[02:22] #debian-es === Omega is now known as Troletariat === Troletariat is now known as Omega [15:38] how can I tweak unity that it always shows the window menu and next to it the title? [16:21] Hi can I ask a question ? [16:24] My rather ancient machine has upgraded to 11.04 but I cant seem to change the Gnome desktop to Unity [17:09] hi, how could I make header that looks same like in ubuntu one control center? [17:09] because I have similar layout [17:11] or like in empathy in oneiric [17:26] nobody> [17:26] ? === _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero [20:26] hi .. how to restore unity environment to its default ? [20:27] anyone ? [20:29] ? [20:48] ejat, run unity --reset in a terminal [20:49] If you want to reset the Launcher shortcuts, you should run unity --reset-icons instead [20:49] You can also use both parameters at the same time, I think [20:49] i got the screen flicker when i want to log in to normal ubuntu [20:51] http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/708/screenshot20110719at115.png/ [20:51] i got like that when i want to login with unity environment === yofel_ is now known as yofel