
jenso I installed, I didnt think i would screw anything up00:00
ubuntu717wechat: You dont have to be Americanese to rock bruddha00:00
jenand yes Benki00:00
jenbut not someone I cannot and shouldnt trust00:00
Benkinoobyjen, ok, open a terminal and type alsamixer ... waht do you get?00:00
jenok hold on00:00
wechatubuntu717: * wechat went for translation00:01
jencannot open mixer no such file or directory00:01
Benkinoobyjen how do you know you can trust anyone here?00:01
wechatBenkinooby: he has no modules loaded for sound -- it's badly00:01
jenbecause this site is all I have00:01
ubuntu717wechat: where do you happen to be from?00:01
Benkinoobyjen ok, this might sound stupd, but make sure that everything is on full power and NOT MUTED00:01
jenim not that ignorant00:02
RenatoSilvawhat's the diff between "duplex analog stereo" and "stereo analog output" in hardware tab of sound preferences?00:02
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.00:02
Benkinoobyjen ok, forget waht i said... i read waht wechat said00:02
wechatubuntu717: trully from Black sea  -- find it00:02
jenwhat did we say?00:02
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Benkinoobyjen that you don'T have the sound modules loaded00:03
jenso I have too.....?00:03
Benkinooby!sound jen00:03
ubuntu717wechat: russia, bulgaria, turkey, georgia or directly from black sea? :)00:03
Benkinooby!sound | jen00:03
ubottujen: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.00:03
jenit says dummy for one00:03
DeviceZer0anyone else notice that in shotwell photos are imported to the wrong folder for the date? folders are supposed to be "year/month/day"....but i took photos today the 19th and imported them into shotwell...and they are being put into "2011/07/20"...i checked the timestamps and they are correct and say the 19th00:03
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jenand nothing for the other hold on00:03
Benkinoobyjen the first two pages were enough to solve my sound problems00:04
jenI have tried all of those!00:04
Benkinoobyjen ok00:04
RenatoSilvaCorey: so what's the difference?00:04
jenI dont understand what I am doing though00:04
wechatjen: and what `ls /dev` is showing?00:04
CoreyRenatoSilva: Between?00:04
aarkeriohi!!  what is the command wich start Gnome 3 panels?00:04
jena bunch of colorful letters00:04
RenatoSilvaCorey: the bug is already filed full of details for you fixing it. Oh, but of course you won't00:04
wechatjen: U said U had sound . But THEN u have installed *smth*. So remove *smth*.00:04
Jordan_Uaarkerio: GNOME3 isn't supported here. Try #ubuntu+1.00:05
wechatjen: pastebin for us00:05
CoreyRenatoSilva: Urm... what are you talking about?00:05
Byantrying to get sound to work. anyone want to help me get conexant audio to work?00:05
Northernenjen, what did you install?00:05
RenatoSilvaanyone else rather than Corey knows what's the diff between "duplex analog stereo" and "stereo analog output" in hardware tab of sound preferences?00:05
CoreyRenatoSilva: I have no idea what you're going on about; I wanted to check something I was working on here so I called for the !sound factoid.00:05
JeruvyRenatoSilva: duplex means 'both ways simultaneously', so you have both input and output (mic and speakers)00:05
RenatoSilvaCorey: you sounded like a developer actually about to assign the bug to yourself and work on it. Cool.00:06
jenand idk nothernen00:06
RenatoSilvaCorey: then sorry about all00:06
wechatjen: sudo chmod 755 /dev/dsp*00:06
Northernenjen, did you install it through Ubuntu software center?00:06
HackerIIjen  hes asking what you installed for the sound to break00:06
wechatjen: : what is idk?00:06
jenI dont know* sorry00:06
OY1Ri just reinstalled wine but all the programs still remain intact how come ?00:06
HackerIIwhen idid it break00:06
jeninclude asterisk for dev/?00:07
ElectronUbuntu 11.04 just randomly disconnects me from my wi-fi router.  Its annoying.  The reason I know its not my router is because my windows computer stays online as does my playstation 3.  What the heck is happening?00:07
Northernenjen, 'ls /dev00:07
wechatjen: pastebin =>" tail -50 /val/log/dpkg.log"00:07
jendo that command and show results in piaste bin?00:07
RenatoSilvaJeruvy: so no much difference, just that if I say in the mic jack, I hear in the line out jack, that's it?00:07
wechatjen plz00:08
Northernenjen, yes.00:08
JeruvyRenatoSilva: pretty much00:08
wechatjen it shows what u have installed00:08
HackerIIRenatoSilva  duplex means 2 way in and out00:08
jenand now it says it cannot access /dev/dsp*00:09
stephenwadeI'm computergeeksjw, but my chat client got confused so I'm on again00:09
aikInsaanin dos you can do 'dir /p' to get a page wise view...what's the equivalent in ubuntu?00:09
stephenwadeHow do I get a graphical splash screen on startup?00:09
wechatjen: ok i also have no /dev/dsp00:09
RenatoSilvaHackerII: you mean forget all Jeruvy said?00:09
stephenwadereconfigure plymouth didn't do any good00:09
NorthernenaikInsaan, 'more00:09
NorthernenaikInsaan, 'more'.00:10
RenatoSilvaHackerII, Jeruvy: thying to fix this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/81323400:10
jenI'm probably doing everything all wrong! thats why I need someone else to do it00:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 813234 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "[SigmaTel STAC9227, Green Headphone Out, Front] Sound only after plugging in connector in the rear" [Undecided,New]00:10
HackerIIi didn't see that, i'm just saying what duplex means00:10
Electronis this some sort of bug..00:10
* HackerII looks00:10
aikInsaanNorthernen: can i just append that to any command that is filling the entire screen? for example --help switches?00:10
centuxElectron: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WirelessTroubleshootingProcedure00:10
wechatjen: Are u in audio group????00:11
jenwhat do you mean?00:11
wechatjen: groups jen00:11
NorthernenaikInsaan, if you have result from commands filling more than 1 page, use | to pipe it to less. "command | less".00:11
jenon here?00:11
wechaton terminal00:11
wechatcdrom floppy sudo audio dip video plugdev00:11
jenhow do I get there..00:11
wechatit's mine00:11
NorthernenaikInsaan, or am I misunderstand the question?00:11
leccyaikInsaan, do ls -lah | more to get a nice dir listing (or options of  your choice)00:12
aikInsaanNorthernen: not at all...i think you are pointing me in the right direction00:12
wechatjen: jen@aspire:~$ groups jen00:12
aikInsaanNorthernen: i am not infront of my ubuntu box so can't check righ tnow00:12
aikInsaanthanks leccy00:12
Electroncentux, ok thanks00:12
jenthen is says jen adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare00:12
HackerIIRenaKunisaki  huh, maybe it is a bug, i'm lost on that 1, sry00:13
NorthernenaikInsaan, 'less' will open a new screen where one can navigate back and forth through the pages. 'more' will give you one page at a time, and stop at the end.00:13
wechatjen: sudo gpasswd -a audio jen00:13
JeruvyRenatoSilva: It could be an issue with 'jack', did you search launchpad for that?00:13
Jordan_Ujen: Has your audio ever worked on this machine with UBuntu?00:13
jenyes and now it says audio doesnt exist...00:14
wechatjen: sudo adduser jen audio00:14
jenbrb must releive bladder00:14
HackerIIheh, he left, owell00:14
aikInsaanleccy, Northernen if i was doing 'reboot --help' and wanted sort of a page wise view then can I achieve it by 'reboot --help | more'00:14
wechatNo audio group?00:14
KM0201jen: did we ever figure out what your sound device was00:14
leccyor man reboot00:14
jenadding user jen to group audio00:14
RenatoSilvaJeruvy: ?00:14
NorthernenaikInsaan, yes. But 'less' is like 'more', only better.00:14
jenbrb! gotta pee00:14
aikInsaanthanks Northernen00:15
KM0201whats her sound device, i missed that00:15
wechatgotta what?00:15
NorthernenATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia00:15
aikInsaananother thing...where can i learn more about the use of pipe |?00:15
Jeruvy!info jack | RenatoSilva00:15
ubottuRenatoSilva: jack (source: jack): Rip and encode CDs with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.1+cvs20050801-26build1 (natty), package size 119 kB, installed size 652 kB00:15
wechatpplz english plz00:15
BarkingFishgood morning all :)00:15
JeruvyRenatoSilva: sorry wrong pkg..let me find it.00:15
billy2007is  there a terminal command i can use to check what hardware my laptop has?00:15
wechataikInsaan: man stdout00:15
jenok im back00:16
KM0201billy2007: lspci will give you good information00:16
NorthernenaikInsaan, it just means "send the result of the command on the left side of the pipe symbol to the right side". So 'ls | less' means "send result of ls to less.00:16
wechatBarkingFish: 4 AM00:16
leccyaikInsaan, loads of tutorials out there, find out about |, and <<< and > while you're at it00:16
jenyes im back00:16
aikInsaanaha! thanks Northernen00:16
jenI had to pee X_X I've been holding it00:16
BarkingFishAt the moment I'm in need of some help to get my system just perfect, having some problems at the moment which I need to fix.00:16
jenwait what was I suppose to do?00:16
aikInsaanoh cheers leccy will look em up00:16
BarkingFishwechat: 1.15am here :)00:16
wechatjen: pee? wht's it???00:16
aikInsaanwechat: man stdout..meaning???00:16
KM0201BarkingFish: well, ask your question.. if someone can help they will.00:17
KM0201jen: what is your sound device?..00:17
NorthernenATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia00:17
jenok hold on wechat are you from america?00:17
NorthernenI had it on clipboard.00:17
wechatKM0201: pipe a lttle bit equal to pipe00:17
billy2007KM0201, its helpful :) but i was thinking more along the lines of ram size and proccesor00:17
JeruvyRenatoSilva: ok forget my thought, it seems its not part of main repo's.00:17
stephenwadeHow do I enable the graphical splash screen on startup? Currently I only have the text-based splash00:17
KM0201billy2007: well you didn't say that00:17
KM0201billy2007: ram size, free -m00:17
wechatjen: of course america just a little ocean beetween00:17
jenok now what do I do?00:18
ryan__sweet, mini power outtage just now ":D00:18
wechatjen: no sound?00:18
BarkingFishOk KM0201- I've added the basics of my usb wifi connection, installed ndiswrapper drivers, etc, but my system isn't recognising the wifi adapter.  I need some help to get it working, since when I tried wicd, my kit told me it didn't have it installed.00:18
jenwhat was I suppose to do?00:18
KM0201billy2007: for your CPU,      cat /proc/cpuinfo00:18
BarkingFishI tried to install it, and it said it couldn't find it00:18
Northernenstephanboy2030, add 'splash' to grub.00:18
wechatjen: sudo chmod 755 /dev/dsp*00:18
wechatjen: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa restart00:18
jenthis wont restart my feckin computor on me will it?00:19
Northernenjen, no.00:19
wechatjen: no00:19
KM0201wechat: i'm not really sure what you meant by your piping comment00:19
Jordan_Ujen: Has your audio ever worked on this machine with Ubuntu?00:19
KM0201i thnk you meant that for someone else00:19
jenand it says command not found?00:19
Northernenjen, it will restart 'alsa'.00:19
wechatjen: install alsa00:19
BarkingFishI have built in wifi, which I'm using now, however I have to sit with the computer on a windowledge about 40ft off the floor with the window open. One slip and it's bye bye laptop :)00:19
wechatMaybe pulseaudio is breakiung sound?00:19
stephenwadeNorthernen, wrong guy. But I got the message :) How do I edit the grub configuration?00:20
jenmissing destination file operand after 'alsa' Try 'install - -hel' for more information00:20
wechatjen: sudo apt-get install alsa-base alsa-utils00:20
jenyes it was working on here I swear!00:20
Northernenstephenwade, only ever removed it during boot. But hold on, let me check.00:20
wechatjen: show dpkg.log00:20
stephenwadeNorthernen: thanks00:20
jenwhat is says now?00:20
wechator dmesg log00:20
Rayve/dev/sda1 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro,commit=0)00:21
jenput what it says in paste bin?00:21
Rayvethats one of the lines I get when I 'mount'00:21
wechatjen: aga00:21
BarkingFishi think the first thing I need to do is find out how to add a mirror so I can download from the internet00:21
Jordan_Ujen: The command that shut down your computer was given by a user who has now been removed from the channel for giving it. We try to make sure that nobody is given mallicious commands in this channel, in fact I tried to warn you not to run that command but I was too late.00:21
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Natty, and help keeping the servers' load low!00:21
billy2007how much ram does this mean i have00:22
billy2007          total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached00:22
billy2007Mem:           991        957         34          0         56        51700:22
billy2007-/+ buffers/cache:        383        60800:22
billy2007Swap:         1012          0       101200:22
FloodBot1billy2007: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:22
KM0201billy2007: use a pastebin for crying out loud00:22
jenthank you jordan00:22
KM0201billy2007: looks like about 1gig00:22
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jenI didnt appreciate that shut down T_T00:22
wechatjen: sudo alsaconf00:22
billy2007KM0201, cool thanks00:22
zeroPlayerhello folks00:23
jencommand not found00:23
wechatjen: sudo alsactl init00:23
jenjust get me windows seven baaack00:23
centuxbilly2007: you're just using around 40 meg ?:o00:23
jenno soundcards found00:23
wechatjen: Seven???? To Old!!! I've got 800:23
RenatoSilvathanks all anyway00:23
aarkeriojen: what model card is?00:24
jenhold on00:24
Northernenstephenwade, /etc/default/grub: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash".00:24
jenAudio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) (rev 40)00:24
aarkeriojen: and the mp3 player looks like playing but no sound?00:24
jenerr let me see, how do I do that?00:25
leccyjen, use whatever os you're happiest with and what works for you - linux isn't compulsory... :)00:25
jengo to banshee00:25
wechatjen: alsaconf00:25
aarkeriotry play some mp3 with banshee00:25
jenI like it but...its too conplicated00:25
stephenwadeNorthernen: that's already there00:25
wechatjen: sudo aplay -l00:25
stephenwademaybe it isn't recognizing my graphics00:25
Northernenstephenwade, and still no splash image. Or did you want to use a custom image?00:25
jenyes it does look like its playing00:26
jenequilizer and all00:26
stephenwadenope, just want to see the default graphcal one and not the text-only one00:26
wechatbut no sound?00:26
stephenwadeand still no splash image00:26
jenno sound00:26
wechatgive me my sound00:26
jenfor sudo aplay00:26
jendidnt work00:26
aarkeriojen: you have some "mute" in your sound system00:26
jenno soundcards found00:27
stephenwadeNorthernen: The odd thing is that on a similar install on a much older computer the splash works fine.00:27
jenits not on mute I swear!!00:27
jenwhat is default for sound pref?00:27
Northernenstephenh, do you have 'quiet' on your line?00:27
wechatjen: find /lib/modules/`uname -r` | grep snd00:27
jenwhat does that mean?00:27
centux!nomodeset | stephenwade00:27
jribpulseaudio only shows dummy output.  What can I do?  Nothing is reported from "sudo fuser -v /dev/snd/*"00:27
ubottustephenwade: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter00:27
jennorthern what does that mean?00:27
aarkeriois OK sometimes is a "mute" hidden somewhere00:27
stephenwadeGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"00:27
stephenwadeyes it is00:27
jenhow do I make louder? and non quit?00:28
jenwhat is the command to fix that00:28
aarkeriotry     sudo apt-get install alsamixer00:28
[snake]does ubuntu censor thepiratebay.org or something?00:28
stephenwadeshould I try ubottu's idea of "nomodeset"? if so, where do I put that00:28
aarkerioand run alsamixer as a normal user00:28
Byanis there anyway to get apt-get logs somewhere?00:28
jenunable to locate package alsamixer?00:28
jenif someone is talking to me please say my name00:28
leccy[snake], tpb was down earlier00:29
wechatjen: find /lib/modules/`uname -r` | grep snd00:29
[snake]ok... that's better than censorship..00:29
Senjai[snake], No, and you don't want to talk about pirate sites here.00:29
jenwant me to past?00:29
wechatjen: a lot of modules?00:29
jenwith red letters00:29
wechatit's good00:29
jenI think...I think I put it on quiet somehow00:30
wechatit's colored terminal ^_^00:30
[snake]Senjai, well... not EVERYTHING on tpb is pirated stuff. maybe I wanted to download a free game peer to peer.00:30
jennow what do I do?00:30
wechatjen: sudo aplay -l00:30
Senjai[snake], I'm sure, most people download free games from their host sites. Anyways its Offtopic. TPB has downtimes like any other site.00:30
jenno soundcards found, we are just goin in circles D:00:31
wechatjen: card 0: I82801BAICH2 [Intel 82801BA-ICH2], device 0: Intel ICH [Intel 82801BA-ICH2]00:31
jenthats not my soundcard00:31
[snake]Senjai, if you look at my original question it WAS about Ubuntu :3 lol00:31
jenwhat do I do we?00:31
Senjai[snake], ....00:32
stephenwadeNorthernen: Where in /etc/default/grub do I add nomodeset?00:32
wechatjen: lspci -v | less00:32
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Snarshwhat is the terminal command to restart the apache service?00:32
[snake]you brought it up... :/00:32
wechatjen: i'm reading that https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting00:32
wechatSnarsh: sudo apache2ctl restart00:32
wechator smthg00:32
jenthis is what it says00:33
Senjai[snake], You don't have any common sense if you were asking that question seriously. No Operating System censors sites. Derp.00:33
jenis there anything wrong with that?00:33
leccyiOS censors flash... :)00:34
LilleCarlSenjai, im sure microsoft will begin in windows 8 tho ;D00:34
[snake]Senjai, Gentoo, I read an article on it. not sure if it was legit though. although it could've been. So I thought I'd ask.00:34
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Raystonheya all, anyone here know of an xchat script that will change my nick back when I lose connection and re-identify to nickserv? I have found a few scripts claiming they do this but all the links seem to be broken00:34
centuxjen: don't use "| less", and pastebin all the output of "lspci -v"00:34
Northernenstephenwade, GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset".00:34
wechatjen: just "lspci -v"00:35
[snake]Senjai, I see that you're frustrated, and I'm sorry that you did that to yourself.00:35
Northernenstephenwade, remember to 'update-grub' afterwards.00:35
stephenwadeNorthernen: I'm rebooting now. Will report back.00:35
jenthere we go00:35
ByanI did not think getting sound to work would be this difficult >_<00:36
jenI know right? This is second to last resort00:36
wechatjen: two sound cards?00:36
jensay what?00:36
wechatjen: sustem preferences - sound - choose a device00:36
jensystem or sustem?00:37
wechatdznt matter00:37
jencommand not found?00:37
aarkeriojen:   try     sudo apt-get install alsamixer00:37
aarkerioand run alsamixer as a normal user00:37
aarkeriowhat do U get?00:38
jenI tried all this!00:38
centuxjen: which version of Ubuntu are you using?00:38
Byanjen: what computer do you have?00:38
BarkingFishI think I'm getting somewhere now I have repos set up and updated - this is starting to look promising.00:38
Senjai[snake] I don'g get frustrated. Interpret what you will.00:38
jenand for arrk it says unable to locate package alsamixer00:38
wechatjen: find /lib/modules/`uname -r` | grep snd-hda-intel00:38
jenI have acer aspire 555200:38
[snake]Senjai, we all get frustrated. but sorry for misinterpreting how you were saying your previous message. Text can be tricky like that ;)00:39
jenthats what I get00:39
wechatall your acer aspire 5552 are belong to us00:40
leccyjen is this a fresh install? if yes, and your sound was working before, then a reinstall would be quicker at this point imo00:40
wechatjen: good00:40
Byanwechat: I do not get that. how do I get the module isntalled?00:40
LtHummuswhy when i try do to an 'apt-get upgrade' there are several packages that are held back and that i can't install00:40
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NorthernenLtHummus, do 'distupgrade'.00:40
LtHummusrelevant pastebin: http://pastebin.com/LaJSmMpe00:40
jenno this isnt a fresh install I've had this since I dont know when00:41
wechathttp://askubuntu.com/questions/52638/audio-not-working-for-acer-aspire-5552 ^^00:41
LtHummusNorthernen: will that upgrade my entire ubuntu install from 10.10 to 11.04?00:41
leccyman, I'd have thought the acer aspire was a common hardware config00:41
jenyeah thats me...00:41
wechatByan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting00:41
ByanLtHummus: LtHummus not unles the sources.list have been updated to 11.0400:41
centuxjen: have your tried with "sudo alsamixergui" ?00:41
LtHummusByan: which it hasn't thanks00:41
Jordan_U!gksudo | centux00:42
ubottucentux: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)00:42
jennow what do I do when i see the grey box?00:42
centuxJordan_U: thanks00:42
centuxjen: have you tried with "gksudo alsamixergui" ?00:42
Northernenjen, which version Ubuntu?00:42
stephenwadeNorthernen: no luck00:42
RenatoSilvals -l, what do you call the '-', e.g. when telling someone to type that command? just dash, or hyphen-minus, or what?00:42
jennatty nar-ferakin-wal00:42
KM0201unless she's getting some sort of permission error w/ alsamixer, i fail to see how gksudo is gonna do anything00:43
Byanwechat: hrm, the solution doesn't work00:43
stephenwadeRenatoSilva: "dash"00:43
Byanwechat: hrm, the solution doesn't work00:43
KM0201jen: did you install pulseaudio?00:43
ByanI have an edger krnel though...00:43
wechatjen: sudo alsa force-reload00:44
Benkinoobyjen use 'sudo aptitude install alsamixer' in a terminal.... without the ' '00:44
wechatByan: linux-headers?00:44
stephenwadeRenatoSilva: "hyphen" is the official name for it, but "dash" works fine. "l s space dash l"00:44
jenyes I have pulse audio00:44
exutuxKM0201: and unless she doesn't load snd-hda-intel module that card isn't ready00:44
Jordan_Ucentux: You're welcome.00:44
wechatexutux: yes00:44
NorthernenIsn't the snd-hda-intel module already loaded?00:44
wechatexutux: nothing in lsmod00:44
Byanwechat: what now?00:44
exutuxwechat: so load it00:44
jenmy butt hurts00:45
exutuxwechat: sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel00:45
szaljen: tmi00:45
HackerIIstand up00:45
ByanFATAL: Module snd_hda_intel not found.00:45
jenI moved to couch00:45
wechatjen: sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel00:45
jenok gotta paste00:46
wechatByan: sudo aptitude install linux-ubuntu-modules-`uname -r` linux-generic00:46
Byanwechat: thats what doesn't work.. but I have an edger kernel so..00:46
the[void]hey folks, real noob question here, but i downloaded the latest version (64bit)  and have it running on my desktop.  i really dont like the layout or the feel of the gui is there a quick/easy way to revert it back to the older styles?00:46
jenthats what I get00:46
szal!classic | the[void]00:47
ubottuthe[void]: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".00:47
RenatoSilvastephenwade: so I can use both and English speakers will understand just fine? Hyphen is more formal than dash, just that?00:47
ByanCouldn't find any package whose name or description matched "linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.39-3-generic"00:47
ByanCouldn't find any package whose name or description matched "linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.39-3-generic"00:47
jenwho;s talking to who?00:47
KM0201jen: can i make a suggestion here?00:47
jenummm maybe00:47
stephenwadeRenatoSilva: yes. dash is more common. hyphen is just the official word for that character00:48
KM0201first, are you sure pulse audio is installed... sudo apt-get install pulse-audio00:48
wechatjen: is there a file /etc/modules00:48
jenyes it is installed00:48
KM0201 ok.00:48
KM0201open a terminal, and type "gstreamer-properties"00:48
jenpermission denied00:48
wechatKM0201: install? maybe uninstall?00:48
KM0201if it tells you you need to install gnome-media, install gnome-media00:48
cluefulhow stable are the NTFS drivers, I'm using ubuntu to host a lab file server, I'd prefer to use NTFS so if something goes wrong I could easily mount it on a windows machine but obviously it needs to be very reliable00:48
Northernenjen, start with sudo.00:48
jensudo gstreamer-properties?00:48
deadlyninjai just updated my packages in 10.04LTS and now my system hangs at the boot screen. any ideas?00:49
stephenwadejen: yes00:49
Northernenjen, yes.00:49
KM0201jen: no, you don't need sudo w/ gstreamer properties00:49
KM0201just gstreamer-properties   if it tells you you need gnome-media, install gnome-media00:49
yagooclueful, ntfs-3g is the module.. don't use the "ntfs"(separate branch) module00:49
leccyclueful, i'd go the other way around tbh, ext3 partitions are more 'rescuable' as they can be mounted by a linux livecd for example00:49
KM0201you should have had a window open up00:49
Byanwechat: any suggestions?00:50
stephenwadeNorthernen: Thanks for what help you did give. Gotta go now00:50
Northernenstephenwade, sorry it didn't work mate.00:50
cluefulyeah you'd go with ext3 vs ntfs-3g vs fat32?00:50
wechat Byan: install modules00:50
stephenwadeoh well. It's not that important anyway00:50
NorthernenKM0201, the use of 'sudo' or not is hardly the issue here. Just adds to the confusion.00:50
wechatchmod 755 /dev/dsp*00:50
wechatchmod 755 /dev/audio*00:50
wechatchmod 755 /dev/mixer*00:50
wechatchmod 777 /dev/snd/*00:50
jenhold on you guys!00:50
FloodBot1wechat: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:50
Byanwechat: I told, you nothing found.00:50
wechati know00:50
yagooclueful, also, no need to worry about rescuing.. ext3/2/ext4 is very easily mountable with any bootable linux(cd/dvd)00:50
KM0201Northernen: thats why i said not to use it00:50
RenatoSilvastephenwade: ok thanks!00:50
jeni have up multimedia systems selector00:51
jenplugin: Autodetect00:51
KM0201jen: thank you... now, ... whats it say for "default output"00:51
jenauto detect00:51
KM0201change plugin, to "Pulse Audio Sound Server"00:51
jenshould it be alsa?00:51
jenok and?00:51
wechatjen: maybe00:51
jennow what?00:51
wechatjen: and show me /etc/modules00:51
KM0201jen: after you do that, what are your options under Device00:51
* Byan gonna reboot with standard kernel 1 sec00:52
jenclose multi?00:52
leccyclueful, well, i don't know your requirements, but if ntfs isn't essential to other systems on your n/w i can't see 'being rescuable by windows' as a good reason to use it00:52
KM0201jen: what are you roptions under multi?00:52
Northernenjen, is the output volume by chance set to 0?00:52
KM0201Northernen: lol, now that would be a kick int he junk00:52
jenetc odules permission denied00:52
KM0201.. forget it00:53
jenIm sorry I fail T_T00:53
leccyjen does youtube vid give sound?00:53
jenhold on I can just play a song00:53
rizzo__gotta pretty wild issue, ubuntu, apache 2, php 5, -- $_POST variable not populating, apache doesn't seem to accept POSTS, when I fill the form out, and refresh, firefox doesn't even ask if I want to resend the post data, any ideas, or suggestions on what to look at00:54
NorthernenJeepbeats, 'sudo cat /etc/modules'00:54
Northernenjen, *00:54
jenT_T still no sound00:54
leccyjen i've had issues before where youtube plays, but banshee or whatever doesnt00:54
wechatjen: or modules, or permissons00:54
yagoorizzo__, phpinfo();00:55
KM0201i don't think this is a modules, or permissions error, personally00:55
wechatjen: twviewer?00:55
rizzo__yagoo: looks good,, its the default00:55
KM0201jen: does it look like your sound is playing, you're just not getting any audio?00:55
wechatKM0201: he has nothing at lsmod | grep sound00:55
leccyi bet there's a channel somewhere on mute00:55
jenwhen I did /etc/modules it said no permission00:55
exutuxKM0201: but she doesn't has module loads for card...00:55
wechatjen: cat /etc/modules00:55
jenI think there is too leccy, I may have done that00:55
jennow what?00:56
wechati want to see dmesg log00:56
Byanok, so, I got the modules loaded, they show up in AlsaMixer00:56
jenoh shoot hold on00:57
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jenso um00:58
rodhashGuys,  this is not very clear for me.. grep with "[]" brings to me only the patterns matched in collum COMMAND, that's it?00:59
rodhash$ ps aux | grep yakuake00:59
rodhashrodhash   2462  0.1  0.9 117832 19252 ?        Sl   Jul18   1:58 /usr/bin/yakuake00:59
rodhashrodhash   5935  0.0  0.0   4004   760 pts/2    S+   21:55   0:00 grep --color=auto yakuake00:59
rodhash$ ps aux | grep [y]akuake00:59
rodhashrodhash   2462  0.1  0.9 117832 19252 ?        Sl   Jul18   1:58 /usr/bin/yakuake00:59
centuxjen: Qjack must have modify something, I know it's really frustrating, but no one so far could solve your issue, your Radeon Chipset is reported as a non fully working device. can you try this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10775892&postcount=500:59
FloodBot1rodhash: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:59
cluefulIs ext3 better than ext4?00:59
leccyjen are you running off a livecd or is this a full install or dual-boot?00:59
underI've shared a directory on my pc ( and I would like to mount this one, in another device, /dev/remotearea . how can I do?00:59
jenthis is full install00:59
leccyi commend your courage... ;-p00:59
rodhashGuys,  this is not very clear for me.. grep with "[]" brings to me only the patterns matched in collum COMMAND, that's it?01:00
jenno my friend screwed it up01:00
jenand couldnt get win& back on it01:00
Northernenrodhash, [] ?01:00
jencentux: do I download all that stuff on the link?01:00
rodhashlike: ps aux | grep [y]akuake01:00
rodhashNorthernen: so the line grep doesn't appear..01:01
centuxjen: you could try01:01
jenis if for my card01:01
szalrodhash: what's that supposed to do?01:01
wechatjen: "lsmod | grep snd" nothing?01:01
rodhashI know it just doesn't show the line grep... but that concept isn't very clear..01:02
jenummm whit and red letters01:02
jenlemme paste01:02
Northernenrodhash, you want the 'grep' line to not be a part of the result?01:02
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Northernenrodhash, or did you wonder why 'grep' is a part of the result?01:02
jenagain I thank all of you for helping me and dealing with me ^_^"01:03
leccyjen i went through soundcard hell with mandriva a few years ago, i decided that if I spend longer then 4 hours on a sound or graphics issue then it's time to reinstall or distrohop01:03
rodhashNorthernen: actually I wonder why grep isn't part of the result.. with []01:03
wechatjen: http://paste.ubuntu.com/647763/01:03
DrGrovDamn it was easy to compile E17, I should do this more often01:03
KM0201leccy: lol, i had some issues w/ my new laptopp a few days ago, but fortunately, it only took about 45min to figure out01:04
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jenwhat we?01:04
jenwhat about it?01:04
leccyKM0201, admittedly things have improved in the past few years, but that whole alsa/pulse thing really annoyed me01:04
wechatjen: few of modules i guess01:05
KM0201leccy: i remember it well, trust me... :)01:05
jenwhat do I do with them01:05
jenare they for MY specific system?01:06
wechatjen: i have 23 modules contra 12 yours strange01:06
HackerIIya, looks like alot missing01:06
HackerIIno (intel)01:06
jenso how do I gt them back?01:06
zelozelosok so i just had a BIG issue with ubuntu,. went to change the pointer via the default theme file, and i guess i messed up the name of the pointer. anyhow, it broke my system, what i wanted to share is how to fix it back, after going around n around guess what did it?>01:08
Northernenrodhash, oh ... now I understand. No idea, sorry.01:08
jenso Im stuck for a while then?01:08
rodhashthat's ok.. thanks01:08
zelozelosi simply booted a live cd, deleted the theme file in usr/share/icon/default01:08
shishiri installed my ubuntu inside the window and from window i  selected ubuntu as default operating system and changed the selection time of selecting OS to  zero  so when i boot ubuntu automatically boots how can i go to windows ?01:08
wechatcompare http://paste.ubuntu.com/647764/01:09
zelozelosshishir, try holding shift(s) or get grub customizer and change the counter back to an acceptable amount of time01:09
wechatshishir: press SHIFT01:09
shishirwechat when i have to press SHIFT01:10
jenholy poop01:10
wechatshishir: in boot time01:11
shishirwechat oj01:11
shishirwechat ok01:11
KM0201jen: did you get it working?01:11
wechatshishir: ok change time in grug config01:11
jenI dont know what to do01:11
wechatreinstall alsa01:11
jenwhat is the full command01:11
shishirwechat i dont know how to change time in grub01:11
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leccyjen create a 10.04 live cd, boot from it, and see if sound works. if yes, then install 10.0401:11
jeno.O i dont want to!01:12
zelozelosshishir, the best thing 2 do is to change the timer, you can use grub customizer, ubuntu tweak or do it the hard way by editing it by hand01:12
jenI have never installed this01:12
jenMy friend did01:12
wechatshishir: yes use'em01:12
jenIm scared I will feck everything up01:12
jenthen have nothing DX01:12
leccyjen reinstalling isn't any more complex than the bunch of sudo commands you've been typing all night lol01:12
centuxjen: try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10438492&postcount=201:12
leccyjen and booting from a livecd is safe, you can't mess anything up01:13
jenthats for 10.0 and video isnt it?01:13
jenhow do I make the cd?01:13
jenI screwed up linux once I dont wanna do it again, I shut it off during update and poof!01:14
leccyit's just 10.04 is a nice stable version that I always trust01:14
jendunt laugh at meeee01:14
wechatjen: ! Ok. U can reboot. 2. U can boot from livecd and "lsmod | grep snd" then we will add them to01:14
KM0201leccy: 11.04, 10.10, etc.. is just as stable... LTS has nothing to do w/ stability.01:14
HackerIIman, this room makes my day sometimes, lol01:14
leccyKM0201, well... it's superstition... I love my LTS :)01:15
wechatjen:  find /lib/modules/`uname -r` | grep snd | wc -l01:15
KM0201leccy: and thats fine, but to many people think LTS means stable, while the others are "testing".. and thats just not the case01:15
wechatHackerII: what i've missed ?01:15
leccyKM0201, plus, it's the version we use at work, so I use it everywhere else to keep things in synch01:15
jenbash: /lib/modules/2.6.38-10-generic-pae: Is a directory01:15
wechatwhat was the funny joke?01:15
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.01:15
jenpieee X_X01:16
KM0201leccy: again, all that is fine... but that has nothing to do w/ stability (which is what was implied)01:16
wechatjen: Physical Adress Extension01:16
jenjust...just do team veiwer01:16
HackerIIwechat   'poof"01:16
wechator Psyhical ^^01:16
leccyKM0201, oh, I agree - there's nothing wrong with 11.x - I just don't want to add a graphics card problem to her soundcard problem... if you know what i mean <ahem>01:16
jenlinux needs...system restore!01:17
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zelozeloshuh, interesting, since i deleted the default/index.theme now my cursor changes when i change it via change background, theme,customize, pointer any info on that one?01:17
underCan anyone help me? http://ideone.com/fRlS601:17
wechatHackerII: getero!01:17
dr_willisusers need to pay attention.... :)01:17
jennow what do i do?01:17
dr_willisif theres nothing of any real value on the system. you could just do a reinstall..01:17
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jenI dont know how to make the cd X_X01:18
dr_willisor backup your home if theres anything imporntant on it.01:18
zelozelosor you could boot live cd, backup the valuable data then reinstall ;)01:18
dr_willismake a cd to do what? how did you install in the first place?01:18
KM0201jen: use gnomebaker and burn the ISO01:18
leccyactually, you can boot from a usb key, iirc01:18
jenmy friend installed it! It was his idea!01:18
jennot mine X_X01:18
dr_willisso go download a iso.  and burn it to cd.01:18
jenshouldnt I have 10.0?01:18
wechatunder: remove slashes at the end?01:18
jenno website?01:19
HackerIIjen, you never installed linux before ??01:19
Northernenjen, Ubuntu.com.01:19
zelozelosjen ask your friend to fix it since it was his big idea anyhow rofl01:19
jenI tried!01:19
underwechat, mount: mounting on /mnt/nc10 failed: No such device01:19
jenHe cant fix it either01:19
HackerIIhow did you break the sound in the first place01:19
centuxdr_willis: she really wants to solve this issue, her question has been in forums for weeks, and no solution so far01:20
dr_williscentux:  im not even clear on what the problem is... but its my bed time. :)01:20
wechatLinus made that! It was not my idea!01:20
wechatunder: if i knew network filesystem01:20
dr_willisNFS? :) its fairly straight forward.01:21
underit seems dm800 cant see
jenquestion can I trust KM0201?01:21
jensorry man just checking01:22
dr_willisjen:  its worth the effort to go get your own live cd copy. and keep in your PC tool box.01:22
KM0201extor: thats fine, like i said, its up to you, i dont' care01:22
jenI dont know how?01:22
flubbrcan somebody tell me what makes ubuntu better than debian for a server OS?01:22
jenI want 10.001:22
dr_willisjen:  go to ubuntu.com and click the download links?  there should be links to the differnt releases.01:22
wechatjen: sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel01:22
flubbrcan somebody tell me what makes ubuntu better than debian for a  server OS?01:23
wechatflubbr: ^^01:23
centuxflubbr: Canonical?01:23
flubbrwechat: huh?01:23
flubbrwhat's canonical?01:23
jenim on the website01:23
jenwhich one should I get?01:23
wechatjen: 64?01:24
KM020132bbit live CD.01:24
KM0201jen: how much RAM do you have?01:24
dr_willisjen:  you said you wanted 10.10   why? :)01:24
jenI have no idea, and because natty sucks01:24
jenit got m into this mess01:24
dr_willisjen:  and how long have you used natty?01:25
jenand 64 what?01:25
KM0201natty is fine, unity sucks.01:25
jenprolly nine months?01:25
leccyKM0201, semantics ... :p01:25
KM0201leccy: :)01:25
dr_willisi will say that unity has gotten better in  the alpha.. but still has issues...01:25
wechatjen: wget -c http://mirror.bytemark.co.uk/ubuntu-releases//natty/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso01:25
jenwhat do i get?01:25
flubbrcan somebody tell me what makes ubuntu better than debian for a  server OS?01:25
KM0201dr_willis: unity drove me to lubuntu01:25
dr_willisbut personally - im using Lubuntu more and more these days..01:25
dr_willisjen:  if you want 10.10 - i gave the url to a mirror that had it01:25
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.01:26
KM0201Northernen: i think !awesome should trigger the Lubuntu factoid01:26
flametai1_Hey guys, IDK if this is a proper question for here but, I was curious are there any good FPS games for Linux AND Windows? Looking for one that I could put on my girlfriends computer and play over LAN with her but I have Linux and she has W701:26
jenwe what am I getting here01:26
NorthernenKM0201, doesn't work.01:26
KM0201Northernen: but it should.. :)01:26
dr_willisassuming you want the 32bit version of 10.10 with ubuntu..01:26
centuxwho can trust in monodon monoceros?01:26
Northernenflametai1_, get Wine and play Windows games.01:27
flametai1_Northernen, Most games don't work well with WINE01:27
dr_willisflametai1_:  theres several.  world of padman, and dozens of 'quake3 engine' variants.01:27
NorthernenKM0201, might look into that. Don't like Unity, Gnome or KDE a lot.01:27
jenwhat am I downloading dr?01:27
dr_willisflametai1_:  i recall a few others but havent played them in ages.01:27
jenstraight 10.0?01:27
KM0201Northernen: it is really, really slick, and fast... i don't wannna get offtopic, but join #lubuntu if you want.01:27
dr_willisjen:  you said you wanted the 10.10 iso file...01:27
leccyjen one big file called an iso - you burn it to a cd, and then the cd contains the whole of ubuntu. then you reboot - but from the cd, not your hard disk, and it'll start up ubuntu, running from the cd01:27
dr_willisUbuntu Desktop 10.10 --> http://mirrors.mit.edu/ubuntu-releases//10.10/ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso01:28
flametai1_dr_willis, thanks for answering lol, I'll look into em01:28
zelozelosjen the distros are 10.4, 10.10 11.4 theres no 10.001:28
dr_willisflametai1_:  theres a ubuntu game tome site that has a lot of reviews01:28
leccyi actually made that sound more complicated than it is lol01:28
rizzo__installed ubunto from scratch, choose lamp server, php still not populating post variables, could a firewall block post variables, (get variables work)01:28
jenwill fit on a 700 MB 80 minute cd rom?01:28
KM0201jen: yes, it will.01:28
jenby memorex?01:28
dr_willisits a cd image. :) so yes.01:28
NorthernenKM0201, has a Windows look to it, no?01:28
flametai1_dr_willis, know the link by chance?01:28
KM0201Northernen: ah.. i guess sort of.. it has a menu thats kinda windows 'esque01:29
dr_willisflametai1_:  just hit google for 'linux game tome' or theres ubuntu specific game sites01:29
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/01:29
KM0201Northernen: but thats where similarities end01:29
zelozelosor just search linux games ..thers a ton of sites01:29
leccyjen - don't just copy the file onto the CD - you have to burn it as an iso - there's an option i your cd burning sw for that01:29
flametai1_ubottu, thanks dude01:29
dr_willisflametai1_:  i even recall some gpl/opensourced type steam clone that focused on GPL/Free games.01:29
dr_willis!burn | jen01:29
ubottujen: CD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto01:29
NorthernenKM0201, does it use the gnome applications?01:30
jenumm go to gnome burner?01:30
zelozelosjen after download go to the file, right click, burn to cd01:30
KM0201Northernen: sure, if you want to install them. (ive got a few gnome apps installed) but its based on Openbox....01:30
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wechatjen: send me this file to look into your logs "sudo tar cvzf  file.tar.gz /var/log"01:31
jenok I stuck the cd in01:31
dr_willisYou got the iso downloaded allready?01:31
wh1zz0Hello whitehats ... Please does anyone have a dreamweaver.reg file for CS5 to pass to me? I'm trying to install dreamweaver, but have some errors. Upon googling, I see that I can byppass some steps by doing recode but I dont have the file and the journey of dloading a virtual box and doing all that and copying the file would take ages.. Anyone?01:31
dr_willis!info dreamweaver01:31
ubottuPackage dreamweaver does not exist in natty01:31
* airtonix rages and anhilates wh1zz001:32
jenwe what did I just do?01:32
p_resdreamweaver is Windows territory dude.01:32
dr_willisjen:  you tell us.. you were downloading an iso to burn to cd...01:32
wh1zz0Yes I know it doesnt exist.. but some people have had success using wine01:32
wechatwh1zz0: vi == dreamwaver01:32
airtonixwh1zz0: take your piracy questions elsewhere01:32
leccyjen nothing, we were laughing at something else01:32
jensave file or open with?01:32
wechatpiracy?????? ! not me!01:32
wh1zz0common man01:32
zelozeloswh1zz0, goto the whine room01:32
dr_willisjen:  save it.01:32
jenok to what?01:33
p_resyeah probably best to join #windows01:33
dr_willisjen:  to the hard drive....01:33
* centux laughs at "Dream" Weaver01:33
jenok downloading01:33
dr_willisjen:  unless you want a command line command to download it without any clicking or using the browser...01:33
jenno more terminal....01:33
dr_willislinux is flexiable01:33
wh1zz0Why you guys sound like you dont use DM/01:33
leccyDocuments or Desktop - somewhere you'll find it when it's finished downloadinf01:33
dr_willisjen:  learn the terminal..  :) its your friend.01:34
KM0201centux: i love you dream woman.. (remember that in waynes world, to that song..lol)01:34
p_reswe don't.01:34
p_resonly terminals!01:34
wh1zz0Lol.. so what do you use?01:34
jenI eat my friends01:34
dr_williswh1zz0:  i can honestly say.. i have never used DW...01:34
wechatwh1zz0: it's too slow01:34
p_resi use aria2 for everything.01:34
wechatand ugly01:34
aeonltdused dw once didn't like it01:34
wh1zz0You use terminal to design a page?01:34
wechatGedit > DreamWeaver01:34
p_ressometimes wget, but rarely.01:34
aeonltdwh1zz0: vim01:34
dr_willisThe Terminal is Your GOOD friend that bails you out of jail after your bachlor party goes very very very wrong..01:34
leccyaeonltd, lol!! I was just about to type that01:35
p_resdr_willis: nice analogy there!01:35
dr_willisp_res:  :)  best i could think of.01:35
wh1zz0Lol.. be real01:35
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dr_williswh1zz0:  ive done html in vi and with geany.. yes..01:35
p_resi can accept that.01:35
wh1zz0I love terminals too but not everything can be done via terminal01:35
p_reswh1zz0: wanna bet?01:35
leccyi'm really liking eclipse these days...01:35
wechatwh1zz0: http://ontwik.com/tools/vim-from-novice-to-professional-by-derek-wyatt-p1/01:36
wh1zz0Yes, your gf01:36
p_resof course it can.01:36
dr_willislinks -g  www.google.com01:36
p_reswh1zz0: hmmm01:36
airtonixwh1zz0: umadbro?01:36
gorf_if i try to open my home directory by "Places" in the top tray it tries to open in K3b.... Why?01:36
p_reswh1zz0: i'm sure i could whip up a script.01:36
TrentonAdamshi guys.  I'm sick and tired of my new system slowing down.  It's such an amazingly fast system, this should not happen.  I keep getting a problem where my keyboard input is extremely delayed.  It seems to happen after screensaver activity, but I can't be sure.  Anyone have this issue?01:36
TrentonAdamsAnd resolved it?01:36
dr_willisgorf_:  at one time did you evern right click on a folder and select open with k3b?01:36
wechatwh1zz0: cat > index.html << EOF01:36
wh1zz0Wel that's for those really proficient in php and or java01:37
NorthernenTrentonAdams, yes, and no.01:37
wh1zz0Saves time using DM01:37
dr_willisgorf_:  you are using gnome or kde?01:37
TrentonAdamsI'm using ubuntu classic, and installing KDE as we speak.  However, I feel that it's unlikely using KDE will solve the problem.  I'm thinking it's something else in the system.  We'll see I suppose.01:37
gorf_dr_willis: nope... just left click01:37
flametai1_Hey dr_willis know any RC flight simulators for like RC helicopters?01:37
dr_willisflametai1_:  i think theres one or 2 out there.. but i never got into them.01:38
TrentonAdamsNorthernen: yes and no you've seen it too?01:38
leccydr_willis, unity I suspect01:38
gorf_dr_willis: same with other direcories allso01:38
NorthernenTrentonAdams, aye. Happens to me after the screensaver, if the computer doesn't freeze altogether. I haven't been able to resolve it.01:38
gorf_dr_willis: gnoe01:38
dr_willisflametai1_:  i had a comercial rc-airplane sim. for iwndows years ago. :) with a RC-plane controller even.01:38
flyingtabmowis anyone having trouble getting uinput to work on natty?01:38
dr_willisgorf_:  some how the folder file assication got set to k3b intead of the 'open folder' item.01:39
TrentonAdamsNorthernen: the funny thing is, I've put my screensaver on blank mode, and it's still happening01:39
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NorthernenTrentonAdams, same.01:39
dr_willisgorf_:  ive seen it fixed by using ubuntu-tweak (doneit here) but not sure of any other way to fix it. (since Ubuntu-tweak is not really supported here i just mention it in passing)01:39
wechat* sleeping01:40
gorf_dr_willis: but it's not the same if i open the folder otherwise01:40
dr_willisgorf_:   ive seen where folders get set to open with 'vlc' or other media players all the time.. when you use the 'open with ...' dialog it defaults to rembering what you tell it to open with.. so it only takes once to goof it up.01:40
G00053Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libusb-1.0-0 (>= 2:1.0.8) . anyone ?01:40
gorf_dr_willis: ok01:40
dr_willisgorf_:  my places menu for some reason opens up Chrome with a file://path/to/the/folder     - Never have figured out how i did that..01:41
wechatG00053: install01:41
p_resinstall libusb-1.0-001:41
airtonixwh1zz0: vim sucks too01:41
p_resthen try again.01:41
dr_willisFile associations is one place that gnome really needs a bit of polish.01:41
airtonixwh1zz0: retarded keyboard shortcuts make me rage01:41
wh1zz0airtonix: Im not actuay looking for a text editor01:42
airtonixwh1zz0: try aptana01:42
bin_bashdr_willis, there's an easy way to fix it01:42
airtonixstudio 3 is nice01:42
G00053p_res:  as in sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0 ?01:42
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wh1zz0studio 3 what/01:42
wechatwh1zz0: TextMate is for u!01:42
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wechatG00053: ya01:42
airtonixwh1zz0: aptana , try google i hears it's effective.01:42
dr_williswordstar :)01:42
G00053wechat , did it nothing installed same error01:43
p_resG00053: try it and see if it fixes your problem.01:43
wh1zz0checking out..whew01:43
wechatG00053: apt-cache search libusb01:43
wh1zz0Learning all over again01:43
dr_willisFirst you 'learn how to learn' then the rest is easy :)01:44
wechatwh1zz0: forget flash i wanna static pages!01:44
G00053wechat: i have the newest ver01:44
wh1zz0ho ho.. you gotta love open source01:44
wechatG00053: and what fails?01:44
wh1zz0Looks good..:D01:44
dr_willisMy wallet loves open source.01:45
* wh1zz0 checks01:45
wechatwh1zz0: i love speed ^^01:45
flyingtabmowi've been having some trouble getting uinput to work on natty, anyone have any experience with it?01:45
G00053trying to install a .deb for messing with my andy phone "heimdall"01:45
wh1zz0Ho ho ... could this be by by toooooooooo DM?? :D01:45
wh1zz0I love speed too01:45
wh1zz0Been searching for this kinda stuff01:45
dr_willisG00053:  if you are trying to figure out all needed deps. you could try gdebi -> sudo gdebi foo.deb      should install it and any deps it needsd.01:45
eguest309hello.got some issues i need some clarfications and help with. i have a monitor connected to my ubuntu machine .the ubnutu machine starts up automatically on startup in kioks mode.what i want to do is to enable sharing of hte workspace wi the montor automatically on startup .is that possible01:46
wh1zz0I guess I didnt search hard enough.. heh01:46
dr_williseguest309:  ckarify what you mean by shareing of the workspace...01:46
G00053wechat:  foo being the name of the .deb i'm trying to install01:46
dr_willisoops that was for eguest309  :)01:46
dr_willisMy fonts are  messing up again.. or my eyes are. :)01:47
wechatG00053: install and show errors01:47
wechatjen: ?01:47
eguest309like an extened workspace where u cna drag items onto the extended worspace .like when u are having a slideshow and u want ot transfgre stuff from your slide to the external monitor u are using to hsow everyone  else01:47
dr_williseguest309:  if you want a seperate keyboard/mouse/display for 2 people   using a single machine with 2 sets of monitor/keboard/mouse. theres the 'multiseat' feature of X you can setup.01:47
p_resagree with others. only use dpkg if you are 100% sure you have all deps and libs installed. otherwise, use gdebi and it will sort everything out for you.01:48
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G00053wechat:  same : sudo gdebi foo.deb01:48
dr_willis eguest309  using 2 montitors as a wide desktop. is trivial  :) twinview on nvidia systems makes t work very well.. ati has a similer feature .01:48
dr_williseguest309:  not sure about INTEL. but it proberly works there also.01:48
G00053wechat: Dependency is not satisfiable: libusb-1.0-0 (>= 2:1.0.8)01:48
dr_williseguest309:  however i hear Unity has some issues with Multi-monitor support01:49
wh1zz0Hmm.. I wonder why this aptana aint in the repositories01:49
wechatG00053: --force ^^01:49
dr_williswh1zz0:  perhaps licening issues..01:49
p_restried fixing broken deps using synaptic?01:49
p_resthat sometimes can be handy.01:49
wechatwh1zz0: cause it's eating resources01:49
dr_willisfind aptana01:49
eguest309ohh okay.but how do i set it up in kiosk mode? are there some settings i chainge?01:49
dr_willis!find aptana01:49
wh1zz0Reading thru.. can;t wait to lay my lands on.. d/loading.. :D01:50
ubottuPackage/file aptana does not exist in natty01:50
dr_williseguest309:  no idea on koisk mode..  only koisk thing ive eer seen is plugins for firefox,01:50
dr_willisI recall ages ago gnome having some koisk/lock down features.. but i never used them01:50
dr_willisI saw a debian/firefox-koisk live cd the other day. :)01:51
jenthey need to make a panda ubuntu01:51
jenpudgy panda01:51
wechatwh1zz0: http://d1iwq2e2xrohf.cloudfront.net/tools/studio/standalone/
wh1zz0wechat: Really to be honest if I knew this existed I would have left win a long long time ago01:51
eguest309i am however stuck with chrome01:51
wechatwh1zz0: Try Comodo Edit with plugins.01:51
dr_williseguest309:  chrome proberly. has some exteisions for the same effect.01:52
G00053wechat: --force returned with no such option , tried -n for non interactive. still returned that same error01:52
dr_willisNight all01:52
bin_bashwhatchu talkin bout willis01:52
eguest309night.thanks for hte help01:52
jenni night01:52
jenthanks for all your help everyone!01:53
wh1zz0Is it really open source..01:53
wh1zz0Doesnt look so to me.. I'd make do with aptana01:53
bin_bashwh1zz0, is what really open source01:53
wechatG00053:  dpkg --force-help01:54
wh1zz0Just checked, not sure it is so Id make do with aptana.. thanks wechat01:54
wechatjen: going to disco?01:54
nick12524im having some trouble with 11.4 and unstalling it01:56
wechatwh1zz0: komodo edit with browser preview plugin01:56
nick12524well any recent version actually01:56
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nick12524when i got to install it my drives dont appear at all on the lsit01:57
nick12524but if i just boot off the cd then gparted recognizes my harddrive01:57
leccywait i missed something - did jen manage to boot the livecd?01:58
wechatnick12524: it's because of some crap like Partition Magic01:58
nick12524well how do i get it to recognize the drive?01:58
wechatnick12524: check'em01:59
kiergecan i use 2560x1440 16:9 aspect ratio wallpaper on 1920x1080 which is also 16:9 ?  would the picture degrade as wallpaper ?01:59
wechat196 sucks01:59
nick12524im lost01:59
wechatnick12524: bios02:00
LilleCarlkierge, i think you can choose that yourself, the best would be to edit the image with GIMP tho :)02:00
nick12524bios and then just run a check on the drives and make sure there sound?02:00
kiergeLilleCarl, you mean get the bigger size then resize it ?02:00
wechatnick12524: have u an os?02:00
nick12524there was vista on it at one time but not anymore02:01
wechatand writing from?02:01
LilleCarlkierge, yep but i think gnome or w/e you are using can to that for you (not sure tho)02:01
nick12524what do you mean02:01
wechatnick12524: so make gparted livecd and format it02:01
LilleCarlnick12524, vista is the biggest fail since mankind xD02:01
SpikestuffHi, I but a boot manager in my grub file as a new menu entry and whenever I choose it, I get all sorts of errors. I want to get my laptop to read the Ubuntu ISO install file to make a clean install.02:01
SpikestuffI installed it through Wubi because I don't know the BIOS password, and I am trying to circumvent this.02:01
LilleCarlSpikestuff, #grub02:01
SpikestuffThanks. :>02:02
nick12524i formated it from the live cd with gparted02:02
nick12524and unformatted it02:02
nick12524tried it all sorts of ways02:02
nick12524but it never sees it there when i go to install02:02
wechatSpikestuff: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/CmosPwd02:02
LilleCarlSpikestuff, also that with bios password, turn off your computer, unplug the power, remove the "clock battery" from the motherboard, then press the power button 5 times and leave the computer for a day and go back.... Should restore your bios to default02:02
dimashow you sing in here again? i forgot...nick something02:03
SpikestuffI've already tried that, wechat.02:03
wechatSpikestuff: hm02:03
wechatnick12524: SATA?02:03
nick12524yea im pretty sure02:03
dimasmsg nickserv identify dimas201102:04
wechatnick12524: not see at all?02:04
LilleCarlSpikestuff, ont thing i recognized is that in bios the numpad aint same as the other 1234567890 buttons, just so you know that ;)02:04
kermitif there's a kernel panic, will the console blanking be turned off first?  as console blanking is on by default, i'd hope so.02:04
nick12524the partition menu02:04
wh1zz0wechat: Will this x86 aptana version work on my 32bit ubuntu install?02:05
nick12524its like the 3rd part or so in installation02:05
wechatkermit: kpanic will show "kernel panic" letters02:05
nick12524and it doesnt show any drives at all to install too02:05
wechatwh1zz0: i guess02:05
wh1zz0Hmm.. okie.. wget -c then02:05
wechatnick12524: fdisk02:06
SpikestuffThanks LilleCarl.02:06
LilleCarlNo problem ;)02:06
G00053wechat:  heimdall depends on libusb-1.0-0 (>= 2:1.0.8); however:  Version of libusb-1.0-0 on system is 2:1.0.6-1.02:06
nick12524yea its sata02:07
nick12524and fdisk?02:07
dimasnickserv identify says i have a wrong password...how that can happen and how i correct it?02:08
wechatG00053: compiling? http://redkrieg.com/2010/11/23/compiling-heimdall-on-ubuntu-10-10/02:08
wechatnick12524: from command line ... and try SystemRescueLiveCD02:09
wechatG00053: libusb-1.0-0-dev02:09
ubottuInterested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment02:09
dimashow do i change nick here?02:09
wechatdimas: "/nick new"02:10
dimas!nick change02:10
OY1Ryou need to go to the #freenode store and buy a new nick !02:10
viiianybody have any problems with a lenovo y470?02:11
G00053wechat: neg , using the newest version .dep file 1.2002:11
wechatdimas: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Internet_Relay_Chat_commands02:12
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wechatG00053: sudo apt-get install build-essential libusb-1.0-0.dev + compile!02:13
cSquallREGISTER 10Frink!@ themeid@gmail.com02:14
SumoJimOk, I think I'm retarded here... from /var I tried "cd www" and got the message "bash: cd: www: Permission denied" so, I tried "sudo !!" and got the message "sudo: cd: command not found" ... I know I missing something obvious here. Any hints?02:14
wh1zz0cd ~02:14
KaolenMayber you don't have the sudo program installed?02:15
wechatSumoJim: ls -la www02:15
SumoJimWhich sudo returns "/usr/bin/sudo"02:15
wechatSumoJim: man chmod02:15
wh1zz0Yeah.. cd be chmod02:16
KaolenTry it with the full path of sudo. I can't imagine why it wouldn't be in the path but who knows.02:16
wh1zz0Cuz I know sudo is in there by default02:16
eguest309anyoone got any ideas on how to share a screen with a monitor while in kiosk mode in ubuntu automatically on startup02:16
NorthernenSumoJim, can't use cd with sudo.02:16
wechatSumoJim: "cd" is builtin => never works with sudo , use sudo -i or gksu nautilus02:16
KaolenThen again, Northernen's explanation is much better, I have never tried to sudo with a cd.02:16
SumoJimOh, ok... well I'm trying to change permissions on my www folder... it says I have read permissions so I thought I should be able to cd into it.02:17
NorthernenSumoJim, need execute permissions to browse a directory.02:17
wh1zz0Or else ur pc would auto format02:17
wh1zz0chmod +x ...02:18
SumoJimThank you! chmod +x www works!02:18
wechatSumoJim: or add yourself to group www-data02:18
wechatSumoJim: chmod -R +x02:18
ownerWhyis there no 'queue' when transferring files yet?  1 file = full speed 2 or more and the trnsfer rate slows to a crawl??02:18
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wh1zz0Something I;ve been wondering, while using wget and doing two downloads simultaneously.. Assuming I stop both downloads and I use the wget -c command how can I tell it which of the two downloads I want it to continue with?02:20
SumoJimSweet! My Apache works now!!! Thank you so much!02:20
wh1zz0SumoJim: NP02:20
wechatwh1zz0: wget -c file02:20
wh1zz0file or link?02:21
wechatSumoJim: It Works!02:21
wh1zz0Oh yeah right.. true.. it' pick it up by remembering the link02:21
wechatwh1zz0: history | grep wget02:21
SumoJimwechat: http://behemoth.dyndns-at-home.com/02:22
SumoJimI haven't added any contet yet.02:22
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wechatSumoJim: How much time to set up dyndns?02:22
SumoJimNot much time at all once I figured everything out.02:22
wechatSumoJim: Apache/2.2.17 (Ubuntu) Server at behemoth.dyndns-at-home.com Port 8002:23
SumoJimI have my router set up to keep dyndns updated for me.02:23
wechatSumoJim: i'm to lazy to set up dyndns.02:23
wh1zz0mee too02:23
wh1zz0SO now I bet you can host your own files enh02:24
SumoJimIt was really easy, I did it in one night... If I had to do it again, it would probably be minutes.02:24
wh1zz0I wonder wots so special about WoW.. why do pple love it so much?02:25
wechatI do not love games02:25
SumoJimThat's the plan, some vacation photos.... Much easier to slap them into some directory and let other grab them than filter through them and upload them all to facebook or flicker or whathaveyou.02:25
wh1zz0Heh.. sure you aren't a weirdo wechat /02:25
wechatSumoJim: LightBox02:26
wh1zz0Never seen a geek who doesn't love games02:26
wechatwh1zz0: I'm weirdo  indeed.02:26
wechatlife games == true02:26
SumoJimwechat: I'll have to look into that. Is LightBox hard to set up?02:26
Gunz4MiPPlewill adding the Gnome3 ppa cause my system to be fry?02:27
wh1zz0I love gamrs but its really gotta be something that'll provoke my reasing real real real bad02:27
wechatSumoJim: it's modern images view mode02:27
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wechatpop-up images02:27
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wechatSumoJim: Gallery2 or smth is what u need02:27
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DanaGOkay... how the heck do I make indicator-applet not hijack my 'f10' key?02:28
SumoJimwechat: I'll look into it. Thanks for the suggestion!02:28
wechatSumoJim: or make ~/html_public02:28
kerebrusWhat is the most lightweight VM software?02:28
ubottuGnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.02:28
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wechatSumoJim: http://www.lokeshdhakar.com/projects/lightbox2/ i like it02:29
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wechatkerebrus: KVM02:29
kerebruswechat thanks02:30
harlequin516How can I debug connecting a bluetooth keyboard?02:30
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harlequin516I'm using Kubuntu, and the Kbluetooth app already recognized the keyboard.02:31
Gunz4MiPPleharlequin516: beyond just tail -f /var/log/syslog ?02:31
qaz2011I need help  with nfs402:32
haryvI was trying to locate the option to view my ubuntu desktop from windows, but do not see it under preferances.02:32
qaz2011rpc.idmapd[3897]: nss_getpwnam: name 'max' not found in domain 'maxland.org'02:32
haryvanyone here care to help, before my wife swiped her keyboard away from me?02:32
qaz2011this is the client , I can access to the file but the user/group are nobody/nogroup02:32
qaz2011i need to create max on the client?02:32
wechatharyv: FreeNX server02:35
jkoudysIs there a good gui with sliders for adjusting the colour balance of my monitor display? I basically would just like a little gui around xcalib02:36
root_i have backtrack i want install driver wifi02:36
harlequin516Yeah, It looks liek it is connected fine.  I know the device works, cause it's fine on Mac.02:36
haryvwechat, can that be executed at the command line?02:36
DanaGFound the key... ccsm.02:37
wechatharyv: from cmd use PuTTY02:37
harlequin516But on My Linux its not responding.  Is there like a /dev/bluetooth/keyboard0 or something that I can see?02:37
pooopycakeshi all, i have a question: for some silly reason the settings for the main menu (XFCE) were changed, and now i can't access any programs.  anyone know how to access settings via the terminal?02:37
haryvI use puty all the time. But need to get the server going on ubuntu02:37
nick12524well i deleated all the  partitions and ubuntu 11.4 managed to install, but then it wouldnt boot and the boot manager didnt even list the harddrive as an option, so now im reinstalling it to see what happens02:37
coz_pooopycakes,  is the top panel still there?02:38
wechatharyv: with GUI?02:38
haryvim on ubuntu now. I want to view the ubunto desktop from windows02:38
daniel_richter21I'm desperately trying to change the system language on a ubuntu 11.04 server system. sudo dpkg-reconfigure localeconf won't work02:38
wechatnick12524: hm drive good?02:38
pooopycakescoz_> the panel is there (on the bottom) but it says: no applications found02:38
harlequin516It seems as though Bluetooth is not well supported in Linux.02:38
haryvSo, when the wife swiped the kayboard for my ubunto, no worries. Can see it from windows02:38
nick12524yea i ran a check and it said it was healthy no problems at all02:38
wechatdaniel_richter21: localegen02:38
coz_pooopycakes,    I believe in xfce as in gnome,, if you right click the pa nel and add a menu ,,, see if that works02:39
daniel_richter21wechat: Thanks wechat, somebody should put that gem on the internet, I google'd my ass off...02:39
mister-walterIs this a good channel to get troubleshooting help for grub EFI?02:39
pooopycakescoz_ > i can add new empty menus :(02:39
qaz2011server : server.maxland.org - user max02:40
coz_pooopycakes,  mm that's odd,, did you check in #xfce  channel?02:40
haryvhow do i kill dpkg lock02:40
cg2916whenever I resume from suspend, my screen stays black, it won't come back on02:40
qaz2011lient : neutrino.maxland.org user atom02:40
qaz2011so in syslog i receve this message and all the file on the nfs share are nouser/nogroup02:40
KM0201coz_: lol02:40
pooopycakescoz_ > good call02:40
daniel_richter21wechat: locale-gen will just give me the output that locale gives. Any way to actually change the setting?02:40
wechatdaniel_richter21:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales02:40
pooopycakes <--- N00B02:40
coz_pooopycakes,   well it is generally best to go to the channel for the applications..DE ,, whatever if there is one since they would have the resources to fix,, or solve an issue02:41
daniel_richter21wechat: Same thing. It just generates all the language packages02:41
slack-mHey, anyone here? I need a test subject that has a web browser thats installed in a language other than english.02:41
pooopycakesthanks coz_02:41
NorthernenHow does one list all the directories being created by a given package?02:41
haryvtime to reboot02:41
Northernenslack-m, for what?02:42
wechatdaniel_richter21: nano /etc/default/locale02:42
qaz2011anybody use nfs4?02:42
daniel_richter21wechat: Ohh wow, alright I'll set it manually. Thanks02:42
slack-mNorthernen, to check a language detection script02:42
wechatdaniel_richter21: It's in gui smth like "Change System Language" too02:42
clueful_I'm trying to create a file server...I've set it up two drives each with a partition dedicated to the stored files...I'd like to set up one drive to backup to the other, what's the best way of doing that02:43
daniel_richter21wechat: It's a server system but thanks!02:43
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wechatdaniel_richter21: nice02:43
cg2916can someone help, whenever i try to resume from suspend, my screen stays black02:43
TrentonAdamsclueful_: You doing backups, or just want the same data on both?02:43
wechatclueful_: mdadmin, lvm02:43
TrentonAdamsclueful_: If you're doing backups, I would recommend rsync.  I have a setup scripts that I eventually planned on putting up on github, but haven't had a chance yet.02:44
clueful_trentonadams: well main point is hardware redundancy, incremental could be a nice feature if it was easy to set up02:44
TrentonAdamsclueful_: Well, just redundancy would be raid1 with mdadm02:44
daniel_richter21clueful: Did you try installing the appropriate graphic card drivers for your system?02:44
TrentonAdamsclueful_: mdadm --create /dev/mdX --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdaX /dev/sdbX02:45
TrentonAdamsclueful_: But, rsync can do full, differential, and incremental in a single backup, while not using space for the full backup.02:46
Northernenslack-m, sorry mate. Apparently I'm using English.02:46
nick12524finished the reinstall and it still doesnt boot :/02:46
nick12524and the drive was perfectly healthy when i checked 20 minutes ago02:46
slack-mNorthernen, i got it, i just downloaded dutch firefox02:47
kerebruswechat is there a lightweight VM with a gui? lol02:47
wechatTrentonAdams: ^^ bravo02:47
DanaGhmm, my ubuntu server, booted from USB, hangs for a good 30 seconds after grub, before actually loading the kernel.02:47
Phr3d13is there a desktop recorder in the default repos that can keep up with the compiz cube?02:47
wechatkerebrus: Window? Blackbox02:47
cryptofanhi cool people! I need a little bit of help with a little project, just a pointer in the right direction :) I'd like to set up a mailing list for distribution of information periodically. Here's the catch. I need to make it so that you must have a password to get into that mailing list. and here's the REAL kicker, I want one-time-use passwords. Who should I talk to? I have a feeling ##linux might not be the right channel for discu02:47
TrentonAdamswechat: ?02:48
coz_Phr3d13,  well that's a tough one,,,  alot will depend on your system specs,,,  however.. not sure kazam is in the repos,,, gtk-recordmydesktop is02:48
wechatTrentonAdams: mdadmin is too hard to me to understand02:48
KM0201!info gtk-recordmydesktop | Phr3d1302:48
ubottuPhr3d13: gtk-recordmydesktop (source: gtk-recordmydesktop): Graphical frontend for recordmydesktop screencast tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.8-3ubuntu5 (natty), package size 116 kB, installed size 888 kB02:48
wechat * for02:48
cluefultrentonadams: which do you think would be better for a small lab ~5 people with ~1TB of data02:49
coz_Phr3d13,  not any that  use just a little of the resources ,,, this is one application that is not quite up there yet in my opinion02:49
HathadarI goofed when setting up a program through apt-get.  I try to remove it and install again however it is no longer prompting me for setup information and is using what I previously inputted.  How do I completely purge a program from my machine?02:49
TrentonAdamsclueful: Well, if you're wanting to make absolutely sure you don't loose anything, rsync would be best.  But, it wouldn't hurt to mirror and do rsync on another drive.02:49
Phr3d13coz_, you would recommend getting kazam for trying to record the compiz cube?02:49
raidoHathadar: sudo dpkg --purge packagename02:49
wechatHathadar: rm -rf ~/.program02:49
coz_Phr3d13,  well actually the best one is just using ffmpeg02:50
wechatHathadar: sudo apt-get purge prgrm02:50
TrentonAdamsclueful: mirroring drives provides a good way of making sure a dead drive doesn't mess with you too much.  Just remove the dead drive, and add another one when you get it.02:50
cluefultrentonadams: I think for now the plan is to use just two 2TB drives and keep it relatively simple...probably in two-three years we'll move to some type of NAS system02:50
nick12524any assistance?02:50
TrentonAdamsclueful: Sure.  let me tar up my backup system after removing personally identifiable information.02:51
Phr3d13does kazam have a gui?02:51
TrentonAdamsclueful: Then I'll stick it on the web somewhere.02:51
TrentonAdamsclueful: You know shell scripting a bit?02:51
cluefultrentonadams: so maybe the raid is best for minimizing downtime?02:51
coz_Phr3d13,  yes it does  it is very minimalistic however02:51
Phr3d13that's ok02:51
raidoHathadar: FYI, when you remove a program, the default behavior is to leave behind the config files for that program. Thus the need for the purge options02:51
kerebruswechat no I meant a VM, blackbox seems to be a windows manager.02:51
TrentonAdamsclueful: Well, mirror is best to minimize downtime.  However, if a hardware failure occurs, and the system doesn't detect it, you could get bad data copied to the other drive.  NOTHING is a substitute for backups.02:52
wechatnick12524: throw out the drive02:52
cluefultrentonadams: I'm generally clueful with shell scripting, etc. but don't know much about linux administration (didn't know mdadm, etc.02:52
coz_Phr3d13,  also if you make sure  ffmpeg is installed... sudo apt-get install ffmpeg    a command similar to this one,,, adjusting for your needs,, would work way better than most of the UI  applications for this     ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse -f x11grab -r 30 -s 2560x1024 -i :0.0 -acodec pcm_s16le -vcodec libx264 -vpre lossless_ultrafast -threads 0 output.mkv02:52
TrentonAdamsclueful: Well rsync shouldn't be too bad then.02:52
nick12524i dont have another one though :/02:52
cluefultrentonadams: I've used rsync and unison before02:52
cluefultrentonadams: how would one reconstitute a bad drive with rsync?02:53
wechatkerebrus: KVM uses QEMU. QEMU has GUI none? KVM is the most liked by the professionals02:53
coz_Phr3d13,  in that command the  "2560x1024 would be a dual monitor set up so you would have to change at the least that resolution setting02:53
HathadarIs NFS the default for shaing files between two linux boxes?02:53
Gunz4MiPPleHathadar: historically, yes02:54
kerebruswechat well im not a proffessional lol kvm has no gui. Im looking for a lightweight VM with a gui.02:54
wechatnick12524: SystemRescueCd http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page02:54
TrentonAdamsclueful: rsync -avN /source/folder/ /destination/folder02:54
coz_kerebrus,  virtualbox    vmware ?02:54
Gunz4MiPPlealtho it shares drives by mounting them, not files02:54
TrentonAdamsclueful: literally that simple02:54
Gunz4MiPPleit used to be a pain02:54
TrentonAdamsclueful: the nice backups are more complex, but the restore is simpler.   Also, if you want just a single file, you go grab that one file and put it back in place.02:55
wechatkerebrus: KVM is in kernel , it's lightweight02:55
babuwhen i create a db in mysql,where it will be stored02:55
babuwhen i create a db in mysql,where it will be stored02:55
Gunz4MiPPleHathadar: I would just use samba02:55
Phr3d13coz_, how would the command go for 1680x1050 resolution outputting to an avi?02:55
wechatbabu: /var/lib/... ?02:55
kerebruswechat kvm would be nice if it was easier to setup.02:55
coz_Phr3d13,  in the command I gave you  replace the 2560x1024  with that resolution02:56
wechatkerebrus: ^^02:56
cluefultrentonadams: so that one just makes the destination folder identical to the source folder?02:56
AcidRainso is there no documentation on getting an sms message to show up properly on a cell phone from a computer?02:56
TrentonAdamsclueful: yes02:57
AcidRainlike if i email a cell number, trying to text it. how can i get it to show up perfect02:57
AcidRaini have accomplished this on android devices.02:57
AcidRainand cingular actually.02:57
AcidRainbut some devices dont want to open the message at all02:57
cluefultrentonadams: would you recommend just doing that vs. the raid or vs. a more complex rsync protocol which might give you incrementals?02:57
cluefultrentonadams: my main fear is being able to reconstitute the backup easily in case of failure...02:58
TrentonAdamsclueful: If you want to do the rsync protocol to another server, you can do that too.  My scripts support anything rsync can, but use rsync as the mechanism.02:58
Phr3d13coz_, and how would i stop the recording? terminate it with ctrl+c?02:58
AcidRaini just want an email mailed to a cell phone's number show up properly02:58
TrentonAdamsclueful: Yeah, that one command I gave you would do it.02:59
coz_Phr3d13,  ctrl+c  should do it02:59
TrentonAdamsclueful: I'm talking just data of course.  Server setup is something else.02:59
cluefultrentonadams: it would be local...I guess I'd want it to be scheduled regularly if it were rsync...not an issue with raid I guess02:59
TrentonAdamsclueful: Though I have recovered an entire system from an rsync backup . :D  But you've got to know how linux works quite a bit for that.02:59
Phr3d13coz_, Unknown encoder 'libx264'02:59
coz_Phr3d13,  the nice thing about using ffmpeg is that there is no UI taking up any of the resources02:59
coz_Phr3d13,  ?? mmm02:59
TrentonAdamsclueful: Yeah, I put my backups in cronjob.  At work, it's hourly, at home it's twice a day.03:00
coz_Phr3d13,  you are on ubuntu 11.04 ...yes?03:00
cluefultrentonadams: I don't think that's necessary just the data will be fine03:00
coz_Phr3d13,  let me check here03:00
cluefulclueful: only thing in the server setup is samba and a few user accounts so that should be ok03:00
pangthagerous200This is probably an overly simple question, but where would I go to edit keyboard shortcuts? The show desktop shortcut is a bit clunky for my fingers and I have been using it a lot lately03:00
TrentonAdamsclueful: Yeah, I would recommend setting up two backups (data folder, and /etc/)03:00
coz_Phr3d13,  mm its working here ,,oh!  also   keybaord  "q"  will stop the recording better03:01
coz_Phr3d13,  hold on03:01
Phr3d13coz_, i have 2 packages showing up libx264-dev and libx264-10603:01
TrentonAdamsclueful: And if ubuntu, run "dpkg --get-selections > selections.txt" and back that up too.03:01
cluefultrentonadams: ok do you think that having rsync run on the whole volume every hour (or daily) is bad for the drive?03:01
coz_Phr3d13,  do you have all of the codecs installed?03:01
Phr3d13i thought so03:01
coz_Phr3d13,  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras03:01
TrentonAdamsclueful: no, hard drives last FOREVER. :P03:01
TrentonAdamsclueful: besides, reads don't tend to wear the drive out much.  It's the writing that does.03:02
TrentonAdamsclueful: I've only seen the moving parts fail once.03:02
wechatpangthagerous200: gnome-system-config03:02
TrentonAdamsclueful: At least on my systems.  If you're doing lots of servers, it happens regularly.  But for the average joe, you won't see much for dead hard drives.03:02
Phr3d13coz_, to install i have to remove 2 packages libavcodec52 and libavutil5003:03
cluefultrentonadams: sure but I don't want to hasten their death dramatically and also if its constantly backing up it might impact performance...its setup to be a gigabit server and may have data shoved into it pretty quickly so I don't want it to get slowed down much03:03
coz_Phr3d13,  did you do the  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras?03:03
TrentonAdamsclueful: How much ram you have?  If your system is caching, the backups won't even touch your source drive the next time, unless you're using up your ram with other programs.03:03
Phr3d13yeah, that's what i'm trying to do, and it told me i hadda remove those two packages03:03
coz_Phr3d13,  that's fine  go with it03:03
TrentonAdamsclueful: besides, hard drives are dirt cheap these days.03:03
Phr3d13maybe they're in the meta-package03:03
wechatpangthagerous200: gnome-keyboard-properties03:04
coz_Phr3d13,  also here is a quick reference for screencasting with ffmpeg   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts/ffmpeg03:04
coz_Phr3d13,  try the record command on that link as well03:04
venialok i once was running ubuntu, switched to windows, and now back to ubuntu and i can't pickup my extra storage sata drives that were in linux format, i see them in disk utility but i can't mound them03:05
venialany suggestions?03:05
cluefultrentonadams: basically no programs running, its strictly a fileserver...but it probably won't cache the hdd will it? also there will probably be a lot of writes for which it won't help03:05
Phr3d13coz_, got it to record... the output is all glitchy03:05
pangthagerous200wechat, got it, thanks!03:06
coz_Phr3d13,  well if ffpmeg is glitchy I am guessing the gtk-recordmydesktop will be also, however, I would install that and give it a try as well03:06
wechatvenial: why?03:06
cluefultrentonadams: so you think the rsync is a better way to go than the raid?03:06
wechatpangthagerous200: good03:06
coz_Phr3d13,   nvidia card?03:06
venialwechat, i tried to mount them in windows with plugins03:06
venialetc etc03:06
venialand it was fail03:06
Phr3d13coz_, yes03:06
venialso i said fuck it and went back03:06
FloodBot1venial: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:06
wechatvenial: what??? ext2viewer03:07
TrentonAdamsclueful: Yes, unless you plan on both.  You do not want to lose data because your one drive starts corrupting data before it dies.03:07
h00k!language | venial03:07
venialyeah some thing along those lines03:07
ubottuvenial: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.03:07
Phr3d13coz_, GeForce 9400 GT03:07
venialto be honest i like 10.4 so much i might just stay with it03:07
coz_Phr3d13,  ok that may actually be part of the issue,, I have nvidia here as well,, glitchy at best results..however i have seen and talked with people with ati cards  and ffmpeg works like a charm,,, go figure :(03:07
venialhowever i want my data back03:07
venialany suggestions?03:07
cluefultrentonadams: wouldn't you have the same problem with rsync?03:07
coz_Phr3d13,  try  gtk-recordmydesktop,, that has a gui and can also be used in terminal as well I believe03:08
wechatvenial: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext2read/03:08
venialin linux?03:08
coz_Phr3d13,  rather recordmydesktop can be used in command line    ,,, gtk-recordmydesktop is the front end to it03:08
Phr3d13coz_, you think if i downed the resolution on my screen and the output it would work/look better?03:08
wechatvenial: nope03:08
venialyeah im back in linux03:08
coz_Phr3d13,  yes for sure03:08
wechatvenial: sudo mount03:08
TrentonAdamsclueful: Only on the "recent" backups.  That's why you keep a few months worth, if you can03:08
coz_Phr3d13,   that will always reduce  the glitches03:08
coz_Phr3d13,  but not sure how much ,, just experiment with it03:09
cluefulTrentonAdams: how do you set up rsync to do that?03:09
coz_Phr3d13,  I wish you luck on t his one,, I have had none with screencasting on linux03:09
TrentonAdamsclueful: I'm querying you privately.03:09
coz_Phr3d13,  let me take t hat back,, actually ffmpeg on Fedora was remarkable,, so I am not sure what is on Ubuntu causing issues03:09
h00k!pm | clueful, TrentonAdams03:10
ubottuclueful, TrentonAdams: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.03:10
TrentonAdamsubottu: yes, normally, except these are my not so ready for primetime scripts. :P03:10
ubottuTrentonAdams: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:10
jimubaohow do u rename a file in commandline03:11
somsipjimubo: mv thisfile that file03:12
somsipjimubo: mv thisfile thatfile03:12
Phr3d13coz_, video still pretty glitchy, gonna hafta just show it to people when they come over03:15
coz_Phr3d13,  yeah unless you have an HD video cam :)03:15
Phr3d13lol, i wish03:16
kaNNib^Li updated my ubuntu natty and then the gnome 3 was loaded i uninstall it and now when i start natty it goes to terminal, how can i go back to normal thing how could i restore it plz help me out03:16
coz_Phr3d13,  not sure why in Ubuntu it is very glitchy and on fedora on a lesser nvidia card no glitches at all03:16
onatshey guys03:17
Phr3d13coz_, i'm finding out more and more that ubuntu is very quirky03:17
kaNNib^Lplz someone answer me03:17
kaNNib^Li updated my ubuntu natty and then the gnome 3 was loaded i uninstall it and now when i start natty it goes to terminal, how can i go back to normal thing how could i restore it plz help me out03:17
coz_Phr3d13,  but in the end ,, regardless of which distribution  you play with,, at least in my case,, I come running back to Ubuntu :)03:17
tyler_danyone know anything about boonex dolphin?03:18
Phr3d13kaNNib^L, do-release-upgrade?03:18
cnzhow do I burn a movie dvd in ubuntu, I tried to add the video_ts folder baserp and xfburn but it errors and won't add the folder03:19
kaNNib^Lmate i dont know terminal commands and now when i start natty it automatically goes to terminal03:19
kaNNib^Lnot normal desktop03:19
Phr3d13kaNNib^L, do-release-upgrade03:19
kaNNib^Lor is it possible to restore or fix it03:19
coz_cnz,  are you trying to rip a dvd?03:19
kaNNib^Lhow to do release upgrade03:19
Phr3d13kaNNib^L, or maybe sudo do-release-upgrade03:19
KM0201cnz: handbrake?  maybe gnomebaker, i'm not sure on that one03:19
coz_cnz,     http://ubuntugenius.wordpress.com/2010/06/08/how-to-burn-video_ts-folders-to-playable-dvds-in-ubuntu-with-k3b/03:19
kaNNib^Lis it ogin to fix up natty?03:20
coz_cnz,  the problem using k3d on ubuntu with Unity which gnome,, many kde libraries and dependencies will also be installed03:20
coz_which is gnome rather03:20
cnzthanks goz03:21
coz_cnz,   dont take that one link as the final word   try searcing for this   ,, I am sure there are many posts about it03:22
coz_cnz,   example search string   Ubuntu burn movie dvd03:23
cnzyeah that's what I am doing03:23
cnzseeing k3d being a good one to use03:23
coz_cnz,  but remember that is most likely going to install a minimum of about 150 megs of extra kde libraries etc03:23
tauntaun11.04 is not making me happy...03:23
coz_cnz,   lucky if it is less03:24
=== Fish is now known as Guest9995
cnzcoz_: yeah im seeing that now as it's installing lol03:24
cnzno worries03:24
coz_cnz,  it wont do anything to the system generally,, I often have kde applications on gnome03:24
cnzaahh ok cool03:25
cnzty for all the tips03:25
wechatk3b is fine!03:25
wechat* wechat is fine <= shut up03:30
babuhow to chat a new user in empathy that is not in contacts03:33
wechatbabu add him03:33
coz_babu,  I am not sure I dont use empathy ...sorry03:33
babucan i add him by empathy03:33
wechatbabu: use pidginho03:34
optimadhey guys really basic question, If i upgrade from 'upgrade manager d' from 10.04 to 11.04, will all my compiz and internet /drivers all still stay and work?03:37
optimadI'm on a laptop and it took me awhile to get things running like internet, etc03:37
cryptodirais there a way to make 10.10 recognize and external (to the laptop) monitor (hdmi) that is added (plugged in) while 10.10 is running..... instead of making the connection and then having to reboot 10.10 ??   if so, how is that accomplished?03:37
ghosTM55hi all, any guy here using product design software in Ubuntu? any good one in Linux?03:37
optimadghosTM55, google alternative linux programs ors omething and they should have categories for design etc..03:38
optimadIf you upgrade from 10.04 to 11.04, are all your settings preserved such as internet drivers, graphic drivers, etc????03:39
nit-witoptimad, should be but you can back all that up including imaging 10.04 just to be safe.03:40
agronholmhi -- how can I switch from generic kernels to server kernels? for some reason my server has a generic kernel instead of the server one03:40
Internetpchi......I want to open a folder in terminal...pl tell me how to do it.....Thanx in advance.03:41
agronholmInternetpc: in a gnome/unity session?03:41
agronholmok you want to open a folder window from terminal?03:42
cryptodirais there a way to make 10.10 recognize an external (to the laptop) monitor (hdmi) that is added (plugged in) while 10.10 is running..... instead of making the connection and then having to reboot 10.10 ??   if so, how is that accomplished?03:43
=== jackal is now known as Guest70950
wechatInternetpc: ls folder03:43
Internetpc<agronholm> : actually there is an option in the right click meny "OPEN IN TERMINAL' which is missing in one of my lappy....03:44
agronholmoh so you want to open a terminal?03:44
agronholmand not a folder?03:44
babugwibber s not workin properly...wat's the reason03:44
optimadnit-wit, what do i use to make an image of my current ubuntu install03:45
JohanSJAwhere can I get information about Ubuntu minimum system requirement?03:45
optimadJohanSJA, ubuntu website would be ur best bet03:45
wechatInfernet: nautilus-open-terminal package03:45
Internetpc<agronholm> : wait a min03:45
dlicryptodira, yes, run xrandr or preferences display/monitors03:45
dliJohanSJA, what's your system?03:46
Infernetwechat: ?03:46
nit-witoptimad, I use clonezilla,  http://clonezilla.org/03:47
jenhas anyone successfully installed  wacom tablet software?03:47
wechatInfernet: aptitude search nautilus03:47
cryptodiradli, prefs for display shows ONLY the laptop monitor....the option for the second monitor is greyed out....  is xrandr run from the cli?03:47
Infernetwechat: ok (?)03:47
wombatmananyone know a way to convert a file to text?03:48
wombatmanit should have been text to begin with but i can't view it without a text editor03:48
dlicryptodira, yes, try xrandr from cli03:48
babufb is blocked in my office...how can i access it..please tell any way and not advice03:48
jenrename it?03:48
wombatmanthat doesn't work03:48
wechatInfernet:  aptitude show nautilus-open-terminal03:48
jenoh!! I know this!03:48
wechatwombatman: what file?03:48
jenput an s in front of (https) <--- like so03:48
Infernetwechat: ok thx (?????)03:49
wombatmanit's a cheat file for a game03:49
Internetpc<agronholm> :     When I click open in terminal fir a folder , it open like this.. "    d_atharva@Atharva:~/Desktop/Folder Name $  "03:49
optimadnit-wit,  seems complex for a noob like me what do u say about doing tar cvpzf backup.tgz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found  and just backup "/" and then restore all03:49
jenbabu it doesnt work?03:49
babufb is blocked in my office\03:50
wechatwombatman: hexdump -bc file03:50
optimadbabu, ask your workplace why it is blocked they will find out and fire you03:50
jenhave you tried using securty site?03:50
nit-witoptimad, I rarely use the cli for this so others can confirm that.;)03:50
jenthat is true XD03:50
optimadnit-wit, isnt there some program that will make an image and burn it onto dvd/cd thats not livecd etc03:50
=== Reikoku is now known as Rei`ZzZz
coz_optimad,  I believe  remastersys03:51
cryptodiradli, this does nothing for bringing the hdmi monitor online.... 10.10 is NOT seeing it..... xrandr does show the current settings for the laptop monitor03:51
Internetpc<agronholm> : " $ "  sign  is afterthe location of folder03:51
nit-witoptimad, yes but on a fresh install a cd only holds 700mb. I use grsync a gui of rsync for home.03:51
optimadcoz_,  sweet will check it out03:52
nit-witoptimad, I have multiple HD so I save to them.03:52
dlicryptodira, does xrandr show HDMI?03:52
optimadnit-wit, yea i can save to external hd too but want a program that i can use not livecd to boot into etc and create backup03:52
coz_optimad,  you want a backup application?03:52
coz_optimad,  ghost4linux  if so03:53
wechatoptimad: PING03:53
webmasterzeroxHey guys I'm kinda new to irc what's a good channel to start in?03:53
ownerhow can i read a ppt in the xubuntu03:53
wechatowner: libreoffice03:53
optimadcoz_, im on 10.04 and i have compiz and my network drivers and graphic drivers setup all is working fine but i want to upgrade to 11.04 by using the update-manager-d and was wondering if my stuff will all work once hte upgrade is done or if ill have to redo everything03:53
tucemiuxanyone knows how to configure the virtualbox PPA manually ?03:54
owneris any other like abiword can do a good job about ppt03:54
Internetpc<wechat> : I want to open like this in terminal  "d_atharva@Atharva:~/Desktop/Folder Name $  "..03:54
optimadcoz_,  so ppl recommended i backup first so now iw as asking what i would use to backup all my settings, remastersys i just read doesnt backup drivers only settings/files etc03:54
coz_optimad,  ah ok,, well first ,, I never recommend an "upgrade"  generally only clean installs,, however ,if your only options is an upgrade,, then a ghosted image of what you have now using ghost4linux  might be an options if things dont go well with the upgrade03:54
jenwait...what does natty even mean?03:55
wechatInfernetpc: xdg-open03:55
jen(I cannot look it up on dictionary at the moment)03:55
optimadjen natural03:55
wechatInternetpc: nautilus lalllal_directory03:55
optimadjen,  natty peanut butter ftw03:55
jenmeans natural?03:55
wechatjen: fish03:55
somsip"well dressed" surely?03:55
optimadjen, sure does03:55
jen<__> which one03:55
optimadcoz_,  aight will check it out03:55
wechatjen: narwahl03:56
coz_optimad,  personally , I wou ld back up all settings,,  email,,, bookmarks,,, any      appliation settings as well03:56
optimadwould ghost4linux do all that03:56
jenI know what a narwal is03:56
jenunicorns vs narwals!03:56
coz_optimad,  if you have a free dropbox account, ,it would be an easy task backing up settings to that03:56
wechatnaughty nymph?03:56
optimadcoz_,  sure do...but main prob im worried about is drivers for internet etc i honestly forgot how i even got it working and wuld be a hassle to get into it again on 11.0403:57
Internetpcwechat : the dollar sign $ is after the location of the directory .  eg. d_atharva@Atharva:~/Desktop/Folder Name $03:57
coz_optimad,  something like aptoncd will back up,, I believe the applications you have installed, but I have not used that so not sure03:57
jenthey need to make the next version peculiar panda03:57
coz_optimad,  oh !!! understood!   wireless?03:57
wechatInternetpc: nautilus directory\$03:57
coz_optimad,  I have heard some people complain that wireless worked in lucid but not natty03:58
optimadcoz_,  spent days making it work :(03:58
derpadongIs there a program to combine my free space with my ubuntu partition?03:58
coz_optimad,   i would ghost the image just in case,, this way if it doesnt work y ou can simply reinstall the image03:58
nit-witoptimad, broadcom?03:58
nit-witoptimad, I will try and find that helpful wiki.)03:58
ubottuYour nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.03:58
jencan my nickname be supersquishycottonfluffysocks?03:59
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to respond to factoid requests. Call that job satisfaction? Because I don't.03:59
gerzelHow much does a shadowrun cost?03:59
gerzelmav/never mind03:59
twister004hi  guys.. how can I access the grub boot screen during bootup?03:59
optimadjen, how about umadbrah04:00
cryptodiradli, it does NOT show hdmi.... it will if i reboot with the hdmi monitor hooked up and powered up.... this is what i am trying to solve.... how to make 10.10 see it as an addition with 10.10 already running.04:00
wechatjen: how about nick LinusTorwalds?04:00
jennaaahhh how about orlyyahrly04:00
optimadnit-wit,  thanks would save me pulling a few hair out04:00
optimadjen,  how about ChiggaBrahYouMad04:01
Internetpcwechat : not working ..04:01
dlicryptodira, what's your video card?04:01
wechatInternetpc: why?04:01
jennaahh tiggaplease04:01
wechatInternetpc: nautilus "directory$"04:02
InternetpcWechat : It says 'Could not find "/home$". pl. chech the spelling and try again'04:04
cryptodiradli,  ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200 Series04:04
wechatInternetpc: What is the full path??? "nautilus ~"04:05
wechatnautilus "home$"04:05
InternetpcYes...it can be..04:05
babuopfour, will u shut your ***04:06
cryptodiradli, 10.10 only on an toshiba amd/64 system...04:06
WarOpIs anyone familiar with port forwarding, Question? I have 2 interfaces on one PC which one goes to internet one goes to second computer, Internet is working on PC, but not on second computer. I can ping each computer and it works but not internet04:06
WarOpbut no internet04:06
nit-witoptimad, here are two the first is the main one I think. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#b43%20-%20Internet%20access  --->http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b4304:06
optimadnit-wit, thx bro04:07
nit-witoptimad, no problem.;)04:07
wechatWarOp: man iptables04:07
OerHeks!ics | WarOp04:08
ubottuWarOp: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing04:08
MrTurnaboutI need a question answered. Can anyone help?04:09
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:09
MrTurnaboutThank you.04:09
yagooMrTurnabout, yes. < is that your answer?04:09
MrTurnaboutI'm trying to install Ragnarok Online, but it's on a private server. Whenever I start it up on PlayOnLinix it won't start at all. What can I do?04:10
truepurpleCould I use a NTSF partition for home?04:10
pinoyskull-where can i download kernel image for use on EC2?04:10
cryptodiradli, thank you for your effort and time.04:12
maslen21In the ubuntu wiki, how can I escape a character, so I can include something like a caret (^) in the text?04:13
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MrTurnaboutStill not working04:16
wechatmaslen21: &34;04:18
yagoomaslen21, bash ?04:19
wechatmaslen21: &#94;04:19
tucemiuxanyone knows how to configure the PPA virtualbox ??04:19
wechatmaslen21: http://www.degraeve.com/reference/specialcharacters.php04:19
yagooMrTurnabout, that's really anything to do with linux.. you should consult the team that wraps Windows on Linux04:19
yagooMrTurnabout, anything not to do with.04:19
nit-wittucemiux, are you using the ose or puel ?04:20
* yagoo says for any working Windows apps on Linux.. to check public compatibility lists online wherever they may be04:20
chipmonkjoin #wine04:22
nit-wittucemiux, the puel has usb use and will stay updated as oracle releases them, it is downloaded from their site I wouldn't bother with the ppa04:22
* maslen21 needs to figure out the rules for ssh access04:22
maslen21for allowing ssh access*04:23
Snarshis the best way to enable userdir to be usable in apache2.conf by creating a symlink to the mod_userdir in the mods-enabled directory?04:24
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yagooSnarsh, ~/public_html ?04:24
yagooSnarsh, ~/public_html should not be a symlink04:24
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Snarshno, i'm trying to use "UserDir enabled; UserDir public_html" in apache2.conf but it tells me the module isn't loaded04:25
yagooSnarsh, that's an apache question.. the module is somethin<>user*  look in your conf and restart the server04:26
chipmonkneed to set download directory in newsbin pro running under wine attempt path but newsbin just zombies04:26
yagoochipmonk, another Windows on Linux is not a Linux question.04:27
chipmonkthank you04:28
yagoo&(or whomever is asking for wine help.. it's not linux)04:28
yagoochipmonk, you type "/" in front of join to do the command04:28
yagoo,/join <#channel> (without comma)04:28
Snarshseeing as apache.conf loads *.conf and *.load from the mods-enabled directory, and all files in the mods-enabled directory are symlinks to the mods-available directory, i'm guessing that it does make the most sense to create a symlink to the mod_userdir.load and mod_userdir.conf in the mods-enabled directory and apache2.conf will be able to use the UserDir command. also httpd told me this was a os specific question and told me to c04:31
yagooSnarsh, what's the name of your userdir module?04:34
yagoo " mod_userdir.load " ?04:35
nick12524still having trouble04:35
nick12524i went into the bios settigns04:36
nick12524and the bios shows thats theres a sata hard drive there04:36
nick12524but i cant put it in the boot order04:36
nick12524only the 2 cd drives04:36
nick12524and realtek boot manager04:36
yagoonick12524, nothing we can do. maybe try updating the bios with your manufacturer..04:37
nick12524i looked up the bios to reflash04:37
nick12524but all they have is a .exe04:37
nick12524and your suppost to run it from windows and then restart04:38
yagoonick12524, you're trying to boot from cd? have you tried the bootmenu shortkey on boot?04:38
Snarshturns out its userdir.load and userdir.conf in the mods-available directory, i tried the symlinks and the server restart worked04:38
nick12524i installed linux04:38
nick12524there was no operating system before04:38
yagoonick12524, i have no idea if there's one.. sometimes it's mentioned as soon as u turn on the machine.. if there's one.. it may be f1104:38
nick12524i didnt have one04:39
nick12524then i put linux on04:39
nick12524the hard drive is healthy and it installed fine04:39
nick12524but i cant boot from the drive now04:39
yagoonick12524, check ur bios manual.. nothing we can do.. unless u post ur motherboard make.. someone here might be able to help you04:39
yagooSnarsh, I don't know if the module can work against a userdir being a symlink.. first try it working without the symlink.04:40
nick12524its a navidia04:40
yagooyou mean nvidia?04:40
yagoothat still isn't a make.04:41
yagooIf one says intel. That's not good enough.04:41
nick12524nvidia 680i lt04:42
nick12524ecs nvidia 680i lt04:42
wechathelp "jack server is not running or cannot be started"04:42
nick12524random but is there anyway to get empathy to stop showing how joined and left the room?04:43
yagoonick12524, ecs ?04:46
nick12524thats the board i have04:46
nick12524ecs nvidia 680i lt04:46
nick12524its in a gateway fx540b04:46
vivekimsitHow can i set the system variable in ubuntu?04:46
yagoonick12524, what website are u referring for the bios?04:47
vivekimsitset var=value not working04:47
nick12524gateways support pages04:47
yagoonick12524, can u paste the url?04:47
nick12524i could reflash it04:47
nick12524but only from a bootable cd04:47
nick12524and they expect the bios to be updated from inside windows04:48
nick12524witch i dont have04:48
vivekimsit How can i set the system variable in ubuntu?04:48
wechatvivekimsit: facepalm04:48
wechatvivekimsit: VARIABLE=value04:49
wechatvivekimsit: env04:49
YellowGTOAnyone want to help me? I can not unmute the mic in Ubuntu 11.0404:49
YellowGTOI've tried everything lol04:49
yagoonick12524, are you using 1.00R as the bios version?04:49
vivekimsitwebchat:thknx! but can u gimme an example ..?04:49
yagoonick12524, y/n ?04:49
nick12524thats what i would like to put on it04:50
nick12524i dont know whats on it currently04:50
nick12524i dont think it has ever been updated or reflashed04:50
frankbroHi. With ATI proprietary driver enabled, whenever I try to change the display from clone to multi-desktop, when I reboot the computer, it's back to clone. Anyone have an idea why ?04:50
yagoonick12524, the .exe has a zip header..04:50
nick12524inside the zip04:50
yagoonick12524, i can make u an iso if u want04:50
wechatvivekimsit: PATH=$PATH:/home/vivekimsit/bin && export PATH04:50
nick12524is a redme and such04:50
nick12524then an exe04:50
nick12524but that would be awesome04:51
derpadongHey you guys, how much space should I use for ubuntu partition?04:51
yagoonick12524, there's a dos folder04:51
wechatvivekimsit: or add them into ~/.bashrc04:51
yagoonick12524, pretty much u make a msdos622 disk image that contains the .rom and flash.exe utility04:51
vivekimsitwebchat: thnkx :)04:51
YellowGTONo one knows how to unmute the mic :-O04:51
yagoonick12524, then u burn a cd with the disk-floppy emulation mode..04:51
nick12524that was quite a mouthfull for me haha04:51
nit-witderpadong, Natty needs 4 gigs to install what do you need?04:51
yagoonick12524, if u burn the cd.. u see no files.. but if u look in special properties u'll see a bootdisk image in the bootsector for the cd04:52
yagoonick12524, does this make sense?04:52
derpadongI was just asking. So 20GB's sound good? lol04:52
nick12524sort of04:52
vivekimsitwebcaht: what is the diff btw the shell variable and the environment variable?04:52
nick12524your not putting the files on to be taken off04:52
nit-witderpadong, plenty for the OS.04:52
nick12524but to be run from04:52
HabeebDoes anyone else have issues viewing certain flash content under ubuntu?04:52
yagoonick12524, u make a bootcd.. but dunno if u want me to wrap one up..04:52
derpadongHow much do you have for the OS?04:53
yagoonick12524, u have a cd burner? (the output will be about 2 meg)04:53
nick12524i would have no clue how to04:53
nick12524yes i have a burner04:53
yagoonick12524, u know how to burn .iso ?04:53
OerHeksYellowGTO, open terminal : alsamixer and press M for mute/unmute04:53
nit-witderpadong, I have W7,XP,Natty,Oneric,and debian on a 169 gig hd.04:53
nick12524and i know how to boot from a cd04:53
yagoonick12524, i'll make one.. it'll be about 2-5 mins..04:53
nick12524thats more than awesome :)04:53
nit-witderpadong, all about even.04:54
wechatnick12524: solved?04:54
wechatnick12524: what was? ^)04:55
derpadongWhats Oneric?04:55
YellowGTOOerHeks, nothing04:55
YellowGTOI'm on Ubuntu 11.0404:55
YellowGTOThe program loads04:55
nit-witderpadong, I actually use the computers for OS's and externals to hold most data.04:55
nick12524well im going to reflash and hope that it will be able to boot from the hard drive after that04:55
vivekimsitwebchat: can u pls tell me th diff btw the env variable and the shell variable?04:55
YellowGTOBut I unmuted everything04:55
YellowGTOMics still muted04:55
wechatlaunch my jack server pleeeesee!04:56
derpadongnit-wit, is Oneric the next ubuntu release?04:56
nit-witderpadong, yeah, it is Unity as of now, but the login looks like gnome3, at least on mine.04:57
wechatvivekimsit: nothing.04:57
derpadongeh, unity hates my video card lol04:57
YellowGTOAny other ideas OerHeks ?04:57
vivekimsitwebchat: but i read that when we write var=val the its the shell variable but when we do export var it becomes env variable ..totally confused :(04:58
wechatvivekimsit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environment_variable#Examples_of_Unix_environment_variables04:58
wechatvivekimsit: environs are builtin, others are made by you, to keep them write them into your ~/.bashrc04:58
vivekimsitwebchat: ok ,thnkx04:59
nick12524when do you think youll be able to get a linux disk in best buy?04:59
nick12524think it will ever happen?05:00
OerHeksYellowGTO, i 'm sorry, if unmute does not work, are you on a laptop with a special FN function key for sound & mic ?05:00
nit-witderpadong, you might try the xswat ppa, or the xorg-edgers fresh X crack ppa05:00
derpadongWhy nit-wit?05:00
nit-witderpadong, they have driver packages not in the regular repos for graphic cards.05:01
nit-witderpadong, if you use Ubuntu Tweak there is a ppa remover that will basically remove stuf installed that you don't want in the end, makes it fairly easy.05:02
r500while installing complete updates, the update installation doesnt proceed. it gets stuck05:02
YellowGTOOerHeks, i'm on a desktop05:02
wechatvivekimsit: env variable == shell variable none?05:02
YellowGTOUsing G930 Logitech USB headset05:02
derpadongmy drive is open sourced05:02
r500any idea, how do i skipit?05:02
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YellowGTOEverything works perfectly fine other then unmuting the headset05:03
Wowzamoso thats how /network works xD05:03
Wowzamogood evening all05:03
wechatWowzamo: evening O_O Morning I wanna slrrp05:04
nit-witderpadong, I have been lucky in the graphic cards area no nvidia.;)05:04
vivekimsitwebchat: can u explain..?05:05
derpadongnit-wit, i have an intel plus this thing is like 7 years old lol05:05
JdGordonhow do i remap the browsernext/prev keyboard buttons to something useful? I want to map it to alt-left/right05:05
wechatvivekimsit: wechat What?05:06
YellowGTOShitty gnome 3 has crashed05:06
Wowzamoanyone available to help me out?05:06
nit-witderpadong, I have a thinkpad a21m must be at least 7 years old, loaned it to a nieghbor, with free wifi.)05:07
derpadongWell, Ive got the cr-48. What not? lol05:08
wechatvivekimsit: read there  http://shorl.com/jojabobrosima05:09
derpadongnit-wit, dont be jealous lol05:09
vivekimsitwebchat: also the shell variable is local for the shell instance05:09
derpadongSo what irc app is everyone using? lol05:10
wechatvivekimsit: a don't know exactly but without export command it will disappear after closing bash yes05:10
derpadongPidgin has issues fyi05:11
nit-witderpadong, lol05:11
Snarshany issues that stand out? i mostly only use pidgin because it works alongside other im clients i use05:11
derpadongthey NEVER fixed those dang irc bugs in pidgin05:11
yagoopidgin was never a good irc client imho.. it's good for the rest of im protocols though05:13
wechatvivekimsit: (add) export VAR=var (read) echo $VAR (delete) unset VAR05:13
twister004hi guys... I have an asus 1215 series laptop... I have installed ubuntu 10.04 desktop i386.... The touchpad behaves fine most of the time but every now and then it starts to behave erratically... If I need to slide towards the left, the pointer comes back to the right side.... this problem resurfaces after some days... it's random.. .can sombody help please?05:13
r500how to skip a single package(since it is not getting updated?)05:13
derpadongagreed. pidgin can do the rest right but fails short of good on irc05:13
vivekimsitwebchat: when i export the variable and close the shell then its gone...?why?05:13
Wowzamodoes anyone else find empathy pretty lame?05:14
Wowzamoi hate having to open another window to turn on/off accounts05:14
derpadongtwister004, update the system lol05:14
wechatr500: aptitude forget-new05:14
twister004derpadong.... how do I do that?... you mean a distro upgrade?05:14
twister004derpadong... can you helpo me with the commands?05:15
derpadongWith a distro upgrade comes better things05:15
wechatWowzamo: empathy is the best of worth!05:15
Wowzamowhys that?05:15
twister004derpadong... this is an LTS version05:15
derpadongLTS = long term service05:15
twister004which means I get a long term support right?05:15
twister004security updates....05:15
derpadongYou can switch it to normal05:15
twister004derpadong.. .is that a good thing?05:16
ZiRiuLTS is only good for servers imo05:16
Wowzamowechat: whys that?05:16
derpadongIf you switch to normal, you can upgrade the distro05:16
KM0201ZiRiu: or in some sort of enterprise environment, where you're maintaining a ton of machines05:16
idlemindubuntu 11.04 has anyone else issues with Unity (nvidia proprietary drivers) and dual screens locking up shortly after login?05:16
tewahow can i change loginscreen in ubuntu 10.04 with latest login screen?05:16
nit-wittewa, latest?05:17
twister004derpadong.. can I just run "apt-get upgrade"?... im not sure of the command05:18
derpadongyes twister05:18
twister004or ..."apt-get dist-upgrade"...05:18
nit-wittewa, I mean what is the latest.05:18
derpadongI believe tha is the command05:18
idlemindapt-get dist-upgrade is the correct command05:18
derpadongsudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:18
idlemind* yes sudo05:18
derpadongeveryone keeps forgetting sudo05:18
wechatvivekimsit: add them to /etc/environment                 then do "source /etc/environment"05:19
idlemindo sudo my dearest i shall never forget thee again05:19
derpadongI wonder If Google OS uses sudo lol05:19
tewanit-wit: i mean with new graphics05:19
nit-wittwister004,  derpadong if you change the software sources to regular and run a update the next 10.10 will show in the update manager.05:19
nit-wittewa, is this something you know exits are a whim?05:20
derpadongOr he could get the iso for 11.04 and use it as a upgrade source lol05:20
yagooderpadong, gOs is meant to use google online stuff.. not much of an os..05:20
tewanit-wit:just iam new to ubuntu and i  would like to change the login screen with nay theme login screen05:20
nit-wityou can upgrade from 10.04 to 11.0405:20
=== James is now known as Guest99024
derpadongYou do know that they have a terminal setup under it with bash, yes?05:21
idlemindanyone else find it annoying that when you maximize a window in unity you get the menu bar and everything merged into top bar but it often goes transparent or am i just old school that i'd like to see my current applications menu all the time it is current for?05:21
nit-wittewa, for a easy gui Ubuntu tweak has a app to put what you want there, as far as a picture.05:21
rabbit1having problem connecting wireless internet from ubuntu 9.10. kindly help05:22
derpadongyagoo, what do you think Im using atm while my system does some tricks05:22
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:22
vivekimsitwebchat: what does source /etc/environment do?05:22
nit-witrabbit1, can you tell us your card05:22
tewanit-wit :so how can i use that tell me05:22
twister004derpadong:... I ran the command... the /etc/issue file still shows ubuntu 10.04 LTS05:23
rabbit1nit-wit: how to find that,?05:23
nit-wittewa, ubuntu tweak has a ppa..http://ubuntu-tweak.com/source/ubuntu-tweak-stable/     add it to the apt/sources.list do a update then install it and look in the menu.05:24
derpadongnit-wit, help twister while I fix my install atm lol please05:25
vivekimsitwebchat: what does source /etc/environment do?05:25
wechatvivekimsit: read the file into memory05:25
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rabbit1nit-wit: u there?05:26
wechatvivekimsit: or /etc/profile05:26
vivekimsitwebchat: so if i change the /etc/environment then save it then also the change will not be applied until i do source right?05:27
Guest99024HI all05:27
Guest99024first time I've ever opened IRC chat05:27
wechatvivekimsit: or /etc/bash.bashrc05:27
twister004darpadong: looks like dist-upgrade upgraded it from 10.04.2 to 10.04.3... is this fine?05:27
Guest99024just trying to familiarize myself with the controls05:28
yagoovivekimsit, /etc/environment may be overwritten may package update?05:28
HackerIIcyall, be good05:29
wechatvivekimsit: probably yes, source is usefull to load the chages  imidiatelly05:29
twister004derpadong: should I upgrade from 10.04 to 11.04?05:29
kaNNib^Lwhen i start ubuntu it goes to terminal how can i get my desktop back05:30
cepayet_ctrl+alt+F7 ?05:31
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derpadongtwister, if you wish but they say good things come with the new distro05:31
r500wechat:  i want to skip the package, as its stuck now at upgrade05:32
wechatr500: so block05:33
kaNNib^Lwhen i start ubuntu it goes to terminal how can i get my desktop back05:33
vivekimsitwebchat: headbang !!! i did the changes in the /etc/environment and then source /etc/environment ...no result..try it..05:33
wechatr500: aptitude  forbid-version05:34
twister004derpadong... I upgraded from 10.04.2 to 10.04.3.... the issue is still there... can you help?05:34
yagookaNNib^L, why would it?05:34
wechatvivekimsit: http://numberformat.wordpress.com/2010/01/24/setting-environment-variables-in-ubuntu/05:34
yagookaNNib^L, you uninstalled alot of graphic stuff?05:34
wechatvivekimsit: use ~/.bashrc05:34
kaNNib^Li updated natty from ubuntu tweak05:34
ActionParsnipkaNNib^L: if you run: startx   do you get a desktop?05:34
kaNNib^Lit makes it like gnome 305:34
wechatr500: something like that but i never use it05:34
kaNNib^Lso i uninstalled couple of things to make it fine05:34
kaNNib^Land now when i start it05:35
kaNNib^Lit goes to terminal no desktop05:35
yagookaNNib^L, do you get the graphical logon screen?05:35
ActionParsnipkaNNib^L: Natty uses unity. Not gnome305:35
kaNNib^Li know05:35
yagookaNNib^L, nope to me or ActionParsnip ?05:35
kaNNib^Li just upgraded gnome05:35
kaNNib^Lnope to ActionParsnip05:35
wechatkaNNib^L: runlevel05:35
vivekimsitwebchat : u know what happened ? i did the changes by setting the user as root because the /etc/environment is not ediatble by the normal user so the changes r there for the root user only..05:36
vivekimsitwebacht: it works when i change to the root05:36
kaNNib^Lnow how to get desktop and fix it up if i will reinstall i will loose heaps of data05:36
wechatkaNNib^L: dmesg05:36
ActionParsnipkaNNib^L: then you should ask in #gnome Gnome3 isn't supported here, nor is it stable in Natty05:36
kaNNib^Li dont want gnome305:37
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wechatvivekimsit: hope it helps05:37
kaNNib^Li just want my desktop back05:37
Aranelneed help about an advanced issue: my hdd is falling apart but my Linux installation on it is still intact and fully working, I want to move it to another hdd (bought today, empty), how can I do?05:37
ActionParsnipkaNNib^L: you won't use any data as you have a backup, right...05:37
vivekimsitwebchat : ok!05:37
wechatAranel: PING05:37
Aranelwechat: ping?05:37
kaNNib^Li do not have backup ActionParsnip05:38
kaNNib^Li want to see desktop how i can see it?05:38
wechatAranel: http://ping.windowsdream.com/ PING - Ping Is Not Ghost05:38
kaNNib^Li tried live cd to copy my data but its not opening any drive05:38
r500wechat:  like we use ctrl+c to cancel the execution; is there something similar keys combinations?05:38
ActionParsnipkaNNib^L: you can install ppa-purge and remove the gnome3 ppa, it should then reinstall the packages you updated05:38
wechatr500: ohhhhhhhhhhh a lot!!!!05:39
kaNNib^Laction how?05:39
wechatr500: i do not know where are they in english05:39
wechatr500: it's a good question ^)05:39
Aranelwechat: does it just move data, or makes the OS actually functional on the new hdd?05:40
etiainendoes anyone know if there are gedit environment variables anymore? something along the lines of currentdocument path?05:40
ActionParsnipkaNNib^L: if you don't have a backup then your data is of no value to you. Drive motors can and do fail. No amount of software will get it back if it mechanically dies05:40
r500wechat: huh..??05:40
wechatr500: Ready?05:40
twister004hi guys... im running a gnome environment... can I have kcm-touchpad package installed?05:40
wechatr500: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bash_(Unix_shell)#Keyboard_shortcuts05:40
kaNNib^LActionParsnip from terminal how to start desktop?05:41
wechatetiainen: gedit add command in menu you will see variables05:41
ActionParsnipkaNNib^L: get a wired link if you use wireless and its not connected, you can then install ppa-purge at cli. Look into its syntax on how to use it, its very similar to add-apt-repository05:42
wechatkaNNib^L: startx, xinit, gdm, ...05:42
ActionParsnipkaNNib^L: startx  will give a desktop, all being well05:43
kaNNib^Lok thanks05:43
etiainenwechat:  which menu?05:43
r500wechat:  aw .. thnx but guess these  are shell commands...05:43
ActionParsnipkaNNib^L: do yourself a favour, get a backup regime05:43
wechatetiainen: http://live.gnome.org/Gedit/Plugins/Snippets at the bottom $GEDIT_SELECTED_TEXT - The currently selected text and so on05:43
kaNNib^Lthanks for ur help guys let me check05:44
etiainenwechat: thanks05:44
wechatetiainen: extensions or plugins in preferences -> use snippets -> then add new or edit05:44
wechatr500: what commands do u want?05:45
r500wechat:  thing is that some1 else is doing that update & install.. i dont know what exactly he is doing and all.05:45
ActionParsnipTwister004: give it a go. Its free to try and can be re05:45
wechatr500: Ctrl+Z to suspend, "ps aux" to see processes, "top" for processes05:46
r500wechat:  anywasy leave that.. thanks for the help.. hav to get busy wit some work05:46
rabbit1having problem connecting wireless network, it says connected, but internet doesn't work05:46
ActionParsniptwister004: could always create a virtual system to test.05:46
vivekimsitwebchat : do u use vi..?05:46
r500he is stuck in between... while installing packges, one of the package installation gets stuck05:47
twister004ActionParsnip... I installed it and uninstallted it... my touchpad still works... probably fdue to the synaptics drivers... the Xorg.0.log file shows to synaptics related errors... but my touchpad is still baehaving oddly... the pointer doesnt work as per my dierections...05:47
wechatr500: ps aux | grep upgrade05:47
ActionParsnipR500: try: ps -ef | grep username05:47
ActionParsniptwister004: what make and model system?05:48
wechatvivekimsit: it's tricky, see there http://ontwik.com/tools/vim-from-novice-to-professional-by-derek-wyatt-p1/ , i prefer nano05:48
r500ActionParsnip:  wechat ok..05:48
twister004ActionParsnip: it's an Asus 1215 series laptop...05:49
ActionParsnipR500: ps also can show processes from one user but i don't know it so I just use grep ;)05:49
st47ps -u username05:49
vivekimsitwebchat: ok ! thanks i will see it05:50
wechatr500: ps aux | grep apt05:50
ActionParsniptwister004: any bugs reported for the model?05:50
wechatvivekimsit: ok05:50
twister004ActionParsnip... how can I find out?05:50
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r500wechat:  ok..05:51
wechatr500: so u want to stop apt-get?05:51
AranelI want to move my Ubuntu installation from one hdd to another and use it there, would cp -ax / /media/newhdd work?05:52
idlemindaranel will you be booting from the other hdd only?05:52
NielsMknhey guys05:52
wechatAranel: better dd ^_^ but even better to use specual apps05:52
NielsMknKDE on ubuntu is awesome!! Better than unity for sure :P05:53
Noor_egy hello i just recovered my boot grup after installing windows and now there is screen in the begining to give me choice between ubuntu and windows but when i try to log to windows it dont log to it05:53
Aranelidlemind: yes05:53
yagooAranel, it's not easy..05:53
Aranelwechat: special apps?05:53
wechatAranel: to copy?05:53
yagooAranel, maybe use a tool like clonezilla05:53
wechatThey know :)05:53
wechatyagoo: thx05:53
Noor_egyhello i just recovered my boot grup after installing windows and now there is screen in the begining to give me choice between ubuntu and windows but when i try to log to windows it dont log to it ???05:53
r500wechat:  i want to skip just the one package(since installations is stuck at that package)  out of severals packages05:54
yagooNoor_egy, maybe it's trying to boot from the wrong partition05:54
idlemindclonezilla or some clone utility is your best bet as far as ease goes05:54
wechatNoor_egy: chainloader +105:54
yagooNoor_egy, try booting off any other ntfs partition (this system reserved ntfs partition may be about 100-300 megs-- this is likely the one)05:54
Aranelwechat: yagoo: clonezilla.org doesnt work for me.05:54
wechatr500: you can do with aptitude i guess but never did it myself05:55
Aranelcan't I just copy everything from one hdd to another?05:55
G00053how do i put libusb 1.0-0 ver 2:1.0.8-2 on lucid i386 when http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=all&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=libusb+1.0-005:55
wechatAranel: I only know PING05:55
Noor_egyyagoo what do u mean05:55
tamranHello all.  I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 and wanted to try installing an older kernel version05:55
wechatAranel: or PartImage or likely05:55
r500wechat: ok will giv a try to it05:55
tamranis there an easy way to do this with PPA's?05:56
wechatr500: google it I don't wanna lie caus i don't know exactly05:56
wechatr500: or google "apt pinning"05:56
yagoor500, try using aptitude to "hold" the package.05:57
Aranelwechat: can you give me the steps to use it for my purpose? download it, copy it to usb-fdd, boot it and..?05:57
Noor_egywechat: this order dont work05:57
wechatAranel: I only know SystemRescueCd or TrinityKit LiveCd ^)05:57
wechatNoor_egy: what?05:58
Noor_egy(07:54:28 AM) wechat: Noor_egy: chainloader +105:58
wechatNoor_egy: oh sorry ^)05:58
Noor_egyno propleme05:58
wechatNoor_egy: something like two-three commands05:58
NielsMknguys how do I create a launcher on my desktop in kde? :o05:58
wechatNoor_egy: rootnitverify05:59
Aranelwechat: okay, by the way, why not using cp -ax ?05:59
Noor_egyseems i dont understand anything05:59
Noor_egyi'm kinda new with linux05:59
yagooNoor_egy, what does fdisk -l say ? (pastebin it)05:59
r500are there irc vireses too?06:00
r500i got (11:29:00 AM) darth:  hai anda menggunakan MIRC silakan ketik /server irc.AngelEyez.Net OR DOUBLE click ---> irc://irc.AngelEyez.Net ---> click YES ---> click OK06:00
gaurav_nattyis there tool or command to anylazise website traffic on terminal06:00
r500am just on frenode06:00
yagoor500, you tell #freenod06:00
yagoor500, no need to spread spam here06:00
r500oh ok06:00
Noor_egyyagoo : http://codepad.org/BEI01ZE306:01
wechatNoor_egy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/647982/ But anyway u need to edit grub. But u can get into W by these commands via grub>06:01
wechatAranel: too simple?06:02
Aranelwechat: doesnt it get the work done?06:02
Noor_egywechat i think better to edit grup06:02
Noor_egybut how06:03
YounderWhy does ubuntu use gnome version 2 instead of 3?06:03
wechatAranel: if u want to clone disk then pribably not06:03
yagooNoor_egy, what's on sda5/6/7 (c:\ is which one?)06:04
ZiRiuYounder, you can install gnome 3 if you want06:04
yagooNoor_egy, if u dont know you can mount the ntfs drives with the ntfs-3g module06:04
YounderZiber, I know06:04
Aranelwechat: I want to move my entire Ubuntu installation from one hdd to another and start using it from there06:04
YounderZiRiu, I know06:04
yagooNoor_egy, can you type ->"file -s /dev/sda1" ?06:04
suifenglbut now06:04
yagooNoor_egy, that just probes06:05
madbomberi use ubuntu classic on 11.0406:05
madbombercuz the new one sux06:05
madbomberi just installed 64 bit06:05
madbomberseems faster06:05
nit-witAranel, you can dd it, or clone it with clonezilla which saves the mbr, or trasfer it with gparted.06:05
Younder64 bit is obviously faster on a 64 bit machine. It also requires 30% more RAM..06:06
Aranelnit-wit: gparted = some GUI love ^^ how to do it with gparted?06:06
madbomberi didnt even know if i had a 64 bit machine lol, but its an intel multi core06:06
madbomberso its 64 bit right/06:06
Noor_egyyagoo http://codepad.org/c3sVgymN06:06
madbomberit said so when i ran lcpu06:06
madbomberor whatever06:06
FloodBot1madbomber: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:06
babuis there any java channel06:06
nit-witAranel, it is a copy paste I believe, the second HD has to have a same or bigger partition.06:06
babui want to copy the result of command after execution to clipboard06:07
Youndermadbomber, depends some 64 bit machines are not supported06:07
madbomberwell its running so it must be eh.   ?  where do i look up my system.  i dont see it under about unbuntu.  sorry ima newb06:07
babufor e.g when i execute cat a.c ....the contents of a.c should be copied to clipboard..06:07
babuhow to do it06:07
KM0201jen: you have a PM06:07
Youndermadbomber, look for em64 the MAN extension to 64 bit. Intel licences it for it's own CPU's too06:08
Lasersbabu: xclip ?06:08
Lasers!info xclip | babu06:09
ubottubabu: xclip (source: xclip): command line interface to X selections. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12-1 (natty), package size 19 kB, installed size 92 kB06:09
gaurav_nattyi want to analize my website traffic on my terminal06:09
madbomberi know but where do i go to see my system profile, like my hardware, in ubuntu classic shell06:09
yagooNoor_egy, can you type "mount" ?06:09
yagoo(mount <enter>)06:09
Younderubuntu does automount06:09
yagooNoor_egy, that will list the mountpoints.. try seeing if /dev/sda5/6/7 is mounted06:09
gaurav_nattyi want to analize my website traffic on my terminal , is there any tool06:10
Younderso mount/unmount is usually unnecessary06:10
yagoogaurav_natty, google webalizer06:10
tamranis there a PPA for old kernels?06:10
TimmyT im going to make a multiseat. here i see an example of xorg.conf : http://pastebin.com/YeCsnmhy . in the device section where BusID is defined is written PCI:1:0:0 and somewhere else PCI 0:2:0 . How can I find out this configurations on my own system? i've an onboard graphic card and a PCI Express one06:10
Noor_egyyagoo http://codepad.org/gyPj2tyL06:10
gaurav_nattycan i see that result on my terminal06:10
madbomberwhere do i go to see my damn hardware from ubuntus perspetive? :)06:10
gaurav_nattyyagoo, can i see that result on my terminal06:10
babuLasers, wat s meant by !info06:11
yagooNoor_egy, can u acess the desktop with nautilus or konqueror to  /media/D ,  /media/E or,  /media/F ?06:11
Youndermadbomber, administrative meny, system06:11
madbomberoh younder, i have 7 processors at 870 @ 2.93 GHz?  running64 bit natty06:11
madbomberthis means im actually in 64 right? :)06:11
st47babu: it's just an instruction that tells ubottu to give you information, see the message that ubottu said06:11
yagooNoor_egy, see which one has "Windows" or "WINDOWS" folder..06:11
Youndermadbomber, sounds like a intel i706:11
Youndermadbomber, so yes06:12
madbomberits 64bit if its running ubuntu 65 rite?  man im rusty lol. okay thanks06:12
madbomberyea it seems faster06:12
madbomberi alsmost installed mint or some other dumb ones ubuntu06:12
Aranelnit-wit: okay I created a new/bigger ext3 partition on my new hdd, now how can I copy/paste it? :)06:12
yagoogaurav_natty, i believe there are so many tools for this.. this isn't really ubuntu related06:13
nit-witAranel, hyou on a live cd?06:13
Aranelnit-wit: nope, but I do have one -Ubuntu 11.04-, I can boot from it06:13
KM0201madbomber: you can confirm what kernel you're using, by typing "uname -a" no quotes, and don't forget the space, in a terminal06:13
yagoogaurav_natty, i would use "list of software web analysis site:wikipedia" in google searcvh06:13
gaurav_nattyyagoo, i want all my website traffic on terminal in ubuntu06:13
babuwhen i typed !info..it displays man page for talk06:13
babuwat it means06:14
nit-witAranel, you have to do this from a live cd using gparted just turn off the swap and right click the partion to save , then copy and then paste to the new HD.06:14
yagooNoor_egy, did my post make sense?06:14
yagooNoor_egy, nautilus is gnome's default file browser06:14
nit-witAranel, been awhile since I have done it but it is justa a dd using gparted, I think you may have to load the grub bootloader to the new HD's mbr.06:15
wechatmadbomber: cut some processors for me ^)06:15
nit-wit*grub2 that is06:15
=== wechat is now known as wechat_sleeping
madbombersire//..sure :)06:15
madbomberlinux is one of the only good thing left with the nt besides irc06:16
Aranelnit-wit: and make a change on fstab?06:16
nit-witAranel, fstab should be okay exceopt fpr the new swap I think.06:16
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nit-witAranel, you wouldn't copy paste the swap but make a new one, then in the terminal run sudo blkid to get the new uuid for the swap and put it in fstab06:18
Aranelnit-wit: okay ^^ now I'm off to boot from livecd and copy it :)06:19
tayler900good luck06:19
Guest89512how can i get Higher resolution in xbuntu?06:19
nit-witAranel, cool I just opned my gparted and there is a right click copy so I think your on your way.)06:20
nick12524i do not know06:20
nick12524it wont boot from the hard drive :/06:20
nit-witnick12524,  what's up06:21
nick12524i can not get my computer to boot from the hard drive06:22
nick12524just from cd06:22
nick12524and from realtek boot manager06:22
nick12524witch always finds nothing06:22
Guest89512how do I get higher resolutions?06:23
nit-witnick12524, to make this easiest lets use the bootscript, it is a excellent tool just for this. http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/    pastebin the text file.06:23
tayler900is every thing placed in?06:23
paskillwhy cann i only change with sudo in my samba mounted direction?06:24
paskillhow do i change that?06:24
GK0199is anyone good at routers maybe I can PM and get help06:25
bazhangGK0199, thats really a hardware issue, try ##hardware06:26
paskillor #cisco06:26
KM0201or your router manual06:27
paskillthere are taff guis06:27
wechat_sleepingor on #God06:27
bazhangwechat_sleeping, thats not helpful06:27
wechat_sleepingok i'm keeping silence06:27
KM0201bazhang: he was obviously sleep talking.. :)06:28
harshada_anyone knows how to set up command completion by up and down arrow ??06:30
harshada_anyone knows how to set up command completion by up and down arrow ??06:30
phendranaits me jen!06:31
KM0201i take it it worked?06:32
phendranayes! all I need to do i install :DDDDD06:32
KM0201lol, ok.06:32
phendranaI know I know...calm down..06:32
KM0201phendrana: u have a PM>06:32
wechat_sleepingharshada_: Tab?06:33
harshada_wechat_sleeping: suppose in command i type svn and press up key then it should display commands start with svn like svn update.. which is from history06:35
wechat_sleepingharshada_: only tab, install bash_completion package and configure it06:36
paskillhas anyone a idea how i save the username and password for my smbmount?06:37
harshada_wechat_sleeping: ok thanks06:37
babuhow to use xclip cmd06:37
paskillso i dont hav to sudo always when i chang in my /mnt/*share* direction?06:37
babuhow to use xclip cmd06:39
wildgooseman xclip06:39
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wechat_sleepings/how to use/man06:40
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wasanzy_hi all06:41
wasanzy_some quick question06:42
honey_how can i customize my login screen in ubuntu 10.04?06:43
madbomberwhat doya mean?06:43
wasanzy_am trying to use cp command to copy files and directories to another directory with the -f parameter, but it is still asking me to confirm before copy could take effect, I want to actually force the copy06:44
cuidasHi everyone! Anyone got an idea when MySQL 5.5 will be available through apt?06:44
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ZiRiuwasanzy_, did you try using su?06:45
honey_hi evry one how can i customize my login screen in ubuntu 10.04?06:46
wasanzy_am doing it as supper user06:46
ZiRiuHmm. If you're a super user it should just copy.06:46
wasanzy_but is not comping06:46
wechat_sleepingwasanzy_: do u use -R06:46
redeyyezmy nix box becomes sluggish after a week or so.  Ive ran ps -A / ps -a  and kill many process via kill PID, Not totally certain if that's a good idea, and that doesn't totally return it to a "fresh" boot state, probably a n00b solution but im sure there's gotta be more i don't grasp yet on how to fix this via terminal rather than doing "kill" or "reboot". Besides im somewhat a linux n00b.  Running kubuntu:natty:06:46
wasanzy_I used -rf06:47
jaimahi people! I'm trying to get grub menu show up on boot (not silent) which mine never showed up. How I have to configure?06:47
jaimaredeyyez, You should look at what init scripts starts on boot06:48
wechat_sleepingwasanzy_: -rfn06:48
wasanzy_ok let me try that06:49
Gunz4MiPPleredeyyez: install htop and mess around with the fields to sort, ram, cpu, etc06:49
wechat_sleepingredeyyez: install htop06:49
wechat_sleepingcuidas: or if it will be PPA or when it will be in Debian Testing and the next release after in Ubuntu06:51
cuidaswechat_sleeping: sorry, i don't understand what you mean...06:52
wechat_sleepingcuidas: o_o mysql-common 5.1.57-3 in debi testing . So wait. It's better to prepared and tested package, believe.06:53
snimavatAny one running Nvidia GT 525 m here ?06:54
snimavatI can not boot from live CD, it goes blank06:54
wechat_sleepingsnimavat: so burn something on it :)06:55
snimavatIts a DEll xps l502x system with i7, Nvidia GT 525m optimus, live cd does not boot, after initial screen that shows keyboard icon, it goes black06:55
cuidaswechat_sleeping: thanks. i'm already using it succesfully on a fedora machine, it's stable since 12/2010, and i want it on my ubuntu... :-)06:55
snimavatI mean blank screen :)06:55
ZiRiusnimavat: do you see the ubuntu live cd boot menu thing?06:55
wechat_sleepingcuidas: mysql-server is also 5.106:55
wechat_sleepingsnimavat: sorry it was not a good joke06:56
Laserssnimavat: That laptop is bulky? :O06:56
snimavatZiRiu : You mean the screen that shows option to try or install ?06:56
ZiRiusnimavat: yeah06:56
wechat_sleepingsnimavat: try some options when boot apic, noapic, failsafe, i don't know06:56
snimavatLasers : That laptop is excellent choice, and i dont think i will have any trouble in moving it around with me :)06:57
cuidaswechat_sleeping: thx (i was talking about the server... forgot to tell... ;-) )06:57
snimavatwechat_sleeping : i heard some  thing about nomodeset, but dont know much06:57
Laserssnimavat: Good workout, indeed. :)06:57
snimavatLasers : its not that bulky really06:58
wechat_sleepingcuidas: ask'em :)  Debian MySQL Maintainers <pkg-mysql-maint@lists.alioth.debian.org>06:58
wechat_sleepingsnimavat: i knew less then use about nomodeset ...06:59
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wasanzy_cp -rfn source dest, is giving me invalid option cp: invalid option -- n07:00
wasanzy_Try `cp --help' for more information07:00
TrentonAdamsI need to add the pcie_aspm=off option to the kernel line.  Do I have to run any sort of update commands after that?  Also, what were the update commands for messing with the boot process?  I've forgotten.07:03
wasanzy_cp -rfn source dest, is giving me invalid option cp: invalid option -- n07:03
wasanzy_Try `cp --help' for more information07:03
richardjpriceis it possible to tweak grub while running the ubuntu live? i have got ubuntu on the system already but my current grub setup isnt letting me boot into it07:03
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Rousehow to run exe file in terminal07:07
DangerOnTheRangrRouse: Do you mean a Windows executable, or a Linux one?07:07
basncyreboot, then cbhoss07:07
Rouseinkml is a exe application which is in my home folder07:08
Rousei have to install it07:08
Rousenot installing just to run it07:08
Rousewhen i tried it using sudo /path/filename07:08
Rouse\it says command not found07:08
basncythen choose windows xxxx   and click start run  type cmd,then you can run exe in terminal07:08
Rousewithout wine could i ?07:09
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samsul_Rose : didn't think so...07:09
samsul_you need an emulator...07:09
Rouseit means ?07:10
samsul_like wine... or PlayOn Linux..07:10
Rouseokay fine give me the terminal command to install wine or emulator what ever be07:10
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samsul_sudo apt-get install wine07:11
bazhang!wine > Rouse07:11
ubottuRouse, please see my private message07:11
=== well is now known as somethingelse
wasanzy_any help please07:13
k_szeI can't connect to the Samba share on my Natty rig from Mac OS X.07:13
samsul__is there anyone can set up bind9?07:13
wasanzy_the cp -rfn is not working,07:13
k_szeI have configured samba using gadmin-samba, by following this guide: http://www.ghacks.net/2009/12/25/configure-samba-with-gadmin-samba/07:13
wasanzy_samsul_: yes I can07:13
flametai1I had a wireless keyboard previously and it all of a sudden out of the blue stopped working with Ubuntu 10.10, but if I pressed the FN key on it it would just continuously  type iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii over and over. Until I pressed a button and then it would stop. Thinking the keyboard was the problem I bought a new one, which is a corded USB keyboard. It worked for about 2 months and now this one is working fine except it07:14
flametai1presses iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii over and over now randomly.07:14
samsul__wasanzy_ : could you tell me please..07:14
flametai1Anyone know my god damn problem?07:14
TimmyThey guys07:14
wasanzy_to tell you how to setup bind9? do you already have it install?07:15
flametai1About ready to throw Ubuntu out the window as much as I like it =/ It's just becoming a pain in the ass now though.07:15
samsul__i just install it..07:15
MrDudleflametai1: swearing won't help you07:15
MrDudleflametai1: Did that only happen in a certain program?07:16
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flametai1MrDudle, swearing makes me feel better considering I've asked this question in here AND #linux a thousand times and no one seems to know what's going on =|07:16
MrDudleOr in all programs that allow text input?07:16
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MrDudleWell, flametai1, people here do have lives.07:16
flametai1MrDudle, anything, even the OS itself.07:16
MrDudleI'm not even sure what that means.07:16
MrDudleHow do you know it would produce 'i' if it wasn't in a program or something?07:17
flametai1.........selects a file/folder that has i in it07:17
flametai1searches for files with "i"07:17
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MrDudleflametai1: Honestly sounds like a keyboard problem.07:20
flametai1MrDudle, the keyboard is brand friking new.07:20
nick1254how to completly wipe a hard drive?07:20
MrDudleThis is why I don't like wireless things.07:20
yagoonick1254, how are you doing?07:20
nick1254still no success07:21
flametai1MrDudle, the one pressing i randomly isn't wireless. My previous one is wireless and presses i when I press FN07:21
yagoonick1254, yikes07:21
nick1254this is a nightmare07:21
MrDudlenickhang on a second07:22
MrDudlenick1254: http://eraser.heidi.ie/07:22
MrDudleactually nick125407:23
nick1254i dont have windows07:23
MrDudlethat'd be more what you want07:23
FloodBot1MrDudle: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:23
nick1254i just tried dban and it gave me errors07:23
MrDudlenick1254: what errors?07:23
nick1254there were 307:24
nick1254they were non fatual07:24
nick1254i think it said07:24
MrDudleyou tried it before i gave you the link?07:24
MrDudletry redownloading it07:24
MrDudleand reburning07:25
yagoonick1254, you sure u have them on sata? (like they're not external harddrive boxes that can have usb and sata ports)07:26
nick1254no its an internal hard drive07:26
nick1254and its sata07:26
nick1254iv tried unpluging it all from the motherboard and plugging it back in 2 times07:26
yagoonick1254, sata1/207:26
Aaron_hey i have a question i just install compiz and i started it up, but the minimize button and the close button are no longer appear the tittle bar is gone any ideas?07:27
nick1254its in sata 107:27
yagooAaron_, try using the metacity window manager..07:27
nick1254the motherboard has 6 sata slots07:27
Aaron_yagoo, how?07:27
yagoonick1254, sata1 drive? sounds too old07:27
Aaron_if i enable metacity then, compiz dissappears07:28
nick1254oh im not sure if its 1 or 207:28
yagoonick1254, if they're new then they're sata207:28
nick1254i just ment its hooked into the 1st sata slot on the motherboard07:28
Aaron_any help?07:28
nick1254the computer is probably about 3 or 4 years old07:29
nick1254and its the origonal hard drive07:29
Loshkinick1254: and what exactly are you trying to do?07:29
nick1254the bios wont alow me to place the hard drive in the boot order07:29
nick1254so i cant boot an operating system from the hard drive07:29
nick1254only off live cds07:29
yagooLoshki, he was never able to show his harddrive on the boot-order menu with bios..though his bios shows the harddrives in the bios and powerup07:29
nick1254yes the bios recognizes that its there07:30
yagooand.. I even helped him update his bios too07:30
nick1254but i cant place it in the boot order07:30
* yagoo thinks gateway may be putting a hardware restriction07:30
yagoonick1254, the only risk u can probably take is to use a bios not from gateway .. but that's probably too risky..07:31
nick1254yea wont that mess up the motherboard potentially?07:31
nick1254nad when vista was on the hard drive it would boot07:31
Loshkiyagoo: thanks, I totally missed that part. On my cheap ECS mobo, I've had problems like that. As a workaround, can't you boot from somewhere else?07:33
k_szeDo nvidia graphics card still work in general?07:33
k_szeI think I'm going out there to buy the cheapest one that supports DVI or HDMI output.07:34
k_szethis analog d-sub output to my LCD is killing my eyes.07:34
yagooLoshki, nick125407:34
* yagoo says nick1254 has updated his bios to 1.00R07:35
nick1254and i have an ecs mobo07:35
nick1254its an ecs nvidia 680i lt07:36
Loshkik_sze: read newegg and search ebay reviews to be sure whatever you buy will run well under ubuntu...07:36
yagoonick1254, you said u install ubuntu to one of the drives?07:36
nick1254yes iv installed 11.407:36
nick1254and 10.407:36
nick1254and neither will boot07:36
yagooon two physical drives?07:37
nick1254well both on the same drive07:37
nick1254one at a time07:37
nick1254first 11.407:37
nick1254that wouldnt bot so i tried 10.407:37
Loshkinick1254: but you successfully previously booted vista from that drive in that slot?07:37
yagoonick1254, do you have any "Legacy IDE->AHCI" bios option?07:38
nick1254thats what was on the machine when i got it07:38
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn /join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk07:38
=== shaibn is now known as shai-work
nick1254and im not sure07:38
nick1254theres so many bios options and a lot of it is foriegn to me07:38
nick1254witch really doesnt help07:38
Rousewhat is the command for rebooting ?07:41
nick1254im calling it quits for the night07:41
nick1254im sick of working on this for now haha07:41
nick1254thanks though for all the help07:41
nick1254maybe il figure it out eventually07:42
yagooRouse, reboot07:42
Rousecommand not found07:43
rkhshmare there any perl modules for capturing subnet activity07:43
yagooRouse, shutdown -r07:43
yagooor do ctl-alt-del in console07:43
rkhshmi'm planning to write a script to get all IPs within the subnet and procure its activity07:44
yagoorkhshm, LOL07:44
rkhshmyagoo: why?07:44
=== onats_ is now known as onats
yagoorkhshm, you need an ethercap device07:45
yagooif this is at the router then it's possible (using an attachment to a switch)07:45
yagooRouse, mind me saying rebooting doesnt always fix things in linux07:45
yagoorkhshm, i'm sure there's more than half a good dozen socket libraries for perl07:46
yagoorkhshm, i'm not too sure how well "promiscuous" modes can be set in perl..07:47
aumis there any firefox and cookie related room07:48
YankDownUnderaum, Have you tried #mozilla ...?07:50
YankDownUnderaum, ...or #firefox ??07:50
aumok thank you07:51
LostyJaihey guys...07:54
LostyJaianyone good with grub07:54
LostyJaifor some reason my ubuntu boots up in GRUB07:55
LostyJai"GNU GRUB version 1.98-1ubuntu12" to be exact07:55
LostyJaihow do i tell it to boot?07:55
jiltdilwant to use the original unix os any one have the link to download iso?07:56
yagooLostyJai, ?07:56
YankDownUnderLostyJai, Um...what exactly do you mean? "Boots up in GRUB" is not really very illustrative...07:56
aumi have edited cookies.sqlite manually but my browser is not showing the changes is there any other file to edit07:56
yagooyou're trying to update grubstage1/2 and mbr for grub2 but grub1 is loaded up instead?07:56
yagoo,/for/to/ grub207:57
YankDownUnderaum, Have you asked this question in #firefox?07:57
LostyJaii start up my server07:57
LostyJaiand it just goes into grub command line07:57
aumyes but nobody is replying07:57
YankDownUnderLostyJai, Right - that explains.07:57
yagooLostyJai, did u do update-grub2 ?07:57
LostyJaido you want a screenshot?07:57
YankDownUnderLostyJai, Have you booted the server with a live CD and then try to re-install grub?07:57
LostyJaii don't know how i can better explain it07:57
LostyJaiyagoo: no07:57
yagoou didnt generate a grub.cfg file07:58
LostyJaiit booted up fine before07:58
LostyJaibut not anymore07:58
YankDownUnderLostyJai, Here's what I picture: You turn on the machine. It goes through the post, then just sits at the GRUB menu, right?07:58
LostyJaiwell it's not really a menu07:58
LostyJaiit's more...... GRUB terminal07:58
truepurpleIs there a special reason to mount a independent third partition into home rather then into its own spot?07:59
YankDownUnderLostyJai, Yes yes yes, I know...been there done that. What you want to do is to boot with a liveCD, then "chroot" to the root filesystem, mounting everything you need to mount, then re-install grub.07:59
yagooLostyJai, easy solution.. just use ubuntuinstallcd and choose repair grub install07:59
LostyJaihow do i get it to boot off hd(0,1) ?07:59
LostyJaiadvanced options -> rescue mode?08:00
yagooi believe so08:00
jvgelineed help, im installing kernel 3 on natty,but when i get to the headers it says dependency not satisfied but the dependency its referring to is itself08:00
LostyJaiwell nothing else to select08:00
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)08:00
LostyJaihere goes08:00
yagooLostyJai, there's also this.. but i never used it08:02
yagooLostyJai, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair08:02
truepurpleIs there a special reason to mount a independent third partition into home rather then into its own spot?08:04
yagootruepurple, well to create shares u need to have it more public for 1+ users08:05
yagootruepurple, i don't know what you mean "own spot".. I'm guessing you mean /media /mnt standard locations08:05
truepurpleSure on the second thing you said08:06
truepurpleBut the first, "create shares"?08:06
yagootruepurple, i was guessing what you were meaning about user's own preference-- making a user's own sharing under his home directory08:07
al__whats the flags to the cp command to copy everything unless it is a *avi AND over say 5G in size?08:07
jvgelineed help, im installing kernel 3 on natty,but when i get to the headers it says dependency not satisfied but the dependency its referring to is itself08:07
yagootruepurple, bottom line is security.. how much you want a user to allow him to make his own mountpoints08:08
yagoojvgeli, that sounds like bleeding edge.. kernel v 3 already?08:08
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jvgeliyagoo: yeah.08:08
yagoothey jumped .6 numbers.. looks like about a week ago..08:09
jvgeliyagoo: anyway i got it to install forcibly. restarting now to try it on Natty.08:09
truepurpleyagoo: I never said anything about "users own preference"08:09
yagoojvgeli, what does it have.., usb3 ?08:09
truepurpleyagoo: I am the only person that uses this PC08:10
yagoojvgeli, /home implies user's own08:10
jvgeliyagoo: not sure. but Im using one of the fusion APU from AMD and support has recently been added to the latest kernel.08:10
yagoojvgeli, fusefilesystems overcome the burdence of old system filesystem maintenance.. (gnomevfs)08:10
jenguess who's a happy camper now? Thanks Ken!08:11
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
KM0201i take it everything worked?08:13
jvgeliyagoo: im on Kernel 3.0.0-0300rc4-generic now. everything is ffffassssttt! ATI radeon cafd works great out of the box. great upgrade!08:14
jenyes!!! :DDDDDDDD08:14
yagoojvgeli, i imagine it is especially with that scheduler patch pulled in after 2.6.3608:14
KM0201well hallelujah.08:14
root_hey I got some problems with vlc. everytime when I try to run it i get an error message08:15
jennow...to install flash stuff08:15
KM0201jen: it should already be installed... i checked to install it during the install process08:15
jenoh ok I shall check whirled08:16
angawarHi, I was wondering if somebody could help me with my screen setup?08:17
angawarto setup the xorg.conf...08:18
jenits so very nice to hear 'scream, aim, fire' on my whirled again ^///^08:19
angawar24 main screen with two 22" rotated screens, one on each side08:19
Lasers!xorg | angawar08:20
ubottuangawar: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution08:20
Lasersangawar: Just a start.08:20
angawarThank you08:20
cadhey, guys, is there an easy way to get access to my windows mobile device in ubuntu? like installing just one deb file?08:23
angawarJust have to rotate two of my screens, one on each side.. Cant figure it out :/08:24
astraljavacad: I can't think of any other way outside of the mass memory of it being mounted, just as some Symbian phones etc.08:25
angawarCould someone help me please?08:27
YankDownUnderangawar, Patience.08:28
jaap_how can i disable auto log oof08:28
corestormhow is everyone08:28
corestormI'm having some serious issues setting up a VPN right now.08:28
corestormI've actually been trying for 2 days08:29
corestormDoes anyone got a minute and can help08:29
corestormI've paid $300 for the service for the year08:29
corestormand they cant help with linux issues08:29
cadhow typical )08:29
corestormnetwork-manager wont install on my distro08:30
corestormAnd i have no clue how to use VPNc08:30
corestormkvpnc that is08:30
YankDownUndercorestorm, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN08:31
babuis there any way to convert from doc/odt to pdf08:31
corestormthanks yank08:31
corestormi'll take a look08:31
corestormPPTP (Microsoft VPN)08:32
corestormsudo apt-get install network-manager-pptp08:32
corestormCisco VPN08:32
corestormsudo apt-get install network-manager-vpnc08:32
FloodBot1corestorm: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:32
corestormsudo apt-get install network-manager-openvpn08:32
corestormI cant use network manager08:32
jaap_how can i disable auto log out08:33
llutzcorestorm: _why_ does networkmanager not install?08:34
corestormi'll get the log08:35
FloodBot1corestorm: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:35
soulis77-SEI can't get the sudo apt-get install php-apc to work. It don't find the package. Itried pecl install apc, but get error: running: phpize08:35
shadowpitHello, I've got a problem with my Ubuntu Server 11.04 amd64, can I request for help here or is there a better place to that ?08:35
llutz!enter| corestorm:08:35
ubottucorestorm:: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:35
corestormNo problem.08:35
YankDownUndershadowpit, Have you tried #ubuntu-server yet?08:36
edrezawe dont have internet waaaaaaaaaa08:36
corestormThe following packages block the update: arping08:36
shadowpityankdownUnder, nop, I'll give it a try. Thanks. ;-)08:36
YankDownUnderedreza, Um...are you communicating with us via the spirit world?08:36
corestormSo it's not letting me download network manager08:36
babuis there any way to convert from doc/odt to pdf08:38
corestormany ideas guys ?08:38
YankDownUnderbabu, Print to PDF.08:38
cadcorestorm, sudo apt-get update08:38
corestormalright cad08:39
llutzbabu: libreoffice/openoffice have a pdf-export function08:39
Lasersangawar: Just got your message.08:39
Lasersangawar: Check Additional Drivers. Make sure it's enabled. Restart. Go to Nvidia-Settings (under System/Preferences) and set it up from there.08:39
YankDownUnder"Print to file" is a general option on ANY linux based system - you can choose PS or PDF as the output.08:39
babuhow to upgrade openoffice only08:39
cadcorestorm, just remove "arping"08:40
llutzYankDownUnder: right, but you'll first have to use an app being able to read(open) doc/odt08:40
shenhow remove kde-desktop08:40
baskaki have an ati radeon 9200, and no unity. "unity_support_test -p" gives the following: http://paste.ubuntu.com/647158/, however the card IS capable of gl 1.4 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radeon). it's running on default driver, there are no additional drivers available, and to my knowledge currently only the  included drivers support radeon 9200 (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1540387)08:41
babuhow to upgrade openoffice only08:41
YankDownUnderllutz, Um...most linux installations come with SOMETHING...like OO or LO or SO or similar...08:41
corestormthis is going to sound really stupid, i'm new to linux. my friend installed it on my computer for me. how exactly do i remove arping08:41
astraljavababu: What do you mean upgrade openoffice only? Why do you need to upgrade it in the first place? Please be more specific with your questions, it's really hard to guess what you're after.08:42
shenapt-get --purge remove08:42
cadin terminal : sudo apt-get remove {package-name}     / or purge08:42
Benkinoobyhi, i am looking for a pdf view that can show annotations... suggestions? i tried evince, gv, xpdf.. with out luck... is ther a package to be installed for annotation supprt?08:42
babuastraljava,  i want to update open office to the newer version08:42
bluecatsshi alll08:42
viiihey, anyone have troubles with or running a lenovo y470?08:42
bluecatssnice to meat you08:43
astraljavababu: From what version? Which ubuntu release are you using? There are possibilities, but I'm really not sure why you want to do that in the first place.08:43
corestormOkay thanks08:43
corestormi'll try this again i really appreciate your help on this.08:44
janedoehey, I have been thinking about about installing neorouter, however ubuntu gives me a notification about it being my risk installing it and that it could cause damage.. could anyone recommend doing it anyway?08:44
babuastraljava, i'm using ubuntu 10.10... i'm currently using v3.208:44
bluecatssnice to meat you babu08:44
dydi have a tar file, i want the files to be extracted in /, how do i run the command?08:44
llutzdyd tar -C08:45
soreaudyd: / isnt a good place to store files for one08:45
dydthe files are of flash player08:45
soreau! flash08:46
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash08:46
dydif i extract them with tar xvf install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz08:46
dydit creates a folder08:46
astraljavababu: Ahh... then, I'm afraid, it's only possible by compiling from sources. However, there's a LibreOffice PPA on launchpad, if you really need that. Just out of curiosity, is this related to printing to PDF, or another matter?08:46
tomodachidyd: why not install flash from aptitude?08:46
dydsoreau: thanks08:46
astraljavababu: I just won't recommend the usage of PPAs. They're completely out of support (excluding whatever the PPA maintainer _might_ give).08:47
dydtomodachi: dunno, i was on website and it made me download the package08:47
janedoeok, since I am being ignored, is there any chance that I can be read anyway and responded to?08:47
babuastraljava, i just want to update the openoffice to newer version....it's not relating to pdf08:48
tomodachidyd:  if you are using ubuntu and want flash,  there is a better way!08:48
tomodachidyd: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/03/install-adobe-flash-player-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal/08:49
tomodachithis should work08:49
dydtomodachi: using apt-get? next time i'll use that :D08:49
jacob_for ubuntu 10.1008:49
tomodachidyd:  do it now instead of next time!08:49
dydtomodachi: oh yea... i prefer command line :))08:49
=== jacob_ is now known as Guest62130
astraljavababu: Right. Well, can't help with that, outside of giving the line: "Compile from sources". Haven't done it myself, so cannot support the operation. Good luck!08:49
Guest62130can we get google desktop for ubuntu 10.1008:49
dydtomodachi: i already installed it, it's working!08:49
babui found a office suite named libreoffice in ubuntu 11.04....wat's the difference bn it and open office..has canonical switched ..or oracle renamed it08:49
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dydbabu: i think it was just renamed08:50
Lasersbabu: We're going with LibreOffice. We already have it in 11.04 -- It's really same with OpenOffice except branding name and few little things.08:50
viiibabu, open source forked the project since oracle has rights to openoffice08:50
janedoealright, I c, thanks for nthn08:50
astraljavababu: LibreOffice is a port of OpenOffice, supported by a foundation. Separate from OpenOffice, though some degree of cooperation might be expected. Oracle owns OpenOffice nowadays.08:50
Lasersbabu: Keeping it free, bro. :)08:51
=== alex__ is now known as Amoz
Benkinoobyhi, i am looking for a pdf view that can show annotations... suggestions? i tried evince, gv, xpdf.. with out luck... is ther a package to be installed for annotation supprt?08:52
Noor_egyhello , i resored my linux grab after i installed windows and now there is screen that show me the choices to choose from windows and linux but when i try to log to windows it gives me invaled signature08:53
janedoe hey, I have been thinking about about installing neorouter, however ubuntu gives me a notification about it being my risk installing it and that it could cause damage.. could anyone recommend doing it anyway?08:54
szalNoor_egy: you what your linux what?08:55
tomodachijanedoe: what do you want? vpn?08:55
tomodachibetween what?08:55
szalNoor_egy: you what your linux grub?08:56
tomodachi2 computers? 2 sites?08:56
Noor_egyi was have ubuntu and installed windows rhen i tried to restore the linux grab to show ubuntu08:56
janedoeand the client as well08:56
janedoeone computer08:56
tomodachijanedoe: so its between two computers? what will you be running betweem those two computers?08:56
babuwhen updating open office,is installing from sources is the nly way to do...it just wasts my bandwith...08:56
Noor_egynow i have ubuntu and windows shown but when i try to login to windows it gives invalid signature08:56
Kusi have forgoten my encryted home passphrase08:57
Kusis there a way i can find it? i have loged in and it is auto encrypted, but need the passphrase for mountig it else where08:57
Kuscan somebody help me?08:57
janedoetomodachi: it is more of the fact that I wanna have access to my computer from another computer, though I read that I ned the vpn-server first.. or sth.. I am not good at thsi yet..08:57
Lasers!encrypt | Kus08:58
ubottuKus: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory08:58
tomodachijanedoe: i use openvpn for my vpn connections. Its quite simple to set up and will give you what you want08:58
tomodachijanedoe: but if you only  want filesharing access and maybe remote controll you dont really need vpn. You can use ssh port forwarding. Thats why im asking for specifics.08:58
astraljavaKus: Does this help? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory#Recovering Your Mount Passphrase08:58
LasersKus: If you didn't write it down.... This is what you wanted, right?  [!#$#$Encrypted@#$##]08:59
szalbabu: that depends on where you got OOo from in the first place08:59
janedoetomodachi: oh really, that sounds cool.. I will try that one.. is it part of the apps on the software center or do I have to download it from the homepage?08:59
tomodachiboth exists in software center08:59
tomodachibasically you can redirect ports through ssh  so they become enctrypted through the ssh tunnel09:00
babuszal, it's already pre-installed in my ubuntu 10.1009:00
KusLasers, so it isn't saved on the disk?09:00
soulis77-SEI can't get the sun Java install to work on Lucid. I have added the repository but still no go. Is there another way?09:00
tomodachijanedoe: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/PortForwarding09:00
janedoetomodachi: kk, well I just wanna have administrative access and do whatever I wanna do ;)09:00
Laserskusznir__: When you firstly set it up, I'm very confident there was a shortcut or dialog that prompt -- It tell you to write down the passphrase.09:01
LasersKus: ^^09:01
janedoetomodachi: well, thx so far..09:01
LasersKus: It's on the disk. Where else would it go? :)09:01
astraljavaKus: Did the link not help?09:02
Noor_egyi was have ubuntu and windowes and 2 days ago i renstalled windows so i was had to restore grab to show the ybuntu to log to i did restore it and now when i open my pc it show window to choose between ubuntu and windows but when i try to login to windows it gives me error invalid signature and windows dont work09:02
vltNoor_egy: Sounds like a topic for #windows09:03
Noor_egyits related to linux grab09:03
szalbabu: the packaged version will likely stay the same throughout the life of 10.10..  if you want something newer, grab the native-packed binaries from openoffice.org or go for LibreOffice (either by PPA or their native-packed version -- please note that LO 3.4.1 is not yet considered stable for mission-critical use)09:03
szalbabu: iow, no need to build from source09:04
wh1zz0Sup guys09:04
szalNoor_egy: define 'invalid signature09:05
szalNoor_egy: iow, EXACT error message please09:06
babuszal, i'm afraid my qn is not reached to you....if i download native binaries from OO site, i have to download large size of package...instead if there is any patch for update, i can apply the patch to the existing version n update it...09:06
szalbabu: no, there isn't09:06
babuszal, the patch size will be far less than original binary09:06
szalbabu: afaik, *buntu doesn't have patches anyway09:07
szalbabu: if you want something that supports delta packages, go for openSUSE or Fedora09:07
Noor_egy1szal thats the error message Invalid Signature09:08
Noor_egy1szal thats the error message Invalid Signature09:08
babuszal, if i downloaded for every release,its obviously waste my time and bandwith and space09:08
szalNoor_egy1: no need to repeat yourself..  and that message comes exactly where?09:09
FxIIIi know that xrandr let you to rotate the screen, is there a way to rotate the touchpad axis accordingly09:09
Noor_egy1szal aftel i choose to go to windows it dont log me to windows and gives me this error09:10
babuwat's the diff bn apt-get and aptitude...both are interface to package manager..which should to use09:11
szalNoor_egy1: please mind your words..  if it's on Windows _login_, i.e., after starting up Windows, it's not a *buntu or Grub problem -> ##windows then09:11
Benkinoobysomeone know a pdf viewer that can show annotations?09:11
lilyfan9000Benkinooby: The official Adobe one can09:12
lilyfan9000Benkinooby: http://get.adobe.com/uk/reader/09:12
dc5alaNoor_egy1, from grub menu? You can try edit at the boot menu, press E to go into edit mode, then press E again on the line that says root (hd....09:12
Noor_egy1szal - > windows dont start  its apear before windows start09:12
Benkinoobybabu, aptitude is based on apt-get... but it has some nice features, that makes it more intelligent09:12
OerHeksbabu aptitude is removed from 11.04 so i suggest apt-get09:12
szal!grub | Noor_egy1 - did you follow this?09:12
ubottuNoor_egy1 - did you follow this?: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)09:12
Benkinoobybabu, especially when it comes to cleaning up orhaned packages and resolving dependency problems09:12
Noor_egy1yes szal09:13
Benkinoobybabu, to me, aptitude is superior to apt-get09:13
Noor_egy1i did09:13
szallilyfan9000: no need to install from Adobe's website09:13
babuwhen we uploading a file in web, i read that it is first storing in tmp folder and after it is transferred...why is that09:14
dc5alaNoor_egy1, and delete the part after (hd, then press TAB and grub shows you available partitions, try to find the one you need and complete the line, e.g. (hd0,0) and press enter, then you can press B to boot09:14
szalNoor_egy1: iirc, the correct OS setup in Grub essentially boils down to 'sudo os-prober && sudo update-grub'09:15
Noor_egy1dc5ala:  plz again09:15
Benkinoobylilyfan9000, thank you... but apart from the adobe -i am not a fan of it... sorry should have mentioned before... it can't be that there is no open source pdf viewer with annotation support :(09:15
Algorithjust joined conversation. What ya talking about? Seem to recall okular supporting annotations09:17
babuwhen we uploading a file in web, i read that it is first storing in tmp folder and after it is transferred...why is that09:17
pabliiI can't mount any dvd09:17
pabliimount : the special device /dev/scd0 not exist09:18
aussie114hello, I have been trying to get my headset working in ubuntu for some time, following guides I have read result in my OS locking up, would it be because I have a PCI sound card installed?09:18
pabliiany help? i want to burn it with some files09:18
pabliicant mount cdrom009:19
soulis77-SEHi, How do I excecute a bin file from ssh terminal?09:19
szal!enter | pablii09:19
ubottupablii: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:19
szalsoulis77-SE: the file you downloaded most likely comes w/ instructions, either in the package or on the site you downloaded it from09:20
szalsoulis77-SE: other than that, what are you trying to run?09:21
icerootsoulis77-SE: chmod +x file.bin   ./file.bin09:21
szalsoulis77-SE: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre09:21
soulis77-SEszal: don't work even if i add archive... to the source file.09:22
szalsoulis77-SE: what 'don't work'?09:22
soulis77-SEsudo apt-apt get09:22
soulis77-SEszal: can't find package even after adding the archive.cannon to the source file.09:23
szalsoulis77-SE: there's no such thing as 'apt-apt get'09:23
soulis77-SEszal No it was a typo09:23
szal!info sun-java6-jre09:23
ubottuPackage sun-java6-jre does not exist in natty09:24
soulis77-SEIt is Lucid09:24
szal!java | soulis77-SE09:24
ubottusoulis77-SE: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.09:24
soulis77-SEWhen running sudo apt-get update: Doesn't it update core ?09:25
=== bullet is now known as Guest79154
lilyfan9000soulis77-SE: What do you mean by update core? apt-get update just updates the package lists09:26
dc5alasoulis77-SE, what you mean with core? It updates package informations09:26
=== Guest79154 is now known as bllt
soulis77-SEOk, I was afraid of doing the update since I have had problems twice with update or upgrade gives problem with my VPS and Parallels installation.09:27
Cr4z33Hi I am trying to run Ubuntu Server 10.04.2 64 bit from a USB pendrive (no HDD installed), but when I power on the computer I get 'Grub Error - No such device blablabla'09:28
baskaki have an ati radeon 9200, and no unity. "unity_support_test -p" gives the following: http://paste.ubuntu.com/647158/, however the card IS capable of gl 1.4 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radeon). it's running on default driver, there are no additional drivers available, and to my knowledge currently only the  included drivers support radeon 9200 (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1540387)09:28
fosa_i have a dual boot install of ubuntu and xp09:29
fosa_xp is giving me problems with BSOD so i'm in ubuntu09:29
fosa_when i try to access the 183GB Media folder listed in the ubuntu file browser, it says i don't have permission to mount it09:30
fosa_is it possibly because i added a user account in XP, and put a passwords on them?09:30
Slartfosa_: I'm not sure if ubuntu respects user permissions you've set in XP... I doubt it09:32
Slartfosa_: this media folder.. is it a separate drive/partition?09:32
fosa_i guess so09:32
Slartfosa_: and you're on a fresh install of ubuntu 11.04?09:33
bllthey, I have quick question. I downloaded some small rtos and in the sources directory I have patches directory with kernel patches named kernel-patch-2.4.29 , kernel-patch-2.6.9 ...   for this OS I need to download clean kernel, and here is my question (about numbers in those kernel patches) - does this mean that I need to download kernel 2.4.29 or 2.6.9 (like those numbers)? or should it work with latest stable kernel?09:33
llutz!ntfs | fosa_09:33
ubottufosa_: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE09:33
fosa_i'm on 8.10 i think09:33
=== root_ is now known as corestorm
corestormI'm having serious issues setting up a VPN connection09:34
Slartfosa_: oh.. then you probably need to do what ubottu told you about above.. it might be easier to reinstall ubuntu (the latest version)09:34
corestormcan some one give me a link to a site with some help ?09:34
Lasers!vpn | corestorm09:35
ubottucorestorm: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN09:35
fosa_huh.. okay thanks ^^09:35
corestormWhat version of ubuntu is backtrack 5 based off of ?09:35
corestormDoes anyone know09:35
llutzcorestorm: ask in #backtrack-linux09:35
bazhangcorestorm, you're using bt?09:35
Slartfosa_: ntfs support has developed a lot in the later years.. it seems for every version of ubuntu there were new work-arounds and packages to install.. but starting from 10.* it has "just worked" for me09:36
corestorm* Cannot join #backtrack-linux (You are banned).09:36
bazhangcorestorm, thats not supported here, check their channel09:36
corestormNot even sure why i'm banned09:36
corestormahh i know why09:36
fosa_i never had a problem just opening the partition before09:36
bazhangcorestorm, its the root@ ident09:36
corestormyeah i know09:36
llutzstupid, since default user is root when using backtrack...09:37
=== MKT16 is now known as qmake
FxIIIany idea on how to rotate the touchpad axis when rotate the output screen?09:40
DippieAware that it is very off topic, but is there anyone here that by chance has good knowledge about hardware?09:40
SlartDippie: you might as well ask if anyone knows electronic stuff.. that's such a wiiiiidde question..09:41
tenXand being good aint easy to measure as well09:42
SlartDippie: why not narrow it down to .. computer parts? graphics cards? general computer building? recent models of amd cpus?09:42
SlartDippie: you might want to try in ##hardware as well..09:42
tenXjust ask your question i wanna hear it now :)09:43
DippieSorry, to be specific i'm looking to build a new computer09:44
* Slart puts away his lexicon about early 20th century wrenches... *disappointed*09:45
DippieTrying to find some help picking the right parts and such :)09:45
DippieAnyway, thanks for pointing me to #hardware, i somehow failed to find it.09:46
Slartyou're welcome09:47
CloudAche84Hi, anyone got any experience of preseeding Ubuntu server installs on diskless hosts to iSCSI targets?09:47
tenXDippie: query09:48
=== alakoo_ is now known as alakoo
corestorm#backtrack-linux is full of ignorant people.09:52
corestormelitest morons =\09:52
Slartcorestorm: ah.. you got the full linux experience =)09:53
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:53
tomodachicorestorm: i cant really since i've never been there. But just because they break the ubuntu code of conduct doesent mean you should!09:53
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN09:54
llutzcorestorm: backtrack is a pentesting distro which needs some knowledge, not made for daily business. if you keep using it, #backtrack-linux IS the place to ask (even if you dislike those guys)09:54
corestormThey wont help me09:54
corestormthey said "it's not a back track issue"09:54
llutzwe also won't09:54
corestormwhat ever the hell that means.09:54
icerootcorestorm: this os ubuntu-support09:54
corestormThere's no way for people to learn how to set up a VPN on linux09:54
corestormi'm fucked basicly ?09:55
corestormi'm fucked basically ?09:55
icerootcorestorm: we dont support backtrack or other distris, so this is not the correct channel09:55
icerootcorestorm: watch your language09:55
corestormSorry ice.09:55
trinity9000corestorm: There are lots of VPN tutorials if you search google09:55
corestormI have.09:55
trinity9000corestorm: It's not a trivial thing though09:55
tomodachicorestorm: check out openvpn.org they have a very simple tutorial09:55
tenXcorestorm: yeah09:55
corestormAlright thanks allot tom09:55
tenXi can really recommend openvpn as well09:56
corestormJust sucks because i paid $300 for this thing.09:56
corestormand i can't use it09:56
corestormfor PPTP/L2TP/SSTP09:56
tenXi've run some flavours but its the easiest to setup09:56
tenXcorestorm: pptp, no09:56
tenXL2TP/IPSEC :D as a first try, NO09:57
corestormTo late lol09:57
corestormi've already paid for it09:57
corestormshould i switch it out to open ?09:57
ali_sorry, i installed xfce and now i wanna have remote desktop to it what should i do?09:57
tenXcorestorm: it is very complex09:57
tenXcorestorm: paid? so you dont have to set it up?09:57
corestormor what ever09:57
corestormI bought a 1 year client plan with them09:58
corestormfor PPTP/L2TP/SSTP09:58
llutzcorestorm: do you have any UBUNTU support related thing to ask? if not, please respect the rules and stop it here09:58
tenXcorestorm: well client setup is easy09:58
corestormYes, where can I download a dist of ubuntu ?09:58
iceroot!download | corestorm09:58
ubottucorestorm: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Natty, and help keeping the servers' load low!09:58
ali_how can i have remote desktop from my xfce desktop?09:59
tomodachicorestorm: openvpn can be used for any distribution , and for windows09:59
tenXali_: well call it via console09:59
tenXali_: its called rdesktop09:59
tenXrdesktop -h will show you the options10:00
ali_what do you mean?10:00
ali_i wanna remote desktop from my home to my server10:00
szalali_: does the server have a GUI?10:01
corestorm~# apt-get install openvpn10:01
corestormE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)10:01
corestormE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?10:01
corestormHow do i get around this ?10:01
tenXali_: i meeean... i meant... to quit10:01
CloudAche84did you sudo?10:02
ali_i just have ssh access10:02
szalcorestorm: close any other pkg management applications that may be running10:02
ali_and that is root access10:03
szalcorestorm: and yes, use sudo10:03
janhajhello.. If i do dd if=/dev/sda3 of=/dev/sdb1.img , will it remove all files in sdb1 or not?10:03
szaljanhaj: that won't likely work, because /dev/sdb1.img is most probably not a valid block device, let alone mount point10:04
ali_szal: yes it support and i installed xfce envirment and i wanna have remote desktop10:04
corestormpackage manager says "waiting for package manager lock"10:04
corestormwhat ever that means ?10:04
CloudAche84 orestorm: close everything and start again10:05
|OLLIE|means you have a package manager open already.10:05
janhajszal: so dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/media/data/backup.img ? (mountpoint is /media/data)10:05
corestormdid that10:05
corestormkeeps giving me the same errors10:05
corestormit segfaulted then I opened it10:05
CloudAche84are you in gui or at terminal?10:05
corestormgui wont work10:06
szaljanhaj: that looks more reasonable10:06
corestormnore will apt-get10:06
CloudAche84but you have closed the gui?10:06
babuwhich is the better theme .. i want to change my current theme ambiance..10:06
CloudAche84what does ls /var/lib/dpkg/lock show?10:07
janhajszal: and what the other files in /media/data? Will it remains there?10:07
corestormjust says /var/lib/dpkg/lock10:08
|OLLIE|if you're certain that you have closed -all- instances of package managers (gui, and cli) then just run: sudo dpkg --configure -a10:08
|OLLIE|and then try the apt-get again10:08
|OLLIE|im pretty sure that dpkg will clear the lock.10:08
corestormsudo dpkg --configure -a10:08
corestormdpkg: status database area is locked by another process10:08
|OLLIE|haha dammit10:09
barberanI've got 11.04. Everything is fine. I can not invent something interesting. Boring day. What should I think of ?10:09
babui added some ppa's earlier...how do i know waht are the ppa's i added..n to remove them10:09
CloudAche84try this instead cat /var/lib/dpkg/lock10:11
josvukHello, How to decode aprs data10:11
janhajIf I do dd if=/dev/sda3 of=/media/data/backup.img (/media/data is mountpoint), will it remove other files in /media/data or not? Thanks10:11
szaljanhaj: why should it?10:12
Lasersjanhaj: You shouldn't be on the active system if you're backing up your active system,10:12
corestormshows nothing when i cat it10:13
corestormnothing in the file10:13
wh1zz0Hmm, I still can't find a replacement for DW, Aptana is cool but not good enough.. Anyone?10:13
janhajszal: I don't know, so I rather ask..10:13
wh1zz0Because of speed I'd love to have something with a not just code view but design view10:13
janhajLasers: I know, I have two installation of Linux.. :)10:13
marsfligthhow set permission 777 to all sudirs and file. i trier with 'chmod -R' but didn't worked for me10:14
marsfligthsorry *tried*10:14
trinity9000Are you the owner of the files? You might need to use chown first10:15
CloudAche84try sudo -i10:15
CloudAche84will drop you to root10:15
CloudAche84then cat again10:15
CloudAche84and try apt-install again10:15
trinity9000wh1zz0: I like NetBeans, but it doesn't have a design view (other than previewing bits of CSS)10:15
SwedeMikemarsfligth: "didn't work" is not a helpful description of what went wrong. What really happened?10:16
marsfligthno, was 'root', i did become 'root' and i tried to change, but only the top folder take the correct permisiion10:16
corestormcat /var/lib/dkpg/lock10:16
corestormcat: /var/lib/dkpg/lock: No such file or directory10:16
SwedeMikemarsfligth: "chmod -R 777 ." is the command you used?10:17
corestorm# apt-get install openvpn10:17
corestormE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)10:17
corestormE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?10:17
Laserscorestorm: sudo10:17
marsfligthSwedeMike: yes, i also tried with others options10:18
LasersOh you're on ...root.10:18
|OLLIE|he's running as root, hence the #10:18
corestormsame errors10:18
|OLLIE|corestorm: check to see if there is any hidden/defunct processes running.10:18
|OLLIE|ps ax|grep -e "synaptic\|apt-get\|aptitude"|grep -v grep10:18
|OLLIE|something like that should show if any of them 3 are running10:18
|OLLIE|if nothing is returned, then nothing is running10:19
marsfligthsorry SwedeMike, i saw just now a diff. i used '"chmod -R 0777 /path/'10:19
corestormgksudo might work10:20
|OLLIE|if something is returned, then kill {pid} it. (the pid being the first number on the line it returned)10:20
corestormand nothing returned10:20
corestormi already ran ps -aux10:20
SwedeMikemarsfligth: try /path, not /path/, shouldn't matter, but that should work anyway.10:20
corestormand went through every pid10:20
|OLLIE|strange. i guess you will just need to remove the lock manually.10:20
|OLLIE|i've never tried it before, but it -should- be as simple as rm'ing the lock file.. but dont quote me on that, never tried it10:21
marsfligthSwedeMike: ok, i try10:21
corestormi'll check it out10:21
corestormworst care10:21
corestormI gotta reinstall10:21
corestormor something lol10:21
|OLLIE|lol no, thats overkill..10:21
|OLLIE|oh, idea.. use lsof to see what has the lock file open.10:23
wh1zz0trinity9000: Hmm thanks10:23
corestormCOMMAND    PID       USER   FD      TYPE     DEVICE  SIZE/OFF       NODE NAME10:23
corestorminit         1       root  cwd       DIR        8,6      4096          2 /10:23
corestorminit         1       root  rtd       DIR        8,6      4096          2 /10:23
corestorminit         1       root  txt       REG        8,6    108204    6815804 /sbin/init10:23
corestorminit         1       root  mem       REG        8,6     42572    5768498 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libnss_files-2.11.1.so10:23
FloodBot1corestorm: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:23
wh1zz0I just noticed NVu, has anyone tried this?10:23
trinity9000wh1zz0: I used it years ago. It hasn't changed much since it was part of the Mozilla suite. It's ok with tabular layout, but probably won't behave nicely with <div> tags and CSS layout.10:25
DeeslIn my network consisting of a few Gentoo and Ubuntu hosts, bit.ly does not open only on Ubuntu boxes10:26
Deeslwhere could I start troubleshooting10:26
marsfligthSwedeMike: always the same, doesn't work recursively, works only on top folder10:27
SwedeMikemarsfligth: and doesn't give any error message?10:28
marsfligthno at all10:28
marsfligthso strange10:28
hrobjartursame Q here as on Kubuntu10:28
marsfligthi try again with nautilus10:28
hrobjarturanybody got experience with lm-sensors and AMD Phenom II x410:29
hrobjarturwell or anybody using Phenom II x4?10:29
SwedeMikemarsfligth: well, I just tried and creating a file b/b/b and doing chmod -R 777 b works just fine, all dirs and files recursively is changed to 77710:29
hrobjarturI want to figure out if my CPU temp readings are getting through ok10:29
hrobjarturhere i my lm-sensors output, http://pastebin.com/3A2QCytj10:30
hrobjarturmy guess would be that the 'diode' sensor is the CPU temp? is that correct?   if so how does sensors know it is a diode sensor?10:30
marsfligthSwedeMike: maybe i have a shell problem, few day a go i installed 'zsh' shell but im not using at the moment. now i tri with Kde console10:31
somsiphrobjartur: Phenom II X4 955 here. No probs10:32
hrobjartursomsip:  ok, great... you mean you dont have lm-sensors set up?10:34
hrobjartursomsip:  I followed this one   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto10:35
hrobjartursomsip:  just sudo apt-get install lm-sensors10:35
hrobjartursomsip:  and then the rest of that tutorial10:36
thunder1212i want to search for all files that contain the firefox from command line and delete each one from command line in one go10:36
hrobjarturthunder1212:  must be some find command.10:37
thunder1212i want to search for all files that contains the word "firefox" , from command line and delete each one from command line in one go10:37
somsiphrobjartur: Found `ITE IT8718F Super IO Sensors'10:38
thunder1212hrobjartur, i hav tried find, it doesn't work10:38
AcidRainevolution will sarcastically taunt you for not having a subject line for a message you send. like you dont know what it is.10:39
Lasersthunder1212: "sudo updatedb && locate firefox"10:39
hrobjarturthunder1212:  u want all files that conaint the text firefox... not contain firefox in its name, right?10:39
Slartthunder1212: I don't think find searches inside files.. just filenames iirc... grep sounds like the tool to use10:39
Lasersthunder1212: What is it that you're really trying to do?10:39
hrobjarturthunder1212:  I think a combination of find an grep in -exec10:39
AcidRainhes tryin to use hax!10:39
SlartLasers: doesn't that just search the path where ubuntu looks for binaries?10:40
thunder1212i want file with filename firefox10:40
hrobjarturthunder1212: also there are versions of find with -grep I recall10:40
hrobjarturthunder1212: but not this one10:40
Mandrewwhat did i kill if i cant right click on the desktop to get up that menu? i have installed the elementary- nautilius, could that be the problem?10:40
somsiphrobjartur: I'm not looking to add anything into my system I won't use, so can't help you10:40
LasersSlart: Dunno. He's being vague. I'm being vague.10:41
SlartLasers: =)10:41
hrobjartursomsip:  alright, no sweat :)10:41
Slartthunder1212: this looks promising http://fixunix.com/unix/537045-grep-string-delete-files-containing-string.html10:42
thunder1212Lasers, i want to delete  all files related to firefox10:42
Slartthunder1212: but please be careful.. find together with rm can get ugly if you end up doing something wrong10:42
hrobjarturthunder1212:    try  find / -type f -exec grep -l "IP" {} \;10:42
SwedeMikethunder1212: related in what way?10:42
hrobjarturthunder1212:  well try "find /yourstartdir/ -type f -exec grep -l "firefox" {} \;10:43
artemесть русские?10:43
Slart!ru | artem10:43
ubottuartem: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:43
hrobjarturthunder1212:  this will list all files that contain firefox under your /yourstartdir/10:43
thunder1212SwedeMike, i want to delete firefox and remove any trace of firefox that exist on my system10:43
Lasersthunder1212: Try "sudo dpkg -L $PACKAGE"10:43
Lasersthunder1212: It'll list all files for the said package.10:43
SwedeMikethunder1212: dpkg --remove <package> and go in ~/.mozilla and delete the firefox directory.10:44
hrobjarturthunder1212:   if you then want to delete them... then I think  find /yourstartdir/ -type f -delete -exec grep -l "firefox" {} \;10:44
LasersSwedeMike: God. That might be the thing he is trying to remove.... ~/.mozilla10:44
hrobjarturthunder1212: be carefule with the delete command... try it first out without delete please!10:44
SwedeMikeLasers: yes. this is a typical example of the user asking for one thing instead of stating the high level goal.10:44
hrobjarturthunder1212:  ehm... sorry now I see what you actually want to do...10:45
hrobjarturthunder1212:   I wouldnt delete all files that mention firefox on you computer... you never know if some other files mention firefox!!10:46
hrobjarturthunder1212: plus... I doubt all firefox files actually mention firefox in ascii... some are simple binaries...!10:46
tyroneanyone know how to connect an ubuntu machine to a windows network10:46
Slart!samba | tyrone, if this is what you want10:47
ubottutyrone, if this is what you want: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.10:47
trinity9000tyrone: Samba and winbind10:47
hrobjarturthunder1212:  why are you so worried that there might be some remnant firefox related files lying around?10:48
hrobjarturthunder1212:  your problem is probably something altgether different than your suggested cure10:48
thunder1212hrobjartur, ok tell me to just see all the files that has firefox in its name10:49
thunder1212hrobjartur, with the location10:49
hrobjarturthunder1212:  find / -type f -name "*firefox*"10:50
hrobjarturthunder1212:  sorry... I meant     find / -type f -iname "*firefox*"10:52
hrobjarturthunder1212:   -iname  NOT -name10:52
hrobjarturthunder1212:   do you also want to find folders with this name?10:53
bkis TimeVault a good backup tool for Ubuntu? Or is there something newer/better?10:53
bkI am looking for an alternative to Time Machine for Linux10:53
thunder1212hrobjartur, yes10:53
thunder1212hrobjartur, whats d diff between name and iname10:53
hrobjarturthunder1212:   then simply       find /   -iname "*firefox*"10:53
hrobjarturthunder1212:   -name looks for case sensitive.... -iname looks case in-sensitive10:54
thunder1212hrobjartur, ok :)10:54
marsfligthSwedeMike: finally i found a solution, the only working for me. i switched to 'zsh' shell, then i used this syntax 'sudo chmod --recursive ugoa=rwx .' i tried with many other options/synax but my maverick 64 us-en recognize only tis ... incredible isnt'it?10:54
hrobjarturthunder1212:  with -iname  you can find both    blablaFirefox and blablaFirEFox... etc10:54
thunder1212hrobjartur, ok now can i pipe rm command and remove all the files and directories10:55
thunder1212hrobjartur, yes , i got it10:55
hrobjarturthunder1212:  well,  I expect you can simply add the switch   -delete to your find10:55
thunder1212hrobjartur, ok am trying10:55
hrobjarturthunder1212:  you can play around with it.... touch some files and mkdir  in some folder....   be careful not to run  find /  with -delete until you are sure its finding the right stuff!10:56
hrobjarturthunder1212:  oh and also dont run it with sudo until ur ready :)10:57
=== krups_v2 is now known as krups
thunder1212hrobjartur, am using it with sudo, then only it displays all files10:58
barberanI've got much folders one in one... mess hierarchy. Somewhere, there is a file *.py. How do I find the location of the file in such a mess-organized folders ?10:58
janedoeok, I wanna have access to my computer administratively from anywhere and I heard of neorouter. though I don't wanna get infected of course, so can anyone recommend it?10:58
hrobjarturbarberan:  ask thunder121210:59
trinity9000barberan: use the find command10:59
|OLLIE|just make sure that the -delete option is AFTER the -name option.. or it'll delete everything.10:59
thunder1212barberan, just type this in ur terminal.. find / -iname "*.py"11:00
ActionParsnipthunder1212: that'l give a LOT of results11:00
thunder1212ActionParsnip, i want complete details11:01
ActionParsnipbarberan: instead of / in thunder1212's suggestion, use the highest folder you can, if that is / then so be it11:01
ActionParsnipthunder1212: makes sense11:01
ActionParsnipjanedoe: could use ssh11:01
barberanooooh! I see I see, thank you guys11:02
thunder1212ActionParsnip, yes ;)11:02
janedoeyeah I heard that, but I also heard that it is only to have access for certain things, I wanna have the full package ;)11:02
ActionParsnipjanedoe: what do you need access to exactly?11:02
hrobjarturActionParsnip:   doesnt the gnome web-browser allow you to run find also?  maybe easier for beginners11:03
ActionParsniphrobjartur: never used it, so cannot comment on it11:03
thunder1212hrobjartur, where exactly should i use the switch -delete11:03
hrobjarturthunder1212:  be super carful11:03
janedoeto the entire bandwidth of my computer, in order to control all my files and stuff..11:03
hrobjarturthunder1212:  dont add it before -name or before -exec11:04
thunder1212hrobjartur, ok11:04
hrobjarturthunder1212:  like |OLLIE| said11:04
hrobjarturthunder1212:   find / -iname "*firefox*" -delete11:04
ActionParsnipjanedoe: yes, you can control files via ssh11:04
hrobjarturthunder1212:  however... I think this is crazy!11:04
ActionParsnipjanedoe: it will have as much bandwidth as the system normally has11:04
hrobjarturthunder1212:  I wouldnt do it... but if you really want to11:04
thunder1212hrobjartur, thanks ;)11:04
hrobjarturthunder1212:  you might not be able to restart even11:05
janedoeActionParsnip: really? well that is cool, then I'm a really try that one. thx alot :)11:05
ActionParsnipjanedoe: no worries. If you conect with:  ssh -X user@server    you can lauch graphical apps and they will show in the client system11:05
hrobjarturthunder1212:   the thing is... like I said before.... there are all sorts of files that might contain firefox... even in their names... Im not sure this is safe...  I11:06
hrobjarturthunder1212:  Im not willing to say at least that  "sudo find / -iname "*firefox*"  "     is safe11:06
learnAny body know any good encode/decode tool?(base64, url decode...)?11:06
hrobjarturis    sudo find / -iname "*firefox*" -delete        safe, anybody??11:07
ActionParsniphrobjartur: if you uninstall the firefox packages, its a better idea11:07
trinity9000learn: Could use PHP for those functions11:07
janedoeActionParsnip: I am completely new to ubuntu so I am not sure if you are talking about a terminal or if that will just bring me to sth.. though I guess I can make it, I made it till here, so I am positive I am goanna make it.. otherwise I will be back (in the words of the terminator ;) )11:08
|OLLIE|its safe, if you want all files with firefox in deleted.. but you should really dump the list of files to a file and read through it to make sure that there is no surprises.11:08
SwedeMikehrobjartur / thunder1212: you should just drop this line of thinking totally, if you want to delete firefox then you remove the packages and the files in the . dir in the home dir, doing system-wide searches and deleing files basically at random is not safe.11:08
ActionParsnipjanedoe: its a terminal command, its one way to connect to a server via ssh11:08
learntrinity9000: just need a tool to do a encode/decode on base64, url, hex...11:09
janedoeActionParsnip: yeah but first I have to install the ssh-thing right (know that sounds amateurish)11:10
ActionParsnipjanedoe: on the server, yes. On ubuntu clients, no11:10
=== alakoo_ is now known as alakoo
trinity9000learn: There's a standard Linux program for base64 I think, but not for the rest. Best bet is using the standard library of some programming language like PHP, Java, Perl etc.11:10
janedoeActionParsnip: now I am overstrained :/ well I guess, I will read some stuff.. :/11:11
ActionParsnipjanedoe: the server side needs openssh-server installing. The client is already part of a default install11:11
ActionParsniptrinity9000: http://www.motobit.com/util/base64-decoder-encoder.asp11:11
janedoeActionParsnip: alright, but do I need that server stuff?11:12
dc5alalearn, you probably have to use a programming/scripting language of your choice (perl, php, ruby, ...)11:12
learnActionParsnip: hi, have any console base tool, if dont have internet than unable to decode/encode?11:13
szallearn: please speak English :)11:14
GoodPootWhen I was 11 years old I visited Neverland Ranch for 3 days and had a ball with Michael Jackson. We would go gokarting around sipping jesus juice and cuddling. My favorite moment was when we climbed a tree, and he pulled off my shorts and underoos to stick his nice hot nigger dick into my ass while I grabbed a giraffe's head by the horns to felate me!11:14
Termasterbug 77643511:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 776435 in unity (Ubuntu) "Window maximizes on the wrong workspace" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77643511:15
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ActionParsnipjanedoe: yes, to connect to11:15
tyroneSlart and trinity9000 thanks!11:15
TermasterSomeone know how to fix it ?11:16
Slarttyrone: you're welcome11:16
TermasterSomeone know how to fix it ?11:16
efremi coudnt install skype in  ubuntu10.04 even in  ubuntu software center is there any soulution?11:16
icerootefrem: error?11:17
GoodPootWhen I was 11 years old I visited Neverland Ranch for 3 days and had a ball with Michael Jackson. We would go gokarting around sipping jesus juice and cuddling. My favorite moment was when we climbed a tree, and he pulled off my shorts and underoos to stick his nice hot nigger dick into my ass while I grabbed a giraffe's head by the horns to felate me!11:17
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!11:17
ActionParsnipTermaster: its a fresh bug, give it time11:17
Termasterits from may11:17
szalis that a new wave of spambots?  I think I remember someone being banned for this text some days ago already11:18
Termasterdo you think something will be changed11:18
szal!enter | Termaster11:18
ubottuTermaster: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:18
trinity9000Termaster: There are some bugs which are never fixed and simply closed as irrelevant a year later11:18
ActionParsnipTermaster: the bug guys will decide that, just keep watching it11:18
trinity9000Termaster: Depends on the priority and how hard it is to reproduce11:18
Termasterszal: stopp that11:18
dwatkinsTermaster: as a workaround can you not just move the window to the middle of the appropriate workspace?11:19
szalTermaster: adhere to channel rules & I'll do11:19
Termastertrinity9000: you mean, moving it to the middle11:19
Termastertrinity9000: and then maximize it11:19
dwatkinsTermaster: I do, yes11:20
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tyroneok... so I'm a noob... what just happened with the outburst from GoodPoot11:20
ActionParsnipszal: s/he is. there is no problem with the users behaviour11:20
Termasterok tanks11:20
Termasterszal: i do not do anything wrong11:20
trinity9000tyrone: He was banned, as you've expect11:20
szalActionParsnip: ok, in this case it's rather 'guidelines'11:21
trinity9000tyrone: One of the bots is probably setup to trigger on certain words11:21
Kingsyhow do I check my php version in ubuntu ?11:21
szal!pm | Termaster11:21
ubottuTermaster: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.11:21
Termasteri didnt pm you szal11:21
szalTermaster: yes, you did11:21
Termasterno i did not11:21
trinity9000Kingsy: php -version11:21
BluesKajhiyas all11:21
szal[13:21:03] <Termaster> na <- and this is what?11:21
tyronei see so calling the "!ops" did that?11:21
trinity9000Kingsy: Or you could look in synaptic to see which version is installed11:22
Termasterthats a fake from you because it took so long11:22
ikoniaTermaster: szal please lets drop it11:22
ikoniano harm done, so lets move on11:22
Termasterand it is not a question and pms are allowed11:22
ikoniaTermaster: please, no harm's been done, so lets move on11:22
efremiceroot: the error is" failed to download package file,check your internet connection" but my internet connection is work well11:22
icerootefrem: what command you used for installing?11:23
Kingsytrinity9000: yeah just got it.. hmm what is the easiest way of upgrading php 5.2 -> 5.3 ?11:23
ActionParsnipKingsy: you may find one with a ppa11:23
KingsyActionParsnip: ppa?11:24
efremiceroot: just from ubuntu softwrae center11:24
ActionParsnip!ppa | Kingsy11:24
ubottuKingsy: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa11:24
szalZankajo: try '/join #ubuntu-es'11:24
KingsyActionParsnip: I thought php wasnt in the repos?11:25
icerootefrem: please run this and paste the errors "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install skype"11:25
CloudAche84kingsy http://dracoblue.net/dev/installing-php-535536-on-ubuntu-mavericklucid/194/11:25
ActionParsnip!info php11:25
Kingsyapt-get install php5 installed 5.211:25
ubottuPackage php does not exist in natty11:25
ActionParsnip!info php511:25
ubottuphp5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.5-1ubuntu7.2 (natty), package size 1 kB, installed size 20 kB11:25
soulis77-SEI'm getting problem with console-kit-daemon: Warning: Could not determine active console. Using Ubuntu 10.04. Is this for GUI ?  I have searched web and haven't found any way to remove the error, only to hide it from the log files. Anyone here that knows how to remove the error?11:25
KingsyCloudAche84: awsome thanks11:25
ActionParsnipKingsy: which release are you using?11:25
ActionParsnipKingsy: lsb_release -d   will tell you11:26
Termasteri think szal should stop always to say !pm or !ubuntu-es or so it get on my nerves11:26
KingsyActionParsnip: 10.1011:26
ActionParsnipKingsy: Version 5.3.3-1ubuntu9.5 (maverick)11:27
ActionParsnipKingsy: in the main repo11:27
KingsyActionParsnip: in the main repo? so apt-get install ?11:28
ActionParsnipKingsy: yeah: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install php511:28
KingsyActionParsnip: php5 is already the newest version.11:29
Kingsyhmmm I assume there is a problem with apache11:29
KingsyActionParsnip: thanks got it11:30
ActionParsnipKingsy: np :)11:30
efremiceroot: where can i paste the error?11:32
Stormshadowhi all...i partitioned a USB disk using gparted and included a FAT32 partition (used mkfs.vfat -F 32)...when i plug in the USB on a windows system, all ext3 partitions are seen as allocated, whereas the FAT32 partition is unallocated. All looks well on Ubuntu. Disk label is GPT...any ideas why windows fails to show the fat32 partition?11:34
ActionParsnipStormshadow: did you unmount the volume properly?11:35
efremiceroot: http://pastie.org/224232911:35
ParkerRefrem, looks like that download might not be available11:37
istiaque_Hi,I am a new user in linux . I have dongle modem its model ZTE-AX-226,wimax usb modem.i have no driver ,Now ,how to connect it in linux?11:38
soulis77-SEI'm getting problem with console-kit-daemon: Warning: Could not determine active console. Using Ubuntu 10.04. Is this for GUI ?  I have searched web and haven't found any way to remove the error, only to hide it from the log files. Anyone here that knows how to remove the error?11:38
efremiceroot: so what supoose to do?11:38
StormshadowActionParsnip :: should have, yes11:39
efremparkerR: so what supoose to do?11:39
ParkerROne sec11:39
ParkerRefrem, http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/pool/partner/s/skype/skype_2.2.0.35-0lucid1_i386.deb11:41
Stormshadowas referred, Ubuntus disk utility toll shows it as FAT3211:41
ParkerRDownload that and then as root do dpkg -i skype_2.2.0.35-0lucid1_i386.deb11:41
usmanhello, i want to define a virtual host but for port 88, for this i have my dns defined for it as its A record, do i also need to define the port 88 in the dns  ??11:42
efremparkerR: thnx11:42
efremi will do thea11:42
llutzusman: no11:44
ActionParsnipStormshadow: i'd remove the data from the fat32 and format it in windows then put the data back, may help11:45
usmanllutz: ok , i am trying to define vhost for port 88 , i already have just define a vhost for port 80 and its working fine , i use same configuration file and just change the port to 88 but was not working, am i missing something11:45
usmanok i think i need to define it in ports.conf11:47
usmanNameVirtualHost *:8811:47
usmanListen 8811:47
llutzusman: #httpd for apache-help11:47
deanHey all could anyone give me any help with kubuntu at all I know this is Ubuntu but the Kubuntu channel are so ignorant11:53
ParkerRdean, what's wrong?11:53
obeyanceIs it polite to ask for help with something?11:53
obeyanceK, im new to Ubuntu but im picking up pretty quick.11:54
obeyanceI have one question, for now.11:54
deanParkerR, I installed Kubuntu yesterday and before I did anything I installed Synaptic and then tried to install Kubuntu Restricted extras and it froze at the end and messed up my installation?11:54
ActionParsnipdean: boot to root recovery mode and run:  sudo apt-get -f install11:55
obeyanceWhen i scroll on web pages and folders with more than a page of files on it, its jerky/choppy.11:55
deanActionParsnip, What does that do if you don't mind me asking?11:55
ParkerROK. First. Why is that a question? dean. Did it freeze it or not?11:55
deanParkerR, Yeah it froze11:55
obeyanceI have an Nvidia 7900GS KO, and i have the (Recommended) drivers option selected.11:55
ParkerRTry what Archtivity said11:55
barberanwhere do I see my cpu, motherbrd temperature? 11.0411:55
coz_obeyance,  are you running Unity with that?11:55
ActionParsnipdean: fixes the packages as best it can11:56
deanActionParsnip, Oh ok cool thanks for that. Is there any known issues with synaptic compatibility with Kubuntu?11:56
coz_obeyance,    open ccsm.. click on the OPenGL  plugin to get into it's settings and disable  "Sync To VBlank"  then see if it is still as choppy11:56
ParkerRcoz_, I thought ccsm was an extra download?11:57
obeyanceMe too, for Compiz.11:57
coz_ParkerR,  it is ,,  but necessary if any real changes are to be made in the setting for compiz11:57
ParkerRWell then he might not have it. sudo apt-get install ccsm11:58
obeyanceI dont see where to go.11:58
obeyanceI do have it.11:58
ParkerROh cool11:58
coz_obeyance,  ccsm is opened?11:58
efrem_parkerR: is you mean run sudo dpkg -i skype_2.2.0.35-0lucid1_i386.deb after i download?11:58
obeyanceYes im on the ALL cat.11:58
ActionParsnipdean: I've not used KDE in about 8 years, sorry11:59
deanActionParsnip, Ok no probs thanks anyway11:59
istiaque_Hi,I am a new user in linux . I have dongle modem its model ZTE-AX-226,wimax usb modem.i have no driver ,Now ,how to connect it in linux?11:59
ParkerRBrb reinstalling
coz_dean the last time I used kde with synaptic there were no issues, however,, kde has its own package manager,, its different but not  too confusing12:00
=== Rei`ZzZz is now known as Reikoku
* szal uses aptitude anyway12:00
szal!away | Reikoku12:00
ubottuReikoku: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»12:00
obeyanceYeah. Im not finding the OpenGL options anywhere. Where are they in the CCSM?12:01
coz_guys,, not sure who is speaking to whom here,, it's a good idea to type the first 2 or 3  letters of someone name you are speaking with then hitting the tab button to complete their nick  so they can be alerted on their end12:01
Reikoku:P That's *REALLY* on the bot?12:01
binnihow do I zip many files when the paths to these files is stored in a txt file? something like "zip files1.zip <from the paths included in files.txt>"12:01
obeyanceIm only talking to you.12:01
coz_obeyance,   you are on   ubuntu 11.04.. yes?12:01
bazhangobeyance, try co<tab>12:01
Guest72146Ubuntu 1104 without gnome ?12:01
obeyanceNo i am currently upgrading to 11.04 though.12:01
Guest72146Its a pity12:01
coz_obeyance,   ah ok12:01
=== gordon is now known as Guest94741
coz_obeyance,   then look under the  general options12:02
obeyanceWait, 11.04 doesnt have gnome?12:02
szalGuest72146: what is your question?12:02
coz_obeyance,  yes it does have gnome12:02
bazhangobeyance, sure it does12:02
Guest72146Szal i have got none12:02
Guest72146Szal why do you ask12:02
obeyanceOk i must have missread. =)12:02
szalGuest72146: because you didn't seem to make sense12:02
qinbinni: to one file?12:02
AlexDevilLXAre cd, ls,chmod stored in bin>?12:03
gereHow can create partion using ubuntu like windwos to protect our data?12:03
coz_obeyance,  are you in the middle of upgrading to 11.04  now??12:03
binniqin: yes, zip many files into one zip file, but the individual paths to all the files are stored in a text file12:03
bazhang!ot | Guest7214612:03
ubottuGuest72146: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:03
ActionParsnipgere: use gparted12:03
Guest72146Someone know12:03
bazhangGuest72146, no12:03
Guest72146How to install gnome 312:03
obeyancecoz_,  Its downloading, i have an hour left.12:04
bazhang!gnome3 > Guest7214612:04
ubottuGuest72146, please see my private message12:04
ActionParsnipGuest72146: 11.04 Ubuntu uses Gnome desktop12:04
=== heyzeus is now known as jmrodri
ActionParsnip!gnome3 | Guest7214612:04
ubottuGuest72146: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.12:04
coz_obeyance,  ah ok then in all honesty,, I would wait until that has completed and you rebooted before trying to fix anything12:04
bazhangGuest72146, its not supported, will break things. steer clear12:04
Guest72146But bazhang unity has a problem with window12:05
Guest72146So i cant use it12:05
gereActionParsnip:gparted mean?how can we use?12:05
qinbinni: if it is clean (no whites): zip file.zip `cat filewithpaths`12:05
andrewSlooking for a decent equivalent to mspaint accessable thru apt-get install from ubuntu 11.04 desktop x32 bit plzz12:05
coz_obeyance,  then when you open ccsm you will have the OpenGL plugin at that point12:05
bazhangGuest72146, the compiz issue? going near the edge? that one?12:05
ActionParsnipgere: install it and run it, you'll see what's what :)12:05
joaohey !!!12:06
ActionParsnipandrewS: mtpaint, gpaint, tuxpaint12:06
OerHeksandrewS, try gnome-paint12:06
Guest72146Bazhang yes for example12:06
andrewSaction: ty12:06
andrewSgpaint=gnome paint?12:06
ActionParsnipandrewS: tuxpaint makes cool noises when you do stuff :)12:06
bazhangGuest72146, do you have the bug link?12:06
coz_andrewS,  ther eis also  pinta12:06
ActionParsnip!info gpaint12:06
binniqin: it worked! thanks.12:06
ubottugpaint (source: gpaint): GNU Paint - a small, easy to use paint program for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.3-6 (natty), package size 116 kB, installed size 776 kB12:06
joaose tiver algum br por favor abrir um new tab !12:06
andrewSperfect, ty all12:06
kim_I'm trying to figure out where ubuntu is storing its data on a windows partition (when someone foolishly installed ubuntu to windows and blew up grub). I'm not sure where to look?12:06
qinbinni: Cheers!12:06
coz_andrewS,  also  mypaint  for natural media painting12:06
szal!pt | joao12:07
ubottujoao: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.12:07
obeyanceandrewS: Why would you not want to use at least Gimp?12:07
gereActionParsnip:can i install first look like  sudo apt-get install gparted ?12:07
Guest72146Bazhang wait i will look12:07
coz_andrewS,   I would go with gpaint and pinta  for starters12:07
Guest72146Bug 77643512:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 776435 in unity (Ubuntu) "Window maximizes on the wrong workspace" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77643512:07
obeyanceSo when i get 1104 installed all the way, what do you think the issue is?12:09
obeyanceIt did it on 9.10, 10.4, and now 10.10.12:09
szalobeyance: what did?12:09
obeyanceChoppy scrolling of web pages and other scrolling things.12:10
obeyanceNot menues though.12:10
bazhangGuest72146, use classic then12:10
obeyanceJust web pages and folders.12:10
bazhang!classic | Guest7214612:10
ubottuGuest72146: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".12:10
=== areefdharma is now known as bangsak
ActionParsnipgere: yes12:10
BluesKajkim_, do you m ean someone installed ubuntu in windows ? That would be what is called a wubi install or perhaps VMware ?12:10
ActionParsnipobeyance: what browser do you use?12:10
ActionParsnipobeyance: tried a different browser?12:11
obeyanceBut it does it in folders too.12:11
obeyanceIts like i dont have any graphiscs drivers.12:11
coz_obeyance,    you are in the middle of upgrading12:11
szalobeyance: old machine perhaps that just doesn't cut it these days12:11
coz_obeyance,   in terminal    lspci | grep -i  vga12:12
obeyanceI am 45 min from starting to upgrade. But im not going to fix it right this second. Ill wait till later but i wouldnt mind a walk through on the issue while i wait =)12:12
obeyanceits like 5 years old... But ran windows 7 up till 2 weeks ago.12:13
obeyance7 ultimate.12:13
coz_obeyance,  ok and which video card do you have there?12:13
obeyance2 gigs of ram.12:13
coz_obeyance,  that is more than adequate12:13
BluesKajobeyance,` how are you upgrading , clean install or ...?12:13
obeyance2.2GHz single core 64bit12:13
coz_obeyance, that's is also fine12:14
obeyanceIm upgrading.12:14
obeyanceBluesKaj, Im upgrading.12:14
coz_obeyance,  but didnt you tell me just a while ago that you have about another hour before it completes the upgrading ...yes?12:14
Chat1325=)) •• ھَھٍھَھٍھَھھٍھَھٍٱإيـﮱ •• =D12:14
kim_when you install ubuntu in a windows partition, where does ubuntu hide all its files? :-/12:14
szalobeyance: AGP?12:14
BluesKajobeyance, that's the same as my compaq ...running 11.04 just fine on it ...nvidia 7600gt , ...cles enuff12:14
Chat1325=)) •• ھَھٍھَھٍھَھھٍھَھٍٱإيـﮱ •• =D12:15
Chat1325=)) •• ھَھٍھَھٍھَھھٍھَھٍٱإيـﮱ •• =D12:15
FloodBot1Chat1325: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:15
coz_Chat1325,  ?????12:15
obeyanceOn the Distributions Upgrade dialog, its on >Getting new packages and i have 49 min left it says.12:15
szal!en | Chat132512:15
bazhangChat1325, stop that12:15
shomonhi, where is a good place to find out how to convert a wav to an mp3 in ubuntu, just on the command line?12:15
ubottuChat1325: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList12:15
obeyanceWhich its about 1/5th of the way downloading.12:15
coz_shomon,   use ffmpeg12:15
shomonok thanks12:15
obeyanceI could stop now and have no issues.12:15
coz_shomon,   ffmpeg  -i  name of wav   nameof.mp312:15
Chat1325.       ;;)               >=)  .      <//)             <//).       _\^/_          _\!/_  ‏​​​​.                       12:15
bluefrostSo... does unity have a place to put my gnome-eyes yet?12:16
szalChat1325: other than that, youre encoding is broken12:16
shomonc ool, thanks coz_ downloading now :)12:16
obeyanceszal: Its a PCIE card.12:16
coz_shomon,  t his also works for video conversions as well  same command  ffmpeg -i   etc etc12:16
obeyance256MB GPU putting out 20 pipelines.12:16
shomoncoz_,  used to be much more haphazard looking process using rec and messing with audio settings...12:16
coz_shomon,  however if you want more control with ffmpeg,, you may want to either go online and research it's options and various command combinations or just read the m an page12:17
shomonyeah sure, will do12:17
szalobeyance: anyhoo, GF7 isn't exactly the fanciest gfx card out there; for better performance you should look for a GF8 or newer (better hardware acceleration support)12:17
obeyanceMy PC is more than adiquite to run basic web pages even with the most bloated OS.12:17
BluesKajkim_, ubuntu is not an app that installs in windows , it's an operating system which may have deleted your windows data and operating system ,if you chose to install it there12:17
coz_obeyance,  your system should run 11.04  fairly well12:17
obeyanceszal, the next step up from a 7900GS KO is an 8800GTX12:18
szalobeyance: otoh, I have no problems w/ scrolling on my old secondary machine (single-core AMD, GeForce FX 5900XT)12:18
obeyanceBut i dont have any money to buy any hardware... so im stuck with my machine which plays what i want to play just fine.12:18
szalobeyance: so wait for your upgrade to finish & install nvidia driver12:19
obeyanceIm sure its just a configuration issue.12:19
gereI have installed gparted to desktop12:19
gereNext step12:19
=== xindzz`off is now known as xindz
obeyanceThats the deal, i downloaded and updated my GFX drivers.12:19
dukepukemhey guys. I have a question. I have a computer set up a windows and ubuntu parition. I want to overwrite my ubuntu partion with a fresh install. Will I have to restore my MBR?12:19
coz_obeyance,  ah.... you downloaded them  from nvidia?12:19
ActionParsnipobeyance: I use a geforce 6150 onboard and it runs fine. What is the system intended for?12:19
szaldukepukem: no12:20
shomondo I need a specific library or apt package to get ffmpeg to work with mp3s? the man page talks about a .configure option to enable it...12:20
Mrhow can install google talk and skype to my compter?12:20
dukepukemszal thanks12:20
coz_shomon,  I dont believe so ,, did you try that command to convert it?12:20
ActionParsnipMr: skype can be downloaded from the skype website12:20
Tainlornhi all, ive just noticed this cron job on my ubuntu VPS, can anyone tell me ehat its doing? :[ -x /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime ] && [ -d /var/lib/php5 ] && find /var/lib/php5/ -type f -cmin +$(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime) -print0 | xargs -n 200 -r -0 rm12:20
shomonEncoder (codec id 86017) not found for output stream #0.012:20
aetasdukepukem, just dont accidentally tell it it can format it, which it will ask during install12:20
coz_shomon,  also did you install the ubuntu-restricted-extras?12:20
kim_Ok, I have a *wubi* install of ubuntu. Where is wubi keeking it's files? (I've checked the wubi faq, but it wasn't clear on that)12:20
Mrwhat about google talk?12:21
shomonah, no I didn't. will have a look..12:21
szalActionParsnip, shomon: Skype is in the Partner PPA, it just needs to be enabled12:21
coz_shomon,  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras12:21
ActionParsnipszal: true enough12:21
CloudAche84asked earlier but has anyone installed ubuntu to iscsi root with preseed file?12:21
obeyancecoz_: I got them from the "Additional Drivers" Dialog and i have (Version Current)[Recommended] activated.12:21
nyuszika7h!info ubuntu-restricted-extras12:21
ubottuubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 43 (natty), package size 3 kB, installed size 36 kB12:21
ActionParsnipMr: pidgin and empathy can both use the googletalk protocol12:21
dukepukemaetas tell it not to format the whole drive or just the partition?12:21
coz_obeyance,   ok  ,, you may have to reinstall them after the upgrade12:21
coz_obeyance,   hopefully not but still I would wait12:22
jamshidhello everybody12:22
jamshidhow to i find C programming chat room12:22
dukepukemtry /list12:22
shomoncoz_, that's much better now, thanks12:22
obeyanceyeah its annoying cause if i wind the wheel down a few times it takes forever to scroll down the page cause its so choppy.12:22
aetasdukepukem, drive12:22
szaljamshid: /join ##c12:22
coz_JamesGo,  #programming   maybe12:22
dukepukemaetas tnx12:22
bazhang!alis | jamshid12:22
ubottujamshid: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*12:22
saikathi all12:22
coz_shomon,   cool12:22
ActionParsnipjamshid: try #C12:23
obeyanceI also dont understand why my FPS drops by 100% when i go into desktop cube.12:24
obeyanceFrom 200+ to 20.12:24
coz_obeyance,  well the cube is definitly going to take up resources  however that does sound a bit excessive12:24
MrHello jamshid12:25
obeyanceYeah, to me too. Thats why i mentioned it.12:25
ActionParsnipobeyance: which driver is the nvidia chip using?12:25
kim_ok found it, wubi stores files in the normal home directory for windows users12:25
saikatcan anyone help me to find any contact info of partnership on ubuntu?12:25
obeyanceIt says (Version Current)[Recommended]12:25
obeyanceActionParsnip, It says (Version Current)[Recommended]12:26
ActionParsnipobeyance: ok can you pastebin the output of:  sudo lshw -C display; lsb_release -a; dpkg -l | grep nvidia12:26
nyuszika7hOops, wrong channel.12:26
nyuszika7hAnd wrong network.12:26
obeyanceWhat is pastebin?12:27
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:28
nyuszika7hlol, help overload.12:28
Picisaikat: What do you mean? Are you looking for information for the Canonical Partners program?12:29
ActionParsnipobeyance: looks good to me12:29
obeyanceHeh it says that my clock speed is 33MHz?12:29
saikatPici : yes12:30
Mrtnx in advance12:30
ActionParsnipobeyance: my onboard says 66Mhz12:31
ActionParsnipobeyance: interesting12:31
ActionParsnipobeyance: is it a PCI video card?12:31
Picisaikat: Your best source of information is right here: http://www.canonical.com/about-canonical/partnerships - Note that we in this channel are only members of the community, we don't represent Canonical themselves.12:31
gereso how can i create partion after I install gparted.....???12:31
obeyanceActionParsnip, Its a PCI Express card.12:32
Picisaikat: Use the contact form there if you require more information.12:32
obeyanceYou think its not set correctly or something?12:32
coz_obeyance,   well for pcie that seems a bit slow12:32
gereso how can i create partion after I install gparted.....???12:32
ActionParsnipobeyance: doesn't sem that way, seems to think it's a pci card12:32
dr-willisgere:  run gparted and use it.. clarify the problem12:32
szalActionParsnip: interesting indeed, mine says '33 MHz' as well (PCIe)12:32
coz_gere,    http://gparted.sourceforge.net/display-doc.php?name=help-manual&lang=C12:33
ActionParsnipszal: curiouser and curiouser12:33
szalActionParsnip: such is life, and it's getting sucher and sucher ;)12:34
dr-willisgparted may need to be ran from a live cd for some tasks12:34
obeyanceHave any of you guys dealt with Lucid Puppy?12:34
coz_obeyance,  I have not12:34
ActionParsnipobeyance: indeed12:34
szalobeyance: if that's a derivative of Puppy Linux, it's off-topic here12:35
ActionParsnipszal: it can use ubuntu repos, its a strange hound indeed12:35
obeyanceI have a laptop that doesnt have a working hard drive and i wanted to be able to use it. I was thinking about getting a small distro and installing it on my 2g USB flash drive but it says i need a windows computer to do conversion?12:35
dr-willisobeyance:  see the puppylinux channel12:35
szalobeyance: conversion?12:35
obeyanceLucid puppy is a cross between Ubuntu 10.04 and Puppy.12:36
ActionParsnipobeyance: puppy will be great then, or you can use xpud ;)12:36
szalobeyance: Tiny Core (10 MB)12:36
obeyance"# Windows PC (XP/VIsta/7) to perform the conversion12:36
dr-willisobeyance:  you nan do a normal install to a 8gb drive and it should work ok.12:36
ActionParsnipobeyance: any small size diro will fit. If you can get an 8Gb SD, you can run a full Ubuntu with ease12:36
obeyanceI dont have any money =(12:37
dr-willisa 4gb is useable. barely12:37
obeyanceOr... If i could install on my USB external...12:37
obeyanceI have a 300GB WD mybook, but it might not work on it.12:37
dr-willis4gb usb $5   here i saw12:37
lihelinnobody there?12:37
* szal bought a 16 GB USB pen earlier this year for like €1512:37
dr-willisexternal usb hds work fine for me12:37
qinlihelin: nobody left, he will be back.12:38
thunder1212i ran this command find / -delete -iname "*firefox*" and now my system does not boot and gives grub rescue error12:38
thunder1212i just want to save my data12:38
obeyancedr-willis, for installing and booted from?12:38
dr-willisbe suru grub gets installed to the usnhd12:38
szalstill have to check how live or installed USB system works here w/ a CF card; my 8 GB CF is lying around unused atm12:38
dr-willisobeyance:  yes12:38
szalbut I think I'll wait w/ that until I have a new card reader12:39
obeyanceWhat about it being NTFS?12:39
Slartare there any gotchas with sharing an xfs volume over nfs?12:39
lihelinntfs is not good for linux12:39
dr-willisyou dont install to a ntfs filesystem12:39
lihelinyes,you should use fat3212:40
dr-willisyou make normal linux partitions  same as for a internal hd12:40
obeyanceThen i cant install to that HDD12:40
dr-willisrepartition it...12:40
obeyanceCause its formatted for windows use under NTFS because Fat32 only allows for 4gig transfers12:40
obeyanceIts my back up drive and i put large amounts at a time on it so i cant change it to less =\12:40
dr-willisyou dont do a normal install to ntfs either...12:40
ActionParsnipobeyance: you'd want a persistant install which needs a bit more work12:41
obeyanceRight, which was why i had slimmed down the choices to this one distro. Its small so i could install on the 2g USB flash and its light so it will run well off what the laptop has on board.12:42
dr-willisyour backup drive really should be kept someplace safe.. not used as an daily os drive...12:42
dan__hi dual boot ubuntu and windows and windows wont boot so im going to have to reinstall it. i have had GRUB stop working after doing this before but am i right in thinking that if its on the linux partition it shouldnt be damaged?12:42
dr-williswith tiny core linux you can boot from flash and keep the files on an internal fat32/ntfs disk i think12:43
obeyanceIts just... stuff. There is nothing sensitive, expencive or anything that i cant get again on it.12:43
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)12:43
obeyanceI use it for transfering data from one computer to another and to save data if an OS fails.12:43
thunder1212this is my partition scheme.. /home / and swap12:44
obeyanceWhich, that has been years ago that i had to save data, at least till 2 weeks ago.12:44
dr-willisdan__:  if you got a spare flash drive you can install grub to it.. make sure it boots the flash to your system, and use that to repair grub later.12:44
obeyanceLuckily i still had my Ubuntu 9.10 LiveCD12:44
dan__thats another thing. i installed 11.04 clean yet grub-install -v tells me im running GRUB 0.9712:44
gskillout of gdm!!! the system starts on console mode12:45
dr-willistry startx gskill12:46
dan__i think with my setup the ubuntu disk boots first so why would grub and my ability to boot ubuntu be affected?12:46
gskilldr-willis, Fatal server error: no screens found12:47
spreetzercan somebody help me with a permission problem? I have a user named passenger, which is in the www-data group. i have a directory /var/www which is owned by www-data, when i log in as passenger and try to chmod this directory i get permission denied? i am kinda new to this and tought that if a user is in a group he can do whatever he wants on a directory owned by the group this user is in...12:47
dr-williswindows may overwrite it. you could unplug the hd to be sure12:47
dr-willisgskill:  you got some x issues then12:47
llutzspreetzer: only owner  or root can do12:47
gskilldr-willis, yeah.... I just changed my login screen12:48
spreetzerso passenger is in www-data, /var/www is owned by www-data. How do i get passenger user to be able to chmod this directory?12:48
dr-willisgskill:  changed how12:48
dan__thats probably a good idea. grub should think its the same as before. thanks for the help12:48
llutzspreetzer: you cannot unless you make him owner of that dir12:49
gskillwith cp dr-willis12:49
spreetzerthen i don't understand the use of groups? somebody told me, put users in www-data, let www-data own /var/www so all users in that directory have access to that directory :S12:49
[Joose]Ubuntu 11.04 uses GNOME v3 right?12:49
oalThere are lots of small back dots (5x5 to 10x10) pixels flashing on and off in the top right corner of my screen. Is my graphics card dying?12:49
llutzspreetzer: having access to something and having the right to chmod/chown are different things.12:50
spreetzerok, well maybe you can tell me, i want all users in www-data to have read/write access to /var/www, what should i do?12:50
llutzspreetzer: chmod  g+w    on all dirs inside /var/www12:51
ActionParsnipoal: does it happen in all OSes?12:52
llutzspreetzer:  find /var/www -type d |xargs chmod g+w               as root12:53
[Joose]Will I have any problems if I switch from GNOME3 to Gnome Classic? i.e. lost files, lost programs, any incompatibilites. Will I have the option to switch back if I don't like it?12:53
oalActionParsnip: I only have Ubuntu, so I can't test it with windows12:53
gskilldr-willis, I just change the wallpaper of my login screen... just that... with the terminal, by using the cp command12:53
spreetzerllutz: that command didn't return anything, no errors, but still when i login as passenger user and try to chmod i still get 'operation not permitted'12:54
llutzspreetzer: you cannot unless you make him owner of that dir12:54
spreetzerbut what if i have 2 users in www-data, should i both be owner of that dir?12:55
jonathon_Anyone here got the link to fix the headphone port for laptops? I'm havin trouble finding it12:55
llutzspreetzer: having access to something and having the right to chmod/chown are different things.  your user can read/write/remove files inside /var/www if hes groupmember, but he CANNOT chown/chmod12:55
llutzspreetzer: and tbh, why should the group chown/chmod things there?12:55
CaT_MaNhello all, Does someone know how to set time to wait for snmpwalk command ?12:56
obeyanceK, thank you guys for being nice and helpful. Im going to take a power nap while this finishes up and ill be back to try and figure out this graphics issue.12:56
spreetzerllutz: that's what capistrano does after a deploy12:56
llutzspreetzer: you dont want your webserver having full read/write-access to all stuff inside /var/www too12:56
mang0Does anybody here use GTK cairo-dock? I can't get the drop&share applet to work for images :/12:56
spreetzerllutz: not my webserve, it's passenger user, which deploys my website12:57
llutzspreetzer: only one user? make him owner of /var/www/* and he can do what you want. chgrp -R www-data /var/www          for httpd-access12:58
jonathon_Anyone here got the link to fix the headphone port for laptops?12:59
antiheroHow would I get the installed package version?12:59
llutz apt-cache policy <package>13:00
llutzspreetzer: you might ask in #Capistrano for further help (i had to google what that is)13:02
gskillanyone has this issue before?13:03
antiheroAnyone else find google's repos to be horrendously slow to wait for headers13:03
trinity9000antihero: No, I find Google's repository to be most excellent13:03
Riginjoin #ubuntu13:03
gskillhow can I restart my xserver? :S there is an error: Failed to connect to x server13:05
vilsonfarias\join #gaim13:05
antiherotrinity9000: Weird.13:05
antiherollutz: Thanks, by the way.13:05
* amol_beast says Hello13:05
antiheroIs it possible to change the compiler used by the "make" command (for the hell of it)13:05
trinity9000antihero: You can either specify a compiler directly in the make file, or change your default compiler when you call "cc" etc.13:06
* gskill hello13:07
antiherotrinity9000: How would I do either?13:08
doufnufemhey guys i have a question13:09
doufnufemI'm trying to reinstall my ubuntu parition13:09
doufnufemon a winxp ubuntu machine13:09
doufnufemwhen i try to do so i try the first option; erase ubuntu 11.04 and reinstall13:09
doufnufemhow ever i get an error that i have too many paritions13:09
doufnufemany solutions?13:10
gskillhw many partitions do you have doufnufem ?13:10
doufnufemi have 513:10
gskilltry with advancer install13:11
doufnufemone for ubuntu, one for windows, one for a blank parition i use to swap files between the two, and one for swap13:11
gskilldoufnufem, try with the advanced installation by formating it and then installing the natty again13:12
doufnufemwill i need to reinstall the swap parition?13:12
gskilldoufnufem, no, you don't13:12
gskilljust format the ext partition and that's all13:13
aetasthat you again, duke?13:13
doufnufemjust working on it atm13:14
doufnufemto many paritions for easy install13:14
doufnufemand very wary of messing up the windows parition13:14
doufnufemokay using gparted to reformat the ubuntu part13:15
dydhow can i reinstall grub on my hd?13:15
efrem_i cant install Gtalk like in windows in ubuntu 10.04?13:16
ParkerRsudo grub install /dev/sda in most cases13:16
icerootdyd: sudo grub-install /dev/sdX13:16
ParkerROh -13:16
dydiceroot: thanks13:16
newyo anyone awake?13:16
ParkerRI am13:17
doufnufemim alseep13:17
jamshid_##C :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services13:17
jamshid_what it means?13:17
ParkerRdoufnufem installed irssi in his brain13:17
doufnufemjamshid_:  do this /msg nickserv identify <email adress> <password>13:17
doufnufemjamshid_:  do this /msg nickserv register <email adress> <password>13:17
ParkerRActually password goes first13:17
doufnufemi fail13:17
doufnufemWHAT I MEAN IS13:17
doufnufemjamshid_:  do this /msg nickserv register <password> <email>13:18
=== new is now known as Newwwwb
ParkerR*Wb new13:18
Newwwwbty heh.13:18
gskilljamshid_, mode r is when the channel can only joined by registered nick on the nickserve13:18
Felersurmwhat does one use instead of dd to create a image of a lv on a vg.13:18
jamshid_thank you!13:18
doufnufemman idk if im doing this right :x13:19
gskilljamshid_, u wlcm13:19
ParkerRMan I love pianobar13:19
Newwwwbmy xubuntu does this odd thing after some use (days).. it makes program windows go away..or some sort13:19
NewwwwbI could take a pic and show it to you, hold onb13:19
gskillwell.. so anyone had troubles with the xserver?13:19
ParkerRThis is why everyone should have access to a BNC XD13:19
gskillit seems like I'm the only one :(13:20
ParkerRgskill, details13:20
doufnufemhttp://i.imgur.com/Fq2sx.png <--- is this right?13:20
Felersurmgskill: no you are not but your question was a bit general13:20
ParkerRNonon make that fat32 ext413:20
doufnufemfat32 is my windows part13:21
ParkerRsda2 is your windows13:21
ParkerRsda4 is going to be the linux partition13:21
gskillParkerR, Felersurm when I boot on linux ubuntu 10.10, the gnome doesn't works and the login screen is on console mode13:21
ParkerRNeeds to be ext4 or ext313:21
ParkerRgskill, dunno13:21
doufnufemwait excuse me :<13:21
gskillI have a FX 5200 Nvidia13:22
doufnufemfat32 is my just storage partition13:22
gskillon vga graph13:22
doufnufemi want to put it on sda/1 thats where i had my previous ubuntu install13:22
ParkerRSo where are you putting linux doufnufem ?13:22
ParkerROh then thats ok13:22
doufnufemnow just click next?13:22
doufnufemand hope i dont fuck it up lol13:22
FloodBot1doufnufem: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:22
doufnufemno root file system detected13:23
ParkerROn that etx4 make the mountpoint /13:23
Felersurmgskill: i thought 10.10 to be a bit crappy. so if you dont mind upgrading. do it. goes like this: sudo su and then: aptitude update; aptitude upgrade; do-release-upgrade13:23
mang0n0trusting hrm13:24
gskillFelersurm, ok I'll try that and see what happens13:24
icerootFelersurm: sudo su is wrong13:24
ParkerRI'm on 10.04.2 right now :)13:24
gskilliceroot, I know13:24
icerootFelersurm: also using a real root-shell is not the supported way13:24
gskilljust su13:25
icerootgskill: wrong13:25
doufnufemsry about all the questions. Like this http://i.imgur.com/qSMZu.png13:25
gskillbut also can I try with ctrl+alt+F213:25
Felersurmill rephrase my question: i heard one shouldnt use dd to copy from lvs. what do i use instead to create images from a logival volume which resides on a volume group??13:25
ParkerRdoufnufem, bingo13:25
iceroot!sudo | gskill13:25
ubottugskill: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo13:25
gskilliceroot, I'm happy with my kernel13:25
Felersurmiceroot: how is sudo su wrong?13:25
icerootFelersurm: its setting the environment wrong13:26
ParkerRYou can just do sudo <command>13:26
gskilljust su13:26
icerootFelersurm: sudo -i is the correct way for a root-shell13:26
gskilland then the pass13:26
Felersurmiceroot: yeah but that doesnt matter for some aptitude runs13:26
icerootFelersurm: but we only support sudo command here13:26
gskillthat changes your user to root13:26
icerootFelersurm: it can matter13:26
Picigskill: The root account is locked by default on Ubuntu.13:27
icerootFelersurm: so there is no reason to use the wrong way13:27
dydhello all13:27
gskillPici, I can use my root account13:27
ParkerRYeah me too13:27
icerootgskill: you can do what you want but its not supported here13:27
Picigskill: Just because you can, doesn't mean your should or recommend to others.13:27
ParkerRFirst thing I do is sudo passwd to set root password13:28
dydi've done sudo grub-install /dev/sdb, but now at startup i see: error: no such device: E25C67D55C67A351 then grub rescue>13:28
icerootParkerR: same for you as for gskill13:28
dyd(now i'm with another pc)13:28
gskilliceroot, I don't want to do nothing but repair my xserver13:28
ParkerRI've just never understood why root has always been regarded as forbidden land13:28
icerootParkerR: because there is no reason for a real root-account13:29
gskillParkerR, I had to unlock that accout to unlock the keyring....13:29
icerootParkerR: its to easy to break the system when using a root-account13:29
gskilliceroot, I never use the root account13:29
dydcan anyone help me with grub stuff?13:29
ParkerRYeah, I have heard that. I usually don't do anything stupid as root13:29
chbdyyYLMF OS 4.0 的视觉效果怎么开啊?13:29
ParkerRBut I can see how that can happen13:29
icerootParkerR: its not a question of stupid13:30
icerootParkerR: but a normal typo can be bad13:30
Felersurm i heard one shouldnt use dd to copy from lvs. what do i use instead to create images from a logival volume which resides on a volume group??13:30
dydthe situation was like that: i installed ubuntu on a 160 gb hd, but i can't understand why if i plug out a 500 hd it won't load ubuntu, so i tried grub-install on the 160gb hd but nothing changed13:30
chbdyyYLMF OS 4.0 的视觉效果怎么开啊?13:30
dydit's like if grub is installed on the 500 gb hd13:30
gskillParkerR, what iceroot wants to mean is that someone can login as root remotely on your pc then do whatever he wants13:30
LartzaIn all cases, is the server edition good for servers?13:30
icerootgskill: that is not what i mean13:31
ParkerRgskill, I don't think so13:31
Felersurmdyd: probably grub was installed to your 500GB HDs masterbootrecord13:31
dydFelersurm: how can i do the same on my 160hd?13:31
Pici!zh | chbdyy13:31
ubottuchbdyy: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn /join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk13:31
dydi'm in grub-rescue console13:31
LartzaJust a home server, but doesn't the server kernel decrease interactivity? Is it heavier than the desktop one and does it perform in streaming and torrents?13:31
gskilliceroot, I don't have a root account13:31
gskillI just changed my rood pass13:32
Felersurmdyd: can you just replug the old HD?13:32
icerootgskill: then you have a root-account13:32
dydFelersurm: yes i can do that, but i want to use the 500hd for other pourposes13:32
ParkerR<gskill> iceroot, I don't have a root account13:32
ParkerRgskill, you aren't making any sense13:32
gskilliceroot, it was necessary to unlock my keyring...13:32
Felersurmdyd: yes but then you can boot and installing grub into the 160GB HD will be easier13:32
icerootgskill: no13:32
icerootgskill: just use sudo for that13:33
icerootgskill: as i said there is no reason for a real root-account13:33
gskillsudo keyring unlock? :/13:33
dydFelersurm: lol... now it's not working13:33
ParkerRiceroot, lets agree to disagree.13:33
icerootgskill: if keyring unlock is the command, yes13:33
dydFelersurm: maybe cause i installed grub on the 160hd manually?13:33
iceroot!sudo | gskill13:34
ubottugskill: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo13:34
Picigskill: no... I think you're confusing the difference between using sudo or gksudo with actually unlocking the root account and setting a password.13:34
Felersurmdyd: maybe yes13:34
Picigskill: unlocking the keyring has nothing to do with this.13:34
Felersurmdyd: ok unplug the 500G one again13:34
gskillnever mind13:34
zhangyang09how to check a file in which package in ubuntu13:34
dydFelersurm: done13:34
gskillI want to restore my gdm in a first place13:34
Felersurm!grub > dyd13:34
ubottudyd, please see my private message13:34
Picizhangyang09: dpkg -S /path/to/file13:34
icerootzhangyang09: apt-file search, http://packages.ubuntu.com, dpkg -S /path/to/local/file13:35
Felersurm!grub > Felersurm13:35
ubottuFelersurm, please see my private message13:35
dydFelersurm: thank you13:35
R1ckso I have this preseed file which works beautifully, my root and swap are created (root within an LVM), but now I have made a second preseed file which includes the first but with a seperate /home partition in the LVM. It doesnt work, it does include the other preseed file, but the setting i'm trying to override (d-i partman-auto/expert_recipe string) doesnt seem to take effect13:35
ParkerRIforgot how nice 10.04 was13:35
ParkerR*I forgot13:35
PiciFelersurm: You may want to tray asking in #ubuntu-server for your question (or ##linux since it doesn't seem to be Ubuntu specific)13:35
gskillParkerR, I had 10,0413:35
trinity9000Lartza: The difference between the server and desktop kernel is described here: http://tegeksinfo.wordpress.com/2011/05/06/kernel-differences-between-ubuntu-linux-desktop-and-server-editions/13:36
squigi like 10.0413:36
gskillbut it crashes with my graphic card too13:36
zhangyang09oh, Thanks , i find it use dpkg -S.. :)13:36
qinLartza: On headless machine, rtorrent is sensible, also deluge and transmission can be operated from cli and via web, there are also auto-downloaders and tracker updater operated even via irc, but it is off-topic.13:36
ParkerRsquig, It just feels snappier to me than 11.*13:36
dydFelersurm: i'm booting pc with ubuntu installation cd inserted13:37
Lartzaqin: Yes but was thinking how the server performs on HDD intensive tasks like torrents and streaming?13:37
dydFelersurm: live session means to use "try ubuntu without installing"?13:37
Felersurmdyd: yes13:37
dydFelersurm: okk13:38
squigso the only real differnce is the kernel timer? the rest can be changed through proc?13:38
ActionParsnipLartza: transmission can be used headless too13:39
qinLartza: Desktop gives you gui, which can only slow down yours or automatic tasks, server edition have superior hardware support.13:39
squigsuperior hardware support? its the same kernel13:39
qinsquig: Really? Then it does not.13:40
VectorXhi, i got ubuntu installed in a vm, no gui only cli, how can i extend the disk space from the os itself, the vm is set to dynamic in virtualbox but its not expanding13:41
ActionParsnipVectorX: I'd ask in #vbox13:41
VectorXActionParsnip ok13:42
VectorXi thought it was a ubuntu/linux question thought13:42
wokyHello. Is there any `easy' way to install ipw3945 driver in latest ubuntu (11.04) ?13:42
plouffeWhy does the website still recommend the 32bit version downloads?13:42
AcidRaindamn. i just got fired13:43
Lartzaqin: Minimal install doesn't have GUI13:43
Lartzaqin: Yet is desktop13:43
ActionParsnipVectorX: it kinda is but the vbox config needs tweaking so asking in #vbox as well is good13:44
trinity9000qin: A GUI doesn't affect server tasks very much at all... if you have 2GB of RAM or more, your desktop will be using a tiny amount, and likewise for CPU usage13:44
qinLartza: Ok, you can run desktop with no gui too, what do you want to do?13:45
ActionParsniptrinity9000: it reduces security though as you are running more services13:45
Lartzaqin: home server/NAS13:45
qintrinity9000: Maybe, but 200Mb of ram look precious on many machines.13:46
squigx11 servers are leaky/unstable huge bits of code that you dont want to run13:46
LartzaCurrently have one it's Arch now but Ubuntu doesn't have so much updates that break it all the time :)13:46
KommaHHey everyone! I'm having issue with the time drifting on a Xen VM running Ubuntu. I've installed ntp and ntpdate and told it to sync periodically (which it does), however, the time is still drifting...13:46
squigKommaH, does it ntpd stop running?13:46
VectorXok so this is the answer i get from #vbox: [19:16] <JshWright> VectorX: that's not really a VBox specific thing... how would you expand any partition?13:47
KommaHsquig: ntpd is still running.13:47
KommaHI think it updates the time hourly.13:47
squigdo you have the command ntpq13:47
qinLartza: Desktop edition have better configuration, even if you boot with no X. But pretty much it would not matter.13:47
squigcan you show what ntpq -p says?13:47
KommaHsquig: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/442809/13:48
squigKommaH, for some reason you havnt peered with that server13:48
Lartzaqin: Was gonna get TurnKey first but it looks stupid, I'll try the Server edition out, can always change :)13:49
squigyour offset might be to big13:49
squigis that ntp server local or on the internet?13:49
KommaHOn the internet13:49
squigok, you probably want to get a few more ntp servers13:49
dydFelersurm: thank you, it's working now! :)13:49
squigntp is pretty light weight13:49
squigthere are the ntp pool servers13:50
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Lartzasquig: Offset too big?13:50
billy2007can i dual boot windows and ubuntu after ubunutu is installed13:50
ParkerRWoo go my layout setup http://cl.ly/3p00321i1z0q0a0L411p13:50
Lartzabilly2007: Tricky but yes13:50
squigLartza, when ntp starts if the offset it so large it will never start running the clock13:50
squigthere is an option to ignore that13:50
Lartzasquig: Hmm... Arch Linux probably has some stuff at init script to fix that "issue"13:51
KommaHHow do I tell ntp to sync up with other servers? Is there a command, or do I just edit the config directly?13:51
billy2007Lartza, my assumtion was to resize the partition and install on the remaining free space would this work?13:51
LartzaKommaH: Edit config13:51
squigmany linuxes will do an ntpdate -b ntpserver before starting ntpdate13:51
squigbut it can also be bad to have a sudden shift13:51
Lartzabilly2007: I forgot what widnows wants13:52
Lartzabilly2007: I have my XP on second HDD, but on the beginning of it13:52
LartzaI think it has to be on the beginning13:52
HackNewtonhi all13:52
squigKommaH, i know how to edit the config13:52
billy2007Lartza, i dont understand what you mean by what it wants13:52
PiciLartza, billy2007: It doesn't matter which order the partitions are on.13:52
dydhow can i detect what processor i have installed?13:52
squigsome thing like13:52
LartzaPici: Oh yea, first booting :)13:52
squigserver 0.uk.pool.ntp.org13:52
squigchange uk to be your country code13:53
LartzaPici: (Which can be fooled from grub)13:53
Picibilly2007: Its easier to have windows installed and then install Ubuntu, otherwise you'll need to setup grub yourself afterwards, which can be a pain.13:53
KommaHDo I need to stop the daemon first?13:53
squigKommaH, you will need to restart it after changing13:53
KommaHgot it13:53
Pici!dualboot | billy200713:53
ubottubilly2007: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot13:53
=== dyd_ is now known as dyd
billy2007Pici, does this still apply if its on a different partition and i format the empty one first13:54
LartzaPici: I consider it a pain when my wndows install cd refused to boot when there were ext partitions13:54
Picibilly2007: yes.13:54
LartzaPici: Also windows was going to format my LVM partitions even though I didn't tell it to and it saw them as some other type13:54
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LartzaPici: This was WinXP I hope Vista/7 work better...13:54
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trinity9000Lartza: Pretty sure Windows still won't recognise LVM...13:55
billy2007is there a way to move all my settings and files to another ubuntu pc via ethernet cable?13:55
Lartzatrinity9000: It saw it as some restore or recovery partition13:55
KommaHAlright. Thanks for the help, all!13:55
Lartzatrinity9000: And started to format it even though I selected another partition for install, but failed the format13:56
Lartzatrinity9000: And ext like I said made the install CD stuck at boot...13:56
LartzaAlways installed windows first since then :)13:56
trinity9000Yes, I install Windows first too13:56
AcidRainLartza: same thing happened to me13:56
BlankVersehey guys , is there anything similar for linux http://cafbit.com/entry/rapid_dhcp_or_how_do13:56
trinity9000Less hassle13:56
BlankVersemy dhcp takes easily more than 5-10 secs13:56
AcidRainthen i remember how foolish i was for even wanting anything to do with Windows13:56
AcidRainWindows, a word i now refer to as glass. dirty cheap broken glass13:57
trinity9000AcidRain: But what about games? ;)13:57
AcidRaintrinity9000: eh...13:57
AcidRaini love games. but... is it worth it?13:57
geekbridoes anybody have expierence with start-stop-daemon?  I have a working init script but anytime i try to add the --chuid flag to run it as a non root user, it just doesnt start (no errors).  I sudo'd as the user im running it as and was able to run it.13:57
Lartzatrinity9000: Work in Linux, what I want to play :)13:57
AcidRainthe pain and struggle to keep a windows box working properly?13:57
AcidRainoh my bad, glass13:57
LartzaTheme Hospital has gotten me past few days <313:57
trinity9000I find Windows equally easy to maintain as Ubuntu13:57
trinity9000Doing some things is a lot easier13:58
ActionParsniptrinity9000: +113:58
LartzaBad choice of words...13:58
AcidRainlol Lartza: you talkinga bout win or linux?13:58
AcidRainyeah true13:58
LartzaHave to update each damn software individually :D13:58
AcidRainLartza: and even at that. im a little scared to use the win auto update, considering half the time i click on it, its actually a virus13:58
LartzaThat keeps me in Linux and doesn't need anything else :)13:58
LartzaAcidRain: What auto-update? WINautoupdte.ru.bat.EXE?13:59
LartzaUpdates all your software at once!13:59
Felersurmactually completely without trolling... windows7 is quite nice13:59
AcidRainlol. i just live in fear when i had windows14:00
AcidRainnow with linux im in the street talkin so much beef like im invincible14:00
LartzaFelersurm: Decent, my last offer!14:00
LartzaNot nice14:00
Felersurmok i buy decent14:00
AcidRainwith linux i laugh at exe's. they are the worse thing to ever happen to the bit14:00
AcidRainwell... i cant really blame it all on exe14:01
AcidRainfirewalls and avs are advance now. but the virus will always stay one step ahead14:01
LartzaWin7, failing windows updates and 32/64 programs that install to Program files (x86)14:01
LartzaI mean... what the ehck they were meant to be 64-bit too?!14:01
FelersurmC# is very decent too14:01
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:02
* BluesKaj waits for the ot cops to show up14:02
AcidRaini showed my uncle a situation where i had a website pulled up on 2 machines. 1 linux, and 1 windows. the windows computer crashed on next boot.  linux stayed strong with no effects.14:02
trinity9000Yes, C# kicks ass14:02
LartzaBluesKaj: :D14:02
Lasers"It is now safe to turn your computer off"14:02
AcidRainsince that day, he loves to go to all different types of sites and make fun of them14:02
angawarCant figure it out how to rotate two of my screens, my setup contains of 22" - 24" - 22" and i need to rotate the two of the 22 screens first. Think someone could help me fast with that?14:02
PiciLadies and Gentlemen, can we move the offtopic conversations to #ubuntu-offtopic or elsewhere?14:02
FelersurmLartza: actually that is quite awesome beeing able to run 32bit binaries that easy14:02
PiciPeople are trying to get support ehre.14:02
LartzaFelersurm: Yea but they were suppsoed to be 64-bit programs and they install to x8614:02
LartzaFelersurm: Well 32/64 both14:02
Lartzathe installers14:03
Lartzasay so14:03
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AcidRainPici: is our manager. back to the support!14:03
Felersurmokok i think we need to shutup about windows14:03
angawarWhat channel should I ask in then?14:03
AcidRainangawar: what is your question?14:03
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qinangawar: Sorry, you have a question, thats nice.14:04
angawarDont know how to rotate two of my 22" screens in xorg.conf14:04
AcidRaini would ask in #x14:04
trinity9000angawar: What graphics card do you have?14:04
LartzaAcidRain: They don't spoonfeed :P14:04
angawartwo Nvidia 9800 GT14:04
LartzaAcidRain: He wanted fast14:04
AcidRainlol. a previous win user new to linux. i understand14:05
LartzaAlso there are not as many active users there :)14:05
AcidRainsee here at #ubuntu we are understanding14:05
dsnydersangawar, By rotate, do you mean change the orientation from portrait to landscape?14:05
LartzaAcidRain: Who is? me? no14:05
LartzaAcidRain: ahh14:05
LartzaAcidRain: angwar is, nobody has dual 9800GT if they use Linjux14:06
angawarhm, think it would be nice if the 22" screens are in portrait and the 24" in landscape(?)14:06
dddbmtHi guys. I want to reinstall a computer with Windows XP instead of Ubuntu. But what ever I do I can't get to boot from the CD. I have CD as first priority boot in BIOS, and I've tried to start through the "Select boot device" menu.14:06
angawarif thats possible?14:06
dddbmtIs there a way to restart+boot from cd, from within ubuntu?=14:06
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Lartzadddbmt: Not raelly, BIOS boots it so all you should need to do ise what you said14:07
Lasersdddbmt: You burned a bad Windows disc... Looks like it.14:07
Lartzadddbmt: Set CD to be first bootable and have a disc that boots14:07
dddbmtLartza, Lasers: So it's a bad CD?14:07
Lasersdddbmt: It's a possibility.14:08
Lasersdddbmt: Bad CD, Bad ISO. It's not set to bootable, etc. is also possibilites.14:08
dsnydersdddbmt, try another bootable cd.14:08
trinity9000angawar: Are you using the NVIDIA proprietary graphics driver?14:08
vendixhow to upgrade ubuntu 11.0414:08
vendixto 11.10?14:08
angawarYeah think so14:09
Picivendix: See the topic in #ubuntu+114:09
Lasersangawar: Did you look at Nvidia Settings under System/Preferences after you enabled the driver?14:09
Lasersangawar: You should be able to generate xorg.conf from there -- then modify it to your likings.14:10
trinity9000I thought there was an option to set Rotation in the Nvidia control panel14:10
trinity9000Not at home at the moment to look14:10
vendixPici: i see the few url's14:10
angawarI have done this so far, but i dont know how to rotate just those two screens?14:10
ActionParsnipvendix: sudo do-release-upgrade -d     It will more than likely break stuff, your call14:10
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dddbmtLasers, dsnyders: I told them to try another CD, thanks for your time!14:11
=== Rudemeister is now known as Guest29480
newI have to create a new user because my Xubuntu windows (edges of the screen) dissapear so that I cant move any opened stuff around the screen14:12
Guest80157So this Room is All About Ubuntu?14:12
newthis happens just after week or so14:12
newwell, ubuntu is all about everything ;)14:12
douf-nufemjust wanted to drop back in and say thanks14:13
douf-nufemthings worked perfectly14:13
newnp mate14:13
new..(lol, I wasn't the one who helped)14:13
PiciGuest80157: This is the official support channel of Ubuntu.14:13
billy2007is 10.10 the newest ubuntu install?? and if not can i still use the live cd to install grub after installing windows14:15
Lasersangawar: With some Google, I find http://tuxtweaks.com/2010/05/ubuntu-enable-rotation-nvidia/ -- I'm trying to find a solution (I don't have three monitors!)14:15
HackNewtonbilly2007, no newest Ubuntu is 11.04 Natty14:16
billy2007HackNewton, could i still use the grub off of the live cd to install the bootloader14:16
trinity9000billy2007: Ubuntu has a new version every 6 months, the version refers to the year/month14:17
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billy2007ihave the newest version i just couldnt remember the numbers14:17
angawarNice, it works... :)14:17
angawarBut why cant I drag windows across screens?14:17
HackNewtonbilly2007, yes you can install grub later after installing windows but it is not recommanded as this is pain14:17
brandon_hello guys.14:17
freckledpHas anyone ever converted .swf movies to .mov with Ubuntu? I can use ffmpeg to go the other way, but swf > mov doesn't work :(. Suggestions?14:18
billy2007HackNewton, can i do it off of a 10.10 live cd whebi i have 11.04 installed14:18
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HackNewtonbilly2007, yes14:18
brandon_I have 2 quick questions. First of all, is there a way to reorder my grub options so that win 7 is selected first instead of ubuntu?14:18
HackNewtonbilly2007, grub version hardly matters14:18
HackNewtonbrandon_, yes there is you just have to edit your grub.conf file14:19
brandon_HackNewton, where is that located?14:19
Guest80157Is this is Like The not line For Linux14:20
HackNewtonbrandon_, /etc/grub.conf14:20
ActionParsnipbrandon_: yes14:20
Guest80157hotline For linux14:20
brandon_HackNewton, thank you.14:21
HackNewtonbrandon_, just make sure you edit it correctly or your grub may get down14:21
HackNewtonbrandon_, you are welcome14:21
douf-nufemHackNewton... is that like jail breaking an ipod?14:21
ActionParsnipbrandon_: sudo mv 30_os-prober 08_os-prober; sudo update-grub14:22
HackNewtondouf-nufem, lol no !14:22
ActionParsnipbrandon_: you'll need to run:  cd /etc/grub.d    first14:22
brandon_My second question is regarding an update. I am on 10.10 right now and to get my external wireless adapter to work and had to manually compile and install a driver. What i want to know is if I update to 11.04 will I have to re-do all that driver stuff? And is it even gauranteed to work on the update?14:22
ActionParsnipbrandon_: more than likely yes14:23
ActionParsnipbrandon_: you may have to recompile if the new kernel doesn't support your wifi hardware14:23
HackNewtonbrandon_, Surely yes! its sad but no other option14:23
brandon_Actionparsnip, what exactly does the update change? Like my desktop and all files will remain as is right? And the kernel already update to the newest version and i had to re-do driver. So i should be good then if kernel is already up to date?14:24
HackNewtonBye have nice day all14:25
lafonanyway I can get the synaptic download scripts to work in win7?14:26
brandon_ActionParsnip, I guess what i mean to ask is what exactly does 11.04 Update when it updates? which folders and stuff.14:26
brandon_2.6.35-30 is most upto date kernel correct?14:29
martin`Hi, I get internet from usb and would like to share it wirelessly to a mac. Tried Wireless Ad-Hoc connection sharing scenario from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing#GUI%20Method%20via%20Network%20Manager%20%28Ubuntu%209.10%20and%20up%29 but didn't work.14:29
dnivrahello. I have a socks proxy running on localhost. how do I specify the proxy to a terminal?14:29
martin`I tried to do the same in different machines using Lucid, Natty and Oneiric. No success.14:30
trinity9000brandon_: No, version 3 would be the latest14:31
martin`Is there an easy way to do this?14:31
squigmartin`,  I dont know if there is an 'easy' way14:32
squigbut what didnt work?14:32
Medjaihas anyone tried to "make" a binary who's source uses #include <QtCrypto>?14:32
MedjaiI have the package libqca2 installed and QtCrypto is present in /urs/include/14:32
Medjaibut when i try to make I get the error that it doesn't exist WTF is that all about?14:32
brandon_trinity9000, do i have to be on 11.04 to have it? Cause im on 10.10 and it just updated14:32
PiciMedjai: Do you have the coorisponding -dev package installed as well?14:33
martin`I don't find the ssid in mac14:33
Medjaiyeah it's only a dev package that i need correct14:33
martin`nor my phone14:33
Medjaior is the regular one needed?14:33
PiciMedjai: The -dev usually depends on the regular one, so you might as well keep it installed.14:33
Medjaieh well either way i have both packages it seems like14:33
Medjaiso i'm not sure why i'm having compiling errors14:34
martin`I remember being able to do it in another computer, I remember choosing Infrastructure instead of ad-hoc. But I am not sure14:34
MedjaiPici, any clue?14:34
trinity9000brandon_: I don't think 11.04 has the latest kernel either. Ubuntu only does incremental upgrades of the kernel once it's stable, it won't jump to a big new version (for stability reasons)14:35
PiciMedjai: can you pastebin the exact erros that you're getting?14:35
Medjaisure 1 sec14:35
brandon_trinity9000, well what should i be operating on is there a huge difference?14:36
martin`squig: what would the difficult way be?14:37
trinity9000brandon_: Most additions to a kernel are to do with drivers these days. There aren't often major new features/speedups for a couple of years.14:37
squigmartin`, thats the one bit I dont know how to do, I would just make an adhoc network via the ui?14:37
MedjaiHey Pici, here's the pastebin of the error14:38
brandon_trinity9000, ok. If i had to manually compile/install a driver to get my usb wireless internet to work, and i update to 11.04, well it be broken?14:38
martin`squig: no success. I tried different encryption possibilities, also no encryption... but nothing.14:39
squigcan you make the network on your mac and then connect with linux?14:39
PiciMedjai: Okay, give me a minute.14:40
Medjaisure thing14:40
trinity9000brandon_: Not necessarily, I suggest reading this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile14:40
martin`squig: sure. but I get internet from an Android phone, and there is no easy way of doing it from a mac14:40
squigmartian_, making an adhoc network?14:41
squigtis easy14:41
martin`squig: unless you use the phone as a wifi hotspot... which I don't want to do. I want ubuntu to be the wifi hotspot14:41
austinbvI am trying to get a bonjour service running on ubuntu but cannot find anything current on the web about ubuntu and bonjour14:41
austinbvI was wondering if anyone here could point me in the right direction14:41
squigmartin`, its an add hock network, just create one and then have them all join it14:41
dr-willissome chipsets for wireless i think dint have adhoc network support under ubuntu14:42
squigadhoc != infrastucture14:42
jimmy51_when installing the upgrade to 11.04 i got an error saying it could not install initramfs-tools.  i see bugs listed all over and am wondering what to do next...14:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 789722 in u-boot (Ubuntu) "package initramfs-tools 0.98.8ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New]14:43
trinity9000austinbv: avahi implements zeroconf like bonjour, use that14:43
austinbvthat's what I have done14:43
martin`squig: I set the adhoc wireless network correctly but I cannot see it in the mac. dr-willis: how can I know if my chipset does not support it?14:43
dr-willismartin`: forums perhaps.14:44
squigmartin`, its adhoc just make the first one on your mac and try and connect to it?14:45
squigonce you get wireless connected you can configure ip/route/dns differently14:45
jimmy51_i need a package management ninja.  initramfs-tools screwed up during the 11.04 upgrade and now my system is not happy.14:46
martin`squig: so do you mean I should create a wireless computer connection from the mac and then connect to it from ubuntu? Then I could change settings so that ubuntu shares internet?14:47
billy2007how do i know wether i need the gnome partition editior or the kde one14:47
bovvHi!  I am trying to find a free  image hosting site.  No registration like pastebin.  (pastebin only supports text, no?)  Ideas?14:47
icerootbovv: #ubuntu-offtopic, google14:47
AcidRainbovv: what type of images?14:47
iceroot!image | bovv14:48
AcidRain!image | me14:48
iceroot!screenshots | bovv14:48
ActionParsnipbovv: imageshack14:48
ubottubovv: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.14:48
bovvjpg...  I need to have it stored without any conversions or resizings occcuring.14:48
rgb247hi to everyone14:48
squigmartian_, well you said your phone has the internet connection14:48
rgb247anyone can help me with command to switch user from root in terminal ?14:48
AcidRainbovv: why not setup your own site?14:48
bovvBut I need to do it w/o registration like pastebin.14:49
AcidRainthat would be the quickest easiest way14:49
ActionParsnipbovv: yes, imageshack14:49
bovvThat's it!14:49
AcidRainbovv: i tried to pm you, but you ignored it >_>14:49
billy2007how do i know wether i need the gnome partition editior or the kde one14:49
bovvAnd if I needed to post the binary lib.so can I use that same service?14:49
rgb247anyone can help me with command to switch user from root in terminal ?14:50
AcidRainwhat binary?14:50
icerootrgb247: can you be more specific?14:50
bovv@AcidRain: sorry... didn't see it... I see it now.  I will go there now.14:50
ActionParsniprgb247: su username14:50
rgb247iceroot: after I typed sudo su and write the password, I'm logged as root, how can I go back to my user14:51
guest1Can anyone help me with an ubuntu 11.04 install?14:51
rgb247thanks you14:51
icerootrgb247: exit14:51
ActionParsniprgb247: ahhh then you want:  exit14:51
billy2007how do i know wether i need the gnome partition editior or the kde one14:51
icerootrgb247: dong use sudo su14:51
trinity9000billy2007: They use the same underlying tools, it's just a different GUI14:51
icerootrgb247: also use "su - username" instead of "su username"14:51
ActionParsnipbilly2007: which desktop do you use?14:51
rgb247thanks you14:51
billy2007ActionParsnip, unity14:52
ActionParsnipbilly2007: it's gnome, unity isn't a desktop14:52
ActionParsnipbilly2007: use the gnome one14:52
billy2007ActionParsnip, thanks14:52
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billy2007i dont plan to install anything else onto ubuntu whats a good amount of disk space to leave on the partition for it to run?14:53
KM0201billy2007: if you don't plan on installing much, 12-15gigs is pretty good.. the OS will take up a little over 3 or so, w/ the base install14:54
ActionParsnipbilly2007: about 6Gb is plenty14:54
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KM0201i dunno bout that one, have to disagree w/ you there ActionParsnip :)14:55
guest110GB is useful if you update the whole system14:55
billy2007when i right click in g-parted i dont get the resize option?14:56
guest1can anyone help with an uncompleted install after it crashed?14:56
guest1i have no user to log in14:56
guest1How can I create a user without log in??14:57
ActionParsnipbilly2007: is the partition mounted?14:57
AcidRainguest1: adduser name14:57
guest1but I can't log in14:57
dr-willis guest1 a user to do what?14:57
billy2007ActionParsnip, yes its the one im using i get the option to unmount14:57
guest1AcidRain: does it work from a live cd?14:57
dr-willisguest1 why cant you login14:58
guest1I have a complete installation, i have grub, but I dont have any user! :D14:58
danileigh79-2i'm reformatting my ext4 that currently has 11.04 on it so I can put 10.04 back on, I'm using live CD installer, whait do I put as the mount point?14:58
AcidRainguest1: i dont see why it wouldnt14:58
guest1the installer crashed at the very end of install14:58
martin`squig: so I have a computer-to-computer adhoc connection now. Should I just put Shared to other computers in IPv4 settings and that's it?14:59
AcidRainguest1: i would burn a new copy, and try not to scratch the disk.14:59
martin`(in the ubuntu machine)14:59
dydguys what happens if i disconnect my sata cable connected to cdrom drive when pc is not turned off?14:59
squigmartin`, try it at least14:59
billy2007dyd nothing14:59
AcidRaindyd: you should never work on a comp when it is on.14:59
dydi need it but i don't want to turn it of14:59
dr-willisthats weird...  i sould suggest reinstalling then guest1  there may be other things broken14:59
guest1Acid: the disk in intact, verification is OK15:00
billy2007AcidRain, ive done it thousands of times its plugging them back in you dont want to do15:00
AcidRainbilly2007: lol. well i do it as well ;)15:00
guest1But the 11.04 installer fails before completing...15:00
AcidRainjust for the sake of someone disliking me because i gave them bad advise, i would say turn it off, and remove any static charge15:00
martin`squig: it gave an IP address. now internet is either slow or not working...15:00
martin`squig: not working it seems15:01
squigmartin`, what has internet?15:01
danileigh79-2I have 11.04, wanna go back to 9.10 (since that's the only install disc I have) how do I go about this?15:01
squigand what doesnt15:01
dydrofl, crashed15:01
AcidRainsquig: what is he trying to do?15:01
martin`ubuntu has internet, mac has no internet.15:02
AcidRaindyd: lol. told you :P15:02
Lartzastreaming music to 360 and video to android(allshare, should be dlna)15:02
Lartzawhat software?15:02
dydAcidRain: well now i know :D15:02
dr-willisDaniel0108: boot cd.. reformat/reinstall15:02
AcidRaindid any sparks fly?15:02
squigmartin`, does the mac have an IP, can it ping the ubuntu box, does it have a default route?15:02
billy2007ActionParsnip, yes its the one im using i get the option to unmount15:02
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LartzaWEbmin doesn't use an existing webserver? :O15:03
dr-willisLartza:  theses several dnla servers out there. mediatomb is one15:03
danileigh79-2dr-willis, I'm trying but I also have Win XP installed siide-by-side, don't wanna screw up windows15:03
dr-willisLartza:  no it dosent.. but webmin is not good to use on ubuntu15:03
KM0201martin`: im' headin out californ'y way, silicon valley, i hear there might be some internet out there (you'll get the joke if you've saw the episode)15:03
AcidRainLartza: what are you trying to setup?15:03
AlecTaylorI'm running a Linux distro (Ubuntu 11.04) and want to play wma within browser (not inside a new tab or save-as & play in movie player). I've tried in Firefox, Chrome & Opera, none worked. Is there a special plugin I should install?15:03
GopalKHi all, I'm trying to run the latest Eclipse CDT on 11.04 and its crashing continuously. Anyone else facing the same issue?15:03
martin`squig: Airport is connected to xxx and has the IP address etc...15:03
Lartzadr-willis: No 360 support on mediatomb, by google15:04
LartzaAcidRain: Home server/NAS15:04
LartzaAcidRain: Could be ssh-only too though liked the idea of having webmin15:04
AcidRainas much as i would like to buy a new box and set one up with you, i have been terminated lol15:04
martin`KM0201: didn't watch...15:04
LartzaOnce tried it and failed horribly but was a newbie back then :)15:04
dr-willis!info ebox15:04
ActionParsnipAlecTaylor: i'd check the firefox addons page, or chrome extensions15:04
ubottuebox (source: ebox): Zentyal - Core. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.16-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 666 kB, installed size 4040 kB15:04
KM0201martin`: it was a classic.15:04
billy2007if ionly have one bootable partition covering the whole drive can i edit it while using it i.e resize it15:04
AcidRainyeah thats what i dont like about xine, no gui for the android15:04
AcidRainwas thinking about making one though15:05
dr-willisbilly2007:  not while in use15:05
Lartzadr-willis: hmm, last I checked ebox was like turnkey linux?15:05
AcidRainjust a few simple buttons for play and stop and volume control15:05
KM0201billy2007: no, it has to be unmounted (thus not in use) to be resized15:05
ubottuzentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).15:05
Lartzadr-willis: Easy install "stacks" like lamp15:05
guest1can anyone add users by editing FILES in the SYSTEM?15:06
squigmartin`, can you ping the ubuntu machine?15:06
AlexDevilLXHi all, how to setup joystick?15:06
dr-willisguest1:  boot live cd, chroot in, use adduser command..15:06
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nyuszika7hguest1: You could edit /etc/passwd, but using `adduser' (or `useradd') is preferred.15:06
martin`squig: should I open a terminal and write ping "hostname"?15:07
squigmartin`, ping its ip address15:07
dr-willisyes. you chroot inti the installed system, and use adduser.  or use the recovery/single use mode  which mey be easier15:07
guest1nyuszika: köszi, can I add user from a live cd system to an existing one on SDA?15:07
Lartzadr-willis: Thanks, editing my planing notebook15:07
nyuszika7hguest1: no clue, but no need to talk in Hungarian to me, I understand English.15:08
dr-willisguest1 i  suprised the system even boots correctly after the installer crashed15:08
Lartzastill need an identd, 360/android streamer and...15:08
Lartzaahh, some way to have encrypted folder/files?15:08
martin`squig: what is the command for knowing my ip?15:08
squigon ubuntu type ifconfig15:08
dr-willisLartza:  why do you need an identd?15:08
LartzaBut one that could be shared on samba/nfs? So it is encrypted but unencrypted on boot, something like that15:08
guest1I installed grub and only the final touches are missing15:08
Lartzadr-willis: IRC15:08
Lartzadr-willis: Obviously?15:08
[THC]AcidRainwhy does my box ping timeout so much?15:08
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dr-willisLartza:  havcent needd identd for irc in 15 years here15:09
nyuszika7h!info ccrypt15:09
ubottuccrypt (source: ccrypt): secure encryption and decryption of files and streams. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7-11 (natty), package size 69 kB, installed size 252 kB15:09
guest1nyuszika: then it's an interesting name :D15:09
Lartzadr-willis: ircnet it cuts out like a minute from conenction time and freenode some too15:09
Lartzadr-willis: This ebox, does it use a webserver?15:09
Lartzacant really verify15:09
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dr-willisLartza:  never needed it here.. i connect almost instantly to freenode .15:10
AlexDevilLXubuntu joystick gembird JPD-FFB-M15:10
kubanchellow! do you maybe know if linux kernel supports USB/IDE-SATA connector? something like this: http://www.amazon.co.uk/IOMAX-SATA-Adapter-Power-Drive/dp/B001A5SK5615:10
nyuszika7hguest1: if you want to hilight me, please either use 'nyu', 'nyus' or 'nyuszika7h', since 'nyuszika' doesn't hilight me. And this isn't an off-topic channel, see #ubuntu-offtopic for off-topic chat.15:10
dr-willisebox has its own webserver i belive15:10
ActionParsnipkubanc: should be fine15:10
AlecTaylorOkay, testing that and sudo apt-get install gecko-mediaplayer, will disconnect (and not reconnect unless problem) using ChatZilla15:10
kubancActionParsnip, thnx for reply15:11
martin`squig: should I get it from wlan0?15:11
martin`squig: is it inet addr?15:11
martin`request timeout. Maybe I can start again...15:12
guest1@nyu okay, I try the chroot15:12
martin`I guess it is a bad sign squig?15:12
squigmartian_, pastebin your ifconfig15:12
dr-willisguest1:  you did try recovery mode from the grub menus15:12
guest1not yet, should I?15:13
dr-willisguest1:  saves the chrooting step.. so yes15:13
guest1thx, i try it15:13
dr-willisif you can boot system to a shell. you then use adduser15:13
dr-willisand hope nothing else is broke15:14
danileigh79-2how do i reformat only ubuntu if i'm running winxp side-by-side so i don't reformat winxp also?15:14
dr-willisdanileigh79-2:  you reuse your existing ubuntu partitions.15:14
nyuszika7hdanileigh79-2: You can format or delete Ubuntu's partition, then use fixboot and fixmbr from Windows XP's boot CD (choose Recovery Console).15:14
squigmartin`,  you need to ping
dr-willistell installer to use them for / and /home is needed15:15
martin`yep, that is what I did. I will try to connect them again.15:15
danileigh79-2nyuszika7h, I'm using the 9.10 boot cd, how do I use the existing partitions?15:16
dr-willisi thought the ubuntu installer asked to use existing.. or not15:16
nyuszika7hdanileigh79-2: Sorry, I'm busy now, please ask someone else.15:16
dr-willisor resize.. or use the custome feature15:17
KM0201dr-willis: i don't think 9.10 did.. i don't recall that coming around till 10.04, or 10.1015:17
xanguadanileigh79-2: install a supported version ;)15:17
dr-willisi always use the custome  option15:17
KM0201dr-willis: ssame15:17
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://goo.gl/UUTAB for details.15:17
AlexDevilLXI have15:17
danileigh79-2dr-willis, it gives option of side by side, erase and use entire disk, or partiotion manually15:17
martin`squig: okay no there are bytes15:18
dr-willis9.10 is eol. time to upgrsde15:18
KM0201danileigh79-2: why are you trying to installan unsupported version15:18
danileigh79-2xangua, i'm going back to 9.10 so i can upgrade to 10.04 again15:18
dr-willisdanileigh79-2:  so use manual..15:18
martin`squig: I mean NOW15:18
ssedanohow can I know if the system rebooted or was resumed? thanks15:18
mang0How do I change the defult email client? Is there a terminal command?15:18
danileigh79-2dr-willis, I don't know how to set up the partitions15:18
dr-willisdanileigh79-2:  10.04 fails to boot?15:18
martin`squig: and there is internet!!!15:18
martin`thanks a lot!15:18
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xanguamang0: on Preffered Apps15:19
dr-willisdanileigh79-2:  use / for your main partition.  thats about all you do15:19
mang0xangua: thankyou15:19
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danileigh79-2dr-willis, No, I up'd from 10.10 to 11.04, but now wifi card no longer suppoerted15:19
martin`squig: can I connect a second computer also here?15:19
KM0201danileigh79-2: whats your wifi card...15:19
squigmartin`, possibly :)15:19
AlexDevilLXAny way to map joystick in ubuntu15:19
dr-willisdanileigh79-2:  better to install 10.10 directly id say. then upgrade15:20
martin`squig: let's see if my phone finds it15:20
danileigh79-2KM0201, broadcom 4300 series15:20
KM0201danileigh79-2: those work fine w/ ubuntu...15:20
KM0201and 11.04, for that matter15:20
dr-willisdanileigh79-2:  a clean install of 11.04 may work with the card15:20
the_foolHow can I change my twofinger click back to a middle button click?15:20
slipkid08what's up all15:21
danileigh79-2KM0201, did with 10.04 but now when i'm in 11.04, it can't locate any wifi networks, it says driver is good and working, but won't even list wirelesss options in network properties15:21
LartzaEncFS for encrypted files?15:21
KM0201danileigh79-2: then there is some other issue going on.. which broadcom do you have?15:21
martin`squig: maybe android phones cannot see adhoc connections. Happy anyway.15:22
danileigh79-2KM0201, 4311 I think15:22
obeyanceIm back, and omg i need help.15:22
climbe2Problem!  If anyone is able to help.... running 10.04, recently upgraded to kernel 2.6.32-33, and can't boot up!!  See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1807978 for my ongoing thread.  Any suggestions?!?!15:22
dr-willisLartza:  thats one way15:22
ubottuFor information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory15:22
KM0201danileigh79-2: i know, that one works,  helped someone set it up yesterday....15:22
obeyancecoz_ you still here?15:22
danileigh79-2KM0201, would you mind helping me then? I'll hook that laptop up to hardline15:22
obeyanceActionParsnip, you still around?15:22
Lartzamartin`: I think android can't do ad-hoc, without edits15:23
KM0201danileigh79-2: yeah, hang on just a second15:23
Lartzadr-willis: Encryption usually works in a way the files can be shared with samba for instance when mounted?15:23
obeyanceI just upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 and the GUI is screwed up.15:23
martin`Lartza: you mean to be root, etc?15:24
dr-willisLartza:  my phone could to windows.. but not to the older ubntun release. but could with a newer release.. i think.15:24
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Lartzamartin`: wpasupplicant needs patching on android15:24
dr-willisLartza:  if mounted befor access it should. i never bother with encryption15:24
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obeyanceI cant move any windows, dont have any menu/task bars or anything. Just my desktop icons and background.15:24
the_foolquick question; after some recent updates my twofinger trackpad click now acts as a right click rather than a middle / scroll wheel click, how can I go about changing it back?15:25
Lartzamartin`: Atleast some phones15:25
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dr-willisobeyance:  try alt-f2  run metacity --replace15:25
danileigh79-2KM0201, 11.04 booted and plugged in manually to modem15:25
KM0201danileigh79-2: ok, hang on just a sec15:25
Lartzamartin`: My Galaxy S has to be patched for Ad-Hoc to work for example and there are others too15:25
obeyancewhat does alt f2 do, because the hotkey is doing nothing.15:25
Lartzamartin`: Google "your phone ad-hoc"15:26
Lartzapossibly add "patch" to the query15:26
obeyancedr-willis, What does that do? I execute the hotkey but nothing happens.15:26
Lartzamartin`: Also 2.1 seems not to support ad-hoc15:26
dr-willisobeyance:  should get you a run dialog.. unless gnome really crashed bad15:27
martin`Lartza: thanks, it was just for the record. My phone is actually used as a usb dongle15:27
obeyanceGnome? WHERE!15:27
Lartzamartin`: I never got that to work on Arch :(15:27
obeyanceYeah, no GUI15:27
obeyancewell, no OS GUI15:27
Lartzamartin`: dmesg didn't even tell it recognized a USB device so weird :O15:27
szadGuys, how can i view windows share on ubuntu? I have samba installed, going into "Web" thing but i cant get connected - on windows everything is working so web is fine.15:27
Lartzamartin`: For now my cable has become a lot more stable though :)15:27
obeyanceWhen i restart it gives me a grub screen with a list of OS options...15:27
szadI am running ad-hoc laptop - PC comp web15:28
martin`Lartza: what is dmesg?15:28
Lartzamartin`: It prints out kernel messages15:28
danileigh79-2KM0201, btw I have it set to run gnome in 11.04 instead of unity if that helps15:28
dr-willisszad:  web? use the places menu item15:28
lipinskiAnyone can help me get reconnected to a remote ubuntu machine?15:28
Lartzamartin`: Like devices that were detected and drivers yelling something15:28
obeyancedr-willis, Do you think my update went bad? How do i fix this?15:28
lipinskiI had XRDP working with Vino so I could connect remotely via Win Remote Desktop.15:28
Lartzamartin`: Try it :)15:28
KM0201danileigh79-2: thats15:28
dr-willisszad:  or enter the path to the share.  ctrl-l  smb://ip.of.the.box/sharename15:28
KM0201danileigh79-2: are you on a live cd, or an installed OS?15:28
danileigh79-2KM0201, installed15:28
lipinskiAccidentally clicked on Switch User on the screensaver password prompt, now I can't connect15:29
KM0201danileigh79-2: ok,go to system/admin/additional drivers15:29
danileigh79-2KM0201, there15:29
KM0201danileigh79-2: if the STA driver is activated, deactivate it15:29
dr-willisobeyance: sounds line compiz crashed to me15:29
szaddr-willis, places?15:29
KM0201danileigh79-2: do you see "b43" there?15:29
danileigh79-2KM0201, have option for remove15:29
climbe2are there other #ubuntu channels for specific issues?15:29
dydhow can i change the inactivity time that will bring to set screensaver + ask password?15:29
dr-willisszad:  yes. the file manager has a places item that has a netwoek entry15:29
KM0201danileigh79-2: thats fine, were not gonna use it anyway15:29
dr-willisszad:  or just type in the url15:30
[THC]AcidRaindyd: system > admin > screensaver15:30
danileigh79-2KM0201, kk, removing as we speak15:30
[THC]AcidRaindyd: my bad, system > preferences > screensaver15:30
KM0201danileigh79-2: now one thing i did have an issue w/ yesterday, was the broadcom package from synaptic, did not work.15:30
omidpwhat is the best download manager for inux beside wget ?15:30
szaddr-willis, but i this new file manager i cant find place to write URL15:30
dyd[THC]AcidRain: thank you!15:30
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KM0201but manually installing, did work.. so.. thats what we'll do.15:30
dr-willisszad:  or enter the path to the share.  ctrl-l  smb://ip.of.the.box/sharename15:30
dr-willisszad:  ctrl-l15:31
danileigh79-2KM0201, k, how do we get around that?15:31
[THC]AcidRainYES! that is my first official help ive done in #ubuntu15:31
[THC]AcidRaini am so proud!15:31
=== mang0 is now known as mel0n
KM0201danileigh79-2: we'll install it manually15:31
[THC]AcidRaini am officially part of the community15:31
StevethepirateHi, I have a Hauppauge video capture card. At the moment it's getting picked up PVR, and is accessible via (for example) vlc pvr:///dev/video0 ... I'd like it to work with V4L, any ideas?15:31
dr-willisszad:  shows the field to enter path15:31
danileigh79-2KM0201, k now drive is inactive15:31
=== mel0n is now known as mang0
danileigh79-2KM0201, *driver15:31
KM0201danileigh79-2: olk, open a terminal15:31
lipinskiAny way to restart a gnome session while still logged in?15:31
danileigh79-2KM0201, oened15:31
szaddr-willis, did it, cant find it replies15:32
KM0201danileigh79-2: sudo apt-get update15:32
obeyancedr-willis, oh... Hm. I tried to turn on desktop cube because it turned it off durring the upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04. It ask me a question about OpenGL or Desktop Cube or something to the effect of that... I could not read the question as the window was outside of the screen and only the choices were showing below the top of the screen. I dont remember what choices i made, but i made it so Desktop Cube and Rotate Cube where on... then it all went to s15:32
KM0201danileigh79-2: lemmme know when thats finished15:32
dr-willisszad:  you used the ip or name, what exazctly did you type15:32
danileigh79-2KM0201, done, opening update manager15:32
szaddr-willis, it says getting list of shares from the server failed. Please take another file manager and try again15:33
dr-willisobeyance:  with unity.. forget the cube ever existed..... ;)  it breaks things15:33
KM0201danileigh79-2: can i PM you, the signal/noise ratio makes this difficult.15:33
danileigh79-2KM0201, of course my dear15:33
szaddr-willis, comunicate is translated by me so there may be some mistakes.15:33
obeyanceOh that sucks!15:33
=== mang0 is now known as MicroWolf
obeyanceI liked the cube ....15:33
obeyancedr-willis but how do i fix this?15:33
dr-willisszad:  enter the share name also is what i do.. smb://
dr-willisobeyance:  thers some commands to reset unity and compiz back to defaults. got them from the webupd8 blog site.. or i got them bookmarked at    delicious.com/dr_willis15:34
martin`Lartza: [    1.902954] USB Mass Storage support registered.15:34
szaddr-willis, Cant show it says15:34
szaddr-willis, There is error.15:35
dr-willisszad:  my first guess would be a windows firewall15:35
=== MicroWolf is now known as mega_mang0
szaddr-willis, off15:35
martin`Lartza: oh that doesn't mean anything...15:35
dr-willisszad:  can the linux box even ping the windows box?15:35
szaddr-willis, on windows this computers are connecting without any problems.15:35
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szaddr-willis, yes, i am using internet connection from PC comp on laptop (writing from laptop)15:36
Lartzamartin`: Not raelly :)15:36
martin`Lartza: [   92.496064] usb 1-7: new high speed USB device number 5 using ehci_hcd15:36
szaddr-willis, its pinging without problem, problem lies in samba i assume, i havent configured at all, i dont know how to do it.15:36
dr-willisszad:  so what exactly are you entering inthe address field as the path?15:36
szaddr-willis, in file manager, after ctrl + l15:37
szaddr-willis, or tried to view shares on smb4k15:37
dr-willisszad:  to get TO a windows share you dont need to configure anything i think15:37
obeyancedr-willis, Sucks. I cant be here and have a page open cause i cant move or change windows without directly clicking on them.15:37
Lartzamartin`: Why are you sending those? :D15:37
szaddr-willis, hmm.. so i dont know why i cant connect:(15:38
[THC]AcidRainwhat channel would i join for torrent help?15:38
dr-willisobeyance:  go to console, install icewm, or make a new user.15:38
martin`Lartza: FYI, htc legend (android 2.3), ubuntu oneiric (however I had it working as USB dongle also in opensuse 11.4 and ubuntu lucid and natty)15:38
dr-willisobeyance:  or a console based browser ;)15:38
martin`Lartza: just showing it appears here...15:38
dr-willisobeyance:  i cant cut/paste from my phone very well15:38
Ziga_L can i create a Debian 6.0 usb startup disk15:38
[THC]AcidRainmy issue: when i KNOW for a fact that a torrent works. in transmission, i will get a 404 not found. why?15:38
Ziga_Lit is not listed on unetubootin15:39
Lartzamartin`: Yea Galaxy S should work as dongle too, but just couldn't get it to work in Arch, probably removed the kernel module :P15:39
Picimartin`: Oneiric is not supported in this channe, only in #ubuntu+115:39
obeyancedr-willis, No i understand. Im working on it. Is the terminal command fairly direct?15:39
martin`Lartza: Pici, thanks15:39
martin`I mean thanks Pici15:39
szaddr-willis, how can i check if samba is even running?15:39
guest1dr-willis , nyuszika7h: win, i'll blog it. Thank you very much!15:40
[THC]AcidRainsometimes ill get a 404 not found, then it will start downloading after that shortly15:40
[THC]AcidRainsometimes it never downloads15:40
martin`okay, thank you all. Goodbye!15:40
Lartzaamy ultimate homeserver plan should be complete now15:40
Lartzajust need the streaming server software and some less important stuff15:40
Lartzaactually almost that only15:40
dr-willisszad:  the samba service is not installed by defaulet. install it. edit /etc/smb.conf as needed15:40
Lartzadamn 360 not standards-compatible...15:40
obeyancedr-willis, "icewm" says missing destination15:41
ActionParsnipdr-willis: /etc/samba/smb.conf ;)15:41
dr-willisobeyance:  simple gconf command i recall. it needs to be in a factoid one of these days..15:41
szaddr-willis, i installed it15:41
dr-willisobeyance:  huh. icewm is an alternative desktop/window manager i use as a fallback15:42
obeyancedr-willis, " install: missing destination file operand after `icewm'"15:42
climbe2Problem!  If anyone is able to help.... running 10.04, recently upgraded to kernel 2.6.32-33, and can't boot up!!  See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1807978 for my ongoing thread.  Any suggestions?!?!15:42
obeyancedr-willis, you suggested i open a terminal and enter install icewm correct?15:43
Riginjoin #ubuntu15:43
Lartza climbe2: You removed filesystem and/or Hdd drivers15:43
szalRigin: you are in #ubuntu already15:44
PiciRigin: You're already here.15:44
Rigini dont know to use this channel15:44
Riginpls help me15:44
dr-willisobeyance: icewm  is a program you instaall.. via apt-get15:44
dr-willisbbl gotta work15:44
PiciRigin: Have a question? Just ask,  (all on one line please).15:45
LartzaExcept pastes!15:45
Riginhow we can configure webcam in ubuntu15:45
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obeyanceI installed icewm, now how do i use it?15:46
dliRigin, most likely, it's just works, like: mplayer tv://15:47
[THC]AcidRainadd-apt-repository why is this command not found?15:47
Lartzaapt-depository add ?15:47
DanaGhmm, trying to connect to my openvpn:15:48
LartzaNo idea really what it's supposed to be :P15:48
DanaGNM_OPENVPN_DEBUG=1 /usr/libexec/nm-openvpn-service --persist15:48
DanaG** (nm-openvpn-service:28453): CRITICAL **: crypto_get_private_key_data: assertion `password != NULL' failed15:48
obeyanceHm, it appears that i can not run icewm.15:48
obeyanceSOMEONE HELP ME OMG! lol15:48
climbe2Lartza, how do I replace the filesystem and/or hdd drivers?15:48
Lartzaobeyance: add to .xinitrc, startx15:48
Lartzaclimbe2: Recompile kernel? Did you compile it yourself?15:48
XuMuKhi there! I've created a command for get processor Tº(echo " CPU temp is $(sensors | grep temp | awk '{print $2}')") and want to put it as alias, but when I do alias='echo " Температура камня $(sensors | grep temp | awk '{print $2}')"' I get parse erro...15:49
obeyanceLartza, What?15:49
Lartzaobeyance: edit your .xinitrc on $HOME15:49
Rigindoes ansi c++ works on ubuntu15:49
XuMuKany suggestion how should I put ' , " and ` ?15:49
climbe2Oh gosh no, I'm new to all of this...did an automatic update, shut computer off for the night.  booted up next morning, couldn't get anywhere15:49
cad<XuMuK>... heh.. russian )15:49
Lartzaobeyance: You shuld add a command that runs icewm, starticewm possibly? Then run startx or login with a login manager15:49
obeyanceLartza, Im fairly new to linux but im catching on to ubuntu quickly. I dont know how to do what you are suggesting.15:49
Lartzaclimbe2: Oh then...15:49
Lartzaobeyance: Actually there might be a way to change gnome to use icewm, someone help him15:50
Lartzaobeyance: Not sure what you want15:50
PlutoISaPlanethow do i access a usb mounted flash drive once it's been mounted?15:50
LartzaPure IceWM or what?15:50
XuMuKcad, I've changed it in brackets for you understanding)15:50
[THC]AcidRainso can anyone tell me how to modify the repo list from terminal without opening the file?15:50
LartzaPlutoISaPlanet: Nautilus left bar or go to mountpoint, automount should be /media15:50
Lartza[THC]AcidRain: Easy just to pen file15:50
obeyanceI just want to be able to use this new upgrade! I just finished upgrading it and i guess i screwed up my OpenGL or Compiz settings by trying to turn on desktop cube...15:51
Lartza[THC]AcidRain: :P I always do it that way15:51
k1rkI am currently using Likewise to authenticate users with our active directory server.  I want to, at the logon time, grab the username and password and send it to Websense so it can auth the user too.15:51
cad<XuMuK> фо май андэстэндин - не обязательно )15:51
k1rkAny ideas?15:51
Lartzaobeyance: icewm != compiz15:51
obeyanceI have no OS GUI, i cant move or modify windows and some things are not working.15:51
Lartzaclimbe2: So you didn't build a kernel, boot without UUID15:51
XuMuKcad, so what, do you have any idea? Or somebody else?15:51
PlutoISaPlanetLartza: I only have a command line.  Running a recovery Live dist.15:51
Lartzaclimbe2: change /dev/... etc to /dev/sda1 or whatever is your root partition15:51
climbe2lartza, how to I change that?... I am new to command line interface15:52
cadi haven't15:52
LartzaPlutoISaPlanet: If automounted, go to /media, otherwise the mountpoint you mounted to :)15:52
Lartzaclimbe2: You have access to the /boot?15:52
Lartzaclimbe2: You can do it on grub too if not15:52
climbe2I can get into grub...that is where they ask you what kernel you would like to boot up?15:53
Lartzaclimbe2: Yes15:53
Lartzaclimbe2: Press "e" on the kernel to edit and there you can edit it and boot then with b15:53
climbe2ok, i have access to grup15:53
VEndixHello, got a problem after update. My Computer and other icons has disapeared, does anyone know how to reset them back?15:53
obeyanceDid you just upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04?15:54
LartzaI thought Arch was unstable on updates... but most here tell they broke on update :D15:54
VEndixno to 11.1015:54
obeyance11.10 is out?15:54
LartzaVEndix: #ubuntu+115:54
Lartzaobeyance: No15:54
Lartzaobeyance: 2011.10 :)15:54
LartzaSo October15:54
obeyanceYeah, thats why i ask. Cause he said to 11.10.15:54
LartzaVEndix: No support for it here, but #ubuntu+115:55
ParkerRWell 11.10 alpha is out15:55
obeyanceK so,15:55
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+115:55
obeyanceI have no OS GUI, i cant move or modify windows and some things are not working.15:55
Lartzaobeyance: lol...15:55
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Lartzaobeyance: By the way, why icewm? :S15:55
LartzaI think you mentioned it15:55
obeyanceits what the guy that was working with me suggested before he left.15:55
LartzaMatter of opinion15:56
LartzaI like openbox, was just curious why you chose icewm that's all :)15:56
XuMuKCommand for get processor Tº(echo " CPU temp is $(sensors | grep temp | awk '{print $2}')") and want to put it as alias, but when I do alias='echo " CPU temp is $(sensors | grep temp | awk '{print $2}')"' I get parse error. Any ideas?15:57
obeyanceWell, its hard for me to do anything on here. without what im used to, i dont knwo what to do. Luckily i know how to work my way around file systems and can find things to run by digging through folders, but other then that i have no clue how to fix this issue.15:57
obeyanceHe said that desktop cube/Rotate cube screws things up in v11. But I screwed up some settings somehow and now i don thave any OS and what i said above.15:58
szalobeyance: GUI != OS15:58
obeyanceWhat does that mean?15:59
ParkerRNot equal to15:59
ParkerROr does not make15:59
obeyanceWell, yeah. Thats what i mean is OS GUI15:59
marsfligthcan you suggest me a launcher a bit better than 'GNOME Do' in commands searching?16:00
[THC]AcidRainyay conflicting software packages16:00
obeyanceI basically have a virtual filing cabinet right now.16:00
Lartzamarsfligth: your favoreite terminal + bash-completion :P16:00
Lartzaclimbe2: Did it work? :/16:01
qinmarsfligth: dmenu16:01
climbe2i can press e to edit, just not sure how to edit it properly!16:01
Riginhello fakesme16:01
Lartzaclimbe2: There is the /dev/disk-by-uuid/garble16:01
Lartzaclimbe2: change it to /dev/sdXY16:01
Lartzaclimbe2: XY being your root partition16:02
climbe2ohh, ok, let me try it16:02
[THC]AcidRainhow do i flush held packages?16:02
howlymowlyhi poeple..  I have a problem:   when trying to watch flash videos on webpages (youtube for example) the video stops after a few seconds...  it still runs in the backround, because I can still hear it..  and as soon as I turn fullscr off it works.  any idea?16:02
Riginno idea16:03
Lartzahowlymowly: Don't use fullscreen?16:03
LartzaFlash is horrible in Linux compared to Windows16:03
Riginan idea can change ur life16:03
LartzaBlame Adobe16:03
howlymowlywell..  "any idea what I can do about tha problem?"   are you guys now satisfied :)?16:04
climbe2lartza, when I am at the edit screen, i am not seeing a /dev/uuid blah blah16:04
climbe2I see recodfail, then insmod ext2 then set root=16:04
DmoleFlash is horrible ->.<-16:04
howlymowlywell it used to work16:04
Lartzaclimbe2: root= /dev/disk...16:04
howlymowlyI just can not tell when it stopped working since I didn#t watch any flash videos for some tie16:04
lapionI for one odn't have that many problems with flash, however I do use a laptop with somehwat older hardware16:05
Dmolewho is having flash slowness?16:05
howlymowlyDmole: I do not have slowness...  I have fullscreen problems like:  after 10s video just "stops"  but it still runs in the backrund... its just the graphics that stop..16:06
XuMuKhowlymowly, Lartza's right, this is flash matter and can not do anything for fix it for a while... I've got the same problem and what I do it's just don't see flash videos in fullscreen :(16:06
A_JCan any1 give me a name of a CD buring application, need to burn an ISO file16:07
Dmolehowlymowly: I have not seen that but a workaround is to use the FF plugin to download the .mp4 then play it with VLC16:07
xangua(11:03:11) Lartza: howlymowly: Don't use fullscreen? - flash sucks in *nix, nothing we can do about it16:07
howlymowlyXuMuK: that#s bad :(   do you know when this started?  I definitly remember in ubuntu 10.10 it worked16:07
Lartzaxangua: I said that too :)16:07
howlymowlyDmole: thx..  tha#s a cool idea16:07
LartzaBlame Adobe16:07
climbe2lartza, so i change "root=UUID=e3dfblahblahblah" to "root=/dev/sdb1" ??16:07
Lartzackrailo: :O I guess so16:08
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LartzaSomeone tell what root= is in grub2? :D16:08
Lartzaor does /dev/sdb1 work?16:08
adubzmy $output_file = '/var/www/log/number_output.log';   what would I do to apply regex to my output file16:08
adubzoops wrong channel16:08
obeyanceI had that fullscreen issue before. Its an easy fix, but i dont remember how to do it.16:08
climbe2I am using grub version 1.98-1ubuntu1216:09
Dmolehowlymowly: yah I do it even on computers where flash works windows/mac because you don't get buffering problems or flash flakes out16:09
Lartzaclimbe2: For me it would be root=/dev/sdXY but for me it's also /dev/disk-by-uuid/*insert characters*16:09
howlymowlyDmole: chrome does not have that plug-in right?16:09
ParkerRChrome comes with flash built in16:09
howlymowlyDmole: do you know the name of the plugin?16:09
LartzaDmole: Stop wathing videos of people who only release flash videos :P16:09
Dmolehowlymowly: http://www.downloadhelper.net/16:09
LartzaParkerR: Does ubuntu have chrome? :/16:10
XuMuKhowlymowly, I don't remember exactly, thought, about 4-5 months ago it was fine16:10
LartzaParkerR: Why? :S16:10
ParkerRWhat do you mean why?16:10
howlymowlyXuMuK: kk.. that's about my feeling as well16:10
LartzaParkerR: It does16:10
DmoleLartza: yah torrenting is better but once a year there is something flash only that someone want's to show me16:10
ParkerRGo to chrome.google.com16:10
LartzaI wondered, chromium is the open-source one :)16:10
ParkerRClick download16:10
LartzaParkerR: apt-get install chromium16:11
Lartzathe right way16:11
nyuszika7h!info chromium16:11
ubottuPackage chromium does not exist in natty16:11
ParkerRChromium != Google Chrome16:11
xanguaLartza: chromium-browser is the name of the package16:11
Lartza!info chromium-browser16:11
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 12.0.742.112~r90304-0ubuntu0.11.04.1 (natty), package size 16095 kB, installed size 55952 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all)16:11
Dmolechrome is nice but I hate it because webkit is crap compared to firebug16:11
=== hacked is now known as vinces
ParkerRGoogle Chrome is based on Chromium but it is not Chromium16:12
LartzaParkerR: Chromium > Google Chrome16:12
XuMuKapt-get install google-chrome-stable if you want chrome and have google's repo appended16:12
ParkerRIt is not16:12
Lartzawell one shouldt get google packages16:12
[THC]AcidRainsee man wtf. im bout to merc myself16:12
Lartzabut apt-get16:12
ParkerRChromium doesn't have all the plugins Chrome does16:12
ParkerRWhat's wrong with Google?16:12
LartzaParkerR: What plugins? The extension gallery is exactly the same16:12
LartzaParkerR: chrome is built by google and chromium bu packagers16:12
LartzaParkerR: Also the chrome.google.com probably spits files all over your filesystem16:13
timrcquestion: if I have two seperate instances of terminal open is there a way to combine them into one (e.g. make one a tab within the other) ?16:13
k1rkNobody's familiar with likewise open?16:13
[THC]AcidRaingoogle is great16:13
XuMuKParkerR, there's nothing, but there are people who has a lot of paranoia16:13
LartzaParkerR: So what plugins?16:13
CronTabI've edited crontab by using sudo crontab -e...should i do anything else to get it activated? reboot?16:14
Dmoletimrc: maybe drag and drop one tab into the tab space of another window16:14
XuMuKCronTab, you should have the daemon started16:14
XuMuKand that's it16:14
CronTabhow do i start it?16:14
timrcDmole, I wish it worked like that16:15
XuMuKCronTab, it should already be there, take a look ps aux | grep -v grep | grep cron16:15
Dmoletimrc: works like that on osx :)16:15
akitaCronTab, /etc/init.d/cron restart16:15
timrcDmole, doh :)16:15
ParkerRLartza, I was not able to play chrome.angrybirds.com in Chromium. It didn't have webgl16:15
CronTabok thank you!!16:16
ParkerRTry that in Chromium16:16
szadMaybye anyone here now something about samba? I cant connect ubuntu to windows to share files.16:16
akitaCronTab, bye :-)16:16
LartzaParkerR: Weird, I was able to play it with Chromium just fine16:16
prt1990how to use terminal?16:16
akitaParkerR, er. Really?16:16
Dmoletimrc: another thing you could do is work in a screen then detach and resume it from the other window16:17
ParkerRLast I tied. Which wasn't too long ago16:17
Dmoletimrc: (man screen)16:17
LartzaParkerR: webgl was in chromium before chrome...16:17
HeatMzzrusing chat in console or tty screen, the screen resolution is screwed up.. only using a qtr of the screen available with the rest of the screen unused.. how do I address that please???16:17
extraclassicszad: to connect from ubuntu you need smbclient and cifs-utils, then I just mount a share in fstab16:17
moxboxCan I go straight from Maverick to Oneiric, and if so how?16:17
ParkerRWell I prefer Chrome > Chromium so lets agree to disagree16:17
prt1990how to use photoshop in ubuntu16:17
xanguamoxbox: no16:18
LartzaParkerR: There is still really nothing different tho those16:18
VEndixwell that 11.10 doesn't work properely16:18
arfbtwnprt1990: Try the GIMP16:18
szadextraclassic, well it says that i have both of that programs16:18
VEndixhow to downgrade to the prevous version?16:18
LartzaParkerR: Except that chromium is open-source16:18
xanguamoxbox: clean install if you want oneiric withouth upgrade twice16:18
louigihey guys! using ubuntu 10.04. When I call out a program in terminal (specimen ~/Sessions/project1) it opens and opens project1. If I create a launcher on panel and put same line in command, it will open the program but not the project. Anything I am doing wrong?16:18
LartzaVEndix: Reinstall16:18
prt1990well gimp is not productive like photoshop16:18
HeatMzzrusing chat in console or tty screen, the screen resolution is screwed up.. only using a qtr of the screen available with the rest of the screen unused.. how do I address that please???16:18
louigiInterpretation of command different in launcher?16:18
xanguamoxbox: and alos oneiric is not released and unsupported on this channel16:18
szadextraclassic, how to view windows shares? I cant do it.16:19
VEndixLartza: downgrading is not reinstalling16:19
ParkerR"<Lartza> ParkerR: Also the chrome.google.com probably spits files all over your filesystem" and why would the Chrome package be any different than the Chromium?16:19
Akuwi just installed ubuntu 9.0416:19
arfbtwnprt1990: AFAIK the gimp can do all that photoshop can do, if you want to run photoshop you'll need to use wine, but it probably won't work ;)16:19
LartzaParkerR: Yes16:19
extraclassicszad: i mount a folder in fstab, or nautilus has a way to view them16:19
LartzaParkerR: ACtually it does16:19
Dmoleprt1990: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?appId=1716:19
akitaAkuw, why so old version? :-)16:19
Akuwthen i installed grub, but now i got grub> prompt, i am trying to load  kernel but can't16:19
szal!appdb | prt199016:19
ubottuprt1990: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help16:19
LartzaParkerR: Have you installed from chrome.google.com? How do you uninstall it?16:19
Akuwbecause that is what i have16:19
xanguaAkuw:  too bad, install a supported version ;)16:20
cystichello, I am trying to install google chrome but when i load the .deb in usc the install button is disabled.. how can I get this to work?16:20
extraclassicszad: there are some articles online that are detailed16:20
ParkerRI go to Synaptic and check it to uninstall16:20
szadextraclassic, dont know how to mount that folder, and nautilus after entering "Web" says error16:20
Akuwmy problem is with GRUB16:20
ParkerRLartza, pretty easy16:20
LartzaParkerR: Mhh16:20
Lartzastupid ubuntu with packagers suppling distro-packages ot it :P16:20
LartzaParkerR: Then it's not an issue16:20
szadextraclassic, looked on some of tutorials, but i couldnt find an explanation on my problem.16:21
SpikestuffI installed Ubuntu 11.04 via Wubi on Windows Vista, so now there is a few partitions I have, Ubuntu, Windows Vista, etc. I want to simply have a full, clean installation of Ubuntu. How would I go upon doing this? I didn't use a CD/DVD because I was given this laptop, and the previous owner doesn't remember the BIOS password.16:21
obeyanceOk i restarted and logged in under safe mode and everythign is working correctly. Looks just like the previous 2 versions on the UI too. That side bar thing is gone. How do i get normal mode to revert to these settings?16:21
SpikestuffSo, unfortunately, I can't change the boot priority...16:21
Riginyes gimp is a complete replacement to photoshop16:21
Lartza+1 GIMP16:21
Lartzagimp > photoshop16:21
ParkerRLartza, http://cl.ly/0F2B3m021J1M2y040W3E16:22
ActionParsnipSpikestuff: there will be a shortcut key at boot to select the boot device16:22
LartzaParkerR: Horrible URL I can't visit from tty...16:22
LartzaParkerR: What is that?16:22
ActionParsnipgimpshop is also an option (not sure if its still maintained)16:22
ParkerRA screenshot16:22
LartzaActionParsnip: Not maintained for few years16:22
extraclassicszad: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently16:22
louigihey guys! using ubuntu 10.04. When I call out a program in terminal (specimen ~/Sessions/project1) it opens and opens project1. If I create a launcher on panel and put same line in command, it will open the program but not the project. Anything I am doing wrong?16:22
prt1990which software in ubuntu will be good for song editing?16:22
DanaGLartza: install gpm16:23
DmoleRigin: gimp is missing many photoshop features (it is however quite good for most people)16:23
DanaGit'll give you console mouse.16:23
SpikestuffHold on, ActionParsnip, let me try that.16:23
LartzaDanaG: I don't have a mouse16:23
szalSpikestuff: either what ActionParsnip said, or, if the warranty has expired, open the case & reset the BIOS (should be in the manual how to do that, I guess; normally it's taking out the BIOS buffer battery & changing and re-changing a jumper)16:23
extraclassicprt1990: ardour is a DAW16:23
akitaAkuw, you can find root, kernel and initrd with the help of this prompt and tabs autocompleting?16:23
dydi've installed mdadm with mirroring, how can i check if it works?16:24
HeatMzzrif anyone is here.. i want to change my resolution in my tty screens, im using ubuntu 11.04 on a acer z5600.. the resolution of my screen is 1920x1080 but in tty everything looks small and text doesnt take up whole screen...  help?16:24
=== MicroWolf is now known as mang0
=== mang0 is now known as MicroWolf
climbe2lartza, do I change the root directory under "set root='(hd0, 5)' ", or under "linux /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-33-generic root=UUID=e3df...blah..." ??16:24
Lartzaclimbe2: The second I think16:25
KommaHHey everyone, I'm having issues with the clock drifting on my Xen VPS. I've installed ntp and ntpdate which sync's the clock periodically, but the clock is still drifting between that time.16:25
Lartzanot sure about those all at all now :P16:25
milen8204hello all I have one old scratched CD, say any program whit I can try open it ?16:25
Dmoledyd: there are instructions on how to simulate drive failure, or you could just swap a drive and let it rebuild.16:25
SpikestuffI am just brought to the Windows Boot Manager, ActionParsnip, when I try to press the key that's supposedly the boot menu key, any ideas?16:25
greysteroh well thats it for me!16:25
SubstreamAIawk '$3 !=0 {print substr($0,index($0,$4))}' File.txt       this prints $4 to the EOL on TOP of $1  ?!!16:26
szalKommaH: wait a few days; it should stop drifting over time16:26
grendal_primehey i have an atheros physical network adapter that stoped working after i upgraded my kernel.  I reinstalled the atheros driver and modprobed it (process i do everytime i get a new kernel) still no luck16:26
grendal_primethe wireless card works fine16:26
thunder1212i ran this command today on terminal and system won't boot now, find / -delete -iname "*firefox*"16:26
SubstreamAII want it to print $1 after16:26
Lartzamilen8204: Try other drives, program won't really matter16:26
thunder1212can someone explain what it actually did16:26
grendal_primebut i really prefer using the wired connection...any help with trouble shooting would be greatly appreciated...dmesg returns no errors16:26
dydDmole: thanks16:27
milen8204Lartza, what are you mean of other drives ?16:27
Dmolemilen8204: use a CD buffer, then try XLD, EAC, or something like that16:27
timrcDmole, I appreciate screen and byobu when I don't have access to a window manager16:27
Lartzamilen8204: Another disc drive16:27
milen8204Lartza, to try on other PC ?16:27
timrcDmole, usually I'll break up a terminal when I have multiple screens and then want to recombine them when I do not (e.g. I'm on the go)16:27
Lartzamilen8204: Yes, or change your current disc-drive16:27
thunder1212is my data secure? my partitioning scheme was /, /home, swap all ext416:28
LartzaUnless that other PC has identical drive16:28
szalDmole: EAC is Windows software16:28
SubstreamAIawk ' {print substr($0,index($0,$4))}' File.txt       this prints $4 to the EOL on TOP of $1, I need it to print after, can you please help?  :)16:28
szalmilen8204: audio or data CD?16:28
milen8204szal, i don`t know :D16:28
milen8204data I think16:28
Dmoleszal: yes I was giving him hints on what to google for options16:29
szalDmole: in case of a data CD, EAC is pretty pointless anyway :P16:29
Dmoletrue that16:29
greysterwell, well, well16:30
milen8204szal, I think there is a data16:31
swebE: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)16:31
swebE: Unable to lock directory /var/cache/apt/archives/16:31
swebwhat is my problem with 'apt-get'16:31
xanguasweb: close the other(s) package manager16:31
Eighteensi've installed ubuntu on a few different computers lately, very satisfied, however the sound is garbled sometimes, not all the time. If i stick a store bought music cd in my player, it will play song 1 fine, "sometimes" then when it gets to song 2 i get this train wreck sound, and same with song 3, but when it gets to song 4 it will clear up, or the results could be completely opposite, won't play song 1 correctly, i hear audio, but16:32
swebE: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)16:33
swebE: Unable to lock directory /var/cache/apt/archives/16:33
swebwhat is my problem with 'apt-get'16:33
Dmolemilen8204: if you can't read the disk at all you should clean and buff the disk, if you have trouble after that you can use better hardware, if that fails you can use dd to make an image of it and inspect it for file recovery with some forensics tools from the backtrack ubuntu toolset or distrobution16:33
szal!repeat | sweb16:33
ubottusweb: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:33
Eighteensin addition, the garbled sound never existed from live cd tho, everything is flawless, what to do to fix this16:33
szalsweb: how did you run it?16:33
IdleOnesweb: do you have Software Center open?16:33
swebszal, idc16:33
ross`ok unity is the most terrible thing ever, it took me 10 minutes to figure out the only way to run a terminal was to go to /usr/bin16:33
ross`who made this software16:33
ross`and why is it so broken16:33
Dmolesweb: are you root16:34
swebIdleOne, no just during installation postfx i close the terminal window16:34
ross`this is so painful, lukily i insatlled this for someone who is not too god with computers16:34
swebDmole, yes16:34
ross`also how do i make it so unity or gnome doesn't lock the user session16:35
HeatMzzrif anyone is here.. i want to change my resolution in my tty screens, im using ubuntu 11.04 on a acer z5600.. the resolution of my screen is 1920x1080 but in tty everything looks small and text doesnt take up whole screen...  help?16:35
ross`or waits longe16:35
Dmolesweb: if you think nothing should have a lock on it .... oh sometimes it gets locked by the auto checker, you can kill it and retry16:35
milen8204Dmole, thanks what is dd?16:35
swebDmole, restart can help16:35
icerootdoes the minimal-cd provides lvm and sw-raid at installation16:35
Dmolemilen8204: type "man dd" into terminal or google16:36
louigihey guys! using ubuntu 10.04. When I call out a program in terminal (specimen ~/Sessions/project1) it opens and opens project1. If I create a launcher on panel and put same line in command, it will open the program but not the project. Anything I am doing wrong?16:36
Akuwi can`t find menu.lst in /boot/grub/16:36
milen8204Dmole, ok thanks16:36
Dmolesweb: the update pid is likely to start up as soon as you restart but you can try.16:36
ross`how do i make it so unity doesn't lock the session so fast16:36
DmoleAkuw: you are using grub216:37
Dmoleross`: i would expect it to be close to the screensaver or power settings, but I don't know16:37
AkuwGNU GRUB 0.9716:37
ross`Dmole: found it, thanks16:38
ross`Dmole: unity really makes me angry16:38
ross`its more locked down then windows16:38
DmoleAkuw: paste bin "sudo ls -hal /boot/grub/"16:38
Akuwfinally i load OS16:38
fabzor3hey people16:39
fabzor3whats cracking16:39
grendal_primenevermind i figured it out16:39
grendal_primesomething stupid16:39
* fabzor3 floats around16:39
ross`why do i have to open the file viewer and go to /usr/bin just to get to a terminal?16:39
ross`please tell me that :p16:39
SubstreamAIawk '{print substr($0,index($0,$4))}' File.txt       this prints $4 to the EOL on TOP of $1, I need it to print after, can you please help?  :)16:39
fabzor3what u mean bro?16:39
fabzor3like nautilus?16:39
ParkerRross`, you shouldn't have to16:39
thunder1212i ran this command today on terminal and system won't boot now, find / -delete -iname "*firefox*"16:40
ross`fabzor3: perhaps im stupid :p, whatever ubuntu uses these days nautilus, thunar16:40
climbe2lartza, still around?16:40
ross`im coming from a light weight window manager and gentoo16:40
ParkerRross`, what's going on?16:40
ross`ubuntu akes me angry16:40
ross`this is a friends computer im setting up for them16:40
ParkerRWell we already knw that16:40
ross`ParkerR: all fixed now :)16:40
climbe2as I am trying to find where root= actually is, I am using Tab to list the completions...can't find /dev/sdb where root should be16:41
ParkerRMan I love WINE16:41
grendal_primeits gotten allot better thats for sure16:41
climbe2I found /root, but not sure what to do from here16:41
ActionParsnipParkerR: tis tasty :)16:41
dr-willisclimbe2:  it maybe getting defined via uuid16:41
ParkerREspecially straight from the bottle XD16:41
grendal_primeits pretty good for introducing viri to your system as well hahahaha16:41
ParkerRNot really16:42
climbe2all of the kernel versions have root=UUID=e3fd blah blah16:42
ParkerRMalware doesnt know what to do in a wine prefix16:42
climbe2but none will boot16:42
dr-willisived tested malware in wine. :)16:42
ParkerRIt doesnt have a lot of the files they attack16:42
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: only in ~/.wine so who cares ;)16:42
ParkerRYou can just delete the bottle :)16:43
ParkerRAnd make a new one16:43
dr-willisclimbe2:  tou could change it to root=/dev/sdxx then16:43
Lartzaclimbe2: Now am again :)16:43
kwvargaInstalling ubuntu and resizing partition on 500gb harddrive, looks like it has been frozen at about 50% for about 30 minutes, only messages i can see in the little terminal window is networking/wireless related16:43
kwvargaAny ideas on how long it is supposed to take? Should i be worried16:44
grendal_primeActionParsnip, ya...ive seen machines that have them but ya your right it doenst seem to go any further than that..funny article states...Linux just isn't user-friendly when it comes to viruses. You have to work to find and run them. It doesn't happen automatically as it does with Windows. The GNU/Linux folks really should improve this glaring discrepancy.16:44
dr-williskwvarga:  resizeing a 500gb ntfs?16:44
climbe2sdxx...what is that?16:44
Lartzaclimbe2: Your root partition16:44
climbe2can't find /dev/sdb16:44
grendal_primepretty funny.16:44
dr-willisclimbe2:  you said it was sdb  .....16:45
Lartzaclimbe2: /dev/sdaX then possibly16:45
climbe2that's what i remember it being16:45
kwvargadr-willis ext416:45
greysteroh well16:45
climbe2I think sda has windows on it..the initial OS before I partitioned and added ubuntu16:45
dr-willisclimbe2:  it would be like sdb1  or similer. not just sdb16:45
Lartzaclimbe2: Partitions are sda1 sda2 sda316:45
grendal_primejust a note to anyone looking for a good machine.  I love my acer aspire one d255.  I cant do anything without it anymore.16:45
Lartzaclimbe2: so try sda2?16:45
Lartzaor 3?16:45
Adam_can someone help me set up permissions.  I am using windows explorer and trying to alter files on our ubuntu webhost server but have no access to write.16:46
Lartzawin7 might have tis boot partition as first?16:46
LartzaAdam_: Samba?16:46
Adam_i believe so16:46
grendal_primeits the first non dell machine i have bought in over 5 years and im very impressed with it.  Asside from the hardwire interface needing a kernel driver is a flawless machine16:46
LartzaAdam_: What is the smb.conf entry for that directory?16:46
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: I'm loving my gt540 :)16:46
LartzaAdam_: It might be wrong :)16:46
Adam_let em see16:46
ParkerRgrendal_prime, hehe16:47
Adam_where is that located?16:47
LartzaAdam_: /etc/samba16:47
grendal_primeActionParsnip,  this thing is a netbook.  with 4 atoms in it.  First mutithreading atoms on market i believe.  Pretty bad ass.. only thing it wont do is vritualization.16:47
grendal_primeand actuall it will do it..just that the hardware does not run it ..os does. wich is ..well slow.16:48
grendal_primeActionParsnip, im in the middle of buying a gt40016:49
ParkerRI like running those fake cleaners in WINE16:49
evan_need help16:49
LartzaParkerR: Fake cleaner?16:49
k10me too16:49
gulzarin ubuntu we have startupmanager to change the grub settings. How to do it in K-Ubuntu?16:49
ParkerRLke the fake antivirus stuff16:49
k10make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.16:49
k10what to do?16:49
evan_pls help me out on ubuntu 9.1016:49
k10make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.16:49
Lartzak10: ./configure ?16:49
macogulzar: you can run startupmanager regardless of your desktop environment16:49
Lartzak10: Don't spam16:50
macok10: check teh README or INSTALL file16:50
ParkerRevan_, what's wrong?16:50
k10it says ./ configur16:50
Adam_I have it open, not sure what should be set to what XD16:50
gulzarmaco: startupmaanger is not showing in the repository16:50
k10then make16:50
Lartzak10: Then that's it16:50
SubstreamAIawk '{print substr($0,index($0,$4))}' File.txt       this prints $4 to the EOL on TOP of $1, I need it to print after, can you please help?  :)16:50
gulzarmaco: I mean the packagemanager16:50
k10what tats it?16:50
Lartzak10: It should start compiling16:51
copperminewheres a download link for ubuntu cd iso for a laptop with 192mb ram 500mhz cpu?16:51
macok10: you put a space between the / and the configure. why's that?16:51
ActionParsnipgrendal_prime: I'm looking at a Samsung S, the network is fast. Its what I use most, more than my laptop16:51
coppermineall i care about is text16:51
copperminegui would be nice for wireless16:51
ActionParsnipcoppermine: try Lubuntu16:51
k10its ./configure16:51
Lartzak10: And then make16:51
macoor damn small linux...16:51
LartzaWhat is this you are trying to compile16:51
ActionParsnipcoppermine: you can use wicd, it has wicd-curses which is a nice text gui for wifi16:51
Lartzamaco: Unmaintained16:51
coppermineActionParsnip: comes with lubuntu?16:52
macoLartza: still has a better chance of running on 192mb than ubuntu16:52
Lartzamaco: Ubuntu is bloat :P16:52
ActionParsnipcoppermine: you can change it, lubuntu comes with network manager16:52
ActionParsnipLartza: install minimal, then build up16:52
macoLartza: yeah, it assumes your computer was made this century...16:52
LartzaActionParsnip: Still16:52
Lartzamaco: Mine is still would be on the edge with ubuntu16:52
gulzarin ubuntu we have startupmanager to change the grub settings. How to do it in K-Ubuntu? Startup-manager is not in the packagemanager and cannot be installed from commanline.16:52
kwvargaInstalling ubuntu and resizing ext4 partition on 500gb harddrive, looks like it has been frozen at about 50% for about 30 minutes, only messages i can see in the little terminal window is networking/wireless related. Should I be worried? Anyway to get any more detail?16:52
climbe2lartza, mount: mounting /dev/sdb2 in /root failed: invalid argument.  mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: no such fil or dir, mounting /sys on /root/sys failed, mounting /proc on /root/proc failed, etc.16:53
Rudolf_What is the default root password for fedora 1516:53
climbe2target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init16:53
Lartzaclimbe2: Yea yea16:53
xanguagulzar: it isee16:53
xanguait is*16:53
Lartzaclimbe2: It's wrong to have root=/dev/something then I think16:53
LartzaOh wait...16:53
LartzaOr sdb2 is not your root16:53
gulzarxangua: it is what?16:53
climbe2where would it be otherwise? I can use the tab>complete option to find where it should be16:53
climbe2but none of the sdXY seem to be on the disk...can't find them using the complete option16:54
evan_beetel bg60 usb modem not detected why?16:54
evan_beetel bg60 usb modem not detected why?16:54
evan_beetel bg60 usb modem not detected why?16:54
climbe2wouldn't they be under /dev?16:54
FloodBot1evan_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:54
ActionParsnipRudolf_: fedora isn't supported here16:54
Lartzaclimbe2: They... *sigh*16:54
climbe2oh god16:55
ActionParsnipLartza: no, if you install lxde and lxdm, you have a very trim OS16:55
xanguagulzar: apt-cache search startupmanager16:55
Lartzaclimbe2: ls /dev/sd*16:55
LartzaActionParsnip: Not really16:55
LartzaActionParsnip: I get Gnome stuff on every package for example16:55
LartzaActionParsnip: Other dependencies too that should be optional16:55
ActionParsnipLartza: not if you use the -no-install-depends  then you won't pull in the fluff16:55
ActionParsnipLartza: most are16:55
TRiPTECis there a link how to fix this compiz uses 100% cpu16:56
LartzaTRiPTEC: What GPU?16:56
LartzaTRiPTEC: What GPU?16:56
Seven_Six_TwoUsing 11.04 on HP G60 laptop (athlon X2, gforce 8200m) I recently started having trouble with suspend. I can suspend fine, but resume doesn't show anything but a black screen. alt+ctrl+f1 does nothing, so I can't find out what is going wrong and I have to do hard reset.16:56
TheEvilPhoenixTRiPTEC:  what graphics card?16:56
TheEvilPhoenix(aka GPU)16:56
TRiPTECnvidia 8800gt16:57
awesometaneousis there a command that will kind of show about a certain program? I really want to know the version I have of a certain application16:57
sloucherI'm struggling wtih grub. The installer wants to know which partition to install grup? I should choose the partition that the / lives on even though that's an encrypted lvm partition?16:57
TRiPTEC176 I think16:57
Seven_Six_Twoalt+sysrq+ r,e,i,s,u,b   does nothing as well16:57
TRiPTEC173 maybe16:57
LartzaTRiPTEC: But proietary nvidia yea16:57
LartzaTRiPTEC: You should get a newer though...16:57
=== xindzz`off is now known as xindz
climbe2lartza, where can i type the command ls /dev/sd* ?16:58
Lartzaclimbe2: Where do you tab complete?16:58
TRiPTECnow it actually works but when I set my desktop to twinview I'm f**ked16:58
macoTRiPTEC: watch the language16:58
TRiPTECdidn't I?16:58
LartzaTRiPTEC: Get 275 for starters16:58
TRiPTECfrom nvidia?16:58
LartzaTRiPTEC: ubuntu repos of course16:59
TRiPTECI'll chekc16:59
LartzaTRiPTEC: Always16:59
LartzaTRiPTEC: Never get from nvidia.com16:59
Bipuli want to make a presentation for my project but i need something that can run on windows also is there anything available ?16:59
LartzaBipul: libreoffice, powerpoint with that16:59
LartzaBipul: Can be opened with libreoffice, openoffice or microsoft office in windows17:00
TRiPTECLartza, highest I see is 18517:00
BipulLartza,  ? really ? beacuse i am the only linux user and i need something so that it can run on windows17:00
LartzaBipul: Libreoffice17:01
pedronvelosoI want to configure a FTP accesible folder in a specific directory, and that can allow anonymous login. I've installed pureFTP but I can't figure out where to set the path of the share neither how to allow anomynous login. help17:01
xanguasince almost a year microsoftoffice supports ODF Bipul, of course if you have it updated17:01
LartzaBipul: It can make power points17:01
BipulLartza,  whear i shud get it17:01
sloucherI'm struggling wtih grub. The installer wants to know which partition to install grup? I should choose the partition that the / lives on even though that's an encrypted lvm partition?17:01
LartzaBipul: apt-get install libreoffice17:01
climbe2lartza, in grub when I press e to edit, go down to 5th line root=/ and press tab, gives me a list of possible files/directories17:01
Bipulxangua, ?17:01
xanguaBipul: or jou just can save the presenttion as 'compatible' msoffice format17:01
Lartzaclimbe2: ... that's not right probably17:01
=== Patrick is now known as Guest58167
TRiPTECpedronveloso, there's tons of docs on both pure and pro - ftp17:02
LartzaTRiPTEC: Newest is 27+.41.0617:02
BipulE: Unable to locate package libreoffice ?17:02
climbe2I have the option to press ctrl-a for command line17:02
LartzaTRiPTEC: *27017:02
TRiPTECwhat repo do you have?17:02
LartzaTRiPTEC: natty17:02
TRiPTECI just search for nvidia in synaptic17:02
BipulLartza,  it's not there in Ubuntu repositories <E: Unable to locate package libreoffice17:02
TRiPTECshould i do something more leet?17:03
Rudolf_Help please17:03
pedronvelosoTRiPTEC, that's the problem, I just want a simple share. documentation looks like the bible to me :P17:03
SubstreamAIawk '{print substr($0,index($0,$4))}' File.txt       this prints $4 to the EOL on TOP of $1, I need it to print after, can you please help?  :)17:03
Rudolf_I am in fedora17:03
LartzaTRiPTEC: What ubuntu versionm are you on?17:03
Rudolf_I cant acces root17:03
LartzaUbuntu has old nvidia too...17:03
ActionParsnipRudolf_: sudo -i17:03
surfdueCurrent ssh is ignoring my key and i need to know do the files have to be a certain permissions17:03
ActionParsnipRudolf_: fedora is offtopic here, this is ubuntu support17:04
BipulE: Unable to locate package libreoffice Lartza17:04
TRiPTECpedronveloso, I'm abit rusty but one of those ftpd's uses something similar to apaches .htaccess and if u know that the it should be a walk in the park17:04
LartzaBipul: What version of ubuntu?17:04
ActionParsnipBipul: what is the output of: lsb_release -d17:04
BipulLinux bipul-desktop 2.6.35-30-generic #54-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 7 18:40:23 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux17:04
TRiPTECLartza, natty-backports and proposed?17:04
BipulLartza, Ubuntu 10.1017:04
pedronvelosoTRiPTEC, I don't know that. btw, is there something with a GUI that allows the set up of FTP shares?17:05
LartzaBipul: You need the ppa then17:05
LartzaTRiPTEC: natty17:05
Rudolf_I know17:05
LartzaTRiPTEC: You have old Ubuntu17:05
LartzaTRiPTEC: 10.10?17:05
Rudolf_But tis urgent17:05
TRiPTECpedronveloso, pure admin17:05
TRiPTECpedronveloso, pureadmin*17:05
schaohey, is there any logo design program for Ubuntu ?17:05
szalRudolf_: -> #fedora17:05
ActionParsnipBipul: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/01/install-libreoffice-in-ubuntu-from.html17:05
LartzaTRiPTEC: Then newest is 27017:06
ActionParsnipRudolf_: so why ask when "you know" it's offtopic17:06
LartzaTRiPTEC: apt-get install nvidia17:06
szalLartza: nvidia-current17:06
LartzaSorry, what szal TRiPTEC17:06
Lartzaszal: Why is it -current?17:07
Rudolf_What to do17:07
szalLartza: because there's 2 legacy options also available17:07
szalRudolf_: /join #fedora17:07
climbe2lartza, ls /dev shows no sdXY, ls /dev/sd* file not found17:07
TRiPTECnvidia-settings is 270.2917:07
Lartzaszal: So? It could be "nvidia" and legacy are named other17:07
=== io is now known as Erosion
LartzaTRiPTEC: Doesn't matter17:07
szalLartza: I know what I'm talking about17:07
Bipulhow to know i have Gnome or KDE?17:08
Lartzaszal: Also nvidia-current is old so :)17:08
TRiPTECE: Unable to locate package nvidia17:08
szalLartza: 270 is nvidia-current, then there's nvidia-173 for GeForce FX and nvidia-96 for GeForce 3 and 4 series17:08
LartzaTRiPTEC: nvidia-current17:08
schaoOops I asked Is There Any Logo Design Program for Ubuntu ?17:08
Rudolf_I am not registered17:08
Lartzaszal: yea so nvidia = 270, nvidia-17 and nvidia-9617:08
szal!register | Rudolf_17:08
ubottuRudolf_: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode17:08
Lartzastill dont need the necessity for -current17:09
TRiPTECLartza, sweet, somethings happening;)17:09
LartzaTRiPTEC: Make sure you don't update to anything over 270 in the future17:09
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
LartzaIf ubuntu gets any update to nvidia-current17:09
Lartzaon natty17:09
TRiPTECoh, wtf? It's some kind of mac lookalike this unity?!?17:09
szalTRiPTEC: obviously17:09
LartzaTRiPTEC: NO the bar is on the left! Silly you to think of that...17:10
TRiPTECszal, but why dear god why?17:10
LartzaThey also removed lot of GTK2 compatibiity and stuff, all for the greater good17:10
andrewSthe only way i know how to start xchat on 11.04 is typing "xchat" from console, since i can't find the link anywhere after installation. is there a method to prevent a console window from hanging there for the duration of the time i run xchat/irc?17:10
szalTRiPTEC: what do I know..  I don't care also, I use KDE ^^17:10
andrewSlike a silent run or something?17:10
LartzaAnd I was talking about GNOME3 actually17:11
LartzaBut unity is more or less that so17:11
ubottuGnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.17:11
LartzaActionParsnip: ...17:11
LartzaNobody wanted gnome3 :D17:11
TRiPTECLartza, yeah I've always used fluxbox but it takes days to get it working and I felt it might be time to take a step in some other dir but..17:11
LartzaTRiPTEC: I've always used openbox, takes 15 minutes max17:11
LartzaTRiPTEC: For some reason now I got LXDE which uses Openbox but is a DE17:12
LartzaNot really that good17:12
xanguaandrewS: xchat &17:12
LartzaPure openbox is better :)17:12
andrewSxangua, <3<3 to you17:12
szalLartza: nobody really wanted KDE4 either back when it came out..  difference in approach: the KDE team continued to support KDE3 until KDE4 was widely considered usable17:12
TRiPTECyeah, I used to install ubuntu-server and then what i needed and that was awsome but things like automount usb and so on is really nice not to have to setup17:13
Lartzaszal: They dropped Gnome2 support?!17:13
szalLartza: yes17:13
LartzaI thought they had some but...17:13
LartzaStupi.... *sigh*17:13
LartzaTRiPTEC: Don't install server...17:13
LartzaTRiPTEC: It has a server kernel17:13
TRiPTECLartza, so, netinstall?17:14
LartzaTRiPTEC: There is the alternative cd it has some minimal install17:14
KM0201there's nothing wrong w/ the server kernel.17:14
LartzaIf I remember right17:14
LartzaKM0201: For desktop, it's less interactive and slower17:14
KM0201install server edition, slap a GUI on top of it, if thats what you want to do.17:14
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LartzaKM0201: minimal install, GUI17:14
TRiPTECLartza, and I must say server worked for me for 2 years so it wasn't bad and I did alot of work on my old really shitty laptop17:14
andrewSblah. xchat & --> lets me continue to use that console window, but when it closes it also kills xchat. how exactly does the operating system run xchat from a gui link without showing the user a console window?17:15
KM0201Lartza: not in my experience, but ok... and yeah, minimal install will do the exact same things17:15
milen8204which is best program for virtual machine ?17:15
LartzaTRiPTEC: It's not bad just things are less interactive17:15
LartzaKM0201: Another kernel, not the server kernel17:15
ActionParsnipmilen8204: there is no single best app for any single situation17:15
LartzaKM0201: Also the alternative cd has desktop pacakges like X on it while server doesnt but has apache etc17:15
KM0201Lartza: i'm aware of that17:15
ActionParsnipmilen8204: so the answer is: none and all17:15
TRiPTECLartza, as in not so flashy?17:15
LartzaTRiPTEC: Huh?17:15
ActionParsnipmilen8204: it's as intelligent as asking "what is the best colour?"17:15
elkukahi everyone, I-m new in ubuntu and need some help. I-m running live/usb now to resize partition. shrink 290 gb to 190. it-s been an hour at least with gparted. is it common to take that long!?17:15
KM0201TRiPTEC: what exact problem are u having?17:16
LartzaTRiPTEC: I neant you need itnernet to install X from server CD17:16
LartzaTRiPTEC: But it is on alternative17:16
milen8204ActionParsnip, ok which is most popular then others :D17:16
LartzaTRiPTEC: Install is not GUI in either17:16
TheMatrix3000ok, i was installing a package17:16
TheMatrix3000and had to remove it17:16
TheMatrix3000and now im getting tons of errors17:16
TheMatrix3000and apt-get purge doesn't do any good17:16
LartzaWhat did you remove and how?17:16
ActionParsnipmilen8204: qemu, virtualbox, vmware17:16
TRiPTECKM0201, I dunno, it might be fixed now, I guess I have to restart x17:16
milen8204ActionParsnip, thanks :)17:17
BluesKajelkuka,  100g is lotta resizing ..it' may take longer if there's a lot of data17:17
ActionParsnipTheMatrix3000: can you pastebin the terminal of your efforts please17:17
TheMatrix3000<TheMatrix3000> http://pastebin.com/FSPLN48G17:17
TheMatrix3000i tried doing a apt-get purge nagios17:17
PilateSo while doing some package 'trimming' i accidentally removed bind9 and all dependancies, now DNS seems to be pretty much screwed.... anybody have a course of action for repair?17:17
TheMatrix3000but doesn't fix it17:18
elkukaBluesKaj thanks, so I-ll leave it like that for 2 more hours then. I shoulnt cancel it. right_17:18
johnhamelinkHey there, I've mucked up the graphics on my other ubuntu 10.04 machine17:18
johnhamelinkHow do I completely re-install all graphics functionality17:18
ActionParsnipTheMatrix3000: are there any bugs reported?17:19
BluesKajelkuka, don't cancel . resizing in my experience can take 4 hrs if there's a lot of data to move17:19
TheMatrix3000i think i did a dpkg-reconfigure which may have screwed it up17:20
elkukaBluesKaj I think that part of the disk was empty... so there shouldnt be data there. I-ll wait then. thanks a lot17:21
TRiPTECthis driver is activated but not currently in use?17:22
BluesKajelkuka, good luck partitioning takes some patience :)17:22
mrdebTRiPTEC: that is normal for 1104. it still works17:22
dr-willisTRiPTEC:  for what driver.17:22
dr-willismine nvidia saya that also. but nvidia-settings says its ok17:23
mrdebit is a bug that doesnt affect anything17:23
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TRiPTECmy user is currently auto logged in, where do I change this17:24
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dr-willisTRiPTEC:  run nvidia-settings see if it says its used or not17:24
VEndixHi, what is better. The Gnome3 or the enviroment that comes with Ubuntu 11.04?17:25
rww!best | VEndix17:25
ubottuVEndix: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:25
mrdebcan you print and move web browser from another ubuntu computer17:25
dr-willisVEndix: try both and you decide17:25
xanguaVEndix: gnome3 is currently not supported17:25
ActionParsnipVEndix: both and neither17:25
dr-willismrdeb:  print? you can share peinters17:25
nashnashHi everyone17:25
KommaHHey everyone. I'm having issues with my clock drifting in a Xen VPS. The clock drift is very, very bad (2 seconds in 10 minutes). I've installed ntp and ntpdate, however, the clock is still drifting! Could someone please help?17:26
VEndixdo people know how to stop from auto hiding that left panel?17:26
ocxguys, i am not able to install sendmail using sudo apt-get install sendmail17:26
ocxi did apt-get update17:26
ActionParsnipVEndix: if its unity and not unity 2D then its set in ccsm17:26
ocxand it is saying unable to locate package sendmail17:26
dr-willisVEndix:  its a compiz setting in the unity plugin17:26
nashnashI'm trying to make a liveUSB and it won't work. Tried unetbootin and another program like that. Doing it in win 817:26
ActionParsnip!info sendmail17:26
ubottusendmail (source: sendmail): powerful, efficient, and scalable Mail Transport Agent. In component universe, is extra. Version 8.14.4-2ubuntu1 (natty), package size 3 kB, installed size 260 kB17:26
JoAnneOminousWhat's the command I run to try to set up dual monitors?  Is it amdccle?17:26
ocxmy sources.list are the default ones17:26
ActionParsnipocx: do you have universe repo enabled?17:27
ocxand uncommented my cdrom17:27
ocxwhat is universe repo?17:27
VEndixdr-willis: can i talk to you in private?17:27
fshpMiro can download individual file from a torrent?17:27
ActionParsnipocx: its the repo that sendmail is on17:27
JoAnneOminousocx: the Universe repository.17:27
ocxcan you give me the source?17:27
kwvargais there a way to see output from a PID?17:27
ActionParsnipocx: you have it listed, you just need to uncomment it (or use software centre if you have a desktop OS)17:27
dr-willisVEndix:  the webupd8 blog site lists many unity tweaks.  i dont use  unity much.17:27
Barzoghocx : deb http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty universe17:28
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories17:28
TRiPTEChuh, compiz seems to work just fine now, how come it's the 173 nvidia driver that get installed first?17:28
VEndixdr-willis: give me 1 example plz :)17:28
dr-willisVEndix:  of what?17:28
VEndixok i will find it myself17:28
TheMatrix3000i figured it ou17:28
ocxtusing us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu17:29
ocxisisnt it the same?17:29
JoAnneOminousocz: deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid-security universe17:29
JoAnneOminousdeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid-security universe17:29
ocxnatty main restricted17:29
JoAnneOminousThose are for lucid.   I imagine if you replace lucid with natty17:29
ocxand natty universe17:29
JoAnneOminousI guess those are security-specific...sorry...17:29
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TRiPTEClolz, I used the option install beside win7, now my ubunti install have about 1.8 tb17:30
ocxi got those17:31
ocxstill not working17:31
dr-willisyou did apt-get update after changeing your sources?17:31
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ben_qhello, I use fusermount to mount rar-archives containing videos. Now when I mount a folder which is actually in a samba-shared parent folder, it disappears. thus I cannot make mounted content available via samba. how can I change that?17:32
TRiPTECis there any working ext4 driver for win yet?17:32
JoAnneOminousocx: You put deb http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty universe  in your /etc/apt/sources.list, and then do 'sudo apt-get update'...17:32
JoAnneOminousOr, I suppose, you don/'t have to use the repo in France.17:33
ronqbcwhen i leave my computer alone it often freeze or something. what can i do?17:33
dr-willisben_q:  ive never noticed rared  videos  being much smaller in size.. sort of pointless to rar them. nuless they are some lossless codecs i guess.17:33
sk3wysomeone there ?17:33
JoAnneOminousocx: are you using Natty?17:34
ubottuext3 is the default filesystem on older versions of Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org17:34
sk3wyis someone using linux?17:34
dr-willisthat ext3 tool may do ext4 by now17:34
sk3wywhat irc client would you prefer ?17:34
ocxyes natty17:34
dr-willissk3wy:  depends on your needs17:34
sk3wywhat need could I have ?^17:35
JoAnneOminoussk3wy: xchat is a good one.17:35
TheMatrix3000i use pidgin for all my irc needs on ubunt17:35
ben_qdr-willis, that's how the warez scene distributes them and that's how I like to keep them stored to be able to fill requests later on17:35
dr-willisdozens of irc clients to try. i use weechat17:35
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climbe2lartza, still there?17:35
Barzogh<--- irssi17:35
climbe2lartza, ls /dev shows no sdXY, ls /dev/sd* file not found17:35
ActionParsnip!irc | sk3wy17:35
ubottusk3wy: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines17:35
ActionParsnipsk3wy: nice list of clients there :)17:35
sk3wyill try pidgin cuz Im using Ubuntu too17:35
sk3wywhat ???17:35
JoAnneOminoussk3wy: I grew up on the ircii, but it's probably a bit old-skool for your needs.17:35
sk3wywhat list of clients ?17:36
dr-willisben_q:  its pointless for them to do the raring... had that debate with  people in the years gone by. ;)17:36
ActionParsnipsk3wy: read the factoid ubottu gave17:36
wsagentI am using Smuxi17:36
dr-williskvirc has an amazine feature set for an irc client. ;) but i go weechat route17:37
ben_qdr-willis, I'm not exactly sure why they do it, either ^^17:37
ben_qmabe bc of rapidshare17:37
sudokilli think xchat is the best17:37
sk3wythink i got enough for trying^^17:37
sk3wyright know Im using xchat17:38
sk3wywich I dont like much17:38
dr-willisxchat and xchat-gnome are very different17:38
dr-willisbe sure to try the actual xchat17:39
sudokillsk3wy, whats wrong with xchat?17:39
baeekis there a channel for fitness17:39
sudokillits just as fast as the cli ones17:39
JoAnneOminouswhat's wrong with xchat-gnome, just out of curiosity?17:39
dr-willismissing features and gui weirdness i recall17:39
dr-willisxchat has also been getting slimmed down over the years.17:40
JoAnneOminousxchat serves my porpoises.  Haven't tried the gnome version, but I generally avoid gnome/kde stuff if I can.17:40
TRiPTECwhere do I change the number of workspaces and not spanning the top bar over both screens?17:40
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sudokilli just fail to see the point of the cli ones if your running x17:40
sk3wyIve tryed to enter irc.nn-crew.cc17:40
sk3wyjust 2 take a look17:40
JoAnneOminousTRIPTEC: what window manager?17:40
dr-willisTRiPTEC:  if using nvidia - run nvidia-settings and enable twinview and restart x.17:41
sk3wybut I didnt make it17:41
KommaHHey everyone. I'm having issues trying to fix a considerable clock drift (at least 2 seconds in 10 minues) on my Xen VPS. I've installed and configured ntp and ntpdate, however, they don't appear to be helping much. Any help is appreciated!17:41
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TRiPTECJoAnneOminous, compiz i guess?17:41
dr-willisunity has some issues with multi monitor support also17:41
TRiPTECdefault from 11.0417:41
climbe2dr-willis, still having trouble finding my root directory...lartza reccommended 'ls /dev/sd*', but it came up with no file / dir found17:42
JoAnneOminousOh.  I've heard of this 11.04.17:42
skionehi, I just discovered unison and it seems like it solves a lot of the issues I was having using rsync. However I am having trouble figuring out how to ignore a child directory in the sync. The documentation is not clear to me. If I wanted to ignore the logs folder in all subfolders under virtual/ what is the syntax. Here is the current command line: unison /var/www/virtual/ ssh://server2///var/www/virtual/ -owner -group -batch -terse -prefer 17:42
dr-willisclimbe2:  you mean the drive that is mounted to / ?17:42
TRiPTECJoAnneOminous, yeah..17:42
k10No package 'libwnck-1.0' found17:42
k10No package 'libberyldecoration' found17:42
TRiPTEChow do I not auto login when I start the comp?17:43
sudokillTRiPTEC, in the user options in the settings menu unlock it and untick auto login17:43
ssfdre38how can i get GLIB or what is the apt-get install command for it17:43
johnhamelinkHey guys, I'm getting (EE) FBDEV(0): FBIOPUTCMAP: Invalid argument" when I boot up on this 10.04 machine, any ideas?17:43
szalssfdre38: what for?17:44
climbe2dr-willis, not actually sure.... rather new to all of this...can't find sdb1/2 where I think ubuntu is mounted17:44
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wsagentneed help I am not able to install anything from ubuntu software center... getting an error Requires installation of untrusted packages17:44
sk3wyhow can I change the color of my nick ??17:44
ssfdre38szal, im trying to make my own IRC client from xchat and im missing glib17:44
TRiPTECsudokill, thanks but it was "login screen"  here17:45
climbe2http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1807978 describes in better detail my initial problem17:45
dr-willisclimbe2:  use the mount command. it shows the mount devices and points. you may want to read up on how linux mounting works also17:45
dr-willis!mount | climbe217:45
ubottuclimbe2: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount17:45
ActionParsnipwsagent: can you give a pastebin of: lsb_release -a; sudo apt-get update17:46
ActionParsnipwsagent: thanks17:46
climbe2I am unable to use the mount command in grub-command line17:46
dliclimbe2, did it boot before upgrading kernel?17:47
sudokillclimbe2, whatd oes it say?17:47
climbe2yes, it would boot before kernel upgrade I believe....last I remember auto update installed new kernel...after restart would not boot up17:48
climbe2but now none of the past kernels will boot up either17:48
climbe22.6.32-31, 2.6.32-30, etc17:48
skioneanyone can help with unison syntax?17:49
dliclimbe2, in grub2 command line, you can do: search -f /boot/grub/grub.cfg17:49
dliclimbe2, best thing to do is livecd17:50
grimpirateHello, I tried out the LiveCD and everything worked fine17:50
climbe2where can I acquire a live CD?17:50
climbe2is that the same disc I used to install ubuntu?17:50
grimpirateBut when I installed it to my drive, and loaded the OS17:50
szalssfdre38: headers for building software are in -dev packages17:50
grimpirateI have a problem where my display is showing two ghost images17:50
ssfdre38szal, i got it17:50
grimpirateAnd they're flickering and such17:51
dliclimbe2, yes, the installation cd is fine17:51
tech_helpis there a way to mouse click on a lower window without raising it?17:51
grimpirateHow do I fix this, as it didn't happen with the LiveCD?17:51
jimbozoneHi, if anyone can help me out here it would be much appreciated:  I have just attached a 2nd monitor, and wish to run 2 monitors with the 2nd being an extended desktop.  I have this working but my first monitor now is "Unknown" and the native resolution is not selectable (1600x1200)17:51
tech_helpI am in gnome17:51
coz_jimbozone,   which video card?  in terminal   lspci | grep -i vga17:52
climbe2dli, i have tried that, but still doesnt work:    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=180797817:52
dlijimbozone, in a terminal, run: xrandr17:52
dr-willistech_help:  some window managers have that feature. but its rare. make the other window  'always on top' may be easier17:52
mrdebjimbozone: do you know about xrandr17:52
johnhamelinkplease help me, im getting a bit desperate17:52
jimbozone01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV770 [Radeon HD 4850]17:52
SoftarPaulWhy can't I take screenshots? When I click print screen, the mouse loads a half-second and nothing happens17:52
coz_jimbozone,  I am not up on all of ati configuration options but I believe you want to use  "Big Desktop" with that17:53
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.17:53
jimbozoneBig Desktop?17:53
dliclimbe2, can you boot a livecd?17:53
coz_jimbozone,  yeah hold on17:53
climbe2no, I cannot17:53
dr-willishmm. gnome dialog dosent show up eh? theres other screen shot tools. i tend to use gimp17:53
SoftarPauldr-willis: That didn't help me actually. nothing happens.17:53
grimpirateI booted the LiveCD fine, but upon install I now have two ghost images that flicker, how do I resolve this?17:53
ActionParsnipgrimpirate: what video chip?17:54
climbe2it says: deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS _Lucid Lynx_ - release i386 (20100816.1)]/ lucid main restricted17:54
climbe2Repeat this process for the rest of the CDs in your set.17:54
climbe2W: Skipping nonexistent file /cdrom/dists/lucid/main/binary-i386/Packages17:54
climbe2W: Skipping nonexistent file /cdrom/dists/lucid/restricted/binary-i386/Packages17:54
climbe2stdin: error 017:54
FloodBot1climbe2: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:54
Ziga_LCan anyone tell me if Windows will delete my bootloader for linux if i install iz after i ve already installed Linux?17:54
dliclimbe2, what happens? BTW, please try to avoid vague comment like "it doesn't work", it helps to provide specific details, like error messages17:54
ActionParsnipclimbe2: remove the CD as a repository in software centre17:54
grimpirateActionParsnip: I believe it's a standard intel chipset17:54
dr-willisZiga_L:  normally. yes17:54
zykotick9Ziga_L, yes it will.  See !grub for reinstall directions.17:54
grimpirateI'm not running any sort of graphics card17:54
coz_jimbozone,  ah I cant find what I was looking for, so , if no one here knows at this time try the #radeon  channel17:54
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jimbozonecoz: thanks17:55
ActionParsnipgrimpirate: can you give the output of: lsb_release -d; lspci | grep -i vga17:55
jimbozonewill do17:55
dliclimbe2, just boot the livecd (try ubuntu without changing system)17:55
grimpiratesure lemme check that now17:55
SoftarPauldr-willis: When I click [Prnt Scrn] it loads, but nothing more17:55
ActionParsnipgrimpirate: you are it's just nitegrated to the motherboard, the OS doesn't care and sees it as attached to the PCI express bus17:55
climbe2how do I boot the live cd?... it tries to boot, but gives me Error 0 and kills it17:55
dr-willisSoftarPaul:  try other screenshot software perhaps17:55
SoftarPauldr-willis: Any sugestions? :)17:56
dr-willisclimbe2:  was that the same cd you installed from?17:56
dr-willisSoftarPaul:  i mentioned gimp  earlier17:56
dliclimbe2, make a liveUSB :( it's faster and more reliable17:56
climbe2dr-willis, it was the same CD I installed from17:57
climbe2dli, I will make  a liveUSB now17:57
grimpirate@ ActionParsnip: here it is ->00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03)17:57
grimpirateDid you get that ActionParsnip?17:57
dr-willisclimbe2:  make sure its not a dirty cd.17:58
SoftarPauldr-willis: But gimp can't take screenshots? o.O17:58
venik212I cannot log on to the NX server in 11.0417:58
dr-willisSoftarPaul:  yes it can.17:58
SoftarPauldr-willis: please tell me how17:58
venik212the NX server is running (64 bits, ubuntu 11.04)17:58
dr-willisi take/edit them all the time in gimp17:58
skionebtw to ignore a path its -ignore "Path logs" to the options segment in unison. Just in case anyone was wondering17:58
k10No package 'libstartup-notification-1.0' found17:59
dr-willisSoftarPaul:  its in the menus somewgere17:59
k10plz help17:59
k10installing beryl17:59
k10No package 'libstartup-notification-1.0' found17:59
celestica_-k10: Try installing this package via the apt-get package manager17:59
dr-willisk10:  beryl is dead17:59
Picik10: beryl no longer exists.17:59
ubottuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz17:59
ActionParsnipgrimpirate: and the output of:  lsb_release -d17:59
everettI have a problem with 11.04 that it will not tether to cell phone 10.10 will and so will windows 11.04 will connect to other wireless points but not the cell 10.10 running from cd will but 11.04 will not any clues17:59
climbe2dr-willis, what version should I make the LiveUSB from...I am running 10.04.1 as far as i know18:00
grimpirate@ ActionParsnip: It says Ubuntu 11.0418:00
k10how to install compiz18:00
dr-willisclimbe2:  may as well use the same18:00
ActionParsnipk10: its ni a default OS18:00
Picik10: It should already be installed.18:00
wsagentActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/648437/  as per your suggetion18:00
ActionParsnipwsagent: i suggest you remove or change http://mirror.noreply.org  to maverick, it currently points to Intrepid which is long dead18:01
ActionParsnipwsagent: sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com CFF71CB3AFA44BDD18:02
ActionParsnipwsagent: will also import the GPG key you missed18:02
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grimpirateWhy would the LiveCD display graphics just fine and not a system install?18:03
jimbozonedli/mrdeb: ok I've run xrandr, and no, I've never used it before18:03
KM0201grimpirate: whats your graphics device?18:04
dlijimbozone, get dual monitor up now?18:04
grimpirate00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03)18:04
=== Anonymous is now known as Guest84875
k10how can i install this then?18:04
KM0201grimpirate: what version of ubuntu? and 32 or 64bit/18:04
grimpirate32 bit18:05
dligrimpirate, that's very old intel video, trouble in newer drivers (not well tested)18:05
grimpirateUnderstandably dli18:05
grimpirateBut the LiveCD displays thing s properly18:05
grimpirateIt was only upon installing the OS that I now have two ghost-like flickering images at 640x480 resolution18:05
dligrimpirate, the same version of X (drivers)?18:05
jakempI've installed libffi-dev, and the files in /usr/lib aren't there18:05
jimbozonedli:  I have both monitors up, but cannot select native resolution18:06
grimpirateI'm unsure how to answer that dli18:06
jimbozonethe resolution is not selectable18:06
grimpirateI basically booted the LiveCD, saw that it ran fine, and then did an install using the full disk18:06
KM0201!bug 162039 | grimpirate18:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 162039 in pidgin (Ubuntu) "pidgin will not start" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16203918:06
KM0201woops, wrong bug.18:06
grimpiratelol no worries18:06
dlijimbozone, can you use xrandr to set modes?18:06
grimpirateI am currently on this messed up Ubuntu18:07
dligrimpirate, boot the livecd, save the /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:07
KM0201grimpirate: looks like you're not the only one, but.. that seems strange, i'm guessing you could manually configure xorg w/ your resolution..  https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+question/16203918:07
jimbozonedli: reading the man now18:07
dligrimpirate, also, can you reset mode by xrandr18:07
everettis there any way of putting 10.10 network settings into 11.0418:07
dlijimbozone, something like: xrandr --output HDMI1 --mode 1280x72018:08
wsagentActionParsnip thanks for your help, i imported the GPG key already but i still have problem to remove or change http://mirror.noreply.org  to maverick18:08
KM0201grimpirate: ActionParsnip (one of the subscribers to that bug) hangs out here.. he's probably here now... try asking him.18:08
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jimbozonedli: thanks, reading then will try :)18:08
grimpirateI did KM0201, I don't think he knows a solution18:08
KM0201oh ok.. sorry... :(18:08
grimpirateHe asked me the graphics card and ubuntu version, but I guess that wasn't enough info18:09
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution18:09
dlijimbozone, or something like: xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1024x768 --primary --output HDMI1 --mode 1280x720 --below VGA118:09
dlijimbozone, xrandr displays detected monitor info18:09
KM0201grimpirate: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution#Adding_undetected_resolutions18:09
TRiPTEChow often do u guys udate?18:10
jimbozonedli: ah ok, will that just add the selectable mode?  or will it just change it this once?18:10
* KM0201 updates every 45min18:10
NCS_OneTRiPTEC: when ever there is an update :)18:10
wsagentActionParsnip:  thanks for your help, i imported the GPG key already but i still have problem to remove or change http://mirror.noreply.org  to maverick18:10
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TRiPTECNCS_One, not cumbersome?18:10
ActionParsnipwsagent: it will be in software centre or /etc/apt/sources.list18:10
funkymonkdoes SSL use PKI to encrypt the communication between the server and client18:11
ActionParsnipTRiPTEC: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade18:11
rhineheart_mwhat's the fastest/lightest ubuntu desktop?18:11
dlijimbozone, if it works, you can add the xrandr to session autostart18:11
NCS_OneTRiPTEC: no18:11
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ActionParsnipTRiPTEC: i run it every day at midnight (cronjob)18:11
dlifunkyHat, openSSL uses RSA key pairs18:11
ActionParsnip!away > MicroWolf|DINNER18:12
ubottuMicroWolf|DINNER, please see my private message18:12
wsagentActionParsnip: do you mean delete the line http://mirror.noreply.org    ???18:12
rhineheart_mI have machines with the following specs: pentium 4 with RAM of 12818:12
funkymonkdli i'm trying to understand how SSL and PKI fit in the bigger picture18:12
dlirhineheart_m, if you don't run X, 128MB is good18:12
wasserhi! i need some help setting up ubuntu. I made a clean installation and when trying to load unity/gnome session the system displays the background but not the bars and I cant do anything except call a terminal and start apps from there18:12
rhineheart_mdli: x desktop?18:12
dlifunkyHat, RSA is one implementation of PKI18:13
NCS_OneI have a HDD of 1TB with 1 partition of 500GB, is it possible, without losing data, to make the existing partition the all HDD size?18:13
truepurple~ = /home?18:13
truepurpleIs ~ the same thing as /home?18:13
dliNCS_One, ext4? it's possible18:13
rhineheart_mwhich has higher specs requirements? ubuntu or xp?18:13
NCS_OneTRiPTEC: no18:13
NCS_Onetruepurple: no18:13
funkymonkdli: oh so SSL is just the protocol that uses a PKI to encrypt the message as in openSSL uses RSA18:13
aeon-ltdrhineheart_m: you could run X but it won't be fancy nothing like gnome, something sparse like openbox on top of a server install willprobably be 40-60Mb with nothing but the desktop running18:14
truepurpleWhat is ~ short for then?18:14
funkymonkand RSA is a specific PKI18:14
baeekhow can i make transmission download faster18:14
NCS_Onetruepurple: ~ = /home/username18:14
baeekhi btw18:14
bsmith093i am nearly flat broke, but all my backups are hosed except the primary drive in my laptop, and i really need to do a reinstall, so does anyone know where i can get ~250gb of ftp accessable storage on the dirt cheap, for like 2 days tops?18:14
grimpirate@ KM0201: It says xrandr failed to get the gamma output18:14
aeon-ltdbaeek: you can't really it's 99% seeder dependant18:14
grimpirateOr rather it failed to get the gamma for the default output device18:14
NCS_Onedli: ext4 (version 1.0)18:14
baeekaeon-ltd is there any better programs?18:14
funkymonkbsmith093: thats a shed load of "temp" space18:15
dliNCS_One, boot a livecd, do gparted18:15
wasserNCS_One, you can use the GParted that comes in ubuntu livecd18:15
oCeanbsmith093: that's not an ubuntu issue18:15
aeon-ltdbaeek: no all torrent programs are pretty much the same18:15
funkymonkdli correct?18:15
NCS_Onedli: its a external HDD18:15
baeeki read about people making it faster18:15
bsmith093i realize that but even external hd are out of my price range18:15
baeekso thats not really true18:15
dliNCS_One, then, just umount everything of the HDD, run gparted18:15
NCS_Onedli: it doesn't have the OS18:15
oCeanbsmith093: try #ubuntu-offtopic, not here18:15
bsmith093alright already ill try there18:16
wasserNCS_One, you dont need the os in the HDD that you want to partition18:16
baeekhow can i get it faster at all?18:16
wasserNCS_One, (or change)18:16
aeon-ltdbaeek: heh nah that's not possible, you can probably get more consistent, but all speed changes are going to be firewall and router related (i.e opening ports)18:16
rkhshmi've noticed a weird problem ...18:16
ActionParsniprhineheart_m: depends on what services will be running on each18:16
baeekhow do i check the ports?18:16
ActionParsniprhineheart_m: generally ubuntu will be lighter but it depends what apps and desktop you run etc18:17
rkhshmwhen i try to run certain videos over the browser i see that in the minimized mode18:17
rkhshmthere is a lot of jittering18:17
NCS_Onedli, wasser: soo I need to install gparted?18:17
wassermy gnome session is not starting after a clean installation of 11.04, any clues?18:17
rkhshmhowever it subsides soon after i hit full screen18:17
wasserNCS_One, it's already installed in ubuntu, just launch it from system menu18:17
wsagentActionParsnip: thanks a lot your the real expert My problem got solved18:17
baeekhow do I open ports in trasmission to get better downloads?18:17
dliNCS_One, if not installed already :(18:17
rhineheart_mjust for browsing..I guess..mozilla is good to go..18:18
NCS_Oneits not, I have Disk Utility18:18
grimpirateActually I have this guys exact same problem18:18
baeekhow do I open ports in trasmission to get better downloads?18:18
Calinouthey are automatically opened, upnp18:19
ikoniabaeek: if you have download happening you already have ports open18:19
grimpirateSame laptop and everything18:19
baeekikonia, i know, can i get it faster18:19
aetasgrimpirate, almost looks like its TwinView splitting the laptop screen in half18:19
baeekikonia, you know what i hate?18:19
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baeekyoutube covers -_-18:19
Psydollhello! I have just done a fresh install of ubuntu and i installed vlc but its not playing a dvd in the drive even when i mount the dvd and select the drive within vlc itself...18:20
grimpirate@aetas: Yeah it's not just that, it sets the smallest resolution and then just flickers and such18:20
Psydollam i missing drivers or codecs or something?18:20
Psydollwhats going on!?18:20
ikoniaPsydoll: what's it actually doing ?18:20
grimpiratePlus the ghosty double images18:20
Jordan_U!dvd | Psydoll18:20
ubottuPsydoll: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:20
ikoniabaeek: it may just be a limitation of your system18:20
gulzarI installed startupmaanger (gome application) in KDE so the download was big but now I removed it after the work is done. But there must be some unwanted packages left. How to remove them?18:20
aetasgrimpirate, you check the monitor config to see if it has dual monitors set somehow?18:20
NCS_Onedli, wasser: and I will not lose any data from the partition, correct?18:20
grimpirateNo there's no other monitor set up18:20
grimpirateI went to the System menu and checked monitors18:20
Psydollikonia: its trying to play the dvd but cant18:21
wasserNCS_One, its always recommended to do a backup, but I never had trouble resizing18:21
grimpirateIt's not detecting any18:21
ikoniaPsydoll: any error ?18:21
aetaswhat about the Xorg config change that the guy in that thread recommends?18:21
NCS_Onewasser: ok, thanks18:21
Psydollikonia: no none that i can see18:21
cgermannPsydoll try running "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras"18:21
ikoniaPsydoll: have you installed things such as lib-ccs as the link that Jordan_U sent to you suggest18:22
cgermannafter that totem should play the DVD for you18:22
ikoniaPsydoll: the libraries used for decyrpting the dvd18:22
jimbozonedli:  xrandr --output DFP1 --mode 1600x1200 --primary18:22
jimbozonegives me18:22
dliNCS_One, if choose to resize the partition, your data should be safe, but still better to backup first18:22
jimbozonexrandr: cannot find mode 1600x120018:22
Psydollikonia: cgermann thanks i think its just something silly vlc is missing18:22
wasserhi gdm starts but my gnome session is not starting after a clean installation of 11.04, any clues?18:22
dlijimbozone, run xrandr without parameter18:22
TRiPTECI changed something in compiz settings and now I dont have any handles and borders on my app windows what gives=18:22
ikoniaPsydoll: have you installed the decyrption libraries18:23
kwvargahow long should it take to repartition (resizing existing partion) from 500gb ext4 to 140/360gb18:23
jimbozoneyep that mode is not there... how to add it?18:23
edbianTRiPTEC: Those are called window decorations.  Can you open ccsm right now?  Try turning the 'window decorations' plugin back on and restarting compiz18:23
ikoniakwvarga: no set time, depends on a lot of things18:23
Psydollikonia: no i dont think so?18:23
aetaskwvarga, such as how full the partition is18:23
edbiankwvarga: Did you erase the partition and then create a new blank one?18:23
cgermannubuntu-restricted-extras should install libdvdcss218:23
Psydollyeah let me try that18:23
ikoniaPsydoll: that is the most likly issue then,18:24
kwvargano i had 500gb with ~100gb of data, resized that to ~150gb and created new partition with space gained18:24
TRiPTECok, they came back bot they dont "respond" should I killall compiz;compiz&; ?18:24
grimpirateok, how about this, how do I set up the currently installed Ubuntu to load with the same options (possibly boot options) as the LiveCD?18:25
grimpirateSince the LiveCD does not produce this double-image flickering issue18:25
truepurpleAny changes in anything in /home doesn't require password athentication, right?18:25
edbianTRiPTEC: If you're talking to me use my name plase :)18:25
dligrimpirate, as I mentioned, check /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:25
edbiantruepurple: that's the idea yes18:25
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grimpirateyes I intend to do that dli, but what do I do once I have that file?18:25
TRiPTECedbian, yeah sorry, so killall compiz;compiz&;?18:26
truepurpleedbian: The idea? You mean it is not always that way in practice?18:26
aetashe means check it for errors18:26
edbianTRiPTEC: give killall and compiz a shot.  Additionally compiz --replace& might work too.  Or logging out and in.18:26
edbiantruepurple: Well the permissions might be wrong.18:26
Psydollcgermann: omg that restricted extras are about 150mbs18:26
edbiantruepurple: It should always be that way.  I'm sure there are some crazy exceptions in the linux world somewhere.18:26
cgermannanyone know of a good How-to to get the screen brightness keys working on a asus U80 laptop18:27
=== MicroWolf|DINNER is now known as MicroWolf
truepurpleedbian: Ah, I didn't understand what you meant by the permissions might be wrong, but that last answer I understood, thanks18:27
edbiantruepurple: sure18:27
aetascgermann, just out of curiousity, if you hit the key in your keyboard shortcut manager does it accept it?18:27
cgermannI am about to install open suse on this thing just to get functional keys.18:28
ActionParsnipcgermann: ubuntu isn't always the answer18:28
seanmc98i pull up my computer and it shows acer(C:\) data(D:\) both are 69.5gigs does that mean the hard drive is partioned?18:28
Psydollcgermann: ive installed those restriced extras and it comes up with a blue screen like a disclaimer is that it all done?18:28
ikoniaPsydoll: have you read the blue screen18:29
cgermannoh its a eula for the MS fonts just accept and let it keep going18:29
ActionParsnipseanmc98: use disk manager to check18:29
NCS_Onedli: if I need to resize the partition where the OS is installed I have to use the live cd, right?18:29
Psydollikonia: yes i scrolled to the bottom18:29
ikoniaPsydoll: ok - so what does that tell you18:29
Psydollthere is an ok button there but you can click on it or press enter18:29
seanmc98ActionParsnip: where do i get that at?18:29
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dliNCS_One, you can not change anything mounted18:29
NCS_Onedli: oh, right. Thanks18:29
ikoniaPsydoll: ok...so......18:30
ActionParsnipseanmc98: rightclick my computer -> manage18:30
dliNCS_One, some FS supports resizing on fly (mounted) or mount time resizing18:30
ActionParsnip!away > xindzz`off18:30
ubottuxindzz`off, please see my private message18:30
NCS_Onedli: ok, thanks18:31
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aetascgermann, you seen this one? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaKeys18:31
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Psydollikonia: cgermann ive installed the restricted extras and vlc still no luck18:32
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ikoniaPsydoll: what DVD are you trying to play ?18:32
MangledBodyhttp://kecy.roumen.cz/Microsoft_product_which_does_not_suck.jpg O:-)18:32
cgermannActionParsnip: Ubuntu my not always be the answer but sometimes we pick it for the big Repos :)18:32
ikoniaMangledBody: please don't post that sort of nonsense here18:32
seanmc98ActionParsnip: the D:\ says healthy(primary partion)18:32
Snarshusing wordpress on a lamp i set up, when i go to the wordpress link in my address bar it attempts to download the .phtml file instead of showing the page, i added the type to the apache2.conf file so that it would run php but still no luck, restarted apache2 as well18:32
ikoniaMangledBody: this channels for ubuntu support discussion.18:32
ActionParsnip!dvd | Psydoll18:32
ubottuPsydoll: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:32
MangledBodyikonia: Sorry... :(18:32
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cgermannAetas: ill take a look and see if i have18:33
ikoniaSnarsh: you shouldn't need to add the type, that suggests you've not got php installed18:33
semitonesIs it possible to re-enable the "are you sure you want to shut down? Shutdown automatically in 60 seconds" message with gconf18:33
ActionParsnipseanmc98: sure but is it on the same disk?18:33
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aetascgermann: it looked pretty relevant...a total pain in the rear but relevant18:33
Snarshi did sudo ae2mod php5 and it says the module is already installed18:33
cgermannyeah i tryed this one :)18:33
aetasSnarsh, how do you have PHP bound to accept those types?18:34
cgermannaetas: tryed that one recall it not working18:34
ikoniaSnarsh: how did you install lamp ?18:34
aetascgermann: aw...18:35
ActionParsnipseanmc98: the guys in ##windows will have a better idea and is where your OS is supported18:35
Snarshi installed apache2, installed php5, installed mysql and set up a database, then downloaded the missing packages which allowed them to communicate with each other18:35
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ikoniaSnarsh: as in through the ubuntu package manager ?18:35
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cgermannUbuntu actually reconises what the keys are supposed to do (becuse the screen brightness HUD appears) it just does not change the setting18:35
Snarshsynaptic, i did cli for apache2, php5, and mysql18:35
spillanyone have experience enabling upnp with shorewall on maverick server?18:36
Jordan_UPsydoll: You really need to read the link given to you. You need more than restricted-extras to play DRMd DVDs.18:36
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trismsemitones: if you are using ubuntu classic, both the shutdown applet and the shutdown command in the panel menus still has the 60 second timer, the shutdown command from indicator-session doesn't have the option as far as I know18:36
PsydollJordan_U: im reading it now and trying to install the librarycss but the command line doesnt let me18:36
aetasSnarsh, so you mean its a default apache2 / php install?  nothing special?18:36
PsydollJordan_U: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install libdvdread418:36
PsydollE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)18:36
PsydollE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?18:36
ikoniaSnarsh: ok, so create a file called test.php in the document root, and do <?php phpinfo(); ?> in the file, then view that file in the browser through the web server18:37
ikoniaPsydoll: you already have the package manager open18:37
ikoniaPsydoll: close the package manager18:37
Snarshit was initially, then i downloaded the php-apache package18:37
jimbozonedli: seems I have to set the resolution to the smallest of the two monitors (they are different monitors with different native resolutions)18:37
jimbozonewhich sucks18:37
aetasSnarsh, libapache2-mod-php5?18:37
ActionParsnipPsydoll: close software center18:37
Snarshyes, that one18:37
dlijimbozone, what do you mean about 'have to'/18:37
aetasSnarsh, ok.  can you go into your config and find the section for php and msg me what you have?18:38
PsydollActionParsnip: ikonia i closed it now i get ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install libdvdread418:38
Psydollubuntu@ubuntu:~$: command not found18:38
tfdevHey folks, trying to install ubuntu for the first time (11.04, dual boot w/ win7, usb install) running into errors. Took a "screenshot" http://i.imgur.com/TwXpa.jpg (hehe), whatcha think? Im on my phone btw, slow to reply.18:38
Psydollubuntu@ubuntu:~$ E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)18:38
Psydollbash: syntax error near unexpected token `('18:38
Psydollubuntu@ubuntu:~$ E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?18:38
Psydollbash: syntax error near unexpected token `('18:38
Psydollsorry will use paste bin18:38
FloodBot1Psydoll: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:38
ikoniaPsydoll: you don't need to repeat it18:38
pandotehello  i have a little problem..18:38
ActionParsnipjimbozone: if you use an xorg.conf file you can set them as you wish18:38
ikoniaPsydoll: you've been here long enough to know not to paste.18:38
pandotei desinstall unity in ubuntu 10.1018:38
jimbozonedli:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution#How_to_setup_a_dual_monitor18:38
semitonestrism: ok that explains why I can't see any options for a counter in indicator-applet. Thanks. I'll try to find their webpage and ask them directly18:38
Snarshaetas: which directory/file? if you are talking about apache2.conf there is no php in the file18:38
ikoniaPsydoll: you have a package manager still open, you need to close all package managment software18:39
rgb247I have a question: I used readfile function to get the file content of a .flv file which are not located under webroot to play this18:39
pandoteand then all are in white18:39
aetasSnarsh, if you are using the default file then it should actually be in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf18:39
rgb247in player, the file doesn't work, anyone know what mime types I need to config for that?18:39
spillanyone have experience enabling upnp with shorewall on maverick server?18:39
trismsemitones: there is a bug, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-session/+bug/54841518:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 548415 in indicator-session (Ubuntu) "Shutdown timer no longer appears" [Undecided,Won't fix]18:39
semitonesgreat, I'll go make a comment :)18:40
aetasSnarsh, when you get it make sure you post it in a msg or pastebin it18:40
Psydollikonia: i dont have anything open other and the terminal, irssi and a brower, still i get the same error18:40
jimbozonedli: its only since attaching the 2nd (lower-res) monitor that I can't select the 1st monitor's native res18:40
jimbozoneit auto-set it to that of the 2nd monitor18:40
dlijimbozone, can you run xrandr?18:40
aetasjimbozone, thats usually because you dont have the correct mode set and its set to mirror the first monitor18:40
ikoniaPsydoll: probable best to reboot just to make sure18:40
Psydollikonia: good idea18:40
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »18:41
ASKidwaihttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11068285#post11068285 <--- need help18:41
munzxhi! guys! i can't drag and drop icons"shortcuts" on my desktop! ... can anyone help me with this!?18:41
jimbozonedli: yep, you want me to paste the output to you?18:41
dlijimbozone, yes, pastebin18:42
aetasSnarsh, ok.  do you have it still set to host from /var/www/html or did you change that already?18:42
cgermannmunzx: what version of Lu/X/K/ubuntu?18:42
munzxubuntu 11.0418:42
aetastheres a Luubuntu?18:42
dli!pastebin | jimbozone18:42
ubottujimbozone: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:42
munzxi cant drag & drop icons directly from the applications menu!18:43
zykotick9aetas, well no, but there is a Lubuntu ;)18:43
jimbozone!pastebin | jimbozone18:43
ubottujimbozone, please see my private message18:43
aetasah ;)18:43
andrilhello all18:43
andrilwhats a good app to make a audio cd with text18:43
Snarshaetas: is that setting in apache2.conf? i just added UserDir disabled root; UserDir public_html to the conf and have the worpdress php files in public_html in my home folder18:43
ActionParsnipAetas: yes using light apps and lxde + openbox for desktop. Works great18:44
cgermannmunzx:I dont think unity supports that yet you have to put it on the launch bar18:44
aetasSnarsh, ok, then your problem is somewhere in there.  we'll have to work with that18:44
ASKidwaihttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11068285#post11068285 <--- need help18:44
jimbozonedli: http://paste.ubuntu.com/648465/18:44
spillneed help enabling upnp with shorewall on maverick server, anyone?18:44
munzxcgerman : i am using classic gnome!18:45
ActionParsnipmunzx: I've dragged apps to unity. Feels weird though18:45
aetasSnarsh, do "ls -l" on your public_html dir and tell me what the permissions, owner and such are set on it as well as your php file18:45
cgermannmunzx:now that is just weird.18:45
Snarsh777 recursively, with owner and group set to my user name18:46
ActionParsnipSpill: try in #ubuntu-server too18:46
cgermannUnity feels as responsive in dragging as my granny's Buick18:46
dlijimbozone, xrandr --output DFP2 --mode 1440x900 --primary --output CRT2 --mode 1280x1024 -r 75 --below DFP218:46
munzxcgermann : it's just in my laptop ... home desktop is fine!18:46
john_rambothere's  this app which lets send/receive files between 2 PCs .. WHats the name of the app ? I forgot18:46
aetasSnarsh, actually I dunno why I didnt see this earlier.  your php config file has userdir disabled for php files18:46
spillk, thanks ActionParsnip18:46
ActionParsnipSnarsh: with 777 the owner is moot18:46
jimbozonedli: ok, but the primary mode I want is 1600x120018:46
aetasSnarsh, disable the IfModule userdir block18:46
munzxi thought that maybe ubuntu tweak missed some of the settings ! .. but i couldt find anything to prove that!18:47
john_ramboa nfs/ samba alternative18:47
aguiteli am trying to install ubuntu 11.04 ,but when the instalation advance it try to make update with servers and it never end ,anyway to install with no updates ?18:48
dlijohn_rambo, sshfs18:48
ActionParsnipjohn_rambo: sshfs using openssh-server18:48
jimbozonedli: so the issue is that 1600x1200 isn't listed as a mode18:48
jimbozone(which is the native mode of the monitor)18:48
Snarshthere it is, worked that time, they disable php in userdir to avoid security risks?18:48
munzxso any clue guys!?18:49
aetasSnarsh, yeah, its bad since it gives everyone on the system php access18:49
aetasSnarsh, (with the default config anyway)18:49
john_rambodli, ActionParsnip The tool I was talking about was GUI based ....sshfs ??18:49
ActionParsnipmunzx: what is your issue?18:50
dlijohn_rambo, nautilus of gnome can do ssh/ftp/samba18:50
john_rambodli, Okay18:50
munzxi cant drag and drop icons "shortcuts" from application menu !18:50
Snarshok thanks for the help, i figured everything else out and its up and running18:50
ActionParsnipjohn_rambo: sshfs gives a secure file transfer and also an sftp service18:50
munzxcgermann : i cant drag and drop icons "shortcuts" from application menu !18:51
ActionParsnipmunzx: drag them where!?18:51
aetasSnarsh, most welcome18:51
munzxto my desktop!18:51
cgermannActionParsnip: he is trying to create desktop shortcuts to applications18:52
ActionParsnipmunzx: well you never said did you...18:52
munzxcgermann clearfied what i want to say! :)18:52
codehotterI cannot edit /etc/network/interfaces : operation not permitted18:53
ActionParsnipmunzx: just right click desktop and create a launcher to run what you want. I've not dragged to desktop before18:53
codehotteris this normal? I am logged in as root, I have permissions to the file, and it's not made immutable18:53
cgermanni am lost on the issue because i always just used Alt F2 to launch programs18:54
ActionParsnipCodehotter: gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces18:54
jimbozonedli:  xrandr --output DFP2 --mode 1440x900 --primary --output CRT2 --mode 1280x1024 -r 75 --below DFP218:54
jimbozonexrandr: screen cannot be larger than 2560x1050 (desired size 1440x1924)18:54
munzxActionParsnip : it works fine (drag & drop) on my desktop pc but not in my laptop!18:54
aetascodehotter, can you paste the "ls -l" line for the file?18:55
jimbozonedli:  and running:  xrandr --output DFP2 --mode 1600x1200 --primary --output CRT2 --mode 1280x1024 -r 75 --below DFP218:55
jimbozonexrandr: cannot find mode 1600x120018:55
cgermannconsistency thy name is not GNOME18:55
jimbozonegives me18:55
jimbozonexrandr: cannot find mode 1600x120018:55
codehotteraetas: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 347 2011-07-19 19:46 /etc/network/interfaces18:55
munzxActionParsnip : i can create launcher but it's just odd to do that everytime! :(18:55
ActionParsnipCodehotter: root login is disabled so you will more than likely be logged in as your user.18:55
codehotterActionParsnip: uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)18:56
john_ramboActionParsnip, dli Found it Its "Giver"  http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/12/19/simple-desktop-file-sharing-with-giver/18:56
dlijimbozone, do you have xorg.conf settings?18:56
jimbozonesure one sec18:56
ActionParsnipmunzx: once you make them you don't havd to again18:56
tfdevhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/648471/ <<< any help much appreciated! If txt did not flow correctly im sorry!18:57
munzxActionParsnip : ok! looks like i have to live with this! ... anyway thanks guys! :)18:57
jimbozonedli: http://paste.ubuntu.com/648474/18:57
dlijimbozone, I don't touch binary drivers :(18:57
ActionParsnipcodehotter: what is the output of: lsb_release -d18:57
codehotterActionParsnip: Description: Ubuntu 11.0418:57
jimbozonedli: I've no idea what you mean18:58
MicroWolfwill www.cx.com work under wine?18:58
MicroWolfIf not, is there another free service that has 10GB space?18:58
ActionParsnipCodehotter: logging in as root is a really bad idea18:58
aetascodehotter, and whoami shows root?18:58
codehotteraetas: whoami shows root. id shows id=0, gid=0, groups=018:59
spillI bneed help enabling upnp with shorewall on maverick server, anyone?18:59
ActionParsnipMicroWolf: dropbox have various price plans18:59
aetascodehotter, one sec, lemme look at something18:59
cgermannMicroWolf: sadly CX integrates with explorer.exe and probably will not work Under wine18:59
MicroWolfActionParsnip: Paying isn't an option as I'm only 14 and don't have a card, my Mum won't pay for that....19:00
MicroWolfcgermann: damn.19:00
johnny_walkeri accidentally removed applications from ubuntu sidebar how can i restore it?19:00
cgermannMicrowolf: your just trying to move files from one machine to another?19:00
ActionParsnipMicroWolf: if you have a desktop pc you can make your own :-)19:00
MicroWolfcgermann: No, I'm backing up stuff....19:01
MicroWolfActionParsnip: how?!19:01
MicroWolfThat would be perfect19:01
aetascodehotter, only other ideas I have is if maybe selinux is disabling access or if you have the mount point mounted as readonly19:01
codehotteraetas: mount shows it's mounted as rw, /selinux is empty19:01
codehotterI would expect /selinux to have files if selinux was active19:02
aetascodehotter, what is the reason that you need to change it?  just curious if there's another problem that may be related19:02
cgermannMicroWolf: i have used this for back up for ages its dated but still works and is in the repositories http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/unison19:02
codehotteraetas: want to create a bridge interface on boot19:02
jakempI am pressing something that shifts all of my virtual desktops in one direction, how do I undo this?19:02
tfdevhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/648471/ <<< Help a nub with his first linux install? Sorry if txt did not flow correctly.19:03
MicroWolfcgermann: thankyou19:03
ActionParsnipMicroWolf: install openssh-server and you can securely work on your files remotely. Just set up a port forward on your router and you can access the data as long as the system is on19:03
aetascodehotter, I would say try creating a file in this directory to see if it lets you19:03
=== redeyyez is now known as BSOD
TreynoOk, long shot, Best OS for python development?19:03
codehotteraetas: "touch test" creates an empty file named test without problems.19:04
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codehotteraetas: in /etc/network that is19:04
MicroWolfActionParsnip: that's great :D19:04
=== B_S_O_D is now known as redeyyez
johnny_walkerif i accidentally deleted the application button on ubuntu sidebar how would i get it back?19:04
cgermannMicroWolf: it syncs data between multiple systems its sloppy and not as sexy as "Cloud storage" but works19:04
aetascodehotter, what about "echo '#' >> /etc/network/interfaces"19:04
oCean!best | Treyno this is not a discussion channel.19:04
ubottuTreyno this is not a discussion channel.: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:04
MicroWolfk cgermann19:04
codehotteraetas: no error, but the # does not appear in the file19:04
ActionParsnipMicroWolf: then you have all the storage space on the system you connect to19:05
MicroWolfyeah thats awesome19:05
MicroWolfActionParsnip: I could even use an old laptop19:05
TreynoI thought linux was os, and im tied to asking particular questions in particular places and following rules19:05
aetascodehotter, if you pwd is it showing you the correct path?19:05
Treynon1 contradiction19:05
cgermannjohnny_walker: find it in the "dash" than drag it back to the sidebar :)19:05
codehotteraetas: pwd shows '/etc/network'19:06
ActionParsnipjohnny_walker: how do you mean "application button"?19:06
johnny_walkeryes actionparsnip19:06
johnny_walkercgermann where is the dash?19:06
MicroWolfActionParsnip: problem with that is sharing public links....what about an FTP server? I've heard and viewd things on them, but I'm not sure how to set one up, or even the principle of one19:06
ActionParsnipMicroWolf: sure. Old hardware make great fileservers19:07
cgermannjohnny_walker:its that big thing that pops up when you hit the ubuntu button :)19:07
codehotteraetas: I had forgotten to escape the #, I actually get the error "-bash: interfaces: Permission denied" when trying the echo19:07
TinfoilIs it possible to install Ubuntu without internet connection?19:07
MicroWolfTinfoil: yeah, i did19:07
aetascodehotter, ok, thats more reasonable19:07
cgermannjohnny_walker: type in the name off the app you lost and drag the icon back19:07
TinfoilWhere would I locate missing files?19:07
MicroWolfActionParsnip: I've gotta old win 95 (originally, now win2000pro) laptop, I could use that19:07
johnny_walkerahah it wont let me drag and drop any of the icons..........cgermann19:07
MicroWolfoh wait19:07
MicroWolfActionParsnip: it doesn't have wifi card. damn.19:08
ActionParsnipMicroWolf: ftp is bad for security, especially for wan facing stuff. For lan its ok otherwise use sftp19:08
cgermannjohnny_walker: it should it is just sloppy19:08
tfdevhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/648471/ <<< any help much appreciated. Sorry if txt did not flow correctly.19:08
cgermannanother way is just to launch thae application19:08
cgermannjohnny_walker: another way is just launch the application19:08
=== MicroWolf is now known as mang0
aetascodehotter, the only other thing I can think of right now is if the filesystem isn't clean or its 100% full it won't write to it but I don't think those cases return permission denied19:09
johnny_walkeroh no i meant the button to see all applications cgermann19:09
aetascodehotter, what filesystem is it on anyway?19:09
=== cristian is now known as Guest82803
johnny_walkercgerman: you must of thought i was retarded lol19:09
Guest82803QUI SON NUOVO19:09
szal!it | Guest8280319:09
ubottuGuest82803: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:09
cgermannjohnny_walker: oh the applications lenz!19:09
codehotteraetas: my / is 5.0% full (has 9.0 GB free). The filesystem is ext319:09
szal!caps | Guest8280319:10
ubottuGuest82803: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:10
johnny_walkercgerman: ahah yeah19:10
cgermannjohnny_walker: looking for a fix19:11
johnny_walkercygerman: thanks19:11
ActionParsnipTfdev: did you md5 test the iso you downloaded?19:11
aetascodehotter, hrm19:11
=== reitsma is now known as rijnsma
codehotteraetas: /proc/modules is empty. (?) Is this normal?19:12
cgermannjohnny_walker: thread on ubuntu forums just says reboot http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=5&ved=0CDUQFjAE&url=http%3A%2F%2Fubuntuforums.org%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D1745458&rct=j&q=ubuntu%20Unity%20lost%20applications%20button%20&ei=WygnTst4objQAbq50MAK&usg=AFQjCNG3IlrgEz7-oqhnGnkczodctYeepA&sig2=D5e5d743TnROzlka9izcdg&cad=rja19:12
ActionParsnipcodehotter: try being your user and use sudo as the OS is designed19:12
tfdevActionParsnip: no, and update: i ran ubumtu from usb this time around and finally got it to boot after ~20 min of error scroll19:13
aetascodehotter, no, unless somehow you have a kernel that doesn't need modules or has them all compiled in19:13
tfdevTrying to install19:13
cgermannjohnny_walker: better url http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174545819:13
codehotteraetas: any harmless module I can try to modprobe to see if it shows up?19:13
ActionParsnipTfdev: then how do you know it was complete and error free?19:14
johnny_walkercgerman already tried restarting it i deleted it from http://www.techdrivein.com/2011/06/how-to-remove-lenses-from-ubuntu-1104.html19:14
aetascodehotter, try parport19:14
johnny_walkercgerman: i deleted it with this information used right click move to trash and it didnt give me the option to restore it in the trash19:14
codehotteraetas: yep, shows up fine19:14
aetascodehotter, its showing up in the list now?19:15
TinfoilDmraid-udev failed to copy on install. DVD check passed. Ram test passed. No internet available.19:15
codehotteraetas: yes parport shows up in lsmod and /proc/modules after I modprobe it. There are still no other modules19:15
ActionParsniptfdev: have you also tested your ram health using the install media?19:15
aetascodehotter, do "ls -ail /etc/network/interfaces" and "sudo ls -ail /etc/network/interfaces" and see if the number is the same19:16
the_foolanyone know how to change twofinger tap on track pad back to a middle click rather then a right click?19:16
=== Guybrush_Threepw is now known as Guybrush88
tfdevActionParsnip: ultimately i didn't. Downloading 700 megs, i tend to hope for the best. Is there a utility with the ubuntu install that lets me check ram health?19:16
ActionParsnipcodehotter: is the partition mounted writable?19:16
codehotteraetas: both commands have the same output: 17292 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 347 2011-07-19 19:46 /etc/network/interfaces19:16
TRiPTECis there a way to reset compiz and unity??19:17
cgermannjohnny_walker:i would remake the applications.place http://pastebin.com/sZWwBCaL is the content of that file19:17
ActionParsnip!md5 | tfdev hope isn't sufficient19:17
ubottutfdev hope isn't sufficient: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:17
ActionParsnipTRiPTEC: reset in what way?19:18
johnny_walkercgerman: great idea i will try that now and tell you if it works19:18
codehotterActionParsnip: /proc/mounts shows /dev/xvda1 / ext3 rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro,barrier=0,data=ordered 0 019:18
tfdevThanks for being patient. Ive never had to run an md5 checksum before. Looking into it...19:18
ActionParsnipcodehotter: did you try using sudo as your user?19:18
cgermannjohnny_walker:I copyied  the content out of my file hopefully they are the same19:18
johnny_walkercgerman: wow really appreciate it man19:19
codehotterActionParsnip: No.19:19
thauriswulfaHELP: How to switch keyboard in firefox between ENGLISH and X language?19:19
ActionParsnipcodehotter: worth a try.19:19
TRiPTECActionParsnip, I changed to rotating cube and then I got a few q's about collisions and I just answered ;) and now the unity menu doesn't showup and I cant start any programs or anything, I had to go to prompt and install fluxbox and kill x to get here19:19
johnny_walkercgermann: wow really appreciate it man19:20
aetasActionParsnip, I figured that would probably work too but I'd still like to know why his normal user can't do it19:20
codehotteraetas: ActionParsnip: While checking the mounts, I have discovered 'none on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs'. It contains a folder 'apparmor'. I am now googling 'apparmor linux'19:20
cgermannjohnny_walker: No problem19:20
TRiPTECI'd like to "reset to default"19:20
aetascodehotter, oooo...that looks like a winner19:20
ActionParsnipaetas: his "normal user" is root. He enabled the account and logged on. Fun and games19:21
aetasActionParsnip, I use it if Im working with something although I don't run actual programs with it19:22
aetaswell, on a non-server anyway19:22
ActionParsnipcodehotter: could always boot live cd and edit the file there. I suspect apparmor is stopping you as the OS is not designed to have root logging in, nor is it needed.19:23
johnny_walkercgermann: oh also if you wouldnt mind do you know how to get an icon for zenmap19:23
aetasI'd have to agree with Action on this one19:24
ActionParsnipaetas: sudo -i  lets you use root-like stuff but keep the actual root account locked19:24
tamranhi all, I'm curious if I've got a vanilla Ubuntu 11.04 install and I want to run (and test) KDE ... will it be a gigantic mess without removing gnome and unity components?19:24
AlexDevilLXAny advanced ubuntu tutorial?19:24
tamranI'm trying to avoid a situation where too many competing services start up when the computer boots ... which would bog everything down19:25
codehotterDidn't know about sudo -i. Is it preferred over sudo su -?19:25
ThinkT510!manual | AlexDevilLX19:25
ubottuAlexDevilLX: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/19:25
ActionParsnipcodehotter: yes19:25
johnny_walkerdoes anyone know how to get an icon for zenmap?19:25
AlexDevilLXAny linux testing?19:25
codehotterActionParsnip: why?19:25
edbiantamran: It will be a bit of a mess but it will be usable.  You'll have a lot of apps that do the same thing.  The services might be very similar but even if they provide the same functionality they won't conflict / crash.19:26
aetascodehotter, cause it lets you keep the account locked so no one can actually login to it directly19:26
tamranedbian: is there a way to make certain services not run if I choose one desktop login over the other?19:26
ActionParsnipcodehotter: its an (i)nteractive sudo session and is closer to if you run each command prefixed with sudo19:26
tamranedbian: I mean, I could manually kill them I guess, but if I'm using KDE it'd be nice to be running a tighter kde19:27
edbiantamran: Sure, System -> Preferences -> Statup19:27
tamranedbian: thanks for responding19:27
codehotteraetas: makes sense.19:27
zykotick9edbian, those technically are not "services".  tamran19:28
codehotteraetas: You've probably had this discussion before, but why do you prefer I don't login with root?19:28
ActionParsnipcodehotter: does: gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces    work as your first user?19:28
edbianzykotick9: true :)19:28
edbiantamran: sure.19:28
codehotterActionParsnip: First of all, this is a console session, not a graphical session. Surely you don't believe I would start my graphical shell as root?19:28
aetascodehotter, its more about what its being used for19:28
edbiancodehotter: If someone wrote some malicious code and you ran it they code would be able to do much more as root rather than  just you.19:28
dr-williscodehotter:  seen it done befor :)19:29
edbianthey could*19:29
aetascodehotter, like me, Ill hop into it if I need root access for awhile but I won't run programs  and "use" the account19:29
edbiancodehotter: This includes some things you might not think about like java in the browser.19:29
tamranI have two more questions: 1) KDM vs GDM (I like KDM much better), but if I decide to run gnome is that going to be another mess? 2) What is the proper install package to install KDE? (one is kubuntu-desktop and other is KDE)19:29
boehmeAnybody on handy with mounting problems?19:30
ActionParsnipcodehotter: you run EVERY process as root if you log in as root. Web browsers, email clients, everything. So a malicious web script will get full system access and can run riot on your OS19:30
dr-willisbiggest danger i see to a system in here are typos while root.19:30
edbiantamran: KDE does not require KDM and vice versa19:30
allowoverrideagrees with edbian but it does require an Xserver19:30
edbiantamran: Just like gnome does not require GDM.  the gnome and kde packages are meta packages that include a bunch of gnome and KDE stuff respectively19:30
zykotick9tamran, "kde" is the debian packages.  kubuntu-desktop is a more Ubuntuized package.19:30
johnny_walkerdoes anyone know how to add icons to an application in ubuntu 11.0419:30
tamranedbian: well, KDM is much nicer IMHO ... I can do theming and such a lot better19:30
codehotterActionParsnip: you missed the part where this isn't a graphical shell, and I'm administrating the system, using another system - one with a graphical shell - to check the web and my email.19:30
tamranzykotick9: ok, so KDE is a bit tighter?19:31
zykotick9tamran, ?  you'd have to test.19:31
edbiantamran: sure, use whichever you like :)19:31
edbianWhat makes a DE 'tight'?19:31
aetasboehme, just ask19:31
tamranedbian: well, it's nicer (my pref).19:31
boehmealright... Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:19:32
boehmemount: according to mtab, /dev/sdb1 is already mounted on /19:32
boehmemount failed19:32
aetashe means pretty19:32
aetaslike a little girl19:32
ActionParsnipcodehotter: basically logging on as not root gives huge security which you gutted from your OS. The fact that you are asking WHY its bad shows your ignorance and is exactly why you should NOT log on as root and re-disable the account19:32
aetasboehme, so mtab says its mounted but its actually not?19:32
zykotick9tamran, don't be surprised if the "kde" package fails, I know "gnome" does.  So kubuntu-desktop might still be what you use.19:32
aetasboehme, what partition type?19:32
johnny_walkerjoin #web19:33
Eighteensi want to rotate my desktop as a sphere, currently i can only rotate as a cube, does that mean my video card isn't powerfull enough? because i don't see the option in compizconfig settings manager19:33
boehmeaetas: The partition is a fat3219:33
edbiancodehotter: Why does code need a gui to be malicious?19:33
AlexDevilLX10/20 on linux quiz good or bad result for rookie?19:33
aetasboehme, what about cat /proc/mounts?19:33
tamranzykotick9: kubuntu-desktop on top of vanilla ubuntu install?  I'm guessing it'd be a mess?19:33
zykotick9Eighteens, you need the extra fusion packages, and then it's deformations in ccsm.19:33
Eighteenszykotick9: thank you19:34
zykotick9tamran, not really19:34
edbiantamran: It's only a 'mess' in that lots of apps are installed.  Many of them do the same thing.  one for gnome and one for KDE.  It works fine other than that.19:34
codehotteredbian: I'm not executing anything except stuff that came out official ubuntu repositories.19:34
aetascodehotter, basically just do what you want with your computer but know the consequences of using it.  thats mainly it19:34
tamranedbian: oh, so it won't try and run gnome services and kde services at the same time?19:35
codehotteraetas: that's fair. I like to know what I'm doing, but I can't for the life of me figure out why I can't write to /etc/network/interfaces19:35
ActionParsnipcodehotter: its not the apps themselves. Its what others can do to those apps19:35
boehmeaetas: ummm I dont really understand the output but I dont see anything about sdb119:35
codehotteraetas: grep -r interfaces /etc/apparmor.d/ returns only a comment19:35
codehotterActionParsnip: what do you mean others can do to those apps? What apps? Apps in the official ubuntu repos can have malicious code?19:36
edbiancodehotter: It's like a firewall.  You could either default allow and selectively pick stuff to close or default deny and selectively pick stuff to open.  default deny is more secure.  the same is true in running as root.  You might accidentally delete a file or do something as root that you ment to do as a user.  And what if someone was logged on as you via ssh or otherwise?19:36
aetasboehme, yeah probably not mounted then.  um...have you tried running a check against the partition to see if its still ok?19:36
edbiantamran: I am not sure.  Even if it did they would not cause problems with each other.  I am working on a machine that has gnome, kde, xfce, ice, and a few others installed right now.  Everything works fine :)19:36
AlexDevilLX1c 2a 3d 4a 5b 6e19:36
codehotteredbian: I don't use this system as a normal user. It's a server. The only reason to login to it is for administration. There is no chance of confusion.19:37
aetascodehotter, Im assuming you mean grep -r interfaces /etc/apparmor.d/* ?19:37
edbiancodehotter: ssh bruteforce?19:37
aetascodehotter, lemme look it up19:37
tamranok, one last question19:37
edbiantamran: sure :)19:37
DexterFI need to install a custom script to run at boot time. where is a good place and whats the method in Upstart to put it there and have it survive upgrades?19:37
boehmeaetas:I get File system check on (the partition) completed. File system is NOT clean.19:37
AlexDevilLX1c 2a 3d 4a 5b 6e 7a 8e 9b 10a19:38
edbiancodehotter: http://matir.wordpress.com/2007/08/14/running-as-root-its-really-not-okay/19:38
tamranKDM, with gnome (unity) ... what would that do for the memory load?19:38
edbiancodehotter: That's just the first hit from google19:38
aetascodehotter, you need to look at those rules more closely...they have a lot of wildcards in there so its probably just filtering out all of /etc/network19:38
oCeanAlexDevilLX: do you have a support question?19:38
boehmeaetas: not really sure what that means, but I do know I've had this error before and it has magically fixed itself and I've been able to mount in both ubuntu and windows before19:38
reagleHello everyone, I'm trying to migrate from encfs to ecryptfs. Everything is working well, I can even mount my directories as user (specified in fstab and u/mount is 's'). *However* I can't umount those partitions *unless* I had mounted them with the '-i' option. Why would that be?19:38
aetasboehme, yeah you need to scan it, it means the partition has errors....sometimes they will fix themselves especially if this is a windows partition and you boot it up19:39
vltHello. I'm a new Ubuntu user. Where can I find my clipboard history?19:39
rannmannIs there a way, without root/sudo, to change the default editor (for the user, not the system)?19:39
boehmethere a specific command for that? not to familiar with these sorts of problems19:39
ikoniarannmann: EDITOR=/usr/bin/vim for example19:40
vltrannmann: Maybe by exporting $EDITOR (don't ask me how).19:40
vltrannmann: what ikonia says ;-)19:40
tensorpuddingrannmann: default in what way?19:40
boehmeaetas: is there a specific command for that? I'm not too familiar with these sorts of problems19:41
tamranhere is a question about unity.  The side panel seems nice and all ... but is there a way to put that in the top panel?19:41
rannmannikonia: In .bashrc?  Because I tried that both with alias and export and it doesn't seem to be working.19:41
aetasboehme, hold on19:41
Eighteenszykotick9: thanks that did the trick, rotates as a spere now, thanks for the tip! however it took away the option to rotate as a cube... any ideas, only rotates as a spere now19:41
Eighteenss/spere sphere19:42
zykotick9Eighteens, sorry I've never run into that issue before.  You might want to try asking in #compiz if you don't get an answer here.  Best of luck.19:42
ThinkT510rannmann: did you log out and back in after editing .bashrc19:43
Eighteenszykotick9, ok, thanks again19:43
Ali__sorry, i wanna unzip a file in my ssh but system always can get what i want foe example i waned to unzip this file rio fa .zip but it can't  what should i do?19:43
aetasboehme, try "apt-get install testdisk"  I haven't used this one but it looks like it may work.  The easiest solution is letting Windows do it or using a Windows boot cd19:43
zykotick9Eighteens, WAIT to use cube just disable deformation19:43
rannmannThinkT510: I did, and I also used source .bashrc.19:43
Eighteenszy, i just dont see the option for cube anymore, and after i installed it, only rotates as sphere, i will look again19:44
spowHi. I have a device under sdb, and I need it to be sdc. How can I move it there ?19:44
zykotick9!tab > Eighteens19:44
ubottuEighteens, please see my private message19:44
zykotick9Eighteens, turn off deformation, and it will revert to the default, Cube19:44
boehmeaetas: testdisk only seems to see my DVD drive and none of my partitions or physical hard drives19:44
Eighteenszykotick9, ok will do, thanks again19:44
ChrisBuchholzHey guys. Is it possible to change the Super-key behavior in Unity from reacting when the key is down till when its actually pressed down and released? It annoys me that it reacts on keydown, because then you cant use it for any other shortcuts, but you can if it uses a regular keypress event19:44
vltAli__: What exactly did you do trying to unzip it?19:45
tfdevhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/648519/ I did an md5 with winmd5free and it matched. On windows now so I can reply quicker. Thanks.19:45
ThinkT510spow: why do you need it to be sdc?19:45
boehmeaetas: wait forgot to sudo... checking now19:45
codehotteredbian: Thanks, I set up rate limitting on ssh connections. I had forgotten about ssh bruteforce attack.19:45
spowThinkT510: some script I launch (not mine) uses a hardcoded sdc I believe19:45
aetasboehme, its probably that but if its not, you can pass in the device name19:46
edbiancodehotter: ha :)19:46
edbiancodehotter: sure19:46
codehotteraetas: it's not filtering out everything in /etc/network since I can create files there19:46
Ali__vlt:: a zip file like this xxx xxx.zip19:46
vltThinkT510: Sounds like very bad (and dangerous) script design.19:46
vltAli__: You did a zip file?19:46
codehotteraetas: I grepped for 'network' as well and don't see anything19:46
ThinkT510vlt: my thoughts exactly, shouldn't hardcode paths like that19:47
aetascodehotter, can you pastebin it19:47
spowThinkT510: I managed to move it today when sdb crashed, the device then appeared as sdc and I was able to run the script19:47
codehotteraetas: pastebin what, exactly?19:47
Ali__vlt:: yeah, with this , unzip xx xx.zip19:47
aetascodehotter, the file obviously :)19:47
vltAli__: Try to put the file name in quotes.19:47
Eighteenszykotick9, you were right, i turned off or unchecked "enable cube reflection and deformation" and it's back to cube mode, thanks that worked, nice to have both options... much appreciated your input19:47
codehotteraetas: I have figured out how to disable apparmor (put it in complain mode, that is). No luck, still permission denied.19:47
aciculaspow: id guess you could do it with a udev rule?19:48
szalAli__: on the terminal you need to escape certain characters such as whitespaces..  try tabbing the filename, that should do that for you19:48
danger89Plzzzzz tell me why "Ubuntu" disabled "Snap" feature in Unity2d!??!19:48
boehmeaetas: OOOH damn... mixed up my harddrives sda1 my storage(the partition I'm trying to mount) and sdb1 is where I've got ubuntu installed...19:48
tfdevhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/648519/ << help a nub install linux for the first time? md5 checked out.19:49
aciculacodehotter: maybe its just a user permission problem?19:49
aetascodehotter, what was the command you used to disable it?19:49
aetasnah, we've been through all that19:49
boehmeaetas: I've got this line in fstab "/dev/sda1       /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       1"19:49
codehotteraetas: I tried aa-complain /etc/apparmor.d/* and invoke-rc.d apparmor teardown19:49
zykotick9Eighteens, glad to help.19:49
codehotteraetas: neither worked19:49
aetasboehme, why is sda1 set to ext4 if thats your fat32 partition19:49
szaltfdev: pastebin is not for asking questions but to supply additional information19:49
sdwrageHey all19:49
sdwrageis there a fix for the flash settings dailog yet?19:50
edbiantfdev: It's having trouble reading the hdd.  Can you disconnect the hdd and try to boot and see if that helps to confirm?19:50
sdwrageusing ubuntu 11.0419:50
edbiantfdev: pictures are fun btw :)19:50
boehmeaetas: thats a great question... and probably a large part of my problem...19:50
aetascodehotter, do this one and try it "sudo invoke-rc.d apparmor kill"  if that doesnt work then its something else19:50
codehotteracicula: my user (root) has permissions on /etc/network/interfaces as shown by ls -l /etc/network/interfaces: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 347 2011-07-19 19:46 /etc/network/interfaces19:50
aetasboehme, fdisk -l19:50
Ali__szal:: what do you mean? what should i do with this kind of files?19:50
danger89really, why should the snap feature in Unity2D be disabled? This is a great feature.. you cant just disable that :|19:50
codehotteraetas: kill is not an accept action, but I did 'stop' and 'teardown'. apparmor is disabled now.19:51
klevisonanyone can helpme with my teamviewer? Appears a black screen :(19:51
klevisonno one can access my computer.19:51
danger89klevison: sure19:51
danger89id pass -> private19:51
aetascodehotter, weird...that came from the docs19:51
tfdevedbian: yeah sorry, had no other way to screenshot :) Im on a laptop so no... disconnecting the hard drive is kind of difficult. I was checking my partitions prior to install and saw something strange. Give me a second and I'll paste a screenshot.19:51
edbiantfdev: How were you checking your partitions?19:52
tfdevdisk management with windows19:52
edbiantfdev: aaah19:52
aciculacodehotter eh aa-status can tell you if a profile is loaded and/or currently active19:52
edbianjackster: hi19:52
aetascodehotter, can you check /var/log/auth.log19:53
aciculacodehotter: which program is having that permission problem?19:53
jacksterich bin ein neuling in sachen ubuntu19:53
Pici!de | jackster19:53
ubottujackster: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!19:53
edbianjackster: I only speak english19:53
aetascodehotter, actually I think its kern.log19:53
AlexDevilLXHow to recover root password19:53
kionHi I got this error on GDM log,   Error: API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has version 270.41.06,19:53
kionbut this NVIDIA driver component has version 275.09.07.  Please make19:53
kionsure that the kernel module and all NVIDIA driver components19:53
kionhave the same version, can somebody help?19:53
FloodBot1kion: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:53
padi999hey all. Question: Do we have some designers here who can create a nice facebook profile picture saying: "Sorry, I moved to g+ find me there"? :)19:53
aciculaAlexDevilLX: there is no root password19:53
Pici!ot | padi99919:53
ubottupadi999: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:53
fabzor3there is sudo19:53
=== mang0 is now known as MicroWolf
boehmeaetas: pm'ed it to you19:54
goodtimesudo bash19:54
sdwrageis there a fix for the flash settings dailog yet? Using Ubuntu 11.0419:54
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:54
jacksterokay thx for this info and bb hf19:54
jacksterand keep cool the oterś19:54
rannmannSo I updated crontab, printenv EDITOR shows "vim", but when I do crontab -e, it opens in nano still.19:54
aetasboehme, ok yeah thats the problem unless you're passing in the mount type to your mount command19:54
aetasboehme, change it to fat32 in your fstab file and then try to mount it again19:55
ocxi have included /home/shared *(rw,sync) in my /etc/exports, but when mouting i am getting a readonly nfs fs19:55
ocxcant write19:55
ocxwhat can be the problem19:55
acicularannmann: maybe it needs a full path?19:55
kubancin ubuntu 11.04 is the command "sudo apt-get install cups" enough to install CUPS?19:56
macokubanc: having installed ubuntu shouldve been enough to install cups19:56
ThinkT510!find cups19:56
ubottuFound: bluez-cups, cups-driver-gutenprint, ghostscript-cups, hplip-cups, python-cups, apcupsd, apcupsd-cgi, apcupsd-doc, cups-pdf, cups-pk-helper (and 35 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=cups&searchon=names&suite=natty&section=all19:56
sdwrageDoes anyone know if the flash settings dialog has been fixed so that it isn't invisible in browsers? Can't do anything with my webcam.19:57
rannmannacicula: Just tried it.  Didn't help.  :(19:57
tfdevedbian: http://i.imgur.com/tEYMB.gif19:57
ParkerRHehe. It's fun to stretch firefox across all the workspaces XD19:57
kionHow do I update to the latest kernel?19:57
aetasocx: it could be mounted on the other end as ro19:57
acicularannmann: whats the output of suda aa-status, also what is the problem you are experiencing?19:57
edbiantfdev: What is unusual about this?19:57
dlikion, upgrade in software-center19:58
rannmannacicula: I don't have sudo access.  This is a shared webserver.19:58
ocxi have /home/private mounted as ro and want /home/shared to be rw19:58
aciculakion: eh you can build custom kernels from source, but its probably not needed19:58
ThinkT510!latest | kion19:58
dlikion, and of course, you have to reboot after new kernel installed19:58
ubottukion: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.19:58
codehotteracicula: every program. In particular, I want to use 'mv' /root/interfaces to /etc/network/interfaces19:58
ParkerRdli, why would you use software center to upgrade our kernel?19:58
rannmannacicula: I'm just trying to change my default editor to vim.  It should be working, but when I crontab -e, it opens in nano.19:58
codehotteracicula: aa-status shows 0 profiles loaded19:58
gispitahello to everyone !19:58
kiondli: I meant the latest within Ubuntu19:58
aciculacodehotter: you need root permissions to do that19:58
codehotteraetas: there is nothing useful in /var/log/auth.log or kern.log.19:58
tfdevedbian: the unallocated space was originally a primary boot partition with nothing on it. I dont remember partitioning it... just a little strange to me19:59
ParkerRkion, press alt + f2 then gksu synaptic19:59
acicularannmann: try /usr/bin/vim instead of vim19:59
codehotteracicula: id shows uid=0,gid=0,groups=0, whoami shows root19:59
tfdevedbian: I deleted it to make use of it19:59
aetascodehotter, actually when you run that command he gave you does it show any processes in enforce still?19:59
rannmannacicula: I already tried that.19:59
codehotteraetas: No. everything says 019:59
aciculacodehotter: then just run aa-status to show you the status19:59
kiondli: my uname results in : Linux M15x 2.6.38-8-generic19:59
emdo any of you use wine?19:59
edbiantfdev: Was it for windows?  was it ntfs?19:59
dlirannmann, one n00b's way, remove the nano package19:59
aetascodehotter, what ver of ubuntu is this anyway?19:59
em!info wine19:59
ubottuwine (source: wine1.2): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (meta package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.2-0ubuntu6 (natty), package size 3 kB, installed size 68 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all)19:59
rannmanndli: I don't have sudo/root.19:59
boehmeaetas: Alright I believe that fixed it19:59
ParkerRem, I do19:59
gispitacan anyone to tell me the passwd for " su " i just install ubuntu 10.4 and wen i try to go on the " su " i don`t know the passwd and its not the passwd i put wen i install it .....19:59
dlikion, that's pretty much the newest20:00
tfdevedbian: NTFS yes I believe so20:00
boehmeaetas: thanks so much for all your help20:00
codehotteracicula: 0 profiles loaded, 0 programs in enforcing... etc. I just ran invokerc.d apparmor stop and invokerc.d apparmor teardown20:00
codehotteraetas: 11.0420:00
ParkerRem, what do you want to know?20:00
aetasboehme, welcome :)20:00
emParkerR: do you like it? Is there any downside to installing it? It doesn't mess up your menus or anything?20:00
edbiantfdev: Now it's empty?  Check the hdd with windows or try to boot the liveUSB without the hdd plugged in.20:00
aetascodehotter, just standard ubuntu 11.04?20:00
aciculacodehotter: ok, then apparmor is really off20:00
ParkerRem, not at all20:00
emParkerR: im thinking about installing it to run spotify20:00
dlirannmann, do this: put EDITOR=vim in your profile (~/.bash_profile ~/.bashrc, etc.20:00
ParkerRI was just playing Portal 2 with it20:00
aciculaem: spotify has a linux client20:00
emacicula: you have to buy the premium to use it20:00
aciculathough might still need a payed sub20:00
ParkerRacicula, but the linux client you have to have premium20:01
tfdevedbian: yeah, about to check the disk. be back soon20:01
rannmanndli: Tried that, too.  No luck.20:01
edbiantfdev: sure20:01
ParkerRSpotify works in WINE20:01
kion dli: Synaptics offered me a newer about a week ago, but after installing I could no longer boot into it so I uninstalled it20:01
ParkerRI have it installed20:01
codehotteraetas: I am renting this server from a vps provider. I clicked the "ubuntu" button. uname -r shows 2.6.38-8-virtual20:01
ParkerRem, you don't have to do the OSS like they say on their site20:01
dlirannmann, try: EDITOR=vim crontab20:01
ocxmount -t nfs -o rw localhost:/home/shared /home/test220:02
aetascodehotter, arg....Im assuming they did the install?20:02
gispitacan anyone to tell me how to see or change the su passwd ? i just install it and i don't know the su passwd ..... pfff20:02
ocxthis is the command used20:02
codehotteraetas: yes =(20:02
ocxi am getting read only filesystem20:02
ocxwhen trying to touch a file20:02
ParkerRgisli, sudo passwd20:02
dligispita, you mean for the command su ?20:02
ParkerR* gispita20:02
codehottergispita: you do not actually need to know that password. use sudo20:02
codehottergispita: use sudo with your own password.20:03
=== gold is now known as Guest97894
gispitai do not install yum update ....20:03
codehottergispita: sudo su -20:03
gispitaif i`m not su ...20:03
rannmanndli: Now it froze when I tried to log in.  I'm locked out :(20:03
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:03
dliocx, any errors in dmesg?20:03
fabzor3use apt-get instead of yum20:03
codehottergispita: or sudo -i20:03
fabzor3dont be a fedora noob20:03
goodtimethe password would be encrytped for su20:03
codehotterPlease be friendly instead of bashing fedora users. This is not 'ubuntu' spirit.20:03
fabzor3no worries20:03
goodtimeits not your usual password20:03
uabn93Hi, the top border isnt showing up when opening an app. it happened after trying to enable compiz cube. I tried "compiz --replace" but that didnt work. any suggestions?20:03
p0s3isd0nhello everyone20:03
fabzor3yeah sorry fedora is cool20:04
fabzor3im sayinf different package managers20:04
edbianuabn93: Do you have ccsm installed?20:04
aetascodehotter, I was focusing mainly on things that could happen in a normal install but with them doing the install, they could have some custom security step20:04
ocxidmapping: failing20:04
dliuabn93, something like gtk-window-decorator ?20:04
ocxgot this error for nfs420:04
edbianuabn93: The border is called 'window decorations'20:04
uabn93edbian: yes20:04
NoobuntuGuise, I just installed the base command line, how can I get the sexy unity and other GUI things?20:04
codehotteraetas: yea, I'll contact them20:04
edbianuabn93: Go to the window decorations plugin20:04
=== MicroWolf is now known as mang0
goodtimei forgot how to install my ati graffics lol20:05
aetascodehotter, that kernel looks like it comes from linux-virtual20:05
ParkerRgoodtime, what Ubuntu version? And if Unity turned on?20:05
goodtimei have 10.10 right now20:06
codehotteraetas: it could be.20:06
codehotteraetas: there are no hints in /proc/cpuinfo as to what the hypervisor is. Information on the website says xen paravirt20:06
ParkerRgoodtime, ok System > Administration > hardware drivers20:06
goodtimeim hooked up to a wireless adapter20:07
tfdevedbian: windows chkdsk came back with 0 problems20:07
aetascodehotter, actually I never asked but what are you trying to change in that file anyway?20:07
uabn93edbian: and re-enable it? what should i do if that doesnt fix it?20:07
goodtimeit says that there is no propritary drivers20:07
tfdevedbian: i see that you're busy, please take your time and get back to me when you can, thanks!20:07
ParkerRgoodtime, hmm then try google20:07
codehotteraetas: you did ask. The answer was: automatically create a bridge interface on boot20:08
goodtimei need to ues the terminal20:08
aetascodehotter, I was looking more for the changes but thats ok :)20:08
edbiantfdev: ok, that's good.  Can you boot without the hdd in?20:08
uabn93edbian: I even tried to use metacity but that didnt work20:08
edbianuabn93: re-enable it and then compiz --replace&20:08
* edbian forgot to scroll down :P20:08
codehotteraetas: I want to add an additional interface to be created on boot20:08
edbianuabn93: Is it enabled and compiz --replace& doesn't fix it?20:09
codehotteraetas: I need to edit /etc/network/interfaces for this20:09
trismcodehotter: did you check if the file was set immutable? lsattr /etc/network/intefaces (look for i)20:09
edbiantfdev: I'm here :)20:09
codehottertrism: yes, it was. You are a gentleman and a scholar.20:09
SoothsayerI'm dual booting windows 7 and ubuntu. Some of my drives which have data files are NTFS. I'm realizing that linux is screwing some files/directories which are in the ntfs drive. Sometimes a directory becomes a 0 byte file when I return to it a day or so later.. sometimes files just disappear. What's happening ?:-|20:09
codehottertrism: I had remember immutable, but had assumed ls -l would show it. Thank you for saving my day.20:09
aetasthat was it?20:10
edbiantfdev: I'm not sure that chkdsk checked anything more than the windows partition20:10
aetashow'd that even get set20:10
Soothsayeredbian, hey mate!20:10
codehotteraetas: don't know, and don't care ; )20:10
uabn93edbian: well im using a different login account to connect to irc bcause even that is giving me a headache..so ill disconnect and get back to you20:10
tfdevedbian: i was wonering the same thing...20:10
edbianSoothsayer: hello :)20:10
edbianuabn93: ok20:10
edbiantfdev: Yeah.  It's not good that random partitions showed up20:10
* chalcedny smiles20:10
codehotterThank you everybody for your time.20:11
=== p0s3isd0n is now known as p0s3id0n
tfdevedbian: k im going to shut down and disconnect hard drive. Ill reconnect on my phone so I may be slow to respond.20:11
edbiantfdev: no worries20:11
edbiancodehotter: sure20:11
climbe2anyone know what this means:20:11
edbianit means ronqbc joined and fabzor3 quit20:12
climbe2./init: line 7: can't open /dev/sr0: No medium found20:12
chalcednyquestion: has anyone used Maruson power supplies with ubuntu? i have had APS20:12
climbe2unable to open /dev/sda20:12
edbianclimbe2: The liveUSB or liveCD can't find itself!20:12
ronqbccould anyone help? when i leave my computer alone it freezes. what can i do?20:12
climbe2how is this possible?20:12
edbianclimbe2: unable to open /dev/sda means it can't find the hdd20:12
edbianclimbe2: Is this a usb or a liceCD ?20:12
climbe2I am unable to load any kernel versions20:12
climbe2this is a usb20:13
climbe2but the CD does not work either20:13
edbianclimbe2: plug the usb into a different port20:13
edbianclimbe2: particularly one that is not on a hub or anything like that20:13
aetasclimbe2, the first one means that sr0 drive doesnt have a cd20:13
aetasis it a scsi cdrom?20:13
armin291ho are you ?20:14
edbianaetas: he's using a liveUSB20:14
ocxneed help20:14
rwwarmin291: Hi, you're in #ubuntu, the technical support channel for Ubuntu.20:14
edbianocx: with what20:14
ocxcant create an nfs share READ/WRITE20:14
armin291hi all?20:14
edbianronqbc: is it hibernating or something?20:14
climbe2http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1807978 ...this describes my initial problem20:14
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.20:14
ocxyea i read that article20:14
ocxand applied20:14
ocxbut doesnt seem to be working20:14
dr_willisocx:  what filesystem is the share on?20:15
ocxwhen i mount it is being readonly20:15
ocxnot read/write20:15
tfdevedbian: crap, this laptop makes it a pain to take out hdd. Bah wheres my screwdriver?20:15
FloodBot1ocx: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:15
edbiantfdev: :(  sorry to hear!20:15
armin291where is room?20:15
dr_willisocx:  sounds like typical permissions not set right issue20:15
edbianocx: Does your user have permission to view the files on the server? (local)20:15
ronqbcedbian, no. it's just locking the screen. it doesn't really freezing. the mouse still moves. what can i do?20:15
aetasp0s3id0n, would you stop pinging me20:15
climbe2dr_willis, still having issues after downloading new 10.04 iso and making liveUSB20:16
ocxif i unmount i can write to that directory20:16
edbianronqbc: alt + sysrq + k   ?20:16
ocxi am actually trying with root user20:16
ocxto isolate permission problems20:16
edbiandr_willis: he got /dev/sr0 and /dev/sda errors indicating they could not be found20:16
ocxmount -t nfs4 -o rw localhost:/home/shared /home/test220:17
ocxif i touch in test2 i get a readonly fs20:17
ocxin /etc/export /home/shared is setto rw20:17
Kushow does "sed" work?20:17
edbianKus: http://www.grymoire.com/Unix/Sed.html20:17
edbianKus: Prepare yourself for a long learning process20:18
ronqbcedbian, what?20:18
DrDamnitmdadm question: Did device 0 (sda) fail and now needs to be replaced? http://pastebin.com/S5b3ETVW20:18
mrdebedbian: are you a fan of debian20:18
mang0How do I uninstall virtual box?20:18
edbianronqbc: alt + sysrq (sometimes called print screen) + k    not all keyboards have a sysrq key20:18
edbianmrdeb: yes :)20:18
SSetooi have got a problem with ubuntu20:18
popeyDrDamnit: looks like it was removed not failed20:18
SSetoocan you help me20:19
edbianSSetoo: yes, but you have to ask the question first20:19
DrDamnitpopey: Checked cables. It's still plugged in. Do I need to "re-add" it to the array?20:19
edbianronqbc: what about ctrl + alt + F1 ?20:19
popeyDrDamnit: what does /proc/mdstat contain?20:19
mang0!ask > SSetoo20:19
ubottuSSetoo, please see my private message20:19
DrDamnitpopey: http://pastebin.com/A1e9L0SV20:20
mang0How do I uninstall virtual box on ubuntu? I tried it out and I don't want it any more...20:20
SSetoowell my question is about ubuntu 11.04 and the workspaces it has got 4 workspaces, 2 virtual 2 horizontal20:20
popeyDrDamnit: yeah, re-add it in, see if it works20:20
DrDamnitpopey: command for that?20:20
popeyDrDamnit: anything in /var/log/messages about the disk?20:20
edbianSSetoo: I think you mean 2 vertical, 2 horizontal20:20
edbianSSetoo: That is not a question though :)20:20
ronqbcedbian, what?20:20
SSetooand if a window is between two desktops20:21
edbianronqbc: hahaha, can you press ctrl + alt + F1   ?20:21
DrDamnitpopey: "md: kicking non-fresh sda from array!"20:21
SSetooit maximizes on the desktop where it is most20:21
popeyDrDamnit: interesting20:21
austinbvis it possible to install firefox 3.x on ubuntu 11.04?20:21
edbianSSetoo: someone came in here the other day.  That's the intended behavior20:21
SSetooedbian: how to workaround it ?20:21
=== jtannen1 is now known as jtannenbaum
popeyDrDamnit: sudo mdadm --add /dev/md0 /dev/sda20:21
edbianSSetoo: move your windows onto your desktop :)20:21
DrDamnitpopey: sudo mdadm --add /dev/md0 /dev/sda20:22
mang0Ahem, how do I uninstall something that's not from synaptic or software center? I want to uninstall virtual box...20:22
SSetooedbian: sorry that is not a possible solution for me20:22
DrDamnitpopey: maybe it's a bad cable. going to swap cables. and try again. I'll be back in a few minutes.20:22
edbianSSetoo: I don't know of any other! :(20:22
DrDamnitpopey: or maybe not. fdisk -l sees it.20:23
pappa_bearwhich should i buy, Hacking Linux Exposed or The Linux Bible 2011?20:23
aetasmang0, what'd you install it with?20:23
edbianmang0: virtual box is in the repos.  But how did you install it?20:23
mang0I used terminal I think20:23
mang0is it in the repos?20:23
edbianmang0: Can you be more specific20:23
* mang0 looks again20:23
rww!ot | pappa_bear20:23
ubottupappa_bear: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:23
edbianmang0: it is yes20:23
aetashe means hes going to have to manually remove it :p20:23
pappa_bearthat is an ubuntu related question20:23
pappa_bearif i wanted to ask windows users i'd have gon to their channel20:24
edbianmang0: It's in universe  (but this probably won't help us remove it)20:24
climbe2although i cannot boot from any ubuntu kernels, is there at least a way to save my files and re-install?20:24
rwwpappa_bear: Your book preferences aren't an Ubuntu technical support question. Please go ask #ubuntu-offtopic :)20:24
mang0ah, found it in the repos20:24
edbianmang0: sure :)20:24
Akuwi have ubuntu 9.0420:24
mang0what's the differance between "Removal" and "Complete removal" edbian ?20:24
pappa_bearrww, but my goal is to be of better help, technically, to the Ubuntu user group20:25
Akuwwhere is the menu.lst, i can`t find it20:25
edbianmang0: complete removal removes settings files in /etc/ and such as well as the actual program executable20:25
mang0ah, okay. that's what I want to do. I'm going to dual boot instead :)20:25
edbianpappa_bear: :)20:25
edbianmang0: virtual box is not dual boot :)20:25
edbianmang0: It allows you to run two os's at the same time on one machine20:26
pappa_bearedbian, lol20:26
mang0edbian: exactly, i'm deleting vb in favour of dual boot20:26
edbianmang0: ahhh :)20:26
pappa_bearedbian, just stirring the nest a little.. :D20:26
edbianmang0: Sure, was virtual box installed via repos?20:26
aciculapappa_bear: the linux bible, used to be, just a deadtree version of publicly available faqs and howtos20:26
tfdevedbian: say, why exactly am i booting from usb without hdd? Almost done btw.20:26
edbianpappa_bear: I love helping here and I didn't read a book to learn how :)20:26
mang0edbian: yes, I remember reading the description now20:26
aetasacicula, yeah but in all fairness do you think one of those "hacking" books is better?20:26
mang0I thought i did it via terminal but I was wrong20:26
Testtube1Hello Everyone. Who is real familiar with the boot up process for ubuntu?20:27
vltHello. I'm a new Ubuntu user. Where can I find my clipboard history?20:27
climbe2edbian, is there a way to save all of my files found on sdb1 and sdb2 and re-install, even if i cannot boot to any of my kernels?20:27
edbiantfdev: I am quite sure I saw errors in your paste regarding difficulty reading the hdd.  I have seen this crash many a live boot before.  I want to confirm there are problems with the hdd and not any other part of the computer.  software or hardware20:27
edbianclimbe2: sure, boot a live CD :)20:27
climbe2haha...can't boot a live C20:27
edbianclimbe2: and connect something to the computer where you can boot all this data20:27
tfdevedbian: thanks :)20:27
edbianclimbe2: Then no :(20:27
aciculaaetas: i've rummaged through them, dont think they are that terrible, then again id never buy it either20:27
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edbianclimbe2: Did you try booting a liveUSB in a different USB port?20:28
edbiantfdev: sure20:28
climbe2yes, same error20:28
mang0edbian: I used to dual boot winXP and ubuntu, but my computer messed up, had to reformat both hdds, I reinstalled ubuntu and now I'm reinstalling windows after trying VB :P20:28
edbianmang0: You can install something in the terminal from the repos. I do it all the time20:28
edbianmang0: FYI, this is going to mess up your bootloader grub but it is a known issue and there is a fix.20:28
Numnare they a way to update to 11.04 but still have stuff from 10.10 i think unity is to much like Windows 7 :)20:28
edbian!grub-repair | mang020:29
mang0edbian: I know, I've done it before20:29
edbianmang0: oh good :)20:29
rww!classic | Numn20:29
ubottuNumn: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".20:29
mrdebdo you think 128mb dedicated video is enough for ubuntu20:29
aetasacicula, they're not terrible for security stuff but he wanted a book to get him brought up to speed on general stuff which they usually aren't much help with20:29
edbianmrdeb: more than enough20:30
Testtube1Anyone real familiar with the boot process for ubuntu20:30
rwwTesttube1: best to just ask your actual question20:30
Testtube1rww Makes sense :P20:30
Testtube1What in /boot gets stored in memory?20:30
ha1dfoHi all. In unity, how can I configure ALT-TAB to exclude iconified windows?20:31
ronqbccan anyone tell me what can i do if the login screen doesn't appears after the screen had been locked?20:31
Numnrww: i know that, but i think unity to much20:31
ha1dfoactually it is unity 2d, if it matters20:31
rwwNumn: If you read the second sentence, it tells you how to make it go away.20:31
edbianTesttube1: Probably all of it.  Anything that is run or read when the system boots.  i can't imagine anything that would be in there but NOT used during boot time.20:31
tfdevHold on to your butts...20:31
edbiantfdev: holding20:32
Numnrww: yea i know but i have 10.10 right now.. im still want have it like 10.10 but still be updated wihtout unity20:32
rwwNumn: Please specify what you mean by "like 10.10"20:32
exutuxTesttube1: what's your intend about "memory" ram?20:32
mang0Numn you can run 11.04 without unity20:32
Testtube1Edbian i believe you are correct. So what if i took the system through a process that reimages the system including /dev/sda1 where /boot lives and then the system goes down for a shutdown. Will whatever is in memory write to disk and change the files that i just laid down?20:32
Testtube1I think i have a pretty massive issue with 1200 units.20:33
tfdevedbian: Ok 0 error scroll, on ubuntu loading screen... and there's the desktop... much faster20:33
Numnrww: uhm.. Like without Unity i think..20:33
edbiantfdev: hdd is the prob20:33
NoobuntuWhy is there MenuEditor for, if Unity's menus are not customizzable?20:33
edbianTesttube1: no20:33
rwwNumn: Then again, consider actually reading the second sentence of what ubottu told you.20:33
Testtube1We reimaged 1200 units out in the field /dev/sda1 was the first image that was laid down. the system went down for a reboot came back up normally but now that its time for a forced fsck i am having issues with /boot20:33
edbianTesttube1: the system usually does not randomly overwrite stuff it doesn't agree with :P20:34
edbiantfdev: Now fixing it :(  the hard part20:34
edbianTesttube1: What issues are you having?20:34
Testtube1edbian  When the system comes online with a fsck it makes mention of a file with a modified date that is prior to the laydown of the image?20:34
ronqbccan anyone tell me what can i do if the login screen doesn't appears after the screen had been locked?20:35
tfdevedbian: aye. I freqeuntly see ads for hdd fix software... think any of them will help? I have used tuneup utilities before and was happy with performance.20:35
tfdevTuneup utilites is for windows20:35
edbianTesttube1: The system time is wrong on either the image or the system that's being imaged.  That's my guess20:36
Testtube1So fo example if we made a image on 11/19/2010 and distributed to 1200 players on 11/23/2010 once the force fsck comes around it is complaining about inode issues with a file that was modfied on 11/20/201020:36
Testtube1and i am not sure how that is possible because we blew everything away on 11/23/201020:36
edbiantfdev: That's a waste of time in my opinion.  Hang on20:36
sudokilltuneup utilities falls into a similar boat as all the other "pc speed accelerator" programs20:36
* tfdev is still gripping butt20:36
rwwTesttube1: Presumably the imaging process is retaining the timestamps from when the files were modified when you were building the image.20:37
edbianTesttube1: I think the clock is wrong on the remote systems.20:37
Testtube1edbian this is on all the systems20:37
Numnrww: what i meant was that if they are any way to get it like ubuntu 10.10 without unity.. and using that droplist you talking about.20:37
pappa_bearanyone know why i can't connect to the repositories to update my system?20:37
Testtube1and the rest of the time stamps match 11/23/201020:37
sudokillpappa_bear, try changing the mirror20:37
rwwNumn: And as I've said three times now, the second sentence of that factoid is giving you instructions for doing that.20:37
edbiantfdev: Try to make this:  http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php20:37
edbianTesttube1: mmm, yes.  Wouldn't be wrong on ALL of them20:38
edbianTesttube1: the rest?20:38
ntr0pyOn my old maverick there was /usr/lib/dri/vdpau_drv_video.so from nvidia-current... where did this file went on Natty?20:38
Testtube1edbian the rest of the files in /boot are indeed timestamped 11/23/2010 which matches the deployment of the image.20:38
edbianTesttube1: I'm not sure what is 'the rest' and what is 'the original'20:39
ronqbccan anyone tell me what can i do if the login screen doesn't appears after the screen had been locked?20:39
edbianTesttube1: This is the timestamp of the file on the image?20:39
pappa_bearW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/mactellsupport/ppa/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found20:39
Testtube1edbian we blew /boot EG /dev/sda1 away when we laid the image down. on 11/23/201020:39
Testtube1however fsck is complaining about a corrupt file with a stamp of 11/20/201020:39
edbianTesttube1: what file?20:40
Testtube1in /boot EG /dev/sda120:40
nick12524anyone know of a good hardware chat room?20:40
edbianTesttube1: what does 'blew away' mean?20:40
ionick12524: ##hardware not #hardware20:40
carbon357ronqbc : try ALT-F6,  tyoe in your username:password . Type sudo reboot -n .   see if it still does it after a reboot20:40
Numnmang0: do you understand wat i mean?20:40
mang0sorry was afk20:40
Testtube1edbian Meaning we laid the image back down using partimage20:40
tfdevedbian: brb.20:40
Numnmang0: yea i know but i have 10.10 right now.. im still want have it like 10.10 but still be updated wihtout unity20:41
mang0ubuntu 11.04 with gnome2/320:41
mrfoobarwhy are window controls on the wrong side of the windows?20:41
edbianTesttube1: Does the 'corrupt' file exist (with that timestamp) in the image?20:41
Testtube1The only way i can make since of the situation is the machine booted on or near 11/20/2010 then we rolled out our image on 11/23/2010 and then had the machine reboot and something from memory wrote down to a file?20:41
Testtube1no its 11/23/201020:41
mrfoobarhow do you fix them20:41
edbianmrfoobar: To make room for a feature that never got made!20:42
mang0cya guys tommorow!20:42
mrfoobarwell how do you fix this20:42
Testtube1and interesting enough if we take a completly clean machine and we lay the image down and FSCK it its completly fine.20:42
edbianTesttube1: so in the image it's correct but on any machine that got imaged it's wrong?20:42
tfdevedbian: k connected via web. Checking into live usb disk.20:42
edbiantfdev: sure20:42
Testtube1Edbian yes.20:42
Noor_egyhello i have propleme that i was installed ubiuntu with windows then i reinstaled windows i tried to recover the ubuntu grab but after i did that every time i try to acess windows it gives me  invalid signature this is the result of ( fdisk -l http://paste.ubuntu.com/648552/ ) and this is the result of grub.cfg ( http://paste.ubuntu.com/648554/ ) could any one have look on them plz20:42
edbiantfdev: The live gparted disk has a much better change of booting20:42
carbon357mrfoobar : try some different themes20:42
mrfoobarits the wrong way on all of them20:42
Numnrww: can you stop giving me this stuff.. do you even understand what i talk about?20:42
edbianTesttube1: That is very strange.20:42
Testtube1edbian i agree its a pretty big issue :(20:43
edbianTesttube1: I don't know! :P20:43
Numnrww: im trying to tell you what i want if its possible20:43
aikInsaanI am using Natty (w/o Unity) on an intel celeron 2.4GHz with 1gb ram, intel 82845GL graphics card and the system response is laggy....looking for suggestions to improve performance20:43
Fi[X]I already have the current version of a program on my laptop, but I want to install an older version, how can I have both?20:43
cyperbgguys: I have this script that I start like this: sudo start.sh. So how can I add it to the Startup Programs but with sudo privilleges?20:43
carbon357mrfoobar :  I think I did mine with "emerald theme manger" now that I think about it20:44
exutuxcyperbg: best way is to put it on /etc/rc.local and it starts after login20:44
DrSlonyHey, does one need to do anything spercial to get sshd to run on boot in ubuntu 11.04 after apt-get install?20:44
=== jofo` is now known as JoFo
dr_willisDrSlony:  nothing special needed20:44
cyperbgexutux, you mean move the script file there?20:44
DrSlonydr_willis will it automatically run after reboot?20:45
edbianDrSlony: It does by deafult20:45
ThinkT510Numn: you want ubuntu 11.04 without unity? rww told you how20:45
edbianmrfoobar: hang on20:45
carbon357drslony : nope,  other then maybe changing your port for security.  Well in 10.04 anyways20:45
exutuxcyperbg: put /path/name_script.sh before exit 0 in that file20:45
Noor_egyhello i have propleme that i was installed ubiuntu with windows then i reinstaled windows i tried to recover the ubuntu grab but after i did that every time i try to acess windows it gives me  invalid signature this is the result of ( fdisk -l http://paste.ubuntu.com/648552/ ) and this is the result of grub.cfg ( http://paste.ubuntu.com/648554/ ) could any one have look on them plz20:45
cyperbgexutux I will try, thank you :)20:45
edbianSomebody know the factoid to get ubottu to tell mrfoobar how to switch the close max min buttons on his windows to the right side20:45
ubottuStarting in Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more informationand workarounds, please see http://pad.lv/53263320:45
exutuxcyperbg: remember it run ONLY after login20:45
aikInsaanI am using Natty (w/o Unity) on an intel celeron 2.4GHz with 1gb ram, intel 82845GL graphics card and the system response is laggy....looking for suggestions to improve performance20:46
cyperbgexutux, my user logins automatically, so that won't be a problem, right?20:46
edbiandr_willis: thanks20:46
zykotick9edbian, !controls don't have the instructions anymore, it previously linked to my google-sites page - but I removed the page, and not the IRC admins to update the factoid.20:46
edbianmrfoobar: Did you see what ?20:46
edbianzykotick9: omg20:47
macoaikInsaan: more ram, or lubuntu?20:47
exutuxcyperbg: right, but depend about script....20:47
bahamas10i got a tough one, i'm using 10.04 server and i was SSH'd in, out of nowhere i got "remote host closed the connection" and now i can't SSH in, i can't access it over port 80, but i can ping it20:47
cyperbgI will try and report back :)20:47
edbianbahamas10: firewall?20:47
NumnThinkT510: Ok, i know exackly. but i mean like erased from the system like its 10.10?20:47
bahamas10all of my connections to my server appear to hang, port 80 just stays at loading20:47
exutuxcyperbg: yup20:47
carbon357bahamas : can't do a physical reboot ?20:47
aikInsaanmaco: i am looking for more of a software solution...any configs on Natty that can improve performance?20:47
bahamas10edbian: i was thinking that, but i'm SSH'd into a server next to it on a switch, so when i try to ssh from there it shouldn't touch a firewall20:48
edbianbahamas10: mmm, IDK20:48
bahamas10carbon357: i'm actually trouble shooting this remotely20:48
edbianbahamas10: Is go to it.20:48
edbianbahamas10: go to the machine, log in locally20:48
ThinkT510Numn: that is hard to do since unity is a custom shell built on top of gnome components, so i would leave it there20:48
bahamas10edbian: that's what i'm gonna try tonight20:48
dr_willisbahamas10:  it could be its had some filesystem issues. so wanting someone to hit 'ok' for a fsck message.20:48
edbianbahamas10: nmap it20:48
bahamas10i'm thinking a process has pegged a cpu and is not allowing an external connections to be processed20:49
tfdevedbian: i was *eventually* booting into ubuntu, everything was just taking huge amounts of time. Just in case I wasn't clear earlier. Installing tuxboot to seperate flashdrive.20:49
bahamas10nmap reveals all the ports open i would expect20:49
carbon357bahamas10 : what other services are running on the server ?20:49
NumnThinkT510: so you mean its would make gnome or ubuntu unstable?20:49
bahamas10carbon357: it's an nginx server on 80 and 443, and mostly a minecraft server i run for some friends20:49
ThinkT510Numn: trying to remove unity would likely remove a large part of gnome dependancies, which you need to run gnome20:50
bahamas10most likely a process went crazy, spiked to 100% and is stopping new connections from being created20:50
Tru3fateim thinking of fully making my desktop ubuntu, what vmware can use on. and what ubuntu should i have to do this.20:50
macoaikInsaan: if there's file indexing, turn it off. i dont know if there is though.  could get rid of avahi daemon i guess. could ditch sane and cups if no printer/scanner. i dont really think there's a way to make an 8 year old machine /not/ be laggy though (celerons are just plain designed slow, for starters)20:50
Noor_egyhello i have propleme that i was installed ubiuntu with windows then i reinstaled windows i tried to recover the ubuntu grab but after i did that every time i try to acess windows it gives me  invalid signature this is the result of ( fdisk -l http://paste.ubuntu.com/648552/ ) and this is the result of grub.cfg ( http://paste.ubuntu.com/648554/ ) could any one have look on them plz20:50
bahamas10if i telnet <server> 22 it says connection established, but i never get the openssh server banner20:50
edbiantfdev: looks good.  I've never installed gparted so you're on your own there.  Ask me questions if you want but I'll just read the tutorial I linked20:50
tfdevedbian: okay, embarassing nub time: the tut says to make the file executable and gives me a command line.. I enter this into terminal right?20:50
Testtube1yes means you chmod +x filename20:51
edbiantfdev: where are you in the tutorial?20:51
aikInsaanmaco: thanks. i'll look into those areas....i know its a crappy old machine...just wanna make use for small things (like web browsing, little doc editing here, spreadsheet viewing) nothing else (like no video viewing, gaming, etc)20:51
tfdevIf using GNU/Linux, make the file executable (using either the command "chmod +x ./tuxboot-linux*"20:52
tfdevedbian: ^^ in terminal?20:52
NumnThinkT510: but i can still use 10.10 right? and update?20:52
goodtimeyes tfdev20:52
Testtube1tfdev open up the terminal browse to the file and type chmod +x filename20:52
ThinkT510Numn: sure20:52
kos2# Appears as ANNA20:52
macoaikInsaan: for future hardware purchases, i strongly recommend against celeron ;) they cost less because they put less on-chip memory in, so the cpu spends a lot of time going "now where did i put that data?" instead of doing stuff20:52
edbiantfdev: yes run that command20:52
tfdevthanks folks. i will learn20:52
ThinkT510!update | Numn20:52
ubottuNumn: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:52
mrfoobarhow do you smbmount so normal users have access to it?20:53
carbon357bahamas10 : hmmm.   can you netcat any of the ports.  any thing returen.  Sound like your right about something maybe hanging.  Is it on a server farm or something.  Think a reboot is the key here20:53
Noor_egy1hello i have propleme that i was installed ubiuntu with windows then i reinstaled windows i tried to recover the ubuntu grab but after i did that every time i try to acess windows it gives me  invalid signature this is the result of ( fdisk -l http://paste.ubuntu.com/648552/ ) and this is the result of grub.cfg ( http://paste.ubuntu.com/648554/ ) could any one have look on them plz20:53
edbiantfdev: Be sure to use my name.20:53
dr_willismrfoobar:  if you used the fstab and had a 'users' option. the users could mount/unmount the location set.20:54
ha1dfojust asking again, if somebody knows, in unity, how can I configure ALT-TAB to exclude minimized windows?20:54
mrfoobarthere is no other way?20:54
mrdebdr_willis: so you can mount without root?20:54
NumnThinkT510: i mean like not upgrading to 11.04 and still update some other files that maybe needs to be updated :D20:54
mrfoobarcan't i mount the location as root and have normal users access it?20:54
dr_willismrdeb:  via fstab yes.. theres also some fuse smb tools that  give you a dynamic 'list of all shares on the network' feature20:54
aikInsaanmaco: thanks for the tip...next my eyes are on macbook (air/pro)- good aren't they?20:54
tfdevedbian: next time I make love to my gf, make her call me edbian? She might not be okay with that but I figure it's the least I can do...20:54
ThinkT510Numn: not sure what you mean20:54
dr_willisha1dfo:  check the settings in the ccsm tool. it can tweak the alt-tab plugin20:55
dr_willis!ccsm | ha1dfo20:55
ubottuha1dfo: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz20:55
mrdebdr_willis: o you have to visudo mount too for the user20:55
edbiantfdev: ha, you're gonna get in trouble with talk like that my friend20:55
tfdevedbian: ten-four, ill keep it pg.20:55
dr_willismrdeb:  Huh?20:55
ha1dfodr_willis, thank you, i'll check20:55
edbiantfdev: :)20:55
macoaikInsaan: as far as i know, yes. i think theyre using core i5/i7 these days. "celeron" is always the current intel cpu but with that cache cut in half20:55
mrdebso yes20:55
dr_willismrdeb:  the fstab file can have a 'users' option for specific mount points..20:56
dr_willismrdeb:  allowing users to mount it.20:56
NumnThinkT510: ok like update importan update and still not upgrade to 11.04 ;)20:56
=== mightymizo is now known as mizo
bahamas10carbon357: i'll try nc, it's just a standalone server, but since minecraft is java i'm guessing it spiked ram or cpu and that just messed it all up20:56
ThinkT510Numn: you can stick with 10.10 if you like20:56
ThinkT510!eol | Numn20:57
ubottuNumn: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:57
mrdebdr_willis: that is for place only. what about hwen it asks for root. will it still ask for root20:57
dr_willismrdeb:  it depends on how you are mounting it.. you are not being clear on what you want to do.20:57
aikInsaanmaco: should i expect a lot better experience on lubuntu (or other light weight derivatives)?20:57
bahamas10carbon357: nc 22 returns nothing, it just hangs20:57
ha1dfodr_willis, stupid question: is this ccsm work also with unity-2d?20:57
carbon357bahamas10 : yeah mindcraft is a resource hog eh20:57
dr_willisha1dfo:  ccsm is the compiz setting manager.. unity uses compiz, but unity-2d does not.20:58
macoaikInsaan: i would think so.  it should have fewer background processes running to try to make things "automagic"20:58
bahamas10carbon357: yeah, i'm just wondering why now, i ran it for months, so i'm just speculating that minecraft is the culprit20:58
mrdebdr_willis: mounts without root20:58
cbx33sudo update-alternatives --config wish          --          What else will that effect?20:58
bahamas10carbon357: nc -vvvvv 2220:58
bahamas10Connection to 22 port [tcp/ssh] succeeded!20:58
bahamas10.... then it hangs20:58
Testtube1Noor_egy i think your grub file is wrong.20:58
ha1dfodr_willis, I see. Then the alt-tab is done by metacity?20:58
aikInsaanmaco: lubuntu's the way forward then..?20:58
bahamas10same with ports 80 and 44320:58
dr_willismrdeb:  make a fstab entry with the users option is the normal way to mount a location as a user. ......    theres no safe way to do a 'let users mount eveyrthing with no limitations'20:58
dr_willisha1dfo:  compiz replaces metacity..20:59
macoaikInsaan: thats what we've been recommending for folks in your situation and why it was created :)20:59
Testtube1Noor_egy it says menuentry "Windows 7 (on /dev/sdb1)" {20:59
dr_willisha1dfo:  compiz has perhaps 4 differnt plugins for the alt-tab task switcher.20:59
Testtube1but your fdisk -l20:59
aetasbahamas10, is this a system you can only access through ssh?20:59
Testtube1shows the boot partition on /dev/sda120:59
ha1dfodr_willis, okay, but cannot run normal unity because of old GPU in laptop, so i can't use unity, i have to use unity 2d, so compiz is out, right?20:59
underOh, dear.20:59
dr_willisha1dfo:  unity-2d does not use compiz.20:59
dr_willisive no idea if unity-2d uses metacity, or mutter.. or what it does.. :)21:00
aikInsaanyep gonna go for it maco21:00
mrdebthat sounds too hard dr_willis, so i will use udisks21:00
ha1dfodr_willis, ps aux says metacity21:00
aetashas anyone kept unity?  I lasted about 5 minutes with it21:00
underI'm from ubuntu live, I'm looking for diagnostic software, I think my SSD drive is broken. How can I check that?21:00
tfdevedbian: i ran the app after making it executable. Both by double clicking & "sudo ./tuxboot-linux-25" unfortunately nothing happened. No gui, terminal went back to accept another cmd21:01
NumnThinkT510: i wish 10.10 is reviving in the future i really like it very much.. i dont like the new upgrades for ubuntu but that's my opinion21:01
edbiantfdev: let me take a look21:01
aetasunder: I would started with seeing if its detected first21:01
ThinkT510Numn: you could always try xfce or lxde if you don't like kde or gnome (xfce is my favourite)21:02
underaetas: not always it's seen at BIOS21:02
edbiantfdev: did you gksudo or sudo it?21:02
tfdevedbian: note* terminal did not ask for su pw21:02
Testtube1edbian There was a user in here with a question about a booting issue his grub is here http://paste.ubuntu.com/648554/ and his fdisk info is here   http://paste.ubuntu.com/648552/ doesnt it appear that the grub entry down at the bottom refering to win7 is wrong?21:02
dr_willissudo password is cached for a few min by default.21:02
Brosephis there an xclip equivalent for systems that don't have X installed?21:03
NumnThinkT510: the thing is that i love gnome but yea your right i think should use another window mangement for my taste21:03
aetasunder: I mean in linux21:03
edbianTesttube1: hang on21:03
edbiantfdev: what command did you run?21:03
dr_willis!info xclip21:03
ubottuxclip (source: xclip): command line interface to X selections. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12-1 (natty), package size 19 kB, installed size 92 kB21:03
carbon357bahamas10 :  interesting.  so making connections is not the issue.  odd man.  I can't think of anything else remotely off the top of my head21:03
underaetas: Yes, I can see it.21:03
tfdevsudo ./tuxboot-linux-25 < copy&paste21:04
dr_willisbahamas10:  you wanting to use the mouse and a clipboard in the console? GPM lets you do that to some degree.21:04
tfdevedbian: ^^21:04
bahamas10aetas: for now yes, only through ssh21:04
edbianTesttube1: yes def.  It's pointing to a harddrive that is not even connected according to fdisk21:04
Brosephdr_willis, I just want to pipe the contents of a file to clipboard21:04
Brosephcat file | xclip21:04
Testtube1Thanks edbian21:04
edbiantfdev: What are you pointing at?21:04
bahamas10carbon357: yeah it's weird haha, i wass SSH'd in today to socks proxy my web browsing traffic21:04
dr_willisBroseph:  then do what with it?21:04
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bahamas10then i noticed it died, and now i can't get in again21:04
edbiantfdev: oh I see it21:05
NumnThinkT510: i main thing is that i dont like the unity.. and i any way getting if i update21:05
underpirlo89: you are the n121:05
tfdevedbian: it was in the tutorial, since im making it through linuc21:05
Brosephdr_willing, paste it somewhere else of course21:05
tfdevedbian: should I try manual?21:05
dr_willisBroseph:  into an X app?21:05
aikInsaanhow do the following disk benchmark results sound to people? Timing cached reads = 303.76 MB/sec Timing buffered disk reads =  33.23 MB/sec21:05
edbiantfdev: can I see ls -l tuxboot-linux-2521:05
carbon357bahamas10 :  did you apply any updates or change  anything ?21:05
pirlo89under:  LOL ... i am not that pirlo X)21:06
tfdev-rwxr-xr-x 1 ubuntu ubuntu 4383772 2011-07-20 20:48 tuxboot-linux-2521:06
Testtube1tfdev: did the file turn green>21:06
ubottuError: Ubuntu bug 4383772 could not be found21:06
tfdevedbian: ^^21:06
underpirlo89: hehehe now he is a juventus player :D21:06
tfdevTesttube1: in the folder, no. In terminal, yes21:06
Brosephdr_willis: no, I'm accessing a server through SSH actually, I was hoping there's a tool that would allow me to paste in my host OS just like the "natural" mechanism of selecting works21:06
Testtube1Looks like he has the excute flag there21:07
edbiantfdev: wait a minute.  How are you on linux right now?  Is this a liveCD?21:07
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edbianTesttube1: yes it does21:07
pirlo89under:  yep, it's so sad seeing him leave21:07
ThinkT510Numn: i've never liked gnome so i've always stuck with xfce (xubuntu) so i never need to deal with gnome 2/3 or unity21:07
dr_willisBroseph:  cant say that ive ever seen a clipboard work that way over ssh..  other then whats built into  the ssh clients (like putty)21:07
ocxwhen a user accesses an nfs share as which user is he identified on the nfs server?21:07
ThinkT510Numn: there is also lubuntu (lxde) which is getting high praise too21:08
underpirlo89: are you milan supporter?21:08
Brosephdr_willis: okay, thanks. Wishful thinking I guess21:08
NumnThinkT510: if i want get rid of unity i need to get rid of gnome then? :)21:08
pirlo89under:  yes, i guess you are a juve supporter ?21:08
tardisI'm not seeing the part where it's at all important that Unity's installed if you're not using it.21:09
underpirlo89: yes, i'm italian21:09
dr_willisocx:  as far as ive ever seen/noticed  the nfs server sees him as his normal logged in user.  thats how you can have nfs mounted /home/ dirs and so forth.21:09
dr_willisocx:  there may be nfs options to force/remap to other user names.21:09
edbiantfdev: How are you on linux right now?21:09
ThinkT510Numn: another option is to use the mini iso and install what you want from there (get gnome without unity)21:09
ocxdr_willis: : i want to map certain users to certain remote users21:09
ThinkT510!mini | Numn21:09
ubottuNumn: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD21:09
pirlo89under:  man ... i always wanted to go to italy21:10
underpirlo89: you from?21:10
dr_willisocx:  prob. doable. but ive never had the need.21:10
pirlo89under:  Kuwait21:10
Testtube1Maybe he got it working edbian :P21:10
edbianTesttube1: hopefully :)21:10
edbianTesttube1: maybe we caught him!21:10
ThinkT510Numn: starting with 11.10 there will be no more gnome 2 though (but i think there is a fallback mode in gnome 3 to make it look similar)21:11
ocxhow do u map users to their home directories?21:11
zykotick9Numn, FYI if you go the mini route and want only gnome, install the gnome-desktop-environment packages (gnome will fail)21:11
ocxon a nfs server21:11
Testtube1uh oh21:11
underpirlo89: not so close :D21:11
NumnThinkT510: so 11.04 and still without any unity then?21:11
szal!ot | pirlo89, under21:11
ubottupirlo89, under: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:11
jenKM0201 are you there?21:11
KM0201jen: yes21:11
ThinkT510Numn: yes21:12
=== Guest1868 is now known as Logan_
jentis ken right?21:12
KM0201jen: yes, its ken..lol21:12
Testtube1Welcome back tfdev21:12
underI'm from ubuntu live, I'm looking for diagnostic software, I think my SSD drive is broken. How can I check that?21:12
tfdevsorry... im tethering and incoming calls kills connection21:13
pirlo89under:  yeah i know. I don't want to spam a ubuntu channel, so i guess i will see you later :)21:13
edbiantfdev: ha, funny21:13
Testtube1I wish my company paid for teathering!21:13
tfdevTesttube1: last I said, file was green in terminal21:13
tfdevedbian: oh.. just hilarious21:13
NikyoA question.. is Nivida 096 driver working in the newest build of Ubuntu?21:13
ocxhow can i map users local directory to a remote directory hosted on NFS Server21:13
edbiantfdev: how are you on linux right now?21:13
tfdevedbian: booted ubuntu from pendrive21:14
tfdevedbian: hdd still removed21:14
edbiantfdev: ohh21:14
szalNikyo: any reason to believe that it isn't?  for what gfx card, btw?21:14
edbianWhat are you gonna install gparted to?21:14
tfdevedbian: other pen drive :)21:15
Nikyoszal: After 10.4, the driver did not work anymore. something to do with the new xorg server that broke the driver and hardware acceleration.21:15
Numni want Ubuntu/Gnome/Without_Unity/11.04 :D21:15
edbiantfdev: ahh21:15
edbiantfdev: Which tuxboot did you download? clonezilla, drbl, gparted, ... ?21:16
Nikyoszal: affected a lot of users.. including me.. genric driver would work but not Nivida 096<szal21:16
szalNikyo: and what gfx card?21:16
k0d3g3arNumn, pinguy is your friend21:16
NikyoNivida Fx Geforce 520021:16
tfdevedbian: that phone call was a ride to go get my pet rats some food. Sadly I'll have to leave for a short bit of time. Planning to leave soon?21:16
zykotick9Numn, if you don't want Unity, check out some of the other Debian based distros - Mint and Debian come to mind ;)21:16
szalNikyo: the FX series takes the nvidia-17321:17
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climbe2question:  how do I start the GUI from command line?21:17
szalNikyo: and I can confirm that the 173 works21:17
zykotick9climbe2, startx21:17
Numnyes, but ubuntu is my Fave! :)21:17
zykotick9climbe2, or "sudo service gdm start" if you want the login screen21:17
Nikyoszal in Ubuntu 11ubuntu 1121:17
edbiantfdev: Yeah :( dinner time21:17
szalNikyo: yes21:17
qinNumn: Get minimal iso, and make sure to not install Unity.21:17
tfdevedbian: Thanks for everything. I'll be back on and see if I can't get any help.21:18
mandrakemandrake Linux is alive again21:18
Numnok thx for all help.. now i know what i can do :)21:18
tfdevtesttube1: gonna be on for a bit? :)21:18
edbiantfdev: good luck21:18
pirlo89Does anyone know a good web development channel ?21:18
NikyoI'll try installing ubuntu 11.04 and see if hard ware acceration works.. I'm currently at 10.421:18
Testtube1tfdev for a little bit there seems to be a channel full of helpful people i am sure you will find someone if you return21:18
tfdevTesttube1: I'll bet. thanks also for your advice. Take care.21:19
szalNikyo: it does work, even though it's still a far cry from GF8+ cards21:19
Psydollhow can i view processes in ubuntu so i can kill the one causing problems?21:19
climbe2zykotick9: it says gdm is already running21:20
ThinkT510Psydoll: ps aux21:20
climbe2Job is already running: gdm21:20
FuchsPsydoll: htop, top, gnome-system-monitor, ...21:20
zykotick9climbe2, then alt+f7 or f8 will probably bring you back to GUI21:20
aikInsaanOn an intel celeron 2.4GHz with 1gb ram, intel 82845GL graphics card....Lubuntu or Xubuntu?21:20
sudokilleither or21:20
mandrakeI am here if someone need advanced Linux information21:21
climbe2took me to a blank screen with blinking cursor...no action21:21
Nikyoszal: Thanks for your input.. I'll give it a shot.. one my Pentium 3 with 384 MB of ram.. having no acceleration does not bother me.. (what the point ;-) ) but on this 2 Ghz AMD Althon.. I like it21:21
terminhellI have ubuntu installed on a second partition, but ive cleared out the first partition. How i can i setup the first, and bigger partition as my /home instead of its current location21:21
sudokillmy openbox + 2 xchat windows = 110mb ram21:21
PsydollFuchs: thanks i see the process thats causing the problem how do i kill that one? kill PID?21:21
zykotick9climbe2, "sudo service gdm restart" will restart the service then.21:21
Nikyoszal: Thanks again, have a good night.. i may be back after the install if time permits.21:21
FuchsPsydoll: yes, that should work. Or pkill, or (with caution) killal.21:22
io!partition | terminhell21:22
ubottuterminhell: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap21:22
pirlo89mandrake:  could you provide me a link to explain how the linux virtual memory system works ?21:22
szal!memory | pirlo8921:22
ubottupirlo89: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html21:22
PsydollFuchs: ty21:22
mandrakein a minute21:22
Testtube1Mandrake: I have a legit question that has confused many.21:22
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mandrakeI allow you to ask21:24
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pirlo89ubottu:  thanks21:24
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)21:24
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Testtube1mandrake: on 11/23/2010 we created a image of /dev/sda1 that contains /boot we deployed it to 1200 ubuntu machines out in the field remotely. Once it came time for a forced fsck it shows data issues with a inode. The file that resides on the inode has a modfied date of 11/20/10 three days prior to when the image was deployed.21:26
Testtube1obviously /dev/sda1 eg /boot was rebuilt on 11/23/1021:26
Testtube1why does this one file have a previous time stamp?21:26
mandrakeI am thinking...21:27
* ThinkT510 hears the mighty mandrake cogs starting to whir!21:28
ProductI would like to ask for help in CentOS, because I couldn't find it's channel.21:29
Testtube1mandrake its my understanding that /boot alot of it or all of it is stored in "memory" its my theory that when the system booted on 11/20 and then rebooted on 11/23 after it recieved the image some data was written down to disk from the last time it booted (11/20/10) But i have been told this is not possible21:29
mandrakethe next release of MAndrake LInux will have fix to this problem21:29
sudokillProduct, centos?21:29
ProductYes Sudokill.21:29
sudokillproduct /join #centos then21:29
mandrakeif you are in a computer everithyng is possible21:30
ProductThank you very much.21:30
Product /join #centos21:30
Testtube1mandrake you are hurting my brain :(21:30
plouffelame trolls21:30
Product /join #centos21:30
P05TMANCan you please help: how can I edit a whole directory with sed? I want to change all the .m4a file extensions in directory 'Album' to .mp321:30
szalProduct: try without a whitespace in front21:31
qinTesttube1: Do you have "mother" image somwhere?21:31
ProductI can't join :(21:31
tardisP05TMAN: that's not what sed is for. Look into "man rename"21:31
ProductIt says it's not registered.21:31
Testtube1qin: yes i do and i verified the time stamp is correct on the master image.21:31
tardis!register > Product21:31
ubottuProduct, please see my private message21:31
terryP05TMAN: You just want to change the file names?21:31
ProductOk, thanks :)21:31
Testtube1I also verified with md5sum that the file that was transfered remotely is the same.21:31
mandrakeyou ant to change the extension or the format?21:31
Octodigithi folks. I've switched to teh open source ati driver on teh basis that I might be able to see compiz working for fun this evening, so I wonder if anyone has been through this process and got it working before me21:31
P05TMANTerry: yes, the file extensions actually21:32
Testtube1qin md5 check was actually performed prior to laying down the image.21:32
ProductI would like to get only some help with the VPS, it has no GUI.21:32
OctodigitI'm on natty, I don't usually run the open source ati driver as it gets up to 65 degrees hotter than with fglrx and then I bottle it and switch off21:32
qinTesttube1: Did you try to deploy it, and simulate "problem"?21:32
P05TMANTardis: I will check that out, thank you21:32
ProductI would be pleased if someone can chat with me on PM.21:32
Testtube1qin: I did actually if i take a clean box and do it manually it works fine.21:32
ikoniaProduct: just ask your questions in the channel, and if someone can help they will21:33
ProductIt's actually a server setup.21:33
jasonxcan anyone recomend a twitter client for ubuntu21:33
Testtube1which tells me the problem isnt with the img file21:33
ikoniaProduct: just ask your questions21:33
ProductA MineCraft server, it's not that hard to set it up.21:33
ThinkT510Product: if you are running centos ask in #centos (you need to register your nick)21:33
ProductBut I don't know what commands to use.21:33
ProductOk, thanks :)21:33
itaylor57ikonia, he is using Centos not ubuntu21:33
ikoniaProduct: ahh, sorry, I missed that you where running Centos21:34
aguitelis there any way to make usb booteable with alternative cd ?21:34
Octodigitmy current problem is that having switched to the ati open source driver (I'm sure of that), when I attempt to start anything that involves compiz the desktop flashes on and off repeatedly21:34
ProductThanks anyways :)21:34
P05TMANterry: just the file extensions21:34
terryP05TMAN: Try this:  for i in *.m4a; do mv "$i" "`basename "$i" .m4a`.mp3"; done21:34
underI get this Error benchmarking: helper exited with exit code 1: Error reading 104857600 bytes at 104857600 from /dev/sda when guesstimating buffer size: Input/output error21:34
under I want to benchmark my disk21:34
ThinkT510Product: if you don't want to register your nick you could try a related channel like #fedora (red hat based)21:34
Testtube1qin: any additional thoughts?21:34
Octodigitdoes anyone know, did compiz just get completely banjaxed for natty+ati and hang the consequences? am I wasting my time?21:34
ikoniaTesttube1: no, that is not the channels process, that is for Fedora support21:35
ProductOh ok21:35
ProductThanks bro's :)21:35
Testtube1ikonia what?21:35
ikoniaTesttube1: #fedora is for Feodra support, not Centos support21:35
Testtube1I never asked for fedora support or centos support?21:35
vltHello. I'm a new Ubuntu user. Where can I find my clipboard history?21:35
ThinkT510ikonia: i realise that21:35
HackerIIjust register the nic21:35
Testtube1You have me confused with a different user.21:35
qinTesttube1: Not really, moment21:35
ikoniaTesttube1: darn it, sorry, I meant that for ThinkT51021:36
ikoniaTesttube1: my apologies21:36
sudokillvlt, afaik there isnt one21:36
Octodigitubottu: ping21:36
aikInsaanOn an intel celeron 2.4GHz with 1gb ram, intel 82845GL graphics card....Lubuntu or Xubuntu?21:36
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to respond to factoid requests. Call that job satisfaction? Because I don't.21:36
aeon-ltdaikInsaan: whatever you prefer, with those specs you'll be fine for everything but heavy compiz use21:36
aeon-ltdaikInsaan: and other heavy processing like some compiling and rendering models21:37
Octodigitubottu: ping21:37
ikoniaOctodigit: can you please stop that21:37
aikInsaanaeon-ltd: okay...cheers!21:37
Octodigitah, I can be seen. OK, cool, that removes the need to do that. Thanks21:38
aikInsaanhow do the following disk benchmark results sound to people? Timing cached reads = 303.76 MB/sec Timing buffered disk reads =  33.23 MB/sec21:38
vltsudokill: No clipboard history? Whose idea was this?21:38
sudokillvlt, im not 100% sure21:38
sudokillwhen you copy something usually its the only thing21:38
Picivlt: you can use something like glipper if you need that.21:38
sudokilltheres probably a load of progs that let you keep a history21:38
vltPici: I'll try glipper. Thank you.21:39
Octodigithow many weeks should I patiently wait in silence after asking whether anyone's experienced the same issue as me, before I conclude I'm stupid?21:39
Octodigitah well.21:39
tardisvlt: I like parcellite, personally.21:39
Octodigitpeace, voluntary support type persons, later21:39
P05TMANterry: mv: cannot stat21:40
hudohi in lucid, there is the network-manager-applet in the panel, there i can de/activate the network. What is the correspondign console command ?21:40
FoxxWould anybody have an idea as to why a kernel driver would work on the live cd/usb but not after an install?21:40
terryvlt: There's glipper21:41
qinhudo: sudo service networking stop21:41
P05TMANterry:Nevermind, I typo'd; terminal genius you are21:41
zykotick9hudo, N-M doesn't have a console command.  You can use /etc/network/interfaces to setup your connections, which will disable N-M from managing them.21:41
qinhudo: Or, less barbaric, use: ifconfig21:41
qinzykotick9: nmcli21:42
zykotick9qin, are you saying /etc/network/interfaces is "barbaric" :P21:42
terryP05TMAN: NP21:42
qinzykotick9: No, service stop21:42
FoxxWould anybody have an idea as to why a kernel driver would work on the live cd/usb but not after an install?21:43
Testtube1which driver?21:43
zykotick9qin, nmcli doesn't appear to have a Debian package...21:43
aikInsaanaeon-ltd: what are lubuntu or xubuntu come with workspace limits? i.e. will I have multiple workspaces and if so what's the max number allowed?21:43
terryFoxx: Yes21:43
babbleum. wow. The messaging menu just found XChat automatically for me...did I do something?21:43
dawidFoxx- Bitch21:43
qin!info nmcli21:43
ubottuPackage nmcli does not exist in natty21:43
zykotick9qin,  cnetworkmanager perhaps?21:43
aikInsaanwhat are lubuntu and xubuntu workspace limits*21:43
tardisdawid: What?21:44
qin!info nm-tool21:44
ubottuPackage nm-tool does not exist in natty21:44
Testtube1rt8187 - wireless driver?21:44
FoxxTesttube1: yup....thatd be the one21:44
aguitelis there any way to make usb booteable with alternative cd ?21:44
qinzykotick9: No, nmcli (not sure what package is it)21:45
zykotick9aguitel, you could try using unetbootin don't see why it wouldn't work, but never tried.21:45
terryqin: Are you lookong for mtools ?21:45
Testtube1Foxx which version of ubuntu?21:45
aguitelzykotick9, not working21:45
dawidTradis-mouth whore, control yourself21:45
qinterry: No21:45
ThinkT510aikInsaan: how many workspaces do you need?21:45
Foxxtesttube1: 10.04 and up...I have had the issue on every single ubuntu install21:46
qinzykotick9: nmcli comes with network-manager (from 0.8.1+)21:46
zykotick9qin, does "dpkg -S nm-tool" give any output?21:46
aikInsaanThinkT510: well 4 at least...21:46
qinhudo: nmcli can also disable network.21:46
vlttardis, terry: Thank you.21:46
cook1es_Does notepad++ exist for ubuntu?21:47
ThinkT510aikInsaan: xfce definitly does a lot more than 4 (i use 6 regularly)21:47
ikoniacook1es_: no21:47
aikInsaanThinkT510: and lubuntu?21:47
hudoqin, is this own package, or does t belong to another package ?21:47
cook1es_ikonia: thanks21:47
=== tardis is now known as rww
Testtube1modprobe rtl8187 ?21:47
ThinkT510aikInsaan: not sure, but i'd guess more than 421:47
qinhudo: It should be installed, man nmcli21:47
cook1es_Can someone suggest a equally or better text-editor like Notepad++?21:47
aikInsaancool, thanks ThinkT51021:48
qincook1es_: vim, gvim21:48
ThinkT510aikInsaan: no worries :)21:48
cook1es_qin: looks good, thanks21:48
FoxxTesttube1: modprobe? it is rtl8187 for realtek. I am not sure what you were asking21:49
terrycook1es_: vim21:49
qincook1es_: It is very powerfull editor, seed plugins to match your needs21:49
ThinkT510cook1es_: or you could use notepad++ in wine (yeah, not an elegant solution)21:50
Testtube1Foxx its being found but not connecting? is that the issue?21:50
sudokillcook1es_, gedit21:50
wildbatcook1es_: geany21:50
FoxxTesttube1: No, it works perfect on the live cd, but after I install...the system doest see it.21:51
terryFoxx: Is this a laptop?21:51
terryFoxx: lspci |grep ireless21:52
Foxxterry: No this is a custom built desktop. the card is a usb dongle21:52
Testtube1Foxx do you have any other way of getting online other than wireless on the desktop?21:52
FoxxTesttube1: Not at home...I brought the tower over to a relatives to see if I could get help.21:53
terryFoxx: What does lspci say about it?21:54
Foxxterry: it gave me no feedback. O.o21:54
Testtube1Foxx: as terry requested it would be helpful it you showed the results of lspci21:54
qinFoxx: remove dongle, in terminal: tail -f /var/log/dmesg, connect dongle...21:54
Testtube1Foxx: That card does need proprietary drivers i think21:55
Foxxterry: I just tried again. I will pastebin it21:55
Testtube1If you could get to hardware drivers from system/admin21:55
Testtube1you may be able to luck out.21:55
terryFoxx: What does lsusb say about it?21:55
Foxxterry: http://pastebin.com/XYYh4z2a21:55
Foxxterry: http://pastebin.com/qWnc1b2U21:56
RichardRaseleyHello all, I am beginning the process of (attempting) to teach myself C. Can anyone recommend a good IDE that is supported in Ubuntu 11.04 or should I just such it up and use gedit + gcc?21:56
jamesdcHey, has anybody here have any experience with using Ubuntu and FakeRAIDs?21:57
terryFoxx: lsmod |grep 81821:57
icerootjamesdc: dont use fakeraids, use software-raids21:57
cook1es_When trying to save index.html in /var/www/ I get Permission denied. How do I give myself permission?21:57
ikoniajamesdc: yes, and I strongly advise against it21:57
demonsporkjamesdc, softwar raid using LVM is better to manage21:57
jamesdcI would but I still need to be able to duel boot and use windows21:57
aikInsaanis there a checksum tool be default in ubuntu?21:58
dr_willisRichardRaseley:  check out geany21:58
szalaikInsaan: md5sum, sha1sum, sha256sum..21:58
icerootjamesdc: ok so windows should also be on raid21:58
PsydollHello is there a way to ftp in ubuntu directly from the command line without using a client like filezilla?21:59
sudokillcook1es_, save it as root21:59
jamesdcIs it possible to have a "half" software raid, so that half the disk would be used for a software raid and the rest of it would be just be normal?21:59
ikoniaPsydoll: yes, "ftp" is the command21:59
icerootjamesdc: sure21:59
dr_willisPsydoll:  theres the classic command line 'ftp' client.....21:59
Psydollikonia: dr_willis ty21:59
dr_willisPsydoll:  been around for.. err.. decades :)21:59
icerootjamesdc: raid is build on partitons not on drives21:59
Foxxterry: http://pastebin.com/a2QdsAh821:59
cook1es_sudokill: thanks! How do I do that?21:59
dr_willisPsydoll:  be sure to set transfers to 'binary' type.. ;)21:59
sudokillcook1es_, are you editing a file?21:59
jamesdcExcellent, thanks iceroot21:59
sudokillcook1es_, if so, edit it as root22:00
sudokille.g. sudo nano, gksudo gedit etc22:00
Psydolldr_willis: that just kind of put me off, what do you mean set to binary type?22:00
cook1es_sudokill: No, trying to create a new one and putting it there22:00
FoxxTerry, grep 818 is still going22:00
terryFoxx: lsmod |grep 81822:00
sudokillcook1es_, you can make it as user and use root to copy / move it22:00
qinFoxx: Stop it! You scanning whole drive.22:00
terryFoxx: Ctrl-c ; lsmod |grep 81822:00
Testtube1Foxx that last thing you did looks wrong22:00
simprixI am trying to upgrade 6.06 LTS to 8.04 LTS. I have followed this site https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades. When I run do-release-upgrade it fails. Looking at the logs it is trying to insert a archive source for dapper instead of what is on old-releases. Is there a way to get this upgraded?22:01
dr_willisPsydoll:   ftp can do binary, or 'ascii' transfers.. years ago it defaulted to ascii, whoch could screw up binary files..  you always had to rember to tell ftp to use binary for its transfers..22:01
FoxxTerry, from that, I get no feedback at all22:01
dr_willisPsydoll:  really in this day and age.. you should be uysing ssh and scp.. and forget ftp even exists22:01
Testtube1Foxx he is asking you to grep for 818 which i am assuming because of the model22:01
qinsimprix: You would be much better either with fresh install, or having medieval version of Ubuntu.22:01
cook1es_sudokill: The paste is grayed out when I right click inside the /www/ folder22:02
terryFoxx: modprobe rtl818722:02
Psydolldr_willis: thanks im using it now22:02
sudokillcook1es_, you dont use the paste button22:02
dr_willisPsydoll:  read up at ---> http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FtpMustDie22:02
Testtube1Foxx please run the command i mentioned at the beggining.22:02
sudokillcook1es_, sudo cp or mv22:02
rwwterry: rtl8187 uses modules named 'wl' or 'b43', depending on which driver you go with.22:02
Testtube1<Testtube1> modprobe rtl8187 ?22:02
rwwterry: oh, wait, no, I'm getting mixed up between my two computers >.>22:02
simprixqin, So your teling me that this won't work because the mirrors have been moved to old-releases but this would of worked before 6/3122:02
FoxxTerry: http://pastebin.com/52YQZ4f822:02
* rww needs to sleep more22:03
qinsimprix: It will just take longer to upgarde.22:03
Testtube1Foxx are you root?22:03
cook1es_sudokill: im supernew with the terminal, do I just type like sudo mv /desktop/ /var/www/ ??22:03
terryFoxx: sudo modprobe rtl818722:03
sudokillcook1es_, yes, sudo mv (the file) to (the location)22:04
terryTesttube1: No, he's not root, he's Foxx  :)22:04
sudokillcook1es_, tell me the the file and where you want to put it22:04
FoxxTerry: good one :p and I ran the line, but got no feedback22:05
Testtube1Foxx: I am Excited what was the results?22:05
terryFoxx: See if it works.22:05
Testtube1Foxx: i think that is normal22:05
CharonXQuestion: what are the recommended gems to look at for offloading background jobs from a rails application to another computer. Ex: processing a large text file, it is uploaded and passed to another computer which handles the processing then returns a status once complete. most articles I can find are two years old. Some recommend backgroundrb and some say stay away. But all old articles ....22:05
Testtube1Should work now Foxx22:05
cook1es_sudokill: oh cool! I experimented abit and did sudo geany and had root access with geany then. you probably said that though haha. anyways just for the knowledge sake.. from desktop/index.html to var/www/22:06
FoxxTesttube1: it is recognized but it says the device is not managed22:06
CharonXOh crap... sorry wrong channel22:06
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sudokillcook1es_, yea you can run any app as root with sudo. but for graphical apps use gksu or gksudo, its not needed  most of the time but good practice22:07
cook1es_sudokill: I assume that will cause the app not to close when I press ctrl+c?22:07
Testtube1I think you need to change managed=false to true22:07
simprixqin, Thats fine. These are production servers. I plan to go from 6.06 to 8.04 to 10.0422:07
sudokillcook1es_, no any app will close with ctrl c most the time22:07
FoxxTesttube1: how do I do that? O.o22:08
cook1es_sudokill: ah, what is the point of gksudo and is it possible to avoid that ctrl c thing?22:08
sudokillcook1es_, just dont press ctrl+c22:08
dr_willisgksudo has nothing to do with ctrl-c....22:08
Testtube1what is inside /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf22:08
ubottuUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on July 14th 2009, Server support ended on June 1st 2011. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.22:08
cook1es_sudokill: lol22:09
FoxxTesttube1, Okay.. I will check. give me a sec22:09
dr_willisctrl-c = the unix/linux/old-skool standard for 'closeing' an app/killing it.. them MS took it over for 'copy/paste'22:09
aikInsaani have just downloaded lubuntu 11.04 (32bit) and checked the md5 checksum on the torrented iso...which matches but when i run 'usb-creator.exe' it reports a ' End-of-central-directory signature not found...' error22:09
Testtube1Foxx: I am not sure about this part But i think there will be a statement that says false in there.22:09
aikInsaanan suggestions on what could have gone wrong?22:09
Testtube1Foxx: that needs to be true.22:09
aikInsaanor possibly what my noob hands are doing incorrectly?22:09
nit-witaikInsaan, you might try unetbootin22:09
Foxxtesttube1: okay. I changed it22:10
Testtube1Foxx before you make changes make a backup of the file22:10
Testtube1would be my suggestion22:10
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sudokillaikInsaan, no idea22:10
zykotick9aikInsaan, are you opening the .exe from windows or gnu/linux?22:10
cook1es_dr_willis: and then linux followed with it and changed close window to ctrl + w? :P22:10
cook1es_sudokill: thanks alot btw, it was very helpful22:10
Testtube1Foxx: did that do anything?22:10
aikInsaanzykotick9: sorry i should have mentioned...i am on natty22:10
aikInsaanso linux22:11
Foxxtesttube1: nope22:11
dr_williscook1es_:  actually that would be the WIndowmanger designers.. not linux. :)22:11
Psydolldr_willis: Hello, I have used the FTP program to successfully download from my shell a file, though "put" a file on the shell account is harder, how to i specify which file i want to "put" there ie put thefilename.jpg for example?22:11
ryan__I am trying to run httpd (apache) on ubuntu server but I'm getting "/usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd: error while loading shared libraries: libpcre.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" I ran "whereis libpcre.so.0" and it does exist in several places. Do I need to make a symbolic link somewhere?22:11
zykotick9aikInsaan, that's why you're getting that error.  The EXE is opening in file-roller.22:11
Foxxtesttube1: would a log out / log in help at this point?22:11
Testtube1Foxx: does it still say not managed?22:11
ikoniaPsydoll: exactly that, put $filename22:11
nit-witaikInsaan, usenthye natty usb creator .exe=windows22:11
FoxxTesttube1: yup....22:11
Psydollikonia: the $ is important?22:11
Psydolllet me try22:11
Testtube1Foxx: please try that.22:11
synackfinhow do I get the full cmdline of a pid from /proc?  (/proc/pid/cmdline seems to be truncated to the first 4096 bytes)22:11
ab555Hello, I just dual installed win 7 and ubuntu, ubuntu being the first install, it ate the bootloader, does it matter what live cs version i use tryingt o reinstall grub?22:11
terryFoxx: Is this machine online now?22:12
ikoniaPsydoll: no22:12
ikoniaPsydoll: eg: put /etc/hosts22:12
ikoniaPsydoll: it was an example file name22:12
nit-witab555, yes22:12
dr_willisPsydoll:  this is when you check the ftp docs. and  online tutorials for the ftp command line client.. ive not used it in 20 years. there are command line file managers like 'mc' that can do ftp with a nice ncurses gui.  i strongly suggest learning SSH and SCP...22:12
Psydollikonia: thank you i was unsure if i had to list the directory22:12
terryFoxx: Are you plugged in to a wired network now?  Or...?22:12
qinsimprix: What how to did you follow?22:12
nit-witab555, what is the ubuntu install?22:12
aikInsaannit-wit: aha! is that called wubi?22:12
ab555nit-wit: im running ubuntu 10.1022:12
Testtube1Foxx : please run this sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager restart22:12
Testtube1Foxx: and this sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart22:12
ab555nit-wit: dont see a live cs for that on their website22:12
szal!grub | nit-wit22:12
ubottunit-wit: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)22:12
Testtube1Oh no!22:13
Psydolldr_willis: do you the the ftp command line client is completely outdated and it would be more beneficial to learn ssh and scp?22:13
nit-witab555, Natty needs a natty but 10.10 could use another,. What live cd's do you have?22:13
ryan__is anybody here familiar with Apache web server?22:13
ikoniaryan__: yes22:13
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ab555nit-wit: 10.0422:13
ryan__ikonia: I am trying to run httpd (apache) on ubuntu server but I'm getting "/usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd: error while loading shared libraries: libpcre.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" I ran "whereis libpcre.so.0" and it does exist in several places. Do I need to make a symbolic link somewhere?22:13
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terryryan__: What do you need?22:13
simprixqin, Do you have any suggestions or a kb article22:13
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nit-witab555, probably okay, personally I would use a 10.1022:14
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dr_willisPsydoll:  ive said several times... learn ssh/scp/sftp and forget ftp ever existed....22:14
simprixqin, Do you have any suggestions or a kb article22:14
Testtube1Was that a netsplit?22:14
ab555nit-wit: where can i get a 10.10 iso?22:14
terryryan__: Use locate22:14
ikoniaryan__: apache from the ubuntu package manager is not installed in /usr/local/apache - how did you install it22:14
qinsimprix: http://wiki.slicehost.com/doku.php?id=upgrade_ubuntu-server_lts_to_lts22:14
Psydolldr_willis: I will thanks22:14
nit-witab555, hold on22:14
sudokillTesttube1, ^ that ^22:14
rwwTesttube1: one of the servers went nuts22:14
ryan__ikonia: I built it myself.22:14
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dr_willisPsydoll:  thres also fuse-ftp tools that can mount a remote ftp server to a local directory.. (not used them however)22:14
ikoniaryan__: ok, why ? Ubuntu packages a fully compatible and supported version22:15
Testtube1Welcome back Foxx22:15
FoxxTesttube1: It didnt do anything :/22:15
simprixqin, That would work fine. But those sources aren't valid as they are now on old-releases22:15
Testtube1Foxx did you run22:15
Testtube1Foxx : please run this sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager restart22:15
ryan__ikonia: I guess out of curiosity. I'm just frustrated that I can't get it working. I'm sure I had the same problem on my CentOS server too.22:15
Testtube1Foxx: and this sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart22:15
ryan__I forget how I fixed it22:15
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JoAnneThraxHi, all...22:15
JoAnneThraxWhat do I have to do to get the eject command to recognize my CD/DVD drive?22:16
ikoniaryan__: suggest using the ubuntu version22:16
nit-witab555, http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/    I assume you know how to reoload grub, would you like a link for that.;)22:16
simprixqin, When I try to run do-release-upgrade it fails as it is continuing to try to use a mirror on archive which isn't valid anymore.22:16
dr_willisJoAnneThrax:  eject can take a /dev/sr0 type option. if its using the wrong device i recall.22:16
ab555nit-wit: found something on the forums that should suffice, thanks man22:16
DzonyKalafutHi I have strange problem, when I deleted some files with pcmanfm they went to ~/local/share/Trash, then I deleted them from there, they dissappeared but they still taking up space22:16
FoxxTesttube1: it still says the same thing22:16
Testtube1Foxx when you edited the file are you sure it saved your changes?22:17
JoAnneThraxdr_willis: thanks...that worked.  Is there a way to make it the default?22:17
nit-witab555, coo, good luck.22:17
aikInsaanwhat's the command to format a usb stick?22:17
FoxxTesttube1: I will go and check.22:17
terryaikInsaan: Same as for any other disk.  What fs do you want to use?22:17
DzonyKalafutDid this happen to anyone? I asumed that when I delete files from Trash folder they'll be gone22:17
dr_willisJoAnneThrax:  never noticed.. never needed to.  change it.. you could check the man pages for eject. or make an alias spititout='eject /dev/sr0'   (or somting like that)22:17
terryaikInsaan: mkdosfs  is probably what you want.  Right?22:18
nit-witaikInsaan, use gparted or the disk utility22:18
FoxxTesttube1: what was the file location?22:18
Testtube1terry: any suggestion for foxx now that the device is found it says unamanged?22:18
aikInsaanterry: ntfs i reckon...want to prep it for lubuntu22:18
Testtube1Edit /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf and set managed=true22:18
JoAnneThraxdr_wills where do I put that alias?  .bashrc or something?22:18
terryaikInsaan: First do  sudo fdisk -l   and make sure which partition it is.22:18
dr_willisJoAnneThrax:  yes. theres alias's in there allready for examples22:18
JoAnneThrax"If omitted, name defaults to `cdrom'"22:19
terryaikInsaan: So what is it?  /dev/sdb1  or....  what?22:19
thephasedhello. i'm having trouble getting zonet (ralink) wifi n pci card working in 11.04. I've followed the instructions in this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1728899 but wifi still isn't coming on.22:19
JoAnneThraxI wonder if there's a way to make it recognize that cdrom is /dev/sr022:19
aikInsaanterry: its /dev/sdb122:19
FoxxTesttube1: Yes, it was set22:20
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Testtube1Foxx: :(22:20
terryaikInsaan: If you're sure that's it, then do    sudo mkdosfs /dev/sdb122:20
Testtube1Foxx: is there a toggle for only for the device?22:20
Testtube1on and *off?22:20
simprixqin, do you have any other suggestions22:21
aikInsaanterry: okay..thanks! will report if any probs22:21
JoAnneThraxOh, I figured it out...my computer has /dev/cdrom1 symlinked to /dev/sr022:21
FoxxTesttube1: do you mean on the dongle? If you do, no there isnt.22:21
terryFoxx:  iwconfig   #What does that say about it?22:21
cook1es_how can I restart my apache server on ubuntu?22:22
Mandrewhi how do i purge unity?22:22
FoxxTerry: http://pastebin.com/1dXe0xmM22:22
terrycook1es_: service22:22
Jordan_UaikInsaan: Note that if you give the wrong device to mkdosfs you will lose all data on that device...22:22
sudokillMandrew, purge unity?22:23
aikInsaanterry: its says 'mkdosfs: /dev/sdb1 contains a mounted file system.'22:23
terrycook1es_: or:   /etc/init.d/apache2 restart22:23
thephasedhm. after a make install of drivers for my ralink wifi card, i did a modprobe. do i need to do anything else to get the card to work on ubuntu?22:23
qinsimprix: Hm, have found drapper iso, but no active mirror ;(22:23
JoAnneThraxproblem solved.  Thanks, dr_willis22:23
blinkhow can i prevent the screen from idle blank page?22:23
Foxxtesttube1: did you see this: http://pastebin.com/1dXe0xmM22:23
terryaikInsaan: If you have it mounted, it must be already formatted.  Why do you want to format it if it is already formatted?22:24
babblethephased: that's what I did :)22:24
Testtube1Foxx: I am not a smart man but that looks positive.22:24
qinsimprix: http://www.elakiri.com/forum/showthread.php?t=224419 ???22:24
thephasedi did an lspci -nn on the card, and it is the right drivers for the right card.22:24
terryaikInsaan: (It is not good to try and format a filesystem that is mounted.)22:24
thephaseddo i need to logout of ubuntu first or reboot?22:24
babbleit'll stick around until you upgrade your kernel (keep the configured makefile and source package around)22:24
terryaikInsaan:   mount   #What does that say about it?22:24
thephasedhm oh ok babble.22:25
babblethephased, rebooting is easiest22:25
Mandrewsudokill, yes purge, un-install22:25
FoxxTesttube1: any ideas?22:25
simprixqin, I found other mirrors. But do-release-upgrade still tries to use archive.ubuntu.com for something22:25
bsmith093im reinstalling, which do i backup .mozilla-thunderbird or .thunderbird22:25
aikInsaanterry: putting lubuntu on it using unetbootin....so i am good to simply delete the data off it and carry on  i guess22:25
Testtube1can you paste ifconfig?22:25
blinkhow can i prevent the screen from idle blank page? the screen goes black everytime i watch a movie ;/22:25
babbleoh, doh, rebooting is your only real option, it's a kernel extension, not a module. heh. (I can be a newb, sorry)22:25
terryaikInsaan: Yea, just delete the files.22:25
sudokillMandrew, i, not sure if thatd mess anything up.22:25
Testtube1oi it says its not connecting to a AP22:25
thephasedwould there be any problem using regular ralink drivers on ubuntu 64-bit? could that be why it isn't working?22:25
itaylor57Mandrew, use classic gnome on login22:26
sudokillMandrew, if you dont like it use the fallback or another distro22:26
sudokillubuntu = unity22:26
babblethephased, did you compile it from the source package? If so, your compiled driver is 64 bit for you :)22:26
FoxxTesttube1: http://pastebin.com/58GVb23V22:26
cook1es_terry: I think im stuck in gksudo geany how do I get out of that without closing geany?22:26
itaylor57!classic | Mandrew22:26
ubottuMandrew: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".22:26
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thephasedhm, i don't think i compiled it. i just did a make then make install. i didnt do a "./"22:26
terrythephased: If you are asking if you can use 32-bit stuff on a 64-bit system, the answer is yes, (if you load 32-bit libraries)22:26
phong_hi guys,  any idea why  ican't join ircfreenode with android hotspot access with t-mobile internet?22:27
thephasedoh ok. thanks terry, ill try rebooting then22:27
phong_does this server block from accessing with phone?22:27
babblethephased, you compiled :) Make and Make Install are compiling from source, not installing a downloaded binary22:27
szalthephased: 'make' _is_ compiling22:27
terrycook1es_: I dono, don't think you can.  What are you tring to do?22:27
babbleyou're MAKEing a binary that you then install (that's the make install bit)22:27
Testtube1Foxx: one sec22:27
thephasedhaha alright22:27
mandrakedont think I can?22:27
babblewhen you ran make, it compiled for your CPU (so that will be 64 bit on 64-bit processors)22:27
babblebut keep the source package around.22:28
babbleyou'll need to make/make install again when the kernel updates22:28
cook1es_terry: well I want to keep my geany up with sudo access.. while I use terminal for other stuff :/ any ideas?22:28
Testtube1Foxx iwconfig comes to mind but i am not sure if could walk you through that.22:30
TracksI just installed another OS and finally got my grub back but I don't have hte option to boot back into Ubuntu.22:30
TracksWhere can I find the code to put on menu/lst to get it to boot up?22:30
JoAnneThraxAnyone know what package openldap is under now?  I need the PPKlite.api to get the acroread plugin working...22:30
FoxxTesttube1: erm...I can run the command?22:30
TracksNevermind my question.22:31
Testtube1Foxx i would man iwconfig22:31
Testtube1I am not familiar enough with iwconfig to walk you through it remotely22:31
JoAnneThraxWait...I seem to have it...it's just not working.22:32
Testtube1Perhaps someone here can22:32
Testtube1terry: What do you think?22:32
thephasedi'm having another problem actually. and i think it's a simple fix, but i don't know how to add it to my usb stick for every boot. im getting "NET: Registered protocol family 1" every time i boot. Isn't that something to do with apci?22:32
thephasedlike i need to add noacpi22:32
FoxxTesttube1: I cannot stay on much longer. I have to be somewhere at 6:0022:32
Testtube1Foxx sudo iwlist wlan0 scan22:33
naxili have a question about ffmpeg22:34
Testtube1Foxx what is the ssid of your wireless network?22:34
Testtube1it should list all of the broadcasting ssids22:34
FoxxTesttube1: <naxil> i have a question about ffmpeg22:34
qinsimprix: Did you # them in sources?22:34
FoxxTesttube1: wlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down22:35
qinsimprix: And is it vps?22:35
simprixthe archive ones? They keep coming back everytime you run do-release-upgrade22:35
FoxxTesttube1: would a reboot do anything at all??22:36
Psydollikonia: im curious how long have you been using linux?22:36
Testtube1what is your ssid foxx?22:36
FoxxTesttube1: I am not at home... I cant check22:37
Testtube1or is it hidden22:37
qinsimprix: Yes, # main repos, and update with working mirror, so you get only "Hit".22:37
Testtube1is wireless available where you are at with the dongle?22:37
qinnaxil: What question?22:37
simprixqin, you aren't understanding. What I put in my sources.list is not being used when you run do-release upgrade. It is trying to use a archive.ubuntu.com22:38
FoxxTesttube1: sure is, but I cannot see it in the network manager. the manager only tells me it isnt managed22:38
StepNjumpHi, I would like to install hdsentinel. http://www.hdsentinel.com/hdslin.php Could anyone please tell me how to do that?22:38
Foxxnaxil, yes?22:38
rojikkuNew graphics card, saphire radeon HD 6870... OS ubuntu 11.04.. two monitors.. proprietary drivers.. and... for SOME reason, now my LEFT monitor has my main panels instead of the right one *is peeved* and i cant figure out how to drag them, tried alt click, WHAT DO I NEED TO DO TO DRAG THEM NOW?! Dx22:38
naxilthe question is about the options of awscaler -bicubic...22:39
naxilwhat is this options?22:39
Foxxnaxil: you lost me22:39
naxilthe filter is the same of the video games or emulator?22:39
rojikkuimproveupon: uhm.. i dont know what the convo is, but thats in your compiz settings, probably ^-~22:40
Testtube1Foxx i am a bit lost.22:40
szalStepNjump: what does this do that smartctl doesn't?22:40
rojikku<< so. NOBODY knows how to drag desktop panels in ubuntu 11.04? *already googled and wasnt having luck*22:40
FoxxTesttube1: Well thank you for the help. I have to go... I have 20 min before I am late.22:40
=== UltimediaOS is now known as Markus[uOS]
cook1es_terry: http://localhostr.com/files/XUXajOO/capture.png22:41
naxili nees help about the ffmpeg options awscaler -bicubic??22:41
bsmith093can i safely upload the gnupg folder in home in the clear, or should i encrypt it?22:41
StepNjumpI need to know the temperature of my hard drive cuz it's very hot here122:42
StepNjumpI need to know the temperature of my hard drive cuz it's very hot here! szal22:42
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.22:42
rojikku._. draging panels. gnome. ubuntu 11.04. how?22:42
qinsimprix: Feel clueless.22:44
rwwoh joy, lag time again.22:44
mehworkwhat do i need to get flashplayer for a 64bit machine running ubuntu?22:44
FunnyLookinHatmehwork, Try this ? http://digitizor.com/2011/07/14/flash-11-64-bit-linux/22:45
mehworkdo i still need to get the x86-64 ppa22:45
FunnyLookinHatThat's what I did - it worked... problem is some websites detect something besides 10.X and fart out on you.22:45
FunnyLookinHatAFAIK yes.22:45
FunnyLookinHatmehwork, Err - instructions here: http://digitizor.com/2011/07/14/install-64-bit-flash-11-ubuntu-11-04/22:46
szalStepNjump: 194 Temperature_Celsius     0x0022   139   070   000    Old_age   Always       -       33 <- example from one of my HDDs22:47
fffffhiya guys. i'm trying to completely automate an install and I'm 99.5% of the way there, but I can't figure out how to specify the keyboard options. The 11.04 installation guide suggests I can do something like console-setup/ask_detect=false console-setup/layoutcode=us  but they're\ not working.22:47
mehworkFunnyLookinHat: i have lucid lynx btw22:47
FunnyLookinHatmehwork, Ah - well I would think the PPA would work either way...22:47
qdbusjoin/quit flash mob?22:49
icerootwhat is the common way to remove all gnome-packages from 11.04 and have a clean lubuntu-desktop?22:49
fffffqdbus - maybe. and me with a question in the midst of the mess :)22:50
icerootso i need to remove everything which ubuntu-desktop is pulling22:50
zykotick9!purelxde | iceroot22:50
ubottuiceroot: If you want to remove all !KDE, !GNOME and !XFCE packages and have a default !Lubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde »22:50
atoiWhat should I use for sftp client on ubuntu lucid?22:50
StepNjumpszal how do I install smartctl?22:50
climbe2lartza and dr-willis: much appreciative of your help...problems fixed22:51
szalStepNjump: smartmontools is the pkg name22:51
zykotick9atoi, gftp or filezilla are two options22:51
st47 /usr/bin/sftp?22:51
icerootzykotick9: ah thank you i was searching in !purdekde and there is no 11.0422:51
atoishould have mentioned: looking for command line sftp client.22:51
icerootatoi: sftp22:51
mehworkFunnyLookinHat: worked beautifully thanks22:51
FunnyLookinHatmehwork, for sure22:51
atoiOh, what the hell... it's already installed.22:52
st47of course it is22:52
atoiWhat package is it part of? I did an aptitude search on "sftp" and it didn't turn up.22:52
zelozelos_i was wondering, since blender 2.49b uses python 2.5 it says its "unsatisfiable" is ther any way around? can i install 2.5 w/o messing up anything?22:52
manlymatt83I added a "deb" and "deb src" to my natty install that pointed to a karmic repository for a specific version of a piece of software (389, specifically).  I then did apt-get update and then installed about 6-7 packages from the ppa URL.  Everything seems to work fine... is this an acceptable practice?  Or could the karmic install have messed with something on my natty setup now?22:52
climbe2dr_willis, thanks for your help...after 8 hours of searching and trying, problem is fixed... much appreciative22:52
StepNjumpok szal let me give it a try. thanks22:52
climbe2thanks everyone else as well22:52
kichawanew mysql serv in ubu lte22:53
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exutuxatoi: it's part of openssh-client,  dpkg -S sftp says that22:54
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exutuxopenssh-server: /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server22:55
exutuxopenssh-client: /usr/bin/sftp22:55
atoithanks exutux22:56
exutuxit doesn't metter22:56
slicslakwhat's up with links on google to ubuntuforums these days?  I get the "You are not logged in or you do not have permission to access this page." error22:57
szaldepends on the link, I guess22:57
terryslicslak: Exactly what links?  Show us one.22:57
exutuxmatter* :p22:58
qinslicslak: Same here, got idea that meybe there was clean up in forums, happens only via search engine.22:58
nit-witslicslak, because of complaints that some are old there is a new protocol22:59
szalslicslak, qin: example of a link please22:59
qinszal: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=45564423:00
slicslakhttp://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=ubuntu+some+question+here first link is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21991323:00
nit-witslicslak,  szal http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=180768923:00
szalqin: old thread moved to archive23:00
szalslicslak: same for your link23:01
slicslakso the googles is outdated then23:01
slicslakannoying.  it's been happening quite a lot for me lately23:01
qinslicslak: Neat!23:01
szalslicslak: "The Archives have been restricted to logged in users because we had complaints that old fixes from old threads were breaking user systems."23:02
slicslaks'pose that makes sense23:02
szalnit-wit: thx for the pointer23:03
nit-witszal, no problem I had read it yesterday.;)23:03
joshlegshey all23:04
underHi all. I cannot understand why I have not the permission to write: http://pastebin.com/5dZxeQRd23:06
szalunder: because root is not the owner of the file, and the permission for "other" is set to read only23:07
webad_13I have a computer on 11.04 that randomly freezes - when this happens while playing a movie it loops the last 1-2 secs of sound. I cannot move mouse or give any commands using a keyboard - computer is totally dead and I can only turn it off by holding the power button. It is using unity and has nvidia - and I did try upgrading to a newer kernel (39) but same problem23:07
bl4ckcomb`under, chmod a+w or chown root the file23:08
klayhi guys.23:08
klayi have this hella problem... got a new foxcon am3 board23:08
sw0rdfishguys a download through sftp terminal is frozen, saying "stalled"23:08
sw0rdfishwhat can I do to resume it :)23:08
szalwebad_13: smells like a hardware issue23:08
klayand my usb wifi linksys dongle that works on my #! 9.4 will not work on lubuntu 1o.1o23:09
underszal, bl4ckcomb that directory was created from this pc (ubuntu) via shares-admin and I gave the permission to write23:10
szalunder: to your normal user, yes23:10
webad_13szal: hmmm, I am afraid of that too - graphics had an issue before and was "fixed"... processor was potentially damaged during some overclocking... there is a lot of material for hardware issues to be honest. I just googled a bit and I saw that quite some people had problems with 11.04 random freezes23:10
webad_13szal: would the crash be logged someplace in /var/log ?23:11
underszal, so, how can I write?23:12
qinunder: What shares?23:12
szalwebad_13: most probably not..  you could boot a live CD after a crash & see if some log has anything (logs are usually re-created after reboot)23:12
underqin, shares-admin23:13
coz_webad_13,  you could check  /var/log/Xorg.0.log for any errors reported however  ,, ongoing errors ,,23:14
qinunder: You mean smb sshfs nfs? Both machines linux? Using root on shares is quite strange.23:14
szalcoz_, webad_13: for the previous X session there is /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old23:15
coz_szal,  this is true  ..yes23:15
underqin, http://goo.gl/ZoVnq, yes, the server is ubuntu, the client is a dreambox, a sat decoder23:16
qinunder: Need some reading, cool hardware, this dreambox.23:19
icerootis there something like "nm-applet" for lxde?23:20
aa555nit-wit: you there? im on the live cd, im issuing the command in grub: find /boot/grub/stage1  but it cant find it23:20
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coz_iceroot,  mm not sure,, did you check in #lxde channel?23:21
cook1es_How can I continue using the Terminal after using sudo gkedit?23:21
=== Castro is now known as Castro_
Coreycook1es_: &23:21
icerootcoz_: i will have a look, mainchannel doesnt seem to be on freenode23:22
dr_willisiceroot:  i thought lubuntu/lxde used the gnome network manager applet..23:22
Coreycook1es_: Alternately, ctrl z, then bg <enter>23:22
coz_dr_willis,  ah  yes I forgot about lubuntu :)23:22
dr_williscook1es_:  'gksudo gedit &'23:22
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icerootdr_willis: if i am correct its using wicd instead of network-manager and nm-applet is only working with network-manager23:22
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nit-witI'm here23:23
dr_willisiceroot:  i dident notice it using wicd on this pc last week..  but ive reinstalled since then. so dont have lubuntu here any more23:23
=== CasTro_ is now known as Castro_
=== Castro_ is now known as CasTro_
aa555I don't know what to do nit-wit it can't find the stage1 file23:23
dr_willisYou can install the normal network manager and it should work id imagine if it is using wicd23:23
nit-witaa555, follow this link. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Copy%20LiveCD%20Files23:24
icerootdr_willis: i was wiping out everything from ubuntu-desktop and installing lubuntu-desktop and there is no networki-manager. but if it is possible to use network manager with nm-applet i will use that because there is nothing better then nm-applet23:24
nit-witaa555, this is for grub223:24
aa555nit-wit: ok23:24
nit-witaa555, the link defaults to reloading grub2 from the live cd, just the fdisk comand to identify the partition then the next to commands then reboot23:25
icerootdr_willis: ajh network-managewr is still there, just nm-applet has gone23:25
cook1es_dr_willis, corey, lol: http://localhostr.com/files/RzxO8fH/capture.png23:26
LewocoHow do I disable startup nofication?23:27
pc500How does ifconfig choose adapter names?  Is there a limit of 12 adapters?23:27
pc500I've noticed that after 12, I start getting some funky names -- ie: eth6-eth4 Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:80:c8:3a:95:e823:27
icerootdr_willis: i was wiping out everything from ubuntu-desktop and installing lubuntu-desktop and there is no networki-manager. but if it is possible to use network manager with nm-applet i will use that because there is nothing better then nm-applet2 to or something similiar to change volumen-control and see new mails on lxde?23:28
nit-witLewoco, you want specific things right?23:28
Lewoconit-wit, No, I want to totally disable it.23:28
enigmusWhat does ATTRS{id} match in udev .rules? Does it match the vendor:device pair given by lsubs?23:28
icerootpc500: ifconfig is not choosing the names, its udev. there is no limit23:28
aa555nit-wit: how do i know if i have a separate boot partition?23:28
user_pratchett.freenode.net: Yo soy kampeon del mundo de kung fu, de un golpe seko en la kabeza te saco el cerebro por la ventana.23:28
user_aa555: Kita la negrita o te aplikamos la eutanasia por ke tu vida es una mierda.23:28
qinunder: Since you will use nfs, you would look at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo , not sure is your uid problem produced by admin-shares23:29
user_qin: Estaria bien ke te follan el culo?23:29
pc500iceroot:  - Any reason why udev decided to use a name like "eth6-eth4"?23:29
user_pc500: Tu estas en los semaforos, estas grabado en video.23:29
qinuser_: Sure.23:29
user_qin: Estoy aki kon tu puta madre al movil y me piro.23:29
szal!es | user_23:29
ubottuuser_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:29
user_szal: Yo soy ario y yo te lo comas.23:29
user_ubottu: Tu estas en estado terminal.23:29
ubottuuser_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:29
user_ubottu: Relaja las nalgas mientras te muerdo el kuello.23:29
ubottuuser_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:29
user_ubottu: Eres un puto frakasado de la constitucion pone ke todo fornido ario mazado tiene derecho a internet?23:29
ubottuuser_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:29
user_ubottu: Te reto a un negro para ke konozkas a mi kasa a hacer una orgia.23:29
ubottuuser_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:29
user_ubottu: Ya es la hora, tus kuidadores estan empalmados esperando a romperte la kara a patadas.23:29
ubottuuser_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:29
FloodBot1user_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:29
user_ubottu: Estamos rekogiendo firmas para ke los seres superiores como yo te vamos a castrar.23:29
user_FloodBot1: Estas aki para vejarte cuando nos aburrimos.23:29
ubottuuser_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:29
user_ubottu: Esta tarde vas a comer mi mierda aria, no te baneo.23:29
ubottuuser_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:29
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!23:29
nit-witaa555, the windows 7 probably installed a bootmanager, but grub will see it.23:29
nit-witaa555, a W& boot partition23:29
pc500trying to get the bot kicked?23:30
aa555nit-wit: Example: sudo mount /dev/sda1 Note: If the user has a separate /boot partition, this must be mounted to /mnt/boot23:30
Belboz999questions such as "what is the package called?"  or, "what is the driver called?" remain unanswered by this large block of techical gibberish23:31
nit-witaa555, you are reloading grub to the mbr, if you did not make a boot partition for ubuntu you don't have one.23:31
CoreyBelboz999: I'm sorry?23:31
nit-witaa555, notice that where the link defaults has 3 methods only use the first.23:31
Belboz999Corey: I'm trying to install the latest open source ATI / AMD video drivers on Ubuntu 11.04, but I can't find any basic step by step information on how to go about that23:32
underbl4ckcomb`, chmod: .: Operation not permitted23:32
CoreyBelboz999: Aren't there stable versions in the repositories?23:32
bl4ckcomb`under, demand it23:33
Belboz999the community documentation states what the newer driver is based on, what latest cards it supports, but not what it's actually called23:33
bl4ckcomb`-> sudo23:33
Belboz999the stable drivers don't have as much 3D support, as stated elsewhere in that documentation23:33
underbl4ckcomb, the server is ubuntu, the client not23:33
Belboz999of course, that could be a misnomer as well, I have no idea what's what at this point23:33
Belboz999Corey: ^^^23:34
qinunder: I think NC10 is owned by 100023:34
pc500iick, udev is making a mess of device names:23:34
pc500[   16.182353] <30>udev[368]: renamed network interface eth11 to eth11-eth723:34
pc500[   16.371957] <30>udev[370]: renamed network interface eth7 to eth7-eth523:34
pc500 23:34
pc500Isn't it supposed to go back and "clean up" the names to their final name?23:35
bl4ckcomb`under, how is that related?23:35
Belboz999Corey: I just got a brand new Radeon HD6770 (Juniper) and would simply like to install the latest driver with the best 3D support23:35
pc500It's just leaving them at the "ethx-ethx" name, which looks like a temporary holding name to me due to the real name being in use.23:35
underok bl4ckcomb qin , was enough to give chmod 777 from server, thanks23:36
qinunder: sudo touch /home/giuseppe/DreamBox/test223:36
aa555nit-wit: so im finished after this command? sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sdX23:37
qinunder: Ah, you on client...23:37
underalso yes :)23:38
nit-witaa555, you realize that the X=the HD for example sda if fdisk shows that23:38
aa555nit-wit: yes im not that dumb23:39
nit-witaa555, if you ran ethier command with the X it is wrong23:39
aa555nit-wit: it is hanging...forever though it seems: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda Probing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time.23:39
nit-witreboot and run a grub-upadte in ubuntu.23:39
szalnit-wit: update-grub23:39
aa555nit-wit: the ubuntu on my HD? i cant get to that ubuntu23:40
nit-witaa555, you had run other things before asking for help was and partition mounted?23:40
aa555i mounted23:40
nit-witaa555, run the script and paste the text in a pastebin.   http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/23:40
aa555nit-wit: it moved: Installing GRUB to /dev/sda as (hd0)...23:41
aa555installation finishished nit-wit no error reported: (fd0)    /dev/fd0 (hd0)    /dev/sda23:41
nit-witaa555, If it has not workwed run the script I poated and pastebin the texy file generated23:42
nit-witwored poated23:42
aa555ok so i should be able to reboot and get to the boot menu?23:42
nit-witworked posted doh23:43
aa555and pick my beloved ubuntu23:43
nit-witaa555, hopefully.;)23:43
aa555nit-wit: k will report23:43
lwizardlwhats a good application to record your screencasts with audio23:45
valdergalloHi, im have problems to install empathy on ubuntu 64 :(23:45
valdergalloAnyone, can help me ?23:45
=== rhin01 is now known as rhin0
zykotick9valdergallo, isn't empathy installed by default?  "sudo apt-get install empathy" help?  are you trying to get a newer version?23:46
valdergallozykotick9, yeap ... check this23:46
zykotick9valdergallo, i don't appreciate PMs with pastes, someone else can help you.23:48
goodtimeyeah couldnt you just use pastebin?23:49
zykotick9valdergallo, also there is some method to use "C" or "c" to get output in english23:50
Belboz999anyone have any ideas on this?23:50
Belboz999xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd : Depends: xorg-video-abi-9.0 but it is not installable23:50
goodtimehmm intresting23:50
Belboz999I've tried sudo apt-get -f install, apt-get update, as well as sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg23:52
Belboz999I think I'll just reboot it, I purged a few older drivers, might still be lurking in RAM or cache somewhere23:53
bkerensaDoes anyone know how to fix my update manager it keeps saying I haven't checked for updates in 7 days and yet I check daily23:54
ssfdre38hey where are the Xchat source files at?23:55
goodtimei hate xchat lol23:55
goodtimei should give bitchx a try23:55
goodtimei used it years ago23:56
nit-witwe all so wanted to knlw that goodtime23:56
bkerensaDoes anyone know how to fix my update manager it keeps saying I haven't checked for updates in 7 days and yet I check daily?23:58
phluxindeed. I don't know what I would have done with myself had I not heard goodtime's displeasure with a piece of software, and lack of evidence to support his opinion and why it is relevant.23:58
aa555nit-wit: i rebooted and it went straight to the grub command line, didnt know what to do23:59
nit-witaa555, lets see the bootscript run.   http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/  pastebin the generated text.23:59

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