
=== medberry is now known as med_out
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bobweaverHi there I was wondering about ppa hows it work?00:33
poolieit works great!00:55
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lifelessbobweaver: what do you want to know? (how to use it? how it is implemented?)01:20
bobweaverhow to use it01:20
bobweaveris it something that a distro that I am deving could use01:20
lifelesshttps://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA might help01:20
bobweaverso I am working on a distro and would like to have ppa for it I just dont know where to start as I am new at devoloping01:21
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RenatoSilvahow to translate https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtkorphan?02:55
RenatoSilvathe gtkorphan project doesn't seem the source from which those packages are built. The packages are 4.4 and the max in project trunk is 4.202:56
RenatoSilvaisn't something wrong here? there's nothing in the queue: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/gtkorphan03:11
RenatoSilvaSource problem: the name of the program entry in main menu is not translated (I checked the project page, it's translated there)03:12
RenatoSilvabut the current package in use (4.4) doesn't contain such translation03:12
sameerynhohi, why launchpad drops packets from my country?07:41
spivLaunchpad doesn't drop traffic from any country AFAIK07:44
sameerynhospiv: hmmm, but it seems it does :(07:45
spivWhat happens when you try to access https://launchpad.net/ ?07:47
sameerynhospiv: not responding,07:52
spivMy guess is you or your ISP (or maybe your country?) has a proxy that blocks traffic to launchpad.net:443, rather than that Launchpad is blocking you.07:53
spivPretty unfortunate if so :(07:54
sameerynhospiv: hmmm maybe07:56
wgrantsameerynho: What about http://launchpadlibrarian.net?08:01
sameerynhowgrant: w808:01
sameerynhowgrant: yeah it's ok08:02
wgrantsameerynho: Which browser are you using?08:03
sameerynhowgrant: firefox, but i tried that width many browsers, i think its not a browser issue08:04
wgrantHave you tried with something other than a browser, like wget?08:04
wgrantWhich may provide better error messages?08:04
sameerynhowgrant: hmmm no , but now i'm trying to clone openerp using its bzr_set script08:06
wgrantAlternatively, what's the exact text of the error that Firefox gives you?08:06
wgrantAnd can you telnet into launchpad.net on port 443?08:06
sameerynhowgrant: but it seems that it freeze, ( i'm not familiar with bzr)08:06
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: henninge | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga
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ivananyone uh happen to know which company made the launchpad t-shirts passed out at PyCon '09?09:37
henningeivan: The only t-shirts I was ever aware of were from Canonical.09:50
henningedunnow about PyCon, though09:50
henningeivan: This one? Seems liek there are only Lady's sizes left. http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=39809:51
ivansame design for sure09:52
araThere are some bugs that I cannot change the asignee anymore11:13
araexample: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/77528111:13
ubot5Ubuntu bug 775281 in linux (Ubuntu Natty) "[Dell Latitude 2120/Vostro 1015/1014] Turning off wi-fi with hotkey seems to permenantly disable wi-fi" [High,Fix committed]11:13
araDoes anyone know why could that be?11:13
henningeadeuring: can you see if you can help ara, please?11:13
* adeuring is looking11:14
arahenninge, adeuring: thanks :)11:14
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: adeuring | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
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danilosara, it seems to be a bug with expanders, you can set it using https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/775281/+editstatus while we fix the bug11:52
ubot5Ubuntu bug 775281 in linux (Ubuntu Natty) "[Dell Latitude 2120/Vostro 1015/1014] Turning off wi-fi with hotkey seems to permenantly disable wi-fi" [High,Fix committed]11:52
aradanilos, cool, thanks11:53
aradanilos, do you need me to file a bug?11:53
aravanhoof, ^11:53
wgrantara: This will affect every bug with an Oneiric task.11:53
danilosara, please11:53
daniloswgrant, ara: I am starting on a fix right away11:54
* ara files a bug11:54
aradanilos, https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/81345611:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 813456 in Launchpad itself "Bugs with an Oneiric task don't show expanders for the assignee" [Undecided,New]11:56
danilosara, thanks, I've got a fix, we'll try to get it deployed asap12:14
=== henninge-lunch is now known as henninge
lagHmmm ... Source/binary (i.e. mixed) uploads are not allowed.12:57
lagWhy is that a problem?12:57
lagA little help?13:43
adeuringbigjools: could you help lag?13:46
bigjoolsyou're never allowed to upload binaries otherwise Launchpad can't guarantee that the source you see matches the binary you see13:47
lagbigjools: I need that to be different :)13:53
bigjoolslag: it's not going to chage13:53
lagbigjools: I'll ping you elsewhere13:54
bigjoolslag: you can talk here13:54
lagHow do packages which require a click-through licence do it?#13:55
kirklandjelmer: howdy13:59
kirklandjelmer: negronjl asked you yesterday about helping us setup an auto import of a git branch, but it unfortunately includes submodules14:00
kirklandjelmer: I'm wondering what our options are at this point ...14:00
geserlag: like sun java?14:00
laggeser: Just like Sun Java14:00
laggeser: It's okay, I've been sent on the right track14:01
geserlag: IIRC is sun-java only an installer, it asks the license in postinst and downloads then the JRE14:01
lagHmm... that could take some extra infrastructure - that would be a pain14:03
geserlag: what are you trying to do?14:03
laggeser: Upload binaries for non FOSS-out software14:05
laggeser: Firmware to be precise14:05
geserlag: are they redistributable? (sun-java does the download thing because it's not redistributable)14:06
laggeser: They are, under click-through14:06
geserlag: so it would be allowed to put them into a source package which gets uploaded to LP?14:08
laggeser: Allowed by the licencers yes, allowed by LP, no :(14:08
geserlag: "allowed by LP"? you mean the source-only upload or PPA terms?14:09
geseryou can put the binary-blobs into the source package, let LP build binary package from it (probably just copy them into the right location) and add the license question into the postinst of the binary package14:10
laggeser: I don't know how to do that14:13
laggeser: I have my binary blobs14:13
laggeser: Any idea how I might do that?14:15
geserlag: see how linux-firmware-nonfree it does14:17
laggeser: That's basically what I'm looking for14:18
laggeser: But how can I find out what commands where used to build said package?14:18
geseryour firmware blobs are the "source" (even if they are binary) as far as it matters for packaging, as you need no compile you just have to install them into the right location during package building14:18
lagI understand that14:19
geserlag: it's all part of the source package (the files in debian/)14:19
geserthat's the rules files for linux-firmware-nonfree14:20
laggeser: I'll speak to James and Chase14:21
laggeser: Thanks for the lead14:21
kikobump: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/8791114:21
lagkiko: No messin' - I like that! :D14:23
kikoflacoste, remember that one next time we have a stakeholders meeting :)14:23
kikolag, so many bugs affect me it is scary :)14:23
lagkiko: :)14:24
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dupondjeSomething changed? As I can't subscribe myself anymore to a bug.14:53
dupondjeThe button does nothing14:54
deryckadeuring, I'll take IRC now.15:04
=== deryck changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: deryck | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
adeuringderyck: thanks!15:04
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
cjohnstonderyck: is there a problem with login.l.n?15:48
cjohnstongetting "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad Login Service server."15:48
deryckcjohnston, I haven't heard of anything.  let me see.15:48
deryckcjohnston, yes, it's down and a known issue and being investigated.15:50
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
cr3login.launchpad.net is being updated, right?16:01
deryckit's down and being investigated.16:02
dtchenhmm, OOPS-2027CI4516:03
deryckdtchen, I can't look at the OOPS with the login server down.  What happened?16:04
dtchenderyck: sec, I've already navigated to another ~ubuntu-reviews page. Let me see if I can retrieve the original bug reports.16:05
dtchenderyck: synopsis: I marked one bug (7xxxxx) a dupe of another (192xxx), which was successful, and then I attempted to navigate to the bug report (192xxx)16:07
deryckdtchen, is the master bug 192xxx a private bug that you do not have permission to see?16:07
ubot5Launchpad bug 192 in Launchpad itself "Unable to assign myself to a bug" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19216:07
dtchenderyck: it wasn't last I checked. Also, the bugs are 758333 and 19238916:08
deryckok, let me look.16:09
deryckthe login server is up now for those asking earlier.  cr3 and cjohnston I think.16:09
deryckdtchen, so you cannot view bug 192389 because of an OOPs?16:10
ubot5Launchpad bug 192389 in fusion-icon (Ubuntu) "fusion-icon crashed with KeyError in __init__()" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19238916:10
dtchenderyck: correct16:10
deryckdtchen, weird.  I see it fine.  let me see what the oops says now.16:10
cr3deryck: thanks!16:11
cjohnstonthanks deryck16:15
deryckdtchen, what does the page say other than the OOPS id?  Anything?  I can't see the OOPS yet.16:18
dtchenderyck: "Timeout error" (OOPS-2027CJ49)16:19
deryckdtchen, ok, I'll take a look when the OOPS is available and make sure we have a bug for it, though I'm pretty confident we do already.16:19
dtchenderyck: thanks!16:20
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CarlFKlp open id: "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad Login Service server.         Try reloading this page in a minute or two."17:15
CarlFKalso: "© 2004-2010      Canonical Ltd."17:16
CarlFKguessing someone wants 201117:16
nigelbCarlFK: SSO roll out got FUBAR'D. its being rolled back.17:17
nigelb(this is from #canonical-isd, they are aware of the issue)17:18
CarlFKnigelb: k.17:18
CarlFKoddly enough I was just checking out a bug related to someone else's site that used it, so I was half expecting it was a side effect of the bug being 'worked on'17:19
=== jml changed the topic of #launchpad to: SSO is having problems. We're working on it | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: deryck | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
deryckThanks jml17:26
jmlderyck: identica updated too17:26
deryckjml, great17:26
jmlderyck: am happy to hand the official "Communication Liaison" ball to you if you want.17:27
* nigelb hugs jml 17:27
deryckjml, sure, I'll take it :)17:27
elmoSSO is backup17:27
deryckawesome.  thanks, elmo17:27
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=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
psusithe find package link on the main ubuntu project page seems to search for source packages.  Why is this, and is there a way to search for binary packages instead?18:04
deryckpsusi, you can click through to a series and then an arch and then search binary packages....18:06
deryckpsusi, e.g. ending up on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/i38618:06
psusiso no way to search all series and all arch?18:09
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deryckpsusi, not that I know of, but I could just not know about it.18:10
psusishoot... is there a way to reassign a bug project?  bug #813545 was filed against Ubuntu, but it is a bug in Launchpad Itself18:12
ubot5Launchpad bug 813545 in Ubuntu "Launchpad's package chooser at odds with the Launchpad bug reporter" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81354518:12
deryckpsusi, you'll have to mark it for launchpad via the "also affects project" link and the mark the ubuntu task invalid.18:17
psusiI thought there was a way to reassign it somehow?  just not with the web interface?  I've seen it done to reassign a project to the NULL Project as a substitute for being able to actually get rid of the whole affects relationship18:19
psusihrm.. email interface doesn't seem to be able to either... must be api only18:19
deryckIt's not possible to reassign a bug against a distro to a project.  It's a known, long-standing bug.18:20
deryckyou can after-the -fact assign the distro task to null project if you want to kill any relationship to ubuntu.18:20
psusiif I can assign it to the NULL project, can't I just assign it to launchpad instead?18:22
psusiand how do you do that anyhow?18:22
deryckpsusi, oh, right.  So I guess you can't for Ubuntu then.  Sorry.  Thinking about Launchpad's own bugs too much.18:29
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=== deryck changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
nyuszika7hHi! I'm using Firefox 5, and I'm trying to register a launchpad account, but I don't see the CAPTCHA.19:13
nyuszika7hJavaScript is enabled.19:13
nyuszika7hI don't see any installed add-ons that would block reCAPTCHA, unless Adblock Plus is blocking it, but I highly doubt that.19:14
micahgnyuszika7h: that's a likely culprit19:15
nyuszika7hNo, it isn't Adblock Plus.19:16
nyuszika7hI don't have Ghostery or NoScript installed either.19:16
nyuszika7hHere is a list of my add-ons: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/443015/19:17
Ampelbeinnyuszika7h: does BetterPrivacy kill the referrer?19:19
nyuszika7hNo idea, let me check19:20
nyuszika7hI don't see anything related to that19:22
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Ampelbeinnyuszika7h: can you use the recaptcha box at http://www.google.com/recaptcha/learnmore ?19:25
nyuszika7hI have to go now anyway, good night.19:30
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tmm1i can't sign up. no captcha appears in chrome or firefox22:26
tmm1looks like an issue on recaptcha's side22:27
wgranttmm1, nyuszika7h: Google deprecated the old recaptcha domain, which login.ubuntu.com and login.launchpad.net are using.22:46
wgrantapi-secure.recaptcha.com seems to now serve an SSL certificate for www.google.com, which is a little unfortunate.22:46
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: Account creation broken, being worked on | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
=== barjavel.freenode.net changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/

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