
wgranttest_initZopelessTwice fails with a recursion limit error.01:04
wgrantBecause it adds a warning hook.01:04
wgrantWhich uses failUnlessEqual.01:04
wgrantWhich is deprecated.01:04
wgrantWhich raises a deprecation warning...01:04
lifelesswgrant: so init zope less twice sends a warning ?01:15
lifelesswgrant: if so, as we don't init zopeless twice in the real world, perhaps make it raise an exception instead?01:15
wgrantAre you sure we don't?01:21
wgrantTrivial fix will do for now.01:21
wgrantOr not.01:21
wgrant2.6 testcase doesn't have assertIs.01:21
wgranttesttools time, I guess.01:21
lifelesswgrant: I sure hope we don't.01:22
lifelessbecause I want to nuke it entirely01:22
lifelessas unhygenic01:22
spivAfter all, if it's been raising a warning when called twice then hopefully anyone doing that would have noticed the warning.01:23
wgrantspiv: We mostly just suppress warnings :)01:23
StevenKThen throw an exception01:23
wgrantdict ordering issue in launchpadlib, XMLRPCTestTransport borked, timeout.txt hanging in really bad ways. Apart from that all fixed.01:26
StevenKwgrant: It continues to pass with 2.6, so the fixes are landable?01:26
wgrantThey're all small test issues, apart from one real bug.01:27
wgranttimeout.txt might be real too, I guess.01:27
wgrantBut need to get pygdb onto it at some point.01:27
stubI'm getting sucky packetloss entering Los Angeles. This should affect most of Asia :-(01:59
stublevel3 LA02:00
wgrantStevenK: Working fine for me.02:18
wgrantEr, stub.02:18
wgrantMaybe they've fixed it.02:18
wgrantOptus' international pipe has been fairly broken for the last 24 hours, though.02:18
stubSeems better now. Can't be sure it isn't my ISP messing up though - I think it is the first server on the US site, so might be entering the US/Asia cable that is screwed.02:19
stubnope... still messed. just not as bad.02:19
poolielifeless: i'm seeing some udd failures due to bug 60264702:36
poolieactually, no i'm not02:36
wgrantIt's private?02:38
poolieis there another bug for internal xmlrpc flaking out and returning a 503?02:45
wgrantThat sounds like a timeout.02:47
pooliehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/294726 is pretty close02:47
_mup_Bug #294726: "ProtocolError for xmlrpc.lp.internal:8097/branchfilesystem" when pushing a branch <lp-code> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/294726 >02:47
wgrantpoolie: Which bug number did you mean?02:49
pooliebug 60246702:49
_mup_Bug #602467: retry 503 errors on the LP directory service. <launchpad> <Bazaar:Confirmed> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/602467 >02:49
nigelbHi, when I hit launchpad.dev, its not hitting my local instance.02:51
nigelbSuggestions on where to look?02:51
poolienigelb: i guess you need to start apache02:51
poolieor, connect direct to zope on port 808602:51
poolieapache acts as a front end proxy02:52
nigelbpoolie: There's a make run running02:52
poolieyou need to run 'sudo service apache start' separately02:52
poolieassuming it was not started at boot time02:52
poolie(in your chroot, or vm or whatever, if you're using one)02:52
nigelbI just use my regular apache02:52
nigelbno go02:52
pooliewhat happens?02:53
nigelbapache was already started02:53
nigelbbut I still can't hit launchpad.dev from firefox02:53
mwhudsonwhat happens when you try?02:53
mwhudsonyou get the apache 'it works' page?02:54
nigelbI get "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at launchpad.dev."02:54
mwhudsonlaunchpad.dev is in /etc/hosts?02:54
poolieare you using a chroot or something?02:54
nigelbThe /etc/hosts is what I checked first, its there.02:55
nigelbpoolie: Nope, just in my regular install02:55
poolietry telnet launchpad.dev 44302:55
nigelboh grrar02:55
nigelbhttps://launchpad.dev works02:56
nigelbthat further proves that its been a while since I've done this.02:57
* nigelb should contribute more.02:58
spivpoolie: https://code.launchpad.net/~spiv/launchpad/bmp-inline-diffs/+merge/66634 is now ready for landing I believe03:42
spivpoolie: do you still want to send it in for me? :)03:43
LPCIBotYippie, build fixed!03:46
LPCIBotProject devel build #901: FIXED in 5 hr 33 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/901/03:46
wgrantOh yay, our JS is broken in IE again.04:46
StevenKWhy are you using IE?04:47
wgrantWas testing the expanders.04:47
huwshimiwgrant: Is it lint issues again?05:15
wgrantIt's not the usual comma at the end of a list.05:18
wgrantIt may be a missing closing brace, I think.05:18
StevenKJust one?05:19
wgrantIt occurs in the middle of json-parse.js, it seems.05:22
wgrantBut that's YUI...05:22
lifelessand bug searches are back into timeout territory05:23
lifelesscute - http://elaforge.blogspot.com/2011/07/what-haskell-doesnt-have.html05:33
lifelessI really must do something nontrivial in haskell one of these days05:33
wgrantIt's a really nice language.05:41
stubI need to learn a new language one day. I think I've forgotten everything except Python and PL/SQL06:18
lifeless'new language'06:39
nigelbI still think spm wins ;)06:41
nigelblifeless: what bit about the function in https://code.launchpad.net/~nigelbabu/launchpad/spec-sub-sort/+merge/63315 do you want me to abstract?06:41
nigelbI got confused yesterday when I was trying.06:41
lifelessnigelb: I think the point was that the sort with a sort key function is something we could spell once abstractly06:42
nigelbI tried abstracting the sorted bit in there06:43
nigelbbut then I realized that I also do sort() there.06:44
nigelbwhich is part of another function.06:44
nigelbDoes that make sense?06:46
lifelesspastebin ?06:46
nigelbThis is something jml wrote for me yesterday. http://paste.ubuntu.com/648007/06:50
nigelbIs this the level of abstraction you were looking for?06:50
lifelessnigelb: I think so, yes.07:13
nigelboh, I can't link you to lines in a merge proposal's diff :/07:15
nigelbWell, line 19 of the diff in my MP is what's confusing me.07:15
nigelbI can't use that function there.07:15
pooliespiv, hi, i can send that for you07:20
spivpoolie: thanks!07:20
poolieone idea occurred to me, reading your latest update07:20
poolie(thanks for completing it)07:20
poolieand that was that rather than href="#" perhaps it should send people to the loggerhead view of the diff07:21
pooliein case they ctrl-click it or have a non-js browser07:21
poolie(i don't know what the policy is for supporting that)07:21
pooliei don't want to stall this though07:21
spivIf they have a non-js browser, the link won't be visible currently.07:21
spivWell, if they have a non-js but with-css browser.07:21
poolieoh ok07:25
poolieanyhow, it was just an idea07:25
lifelessnigelb: property_cache.subscriptions = function_call()07:25
pooliespiv, so, i'll just send it?07:25
spivIt's a good idea, but it's a bit fiddly to implement AIUI.  At the least you'd need to use a less convenient API than expander.createByCSS I think.  Perhaps you'd enjoy making that patch? ;)07:27
spivpoolie: please do!07:27
pooliehuwshimi: is there actually a policy on non-js support?07:28
nigelblifeless: ah, thanks. Brain seems to be turned off today :)07:28
huwshimipoolie: This is the only thing I can think of off the top of my head: https://dev.launchpad.net/GradedBrowserSupport07:29
spivI'm a bit sick of staring at that code today, I spent longer than would be ideal discovering that one of the expander APIs grew a new positional parameter since I'd last merged, which of course resulted in a mysterious “nothing happens when I click” bug :/07:29
=== jtv changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: jtv | Critical bugs: 238 - 0:[######=_]:256
spivpoolie: oh hmm, I guess I misunderstood, and making that link go straight to loggerhead might not be so hard07:30
spivpoolie: but I think it's weird UI for the browser to indicate that a link will take me somewhere and then for clicking it to do something else.07:30
pooliei loved named/optional parameters when i first used python but now the bugs they lead to are one of my least favourite bits07:31
pooliein the sense that the status bar will show the lh url07:31
spivnamed-only params would be nicer.07:31
pooliefor nerds who look at the status bar07:31
spivLike me :)07:31
poolieit's been a long branch, i don't want to make you do any more on it07:31
poolieit was just a thought when i saw your update07:31
spivI've definitely been repeated annoyed by that sort of behaviour in the past, so I'd be pretty hesistant to implement it myself :)07:32
pooliein general links that point to # are i think a chance to consider whether there is somewhere better07:32
spivI agree that's the experience I'd want non-JS browsers to get in the ideal world.07:32
spivI'm not sure how best to arrange that without misleading the JS browsers.07:32
spiv(It does lead to the intruguing idea that the target of the href could be used as the input to the 'generate the link for raw diff to fetch' function.07:33
pooliei don't think browsers really handle the case of indicating what a js link will do07:33
poolieyou typically either get '#' or some unreadable function lambda07:33
pooliespiv, ec2 wants to know if there's a bug for this branch07:36
spivYeah.  I might be wrong about how bad it would be, but I *have* encountered irritating behaviour with expander-like things and misleading ctrl-click behavour in LP before.07:36
spivNot that I know of, probably a good time for me to take a quick look...07:36
spivpoolie: a few very vaguely related ones maybe, but no appropriate one07:39
spivpoolie: but it did lead me to notice a low-importance bug of yours that's a dupe of an older critical one!07:42
spivbug 76235507:42
_mup_Bug #762355: would prefer to see mp with no diff when librarian fails, rather than no mp at all <code-review> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/762355 >07:42
poolieok bug 813349 for the sake of qa'ing it07:43
_mup_Bug #813349: hard to get from mp to per-revision diffs <Launchpad itself:In Progress by spiv> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/813349 >07:43
spivpoolie: thanks!07:44
poolieok, instance is booting, we should know tomorrow07:47
adeuringgood morning07:49
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
mrevellGood morning08:16
=== jkakar_ is now known as jkakar
rvbajtv: About your suggestion to clean my branch (removing the use of filtered_expanded): the code you propose was exactly what I wrote first but if candidates is [] then Or(*candidates) breaks the generated SQL.08:42
jtvrvba: then return if candidates is empty.  :)08:42
jtvDoesn't cost much to go through one more empty list comprehension.08:42
rvbajtv: but make_package_condition crashes if it's called with das=None.08:44
jtvBut you won't be calling it.08:44
rvbaah ... right.08:44
jtvThe extra "if" in the list comprehension prevents it from happening.08:44
jtvcjwatson: you still have an approved but unlanded merge proposal for Launchpad open from last year.  What should happen with it?  https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/dpkg-xz-support-619152/+merge/3286808:50
jtvand jelmer, what's supposed to happen to https://code.launchpad.net/~jelmer/launchpad/publisher-use-debian-2/+merge/45011 ?08:51
jtvadeuring: you too have an ancient approved MP on the backlog: https://code.launchpad.net/~adeuring/launchpad/js-translation/+merge/5530908:52
jtvlifeless: approved-but-unlanded-MP reminder: https://code.launchpad.net/~lifeless/launchpad/bug-759467/+merge/5826208:52
jelmerjtv: thanks for the ping08:55
jelmerwgrant: hi08:55
jelmerjtv: IIRC cjwatson's branch was waiting on the installation of a newer dpkg package, IMBW08:56
jtvjelmer: thanks — it's been a while so probably a good time to check up on that08:56
cjwatsonyes, it's due to land in lucid-updates in a couple of days09:01
cjwatsonwhen it does, I'll propose meta-lp-deps changes, and then we can try landing dpkg-xz-support again09:01
cjwatsondon't worry, I'm totally keeping track of this09:01
cjwatson(though I wasn't for a long time, I know)09:02
cjwatsonit's actually newer apt and python-apt - didn't I comment on the MP or the bug about it?09:02
cjwatsonyes, I did comment on the MP a week ago.09:03
cjwatsonhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html - waiting for lucid/apt and lucid/python-apt there to hit 7 days before the next move in the game09:03
rvbajtv: landing the branch now. Thanks for the review!09:05
lifelessjtv: it bounced off of ec2; I haven't dug into ityet09:05
jtvrvba: np09:05
=== jtv is now known as jtv-afk
cjwatsonthanks to whoever landed https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/germinate-ubuntustudio for me, without me having even got round to asking :)09:26
pooliecjwatson: hooray for patch piloting spirit09:32
poolie(presumably rum)09:33
lifelesswgrant: re namespace patches10:06
lifeless[Python-Dev] Draft PEP: "Simplified Package Layout and Partitioning"10:06
wgrantlifeless: That almost looks like not a complete mess.10:19
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
henningewgrant: bzr log -r12957.1.610:41
henningewgrant: wrong ;-P10:41
jelmeris rabbitmq used for any core stuff yet?10:53
jelmerit's being set up for the codeimports, which (AFAIK) shouldn't need it10:54
wgrantjelmer: It's part of LaunchpadLayer, but only a couple of tests use it so far, and they're only to check that the layer setup is working.10:58
wgrantjelmer: If you still can't get it running, I guess you could hack LaunchpadLayer to not depend on RabbitMQLayer.11:00
jelmerwgrant: that's what I've just done :)11:01
jelmerI'll have a closer look at it later, but for the moment I just want to get some stuff done.11:01
henningejtv1: Hi! I have a short and easy branch for you. ;-)11:20
=== henninge is now known as henninge-lunch
jtv1henninge-lunch: reviewing.11:35
wgrantdanilos: Hi.11:36
=== jtv1 is now known as jtv
wgrantadeuring: Also hi.11:36
jtvhenninge-lunch: done11:45
wgrantjtv: Are you going to be around to chase up the deployment this evening?11:45
jtvNo.  It's planned, it's approved, it should be announced.11:46
jtvmrevell: did that work out by the way?11:46
wgrantIt is announced.11:46
jtvI think he said so yesterday, but not sure.11:46
wgrantBut it's still useful to have someone around who knows what's going on.11:46
wgrantYou may wish to recruit a conveniently located maintenance person for this purpose.11:46
mrevelljtv, yeah, it's announce11:46
daniloswgrant, hi11:50
=== danilos changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: jtv, danilo | Critical bugs: 238 - 0:[######=_]:256
wgrantdanilos: We have another expander regression :(11:51
wgrantOn prod this time.11:51
daniloswgrant, which one is it?11:51
wgrant(see #launchpad a few minutes back)11:51
wgrantWhen there is a conjoined bugtask, the expander hook for the conjoined slave crashes.11:51
wgrantBecause there is no expander.11:51
wgrantThis seems to break all remaining inline JS on the page.11:52
daniloswgrant, indeed, I'm looking into it11:53
wgrantdanilos: Thanks.11:54
wgrantdanilos: Hopefully the fix is smallish and can skip ec2 and we can deploy it in not too many hours.'11:54
daniloswgrant, yeah11:55
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
daniloswgrant, considering jtv is not around and I am the other OCR reviewer, can you perhaps approve https://code.launchpad.net/~danilo/launchpad/fix-bugtask-expander/+merge/68536?12:19
daniloswgrant, (or disprove, if you are so inclined :)12:20
wgrantdanilos: Approved.12:20
daniloswgrant, thank you!12:21
daniloswgrant, I'd say "bzr lp-land" should be fairly safe with this, what do you think?12:21
wgrantYes, definitely.12:21
wgrantcjwatson: Your ubuntustudio germinate change should be deployed to cocoplum in the 1600UTC downtime window today.12:23
daniloswgrant, ok, I'll try to arrange a deployment towards the end of my day (when lpbuildbot run completes), if not, I'll ask some of my fellow yellow Americans12:25
wgrantdanilos: I was about to ask if you could do that. Thanks!12:30
wgrantdanilos: We are QAed up to current stable tip, so it's just your rev left.12:30
daniloswgrant, cool, thanks12:30
wgrantSo it will be a nice easy thing to deploy in ~5 hours.12:30
wgrantThanks for the quick fix.12:32
* wgrant sleeps.12:32
cjwatsonwgrant: cool, that's quicker than I expected, thanks12:44
=== henninge-lunch is now known as henninge
=== danilos changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: danilo | Critical bugs: 238 - 0:[######=_]:256
gary_posterjml, I had a pre-imp for  (private) https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/812335 with flacoste yesterday and was hoping I would not need to bother you, but I just ran into some concerns.  Would you have tie for a pre-imp?12:52
gary_posteror time12:52
bachello mrevell12:53
mrevellhey bac, otp12:53
bacmrevell: np, ping when you're free12:53
jmlgary_poster: sure12:55
jmlgary_poster: I need to eat first though.12:55
* jml has been putting that off on account of unusually high productivity12:55
gary_posterthanks jml.  ok, I have a dentist appt I need to leave for in 15 minutes, so maybe a couple of hours later then12:55
jmlgary_poster: perfect.12:56
gary_posterthanks again12:56
danilosjml, if you put it off for long enough, productivity will go to zero but so will your (non?) living costs12:56
deryckMorning, all.13:02
henningeAnybody noticed this missalignment before? Is there a bug for it? I don't know what to search for ...13:08
daniloshenninge, looks like my expander replacements might be the culprit13:09
daniloshenninge, what browser is that?13:09
henningedanilos: chromium13:09
daniloshenninge, fwiw, the bug priority icons were not even shown in webkit-based browsers before, so maybe the issue was there but spans were zero height13:10
henningethey weren't? oh13:10
daniloshenninge, yeah, <li>s now probably need more indentation for two sprites (expander icon and the bug icon), at least I think that's the problem; please file a "regression ui" bug and I'll look into it tomorrowish13:11
daniloshenninge, or, if you feel like it, fix it :)13:11
henningedanilos: I have another one I want to do, I was gonna talk to you about that, too ... ;)13:12
daniloshenninge, shoot before I head out to lunch :)13:13
henningedanilos: I want to remove TranslationBranchApprover and replace it with TranslationBuildApprover.13:14
daniloshenninge, hum, what's a TranslationBuildApprover? :) and why is it different at all?13:14
henningedanilos: ;-)13:15
henningedanilos: TranslationBuildApprover is run after templates were build from a branch.13:15
henningedanilos: it is much simpler and only determines the template name from the file name.13:15
henningedanilos: it does not care to check which templates are already in rosetta and which are in the branch.13:16
daniloshenninge, makes sense13:16
henningedanilos: TBranchA stops if a template is missing in the branch.13:16
henningewe need to do a lot of manual approval because of that.13:17
henningedanilos: That "comparing" functionality doesn't really help.13:17
daniloshenninge, right, but what happens when someone renames a template?13:18
daniloshenninge, how do they fix the mess?13:18
henningedanilos: it *could* be helpful if it could explain that to the uploader and the uploader had a chance to do something about it.13:18
daniloshenninge, well, I've got a window of two weeks to finish the switch of approval to maintainers13:18
daniloshenninge, so, they'll be able to control their templates much more13:18
henningedanilos: the TBranchA gets stuck and does not approve anything, the TBuildA just creates a new template13:18
=== gary_poster is now known as gary-dentist
daniloshenninge, right, but how would one ever "join" two templates together when one renames the template in the branch then?13:19
henningegood luck gary-dentist13:19
daniloshenninge, imagine there was a template with lots of translations (history and stuff), and maintainer renames it in a branch: it automatically gets imported as the new template with no history preserved13:20
henningedanilos: not possible13:20
daniloshenninge, that would suck very much, wouldn't it?13:20
henningedanilos: correct, we don't have a good renaming story13:20
daniloshenninge, I'd rather just let people approve stuff on their own than mess it up completely (I've seen people rename templates all the time, at least until they get a good setup)13:21
daniloshenninge, fwiw, I think your approver makes more sense for ubuntu uploads13:21
daniloshenninge, "your" == TBuildA13:22
henningedanilos: Letting maintainers approve themselves is much better of course.13:22
henningedanilos: I wrote both ...13:22
daniloshenninge, heh, right :)13:22
henningedanilos: why for Ubuntu uploads?13:23
henningedanilos: so I guess we need to fix bug 728876 instead13:23
_mup_Bug #728876: Know when translations branch/build auto-approvers give up <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/728876 >13:23
daniloshenninge, because they are for trusted packages and are basically the same thing as what we build for TBuildA to approve (i.e. they are result of intltool-update -p for GNOME packages, and whatever else others use)13:23
daniloshenninge, perhaps, but let's first let maintainers manage the import queue themselves13:25
henningedanilos: that would add valuable information to enable them to manage them correctly.13:25
daniloshenninge, indeed, I agree13:25
daniloshenninge, so, I will be very happy if it gets fixed :)13:25
henningedanilos: It would be best if it could give a specific reason ...13:26
daniloshenninge, indeed, you can reuse error_output for that13:27
deryckhenninge, ping for standup13:31
henningederyck: oh, sorry13:33
jtvHas anyone ever seen this failure I'm getting in EC2?  ScriptActivitySet.recordSuccess violates scriptactivity_pkey (even though that's just an id that the database assigns normally).  Sign that the database needs to be marked dirty?13:37
jcsackettsinzui: available to mumble this morning?13:38
stubjtv: not sure how that would happen even if there are test isolation issues13:40
jtvI can't even reproduce it locally.13:40
stubjtv: You might need to dump the contents of the table before that point, which is sucky if it is only happening on ec213:40
jtvBut my branch triggers it consistently in EC2, and it's probably because of something I did.13:41
jtvI turned a function that gets invoked by scripts into a LaunchpadCronScript itself.  So now we have LaunchpadCronScripts instantiating a LaunchpadCronScript and invoking it.  But I'd like to understand why the id clash.13:42
jtvThe test in question forks off a proper script instance, so maybe that ought to mark the db as dirty.13:43
jtvIt does, actually.13:43
jtvOh, but in what looks like the wrong place.13:43
bacjtv: thanks for the review.  i've updated it showing i took your suggestion.13:44
jtvIt does that in the assertion after the script has completed...  so if one of the invocations failed for a different reason, that would sabotage the "dirty" bookkeeping.13:44
jtvbac: thanks!  I didn't expect you to have much time for that kind of polish, so nice surprise.13:45
jtvstub: is there any circumstance under which we'd reset sequences but not the db?13:47
stubHmm... I think there might be, and your initial idea could be correct.13:48
jtvI'm seeing it on LFC as well.13:48
stubIf the db is not dirty, we assume all the data changes roll back. But the sequences don't reset, so we reset em13:48
stub(although if our tests were good, we wouldn't have to reset the sequences because we would not be depending on tests getting consistent ids)13:49
jtvThen I'll just start by marking the database when the script runs, instead of after it's completed.13:49
jtvYes, I wonder how much would break if we stopped resetting them.13:50
jtvOh blast, it's one of the fun ones.14:01
jtvI can reproduce the problem by running a whole lot more tests at once.14:01
jtvAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhh!  The preceding test invokes a script as part of its test data setup!14:03
jtvAnd neglects to mark the database dirty, of course.14:03
jtvAt least I see a way to make that test a lot faster…14:03
bigjoolsjtv: we should automate that dirtying somehow14:07
jtvYes, that'd be nice as well.  If it's not too expensive.14:08
jmlI wonder if there's a way to ask postgres if the db has had a write since a given time14:10
jmlor, when the last write was14:10
jtvThe problem is, I suspect, that you need to find out what was the last committed write.14:17
jtv(Assuming we don't need to reset sequences, which we currently do)14:17
henningedanilos: bug 81354014:17
_mup_Bug #813540: Bug icons in dupefinder listing get pushed to next line <regression> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/813540 >14:17
henningedanilos: I'll probably take it, looks shallow.14:17
jtvjml: technically there could even be a write in progress that hasn't committed yet, though.14:18
jmljtv: by the time the script has ended?14:18
jtvI wonder if we know for certain that all transactions have ended at the end of the test.14:19
jtvChances are pretty good though.14:19
jmljtv: if the test is buggy and leaves processes or threads running, then I guess you won't know14:19
jmljtv: but tests shouldn't be buggy, and we've already got reasonably good catches for those things14:20
jtvExactly, that's the hard case.14:20
jtvAlthough with daemons this may all get harder.14:20
jtvWhat if the Librarian is about to commit on the test's behalf, for instance?14:20
jmlyeah, that'd be a problem14:20
jmlbecause those could cross boundaries.14:20
jtvWell, I don't know if the Librarian ever commits to the db of course.14:20
jmlbut that's currently a problem anyway14:20
jmlit just depends which side you want to err on14:21
jmlanyway, it might be worth playing a bit with the idea, since it would ultimately be more reliable than remembering to mark as dirty14:22
jtvVery true.14:23
jtvAnd I'd like to have a ratchet on the number of test failures we get when we don't reset sequences.14:24
jtvThat's probably only worth it when we actually start working on it though: we could see the ratchet close.14:25
jtv(It could be a driver for getting rid of some more old-style tests)14:26
jtvAnyone know where this comes from?14:40
jtv<class 'zope.tales.tales.RegistrationError'>: Multiple registrations for Expression type "cache".14:40
jtvMultiple zcml-for-scripts initialization maybe?14:41
jtvahh yes, must be14:41
jtvDid I seriously just knock 26 seconds off test time by fixing that?14:43
daniloshenninge, thanks for taking care of it (was lunching)14:45
=== jtv is now known as jtv-afk
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
henningedanilos: https://code.launchpad.net/~henninge/launchpad/bug-813540-dupefinder/+merge/6855715:16
=== gary-dentist is now known as gary_poster
gary_posterthanks for the good luck wishes henninge :-)15:20
daniloshenninge, looking15:24
gary_posterjml, are you available for a call now?15:31
daniloshenninge, r=me, thanks15:31
henningedanilos: thank *you* ;-)15:31
daniloshenninge, btw, I agree that layout should not be table-based, and would probably need to be reformatted completely to be sane15:33
jmlgary_poster: hi15:36
jmlgary_poster: a short one, yes.15:36
gary_posterhey, ok jml thanks.  I'm ready with skype (garyposter) or mumble15:36
jmlgary_poster: ok15:37
jmlgary_poster: TestGenericBranchCollectionVisibleFilter in lp.code.model.tests.test_branchcollection15:44
jmlgary_poster: lp.code.tests.test_branch.TestAccessBranch15:47
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
jmldid my reply to "An open invitation to do a no-downtime-deploy" go through?16:07
gary_posterjml, from almost three hours ago, yes16:20
jmlgary_poster: cool, thank.16:20
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=== danilos changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Critical bugs: 238 - 0:[######=_]:256
mtaylorwow. SSO fail17:18
nigelbheh, probably should go on /topic in the other channel.17:18
elmosorry, it is being worked on17:19
elmoit's back up17:28
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
mtayloris there any way to get a user's openid deletgate url from launchpadlib/launchpad api?17:45
maxbI think that info is only revealed to admins and the user themselves by the security policy at all17:51
jmlmtaylor: Can't see anything obvious at https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/devel.html#person17:52
mtaylorjml: yeah. me neither - I was sort of hoping there was something hidden I didn't know about17:57
mtaylormaxb: it's visible on the web page17:57
mtaylormaxb: view-source in the link rel  -- otherwise the calling context wouldn't know what url to visit17:57
maxbmtaylor: But only for yourself, AFAIK?17:57
mtaylormaxb: nope. for anybody17:58
mtaylorfor instance: view-source:https://launchpad.net/~jaypipes17:58
maxboh, so it is17:58
mtaylor(I'm working on a script to pre-populate a user database with launchpad information for a system that will use launchpad/ubuntu openid as a point of SSO)17:59
mtaylorbut to match that up, I _believe_ I also need to inject the openid local_id so that the SSO code will know how to associate an sso user with pre-filled in meta info18:00
* mtaylor hopes he isn't about to write a web-scraping script - it's possilbe there's another way to solve this...18:00
maxbIf configured to allow it, SSO can tell you the lp id18:00
maxbas part of the OpenID exchange18:01
mtayloryeah - I'm hoping that will be enough to make the match on the side of the SSO side ... need to chat with the other dev18:01
thedacI have cocoplum OOPes alerting18:09
cr3can some celebrities authenticate to the api?19:43
lifelesscelebrity != service account19:45
cr3lifeless: that's what I thought, thanks for the confirmation!19:46
nigelbI wonder what happened about the bot discussion.19:47
dobeycr3: i haven't had any problems doing so ;)20:02
lifelessdobey: You aren't a Launchpad celebrity20:03
derycklifeless, hey there....20:06
dobeylifeless: you are no fun20:06
lifelessderyck: hi :)20:06
derycklifeless, are changes to trusted.sql treated like schema changes?  Or is trusted.sql applied on every nodowntime deploy?20:06
lifelessdobey: I'm plenty fun.... a little later in the day :P20:06
lifelessderyck: it won't be no.20:08
lifelessderyck: you need /all/ changes to be in a patch script20:08
lifelessderyck: you may also need the function in trusted.sql to have 'make schema' work.20:09
lifelessderyck: this is a (lot) fugly, and deserves a bug.20:09
derycklifeless, ah, gotchas.  yeah, that is fugly, but I follow.20:10
baclifeless: thanks for your comments on my merge proposal21:12
lifelesssorry have to run to hospital for an appt21:15
lifelessI hope lp didn't make me claim it, as I only wanted to add that headsup21:15
deryckLater on, everyone.21:29
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
wgrantdanilos: Thanks for that quick fix and deploy.22:02
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LPCIBotProject db-devel build #738: FAILURE in 5 hr 39 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/738/23:10
pooliespiv, bmp re-sent23:28

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