
aarkerio what is the command wich start Gnome 3 panels?00:05
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saammhello I like new gwibber but is there any chance that 5 minute update time limit will be reduced? thanks07:59
DimmuxxI know that this isn't the right place to ask but since unity is broken for me/everyone? in oneiric atm I need to use gnome-shell so how do I get rid of the ugly title bar and get the proper gnome-shell one?09:41
jbichaDimmuxx: do you mean the one that says Applications Places?10:30
Dimmuxxjbicha: nope I mean the orange ugly title bar on all open windows10:31
jbichaI use Gnome Shell & I don't know what orange bar you mean10:32
jbichainstall gnome-themes-standard10:36
jbichato get Adwaita, the Gnome Shell default or you can use Ambiance10:37
jbichainstall gnome-tweak-tool to easily change themes10:37
Dimmuxxjbicha: can you repeat what you said because something got screwed up10:40
jbichainstall gnome-tweak tool & you should be able to change your theme back to Ambiance10:41
Dimmuxxambiance is already selected10:41
jbichadid you try rebooting? :-)10:41
Dimmuxxplenty of times10:42
Dimmuxxit have always been like this since I installed it10:42
Dimmuxxchanging the theme to awaita just make the title bar blue instead of orange10:42
jbichatry installing gnome-themes-selected, then change your theme to Adwaita10:42
Dimmuxxit's already installed10:43
jbichaDimmuxx: sorry, I'm not really sure as I've not had a theme problem10:44
Dimmuxxokay, I guess I just have to live with this until unity is repaired10:45
Dimmuxxor maybe do a fresh install10:45
antiheroCheers. Hmm, any idea why my tcc installed version (on oneiric) is 0.9.25-5 when here it states that the latest version is 0.9.25-8? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tcc13:01
bazhang!info tcc13:01
ubottutcc (source: tcc): Small ANSI C compiler. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.25-8 (oneiric), package size 140 kB, installed size 476 kB (Only available for i386 kfreebsd-i386 hurd-i386 amd64 kfreebsd-amd64 armel)13:01
antiheroI'll do update/upgrade13:02
antiheroI only installed it 20 mins ago though13:02
antiheroHmm, seems to be an update. Ah, 26 hours.13:03
VEndixok upgraded from 11.04 to 11.1015:55
VEndixhow to reset icons that was on desktop, my computer and others?15:55
VEndixi use gnome315:56
Dimmuxxinstall gnome-tweak-tools15:58
VEndixalready done that but that doesn't solve my problem16:01
VEndixok i will reboot16:01
VEndixhello how to downgrade from 11.10 to 11.04?16:20
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.16:32
IdleOneerr too late16:32
dr-willisis there no longer the unity plugin in ccsm? or am  i overlooking it..17:29
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coz_dr-willis,  not sure I dont have oneiric installed,,, you could check with smspillaz  on #compiz-dev  or  #ayatana channel if no one else knows17:35
coz_dr-willis,  although I havent heard of it being gone17:35
coz_guess it's time to install oneric :917:36
dr-willisheh. i just been toying with it for a day or 2. today it wouldent get to the desktop...17:37
dr-willisgotta love alphas..17:37
Dimmuxxyeah good times17:38
jakempI've installed libffi-dev, http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/amd64/libffi-dev/filelist and the files in /usr/lib aren't there18:03
trismjakemp: they have been moved to the multiarch directories (so it should be /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ in your case), I don't know why the filelist still specifies /usr/lib18:14
jakempyeah, I just did a locate, and found em18:14
jakempjust a habit to google something18:14
bjsnideryofel, what's that nvidia issue you've got at the moment?19:54
yofelseems fixed, was nouveau getting into intrd and blocking the nvidia module19:55
bjsniderwhat fixed it?19:55
yofelmy bug was marked as dup of bug 81022119:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 810221 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Video output stops on real root after July 12 udev changes" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81022119:57
bjsniderk, so it was a udev fix19:58
BUGabundobRoas o/20:00
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dr_willisweird. some how.. unity got removed.. and i had to apt-get install it.. :)21:56
antiheroHey, anyone have any idea what could be cause Musicbrainz Picard to lock up my entire system?22:12
antiheroIt's sort of like as if I launch it, an th22:12
antiheroand then my cursor gets difficult to move, then my sound goes funny, and nothing responds.22:12
antiheroAnd the only thing I can do is power off my system manually. What on earth could cause such damage and why doesn't the OS protect against such processes (or limit them to a core)?22:13
BUGabundoantihero: sounds like a mem leak22:14
BUGabundotry a REISUB next time22:14
antiheroWhat's tha?22:15
antiheroah yeah22:15
antiheroin any case, how can it take over my system like that?22:15
antiheroshouldn't there be some sort of task manager process that runs at a higher priority and goes "Hold on, don't do that, you'll fuck up the system"22:16
antiheroon other notes, htop seems to segfault all the time22:16
charlie-tcaWhen the computer memory becomes completely used up, it will freeze, it doesn't care what OS you use22:16
antiherocharlie-tca: Shouldn't it page, or prevent a program allocating more memory?22:16
rwwhtop works fine for me :|22:16
antiheroSeems pretty dumb for a kernel to allow a computer to freeze up entirely22:17
charlie-tcaAre you running some kind of application to tell every app how much memory they are entitled to use?22:17
BUGabundorww: once all your RAM is used22:17
BUGabundoand your swap drive is swaping like hell22:17
BUGabundonot much you can do22:17
BUGabundoREISUB may work22:17
antiherocharlie-tca: No, but sounds like a good kernel feature22:18
BUGabundoantihero: that's why you should have swap on some non system drive22:18
charlie-tcaHow would the kernel know what any application requires?22:18
charlie-tcaIs there a list for it to use?22:18
BUGabundoyou could reserve some22:18
antiheroperhaps limit user memory usage to 95% of RAM and leave some utilities for killing stuff in the remaining 5% or whatever22:18
BUGabundolike the disk does22:18
antiherounless explicitly specified22:18
charlie-tcaThere are thousands of applications out there, it will never know how much memory any developer decided his application needs22:19
BUGabundocharlie-tca: seat back, and see it from the other side22:19
antiherocharlie-tca: Yeah but it's rare for an application to actually require 100% of RAM22:19
BUGabundofrom X amount of RAM , 5% is reseved for system/root22:19
antiherocharlie-tca: And in those cases(for instance distributed computing or something_ it could be manually overriden22:20
antiheroBUGabundo: You're saying this exists already?22:20
charlie-tcaum, If I have 512MB ram, and an application needs 1024MB ram, it will already be short. The kernel should not be the one to say I can not use that app22:20
BUGabundoantihero: no22:20
antiherocharlie-tca: Well yeah, but the app is going to fuck if it can allocate 512MB or 507MB22:20
BUGabundoantihero: mind you language, please22:21
antiheroBUGabundo: Sure.22:21
BUGabundothank you22:21
antiherocharlie-tca: But at least with my idea, you can recover the system and kill the app22:21
BUGabundoantihero: you can22:21
charlie-tcaREISUB normally works, too22:21
BUGabundogo to recovery mode22:21
antiherocharlie-tca: What exactly does reisub do?22:21
BUGabundograb the keyboard, kill it, resume22:22
antiheroWhat is sysrq? Printscreen?22:22
BUGabundoI was having lots of OOM for a few weeks22:22
antiheroAnd if so, surely that would take a screenshot of the current window22:23
BUGabundotill I finally created a few swpfiles22:23
BUGabundoI constantly had to use REISUB to kill chromium22:23
BUGabundoantihero: sysreq != prtsc22:23
BUGabundoat least on my keyboards22:23
BUGabundodon't know what layout you have22:23
antiheroHmm, I don't seem to have a swap partitoion22:24
BUGabundoyeah, that would explain why your system freezes so fast22:24
antiheroOh wait, I do22:25
antiherolets try one of those funky REISUB22:26
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* BUGabundo waves good bye to antihero22:30
antiheroThat was fun22:32
antiheroI seem to be getting weird fsck errors on my HDDS on boot despite them being fine22:32
antiheroIt asks me to skip/ignore/something on boot22:33
antiheroseeing as oneiric is stuff supposed to crash all the time, or is it quite stable for most people/22:33
antiheroany idea how to deal with this?22:37
BUGabundoif I were you22:41
BUGabundoI would boot from live cd and fsck -f all your drives22:42
antiheroBUGabundo: Sure. The drives mentioned are un-mountable though22:45
BUGabundonot while in a livecd22:45
antiheroBUGabundo: Aye but I can do it from my current install surely22:45
BUGabundoI wouldn't trust your system right now22:46
BUGabundobut hey, its *your* system22:46
antiheroBUGabundo: It seems fsck.ntfs isn't found22:46
BUGabundoapt-get install ntfs-tools22:47
antiheroBUGabundo: Package not found :O22:48
BUGabundosearch for similar ? :P22:48
BUGabundo!search ntfs22:48
ubottuFound: addingfs, ntfs, nfts, fat32, ntfs-3g, filesystems, windowsdrives, fuse, ntfs3g22:48
antiheroI already have ntfsprogs22:48
BUGabundoyou can't fsck ntfs22:49
antiheroBUGabundo: Why on earth is it trying to at boot then :\22:49
BUGabundocause it has errors?22:49
charlie-tcaor it is marked in /etc/fstab to?22:49
antiherohttp://paste.pocoo.org/show/443155/ /etc/fstab22:50
antiheroBUGabundo: How would my system know it has errors?22:50
antiheroPerhaps it just has the "dirty" bit flagged22:51
charlie-tcachange the ",async        0        2"  to   ",async        0        0"22:51
charlie-tcait will stop trying to check them22:51
antiherocharlie-tca: Awesome, cheers!22:52
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