[00:44] greg-g: ping [00:44] biker people, about to get one of these: http://www.amazon.com/Thule-914XT-Roadway-Hitch-Carrier/dp/B000MRH4VO/ref=cm_cmu_pg__header\ [00:44] any reasons I should reconsider? [00:45] or other brands that are good I should check eout? [01:10] <_stink_> we just bought a Yakima trunk rack, it was between that and Thule [01:10] ok, yea those two looked like the best brands [01:10] but wasn't sure since I'm not really a pro [01:10] <_stink_> but you win the research prize, so i don't know that i'm adding much info [01:10] hah, yea I wish I could turn off the research part of my brain [01:10] checking out bike locks now [01:11] wasting my evening I should be working on my talk [01:11] <_stink_> heh [01:16] man, when did it get so easy to chop thick cable locks? [01:17] all the cable based locks have poor reviews and tons of "my bike was stolen" on them [01:17] It's always been easy [01:18] guess I just grew up securing bikes to trees and such [01:18] Cable cutters wouldn't be cable cutters if the didn't cut right? [01:18] *they [01:18] and the U shaped things are all the rage in the vity [01:18] yea, I guess [01:19] figured that they'd have some compression resistant cables or something that your average home depot cutters couldn't do in [01:22] ugh, ok ordered [01:22] sucks that the hitch doesn't include the security lock :/ [01:27] rick_h_: looks good to me. and yeah, get a security pin for the hitch. [01:28] there he is [01:28] yea, I paid the extra $$ for the locking pin, guess it's threaded so only works with the same brand hitch [01:28] for bike lock I ended up getting: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004C94T84 [01:29] what's your lockup strategy? I figure you've got to have a good once since you ride to work and leave it for the day [01:30] lol http://wn.com/Kryptonite_lock_opened_with_a_pen [01:31] yeah, old school kryptonite's are bad [01:32] so, I use a cable that goes through my rear wheel and then loops up to the U-lock I put through my front wheel. [01:32] they can still cut that cable and get my rear wheel, but they can't get the front or the frame [01:32] oh yeah, just looked at your link, that setup [01:32] ok, yea I was reading rear vs front locking [01:33] I'd always thought front since it was easier to take off, but seeing stuff that it's not true [01:33] and rear is the more expensive wheel to replace [01:33] true it is [01:34] ok, well there went a ton of $$ to secure a couple of old bikes lol [01:34] but, my thoght process is that people go for the easy stuff, so since my lock up is better than 99% of the other bikes around me, I'm good [01:35] cool [01:35] come on Tues, wheee [01:36] I find it so funny there's a special NY lock [01:45] hah, nice [01:45] effing NYC [02:05] An then you see that video of people cutting down a tree to get a bike, and realize that it's all for naught anyway. [02:09] lol [02:16] WTF IS THIS $240!?!?!?!?!?! http://www.amazon.com/Wishbone-Bike-Wollemi-Limited-Wilderness/dp/B004E4IFY6/ [02:18] AND WTF WOULD A TODDLER NEED BIKE SHORTS?!?!?! http://www.amazon.com/One-Step-Up-Shorts-Sizes/dp/B0058VFLEQ/ [02:18] sorry [02:19] I don't know if I'm cut out for this world of baby merchants. [02:23] <_stink_> greg-g: you aren't [02:23] <_stink_> avoid them [02:24] <_stink_> and don't look at the catalogs that show up in the mail [02:26] yea, and keep a careful eye on the in-laws [02:26] grandmothers are horrible [02:26] and they want pictures of the kids wearing the crap they find [02:27] we're doing an amazon baby registry, and good lord, some of this stuff [02:28] oh, sec, let me find that book I got [02:28] http://www.amazon.com/Consumer-Reports-Best-Baby-Products/dp/0890439869/ref=pd_sim_sbs_b_1 I think it was [02:28] was really helpful when registering [02:28] <_stink_> greg-g: not that you can't handle it, but if you have any questions about what might/might not be useful, feel free to ask [02:29] brings up points to look for in the items you buy [02:29] <_stink_> mostly because rick_h_ already has like 50 sources :P [02:29] yea, _stink_ and I are both just outside most of that stuff [02:29] lol [02:29] well, I am the researcher. My wife loved getting off of the duty for most things [02:29] _stink_: thanks man [02:29] only thing we got I'd skip around a second time is the high chair [02:29] all plastic, no padding/fabric next time [02:29] hmmm [02:30] too damn hard to clean, it's a disaster now after 18mo of use [02:30] can't toss the cover in the washer since it messes up the padding and won't dry [02:30] I was going to ask if you wanted to give it away :) [02:30] but nevermind [02:31] hah!, if you can get it clean welcome to it. We just yesterday started sitting him in his travel high chair full time [02:31] more like a booster seat since he wants to be at the table with us anyway [02:31] <_stink_> oo, he probably loves that [02:31] <_stink_> yeah [02:31] <_stink_> at the table like a big kid [02:31] http://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-Healthy-Deluxe-Booster-White/dp/B001GQ2RWQ/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1311388286&sr=8-3 [02:31] ^^ is pure gold [02:31] easy to clean, easy to take on the road to family visits [02:31] oo, not a bad price [02:32] yea, one of the best things I picked up [02:32] not a lot of support for a really little one, but then again we never used the little one support anyway [02:33] http://www.amazon.com/Graco-1762138-Mealtime-Highchair-Morgan/dp/B004DN4R1I/ref=sr_1_20?s=baby-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1311388368&sr=1-20 is what we have [02:33] the fabric gets food all over it and so hard to clean [02:33] bit better to hold a little one with the over the shoulder harness stuff [02:34] _stink_: had a nice looking one, how is that one holding up? [02:35] <_stink_> yeah, it was an in-law purchase: http://www.gracobaby.com/Products/Pages/ProductDetails.aspx?ProductId=1751938 [02:35] <_stink_> still using it [02:35] <_stink_> easy to keep clean - we just never used the insert [02:35] <_stink_> didn't put the kid in it until, gosh, 8 months, maybe? [02:35] yea, and by then they can hold themselves up ok [02:35] <_stink_> but i admit it's up there in price. [02:35] <_stink_> yeah [02:37] wow yeah [02:37] looks nice though [02:37] <_stink_> just remember that everything involved in food + baby will get disgusting [02:37] greg-g: http://www.amazon.com/Babybjorn-Baby-Carrier-Air-White/dp/B000CGX7WU/ref=sr_1_4?s=baby-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1311388648&sr=1-4 is what I got. Worked really well and wasn't too hot [02:37] when are you guys due? [02:38] yea, give up having a clean shirt for the first year [02:38] felt like such a slob, but after going through 3 or 4 a day just give in [02:38] <_stink_> haha [02:38] <_stink_> yeah [02:38] <_stink_> especially snot [02:38] yea, ours got sick a ton the first year+ [02:39] <_stink_> rick_h_: anything new and fun lately with him? [02:39] December 8th [02:39] new day care room, he's going crazy [02:39] <_stink_> hah [02:39] talking up a storm, mostly in baby french [02:39] <_stink_> oh wow [02:39] swim class is back in session, he's terrorizing the lake [02:39] <_stink_> wait [02:39] by baby french I mean it sounds like french, but ain't english [02:39] <_stink_> you mean French French, or just as a [02:39] <_stink_> oh [02:39] <_stink_> ok [02:39] <_stink_> hah [02:39] <_stink_> phew [02:39] <_stink_> was gonna say [02:39] he has whole conversations, long sentences/etc [02:39] <_stink_> move to Canada [02:39] just no idea wtf it is [02:40] <_stink_> hahah, yeah [02:40] wish he would concentrate on the single words [02:40] but he's started to put together two-word phrases which is cool [02:40] "up please" coming out better [02:40] <_stink_> when ours does that, we say "did you say ?" to which he always replies yes [02:40] <_stink_> doesn't matter what we suggest [02:40] lol [02:40] he's started to learn no [02:40] "is it bed time?" "nooooooo" [02:40] <_stink_> haha [02:40] <_stink_> yeah [02:40] drags it out and shakes his head [02:40] very cute [02:40] <_stink_> "TOO BAD" i bellow [02:40] <_stink_> i am very mean. [02:40] hah! [02:41] dad's are supposed to be :) [02:41] dads, wtf I'm becoming the guy my english teacher warned up about [02:41] <_stink_> it's ok, Friday evening pass [02:41] hah, thanks [02:41] how's your guy? He's got to be enjoying the outside time these days [02:42] <_stink_> yeah, lots of bike rides, etc. [02:42] <_stink_> playing with the 8 year old girl next door [02:42] nice, how do you guys bike with him? [02:42] <_stink_> rick_h_: http://www.ibertinc.com/ [02:42] <_stink_> that [02:42] <_stink_> got one at REI [02:43] <_stink_> and it is nice [02:43] man, I am getting sucked in here, research research research [02:43] greg-g: sorry, I didn't save a spreadsheet [02:43] <_stink_> took it to Mackinac Island and all [02:43] _stink_: oh, interesting [02:43] hadn't seen those before [02:43] rick_h_: hah, no worries :) [02:43] what are you checking out now? [02:43] greg-g: && [02:43] bah ^^ [02:44] carriers: apaprently this one is better for hwen they are heavier: http://www.amazon.com/Ergo-Carrier-Black-Camel-Lining/dp/B0010PW3A4/ref=sr_1_1?s=baby-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1311388975&sr=1-1 [02:44] _stink_: I went for the trailer. Figured the one cool thing is it's got room for two, so we can hit the store on bike and he can carry the groceries back [02:44] <_stink_> rick_h_: for sure. i think we will get one of those eventually [02:44] greg-g: well I was very happy with the bjorn I linked. [02:45] very light, I was the one that used it mainly [02:45] <_stink_> you know, we didn't wear him for long [02:45] handy to work aorund the house and carry him [02:45] and for some of those long nights [02:45] <_stink_> we have a bjorn and a mobi wrap thing [02:45] <_stink_> didn't use them a whole lot [02:45] yea, I mean it only goes to 20lbs I think? [02:45] <_stink_> sounds right [02:45] <_stink_> and ours was/is a CHUNK [02:45] I used it a ton, but for just a few months in a row [02:45] it was so nice though, to be able to clean the house/etc and just sling him up in it [02:45] or go on walks with him that way [02:46] * greg-g nods [02:46] but yea, it's only useful for a little bit from my point of view [02:46] since we didn't put him in too young, they had to be xxx tall to be in it to start with [02:46] oh, huh [02:47] <_stink_> the wrap is probably more versatile that way [02:47] <_stink_> http://www.mobywrap.com/ [02:47] yea [02:47] <_stink_> fwiw [02:47] <_stink_> some people use them until the kid is like 10 [02:47] <_stink_> i only partially kid [02:47] lol [02:47] <_stink_> we didn't use ours too much [02:47] yea, I mean by the time they're crawling you'll probably stop [02:48] <_stink_> because the kid is punching you in the face to get down? [02:48] 8mo ish maybe? Should have written stuff down more [02:48] because by then you can put them on the floor and get the work/etc done [02:48] and they just crawl around chasing you instead [02:48] <_stink_> haha [02:48] <_stink_> yeah [02:48] <_stink_> then they learn to walk, so they chase you around [02:48] and go stroller vs carrier for walks/outside [02:48] <_stink_> and push you away from the counter in the kitchen to get attention [02:48] yea, then all #@$@# breaks out [02:48] pull on your legs [02:50] <_stink_> lately ours like to scold the cats [02:50] <_stink_> when they get near his toys, or jump up on the table [02:50] greg-g: other tips, the stoller/car seat combo is priceless [02:50] lol [02:50] <_stink_> "no no maizey. no no." [02:50] awesome [02:51] http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000VQT4XC/ref=wms_ohs_product_T2 as well since you're having a dec kid [02:51] <_stink_> yes for sure [02:51] <_stink_> 100x better than getting them super bundled [02:52] yep [02:52] <_stink_> just kind of bundle + that [02:52] yea, tuck a blanket over them and that and you're good [02:52] just realized, we'll be in SF so, we'll probably be good without it :P [02:53] well I mean it's still 60's and such right? [02:53] could probably t-shirt it and that, big thing is winter wind [02:53] but yea, SF...what is winter in SF [02:53] <_stink_> a few clouds [02:53] some rain [02:53] hah [02:53] :) [02:57] <_stink_> greg-g: ok, i'll try to refrain from unsolicited advice, because we all do it differently [02:58] <_stink_> BUT [02:58] <_stink_> i can't resist this one thing [02:58] http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002WD5R1K was awesome [02:58] :) [02:58] <_stink_> we ended up swaddling ours for quite a while, for naps and nighttime [02:58] really, all advice is helpful [02:58] <_stink_> and these were easily the best we found: http://www.adenandanais.com/shop/classic.aspx [02:58] <_stink_> we have 8 of them, and they are still his 'blankies' [02:58] neato [02:59] yea, swaddling is wonders sometimes [02:59] though ours went through that phase quickly [02:59] <_stink_> that's good [02:59] <_stink_> ours didn't. [02:59] but I promise he slept better some nights with it than without [02:59] <_stink_> ours punched himself in the face over and over again [03:00] yea, I think he was crawling/etc more because he only took to it for a bit. Most of the heavy swaddlers were a bit late to that [03:00] but it's just a little bit [03:00] <_stink_> yep, that's ours [03:00] <_stink_> late to roll, too [03:01] http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000BW51UQ :) [03:01] http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000BQKWHE great gate, have two of them now [03:01] going through my amazon order history lol [03:01] awesome [03:01] :) [03:01] actually suprising little, we made out like bandits from the showers/etc [03:02] yeah, I'm hoping this registry will help :) [03:02] oh, go to mom to mom sales [03:02] they're like every freaking weekend [03:02] and gold mines for used items [03:03] we got a $150 pack and play that looks never used for $30 [03:03] still use that thing to change diapers on [03:03] whoa, are they a thing? [03:03] http://www.mom2momlist.com/ [03:03] yes, very real, and something I wish we had discovered earlier [03:03] <_stink_> i am scared of those [03:03] thing of a garage sale with nothing but mom's selling their stuff [03:03] <_stink_> mostly because i imagine 500 insane mothers [03:03] ok, we don't understand diapers/duo wraps/diaper covers/etc [03:04] _stink_: you're probably right [03:04] greg-g: we went through it all, just went disposable pampers [03:04] when you look at it all, they're about equal environmentally [03:04] and the ability to just toss when done is good [03:04] yea, we only went to a few of them [03:04] but we got some great stuff each time [03:04] <_stink_> geez, i have never even seen a duo wrap before [03:05] especially clothes, they wear them for such a short time [03:05] what are diaper liners? [03:05] and they're expensive [03:05] for the bins [03:05] they make these fancy garbage cans that seal in the diapers [03:05] we have a pair, but ones that take normal kitchen bags [03:05] oh [03:06] http://www.amazon.com/Baby-Trend-Diaper-Champ-Deluxe/dp/B002IWYXH4/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1311390354&sr=8-8 [03:06] definitely a must have [03:06] though we still took out the messy ones out to the trash in the garage vs in the bin [03:07] <_stink_> we have the same diaper bin as that [03:07] <_stink_> and we just keep piling the poop in it until it is unbearably smelly. [03:07] lol [03:07] <_stink_> then i cross myself and take it out. :P [03:07] yea, it really helps [03:07] I always hope the wife fills it first [03:07] <_stink_> haha [03:07] like taking the last bit of the ice tea means you have to make more [03:08] <_stink_> it's over flowing, but just keep stuffing them in [03:08] <_stink_> yeah [03:08] <_stink_> haha [03:08] "oh, this last one will fit in there for sure, just have to rock it back/forth and make room" [03:08] <_stink_> classic [03:08] gross! [03:08] :) [03:08] lol, you're about to build a whole new definition of gross [03:09] lol [03:09] man, it's ashame you're heading out to CA [03:09] you could just borrow most big stuff, swings, pack and play, car seats, etc [03:09] I mean even if we were to have a second, you'd be out of the stuff before ours came along [03:10] http://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-Precious-Planet-Whale-Tub/dp/B0018Z8CN8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1311390605&sr=8-1 really liked that [03:10] http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3336550 get a pair of those [03:10] yeah :( [03:12] if you guys know how you're going to deal with feeding and need any advice let us know [03:12] erica went through the whole range of stuff and wishes she had done things differently [03:12] <_stink_> yeah, that was the source of the most stress for us [03:12] <_stink_> wanted to breast feed, didn't work. [03:12] yea, and erica wanted the super high tech special pump and wouldn't get it again [03:12] but also wishes she had let me feed sooner, etc [03:13] the dr brown bottes I thought were ok, glad we got that dishwasher accessory for it [03:13] actually, I can probably send you off with a bunch of those if you wanted [03:13] I bought more than we ever used [03:13] I thought we'd want to have more so we didn't have to constantly clean them, but you do it anyway [03:13] and we hardly used the smaller ones [03:13] <_stink_> well, it's fun inundating greg-g with baby info, but it's bedtime. later guys [03:14] yea, should head myself, night _stink_ [03:14] g'night _stink_ ! [03:14] thanks rick_h_ Lets talk more later, at least until the other people in here tell us to shutup :) [03:15] yea no problem. [03:16] would love those bottles. I [03:17] 'll bring you back your charger and we can chat/etc [03:17] sure, let's set something up after pyohio [03:17] I'll scrounge and see what I can sneak out :) [11:17] damn, i missed all the baby talk last night [11:20] Carriers? front baby bjorn carrier http://the-rousches.smugmug.com/The-Chronicles-of-The-Rousches/2008-04/7987967_YrHb2#281425368_RAkdA [11:21] Stroller? make sure it's tall enough for you. if it's too short it will hurt your back [11:21] Diapers? get one of the sealing things, but get in the habit of tossing poopers outside [11:22] and don't get lazy. if you overstuff them they really stink [11:23] Milk? my wife had a pump that she liked. [14:04] hoedy [14:06] nice discussion last nighr [14:07] :) g'morn [14:07] also this ssh cliebt doesnt do the auto correction on thr iphone, so youre getting all of the typos wgolesale [14:07] man, stayed up way too late looking at stuff [14:08] yay, I love typos [14:08] starting to get more rral, eh? [14:09] oh, we need this and this and... [14:09] very [14:09] yeah, and stuff that I don't even think of [14:09] i wouldn't buy anything until after you move, otherwise you have to drag it all with you [14:09] brousch: yeah, for the most part. [14:09] true dat [14:09] bah, all you need early on is diapers, wipes, milk [14:10] basinet [14:10] we're going to use a friend's SF address for the deliveries of our wedding/baby registry [14:10] clothes [14:10] blankets [14:10] and then, if we do find anything good while here, just throwing it in the POD [14:10] good idea [14:12] will they ship pods avrpss country? [14:15] snap-l: yeah, they'll ship'em anywhere really [14:19] do you have a place lined up in SF? [14:27] not yet. posting a housing ad today [14:27] a "hey, live with us and lets find a great place to live" craigslist (and other places) ad [22:15] I have here a legacy application where the original developer used floats as the primary key for users [22:16] He must be the biggest dick ever [22:24] does that even work? [22:26] I would have never thought so [22:26] or at least [22:26] the DB wouldn't let you [23:25] so he used floats, but they all must be int values [23:26] you should be able to just alter the column type recasting the values [23:26] I mean, it's not like any sequence will go up by .0001 or anything [23:31] hm, now that i think about it, ordering in our foxpro-based program is with floats [23:32] i don't think indexes are though [23:41] geeker wife [23:42] she refuses linux so she can play games, then gets infected with malware every 6 months [23:42] i caught her just before she was about to use the CC to buy something [23:43] should i beat her with a stick larger than or smaller than my thumb?