[05:36] time for us to take part in global jam again http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1011/detail/ [08:00] morning superfly and others [08:00] morning Kilos [08:00] Maaz, coffee on [08:00] * Maaz puts the kettle on [08:04] Coffee's ready for Kilos! [08:04] Maaz, ty [08:04] Enjoy Kilos [09:10] hi Kerbero [09:10] hi Kilos [09:21] hi magespawn [09:21] hi kilos [09:22] i see from my log i was last here a long time ago [09:22] should get in here more often [09:22] lol yeah [09:23] how is it going this fine saturday? [09:23] all well so far ty [09:23] have you gone to natty [09:25] no my laptop is about 4 years old, but i have got natty running in my internet cafe. [09:25] ah. is 4 years old to old for natty then? [09:29] maybe i am not sure but when i load it down with programs now it struggles, so do not want to try it to have reinstall later [09:29] all is good magespawn and yourself? [09:29] hello Kilos [09:30] hi kbmonkey [09:34] hello kbmonkey all well? [09:35] ja all is good. ate some rusks with koffie. [09:35] lol [09:35] ouma's [09:36] yup! [09:36] real ouma's or the shop kind? [09:36] * Kilos wonders if maaz has replaced his supply [09:36] oh [09:36] i have some chores [09:36] the oumas from the shop [09:36] i always loved the oumas buttermilk rusks [09:36] oumas brand [09:37] ja man doop n ouma doop n ouma [09:37] the real ouma not around anymore to make those magical rusks [09:38] i saw on the idiot box a while ago there was a whole Ouma's factory on the original farm where she started [09:39] maybe i mixed up with Mrs Balls chutney [09:45] hey any of the n900 users here today? [09:48] hi jpm [09:48] hi Kilos [09:48] :P [09:49] lol hiya Kerbero [09:50] magespawn: yo [09:50] again [09:50] howdy all [09:50] superfly you have a n900? [09:50] magespawn: yes [09:50] what os you running? [09:54] still maemo 5 [09:59] hmm [09:59] i see you can dual boot it with android === jpm is now known as kerbero[pc] [09:59] android can't phone [09:59] and i tried meego too [10:00] that can only phone [10:00] brb [10:00] so i'm on maego too [10:00] *maemo [10:00] http://www.almostlikeeverything.com/mobiles/install-android-gingerbread-nitdroid-nokia-n900/ [10:00] this is what i found [10:01] at least everything is mostly working in maemo [10:01] let me check [10:02] that tutorial seems correct for dualbooting [10:02] roughly how i did it too [10:02] is it worth the work? [10:02] as i said, android is awesome [10:02] it can do everything except for making calls [10:02] and taking photos [10:03] i have been wanting to try it [10:03] no apps for those? [10:03] uhm [10:03] there are a lot of apps pre installed [10:04] is skype or similar available? [10:04] don't think so [10:04] maybe one can install it later [10:05] i see [10:06] http://nitdroid.com/index.php?title=N900 [10:06] see that [10:06] going [10:06] there is way too much hardware that still does not work [10:07] thats a pity [10:07] nice to play with [10:07] but not usable for a phone [10:07] maybe i will give it ago then [10:09] does the meego allow dual boot? [10:10] you can dualboot maemo+meego [10:10] or maemo+android [10:10] but triplebooting is almost impossible [10:10] because the two setups use different boot loaders [10:11] going to try the maemo+android [10:13] i want to have a look at android, might be getting a native device later this year. [10:20] thanks for help, never quite sure if info on the net is accurate, nice to be confirmed [11:10] later all have work to do [12:05] inetpro: http://blog.saturnlaboratories.co.za/archive/2011/07/23/building-ubuntu-or-kubuntu-natty-package-choqok-11 === jpm is now known as kerbero[pc] === kerbero[pc] is now known as Kerbero [15:29] * Kilosm just checking if you all ok [15:29] hehe [15:30] maaz cofee on [15:30] Kilosm: Huh? [15:30] grrr [15:31] maaz coffee on [15:31] * Maaz washes some mugs [15:35] Coffee's ready for Kilosm! [15:35] lo nlsthzn [15:36] maaz ty [15:36] Enjoy Kilosm [15:43] Hey Uncle Kilosm ... [15:45] bbl [17:44] Anyone know what happened to the linuxlab.org project? [17:49] evening all of ya [17:50] Hi Kilos, have you ever of the linuxlab.org project? [17:50] nope Barco [17:51] whats it about [17:51] I'm looking to help a rural school set up a lab. They source old PC's for terminals and provide for the use. [17:52] ah [17:52] I'm looking for 486-P2 for the job [17:53] most companies send these to e-waste. [17:54] i have a 486 and bits and pieces of a few others [17:54] and a p3 i normally use for spare here [17:55] but you will need someone that knows hardware and bios to get them going [17:56] not much of a problem as I have it background. Just a newb in the Linux realm [17:57] ok [17:57] Been setting up my lab and was thinking about how usefull edubuntu would be for rural schools I've visited as a youth worker [17:58] wwhere are you? [17:58] I'm in Bloemfontein. you? [17:58] pretoria [17:59] actually try pc shops that do upgrades for people, they normally got a few old pcs when the upgrade companies [18:00] Hmm, quite a way off. I'm gonna do that. [18:00] must be lots in bloem [18:01] quite a few but the larger companies send everything to ewaste. [18:01] or do most peeps there still use the abacus [18:01] lol [18:01] Most are a bit behind Gauteng lol [18:02] just speak to a few i am sure you will find some [18:02] Financially the Free State is not affluent but we got the meat ;) [18:02] lol [18:02] nuvolari, ping [18:03] I'm gonna give it a shot. [18:03] yeah its worth a try [18:04] i actually got started here from a guy that stayed close by that did upgrading for people [18:04] Might end up buying terminals by the kg lol [18:04] he gave me a lot of bits and pieces to sort through before he dumped them [18:04] lol [18:05] its just hard work sorting what is still good and what not [18:05] wondering if recyclers will take a buyback offer befor they melt them ;) [18:06] agreed. Might be able to teach some learners to help [18:06] go for it [18:07] I'll search for a few guys to help locally. [18:09] maybe look in your local papers for guys offering pc repairs [18:09] they mostly know each other [18:11] and the smaller businesses normally have private guys do pc work for them [18:11] then you can just promote ubuntu at the same time [18:17] sounds good, I'll do that. [18:22] Maaz, where is nuvolari [18:22] Kilos: nuvolari is no Sir :-P [18:22] lol [18:23] Maaz, tell nuvolari Het jy gewen met pa se rekenaar seun? [18:23] Kilos: Righto, I'll tell nuvolari on freenode [18:23] nlsthzn, you dropped me [18:23] heat packages didnt come and we heading for even bigger cold in next few days [18:24] Kilos: oh... was racking my mind for a second there... it did arrive... it would have been much worst than it is now ;) [18:24] hee hee hee [18:25] the whole Drakensberg and Lesotho getting snow for the next few days [18:25] * Kilos shivers [18:28] Nice [18:28] eish those dates and camel steaks have addled your brain [18:29] must be this flu... :'( [18:30] lol [18:31] suffering through night shifts this way is not nice at all... [18:31] eish [18:31] not enough action or what? [18:35] just feeling very bad [18:35] aw [18:42] well, good luck with the cold... snugle up warm... [18:42] ty nlsthzn i gonna crash soon too [18:43] sleep tight [18:43] night :) [18:48] night everyone still up. sleep tight and warm [19:49] superfly: just read your blog... chokoq is awesome [21:35] nlsthzn: cool [21:35] it is pretty cool, just got some annoying bugs at times [21:35] superfly: can't add a comment on it cause I don't have an account though... [21:35] nlsthzn: bug you can register ;-) [21:36] but chokoq 1.1 has been out for a while... I installed it on openSUSE months ago when I got login issues... [21:36] * nlsthzn has so many accounts all over the place he can't keep track anymore [22:34] nlsthzn: yeah, it's been out a while, but there are no updates in Ubuntu/Kubuntu for it [22:35] superfly: well, the way you explained it on your blog it looks pretty easy to make a package for Ubuntu :) [22:36] It's not a proper package, but it's a convenient way to keep your system intact while compiling and installing a new version of whatever software it is that you require