
=== Terminus is now known as Terminus_
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arscariosushello :)11:16
zakameI wonder if this IRC window will show up on TV11:19
pinoyskull-is it done?12:09
_guy_linuxhello. anyone tried comparing the performance ubuntu and variants on Gnome and KDE environments? Which do you think is better in terms of speed and memory usage?13:43
arscariosus_guy_linux, haven't tried it yet13:52
Knightlust_guy_linux: if you want a speedier ubuntu distro, you should try lubuntu13:52
Knightlust'coz your question's like comparing apples and oranges13:53
arscariosusKnightlust, it's based on lxde right?13:53
arscariosusi mean it's using lxde as de13:53
arscariosusis lxde 'lighter' than xfce?13:54
Knightlust_guy_linux: but if you're only looking for speed and performance... try ubuntu server13:54
arscariosusi tried using xfce and fedora 8 with xfce before13:54
Knightlustwithout gui13:54
Knightlustarscariosus: yeah, lxde's lighter than xfce13:54
Knightlustand with the transition to gnome3/gtk3, xfce will have to keep up13:55
Knightlusti'm also using lubuntu on one of my system, if you have an older hardware wherein the current release struggles to run on, i really suggest you take a look at lubuntu13:56
arscariosusKnightlust, any materials you could suggest so I could contribute to the community13:56
Knightlusttry translating projects to filipino13:56
arscariosusI just don't know where to start13:56
Knightlustwait, i'll go get the link13:57
Knightlustarscariosus: here's the knowledgebas: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/KnowledgeBase/13:58
Knightlustand here's the link to the templates: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+lang/fil13:58
Knightlustclick on a project, and go translate. don't worry if you messed up13:59
Knightlustsomeone (most likely me) would review it anyway before submitting the finalized translations13:59
arscariosusKnightlust, thanks I was looking at that yesterday14:03
_guy_linuxThanks, Knightlust. I tried running kubuntu 11.04 via liveUSB. The KDE environment seems great but had problems with bluetooth connection and dsl. With Linux Mint, problem with bluetooth but internet's okay.14:03
arscariosushow about if I wante to learn more then get involved with development?14:03
arscariosusor maybe bugtracking, first, maybe?14:03
arscariosus_guy_linux, the problems I had with KDE is that most packages I use are Gnome packages. I don't want to install the extra dependencies hahaha14:04
_guy_linuxRegardless of speed and desktop environment, it seems I am much safer with the LTS version. No problem with bluetooth and dsl with ubuntu 10.04.14:04
Knightlust_guy_linux: there's an existing bluetooth bug. been relying on bluetooth as well to manage my china phone via gammu/wammu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/system76/+bug/76296414:05
lubotu2Launchpad bug 762964 in System76 "Bluetooth doesn't work in Ubuntu 11.04" [Critical,Fix released]14:05
Knightlust_guy_linux: try sudo killall bluetoothd | sudo bluetoothd14:05
Knightlustthat works for me14:05
Knightlustarscariosus: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek14:06
Knightlustthat'll start you developing/packaging/bug triaging14:06
arscariosusi'll check it out thanks14:07
Knightlustalso check out the event calendar at http://ubuntu-news.org/calendars/classroom/14:08
_guy_linuxAre the problems in bluetooth/dsl internet connection (or other drivers) related to regular updating of kernel versions or also with the new releases of linux distro?14:08
Knightlustand join the meetings at http://ubuntu-news.org/calendars/fridge/ try to feel your way around14:08
_guy_linuxbecause I can connect to the internet with Mint 11, but having trouble with kubuntu 11.04.14:10
Knightlust_guy_linux: not always. linux is very complicated.14:10
Knightlustthe internet issue may be with network-manager14:10
Knightlustas for the bluetooth bug, i believe it's the bluez and gnome-bluetooth package14:11
Knightlust_guy_linux: try pm'ing Jucato (/pm Jucato), he's our resident kubuntu guru14:12
Knightlusthe's online on irc, but not on this channel14:12
Knightlustor is it /msg Jucato14:13
Knightlusthmm, my irc skills is degrading14:13
_guy_linuxI hope these problems will be fixed in time for the next LTS. Thanks, Knightlust.14:14
Knightlustarscariosus: i suggest you also idle in #ubuntu-devel and #ubuntu-motu14:16
Knightlustand make sure you read the irc logs14:17
Knightlustalso, google before asking questions - that's very important14:18
Knightlustayt, gotta go. i've got work at 12MN14:19
* epal prefers wm lang heheh..14:19
epalung lxde i think gamit is openbox :D14:19
epalerm, ala na pala xD14:20

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