[16:54] hiyas [16:55] Hey, BluesKaj [16:56] hi dscassel === bregma is now known as bregma|away [17:14] hi [17:18] hi cvillaco_ [17:20] heh , bell internet was down here for 8 hrs . now my IP says NA , located on the 60th parallel on Hudson Bay :) .. http://www.infosniper.net/index.php?ip_address=&map_source=1&overview_map=1&lang=1&map_type=1&zoom_level=7 [17:20] I saw the community week events post by a Ubuntu group on fB and thought i would check out whats going on. [17:21] cvillaco_: Welcome back. :D [17:21] cvillaco_, Ubuntu group on fB ? [17:22] yes, i think this page is cool [17:22] http://www.facebook.com/ubuntulinux [17:23] it's pretty active and users can post [17:23] i never have, but i read stuff im interested in if it comes up in my feeds [17:25] There's an Ubuntu Canada group on Facebook, but it's been kind of dead since 2007... ^^; [17:25] But if someone wanted to take it up again... :) [17:35] bleh [17:36] google+ is like facebook for geeks, apparently. [17:36] if anyone needs an invite - hit me up - happy to fire you one [17:36] I'm following Linus Torvalds on there [17:36] willwh: No equivalent for groups or pages yet, tho. [17:36] linux kernal 3.0 got pushed last night :] [17:36] hey dscassel, im outside enjoying the weather and my wireless connection was lost [17:36] dscassel: it'll come [17:36] :> [17:37] willwh: Definitely. [17:37] haha - zuckerberg is evil and must be resisted [17:37] I'm on it, but I haven't figured out what I'm gonna do with it yet. [17:37] or rather, what he created ;] [17:37] I'm pretty firmly ensconsed in Twitter land. There's stuff about G+ I really like, though. [17:38] But it's effort to post everyting in two (or more) places. [17:39] gwibber :p [17:39] cvillaco: Doesn't support G+ yet. :) [17:40] haha, i kid, and i know what you mean [17:40] http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/gallery/2011/jul/20/leopard-attacks-villagers-india#/?picture=377083509&index=0 [17:40] omg^ [17:40] guy with white gloves in the right corner of the first shoot = LOOOOOSER [17:40] make me think of Jurassic Park.... "SHOOOT HER, SHOOOOOOOOOOOOOT HER" [17:41] dscassel: np, http://www.startgoogleplus.com/ [17:41] awesome plugin, if you're a chrome user :] [17:41] it'll thread your twitter and fb is you want. [17:45] lol, crazy. How about tiger gouges OSX users with new $29.99 update charge :p? [17:45] it is a pretty rich update to be fair.. [17:45] whatever, not interested in apple products [17:46] jobsy is a huge success - but I won't touch his kit with a barge pole :] [17:46] yeah, linux is way cool. [17:49] i have no reason to use apple products myself. It is such a constraining system is not my type. [17:51] willwh where abouts are you? [17:52] beautiful Victoria, BC :) [17:52] I'm fae Edinburgh, Scotland though [17:52] not a native ;) [17:52] johanbr: ! :D [17:52] hey there! [17:52] ohh i hear Edinburgh is a famous place in Scotland isnt it? [17:52] * dscassel is distracted by work. [17:52] cvillaco: it's the capital :) [17:52] cvillaco: Used to be worse. OSX upgrades used to be more frequent and $129. [17:53] * dscassel got off that turnip truck. [17:53] * genii-around makes some coffee [17:54] i understand, but this is just an update, not an upgrade i think. [17:55] cvillaco: I only did the upgrade once. Jaguar, I think? 10.4, anyway. It wasn't much at it was $129. [17:55] Then Apple decided it didn't really care about computers anymore and I decided to go 100% ubuntu. :) [17:56] yeah, i mean i think the windows os upgrades are the same price. but i'm off that as much as I can be. I'm almost 100% ubuntu [17:57] i agree apple doesnt care about computing much anymore. They are foucsed on advertising alot i think, and outsourcing [17:58] which is not an unheard of strategy or anything. [17:59] They seem to be doing well enough... [18:00] yeah, [18:00] im glad android came into the mobile picture though, claiming most of the smartphone market and putting steve jobs in a publicly foul mood [18:02] I wonder if anyone is still working on MeeGo [18:02] trying to patent touch gestures on mobile devices after android handset releases raised eyebrows i think. [18:03] genii-around: Nokia isn't. I think Intel might be, tho. They're still working on clutter, at least. [18:03] cvillaco: I think that stuff is mostly business as usual. [18:11] yeah, dog eat dog [18:12] hey dscassel what is required to be a loCo canada team member? [18:14] like, are there responsibilities beyond just being a fan, supporting the idea of a local team, following policey and meeting other fans? [18:16] i think ubuntu is great, and wouldnt mind just metaphorically carrying an ubuntu sign. i live pretty far from the major centers [18:19] cvillaco: I just cover my laptop in ubuntu / drupal stickers :P [18:19] and sit and hack in cafe's ;D [18:20] haha cool [18:20] i hear drupal is great [18:20] are you apart of the local team then willwh? [18:20] cvillaco: Officially, you need to sign the code of conduct. Joining the Ubuntu Canada group on launchpad is a plus as well. [18:21] cvillaco: In practice, just hanging out here or on the mailing list is probably sufficient. :) [18:22] cvillaco: I am, yes [18:22] And, of course, running events elevates you to a position of power and authority. (for what it's worth) :D [18:22] and I go to the Victoria Drupal users meetup monthly too [18:22] although there really isn't an active ubuntu chapter in Victoria [18:23] willwh: I keep talking to people in Victoria. [18:23] You guys need to get together. :) [18:23] (I'm pretty sure it's not just you, either) [18:27] :willwh I hear Drupal is great. Later this summer im going to be reading through the wordpress documentation. I hear drupal is the big open source cms. [18:29] ok dscassel. I will follow the wiki instructions to apply. [18:32] http://www.jolokia.org/ <- wunnerful [18:34] whats this jolokia? === bregma|away is now known as bregma [18:37] well, it's JMX with JSON over http....... [18:37] u [18:37] uh* [18:37] java "Stuff" :) [18:37] * genii-around stuffs some java [18:37] genii-around: :D [18:37] how goes mate? [18:38] willwh: Not bad, first day back from vacation [18:38] * genii-around slides BluesKaj a coffee [18:38] hey genii-around , thanks :) [18:39] BluesKaj: Anytime of course! [20:33] dscassel thanks for the support and information on the Canada loCo team. Can send you a PM? I think I need some clarification. [20:34] or is anyone available atm to give me a hand? [20:37] cvillaco, what can we help you with ? [20:51] Hi MagicFab I had some questions on signing the Code of Conduct [20:52] cvillaco: I'm here too now... :] [20:52] I can also assist [20:52] ok, are you ok for me to shoot a pm willwh :-) [20:52] absolutely [20:53] sorry, gotta run [20:53] o/ [20:53] I got him MagicFab :) [20:54] sorry!!! unexpected madness w/kids :) [20:54] np!! [21:13] cvillaco: Send away! [21:19] dscassel: I take it that the ubuntu ca loco drupal install is totally seperate? [21:19] i.e. I'll need to create a user account?