=== soreau_ is now known as soreau === bjsnider_ is now known as bjsnider === jibel__ is now known as jibel === ripps_ is now known as ripps [13:53] RAOF, did anything occur with that 'diagonal black' bug ? any progress on the patch making it into an acceptable form? [22:10] bjsnider, http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-amd64-275.21-driver.html ;) [22:16] hmm...I think I have a regression with -intel in natty-proposed [22:21] mdeslaur, do tell [22:21] mdeslaur, and link me the bug# [22:21] yeah, I'm filling out the bug now, one sec [22:24] bryceh: bug 814325 [22:24] Launchpad bug 814325 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "fuzzy and corrupted display with update in -proposed (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/814325 [22:24] it's a weird problem I've never seen before [22:27] when I come out of the screensaver (blank screen), the whole screen is fuzzy, and unreadable, and is flickery [22:30] mdeslaur, have you checked if the issue goes away if you revert back to the 7.1 driver and restart X? [22:31] bryceh: I'll try and ssh in and give that a try next time...even the console screen becomes like that when it happens [22:31] oh, hrm [22:31] mdeslaur, the deb may still be in your /var/cache/apt/archives/ [22:32] I'll download it right away for next time [22:33] but, since the virtual consoles are like that too, I don't know [22:33] mdeslaur, I would also like you to test booting an oneiric livecd on this machine at some point too, since we are including that patch in oneiric already. If it's bugged too, we'll need to get going on that bug else you'll be unhappy when you upgrade [22:35] mdeslaur, the patch in question is a major "Give up on optimizing UXA" patch which seems to fix a wide array of corruption bugs a lot of people have reported (with some minor performance drop) [22:35] I can't reproduce it at will, unfortunately [22:35] mdeslaur, I'll be disappointed if it is indeed the cause of your problem, but am glad you tested it so we know before it got into the wild [22:36] I know the changes don't appear to have anything to do with the problem I'm having, but I've only had it since I installed the package in -proposed [22:36] unless it's a kernel issue [22:38] mdeslaur, how many times have you reproduced it (after reboots)? [22:38] it's happened 3 times in the last day [22:38] and each time, I've rebooted, as I haven't figured out what else to do [22:38] The screensaver probably has activated 30 times in the last day [22:39] mdeslaur, could you also post your current /var/log/dpkg.log to the bug? [22:39] sure, one sec [22:41] hmm...there was a kernel update two days ago also [22:48] mdeslaur, yeah kernel could be a suspect as well [22:48] esp. if you didn't reboot into it until yesterday [22:56] bryceh: yeah...hmm...which one would you recommend I revert first to see if it goes away? [22:58] mdeslaur, 6 to half dozen... -intel I guess. Would be nice to prove patch guilty or innocent so we can kick it from -proposed if needed [23:02] apw: My prod seems to have got the “diagonal black” bug a Reviewed-By from ickle, but no actual upstream committage. [23:02] yeah, I'll revert -intel so I can quickly comment on the -proposed bug [23:02] bryceh: thanks [23:02] * mdeslaur -> rebootr [23:09] RAOF, does your new SRU approval hat include MIR approval? if so, perhaps you can bump #810217 forward? [23:10] bryceh: No, sadly :) [23:10] ah well [23:10] * bryceh reshuffles wayland down a bit more in todo list [23:12] Yeah. [23:22] I should probably back out the wayland re-enablement and upload mesa rc2. Or rc3, if that's really coming out Monday :) === yofel_ is now known as yofel