
nhandlerWasn't there something I was going to bug the Canonical Sysadmins about? Probably fridge related. I'll look back through my logs in the am04:00
pleia220:38  * nhandler notes that we should probably setup fridge.ubuntu.com so it doesn't simply redirect to ubuntu-news.org04:47
pleia2^^ that :)04:47
* nlsthzn waves06:07
MooDoohi all07:07
* nlsthzn waves07:08
NRWlionhi there!08:45
NRWlionpleia2: ping (if you have time ;) )08:48
MooDooNRWlion, won't be till later, she should be asleep by now 2.21am where she is09:21
NRWlionMooDoo: thats why i wrote (if you have time ;) )09:23
nhandlerThanks pleia214:12
nhandlerpleia2: Email sent. Editors CCed14:28
pleia2nhandler: thanks :)16:30
NRWlionhey lyz16:30
nhandlerpleia2: np16:30
NRWlionpleia2: if you need help shifting content from google docs to forums or wiki lemme know. i will be available all weekend16:40
nhandlerNRWlion: FYI, the forum post is generated via a script from the wiki markup16:42
NRWlionthx for the info :D16:43
nhandlerpleia2: What days do you have planet links pulled for? I'll pull a few16:44
pleia2nhandler: through yesterdayish16:46
pleia2not all of the news stuff is good (I think one or two are how-tos, which I'm kinda meh on), so just remove stuff that doesn't look good16:46
nhandlerpleia2: Is it worth including 'Launchpad News: ' at the beginning of the LP news articles? It has its own section16:50
pleia2was just reflex probably :)16:53
nhandlerpleia2: Removed. We should also be current with planet posts17:02
pleia2adding 10.04 release thingy to ubuntu-news and the americas board thing20:18
holsteinpleia2: i was going to go looking for that... thanks20:22
=== Sith is now known as Guest85737
pleia2welcome DraZoro :) added you to the list22:46
DraZoroThanks pleia2 ....That was fast lightning speed.22:51
pleia2I try :)22:52
DraZoroIt is amazing indeed just a little nervous. I have been behind the desk just reading new letter on UBT ...First time I took a step.22:53
DraZoroI mean news :)22:53
pleia2well, we need more summary writers so we're very happy to have you :)22:53
DraZoroI will be more than happy. Recall I have zero experience22:54
DraZoroBut will learn all that is required22:54
pleia2don't worry, a lot of people start here with helping out, and there are a few revisions of editing that happen before publication so even awful summaries written by me tend to get cleaned up :)22:55
DraZoroI feel a lot better now thanks.22:56
pleia2so we collect links throughout the week, saturday is usually when we send out the email and ask in here for people to start writing summaries22:56
* pleia2 won't be around this weekend though22:57
DraZoroI will shout when I need help to any one available22:58
* DraZoro is exploring http://ubuntu-news.org/ to have an idea 23:00
pleia2so just to have a basic idea, we have two projects we work on23:01
nhandlerpleia2: I'll be around if necessary (and am able to publish and/or teach a new publisher)23:01
pleia2ubuntu-news.org is news taken from official sources, usually written by developers or other officials within the project, we publish new articles there as they are announced just copying the content23:01
pleia2and then every week (or at least, we try every week) to release the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, which is wht we need summary writers for :)23:02
nhandlerpleia2: Do you have any idea what the other WP instance on fridge.ubuntu.com is? Was that from an incomplete transition?23:02
DraZoroA lot of work takes place I am glad we have people like you and nhandler and the rest of the team to assist .23:03
pleia2nhandler: not a clue :(23:03
DraZoroIs the timezone going to give any issues ?23:05
pleia2DraZoro: nope, it usually takes a couple days to get summaries so there is usually at least a 24 hour window where people can contribute23:06
DraZoropleia2: Thanks23:06
DraZoroI am about to go to bed it is 01:05 this side in South Africa and very cold ....freezing23:07
DraZoroThanks a lot guys23:07
pleia2sure thing, have a good night23:07
DraZoroWill do23:07
nhandlerpleia2: It sounds like we will need to reconfigure all of the fridge preferences/plugins, but we should be able to get this done relatively seamlessly23:08
pleia2nhandler: my flight is in 14 hours and I'm pretty much unavailable until monday, but feel free to move forward if you can see how and find the time23:09
nhandlerpleia2: Alright. Time will be the hardest part, but it is looking like it will be pretty straight-forward (as long as Dave continues to be this awesome and responsive)23:12

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