
r4___yeah same00:00
r4___especially given that the problem is fixed once i reinstall grub00:00
twbBecause I have *so* many problems with grub, and my booting needs are simple and homogeneous, I usually just install extlinux instead in such cases.00:00
twbHere are my notes http://paste.debian.net/123429/ (for hardy, but largely unchanged as at lucid)00:01
r4___ill have to give that a good read tomorrow00:03
r4___cuz this solution will only be acceptable as a temp fix00:03
r4___ill just have to play around and see if i can find a fix :)00:10
twbWhen I put extlinux in production, it just sits there and works.  Such is definitely not my experience with grub, especially grub 2.  As you've seen...00:10
r4___haha yeah00:10
r4___ill give extlinux a look...it might get rid of this damn headache... :P00:10
hallynhggdh: I'm not using it00:10
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hggdhhallyn: thanks00:12
hallynthank you :)00:13
adam_gsmoser: around? http://paste.ubuntu.com/647739/00:20
r4___time to go home!00:22
twbIf anyone cares, I have just updated my extlinux notes to reflect the current (sid/lucid) generation: http://paste.debian.net/123435/02:10
hggdhDaviey: when you get back... bug 813266, potential blocker for 10.04.302:27
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 813266 in eucalyptus "eucalyptus fails to start instances" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81326602:27
Guest70950anyone there?03:45
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:47
Guest70950How do I get a working flash player for xbuntu. It says there is none compatiable in firefox03:49
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash03:49
Guest70950waht is !flash and !gnash03:52
Guest70950FNG here03:52
twbGuest70950: /msg ubottu foo03:53
twister004hi  guys.. how can I access the grub boot screen during bootup?03:59
twbtwister004: hit shift04:15
Datzthat has changed with certain versions, correct?04:15
Datzused to be escape?04:15
twbDatz: yes04:18
twbIt's configurable; the default changed04:18
twister004guys.. i tried shift and esc... it doesn't work04:21
twister004looks like grub has crashed :(04:21
uvirtbot`New bug: #813295 in cloud-init (main) "oneiric alpha2 images do not run in eucalyptus" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81329504:21
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DanaGInteresting: gave the Broadcom a second chance, and it seems to be fine now.06:00
DanaGNot CPU-devouring.06:00
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Totem-Schalteranyone know anything about setting up a tftpd server .. im having a hell of a time trying to get it to work.08:09
codec_jep. whats the problem?08:10
Totem-Schalterim using tftpd-hpa and its running but i cant access it08:11
Totem-Schalteri get the error "no file or dir"08:11
Totem-Schalteri made a folder in "/tftp" and chmod 777 it and i also edited the tftpd-hpa to reflect that dir08:13
Totem-Schalterim lost08:13
lynxmanTotem-Schalter: Setting up tftp is always a bit of a pain, does it generate any logs?08:19
Totem-Schalteri think so .. i need to look where it puts them08:19
lynxmanTotem-Schalter: that's where I would start, since it won't give you any other clue08:19
Totem-Schalterthere really is not any good documentation on it either "tftpd-hpa08:21
lynxmanTotem-Schalter: unfortunately08:21
Totem-Schalteryeah no logs .. but i need to check my initd logs .. where is that08:25
Totem-Schalterto check if port 69 is binding08:26
lynxmanTotem-Schalter: Are you using xinetd or just starting directly?08:26
Totem-Schaltercommand "service tftpd-hpa start " works08:27
lynxmanso starting directly08:27
lynxmancheck the PID of tftpd then do lsof -p PIDNUM as root08:27
lynxmanTotem-Schalter: that'll show you all the resources the process is using including ports its listening to08:29
lynxmanTotem-Schalter: also another way is to do "netstat -an"08:29
Totem-Schalternetsat -an i found udp
lynxmanso... someone is listening :)08:30
uvirtbot`New bug: #813371 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.8.2-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81337108:31
lynxmanTotem-Schalter: now, the key is finding the logs, since it must be something silly like "can't find dir, can't read file, I'm just a dumb service" or any of the above :)08:31
Totem-Schalteryeah .. it hased to be a setting in my config file08:32
Totem-Schalterwhat can i do with the "ps" command to keep it from scrolling off the screen ?08:35
lynxmanps | less08:36
lynxmanfor example08:36
Totem-Schalterok i was doing |grep less08:36
lynxmanthat will try to look for the string less in ps output :)08:36
Totem-Schalterahh ic08:37
shadowpitHello, I've got a problem with my Ubuntu Server 11.04 amd64, can I request for help here or is there a better place to that ?08:37
shadowpit-to +for08:37
irlyif someone knowledgeable knows the answer, you probably get one08:38
shadowpitok, thanks.08:38
shadowpitHere is my problem : I updated my server and I now have Linux 2.6.38-10-server (in addition to 2.6.38-8) and, when I try to boot on version "10", I think I have a KP because the screen keeps black and there is no use of the HDD (I can ear it working with version "8"). I'm using GRUB 2. I don't understand what is the problem.08:42
Totem-Schalterlynxman: hey i finnaly checked with "lsof -p" and i see that it has my file i made "/tftp" listed as type "cwd" is it safe to say that i have set my dir up ok ?08:45
shadowpitSorry, I disconnected. ^^'08:45
shadowpitIs there anyone that can help me with that ?08:46
Totem-Schalterlynxman: sorry not type but FD cwd08:46
shadowpitI also looked at /boot/grub/grub.cfg and I didn't saw any diference between the lines for v10 and those for v8 (except for "8">"10" of course).08:49
irlyshadowpit: have you tried booting into recovery mode?08:50
shadowpitOK, I just have tried with this result :08:52
shadowpitLoading of Linux 2.6.38-10-server...08:53
shadowpitLoading of ramdisk...08:53
shadowpit> No use of the HDD (I don't ear it), and it's "frozen", can't do anyting but reboot it by ACPI (nothing happend when hitting "Num Lock")08:55
lynxmanTotem-Schalter: yeah looks like :)08:56
lynxmanTotem-Schalter: sorry I was messing around with some stuff08:56
BuenGenioserver just came out of a 40 minute long stall08:57
BuenGenioload average for the last hour was 104!08:57
BuenGeniodon't even know where to start looking08:57
BuenGeniothere are all these stack traces in syslog, that I don't know where they come from08:58
BuenGeniogone into stall again09:01
BuenGenioLoad average: 9509:01
shadowpitAnother question : can we have no submenus in Grub2 ?09:06
shadowpitMy "v8" kernel is in a submenu of Grub, if I add GRUB_DEFAULT="Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.38-8-server" in /etc/default/grub, this will work ?09:09
irlyshadowpit: sorry, I have no idea what the problem is. feel free to ask again some time later or in a different channel. #linux #grub might help.09:09
irlyor just wait here :)09:09
shadowpitok, thank, I will ask on #grub09:09
shadowpitI can wait here, but I'll have to explain my problem again and again, and I don't want to flood. ;-)09:11
Totem-Schalterlynxman: well i fixed it and its working now09:12
lynxmanTotem-Schalter: excellent \o/09:13
Totem-SchalterTFTP_OPTIONS="--create --secure" had to add the --create part09:13
Totem-Schalterby defalt u cant create new files when tftping09:14
lynxmanTotem-Schalter: yes, that's correct :)09:14
Totem-Schalterhe he ..09:14
Totem-Schaltercd /09:14
lynxmanTotem-Schalter: I normally just "touch" them and chmod appropriately09:14
Totem-Schalterwell i using the tftp to back up IOS from Cisco router09:15
Totem-Schalterso il limited on commands09:15
lynxmanTotem-Schalter: that's what I use it for normally, that and Cisco phones09:15
Totem-Schalterim  a cisco noob going for my CCENT and i was setting it all up with my GNS3 set up to learn09:16
Totem-Schalterand boy i learned more that i thought09:17
lynxmanTotem-Schalter: it always happens, I used to manage an AS, it was... fun :)09:21
Domozhello folks09:22
Domozi accidentally rm'ed my /dev/ptyp* and now i am stuck at blank ssh screen after logging in. i can still access to root's sftp though09:24
Domozany idea how to fix this?09:24
DomozServer refused to allocate pty. stdin: is not a tty09:25
hallynkirkland: so are you using tmux now instead of screen?  Apart from shiny and new, what is your motivation?12:58
jMCgkirkland: it's maintained, I heard.12:59
jMCgSo strange. Different keybindings.. It's like using emacs all of a sudden.13:07
uvirtbot`New bug: #813494 in mysql-5.1 (main) "package mysql-client-5.1 5.1.54-1ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/innochecksum', which is also in package mysql-server 5.0.92-2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81349413:12
kirklandhallyn: byobu isn't using tmux yet;  but I'm using it quite a bit13:15
kirklandhallyn: as jMCg says, it's actively maintained13:16
kirklandhallyn: code is much cleaner, easier to work with;  upstream has already taken a patch of mine (I have a stack of patches against screen that never get applied)13:16
kirklandhallyn: jMCg: I've created a set of keybindings for tmux that duplicates those in screen and byobu13:16
jMCgkirkland: care to share?13:20
jMCgNice: https://github.com/aziz/tmuxinator13:22
jMCgI hope I'm not too old to learn a new "wm" :)13:23
hallynkirkland: newer.  actively maintained.  how old is the project?13:31
kirklandhallyn: 200713:31
hallyni figure it takes 2-3 years for the first major, subtle, horrible security design bug to be found13:31
hallynhm, ok13:31
kirklandhallyn: screen -> 198713:31
hallyni trust screen bc it's already had horrible bugs found :)13:31
kirklandhallyn: tmux has 130 users in IRC right now, screen 7013:31
kirklandhallyn: lots of bugs unfixed, too13:32
hallynright cause noone needs to join irc for screen :)13:32
hallynits the same reason i trust IE :)13:32
kirklandhallyn: awesome13:32
hallynall right, i may need to do a tmux code review then13:32
kirklandhallyn: sweet, that would be awesome13:32
kirklandhallyn: you'll find it far easier to read than screen's code13:32
CloudAche84Anyone got experience installing ubuntu to iscsi target with preseed?13:37
uvirtbot`New bug: #813519 in postfix (main) "package postfix-ldap 2.8.2-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 127" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81351914:02
disposable2 of my (lucid) servers have their clocks screwed - one is 20 mins in future, the other 7 mins in the past. I'm trying to slowly adjust the time to correct values without crashing postfix/dovecot/mysql/etc running on them. i've changed ntpd's start parameters to '-g -x' in /etc/default/ntp. how do i check if it's slewing the time now? /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift has 0.000 in it.14:25
patdk-wkI believe that is logged14:27
patdk-wkbut really, postfix/mysql won't care14:27
patdk-wkdovecot will complain, but get over it14:27
patdk-wkbut your apps running on mysql, dunno14:28
disposablethis is what confuses me in the log "ntpd[17683]: frequency initialized 0.000 PPM from /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift14:29
DanaGHmm, tmux... It'd be cool to remake byobu with it.14:30
kirklandDanaG: in the works14:30
hggdhdovecot will actually braf if the current time on-clock is in the past14:30
hggdhdisposable: the drift value is dynamically calculated. It can take some hours to get it set.14:31
DanaGOh, ever try, within screen, running ssh to somewhere and running screen /dev/ttyS0 there?14:31
DanaGMajor keybinding confusion.14:32
disposablehggdh: thank you, i had that suspicion from the forum's i read.14:32
hggdhdisposable: in addition, it will continuously be updated (er, 'continuously' meaning every hour or so)14:33
yann_Hello! When doing a netboot on a KVM VM with libvirt that has two network cards with two different NICs, is there a way to tell libvirt which NIC I want to boot from?15:39
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Ramosawhat is the main difference with debian and ubuntu server? usability?16:43
TheEvilPhoenixRamosa:  framework and default packages16:43
Ramosaand by framework you mean?16:44
TheEvilPhoenixRamosa:  the Ubuntu repos are more up to date, but sacrifice slight stability (in most cases) for features.  Debian sacrifices features for stability in the same manner.16:44
TheEvilPhoenixRamosa:  Debian doesn't update their repos as often as Ubuntu does.16:44
Ramosaso Ubuntu makes more choices for me16:44
TheEvilPhoenixnot really...16:46
TheEvilPhoenixDebian doesn't come with a default server install image16:46
TheEvilPhoenixbut Ubuntu Server does.16:46
TheEvilPhoenixin pure fundamental terms16:46
TheEvilPhoenixthe difference is in repo updates.16:46
TheEvilPhoenixbut  they're basically the same software16:46
RamosaI wish there was a site where you can get an overview of the differences between all those distros16:47
Ramosajust the main topics16:47
TheEvilPhoenixremind me to slap people who post huge images like that16:47
TheEvilPhoenixRamosa:  you might be able to google it16:47
* TheEvilPhoenix checks google16:47
TheEvilPhoenixtake a look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-33310.html16:47
TheEvilPhoenixsee if that answers some of your questions16:48
Ramosaim gonna do node.js, so i don't need LAMP16:50
TheEvilPhoenixby default you get to CHOOSE what gets installed with Ubuntu Server16:52
TheEvilPhoenixit doesnt automatically install everything16:52
Ramosais LAMP included in the default server install image though?16:52
TheEvilPhoenixincluded, yes.  installed by default, no.16:55
TheEvilPhoenixmeaning you have the OPTION to install LAMP16:56
TheEvilPhoenixbut it doesnt automagically install16:56
TheEvilPhoenixduring the process it asks what you want installed16:56
philsfI want to install using LVM, but the Lucid CD I burned only seems to allow me to boot into graphical mode, which doesn't support it. How can I use debian-installer from the CD? there is no "install" or "expert" kernels in the boot options17:09
ppetrakiphilsf, I don't believe thats an option with the "desktop" iso, you'll have to use the server or alternative image17:20
philsfppetraki, I'm using the server image17:20
philsfppetraki, debian-installer boots if I create a USB boot image, but the installation fails, so I'm trying a CD17:20
ppetrakiphilsf, so you have a text only install interface?17:20
philsfppetraki, no, I have a GUI only install interface17:21
ppetrakiphilsf, thats not it then17:21
ppetrakiphilsf, unless they've changed it17:21
ppetrakiphilsf, I know for certain that the text mode in the alternative iso offers it, I've used it17:21
* philsf must have mixed up images then17:23
ppetrakiphilsf, http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/17:24
* philsf must have mixed up images then17:25
ppetrakiphilsf, note that the "server" iso doesn't explicitly mention LVM, while the alternative one does17:25
ppetrakiphilsf, a bit confusing.17:25
philsfyup, I burned the wrong image. burned a 11.04 desktop that was lying around :/17:26
* ppetraki is downloading to confirm suspicions17:26
philsfppetraki, but the server image does allow LVM, right?17:26
philsfthe alternate is a catch all, for both desktop or server install, right?17:26
ppetrakiphilsf, I think that's right17:27
ppetrakiphilsf, I PXE install so often I don't remember how they're distinguished :-)17:27
ppetrakiphilsf, verified, the server iso supports LVM17:31
philsfppetraki, thanks17:34
ppetrakiphilsf, np17:34
=== oCean_ is now known as oCean
sorrell_server offers LVM17:36
RoAkSoAxsmoser: is it possible to re-run anything that cloud-init runned with runcmd?18:03
RoAkSoAxuser-meta info18:03
smoserrm -Rf /var/lib/cloud ; reboot18:03
smoserRoAkSoAx, ^18:03
smoserthat will mostely do it18:03
smoserbut if you dont want to reboot, you can do othe rthings to18:03
smosersudo cloud-config runcmd always18:04
RoAkSoAxsmoser: ok cool18:04
smoserlet me check18:04
smoseritll be a minute but you can basically invoke cloud-config yourself, and tell it to run the 'runcmd' module.18:05
RoAkSoAxsmoser: awesome, thanks18:05
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dvd740I was in here the other day, talking about needing a newer release of nut-ups than the one that is in 10.04.2lTS18:38
dvd740and someone suggested compiling from a src ubuntu package18:38
dvd740how do I know which one to get etc18:38
dvd740and can I try the packages from this directory first ?18:38
spillneed help enabling upnp with shorewall on maverick server18:48
spillI need help enabling upnp with shorewall on maverick server, anyone?18:50
spillI need help enabling upnp with shorewall on maverick server, anyone?18:54
dvd740it installed18:54
dvd7402 packages didnt' work but they aren't critical18:54
dvd740cgi and snmp interfaces18:54
dvd740but the core nut-2.6 from that dir installed18:54
lifelessgmorning :)19:00
Picispill: You could try asking in #shorewall, or explain what you've tried here and perhaps we can help.19:03
spillk, I'll check shorewall first and go from there, thanks.19:07
Ramosaif kernel 3.0 is due out, how long till it starts appearing in distros?19:25
lifelessSpamapS: yo  yo yo20:03
* RoyK is scanning through old xkcd strips http://xkcd.com/732/20:10
SpamapSlifeless: howdy20:21
lifelessSpamapS: we could talk for a few minutes now if you like, but I've actually got caught up with $other $things so haven't moved my understanding forward yet20:25
SpamapSlifeless: just ping me when you need anything.20:26
lifelessSpamapS: ok cool - thanks!20:26
lifelessbtw whats the best channel for ensemble - here or -cloud or ?20:26
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hallynkees: around?22:11
keeshallyn: sorry, missed you earlier. what's up?22:56
hallynkees: i was just going to ask what i asked on -hardened :)    thanks23:02
RoyKnite - miss you later23:03
sw0rdfishhey guys a download through sftp terminal is frozen, saying "stalled"23:13
sw0rdfishwhat can I do to resume it :)23:13
patdk-lapcontrol-c, uparrow, enter23:13
patdk-lapbut it will delete the file :)23:13
sw0rdfishI see.23:14
sw0rdfishthe hard way...23:14
sw0rdfishlol :)23:14
patdk-lapmaybe if you copy it now, and attempt rsync this time23:14
patdk-lapand tell rsync to keep partial files23:14
sw0rdfishhey I just looked now, and its continuing23:14
sw0rdfishmaybe it heard you telling me ctrl+c23:14
sw0rdfishand it got scared :P23:15
patdk-lapor, is it coming from a dsl/cable location?23:15
keeshallyn: ah, right. :)23:22
hallynok, someone set me straight.  The default kernel in ubuntu server is 2.6.32 still right?23:26
hallynin lucid i mean23:26
hallynphew thanks23:27
patdk-lapnow you can install a backported maverick or natty kernel though23:27
hallynyeah, but I don't think we can support that in X-dkms packages23:29
uvirtbot`New bug: #630343 in open-vm-tools (multiverse) "package open-vm-dkms 2010.02.23-236320-1+ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: open-vm-tools kernel module failed to build" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63034323:31
uvirtbot`New bug: #640901 in open-vm-tools (multiverse) "package open-vm-dkms 2010.02.23-236320-1+ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: open-vm-tools kernel module failed to build (dup-of: 630343)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64090123:36
uvirtbot`New bug: #641350 in open-vm-tools (multiverse) "package open-vm-dkms 2010.02.23-236320-1+ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: open-vm-tools kernel module failed to build (dup-of: 630343)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64135023:36
uvirtbot`New bug: #641522 in open-vm-tools (multiverse) "package open-vm-dkms 2010.02.23-236320-1+ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: open-vm-tools kernel module failed to build (dup-of: 630343)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64152223:36
adam_ghallyn: that reminds me, how is the case handled where someone is using a dkms module built for lucid kernel, but they've backported a newer kernel and upgrades/rebuilds of those dkms packages begin to break.23:38
adam_gis that just an unsupported practice and an invalid bug?23:39
hallynadam_g: that's what I'm advocating right now :)23:39
hallynadam_g: people are free to offer backported versions of the dkms package to go along with the kernel,23:39
hallynbut i was looking at open-vm-tools in particular, which is in multiverse23:39
adam_gbug #799630 is an interesting example23:40
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 799630 in drbd8 "package drbd8-source 2:8.3.7-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: drbd8 kernel module failed to build" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79963023:40
hallynadam_g: might be worth asking on #ubuntu-kernel what they think.23:40
hallynfor packages in main, i think it coudl be fair to say if we offer backporte dkernel, then we'll offer backported dkms packages23:40
adam_gdrbd was merged into mainline in 2.6.33, so the out-of-tree dkms module wont build on anything after the lucid kernel23:40
hallynfor universe, heck no23:40
hallynis drbd in main?23:41
hallyn(i assume so)23:41
adam_gin lucid, im not sure23:41
uvirtbot`New bug: #647309 in open-vm-tools (multiverse) "package open-vm-dkms 2010.02.23-236320-1 ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: open-vm-tools kernel module failed to build (lucid)" [Critical,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64730923:42
hallyn(sorry, those 'new bug' reports are my fault :)23:42
hallyngotta run and get some grub, bbl23:42
hallynadam_g: are you going to ask in #ubuntu-kernel?23:42
hallynanyway, yeah, cya :)23:42
adam_ghallyn: i will. not sure if today or tomorrow23:42

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