
=== Mkaysi_ is now known as Mkaysi
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
cjwatsonevenin' all15:00
* barry waves15:00
* stgraber waves15:00
MootBotMeeting started at 10:01. The chair is cjwatson.15:01
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]15:01
cjwatsonso, we're at least two down today, after Surbhi's departure and with Steve being on holiday15:01
cjwatsondoko_: around?15:02
* cjwatson has not been keeping up with the holiday calendar15:02
cjwatson[TOPIC] Lightning round15:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Lightning round15:03
cjwatson$ echo $(shuf -e cjwatson barry doko stgraber jhunt mvo ev bdmurray)15:03
cjwatsonbarry stgraber mvo bdmurray jhunt ev cjwatson doko15:03
barrybug 212370 (coretemp - needs followup), bug 811193 (psycopg2 sync request), bug 788514 (python-debian, python-dateutil, chardet, pycairo - revisit, python-brlapi, inotifyx), bug 788525 (review py 2.6.6/2.6.7 changes for sru), bug 806574 (cj crash in reorder() - no pygi equivalent so needs reimp), bug 810192 (pysqlite sync request), post-crash sysadmin (libvirt and vm restores/reinstalls), blog post about ecryptfs/u1/encfs, reviewed15:03
barrypackaging guide mps, release flufl.bounce (for launchpad), filed sbuild bugs, ppa:pythoneers/lts work, python issue 10309 (dlmalloc.c implicit cast breaking buildds). done.15:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 212370 in linux (Ubuntu) "Have to modprobe coretemp manually in order to get CPU temperatures on MacBook Pro" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21237015:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 811193 in psycopg2 (Ubuntu) "Sync psycopg2 2.4.2-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81119315:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 788514 in Ubuntu Oneiric "python packages on the CDs not using dh_python2" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78851415:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 788525 in python2.6 (Ubuntu) "updating to python2.6.7 in lucid and updating" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78852515:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 806574 in computer-janitor (Ubuntu Oneiric) "computer-janitor-gtk crashed with AttributeError in reorder(): 'ListStore' object has no attribute 'reorder'" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80657415:03
stgraber- Was on holiday last week15:04
stgraber- Fixed an annoying tzsetup bug (bug 771361)15:04
stgraber- Worked a bit on fixing LTSP not booting because of nbd (bug 806419)15:04
stgraber- Spent most of yesterday becoming way too familiar with TPM, nss and pkcs. Still fighting with opencryptoki.15:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 771361 in tzsetup (Ubuntu) "When IP isn't in maxmind's database, None gets selected as a locale" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77136115:04
stgraber- Started playing with LP daily builds for LTSP15:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 806419 in ltsp (Ubuntu Oneiric) "nbd-server doesn't work on Oneiric" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80641915:04
stgraber- Still working on arkose's dbus proxy. Will probably do yet another complete rewrite today, fighting with glib/dbus/threading :)15:04
stgraber- Will do some IPv6 testing now that cyphermox got a new Network manager patch15:04
cyphermox(just uploaded this to my ppa)15:04
mvosoftware-center: work on exhibits UI/backend, add ratings_spread graph, branch merges, work on GObject/GLib/Gio introspection update15:05
mvoupdate-manager: move to dh7, add btrfs snapshot to the size caclculation, add query-string for the release notes (like ubiquity), move auto-upgrade-tester to a new home and add some tweaks15:05
mvounattended-upgrades: add progress reporting and display if still running on shutdown15:05
mvoapt-btrfs-snapshot: use argparse, add i18n, add basic help and debug, add cleanup cronjob for old snapshots15:05
mvofriendly-recovery: add revert-to-snapshot menu15:05
mvodebdelta: add natty->natty-security deltas15:05
mvosoftware-properties: fixes in the dbus/polkit backend, port gtk UI to the new dbus/polkit backend (quite a bit of work)15:05
mvoapt: make apt-get upgrade hold back packages with new recommends (that would introduce new policy-broken packages), merges from debian-sid/experimental15:05
mvodebdelta: push my changes to lp:~mvo/debdelta/mvo and import upstream branch into LP15:05
bdmurraykerneloops upload enabling kerneloops but not reporting Oopses with WARNING in them (bug 346303), apport modifications to tag kerneloops reports based  off the driver the oops occurred in, tagging of apport-kerneloops bug reports using kernel-driver- and the driver name15:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 346303 in kerneloops (Ubuntu Lucid) "do not generate apport reports for non-critical kernel messages" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34630315:05
bdmurraybzr branch modifying plymouth apport hook and fixing bug 787685, apport update (data/general-hooks/ubuntu.py) to file more bugs about grub/grub2 rather than linux or memtest86+, rewrite how the ubuntu general hook in apport deals with DpkgTerminalLog and expand it to check VarLogDistupgradeApttermlog,  base-files upload resolving dealing with lsb_release (bug 744253 and bug 575885)15:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 787685 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Please include grub.cfg in apport hook" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78768515:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 744253 in Ubuntu Website "documentation deep-links in motd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74425315:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 575885 in base-files (Ubuntu) "Missing dependency on lsb-release" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57588515:05
bdmurrayapport-package bug cleanup for acpid, casper, memtest86+, dpkg and eglibc, out of memory package installation failure bug triage, bug triage of         memtest86+ bug reports, bug pattern writing for acpi and jockey bug reports15:05
bdmurrayupdate of launchpad database queries to not display private bug reports anymore, wrote launchpadlib script to searchTasks for package in ubuntu-        foundations-bugs.getBugSubscriberPackages to find tasks and filter by importance, status or tags and added it to arsenal15:06
jhunt_on Upstart feature to disable jobs. Debugging bug 807293 with15:06
jhunt_digression into /proc/self/fd behaviour on various kernels and15:06
jhunt_releases. Started work on an "upstart-utils" package (to contain the15:06
jhunt_add-on utilities out of the main upstart package). Found a couple of15:06
jhunt_dbus bugs (bug 812940 and 912913). Raised MP for bug 81095615:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 807293 in upstart "user jobs cause kernel panic" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80729315:06
jhunt_(required upstream Upstart changes to work around bug 812940).15:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 812940 in dbus (Ubuntu) "dbus behaviour change from natty to oneiric: now enables X11 autolaunch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81294015:06
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 912913 could not be found15:06
jhunt_Hopefully no more dbus problems relating to upstarts tests.15:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 810956 in upstart (Ubuntu) "/dev/.initramfs/ → /run/initramfs transition" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81095615:06
cjwatsonSpent most of the week shepherding Ubuntu 10.04.3, with a last-minute oem-config fix and a couple of other bits and pieces.15:06
cjwatsonDatabase side of multiarch-translations patch for Launchpad landed.  The rest is approved and we should be able to land it shortly after apt/python-apt hit lucid-updates.15:06
jhunt_dang - copy/paste error! Line *one* of my report is:15:06
cjwatsonTrying to add non-forking "generator" function support to libpipeline.  I think this is the main piece of hard work required to speed up the man-db trigger, which is a hotspot in Ubuntu upgrades (it turns out that forking 80000 processes is a bit slow, who'd'a thunk it).  Defining the API for this in C is proving quite difficult, seeing as coroutines aren't exactly a core language feature - I expect I'll spend a bit of ...15:06
jhunt_"Spent some time with Surbhi on the Upstart initramfs changes. Worked"15:06
cjwatson... time on it at DebConf.15:06
cjwatsonRealised this morning that my spam filter had gone insane and misfiled a bunch of real mail as spam.  I think I've recovered the bulk of it, but if you're waiting for a mail reply from me then resending would be welcome.15:06
cjwatsonStarting back in on the GRUB menu enhancements required to use it on the CD.  Finding it very difficult to make progress, although I do at least know the first piece; this will be a DebConf project.15:07
cjwatsonSubmitted another Launchpad patch to add Ubuntu Studio task fields (bug 562706).  This should land today.15:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562706 in Launchpad itself "On i386, selecting the ubuntu studio packages fails to install" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56270615:07
cjwatsonTravelling to DebConf on Friday; then DebCamp/DebConf for a week; then holiday for a week.15:07
cjwatsonev: err, very sorry, I jumped the queue15:07
* jhunt_ contemplates off-by-one bugs.15:07
bdmurraycjwatson: is the tasksel task still necessary for 562706?15:07
cjwatsonbdmurray: I just marked it invalid :-)15:07
doko_cjwatson: yes, can't see xchat blinking on my just upgraded laptop (oneiric)15:09
evapols, was quickly talking to John Lea about indexing your entire home folder on upgrade (yay)15:13
ev- Wireless networking page work.  Pretty much sorted and functional now, with15:13
ev  tests and all.  Just need to hook into an installer page.15:13
ev- Lucid chroots and builds of Wubi.15:13
ev- Helping two MacBook Air users in the office get up and running. There15:13
ev  appears to be a bug in the free driver that results in colorful TV snow when15:13
ev  KMS is enabled. Installing the binary driver fixes it. Can we please include15:13
ev  that on the CD? It's enabled when the 3rd party software box is checked and15:13
ev  Internet is available, and I'm confident that the wireless page will land15:13
ev  this or next week, but still, it's going to bite people.15:13
ev- LZMA vs xz shootout: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1oVHavsFMdCuqeco1vKI_r82dTCMrDj8HPtIaqBqvTO8/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=COO95YEE15:14
ev  - tl;dr xz wins, obviously. The extreme compression offers us nothing.15:14
ev- live-build and cdimage support for wubi xz archive.15:14
ev- Wubi cron job for publishing on cdimage.  Wubi disk image daily builds are15:14
ev  pretty much ready to go.15:14
ev- Met with the web team for a couple of hours to discuss the developer portal.15:14
ev- Lots more ubiquity PyGI work.  Very nearly there.  Just need to fix up one15:14
ev  last unicode issue, figure out why some signals are not firing, and write GI15:14
ev  bindings for indicator-datetime or gnome-control-center (eep!) so we can15:14
ev  have a working timezone map again.15:14
ev- Plumbers flight.  EEP.15:14
ev- Wubi disk image integration.15:14
ev- Lots of other workitems. eep again.15:14
doko_- ARM panda board installation15:14
doko_- ARM ac100 installation borked again :-/15:14
doko_- make ARM multiarch aware (armel/armhf), currently just gcc-4.6 and eglibc15:14
doko_- dive into multiarch changes for GCC again, found at least two issues when doin15:14
doko_g the ARM work15:14
doko_- Linaro GCC 4.5 and 4.6 merges and tests15:14
doko_- not much else besides ARM work :-(15:14
doko_will be traveling the next two weeks (DebConf, and the Linaro sprint)15:15
cjwatsonev: indexing> *cough* I do hope I can turn that off, it would take forever15:15
evcjwatson: I did my best to warn about that15:15
evand that we've never been particularly great at writing IO schedulers15:15
cjwatson(though better now that I have SSD, but I remember having to kill stupid indexers with fire in the past)15:16
evso perhaps it's time that we say you can't use your computer during upgrades, because if it's doing a full upgrade PLUS an index of the universe, well, you really can't use your computer15:16
evmvo: John Lea will be in touch :-P15:16
cjwatsondeferring the index update would be a better plan15:16
cjwatsoninclude binary driver> no, we can't, we've had legal threats about that in the past15:17
cjwatson(I'm pretty sure)15:17
evcjwatson: Broadcom lets us but Nvidia doesn't?15:17
mvoev: heh15:17
evYou'd figure Nvidia would want us to use their driver.15:17
cjwatsonno, that's not the problem15:17
mvoev: so the home dir needs indexing? so we need to run it as a user task instead of root?15:17
evmvo: yup, presumably for every user15:18
evmvo: it's all about building an index for zeitgeist15:18
cjwatsonif we ship the binary graphics drivers, we end up shipping the combination earlier, iirc, and *kernel developers* say we're violating their licence15:18
evbecause they are of the belief that zeitgeist can pretty much handle every application we care about now15:19
cjwatsonso we have an uneasy compromise15:19
evah, bloody Greg15:19
cjwatsonalso, don't the nvidia packages dpkg-divert libGL?15:19
evcjwatson: probably, why is that an issue?15:19
cjwatsonbecause it doesn't work on other cards when you do ...15:19
evah yes, portability of installation15:19
cjwatsonportability of the live CD15:19
evwell, it's not installing it in the livefs15:20
evit's running jockey -C from ubiquity15:20
cjwatsonwhy don't you get colourful TV snow in the live session then?15:20
evcjwatson: you do15:20
evsorry if that wasn't clear15:20
cjwatsoninstalling it on the fly might be a bit different, I'm not sure15:20
evcjwatson: is this a question for Amanda or the kernel team?15:21
cjwatsonseriously though, why can't we fix the free driver15:21
cjwatsonnot sure15:21
evbecause we're always fixing the free driver15:21
mvoev: that is going to be interessting as there are some pratical problems for the "run for every user" case, .e.g nfs or other installs15:21
evand then new hardware comes out15:21
evand our users are left with a bad experience15:21
cjwatsonit's getting closer and closer as time goes ono15:21
cjwatsonjust giving up is bad15:21
cjwatsonI mean, we could just ship a non-free OS, but that's not what we're about?15:22
evI do not foresee a point whereby we can honestly keep up with an entire company dedicated to building a driver for their own hardware15:22
cjwatsonwe might as well all give up then, how can we keep up with Microsoft15:22
evI think that's a strawman15:22
evwe can and should ship free bits15:22
evfor the things that we can reasonably manage15:22
cjwatsonwe're constantly under pressure not to15:23
evbut I don't think the open source community has come up with enough people hacking away on the free nvidia driver to keep up with the hardware out there15:23
evjust like we should ship flash15:23
cjwatsonI thought it was part of our ethos that we pushed back15:23
evbecause gnash will never ever keep up with that15:23
evwe should ship the nvidia binary driver in whatever way we can15:23
evwe should push back, but not at the expense of our users15:23
cjwatsonour users will never get anything free if we don't even try15:24
evwe can push back in other ways, through hardware deals and all that jazz15:24
cjwatsonworkarounds are one thing, but we need to fix the free driver on this hardware *as well*15:24
evI also don't think there's an advantage to a free driver with lots of bugs that we can fix vs a non-free driver with a smaller amount of bugs that we can't15:24
cjwatsonand if we don't ship it by default, we never ever ever will15:24
cjwatsonjockey -C will just shove the non-free driver in and nobody will ever even try the free driver15:25
evbut if the free driver doesn't stand a chance of keeping up, should we really fight that battle15:25
evor push free software where we can keep up or create an advantage15:25
cjwatsonI thought we wanted our kernel bug reports to be looked at by upstream ...15:26
evbut we have this problem in more than just the graphics driver15:26
evwireless as well15:26
cjwatsonwe do, and it's a problem, but at least with wireless it's possible to present a choice to users where they can actually see it15:27
cjwatsonanyway, maybe you and I having an argument about this isn't the best use of the rest of the team's time :)15:27
evsure :)15:27
barryit's an interesting philosophical debate, but probably better carried on elsewhere :)15:28
cjwatson[TOPIC] Oneiric bugs15:28
MootBotNew Topic:  Oneiric bugs15:28
cjwatsonbdmurray: do you have anything for us this week?15:28
cjwatson(or anyone else)15:28
bdmurraycjwatson: no, not this week15:28
doko_what are 5000 bugs in percent of the open bugs?15:29
cjwatsonapropos of the mumble conversation, it would be good if somebody could look into bug 80588615:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 805886 in util-linux (Ubuntu) "/proc does not get umounted after debootstrap" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80588615:29
bdmurraydoko_: about 18%15:30
cjwatsonare you about to initiate a bug event of some kind? ;-)15:30
doko_so better avoid filing these in the first place15:30
bdmurraycjwatson: I sent an email about tagging some 5000 bugs dist-upgrade to ubuntu-dev15:31
* micahg thought Ubuntu had ~100k open bugs15:32
bdmurraymicahg: I've been busy fixing that15:32
bdmurraywell and the expiration probably helps15:32
cjwatsonhow many of those 5000 are main?  (not that that necessarily helps our users with universe bits installed, but ...)15:32
doko_one thing I did notice is that the upgrade bugs should not be filed if the bug title doesn't show up in any of the logs15:33
bdmurraycjwatson: I just queried for ubuntu bug tasks with the attachment name 'VarLogDistupgrade...'15:33
bdmurraydoko_: do you have an example?15:33
doko_bdmurray: I'll subscribe you to the next one I see15:34
bdmurraydoko_: okay thanks15:34
cjwatsonOK then15:36
cjwatson[TOPIC] AOB15:36
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB15:36
doko_maybe an update to the ftbfs reports (nearly all of them in universe), still 700 open, down from 900 two weeks ago.15:36
doko_I'll have to find time to start the archive rebuild to update these. maybe while at debconf or the linaro sprint15:37
cjwatsonoh, look at that, field.tag=ftbfs doesn't cause LP to time out any more15:37
evI met up with Scott for lunch. He's doing well, enjoying SF and Google.15:37
barryev: nice15:37
cjwatsoncool, he's holidaying in the UK this week?15:37
doko_it never timed out, only if you search for two or more tags15:37
barryis everybody but me going to debconf? ;)15:37
cjwatsondoko_: it did for me15:37
cjwatsonbarry: yes, HTH ;-)15:37
bdmurraybarry: not me15:38
evapparently their teams eat dinner together, so no one ever pays for a meal at google15:38
evcjwatson: indeed, last week into this one15:38
evI think he leaves on Friday15:38
cjwatsonev: matches my assessment last time I was there - sounds lovely if you're single :)15:38
evcjwatson: exactly15:38
evwelcome to Google, you will live here.15:39
doko_although the london office only has one cafeteria15:39
barryresistance is futile15:39
evgeez, third world country there15:39
doko_when is the next summit in mountain view?15:39
cjwatsonwe're probably overdue, extrapolating from history ...15:40
cjwatsonlast one was Nov 2008 IIRC15:40
evassuming someone doesn't get us kicked out for taking photos of all the cubicles again15:41
jhunt_I'm supposed to be there on Monday, but need confirmation (and flights! :)15:41
cjwatsonoh yes, I have one AOB15:41
cjwatsoncould somebody represent foundations in the release meeting on Friday?15:42
evjhunt_: you're making me feel better about not having my flights for plumbers sorted then15:42
doko_can do15:42
cjwatsonI'll be travelling, and slangasek will be at DebConf but I don't know if he'll be available15:42
barryi have a dr. appt15:42
doko_could you email me some status?15:42
cjwatsongreat, thank you - I don't have it right now, I usually distil it from the logs of this meeting15:42
cjwatsonfrom the lightning round, intersected with status.c.c15:43
cjwatsonI'll get Kate to CC you on the agenda this week15:43
cjwatsone.g. http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/07/15/%23ubuntu-meeting.html#t15:2515:43
cjwatsonit tends to be a bit reduced, a full representation of what everyone's been doing would be too long, so I try to focus on things interesting to other teams15:44
cjwatsonok, anything else?15:45
cjwatsonthat's a wrap then, thanks all15:46
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:46.15:46
* patrickmw waves17:00
pedro_hello folks17:00
pedro_lets start the QA meeting17:00
MootBotMeeting started at 12:00. The chair is pedro_.17:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]17:00
* charlie-tca waves17:00
pedro_as always the Agenda is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings17:00
pedro_[TOPIC] Previous Actions - all17:01
MootBotNew Topic:  Previous Actions - all17:01
pedro_is there any pending items from previous meeting?17:01
pedro_i don't recall any17:01
pedro_ok seems not17:02
pedro_[TOPIC] Community Efforts/Testing17:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Community Efforts/Testing17:03
jibelHey all17:03
pedro_jibel, bonjour17:03
jibelHola pedro_17:03
jibelThis week we are testing 10.04.3 candidates.17:03
jibelYou can see results here http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com17:04
jibelWe still need help with Ubuntu 'Run Once' test cases17:04
jibelAnd Kubuntu too.17:04
* charlie-tca is running Kubuntu tests, with a slow internet17:05
jibelTesting is easy, you sync a 10.04.3 image, and run one of the test linked from the tracker17:06
jibelTest on VM are valid also.17:06
jibelOn Oneiric, we are still testing nVidia and ATI proprietary drivers17:07
MootBotLINK received:  http://xorg.qa.ubuntu.com/17:07
pedro_http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/all/untested and http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/all/notcompleted are two good links to look for the ISO testing btw17:07
MootBotLINK received:  http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/all/untested and http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/all/notcompleted are two good links to look for the ISO testing btw17:07
jibelIf you have one of these card you can contribute to improve its support in the next release.17:07
jibelEven if its really broken, we want to know about it.17:08
jibelthat's all from me.17:08
pedro_folks any question or comment on the topic ?17:08
pedro_ok next topic on the agenda17:09
pedro_[TOPIC] Automated/Systems Testing17:10
MootBotNew Topic:  Automated/Systems Testing17:10
pedro_patrickmw, stage is all yours17:10
patrickmw= Kernel SRU =17:10
patrickmw* USIT merges complete for Lucid kernel testing (updates and proposed)17:10
patrickmw* waiting for USIT daily build to complete, then on to Lucid kernel jenkins jobs17:10
patrickmw= Upgrade Testing =17:10
patrickmw* setup complete on albali17:10
patrickmw* currently creating jenkins jobs with mvo17:10
patrickmwexpected to have lucid kernel sru updates and proposed, and Oneiric upgrade testing running EOW17:10
patrickmwthat's all from me if there are no questions17:11
pedro_is there any questions/comments?17:12
pgranerpedro_, 0/17:12
pedro_pgraner, please go ahead17:12
pgranerFYI for everyone I'll be in the Datacenter Tue-Wed of next week upgrading the boxes17:12
pgranerI have disks memory and other goodies going in17:13
pgranerI'll coordinate with folks individually about down time17:13
pedro_anyone else?17:14
patrickmwpgraner, good.  looking forward to see why naartjie won't stay online17:14
pgranerpatrickmw, I confirmed is a BIOS issue and I'll update17:15
pedro_lets go for the next item on the agenda17:16
pedro_[TOPIC] Engineering Team Bug Status17:16
MootBotNew Topic:  Engineering Team Bug Status17:16
pedro_bdmurray, Ursinha, anything to share?17:17
bdmurrayI uploaded a new version of kerneloops enabling it and not reporting Oopses with WARNINGS in them for the kernel17:17
bdmurrayThere is also a new version of apport that tags the bugs using the driver the Oops occurred in17:17
bdmurrayI updated the plymouth apport source package hook bug 78768517:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 787685 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Please include grub.cfg in apport hook" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78768517:18
bdmurrayAlso after doing some triage of memtest86+ bugs realized a lot were grub updating errors so moved those there and updated apport's handling of those17:18
bdmurraythey'll now go directly to grub217:18
bdmurrayI also wrote launchpadlib script to searchTasks for package in ubuntu-        foundations-bugs.getBugSubscriberPackages to find tasks and filter by importance, status or tags and added it to arsenal17:19
UrsinhaWorked on improvements of the Server team's Bug Triaging process17:20
UrsinhaChanges can be found in the wiki page17:20
UrsinhaTo support the improved process, I created a report with all bugs Server team should care about17:20
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~ursula/triage-report.html17:20
pedro_cool! thanks17:21
jibelpedro_, don't you have this type of report for the desktop team ?17:21
pedro_so as for me : remember that tomorrow we're having a bug day for Banshee, the media player, so if you like music and want to test and application please help us17:21
pedro_page is at : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/2011072117:22
pedro_jibel, yeah i was going to mention that :-)17:22
pedro_so we also have a similar page at : http://people.canonical.com/~pedro/desktop/17:22
jibelmaybe you could share with Ursinha ?17:22
pedro_for tracking 'bad bugs' for the desktop team17:22
Ursinhajibel: that's why I ask people to share their scripts and reports with the rest of the team, hehe :)17:22
Ursinhapedro_: thanks for that17:22
bdmurraypedro_: I don't see jockey in that package list17:23
pedro_Ursinha, if you like it it could be customized , just a matter of change the package list17:23
pedro_bdmurray, i'll add it to the 'other packages' tab17:23
pedro_there we list things that are not included in the desktop-bugs subscribed packages17:23
Ursinhapedro_: I'm not searching for packages, I'm searching for bugs that have ubuntu-server as bug supervisor, but sure, I'll take a look at the code17:24
bdmurrayoh I didn't see the tabs ;-)17:24
Ursinhapedro_: where's the code?17:24
Ursinhapedro_: that's a pretty cool report, btw :D17:24
pedro_Ursinha, the ugly script i wrote is at my ~ at that machine, i'll send it to you later17:24
Ursinhapedro_: please please please :)17:24
pedro_and if you're also interesting on which are the 'top ten' of bad bugs on the desktop17:25
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pedro/desktop/top-ten.html17:25
pedro_you can look at that page17:25
pedro_its some kind of resume of all the bugs on the tabs17:25
Ursinhathanks pedro_, are you accepting contributions? :) if so, we can put that in launchpad and work together, how does that sound to you?17:26
pedro_Ursinha, that sounds perfect to me :-)17:26
Ursinhawonderful :)17:26
pedro_would be nice if someone help me to clean the code a little bit :-P17:27
UrsinhaI'd appreciate that in my code as well ;)17:27
pedro_any others comments on questions on the subject?17:27
pedro_ok thanks all, lets move to the next one17:29
jibelpedro_, what is the definition of 'worst' ? for example why is bug 772207 in the list ?17:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 772207 in unity (Ubuntu) "version 173.14.30 driver is buggy for NVidia GeForce FX series" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77220717:29
pedro_oh not yet <17:29
jibelnumber of affected users ?17:29
pedro_jibel, indeed, that report is listed because it's affecting a lot of users17:29
pedro_the report is made based on quantity of dups, numbers of affecting users and importances17:30
jibelok interesting.17:30
Ursinhapedro_: maybe mentioning the criteria at the top would avoid confusion17:30
pedro_so if you mark a bug as high or critical it will appear in the report no matter how many users are affected17:30
pedro_and if it has a good quantity of users affected, which is customized for every tab , it will appear there, same for duplicates17:31
jibelbdmurray, would these reports be useful to the foundation team aswell ?17:31
bdmurrayjibel: I'll play with it and see what we get in the bugs list17:32
pedro_Ursinha, yes i'll add that, we've been using it just for the desktop so they know why they're listed there, but for external viewers yeah its not clear17:32
Ursinhapedro_, bdmurray: we can talk about all those reports in our sprint :)17:33
pedro_oh yes :-)17:33
pedro_btw all sorted, i'm going :-)17:33
pedro_any other comments/questions?17:34
pedro_[TOPIC] Other Topics17:35
MootBotNew Topic:  Other Topics17:35
pedro_Anything else you'd like to discuss at the meeting?17:35
pedro_ok next item and last one17:37
pedro_[TOPIC] Chair Selection17:37
MootBotNew Topic:  Chair Selection17:37
pedro_so hggdh already volunteered for it17:38
pedro_thanks hggdh :-)17:38
pedro_ok last reminders , please help with the ISO Testing http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ join #ubuntu-testing for more info and please help with the bug day https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20110721 join #ubuntu-bugs for info on that17:39
MootBotMeeting finished at 12:39.17:39
pedro_thanks all for participating!17:39
jibelThanks pedro_ for chairing17:40
Ursinhathanks pedro_, and all17:40
pedro_you're welcome17:40
* pedro_ -> lunch 17:42
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