
=== AlanBell changed the topic of #ubuntu-women-project to: This Channel is LOGGED | http://ubuntu-women.org | support (mostly) at #ubuntu | channel guidelines: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/IrcGuidelines | Next Meeting: 11 August 2011 @ 20:00 UTC
pleia2thanks AlanBell17:35
pleia2so on our blueprint I volunteered to contact jono and get the condorcet poll set up and otherwise run the leadership election20:53
pleia2but since I'm a candidate this is probably not a good idea20:53
macowhere's the list of nominees? i'll email him20:53
pleia2can we get someone else to volunteer for this?20:53
pleia2maco: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/LeadershipElectionProcess/201120:54
pleia2what we need is the list from ~ubuntu-women in launchpad20:54
macoand no, nigel, i'm not applying for yet another board20:54
pleia2[lyz] Contact Jono in July when ready for election to handle condorcet voting: TODO20:54
pleia2^^ my action item from UDS20:54
macoso do i just give him the list of all the names?20:57
macoim a little confused20:57
macoi cant see everyone's email addresses...20:57
pleia2to do condorcet voting we need a list of all email addresses from LP to add them to the poll, only canonical folks have been successful in getting such lists from launchpad20:57
pleia2so jono said he'd help us out when election time came20:57
macoah ok20:58
pleia2either by setting up the poll or getting us a list of public addresses and contacting the rest to see if they want to participate20:58
pleia2us mere mortals can only email a handful of people per day via launchpad, so last time akgraner spent something like a week hitting her quota for contact every day to reach everyone20:58
macoso i just tell him "hey get hte names from the thing and make a poll with these candidates"?20:58
pleia2s/names/email addresses20:59
macoerm yes20:59
pleia2the election isn't until August 9th, but we need the list now because we require the list from 30 days prior to the election21:00
pleia2so don't make the poll until then, just get the list :)21:00
macooh i see21:00
* maco sending correction email21:02
pleia2sorry :)21:02
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* MarkDude wanted to see if anyone will be attending OSCON and can help with table?21:39
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AlanBell ÆV/2421:52
AlanBellwonder how I typed that21:52
macoat least thats how i get Æ21:53
AlanBellthat does < for me21:54
rwwit does Z for me. yay Windows!21:54
macoGB keyboards are weird. you need 3 keys to get < ???21:54
macohow do brits EVER do html?!21:54
rwwmaco: umm, no you don't21:55
macoor math?21:55
AlanBellno, I have <> on keycaps21:55
macooh, just have two ways to get to them?21:55
AlanBellso it seems21:55
Pendulummaco: you mean you don't want to be on every board Ubuntu has all at once?21:55
macohttp://www.twam.info/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/us_international.png this is the layout i use21:56
macoPendulum: oh yeah just want to spend all my time on dmb, rmb, uw, and cc meetings uh huh...   i'm not lyz ;)21:56
macooh wait forgot tb21:57
macothen thatd be all the boards i can remember21:57
Pendulummaco: you forgot loco council22:00
macohm if ones with council in the name count then there's also kubuntu-council22:00
macoand i think edubuntu has a council too22:00
AlanBellÆ altgr+shift+a22:01
macoyou have a key between Z and shift!22:03
AlanBellyou don't O.o22:04
macopipe is where your return key gets too-tall ;)22:04
macowhat is that character when you shift-backtick?22:05
macowhat's it for?22:05
macoand does this mean i have to stop explaining backtick as "un-shift tilde"?22:06
AlanBellno idea, I have a vauge recollection that it is a mathematical symbol for logical not, or perhaps something from set theory22:06
macooooh yeah...that's common enough to warrant *not* being third-level?22:06
AlanBellI was right first time :)22:08
macoare the third levels on v/b left and right double quotes?22:08
macoinstead of just having straight quotes?22:08
AlanBellyes, never knew they were there22:08
macooh how odd22:09
macothey put Þ on P22:09
AlanBellstraight quotes are on shift 2, where they belong22:09
macoi know it looks like it, but i think ours makes more sense semantically, since it's thorn...it's for a th sound...it goes with T22:09
macoi am now sad that wynn is not on keyboards though22:10
macoi re-learned about wynn when i showed Pendulum my 11th century calligraphy of the Lords Prayer22:10
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macoat first i wondered why i put thorn into the text when writing it since the things i see online use a w, then i realised no, thats not a thorn, the strokes are different, and i looked up the anglo saxon alphabet, and sure enough, w used to be written as Ƿ22:11
AlanBellyou have Á as a single chord which is nice, I have to press altgr+; then A22:11
AlanBellit does need an interrobang key22:12
AlanBellanyhow, late here, night maco and all o/22:12

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