[11:47] oh, scott-work, ScottL [11:48] I tried the iso-script some days ago [11:48] yeah? [11:48] it seems that oneiric has lots of packages issues right now [11:48] i'm having trouble installing ubuntu studio currently [11:48] not only US, but ubuntu generic packages are broken too [11:48] i'm trying it on a new (ish) computer though [11:48] the upstart, intramfs, gnome3 and all those changes produce a lot of errors [11:49] so i'm going to backup and try it out on natty to both validate isntalling ubuntu studio on this machine and to test the iso script [11:49] I was able to create an ISO, but gdm does not start [11:49] ah [11:49] scott-work: you should be ok for a natty<->lucid ISO [11:50] I'll give this script more attention next week, so maybe you want to wait a bit [11:50] right :) i have a natty dvd already so i'll test it out this evening (hopefully) [11:50] (I found some oneiric specific fixes that I want to add) [11:50] oh, you sure i should wait? [11:50] scott-work: you can try just to see how far you can get, but 30% chances it will fail [11:50] even for natty or lucid? [11:51] scott-work: yes [11:51] still, 70% sucess rate [11:51] i still need to install natty to validate installation on this machine, so i don't hink it's much to go further and test the script [11:52] well, please do test, and let me know what you think [11:52] it's a gateway that i was given and had to replace the power supply and i'm unfamiliar with gateway machines :/ [11:52] the script checks for dependencies at startup, so there's no problem with missing packages [11:52] and although i was able to install fedora 15: design suite, it balked at installing the latest ubuntu studio daily image [11:53] I just forgot to write that, before quiting the 'custom' process, 'custom_end' should be run outside [11:53] of course it probably is the daily image, given how many problems have been occuring with it [11:53] scott-work: please take a note ^ [11:53] falktx: will it be extremely evident when i need to type this? [11:55] scott-work: yes, after you install all the packages in the chroot, just before quiting [11:55] scott-work: make sure you pay attention to all the messages that get printed [11:55] falktx: how much typing will i be required to do? [11:55] not much [11:55] i am quite ignorant of the steps required [11:55] I can give you the basic commands [11:56] ok, write this down [11:56] kxstudio-create-iso natty i386 [11:56] (or other version or arch) [11:57] (this will install the basic chroot) [11:57] i will copy/paste text, plus screenshot and send it all to myself in an email, quickest way for me [11:57] good [11:57] ok, 2 command: [11:57] kxstudio-create-iso custom [11:58] (this will put you in the chroot, save the messages that get printed, and install whatever you need) [11:58] (you may need to enable universe and multiverse repos here) [11:58] (after you installed everything, run the printed messages about ubiquity [live installer], if you want such thing. if not, ignore this line) [11:59] (after *all* packages are installed, even ubiquity, run:) [11:59] kxstudio-create-iso custom_end # outside, without leaving the chroot [12:00] (this will tell you how to properly clean&exit the chroot, so the live-cd works) [12:00] now, step 3: [12:00] kxstudio-create-iso squash [12:00] oops [12:00] kxstudio-create-iso mksquash [12:00] (this will create the main squash.fs file, which contains the entire filesystem) [12:00] step 4: [12:00] kxstudio-create-iso mkboot [12:01] (this will create the boot stuff for the ISO, fails on oneiric here due to kernel 3.0) [12:01] step 5: [12:01] kxstudio-create-iso mkart i386 UbuntuStudio [12:02] (it will ask you to copy a file here, which is in the same dir as the script file) [12:02] (re-run it after copying the file) [12:03] (after running this, some new messages get printed telling you to edit some files. do it as needed) [12:03] step 6: [12:03] kxstudio-create-iso md5sum [12:03] (obvious) [12:03] step 7: [12:03] kxstudio-create-iso iso UbuntuStudio_LiveTest1Name [12:04] scott-work: done, after all this you got a nice ISO, ready to test [12:06] cool :) [12:07] I used this process to create my KXStudio ISOs for lucid [12:08] hopefully it works in natty as well [12:08] email sent to myself documenting this :) [13:30] paultag: within six months i want to write an application with python and glade, would you mind being a resource to help with particulars? [13:31] scott-work: sure, no problem. I'm caught up with work, but my inbox is always open :) [13:32] i'm still feeling my way through python, reading a book and looking at code, i don't expect to require much help with that (at least i hope ;) ) [13:33] mainly i'm worried about using python-glade (or whatever the package is called) andprobably python-apt because i've had trouble finding information about them [13:40] scott-work: mmm [13:40] scott-work: it can be finikey but it's mostly sane [13:44] paultag: part of the reason for the long time line is also to really develop explicit goals for this application, i really want clearly defined goals and UI for it before i start programming, i believe this will make the entire process more efficient and less frustrating [13:44] scott-work: :) [15:31] I don't know if you have that saying in English, but here in finnish it goes like "Well planned is half done", but an agile workshop here twisted it into a form of "Well planned hasn't even begun to be implemented" (sorry, hard to translate.) Thought it was funny, and quite fitting. :)