
cjohnstondaker_, mhall119 removing it because the contact is supposed to be the person to contact.. and the contact may not be the admin01:37
mhall119but, is there a reason why showing admins is bad?01:47
cjohnstonjust because01:54
cjohnstonadmins may not even still be on the tem01:55
mhall119but they still have the ability to manage the LP team and edit details of the LD team02:15
mhall119so I think it's useful to display them02:15
=== daker_ is now known as daker
nigelbmorning daker08:36
mhall119cjohnston: ping14:06
mhall119nigelb: ping14:07
nigelbmhall119: pong.14:07
cjohnstonnew summit14:12
mhall119cjohnston: also new branches and series for summit14:13
mhall119"1.x" is for fixes to the current deployment14:13
mhall119"trunk" will be our primary development focus going forward, it's okay to break things a bit there, since 1.x is our stable branch14:13
mhall119"production" will work like loco-directory's production, when we're ready for a release we merge from 1.x->production, then on cranberry I pull from lp:summit/production14:13
mhall119cjohnston: I just assigned you a bug to fix the logo link14:14
cjohnstonto uds.u.c?14:14
cjohnstoni was thinking about that14:14
mhall119propose that fix for merging into 1.x14:14
cjohnstoncause i think that the logo link is in the theme is it not?14:15
mhall119then we'll pull it from 1.x into trunk14:15
mhall119cjohnston: no, it's in a block14:15
cjohnstoni will look again14:15
cjohnston4 items off of the blueprint are done14:15
mhall119cjohnston: where are we at with the mothership for uds.u.c?15:05
cjohnstonmhall119: trying to get access to do it15:05
cjohnstoni cant get access to edit the header file15:07
cjohnstonnice.. login.l.net is down15:50
mhall119login.u.c too15:57
ubot4Factoid 'fail' not found16:01
ubot4FATAL Error: Operation succeeded16:02
mhall119Daviey: ping16:24
cjohnstonuh oh16:24
mhall119oh relax16:25
cjohnstonits bad if we are calling on daker16:25
cjohnstondaker on the other hand, means good things are happening16:25
mhall119heh, true16:25
mhall119nothing's broken though, I just have a question for him16:25
cjohnstonwhy is render.py so bad?16:27
nigelbbecause its the wrong way to do things.16:27
nigelbThe right way is template filters.16:27
cjohnstonno.. thats the question for Daviey16:27
nigelbcjohnston: hah, I asked that to the original author.16:27
mhall119Daviey: hey, did an update to summit.u.c this morning, I added myself to the ADMINS list to get error emails16:28
Davieygood stuff16:28
mhall119Daviey: my question was 1) do you want to stay on the ADMINS list to get error emails and 2) can I add cjohnston or nigelb to that list?16:28
Davieymhall119: so did you break the ical?16:28
mhall119Daviey: I fixed it16:28
nigelblol, he knkows :P16:28
mhall119the code was fine, the data was broken ;)16:29
cjohnstonlikely story huh16:29
Davieymhall119: between both of us, that should be enough.16:29
nigelbCan we get someone in canonical to "own" summit? please?16:30
Davieynigelb: good luck with that.16:31
nigelbDaviey: YEah, I've noticed.16:31
nigelbEveryone wants to stay miles away :(16:31
mhall119nigelb: hurry up and get hired and we will16:31
cjohnstoni got told no thank you very much16:31
nigelbso did I.16:32
mhall119so did I, multiple times16:32
mhall119that's no excuse16:32
mhall119remember "no" just means "try again soon"16:32
cjohnstonthe new sso is live16:37
cjohnstoni thought Stuart said it was going to force passing username16:37
cjohnstonmhall119: nigelb :17:14
cjohnston13.14.06 < elmo> the SSO rollout is FUBAR17:14
cjohnston13.14.09 < elmo> we're rolling it back17:14
* nigelb blames mhall119 17:15
* mhall119 blames nigelb 17:15
cjohnstonsounds good17:16
nigelbhttp://www.zombo.com -> for some inspiration.17:16
dakermy first bug report on LP bug 81362717:25
ubot4Launchpad bug 813627 in launchpad "Preview diff lightbox doesn't remove the overlay div (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81362717:25
jledbetternigelb: D:17:27
cjohnstonnow fix it and join me and nigelb, and leave that mhall119 guy behind17:29
paultaghiyya jledbetter17:29
jledbetterhi :)17:31
jledbetternigelb: bookmarking that site for future inspiration17:32
nigelbjledbetter: haha17:33
mhall119cjohnston: we need the 960px css patch applied to summit, do you know how?17:44
cjohnstonwhat are we going to do about it looking bad17:44
cjohnstonwith a wide screen view17:44
cjohnstoni.e. the schedule17:45
mhall119in the short term or the long term?17:45
nigelblong term.17:45
cjohnstonwant me to talk to the design team about it17:46
mhall119long term the wide-schedule will only be used for the monitors at UDS, we'll make a browser-friendly view to replace it17:46
cjohnstonshort term17:46
cjohnston(this uds)17:46
mhall119cjohnston: can we selectively not apply the 960px css to that template?17:46
cjohnstonumm.. if so, i dont know how17:46
cjohnstonyou havent taught me test cases17:47
cjohnstonmhall119: test cases class next wednesday or thursday mid-day?17:47
mhall119use a {% block 960css %}<link ..../>{% endblock %} in the base.html17:47
mhall119then in the schedule template, just use {% block 960css %}{% endblock %}17:47
mhall119are those the only days you've available?17:48
cjohnstonso we would need two newstyle.css or put the 960css in its own css file17:48
cjohnstoni dont know this far in advance17:48
cjohnstoni can do this friday17:48
mhall119I say put the 960 in it's own css file17:48
mhall119we can even include that in the theme17:48
mhall119I can do this friday17:48
cjohnstonwhat time17:48
mhall119any time after 11am our time17:49
cjohnstonif we want to do it right and do it in the classroom, then the classroom is used17:49
cjohnstonmight as well since we have it17:49
mhall119before 5pm if possible17:49
mhall119use the classroom if it's open, otherwise we'll do it in here17:49
cjohnstonclassroom is noon-4 our time17:49
mhall119it'll be basics, since I'm no expert17:49
cjohnstoncan you write test cases for my mp17:50
cjohnstondo you want 11 or 4? id rather 1117:50
mhall119me too17:50
cjohnstonnigelb: ?17:50
mhall119that'll make it easier for everyone else too I think17:50
cjohnstonmhall119: how many people do you want to make the schedule depnednet on17:50
cjohnston11am my time for a class on friday17:51
nigelbgo ahead17:51
cjohnstonare you available17:51
mhall119cjohnston: as many of us as possible, since we all need to start doing it17:51
nigelbyes, unless I go partying :P17:51
cjohnstonRonnie1: daker17:51
cjohnstonyour not allwed17:51
cjohnstonmandatory class17:51
* nigelb will party at home then17:51
mhall119geez, sleeping *and* drinking, the guy's just totally lost it17:51
cjohnstonno being drunk during class17:51
cjohnstononly when writing test cases17:51
cjohnstoni think we ruined him at uds mhall11917:52
mhall119we did17:52
cjohnstoni know i did my fair share of drinking17:52
mhall119*mission accomplished*17:52
cjohnstonhe was available more when he wasnt ruined17:52
mhall119true, but his code has improved17:52
nigelbmhall119: have you used vagrant before?17:52
Ronnie1cjohnston:  whats up?17:52
mhall119nigelb: nope17:52
mhall119nigelb: we're just going to be doing basic Django tests17:53
nigelbmhall119: I'm setting it up for an app using Hbase.17:53
cjohnstonare you available 11am EST this friday for a class17:53
mhall119nigelb: you want to run the class?17:53
cjohnstonto learn stuff17:53
nigelbmhall119: No, I'd rather listen. I don't have exposure to test writing much.17:53
nigelbJust the little I did for LP.17:54
mhall119nigelb: I've been cowboying some fixes into  summit17:54
nigelbat least stop those mails :)17:54
mhall119nigelb: rev 133-136 https://code.launchpad.net/~summit-hackers/summit/1.x17:55
nigelbmhall119: I would have preferred they went into a branch.18:00
nigelb(and gone through tarmac)18:00
dakercjohnston, ?18:03
cjohnstonAre you available friday at 11am EST for a class on writing tests?18:03
dakerin GMT it's ?18:03
cjohnston15 i think18:05
cjohnstonits currently 1400 est18:05
cjohnstonso whatever time 3 hours ago was18:05
cjohnstonso your good with it?18:07
dakeranyway i'll be at work, so it's good18:07
cjohnstonRonnie1: ?18:08
Ronnie1cjohnston: nope, not on fridays18:08
cjohnstonmhall119: ^18:09
Ronnie1is it a class about writing unit tests for LD?18:09
mhall119nigelb: I would prefer that too, but my inbox was exploding18:12
mhall119nigelb: from now on, I will propose branches for merging18:12
mhall119nigelb: will tarmac land branches targetting at 1.x?18:13
nigelbmhall119: no, will have to set it up.18:14
mhall119cjohnston: if we do it in classroom, there will at least be logs18:14
mhall119nigelb: I'm okay with tarmac only landing stuff to trunk18:14
nigelbmhall119: on a call (mozilla webdev). will talk in a bit)18:14
mhall119good luck18:14
nigelbmhall119: Just a team call. Not an interview or anything :)18:14
mhall119ever call is a pseudo-interview18:16
mhall119cjohnston:  [summit-hackers] Add more content/direct links on the front page: TODO18:17
mhall119are we still planning on doing that, now that we share the nav with uds.ubuntu.com?18:17
cjohnstoni want to, but im not incharge18:22
cjohnstoni want to move everything to the django app18:23
cjohnstoni guess we can see how well they integrate18:23
=== daker is now known as daker_
cjohnstonmhall119: please https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/ubuntu-community-webthemes/960px/+merge/6858718:25
cjohnstonand ill fix LD once you land the theme18:25
mhall119cjohnston: you've tested that this works on summit?18:25
cjohnstonyes.. i dont have anything to test the scheudle page though18:26
cjohnstonbut i tested other random pages, took it off and put it back on18:26
mhall119good enough for me, I approved if you can land it18:27
cjohnstonmhall119: https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/ubuntu-community-webthemes/960px/+merge/6858718:35
nigelbmhall119: I thought of that. Then decided against it.18:37
nigelbI could always do ~tarmac-webdev/summit/1.118:37
nigelbthat wway none of us can push to it.18:37
nigelbOnly tarmac18:37
nigelbBut I'm not comfortable with that. We would always have to do emergency fixes.18:37
cjohnstonnigelb: to do that, imo, you would need to give us the ability to smack tarmac to make it run NOW18:37
nigelbcjohnston: why?18:38
nigelbwhy this INSTANT GRATIFICATION need? :)18:38
nigelbthe tarmac user is closed from ssh access on my machine. so I won't be able to give anyone access.18:38
cjohnstonno.. so that when something breaks, we can smack it18:39
cjohnstonmake a page that we can hit and it will fire it off18:39
nigelbthat sounds good. I'll get it done this weekend. Just remind me on friday please?18:39
cjohnstonyay.. instant gratification18:41
mhall119cjohnston: is this Community Week in -classroom?18:44
mhall119I wasn't going to do a communtiy week session on testing18:45
cjohnstonyou arent18:45
cjohnstoncommunity week is from noon to 418:45
cjohnstonyour doing 1118:45
mhall119oh, ok18:46
nigelbcjohnston: http://air.mozilla.org/old-air-mozilla/19:05
nigelbCross site scripting lesson.19:05
nigelb(its live video)19:06
mhall119lesson 1: don't do it19:06
mhall119lesson 2: DON'T DO IT!19:06
nigelbyeah, its about how to protect your website against it.19:12
mhall119{% csrftoken %}19:25
mhall119Daviey: ping20:15
mhall119Daviey: nvm20:26
Davieymhall119: pong20:29
Davieymhall119: nvm20:29
cjohnstonDaviey: we want to break summit some more for you20:31
mhall119we're fixing it!20:31
dakerthey are fighting the evil render.py20:32
Davieyoh dear20:32
cjohnstonDaviey: mhall119 http://paste.ubuntu.com/648546/  when running ./manage.py lpupdate uds-n20:32
cjohnstonsee breakage20:32
Davieysome things are best left alone :)20:32
cjohnstonits no fun that way Daviey20:32
Davieyto me, it looks like there is an issue with the json :)20:33
cjohnstoni dunno how to fix it20:33
cjohnstonthats what you are for20:33
cjohnstonnigelb: ^^20:35
Davieycjohnston: touching render.py is not something that should be done at night.20:38
DavieyI assume this hasn't landed?20:38
mhall119no major changes to render.py have landed20:39
cjohnstonmy error is coming from a brand new pull of lp:summit20:48
cjohnstoncoalwater: now that you have started looking at LD, we need to introduce you to summit20:49
mhall119cjohnston: I found the bug, will work up a fix20:50
coalwatercjohnston, what summit20:50
cjohnstonis it something easy or should i move onto something else mhall119 ?20:50
cjohnstona beautiful webapp coalwater20:50
mhall119cjohnston: it's already fixed, you can review it20:51
DavieyHow are the unit tests looking atm?20:51
cjohnstonDaviey: mhall119 , i got to thinking the other day after an email I got about how far summit has come in the last three uds's20:51
coalwatersummit seems to see my user name correctly, unlike loco directory :D20:52
cjohnstoncoalwater: do you have the coalwater2 issue in LD?20:52
cjohnstonill ask IS to run an update20:53
mhall119cjohnston: https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/summit/fix-lpupdate-meetings/+merge/6860420:53
mhall119cjohnston: update doesn't run update-openids20:53
coalwaterlet me logout and back in, maybe that'll change something lol20:53
cjohnstonmhall119: I know that20:53
cjohnstoncoalwater: no, it wont20:53
mhall119cjohnston: btw, I spoke with charlieS about django-openid-auth, he's says we should be able to get it on there, waiting for more detail20:54
cjohnstonthats it mhall11920:54
cjohnstonno idea on a time frame?20:54
cjohnstonlike you said, thats more important than django20:54
mhall119cjohnston: not ATM, hopefully not long though, I'll keep bugging him20:54
cjohnstonmhall119: I was going to say, we could always get a manager on board with us20:55
cjohnstonif we needed to20:55
mhall119for now, review my summit MP please so we can get it out20:55
cjohnstonim working on it20:55
cjohnstontest passed20:56
mhall119there is no test for this20:56
mhall119it's a syntax error, not a logic error20:56
cjohnstonthe test file was updated according to my merge20:56
cjohnstonin the mp it isnt20:56
cjohnstoni dunno20:56
mhall119https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/summit/fix-lpupdate-meetings/+merge/68604 ?20:56
mhall119did you merge it into your copy or trunk?20:56
mhall119copy of trunk20:57
mhall119it's targetting 1.x, not trunk20:57
mhall119your trunk probably doesn't have some things in 1.x20:57
mhall119once you approve this, I'll merge 1.x->trunk20:57
cjohnstonmhall119: can I do a couple other things, like fixing the theme prior to another release? a couple hours or so20:57
cjohnstonno.. lemme do that20:57
mhall119I'll be at karate with the kids in a couple hours20:57
cjohnstoni have a couple things that i think will be quick fixes20:58
mhall119make them to 1.x, not trunk20:58
cjohnstonyour making my life hard20:59
mhall119yes I am20:59
mhall1191.x will eventually be retired20:59
mhall119until then, it's our stable branch so we can do major refactoring to trunk21:00
mhall119no, not today21:00
mhall119maybe not tomorrow21:00
mhall119but soo21:00
mhall119and for the rest of your life21:00
cjohnstonso mhall119 we have to manually push to 1.x?21:16
mhall119yes, like the good ol' days21:32
cjohnstonmhall119: https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/summit/960px/+merge/6860921:33
mhall119will look at them when I get home21:35
mhall119or you can make nigel review them, h e's the PM21:36
cjohnstonmhall119: would we be able to add search to summit that searches summit and uds21:57
mhall119cjohnston: maybe, does the search on uds.u.c only search uds.u.c?22:11
cjohnstoni would assume mhall11923:29
cjohnstonmhall119: you back? ready to do reviews?23:29
cjohnstonwe really need to get this migrations stuff fixed mhall119 .. its preventing further development23:29
mhall119cjohnston: I'm back! and ready for dinner!23:49
mhall119cjohnston: migrations on what?23:49
mhall119I can do that to trunk if you'd like23:50
cjohnstonthat'd be great23:50
cjohnstonand then i can dev in trunk again23:50
cjohnstonyay.. merges23:59

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