
aikInsaanhow do i get applications to run on startup in Natty?01:08
Unit193aikInsaan: It's right here in the wiki https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ#How%20I%20can%20autostart%20a%20program%20when%20logging%20in%20to%20Desktop01:10
Unit193aikInsaan: It's right here in the wiki https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ#How%20I%20can%20autostart%20a%20program%20when%20logging%20in%20to%20Desktop01:11
KM0201Unit193: urxvtd.desktop - file not found.. ;)01:24
aikInsaanhow do i change auto login upon boot in lubuntu?01:52
KM0201lol, i guess he's not saw the other 3x he's been given that answer01:59
=== chris__ is now known as LubuntuPowered
LubuntuPoweredthe NIC is around 10 years or more old03:01
LubuntuPoweredi have another copy of it brand new still shrink-wrapped03:02
LubuntuPoweredcuz making use of old things makes me all tingly inside03:02
KM0201but is it a pcmia card, like bioterror said, or is it an internal PCI card?03:03
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croatiahelou, from croatia09:05
croatiaI have made ​​remastersys Lubuntu, need username and pasword09:07
croatiaani idea?09:09
croatiasend mail: masnipalac@gmail.com09:10
reprapperMCAnyone available to answer some questions about network setup?10:27
reprapperMCI'm trying to share internet through ethernet connection. One comp is connected wirelessly, and I want to share that with another comp10:29
reprapperMCI have "shared to other computers" turned on but the two still will not connect.10:30
reprapperMCI'm always wanted the wired connection so I can use Synergy to use one keyboard and mouse to control both setups.10:32
reprapperMCI also wanted*10:32
reprapperMCWell,...guess that's my shot in the dark.10:34
zeroedoutrerapper, so you have a computer with an internet connection through ethernet, and another computer that has a wireless card with wifi?10:41
zeroedoutping rerapperMC10:41
reprapperMCup back10:46
reprapperMCBoth computers actually have internet connection through wifi.10:47
reprapperMCBut I want to connect them hardwire to use Synergy10:47
reprapperMCzeroedout, still there?10:48
zeroedoutrerappermc: They don't need to be hardwired10:50
reprapperMCDo I need to make the wireless connection set to "Shared to other computers" also?10:50
zeroedoutjust on the same LAN. so you should be good10:50
reprapperMCI'll try it, but when I had this set between Ubuntu and Win the response was much slower through wirless than hardwire.10:51
zeroedoutforsure. your best bet if you want both on hardwire, is to plug them both into your router10:51
reprapperMCThe router is downstairs, which is the issue.10:52
reprapperMCI tried the first thing here, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing10:53
zeroedoutyou can do this in linux, but you'll need to setup some stuff. and it won't be easy. If you want to use your current setup, you'll have to make your computer with wifi the server, and your other machine the client10:54
zeroedoutyou'll need both machines to have a network card each10:55
zeroedoutyou'll need crossover cable to connect the wired machine to the one with wifi10:55
zeroedoutthe wifi machine will be the server. then you need to install a dhcp server (dnsmasq is a good one)10:55
reprapperMCAgh...I'll have to get a crossover cable. How was it working in windows though?10:55
zeroedoutI don't understand, i thought you said one was wired (connected to your router through internet cable) and the other connected through wifi only?10:56
reprapperMCNo, both are wifi. But with the previous setup with Win/Ubuntu, I had wireless to the Win computer and shared through ethernet to the Ubuntu.10:57
zeroedoutwas the ethernet cable connected from the ubuntu box to the windows computer?10:58
reprapperMCNo other network wires but that one.10:58
zeroedoutthat shouldn't work... ethernet cable has to go into a router or switch. if you want to connect one computer to the other, you need crossover cable10:59
* zeroedout has to go put on some rice, brb11:00
reprapperMCNope, that is how it was set up. Unless this cord is a xover cord with no markings.11:00
reprapperMCbrb, trying a restart.11:02
reprapperMCOk, well just got it working. woot.11:05
reprapperMCOne of the changes that was different than the Win/Ubuntu is I had to change out the desktop. I think the network port is bad on the board.11:07
reprapperMCJust noticed there is a network card that has an extra network port...I changed the cord to that one and it works now.11:07
zeroedoutlol, weird. well at least it's working11:28
reprapperMCtrue true.11:28
reprapperMCWoohoo, Lubuntu and Synergy FTW. Although, I have no idea how to get autostart working.11:52
head_victimSynergy is awesome. I've used it for the last 5 years or more.12:03
reprapperMChead_victim, do you know how to set it to autostart with Lubuntu?12:08
reprapperMCThis only lists how to do it for GDM or KDM: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynergyHowto12:08
head_victimreprapperMC: I'll have to dig it out but basically I followed the instructions on the sourceforge website12:08
reprapperMCaghh ok. I'll check those out then12:09
head_victimYOu just have to modify it to xdg instead of gdm12:09
head_victimI just followed that and fumbled my way through the slightly different config for LXDE.12:10
reprapperMCYeah, that was my only concern is that I was not sure what would be different with LXDE...I'll give it a go though.12:11
head_victimLook into /etc/lxdm instead of /etc/gdm12:13
head_victimThat has basically all the files you need to edit from memory12:13
reprapperMCI'm in the midst of installing reprap software, so I'll to try it when that is done.12:15
head_victimNo worries12:15
reprapperMCI have to say, Lubuntu was probably one of the easiest Linux installs I've had. I'm tempted to try dualboot with it on my macbook, as nothing else would work.12:16
AscavasaionI don't like cricket.... I love it!14:13
morriI agree14:13
kosaidpohello guys16:07
kosaidpoi changed that button to turn off my pc in bottom ight16:08
kosaidponow iwanna get it back vut icant find out how16:08
kosaidpoi went to that menu to add new button but ididnt find it16:08
semitoneswhat can I do if "holding shift to bring up Grub" doesn't work, and the computer boots straight to lubuntu, which freezes?17:08
semitonesfreeze is the wrong word: becomes unresponsive17:08
semitonesexcept the mouse17:08
semitonesI can't stay, but I'll check back later! thanks :)17:10
diyttoHow can I modify the mount spot for a volume?18:05
diyttoRight now I have a volume mount at /media/Linux__ (the system auto mounts there) but I want it at /media/Linux18:06
KM0201aikInsaan: did you figure out how to auto login? you were told like 4x yeesterday, but kept asking18:34
KM0201diytto: unfortunately, i really don't know the answer to that one...18:34
diyttoKM0201: I fixed it myself :)18:35
aikInsaanKM0201, i did finally manage to fix that...thanks!18:35
KM0201diytto: is it a linux filesystem?...18:35
KM0201diytto: oh ok.. :)18:35
KM0201aikInsaan: ok18:35
aikInsaanKM0201, glad you remembered :)18:36
KM0201aikInsaan: a couple times i tried to answer, and you disappeared before icould finish typing18:36
aikInsaanKM0201, it was a flaky connection i was on yesterday...probably that's why18:38
KM0201oh ok18:38
aikInsaanout of interest...which IRC client is the 'best'?18:39
KM0201aikInsaan: there really is no "best"18:39
ubot5Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:39
aikInsaanKM0201, haha...ofcourse!18:39
KM0201(not complaining about the poll... its just the factoid... you can ask best-bot)18:39
KM0201aikInsaan: personally, i like Xchat... second, for me, would be Xchat-gnome.  Xchat-Gnome, doesn't hav enear the features that Xchat has, but its still a good client18:40
aikInsaanKM0201, that question is the topic on ubuntu-bots...lol18:41
KM0201aikInsaan: :)18:41
aikInsaanKM0201, hmm...i am using Xchat....haven't found many features...reckon there are loads of quality plugins given its immense popularity18:42
aikInsaanas pointed out by bestbot ofcourse18:42
KM0201aikInsaan: it's fairly configurable, if you want to see "no features"... check out xchat-gnome18:43
aikInsaanKM0201, hmm...first time using it....will look around for various config options..moved from mIRC on win which has tons of options18:46
KM0201aikInsaan: xchat is highly customizable (not just by the preferences list).. if you need help doing something w/ Xchat, ask in #xchat... they're generally pretty good folks there, IMO.18:53
aikInsaanKM0201, yeah i thought so as soon as i saw how popular it is within the community18:54
KM0201irssi, is also VERY popular... but... i dunno, its not my cup of tea, i like a GUI.18:55
KM0201but its nice to at least have a basic understanding of irssi, in case you get stuck in a console.18:55
aikInsaanhmm...xchat it is then18:55
aikInsaanhow do I start ssh on my box?19:47
aikInsaandoes the daemon run as a background process by default?19:47
Unit193aikInsaan: Do you have it installed?19:50
Unit193sudo apt-get install openssh-server   will install it, you will then have to configure it19:51
aikInsaanUnit193, yeah...running 'ssh' on the terminal spits its usage instructions19:51
Unit193aikInsaan: That's the client... Did you want a server or client? The client doesn't need to be running all the time19:52
aikInsaanaha! server i reckon as i want to ssh into this box19:52
ubot5SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, sshd is the server (or daemon) of SSH. For setting up the SSH server, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html . Advanced SSH uses: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced . For SSH client information, see !ssh . Related: !scp (Secure CoPy)19:53
ubot5SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)19:54
aikInsaanhmmm....so no ssh server by default on lubuntu then?19:54
aikInsaanhow can i confirm that there isn't one on mine already?19:55
Unit193By default, I don't think so19:55
Unit193aikInsaan: If you run the command, all it will do is install it or tell you it's already up-to-date19:55
Unit193dpkg -l |grep openssh-server   will tell you if it's installed19:56
phillwaikInsaan: you may well find it much easier to use tasksel to install openssh server :)20:00
phillwIt will take you it all step by step.20:00
ubot5Tasksel is a Debian/Ubuntu tool that installs multiple related packages as a co-ordinated "task" onto your system, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tasksel for more information. Use tasksel only to INSTALL tasks, not to remove them. It will remove every package listed within the removed task! see https://launchpad.net/bugs/57428720:00
phillw*you through it all*20:00
phillwhaving seen the various horrible messes that people have gotten into trying to install LAMP, I am a great fan of tasksel :)20:01
aikInsaangonna check it out...thanks!20:02
Unit193I don't think tasksel is installed by default in 11.04, if that's what you're using, you'll have to install it20:02
phillwit is not, you need to add it :( Forgot that they had dropped it... idiots.........20:03
aikInsaanyep it isnt20:03
phillwsudo apt-get install tasksel20:04
* phillw mutters as goes and alters tutorials.......20:04
* Unit193 isn't a wiki guy and doens't have to remember what ones :D20:06
phillwUnit193: not just wiki :( Also classroom sessions that are still used >:o20:07
phillwhmm. from 10.10 it seems :\20:12
phillwnow, which one is being dropped... apt-get or aptitude?20:13
Unit193Better not be apt-get! I won't know how to install anything! And why the heck?20:17
phillwahh, seems aptitude from ubuntu whilst still preferred at debian... Ooooh, I soooo love standards... anyone can make them :P20:17
phillwUnit193: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1506025  we're both safe :)20:18
Unit193phillw: whew... http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9438172&postcount=5 is the best. Lubuntu isn't the only one I use, but the first thing I did was purge Software Center20:20
phillwUnit193: you ought to hang around on http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=403 the guys and gals do not pull their punches :) the Lubuntu thread for test releases is at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11066920 which is my promised link to them all for news etc.20:22
phillwit allows them to question me, without joining the mailing list and also keeps a presence on that area for Lubuntu :)20:25
Unit193phillw: Maybe I should RSS that :D (I don't have a forum account as my mind can't do the one post fix)20:32
phillwI just subscribe by email, that way it pops up in my inbox :P20:33
phillwThey do know that devs do not read the forum areas, but it is an extra set of experienced people willing to help Lubuntu but not wanting to get involved in mailing lists etc. As I have known quite a few for a few testing cycles, it also gives me chance to keep in touch with them all :)20:34
=== Sith is now known as Guest85737

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