
philipballewhackers beware http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/technology-blog/fbi-raids-suspected-anonymous-hackers-york-182545511.html00:17
philipballewhow did the meeting go sunday?01:44
=== ryaxnb is now known as riotkittie
=== riotkittie is now known as ryaxnb
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=== ldunn is now known as ryaxnb
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=== boob is now known as ryaxnb
pleia2philipballew: didn't have one05:13
pleia2no agenda items, we'll pick up next time05:13
philipballewalright, any other team activities besides meetings coming up?05:18
philipballewthe global jams are like 7-8 weeks away05:18
pleia2http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-california has upcoming stuff, scroll down to the bottom05:18
pleia2I don't think anyone has started plans for the global jam05:18
pleia2it's over labor day weekend :(05:18
* pleia2 is usually off having adventures on long weekends05:19
philipballewpleia2, come to sd all weekend and the socal group will have one you can crash05:19
pleia2it's tempting actually, I haven't been to the sd zoo yet05:20
pleia2a OneiricGlobalJam page should probably be made05:20
philipballewpleia2, was there 3 months ago. all day trip and you see nothing new05:21
philipballew*nothing old i measn05:21
pleia2there are northern white rhinos!05:21
philipballewits a giant rainforest there as well05:21
philipballewthere are! there really cool!05:21
pleia2there are only 7 in the whole world :(05:22
pleia22 in SD, 1 in Czech Republic and 4 at a reserve in Kenya05:22
pleia2also, pandas :)05:23
philipballewthe sd zoo is nice, and there are beautiful places to stay as well all along the harber there.05:24
pleia2I've wanted to go to the SD zoo since I was a kid, I remember on my first graphical computer we had an SD Zoo cdrom that had all kinds of pictures and things05:24
philipballewthere are so many animals there. its amazing they can have so many.05:25
pleia2anyway, coming down there for labor day is certainly a possibility, I'll run it by MJ and see what he thinks05:25
pleia2then we can do a global jam :D05:25
philipballewthat would be a sweet idea. the people from la would probably come down then. perhaps darkwing knows some good places05:26
pleia2looks like flights down are about $200, not bad05:28
philipballewthats not bad, what airline?05:29
pleia2united, continental, usairways (probably co-chairs)05:29
philipballewoh nice! yeah sd is a cool airport, right next to downtown05:30
philipballewfor sure05:33
pleia2when do you go back to sd, end of august?05:33
philipballewyeah, school starts like the 29th i beleive05:35
* pleia2 nods05:35
philipballewor something to that affect05:35
* philipballew should look into that as missing the first day might not go over we05:35
philipballewto everyone here! reminder, thursday evening, the sac Ubuntu hour is going to be going down. be there or be square! a nice drive from the bay area wouldn't hurt for all you bay area folks as well06:12
* kdub_ was at the san diego zoo saturday15:51
pleia2kdub_: aw, jealous :)16:33
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=== osxhater is now known as ryaxnb
pleia2I'm doing a "working with other groups" session for community week over in #ubuntu-classroom and #ubuntu-classroom-chat if anyone is interested in attending :) (I feature some california projects! yay us!)18:55
=== rww is now known as tardis
=== tardis is now known as rww
jyoUbuntu Hour at 7p tomorrow in Mt. View, right?22:33

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