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tgm4883I'm working on cleaning up the lintian warnings here http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/revu1-incoming/mythbuntu-bare-1107192257/lintian what is a good way to resolve no-complete-debconf-translation?02:06
tgm4883It seems that if nobody translates my software, that I won't ever be able to get rid of this warning02:06
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dholbachgood morning06:47
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dnivrahello. I'd come a few days ago regarding the packaging of open teacher(https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/682852). As said here, I mailed Debian(debian edu to precise) about 5 days ago and nobody have responded to it at all.11:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 682852 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] OpenTeacher" [Wishlist,In progress]11:50
dnivrashould I continue asking debian if they'll upload the package? I do not mind doing so-I've to keep dropping into the IRC channel every now and then. but after no reply for 5 days, I wonder if they'll reply.11:54
Laneydnivra: can you summarise the discussion to date in a mail to debian-derivatives@lists.debian.org (cc-ed to debian-edu too)?11:59
LaneyI or someone else will try to help you there11:59
dnivraLaney: will do.12:00
dnivraLaney: should I mention the Ubuntu bug? and should I mentioned you asked me to email the list?12:07
Laneydnivra: you can do if you like. I imagine it's something that both debian-edu and edubuntu would benefit from.12:08
Laneyhighvoltage: ^^^ maybe you want to do an initial packaging review? :-)12:12
* highvoltage catches up12:48
Laneyjust because I saw you filed the bug12:52
highvoltagednivra: debian-edu is also a small team so it's possible that they could have just missed it12:54
highvoltagednivra: I could do an initial review if you like, I'm not a DD but I'm good at spotting common problems, if the package is in good shape then you could get any debian developer to sponsor it, we have a few hanging out here :)12:55
LaneyI was hoping that posting to -derivatives would make -edu wake up, but failing that anyone else can sponsor indeed12:56
dnivraLaney: highvoltage I just found that open teacher has released a new version and I've a packaging of an older version. so I'll have to do the packaging again.12:58
dnivrashould I do the packaging before posting to -derivatives? i still haven't posted yet.12:58
Laneymost of the stuff should carry over (depends on what exactly has changed) — use uupdate to move to the new release12:59
Laneyit might be best to get it as current as you can and then post to mentors12:59
highvoltageI guess using the debian-mentors list might be a better idea, having the package ready first... yeah what Laney said :)12:59
Laneythen you can mail derivatives and edu and get highvoltage to review!13:00
Laneysuch fun13:00
dnivraLaney: i'll update to the current ASAP. and about -mentors mailing list, i'd initially posted to them and they asked me to ask debian-edu to sponsor.13:02
Laneymore focused lists make sense, indeed13:02
dnivraand they weren't very enthusiastic of the name13:05
dnivradebian-edu that is13:05
Laneyi'm sure that can be worked around13:08
Laney-derivatives can help you here13:08
dnivraoh that's great! I'll get the updated packaging into debian mentors asap13:10
micahgdupondje: hi, I've got a task for you if you choose to accept it :), it would be nice to go through the bugs tagged upgrade-software-version and request syncs/do merges for stuff that's in Debian already before Feature Freeze (Aug 11)15:07
dupondjemicahg: I can search that tag on launchpad ?16:27
micahgdupondje: yep16:28
dupondjewill do that next :)16:28
dupondjegoing trough all the ftbfs now16:29
dupondjeand syncing those that have newer version in debian with fix16:29
micahgdupondje: thanks, BTW, we can fix FTBFS after Feature Freeze (new upstream still needs FFe in most cases, but it's easier to get for a reason like FTBFS fix, disclaimer: IANA release team member)16:31
dupondjesomebody around with an armel builder ? :)16:36
dupondjewhat can we do with https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mlton/20100608-416:41
dupondjearmel build waits for mlton ...16:41
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micahgdupondje: it needs to be bootstrapped by an AA I think16:43
broderwhat's the current stance on FFes for universe? it seemed like we were sort of dropping them when motu-release went away16:44
broder(since presumably ubuntu-release has better things to do than review a bunch of unseeded packages)16:44
micahgbroder: tumbleweed and Laney are now on the release team to help with that :)16:44
broderah, cool16:45
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dupondjeCould somebody check https://launchpadlibrarian.net/75520549/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-i386.openmpi_1.4.3-2.1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ?19:42
Laneybroder: no, no dropping21:00
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dupondjemicahg: searching on launchpad for upgrade-software-version seems to give timeout21:23
dupondjeok worked now21:28
dupondjemicahg: first example. Package got removed in Ubuntu/Debian. Bug is a upgrade request from 2007. Put as Invalid ? or ?21:29
Rhondadupondje: Sounds reasonable.21:32
dupondjeTo bad I don't seem to have permissions to set it Invalid ... heh21:33
ajmitchmaybe with an explanation of why it was removed, if that's still around21:33
dupondje------------------- Reason -------------------21:35
dupondjeRoDPMT; replaced by plone4 (soon to come); RC buggy21:35
dupondjeand its still not there :p21:35
ajmitchyeah, there were reasons for removing much of that :)21:36
ajmitchit tended to need a version of python that was years out of date21:37
dupondjeyep just saw that also indeed21:37
dupondje2.4 :p21:37
ajmitchyou found http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=564956 ?21:37
ubottuDebian bug 564956 in ftp.debian.org "RM: plone3 -- RoDPMT; replaced by plone4 (soon to come); RC buggy" [Normal,Open]21:37
dupondjeSometimes you would like to be able to upgrade a debian package :p21:47
paultagdupondje: debian's easy to play with, file a bug where it'll get seen21:47
paultagoh jeez, that bug is fine21:48
paultagmight want to poke it or mail the debian ftp-team :)21:48
dupondjepaultag: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=62148621:48
ubottuDebian bug 621486 in gearmand "gearmand: new upstream version available" [Normal,Open]21:48
dupondjeseems like that doesn't work :p21:48
paultagdupondje: attach a patch with it21:49
paultagdupondje: then email the maint, and if you really would like it, prepare a NMU21:49
paultagdupondje: but it looks like security issues are present, so QA might help you fast track that and do a QA upload21:50
paultagdupondje: if there are CVEs file them important against it and you can go from there. If not, just report the exploit and how to dupe it, and why it's of a high severity :)21:51
dupondjeheh ok :)21:53
dupondjei'll get that fixed21:53
dupondjetomorrow ... :D21:53
paultagdupondje: night :)21:58
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jtaylorwhy is so much arch dependent :(22:12
jtaylorjust plugged in my netbook and get 80% cache misses as my main desktop is a different arch :((22:12
jtaylor(while updating)22:12
jtaylordoes anyone know when debdelta is goind to be usable?22:13
jtaylorshould be this cycle?22:13
broderjtaylor: i haven't heard any motion on it since uds, so i'm guessing probably not at this point22:15
broderhuh, i'm apparently wrong, actually22:16
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jtaylorhey it even works in natty, but not very good ^^22:29
jtayloreach call loads a single delta22:29
micahgdupondje: yeah, that query is timeout prone ATM, in the example you gave, you can explain that there's a new version in the form of a new library23:52

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