14:51] how where you able? (out of curiosity) [14:52] There was a package installed called "indicator-applet" [14:52] That is meant for Gnome. [14:53] so which of the sound indicators is gone now? the two red ones or the green one? [14:53] The red ones, like I wanted. [14:53] ok [14:53] interesting, never saw those two icons anywhere [14:53] The green one has both mic and output control along with Banshee media player control as well. [14:53] That is why I only wanted that one. [14:53] yeah, that's the package "indicator-sound" [14:53] that one i know ;) [15:08] Does anyone know if it is possible to use Emerald with XFWM instead of Compiz? [15:09] :D ochosi this one is for you [15:10] Well, it's possible. If you're asking for implementation, the best I can do is punt you to someone else. [15:12] FourTens: yes, i just added an emerald theme to greybird, but you have to download it first, one sec i'll post the link [15:13] @Ochosi: Is greybird the name of the decorator XFWM has built in? [15:13] FourTens: no, the name of the default theme in xubuntu 11.04 [15:13] Oh. [15:14] FourTens: if you want a matching emerald theme, i now have one :) [15:14] but obviously you can use *any* emerald theme [15:14] How do you do that? [15:14] you need to add a ppa to get emerald to work [15:14] I have emerald working. [15:14] ok [15:14] I already added the PPA. [15:15] I'm wondering how to use Emerald with XFWM instead of Compiz. [15:15] If it is possible. [15:15] that doesn't work [15:15] Don't you need compiz instead of xfwm4? [15:15] I don't know, that's why I'm asking. [15:15] emerald is a window-decorator, xfwm4 is a window-manager (which means it also decorates the windows) [15:15] so: compiz + emerald = window-manager [15:16] and: xfwm4 = window-manager [15:16] xfwm4+compiz = ? [15:16] And there is no way to replace the XFWM decorator with Emerald? [15:17] tried > emeral -r ¿? [15:17] FourTens: sure there is [15:17] GridCube: no, xfwm4 doesn't work with compiz, because it's a window *manager*, not just a decorator. compiz also manages windows (e.g. resizing, placement etc.) [15:18] @GridCube: emerald --replace only seems to work if Compiz is also running. [15:18] FourTens: you can add "emerald" in compizconfig-settings-manager to the "window-decoration" settings [15:20] I guess I'll just use Compiz then. [15:20] No reason to be picky really. [15:20] if you want the fancy effects, use compiz [15:20] you can also use metacity as a window-decorator instead of emerald [15:21] I don't want any fancy effects, just fancy borders. [15:21] That is why I was content with XFWM, but wanted Emerald. [15:21] But I can just disable most of the fancy stuff in Compiz, it seems pretty malleable. [15:38] Anyone out there? [15:39] ubottu? [15:39] anyonne at all.... [15:39] !anyone [15:39] A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. [15:39] * charlie-tca thinks there is no one here called "anyone", either [15:40] Yup. [15:42] !poll [15:42] Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [15:43] better is [15:43] !details [15:43] Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [15:43] of course, to just talk to people, there is [15:43] !offtopic [15:43] #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [15:46] Heh. [15:53] hi, does anyone know how to autohide the dock at the bottom of the screen with 11,04 [15:54] right click on it → panel settings [15:54] set autohide [15:54] if it's set but fails, log out and back in [15:54] Cheers thanks [16:01] Does, anyone know why I keep getting the attached locale issues [16:01] sudo apt-get upgrade [16:01] Reading package lists... Done [16:01] Building dependency tree [16:01] Reading state information... Done [16:01] The following packages will be upgraded: [16:01] gstreamer0.10-tools libgstreamer0.10-0 [16:01] 2 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. [16:01] Need to get 0 B/786 kB of archives. [16:01] After this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be used. [16:01] Do you want to continue [Y/n]? [16:01] perl: warning: Setting locale failed. [16:01] perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: [16:01] LANGUAGE = "en_GB:en", [16:01] LC_ALL = (unset), [16:01] STOP. [16:01] !pastebin [16:01] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [16:02] http://paste.ubuntu.com/647403/ [16:02] Sorry, keep getting the above and cannot resolve. [16:32] Hi, how can I get to switch user with xubuntu 11.04, can only logout. [16:33] When you log out, you can switch users. [16:34] Xfce is different than GNOME, Unity, etc. [16:34] You can add the "xfswitch-plugin" in Synaptic Package Manager, then add it to the panel [16:34] It will allow user switching without logging out [16:35] unfortunately that just logs me out, as i discovered:) [16:38] File a bug then, it should not be doing that [16:38] You can file it using ubuntu-bug xfswitch-plugin [16:38] Okay, just wondered if anyone else had it, will drop onto launchpad [16:38] I don't use it often, myself. [16:39] Do you I log it on launchpad [16:39] Yes, please [16:41] If you open a terminal and type ubuntu-bug xfswitch-plugin and hit enter, it will file the bug in launchpad, by opening firefox [16:41] That gets all the information with the bug, except what happended [16:47] Cheers done it [16:47] Thank you, ushills [16:54] Can anyone tell me how to get to the settings for keyboard layout switching shortcuts [16:54] ? [16:55] not sure, maybe Settings -> Settings Manager -> Keyboard, layout tab [16:55] but that may not even be close to what you need [16:55] :( [16:55] !behelpful | charlie-tca [16:55] charlie-tca, please see my private message === `mOOse` is now known as m00se === sarjuva__ is now known as sarjuva [19:52] Hi, is there a way to manage the applications menu list in xubutu similar to gnome in ubuntu [19:52] I have some old items on there that no longer exist. [19:52] alacarte works [19:53] do i enter that in a terminal, its not currently installed [19:54] PS i'm using xfce [19:56] you will need to install it first [19:57] are you comfortable with installing software in xubuntu (i don't want to appear patronising)? [19:58] yep, been using ubuntu since 2004 and CLI. It want to install loads of gnome dependancies, do I need these or can I use --without-recommends [19:59] recommended packages shouldn't be needed in order to run the application, so i would say that you can ignore them [19:59] (or you could just install the lot then remove it one you are done) [20:01] thanks --no-install-recommends worked. [20:02] Next question, I have loads of old applications under other that no longer exist, is there a conf file I can delete and have xfce rebuild the menu. [20:03] look in ~/.local/applications [20:03] if they are in there, delete them [20:03] Also, my screensaver defaults to xscreensaver following a try of lubuntu, what is the default I should install. [20:04] xscreensaver [20:05] i prefer gnome-screensaver myself [20:05] but there isn't one that you *should* install - you're free to use any (or none) that you like :-) [20:06] so xscreensaver is the default? [20:08] yes (i think - i switched it for gnome-screensaver ages ago and haven't done a full reinstall since) [20:09] regarding the menu, with gnome if you delete the folder .gconf it resets your desktops is there a similar method with xfce [20:11] ~/.config/xfce4/ contains a lot of settings [20:11] you could delete all of that, or just bits [20:12] e.g deleting ~/.config/xfce4/panel/ should reset your panel# [20:13] Okay, i'll rename it first. [20:13] that was my next comment :-) === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [20:20] Cheers guys deleting .config/xfce4 changed a few things:-D