
mwhudsonso what is git for 'bzr pull --overwrite'? :)00:09
RAOFmwhudson: “git reset --hard $ORIGIN/$BRANCH” (generally origin/master)00:10
RAOFAfter having run “git fetch $ORIGIN”, obviously.00:10
mwhudsonRAOF: so i need to add the repo i want to blat over mine as a remote first?00:11
RAOFYes.  As far as I know, the git doesn't have a concept of ‘just pull from this repository please’00:11
mwhudsoni wonder what it's doing now00:12
RAOFWhat have you asked it to do? :)00:12
mwhudsongit fetch git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-natty.git00:13
mwhudsonah now it's doing things00:14
RAOFI have no idea what it's going to do :)00:14
RAOFI don't *think* it's going to do what you expect, though.00:15
mwhudsoni think it fetched the objects from that repo into mine00:16
mwhudsonand nothing else00:17
RAOFThat seems both unusally helpful and unusually obvious for git.00:17
mwhudsoni could only tell this by running diff -r on the copy of the cloned repo i made before doing anything :)00:18
RAOFI don't suppose git branch -a shows some new remote branches?00:18
mwhudsonso how do i add the branches from a remote?00:20
mwhudsonis it just00:21
mwhudsongit remote add natty git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-natty.git00:21
mwhudsongit fetch natty00:21
mwhudsonmaybe git fetch natty master ?00:21
TheMusomwhudson: git remote add natty as you wrote00:22
TheMusothen use git branch -r to see what natty remote branches there are.00:23
TheMusoTo create a local mirror of a remote branch, you can do git checkout -b natty-master natty/master00:23
TheMusoWhich will create a local branch called natty-master which tracks natty/master00:23
mwhudsongit branch -r just says00:24
mwhudson  origin/HEAD -> origin/master00:24
mwhudson  origin/master00:24
TheMusoDid you add natty as a remote?00:25
TheMusook then you want to run git fetch natty00:25
mwhudsonah ok00:25
mwhudsonthat was running while i ran git branch -r00:25
mwhudsonnow it's completed a bunch more stuff has appeared00:25
mwhudsonah now arararagh i don't know which patch tjaalton backported00:28
mwhudsonoh phew, it's here: http://people.canonical.com/~lexical/bugs/lp791752/00:28
mwhudsongit 1 : 0 mwhudson00:38
mwhudsonok building00:49
mwhudsonah hum, i changed the version of the packaging01:19
mwhudsonwhich broke the build01:19
mwhudsonah i changed the version of the packaged, but not something else01:20
lifelessmwhudson: btw, #ubuntu-kernel usually gets this stuff :>01:20
mwhudsonah point01:20
nemook. why the !@#$ does pastebin.ubuntu.com require me to log in to download a paste as text?03:05
nemoregretting ever having sent user to that url for support :(03:05
nemowhat silly silly silly idea03:05
nemoagh. requires whitelisting session cookies too03:06
nemoand doesn't work in w3m03:06
infinitynemo: It was a simple solution to the very real problem of people distributing large binary files (like ISOs and movies) in raw pastebins.03:13
ionA size limit wasn’t? :-)03:16
nemoion: amen brother03:19
nemosomehow everyone else manages03:20
infinityion: Size limits don't help.  It's trivial to split an ISO into thousands of chunks and shove them into a bunch of bins.03:53
infinityion: And yes, this happens.  A lot.03:53
nemoif someone is willing to go to all that trouble to distribute an ISO03:54
nemothey can also trivially extract base64 bits from your pastebin without the raw thing03:54
infinitynemo: This isn't theoretical.  If it was, no one would care.03:54
nemoso that makes the annoyingness pointless03:54
infinitynemo: The difference is that your assertion is theory, mine is fact. :P03:54
infinitynemo: (I don't disagree with your theory, but that's not the real-world data we've seen)03:55
nemoI bet you're the dude who instituted this :)03:55
infinityBut I'm fairly familiar with it nonetheless.03:55
nemook. so you somehow ran into someone who was both clever and determined enough to split an iso into 10,000 pastebins, and do it in a way that would evade abuse detection, but too stupid to handle scraping03:56
nemoahhh well03:56
nemoat least there's a reason for it03:56
nemoI'll just use pastebin.com03:57
nemothanks for explaining though03:57
pittiGood morning04:19
pittiSpamapS, RAOF: I'll be on vacation the next two weeks; can you handle SRUs during that time?04:34
RAOFpitti: Good morning!  I guess we can, yes.  I'll just punch down the queue more often.04:36
pittiRAOF: also, I think it's time for you to be able to twiddle the buttons yourself04:38
pittiRAOF: WDYT?04:38
RAOFpitti: Also, I had an SRU-calibration question: bug #744929.  From past behaviour I'd expect that to be accepted as an SRU, but I think it is too close to “core infrastructure” and too far from “serious regression” to fit the criteria.04:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 744929 in gnome-keyring (Ubuntu Natty) "After auto-login, prompted to unlock keyring multiple times" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74492904:38
pittithat's https://launchpadlibrarian.net/72725131/dont-prompt-multiple-times-rebased.patch, right?04:39
RAOFIt looks reasonably safe.  It's just touching what I'd regard to be core infrastructure to fix a bug that doesn't seriously undermine the usability of the desktop.04:41
pittiit certainly sounds like a regression, but it's indeed not a showstopper04:41
pittiadmittedly 4 identical password prompts suck a bit, but it seems there aren't so many dupes04:41
RAOFI think this highlights a difference between accepted practice and what we've got written on wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates.04:42
pittiRAOF: TBH I'm a bit on the edge there; I probably would have accepted it, but I guess my treshold is now pretty low after so many years04:42
pittiso I actually do appreciate a little more rigor in the process04:42
infinityI'd probably accept it, FWIW.  I'm okay with any "obviously correct" bugfixes that don't change expected interfaces.  Ish.04:44
infinity(But it's pretty case-by-case, which is why it's hard to codify such things in a policy)04:44
RAOFRight.  As I said, from past behaviour I'd expect that to be accepted.  But were we to go by what's written on StableReleaseUpdates, I don't think it would be accepted.04:45
RAOFWhich means we should either update the documentation for what is acceptable in an SRU, or become stricter :)04:45
infinityOr accept that the docs reference the baseline level of "strictness", and as people get more comfortable with the spirit of the law, they can make a few borderline judgements?04:46
infinityLike I said, it's really hard to codify "acceptable updates" without erring on the side of caution.04:47
infinityCause accidentally going the other way is ungood.04:47
pittiI agree04:47
pittiand while each single of these patches might be acceptable, I'm still a bit uncomfortable about the sheer number of updates that we do this way04:47
pittisome of them will eventually wreak havoc04:48
pittiand when looking at the kernel updates, this already happens all the time :)04:48
infinityWell, I'm also personally less inclined to fix every little bug in non-LTS releases too.04:48
RAOFKernels are quite special :)04:48
infinityWhereas pushing well-tested and very correct patches to LTSes makes me happy.04:48
infinity(Given that I'm one of the people who does, in fact, run then for years)04:49
pittiRAOF: so if you want to reject this particular update because it doesn't fit the risk/benefit ratio, I think that's a very justifyable position04:49
StevenKinfinity: +104:49
StevenKinfinity: I have an 8.04 machine around here some place04:50
infinityStevenK: My co-lo machine is still hardy too.04:50
infinity(Though, if mainlined Xen on 3.0 in oneiric proves stable, I might be tempted to upgrade pre-LTS..)04:51
didrocksgood morning05:18
RAOFOh, oh!  It's a didrocks!05:21
RAOFMorning didrocks :)05:21
didrockshey RAOF ;)05:21
RAOFWhen's the NBN going to deliver a fibre connection to my home, damnit?  Uploading 150Mb worth of evolution core to launchpad takes too long! :)05:25
lifelessRAOF: retrace it locally.05:29
RAOFlifeless: That's effort.  Whereas I've got so much practice bitching about upload speed it's near effortless :P05:30
lifelessexcept for the whole uploading thing05:31
RAOFEh.  That's computerised effort.05:32
RAOF…unless the upload 503s mere seconds before completing, of course.05:35
lifelessto lp ?05:40
lifelessthat means it completed but the insert boomed05:40
lifelessor the server instance was restarted05:40
lifelessdid you get the OOPS id ?05:40
RAOFApport doesn't give one; it hadn't opened the “please wait while we process your data” page yet.05:41
lifelessapport bug then05:45
SpamapSpitti: I'm still not clear on kernel SRU's ..06:03
pittiSpamapS: for accepting it's actually quite easy now06:04
SpamapSugh.. TwinView is totally busted right now06:04
pittiSpamapS: https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sru/+assignedbugs?field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED06:04
pittiSpamapS: that's the list of assigned SRU tasks, by the new kernel workflow06:04
pittiSpamapS: if there are promote-to-proposed tasks, you exercise the corresponding copy-proposed-kernel invocations from pending-sru.html and close the tasks06:04
pittiSpamapS: the main thing to watch out is to include all the -meta, -lbm etc. in the copying when there's an ABI bump06:05
pittiSpamapS: for releaseing a kernel to -security/-updates you need cocoplum access, as launchpad still times out when using launchpadlib06:05
pittii. e. this part needs to be done by slangasek or cjwatson06:05
SpamapSOk, any gotchyas other than the -meta and -lbm packages?06:07
pittinot really06:07
pittiwe stopped running sru-accept.py on them, the bot/kernel team does that now06:07
pitti(with different verbiage etc.)06:07
pittiSpamapS: it's very mechanical on our end now06:07
SpamapSOk, I'll give them a shot when I can.06:09
pittiSpamapS: we just went through a round for all releases, so I don't expect further updates until next week06:09
SpamapSpitti: I think we'll be able to keep the ship running.. we may even keep it from running aground. ;)06:09
pittiSpamapS: skaet also did copy-proposed-kernel already, so she can help/explain as well06:09
pittithanks :)06:09
SpamapSnow to figure out why my twinview is refusing to show any windows06:12
infinitySpamapS: I'm happy to help with -security/-updates kernel magic too, if required.06:17
superm1pitti, re 799754, what about autologin?  ubiquity still would be writing out to /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf, so if it's not a conffile that might be trouble06:37
lifelessinfinity: how deep does the 'use lucid-updates during debootstrap' change go, do you think?06:41
infinitylifeless: Well, debootstrap isn't "deep" to start with, but mirror-handling and deb-fetching isn't particularly abstracted, so the change would touch several instances of shockingly-similar code.06:44
infinitylifeless: And, in the process, you'd also fix a longstanding bug that if there are two versions of a package available in the same Packages file, debootstrap just picks the first one it hits. :P06:45
infinitylifeless: (Which obviously would need to be fixed, to actually pick the highest version)06:45
lifelessjust trying to assess whether I can explain to francis why I'm hacking on debootstrap :P06:46
infinitylifeless: It's something I always wanted to do if I found the tuits, and I could even potentially block time off later in this cycle to get David to agree to let me do it, but it's not something I could commit to right now.06:47
dholbachgood morning06:47
infinitylifeless: So, if you can make it happen, please do.06:47
lifelessheh :P06:47
lifelesslxc is good for yak shaving apparently06:47
pittisuperm1: ubiquity shouldn't modify lightdm.conf as long as it _is_ a conffile06:51
pittisuperm1: but mythbuntu-default-settings and friends would install their's before ubiquity, so that should work?06:52
infinitylifeless: debootstrap actually already has preliminary support for multiple archives.  Where that falls short for us is that we use "pockets", which means some ugly s/$dist/\1-{updates,security,proposed}/ all over the place.06:53
SpamapSawesome.. so nvidia driver multi-monitor is completely broken on oneiric at the moment. :-/07:00
SpamapSand nouveau is refusing to recognize my NV9607:00
superm1pitti, yeah that would work as long as all packages installed it as a conffile07:01
pittisuperm1: why a conffile?07:01
superm1my point was that ubiquity does modify that file in terms of changing automatic login07:01
superm1for gdm it did the same for custom.conf07:01
pittiI don't think it should be; multiple packages shipping the same conffile is icky to get right, as they'll cause conffile prompts07:02
pittisuperm1: custom.conf was not a conffile07:02
infinitypitti: Multiple packages shipping the same conffile is just wrong, wrong, wrong.07:02
pittiand ubiquity modifying lightdm.conf conffile is nasty and shoudln't be done07:02
pittiinfinity: my point07:02
RAOFSpamapS: nouveau doesn't recognise your nv96?  Got a pastebin of dmesg+/var/log/Xorg.0.log there?07:02
superm1pitti, so what should the right solution be here?07:02
infinitysuperm1: You might be confusing "conffile" (dpkg-managed files) and "config file" here?07:02
pittisuperm1: *-default-settings should install a config file if it's not there already07:03
superm1yes i think so07:03
superm1how do you install something in /etc that isn't dpkg managed then?07:03
infinitysuperm1: A non-conffile config file that is created in maintainer scripts is the only way to have multiple packages play willy-nilly with the same file.07:03
pittisuperm1: like, ship it in /usr/share/mythbuntu-default-settings/lightdm.conf and copy that to /etc/lightdm/ in postinst if not present already07:03
superm1oh right07:03
superm1okay that makes much more sense then07:03
pittithen ubiquity can apply as much seddery on it as it wants07:03
pittiand FWIW, yay for having so great names for config files vs. conffiles (which are also config files, of course)07:04
infinityYeah, it's muddy. :P07:05
pittiso what I really ment was a non-conffile config file07:05
infinityBut we still require everyone to know debian-policy, right? :)07:05
pitti(tell that to any non-DD and they will just stare at you in disbelief)07:05
infinitypitti: Well, you can scrap the "conffile" thing and say "non-dpkg-managed config file", which probably gets the point across better.07:06
pittigood idea07:06
superm1yeah if i read that i probably wouldn't have scratched my head as hard07:06
SpamapSRAOF: hrm, I don't think I do.. I've just reinstalled nvidia drivers.. really tired of fighting such a silly issue.07:06
* SpamapS is installing XFCE to see if it fares better than Unity07:07
pittisuperm1: anyway, with that sorted out, it would work in exactly the same way as with gdm's custom.conf07:07
pittiSpamapS: don't you guys all just plain X with a single xterm and byobu anyway? :-)07:07
pittithe "servity" desktop07:07
SpamapSpitti: kirkland is always trying to get me to use byobu. Not exactly my cup of tea. ;)07:08
SpamapSif I had it my way, I'd run the *stable* release of Ubuntu07:08
SpamapSbut c'est la vie.. we must dog food07:08
infinitybyobu is way too many bells and whistled (and constant pointless forking!) for a real CLI hack.07:09
SpamapSinfinity: I believe kirkland has been working on making the monitors resident... so they just work via pipes.07:09
infinitySpamapS: Still, who needs monitors?07:09
infinityHold on, I had a great quote for just this occasion...07:10
SpamapSI'm with you.. but kirkland has put so much work into it.. I try to give it a fair shake whenever there's a major development.07:10
infinity< ron> procmeter3 does kind of look like the classic "I wanted to write a program, but don't actually have anything useful I want to do with computers" application07:10
infinityThat one.07:10
* micahg remembers evoking that comment a couple days ago07:12
infinitymicahg: It was worth saving.07:12
* SpamapS feels lost07:13
nigelblovely quoet07:13
SpamapSthis giant 22" monitor on my desk just black.. :-/07:13
* SpamapS ponders kde for a nanosecond07:14
RAOFI think KDE would be ok if I could get over the hump.  And learn to ignore options.07:19
=== smb` is now known as smb
SpamapSwell xfce will be fine until they fix unity07:23
Amozlol, willy- illy07:25
pittiRAOF: have a look at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+queue?queue_state=107:32
pittiRAOF: of course I just processed all your ack'ed uploads some two hours ago, so there's nothing acceptable left right now07:33
pittiRAOF: unless you want to accept strongswan07:33
pittiRAOF: often I allow people to test the proposed package and fix oneiric in parallel, I just don't move these to -updates07:33
pittiit's not something I like to do, or happens often, but if you want to try :)07:33
RAOFStronswan was the one I tentatively NAK'ed based on 3.0 (quilt) stylistic, right?07:34
pittiRAOF: no, that was w-scan or so, I already rejected it07:34
pittiRAOF: strongswan was delayed because a part needs fixing in oneiric07:34
RAOFqueuediff says Strongswan was the one not fully fixed in oneiric.07:34
pittiwow, queuediff says that?07:34
RAOFNo, but it does open the bug :)07:35
RAOF…which reminds me that I should have set the Ubuntu task back from fix released :)07:36
pittiinfinity: did you ever see a build failure like https://launchpadlibrarian.net/75531471/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-i386.libreoffice_1%3A3.4.1-1ubuntu1~ppa2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ?07:36
RAOFSo, we *could* reject the gnome-keyring upload.07:36
pittiAfter installing, the following source dependencies are still unsatisfied:07:37
pittilibstlport4.6-dev(still installed)07:37
pittiSource-dependencies not satisfied; skipping libreoffice07:37
pittiRAOF: that's a lot less fun, though07:37
pittiSweetshark: ^ FYI07:37
infinitypitti: Build-conflict.07:37
pittiSweetshark: ^ oh, do you have a build-conflicts: there?07:38
infinitypitti: One of the build-deps is pulling in a build-conflict: Kaboom.07:38
pittiinfinity: curious that it only happens on i38607:38
pittiinfinity: thanks!07:38
pittiRAOF: another thing you can do now is running sru-release; there is a natty package which can go07:40
pittiyeah, and pithos07:41
RAOFHasn't pithos been there only 7 days?07:41
cjwatsonlifeless: 802985 is surely moot now because the oneiric kernel is now 3.0.0 not 3.0, and AFAIK lucid's libc6.preinst will have no problem with that07:42
cjwatsonlifeless: it's still a design issue, so the bug should stay open, but I see no reason why it should block you in any way07:42
infinitycjwatson: Oh, it was just choking on format, not on kvers != 2.6?  I didn't look.07:43
Sweetsharkpitti: nah, thats not curious. stlport is only kept on i386 for binary compatibility with C++ extensions (a whole insanity of its own). amd64 dodged that bullet by means of the grace of late birth.07:44
RAOFpitti: Have I somehow managed to project a “SRUs stay in -proposed for at least 10 days” policy where there is none?07:44
pittiRAOF: it's 7 days :)07:44
RAOFI blame the lack of a decimal calendar.07:45
cjwatsoninfinity: yep07:45
Amoz0.8 week07:46
RAOFpitti: So, that'd be ‘sru-release natty pithos foolscap’ to move those into -updates, right?07:46
pittiRAOF: actually, I don't see the 7 days on thehw iki page07:46
pittiRAOF: right07:46
pittiRAOF: please open the associated bugs before, and check that they are fixed in oneiric07:46
cjwatsoninfinity: lp:ubuntu/eglibc r157 was all that was needed to fix it; and having a 3.0.0 kernel on the host should do just as well07:46
pittiRAOF: and that there are no late comments about "OMGbroken"07:46
cjwatsonRAOF: I think at one point it was 10 days; there was a time when I had that in my head too07:47
pittiI had always believed that the maturing period was on the wiki07:47
Sweetsharkpitti: apropos OMGbroken. 3.3.3 in SRU seems to be just that (lost its themeing).07:47
pittiSweetshark: yeah, I saw :(07:48
RAOFHeh.  Pithos hasn't been fixed in oneiric yet.07:48
cjwatsonpitti: I think it is now07:48
lifelesscjwatson: well I had a bug on lxc-create duped on it overnight07:48
pittiah, "After one week of maturing in -proposed"07:48
pittiI searched for "7", "10", and "days"07:48
Sweetsharkpitti: Im building it again to see, what the heck went wrong there.07:48
pittiRAOF: ^07:48
cjwatsonlifeless: I bet they're still running a slightly old oneiric kernel.  just tell them to upgrade07:48
cjwatsonI've looked at the debootstrap change required; I know the code as well as most and it's still fairly scary07:49
lifelesscjwatson: I'm upgrading now07:49
pittialthough this is only in the "special cases"07:49
cjwatsonso I'm a lot more comfortable with leaving it alone for the moment :)07:49
RAOFpitti: Yeah, but that's only in the special-cases :)07:49
RAOFAnyway, pithos isn't a candidate because it's not yet fixed in oneiric.07:49
cjwatsonthe business of merging Packages files and taking the highest version will be the fiddly bit07:49
pittiRAOF: ah, it's at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArchiveAdministration#Stable_release_updates07:50
infinitycjwatson: Yeah, and that's the bug I want to fix ANYWAY.07:50
cjwatsonand probably needs to go in the pkgdetails code (which has two implementations, one in debootstrap and one in base-installer, and they need to be kept in sync interface-wise)07:50
infinitycjwatson: (Nevermind the multiple Packages merging, which is a feature request, but the long-standing bug of not picking the highest version)07:50
pittiRAOF: which is out of date wrt. "sru-pending", updating now07:51
infinitycjwatson: Hugely annoying when bootstrapping sid with more than one version of some packages publishes.07:51
cjwatsonI agree it's a problem, but not blocking everyone on it would be pretty good07:51
pittiRAOF: probably best to remove that entire paragraph, and fix the SRU page instead07:53
RAOFpitti: Aha.  Anyway, I'll send foolscap off to -updates, as that *has* been fixed in oneiric and no one's claimed that it set their dog on fire.07:53
* cjwatson irritated to discover he made an archive mistake that he'd have told anyone else off for making07:54
RAOFpitti: And maybe leave a link.07:54
pittiRAOF: yeah, doing07:54
infinitycjwatson: Which one?07:54
infinitycjwatson: The by-hand stuff?07:54
cjwatsond-i not copied to -updates properly, yeah07:55
cjwatsondid somebody do that for me?  timestamped yesterday07:55
infinityS'ok, dist-upgrader hadn't been copied since before the LAST point release too.07:55
infinityClearly, people need to be re-educated on by-hand.07:55
cjwatsonwas that you?07:55
infinityAnd yeah, I fixed it for you.07:55
cjwatsoncool.  thanks and sorry.07:56
infinityS'all good.07:56
infinityMight want to check dist-upgrader in other releases, I only did lucid.07:56
infinityWho knows what bugs we've fixed and never released!07:56
saammhello I like new gwibber but is there any chance that 5 minute update time limit will be reduced? thanks07:58
pittiRAOF: docs updated07:58
pittiRAOF: sru-release worked?07:58
RAOFWhoop whoop!07:59
pittioh, my server came back, brg07:59
=== pitti_ is now known as pitti
cjwatsonpublished hardy-updates debian-installer properly08:00
RAOFpitti: Will you have time to give colord a once-over & upload to Debian, or shall I troll for other sponsors?08:01
pittiRAOF: no guarantees, I'm afraid; need to get some stuff done before my holidays and a308:01
infinitycjwatson: Hahaha.  Seriously?08:02
cjwatsoninfinity: you're right, there's a bunch of other stuff that needs proper publication in -updates.  I'll look at it after the next publisher run08:02
infinitycjwatson: Yeah, it might be time for a mail to the list. ;)08:02
cjwatsoninfinity: yeah :-/08:02
cjwatsonlrwxrwxrwx 1 lp_publish lp_publish 19 Apr  6  2010 /srv/launchpad.net/ubuntu-archive/ubuntu/dists/hardy-proposed/main/installer-i386/current -> 20070308ubuntu40.1408:02
RAOFpitti: That's fine.  Trolling for sponsors it is!08:02
cjwatsonlrwxrwxrwx 1 lp_publish lp_publish 19 Jul 20 08:00 /srv/launchpad.net/ubuntu-archive/ubuntu/dists/hardy-updates/main/installer-i386/current -> 20070308ubuntu40.1408:02
cjwatsoninfinity: um, well - I suspect the fault is largely mine08:02
infinitycjwatson: You can totally do it while the publisher is running.  Do your work in dists.new and race the clock.08:02
cjwatsonI've certainly at least been *around* when these were copied08:02
cjwatsoninfinity: oh, sure, I documented how to do that in ArchiveAdministration even :-)08:03
cjwatsoninfinity: but I prefer not to if there's no wild rush08:03
pitticjwatson: want me to add a warning to sru-release when you run it on debian-instsaller? it should at least point to the part of ArchiveAdministration which explains how to do it08:03
cjwatsonpitti: yes please08:03
infinitypitti: And ditto for update-manager.08:03
pittiinfinity: uh, wasn't even aware of that one08:03
infinitypitti: No one seems to be, from the state of the archive. :P08:04
Sweetsharkpitti, infinity: thanks for the stlport tip. For once, it wasnt me who broke it this time.08:10
infinitySweetshark: Always nice to be able to pass the buck. :)08:10
Amozdholbach, hi *waves*08:10
dholbachheya Amoz08:10
Amozdholbach, I was thinking about brainstorm.ubuntu.com...08:11
Amozit's the old style 8-D08:11
dholbachAmoz, might be worth talking to these people about it: https://launchpad.net/~brainstorm-admins/+members#active08:13
Sweetsharkinfinity: in the rare occurances where I didnt bork it myself ;)08:13
infinitycjwatson: Do we know if dist-upgrader actually correctly looks at ${dist}-updates?  If so, I think we've been, quite embarassingly, missing a lot of fixes to update-manager. :/08:13
infinitycjwatson: (note that lucid-updates had *no* dist-upgrader directories until I copied the ones from -proposed yesterday)08:13
Amozdholbach, is there a more "prioritized" website somewhere with the old style?08:14
dholbachAmoz, might be worth asking in #ubuntu-website08:14
mvoinfinity: its using the url from http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release08:16
mvoinfinity: often I did manually update it to point to the right version in -proposed (right as in the version that is also in updates). but having this correct by copying would be really good08:17
infinitymvo: Ahh, I see.  So, you've been working around our failure.  Excellent. :)08:18
Amozdholbach, ah, of course..08:18
infinitymvo: But yes, we really should be moving them properly for you and having you reference -updates.08:18
mvoinfinity: great!08:18
dholbachAmoz, I'll try to sort out the license/copyright stuff for the packaging guide thing today08:18
Amozdholbach, niiiice08:20
pittihm, what did I misunderstand about bash's regexps? why is [[ "aaaa" =~ "a*" ]] false?08:35
pooliei don't suppose you need to escape the *?08:35
pittino, and I alraedy tried that08:35
pitti[[ "aaaa" =~ "aaaa" ]] works, but anythign more complex than that just fails on me :/08:36
pittiah, [[ "aaaa" =~ a* ]]08:36
poolieno quotes08:36
pittiso seems quotes are special in [[ ]]08:36
poolieperhaps only special on the right side of =~08:36
infinityQuotes are special all over shell.08:37
infinityAnything in quotes is immediately a string.08:37
poolie> Any part of the pattern may be quoted to force it to be  matched  as  a  string08:37
infinityYou'll see the same problem when testing for numeric equality.08:37
pittiok, thanks08:37
pittinow I just need to figure out where X="pitti/ppa"; [[ "$x" =~ [[:alnum:]-]+/[[:alnum:]-]+ ]] goes wrong08:38
pooliewell, i would have assumed like pitti the second argument to =~ was a string08:38
poolieaside from the first X being uppercase?08:38
pittipoolie: shame on me :)08:39
poolie:) any time08:39
pooliesome problems are deceptively easy08:39
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bdrungwgrant: did you filed a bug for the failed import at https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/lintian/master09:03
bdrungwgrant: i like to setup a daily build for lintian, but this code import fails09:04
cjwatsonpoolie: this is why I avoid bash [[ ]] - its behaviour is totally nonintuitive09:09
cjwatsonbetter to use expr IMO09:09
cjwatsonor case09:09
cjwatsoncase $string in pattern) ... ;; esac09:09
poolieit does seems like a layer violation that it changes the quoting rules09:09
pooliebut, sh is full of them09:09
pooliei would tend to use case too09:09
pooliethough, can you use regexps?09:09
cjwatsonsure, but this is yet a new set of quoting rules :-)09:10
cjwatsonno, but globs are often enough09:10
bdrungtumbleweed: do you have done something to fix bug #801945?09:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 801945 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "[backportpackage] Fails to backport local .dsc file" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80194509:10
poolieactually, i would tend to use zsh globs in personal use scripts09:10
lifelesscjwatson: ok, the oneiric cd for some reason hadn't installed linux-generic09:10
cjwatsonyou can use regexps in expr09:10
lifelesscjwatson: so kernel upgrades were not happening automatically09:10
cjwatsonlifethat's odd09:10
cjwatsonpoolie: the other reason I avoid [[ ]] is that much of my shell code has to run in plain POSIX sh09:11
cjwatsonand it's easier for me to be in the habit of just writing in POSIX sh all the time09:11
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pitticjwatson: so should I get rid of that [[ ]] stuff in ubuntu-defaults-image then, and rewrite it using expr?09:11
cjwatsonpitti: if it were me then I would use expr, yes09:11
pooliei wonder if posix expr understands regexp matches?09:12
cjwatsonit's only one extra fork, I doubt it makes any realistic performance difference09:12
pittiI can replace the ( ) backref matching with some string operations, will just look a little more complicated09:12
poolieperhaps it's a quirk of linux we might try to use a minimal sh but not a minimal expr09:12
lifelesscjwatson: indeed09:12
cjwatsonpoolie: yes, it does.  http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/expr.html09:12
cjwatsonit's a basic RE anchored to the start of the string09:13
pooliebut only the operator ':' not 'match'09:13
wgrantbdrung: There is a bug about that sort of thing already.09:13
bdrungwgrant: can you give me a number?09:13
cjwatsonI just have http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/nfindex.html bookmarked for this kind of thing09:13
wgrantbdrung: Bug #21219509:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 212195 in Bazaar "Cannot use backslash character in file name (dup-of: 81844)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21219509:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 81844 in Bazaar "Handle backslashes in filenames more gracefully" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8184409:14
dupondjeSomebody knows an easy way to get package version of a debian package in python?09:15
cjwatsongiven what, a .deb?09:16
bdrungwgrant: thanks.09:17
dupondjecjwatson: given the package name. It should check the debian repo's09:17
bdrungdholbach: is there a lp project that gathers code import bugs / daily build blockers?09:18
dholbachthere's a tag - hang on09:18
bdrungdupondje: maybe python-debian?09:18
cjwatsonyou could either use python-apt and download the appropriate tagfiles and such yourself, or else just call out to rmadison -u debian with subprocess09:19
lifelesscjwatson: indeed, it is. I can get the date of the iso if that would help09:20
dupondjeubuntutools.requestsync.lp.getDebianSrcPkg exists also it seems :)09:20
cjwatsonlifeless: the installer syslog would help more09:20
cjwatson(and contains the date of the iso)09:20
dholbachbdrung, https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bugs?field.tag=recipe maybe?09:20
dholbachbdrung, there's "code-import" too09:21
bdrungdholbach: code-import seems more appropriate09:21
dholbachde nada09:22
johnthi folks, can anyone help me with a debian installer question?09:35
cjwatsonjohnt: possibly, what is it?09:38
johntcjwatson: im trying to figure out whats the best way to disable the screensaver on a preseeded install cd, if that makes sense. i'm sure there is an easy way to do it but i cant figure it out :(09:39
johntcjwatson: i tried using gconftool-2 but it doesn't seem to be present or working in the install environment. any ideas?09:40
cjwatsonjohnt: you're probably trying to run gconftool-2 in the installer environment rather than in the target system.  are you using preseed/late_command?09:41
johntyeah - hold on one sec and ill tell you exactly what i have...09:41
cjwatsonand if so can I see the preseed/late_command you're setting?09:41
johntd-i preseed/late_command string in-target /usr/bin/gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/gnome-screensaver/idle_activation_enabled "FALSE"09:44
cjwatsonhm, that should work fine, although as good practice you should avoid hardcoding the path to gconftool-2 and just call it by its name09:46
johntcjwatson: does that look like it should work?09:46
cjwatsondo you have an installer syslog?09:46
cjwatsonwell, you might need to think about which gconf database you're trying to edit, since you don't have a user context here09:47
johntprobably - is the syslog stored somewhere on a system which has been installed using this preseed file?09:47
johntah cool - let me take a look...09:48
johnthow do you tell it which gconf database to use?09:48
cjwatsonyou might need something like '--config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults'09:48
johntcjwatson: strange - there doesnt seem to be an error in the syslog where the command should execute.09:53
johntcjwatson: should i use '--direct' ?09:57
cjwatsonjohnt: oh, yeah, probably09:58
cjwatsongconfd definitely won't be running09:59
johntpresumably there is no server running in the install environment?09:59
cjwatsonindeed not09:59
seb128cjwatson, johnt: what ubuntu version?09:59
seb128cjwatson, johnt: that command will not work in oneiric, gnome-screensaver stopped using gconf in GNOME309:59
cjwatson(it may be different if you're writing a preseed file for the desktop installer, but you aren't)10:00
seb128so that should work ;-)10:00
johntcjwatson: ill give that a shot, thanks so much for your help - this problem has been bugging me for days!10:00
cjwatsonsurprised there's nothing in the installer syslog; that would imply that gconftool-2 is just failing silently without printing anything to stdout or stderr, which would be weird10:01
johnti know - it doesnt make sense really10:02
cjwatsonsure you're looking in the right place?10:02
cjwatsonI'm generally happy to skim syslogs for people10:02
johntyeah - i can see the next command running successfully10:03
johntill try it again and if i doesnt work ill paste the syslog :D10:03
bigonRAOF: hi, about strongswan SRU did you have actually accepted the pkg? I see nothing in the lp10:04
pittiRAOF: ah, strongswan accepted, too?10:36
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johntcjwatson: still there?11:26
johntthat doesnt seem to have worked - have you got a sec free to help me figure out why?11:27
cjwatsonkind of, would be easier if you just described the problem11:33
cjwatsonwaiting for people to be free at the same time doesn't really work on irc :-)11:33
johntthere still doesnt seem to be anything in the syslog11:37
johntthe screensaver is still enabled in gconf-editor when i log in11:37
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johntand /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/ seems to be empty for some reason11:38
johntsorry, the config file %gconf-tree.xml is empty11:39
cjwatsonthis doesn't explain your entire problem, but you can't set preseed/late_command multiple times like that11:44
cjwatsonrather than thinking of a preseed file like a program, think of it as setting a bunch of keys in a database which are then fetched later11:44
cjwatsononly the last one will be used11:45
davmor2how do I go about requesting a driver for a wifi card is it just a bugreport with hardware details?11:45
cjwatson(so that might actually explain your problem if you have some other preseed/late_command entry after that in your preseed file)11:45
cjwatsonfor multiple commands, use:11:45
cjwatson  d-i preseed/late_command string in-target gconftool-2 blah; in-target gconftool-2 blah; ...11:45
johntso you can only have one late_command?11:47
cjwatsonactually I think that does explain your problem, since you appear to have 'd-i preseed/late_command string in-target /opt/VScan/kav_install.sh' after the entries you quoted11:47
cjwatsonyes, but it can be a compound command11:47
cjwatsonas in multiple commands separated by ; or &&11:47
cjwatsonthe whole thing is just passed to the shell11:47
johntah ok cool11:47
johntso - why did the .sh run but the ones before it didnt?11:47
cjwatsonbecause you set the same variable multiple times; the last setting won11:48
johntok - very cool11:48
cjwatsonit's not a program, it's a list of entries to insert into a database11:48
johntsure - i was kind of treating it like a script which was run line by line11:49
cjwatsonright, that's not an uncommon mistake to make11:49
johntother than that, does the syntax of the gconftool-2 command look right?11:50
cjwatsonjohnt: I think so, but I am not a gconf expert, only an installer expert.  (again, though, you shouldn't hardcode the path to gconftool-2 - just write it as "gconftool-2", not "/usr/bin/gconftool-2")11:59
johntcjwatson: ok, cool ill change that. thanks again for your help - much appreciated!!!12:01
cjwatsonno problem12:02
hallynthis bug about groupadd failing to lock gshadow (as in bug 813180)  deja vu.  is there a known other bug causing it?12:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 813180 in qemu-kvm (Ubuntu) "package qemu-kvm (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81318012:16
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hallyni think we need a fix for groupadd to have *it* retry rather than failing dpkg -i12:30
johntcjwatson: are you still there?12:54
cjwatsonjohnt: again, I recommend just saying what your problem is rather than checking if I'm here first13:07
johntok, will do. having the FALSE in "" shouldnt make any difference right? also, is it ok to split up the string into multiple lines with \ ? finally - does each seperate command need its own "in-target"?13:09
cjwatsonFALSE in quotes or without makes no difference either way13:10
cjwatsonsplitting up into multiple lines: answered in https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/preseed-creating.html13:12
cjwatsoneither put in-target in front of each command, or use  in-target sh -c 'command; command; command'13:12
cjwatsonthe latter will be a bit faster but you may or may not regard it as harder to read13:12
kirklandinfinity: there are two new utilities for byobu, byobu-quiet and byobu-silent, which disable all of the monitors13:18
kirklandinfinity: while still maintaining the keybindings, etc.13:18
kirklandinfinity: not that I expect to change your opinion, but when people make reasonable (and sometimes even unreasonable) critiques, I listen, and try to implement the suggestion13:19
kirklandinfinity: SpamapS: with respect to the forks, I've reduced them tremendously (by perhaps 90%)13:23
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jjardonHi, Ubuntu One configuration will use the online accounts panel?13:53
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seb128jjardon, try asking to dobey, he's on #ubuntu-desktop for example, but I doubt it, at least for this cycle, they have something that works for a while not sure they plan to rewrite it13:56
seb128jjardon, especially that they want their dialog to be cross platform I think and not linux specific13:57
jjardonseb128: who is "they" ?13:59
seb128jjardon, the ubuntuone team, they have a win client as well at least13:59
seb128jjardon, so not sure how much they want os specific integration rather than a standalone dialog they can build on different platforms14:00
seb128jjardon, dobey should know better14:00
jjardonseb128: ok, I'll ask. thanks!14:01
tkamppetermpt, hi14:18
mptHello tkamppeter14:18
tkamppetermpt, I have put together all about s-c-p and but it into a bug on GNOME. Have I correctly CCed you?14:30
ubottuGnome bug 654742 in Printers "GNOME printer setup panel is lacking advanced techniques for printer discovery, driver selection, and automatic print queue creation" [Major,Unconfirmed]14:31
smbdoko_, Is there some flag to prevent gcc-4.6 from using a .text.startup section for main?14:39
johntcjwatson: i got that working, thanks again for all your help!14:42
davmor2that would be a security issue then I can login without a password even though I select use a password to login from the oneiric installer :(14:43
keesdavmor2: that seems not good :)14:44
davmor2kees: although the unity desktop doesn't start, and in ctrl-alt-f1 I need to login so may just be an issue with  light dm14:45
smbSounds like a state I had after install a while ago14:46
doko_smb: don't know, would have to search myself14:46
smbBut it seemed to have changed after last updates14:46
smbdoko_, Hm, ok. Cause that seems to be the issue. When compiling with gcc-4.5 or with gcc-4.6+O1, it seems to bootstrap code remains the first thing, and that and the other code is in .text14:48
smbdoko_, But otherwise the everything else goes into .text but main gets into a .text.startup and then is reordered when linking14:48
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doko_smb: is this both oneiric?14:50
smbdoko_, Yes, compiled the same code in a oneiric chroot.14:51
Laneycody-somerville: did you mail the TB about adding Rhonda's PPU access?14:54
davmor2Oh interesting, lightdm shows my name Dave Morley for login, if I click on it, it seems to magically login,  however if I click on other and use my nick it then asks for the password and I get unity up and running14:56
smbdavmor2, Strangely I had just the same ting (except the unity running part) right after install last Friday. Since then I had been done upgrades and that went away. Even unity seems sort of willing in accelerated mode.14:58
cody-somervilleLaney, Not yet. I wasn't aware I had to.15:02
Laneycody-somerville: Well, not necessarily mail, but you have to ask a TB member to do it15:05
micahgcould I get someone to give back gupnp-igd (main) on all archs?15:08
cjwatsonmicahg: done15:09
micahgcjwatson: thanks!15:11
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climbe2Problem!  If anyone is able to help.... running 10.04, recently upgraded to kernel 2.6.32-33, and can't boot up!!  See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1807978 for my ongoing thread.  Any suggestions?!?!15:37
climbe2#Ubuntu is very busy...too many people with too many problems.... #ubuntu-kernel has not replied15:38
climbe2would love to hear from someone!15:38
Piciclimbe2: That doesn't make this a support channel. Either ask again in #ubuntu or try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:40
climbe2oh, ok. Understood.  Thank you!15:40
Riddellbarry: don't forget the packaging guide reviews :)15:58
barryRiddell: gotcha, thanks for the reminder ;)15:58
barryRiddell: heading to lunch now, but will take a look after15:58
debfxkenvandine: install pidgin currently pulls in half of gnome through indicator-status-provider-pidgin -> indicator-messages16:08
debfxkenvandine: do you think we could drop the indicator-messages dependency?16:08
kenvandinedebfx, is it a depends?16:10
kenvandinepidgin-libnotify recommends the provider16:10
micahgkenvandine: we install recommends by default16:11
kenvandinemicahg, yeah... but we want a recommends there16:11
debfxkenvandine: installing indicator-status-provider-pidgin is fine but does it really have to depend on indicator-messages?16:12
kenvandineit can't work without it16:12
kenvandinebut indicator-messages shouldn't have any gnome depends16:13
kenvandineit depends on libindicate and a indicator-renderer16:13
infinitykirkland: It'll never be a product targetted at me (and that's fine, yay for free software not having to be one-size-fits-all), but I'm happy regardless to hear about the reduction in forks, and the slimmer options. :)16:13
debfxkenvandine: indicator-messages -> indicator-applet -> gnome-panel16:14
kenvandineindicator-applet | indicator-renderer (i think)16:15
kirklandinfinity: agreed;  definitely not targeted at everyone (or a sysadmin of your persuasion)16:15
infinitykenvandine: That's a recommend.16:16
infinitykenvandine: "apt-get --no-install-recommends install pidgin"?16:17
* micahg sees KDE doesn't have an indicator-renderer16:17
debfxkenvandine: yes, but package mangers choose the first one if none is installed16:17
kenvandinekde does have one16:17
kenvandinei am pretty sure :)16:17
kenvandinei know indicators work in kde16:17
kenvandinesomething provides indicator-renderer16:17
micahgkenvandine: it's not providing the indicator-renderer virtual package then16:17
infinityYeah, I don't see anything KDEish providing it.16:18
infinitySo, that might be the real bug here. :P16:18
kenvandinesomehow the indicators do get displayed in kde... at least they did16:18
micahgright, that's why xubuntu doesn't have the same issue16:18
debfxso plasma-widget-message-indicator should provide indicator-renderer?16:18
infinityAlmost certainly.16:19
kenvandinesomething should, and that sounds right16:19
kenvandinei am sure agateau in #ayatana knows for sure16:20
kenvandinewhich package that is16:20
debfxah indicator-renderer is just about rendering StatusNotifierItems?16:20
kenvandinedebfx, yes16:20
kenvandineindicator-messages is just the service that provides them16:20
debfxok, then plasma-widgets-workspace should provide indicator-renderer16:22
bdmurraypitti: with regards to https://code.launchpad.net/~brian-murray/ubuntu/oneiric/apport/conffile-handling/+merge/68477.  Source package hooks aren't translated so this translating the string in hook utils seems inconsistent to me.16:33
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dupondjehttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mlton/20100608-4 => Could some admin fix this? armel build waits on itself. Eventually sync the newest version from debian.16:47
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lfaraone!regression-alert bug 788351 causes 4/8 bytes of kernel memory to be overwritten in certain circumstances18:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 788351 in linux (Ubuntu) "xfs ioctl XFS_IOC_FSGEOMETRY_V1 clobbers kernel stack" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78835118:15
ubottulfaraone: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:15
ubottucjwatson, jdong, pitti, skaet, ScottK, kees, Daviey, pgraner: reporting regression in a stable release update; investigate severity, start an incident report, perhaps have the package blacklisted from the archive18:15
skaetlfaraone,  ack.18:19
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skaetlfaraone, per pgraner,  the kernel to fix it is in -proposed.18:30
seb128bdrung, hey18:41
bdrungseb128: hi18:41
seb128bdrung, you will be happy, desrt is fixing the glib units handling ;-)18:41
seb128he deprecating the current function, changing the default and adding a function that let you specify if you want base-2 or base-10 units18:42
bdmurraybarry: how does computer-janitor sort the list of packages for removal?18:45
barrybdmurray: sorts by name by default.  there's a menu item to sort by size, but that's broken because of bug 80657418:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 806574 in computer-janitor (Ubuntu Oneiric) "computer-janitor-gtk crashed with AttributeError in reorder(): 'ListStore' object has no attribute 'reorder'" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80657418:50
bdmurraybarry: really mine didn't seem sorted at all - too late for a screenshot though18:50
barrybdmurray: maybe file a bug, or follow up on the above?  i need to find time to get to it but i am planning on giving cj some love this cycle18:51
bdrungseb128: thanks18:54
seb128bdrung, thanks desrt, he's the one who worked on it ;-)18:55
bdrungseb128: on which channel is he?18:55
seb128bdrung, #ubuntu-desktop for example18:56
seb128though he seems to be away from his computer now but he will read the backlog when he's back I guess18:56
DavieyAnyone else noticed some oddities with python2.7 in the last few days?19:37
DavieyCan't quite put my finger on it, but some things seem to not be functioing correctly19:37
jelmerDaviey: there's a regression in the current snapshot in oneiric that breaks bzr19:38
jelmerother than that, python2.7 seems to be fine here19:38
Davieyodd, http://pb.daviey.com/gjyF/raw/19:42
broderScottK: ping? i wanted to get your opinion on bug #784617. my inclination is to just refuse outright, given the core-ness of the package and the scope of the r-dep testing, but i'd like a second opinion19:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 784617 in lucid-backports "Please Backport Openssh-Client " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78461719:44
ScottKbroder: ssh backports are no sale.  I agree.19:44
broderok, i'll close it19:44
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dupondjeCould somebody check https://launchpadlibrarian.net/75520549/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-i386.openmpi_1.4.3-2.1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ?19:56
dupondjeWould like to get a direction on how to solve/debug.19:57
broderdupondje: is there a .docs file?19:58
broderthe issue is that the AUTHORS file in the upstream source is a symlink19:59
broderprobably a relative symlink19:59
dupondjebroder: there is no .docs file19:59
smoserbarry, or doko_ around ? or, anyone have any ideas on bug 81001920:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 810019 in distribute (Ubuntu) "UserWarning printed on import pkg_resources'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81001920:00
broderdupondje: yeah, the files are getting listed in the dh_installdocs invocation in debian/rules20:00
smoserI don't see it on my desktop oneiric system, but see it on the ec2 images20:00
dupondjeWell it does 'dh_installdocs --all AUTHORS NEWS README'20:01
dupondjeso those file are installed20:01
broderlook at the AUTHORS file, though20:01
broderit's probably a symlink20:01
dupondjeits a text file in the source root20:01
barrysmoser: i don't see that on my oneiric box, but i don't think i have paste installed20:02
broderhmm...maybe it's a pkgbinarymangler issue, then?20:02
barrysmoser: and that's an odd warning ;)20:02
smoserbarry, it shows up all the time.20:03
smoser(bug has a simple 'python -c' reproduce)20:03
smoseri can give you access to a system if you want20:03
dupondjebroder: no idea ... Any idea how I can debug this?20:03
barrysmoser: reproduced after installing python-paste20:03
barrysmoser: so my guess is paste is doing something weird/evil/illogical/insane/mean/nasty/dumb/bogus/wacked20:04
broderdupondje: wait a second...i think the problem is that dh_installdocs is getting called twice for some reason20:04
dupondjeIts in binary-arch and binary-indep indeed20:05
broderdupondje: with --all in both? that's a problem20:05
smoserhm.. i wonder what recommends got python-paste pulled into the images20:06
dupondjebroder: both         dh_installdocs --all AUTHORS NEWS README20:06
dupondjeguess it only needs to be in the indep ? as that one builds the doc ?20:06
broderdupondje: no, you should pass -a and -i in -arch and -indep respectivelyt20:07
broderyou shouldn't be acting on arch-indep packages in binary-arch, or arch-dep packages in binary-indep20:08
dupondjeso: dh_installdocs -a --all AUTHORS NEWS README right ?20:09
dupondjeand -i in indep20:09
broderdupondje: no --all20:09
broderin either20:09
smoserthank you barry20:09
barrysmoser: good question.  i've updated the bug.  np!20:09
Davieybarry: Seen this: http://pb.daviey.com/gjyF/raw/ ?20:12
barryDaviey: nope, that's a new one for me ;)20:13
Davieypoor me20:13
barryDaviey: you might check on #launchpad-dev20:13
Davieybarry: i've seen some other oddities.. with 2.7 the last day.20:13
barryDaviey: dang, that's not good20:14
Davieybarry: if nobody else has seen it, it could just be a local issue.20:14
barryDaviey: could be.  wfm ;)20:16
dupondjebroder: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/75642759/openmpi.debdiff guess this should do :)20:16
broderdupondje: LGTM. give me a few minutes and i'll sponsor it20:18
dupondjethanks for the assistance20:18
dupondjeguess i'll better post it upstream also :)20:18
broderdupondje: since you're looking at the package already, do you have any idea what's up with bug #697229?20:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 697229 in openmpi (Ubuntu) "openmpi link failure with ld --as-needed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69722920:23
ubottuDebian bug 621978 in src:openmpi "openmpi: FTBFS: libopen-pal.so.0: could not read symbols: Invalid operation" [Serious,Fixed]20:24
dupondjegot nmu'ed it seems20:25
broderah, so we can close it?20:25
dupondjeit just ftbfs on i386 due to that docs shizzle20:25
dupondjeelse its fine20:25
dupondjecan be closes indeed20:25
broderk, will do20:25
dupondjereported the dh_installdocs bug upstream also :)20:25
dupondjebroder: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openmpi/+bug/697229 => doesn't seem to be a ftbfs, but a bug in the package itself20:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 697229 in binutils (Ubuntu) "openmpi link failure with ld --as-needed" [Undecided,New]20:32
dupondjechecking if thats really fixed now20:32
broderdupondje: ah, i see20:32
broderdupondje: thanks for double-checking me20:33
Davieydupondje: surely a ftbfs if not transient, is usually a bug in the package itself?20:34
broderDaviey: it's a bug from using the package20:35
broderopenmpi does some code generation of one kind or another20:35
dupondjeindeed :)20:35
broderdupondje: can you take care of reopening that bug if it isn't actually fixed?20:38
dupondjei'll do20:39
dupondjebroder: seems not fixed :)20:47
broderdupondje: alas20:47
dupondjecan you change it to New again ?20:48
dupondjedon't have the permissions it seems :s20:48
smoserbarry, would you take a quick look at bug 81329520:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 813295 in python2.7 (Ubuntu) "oneiric images do not run in eucalyptus" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81329520:49
dupondjebroder: you requested a rebuild of openmpi ?20:55
broderdupondje: i'm doing a local test build with your patch now20:55
broderto make sure it works20:55
broderi'll upload once that finishes20:55
broder(it takes a *while* to build, apparently)20:55
dupondjeno stress :D20:56
barrysmoser: bug updated21:04
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smoserbarry, thanks again.21:09
smoserthat issue is somewhat a big deal for us.21:09
barrysmoser: let's see if anything happens upstream, and i can back port a fix.  if it gets critical for you, ping me and i'll try to spend some time on it21:11
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hallynis it possible to install debug symbols when running from live-usb?22:37
RAOFhallyn: Yup, they're essentially just regular packages.22:40
hallynawesome, thanks :)22:40
RAOFhallyn: You'll need to add ddebs.ubuntu.com to the sources.list first, though.22:40
hallynI may need to get my hands on an amd board to test kvm22:41
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