
BarkingFishgood morning all00:09
BarkingFishAt least it will be when I can fix some stuff on here :)  I've installed kubuntu 11.04, and having a few problems which i hope someone can help with, since they're pretty major ones.00:10
BarkingFishfirstly, i've managed to install ndiswrapper and set out the basics of my usb wifi stick, added the drivers etc, but it won't work.  The networkmanager isn't detecting the presence of the interface, and I don't know where to configure the interface00:11
BarkingFishI'm using the built in wifi, and it means me having to sit with my laptop perched on a windowledge 40ft off the floor to get a signal :)00:12
BarkingFishanyone able to help me get it working please?00:13
OerHeksBarkingFish, i don't know a lot about wifi, maybe this troubleshooting page is any help > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide00:19
BarkingFishok, well I'm checking with #ubuntu also, but I'll take a look at that00:20
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szalBarkingFish: why are you huddling w/ ndiswrapper anyway?  is there no native driver for your chipset?00:38
BarkingFishszal: Not for my USB Stick, and I desperately need it working00:47
BarkingFishThe inbuilt wifi is natively supported using ath5k00:47
sithlord48what kind of chipset in the usb stick?00:48
BarkingFishthat's what I'm using now, but where I normally work inside, the signal from my local beacon is too weak00:48
BarkingFishsithlord48: Atheros AR552300:48
sithlord48that should work via the ath5k driver00:48
BarkingFishi use ndiswrapper with net5523.inf and athfmwdl.inf00:48
BarkingFishsithlord48: no, it doesn't.00:48
BarkingFishath5k is for pci devices00:49
BarkingFishit doesn't support the 552300:49
BarkingFishit took me 4 weeks to get it to work on my last distro, i was hoping it would be a bit faster here :)00:49
sithlord48http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/ar5523 ? if you can compile it ?00:49
sithlord48let me see what goods i can dig up for you00:50
BarkingFishso far i have the ndiswrapper driver install tool, which tells me the drivers are installed and the hardware is present00:50
sithlord48i can't help you with that i've only used it once00:50
BarkingFishi have wicd which doesn't spot the interface, only wlan0 (this one) and the eth000:50
BarkingFishiwconfig doesn't see it either. what I need is to find out how to associate the ndiswrapper install and the key with an interface config00:51
sithlord48have you seen the community docs ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper00:52
BarkingFishnot yet, i've been using kubuntu for just about an hour - i'm an immigrant from mandriva.00:53
sithlord48ah well, first welcome00:53
BarkingFishi hope i have more fun with this than a distro which is bleeding developers and falling apart like a badly made chinese soft toy :)00:53
BarkingFishthank you00:53
sithlord48the after you instaleld ndiswrapper have you loaded the driver module ?00:53
BarkingFishmodprobe ndiswrapper ?00:54
sithlord48you need a sudo first00:54
BarkingFishyeah, done it00:54
sithlord48see section 3.5 of the community docs above, says do "sudo depmod -a" then "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper"00:55
BarkingFishright, both done00:56
szalBarkingFish: Google search spewed out this -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1012812 <- native support, though not perfect, as far as it looks (users report system instabilities)00:57
BarkingFishyeah, if it's not stable, i'd prefer to go with ndiswrapper if i can get it to function00:57
sithlord48does lsmod show you having ndiswrapper loaded ?00:58
BarkingFishndiswrapper is perfectly happy with the drivers, says the device and both drivers are present (129b:160c with athfmwdl and net5523)00:58
sithlord48do u need to black list the open driver?00:59
BarkingFishi have no idea00:59
sithlord48generally two dirvers for one device = bad time00:59
BarkingFishi feel like a newbie again :)01:00
BarkingFishwhere is the blacklist please, and how do I know which driver the device is using so I can blacklist it?01:00
sithlord48well i can't answer that for you (driver part) try the athfmwdl first?01:00
BarkingFishright, well when I used the other distro, it needed both. one is the driver, the other is the firmware01:01
sithlord48oh well then thats not two drivers then (nvm)01:01
BarkingFishnet5523 is the driver, athfmwdl is the actual atheros firmware info01:02
szalblacklist (system-wide; no idea whether ndiswrapper has its own) -> /etc/modules/blacklist.conf01:02
BarkingFishokies, thanks szal.01:02
* BarkingFish thinks he'd better start taking lots of notes01:03
szalBarkingFish: sorry, my bad -> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf01:03
BarkingFishwhat I need to do then, is create an interface for the usb stick, and an interface configuration.01:03
sithlord48BarkingFish:  you might want to look in to the native driver this thead is a year old perhaps the driver has improved ?01:03
BarkingFishsorry for keep referring back to my old distro, but what I did there was create a file called ifcfg-wlan1, which contained all the information associated with the device.  I still have a copy of it if you want to look and see the type of thing I mean, maybe you have something like this which i need to put somewhere.01:05
sithlord48not that i know of01:06
BarkingFishwell this is what it looked like, http://pastebin.com/VRzUdAFQ01:08
sithlord48yea never seen a file liek that before.01:08
sithlord48does iwconfig show the device?01:09
BarkingFishno, unfortunately01:10
BarkingFishit shows lo, eth0 and wlan0 (which is the built in)01:10
BarkingFishi think I've just hit what's wrong01:11
BarkingFishand I'm a doofus01:11
sithlord48ah love how it works like that some times :D01:11
BarkingFishi went back to ndiswrapper -m (to write the modprobe conf) and it said it was writing an alias for wlan0 in modprobe.d/ndiswrapper.conf01:11
BarkingFishor something silly like that01:12
BarkingFishif I edit the ndiswrapper.conf and change that alias to wlan1, i think that might just do it01:12
sithlord48oh well that might do it01:12
BarkingFishrightly ho, give me a moment :)01:12
BarkingFishI'm sorry about that.  I went to take the ndiswrapper drivers out and my system went into kernel panic and died01:20
BarkingFishthe ndiswrapper.conf however is set up with the right alias now.01:20
sithlord48so its working now01:21
BarkingFishI've not checked, i've changed the alias, just going to see if i can sort out what's happening now01:21
sithlord48you might have to load the driver again01:22
BarkingFishyeah, i have done. i'm just going to run the sudo depmod -a and sudo modprobe ndiswrapper01:25
sithlord48im not sure if you need to run depmod again or not honestly . but your gonna need modprobe either way01:26
sithlord48oh i don't think you need to after this one (" depmod - program to generate modules.dep and map files") from man file01:27
BarkingFishnope, still no go01:28
BarkingFishI just tried sudo ifup wlan1 and got this: Ignoring unknown interface wlan1=wlan101:28
sithlord48thats normal..01:29
sithlord48iwconfig show it ?01:29
sithlord48i get that error about the interface on ones the Network manager shows just about every time i use ifup / ifdown01:29
sithlord48does it show in lshw?01:30
sithlord48ah but that doesn't show the interface ...01:31
BarkingFishit's not in lshw either, the built in is howver01:32
sithlord48that might be a clue then01:33
BarkingFishI take it this isn't looking good then.01:33
sithlord48im not sure, i don't know much about ndiswrapper. but it should show up in lshw with or w/o a driver.01:34
allan8904hi, i have an nvida 7300 running the proprietory driver, when i install ubuntu 11.04 i can get to KDM and then login but when the "K" starts appearing it just freezes (i can move the mouse though). When i switch to the nouveau i can use dual screen but not with 2 widescreen resolutions01:44
allan8904is there a work around for either issue?01:44
sithlord48allan w/ nouveau can you set the res you want ?01:44
allan8904sithlord48: yeah i can, but when i change to 1920x1080 and then the other screen left/right of it at 1920x1080 it goes all scretched and i cant see anything01:45
allan8904i can mirror them at this resolution fine01:45
allan8904and i can dual screen properly at 1280x102401:46
sithlord48disable desktop effects w/ properitary driver to log in ?01:47
allan8904sithlord48: hmm i know i disabled desktop effects at some stage, but i'm not sure if it was when i was using the proprietory one or not01:47
allan8904is it a known issue or something?01:48
sithlord48idk don't use nvidia i have intel and ati card w/ kubuntu01:48
allan8904ah ok01:48
sithlord48but i would start there cause if plasma desktop is not loading there must be a reason, and effects might just be it01:49
allan8904cool, thankyou for your help sithlord4801:50
sithlord48your welcome01:50
jeiworthallan8904: you can permanently disable desktop effects in system settings -> desktop effects01:50
allan8904jeiworth: yeah they're currently disabled, so i'm just gonna reinstall the nvida driver and see how it goes01:51
sithlord48allan8904: if you can't enter the gui you can also do it thru a terminal run nano ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc look for the line "Enabled=True" make it "Enabled=False"01:51
allan8904thanks :)01:52
jeiworthallan8904: kk but it being linux and all just reinstalling usually doesn't fix a thing ;)01:52
allan8904jeiworth: haha tell me about it...01:53
jeiworthtry purging the package before to make sure it deletes the config files as well01:54
sithlord48gl allan8904 and BarkingFish , night all01:54
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LinkmasterWhat does 'ugly' and 'bad' restricted mean? I just reinstalled my system, and this is the first time I've ever seen it. Amarok told me of some packages I can install[I use .ogg as my music] to increase functionality, and it says "GStreamer Plugins (Bad Restricted) and "" "" (Ugly Restricted)"02:46
LinkmasterI figure they are talking about support for .mp3's, etc. etc., I'm just wondering as to the why02:46
Linkmaster*Or, why as in 'bad' and 'ugly'02:46
OerHeksLinkmaster, ugly & bad means 'not good compared' and 'might pose distribution problems' >> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GStreamer02:54
vietredhi all02:59
vietredmy plasma-desktop crash after I add a panel02:59
LinkmasterOerHeks: Thanks! I hope it doesn't break my system xD02:59
vietredhow to remove a panel by command line?03:00
Linkmastervietred: Try restarting KDM first, see if that brings it back03:01
vietredLinkmaster: I restart the box, and right after I log in, plasma-desktop crash03:01
Linkmastervietred: you can create a new kde desktop, and move everything else into the original w/o causing too much problems03:02
OerHeksvietred, maybe rm the config will do > http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9249676&postcount=303:02
Linkmaster^Thats probably simply03:02
vietredI'll try that03:03
vietredOerHeks, Linkmaster: phew, you guys save me :D03:05
vietredit works03:05
vietredthank you :D03:05
OerHekshave fun vietred03:05
LinkmasterGlad to help03:06
LinkmasterI am browbeating myself here, but I forgot how to update my system to 4.6.5. I currently have 4.6.2, and clicked on all four checks for KPK, but am now using muon, and I added 'ppa:kubuntu/backports' but I don't think thats right..03:22
LinkmasterThen it complains about this: "Failed to download http://ppa.launchpad.net natty/main Sources" being a 404, so I know that I did something wrong, and I'm forgetting03:24
OerHeksi'm not sure 4.6.2 is available ?03:26
LinkmasterI saw a release thing on www.kubuntu.org about it03:27
Linkmaster"1 week 4 days ago03:27
LinkmasterPackages for the release of the KDE Software Compilation 4.6.5 are available for Kubuntu 11.04..."03:27
* Linkmaster facepalms03:27
OerHeksah ppa:kubuntu-ppa03:27
OerHeksnot the backports03:27
LinkmasterI just saw that. I was like "oh hey..theres a link...lets click on it"03:27
LinkmasterThanks anyways, sorry to take your time :P03:28
OerHeksi just wait and hang 'round till 4.7 arrives03:28
LinkmasterSpending 3 weeks away from kubuntu is doing things to me03:28
RoeyI have a Quickcam 90000.   I am trying to use VLC with /dev/video0 as input and it tells me "Your input can't be opened:03:31
RoeyVLC is unable to open the MRL 'v4l2:///dev/video0'. Check the log for details."  Where is this log?03:31
OerHeksRoey, logs are stored in /var/log/03:32
Roeyyes but there's no /var/log/vlc03:32
OerHekstrue, i think you need /var/log/syslog03:32
Roeyalso I ran vlc -v just now and found that it is a perms issue:  http://pastebin.com/MWm0gQZ803:34
OerHeksi found this chmod >  chmod o+rw /dev/video0  #maybe you need to run this as root03:38
Roeyfine, I added myself to the 'video' group and stuff works now.  Thanks!03:38
OerHeksah nice03:39
LinkmasterI think they reorganized .kde since my last installation....where does kdm hide nowadays?03:44
Roeywhy is kded4 taking 100% cpu time?03:44
Roeykubuntu 11.04 here.03:44
LinkmasterI found it, and...hm. That sounds like a memory leak or something03:45
OerHeksRoey, maybe flash is eating you cputime ?03:45
RoeyI did killall npviewer.bin03:45
Roeylet me see if flash is still running03:46
RoeyI had this process running so I killed it (yet kded4 is still at 100%):  roey     24869  0.0  0.1 207252 12932 ?        Sl   Jul09   9:53 /usr/lib/firefox-5.0/plugin-container /var/lib/flashplugin-installer/npwrapper.libflashplayer.so -omnijar /usr/lib/firefox-5.0/omni.jar 24782 true plugin03:47
Roeyhey can I kill kded4 and restart it?  it's taking 100% cpu time.04:32
Roey*can I kill/restart kded4 without clobbering X04:32
OerHekssudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart04:33
RoeyOerHeks:  thanks04:45
OerHekshave fun Roey04:46
RoeyOerHeks:  ok that just resets kdm but kded4 is still pegged at 100%04:46
Roeycpu time.04:46
OerHeksinstall htop, and see what process or orphan process is causing this04:47
Roeyok hmm I just installed htop coincidentally earlier today, heh04:47
RoeyOerHeks:  firefox takes 45% cpu time but I did not see that with top04:48
Roeyonly with htop.04:48
OerHekshtop is more detailed, it should be standard04:48
Roeyeh, firefox with 100 image-, facebook- and okcupid-laden tabs is slow, go figure04:50
RoeyI wish I could shut javascirpt off globally for a04:51
Roeynoscript, i guess.04:51
RoeyRoey:  thanks!04:51
RoeyRoey:  no problem04:51
RoeyOerHeks:  thanks to you too :) and good night!04:51
OerHeksgood night Roey04:51
OerHeksb.t.w. it's 06:51 here04:52
redeyyezmy nix box becomes sluggish after a week or so.  Ive ran ps -A / ps -a  and kill many process via kill PID06:36
redeyyezNot totally certain if that's a good idea, and that doesn't totally return it to a "fresh" boot state.06:36
redeyyezprobably a n00b solution but im sure there's gotta be more i don't grasp yet on how to fix this via terminal rather than doing "kill" or "reboot"06:37
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redeyyezmy nix box becomes sluggish after a week or so.  Ive ran ps -A / ps -a  and kill many process via kill PID, Not totally certain if that's a good idea, and that doesn't totally return it to a "fresh" boot state, probably a n00b solution but im sure there's gotta be more i don't grasp yet on how to fix this via terminal rather than doing "kill" or "reboot". Besides im somewhat a linux n00b.  Running kubuntu:natty:06:46
redeyyezdamn sorry for the double post/flood.06:46
LINKSWORD2Hey guys. I've got a question....07:44
LINKSWORD2I'm looking for audio editing software that's compatible with Linux.07:44
LINKSWORD2Specifically, with Kubuntu.07:44
Unit193Wouldn't Audacity do?07:46
LINKSWORD2I dunno? lol07:46
LINKSWORD2I've only used Adobe Soundbooth before, on Windows & Mac. I've never had to find something compatible with Linux before.07:47
kurtulaudacity is good07:49
Unit193Quite so, as long as you learn how to use it! (You can even make yourself sound like a Dalek)07:50
LINKSWORD2... WTF is Dalek?07:50
LINKSWORD2All right, I have researched Audacity.07:59
LINKSWORD2Can I install it via sudo apt-get ???07:59
Unit193Yep, it's in the repos08:02
LINKSWORD2The only things I'm finding on Audacity's sites about downloading it for a Linux OS is source code packages that you have to compile...08:03
LINKSWORD2I'm lost....08:03
Unit193Just open kpackagekit and search for it in there, or type   sudo apt-get install audacity    in the terminal08:05
LINKSWORD2Thank you.08:06
LINKSWORD2Unit193: It doesn't appear that Audacity will do multi-track editing. Any suggestions?08:31
OerHeksLINKSWORD2, yes it does, audacity can record & edit multitrack recording.09:00
LINKSWORD2Heh. I found it and started playing around with it, and I forgot I still had Quassel open...09:00
LINKSWORD2Now all I've gotta do is find a way to import my audio.... (Cassettes.)09:02
OerHeksconnect thru line-in ?09:03
LINKSWORD2That's the idea. Except that I need the appropriate import line.09:03
OerHeksnot available on your soundcard ?09:04
LINKSWORD2So... I need to buzz somebody on Craigslist or something....09:04
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szalLINKSWORD2: from my experience, recording from analog audio sources in Linux is never entirely clean -- you WILL most likely have some static coming from refreshing the screen09:17
LINKSWORD2That may be the case, but I have enough experience with audio editing that I can take a fair amount of it out....09:18
LINKSWORD2And I don't have a way to digitally transfer the audio.09:18
LINKSWORD2I think I'm going to shut down for the night.09:21
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tetarya k1?09:28
master_MET KNAL SMUA09:29
szal!en | master_09:29
ubottumaster_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList09:29
tetarwe have to speak english?09:29
szalhere, yes09:29
tetarok ok09:29
tetarso there is a lot of people here?09:29
szalplus, this is a SUPPORT channel..  for non-support-related talking please use #kubuntu-offtopic and/or #ubuntu-offtopic09:30
tetarok sorry09:31
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szalsteliosas: try /clear09:33
steliosasI just installed Linux Kubuntu and I can't find the Synaptics in order to search and download some packages09:34
Peace-steliosas: is 11.04?09:34
steliosasfor specifically I would like to download skype09:34
Peace-steliosas: it's called kpackagekit09:34
szalsteliosas: it's Synaptic anyway, without the s at the end..  synaptics is something different ;)09:34
Peace-steliosas: type in konsole  kpackagekit09:35
szalPeace-: lol..  when using the terminal, there are other ways :)09:35
steliosasI found it . Thanks a lot09:35
steliosasI got used to Linux Mint and this has different onomatology09:35
steliosasthe way kubuntu arranges my desktop icons I do not like.09:37
steliosasspiral way. Can I make it just one straight line ?09:37
szalthere's no such thing as desktop icons in KDE4 anyway09:37
steliosaswhy not ?09:37
steliosasI find it to be an easy way to access firefox for instance. I don't want to look for it in the box menu09:38
szaltry putting a launcher on the panel09:38
steliosasI kind of like desktop icons09:40
steliosasempty space is scary09:40
* szal never gave a wet fart about desktop icons09:41
steliosasI guess there is no support to see if my lifecam VX 7000 works with skype in Kubuntu09:41
szalSkype as proprietary software is not officially supported by Ubuntu or Canonical anyway09:42
steliosasand I can't find just skype in kpackage but just some skype plugins. Can I find the skype-program alone in  kubuntu ?09:42
HazaroooooHey folks. Whats the default imagebin that the KDE image / paste desktop widget uses?09:43
OerHeksskype is there09:43
szalOerHeks: where is it?  iirc, I installed the 64bit *buntu .deb from skype.com09:43
steliosasOerHeks: I can't find it. I have 5 options but no skype alone. Just skype-plugins09:44
szalthough I believe they have a package source you can add to your sources09:44
OerHeksi see it clearly > http://picpaste.com/pics/skype-67Mg4NcG.1311155131.png09:45
OerHeks.... skype , skyped09:46
Tm_T!skype | steliosas09:46
ubottusteliosas: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga09:46
szalOerHeks: that doesn't state where the package comes/came from09:46
OerHeksszal that was not the question09:46
szalOerHeks: yes, it was, since steliosas complained that he cannot find it09:47
OerHeksjust where is it.09:47
szalimho, that's one of the things apt needs to improve on..  showing the origin of packages09:47
OerHeksah i understand now, it comes with partner repository09:47
steliosasI still can;t find it09:48
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »09:48
steliosasyou have 6 packages including skype alone. I have 5 packages without skype09:48
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szalsteliosas: iirc, you need to explicitly enable the partner PPA in 11.0409:52
steliosashow to I do that szal09:52
szalsteliosas: either via the graphical package manager (not Synaptic, the other; forgot its name because I never use it), or by uncommenting the 2 respective lines in /etc/apt/sources.list (self-explanatory; just read the instructions in the file)09:55
steliosascan I just go to skype.com and install it from there ?09:56
steliosasit's ubuntu based right ?09:56
szalwhat is 'ubuntu based'?09:56
szalsteliosas: other than that, what's so hard about editing the sources.list?09:57
OerHekssteliosas, just enable partner repo in software sources.09:57
szal-> Alt + F2 -> kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list -> find the aforementioned 2 lines & remove the # in front of them -> save -> refresh package sources -> install09:57
steliosaswill it explode after that ?  lol joke !09:58
steliosasI am new into linux ingeneral09:59
steliosasI failed.10:01
yofelas long as you don't edit anything else than remove the # in front, no10:01
yofelor open software properties with alt+f2 -> 'kdesudo software-properties-kde'10:02
yofeland go to the other software tab10:02
steliosasthis seems easy10:02
steliosasdone thanks10:05
steliosasguys I was wondering, will we ever see a skype version for linux in the next 20 years?10:06
yofelI believe what's in partner is the linux version10:07
steliosasthat's why microsoft bought skype. For this sole purpose in order not to offer a linux version ever. They don't even care about skype allone as a program. It was pure strategy.10:07
steliosasyes but this skype is ancient.10:08
steliosasold interface that reminds me 1980's10:08
Tm_Tall this is offtopic (:10:08
steliosasguys is there any way to make my Lifecam VX 7000 work with Kubuntu in skype ?10:13
steliosasor is it completely unsupported and consequently useless ?10:13
Tm_Tno idea about your camera, do it work with any other app?10:13
OerHekstest your webcam in cheese10:13
steliosasit doesn't work in chesse10:14
Tm_Tperhaps your question isn't about skype at all then (:10:14
steliosaswell the only program I wanted to use my camera for is solely on skype and skype alone.10:15
Tm_Tsure, but it's not very good app for debugging these issues, I'd say10:15
Tm_T!webcam | steliosas10:16
ubottusteliosas: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras10:16
Tm_Tperhaps those helps10:16
steliosasdo you suggest me using evoq of firefox ?10:17
Tm_Tsteliosas: what do you mean?10:17
steliosasbrowser options10:18
steliosasI understand that revoq came with kubuntu installed but as for firefox I had to install it myself10:18
Tm_Tsteliosas: you mean rekonq?10:18
steliosasoh yes that10:18
hrobjarturanybody running an amd phenom II x4 on their ubuntu 11?10:18
Tm_Tuse whatever suits your needs best10:18
steliosashrobjartur:  me10:19
hrobjarturother way around  anybody goa amd pheon II x4 with ubuntu 1110:19
Tm_TUbuntu 11?10:19
hrobjartursteliosas:  would you mind checking something out for me... Im running lm-sensors10:19
hrobjartursteliosas: to check my mb and cpu temperatures10:20
steliosashrobjartur:  I am completely unknown with this ubuntu-kubuntu linux thing. I am very sorry. I am struggling to learn it and I am a beginner10:20
hrobjartursteliosas:  ok, I best not ask you to install lm-sensors10:20
hrobjarturTm_T:  11.0410:20
steliosasI can't now sorry. I am strugling with this now nd I have 400 questions10:21
Tm_Throbjartur: what is the problem? it's usually better tell the issue without asking "if anyone" kind of questions10:21
hrobjarturTm_T:   well... lm-sensors package is my best/only shot at getting cpu temperatures on linux, right?10:22
hrobjarturTm_T:  if so... even with the latest version of ubuntu... the lm-sensors package... and well the k10temp kernel module are together somehow not giving me sensible readings10:22
hrobjarturTm_T:  here, http://pastebin.com/3A2QCytj10:23
Tm_Throbjartur: without being able to test things myself, have you checked this page? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto10:23
hrobjarturTm_T:  I don't have a windows license... and I also really dont care to install windows.10:23
Tm_TWindows is totally irrelevant on this conversation10:24
hrobjarturTm_T:  yes these are the ubuntu instructions I followed10:24
hrobjarturTm_T:  this guy, on this page... gets very nice highlights of which temp. reading is what... I dont get that10:24
hrobjarturTm_T:  his cpu temperate is called CPU temp... I have no idea which one is mine...10:25
hrobjarturTm_T:  I have Temp1  Temp2 Temp310:25
Tm_Tah, I think there's no way I can help on that10:25
hrobjarturTm_T:  btw... are all cpu's with so-called diode teperature sensors?10:26
hrobjarturTm_T:  then my cpu temp is probably Temp210:26
steliosasgood news. My lifecam works with cheese.10:26
hrobjarturI really would have thought there would by now be much better support for cpu temperatures on linux10:26
hrobjarturI mean... most linux users put together their own systems, right?10:27
hrobjarturand want to know if their heatsink is working ok10:27
Tm_Throbjartur: looks to me that it works just fine there, although possibly with wrong scale here and there10:31
hrobjarturTm_T:  well,  the temp3 is wrong, just as in that tutorial... but cant think of any sensible scale for that... it aint Farenheit10:31
hrobjarturand it aint kelvin10:32
hrobjarturTm_T: just plain wrong10:32
Tm_Tthat's not what I meant (:10:32
hrobjarturTm_T:   also, it isnt working so fine... when sensors doesnt tell me which temp is what10:32
hrobjarturTm_T: wron calibration I guess?10:32
Tm_Tyes, using wrong factor10:33
hrobjarturTm_T:  sorry I dont know how the sensor stuff works... didnt know that it has to calibrate anything... just thought it might ask the BIOS for some info.10:33
mokushany idea how I could configure unity-2d-launcher to properly work in kde?10:36
OerHeksmokush, unity & kde ? never heard of unity-2d-launcher in KDE.10:43
mokushOerHeks: well you can install unity-2d-launcher as standalone and run it10:43
mokushsince there no other decent task manager as a plasmoid, I had to resort to this atrocity10:44
Peace-mokush: smoth-bar10:44
mokushPeace-: you mean, smooth-tasks?10:45
Peace-i guess yes10:47
Peace-i don't remember well the name10:47
mokushPeace-: well smooth-tasks is my best bet, but because of the funky behaviour of the kde `launchers` it's not very friendly10:48
Peace-yes you right this one http://wstaw.org/m/2011/07/20/plasma-desktopQW1407.jpg10:48
mokushPeace-: isn't that the default task manager? in the screenshot?10:49
Peace-yep this is alpha2 11.1010:49
Peace-so smooth-task has some problem right now10:49
Peace-so i didn't installed it10:49
mokushPeace-: well I compiled smooth-tasks from source, and it does what it's supposed to10:51
mokushPeace-: but because it uses the standard launchers from libtaskmanager, the launchers are always moving around when closing and starting apps. and that's absolutely horrible10:52
Peace-i think it's ok10:53
mokushPeace-: well if the launchers would stay in the same place at all times, it would be great10:56
Peace-i guess you can configure that10:56
Peace- am sorry but right now i can 't test10:56
mokushPeace-: where?10:56
Peace-right click on the smooth atsk ?10:57
sandeep_any body help me?11:16
sandeep_how can i use google talk in kubuntu?11:16
mokushsandeep_: you can use Kopete11:17
Peace-sandeep_: the browser ?11:17
sandeep_but thers no option for google, yahoo is there11:17
mokushsandeep_: http://www.google.com/support/talk/bin/answer.py?answer=5755711:17
sandeep_i need a seperate chat software11:17
mokushsandeep_: you can also use Pidgin11:18
sandeep_i just installed google talk using wine, but font is not shown,11:18
sandeep_where can i get pidgin11:19
mokushsandeep_: use packagekit11:19
sandeep_ok,let me try. another prob is i have to use mobile modem thru bluetooth how?11:20
BluesKajhiyas all11:21
sandeep_please help me to use mobile phone as modem via bluetooth11:45
sandeep_please help me to use mobile phone as modem via bluetooth11:47
sandeep_please help me to use mobile phone as modem via bluetooth11:48
sandeep_please help me to use mobile phone as modem via bluetooth11:49
OerHekssandeep_, maybe this page is any help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothDialup11:49
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BarkingFishGood afternoon :)  And believe me, it is!12:42
BarkingFishWith a clear head after a good nights sleep, I've managed to install and get my USB wifi stick working in just 9 minutes, as opposed to $deity only knows how long it took last night.12:42
BluesKajGood Morning , BarkingFish12:43
BarkingFishI figured out afterwards what I'd done wrong, and how to fix it.12:43
BarkingFishhi BluesKaj12:43
BluesKajmost common wifi chips work , from the start up12:44
BarkingFishI reinstalled Kubuntu this morning, sorta starting from clean.  Got the install done, and added ndiswrapper-common & utils, bought up the built in wifi and installed ndisgtk, loaded the two ndiswrapper drivers i needed, *then* plugged in the hardware.12:45
BarkingFishyeah, this is common, but it needs to run with ndiswrapper - it does have native support apparently, but it's unstable12:45
BluesKajwhich c hip ?12:45
BarkingFishIts a Siemens Gigaset USB 108, running on the Atheros AR5523 chipset12:46
BluesKajatheros and bcm are the most common , yeah12:47
BarkingFishI see a lot of people on the net having trouble with it, which I was, until I figured to try installing the bits and bobs it needed first, and then attaching it. It just popped up in networkmanager and started scanning.12:47
BarkingFishThat officially makes kubuntu easier to use than Mandriva!12:48
BarkingFishIt took me 4 weeks to get that working on there, here it's taken 11 hours.12:49
BarkingFishand a snooze :)12:49
BluesKajI tried ndiswrapper at first with belkin usb rt2870, and worked ok ,then wicd worked better , now on 11.04 it doesn't work with any configuration that I've tried12:50
jonathon_Anyone got the link to fix the headphone port for laptops?12:52
BluesKajso I just switched back to ethernet ...12:52
BarkingFishBluesKaj, unfortunately I don't have that option.  The estate I live on isn't cabled, so our networking is provided by a public beacon network.12:52
BarkingFishIt's wifi or nothing round here :)12:53
BluesKajjonathon_, open alamixer in the terminal and make sure the hp ctrl is active...also if you're running pulseaudio , there some other options to consider12:54
jonathon_Did that already12:55
jonathon_There was an article somewhere that had something you typed in the Konsole that changed something, I used that once before and it worked, but I can'12:56
jonathon_t find it again12:56
szalBarkingFish: did you try the native driver?12:56
BluesKajjonathon_, the konsole commands can change lots of things ... try this , alsamixer -V all13:00
jonathon_Has nothing to do with Alsamixer13:01
BluesKajwhat kind of hp connection , normal miniplug type or usb ?13:02
BluesKajasked if you have pulsaudio installed13:05
jonathon_I don't13:05
BarkingFishszal: As I said, i was told the native driver was unstable, so rather than risk it, I went with ndiswrapper13:08
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BarkingFishI think it was dr_willis in #ubuntu who told me that.13:09
BluesKajjonathon_, if you're not willing to try to set up alsamixer , then I can't help you13:09
KaleidoscopeAlsamixer is set up perfectly, So it has nothing to do with that, But thanks anyways13:09
BluesKajmaybe some one else can13:09
szalBarkingFish: well, my take is, you installed freshly anyway, so it wouldn't have hurt to try before going to ndiswrapper again :)13:10
BarkingFishIt was a case I think, that I was tired, not thinking straight last night.  it was gone midnight before I got working and I should have slept on it13:11
szalBarkingFish: perhaps you can free up some disk space for a test installation & try that, so you wouldn't lose a working approach you already have13:11
BluesKajKaleidoscope, if alsamixer was perfectly setup , then your hps would be working13:11
BarkingFishI have a 500gb external disk, I could probably put an install on there13:12
KaleidoscopeMaybe so, But there's nothing more to do with Alsa atm13:12
BluesKajKaleidoscope, so what do you expect to do ?13:13
KaleidoscopeActually I managed to find that one article I found before13:13
KaleidoscopeHere it is, for future reference https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure13:14
BluesKajKaleidoscope,  a good practice is to keep a small reference text file with relavent commands , it helps a lot13:14
KaleidoscopeYea, I should probably start doin that =P13:15
BluesKajerr nothing to do with alsamixer eh ? that article has nothing in it but alsa-base and alsa-utils13:16
KaleidoscopeSo I noticed13:17
BluesKajwhich is aslamixer  :)13:17
KaleidoscopeBut It's that LONG Command in step 4 that made it work last time13:17
BluesKajgood reference tho13:17
KaleidoscopeHopefully it works again flawlessly13:17
KaleidoscopeOk, back in a few, Restartin13:18
BluesKajit takes out pulseaudio and basically reinstalls the alsa drivers , alsa-base and alsa-utils ..probly a refresh which resets the config files for the present state ...not a bad idea actually13:20
KaleidoscopeWoohoo, Works beautifully now ^^13:22
BluesKajKaleidoscope, I'll repeat what I said ,it takes out pulseaudio and basically reinstalls the alsa drivers , alsa-base and alsa-utils ..probly a refresh which resets the config files for the present state ...not a bad idea actually13:23
KaleidoscopeWell whatever it does, it gets the job done ^^13:23
* BluesKaj wonders why updates/upgrades don't refresh the alsa state ...I'll have to keep this in mind13:24
KaleidoscopeWell I'm off for now, Laters all13:27
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jimmy51_hello, when upgrading to 11.04 from 10.10 i received an error that it could not install initramfs-tools and exited with status 1.14:03
jimmy51_is there a command i can run to have retry the upgrade but that won't need to re download all of the packages?14:03
jimmy51_that took 6 hours yesterday and I'm hoping to not have to redo it all!14:03
OerHeksjimmy51_, are you sure you have enough diskspace ?14:05
jimmy51_OerHeks: i have 158GB free14:06
OerHeksoke, i had not, when this error occured.14:07
BluesKaj!bug 78972214:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 789722 in u-boot (Ubuntu) "package initramfs-tools 0.98.8ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78972214:09
OerHeksjimmy51_, maybe the 2nd part helps >> http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8975428&postcount=714:10
OerHeksthnx BluesKaj, i hope the -force will do14:11
BluesKajyeah OerHeks let's hope those force depends does the trick14:11
jimmy51_hmm... it doesn't look happy with that comand14:12
BluesKajjimmy51_, you on VB ?14:13
jimmy51_BluesKaj: no, this is my host.  i run virtualbox so I can have some Windows VM's when needed14:14
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OerHeksjimmy51_, did you add  a PPA for VirtualBox ?14:16
jimmy51_OerHeks: i think i did a long time ago, but the upgrade wizard told me it was going to disable 3rd party sources.  i can check to see if it's enabled.14:17
OerHeksor installed virualbox from the site directly ?14:17
jimmy51_ OerHeks: it's commented out.  i used the repo to install it.14:18
jimmy51_OerHeks: should i re-enable it?14:18
OerHeksi'm not sure if that could solve this issue, try it14:19
BluesKaj error in Version string '3.0.12-54655_Ubuntu_karmic': invalid character in revision number , then , dpkg: warning: downgrading initramfs-tools from 0.98.8ubuntu3.1 to 0.98.1ubuntu6.1. ..that looks like the problem14:21
jimmy51_BluesKaj: what would cause that?  (and how do i fix it?)14:22
BluesKaj Version string '3.0.12-54655_Ubuntu_karmic?14:22
dnivrahello. I have a socks proxy setup on localhost. How do I ask a terminal to use the proxy?14:22
BluesKajdo you have abackport enabled that contains karmic packages ?14:23
BluesKajjimmy51_, ^14:23
jimmy51_BluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/tUJnXrG8  I just added the vbox natty one14:25
BluesKajyeah, but are they installed .. the karmic packages that is ...the repos is commented so it doesn't affect anything but the installed packages will14:27
jimmy51_BluesKaj: interesting... does the upgrade not know to upgrade those packages?14:28
BluesKaj'the pakages can't upgrade by skipping over required dependencies that don't fit them14:29
BluesKajthey are supposed to upgrade in some cases others not it seems14:30
jimmy51_hmm... so what's the answer?  remove the initramfs package?14:31
BluesKajbut this is getting beyond my knowledge , so I dunno what 's next14:32
BluesKajOerHeks, any ideas ?14:32
OerHeksnope, but i still think Vbox caused it.14:34
BluesKajJames147, are you available ?14:35
James147BluesKaj: for what?14:35
BluesKajJames147, any ideas about this bug https://launchpad.net/bugs/78972214:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 789722 in u-boot (Ubuntu) "package initramfs-tools 0.98.8ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New]14:37
James147BluesKaj: not sure14:39
BluesKajok James147 . thanks for checking anyway14:40
BluesKajjimmy51_, I'm not soliciting for help here , but the knowledgeable guys at #ubuntu are more numerous than here.14:41
jimmy51_ok.. i'll ask in there and see if anyone can help.  it looks like (according to google) it's not kubuntu specific and hits ubuntu users too14:42
BluesKajjimmy51_, yup, nothing to do with desktops14:44
jimmy51_they seem too busy.  i just tried to remove the initramfs-tools package but that didn't work either.14:50
jimmy51_BluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/zm0rUc7Z  is that helpful, or is this just another symptom14:51
BluesKaj.jimm that's a required package14:51
BluesKajjimmy51_, can get to grub ?  ..hold the shift key down right after the bios scrn til the grub menu appears14:53
jimmy51_i could do that.  what would i do then?14:55
BluesKajchoose the recovery kernel , then when the dialog appears choose "repair broken packages" , then reboot14:57
BluesKajit's worth a shot14:57
jimmy51_ah, ok.  i'll try that now.14:59
jimmy51BluesKaj: it booted to a grub shell SH:grub>.... no options or anything.15:07
jimmy51BluesKaj: this isn't looking good :(15:07
Peace-BluesKaj:  mmm broken packages xD 11.1015:15
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BluesKajjimmy51, one more thing to try , sudo dpkg --remove --force-depends initramfs-tools15:45
BluesKajjimmy51, then sudo apt-get -f install15:53
BarkingFishHi all :)15:59
BarkingFishIn need of a wee bit of help, I'm trying to install flash player, and firefox is trying to use Apt-URL to open the link.  it's failing, saying "Unknown channel: "natty-partner".16:00
BarkingFishIs there something I need to add to the repositories I'm using to get that?16:00
BarkingFishnvm, found the answer :)16:03
BarkingFishsorry to have bothered you16:04
BluesKajBarkingFish, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras16:08
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:08
mokushdoes anybody know a unity-dock look-alike for kde?16:10
BluesKajcairo dock?16:10
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BarkingFishthanks BluesKaj :)16:12
IdleOneCould someone tell me how I get the clock/calendar back in the bottom panel?16:12
BluesKajIdleOne, right click on the desktop , add widgets and search for a digital clock16:15
BarkingFishIdleOne, Go to the bottom panel, right click and hover on panel options, then in the next menu select Add Widgets16:16
BarkingFishthe digital clock widget is in there, double click on it, and then wherever it pops up, drag it into your system tray.16:16
IdleOneerr, sometimes I amaze myself with my stupidity lol. thank you.16:17
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BarkingFishsurprisingly, if all goes well, it should actually pop up in your system tray :)16:18
IdleOneit did16:18
BluesKajwe all forget things , even simple stuff...I know I certainly do , at my age :)16:18
BarkingFishto prevent further loss, you might be wise to right click the panel, panel options and then click Lock Widgets16:18
IdleOnehehe already done16:18
IdleOnethink my daughter was playing around and removed it16:19
IdleOneall good now.16:19
BarkingFishI can help with some stuff even as a kubuntu newbie, cause all I ever used was KDE :)16:19
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BarkingFishJust make sure your daughter doesn't know where to find the lock widgets command, or you're really in trouble :P16:20
BluesKajBarkingFish, not a gnome fan either eh ? :)16:20
BarkingFishThe only place a gnome should be is sitting in a garden on a concrete mushroom :D16:20
BarkingFishnot on a computer16:20
BluesKajgnome was the first desktop I encountered on linux about 10yrs ago, almost turned me off trying to use ...thought it was some kind of cartoon OS :)16:22
mokushBluesKaj: I've tried both cairo dock and awn, and they both act crazy on kde16:22
IdleOneI was a Ubuntu user from the start but recently got discouraged with the switch to Unity and took the advice of a few friends and decided to give Kubuntu a fair shake,  30 full days of KDE. The 30 days isn't up yet but I am not switching back.16:22
BluesKajmokush, sorry I'm not into gnome like apps on kde16:22
BarkingFishWell when I came onto Linux, before mandrake merged with Connectiva, it was a whole new world for me.  Windows was playing hell with my pc, so I gave up on it.  I got a free linux disk with a magazine, Mandrake 9.2. I installed it and never went back.16:23
BarkingFishand the first environment I encountered was KDE.16:23
IdleOneBarkingFish: my first steps were with mandrake 9.something and it was a total disaster I didn't touch linux for another 3-4 years16:24
mokushBluesKaj: well I'm not either, that's why I'm asking16:24
IdleOneanyway this is offtopic16:24
mokushI'm looking for something like smoot-tasks but actualy working16:25
BarkingFishspeaking of which, do we have an offtopic channel?16:25
BluesKajI started with knoppix then debian , a few mandrakes, suse, fedoras later and i settled for kubuntu about 200516:25
BarkingFishI tried FC3, and it was like trying to break into fort knox with a rubber mallet. Nothing would load or install, i almost thought the Feds had created it.16:26
* szal thought he had settled on SUSE, but started to develop niggles w/ it, so started looking around again16:32
gulzarin ubuntu we have startupmanager to change the grub settings. How to do it in K-Ubuntu?16:47
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gulzarin ubuntu we have startupmanager to change the grub settings. How to do it in K-Ubuntu? Startup-manager is not in the packagemanager and cannot be installed from commanline.16:53
macocant be installed from commandline? now THAT doesn't make sense. unless you're missing a repository?16:54
ubottuTo make programs start up automatically when you log into your KDE session, run all programs that you want to be started and close all other programs, then select 'Save Session' in the K menu. Alternatively, create a !symlink to the wanted program in ~/.kde/Autostart - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot16:54
macogulzar: do you have universe enabled?16:54
gulzarmaco: I don't think so. I am with KDE first time...ummm wait16:55
macostartupmanager is in universe16:55
macokpackagekit -> preferences ...i think16:56
macoshould have checkboxes16:56
macoBluesKaj: i think you need an "info" there16:56
BluesKaj!info startupmanager16:56
macobut i just rmadison'd it16:56
ubottustartupmanager (source: startupmanager): Grub, Usplash and Splash screen configuration. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.13-5 (natty), package size 114 kB, installed size 1360 kB16:56
yofelthere's kde-config-grub2, although I never used it16:56
yofel!info kde-config-grub216:56
ubottukde-config-grub2 (source: kcm-grub2): Configuration module for the GRUB2 bootloader. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.0-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 37 kB, installed size 236 kB16:56
gulzarmaco: in origin of packages universe, restricted etc are enabled16:57
BluesKajthanks yofel16:57
gulzaryofel: no its not there. I think i am missing something16:58
yofelIt'll add grub2 bootloader settings to systemsettings -> startup and shutdown when installed16:58
yofelgulzar: which release are you using? and it's not installed by default16:58
gulzaryofel: 11.0416:58
macogulzar: have you done apt-get update      since enabling universe?16:58
yofelthen it'll be in kpackagekit as long as universe is enabled16:59
gulzarmaco: no. Actually my boot menu screen shows out of range so  I wanted to fix it first. I am running to fast...16:59
macogulzar: after enabling another repository, you have to fetch the list of whats in it ;)17:00
gulzarmaco: update started17:00
gulzarmaco: all the options were ticked by default17:00
macobut on a fresh install the only thing it knows about is the cd17:00
gulzarmaco: apt-get update is finished... very fast17:01
macoapt-get update doesnt install updates, just refreshes the list of available software17:01
gulzarmaco: I am missing something ...need to do some setting17:01
yofelmissing what?17:01
gulzarmaco: yup but the refresh is too fast17:01
gulzaryofel: most probably to nable some option17:01
yofelthe refresh takes a few seconds at most if your connection is fast17:01
gulzaryofel: I am using my cell phone as modem17:02
gulzaryofel:maco: wait...I can install VLC . It is in other repository. If I install it then it waill autoatically enable the list as i did with UBUNTU..17:03
maco"too fast"?17:03
macooh, well did you see the list of which repos it checked?17:03
yofelinstalling VLC won't enable any repositories, but if you can install VLC then you can install kde-config-grub2 too, they're from the same repository17:03
macoit does list them as it goes through17:03
gulzarmaco:yofel: It is universe, multiverse, main17:05
gulzarmaco:yofel: let us see....I have to bear with outo frange some more time... Have to wait for VLC to finish :)17:06
yofellooks about right, though restricted should be on too usually17:06
gulzarmaco:yofel: restricted traslation are there17:07
yofelyou'll need universe so it looks like you're fine17:08
gulzarmaco:yofel: Ign http://security.ubuntu.com natty-security InRelease17:08
gulzarIgn http://in.archive.ubuntu.com natty InRelease17:08
gulzarIgn http://in.archive.ubuntu.com natty-updates InRelease17:08
gulzarIgn http://extras.ubuntu.com natty InRelease17:08
gulzarHit http://security.ubuntu.com natty-security Release.gpg17:08
gulzarHit http://in.archive.ubuntu.com natty Release.gpg17:08
FloodBotK1gulzar: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:08
yofelgulzar: use a pastebin please as FloodBotK1 says (once you're unmuted)17:09
gulzaryofel: can you read me?17:11
gulzaryofel: Ok...pheww What this mute means? I know about blocking.17:12
yofelgulzar: you're not allowed to paste so much into the channel, so FloodBotK1 muted you so you don't flood the channel17:12
gulzaryofel: Ok17:13
gulzaryofel: Which OS are u using?17:13
yofelkubuntu, obviously17:13
gulzaryofel: nice. But me first time and that too for Python programming in Qt and for presentations.17:14
gulzaryofel: I have to quit. This IRC is slowing down the VLC installation. Thank you!17:15
krayzhi all, where can i get support when my grub bootloader doesn work after installing kubuntu?17:15
Tm_Thow it doesnt work?17:18
Tm_T!grub | krayz see also this17:19
ubottukrayz see also this: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)17:19
krayzwell, I can boot to Kubuntu. But I have no menu... When I start my PC I first have a blue screen for 2 sec.onds and then it boots to Kubuntu...17:20
krayzI installed first windows7, afterwise I installed Kubuntu on another partition and I wanted to modify the menu.lst to make it multiboot... but nothing happens17:20
krayzI geuss that I am doing something wrong or the installation is not ok...17:21
macodoes holding down shift during boot do anything?17:21
krayzI did not tried that...17:22
krayzshould I get another menu with shift?17:22
krayzdid not know that17:23
BluesKajkrayz, right after the bios scrn , hold the shift key til grub menu shows17:23
krayzok... I am going to try know...17:23
krayzsee ya later17:23
BluesKajmaco, there's an edit in default grub timeout to fix that , but I've forgotten which one ...the hidden or the one below it ?17:24
krayzhi, back again... holding shift works!!17:26
krayzso why does grub boot kubuntu without menu when I do no hold shift?17:27
yofelkrayz: good, now if you want to always see the menu, go to /etc/default/grub, and comment the HIDDEN entries out17:27
yofelrun sudo update-grub after than and you'll see the menu on next boot17:28
krayz/etc/default/grub ... doesn exists here17:29
krayzno such map is what i get told in my terminal17:30
krayzor do you mean the grub.cfg?17:30
yofelno, /etc/default/grub, /boot/grub/grub.cfg is auto-generated17:31
krayzor in the menu.lst?17:31
yofeland grub2 doesn't use menu.lst17:31
krayzkrayz@KrayZ-Linux:/$ ls /etc/default17:32
krayzacpid         apport        brltty         cryptdisks  devpts  irqbalance        kerneloops  nss         rcS      saned  useradd17:32
krayzacpi-support  avahi-daemon  console-setup  cups        grub    kdm.d             keyboard    ntpdate     rsync    tmpfs17:32
krayzalsa          bootlogd      cron           dbus        halt    kernel-helper-rc  locale      pulseaudio  rsyslog  ufw17:32
FloodBotK1krayz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:32
yofelsee, the grub  file is there, and please use a pastebin for pasting multiple lines17:33
BluesKajkrayz, alt+f2 /etc/default/grub17:33
krayzwait... my fault .. i should edit the file .. i thought it should be a map ... excuse me17:33
yofelalt+f2, kdesudo kate /etc/default/grub rather17:33
krayzpls do not hit me17:34
yofeldon't worry, no reason to ^^17:34
krayzso if i want to add windows  7 to my grub list i should do it there and not in menu.lst?17:35
BluesKajyofel, right...need permission to edit ... duh!17:35
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yofelno, edit the file, run update-grub and os-prober _should_ find win7 by itself17:36
BluesKajmenu.lst doesn't exist in grub 217:36
skreech_hi BarkingFish17:37
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BarkingFishhi Daskreech17:38
krayzyofel ... os-prober?17:38
yofela script used by update-grub, don't worry about the details17:39
gulzarI just used Gwenview. Its awesome. This is what I was looking in Gnome but finally got it in KDE. One more reason to love KDE.17:39
BluesKajyofel,  just os-prober , will find the windows install ?17:39
gulzaryofel:after installing VLC I can install startup-manager.17:40
krayzhow to run it? because os-prober itself : sudo: os-proper: command not found17:40
yofelI know it's the job of os-prober to find other installed OSs, but don't ask me how it does it17:40
yofelkrayz: YOU don't run that17:40
krayzah ok ... itÅ› a function from grub17:40
yofelkrayz: you run: sudo update-grub17:40
krayzi did ... then i will try know... see ya soon17:41
gulzaryofel: are you an operator?17:41
yofelchan op? no17:41
gulzaryofel: ok17:42
krayzhi, still no boot menu... geuss i commented out not the right lines...17:43
yofelhere I commented out:17:43
FloodBotK1yofel: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:43
krayzi did the same17:44
yofeland you ran update-grub?17:44
krayzcould the line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" be an issue17:44
BarkingFishevening all :)17:44
krayzyes i did, it says to succesful updated17:44
BarkingFishI have a major problem here, unfortunately I have no idea how to fix it.  I wanted to remove pulseaudio in favor of an alsa only config on my laptop, and followed the instructions on this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure17:45
BarkingFishI had sound when I started, i now have nothing. Not even so much as a bleep out of this thing.17:45
BarkingFishcan anyone advise me on how to get the sound back up and working please?17:46
BluesKajBarkingFish, did yoset the alsacontrols in alsamixer in the terminal ?17:46
krayzyofel, could it be a problem that I did reinstall after the kubuntu installion? ( i thought first there was something wrong with grub)17:46
krayzi mean reinstall grub17:47
yofelnah, shouldn't be...17:47
BarkingFishand to my discredit I got a whole load of gnome stuff when I followed the instructions, which i really didn't want17:47
krayzi did reinstall with cmd: sudo apt-get install grub17:47
yofel*that*'s grub117:48
krayzis that my problem now?17:48
yofelwell not sure, I don't know what the postinstall script do and whether they actually install grub into the MBR17:48
krayzso i should reinstall kubuntu (as it just installed and not modified yet) and try your steps again?17:48
BluesKajBarkingFish, did you run the natty commands , if so , try the lucid one , it works best for some reson17:49
krayzit would be the best I geuss17:49
yofelkrayz: no, you could purge grub, make sure grub-pc is installed and run grub-install then17:49
BarkingFishWell yes, I ran the natty commands because I'm on natty :)  I wasn't expecting to run the ones for a different version!17:49
krayzhow to make sure... where to check (i am new to kubuntu so sorry for my noobish questions)17:50
BarkingFisheither way, for now, I want to skip the fiddly stuff and just get my sound back up if that's ok. Not being funny, I just want bits working for now. I'll fiddle when I know more about what I'm fiddling with :)17:50
yofelkrayz: 'sudo apt-get purge grub', 'sudo apt-get install grub-pc'17:51
BluesKajBarkingFish, sorry I realized after you left  the natty command is flawed ...ther's an issue there...dunno if it's on launchpad yet17:51
yofelafter that run 'sudo grub-install /dev/sda' (if you want grub to be in the MBR of your first HDD)17:52
krayzyofel, ok ... all your steps done... modified the /etc/default/grub and i did run update-grub... so i will reboot know and see what happens... see ya soon17:55
krayzYofel, hi , yes the pc boots now with grub menu but still without windows 7 as an option17:58
yofelok.. is windows listed when you run update-grub? (i guess no)17:58
krayzyofel, i did run it again. Indeed, it is not listed. Just the linux image, the initrd image and the memtest18:01
yofelhm, any output when you run 'sudo os-prober' ?18:01
krayzso the os-prober does not find it18:01
krayzi does run but no output18:01
yofelwhere's linux and where windows in the partition layout?18:01
Linkmasterwhere are the desktop images located in 11.04? I know that in 10.10, I could go to .kde->share->wallpapers  I believe was the route, but I'm not finding anything similar in a fresh install of natty18:03
krayzgot 2 harddrives, kubuntu is on the first partition of my first harddrive (got 2 partitions) on hardrive 2 is windows 7 installed18:03
yofelLinkmaster: the default ones are in /usr/share/wallpapers, .kde are local ones18:04
krayzso sda1 is kubuntu and sdb1 is win718:04
yofelk, give me a minute18:04
shane2perugimp don't work???18:04
shane2peru(gimp:19687): GLib-WARNING **: /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.28.6/./glib/goption.c:2132: ignoring no-arg, optional-arg or filename flags (8) on option of type 018:05
shane2peruSegmentation fault18:05
Linkmasteryofel: I was looking in .kde, and couldn't find anything about wallpapers, but thanks for telling me the location of the default ones[is now going to remove them, I didn't like most of them too much]18:05
yofelshane2peru: go to system settings, application appearance, gtk appearance, change theme to something else than oxygen-gtk, apply, start gimp, set setting back to oxygen-gtk18:05
shane2peruyofel: you da man!   Thanks18:06
krayzidd, yofel is very kind to help us all ;) I appreciate that18:06
jimmy51BluesKaj: i think i tried that first...18:06
jimmy51BluesKaj: now i'm at a failed boot prompt  sh:grub>.18:07
shane2peruyofel: I take it you are familiar with that problem?  that was really odd.18:07
yofelshane2peru: yep, it's a known crash with oxygen-gtk and the first run of gimp, once gimp started fine once you can use oxygen-gtk again18:08
BluesKajjimmy51,   sudo dpkg --remove --force-depends initramfs-tools ?18:08
krayz_yofel, oeps, i reconnected ... did you post something in the meanwhile?18:08
yofelkrayz_: nope, sec18:08
krayz_ah then i am a lucky bastard18:09
shane2peruyofel: well, I appreciate the info, I didn't know that, and it threw me for a loop.18:09
yofelkrayz_: ok, here's the grub.cfg entry from my desktop http://paste.kde.org/9911518:09
yofelkrayz_: change the UUID after --set=root <UUID> to the one you get from 'sudo blkid'18:09
yofeland then add that entry to /etc/grub.d/40_custom18:10
jimmy51BluesKaj: yeah, the other guy who was helping sent me a post with that in it18:10
jimmy51can i run that within the grub shell?18:10
yofelah, and the set root='(... line needs adjusting too18:10
jimmy51BluesKaj: I think I'll have to boot to the livecd and chroot, right?18:11
yofeljimmy51: wait, how did you end up in the grub shell?18:11
jimmy51yofel: my 10.10 to 11.04 upgrade failed with an error installing initramfs-tools.  i tried a few suggestions to fix it, the last one was to reboot and try recovery option in grub menu.18:12
jimmy51yofel: unfortunately it doesn't even get to the menu18:13
jimmy51yofel: just drops to grub shell immedidatly18:13
yofeluh, ok, what happens if you do 'load normal' in the grub shell?18:13
jimmy51yofel: unknown command 'load'18:13
yofelah wrong18:15
yofelinsmod normal18:15
yofelthen run normal18:15
yofel*then run 'normal'18:15
jimmy51unknown command 'normal'18:16
jimmy51yofel: I ran "insmod normal", which didn't return an error but following up with "normal" errored.18:17
yofelif that happens even after insmod normal (without error), then you probably want to go to a live disk, chroot, and try to fix the install from there18:17
jimmy51yofel: ok.  i'm having a co-worker burn it right now.  i'll boot to it shortley.18:18
gulzarI installed startupmaanger (gome application) so the download was big but now I removed it after the work is done. But there must be some unwanted packages left. How to remove them?18:20
yofelsudo apt-get autoremove should remove most, if not I'm not sure which ones you need to look for18:20
gulzaryofel: yup this was what I needed. 107MB removed....18:21
jimmy51yofel: ok.  i'll probably have to ask for chroot help once the cd is burned.18:22
krayzyofel, I geuss grub works ok now, I see win7 in the menu. But after selecting it I got the message, bootmgr is missing... so that is a windows issue...18:23
krayzI installed windows first, could it be that windows puts his bootmgr on sda1 because it is the first drive and grub did overwrite it? If yes i have to fix the windows bootmgr and put it to sdb1 right?18:24
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krayzyofel, i reboot ... trying something, just read in the net something about windows7 putting his bootmgr on another partition then itself... so i pointed root in grub to another location... trying trying this18:32
jimm51_yofel: ok, i'm chroot'd in.  what do i need to run again? (this crappy windows IRC client crashed on me)18:32
yofeljimmy51: well, start with 'dpkg --configure -a'18:33
jimm51_yofel: that spit a lot of problems... cannot create /dev/null: permission denied and error processing initramfs-tools18:35
layanalguno sabe hablar español?18:35
Pici!es | layan18:35
ubottulayan: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:35
krayzyofel, did not work :(...18:35
yofeljimmy51: is /dev, /sys and /proc bind-mounted?18:35
layanspeak spanish?18:35
krayzyofel, I am worried for grub if I start windows repair for the tool fixboot. I have some strange feeling it will overwrite grub again .. and I will get stuck in a loop... any experience?18:36
yofelenough that I'm happy if windows an linux together on one system just work and I don't have to touch them -.-18:37
jimm51_yofel: ah, nope.  didn't do that.  I think have have notes on that in a file on my HDD.  i'll see if i can find it.18:38
yofelI have no idea what windows would do in this case to be honest18:38
yofel!grub2 | jimmy5118:38
ubottujimmy51: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)18:38
yofeljimmy51: there's chroot instructions somewhere on the help page18:38
yofeljust leave the part about grub away for now18:39
krayzok yofel, thnx for help. If windows does something weird, now I know how to fix grub... your help is appreciated overhere...18:39
krayzkeep up the good work guys !! (I am starting to love kubuntu, first always used Gentoo for my servers, starting to think about completly switching to ubuntu18:40
BluesKajyofel, does os-prober  normally add a windows partition to grub if it's on the same hdd ?18:41
jimm51_yofel: ok, did the bind mounts.  re ran the command after chroot'ing again and still have errors processing initramfs-tools.  now should i do the remove?18:41
yofelit should add one if it's anywhere. See my entry. I have kubuntu on a dmraid setup and windows is on sdc1, works fine18:42
jimm51_yofel: http://pastebin.com/j6aNytmp  is the error18:42
aguiteli am trying to install kubuntu 11.04 ,but when the instalation advance it try to make update with servers and it never end ,anyway to install with no updates ?+18:44
yofeljimm51_: do you need lilo?18:44
yofelI would try to dpkg --pruge --force-depends lilo and see if it works then18:44
jimm51_yofel: i do not18:44
jimm51_yofel: i think i was experimenting with bootloaders on flash memory a long time ago.  removing.18:45
jimm51_ yofel: http://www.pastebin.com/uiSind3E  <- new result18:47
jimm51_!info utube18:47
ubottuPackage utube does not exist in natty18:47
yofelok, now try apt-get install -f18:48
jimm51_yofel: built a dependency tree with no errors.  it has a long list of stuff i should autoremove.18:48
yofelyou probably don't want that, does it want to install something?18:49
jimm51_yofel: http://pastebin.com/5Q5ZrxWb18:49
yofelhm, then try to dist-upgrade and install kubuntu-desktop18:50
jimm51_yofel: that tells me 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.18:52
yofeland dpkg --configure -a runs fine now? or still hangs on utube?18:53
jimm51_yofel: still hangs on utube.  what is utube?18:54
yofelnot something from the archive it seems18:54
jimm51_can i remogve it?18:54
jimm51_dpkg --purge --force-depends utube?18:54
jimm51_yofel: ok, now dpkg configure a gives this:  http://pastebin.com/NAUPqghT18:56
jimm51_seems like virtualbox is screwed up.  i'm on 4.2, not 3.018:56
yofelthat should be non-fatal I think18:56
yofeltry to install grub again and reboot18:57
jimm51_yofel: ah ha! purged vbox 3.0 and now dpkg --configure -a doesn't return anything18:57
szaljimm51_: where did you get 4.2?18:59
jimm51_virtualbox's website18:59
szaljimm51_: when?18:59
jimm51_err, maybe 4.118:59
* szal has 4.0.12 from their pkg repo18:59
jimm51_szal: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads  <- 4.1 is newest19:00
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jimm51_yofel: ok, i've hit a bug.  bug 70300919:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 703009 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "grub-probe: error: cannot stat `aufs'." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70300919:05
jimm51_apparantely i can't install grub from outside and have to install from within my chroot.19:05
jimm51_(that's the workaround described in the bug)19:05
jimm51_from within the chroot, do i just run grub-install /dev/sda ?19:05
yofelyep, should work19:05
soeehi guys, there wont be any KDE 4.7 rc for natty ? only final version ?19:06
jimm51_yofel: ok.  trying it and rebooting!  i hope this works.  Thanks for the help, by the way.19:07
yofelyou're welcome19:07
vikapiusually when does kubuntu 12.04 work starts???is it immediately after kubuntu 11.10??19:07
yofelvikapi: yes19:07
jimm51_bad day... kubuntu upgrade died and my office doorknob mechanism broke, leaving me locked out until a guy could come drill the knob out.19:08
BluesKajsoee, porbly not til you install oneiric19:08
vikapiand is it considered tat all x.04 is stable and x.10 is a bit unstable??19:08
yofelsoee: probably, we didn't even get rc1 completely into oneiric yet19:08
soeeBluesKaj, did you tested current Oneiric version ?19:08
yofelvikapi: no, 10.04, 12.04, ... are LTS, the others aren't, other than that they should work the same19:09
soeeyofel, there are more problems with 4.7 ?19:09
BluesKajsoee, yes , ...it's no working with my nvidia driver amongst other things , but yofel knows more about oneiric than me19:10
jimm51_yofel: ok, i've booted!  that's a good step.  now can i test to see if initramfs installed properly?19:10
yofeljimm51_: if kubuntu-desktop is installed it'll be find19:10
vikapiLTS is becoz they are stable compared to x.10 correct?will any1 give LTS for unstable product??19:10
soeeBluesKaj, well its to early to use oneiric i think, i need to my machine to work without any problems as now on 11.0419:10
yofelsoee: tell the KDE folks to get their software licensing right *-.-, other than that not really19:11
yofel4.7 final should be easy19:11
BluesKajsoee, yes , I reverted to natty after my probs19:11
szalyofel: what's wrong w/ KDE licensing?19:12
yofelszal: in the new split packages we had to add the full license copies to almost all packages because everyone forgot about that, and for kate once file had no license it was under.19:13
vikapii was wonderin, why k/ubuntu give LTS only for x.04 and not for x.10..their release time being same (6 months), why they not givin LTS for x.10 also..19:14
yofelvikapi: LTS means Long term support, the developers don't have the resources to give all releases support for that time span19:15
vikapiyofel: hmm..i didn think tat way.. :)19:16
jimm51_yofel, BluesKaj: you guys are great.19:17
BarkingFishBluesKaj, I got my sound back :)19:17
BarkingFishI did what you suggested, the --reinstall of alsa-base and alsa-utils, and it's up.19:17
jimm51_i'm runnin 11.04 now, updated virtual box and the extension pack, and so far all looks well.19:17
jimm51_i hope the 11.11 upgrade goes better :)19:18
yofelblame lilo :P19:19
jimm51_yofel: is that what caused it?19:19
yofelwould probably warrant a bug report actually19:19
yofeljimm51_: it was the lilo script that failed19:19
BluesKajBarkingFish, good to hear ...how did you manage ?19:19
BarkingFishsimply reinstalled the two progs, rebooted and it popped up when I restarted19:20
BluesKajBarkingFish, alsa-base and utils ?19:20
BarkingFishI meant to ask something earlier.  Using apt-get install on the command line is a bit long winded for me, I like it fast and I like it yesterday :)  Is there any way I can "make" an alias of some kind which would run those commands?19:22
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tamranhi all, I'm curious if I've got a vanilla Ubuntu 11.04 install and I want to run (and test) KDE ... will it be a gigantic mess without removing gnome and unity components?19:22
BarkingFishFor example, instead of typing sudo apt-get install (whatever), that I could type sage -i and then the prog name?19:22
BluesKajBarkingFish, yes , in ~/.bashrc19:22
jimm51_BarkingFish: you could write a bash script that takes an argument for a package name and just calls it19:23
* jimm51_ just noticed he spelled jimmy wrong19:23
tamranalso, I'm curious if I was to replace GDM with KDM, but decided to run gnome ... would that be a mess?19:23
tamranI'm trying to avoid a situation where too many competing services start up when the computer boots ... which would bog everything down19:24
BarkingFishBluesKaj, Ok, I'd have to do a little research on that to find out how to work on it, since I don't do a lot of bash stuff.19:24
BluesKajBarkingFish, http://paste.ubuntu.com/648505/   ...this is my version19:25
BarkingFishBut I think that would be a good short command for apt-get, rpm packages have urpmi, we could have sage :)19:25
BluesKajjust add the aliases,, no need for a script19:25
BluesKajI usein for installl an re for remove etc ...you'll see19:26
BarkingFishthat looks good. could I use the - sign in the aliases? like sage -i for the install command, without messing up the rc?19:26
BarkingFishone thing, BluesKaj - in PM19:27
asfyxiatamran, are you trying to run KDE with GDM?19:28
tamranasfyxia: I'd prefer to run KDM actually, and I would switch between unity/gnome (girlfriend) and KDE (me)19:30
jimm51_tamran: i suppose that's easier than finding a girlfriend that likes KDE :)19:31
John___Wait there are women who knows from PC?19:31
jimm51_yofel: is there a command i can run before any future updates to check the health of my package system before running the update?19:31
John___Guys i need some help with Ubuntu with KDE19:32
tamranjimm51_: lol19:32
John___i dont have Kubuntu but i though you could help me19:32
asfyxiatamran, in theory that is possible, you can switch between desktops. My experience however, is that you can best keep them apart as much as possible; that is, install Kubuntu and Ubuntu in dual-boot19:32
macoJohn___: thanks for the sexism duee19:32
John___they told me from ubuntu to come here19:32
tamranJohn___: lol, I just asked a bunch of questions about KDE on vanilla ubuntu myself :)19:32
* maco won't be helping19:33
John___XD maco i have never seen a woman using a computer19:33
tamranasfyxia: yeah, that is what I was worried about19:33
macoJohn___: blind?19:33
yofeljimm51_: not really, the package system is fine until you get errors. You can't really check if the upgrade works before you try it19:33
asfyxiatamran, I had my crashes *sigh*19:33
tamranasfyxia: good to know19:33
yofeljimm51_: although once btrfs isn't experimental anymore in a few years you'll at least be able to revert the upgrade attempt, but that's still future talk19:33
tamranthat's a bummer19:33
asfyxiaJohn__, what do you want to know?19:34
John___If it is posible to add launcher at the desktop layouts at KDE19:35
John___because i dont have it19:36
John___and i guess i have to install the whole shell with a lot of software wich i dont need19:36
asfyxiaJohn__, yeah, that's possible19:36
John___Well is it possible without the unneeded software?19:36
asfyxiaClick on the 'cashew', search for 'application launcher'19:37
John___what is cashew19:38
yofelthat cashew-lookalike you see at the end of the panel when the widgets are unlocked19:39
asfyxiaAh, that is the bean-like (or cashew-nut like, if you wish) icon in the corner of your start screen19:39
John___Ok added19:40
josuehola, el canal de kubuntu en español cual es?19:40
John___actualy i did not mean that one19:40
asfyxiaJosue, try kubuntu-es19:40
John___Anyway thanx :)19:41
John___And have a nice day19:41
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BluesKajtime set up the BBQ ...too hot to cook indoors today ...AC is working ovetime as it is .20:04
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BarkingFishWould anyone know how to change the sound files on here, such as startup, logout, etc please? Looking on the net I can only find instruction for Ubuntu, and they don't match what I can do here.20:19
BarkingFishThey say to use system/preferences/sounds - but I don't find that in my menu.20:19
BluesKajBarkingFish, kmenu>apps>settings>system settings>multimedia>phonon20:21
James147BarkingFish: ^^ They are under notifications20:22
BarkingFishAh, great :)20:23
BarkingFishit seems that everytime I google instructions for "kubuntu", i get instructions for ubuntu >:)20:23
BluesKajoh , i thought were talking about the devices..missed startup part20:23
BluesKajBarkingFish, yeah , that's apet peeve with most kubuntu users20:24
James147BarkingFish: allot of the time it makes little difference :) just the gui stuff that differs... so if searching for kubuntu fails try just looking for kde if its gui related20:24
BarkingFishJames147, When you say they're under "notifications", where? In systemsettings?20:26
James147BarkingFish: System settings > application and system Notifications20:26
BarkingFishok, thanks20:27
James147think its in the kde workspace category20:27
delight /msg NickServ identify bingo20:37
jimmy51_up and running :)20:37
jimmy51_BluesKaj, yofel: again, thanks for all of the help.  have a nice evening, and if you're anywhere near me geographically, stay inside were there is air conditioning!20:54
* jimmy51_ is heading out20:54
* yofel has rain all day :/20:55
BluesKajjimmy51_, yeah it 30C here and we the A/C on20:56
BluesKaj30C= 86F for our amarican friends...probly hotter there tho20:59
BluesKajerr american21:00
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
asfyxiaBluesKaj, where are you that it is 30C? *planning holiday*21:08
BluesKajasfyxia, in Ontario Canada , near the North Channel of Lake Huron ...it's a tourist area as well as mining and forestry21:13
OerHeksoke, nobody will notice us then :-D21:15
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
aguiteli am trying to install kubuntu 11.04 ,but when the instalation advance it try to make update with servers and it never end ,anyway to install with no updates ?21:25
szalaguitel: grab the alternate CD, there you can skip that step21:25
aguitelszal, how to do in usb ?21:26
aguitelszal, command dd ?21:26
James147aguitel: there should be an option on the first screen (the one with the checks) to disable downloacing the updates21:26
aguitelJames147, is not this option ,is when syncronice with servers21:27
James147aguitel: http://www.kubuntu.org/files/10.10-release-announce/ubiquity2.png ^^ that screen... think its the same for 11.0421:29
aguitelJames147, ok21:30
soeewhera are defined apps that are loaded on ystem start automaticly ?21:31
=== ubuntu____ is now known as thirtyseven
=== thirtyseven is now known as fiveonetwo
asfyxiaSounds like fun, BluesKaj, maybe a nice mountainbiking area too. But ok, let's skip o22:00
asfyxiato serious matters22:00
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRanyone know how to find out wat kde version your running ?22:00
asfyxia*I hit the wrong button, sorry*22:00
SIR_Taco]-[uNTeR^Ki||eR: pick a kde program (like konsole) and select "help->about kde"22:01
szalor on the terminal: kwin --verison22:01
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRis 4.6.2 the latest kde :d22:01
szaland change that uber-1337 nick *eyecancer*..22:02
SIR_Taco]-[uNTeR^Ki||eR: depends on what version of kubuntu you're running I suppose22:02
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRlatest stable 11.0422:02
SIR_Taco]-[uNTeR^Ki||eR: then yes I would say that's current.... there is teh 4.7rc out there, but not for 11.04 unless you specifically want it22:03
szalKDE Development Platform: 4.6.5 (4.6.5)22:04
asfyxia@UnterKiller (whatever): do you want the latest pre-alpha, or the last stable version?22:04
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRyeah i only really get stable software most of the time :P22:04
SIR_Taco]-[uNTeR^Ki||eR: stable is what you want, unless you want to (possibly) lose files/settings/etc22:04
SIR_Tacothe 4.7RC is still not completely done with the packaging (KDE changed the way they pacakge things.... which made the *buntu packagers have to change everything)22:06
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRhmmm do most of u use standard or LTS ?22:07
SIR_Taco]-[uNTeR^Ki||eR: my laptop runs 11.04, my desktop (which if it breaks I don't care about) runs the latest alpha/beta release... so I'm on 11.10 right now22:08
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRim just running 64bit desktop version22:08
SIR_Taco]-[uNTeR^Ki||eR: if it works, stick with it22:11
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRyeah working good :D22:11
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRim more of a windows user :P but a mate got me onto gentoo ages ago then tried out ubuntu / kubuntu22:11
SIR_Tacounless you're feeling semi-crazy... stick with what you have until there's a new LTS22:11
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRyeah ive just got a wubi install inside of windows :P22:12
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRi have done a native install befor but this is the best for me atm22:12
SIR_Taco]-[uNTeR^Ki||eR: that works then, you can break it as much as you'd like22:13
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=== ZandreBran is now known as 64MAAW8S2
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]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRhow much disk performance do u really lose using this wubi boot inside windows ?22:14
=== James1479 is now known as James147
SIR_Taco]-[uNTeR^Ki||eR: not sure entirely I haven't tried it22:14
SIR_TacoI may be crazy, but I always thought that wubi ran in a VM? (someone want to correct me on that?) Which means you're losing resources ot the start22:15
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRdont think so ?22:16
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRits just like a duel boot inside windows22:16
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRdiff kind of duel boot22:16
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRand just builds it inside a windows structure22:16
James147SIR_Taco: wubi is full install inside a file that is located in a windows parittion ^^22:16
James147^^ it jsut boots from the file rather then a partition22:17
SIR_TacoJames147: ah, thanks for that22:17
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRits pretty cool if u want a easy cheap ubuntu install :P22:17
SIR_TacoJames147: there must be downside though?22:17
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRu lose disk performance22:18
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRthats 1 :P22:18
szalof course, the downside is that Windows needs to be running..  or doesn't it?22:18
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRi even gamed through wine on a wubi install with css wasnt that bad22:18
James147SIR_Taco: it means you dont have full access to your disks from within kubuntu :) and makes it harder to revocer using a live cd22:18
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRwindows doesnt need to be running22:18
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRwhy would u want to a recover a wubi install  ?22:19
James147szal: it dosnt need windows running... it just installed inside a file that is located inside windows and modifies windows boot loader to add an entry for booting form this file22:19
SIR_Tacowith Wubi installed to a file, it makes me think it's like a VM... it's a file.... it changes size as appropriate22:20
James147szal: it is a fully fledged install otherwise... no vms or anything else running...22:20
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRall u do is download the cd iso and virtual cd and u ahve the option of wube install inside windows :D22:20
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRcan only do it with the cd not the dvd thow22:20
James147]-[uNTeR^Ki||eR: you can jsut dl the wubi installer and run that... no need to dl a cd22:21
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRi think i tried that awhile back with an older wubi loader it stuffed my partition22:21
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRi was trying to do something cant remember wat22:21
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRid just download the cd its much easier22:22
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRbut yes i think u can use the wubi loader by itself to create a boot22:22
SIR_Tacosorry, I appologize, it's not a VM22:22
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRthe only downside ive seen so far is u lose a slight bit of disk performance thats wat it says when u install22:23
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRi dont really have a spare drive to do a native install22:24
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRi could on my old systems but meh22:24
SIR_Tacobut it's a Virtual Partition.... and you can argue that one up and down... but yes, disk performance is the problem22:24
James147you dont need a spare drive... yo can partition the one you have22:24
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRyeah i know22:24
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRim just leaving it as one drive22:24
SIR_Taco]-[uNTeR^Ki||eR: if you have a spare drive, you may as well just install ig22:25
SIR_Tacoit even22:25
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRyeah i dont have a spare drive :P22:25
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRbuilt a new system last year22:25
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRonly got one sata2 drive atm22:25
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRwhen i get an SSD sometime ill use this drive22:25
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRthey have made something faster then ssd now22:26
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRlike 100times faster22:26
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRssd should become real cheap soon22:26
SIR_Tacoyea, it's called RAM :P22:26
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRdunno wat it was called22:26
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRsome new technology webpage22:27
SIR_Taco]-[uNTeR^Ki||eR: yes I know, I read that too... but it should be a few years22:27
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRcan print out your own solar panels now aswell with a computer printer22:27
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRim waiting for sandisk or verbatim to make ssd22:27
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRsick of all these big companies buying the tech up and charging heaps :D22:28
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRdo any of u game on linux ?22:30
James147]-[uNTeR^Ki||eR: loads :)22:30
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRid move over to linux if i could get games running as good as windows22:30
SIR_Tacome too22:31
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRi tried wine with a wubi install but thats dodge cause of disk performance22:31
SIR_Tacodepends on the game I suppose22:31
* James147 hasnt had a problem getting the games he wants to play to work under wine :d22:31
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRwasnt to bad thow running css from the windows drive on a wubi boot22:31
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRstill played ok22:31
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRfor a p4 AMD equiv pc22:31
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRcan u play them fullscreen thow ?22:32
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRi see alot of people playing them in windows22:32
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRi also tried that play on linux program aswell not bad22:32
SIR_Tacowhich game?22:32
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRwas some rally game some dude was playing22:32
James147^^ should probally take this to #kubuntu-offtopic22:33
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRaww :(22:33
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRspose asking if anyones got an android is off topic aswell :P ?22:34
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit22:54
=== matchaw is now known as 64MAAW8KI
* BarkingFish sighs and bangs his head on his desk23:19
BarkingFishRight, do we have a repository of old versions of packages please?23:19
BarkingFishI've just gone to install something on firefox, and been told it's not compatible - how can we have firefox 5, when the actual product itself is only on 4.something weird?23:20
HawkwindWhat is the name of the package to install KDE on Ubuntu ?23:20
James147Hawkwind: kubuntu-desktop23:20
HawkwindJames147: That's it. Thanks!23:20
James147Hawkwind: ^^ at least thes kde + the kubuntu default programs23:21
BarkingFishIs there anyway at all that I can take firefox 5.0 off, and put 4.0 or 3.6.18 on please?23:21
yofelBarkingFish: you *can* add old releases to the sources and force a package downgrade, though it's not supported23:22
yofelbut if you're on natty you can go back to 4.023:22
yofelwithout adding any sources23:23
BarkingFishexcellent. I don't mind it being not supported, as long as I can get this plugin working :)  I need a silverlight substitute called Moonlight.23:23
yofeljust run 'sudo apt-get install firefox=4.0+nobinonly-0ubuntu3' and figure out if you need to downgrade anything else23:23
BarkingFishok, great!23:23
yofelafter that, you'll need to pin the package down or it'll get updated on the next update again23:24
yofelsee http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-prevent-a-package-from-being-updated-in-ubuntu.html23:24
yofelthey are in a release frenzy though... oneiric has firefox 6.0~b123:27
yofel~b2 actually23:28
SIR_Tacofuture-fox :)23:29
BarkingFishI think I've done this right, all i've done is sudo aptitude hold firefox23:29
yofelshould work too23:29
BarkingFishbest thing I can try now is to see if kpackagekit tries to update it23:30
yofelusing an apt pin would be more robust, that's what I usually use at least23:30
SIR_TacoI'd lean more to using apt and blacklisting things in apt... than trusting packagekit23:30
SIR_Tacobut, that's just me I guess :)23:31
BarkingFishwell packagekit is trying to upgrade it, so I obviously have to do something better than I already have23:31
BarkingFishobviously the hold I've put on it isn't working23:31
yofelI haven't tried the dpkg --set-selections way yet, though I've seen people use it. For me apt pins work fine23:32
BarkingFishwell it seems to suggest I can just use the name of the program, not the whole package name23:33
BarkingFishI don't understand why the hold hasn't taken23:33
* yofel checks whether muon cares about aptitude holds23:35
BarkingFishI think it's sorted23:35
BarkingFishthe dpkg hold has got it23:35
BarkingFishecho firefox hold | sudo dpkg --set-selections23:35
BarkingFishkpackagekit isn't showing the update at all, so I assume that's done the job23:36
SIR_TacoBarkingFish: if you really want to know... open Konsole... and type 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'23:37
BarkingFishJob done :)23:39
BarkingFishThe following packages have been kept back:23:39
BarkingFish  firefox23:39
BarkingFish0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.23:39
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRhow can i download this program mangler ? i tried the sudo apt command didnt work :(23:39
FloodBotK1BarkingFish: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:39
BarkingFish3 lines is a flood???23:40
BarkingFishI wasn't gonna use a whole paste for 3 short lines of data.23:40
SIR_Tacoooooh, you flooded again... lol23:41
SIR_Tacoglad it worked though23:41
szal]-[uNTeR^Ki||eR: (1) what program mangler?  (2) "didnt work" is NOT an exact error message..  (3) change that silly-a** nick.. ;)23:41
yofelyep, flood is >= 3 lines23:41
BarkingFishyofel: that's a bit low, why waste a whole paste for 3 lines of data? :)23:42
SIR_Tacoszal: lol23:42
BarkingFishIf I'd put it all on one line, wouldn't've been a problem :)23:42
yofelI didn't write the bot, but yeah, 3 is a bit short :/23:42
SIR_TacoBarkingFish: that's what the paste.kde.org is for I suppose... but yes, it's iffy23:42
BarkingFishyofel, who runs the bot, maybe you could get them to up it in the code :)23:43
yofeltoo lazy for that :P23:43
BarkingFishI code the occasional bot parts myself, perlmods and stuff.23:43
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRmy nick is fine :P23:43
SIR_Taco]-[uNTeR^Ki||eR: haha ok, what's the problem though?23:44
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRtrying to install a ventrillo replacement called wrangler23:45
KaleidoscopeHow would I go about installing something that doesn't exist in the Package Manager23:45
yofel]-[uNTeR^Ki||eR: a) from where, b) how23:45
BarkingFishKaleidoscope, What are you trying to install and where from?23:46
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRjust getting the link23:46
KaleidoscopeIt's the Mantra web browser, It's basically a modded Firefox. www.getmantra.com   This is the DL for it23:46
SIR_Taco]-[uNTeR^Ki||eR: I believe that installing Ventrillo, installs the new wrangler replacement...23:46
BarkingFishok Kaleidoscope, one moment23:47
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRhmm ?23:47
SIR_Taco]-[uNTeR^Ki||eR: or how about "mangler" ?23:47
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRu confused me :d23:47
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRi was trying to install mangler23:47
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRis there actually vent for linux ?23:48
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRive got teamspeak 2 installed23:48
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRgonna install TS3 soon23:48
BarkingFishKaleidoscope, from the looks of the download page on that website, it looks like you're possibly going to have to compile it.23:48
SIR_Taco ]-[uNTeR^Ki||eR: you have libventrilo3-023:48
BarkingFishThere isn't a package for ubuntu, and the only distro independent sets are tar.bz2, which leads me to believe they're probably source code23:49
szalKaleidoscope: the archive should come w/ installation instructions23:49
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRwats a good package manager aswell i use kpackagekit23:49
SIR_Taco]-[uNTeR^Ki||eR: you also have 'mangler' which is a "Ventrilo compatible client for Linus"23:49
Kaleidoscopeszal, Hopefully, I should be able to follow em pretty easily if it does23:49
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRyea i was gonna get mangler but i cant seem to use sudo apt commands23:49
* szal uses aptitude exclusively for package management23:49
BarkingFishthat is the best one, ]-[uNTeR^Ki||eR - I'm certainly not having any problems with it after less than 24 hours on kubuntu :)23:49
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRmaybe cause ive changed the mirrors23:49
BarkingFishit's easier than all that sudo apt-get cli stuff :)23:50
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRmangler is barkingfish ?23:50
BarkingFishno, kpackagekit :)23:50
BarkingFishIt's what I'm using and I've barely been on the distro for a day!23:50
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRso kpackagekit is the best package manager around :P ?23:50
BarkingFishto me, yes.23:51
BarkingFishOthers may think differently23:51
KaleidoscopeI love kpackagekit23:51
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRhmm i cant remember alot of the others23:51
KaleidoscopeI tried synaptic once, Was pretty gross :P23:51
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRahh yeah that 123:51
KaleidoscopeOH WOW23:51
KaleidoscopeMantra came with a shell script file so it runs right out of the archive23:51
KaleidoscopeThat's just lovely ^^23:52
yofelkpackagekit is easy, muon-insaller (default in oneiric) will be a ubuntu software center lookalike, if you're looking for a synaptic replacement use muon23:52
SIR_Taco]-[uNTeR^Ki||eR: they all run with on apt... so if you learn apt, that's good... but I would argue there isn't many better than another as far as installing software, just some better are figuring out what you want23:52
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRyeah im not familair with apt :P23:53
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRwell sorta23:54
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRused sudo commands a fair few times23:54
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRsudo apt23:54
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRim n00b as on linux thow :P23:54
KaleidoscopeI'm in the same boat as you, Hunter23:55
SIR_Tacohaha no problem23:55
yofeleveryone is at some point23:55
BarkingFish]-[uNTeR^Ki||eR, Don't worry about it d00d. I feel like a noob again after nearly 10 years on linux.  Changing distros has its ups and downs.23:56
SIR_TacoIt's just nice to see if something goes terribly wrong.... running apt in the konsole/console will tell you that, most package managers wont23:56
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRwat distro did u use ?23:56
BarkingFishWas on mandriva until yesterday23:56
BarkingFish10 years on that is plenty :)23:56
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRi used gentoo for a few days23:56
KaleidoscopeI'm on Kubuntu 11.04 64bit ^^23:57
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRgot a mate to build it over ssh23:57
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRthats why im a fan of kde23:57
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRyeah same kubuntu 11.0423:57
BarkingFish^what he said23:57
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRgentoo was to advanced for a newbie :P23:57
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRhe used slackware and gentoo23:57
KaleidoscopeI'll move up to slackware maybe in a year or so, Once I get really comfortable with Linux23:58
SIR_Tacotry starting on Slackware.... it was almsot worth it, just for the amount of Linux commands I remembered lol23:58
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRyeah he said it would do me good23:58
BarkingFishok, the downgrade of firefox appears to have worked.  I've got the moonlight plugin installed, and it is compatible :)23:59
SIR_Tacoif you like being "throw into the fire" that's the way to go :)23:59
BarkingFishnow to see whether i can watch TV over it.#23:59
KaleidoscopeThe only problem for me with slackware is that it'll take me like 2-3 days to DL it23:59
]-[uNTeR^Ki||eRyeah he was an advanced linux user23:59
yofeluh, using gentoo as a linux beginner is being thrown into a pool of lava, not fire23:59
SIR_TacoBarkingFish: what TV are you looking to watch?23:59

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