
james_wjcastro, she says "dammit"01:27
mhall119cjohnston: ping02:56
cjohnstonarent we talking in two other channels02:56
cjohnstonor one channel and one pm02:56
mhall119sorry, jcastro ping02:56
mhall119cj<tab> is too close to jc<tab>02:57
mhall119one of you needs to have your legal name changed02:57
ubot2FATAL Error: Operation succeeded02:57
cjohnstonthat sounds about right02:57
dpmgood morning all05:58
dholbachgood morning06:47
nigelbzomg, xkcd++ http://xkcd.com/927/07:07
dpmmorning dholbach, nigelb07:19
nigelbHey dpm , dholbach07:22
dholbachhola dpm, hi nigelb07:26
nigelbI was about to ask what happened to kim0, autocomplete told me :D07:29
=== daker_ is now known as daker
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
paultagmhall119: so, I decided. I need to find an innocent name that when com is put before it, ends up funny. Like "munism" (munism.com → com.munism)13:35
paultagmhall119: so I can use something to do my Java hax0ring under13:36
paultagor munist -- com.munist.manefest.o13:36
paultaggrr, manifest.o *13:36
mhall119there's a certain irony to that13:41
paultagmhall119: in what?13:57
mhall119paultag: given how much Java is used in big, capitalist instititions13:59
paultagmhall119: it's a closed spec, yar. It's not really ironic, if it were Python, it'd be ironic because communist (community driven and maintained code) would be supporting capitalist america14:01
paultagwich is the case14:01
paultagand is indeed ironic14:01
mhall119open source isn't communist14:02
paultagit is14:02
paultagmarxist anyway14:02
mhall119haven't we had this argument before? multiple times?14:02
paultagmhall119: yeah you made up some craptastic term like ultra capitalist monitary social blah blah (which is both not a thing and not right :) )14:03
mhall119I don't recall making up stuff14:04
paultagi'll find the post after work, it was a most silly term14:05
mhall119if it's not signed by my GPG key, I'll deny every saying it14:05
paultagmhall119: it's on FB14:05
mhall119well then I'll certainly deny it14:06
paultagbrb, have to keep working for the man14:07
paultagfight the power14:07
AlanBellam I being silly about bug 77324314:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 773243 in ubuntu-website "Ubuntu website advertises "Fully compatible with Microsoft Office"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77324314:12
jcastrodholbach: dpm: I'm going to start the hangout now and just hang out.14:14
dpmjcastro, sounds good. I need to finish off a couple of things, so I'll join in a while14:15
jcastroit's just video of me typing my HR goals14:15
nigelbBe nice to jono?14:15
popeyAlanBell: Gerry needs new glasses14:19
jcastroAlanBell: I 100% agree with you14:20
nigelbO.M.G. I just saw some intense trolling on inpycon list.14:20
nigelbpaultag: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/inpycon/2011-July/004724.html14:21
nigelbpaultag: Expert trolling :P14:21
nigelbWell, the thread following that.14:21
AlanBellthanks popey and jcastro14:27
jcastroit's like a variation of the wine trap14:36
jcastro"it all works perfectly if you use it in wine!"14:37
jcastrooh, so in other words, it doesn't work14:37
popeyHow does one drive the classroom bot?14:38
nigelbpopey: what do you want it to do?14:39
nigelb(its via commands in a PM)14:39
jcastrodpm: dholbach: ok I restarted it14:46
popeythanks nigelb14:47
nigelbpopey: let me know if you have trouble :)14:47
popeyoh thats easy14:48
popeydoubt anyone wil turn up for mine though :D14:48
dholbachjcastro, join back14:50
dpmjcastro, yeah, it's more fun to talk behind jono's back when we're all there14:51
jcastroI don't think I can join back14:51
jcastrosomeone needs to start a new one. :-/14:51
cjohnstonjcastro: did you look at summit?14:51
jcastroyeah saw that, awesome14:51
dpmjcastro, I just sent you an invitation to join14:52
dholbachhey jono14:54
jonohey dholbach14:54
dholbachjono, we're waiting for you :)15:00
jonodholbach, on my way15:00
jonowas replying to a mail15:00
popeynigelb: how many lines per hour do people seem to be pasting?15:04
AlanBellI just typed15:11
popeyi pre-prepped mine15:15
* AlanBell was lazy, just made a few notes of things I wanted to cover15:16
popeyi too am lazy15:16
popeyi wrote mine 10 mins ago15:16
nigelbpopey: Just make sure its somewhat realitic15:32
nigelbI once did a session on the fly.15:32
mhall119I did too, when somebody didn't show up15:33
popeyare we not supposed to prep then?15:35
mhall119preparation is generally a good idea15:35
popeyI'll just highlight the whole 170 lines and paste in one go :D15:36
cjohnstonwho didn't show up?15:37
* cjohnston whistles and looks around innocently15:37
nigelbmhall119: *cough* sorry15:48
Davieypopey: When i next see you, can you autograph my collectors card of you pls?15:59
popeyI can certainly make a mark on it15:59
* popey says "envelope"15:59
mhall119Daviey: just have him GPG sign the image16:02
Davieythe thing is, a hand signed card will fetch more on ebay than a gpg signed one.16:03
DavieyAlthough, a gpg signed one i could sell more of.16:03
nigelb"Signed by Alan Pope! The nutter doing UUPC"16:03
mhall119Daviey: I'd think a GPG signed geek-card would be more desirable than a physically signed geek-card16:03
nigelbI think the best would be to have a GPG key sign of the image on the back of the card.16:04
mhall119nigel wins16:04
DavieyAlthough, a gpg signed digest next to it in a picture frame above my bed - doesn't really cut it.16:04
mhall119Daviey: no, make him hand-write the GPG signature on the card16:05
nigelbmhall119 wins!16:05
mhall119you'll have the only one, because after doing it once he'll never consent to doing it again16:05
DavieyBut popey will not have time to do that for all the screaming geeks.16:05
mhall119what, popey can't take a couple hours of his time to sign your card?16:06
Davieyslack, i know16:08
dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day16:09
dholbachsee you tomorrow16:09
czajkowskipopey: mhall119 anyone in the funky big buttong type documents what folders.... show up16:13
* popey is busy16:14
czajkowskiok anyone16:14
mhall119was that english?16:14
czajkowskimhall119: in the ubuntu button on the left hand side unity16:15
czajkowskitype documents16:15
czajkowskiwhat "folders" show up16:15
mhall119czajkowski: http://ubuntuone.com/p/15V4/16:18
czajkowskimhall119: thank you16:21
paultagmhall119: I came up with a sane solution to my ag.pault problem16:35
paultagmhall119: I just bought anized.org16:42
mhall119paultag: now you need a project codenamed "chaos"16:44
paultagmhall119: YES16:45
paultagthat will be my first project16:45
paultagOK, I need to head to work16:45
paultaglove you all dearly16:45
popey*tumbleweed* in classroom16:45
mhall119there ya go16:45
mhall119paultag: /me ups the ante on java package namespace jokes17:10
paultagmhall119: I saw that :)17:10
paultagmhall119: I even thought about trying to snag that domain, but figured it was too short17:10
paultagmhall119: +1 here :)17:10
mhall119it's kind of funny how many actual domain names would make inappropriate java package names17:12
paultagmhall119: dude, right!!!!17:13
mhall119I guess they'd make inappropriate Active Directory names too17:13
mhall119I think they do the same17:13
mhall119American Nuclear Society is amusing, if not outright inappropriate17:14
paultagthat means I can migrate nookie from com.whube.nookie to org.anized.nookie17:17
paultagHahahaha, wait, that's flipping awesome17:17
cjohnstonjcastro: are you currently (right now) able to login to uds.u.c or do you get a error?17:31
=== daker is now known as daker_
cjohnstonjcastro: ping18:59
nhandlerAnyone have experience converting a physical hard drive to a virtual machine image?18:59
pleia2I've done it by creating a skeleton install on a new volume for a VM and then rsyncing the filesystem over19:00
pleia2it actually works with some excludes19:00
AlanBellyou can sometimes point a VM at a physical disk and just tell it to use that19:00
paultagpleia2: +1 that's the best way, I think19:03
nhandlerpleia2: That is a bit trickier when the os is windows ;) I'm getting a new computer and want to put linux on it while preserving the initial contents of the disk19:03
paultagAlanBell: I wasn't able to do that with VBox :(19:03
paultagnhandler: barf19:03
nhandlerAlthough, I guess I could always get a free copy of windows and use that19:03
* topyli coughs at free windows19:05
* paultag coughs at windows19:05
nhandlertopyli: It is all legal (really)19:05
nhandlerpaultag: Yeah, I'd prefer not to have to use it, but I'd rather have a vm installed and setup just in case (for school)19:06
paultagnhandler: mm19:06
AlanBellpaultag: I believe you can if you tweak the xml file by hand19:07
paultagAlanBell: ah, cool :)19:07
jcastronhandler: vmware has some p2v tools for just that sort of thing19:08
jcastrocjohnston: pong19:08
AlanBellpaultag: http://www.sysprobs.com/access-physical-disk-virtualbox-desktop-virtualization-software19:08
paultagAlanBell: thanks :)19:09
paultagabout a year too late, though :)19:09
paultagyou rule, though19:09
cjohnstonjcastro: your thoughts on bug 793021 since we are having the two main navs match19:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 793021 in summit "Add a today link to the topnav" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79302119:09
jcastrosure, sounds good to me19:09
cjohnstonhow where do you want to do it so that we can match them19:10
mhall119yeah, that wasn't exactly a yes or no question19:11
cjohnstonit started yes or no.. now its how19:12
cjohnstonjcastro: do you want to add it as the last link?19:14
cjohnstonor somewhere else in the list19:14
jcastrowhatever you think is best19:16
jcastro(sorry I don't have too much time today, it's my last day before the move and I'm trying to close out a bunch of stuff)19:17
jcastro(I don't mean to sound dismissive)19:17
jcastro(even though I am)19:17
jcastro(haha just kidding)19:17
cjohnstonyay... jcastro to become a florida team member19:17
nigelbjcastro has become a LISP fan I think :P19:17
nigelb(atleast I think so (because of the number of paranthesis))19:18
* cjohnston points jcastro to the "Become a member" (or whatever it is) button on https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-us-florida19:19
jcastroI won't leave -mi though, that's too much to ask, heh19:20
cjohnstonthats fine.19:20
nigelbcjohnston: we can bribe greg-g to kick him out of -mi :P19:21
* greg-g <3's LISP19:25
greg-galso, I'm leaving Michigan (but not #ubuntu-us-mi) in August :(19:26
cjohnstonyou should kick jcastro out anyway19:26
greg-ggood idea19:26
czajkowskijcastro: you don't have to I am in ireland and UK, jono is in Ca and UK19:34
mhall119Florida requires that you renounce your citizenship19:43
mhall119actually we don't, but most places will disown you when they find out you moved here19:43
=== scott-work_ is now known as scott-work
jcastrojono: woo, I am all set with those #$%#$% slides, I can go early if you want.20:19
jonojcastro, sure give me a few mins20:20
jonojcastro, G+20:23
jcastrojono: did you share with the right email? it gets confused sometimes20:23
jcastrojorge.castro@gmail is what you need. :-/20:24
jonojcastro, invite sent20:24
jonoI added the circle20:24
greg-gjcastro: who can send to ubuntu-devel and not be moderated?21:10
greg-g(iow: my message I just sent is in the moderation queue, even though I'm a member of the list and an Ubuntu Member (apropos of the thread))(all these parens apropos of your love of LISP)21:11
jcastrogreg-g: that's happened to me before21:19
popeyjcastro: http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/2011/07/20/s04e11-the-trooper/21:20
popeyits out21:20
jcastroooh, thanks!21:23
popeypimped on G+ too21:24
jcastroand plus oned!21:26
popeyalso on fb :D21:26
popeyfirst time publicising via G+21:27
* popey notes someone download on a blackberry!21:28
popeynever ceases to amaze me how people consume the show21:28
Davieygreg-g: what is th subject?21:32
greg-gthe membership thread jcastro started21:33
Davieygreg-g: approved.21:33
greg-gDaviey: thanks!21:33
topylii just linked a blog post on g+, and it picked the wordpress history menu for the blurb. "pick month. january 2005. february 2005...."21:51
topylifacebook does the right thing but somehow g+ fails21:52
cjohnstonAlanBell: you still around?23:34

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