[20:22] Can someone look at 813118 for me? I asked him to do an apport-collect and he says that it's saying "no additional information collected" Why is that? [20:23] bug 813118 [20:23] Launchpad bug 813118 in ubuntu "ALPS touchpad treated as generic PS/2 mouse (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/813118 [20:24] jmburgess: I think because the package is Ubuntu [20:25] jmburgess: If there was a particular package associated with it then it would collect relevant info [20:25] gotcha...do you know what package that would be? [20:27] jmburgess: If it's set to xorg or xserver-xorg then it should gather everything, maybe xserver-xorg-input-mouse is more relevant? [20:28] yeah that's what I figured [20:45] chance of being a Linux (kernel) issue also [20:45] * hggdh pops away === yofel_ is now known as yofel [22:07] hggdh: available? [22:29] hggdh: never mind. got it ;) [22:30] hggdh: Oh yes - thank you! [22:42] Hi, could someone who's able to please mark all the Dapper bugs as Won't Fix (e.g. #173610)? Thanks :)