
Mandrewwill removing programs that im not using helping my computer work better and smother?00:00
terry   Mandrew no00:00
Colin969She gave me a MS Duo00:00
Colin969And not an SD..00:00
StevenRMandrew: probably not.00:00
Colin969Aso DasEi, you reckon i can boot from my Built in Mem Card reader?00:01
DasEiMandrew: rather disabling unneeded services, look at :00:01
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto00:01
pooltableLinux 3.0 is here how do i know i am useing it?00:01
Mandrewthanks DasEi00:01
StevenRpooltable: uname -a00:01
DasEipooltable: you won't until ppa/compile it, uname -a tells your version00:02
Colin969Aso DasEi, you reckon i can boot from my Built in Mem Card reader?00:02
DasEiColin969: some work , others not, check if it's seen in bios00:02
Colin969DasEi, Cant tell, theres quite a few though. ill hope.00:03
montero61Buenas tardes tengo una consulta , nesesito cambiar el compilador de la version mia de ubuntu00:04
chipmonknautilus network tab shows places that don't exist and not shows places that do00:04
chipmonkdo i have to resintall nautilus00:04
jb007_Maybe a silly question, but where do I register my nick?00:05
Jordan_U!register | jb007_00:05
ubottujb007_: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode00:05
rww!es | montero6100:06
ubottumontero61: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:06
jb007_Thanks, I gave I type "/msg nickserv register <password> <email>" in this textbox here?00:06
DasEijb007_: yes, and comprehensive help is in #freenode, see above given link00:07
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
terryjb007_: You can, but you really need to go to the status window to see what your doing.00:07
WolfDogDesignsHey guys. Trying to install Ubuntu alongside Win7 on a new PC. getting the old "(initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system." error when trying to boot from cd. Tried 2 different ISO downloads on 2 diff CDs00:07
chipmonkDasei what channel for nautilus help?00:07
terryWolfDogDesigns: What CD burning software did you use?00:08
DasEichipmonk: can ask here00:08
WolfDogDesignserm, Windows Disk Image Burner. .. all I have access to00:08
chipmonkno ans00:08
chipmonknautilus network tab shows places that don't exist and not shows places that do00:09
chipmonkdo i have to resintall nautilus00:09
WolfDogDesignsterry, something else I should use?00:09
terryWolfDogDesigns:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto00:09
Jordan_UWolfDogDesigns: It sounds like the kernel has problems with your particular CDROM drive. Try installing via a flash drive.00:09
iLogicanyone knows if ubuntu has a pdf reader that supports highlighting?00:10
W43372I'm trying to recover a deleted folder of pictures and I'm having an issue with scalpel recovering it.00:10
WolfDogDesignsJordan_U, dont have one :/00:10
WolfDogDesignsterry, it suggests windows image burner should be fine, ill give it a go with the alternative though00:11
YankDownUnderWolfDogDesigns, Use a CD/DVD cleaner in the drive, try again. If anything, burn a new copy of the ISO at a slower speed to make sure it's done correctly.00:11
Jordan_UWolfDogDesigns: I doubt that using another burning program will make any difference.00:12
chipmonkgood suggestion yank always burn at slowest speed00:12
WolfDogDesignsim dling InfraRecorder which should let me set burn speed. Win Image Burner doesnt let you adjust anything00:13
YankDownUnderJordan_U, SLOWER SPEED...as well, every month you should clean your CD/DVD drive...dust IS the enemy...00:13
Jordan_UWolfDogDesigns: The minimal install CD should work. It needs to grab everything from the internet though.00:13
YankDownUnderWolfDogDesigns, XP CD Burner. Free, always works, small, and just always works. ;)00:13
Jordan_UWolfDogDesigns: Can you be connected to the internet via ethernet while installing?00:14
WolfDogDesignsyeah, its got ethernet connection00:14
Jordan_UWolfDogDesigns: Then the minimal install CD *will* work for you.00:15
W43372Trying to recover a deleted folder. What do?00:15
Jordan_U!minimal | WolfDogDesigns00:15
ubottuWolfDogDesigns: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD00:15
Jordan_U!undelete | W4337200:15
ubottuW43372: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel00:15
aikInsaanwhat's the best way to run MSie in ubuntu? wine?00:19
terryaikInsaan: What do you need IE for?00:20
Jordan_UaikInsaan: Wine can only run up to IE6 (and IE7's rendering engine within IE6's chrome).00:20
aikInsaanby best i mean tried and tested00:20
chipmonkthx for the help00:20
aikInsaanas much as i hate ie...there are a few web apps that i use which only run on ie00:21
terryaikInsaan: Best to run IE under MS Windows00:21
Jordan_UaikInsaan: Have you tried changing user agent?00:21
aikInsaani can change user agent for chromium???00:21
cyperbgguys I need help setting SSH with public/private keys - Ive followed different turorials and I always get Server refused our key00:21
cyperbgplease help00:21
terryaikInsaan: Try firefox00:21
xiamxI have a partition created for /home, I want to move all /home files mounted on / to the enw partition, will cp -a work? Do it need to run checksum?00:22
Jordan_U!separatehome | xiamx00:22
ubottuxiamx: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving00:22
terryxiamx: cp -ar will work00:22
xiamxJordan_U, terry, thanks00:23
terryxiamx: You should rename the other one /old-home and then create the fstab entry for separate /home and reboot to see if everytihng is ok before deleting /old-home00:24
uw_hi is anyoen on here familar with netboot?00:24
terryxiamx: But read the info Jordan_U sent you for more details.00:24
xiamxterry, alright00:25
=== cypha`` is now known as cypha
pooltablehow do i look at the redecuation on the ubuntu software center?00:25
uw_or network installs00:25
pooltablegot it00:26
WolfDogDesignsRight. Im gonna try the new burn. Thanks a lot for the help guys00:26
stercorWhere does Ubuntu set the final PATH variable?  The one that the user uses.00:31
pooltablewhere to find chat about amd fx?00:31
Jordan_Upooltable: "redecuation"?00:31
pooltablejordan u nm i got it00:32
stercorpooltable: #hardware, perhaps?00:32
terrystercor: Are you wanting to add to your PATH?00:33
stercorterry: yes.00:33
pooltablethanks stercor00:34
stercorpooltable: That assumes that AMD is a chip and fx is a part of that chip.00:34
pooltableok what about fluxbox how to comfig it ?00:34
stercorterry: I don't want to do that every time I login/boot.  There must be some place where Ubuntu sets it.00:35
terrystercor: And to see what it now includes:  $PATH00:35
terrystercor: You don't have to do it every time  you boot.  Just do it once.00:36
stercorterry: I have to do it with each new window I open...00:36
DeviceZer0any anyone tell me what the default theme is for unity? I moved my old home folder over and now unity looks all weird and trying to use my old homes theme and settings00:36
terrystercor: What are you talking about?00:37
terrystercor: You need to tell us what it is exactly you are wanting to do.00:37
stercorterry: I need to have the system put an extra directory (actually, two) into the PATH variable on boot-up or login.00:38
pooltablestercor the next new FX 8 core00:38
* stercor know nothing of hardware, only software.00:38
terrystercor: And this is where you have executable files?00:39
stercorterry: Yes.00:39
stercorterry: rc.local?00:39
terrystercor: Why not just put them in /home/stercor/bin   (All of them.)00:39
stercorterry: The executables?00:40
terrystercor: Are you sure it is $PATH options you are after?00:40
stercorterry: Yes00:40
terrystercor: Well then yes, you set the $PATH for executables.  That is all it is for.00:41
terrystercor: So why don't you tell us what it is you really want to do.00:41
stercorterry: I want the system to provide the correct PATH to get to my executables by prepending/postpending the directories on to the PATH variable.  I don't want to do it manually every time I want to use an executable.  That is madness.  Surely Ubuntu has a place to set the PATH variable that the user (any user) uses.00:43
edbianstercor: Put your executables in the correct place00:44
terrystercor: As I just told you;  You do NOT have to do it every time you boot.  Ok?00:44
edbianor at least symlink them iectplace00:44
stercorOh, forget it.  I'll find it myself.  All of the solutions are "Band-Aids" that don't address the problem.00:44
iLogicthe fact that linux has no software capable of making highlights in pdfs makes me sad :(00:44
YankDownUnderstercor, /etc/profile00:44
stercorYankDownUnder: Now we're getting somewhere!00:45
YankDownUnderiLogic, Research before you complain?00:45
iLogicYankDownUnder: I did, actually..00:45
YankDownUnderstercor, Just make sure you make a backup of the /etc/profile before you hose the entire system.00:45
terryas edbian suggest, symlinks are good.  Just place your executables in ~/bin/  and symlink them to /usr/bin or where ever else you want, (that's already in your path).00:45
stercorYankDownUnder: Good advice!00:46
iLogicYankDownUnder: only acrobat reader, and if was previously enabled by acrobat pro which costs a billion bucks00:46
YankDownUnderiLogic, There are always alternatives.00:46
iLogicYankDownUnder: yep, very lame ones.. :(00:47
maumhow can I calibrate touch screen?00:47
maumon ubuntu 11.0400:47
terrystercor: They are not band-aids.  It is the way it's done.  You just don't understand the system.00:47
terrystercor: Have you looked at what you have in your path now?00:48
stercorterry: yes00:48
YankDownUnderiLogic, Ya know, there is something called "Crossover Office" by Codeweavers (www.codeweavers.com) that will allow you to run MS programs in a basically native environment (meaning on linux)00:48
terrystercor: Ok, well what do you need to add to it?00:48
terrystercor: And what do you have against using symlinks?00:49
stercorterry: And I know how to set PATH=blah:$PATH or PATH=$PATH:blah00:49
terrystercor: Then what is the problem?00:49
edbianstercor: Changing the path variable is not the correct solution.00:49
pooltablewhat is the commane to find out what video card i have?00:50
terrystercor: It is a very simple orderly system.  What else do you need?00:50
bazhangpooltable, lspci00:50
edbianpooltable: sudo lspci -k    (I like the -k to tell me what drivers are being used)00:51
iLogicYankDownUnder: yeah.. seems like I'm stuck with pdf x-change in wine, but it's very lame not having one single native app that is able to do such easy task00:51
iLogicYankDownUnder: if not easy, popular..00:51
YankDownUnderiLogic, Then bitch at Adobe for locking down their legalities in such a way as to keep their stuff extremely proprietary.00:51
pooltablebazhang thanks00:52
terrystercor: Just mkdir ~/bin  and put your new executables there.  From that point, you have the option of adding it to your $PATH or symlink to some dir that is already in your path. It is as simple as that.00:52
edbianpooltable: :(00:52
pooltableedbian yes?00:52
edbianpooltable: I helped too :(00:52
pooltableedbian way :(??00:53
* edbian looks sheepish00:53
pooltablesorry edbian thanks00:53
edbianpooltable: it's ok00:53
pooltablesorry edbian yes your is more info thanks00:53
edbianpooltable: Yay! \o/00:54
OogyPoogyHi all. Any recommendations on the best way to share an external Harddrive plugged into my Ubuntu box over a home network (other computers running Win7)?00:56
terryOogyPoogy: samba00:56
edbianOogyPoogy: samba is pretty much your only option.  It is hard to configure though00:57
OogyPoogySamba, eh?00:57
terryOogyPoogy: nfs is great, but is for Linux, (not MS Windows)00:57
OogyPoogyI installed Samba from the Software center, but it doesn't seem to have registered an icon in my menu system00:57
YankDownUnderUm...there ARE NFS clients for MS Windows...(not that they're good, but they do exist)00:57
terryOogyPoogy: You have to configure it.,00:57
OogyPoogyterry: if it changes anything, the external harddrive is formatted as fat3200:58
terry!samba | OogyPoogy00:58
ubottuOogyPoogy: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.00:58
edbianOogyPoogy: You probably installed the client not the server00:58
terryOogyPoogy: fat32 is fine, doens't matter.00:58
OogyPoogyebian: ahhhh00:58
edbianOogyPoogy: ahh indeed00:59
OogyPoogyOhh, its in the Admin menu00:59
terryOogyPoogy: sudo apt-get install samba00:59
edbianalso that00:59
edbiannobody needs help?!01:01
edbianHow about some wifi cards!01:01
OogyPoogyterry: I think I have both server and client installed. There is a GUI that pops up for "Server Configuration"01:01
terryedbian: I've got mine.01:01
OogyPoogyI guess its as "simple" as adding a Share01:01
edbianterry: :)01:01
edbianOogyPoogy: ha, yeah right.  Are you on the right workgroup?  Is the samba server running right now?  What user's can access the share you set?01:02
OogyPoogyedbian: haha :) Do I not define the workgroup when making the share? I've set up a user/pass for logging in. How can I check to see if the Samba server is running?01:03
edbianOogyPoogy: ps -e | grep samba    will tell if it's running.01:03
OogyPoogyedbian: thanks for that!01:03
edbianOogyPoogy: The workgroup (afaik) is in the config file in /etc/01:03
edbianOogyPoogy: I have never been clear about the users.  Do the windows user names get sent to the samba server or does the server just see 'samba' the local linux user trying to access stuff?  IDK01:04
OogyPoogyedbian: I typed that command and literally nothing happened. just popped up to the next prompt01:04
edbianOogyPoogy: That means it isn't running.01:04
edbianOogyPoogy: ps -e lists all running processes   | grep filters stuff  We filtered for the word 'samba'01:05
OogyPoogyedbian: ahh.... hehe. I guess /.samba?01:05
edbianOogyPoogy: Get it?01:05
OogyPoogyedbian: Oh I see. I do01:05
YankDownUnder"smbd" is what you want to look for.01:05
OogyPoogyYankDownUnder, as the process listed or is that the filename?01:05
edbianOogyPoogy: ~/.samba is the per user config     There is a system config file (for the server) in /etc somehwere01:05
edbianOogyPoogy: grepping for the right filter might help01:06
OogyPoogyoh, i see.01:06
edbianOogyPoogy: That's the process01:06
YankDownUnderOogyPoogy, To restart samba, /etc/init.d/smbd restart01:06
YankDownUnderWhen looking for it, try: ps - Ae | grep smbd01:06
OogyPoogyYankDownUnder, thanks! Very much appreciate the help here!01:06
OogyPoogyIs it possible to accidentally have duplicate processes running? I have smbd listed twice: http://pastebin.com/qtSA5zq701:09
YankDownUnderOogyPoogy, That's cool. Don't worry. Be happy.01:09
OogyPoogyYankDownUnder, Mr. McFerrin!01:09
edbianOogyPoogy: It likely doesn't matter.  Especially if you plan to reboot01:09
OogyPoogysince you guys are especially helpful, I'll take the opportunity to ask: is there an equivalent Linux/Ubuntu program that tweaks startup settings and cleans unused files like CCleaner for WIndows?01:10
OogyPoogyOr is that not even a necessity by virtue of the Linux architecture?01:11
YankDownUnderIt's not a worry in linux => unless you specifically don't want certain services or programs from starting...otherwise, it's not necessary.01:11
edbianOogyPoogy: They're unnecessary.01:11
iLogicmy netbook has no page up or down keys, anyone knows if there is a way to use function + up and down or something instead?01:11
OogyPoogyAs an off-topic, has anyone seen that crazy 16-year old girl who married that 53 your-old actor? She looks like she's on *major* drugs during her interview01:11
OogyPoogyiLogic, perhaps it can be mapped?01:12
YankDownUnderiLogic, I'd look through the keymappings and keyboard layouts => as well, dig through the Ubuntu forums as I'm quite certain someone with your same machine has ran across the same issue.01:12
iLogicno success so far..01:12
th0riLogic: you can use xev to determine keycodes and xmodmap to fix the issue. Google xmodmap for more details01:12
YankDownUnderiLogic, ...patience is a virtue.01:13
JayBHow do I install the cure font from artwiz to be systemwide? ubuntu 11.0401:13
Carpe|Diemcan somebody tell me whats the latest stable kernel in Ubuntu?01:13
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)01:13
OogyPoogyWhen Ubuntu gets upgraded and Gnome 2 is removed, do you think there will be a way to reinstall it? I really can't get used to Unity for some reason...01:14
edbianOogyPoogy: I'm not sure you'll be able to get gnome2 in the future.  gnome3 definitely.  What you might want to look at is xfce01:14
th0rOogyPoogy: you might want to consider debian at that point01:14
Carpe|DiemSnooffy: i don't see a version on there?01:14
Snooffyyeah sorry:D01:15
* edbian uses Debian01:15
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.01:15
OogyPoogyth0r, is Debian as user-friendly as Ubuntu?01:15
edbianThat's what he says for stable?01:15
edbianOogyPoogy: no01:15
OogyPoogyedbian: is there a way to emulate the menu dropdown on Gnome 3?01:16
Snooffyit must be there under something..01:16
edbianOogyPoogy: I don't know what feature you're talking about.01:16
Carpe|Diemsomebody give me the output of uname -a on an updates ubuntu system01:16
edbianSnooffy: hahaha01:16
OogyPoogyedbian: so, I'm effectively being booted of Ubuntu if I don't like Unity? Wow.01:16
YankDownUnderOogyPoogy, Gnome3. Egads. There *is* a tweak tool that can make Gnome3 nearly like Gnome2...01:16
edbianOogyPoogy: what? no!  You can use gnome3, kde, xfce, or like a dozen others01:16
OogyPoogyedbian: the application dropdown list01:16
OogyPoogyYankDownUnder, how come everyone hates the traditional menu so much? :)01:17
Carpe|Diemuname -a?01:17
edbianOogyPoogy: This: http://www.tuxmachines.org/images/fedora15_gnome3-activities-applications.jpg   ??01:17
szalCarpe|Diem: define 'updated ubuntu system'01:18
OogyPoogyUnity looks like an iPhone Os, but there is no touchscreen!01:18
Snooffylucid though01:18
Carpe|Diemszal: the latest ubuntu release fully updates to the latest kernel01:18
Carpe|Diemszal: i just want to know the newest ubutnu kernel number01:18
YankDownUnderOogyPoogy, They don't hate it, they "decided via corporate thought" that it was no longer important - that goes for the Unity team and the Gnome3 team. They're trying to emulate the "smartphone" and "netbook" mentality.01:18
szalLinux zalle 2.6.38-10-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 28 15:07:17 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux01:18
szal@ Carpe|Diem01:18
SnooffyCarpe|Diem: what about this? http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html01:19
edbianOogyPoogy: So does gnome3 imo01:19
OogyPoogyedbian: what you posted looks like an iPhone Os too!01:19
OogyPoogyYankDownUnder, but I don't get it. What if you don't use a touchscreen device?01:19
edbianOogyPoogy: I posted gnome301:20
OogyPoogyedbian: so even Gnome is losing the listed menus? Oh no...01:20
edbianOogyPoogy: gnome3 is very new01:20
edbianOogyPoogy: again, look at xfce01:20
YankDownUnderOogyPoogy, Well, the apparent corporate paradigm is more important than what YOU think. Apparently.01:21
OogyPoogyGod, why can't they at least keep it like they do in Ubuntu - I use Ubuntu "classic" interface.01:21
OogyPoogyI've tried XFCE, but for some reason, the rendering isn't smooth like the stock Ubuntu setup.01:21
sw0rdfishhey guys how can I take a screenshot in firefox of a very long page in one time01:21
OogyPoogyit looks like windows 3.1 to me.01:21
sw0rdfishget it? like no need to take half then scroll down take another ss01:21
rwwMuch as I dislike the various GNOME user interfaces, can we bring the channel back to Ubuntu technical support please?01:22
YankDownUndersw0rdfish, Why don't you just "Print to file" => choose PDF as the output? Works great, ya know...01:22
OogyPoogyrww: Sorry01:22
apollosixKDE is worth another look. But in unity hide the side bar and run a dock. I know it's a bit mac but the cairo dock kills unity dock.01:22
edbiansw0rdfish: I get what you're asking.  Tough question.01:22
sw0rdfishYankDownUnder, print to file? you say... lol let me try and find that :)01:22
edbiansw0rdfish: Try saving the page and converting it somehow.  That's my best guess01:22
infobitya its a good one as YankDownUnder said save it as Pdf serch on google for help01:22
th0rOogyPoogy: I would love to compare my xfce/debian screenshots with your gnome/ubuntu <smile>01:22
edbiansw0rdfish: Print the file is a great idea01:23
sw0rdfishedbian someone just told me there's a plugin for firefox for that :D01:23
edbiansw0rdfish: there ya go!01:23
OogyPoogyth0r: could you show me? I really want to know if there something wrong with XFCE as I installed it...01:23
OogyPoogyrww: this is technically ubuntu technical support! :)01:23
Quantum_IonHey I'm Barack Obama01:23
apollosixFuck Obama01:24
ubottuPlease take political discussion to ##politics. Thank you!01:24
sw0rdfishQuantum_Ion, hello sir mr president01:24
Quantum_IonI thought I would just interject a little humor01:25
th0rOogyPoogy: pastebin won't handle pix, I think01:25
YankDownUnderAmericans don't understand real humour.01:25
apollosixI have a eee pc and trying to run ubuntu on it it won't shut down. Just freezes on shutdown command?01:25
OogyPoogyth0r: imgur.com?01:25
edbianth0r: OogyPoogy imageshack.us for pics01:26
infobitYankDownUnder, this is not a place for humour01:26
edbianapollosix: What if you sudo shutdown now01:26
YankDownUnderinfobit, HOW WELL I KNOW.01:26
sw0rdfishedbian, my friend found me this https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/screengrab/01:26
sw0rdfishedbian, so if you guys wanna add it to ubuttu or something feel free to :)01:27
edbiansw0rdfish: :)01:27
apollosixyou people aren't very nice.....bye01:27
* edbian does not have the authority to edit the bot01:27
OogyPoogyYankDownUnder, You've been down under too long. Not all of us are thick :)01:27
edbianapollosix: bye01:27
YankDownUnderOogyPoogy, Spot on.01:27
OogyPoogyedbian: I *just* realized that edbian was an anagram. Maybe I am thick after all....01:28
YankDownUnderOogyPoogy, ;)01:28
th0rOogyPoogy: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/684/29pm.png/01:28
edbianOogyPoogy: It's actually just me messing the letters up.  An anagram can be read upside and upside right.01:29
YankDownUnder1/2 anagram...01:29
OogyPoogyedbian: oh, I thought an anagram was a new word resulting from rearrangement, not symmetry. See, I am dumb01:30
OogyPoogyth0r: That actually looks quite nice01:30
runicfoxOogyPoogy, a palindrome is symmetry.  an anagram is rearrangement.01:30
OogyPoogyThere was definitely a rendering problem on my end then.01:30
OogyPoogyrunicfox, so then I was right!01:30
OogyPoogyedbian: stop messing me up! :)01:31
edbianOogyPoogy: he themed the heck out of it.  It does not look like that by default01:31
OogyPoogyth0r: How long did it take you to theme it up all nice like that?01:31
th0rOogyPoogy: I had to untar two theme packages and set up the panels the way I wanted...maybe half an hour01:32
YankDownUnderI'd love to post a screenshot, but hey, it's like 3840x1080 .... ;)01:32
OogyPoogyYank: DO IT!01:32
OogyPoogyth0r: Oh that's not too bad....does XFCE come on the Live CD?01:33
edbianOogyPoogy: It comes on the xbuntu live cd01:33
OogyPoogyI cool - so I'll grab that.01:33
OogyPoogyAnyone use an NAS with Ubuntu?01:34
th0rOogyPoogy: you can just load xfce to your present ubuntu install...no need to get a new cd01:34
edbianhttp://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/405/screenshothzq.png/   ignore the rage comic01:34
OogyPoogyth0r: How would I do this? Via Synaptic?01:35
tripelbhttp://grigio.org/textmate_gedit_few_steps  is this a good thing to do. I wanted something like "TextEdit" on the Mac.01:35
OogyPoogyedbian: you a redditor? :)01:36
edbianOogyPoogy: No, stumble01:36
th0rOogyPoogy: yes, just load xfce4 and thunar. there are other parts to xfce (xfburn, ristretto, etc) but those two will ge tyou started01:36
edbiantripelb: what do you mean by 'good' ?01:36
OogyPoogyedbian: what DE are you using?01:36
aikInsaanis vmware-server available in the partners archive under  a different name by any chance?01:36
edbianOogyPoogy: http://imageshack.us/f/841/screenshot1gj.png/   no rage comic01:36
OogyPoogyth0r: Thanks, I'll install now.01:36
th0rOogyPoogy: after installing xfce4, log out and at the login screen Session menu choose xfce01:37
OogyPoogyth0r, will do.01:37
tripelbedbian, I was looking for trouble. Not. I wanted to know if anyone has some experience with this. I only want safe stuff. But some more functionality (font styles, sizes - pasting in a pic) would be welcome.01:38
edbiantripelb: I've never used it.  Since it doesn't come from the repos it's a good idea you're asking around though.01:38
mystiquebahey guys, I forgot my nickserv password, how do I restore it?01:38
blackhawkhi,anyone know of an app that could monitor the temps of the cpu,hdd..and so on01:38
rww!lm-sensors | blackhawk01:39
ubottublackhawk: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.01:39
rwwmystiqueba: ask #freenode01:39
mystiquebarww, thanks01:39
YankDownUnderOogyPoogy, edbian Here y'all go: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/5001:39
blackhawkthanks :) that was fast :)01:39
aikInsaananyone running vmware on natty?01:39
edbianYankDownUnder: interesting.  A 404 error01:40
OogyPoogyedbian: not seeing the second link01:40
OogyPoogyOh, god damn it. The wife is calling from downstairs.01:40
OogyPoogyWhy can't i just get some alone time?01:40
tripelbmystiqueba, /join #nickserv led me to #freenode so I think that's the place to ask.01:40
edbianYankDownUnder: very meta01:40
OogyPoogyLater everyone, and thank for the help.01:40
edbianOogyPoogy: pardon?01:40
\bMike\bI just accidentally created a new partition table on a HDD I was using. Can I recover or recreate it from the filesystem data that's still on the disk?01:41
OogyPoogyoh, i'm still here...i thought my connection died01:41
cyperbgI still can't make a script run at after Reboot01:41
cyperbgplease help01:41
\bMike\bcyperbg: which script01:41
cyperbgwell it's a custom script01:41
OogyPoogyYankDownUnder, 404 error here01:41
\bMike\bcyperbg: what language?01:42
cyperbgwhicj when executed from Terminal works01:42
OogyPoogyedbian: did my message get cut off?01:42
cyperbg\bMike\b, I'm not sure but it contain If else clauses01:42
edbianOogyPoogy: You didn't get my second link?01:42
cyperbgit's called startmining.sh01:42
OogyPoogyedbian: no, I clicked, but it wouldn't open. I think it was because me connection died. Let me try again01:42
\bMike\bcyperbg: that's a shell script (because of the .sh, not because of if...else - nearly every language has if...else)01:42
edbiancyperbg: bit-coin or minecraft?01:43
cyperbg cyperbg bitcoin01:43
OogyPoogyit won't open01:43
cyperbgedbian I meant01:43
cyperbgit's bitcoin01:43
\bMike\bcyperbg: what is the first line of the script?01:43
edbiancyperbg: You put the script in /etc/init.d   ?01:43
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OogyPoogyShit. my wife is pissed. bRB01:44
cyperbgYes, I tried that01:44
mystiquebatripelb, thanks01:44
edbiancyperbg: and you ran update-rc.d   on it?01:44
edbiancyperbg: and it starts with #!/bin/bash    ?01:44
cyperbgI don't know what tha is so no01:44
YankDownUnderOogyPoogy, edbian http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/992/2372011screenshot.jpg01:45
cyperbgedbian according to this link I should put my script in /etc/init.d/rc.local  file - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RcLocalHowto01:45
edbianYankDownUnder: I liked 404 error better01:45
edbiancyperbg: that works too01:45
YankDownUnderedbian, Hehehehe...me too...01:45
KM0201YankDownUnder: dual screens for the win!.. :_01:46
cyperbgbut reading that file decription it says: Run /etc/rc.local if it exist01:46
edbianYankDownUnder: you monitor must be 10 feet wide01:46
cyperbgso then which one I put it in?01:46
YankDownUndercyperbg, Just add what you wish in the /etc/rc.local and that's easy enough.01:46
edbiancyperbg: either one01:46
YankDownUnderedbian, Two monitors, 24" each.01:46
cyperbgYankDownUnder I tried, it ain't working01:46
edbiancyperbg: /etc/rc.local is probably easier.  What line are you putting in there?01:46
edbianYankDownUnder: nice01:46
cyperbgedbian one moment I'll tell you01:46
edbiancyperbg: k01:47
cyperbgedbian I put /home/cyper/Autominer/startmining.sh before exit 001:47
cyperbgwould it be better to put:01:47
cyperbgcd /home/cyper/Autominer01:47
edbiancyperbg: no01:47
cyperbgso the first one is not woring too01:48
edbiancyperbg: can root run that script?  cause root will.01:48
cyperbgedbian I run it with sudo01:48
cyperbgit runs fine01:48
edbiancyperbg: mmmm...01:48
edbiancyperbg: do this sudo /etc/init.d/rc.local01:49
cyperbgedbian this script starts mining on my 4 cards, but btw now it started cause I can hear my machine running louder, but there are no screens to attached01:49
edbiancyperbg: Does the bitcoin script start?01:49
econdudeawesomeHowdy all. I'm having a real problem. My updates are all funky with the last kernel update: linux-image-generic, linux-image-2.6.38-10-generic. apt-get and aptitude fail. What can I do?01:49
edbiancyperbg: Ummm, we need a more object test of it running.  Use ps -e | grep mining   or something01:50
cyperbgedbian disgregard my last comment01:50
cyperbgit worked01:50
edbiancyperbg: oh good!01:50
cyperbgso let's try  sudo /etc/init.d/rc.local01:50
cyperbgthe screens worked01:50
edbiancyperbg: ok01:50
cyperbgUsage: /etc/init.d/rc.local start|stop so I'll do sudo /etc/init.d/rc.local stop01:51
cyperbgstart I meant01:51
edbiancyperbg: sure01:51
cyperbgsudo /etc/init.d/rc.local start works01:51
renaldocreativeHello everyone01:51
cyperbgmy script starts01:51
edbianrenaldocreative: hello01:52
cyperbgso why then doesn't it start after reboot?01:52
edbiancyperbg: I do not know.01:52
cyperbgedbian any other ideas01:52
edbiancyperbg: perhaps it is and it takes time for the fans on the cards to spin up01:52
cyperbgI really need this01:52
cyperbgno they spin in a matter of 10-15 seconds - I can hear the difference01:52
econdudeawesomeerrors can be found here: http://pastebin.com/sQXaU8S801:52
edbiancyperbg: reboot and run ps -e | grep mining01:52
YankDownUndercyperbg, Um...did you put your stuff AFTER the "exit 0" or before the "exit 0" in the /etc/rc.local?01:52
YankDownUndercyperbg, Just checking for 'ID10T' errors mate.01:53
cyperbgno worries mate :)(01:53
cyperbgmet me restart and try01:53
cyperbgedbian ps -e | grep mining does not display anything01:55
cyperbgno erros01:55
cyperbgjust a new line01:55
cyperbgYankDownUnder any ideas?01:56
JRWRjoin #ubuntu-server01:56
infobitrenaldocreative, hi whats up01:56
edbiancyperbg: then it isn't running01:56
edbianvery strange01:56
YankDownUndercyperbg, How are you calling this script mate? Are you calling it from the /etc/rc/local?01:56
edbianJRWR: ha01:56
cyperbgsudo /etc/init.d/rc.local start works again01:56
edbiancyperbg: very strange01:57
cyperbgYankDownUnder no the scrips is in my home folder01:57
edbianlg: what is your issue?01:57
cyperbgthe script01:57
lgno thanks01:57
edbianlg: ?01:57
cyperbganyone else?01:58
pieces029Hey I am trying to install a python module to my home directory because I don't have sudo on the system I'm on.  When I do python setup.py install I get an error that the directory doesn't support .pth files.  Can anyone help me with this problem or suggest another way around this?  Thanks01:58
cyperbgI'm stuck01:58
YankDownUndercyperbg, Right - now we're getting somewhere!!! Right - SO, since it's YOUR script in YOUR home dir, what you'd want to do is add it to the "Startup Applications" mate...easy AS! ;)01:58
edbianYankDownUnder: he wants it to run when the system turn on.01:58
cyperbgYankDownUnder I did that but the script has var/log/Autominer.log and it gets access denied01:59
edbianYankDownUnder: And it should it it's in /etc/init.d/rc.local01:59
cyperbgit works - but can't write to the log01:59
cyperbgand it is important to have access to the log01:59
rewatihi there i have broadcom wireless card and installed broadcom sta kernel source from synaptic and restarted my computer still no wireless01:59
edbianpieces029: put the python module source code in the same dir as the program you're writing01:59
cyperbgedbian adding it to Startup appication works - it just can't write to the log01:59
edbiancyperbg: Yeah.  It SHOULD work being called from /etc/init.d/local01:59
pieces029edbian: Ok I'll give that a try02:00
cyperbgedbian you mean /etc/init.d/rc.local?02:00
blackhawklm-sensors applets won't work in unity right?02:01
blackhawkanything else?02:01
edbiancyperbg: put the script in /etc/init.d/ and then run sudo update-rc.d on it02:01
cyperbgok I'll try02:01
cyperbgedbian you mean moving the file?02:02
edbiancyperbg: or copy it02:02
cyperbgedbian I'm going to try something else first: move the log file to the same dir as the script02:03
edbiancyperbg: I'm not SURE it needs to be in /etc/init.d/   but put it there to be safe02:03
cyperbgand then I can add it to Startup and it will work02:03
edbiancyperbg: Just change the permissions of the log file.02:03
edbiancyperbg: But it will only run when you log in then.02:03
edbiancyperbg: where's the other way it starts when the computer starts02:03
cyperbgedbian I login automatically02:03
cyperbgthat is not a problem02:03
edbiancyperbg: Well there ya go then!02:03
cyperbghow do I change the permission to write from user?02:04
\bMike\bcyperbg: chmod02:04
edbiancyperbg: sudo chown you:you /path/to/log/file  would work too02:04
cyperbg\bMike\b I know it's chmod, but I don't know what to write after it02:05
pieces029edbian: so there is c++ files in there as well should I compile those first?02:05
C_Smithokay, my sound system is refusing to respond, I go to change my volume, and I can't, I click on sound preferences, it pops up a windows saying "Waiting for sound system to respond", and it doesn't stop.02:05
cyperbgedbian i'll try02:05
edbianpieces029: Is the module not pure python?02:05
C_Smithanything I can try>02:05
C_Smithmind you, I just updated my kernel to 3.002:05
pieces029edbian: no, its pyopencl, so it's a wrapper to open cl02:06
edbianpieces029: Then you'll have to compile the C++ code.  If it's part of the module.02:06
edbiangotta go!02:06
cyperbgedbian I put it in /etc/init.d02:09
cyperbgbut how do I run sudo update-rc.d02:09
C_Smitheh, screw it, I'll go back to 2.6.3802:09
cyperbgwhat follows after02:09
C_SmithEdbien isn't here anymore, he has said "gotta go"02:09
cyperbgthere is help, but I can't seem to understand it02:10
C_Smithcyberbg, Edbien isn't here.02:10
cyperbgC_Smith 10x02:10
cyperbgI don't see quits02:10
grendal-primehey what do i need installed to be able to use sftp through the kde file browser?02:11
C_SmithI'm scrolling up just a little bit and seeing that Ebien has left.02:11
grendal-primethougt it was kioserver02:11
C_Smithwell, since I can't get help with my issue, I'll just go back to 2.6.38-10-generic02:12
C_Smithas my kernel02:12
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bazhang!es | usuario02:20
ubottuusuario: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:20
Neizer_does any one know if ubunto supports touch screens yet02:20
Neizer_I can't get my stylus to work02:21
wildgooseNeizer, xsetwacom02:24
hamedhi i am xubuntu      In order to run Ardesia you need to enable a composite manager02:26
hamedhow can i enable composite manager ?02:26
wols_hamed: glxinfo |grep direct02:26
wols_hamed: and read http://code.google.com/p/ardesia/wiki/FAQ the section Can I use Ardesia on Linux without a composite manager?02:28
razz11when creating a USB stick with dd to install OS does the USB drive needs to be formatted, or does it matter it's got another OS ISO on it?02:30
wols_the USB stick doesn't need to have a filesystem02:31
DasEirazz11: for the live's being dd'able no need to pre-format02:32
razz11wols_: DasEi: I thought so, dd is at block level isn't it?02:33
razz11wols_: DasEi: also it's got Debian DVD image, if I use a CD image of another OS, will it cause any issues as some of the debian stuff will still be on the USB stick. thats why I was asking whether I need to wipe it first?02:34
tfdevknock knock02:35
DasEirazz11: debian/ubuntu installer commonly need other perequisits, such as formatting to fat and a tool like unetbootin, usb-creator,pendrivelinux02:36
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:36
econdudeawesomeHowdy all. I'm having a real problem. My updates are all funky with the last kernel update: linux-image-generic, linux-image-2.6.38-10-generic. apt-get and aptitude fail. What can I do?02:36
econdudeawesomeerrors can be found here: http://pastebin.com/sQXaU8S802:36
DasEirazz11: other live environments like superGrudDisk2 work just by dd though02:37
alazare619whats the terminal command to create a partition table?02:37
arfbtwnalazare619: take your pick, fdisk || parted, i'm sure there are others02:38
razz11DasEi: just curious, I was going to make a fedora live cd usb to test, wondering do I need to wipe it clean before I write the fedora stuff to the USB?02:39
razz11DasEi: I am just trying to learn how to do this in CLI02:39
DasEirazz11: visit pendrivelinux.com02:40
DasEialazare619: man cfdisk02:40
alazare619how can i setup pureftpd to run as inted02:45
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daniel_is there a way to use an iso file without burning it to a disc ? maybe a program that tricks my computer into thinking its on a disc02:45
arfbtwnalazare619: add a file for it under the xinetd.d directory, IIRC.02:46
hamedthank you very much i already enabled composite manager02:46
arfbtwndaniel_: mount -t iso9660 -o loop,ro <iso file> <mount point>02:46
alazare619artbtwn it cant be initid as default and not standalone?02:46
DasEi!info usb-creator| daniel_02:46
ubottu'daniel_' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable02:47
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:47
DasEi!info usb-creator02:47
daniel_arfbtwn what would be the mount point?02:47
ubottuPackage usb-creator does not exist in natty02:47
daniel_arfbtwn, what would be the mount point?02:47
martian_Would anyone know of a cross-platform keyboarding/mouse sharing application alternative to Synergy? Synergy is designed to use one computer to control many, when I want to allow many to control one.02:48
arfbtwndaniel_: wherever you like, I think you can also double click from nautilus02:48
Semitones_teahey everyone, is there a way to bring up GRUB if holding shift isn't working? I'm trying to rescue a computer that won't boot normally.02:49
DasEimartian_: just ssh -X in ?!02:49
arfbtwnalazare619: I can't remember the full steps, but you should see other files in /etc/xinetd.d which each describe a service02:49
daniel_arfbtwn, well what im trying to do is i have a game that is in iso form and ur saying all i had to do was double click it and i should be able to play it ?02:49
jribSemitones_tea: boot a live cd and work from there02:49
alazare619yea i got you artbtwn02:49
Semitones_teajrib, my cd drive used to be working, but Bios doesn't detect it anymore. Could it have come unplugged?02:50
arfbtwnalazare619: so you just create a new one for pureftpd, I think you need to disable stand alone in it's conf file though...02:50
DasEiSemitones_tea: you can try to press e on regular kernel and add single to it, that should boot into init 1 , too02:50
bazhang!iso > daniel_02:50
ubottudaniel_, please see my private message02:50
w30Semitones_tea, I get my grub boot to pause by repeatedly hitting the down arrow02:50
Semitones_teaDasEi, at what point should I press e?02:50
Semitones_teaw30, the Grub menu seems to be skipped by default though02:51
martian_DasEi: well, that's not terribly cross platform :)02:51
Semitones_teaotherwise that'd work ;)02:51
DasEimartian_: just ssh -X in ?! martian_: why not ?02:51
daniel_bazhang, ok still confused what to put as the mount point though02:51
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bazhangdaniel_, its a windows game? you would need to run it via wine then02:52
w30Semitones_tea, edit your grub config and add a time pause to it02:52
DasEidaniel_: set one manually, aka sudo mkdir /media/iso02:52
martian_DasEi: because if I'm on linux, I can't ssh -X in to a windows machine, or the other way around02:53
DasEiSemitones_tea: see w30, edit /etc/default/grub , remove splash and adjust timeout, then you should see bootmenu (and then also recovery-kernel)02:53
DasEimartian_: us  vnc then02:54
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX02:54
DasEimartian_: vnc is there both ways preconfigured02:54
flametai1Hey guys I installed Mupen64 and it worked for awhile and all of a sudden poof........It's no longer in Applications, I even edited the menu's looking for the app and it's not in there??? =/ And it's still installed, I've tried uninstalling then re-install but no go, can anyone help me? =/02:55
martian_DasEi: Yeah, I'm familiar with it. It's far from seamless, but it'll work. Thanks.02:55
flametai1Really badly would like to play all of my old N64 games............ =|02:55
bazhangflametai1, installed how and from where02:55
Semitones_teaDasEi, can I do that without a cd rom drive?02:55
flametai1bazhang, Ubuntu Software Center just by clicking install? lol02:55
flametai1bazhang, it was there for about 2 weeks and just poof disappeared o.O02:56
DasEimartian_: it depend on your focus, as in performance/overhead, teamviewer might also do, if non-commercial02:56
bazhangflametai1, mupen64plus you mean02:56
flametai1bazhang, yES.02:56
DasEiSemitones_tea: yes02:57
flametai1bazhang, any idea? =/02:59
bazhangflametai1, try alt f2 mupen64plus02:59
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Semitones_teaDasEi, and without USB too?03:00
flametai1bazhang, Didn't even show up on system monitor =/03:01
DasEiSemitones_tea: yes, sure : gksu gedit /etc/default/grub03:01
Semitones_teaDasEi, I can't get to a terminal though :/03:02
Semitones_teanot even a virtual console03:02
DasEiSemitones_tea: give the timeout say a 10 seconds and leave the line about splash just as =""m safe, sudo update-grub03:02
DasEiSemitones_tea: ctrl-alt-F1 ?03:03
=== Guest39746 is now known as phlux
Semitones_teaDasEi, when I do that, it says "monitor out of range" and I can't even get back to f7 or f8 so I have to hard shut down03:03
wols_Semitones_tea: what videocard and driver is this?03:04
DasEiSemitones_tea: why can't you call terminal ?03:04
Semitones_teaDasEi, no idea, it just sends the monitor out of range03:06
Semitones_teawols_, I believe it is nv, and it is an older AGP 4x card03:07
DasEiSemitones_tea: alt+F2 , sudo init 1 ?03:07
Semitones_teaDasEi, when I boot the computer, I get an xorg error, and then a black screen with a pointer. I never get any further than that I'm afraid...03:08
arfbtwnSemitones_tea: in that case, ctrl+alt+f1 should get you to a terminal?03:08
DasEiSemitones_tea: ah, so that's the whole story, and you can't get to bootmenu, I assume it's least lucid and not an older distro with grub 1 ?03:09
Semitones_teaDasEi, I think it is 10.04, I don't remember if that's lucid03:09
DasEiit is03:09
Semitones_teaarfbtwn, I thought it would, but instead I get "monitor frequency out of range" and I can't even get back to f803:10
DasEiSemitones_tea: well then you will need a life environment to chroot in and fix that graphic's driver03:10
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razz11can dd command be used to create a bootable USB from any distribution's iso?03:10
arfbtwnSemitones_tea: I jumped in at a late point here, but have you specified vga= in your kernel line?03:11
rwwrazz11: no, it depends on how the distribution prepares their ISO03:12
razz11rww: interesting, is there a way to tell if it will work?03:13
tamirhi every one i m noob. how i can real time audio stream ?03:13
DasEiarfbtwn: no way to call grub's menu03:13
ritzzhi y'all... does anyone knows how to control  access to hard drives to other account/users  (besides admin account) ?03:14
rwwrazz11: no idea. I'd probably just try it, or ask the distribution.03:14
=== semitones_blehbl is now known as semitones_
razz11rww: thanks03:14
terrySemitones_tea: Try F703:14
arfbtwnDasEi: v. weird, indeed!03:14
DasEiritzz: fstab and permissions on the mount-dir03:14
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions03:15
terrySemitones_tea: tty7 should be GUI  tty6 should be console03:15
ritzzoh i forgot i mount second hard drive via truecrypt does this apply to fstab03:16
terryritzz: accessing another user's filesystem requires su03:16
TheCyph3rsudo su03:17
terrytimrc:  TheCyph3r su - other-user-name-here03:17
blackhawki did  formate some free space on my HDD for storage as ext4 and when i tried to mount it, it gave me an error and said that only root can mount it03:18
blackhawkwhat should i do03:18
LS1hi, trying to get a broadcom BCM57788 to load with modprobe broadcom and tg3 but still no eth0 showing up, any ideas?03:19
terryTheCyph3r: If I want to access ritzz's filesystem, I would do:   su - ritzz03:19
terryTheCyph3r: And give ritzz's password03:19
TheCyph3rterry: okay cool. I'll remember that if I create other user accounts03:20
terryTheCyph3r: To do it as admin, just do   sudo ls /home/rigzz/   (and give my password) (if (and only if) I am in admin group)03:21
DasEiblackhawk: prefix with sudo and for automatic mounting add it to fstab03:21
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johnnyonflamei've installed FreeNX on my server03:24
johnnyonflameand ran the setup03:24
johnnyonflamebut I can't seem to be able to log onto the server03:24
johnnyonflame"The session negotiation failed"03:24
johnnyonflame"Error is: Session startup failed"03:25
terryjohnnyonflame: Forgot  your passowrd?03:25
johnnyonflamenah, the password is right03:25
johnnyonflamejust installed NX03:25
blackhawkDasEi sorry but i don't quite understand that.i'm new to this03:25
blackhawkcan you give me the full command?03:25
terryjohnnyonflame: What do you mean, "NX"?03:25
cdavisI used handbrake to format a movie for my iPad, but I can't seem to figure out how to get the movie onto the iPad03:25
DasEiblackhawk: open a terminal ..03:26
DasEiblackhawk: sudo fdisk -l             , which is the new partition ?03:26
terryjohnnyonflame: /join #nx03:26
terryjohnnyonflame: But you should be able to boot to single user mode.  What boot loader does it use?  Grub or Lilo?03:27
johnnyonflamethe system is running03:28
johnnyonflamebut i can create a session on NX03:28
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terryjohnnyonflame: /join #nx03:28
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DasEiblackhawk:, which is the new partition ? /dev/sd...03:28
lantis469hey wat's up everybody03:30
testytestyhi lantis03:30
ali1السلام عليكم03:30
ali1هل احد يتكلم لغة العربية ؟03:31
lantis469has anybody here seen the movie "Hackers"03:31
lantis469"Hack The Planet" lol that was an inspirational movie for me03:32
renaldocreativelansis469 yes i03:32
rww!ot | lantis46903:32
ubottulantis469: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:32
renaldocreativeI think they use Unix in Hacker03:33
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines03:33
Infernetlantis469: hack the planet03:33
flametai1Hey guys....... Having trouble with Mupen64Plus still....... I figured out what my problem was but now I can't get CuteMupen to work on Ubuntu 10.10? =| Can anyone help me?03:33
testytestyflametai1: what happens when you try to get it to work?03:34
flametai1testytesty, Well I installed it all using this tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1686384 Followed it to the exact, open it up, and nothing happens =| Oh.... I think I might know what the problem is 1 sec03:35
Peddyhow can I simulate XF86AudioLowerVolume being pressed from the terminal?03:35
lantis469use Project 64 nd install it with the windows emulator wine03:36
lantis469or with crossover which is another windows emulator03:36
keithclarkIs there a program that can create a .mpg or other movie format from a directory of date organized .jpeg files?03:37
flametai1testytesty, Figured it out LOL Thank you for replying though :)03:37
testytestyPeddy: amixer sset Master 2- or something like that03:37
testytestykeithclark: yes, mencoder from mplayer is quite good at that03:37
testytestykeithclark: also ffmpeg03:37
Peddytestytesty, that would change the volume, and I have tried that, but I want to actually simulate that keypress (so notify-osd can show volume, etc)03:38
testytestyPeddy: oh03:38
testytestyPeddy: you're using GNOME+Unity?03:38
Peddytestytesty, gnome + gnome shell, actually03:39
SianaGearzhelloes. i installed me new ram and PAE kernel, but PAE won't boot, it hangs -.- the non-PAE kernel still boots OK. how do i determine the cause?03:39
SianaGearzi'm on natty03:39
Peddytestytesty, but it should be standard across gnome. I can use Unity too.03:39
Riginpls help me03:39
testytestyPeddy: it might be, might not =)03:39
testytestyPeddy: should work across X, though: http://www.gentoo-wiki.info/HOWTO_Use_Multimedia_Keys#Setting_up_xmodmap03:39
johnnyonflameWhat's the easiest VNC server to install? (one that doesn't suck much)03:40
testytestyRigin: ...with?03:40
SianaGearzram checked out fine in memtest03:40
Peddythanks testytesty. I'm also looking into dbus calls, there might be one for volume03:40
lsheebapeace= all03:40
testytestyjohnnyonflame: I thought Ubuntu came with one03:40
Riginhow can we install applications in format tar.bz203:40
testytestyjohnnyonflame: check system/admin section of menu03:40
testytestyRigin: usually by compiling them - what application?03:40
Riginpls help me urgent03:40
johnnyonflameI have no GUI atm03:40
lsheebais any1 here expert with linux games from windows?03:40
johnnyonflameit's a VDS03:40
testytestylsheeba: are you looking for an expert, or a solution to a problem?03:41
testytestyjohnnyonflame: vds?03:41
testytestyjohnnyonflame: I like tigervnc03:41
SianaGearzmay i repeat my question or is this useless?03:41
Rigin.how can we compile the application03:41
johnnyonflameVDS= Virtual dedicated server03:41
testytestyjohnnyonflame: but if you don't have a GUI you probably want openssh03:41
johnnyonflamei'm connected to SSH03:41
johnnyonflameand the server have GNOME/KDE installed already03:41
Riginhow can we install applications in format tar.bz203:41
testytestya virtual dedicated server... that sounds oxymoronical03:42
Riginpls help me urgent03:42
lsheebatestytesty, i have a game which is from the IOQuake Engine , the problem is its created from scratch by afriend , and the launcher to start the game is a .exe for windows users , now we only need a launcher for linux so linux users could also play it03:42
testytestyjohnnyonflame: so you need to start the VNC server from console03:42
johnnyonflameit's cheap, and it works just fine for what i want03:42
VastlocyrHow can I send hardware error messages (cannot enumerate usb blah blah) to /dev/null? They make the tty unusable with constant spam. >.>03:42
johnnyonflameyeah, pretty much03:42
testytestyRigin: which application?03:42
Riginits to install new mozilla firefox03:42
testytestyjohnnyonflame: not trying to insult it, it just doesn't make sense in my head03:42
testytestyRigin: which version do you want?03:42
Riginmozilla firefox03:42
wisevoyagerHi, everyone. Is this channel support ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lync?03:42
testytestywisevoyager: for all ubuntu versions and distros, AFAIK03:43
DasEiSianaGearz: ok to repeat half hours wise ; check /var/log/syslog, dmesg, and kern.log, apart also try to install linux-image-server, that also comes with pae03:43
SianaGearzDasEi: thx03:43
johnnyonflameWell, it's basically a virtual machine03:43
lsheebai can send u the launcher and u can change the paremeters to be in the linux language with the same procedure because the engine runs both in windows and linux , quake files are like that when u have quake installed in windows u just copy the quake files and add a launcher and walla but i cant find a person who has this knowledge of this case03:43
testytestyRigin: well for starters, you don't want to use a tar.bz203:43
johnnyonflamein a box full of other servers03:43
wisevoyagertestytesty: thanks bro!03:43
testytestyjohnnyonflame: that part I get03:43
johnnyonflameso, what didn't you get?03:44
testytestylsheeba: what does the launcher do?03:44
testytestyjohnnyonflame: how it's dedicated03:44
Riginyes i need03:45
johnnyonflameIt's just sold like that, it's not really dedicated03:45
SianaGearzDasEi: well dmesg apparently only remembers the current session, not the one which doesn't boot. i'll go check the rest.03:45
Riginbut i don't know to process with tar.bz203:45
lsheebathe launcher starts the engine thats all , the engine compatibility can run in linux also if the launcher is available03:45
johnnyonflamethe only dedicated thing about it is that it runs what i want and only what I want on it03:45
testytestyRigin: you don't need the tar.bz2, there are binaries03:45
DasEiSianaGearz: dmes will also report a broken start, and where it hangs, dmesg > dmesg.txt of better scrolling03:46
Riginthen how can we devolop the application mozilla03:46
keithclarktestytesty, perfection, thanks03:46
testytestyRigin: oh you got it from mozilla.com ?03:46
testytestykeithclark: youtubeing, are we? =)03:47
lsheebatestytesty, i got default linux games installed in my desktop like warsow and nexuiz , is their a way to see how the launcher works by editing it ? forexample nexuiz launcher offcourse inside it has a paremeter saying fs_game  < nexuiz directory engine > , i want to change that to IOQuakeXbeta Directory Engine > so then it will be able to launch the game thats all03:47
Rigina new version with browser id03:47
lwizardlwhat would you say would be the best version of Ubuntu (not exactly the Xubuntu, or kubuntu) such as 6.04 etc for using to recover files from old machines ? think like win98-xp based computers03:47
SianaGearzDasEi: i simply piped it into less :P03:47
testytestylwizardl: I'd use http://www.sysresccd.org/ personally03:48
keithclarktestytesty, no, just combining still pics of a surveillance cam03:48
testytestylwizardl: if I had to pick an Ubuntu variety, I'd pick one with a lighter desktop than GNOME or KDE03:48
testytestykeithclark: you surveiller you03:48
keithclarktestytesty, gotta watch03:48
testytestykeithclark: I think there are easier ways if you just want to watch03:49
testytestymplayer can probably play them directly without manually combining them03:49
Riginpls help me03:49
testytestyRigin: relax03:49
=== Nalo is now known as CptNaloZ^
keithclarktestytesty, and they are?03:49
cactusfrogi keep getting this error when i try to edit a file http://pastebin.com/GSK8kcKh03:49
lwizardltestytesty, yeah I have looked at sysrec before. I was looking at the xubuntu because of how low the overhead system requirements that are needed. I'm just looking for a distro version to keep on hand for older machines. Like the system I was given today to do some repairs on seems to only have about 64mb of ram03:49
testytestyRigin: inside the tar.bz2 is a tar file, inside the tar file is a directory, inside the directory is a Firefox install you can run03:50
SianaGearzDasEi: oh! apparently the kernel and a whole bunch of services booted just fine. maybe it locked up when starting x.org03:50
lsheebaok Rigin  u want to install a developer mozzile based browser for developer purposes ? or u just want the updated mozzilla firefox installed on ur ubuntu ?03:50
testytestyRigin: extract with the following command: tar -xjvf foo.tar.bz203:50
testytestyhe just wants a 5.0.1 binary03:50
testytestykeithclark: perfectly good question =)03:50
testytestykeithclark: http://www.noah.org/wiki/Mplayer_notes#Play_a_sequence_of_images03:51
DasEi!bootoptions | SianaGearz , or maybe reconfigure xorg03:51
ubottuSianaGearz , or maybe reconfigure xorg: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.03:51
josuehi, someone know how to configure kate to connecto with xampp?03:51
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter03:51
testytestyjosue: do what?03:51
SianaGearzDasEi: maybe it's of relevance that i'm running the edgers xorg for the 275 nvidia driver, because the 270 is badly broken -.-03:51
lsheebaisnt firefox 5.0 installed by default in ubuntu 11.04?03:51
keithclarktestytesty, a nice gui would be awesome for that command03:51
testytestykeithclark: GUI shmui03:51
xangualsheeba: if you have all the updates, yes03:51
Riginthank u03:51
SianaGearzDasEi: i am always nomodeset03:51
josuekate use a mysql extension to connect to mysql, but I have mysql on xampp03:51
Riginthank u testytesty03:52
josueso not the same03:52
keithclarktestytesty, I can live in cl03:52
DasEiSianaGearz: could be, maybe try a common xorg first (empty, reconfigure)03:52
=== testytesty is now known as fenugreek
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onelinerok how can i fill a bug report?03:52
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.03:52
SianaGearzthanks DasEi03:52
josueUnable to connect to database.03:52
josueCan't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) QMYSQL: No se ha podido conectar03:52
cactusfrogso i take it no one has seen "(gedit:24307): Gtk-WARNING **: Attempting to set the permissions of `/root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel', but failed: No such file or directory03:52
cactusfrog" before?03:52
onelinerwhat would be the package name for the software center?03:52
Rigini have 1 more doubt03:53
bladeanyone any good with ati from the command line?03:53
Riginwhere do we execute this tar -xjvf foo.tar.bz2 command03:53
lsheebaas far as i know , no more need in using terminal because most packages are ready in default blade03:53
keithclarkRigin, from the directory from which yo which to uncompress the target file03:54
lsheebaterminal is just for people who wants things in  a linux feeling to feel the linux03:54
bladelsheeba that's what i thought also but from what i understand the only way i can enable both of my vid cards would be with the aticonfig -- commands in terminal03:54
ritzzso sorry03:55
Riginpls help to excecute the command03:56
ritzzphone call03:56
Riginof aticonfig03:56
lsheeba+chmod x+u03:56
tomek_I need easy to use and understand samba configuring tool .Any propositions?03:56
lsheebai think03:56
lsheebawat is the file type?03:56
keithclarkfenugreek, no03:56
=== Nalo is now known as SirNaloZ^
nighti called getpid() method in different thread in same process , i found thread id is same , why03:57
lsheebajust /sh file.run03:57
ritzzok this is my process mount via trucrypt as admin my hard drive but if i log in into family account hard drive shows in desktop and also it's contents i want to block access of familoy account to that hard drive03:57
lsheebaritzz, u can give access in the control center03:58
nightAPUE said : in linux thread is a special process ,so there are different pid03:58
lsheebaman this is insane , i come here to ask for help them im pulled to back o'l days03:58
mgriffinhi, how can i disable booting into graphical mode in natty?03:59
mgriffini tried several things so far, such as update-rc.d remove gdm, chmod -x /sbin/gdm, setting /etc/init/gdm.conf to stop on 0123456 and commenting out the start, added keyword 'text' to grub04:00
bc81hello.  i'm wondering if there is some way to update calibre on maverick meerkat.  the version installed is 0.7.18, and i'd like to update to a newer version of calibre without having to upgrade ubuntu.04:00
mgriffinbc81: looked for a PPA?04:00
ritzzcontrol center?04:00
mgriffinritzz: my keyboard and mouse are not working in gui currently04:00
lsheebamgriffin, at start up , just logoff now and choose ur desktop environment on the bottom cornor04:00
mgriffini guess i should have specified that ;)04:00
bc81mgriffin: yes, but i cant find one for maverick, maybe i'm overlookinng something?04:00
mgriffinnot sure04:01
ritzzoops sorry was answering with a question to my own question  ;)  sorry04:01
Riginhow can we connect to a remote computer04:01
ritzzat mgriffin04:01
lsheebabc81, if theirs dependencies in updated libc's then u got to update those so u can update ur calibre04:01
lsheebaRigin, get teamviewer www.teamviewer.com stress/free worry/free04:01
wols_lsheeba: calibre is a pure java app04:01
Rigini know with team viewer. with out teamviewer can we proceed04:02
Riginwith utility in ubuntu04:03
wols_Rigin: english please?04:03
lsheebawols_, im helping him out , its the same case scenario procedure , computer minds work in the same trivia , no complications from the new generation folks who speak with fantasy , i speak it clearly04:03
wols_Rigin: there is vino already installed in ubuntu. it's a VNC server like teamviewer04:03
lsheebaRigin, yes through the ubuntu utility , fiddle around , its not rocketscience =)04:03
Rigin"Conneect to server "04:03
xanguabc81: you can compile04:03
wols_lsheeba: you talk simply crap. go and sleep. ircing while drunk is bad for you04:03
bc81xangua: ok i will try to.  thanks04:03
Rigincan u demonstrate04:04
lsheebaRigin, go to google news read about what scientist speak about memory loss and memory problems , u need to work urself out m804:04
mgriffinso any guesses on disbling gui boot if you cant use gui due to mouse/kb not working? (i can however init=/bin/bash)04:04
wols_lsheeba: please stay on topic for ubuntu support04:04
Rigincan u demonstrate by accessing my computer04:04
yagoomgriffin, what kind of mouse/keyb is it, bluetooth?04:04
mgriffinyagoo: it is a laptop, and they are built in04:04
yagoomgriffin, what model04:05
mgriffini think ill just blow away the xorg conf and see what that does04:05
mgriffinlenovo s1204:05
wols_Rigin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC04:05
mgriffinsee, what happened was, that the thing lost power doing a dist-upgrade04:05
lsheebaplease dont offend people wols_04:05
lsheebai am a muslim and i am in Emirates , theirs no alcohol in the city im in , im living in Khalifa Bin Zayed City04:05
yagoomgriffin, on maverick beta, ur laptop is at least mentioned ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks )04:06
lsheebao wols_  do u have any idea of game launchers for linux? i have 1 for windows , we need that converted for windows and not just used for wine , the game engine is compatible with Linux and Windows04:06
rwwlsheeba: As wols_ said, #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support, not fitness discussion.04:06
yagoomgriffin, is anything in the usb plugged in when u installed or boot?04:06
a111lsheeba, Dont they have it in hotels04:06
KM0201Rigin: another way, if you're trying to help someone who cant access their router to open ports, is to set up a reverse connection (you open ports on your router, and allow them to connect to you, but you see their desktop_)04:06
a111or resturants04:06
lsheebanot on this city a11104:06
yagoomgriffin, so u lost power while doing an upgrade.. that explains everything..04:06
bladeany one here able to help with some terminal commands for aticonfig04:06
mgriffinyagoo: yeah.04:07
yagoomgriffin, just bak up ur stuff from /home and do reinstall04:07
mgriffinyagoo: yea...04:07
wols_!tell Rigin about pm04:07
ubottuRigin, please see my private message04:07
Riginany please demonste me by accessing my system04:07
lsheebablade, u got to go to x11/etc/xorg.conf04:07
a111DeezeNuts, this is not  /g/tv04:07
lsheebai did some stuff of that 5 years ago04:07
DeezeNutsa111 who are you04:07
bladelsheeba,  i understand that04:07
DeezeNutsI came here to ask a question04:07
yagoomgriffin, lesson learned.. always use ac adapter power when doing upgrades04:07
yagoomgriffin, nothing we can do..04:08
wols_mgriffin: reinstall xorg04:08
yagoomgriffin, reinstall everything..04:08
bladelheeba i do not need help finding this i need someone that understands the commands better than i04:08
KM0201yagoo: unfortunatel, that should be common sense bt... thats not so common nowdays04:08
lsheebajust ask man theirs people here who's been using ubuntu since dapper04:08
mgriffinKM0201: well, it was for a friend, who forgot the charger04:08
mgriffinand well, you know, things happen04:08
DeezeNutsdoes anyone know where Ubuntu's keymaps are kept? trying to set up BACKSPACE + ENTER as a delete button04:08
bladehey nit-wit good to see ya again04:09
mgriffini can fix this.. i just wanted to understand the boot process04:09
yagoomgriffin, well tell ur friend he's doomed... there's corruption all over the place including the filesystem..04:09
mgriffinit seems that perhaps gdm is not used at all...04:09
KM0201mgriffin: well, you should've told her no charger no upgrade.... seriously.. you had no idea how long it would take, so why would you attempt it on battery, knowing you could run out04:09
mgriffinyagoo: naw, i have faith in xfs04:09
wols_mgriffin: dpkg -l |grep -v ^ii04:09
lsheebabackspace + enter is this possible DeezeNuts04:09
yagoomgriffin, only thing u can do is tell him to backcup /home and reinstall the OS04:09
nit-witblade, thanks, I had to install fedora xfce my natty and oneiric crash x constantly04:09
yagoowols_, the machine lost power..04:09
wols_DeezeNuts: in X?04:09
mgriffinyagoo: you are silly, i can fix this, just wanted some hints on the boot process, but thanks for the sentiments04:09
yagoowols_, there's filesystem corruption.04:09
ritzzi dont want to be a nusiance but is there any more info on how can i control access to hard drives mounted via truecrypt with control center04:09
DeezeNutsI don't know lsheeba, I just need a delete shortcut for Ubuntu04:09
DeezeNutsIt doesn't have to be BACKSPACE + ENTER04:10
wols_oh, xfs. yeah, using xfs on a notebook is a stupid idea04:10
yagoomgriffin, well good luck.04:10
mgriffinthanks, anyway...04:10
bladenit-wit, ewww i really do not like the look of xfce .... it reminds me of something.... not sure what04:10
mgriffinso is gdm used in this version at all?04:10
lsheebaDeezeNuts, click on start > search > type shortcut04:10
wols_mgriffin: still stands: fsck and the reinstall X04:10
mgriffinwols_: no thanks.04:10
wols_mgriffin: gdm is used in every ubuntu04:10
mgriffinoh X04:10
mgriffinwols_: why can i chmod -x gdm and end up in gui?04:11
wols_DeezeNuts: this in X?04:11
daurnimatoranyone know a ppa with newer kernals?04:11
yagoo"<mgriffin> see, what happened was, that the thing lost power doing a dist-upgrade"04:11
DeezeNutsnot sure what you mean by X04:11
DeezeNutsUbuntu 10.10?04:11
yagoo^reinst X is not good enough.04:11
DeezeNutsIm on a CR-48 btw04:11
wols_DeezeNuts: X = X11 = the GUI you are using04:11
bladenit-wit, still working on the dual head issue but getting closer i think04:11
DeezeNutsits gnome04:11
mgriffinyagoo: apt-get install -f was pretty happy, i just cant get upstart running in single user to start network04:11
wols_DeezeNuts: xmodmap then04:12
DeezeNutshow can i get to that04:12
yagoomgriffin, dpkg -C04:12
mgriffinto be more precise i did 'apt-get upgrade' with new version of apt list, but now need to do the final pass with dist-upgrade04:12
wols_DeezeNuts: man xmodmap  for starters04:12
ByteWizWhich utility is best to convert .chm files to .pdf ?04:12
yagoothat's pretty much all04:12
rwwmgriffin: fyi, that's also not the supported method for upgrading to a new version of Ubuntu.04:12
mgriffini am sure it isnt04:12
mgriffinbut i am not here to debate that04:12
wols_mgriffin: what happens if you try to run ubuntu normally. where do you end up exactly?04:13
mgriffinwols_: in x, logged in, with a firefox icon visible but out of reach, now response when i hit keys or move mouse, whether builtin or usb04:14
DarkStar_hey can i change the audio output port , like to send Front sound from the Center sound port04:14
mgriffinit seems irqbalance is not ^ii i will try fixing that04:14
mgriffinbut i bet it is just some xorg conf breakage04:14
mgriffini just want out of the gui, but not in single user mode04:14
wols_mgriffin: ctrl+alt+f1 no work?04:14
mgriffinwols_: right, i can bang on the keyboard until it falls asleep04:15
blackhawkis working on a ntfs partition slow or it's just the normal,and would there be any problems to make my storage partition a ntfs one to share it between windows and ubuntu?04:15
mgriffinwith usb keyboard, capslock does nothing with led04:15
HyperlingI have a folder which has some files and folders accidentally locked into root-only access, how do i undo this? :(04:15
mgriffink, ill remove the service restart from irqbalance.postinst04:16
mgriffinand rsyslog..04:17
lsheebaHyperling, access sudo nautilus , then right click that folder and change its attributes04:17
xangua!gksu | lsheeba Hyperling04:17
ubottulsheeba Hyperling: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)04:17
* Cydd unzips pants04:17
DasEiHyperling: to access as regular user : sudo chown -r $USER /path/to/folder or see man chmod, ask if unsure as this affects all subfolders in this path (and all files)04:17
lsheebasorry xangua thanks for the update im from dapper days04:17
alazare619i have no idea why but im about to throw my laptop, no matter what i do i cant get smb or ftp to work right if i login with my main user account on the pc i can browse folders (SOME) on ftp but no matter what i cant do a dang thing with smb....04:18
mgriffinhow do you 'start' upstart?04:18
alazare619im using file expert on my android phone to try and acess the shares / ftp04:18
mgriffini am sure i need to mount some proc/sys stuff first04:18
bladealazare619,  samba has a gui now04:18
lsheebaalazare619, yes samba is GUI'ed =)04:19
coz_night all04:19
=== SirNaloZ^ is now known as erfefcd
jack^_can somebody explain the following output to me? i am able to ping freenode, and nslookup freenode, but telnet gives 'unknown host'. wtf . http://fpaste.org/rcRN/04:19
alazare619blade,  i realize this but thats what im using...04:19
alazare619blade, it wont let anything acess idk why...04:19
alazare619blade,  only way ive even got some things networked was through ftp and it wasnt even working properly04:20
mgriffinoh well. ill keep banging on it, rsyslog and irqbalance are now ^ii but no mousey04:20
bladealazare619, as far as i know samba's gui is the best one as for ease of use04:20
ryty_has anyone tried linux 3.0 yet in Ubuntu?04:20
bladealazare619, not sure why it would not work not really many settings to it04:21
Hyperlinglsheeba xangia DasEi: Thanks guys :)04:21
JayWalker_Is there a way I can disable my internet connection, but not my local network connection or the connection of other computers on my network?04:21
lsheebanp =04:21
alazare619blade,  i know this its confusing when i try and login from file expert using my android phone to my smb share it says cannot acess this folder...04:21
ryty_JayWalker_, remove your default gateway04:21
wols_JayWalker_: yes. don't set a defaultroute04:21
lsheebaalazare619, try with opera browser in ur android04:22
DasEiJayWalker_: seperate nics ? else can use hosts aloow btw deny or iptables04:22
alazare619can opera open smb?04:22
wols_alazare619: no. it's a webbrowser04:22
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alazare619lsheeba, thats what im thinking im trying to acess smb ... from my android phone and nothing is seeming to work right04:22
wols_alazare619: need better problem description to be able to help04:23
lsheebaalazare619, can u access ur files from ur LAN computers.>?04:23
JayWalker_how do I remove the gateway/don't set a default route?04:23
jack^_can somebody explain the following output to me? i am able to ping freenode, and nslookup freenode, but telnet gives 'unknown host'. wtf . http://fpaste.org/rcRN/  only happens on one machine in my house. O_O04:24
ryty_JayWalker_, to remove, sudo route del -net default04:24
JayWalker_and what when I want to have the internet connection restored?04:25
alazare619wols_,  heres the thing ive been attempting an smb share for awhile now from my laptop to my android phone the laptops ip is (in the network) the android phone is (in the network) ive installed samba went to system then samba and added a folder04:25
alazare619for the sake of making it easys wols_  the folder name was /home/alazare619/sd card backup04:25
ryty_JayWalker_, sudo dhclient3 eth004:25
bladelsheeba, ok now i feel like an idiot.... the part i could not get around with the aticonfig.... i was not doing sudo command lol04:25
alazare619wols_,  added a user called smbuser for smb shares added that folder to allowed list blam04:25
alazare619wols_,  added the share on file expert an app for the android phone all the info04:26
lsheebawe all been their blade04:26
wols_alazare619: what command did you run on android to mount the samba share?04:26
alazare619wols_,  says the folder cannot be accessed when attempting to login to the smb share04:26
ryty_JayWalker_, be aware, this removing of default route is not persistent across reboots04:26
alazare619wols_,  just used file expert off the android market04:26
JayWalker_oh ok04:26
wols_alazare619: try to mount the share on your ubuntu then04:27
bladelsheeba, thank you for not taking that opportunity to rub my face in it =)04:27
JayWalker_that's good :p04:27
lsheebablade, np=04:27
alazare619wols_,  you mean mounting user name smbuser pass smbpass?04:27
wols_alazare619: yes04:27
wols_alazare619: preferably in a cli tho04:28
wols_alazare619: you can also check your samba logs for errors04:28
lsheebaalazare619, use opera browser , some browsers wont be able to connect to forexample my router , i cant access it from my nokia browser phone , i have to use opera04:28
alazare619wols_,  i dont know the terminal all that well gimme a sec04:28
wols_lsheeba: samba doesn't work with webbrowsers fyi04:29
lsheebahe havent explained hes precise problem efficiently i had to grasp hes puzzles04:29
lsheebaany1 here knows programming , Thankyou in advanced if u reply04:30
rwwlsheeba: programming in which language?04:31
wols_!anyone | lsheeba04:31
ubottulsheeba: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.04:31
rosstaylori can't get videos to play on ubuntu 11.04 please help04:33
wols_rosstaylor: which videos exactly?04:33
lsheebai have a game launcher made for windows , it uses the same engine compatibility in running in linux forexample the game Quake3 , if u have it installed on ur windows drive u can just copy the files and add the Linux Quake3 launcher to execute it on the FS_Gamepath of < Quake3 > Dir in linux04:33
rosstaylorwols: not youtube, just regular videos04:34
lsheebai'd like a launcher for linux to do so like The string can contain $DESTINATION which04:34
lsheebawill be replaced with the installation destination.04:34
rosstaylorwols: i think it's flash04:34
lsheebapostexec (no default, mustBeString)  any1?04:34
bladerosstaylor, what type of video like avi mgp what?04:34
wols_rosstaylor: youtube is flash. regular video are other formats like avi, mkv, mpg, etc. so what is it?04:34
rosstaylorhow do i check04:34
wols_rosstaylor: tell us what file or url you want to watch04:35
bladerosstaylor, right click on the file and hit properties04:35
wols_lsheeba: your description doesn't make much sense at all04:35
rosstaylorit's flash04:35
wols_rosstaylor: what is the file extension?04:35
lsheebaany1 has a launcher ready which i can just edit the destination to the game that requires launching! is that enough clarity04:36
rosstaylorbut it's flash 10.004:36
wols_lsheeba: we call that a "shell". like bash. just run it inside your xterm04:36
lsheebawols_, thats why i need a gaming industry | Programmer expert04:36
xanguarosstaylor: do you hav restricted-extras installed , or tried with vlv ¿04:36
wols_lsheeba: no you don't04:36
wols_rosstaylor: is the video on a website?04:36
lsheebai tried running it with /sh and i renamed the .exe to i386.run LOL i know i thught im living a dream!04:36
rosstaylorxangua: i did install the restricted extras04:37
wols_lsheeba: ever used WINE? that's the only way to run windows executables in linux.04:37
bladerosstaylor, are you using 11.4 x64 ubuntu04:37
rosstaylorwols: they're on random websites04:37
lsheebai know , but this game can run in linux just requires a launcher only04:37
lsheebato launch the engine ,04:37
rosstaylori have this version installed You have version 10,3,162,29 installed04:38
bladewols_, they are flv files04:38
Riginhi i want to know which file is taken to wxecute04:38
wols_lsheeba: no. the "engine" must be ported to linux. the engine is a binary program which runs under Windows or WINE _only_04:38
rosstaylorthe latest version is
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash04:38
lsheebaok my ubuntu center is lagged =/04:38
wols_Rigin: "wxecute" is what?04:39
bladerosstaylor,  open firefox and go to the tools/addons and search for flash aid04:39
Riginexecute which file from the package04:39
wols_Rigin: from what package?04:39
bladerosstaylor, install flash aid and it will fix your flash problems04:39
Riginmozilla firefox04:40
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wols_Rigin: why do you want to run this special firefox version?04:40
lsheebawols_, the engins is ported to linux bro , the engine is quake IO , open source , Quake1 Quake2 + Quake3 is ported for linux , but requires a launcher , the launcher in loki's installer will install it automatically however , if i do so i will still not be able to edit that launcher to read fs_game path quakeX  , any idea if u have a launcher ready i can just edit the fs_gamepath04:40
Rigini need to update my mozilla firefox04:41
wols_Rigin: why?04:41
Riginto new version04:42
A-KO^Howdy. with 11.04 I'm having trouble getting the Nvidia drivers to work. It says the driver is activated but not in use. The driver is set to "nvidia" in xorg.conf, but but glx gears aren't working properly. 7600GT, bit older. And xrandr doesn't work properly but don't have the error off hand at the moment. Any help?04:42
wols_Rigin: that doesn't answer my question why you need to update your firefox. please answer it04:42
xangua !fx5 | Rigin04:42
ubottuRigin: Firefox 5 is available in Natty/11.04 as an automatic update. If you would like to install it in an earlier release, you will need to use the following unofficial and unsupported !PPA: http://pad.lv/ppa/mozillateam/firefox-stable/04:42
wols_A-KO^: check your Xorg.0.log why it doesn't load04:42
* rww facepalms04:43
rosstaylori installed flash aid but it didn't wokr04:43
lsheebawols_, QuakeX files is exactly like Quake3 files , if u have it installed on ur windows , u can copy paste it in ur Linux and put in the launcher made for Linux and it will run the game becasue the pak files can read both ways in linux/windows , the thing i really need is the same thing , a launcher but editing the parameter destination to QuakeX/baseq3 instead of Quake3/baseq304:43
A-KO^wols_: according to Xorg.0.log, the module is loaded and not throwing an error.04:44
bladerosstaylor, did you run it?04:44
bladerosstaylor after install?04:44
wols_A-KO^: please paste the log and the output of glxinfo please04:44
rosstaylorblade: how04:44
A-KO^wols_: whole log or will grep nvidia work?04:44
wols_A-KO^: whole log please. from glxinfo the first few lines are enough04:45
bladerosstaylor, on your firefox ... right side and the end of your menu bar you should see the flash icon it's red.... click on it04:45
lucas49what is the name of the messaging system Linux? example, shows empathy when someone connects to the msn. would dbus?04:45
wols_blade: why do you assume he has no flash installed already?04:45
xangualucas49: notify-osd04:46
xanguathe litle black pop ups04:46
lucas49xangua: yes04:46
bladewols_, i dont assume he has no flash installed i think it's the 32 bit and he is on a 64bit system is my guess and that is a known issue for flash04:46
wols_xangua: and these are using what protocol to do their magic?04:47
lsheebaok i think i have a work around figured out thanks wols_  just by talking to u my ideas came together thanks for ur communication04:47
lucas49xangua: thanks04:47
xanguawols_: '¿¿04:47
Niluhisto, i am facing issues after upgrading to 10.10 ...04:47
bladewols_, the 32 bit will work just the wrapper is not the right one and the way i want about fixing it was to use flash aid and have helped 3 others since to do the same04:47
rosstaylorok that worked, thank you!04:47
rosstaylori love you all04:47
lsheebail get the quake3 installer linux version installed , make 2 copies of quake X folder , steal the launchers of the quake3 and renaming X to 3 , and editing parameters of the engine pakpool04:47
bladerosstaylor, your welcome04:48
bladewols_, 4 now04:49
wols_blade: going outside the packaging system randomly is a stupid idea. just guess what happens after the next aptitude upgrade04:50
fugdacopzbad idea04:50
root_Hello,Every One04:50
amanforindiathere is a problem with my mic configuration04:50
fugdacopzroot_, that msg was directed towards you04:50
root_I'm from China.04:51
wols_root_: he means using IRC as root user is very dangerous04:51
amanforindiathere's a lot of disturbance04:51
bladewols_, well i would hope that since it's a known issue and that fix came right from adobe they will have it fixed by then04:51
amanforindiawhat to do?04:51
root_This is VM04:51
obscurant1sti am using thunderbird as my email client. I have reached the maximum email I can in the server. So is there anyway to download all of them as a bckup?04:52
A-KO^wols_: http://pastebin.com/sEPw0jZP < for all intents to me it looks like it's working...04:52
wols_obscurant1st: depends on the server and what protocols it offers. thunderbird can use pop3 or imap04:52
TheCyph3rI'm sure they're all saved to a folder within the Thunderbird folder04:52
root_What'are you from?04:52
wols_A-KO^: it is working. what makes you think otherwise?04:53
xanguaroot_: this is an ubuntu channel support only, do you have a support question'¿04:53
wols_root_: do you have ubuntu support related problems? this channel is not a normal chat channel but for ubuntu tech support only04:53
root_Oh,I don't have question,sorry04:54
obscurant1stwols_, yeah imap. but how can I download all the emails?04:54
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdhi all the text in webpages opened with mozilla does not appear any more04:54
YankDownUnderroot_, Did you know that by logging onto IRC as the "root" user, you have just opened your system up to hijacking - and as well, it's actually rather rude to do anything online as "root" ??04:54
A-KO^wols_: http://pastebin.com/sTfmKLas04:55
YankDownUnder...thought so...04:55
A-KO^you know04:56
A-KO^I Just log on as root and change irrsi's conf ;)04:56
wols_A-KO^: normal. nvidia drivers don't support xrandr. nvidia-settings or such to configure multiple monitors and such04:56
bladesome little kid is sitting at a computer with tears in his little eyes now... that was so mean04:56
A-KO^ahh wols_04:56
A-KO^hm okay.04:56
YankDownUnderA-KO^, Mate, until you actually realise the danger, go right ahead...however, beware...04:56
th0rYankDownUnder: is that another ubuntu-ism?04:57
A-KO^YankDownUnder: I am fully aware of the ideas of separation of privilege.04:57
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdhi i run ubuntu 10.10 with Firefox 3.6.18 and all the text in webpages such as google does not appear any more, it isnt there. there's white rectangles instead. help?04:57
A-KO^thanks wols_ for the help04:57
A-KO^wols_: essentially we're trying to run an entire system in portrait mode--and a lot of stuff hates it04:57
YankDownUnderSome lessons are harder learned - especially when you have a system that has been compromised along with all the user data that's on that system. AND you're the one that's liable for it.04:57
wols_LoRd_UnDeRwOrLd: looks like you are missing fonts04:57
xangua!fx5 | LoRd_UnDeRwOrLd04:58
ubottuLoRd_UnDeRwOrLd: Firefox 5 is available in Natty/11.04 as an automatic update. If you would like to install it in an earlier release, you will need to use the following unofficial and unsupported !PPA: http://pad.lv/ppa/mozillateam/firefox-stable/04:58
rwwxangua: What does that have to do with anything?04:58
wols_rww: if something is broken, install a new version! fixes everything. AND cures warts!04:59
xanguajust giving the oportunity to update his fx rww04:59
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdwols_: yesterday i added some fonts, but i didnt delete any, so what do i do?04:59
xanguaand see if the problem persist04:59
rwwxangua: I'd prefer it if you did actual diagnosis instead of recommending that someone upgrade to an unofficial, unsupported PPA.05:00
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ActionParsnipLoRd_UnDeRwOrLd: do you get no fonts in firefox?05:00
LasersLoRd_UnDeRwOrLd: PrintScreen. I love me some screenshots.05:01
YankDownUnderLasers, http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/992/2372011screenshot.jpg05:02
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdActionParsnip: hi, exactly. I mean there's "file, edit, view" etc but for example if i go to google, there's no search botton or "web, images" etc05:02
LasersYankDownUnder: Android.vbox? o.O05:03
YankDownUnderLasers, Yeah...Android x86 in a box...(sucks, but it's fun to muck with)05:03
LasersYankDownUnder: Ah. Cool. I like your Mac. ._>05:05
ActionParsnipLoRd_UnDeRwOrLd: I've heard of this on launchpad but i have no idea exactly what the fix was. I was something to do with font rendering settings either in ubuntu or in firefox. I don't use firefox so can't comment there but there is in ubuntu. You could have a play and/or try find the post as a different user or pc05:05
YankDownUnderLasers, Gnome2 + compiz + emerald + Cairo-dock = "Nearly Mac"05:06
ActionParsnipPeople still use emerald? Yikes05:06
Niluhello, am having issues after upgrading to ubuntu 10.10 ... apparently, when i log in as normal user, opening any app results in flickering of the window, but if i log in as root, it starts to fork file managers infinitely, and that opening any other app results in infinite fork of the app ...05:06
YankDownUnderActionParsnip, Yes. BTW, it's a recent compile. Ha.05:06
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdActionParsnip: yeah, i would do that but the thing is I can't read it :D05:07
ActionParsnipLoRd_UnDeRwOrLd: use a different user, it may help05:07
iDRINKbLEACHHello, I just installed 11.04 on my desktop and when it restarted it stayed stuck n "Boot from Cd :"05:08
atc3030|TICKEDi have an ubuntu server that got hacked and im looking to redo it. however, i want it more secure. could you guys please direct me to where i need to go?05:09
iDRINKbLEACHI have two harddrives, I installed it on a brand new drive sdb0, does it have to install the boot on sda??05:09
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdActionParsnip: i only have this computer and it won't work from another user05:10
ActionParsnipYankDownUnder: sure but the code you compiled is 3 years without an update. Its unmaintained05:10
jack^_iDRINKbLEACH, no05:10
ActionParsnipLoRd_UnDeRwOrLd: make another user....05:10
atc3030|TICKEDi have an ubuntu server that got hacked and im looking to redo it. however, i want it more secure. could you guys please direct me to where i need to go?05:10
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdActionParsnip: i did, it won't work.......05:11
YankDownUnderActionParsnip, ;) ...well, suits *my* particular purposes, eh? Hehehhe05:11
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdActionParsnip: thaz the first thing i tried05:11
ActionParsnipLoRd_UnDeRwOrLd: your OS can store thousands of users. Did you really think a new OS would only support one user??05:11
iDRINKbLEACHjack^_ I inserted cd rom and restarted my computer and it went directly to ubuntu05:11
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdActionParsnip: are u reading what i said? o_O05:11
vikapiiDRINKbLEACH: will it get fixed if in bios, u change the 1st boot device to from sda to sdb??05:11
jack^_iDRINKbLEACH, if you're trying to boot to your cdrom, you'll need to adjust the bios to boot from that media05:12
Niluandyl, also the update manager is gone ...05:12
ActionParsnipYankDownUnder: your call. Emerald is very dead05:12
ryty_has anyone had luck with the Marvell 9128 raid chipset?05:12
ryty_aka Highpoint RocketRaid R64005:12
atc3030|TICKEDno one can help me?05:12
nit-witiDRINKbLEACH, you might run this script and pastebin the generated text file for more information. http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/05:12
nit-witiDRINKbLEACH, info for us to help you.05:13
iDRINKbLEACHjack^_ I didn't even add new drive to boot order, it goes from CD rom to drive 0 (the original drive c:\)05:13
ActionParsnipLoRd_UnDeRwOrLd: you may need to manipulate gconf from tty1. I cannot read while i type, the input UI covers all the screen05:13
ActionParsnipLoRd_UnDeRwOrLd: are all browsers affected05:13
wols_atc3030|TICKED: did you run a php based website on your server05:14
YankDownUnderActionParsnip, http://ubuntugenius.wordpress.com/2011/05/22/ubuntu-11-04-fix-enable-emerald-themes-for-compiz-fusion-window-borders-title-bars/05:14
jack^_iDRINKbLEACH, what're you trying to do exactly? boot from cdrom? if so, you need to set the bios to boot from cdrom. if not, point it at your boot disk. hard disk 0 for sda and hard disk 1 for sdb05:14
atc3030|TICKEDapache file repo and starting a website in html/php05:14
ActionParsnipYankDownUnder: I've used emerald dude.05:14
vikapijack^_: will it work if boot order is changed from sda to sdb in bios??05:15
vikapijack^_: he might ve installd the boot loader in the sdb..05:15
iDRINKbLEACHnit-wit can't do pastbin, the computer that I am installing 11.04 has no wifi, ubuntu does not recognize my card yet.05:15
YankDownUnderActionParsnip, I'm a die hard. Until there's an easier to way to setup "shading" a window with a roll of the mousewheel, I'll stick with it...05:15
wols_iDRINKbLEACH: yes grub needs to be installed to the harddrive the BIOS boots from first. this is usually /dev/sda05:16
jack^_vikapi, the machine will need to boot from whatever disk has the grub installed to the MBR05:16
jack^_iDRINKbLEACH, ^05:16
nit-witiDRINKbLEACH, okay, but that script will seperate the wheat from the chaffe, use a thumb  to transfer from that computer be creative.05:16
ActionParsnipYankDownUnder: your call dude. I use openbox. Does it with doubleclick :)05:17
ActionParsnipYankDownUnder: could suggest the functionality on http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com05:18
iDRINKbLEACHwols_ jack^_ nit-wit In the "allocate drive space" screen I should selecte "/dev/sda/ ATA ST3160812AS (160 GB)" thatis my original "C;\)05:18
YankDownUnderActionParsnip, There is a way to do the exact same thing by using gconf-editor to change the gwd settings...05:18
jack^_iDRINKbLEACH, ok. if you selected sda as yoru boot drive, it will boot from that drive o_O05:19
iDRINKbLEACHwols_ jack^_ nit-wit In the "allocate drive space" screen I should selecte "/dev/sda/ ATA ST3160812AS (160 GB)" thatis my original "C;\) Under the "Device for boot loader installation"05:19
iDRINKbLEACHjack^_ it will boot from sda but all the "stuff" can be on sdb?05:20
wols_iDRINKbLEACH: are you installing ubuntu on a usb drive on a netbook?05:20
jack^_iDRINKbLEACH, sure05:20
wols_jack^_: if /boot is on /dev/sdb and is a removable usb device, he will get problems, no "sure" there...05:21
jack^_wols_, what?05:21
iDRINKbLEACHwols_ I am installing on a desktop from cd rom05:21
wols_iDRINKbLEACH: sda and sdb are internal drives?05:22
iDRINKbLEACHjack^_ I tried doing that and it prompter "no root file system is defined" "Please correct this from the partitioning menu"05:23
jack^_the only problem i see with boot being on a flash drive is that if you remove it you'll lose boot05:23
wols_jack^_: you lose your bootloader too. which is kinda bad...05:23
iDRINKbLEACHwols_ yes, sda 160gb, and sda internal 1tb05:23
jack^_wols_, indeed05:23
_leifDoes anybody know how to distinguish an Ubuntu Server installation from a Desktop one (from the command line). I guess they differ in their package source lists...05:24
wols_!fixgrub > iDRINKbLEACH05:24
ubottuiDRINKbLEACH, please see my private message05:24
llutz__leif: they don't, just different default packages05:24
wols__leif: they don't. only difference is what packages you install. in short, not possible to distinguish (one can easily install ubuntu server and then later install X and gnome on it)05:25
iDRINKbLEACHwols_ sdb is divided under several partitions. /dev/sdb, /dev/sdb1 (ext) 50000mb, /dev/sdb2 swap 3999mb, /dev/sdb7 ext4 99998, and /dev/sdb8 ext4 20251505:26
xiaohdtutany body here?05:26
iDRINKbLEACHubutto thanks05:27
_leifllutz_: Thanks. The difference is 3-year vs. 5-year support though, so I wonder how the package manager recognizes that.05:27
iDRINKbLEACHisn't ubuttu a bot??05:27
iDRINKbLEACHi mean ubottu05:27
Logan_!thanks | iDRINKbLEACH05:27
ubottuiDRINKbLEACH: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)05:27
rahuldoes anyone know how to launch Citrix Xen App for 11.0405:27
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rahulI have a lenova laptop, installed Citrix ICA client with lib05:29
rahulbut when I try to connect remotely via Mozilla to the office, Citrix Client "Plugin" does not launch05:30
iDRINKbLEACHwols_ I guess what I really need is instructions on how to install 11.04 on a two harddrive system.05:30
alazare619anyone know what window manager / desktop enviorment linux mint debian edition is?05:30
iDRINKbLEACHubottu I am reading the article but I don't see how this helps during an initial install process05:32
ubottuiDRINKbLEACH: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:32
iDRINKbLEACHdoes the boot partition have to be in sda???05:34
lsheebasadly i am upset05:38
nit-witiDRINKbLEACH, how old is the computer is the second drive a slave?05:38
FIreflyUm - can anyone help me? I need to save the contents of tty1 - I ran an fsck on my disk, and it printed a whole list of errors - most of which ran out of screen, but i'd like to save it so i can post on the forums. I tried screendump, but it only saves the visible part of tty1. How do I save the whole thing?05:39
lsheebai tried running the game it with the diffrent launcher the game screen was black i had alot of work in background , i clicked CONTROL ALT F2 , ps aux to find the process to kill it but sadly the list was long!!!!!! i had to restart gdm by sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart , now everything the way i was multitasking was gone!!!!!!!! thats the big MARK for Linux problem in the market !05:39
lsheebaif it was windows Control alt delete is suffice05:40
DreamubuntuI have install ubunut 11.04 succesfully05:40
iDRINKbLEACHnit-wit dell e521 about 4-5 years old. new 1tb drive is slave05:40
Dreamubuntubut i want move the bar in left how can i do that ?05:41
nit-witiDRINKbLEACH, is that where ubuntu is05:41
Logan_Dreamubuntu: You can't move the dock in Unity.05:41
lsheebaoh man , Linux will die if they dont have a magical solution like control alt delete , ( CTRL + ALT + F2 ) is not the answer to the world!05:41
lsheebaps aux the list goes on and i cant scroll up in the VN dialog ( AKA ) CMD screen05:42
andresmhso I am getting this error when doing apt-get update W: GPG error: http://downloads.skewed.de maverick Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 04C66126D3E6284005:42
Dreamubuntuso any way to hide it05:42
iDRINKbLEACHnit-wit do I have to install "/boot" on sda (c:\ master) and put all other files on the sdb (the new slave drive) Originally I tried to install everything on sdb (slave)05:42
Dreamubuntuand add panel in down05:42
Dreamubuntulike old ubuntu05:42
nit-witlsheeba, I guess the large hadron collider better close now.05:42
lsheebaim getting a hardon to windows05:42
DasEiandresmh: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys   04C66126D3E6284005:43
DreamubuntuGuys Any way to delte or move bar in unity05:43
DasEiandresmh: then update again05:43
lsheebaprivate message me il be away if u got an answer!05:43
lsheebathis is absurd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!05:43
andresmhwhere did you get that hexcode DasEi ?05:43
lsheebaafk now...05:43
DasEiandresmh: the string ? errm, your post ?!05:44
DreamubuntuAny Way To Hide Or Delete Bar In Unity ?05:44
andresmhah doh05:44
Dreamubuntuor move it05:44
andresmhi was following the instructions here it is not here http://projects.skewed.de/graph-tool/wiki/GraphToolDownload05:44
sondubuntu 10.04.3 server here... will grub "work" with LVM on top of Raid1 or do i need a non-LVM boot partition ?05:44
nit-witiDRINKbLEACH, generally ubuntu will boot from the drive it is installed from, but it has to be able to be first in line in the bios or a key promprt to bring uop the boot menu. A sslave wont go first. You could trandfer the ubuntu to the sda and put the grub in its mbr.  Do you have a windows setuo on sda if so hyou could use easybcd probably, which will run on visya and W7 not XP.05:44
nit-witbad spelling sorry.;(05:45
Dreamubuntuany helpz05:45
nit-witDreamubuntu, the top panel?05:45
Dreamubuntuno the bar05:46
Dreamubuntuin unity05:46
Dreamubuntualso i want add thing in top panel ican't05:46
nit-witDreamubuntu, on the leftside?05:46
Dreamubuntuit's not like old ubunut05:46
jcreekdreamubuntu, re-boot your system. The first screen is your i.d screen. Click on it. The second screen is to enter your password. At the bottom of the screen you will see , Ubuntu. click on Ubuntu and a menu will pop up. Click on Ubuntu Classic. This will set your desktop to Gnome, untill you change it.05:46
nit-witDreamubuntu, when you boot in there is a classic desktop option in the bottom bar after you choose the user05:46
csdserverDreamubuntu, don't reboot, just log out05:46
ActionParsnipLogging onto freenode is quick today. Like it :)05:47
Dreamubuntubut can i remove unity ?05:47
Dreamubuntufrom ubuntu05:47
iDRINKbLEACHnit-wit I am running winxp, In the "allocate drive space" window I assigned and allocated all the partitions on sdb. On the bottom of that window it has a drop down window for "Device for boot loader installation" should I leave that on "/dev/sda/ ATA st3160812As (160GB) (the master)?05:47
csdserverwhy would you want to?  it takes up like 500k of data05:47
ActionParsnipDreamubuntu: unity 2d is going to replace classic in oneiric, just so you know05:48
jcreekDreamubuntu, that will do away with Unity.05:48
nit-witiDRINKbLEACH, now we are getting into an area I wont touch without the bootscript.05:48
Dreamubuntuunity suck05:48
Dreamubuntuidon't like gnome3 and unity05:48
Dreamubuntuold gnome is good05:48
DasEiDreamubuntu: taste, but lucid is :05:49
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)05:49
ubottuLTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project05:49
Dreamubuntuiknow but's it hang all time05:49
ActionParsnipiDRINKbLEACH: if that is you normal bootable drive then i'd say yes.05:49
Dreamubuntuubunut 10.04 is slow in my computer05:49
iDRINKbLEACHnit-wit it hit the "install" button. worst case scenario, I re-format the drive in winxp and start over, wish me luck.05:49
DasEiDreamubuntu: lucid hangs ? ever checked the logs for reason or used a newer kernel ?05:50
ActionParsnipDreamubuntu: then use a different desktop environment. There is more than gnome05:50
yagooiDRINKbLEACH, install grub to both drives, at the start /dev/sda and /dev/sdb05:50
Dreamubuntuhow can i install openbox ?05:50
nit-witiDRINKbLEACH, okay good luck.05:51
ActionParsnipDasei: lucid desktop is eol when Natty is eol05:51
Dreamubuntualso there any way to hide unity bar ?05:51
nit-witI think.05:51
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ActionParsnipDreamubuntu: install it like any other application05:51
iDRINKbLEACHActionParsnip thanks05:51
yagoonit-wit, if you're not sure.. just say you're not sure.. very simple :)05:52
DasEiDreamubuntu: sudo apt-get install openbox05:52
iDRINKbLEACHyagoo how do I put it on both drives05:52
Dreamubuntulike sudo apt-get install openbox05:52
nit-wityagoo, shrug05:52
yagooiDRINKbLEACH, what part are u in the installation?05:52
ActionParsnipDreamubuntu: unity settings are in ccsm05:52
yagooiDRINKbLEACH, if u cant do both now.. just do the master boot drive then..05:52
yagooiDRINKbLEACH, is linux spread across the two drives?05:52
ActionParsnipDreamubuntu: exactly, or use software centre05:52
Dreamubuntuccsm ?05:52
iDRINKbLEACHI just selected a username and password and it is "saving installed packages...."05:52
Dreamubuntuwhere is that ccsm05:52
iDRINKbLEACHyagoo I just selected a username and password and it is "saving installed packages...."05:53
Dreamubuntusorry guys for stupid question05:53
ActionParsnipDreamubuntu: press Alt+F2 and run it.05:53
yagooiDRINKbLEACH, linux is very flexible.. you can spread linux partitions any way you want.. but since you're new.. it would be easier to stick with one drive05:53
ActionParsnipDreamubuntu: its a new OS to you so its understandable05:54
Dreamubuntuyes it's like a new os05:55
iDRINKbLEACHyagoo thanks, but is is okay for loader to be on SDA and everything else to be on SDB?? also is loader = GRUB2??05:55
yagooiDRINKbLEACH, linux is very flexible..05:55
mcurranunity is garbage05:55
yagooiDRINKbLEACH, you just need to place grub first stage into /dev/sd<Master>05:55
mcurranugliest default desktop i've seen yet05:56
thewarren1I m totally new05:56
yagooiDRINKbLEACH, which is the first drive bios boots into ?(/dev/sda ?)05:56
Dreamubuntuccsm now work05:56
ActionParsnipiDRINKbLEACH: grub2 is the default bootloader. You can use anything else if you can install it (flexibility again)05:56
yagooiDRINKbLEACH, then it would be /dev/sda since its the first drive to boot from bios05:56
mcurranalways install grub to native linux installed partition and change active partition as necessary, always best05:56
bladewith the aticonfig --initial command i get this message: Found fglrx primary device section05:56
blade Unable to find any supported Screen sections05:56
Dreamubuntuccsm not work05:57
yagoomcurran, linux doesn't use the "active" partition flag05:57
ActionParsnipDreamubuntu: install compizconfig-settings-manager05:57
mcurranyes it does05:57
yagoomcurran, show me the document link.05:57
iDRINKbLEACHyagoo Houston we may have a problem, Ubuntu is spinning but nothing is happening, 3-4 minutes and no files are installing. ans yes bios is looking for cd first than sda05:57
yagoomcurran, so you're wrong.05:57
Dreamubuntuok then05:57
mcurranyour telling me if you set your windows partition active and grub is installed on a second partition that grub will still boot?  your nuts05:57
mcurranbooting an active partition has nothing to do with linux it's your bios kid05:58
nit-witmcurran, thats haow mine is set up yagoo is correct.05:58
yagooiDRINKbLEACH, well if cd is booted into you should um choose shutdown or try using bios 'esc' key to bring up menu at the very least05:58
ActionParsnipMcurran: it doesn't, grub loads from mbr then boots the partitions from there05:58
mcurrannot if you don't overwrite your mbr05:58
yagoo"<yagoo> mcurran, linux doesn't use the "active" partition flag"05:58
yagooread that again young one.05:58
* yagoo ignores the troll05:59
mcurrangrub is a bootloader, mbr is a bootloader, a bootsector is irrelevant and your bios selects the active partition05:59
KatronixSerfHi all, is there an easy way to change ubuntu desktop to ubuntu server?05:59
yagoo!ops mcurran trolling05:59
ubottuyagoo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:59
mcurranget it right people05:59
Dreamubuntuican't install compiz-setting-manager05:59
Dreamubuntuit's give me error05:59
Dreamubuntusimple-ccsm not avilable06:00
rwwyagoo: "is wrong" and "trolling" are not synonyms.06:00
iDRINKbLEACHyagoo I clicked on the the box and it is running through a series of packages so I will let it run. It is 2:00am here and I am spent. will let this run and visit it in the morning, thanks for your help (all of you) and goodnight!06:00
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ActionParsnipKatronixSerf: if you add the bootoption: text    then no GUI will run. Same thing. If you have no need for GUI apps then uninstall xorg and the rest will be removed when you run: sudo apt-get autoremove06:01
mcurranit's always comical to come to this channel and listen to people who think they know, and are totally out there.06:02
rwwmcurran: offtopic cynicism to #ubuntu-offtopic, please :)06:02
ActionParsnipDreamubuntu: are you fully updated?06:02
ActionParsnip!info compizconfig-settings-manager06:03
sbeckIs there a way to send emails in kmail at a given time instead of just "later"? What I mean is the behaviour you can get in thunderbird by using this addon: https://addons.mozilla.org/de/thunderbird/addon/send-later-3/06:03
ubottucompizconfig-settings-manager (source: compizconfig-settings-manager): Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.9.4-0ubuntu2 (natty), package size 1181 kB, installed size 5756 kB06:03
semitones_hey I just installed lubuntu, but I'm getting an error when I boot up: "error: out of disk. grub rescue> _" what can I do?06:03
KatronixSerfActionParsnip, thanks06:03
Dreamubuntuido logout but ican't see any other window manger06:03
IdleOnesemitones: install grub06:03
emmancan not get zoneminder to work on ubuntu, no video, need help06:04
Dreamubuntuwhats problem i install openbox how can i lunch it /?06:04
ActionParsnipDreamubuntu: make sure you enable universe repo in software centre06:04
jcreekDreamubuntu, Just re-boot.06:04
ActionParsnipDreamubuntu: log out, click username then select session in the bottom bar06:05
semitones_IdleOne, I just installed, shouldn't it already have grub2?06:05
Jaded-JacobHas anyone ever had any problems with 'always on top' mode with VLC PLayer on 64bit ubuntu?06:05
mcurranI can't even get VLC to run06:05
KatronixSerfActionParsnip, would that be put into the boot.cfg file?06:06
ActionParsnipJaded-Jacob: always been fine the few times i use it06:06
mcurranplus gnome and amd64 don't play nice with vlc, particularly it's mozilla plugin or any mozilla plugins for that matter06:06
ActionParsnipKatronixSerf: would what?06:06
IdleOnesemitones: indeed it should but maybe something went wrong during the grub install...looking at a forum post about it now06:06
IdleOnesemitones: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=133173006:06
ActionParsnipmcurran: or just firefox in general ;-)06:07
semitones_IdleOne, thanks buddy06:07
xgt001hello i installed lxde in ubuntu 11.04... does lxde come with a dock by default?? as the openbox configuration does show some settings for dock06:07
KatronixSerfActionParsnip, the bootoption: text06:07
semitones_I'll try the chroot method if it will let me06:08
Jaded-JacobI'm just about to reinstall ubuntu, but can't decide whether to use kde/gnome/LXDE06:08
Jaded-JacobI know how to switch between them, but I'd rather not have to.06:08
IdleOnesemitones: might be a fix on post #1206:08
lucas49i getting this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/650432/ with pynotify + pyqt06:08
ActionParsnipKatronixSerf: you never edit grub.cfg that file is generated. It even says not to edit it in the file06:08
Dreamubuntunow  i in openbox06:09
Dreamubuntui want to delete unity windows manager06:09
Dreamubuntualso all other windows manager06:09
Jaded-JacobNice, I like *Box window managers as well06:09
ActionParsnipKatronixSerf: you add them in the quotes with:  quiet splash    in /etc/default/grub   then run:  sudo update-grub06:10
Jaded-JacobActionParsnip: Cheers man, they must have fixed the bug since I last used it06:10
lucas49anyone know why?06:10
xgt001does lxde have a dock by default?06:11
ActionParsnipxgt001: it uses lxpanel which is like gnome panel. A light dock example would be wbar06:11
kleanchapHow do I add more apps to the apps bar on the left?  Do the icons shrink in size or do I need to create a another apps bar?06:12
DreamubuntuActionParsnip, How Can I Delete Other Windows Manger06:13
ActionParsnipkleanchap: you can drag from dash or rightclick running apps to tell them to be kept06:13
sbeckIs there a way to send emails in kmail at a given time instead of just "later"? What I mean is the behaviour you can get in thunderbird by using this addon: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/send-later-3/06:13
ActionParsnipDreamubuntu: its an app like any other. I've never removed it myself so not sure what else it will also remove. I suggest caution06:14
ActionParsnipDreamubuntu: i use lxde+openbox+unity2d. Unity2d can easily be pulled out but i'm not sure how interwoven unity is06:17
DreamubuntuActionParsnip ,, i need to configure OpenBox06:18
DreamubuntuNo Thing In Menu06:18
DreamubuntuCan give me any links06:18
Dreamubuntuhelp me for that ?06:18
uw_hi is anyone here familar with netboot (clients being ubuntu variety)06:19
uw_netboot as in pxe as some people call it06:19
ubuntuguesthi is there a way to backup my home folder folder from a live cd ?06:20
aureianimusso after running normal updates, it now says i don't have the required hardware for unity, how do i discover the culprit and roll back the specific package?06:21
ubuntuguestI can backup everything as root from the live cd but the permissions of every file changes to "root",06:22
ubuntuguestI am accessing the drive from a live cd now.06:22
ubuntuguest(btw I have a 3rd drive to backup the files to, but my problem is that it changes the permissions of all the files to root, which I do not want)06:23
xgt001aureianimus: did u install xorg updates or kernel updates?06:25
aureianimusxgt001, i don't think so, but i don't know where to check that. Also, i'm running bumblebee, which i think updated the nvidia driver, so big chance that's it06:26
xgt001aureianimus: yes most likely, so u have to reinstall the nvidia driver06:27
jcreekUbuntuguest, Try backing up your home folder to another flashdrive. You are stuck with root because you are running from a live disc.06:27
xgt001aureianimus: most likely the video driver has failed to build against the newer kernel06:27
aureianimuscan i just force it back a version with synaptic?06:27
ubuntuguestthanks j06:27
ubuntuguestthanks jcreek06:27
ubuntuguestnot sure what happened to this harddrive,06:28
ubuntuguesta bad connection caused the comuter to freeze then Ubuntu didn't want to bootup06:29
semitones_well I can get into the live cd and install grub, but when I boot I still get grub rescue06:29
semitones_oh well06:29
ubuntuguest(bad connection on the Harddrive)06:29
semitones_a task for tomorrow06:29
jcreekUbuntuguest, you are welcome. Tell me are you able to create files and save them in a live flash drive without any problem?06:29
ubuntuguestI am backing up to a 3rd drive06:29
semitones_gnite IdleOne06:29
ubuntuguestcopying everything as root user06:30
compaqaluien usando etterap06:35
gerehow can i send message to another pc in terminal using ubuntu06:38
yagoogere, man talk06:39
geretnx yagoo06:40
yagoogere, there's also "wall"06:40
yagoogere, use "mesg y" "mesg n" to turn on/off06:40
tripelbis / my home directory? I want  to find .bashrc  it is no there06:43
KM0201"/home" is your home directory06:44
tripelboh wait, it's not I see home in there06:44
DeezeNutshaving trouble installing firefox 5.0.1 on ubuntu06:44
KM0201"/" is your root directory06:44
yagootripelb, is the "root" of the filesystem.. the word "root" can also mean the "superuser" (superuser home is /root)06:44
tripelbKM0201, looking again06:44
IdleOnetripelb: nano ~/.bashrc06:44
ZykoticK9KM0201, almost /home/USERNAME is your home directory, or ~ for short.  tripelb06:44
KM0201ZykoticK9: well, yeah, good point06:45
gere@yagoo how can i use man talk?06:45
tripelbright zykes-06:45
yagootripelb, "/" is not "/root" (just to be sure i'm saying this :)06:45
tripelbright ZykoticK906:45
yagootripelb, but "/" is "root of the filesystem"06:45
KM0201yagoo: no, but its the root filesystem.06:45
yagooKM0201, too late.06:45
KM0201i'm slow on the uptake tonight06:45
tripelblifehacker has these nots how to get ubuntu hints.06:46
IdleOnegere: you would need to install "talk" apt-cache show talk06:46
tripelb"there's not root in ubuntu" tripelb recites the chatachism06:46
DeezeNutsI don't know how to install this tar.bz2 file06:46
DeezeNutsI forgot06:46
DeezeNutsfor firefox 5 on ubuntu06:46
yagooDeezeNuts, .tar.bz2 can only be extracted..06:47
yagooDeezeNuts, unless whatever that's in them needs furthering reading.. maybe there's a thirdparty insatller within06:47
AmivitHow do i route all traffic in ubuntu through tor ?06:47
yagooDeezeNuts, just use ark..(gui for extracting tarballs)06:47
ubottuFiles with ".tar.gz", ".tar.bz2" or ".tgz" extensions are compressed archive formats, similar to ZIP files. See !tar for extracting them. Some of these files contain programs in source code form; see !compile for getting them to run.06:47
DeezeNutsthank you vagoo06:48
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression06:48
DeezeNutsgnome it is06:48
tripelbhelp again. this says to add "ubuntu-server-tip " to the last line in my .bashrc but I dont think that's right (any more?)06:48
jcreekAmivit, Have you installed Vidalia?06:48
* yagoo says if u have gnome apps as a preference but need to run KDE apps it's not problem-- except the kdelibraries would be installed-- hence you can run KDE apps on the gnome desktop06:50
Amivitjcreek, yes, but i dont want to configure specific apps to use the socks proxy, i want to globally route everything through Tor if thats somehow possible?06:50
AmivitTo avoid any lleakage06:50
yagooAmivit, you want to tunnely a torrent app?06:50
yagooAmivit, those apps should have a socks proxy setting..06:51
Amivityagoo, No, I just want the piece of mind of wether i will use skype, messenger, my browser or whatever software it should be, that it is through the TOR06:51
tripelbI did this -->  sudo apt-get install fortunes-ubuntu-server  <-- what did that do?06:51
AmivitLike a transparent gateway i would ugess its called06:51
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl06:52
yagoo(use /msg ubottu if u need more query)06:52
tripelbIs that good info if you want to become a Tor bridge?06:52
yagoono idea..06:52
yagooi've heard of tor before but never dwelved into it06:52
yagoonever used it..06:53
tripelbyagoo, ZykoticK9 idleone thanks for the basic help.06:53
AmivitI dont see how that bot can help me since my request is a bit specific06:53
ZykoticK9tripelb, "fortune" is a cli app that displays little messages (ususally when you log in), in this case, about ubuntu-server06:53
gere@IdleOne thank you06:54
yagooAmivit, if u read it.. "Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's"06:54
tripelbZykoticK9, ok how can I remove what I just did then?06:54
ZykoticK9tripelb, "sudo apt-get remove fortunes-ubuntu-server" will uninstall it?06:55
Amivityagoo, but i dont have issues with what to install. I just want to know if it's possible to route 100% everything through tor transparantly to the apps running in the system.06:55
jcreekAmivit, I installed Vidalia last week, but haven't set it up yet. However, I ran it in Windows XP and all of my communications then went through it. It was slow, but secure. I am going to Tor and get their advice.06:56
yagooAmivit, if install successfully, you should meet up with others who use TOR, you should be asking the other dude :p.. Tor is not a main thing i reckon06:56
tripelbZykoticK9, seemed to work, thanks. (first uninstall)06:56
tripelbAmvit, I'm no expert but I think that's what tor does.06:57
yagooI wouldn't trust tor for doing my online banking06:57
tripelbamvit, I just tried something and I think it's your preferred destination!! /join #tor06:57
Amivitjcreek, but after installing didnt u still have to coinfigure your browser etc., to use the proxy? Thats what I want to avoid. I want to somehow route everything through the proxy whether it be with iptables, or setting up a seperate computer and using that as the default gateway on ubuntu or something like that.06:58
Amivitthanks tripelb06:58
yagooAmivit, i already answered that. You need to setup your apps. Those apps need to have that 'proxy' option..06:58
yagooAmivit, this is the basic nature of a proxy server. The client's proxy settings need to be setup.06:59
yagoowith-tor or not-tor.. proxy is proxy06:59
yagoo(and if there's no proxy option with the app.. it's still possible to proxy the client but difficult to do so with other external helper tools)07:00
AmivitI think I understand now, thanks.07:01
namelessinseatlewhat is an alternative to flashget for linux?07:01
yagoonamelessinseatle, booblashget :P07:01
namelessinseatleI need to download a file that's around 2GB07:02
yagoonamelessinseatle, list of software flashget site:wikipedia.org (google)07:02
yagoothat was the google 2nd result .. pretty good uh :)07:03
not-really-humani'm gonna be running Ubuntu in a VM (downloading now).  is Ubuntu much slower in VMWare07:03
jcreekAmivit , Yes, but it gave me a problem. Here is the thing for me. I have Firefox 5. When I ran it in Firefox before it was compatible. It is not in Firefox 5. Previously I jus went to mozilla add-ons and downloaded  Privoxy, Tor Button, and Vidalia . I had to change the proxy settings but I could get these at Privoxy site. Now I have to figure out if I  should  use Firefox or Chromium.07:03
* yagoo namelessinseatle is lost in seattle07:04
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noobishCan you drop to a root shell in the ubuntu-server cd like you can in the alternate desktop cd? I need to setup swraids on top of swraids and the curses partition editor only allows configuring physical devices as raid components...07:06
kaiyinhow can i backup a list of all packages on the system for the purpose of restoration?07:07
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ZykoticK9!clone | kaiyin07:07
ubottukaiyin: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate07:07
not-really-humani'm about to try linux for the first time in years07:09
not-really-humanin a VM only, though07:09
ZykoticK9not-really-human, just FYI, but Unity won't work in VMWare07:10
not-really-humanhow comes07:10
sbeck3d acceleration07:10
ZykoticK9not-really-human, VMWare's 3d support is poor07:10
not-really-humani see07:10
not-really-humani guess i can run Gnome though07:10
not-really-humani wonder whether compiz willw ork07:11
not-really-humanwill work07:11
ZykoticK9not-really-human, no compiz07:11
not-really-humanoh.  never mind07:11
ZykoticK9not-really-human, FYI #2 VirtualBox has some support for both07:11
sbecknot-really-human, why don't you try it from the live cd?07:11
not-really-humani'm not sure that i have any spare CDs07:12
not-really-humanand it'd be nice running it at the same time as windows07:12
sbeckAh, okay-07:12
Byananyone here have suspend working with fglrx?07:12
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not-really-humandamn, ubuntu is compressed from 16GB to 800MB07:14
adurodeadoubt it07:14
adurodeaand even if it were thats not the greatest...07:15
not-really-humanyou can doubt all youw ant07:15
adurodeatheres been video/audio compression of up to 10k:107:15
adurodeaprobably more07:15
adurodeahow is it compressed 16GB to 800MB?07:15
not-really-humani wasn't aware there was a competition07:15
noobishyes, it is possible to drop to shell in ubuntu-server install and skip steps07:16
skp-btHello All !!!07:16
celthunderi don't think it's compressed either but who knows07:17
celthunderskp-bt: hi07:17
bladeneed some help understanding the xorg.conf file07:19
bazhangblade, did you write one?07:19
bladebazhang, i used aticonfig -- and it did07:19
bazhangblade, whats the question07:20
bladeok a short rundown i have 2 ati cards both with a monitor finaly got them to both show up but now if i try to change anything in cccle it wacks out so i need to edit my xorg file so i can tell it what monitor is on what adapter07:21
surajHello guys, I am having a problem in my HP-DV7-4285dx laptop with ubuntu, in my touchpad right click doesn't work at all. I have tried 10.04, 10.10 and currently running 11.04 but still the same result.07:21
bladebut i dont know enough about the xorg file to do so07:21
surajdoes anyone know what might be the problem?07:21
jcreeksuraj, have you tried to plug in a mouse and see if it does not work?07:23
bladebazhang, http://pastebin.com/UEvdU2mX so you can see what i see07:24
skp-btplease tell me how to fix the problem with the updating of ubuntu 10.04 on 1107:27
kenneth_Okay, I have to ask... how did I get here?07:28
nit-witskp-bt, the problem is?07:28
bazhangkenneth_, what distro07:28
bladekenneth_, one ckick at a time?07:28
kenneth_I couldn't tell you.  I'm enrolled in a week long linux class and I have been struggled this entire time trying to figure all of this out.07:29
bladeanyone know enough about xorg.config to help me tweak some settings?07:29
bazhang!upgrade | skp-bt07:30
ubottuskp-bt: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade07:30
skp-btCan not update hangs sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:30
bazhangskp-bt, dist-upgrade does not do that07:30
bazhangskp-bt, pastebin the actual errors to paste.ubuntu.com07:31
MACscrhow can i install firefox 4 on my natty system? i already uninstall FF507:31
bazhang!dist-upgrade | skp-bt07:31
ubottuskp-bt: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.07:31
Yukinorohhelp! I can't get sound from a game that uses alsa07:32
ZykoticK9Yukinoroh, what game?07:32
bladebazhang, did you have a chance to look at that file?07:32
YukinorohZykoticK9: mugen07:32
Yukinorohfor linux07:32
ZykoticK9Yukinoroh, have you tried "pasuspender mugen" if mugen is the executable name?07:33
YukinorohZykoticK9: I just tried, doesn't work... looks like these suspenders made the trousers fall as well07:34
bazhangblade, yes, but I use only intel and nvidia, wont be much help to you sorry07:34
skp-btok I just Sach video card from the sis mirage 3D graphic07:34
insmoddoes anyone know a msn client that can do webcam amsn cannot anymore07:34
Yukinorohit says "Initializing sound...failed to init hardware."07:34
bladebazhang, no matter07:35
bladebazhang, what i need to know has nothing to do with ati... i need to move some settings is all07:35
LinuxManwhy is wine so buggy? barley works!07:35
YukinorohI tried padsp as well, no result07:35
ZykoticK9Yukinoroh, try "padsp mugen"07:35
Yukinorohwell the game gives OSS, ALSA, ESD, or AUTO as options for sound, but none work07:35
Yukinorohtried them all07:35
bladebazhang, such as position of monitors to tell them what adapter to be on07:37
skp-btThank you all, I fixed the problem07:37
ZykoticK9Yukinoroh, there's a post in ubuntuforums that suggests trying "alsamixer" and enabling everything.  I got nothing, best of luck.07:38
insmodYukinoroh; run aoss then app07:39
insmodYukinoroh; eg aoss gtick07:40
YukinorohZykoticK9: I don't have much in there07:40
Yukinorohinsmod: no result07:40
insmodYukinoroh; is it installed07:40
Yukinorohinsmod: yes it is07:40
Yukinorohwell maybe I can try to set it on OSS other than AUTO07:41
bladeneed help tweaking settings in xorg.conf07:41
insmodYukinoroh; then it has to be pulseaudio07:41
Yukinorohinsmod: no result with aoss either07:41
insmodYukinoroh; then it has to be pulseaudio07:41
no_facemorning, could anyone tell me the package name for the deb installer that comes with ubuntu 10.4 please07:42
YukinorohZykoticK9: I have master, pcm, s/pdif and beep in alsamixer, master and pcm are 100%, I can't do anything with S/PDIF and honestly I don't think beep can have an effect...07:42
kenneth_How do I verify that CUPS is running?07:43
nit-witno_face, gdebi07:43
Yukinorohinsmod: I guess so, how can I troubleshoot that?07:43
no_facethank you nit-wit07:43
nit-witno_face, no prob.07:43
ZykoticK9kenneth_, "ps aux | grep cupsd"07:43
bladeneed help tweaking settings in xorg.conf07:43
insmodkenneth_: login to the webinterface07:43
ZykoticK9Yukinoroh, sorry, i have no idea.  good luck.07:43
insmodYukinoroh; ps -aux |grep pulseaudio07:44
insmodYukinoroh; is it there07:44
trismegistusAre there devs/contributers of ubuntu here? If there are I just wanted to tell you thanks for the awesome work on the OS!07:45
YukinorohWarning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See http://procps.sf.net/faq.html07:45
Yukinoroh1000      3245  0.1  0.1 359444  6264 ?        S<sl 12:54   0:21 /usr/bin/pulseaudio --start --log-target=syslog07:45
Yukinoroh1000      3249  0.0  0.1 115836  3936 ?        Sl   12:54   0:00 /usr/lib/pulseaudio/pulse/gconf-helper07:45
Yukinoroh1000      5304  0.0  0.0  93552  1064 pts/0    S+   16:44   0:00 grep --color=auto pulseaudio07:45
insmodYukinoroh; that's it then now use pavucontrol - a gui to control it07:45
ZykoticK9insmod, see that first warning line in Yukinoroh flood?  Don't use - with ps07:45
bladeneed help tweaking settings in xorg.conf07:46
CompiHi everyone, I am new to Ubuntu. Running Ubuntu Studio 11.04 and need some help. I installed Qtel as per the instructions on the internet but need some help with the sound for Qtel.07:46
lsheebaoh man , Linux will die if they dont have a magical solution like control alt delete , ( CTRL + ALT + F2 ) is not the answer to the world!07:47
ZykoticK9blade, provide more information, your request is far to broad.  good luck, i think it has something to do with ATI so I won't help.07:47
Yukinorohinsmod: what should I check for in pavucontrol ?07:47
lsheebai tried running the game it with the diffrent launcher the game screen was black i had alot of work in background , i clicked CONTROL ALT F2 , ps aux to find the process to kill it but sadly the list was long!!!!!! i had to restart gdm by sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart , now everything the way i was multitasking was gone!!!!!!!! thats the big MARK for Linux problem in the market !07:47
bazhanglsheeba, thats more than enough07:47
bazhangCompi, what precisely is qtel07:48
lsheebaim upset! bazhang07:48
llutz_lsheeba: its not linux fault if you're going to kill the wrong stuff07:48
lsheebaall my multitasking is gone07:48
bazhanglsheeba, take complaints to the appropriate channel07:48
insmodYukinoroh; run the prog then look at output devices07:48
CompiBazhang, Qtel is an amateur radio softwarew package for Echolink.07:48
trijntje_oneiriclsheeba, what you want to do is entirely possible under linux07:48
lsheebawhy cant i scroll to processes when im at CTRL ALT F207:48
bazhangCompi, ham radio?07:48
bladeZykoticK9, i am running ati yes but it really dont have to do with ati... i just need to change some settings in xorg.conf i have both vid cards working now but need to move some settings so i have the right monitor on the right card07:49
CompiBazhang, Thats correct.07:49
Yukinorohinsmod: I have internal autio analog stereo, both (front and right) are 100%07:49
trijntje_oneiriclsheeba, just typ top next time it happens, probably the game will be at the top of the list07:49
rudrahaving problem with wireless please help07:49
ZykoticK9blade, sorry i don't help with ATI stuff.  Good luck.07:49
lsheebai want to know which rat process requires me to kill , and with control alt f2 is not GUI and writing it , ok to me is ok , but when my PC is hanged on black screen because the game crashed , how can i just control alt delete and end task like in windows07:49
bazhang!wifi | rudra07:49
ubotturudra: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:49
insmodYukinoroh; is your other prog running07:49
Yukinorohah no, wait I'll run it then07:50
bladeZykoticK9, ty07:50
Compibazhang, Thats correct.07:50
lsheebathis is the only problem in linux in this world , if this is resolved linux can be a real competition!07:50
trijntje_oneiriclsheeba, if you know the name of the program you can just kill it wiht killall progname07:50
bazhang!ot | lsheeba07:50
ubottulsheeba: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:50
lsheebaMajor Issue Problem why the hell this is still kernalized07:50
rudraim unable to detect wireless networks in 11.0407:50
Compibazhang, may I post a link to the project here?07:51
bazhangrudra, please give a ton more details07:51
RomanceHello, may I add more space to the partition for my Ubuntu. I made a dualboot on my pc XP / Ubuntu. i don't want to reformat.07:51
bazhangRomance, using gparted live cd?07:51
Yukinorohinsmod: yes it is now, but no change07:51
bazhangCompi, sure, please do07:51
rudra<bazhang> i'm unable to detect any wifi networks07:51
glebihanRomance, do you have a live CD ?07:51
rudra<bazhang> im using natty07:52
insmodYukinoroh; now look at playback07:52
lsheebaps aux the list goes on and i cant scroll up in the VN dialog ( AKA ) CMD screen i know how to kill process through terminal , ive been using linux since dapper! , this is absurd to the extent that this is not resolved in 10.10 as they said 10 out of 10 ? waaaat? i thought the dream of linux is real after ive been away from feisty fawn for 3 years07:52
bazhangrudra, thats the same exact info.07:52
Compibazhang, here is the link to the project: http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/svxlink07:52
RomanceNo, i don't have live CD.07:52
rudra<bazhang> ok you ask me07:52
bazhangRomance, gparted live cd. 60mb iso07:52
rudra<bazhang> like any questions07:52
glebihanRomance, then get one and use gparted to resize your partitions07:52
Yukinorohinsmod: I have mono, at 100%07:52
RomanceOkay, so it won't reformat right?07:53
insmodYukinoroh;not muted07:53
bazhanglsheeba, please tone it down07:53
lsheebaimagine some1 who has this kind of situation imagnie this ! , omg a business / corporation / school , University ! ? whoa man just WHOA!07:53
Yukinorohinsmod: no it's not muted07:53
bladecan anyone point me to where i can find some help with understanding the xorg.conf file please07:53
trijntje_oneiriclsheeba, take it elsewhere. If you have been using linux since dapper you should have no problem killing a process07:53
insmodYukinoroh;what does it say it is running ALSA?07:53
Compibazhang, I get audio from Qtel but no mic audio into it. Don't know what I am missing. it looks like I need to install some sound driver or something but it gives me a error..07:54
Yukinorohinsmod: well I set it on auto... should I try it in ALSA? OSS? ESD?07:54
rudra<bazhang> what info should i giv07:54
bazhangCompi, what about checking in terminal alsamixer07:54
aussie114hello, is there a terminal command to restart your mouse services, some things I do lock up my mouse and I want to fix it without restarting my computer07:54
bazhangrudra, chipset, driver, installed how and from where07:54
llutz_lsheeba: if one runs weird stuff, like games or whatever on business machines, he already has other problems. an now stop it here, take your blahblah to #ubuntu-offtopic please07:54
glebihanRomance, be careful while doing it, but gparted will allow you to resize the partitions without reformatting07:54
rudra<bazhang> should i give you lspci?07:55
Romanceaussie114 : detach your mouse and attach it back?07:55
Compibazhang, I did that, problem is that I am unable to find what the install refers to.07:55
bazhangrudra, to pastebin07:55
lsheebain windows Ctrl alt delete is Suffice! end tasking a process .exe , ok ive been tampering with this since along time , any1 can help me with this problem i got i have a game thats ported both for linux and windows , a customized IO Quake ( running QuakeX ) , the launcher is made in windows , but not in linux , so i tried the unified warsaw game launcher , edited it to read the fs_gamepath quakeX folder baseq3  ( Engine Dir ) , then the game s07:55
lsheebatarted on black screen! need help m807:55
insmodYukinoroh; easier just stop pulse audio -- should work then07:55
rudra<bazhang> ya just a sec07:55
aussie114romance: tried that07:55
Yukinorohinsmod: how do I do that?07:55
Compibazhang, in the link: http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/svxlink/wiki/InstallationInstructions07:55
Compibazhang, in the link you will see the audio instructions07:56
bazhangCompi, hang on, busy right at the moment07:56
bladecan anyone point me to where i can find some help with understanding the xorg.conf file please07:56
Compibazhang, Ok.. thanks..07:56
insmodYukinoroh; pulseaudio -k07:56
Compibazhang, standing by...07:56
Yukinorohinsmod: no effect07:56
rudra<bazhang> http://paste.ubuntu.com/650476/07:57
bazhangCompi, please direct your questions to the channel, with as much info as possible07:57
insmodYukinoroh; no idea07:57
Yukinoroh^^; I've been on this for about a week07:57
YukinorohI'm about to give up07:57
Compibazhang, excuse my ignorance, how do I do it.. NooB here :)07:58
insmodYukinoroh; kill gui at boot install fluxbox reboot and startx with fluxbox in .xinitrc -- should work then07:59
kenneth_Yukinoroh, if it makes you feel any better I've been struggling with this linux xlass I have to take and nothing that the text book or what my instructor has said makes any sense.07:59
glebihanCompi, did you have a look at the Ubuntu specific installation instructions ? https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/svxlink/wiki/InstallSrcUbuntu07:59
Yukinorohanyways I have to go soon08:00
YukinorohI have an appointment08:00
Yukinorohthanks for the help08:00
Compiglebihan, I did, let me look at it again and then I can tell where I got to..08:00
Compiglebihan, I completed that section without any problems..08:01
Yukinorohthanks a lot, good bye :)08:01
Compiglebihan, the sound files not is my issue..08:01
Compiglebihan, no luck with that at all...08:01
Killeranybody here? need some help08:02
bladecan anyone point me to where i can find some help with understanding the xorg.conf file please08:02
rudra<bazhang> any luck?08:02
wildbat!anyone| Killer08:02
ubottuKiller: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.08:02
wildbatblade: man xorg.conf08:03
bazhangrudra, is this a usb dongle? try lsusb if so08:03
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bladewildbat, i know how to edit it what i dont know is what settings i need to change for sure08:04
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Killeri have installed ubuntu 11.04 in my PC... it's connected to my 32inch LCD tv through HDMI... but ubuntu is showing it's a 95" inch monitor... how do I change the monitor type?08:04
rudra<bazhang> no its not usb08:04
bladewildbat, i have just got my 2nd vid card working but the monitor is not acting the way i want it to08:04
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Killeri have installed ubuntu 11.04 in my PC... it's connected to my 32inch LCD tv through HDMI... but ubuntu is showing it's a 95" inch monitor... how do I change the monitor type?08:05
Compiglebihan, I am unable to get this part sorted under Post install stuff... I quote: "There are no audio level controls in SvxLink server nor Qtel. The levels must be adjusted with an external tool like aumix, kmix, alsamixer or whatever your favourite mixer is. I usually use the command line alsamixer application. Start one of the mixers and locate the controls to use for adjusting the levels. The output level is adjusted using the two sliders Pcm and Vol08:05
Compi. The input level is adjusted using the Capture (sometimes called IGain) slider, not the Mic or Input (line-in) slider. The latter two are used to adjust the monitoring level of the two inputs. Set these two to zero. Select to use either the microphone or the line-in input. Set the Pcm, Vol and Mic/Input sliders half way up. Adjust the levels according to the instructions below. "08:05
bladewildbat, for example both monitors are position "0 0" and are on different cards08:06
trijntje_oneiric!hi | Erik_dc08:06
Erik_dcit seems Xchat allways joins this chatroom while i like it to load another one by default08:06
Compiglebihan, I can not find the Igain / capture slider..08:06
Erik_dcany idea where to find the settings?08:06
Killerthere is no xorg.conf inside /etc/X11/08:06
greystermornin all08:06
bazhangErik_dc, then change the autojoin: xchat menu network list edit server remove from autojoin list08:06
ZykoticK9Killer, not by default, but if you create one - it will be used08:07
bazhangErik_dc, what distro08:07
Erik_dcubuntu 11.04 6408:07
Erik_dclet me see08:07
KillerZykoticK9: how?08:08
bazhangErik_dc, then its called ubuntu servers, really freenode though08:08
Erik_dcfavorite channals?08:08
bazhangErik_dc, edit ubuntu servers, it will bring up a nother menu08:09
wildbatblade: i am no expert in it sorry ;p ~08:09
Killeri have installed ubuntu 11.04 in my PC... it's connected to my 32inch LCD tv through HDMI... but ubuntu is showing it's a 95" inch monitor... how do I change the monitor type?08:09
bazhangErik_dc, separate them with a comma  #chan1,#chan2 thus08:09
Killerhow do i generate a xorg.conf file?08:09
Erik_dcok, got it set08:09
celthunderKiller: X --configure08:10
Erik_dcbrb to test08:10
Erik_dcthank you08:10
celthunderKiller: might be X -configure08:10
glebihanCompi, does the "Capture" control appear in amixer ?08:10
Erik_dcok, that did the trick08:10
bazhangErik_dc, good news08:11
Erik_dcjust change favorite channals, thanks a lot08:11
bazhangErik_dc, there is also the channel #xchat just a fyi08:11
Erik_dcanother question :) is this the place to come with ubuntu problems?08:11
bazhangErik_dc, yep08:11
Erik_dcfantastic :)08:11
MGandTLor the ubuntu forums if you want to refer back to it.08:12
ubottuAskUbuntu is a support resource that offers non-realtime support by the community! Can't get your problem fixed on IRC? Try AskUbuntu! - http://askubuntu.com/ You can discuss AskUbuntu in #ubuntu-stack08:12
Compiglebihan, Yes, I quote:"Simple mixer control 'Capture',008:12
Compi  Capabilities: cvolume cswitch cswitch-joined penum08:12
Compi  Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right08:12
Compi  Limits: Capture 0 - 1508:12
Compi  Front Left: Capture 8 [53%] [12.00dB] [off]08:12
FloodBot1Compi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:12
Erik_dcmaybe this is than also a good place to say tank you to all the ubuntu people? im using it now for nearly 2 years and love it. I recoomand ubuntu to everyone i see08:13
CompiFloodBot, Thanks.08:13
Erik_dchave a good day everyone08:13
trijntje_oneiricErik_dc, good day to you too08:14
Erik_dcgeniet van je weekend trijntje :)08:14
trijntje_oneiriclol Erik_dc ;)08:14
soulis77-SEHi all. What is the difference between: dig @localhost example.com and dig example.com ?  I get error when using @localhost but not the other one.08:14
llutz_soulis77-SE: @localhost queries "localhost" (your machine"08:15
llutz_soulis77-SE: so no dns running locally?08:15
soulis77-SEllutz: That is what I'm trying to set up. I think...08:16
=== cypha`` is now known as cypha
llutz_soulis77-SE: "sudo lsof -i :53"08:16
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=== the-lark is now known as Senix
glebihanCompi, your capture device is muted, try "amixer set Capture toggle"08:17
soulis77-SEllutz: Lots of nsd info...08:17
=== Senix is now known as the-lark
=== the-lark is now known as Senix
soulis77-SEllutz: One example row:  nsd     20415  nsd    4u  IPv4 106497382       UDP *:domain08:18
jnsl_when i try to sudo sshfs i get connection reset by peer.. if i try with out sudo it works! I have copied my ssh folder to root, thinking this was the issue, but now i can ssh with root and sshfs is same error08:18
llutz_jnsl_: don't use ssh(fs) as root08:18
jnsl_llutz_ but i want to mount the drive in /meida/<name>08:19
Compiglebihan, Thanks, is this right? http://paste.ubuntu.com/650484/08:19
glebihanCompi, yes should be ok08:19
Compiglebihan, Thanks heaps!08:19
glebihanCompi, you're welcome08:19
llutz_jnsl_: just make sure to be in group fuse08:19
Compiglebihan, I am going to try Qtel and give feedback.. One minute..08:19
insmodjnsl_: why not just sudo mount08:21
llutz_jnsl_: sudo chown <you> /media/<name>08:21
jnsl_llutz_ can i add root to fuse? i tried usermod -a -G fuse root08:21
llutz_insmod: because it's sshfs08:21
insmodllutz, insteed of that08:22
jnsl_<llutz i did chown on the folder, same error ;( im not sure if its a permission thing?08:23
llutz_jnsl_: "sshfs user@host:/path /media/<name>" as user08:24
Compiglebihan, The mic is still not working. no incoming audio.08:24
soulis77-SEllutz: Do I need the dns for localhost?  My VPS provider have dns server for me but.. ?08:25
jnsl_llutz_ thanks i was missing user@08:25
llutz_soulis77-SE: you need a dns, but it doesn't have to run on your local machine08:26
soulis77-SEyes but the dns for the localhost is that special? Or what is dig @localhost   used for?  Newbe...08:27
glebihanCompi, could you try with some other app (like gnome-sound-recorder) ? this way we'll see if the issue comes from Qtel or something else08:27
Romancesoulis77-SE: you can make your own DNS server on your VPS or use free dns services (eg: www.freedns.afraid.org)08:27
Compiglebihan, Ok.. I will try that..08:27
Greysterjus having a look around?08:27
soulis77-SERomance: I have DNS from afraid.org  but the localhost is that dns for MY server ?08:28
soulis77-SEsorry from* my server that is08:28
llutz_soulis77-SE: "dig @localhost"  is senseless if you don't run your own dns locally. "@host" just specifies what dns-server to query08:28
Romancesoulis77-SE: apparantly you can't even remote to your VPS localhost, you still need the IP instead. so. yeah.08:29
llutz_soulis77-SE: "dig @ example.com"  to query google-dns08:29
milen8204I need English - German and German - English dictionary, any Ideas for one?08:29
Greysterseen enough for now and shall try and learn a little more about irssi08:30
soulis77-SEllutz: No errors when doing that.08:30
bazhangmilen8204, online?08:30
milen8204bazhang, no a program08:30
llutz_milen8204: ding, wgerman, wngerman08:30
llutz_!info ding08:31
ubottuding (source: ding): Graphical dictionary lookup program for Unix (Tk). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6-2ubuntu1 (natty), package size 91 kB, installed size 396 kB08:31
llutz_^^ milen820408:31
milen8204llutz, thanks I will try house08:31
soulis77-SEWhen I use mail or something will that affect the @localhost. I'm going to use some/all of the following Postfix, Procmail, Courier or sendmail. Will it08:32
majdekalelhi guys i have strange problem >>>> i can't open facebook website ???08:32
majdekalellook like a dns problem ???08:32
majdekaleli can open it using proxy  ....08:33
llutz_soulis77-SE: just make sure to have access to at least 1 nameserver (dns). it does not have to run locally (on localhost).08:33
wildbatmajdekalel: what about other website? are you blocked from facebook ~like china do .08:34
Compiglebihan, I found that in recorder it did not record at all. There I messed with the controls and found the correct line in selection.. I tested Qtel and all is now working as required. Thanks Heaps for all the help!! Much appreciated..08:34
majdekalelno i can access other websites08:34
glebihanCompi, you're welcome08:34
CompiHave a great day everyone..!!08:35
majdekaleleven when i use ping command with facebook website i have no respond ...08:35
llutz_soulis77-SE: the dns-nameserver being used by default, are listed in /etc/resolv.conf08:35
majdekaleli can access just over proxy server ..08:35
majdekalelso is it a dns problem ??08:35
wildbatmajdekalel: dig facebook.com?08:35
majdekalelnothing !!!!08:36
majdekaleldig facebook.com gives me nothing !!!08:36
wildbatmajdekalel: use as your dns then08:36
majdekalellisten ping facebook.com and give me the ip08:37
chaddyhello bryan_08:37
majdekalelyou did that or what ???08:38
majdekalelsomeone please ping the facebook.com and give me the ip ???08:38
chaddydns by irc?08:38
bryan_how many ip does one have ?08:38
wildbatmajdekalel:  PING facebook.com ( ; are you at work which your IT department firewalled?08:38
majdekalelits not working08:39
majdekalelno i dont have firewall08:39
majdekalelit is open connection HSPA+08:39
soulis77-SEllutz: So if I have my VPS providers dns in sesolv.conf But I set up my DNS and domain name with afraid.org. Then I should add the afraid dns name to the file...08:39
bazhangmajdekalel, why the proxy08:39
majdekalelwhen i use the proxy server i can access facebook.com08:39
majdekalelbut without proxy i can't08:40
bazhang!enter | majdekalel08:40
ubottumajdekalel: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:40
majdekalelok ok im so sorry08:40
=== LittleFool`off is now known as LittleFool
wildbatmajdekalel: traceroute and see ~ what happen, may be ~08:40
majdekaleli tried that too and nothing !!!08:41
majdekaleli were using facebook normally and the chat disconnected without any reason !!! and then i tried to open it but nothing !!!08:42
yelp14hello #Ubuntu!08:42
yelp14I was hoping to get some basic help on setting sshfs08:42
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHFS yelp1408:43
yelp14yeah I've been using goodle08:43
wildbatmajdekalel: cotact your ISP ~ it is not ubuntu problem ~ :>08:43
yelp14I'm connecting with my server by using the publicIP -p PORT#08:44
yelp14If I understand correctly, its supposed to look like 'sshfs user@host:directory mountpoint'08:45
yelp14I guess I'm confused on what to put in the user@host spot, cause i'm getting the error 'missing host' returned08:46
llutz_yelp14: what was you exact command?08:47
nullQuestion:  Why does 'parted -l /dev/sdc' not list the partition types i define (the column is blank,) while 'fdisk -l /dev/sdc' correctly list them as partition type id's 83 and 82?08:47
=== fairuz1 is now known as fairuz_
yelp14llutz: 'sshfs [publicIP] -p [port]: /home/dir /home/dir'08:48
yelp14with the first dir being the dir on my server and the second my mount point08:48
llutz_yelp14: sshfs -p port# user@ip.adr.of.server:/home/dir /home/dir08:48
=== jsurfer_ is now known as jsurfer
yelp14llutz: thanks! But I got this error message 'fuse: bad mount point `/home/anarchy/Videos': No such file or directory'08:51
yelp14but that is the correct dir :(08:51
llutz_yelp14: mkdir /home/anarchy/Videos08:52
llutz_yelp14: it needs to be owned by your user08:52
yelp14thats the server side dir08:52
yelp14I guess I don't understand..08:52
llutz_yelp14: serverside? you don't add spaces between host:/path08:52
yelp14maybe that's my problem. one second08:53
bladeneed help with xorg.conf settings please just need to understand what some of them mean08:53
llutz_yelp14: if you have a space after :, it IS your problem08:53
bladeneed help with xorg.conf settings08:56
bladeanyone understand the xorg.conf file?08:56
yelp14llutz_: Thanks man! I got it worked out!!08:56
SwedeMike!ask | blade08:57
ubottublade: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:57
bladeSwedeMike, i have been asking the question all night08:57
SwedeMikethen ask the question again, not asking if someone knows xorg.conf08:58
yelp14llutz_: this is so cool! is it possible to do this through the use of putty on a windows machine as well?08:58
llutz_yelp14: uuh, no idea if windows/putty supports sshfs, you'd better ask allmgihty google. sry08:58
yelp14alright! thanks bud. Have a good night, and some good karma your way for your help :)08:59
bladei have 2 monitors 2 video cards, i have both showing up now but i still cant use the second monitor, it is down to tweaking the xorg.conf file now and i do not understand what all of it is for... so i need to know if someone will look at the file and see if they can help me find the problem.... should i go on?08:59
Lasersblade: /j #xorg09:00
bladeLasers, thank you09:00
Lasersblade: Np. Good luck.09:00
bladelol i guess nobody on the xorg channel09:04
rxbiianyone know a way to watch Netflix movies on ubuntu, without a copy of windows?09:04
yelp14rxbii: you find out, you let me know09:04
bladelook for moonlight i think that's what it is called09:04
yelp14llutz_: what's the best way to unmount? 'fusermount -u mountpoint' ??09:05
insmodblade: i know xorg09:05
bladeinsmod if i post the xorg.conf file will you please look at it and see if you see what i am doing wrong?09:06
llutz_yelp14: yes09:06
insmodblade: here is the thing09:06
Slartrxbii: not sure how old or accurate this is http://how-to.wikia.com/wiki/How_to_watch_Netflix_(Watch_Instantly)_in_Linux09:06
wernerdevHey everyone, I am stuck compiling Netatalk with Zeroconf...09:06
wernerdevconfigure: error: Zeroconf installation not found09:07
wernerdevCant find out which package to install...09:07
bladeinsmod, yes09:07
insmodblade: ubuntu overwrites it and I am not an ubuntu guy to tell you what -- so even if it works it wont --- that said is it nvidia?09:07
gogetaheh this is awsome09:07
wernerdevOr do I manually have to download it from the web somewhere?09:07
moocowDo we need to shorten all URLs, even http://paste.ubuntu.com/?09:07
bladeinsmod, ati09:07
moocowAnyway, ubuntu needs better graphics :P09:08
gogetamoocow: lol if anything it needs less09:08
insmodblade:ati sucks at linux support -- if you were on debian ya09:08
yelp14lol moocow09:08
moocowwell this is trying to take over windows, right?09:08
gogetainsmod: ati sucked it linux amd does not09:08
moocowif you show ubuntu to someone they will think, 'is this 10 years old?'09:09
bazhangmoocow, got a support question?09:09
moocowbazhang: no, I'll quit now09:09
yelp14learn to customize linux moocow... people are very impressed when I show them my computer09:09
yelp14and I"m a freaking noob.09:09
bladeinsmod,  both cards and aticonf is what will over wright  the file on here and that will only happen in cccle or terminal09:09
gogetainsmod: even the ati oss driver is 70% and there own is pretty mutch as good as nivida09:09
bladeinsmod, i have all of it working other than just tweaking a few settings in the xorg file09:10
insmodgogeta: nvidia all the way there propriatary driver rocks09:10
gogetainsmod: well you said ati sucked they used to suck09:10
moocowthe video is messed up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbR5CtFVJVo&feature=player_embedded#t=47s09:11
wernerdevOk got it working... Needed to install Avahi-dev for --zeroconf to work...09:11
bladeguys really i'm not up for the debate on all this.... i built this computer for M$ 7 so i got what i got.... now i just want to use it09:11
gogetabtw you server guys would love this finc program its pidgin for cli09:11
Senixhow can i install libgtk-1.2 on Ubuntu? apt can't find it in the repos09:12
bladeinsmod, would you be willing to look at the xorg.conf file for me please09:12
bizbyAnyone here use a 4th gen ipod shuffle in ubuntu?09:13
bladeinsmod, my second monitor (on second vid card) is acting like a mirror but will not show any open windows or anything just the desktop09:13
insmodSenix: it's at 3 you will just have to harlink  the .so file09:13
insmodblade: you have it set for 2 desks beteer -- drag a file over09:14
bladeinsmod, i think it has something to do with the position "0 0" on both monitors09:14
GOMIhow do i delete xcfe or xubuntu because i only use gnome09:14
bladeinsmod, i dont understand what you mean09:15
bizbyGOMI, try sudo apt-get remove xubuntu-desktop09:15
insmodblade: is it gnome?09:15
bladeinsmod, yes but i also have the option for kde and xcfe09:15
GOMIbizby, oke ill try09:16
bladeinsmod, i would like to stay with gnome tho09:16
insmodblade: they all default to 4 desktops -- just in your desktop make it one09:16
GOMIbizby, it says its not installed ?!?  weird09:16
bizbyI guess it depends on how you installed it. Sorry, I don't know09:17
bladeinsmod, how09:17
GOMIthe mice icon thats xfce  right09:17
TBotNikAll: Trying to set up inet bridging and using HOWTO: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BridgingNetworkInterfaces  I have to reverse the configs as I get my inet signal via wlan0.  I've written up my attempts on this at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11076068#post11076068  and I need a review of the cAll: Trying to set up inet bridging and using HOWTO: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BridgingNetworkInterfaces  I have to reverse t09:17
Senixhow do i add the 9.10 repos in 11.04?09:18
insmodblade: i use fluxbox sorry09:18
bladeinsmod, mint is based off ubuntu also09:18
bladexorg should be the same09:19
CQhello, I have a GPG question ... i neeed to  import an old private key into my current setup, but gpg --list-secret-keys ./secring.gpg tells me gpg: error reading key: secret key not available ... any ideas?09:19
InfernetSenix: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list09:19
insmodblade: ah right click panel and remove desktops09:20
SenixInfernet: it seems that deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jaunty universe is gone09:20
insmodblade: workspaces that is09:20
bladeok done09:21
bladeinsmod, done09:21
SenixInfernet: i have my sources.list up09:21
insmodblade: restartx09:21
InfernetSenix: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade09:21
th0rSenix: are you aware that using 9.10 packages in 11.04 is a very bad idea?09:24
icerootwhat is the common way to tell my x-server that i want qwertz instead of qwerty? creaste /etc/X11/xorg.conf and set it there? or is there another way?09:25
Senixth0r: i just need libgtk1.209:25
bladeinsmod, same09:25
insmodblade: k show me xorg.conf09:25
ritzzhi everyone when im trying to mount a folder in cryptkeeper after giving my password a meesage pop up saying "The encrypted folder could not be mounted because the mount point is not empty" yesterday everything was ok any ideas what can be wrong?09:26
wols_ritzz: read the error message. have you checked your mountpoint?09:26
ritzzwhere i can read a error message?09:27
ritzzand where to check for mount point?09:27
wols_ritzz: you just pasted the error message!09:27
wols_then READ it for a chnage09:27
ritzzbut i dont understand09:27
bladeinsmod, i know that my res needs to come up on the 2nd monitor but right now i just want it to not show like a mirror ... and it only mirrors the desktop not any open windows or programs on it09:28
ritzzwhat it means not empty09:28
wols_where in your filesystem did you mount this cryptkeeper thing?09:28
wols_means: not empty. some file or such is there right now09:28
ritzzin ritzz folder09:28
ritzzi have 2 oder public folders09:28
insmodblade: xinerama is off09:28
bladeinsmod yes09:29
ritzzand the ritzz private isnt mounted09:29
ritzzim sure of that09:29
bazhang!enter | ritzz09:29
ubotturitzz: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:29
ritzzok sorry09:29
insmodblade: why09:29
bladeinsmod in xrandr it tells me that my 2nd monitor is not connected09:29
insmodblade: Xinerama is an extension to the X Window System which enables multi-headed X applications and window managers to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display.09:30
bladeinsmod, i dont want to run it like that even mirrored would be fine for now but it's not really mirrored09:30
bladeinsmod, i understand that but i know i can also run this without it09:30
aum___i have configured apache its working fine in "localhost" it also has static ip and its also working, but in the LAN its not working though i can ping that ip from other computer...09:31
insmodblade: you wanted my help -- you are on your own09:31
bladeinsmod, what i want to change is how both monitors look like they are on one device [0] -009:31
bladeinsmod, i do want help.... you asked why i had it off09:32
ritzzinteresting i had a dvd when i take it away from pc now shows that encrypted folder it's mounted09:32
insmodblade: set it on then try09:32
bladeinsmod, i have tried to turn it on but it locks up untill i get the monitors to show up on different devices09:33
bladeinsmod, that is why i need help to modify the xorg09:33
bladeinsmod, i do not understand all the settings in xorg09:33
insmodblade: then it's working the other params are wromg09:33
bladeinsmod, right like i said in xorg it shows both monitors on one card09:34
insmodblade: here is what i would do09:34
bladeinsmod, i do not know what to change that value to09:34
bladeinsmod, ok09:34
insmodblade: use one monitor save the xorg then use the other save as xorg1 -- look at files and edit xorg.conf with the same parameters09:35
ritzznow  umounted but the key icon in the notification area disapear...something is messing with cryptkeeper the only appl installed recently is ubuntu control center09:35
bladeinsmod, will ubuntu auto reconfigure xorg if i take out the dedicated card?09:36
insmodblade:  should09:36
bladeinsmod, in the section "monitor" what is the option "position" "0 0" for?09:37
insmodblade: reboot or use live cd09:37
insmodblade: how far of center you are09:37
bladeinsmod, what part tells the computer what monitor is on what device?09:38
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gogetablade: how bad you brake the pc today heh09:38
bladegogeta, i think i have it almost fixed lol09:38
insmodblade: Identifier09:38
Night-hacksi see odd behavior in my machine each month !109:39
bazhang!details | Night-hacks09:39
ubottuNight-hacks: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:39
Night-hacksmy ram becomes full while im doing what i do every day09:39
bladeinsmod, the section "screen"  viewport.09:39
Night-hacksi think it must be related to Cron09:39
Night-hacksmy system is swapping right now !!!09:39
ritzzhow to remove ubuntu control center?09:40
ritzzi dont needed anymore09:40
bladeinsmod, can i pm you09:40
insmodblade: kinda tied -- sure09:40
Lasersritzz: Find out the name of the package and remove/purge it.09:40
ritzzsudo apt-get --purge remove ucc this will be more than enough?09:42
Night-hacksi dont see anything odd in "top" !09:42
wildbatNight-hacks: try htop  then more user friendly09:43
Night-hackswildbat: no different09:43
Night-hackswildbat: just i dont know who is eating my RAM !!!09:43
Night-hackswildbat: while im doing nothing !!!!09:44
ritzznow i remove ubuntu control center but cryptkeeper keeps disapearing when mounting the folder and now i have to unmount via terminal09:44
wildbatNight-hacks: sort by memory.09:44
ZykoticK9!atemyram | Night-hacks09:44
ubottuNight-hacks: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html09:44
Night-hackswildbat: i do09:44
ActionParsnipNight-hacks: top can tell you, just organise it by ram09:45
Night-hacksActionParsnip: i've sorted by RAM !09:45
ritzzanother question why when i mount a folder with cryptkeeper other users/accounts on the pc have access to this folder on the desktop (im admin user?09:46
th0rritzz: you have a problem with the mount point for cryptkeeper. From previous messages my guess is you are mounting it to the same place as the dvd09:46
wildbatNight-hacks: how many RAM you have?09:46
ritzzhow can that happen if the dvd is the cd rom?09:46
ritzzthis problem just happen few hours ago09:46
Night-hackswildbat: it's 1G, and it's always 50% in use09:46
Night-hackswildbat: but now it's 90% in use !!09:47
yugiohfan2011I'm sort of an old hand at Visual Basic for Microsoft Windows, and I'd like to know if there's something similar for Ubuntu, specifically for GNOME.09:47
ritzzthanx everyone have to go09:48
ActionParsnipNight-hacks: ok!09:49
wh1zz0Hi guys.. Okay now I just downloaded and installed Sun VirtualBox and I'm trying to install WinXP on it. It keeps telling me FATAL: No  bootable media found. So here I am thinking that it's the CD or my drive, I test by placing the CD in another person's PC and it reads09:49
Night-hacksyugiohfan2011:  do you know python ?09:49
wh1zz0 immediately, I test my drive by nserting Spartacus movie and it automounts on my ubuntu (natty). So why can't I get this working , am I  missing something? How can I get this VirtualBox to boot this XP cd? Please help09:49
ActionParsnipwh1zz0: did you set the CD to be used in the virtualbox config?09:49
soulis77-SEWith the ln command. Can you view all added links somehow? I want to move my phpmysql ln...09:50
wh1zz0I didn't come across anything like that during the wizard09:50
wh1zz0I think I'm missing something..09:50
ActionParsnipwh1zz0: its part of the config of the virtual system09:51
wh1zz0Is there a way to specify it now even after I finished the wizard?09:51
ActionParsnipwh1zz0: yes, click the vbox then click the settings button09:51
ActionParsnipwh1zz0: it's under the storage option09:52
Spookyok, then. is anyone in here active?09:53
wh1zz0ActionParsnip: Oh thank you!.. I see it now.. But do I need to tick the check box for "passthrough"?09:53
Spookyalso, hello.09:53
ActionParsnipwh1zz0: not sure there dude, try it. You can't break anything09:54
wh1zz0Lol.. okie09:54
trijntjeSpooky: yeah, lots of people ;)09:55
Spookyi hope some of them are nerds, because i have a nerd problem. and im not nearly nerd enough to handle it on my own. :(09:55
Spookyalos, i overused nerd.09:56
Sidewinder1!ask | Spooky09:56
ubottuSpooky: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:56
anurag_need help with wifi setup on natty narhwal please09:56
fairuz_anurag_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo :)09:57
wh1zz0ActionParsnip: Okay I just tried it again and I ge tthe same error. No bootable media found. System halted.09:57
ActionParsnipwh1zz0: i'd ask in #vbox dude09:57
oCeananurag_: best is to describe your situation, hardware/issues/what you have been trying so far09:58
Spookyfair enough. after installing cheese and camorama and also some video4linux thing, i cannot seem to get my logitech cam to work. with cheese, itll flick the image up for like, a second, but then nothing. any suggestions?09:58
anurag_naa aint that simple its a very specific case09:58
anurag_yea awrigh ocean09:58
=== bizy is now known as Brian
=== Brian is now known as bizy
anurag_so i read that brcm80211 is installed in the natty kernel and i did not need to install drivers for wifi not make it work and sure enuf i din the wifi worked right after i setup natty for dual boot alongside win 7 on my dell m101z but the wifi conked off after a couple of reboots i mean it doesnt detect any networks , a day ago i was not aware of brcm being included in the kernel and i accepted and installed any and all the wifi driver packages that came10:05
anurag_ my way, due to the same prob i then reinstalled the 11.04, since the after the failure for the second time i tried looking for the cause and this is what i've been able to get to after i 'dmesg' there is a line in the code which says 'brmc80211 in staging directory and you have been warned' i get the concept of staging directory and all but what the heck am i supposed to do sure dont wanna go back to lowly windows10:05
anurag_those are all my probs for 3 days i've been at it and have not been able to figure out10:07
tomodachianurag_: that was way to much text for any sane person to read. Keep it short!10:07
tomodachianurag_: so its a testing driver. Not much to do really10:07
anurag_dude thats 3 days work for me10:07
anurag_yea but it works right after install of natty10:08
tomodachitohtori_: get a usb wifi card untill its considered as "stable"?!10:08
anurag_which means ther must be sthing inth updates which puts it in the staging dir as to what i dunno10:08
tomodachipossibly you can find some bleeding edge source of the driver on broadcoms page and compile that one for your kernel instead10:08
anurag_tried nothin ther10:09
tomodachiif you do a reinstall.  track what packages change maybe?10:09
tomodachiand just exclude installing the one that you think messes things up10:09
tomodachiprobably kernel updates10:09
Oorties"Before running nautilus, please create these folders, or set permissions such that nautilus can create them". How can I set permissions from command line that nautilus can do that?10:10
anurag_3 thats what 1 thought too but ther way too many o em10:10
anurag_how do i chk which ones are kernel updates10:10
tomodachiOorties: use the command chmod and chown10:10
OortiesRunning Natty on X86-64. I must have deleted my home folder, this is the scenario. It was a ordinary file between my other files not hidden not ./ so I thought this is strange and I deleted It, and that is where my woes began, Logging in I get this:-1st screen:- could not update ICEauthority File/home/user//.ICEauthority.  2nd screen:- There is a problem with the configuration server (usr/lib/libconf2-4/gconfig-sanity-check-2exited with status 256)  3rd scree10:10
Oortiesn _:- nautilus could not create the following required folders:/home/user/desktop/home/user/nautilus, Before running nautilus, please create these folders, or set permissions such that nautilus can create them. I can only run with command line. Help would be greatly appreciated, just remember please I am a noob.10:10
OortiesRunning Natty on X86-64. I must have deleted my home folder, this is the scenario. It was a ordinary file between my other files not hidden not ./ so I thought this is strange and I deleted It, and that is where my woes began, Logging in I get this:-1st screen:- could not update ICEauthority File/home/user//.ICEauthority.  2nd screen:- There is a problem with the configuration server (usr/lib/libconf2-4/gconfig-sanity-check-2exited with status 256)  3rd scree10:10
Oortiesn _:- nautilus could not create the following required folders:/home/user/desktop/home/user/nautilus, Before running nautilus, please create these folders, or set permissions such that nautilus can create them. I can only run with command line. Help would be greatly appreciated, just remember please I am a noob.10:10
tomodachiOorties: stop spamming please10:11
OortiesRunning Natty on X86-64. I must have deleted my home folder, this is the scenario. It was a ordinary file between my other files not hidden not ./ so I thought this is strange and I deleted It, and that is where my woes began,10:11
tomodachiOorties: chown user:user /home/thefolder10:11
lv_Someone can take oorties into a private lol10:11
Oortiessorry tomodachi that was not the intention10:12
tomodachiread my instructions further up. They will make you the owner of that folder10:12
anurag_ok any with bcm4313 brodcom can tell me what drivers to use pleas????10:13
anurag_cmone guys i need help10:14
trijntjeanurag_: put bcm4313 in software centre10:14
anurag_how do i do that10:14
anurag_which software centre10:14
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx10:15
trijntjeanurag_: go to the ubuntu software centre, and type in 'bcm4313'10:15
ZykoticK9Oorties, if tomodachi's command fails try "sudo chown -R USERNAME:USERNAME /home/USERNAME"10:15
TBotNikall: Need to setup eth0 with dhcp3-server to run local network.  Who know how?10:15
anurag_u mean the synaptics package manager10:15
tomodachiZykoticK9: thanks for correcting me10:15
ZykoticK9tomodachi, not really a correction, IF yours fails10:16
trijntjeanurag_: no, what version of ubuntu are you using? Do you have a bar in the top and bottom, or at the top and left of the screen10:16
anurag_just on top i am using 11.0410:16
anurag_natty narhwal10:16
trijntjeanurag_: then just hit the super/windows key and type in "software", without the quotes10:17
tomodachiTBotNik: install  the package. then edit the configuration file under /etc/dhcpd.conf they have some examples you can uncomment. Then just start the service10:17
anurag_sorry that was dumb10:17
anurag_yea got it10:17
anurag_i've tried all those drivers10:18
TBotNiktomodachi: Hey tried all that and never worked so need more of a step-by step, with debugging, sorry10:18
tomodachiTBotNik: check your logs for an error message10:18
trijntjeanurag_: how did you try them?10:18
tomodachior / and post your error here10:18
anurag_what am i supposed to edit10:18
tomodachiif short enough10:18
OortieszykoticK9 both don,t help on your suggestion say invalid user10:19
anurag_i din edit dhcpd but i installed all those packages earlier and blacklisted brcm80211 and cfg80211 and mac8021110:19
ZykoticK9Oorties, you need to replace USERNAME with your actual username!10:19
trijntjeanurag_: I recently installed ubuntu on a laptop with a broadcom card, I didnt edit anything. Just install the package (only the correct one!), reboot and presto10:19
OortiesI did10:20
anurag_thats the thig which one is the correct one10:20
ZykoticK9Oorties, then "your" user doesn't exist10:20
rigvedhi everyone10:20
th0rOorties: if you deleted your home folder as you stated earlier then you have major problems to work out10:21
ZykoticK9Oorties, paste the command you actually entered10:21
rigvedcan anyone tell me how to add support for playing .webm videos in Ubuntu 10.04?10:21
Sidewinder1Oorties, To open nautilus with root priv., in command line type gksudo nautilus, enter password and go from there; can't help with the ICE stuff sorry.10:21
Mononofuwhy does the alternate install cd keep looking for a cdrom? oO (I'm trying to install from usb)10:21
tomodachith0r: not really that bad. recreating the folder and you should be good to go.10:21
th0rtomodachi: that was actually more to the benefit of the folks trying to help him <smile>, just to make sure they didn't spin their wheels10:22
TBotNiktomodachi: /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf is blank10:22
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Sidewinder1Mononofu, Have you configured your bios to boot to usb?10:22
tomodachiTBotNik: did you empty it? i installed this package 1 week ago. containted examples for me10:22
TBotNiktomodachi: You have URL to good HOWTO?  Tried about 20 so far and none have worked.10:23
MononofuSidewinder1: I'm referring to the installation itself10:23
rigvedi tried to compile from source (ffmpeg 0.6) and then i was able to play .webm videos, but then i could not play .flv videos. so now i have followed this to get back .flv videos to play: bug 54315710:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 543157 in gnome-codec-install (Ubuntu) "Totem can't locate codecs h.264 and mpeg4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54315710:23
tomodachiTBotNik: privmess you an example from my dhcpd10:23
MononofuSidewinder1: I can select language and stuff, but then it starts looking for the (non existant) cdrom10:23
TBotNiktomodachi: Had to uninstall it yesterday after it crashed my inet.10:23
OortiesSidewinder1 it says warning **cannot open display10:24
rigvedbut now i cannot play .webm files. any help would be appreciated?10:24
Oorties"Before running nautilus, please create these folders, or set permissions such that nautilus can create them". How can I set permissions from command line that nautilus can do that?10:24
ActionParsnipOorties: use chmod10:24
Sidewinder1Oorties, With all of the problems that you mentioned, perhaps it's time for a reinstall?.... Just use a LiveCD to back up any other data that's still on the drive.10:26
om26ermy touchpad starts to do very weird things and have to restart my system10:26
om26erit will only move up and down and the click on the touchpad starts to act as right click10:26
rigvedre-phrasing my question: is there any way to use ffmpeg 0.6 in Lucid? currently, Lucid uses ffmpeg 0.5 by default (from repos)10:27
ActionParsnipom26er: what model is the system?10:27
wols_rigved: backport10:27
om26erActionParsnip, eepc 1215p10:27
OortiesI cant get into the system thats my problem, can only work from command line10:27
OortiesWhat will happen if I have to re-install natty, will I still be able to recover some of the lost files with a program like extundelete or is it gone for ever?10:28
wols_Oorties: chmod to change permissions on the commandline10:28
cybervolfei cant connect my internet with wifi adhoc, how to resolv it ?10:28
wols_Oorties: no10:28
rigvedwols_: by enabling it from the software sources? but that will tend to break a lot of right?10:28
xiaqOorties: Try this `sudo chmod -R u+rw ~`10:28
cybervolfei cant share it?10:28
ActionParsnipom26er: can you give the output of:10:28
rghose@Oorties: you need to login as root that has permissions on /home10:28
wols_rigved: no. by compiling it yourself by backporting it from a newer version of ubuntu10:28
ActionParsnipom26er: lsb_release -d10:28
ActionParsniprghose: root login is default disabled10:29
ZykoticK9xiaq, careful! that will change permissions on /root instead!!! Oorties10:29
rigvedwols_: ohh...ok. thanks! i'll try that10:29
om26erActionParsnip, Ubuntu 11.0410:29
xiaqZykoticK9: I think (s)he could log in with his own account in the command line10:29
om26erActionParsnip, is there a kernel module that I could reload so that the system thinks I rebooted?10:29
ZykoticK9xiaq, sudo translates to the root user!10:30
rghose@Oorties: Reinstall should be too drastic a thing to do...10:30
TBotNiktomodachi: No router on this network.  If I had that why would I bother setting up dhcp as server?10:30
xiaqZykoticK9: No, expansion of ~ happens in the shell. Try this yourself.10:30
wols_rigved: do you know how to backport a package?10:30
ActionParsnipom26er: can you give the output of:  sudo apt-get -y install pastebinit; clear; lsmod | pastebinit10:30
xiaqZykoticK9: Do this `sudo echo ~`10:30
ActionParsnipom26er: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks#Asus_Eee_PC_1215P   says it works fine10:30
wols_TBotNik: so you have your own internet? all by yourself?10:30
rghose@Oorties: do a mkdir /home/<username>, where <username> would be the username you use to login...10:31
Oortiesxiaq it says no such file or directory10:31
tomodachiTBotNik: because most "routers" there ary many reasons. But if you dont then its fine :)10:31
rghosecopy stuff from /etc/skel into that folder10:31
rghoseand then chown <username> /home/<username> as root10:31
ZykoticK9xiaq, sorry you're correct.  I just used "sudo ls ~" and it showed my user's ~ not root's10:31
xiaqOorties: As rghose says your home directory may be accidentally removed...10:32
om26erActionParsnip, yes it does say that but I have the problem, its ubuntu certified and still :/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/650528/10:32
rigvedwols_: correct me if i am wrong. i'll download the source code for newer version from packages.ubuntu.com and compile it (configure, make and make install)10:32
xiaqOorties: What's output of `ls /home` ?10:32
xiaqOorties: Or if you can't do that `sudo ls /home`10:32
ActionParsnipom26er: what stuff says isn't useful. If its broken then it's broken :(10:32
wols_rigved: you download it with apt-get source, yes but then you create a .deb package from it with dpkg-buildpackage and install it via dpkg -i package.deb10:32
ActionParsnipom26er: sudo modprobe -r psmouse; sleep 2; sudo modprobe psmouse10:33
wols_rigved: and you need to understand what to put in sources.list too10:33
c0mrade_How to update the kernel and all the tools in linux?10:33
Oortiesrghose:- says cant create directory10:33
bazhangc0mrade_, upgrade to what10:33
Sidewinder1xiaq, I think he said earlier that he accidentally deleted his /home directory.10:33
wols_c0mrade_: apt-get install <new kernel package name>10:33
rigvedwols_: ok. can you tell me what to put in sources.list?10:33
TBotNiktomodachi, wols_: Inet comes in from wlan0, but haved to get dhcp server running first then will try bridging.  If I can get the network running the other 3 servers will write in shared folders that the network, on the wlan0 side already sees and so data will go thru.  Yeah messy but will do until I fix with full bridging.10:33
ActionParsnipom26er: did you go into mouse settings andenable two finger scrolling10:33
xiaqSidewinder1: I joined later than that ;) thanks10:33
wols_rigved: a deb-src line for a ubuntu repo with the version of ffmpeg you want to use10:34
Sidewinder1xiaq, I suggested a reinstall...10:34
TBotNikDLink card configd with Atheros driver and does not want to run bridging right now10:34
om26erActionParsnip, 2-fingers scroll is disabled and thanks for the command, the next time it happens i'll see if that solves the issue10:34
om26erActionParsnip, if modprobe thing does that is it then an issue in the driver or the hardware?10:34
TBotNiktomodachi: Do I need to set eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces with static ip, for dhcp server.  Most HOWTOs say yes?10:35
Oortiesxiaq comand not found on sudo l/s saya no such file or directory10:35
rigvedwols_: i understood about giving it a specific ubuntu repo part. how do i tell it to use only the ffmpeg source package from there?10:36
c0mrade_Because I want to update the aircrack-ng tool.10:36
wols_rigved: you don't. you just only download the ffmpeg source and nothing else10:36
ActionParsnipom26er: you may need a boot option on the module10:36
xiaqOorties: Create another user in the command line, or you may just do a fresh install like Sidewinder1 said...10:37
xiaqOorties: s/install/reinstall/10:37
rigvedwols_: ok. and this will not affect my other *-dev packages?10:37
om26erActionParsnip, what does that mean ? :)10:37
ActionParsnipom26er: try adding: options psmouse proto=exps   to /etc/modprobe.d/psmouse.conf   then rerun the modprobe based command I gave earlier. May help10:37
wols_rigved: I talk about SOURCE. source doesn't come in package form10:37
ActionParsnipom26er: you can load modules with extra options, makes them behave differently10:37
rigvedwols_: ok. thanks for your help! i'll try this in a few minutes10:38
rghose@Oorties: run whoami and report what user you have logged in as10:38
om26erActionParsnip, also the issue just happened and reloading worked :)10:38
Oortiesxiaq:- s/install says no such file or dir10:38
om26erActionParsnip, now giving the above a try10:39
tomodachiTBotNik: yes10:39
tomodachiat least i do10:39
xiaqOorties: I meant substituting my previous sentence ;) that's vi10:39
ActionParsnipom26er: it will as it removed the module and reloads it ;)10:39
OlotilaHello, my /home folder is full, how do I get more space to it? There is room in hd.10:39
Oortiesrghose"- johan10:40
Sidewinder1Olotila, Use Gparted to expand your partition.10:40
Sidewinder1Olotila, System--> Administration--> GParted.10:41
ActionParsnipom26er: you could try simply adding to /etc/rc.local   to unload then load the driver just before login, may help10:41
rghoseOlotila: remove unused stuff from /var/log/10:41
rghoseOlotila: try removing the old kernel logs (sudo rm /var/log/kern.log*)10:41
ActionParsnipom26er: then you wouldn't need the psmouse.conf file, but try with. It's all worth a try10:41
rghoseOlotila: and (sudo rm /var/log/syslog*)10:41
OlotilaI'll try gparted, there is only 11,4 MB to begin with10:42
ActionParsnipom26er: basically you will be fighting that module until it plays nice, also make sure you enable the multitouch thing I mentioned earlier in mouse options10:42
om26erActionParsnip, so I should try to add options psmouse proto=exps to /etc/rc.local ?10:42
om26erahh kk10:43
Joshunhi. could someone please tell me what is the easiest way to access an ubuntu machine over the internet through SSH.10:43
wols_Joshun: access in what way?10:43
dr_willis Joshun ssh to the ip.....10:43
th0rJoshun: you need to install the ssh server first10:44
Joshunbut the internet ip is the routers ip10:44
dr_willisuse a dynamicdns serbice if the ip chsnges10:44
Joshunand the computers unique ip is only for the local network10:44
Sidewinder1Olotila, Make sure that you back-up first. :-)10:44
Joshunhow would you go about connecting to it then?10:44
dr_willisJoshun:  port firawding setting on the router10:44
Joshunyou cannot just ssh into your internet ip address because that is the router's ip10:45
om26erActionParsnip, adding psmouse.conf makes cursor less sensitive it seems is that normal?10:45
dr_willisJoshun:  yes you can... via port forwarding10:45
om26er*adding to10:45
soulis77-SEI'm having an issue with hostname . Is this the forum?10:45
Joshuni'll set up port forwarding and see if that works then10:45
Sidewinder1soulis77-SE, Yes10:46
TBotNiktomodachi: So what am I mssing, still can not make this work10:46
dr_willisi port forward port 7777 for rxample to box 1. port 22.10:46
dr_willisport 7778 is to box 210:46
wols_soulis77-SE: this is the forum if you have this issue under Ubuntu10:46
Joshunit doesn't work (ssh
soulis77-SEOk, I have a VPS server and the hostname is set to xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.se  (long name).  I use echo xxxx.mooo.com > /etc/hostname to change it.10:47
dr_willisyou dint have firwarding set rught then. use a custome port10:47
ZykoticK9dr_willis, BTW you where correct the other night about sudo timing out after 15 minutes, but you can't test using a watch command, the timer resets each time you run sudo.  I ended up using a sleep command to test it.  Thanks for your input however.10:47
wols_soulis77-SE: you don't put a FQDN into /etc/hostname10:47
wols_soulis77-SE: what you did is utterly wrong. what do you want to accomplish?10:48
Joshun<dr_willis> - i've set up port forwarding here - http://imagebin.org/16441810:48
Joshunbut it still doesn't work10:49
Joshunwhen you do ssh
soulis77-SEI just want to set it up correct. I have had some issues since the hostname is numbers.vps.fsdata.se and the hostname -f  is only numbers10:49
rigvedwols_: is this line correct to add to my lucid install: deb-src http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maveric-updates main multiverse10:49
wols_rigved: why maverick updates and not just maverick?10:50
wols_rigved: but if ffmpeg is in maverick-updates then that's fine10:50
rigvedwols_: any is fine with me. i just need ffmpeg 0.6 to play .webm files10:50
th0rJoshun: do you have the ssh server installed and running?10:50
Joshunyes it is running fine10:50
Joshunworks under the local network10:50
Joshunbut not over the internet th0r10:51
antivirtelhello! How does that card/transformer called, with what I can use a GDI printer under UNIX (I needed for ubuntu, but it is usually made for Mac)?10:51
rigvedwols_: so, maverick or maverick-updates? i just thought that the updates will give me more stabler version? just a thought...10:51
wols_rigved: just try it. dunno if ffmpeg is in m-updates. you will find out tho10:52
wildgooseJoshun: Do you have an option to manually set the ports being forwarded?10:52
TBotNiktomodachi: Wrote this up at:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11076068#post11076068  I had found a HOWTO on bridging, but working with mordy on #linux was not able to make it work.  last attempt I manually entered: "ip addr del dev wlan0; brctl addbr br0; brctl addif br0 wlan0; brctl addif br0 eth0; ip addr add dev br0" @ cmd line and that took me down and had to reboot, so still totally stumped on this10:52
Sidewinder1!printer | antivirtel10:52
ubottuantivirtel: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows10:52
Joshunwildgoose - see here: http://imagebin.org/16441810:52
rigvedwols_: i checked it via packages.ubuntu.com. it's there. okk. so trying maverick-updates. then i'll get the source10:52
wildgooseJoshun: I saw that, which is why I asked.10:53
wols_rigved: -t maverick in your apt-get source line btw10:53
soulis77-SEwols_:  The default setup in the hostname file is: xxxx.vps.fsdata.se and nothing else.10:53
Joshunthat has been manually set though10:53
Joshunssh is port 2210:53
dr_willisJoshun:  i set mine up so i ssh to   'ssh theip.of.my.router port 7777' it forwards port 7777 to the ssh server10:53
antivirtelSidewinder1 I have a Konica Minolta bizhub 211, what is unsupported under Linux: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159059210:53
dr_willisI dont just forward port 22 -> 22. i use a custome port# going to 2210:53
rigvedwols_: what does the -t option do?10:54
Joshunwhat would be the ssh command for that10:54
antivirtelSidewinder1 I want to know that thing's name!+10:54
Joshunand how would you set it up in homehub310:54
wols_soulis77-SE: answer my question: what do you want to accomplish. and no, a FQDN in /etc/hostname is bad10:54
vanquish349i am so confused, i press alt-f2 and put it xkill and press enter and the x for cursor doesnt come up10:54
sbeckvanquish349, kde ?10:55
wildgooseJoshun: man ssh10:55
dr_willisssh has a -p port# option........10:56
ZykoticK9rigved, the -t tells apt/aptitude what repository to install from10:56
dr_willisif you use dyndns you can set up a nice name..  and ssh yourdyndns.org -p 333310:56
Sidewinder1antivirtel, If your printer is unsupported, it probably won't work in linux; that is the manufacturer's fault!10:56
dr_willisassuming the router forwards port 3333 to the right box.10:57
vanquish349sbeck: ?10:57
Joshunwildgoose - is this the right command? ssh -R 7777:
antivirtelSidewinder1 yeah, I know, but I want to check that card's price on ebay!10:57
oCeanJoshun: I think your ssh forward does work10:57
wols_Joshun: first, manage to actually login to your ubuntu before doing port forwarding10:57
rigvedZykoticK9: ok. thanks10:57
sbeckvanquish349, kde or gnome?10:58
venolhello, I have little problem with mailgraph, I have mail server Postfix 2.7 on ubuntu 10.04 with amavisd-new, spamassassin, and clamav to filter bad email. I Start my server for 3 hours and make some email to send to another domain, and then I'm use mailgraph to monitoring my postfix server. But for 3 hours, Why I see graph on mailgraph for last week is more than last day? sent Item for last day I see is 193 message, But for last week is 218...10:58
Joshunwols_ it logs in fine over the local network, i just want to port forward10:58
oCeanJoshun: really, it works10:58
jonohi all10:58
=== jono is now known as Guest7870
soulis77-SEwols_ I had issues with mail server behfore and it had problems with the hostname (only numbers). But to be honest I'm following a step by step instruction for setting up my ubuntu 10.04 vps server to use with Drupal.10:58
Joshuni have forwarded port 7777 to port ssh, so what would be the ssh command to connect to it?10:58
vanquish349sbeck: ubuntu 11.04 unity10:59
Deeslhello. trying to setup IPSEC using Racoon. This is the error I get http://pastebin.com/8LViJu4L Can someone help me understand what is going wrong here?10:59
Guest7870i want to ask about LTSP, anyone can help?10:59
ActionParsnipJoshun: ssh -X -C user@host -p 777710:59
ActionParsnip!ltsp | Guest787010:59
ubottuGuest7870: LTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project10:59
oCeanJoshun: your setup was already correct - i could connect (and still can @ port 22)10:59
wildgooseJoshun: It works, try again.10:59
wols_soulis77-SE: In /etc/hostname the ONLY thing in there is the actual hostname. NOTHING else. and I can't see how this is relevant for drupal10:59
wildgooseoCean, Joshun: I can ssh to port 22 as well11:00
Guest7870can i integrate it to a Wind*ws11:00
wols_soulis77-SE: the network is resolved via hosts, dns or whatever else nsswitch.conf defines.11:00
oCeanwildgoose: Joshun I've been trying to tell that for a while now :/11:00
sbeckvanquish349, sorry. I tried unity and immediately switched to kde11:00
ActionParsnipGuest7870: should be ok11:00
Joshunssh: Could not resolve hostname 7777: Name or service not known11:00
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sbeckSo I can't help here.11:00
vanquish349sbeck: i hate it to but i dont want to have to reinstall linux again11:01
Joshunjoshua@joshua-laptop:~$ ssh
Joshunthat just gets stuck with a cursor11:01
Guest7870or there's any technology like LTSP that can run in multiple platform11:01
wols_vanquish349: just cause you don't like a certain DE doesn't mean you have to reinstall the OS...11:01
ActionParsnipJoshun: ssh -X -C joshua@ -p 777711:01
=== Guest7870 is now known as demian
oCeanActionParsnip: it's still @ port 22 - connecting at 22 succeeds just fine11:02
JoshunActionParsnip - still gets stuck11:02
Joshunmaybe its just because its a homehub 311:02
Joshunand they suck11:02
ActionParsnipoCean: I see11:02
oCeanJoshun: no11:02
ActionParsnipJoshun: did you change the port forward in router?11:02
vanquish349wols_: how else do it then11:02
Joshuni did, see the screenshot11:02
oCeanJoshun: I've been trying to tell you that the forward is OK (not 7777, but still default port 22)11:02
vanquish349i have only just gone from windows to ubuntu so i dont know much11:03
ActionParsnipJoshun: then reboot you router, see if it helps. Cheap home grade routers need rebooting11:03
oCeanJoshun: the fact that you cannot connect from your local network might be a setup/routing issue, or even some firewall issue at the hub11:03
wols_vanquish349: do what?11:03
Joshuni'll reboot the router and see if that helps11:03
wols_!classic | vanquish34911:03
ubottuvanquish349: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".11:03
oCeanJoshun: your machine can now be reached from all of the internet at port 22 !11:03
demianstill confuse11:03
vanquish349wols_: thanksyou11:03
soulis77-SEwols_: I'm following http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu-10.04-lucid-lynx-ispconfig-2-p3   I have set the hosts file, next is to do the "echo server1.example.com > /etc/hostname" and restart  hostname.11:04
ActionParsnipJoshun: there is no description of the port number there, it only says SSH, which by default will be port 2211:04
dr_willisone good reason to not use port 22 by default. :)11:04
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wols_soulis77-SE: and what is your actual problem you need help with?11:05
dr_willisif you have more then 1 box. you could set up for example port 7128 to go to machine   port 7129 to go to and so on.11:05
demianI want to build a computer lab for student so that they can learn11:05
OlotilaI seriously crashed ubuntu11:05
demianthe problem is the software11:05
Olotilagot kernel panic11:05
Olotilai got pic i took with camera, what is the easiest way to share it?11:06
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.11:06
Olotilai dont understand the stuff in it11:06
demianyou know they still used a microsoft word, powerpoint, excel11:06
wols_demian: do you have a ubuntu related question?11:06
demianyes i do11:07
demiani want to build a server with ubuntu11:07
vanquish349demian: that is a statement not a question11:07
razz11how to check the progress of this command #dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/<drive> bs=4096?11:07
soulis77-SEwols_: I got problems with postfix since the myhostname was a number11:07
wols_razz11: you can't11:07
demianand LTSP11:07
staccerswtf, its like a bug or something.. im trying to upload a picture from ubuntu, in ubuntu it tells me the picture is the right way, but when im uploading it it not the right way.. i change the alignment in ubuntu but no change there.. what to do..or what do u think the issue is?11:08
ActionParsniprazz11: sadly you can't, you can heck its status in the output of: top11:08
wols_demian: I still don't see a questionmark anywhere. use your enter key less and write it in a single line please11:08
wols_staccers: define "right way"11:08
no-name-does ubuntu / linux have good driver support for ATI graphics cards?11:09
wols_no-name-: yes11:09
staccersWols_ uhm, the alignment is right in ubuntu, when im uploading it, it gets the wrong alignment, i change the alignment in ubuntu, but no change when im uploading it.11:09
no-name-the one I am getting is probably a HD677011:09
no-name-ok cool11:09
wols_staccers: what is an alignment in the context of an image file?11:10
demiancan each computer in a thin client have a wind*ws look like? and run a software like word procesing11:10
demiancause the student still use that software11:10
staccersWols_ image file, a picture of my dog.11:10
demiansorry for a bad english11:10
staccersdemain yes.11:10
razz11ActionParsnip: I am running this command from a live USB image to my internal hard drive, I don't see my hard drive light flashing11:11
demiancan anyone show me the demo :D11:11
ActionParsniprazz11: hmm, i'd check top, see what's shaking11:11
wols_demian: if you want to run LTSP, the students cannot run word and excel11:11
ActionParsnipdemian: check youtube11:11
demianif i install it on a server?11:11
lv_demian: you can run windows inside virtualbox11:11
wols_demian: they cannot, period.11:12
lv_demian: google virtualbox11:12
venolhello, I have little problem with mailgraph, I have mail server Postfix 2.7 on ubuntu 10.04 with amavisd-new, spamassassin, and clamav to filter bad email. I Start my server for 3 hours and make some email to send to another domain, and then I'm use mailgraph to monitoring my postfix server. But for 3 hours, Why I see graph on mailgraph for last week is more than last day? sent Item for last day I see is 193 message, But for last week is 218...11:12
staccersdemain http://ubuntu.online02.com/node/1411:12
lv_venol: maybe reading the graph wrong. check the output of /var/log/maillog or such deriviate11:13
demianeither i install a windows look like on a server, a client computer can't run it?11:13
Gartralhey all, im having trouble with a Bluetooth radio, 90% of the time it works fine, but once in a while, like now, it keeps turning on and off rapidly.. it's an atheros but i dont remember the modle number11:13
venollv_:Thanks for your reply.11:13
amanforindiahello all11:13
dr_willisdemian:  if you need a linux desktop that looks similer to  the classic windows 95, thats doable..11:13
ActionParsnipdemian: you can use tsclient from ubuntu to connct to windows terminal services, you will obviously need to buy the number of licenses you require for the server11:14
wols_demian: you can't run Word/Excel on a Windows look-a-like but only on real Windows11:14
venollv_: I make sure installation is correct, But I don't know how mailgraph works. Maybe do you know ? thanks for  your advance11:14
bsmith093uptime lists two users , both the same name?11:14
amanforindiawhat to do about bad mic quality??11:14
razz11ActionParsnip: dd is definitely stressing the CPU, so there is no way to check if it's writing data to the disk?11:14
demiani mean use the wine11:14
staccersdemain but, to run software made for windows, u need to run it trough Wine11:14
wols_staccers: WINE doesn't work so well for recent MS Office versions11:14
ayakawhich music play can read cue file?11:15
wols_demian: how old is your word/excèl?11:15
wols_demian: too new. see appdb.winehq.org11:15
dr_willisa cue file is just part of a combo (cue/bin) files that show how things are to go on a burnable disk. Vlc I belive can play cue/bin files...11:15
staccersamanforindia lower microfone boost or outbound to 0 and step it up intill you got the quality you want.11:15
dr_willisor you can convert to iso.11:15
Gartralayaka: VLC can, but Cue files require a large Wav which is a direct dump of a cd11:16
ActionParsniprazz11: not to my knowledge11:16
demiani know but the curriculum use it11:16
staccerswols_ true.. but there is allways a solution :) openoffice with MS skin ;)11:17
ayakaGartral, not I want a music player which can classfy music and flac and ape also use cue11:17
demiansorry just for sure11:19
JmoeyActionParsnip: is this right - http://imagebin.org/16442111:19
demianwhether all the applications and views that exist on the LTSP server can be used on client computers11:19
Jmoeysorry my nick has changed from Joshun to Jmoey11:19
=== ng_ is now known as zz_ng_
ActionParsnipJmoey: you need to put the 7777 in the port range on that page dude, I'd hunt around for a manual on your router to see what it expects11:20
demianany suggest?11:20
JmoeyActionParsnip - i did and i clicked 'Add' - which is why it is in the list11:21
Olotilahere is pic11:21
Olotilathe first 2 things are not important atm11:21
JmoeyActionParsnip - it is in the list as 'TCP777722'11:21
Olotilabut the stuff after run-init is11:21
=== zz_ng_ is now known as ng_
Olotilamy /home is still full11:21
Olotilagparted will not start11:22
OxymoronDoes anyone know what SOnos player is?11:22
Olotilagparted says11:22
OlotilaInhibit all polling failed: Only uid 0 is authorized to inhibit the daemon11:22
Olotilai am in failsafe mode now11:23
wols_Oxymoron: google does. therefore: ask google. we only know what ubuntu is and don't care about the rest11:23
wols_Olotila: fdisk -l ?11:23
Olotilalol, thanks someonewierd :D11:23
Gartral!google | wols_11:23
ubottuwols_: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.11:23
g0t_Results for | wols_ on Google:11:23
g0t__Results for | wols_ on Google:11:23
g0tResults for | wols_ on Google:11:23
FloodBot1g0t_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:23
FloodBot1g0t__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:23
wols_Gartral: is Sonos Ubuntu?11:23
Gartralwols_: no cle11:23
Oxymoronwols_: lol xD I need help b ecause Google does not have the answer. I want Sonos Player Desktop COntroller work on Ubuntu ;)11:24
blinkLinux kernel 3 is out, what difference would it make for me to update??11:24
wols_Gartral: that's the reason why you should be quiet11:24
dr_willisi recall some home media server device called a sonos....11:24
Gartralwols_: now your just being rude11:24
wols_dr_willis: yep11:24
* wols_ puts Gartral on ignore11:24
demianhmm ...11:24
wols_blink: none. update is not supported either11:24
Olotilamy disk has lots of space11:24
Oxymorondr_willis: Do you know how to make the desktop controller work on Linux? Wine does not even start the Windows binay file and I cannot found a native Linux binary vrsion? :S11:25
wols_Olotila: it's not the space that is the problem but that your kernel didn't find sdd and sde me thinks11:25
GartralOlotila: open a terminal and type df -h, what's the result?11:25
dr_willisOxymoron:  a sonos remote controller? no idea..11:25
dr_willisOxymoron:  it may not be doable.11:25
Oxymorondr_willis: Uhm kind of. I have it on my iPhone and Windows. But I cannot make the ********** thing work on Linux.11:26
wols_Olotila: I suggest you ask the folks who sold you the hardware11:26
ActionParsnipOxymoron: the windows binary is of no value to you.11:26
wols_Oxymoron: ^^11:26
OxymoronActionParsnip: I saw someone said Wine could make a old version of it work ...11:26
ActionParsnipOxymoron: run: lsusb    the output will show the ID of the USB connecter it talks to, you can use that to find guides11:26
rachealwhenever i am booting my laptop and selecting ubuntu 10.10 i get init ureadhead main process (268) terminated with status 5 and then a violet screen occurs which never dissapears.. pls help me solve this11:26
Olotila/dev/loop0            5,6G  4,5G  780M  86% /11:26
Olotilanone                  3,0G  744K  3,0G   1% /dev11:26
Olotilanone                  3,0G  208K  3,0G   1% /dev/shm11:26
Olotilanone                  3,0G   88K  3,0G   1% /var/run11:26
FloodBot1Olotila: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:26
Olotilanone                  3,0G     0  3,0G   0% /var/lock11:26
OxymoronActionParsnip: It is not by USB ... it is wifi controlled.11:27
ActionParsnipOxymoron: so what is this "desktop controller"?11:27
OxymoronActionParsnip: Though you maybe could tell me how to make HDMI output work instead? :P11:27
wols_!private | soulis77-SE11:27
ubottusoulis77-SE: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.11:27
dr_willishdmi is just plug and play here for me.. :)11:28
OxymoronActionParsnip: The Sonos Desktop Controller is able to index all music collection, play, change media channel, volume and so on for all Sonos devices in the wifi network ;)11:28
ActionParsnipOxymoron: I'm not too good on sound11:28
demiani found it11:28
OxymoronActionParsnip: HDMI is about video and sound ;)11:28
soulis77-SEHi, Going to type following for postconfig:    postconf -e 'myhostname = server1.example.com'    Should I use the full hostname I get when typing "hostname" or should I use what I get when typing hostname -f ?`11:28
demianis it wine?11:28
rachealwhenever i am booting my laptop and selecting ubuntu 10.10 i get init ureadhead main process (268) terminated with status 5 and then a violet screen occurs which never dissapears.. pls help me solve this11:28
ActionParsnipOxymoron: i know what it is, i'm just no good at gettng sound through it11:29
Oxymorondr_willis: Not for me, nothing happens on my screen. I think the problem is Intel integrated graphics or old nvidia circuit ... But on Windows it works out of the box xD11:29
OxymoronThere is no signal at all to my TV.11:29
OxymoronAnd in monitor multiple screen settings it not found at all.11:30
dr_willisif its a laptop theres that fn-XXX key that can toggle displays11:30
Oxymorondr_willis: Toogle displays? And what more than fn button?11:31
dr_willisis it a laptop Oxymoron ?11:31
racheal_ whenever i am booting my laptop and selecting ubuntu 10.10 i get init ureadhead main process (268) terminated with status 5 and then a violet screen occurs which never dissapears.. pls help me solve this11:31
Oxymorondr_willis: I have some kind of dual link, so I can switch graphic card. But I am not sure how it works.11:31
Oxymorondr_willis: Yes it is a laptop11:31
dr_willisdual link? Is this a laptop? or what exactly?11:31
Olotilai could now try to get more space to /home, how do i do it with gparted?11:31
wols_Oxymoron: read up on vgaswitcheroo11:32
wols_dr_willis: optimus11:32
Oxymorondr_willis: Laptop and dual link graphics or something like it.11:32
dr_willisOptimus dual GPU New Laptop.... Good Luck....... :)11:32
Olotilathat is when this started, /home got full11:32
dr_willisI havent even seen one of those in person yet..11:32
demianmr wols_ any suggest? :D11:32
OxymoronI am using Asus UL30VT if that say somethings11:32
soulis77-SEHi, Going to type following for postconfig:    postconf -e 'myhostname = server1.example.com'    Should I enter the full hostname at myhostname I get when typing "hostname" or should I use what I get when typing hostname -f ?`11:32
dr_willisOlotila:  You can use gparted to resize existing partitions and merge  unallocated space into it.11:33
dr_willisOlotila:  unless the freespace is at the far end of the drive.. if so. that may take some mpore work.11:33
ActionParsnipOxymoron: apparently the 1.3 version of wine makes it work but really badly11:33
Olotilai got 17.79 GiB free space11:33
Gartralhey all, im having trouble with a Bluetooth radio, 90% of the time it works fine, but once in a while, like now, it keeps turning on and off rapidly.. it's an atheros but i dont remember the modle number11:34
dr_willisOlotila:  free space where.. You may want to pastebin the output of 'sudo fdisk -l' for the channel to read11:34
OxymoronActionParsnip: Really, the beta version?11:34
OxymoronThis is the nVidia hybrid settings for my grpahics: http://pastebin.com/JwvtSrf611:35
ActionParsnipOxymoron: yeah the wine ppa has it11:36
Olotilait is bloody big paste, it will flood this channel11:36
ActionParsnipOxymoron: remove the version you have now, install wine1.3 then run the app, may help. There is a toll free number to call for support too (check website)11:37
OxymoronActionParsnip: I think it is in repisotiroies as well ;)11:37
Olotilathis is also in finnish, can i somehow make it in english?11:37
OxymoronActionParsnip: Isnt there any live support? :D I hate phone support xD11:37
dr_willisPhone isent live?11:38
=== keponx is now known as sogepp
Sidewinder1!pastebinit > Olotila11:38
ubottuOlotila, please see my private message11:38
dr_willis'If you are using linux, press 1' --> 'we dont support linux. have a nice day, click...'11:39
OxymoronActionParsnip: But I dont understand, when I install wine it installs a lot of packages. But when I remove wine it does not remove the other packages? :D11:39
GartralOxymoron: apt-get autoremove11:39
Oxymorondr_willis: Hahah lol ... I meant live chat support :D11:39
coffiemanhey guys , i can't share my internet connection through wifi adhoc, any solutions??????????????11:40
coffiemani am using ubuntu 10.0411:40
OxymoronGartral: Yea, but it should automaticly remove it when I remove the app itself. Related packages ...11:40
OxymoronOnly one way solution, not bothways xD11:40
coffieman i am using BCM43224 802.11a/b/g/n wifi card11:41
=== sogepp is now known as supergen
racheal_ whenever i am booting my laptop and selecting ubuntu 10.10 i get init ureadhead main process (268) terminated with status 5 and then a violet screen occurs which never dissapears.. pls help me solve this11:41
OxymoronBtw I must lol one thing. My wifi only works when starting the desktop. BUT when I go to recovery mode in network version, I cannot connect to internet wifi? :D How the *** should I be able to fix things then?11:43
Jmoeyracheal_ - try sudo rm /var/lib/ureadahead/pack11:43
coffiemansorry i am using ubuntu 10.1011:43
GartralOxymoron: the reason it doesn't is because you're removing a metapackage, you should try removing te wine-data package ;)11:43
coffiemanplz help me geeks11:43
racheal_jmoey : try from where?11:43
Jmoeyfrom a command line11:43
coffiemani am new to ubuntu11:43
racheal_jmoey : i dont get any commandline11:43
racheal_Jmoey : i dont get any commandline11:44
OxymoronActionParsnip: Thanks for tiping regarding Wine 1.3. You know why 1.3 works but n.2? :Pot 111:44
Jmoeyracheal_ - go into the terminal. If you are using gnome2 then do Applications>Accessories>Terminal. Under unity click the ubuntu logo and type terminal11:44
Jmoeythat is if you are using unity11:44
OxymoronGartral: Hmm, but meta or not it should be remove all related.11:44
racheal_Jmoey : i told right, i am unable to even login11:44
Jmoeyracheal_ - log into a tty (control-alt-f1) and run dmesg | less11:45
Jmoeysee if there are any errors11:45
GartralOxymoron: there's method behind that madness: sometimes another application could use libs or other parts of a program, even if the main program isn't there11:45
ActionParsnipOxymoron: wine is a weird creature, your app obviously needs the extra features. I suggest you contact the Sonos guys to get them to make a Linux client. They make an android one, so why not :)11:46
wh1zz0Please guys, what do I press when my computer enters suspend mode. when ever it does, my caps locks and lock buttons keep flashing and I don't know how to resume my machine back.. So I usually press and hold the power button till it goes off (which is bad for the machine). Please what do I press to resume each time it suspends?11:46
racheal_Jmoey : i cant login so how will i press control alt f1?11:46
Jmoeyracheal_ do it anyway11:46
Jmoeyyou don't need to login to do it11:46
OxymoronActionParsnip: Hehe I think people already did. But they know most people using Mac OS or Windows and they are focus on paying customers I guess .... But sure I can ask. Took a heck long time for SPotify to make a QT client :P11:46
racheal_its not possable unless i login or something11:46
Jmoeyits a system-wide shortcut11:46
OxymoronActionParsnip: The Sonos controller works pretty well I must say :)11:47
Oxymoronin wine11:47
racheal_Jmoey : ok i will try11:47
Gartralwh1zz0: the flashing Lock lights indicate there was a BIOS halt.. the best thing to do is disable S1 in BIOS and try again, if that doesn't work, don't suspend11:47
Jmoeyrachael_ - if that doesn't work do alt+sysq+r11:47
OxymoronGartral: Well, then they check if the package is related ONLY to the removing package or not :D11:47
Jmoeyand then do control alt f111:47
Sidewinder1!reisub | wh1zz011:48
ubottuwh1zz0: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key11:48
GartralOxymoron: that was an old behavior, but some packages don't request a lock on dependencies right, so that feature was dropped11:48
OxymoronBAH Q4wine is not support version 1.3 ...11:48
OxymoronGartral: Why not fix those packages instead of drop the feature? :P11:49
=== bsdboy is now known as Deesl
OxymoronSo now, how do I fix hdmi for this hybrid grpahics: "http://pastebin.com/JwvtSrf6"11:50
Night-hacks is there anyWay to understand Kernel Memory usage ?11:51
wh1zz0Gartral:  I only clicked on it once to see what the suspend does.... and since then when my pc is idle it just does that instead of the normal loc screen11:51
blinkybflash is extremely slow here! how can i fix that? ram is fine, plus am only running firefox to watch youtube.11:51
Oxymoronblinkyb: You remove flash ;)11:52
OxymoronYoutube should support HTML5 video ...11:52
Jmoeyblinkyb - enable/disable hardware acceleration11:52
Sidewinder1!flash > blinkyb11:52
ubottublinkyb, please see my private message11:52
GartralOxymoron: that's not helpful11:52
Jmoeyfor flash that is11:52
Gartralblinkyb: try youtube.com/html5 and see if that improves performance11:53
blinkybJmoey I disabled that already11:53
PyraineI am having a problem which is probably going to take more than a single line to explain.. what do?11:53
wh1zz0ubottu: But that would still reboot right??11:53
ubottuwh1zz0: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:53
Gartralwh1zz0: you can change that in power settings11:53
OxymoronPyraine: Explain the prob first ;)11:53
wh1zz0Yes I set it never to suspend11:54
wh1zz0So I wonder why it keeps doing that11:54
OxymoronPyraine: Write everything ;)11:54
Jmoeyblinkyb - try using another web browser e.g google chrome - google chrome has an intergrated flash plugin11:54
jribPyraine: explain the problem in one line.  Include details in a pastebin11:54
OxymoronPyraine: If it is code to explain, use pastebin ;)11:54
Sidewinder1wh1zz0, Yes, reisub will force a reboot but it's MUCH better than holding the power button.11:54
OxymoronPyraine: www.pastebin.com11:54
PyraineWell, to try make it as basic as possible, my laptop is only playing audio out of the subwoofer as opposed to the stereo speakers11:54
Olotilacan i change ubuntu language to english?11:54
Jmoeyblinkyb - what graphics card do you have?11:54
wh1zz0Please how can I disable suspend totally.. It's really annoying as I keep losing my data11:54
PyraineI made a post on the forums about it, but that got pushed back to page 2 overnight with no replies11:56
coffiemanplease help me guys????????///11:56
dliwh1zz0, did you try power manager?11:56
Sidewinder1wh1zz0, Have you tried System--> Preferrences--> Power Management?11:56
OxymoronI have one question, if one grpahic circuit is defect or Asus made a huge mistake with hbrid grpahics, which freezes computer once in a while. Not yet any freeze in Linux as it seems hybrid not even work in Ubuntu. Is it possible to work it out or do I have to yell at Asus in the phone and say how incompetent they are and give me a new laptop? :D11:56
jribPyraine: has this always happened?11:56
wh1zz0Yea.. I just checked everything again and set it to never and hibernate11:56
Pyrainejrib: While using this laptop yes11:57
=== ng_ is now known as zz_ng_
jribPyraine: maybe play with alsamixer or pavucontrol11:57
oCeanOxymoron: that has nothing to do with ubuntu11:57
wh1zz0It set it before .. and anytime my pc is idle it just locks the screen11:57
Gartralwh1zz0: hibernate is NOT suspend! those are two different functions11:57
wh1zz0But today dunno why it keeps suspending11:57
wh1zz0Yes I know they are different11:58
wh1zz0I mean... I never had it on suspend11:58
Pyrainejrib: in Windows I have a similar issue, in the audio preferences when choosing the output I can choose one that is stereo speaker or one that is sub woofer11:58
OxymoronoCean: Are you sure? :P Maybe ubuntu does some graph-fu and jump over the problem of grpahics? :P11:58
wh1zz0That's why I keep wondering why it just does what it likes11:58
jribPyraine: see if either of those two programs offer you a similar option11:58
Pyrainejrib: however on here, in the sound preferences I can only choose sub woofer, the other option is muted11:58
oCeanOxymoron: drop it please11:58
OxymoronoCean: Alright, goes offtopic :P11:59
coffiemanhey how to share Internet connection through wifi adhoc??????????????????????????????11:59
oCeancoffieman: please calm down11:59
coffiemanoCean:hey why these guys are not helping12:00
coz_coffieman,  you have to remember that people here are volunteers12:00
oCeancoffieman: describe your issue (detailed, your hardware, what have you tried etc) in single line. Then wait.12:00
Olotilathanks Sidewinder1 !12:01
Olotilahere it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/650566/12:01
coz_coffieman,  they will help when they can,,, the people here are bright,, knowlegeable, and more than willing to help,, they also work,, have families, and if the baby needs a diaper changed,,,well you get the picture :)12:01
coffiemanoCean:i need to share the net connection through wifi adhoc,but i can't? i have ubuntu 10.10 and wifi card BCM43224 802.11a/b/g/n with driver wl012:02
oCean!ics | coffieman have you seen this12:02
ubottucoffieman have you seen this: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing12:02
Pyrainejrib: I just had quite an extensive play around with the applications you suggested, but they're literally as useful as the Sound Preferences in this scenario.12:06
Olotilaso my user id is "ohto", and usage for folder "ohto" is 100%12:08
Olotilamax size is 383,6 MB12:09
dr_williswe got a comma in the wrong place there?12:09
Olotilawhy is it so small and how can I increase the size?12:09
dr_willisor is that a decimal point? max size = 386 mb?12:09
dr_willisthis is a wubi install or a normal install?12:09
jiltdilHow do I scan my Linux system for rootkits, worms, trojans, etc.?12:10
OlotilaFilesystem is 29,9GB and free is 18,8GB12:10
bazhangjiltdil, rkhunter chkrootkit12:10
ZykoticK9jiltdil, rkhunter is one option12:10
Alien_goexcuse me can I use the  alien starship whit ubuntu?12:10
jiltdilbazhang:Zykotick9:is it s/w12:10
bazhangjiltdil, yes of course12:11
ZykoticK9jiltdil, yes, and both should be in default ubuntu repo12:11
ActionParsnipjiltdil: rkhunter can scan a system12:11
MrShukenHi people :D12:11
Olotilabut when i look at Properties of folder "ohto", it says free space 768,1MB12:11
Olotilai dont get it12:12
Sidewinder1jiltdil, You may want to have a look at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=510812 If you haven't already.12:12
goodtimeis there anyway to get World of Warcraft to work on Linux12:12
dr_willis!appdb | goodtime12:12
ubottugoodtime: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help12:12
wols_goodtime: yes. see appdb.winehq.org12:12
Sidewinder1jiltdil, It's a few years odl but still valid.12:12
Alien_goGo MrShuken12:12
Sidewinder1old, even. :-(12:12
bazhangAlien_go, actual support question?12:12
heng0hello. the touchpad on my netbook is broken (acer). the cursor just jumps around in the upper corner when i try to use it. I think this is a udev problem as it works in debian squeeze, any suggestions?12:13
Alien_goexcuse me can I use the alien starship with ubuntu?12:13
bazhang!ot | Alien_go12:13
ubottuAlien_go: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:13
wh1zz0Please guys, help me. it just happened again12:13
coz_wh1zz0,  what has happened again?  I apprenlty wasnt here for your first posting about it12:13
wh1zz0Screen just goes blank and the two buttons start blinking.. and even when I pressed Aft PrntScreen and then REISUB.. nothing happens12:13
wh1zz0My machine keeps suspending12:14
wh1zz0And I set it not to in power management12:14
dr_willissure its not just crashing....12:14
wh1zz0Not crashing .. just goes on suspension. It never happened before until today when I decided to click on it to see what it does.. Ever sinc ethen, each time PC becomes idle it just enters suspend mode12:15
wh1zz0And I have to press and hold my power button to reboot.. I keep losing my data12:15
wh1zz0Please how can I disable suspension totally12:16
wh1zz0I hate it12:16
=== Alien_go is now known as Windows
bazhangI_L_Microsoft, support question?12:17
freddy__I have an ubuntu server that runs raid1. One of the disks have failed and now I want to change it. But when I change it I cannot boot! So I suspects that my something is wrong with my grub. If I go into grup and fires off 'find /boot/grub/stage1 ' I get (hd0.0)(hd1,0). Does this mean that I have grub installed on both drives ?12:17
ThinkT510wh1zz0: can you take a screenshot of your power management settings?12:18
bazhangI_L_Microsoft, this is ubuntu support. did you have a support question?12:18
wh1zz0ThinkT510: Okay one sec12:18
dlifreddy__, raid1 means images12:18
I_L_MicrosoftNo, i'm here to listen.12:18
heng0hello. the touchpad on my netbook is broken (acer). the cursor just jumps around crazy. I think this is a udev problem as it works in debian squeeze, any suggestions?12:18
I_L_Microsoftsorry for bad english :P12:19
freddy__dli: ok - not sure what you mean by that ?12:19
WindowsWhat i can use the windows programmers on ubuntu?12:19
bazhangWindows, wine12:19
bazhang!wine | Windows12:19
ubottuWindows: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu12:19
dlifreddy__, you can boot from either one12:19
SomeoneWeirddrink lots12:19
wdp_buntuhey. i'm having a little bit trouble with an ati card in Ubuntu (started with lts 10.04, upgrades to 10.10, upgrades to the newest also, the problem is in all three versions) -> While showing the login or shutdown screen i'm getting some flickers, when i start music in rythmbox i get flicker as soon as the visualization is started. Glxgears causes no flicker. disabling Compiz doesn't help.12:19
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdhi ubuntu 10.10 firefox 3.6.8 cant visualize any text on the browser, tried with other browser but nothing. even tried to make a new user but also from that one nothing changes. help (i dont even have a way to search this on the web to find a workaround cuz i cant read anything)12:19
bazhangWindows, /join #winehq12:19
goodtimehow do i unistall with the terminal12:19
bazhanggoodtime, remove what12:19
Windowsbazhang thank you12:19
bazhanggoodtime, sudo apt-get remove packagename12:20
telxtanyone does know a good iptc-editor for linux?12:20
bazhang!apt-get > goodtime12:20
ubottugoodtime, please see my private message12:20
freddy__dli: ok - but this is what I cannot do in practice ... so I need to somewhat find out why... you tell me that the the reason cannot be grub ?12:20
wdp_buntui already searched on the web, tho people report to have that problems with fglrx; i'm not using fglrx i'm using ati kms ^^. It's an RS690 [Radeon X1200 Series]. Anyone any idea?12:20
I_L_MicrosoftWhat is bettere, OpenSUSE or Ubuntu?12:21
I_L_Microsoft*is better12:21
ActionParsnipI_L_Microsoft: both and neither12:21
wdp_buntuI_L_Microsoft, wrong question. What is better, a car or a motorcycle?12:21
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdhi ubuntu 10.10 firefox 3.6.8 cant visualize any text on the browser, tried with other browser but nothing. even tried to make a new user but also from that one nothing changes. help (i dont even have a way to search this on the web to find a workaround cuz i cant read anything)12:21
ThinkT510!poll | I_L_Microsoft12:21
ubottuI_L_Microsoft: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.12:21
bazhangI_L_Microsoft, #ubuntu-offtopic for that12:21
telxtanyone does know a good iptc-editor for linux?12:21
ActionParsnipI_L_Microsoft: which is better, blue or red?12:21
bazhangActionParsnip, lets move on please12:22
ActionParsnipI_L_Microsoft: I_L_Microsoft its a nonsensical question12:22
ActionParsnipbazhang: done12:22
freddy__dli: just seems that if I change the bad disk, grub does not start up, if I change the good disk, grub starts up but cannot find anything to boot ..12:22
wh1zz0ThinkT510: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/263/screenshotcao.png/12:22
goodtimeok ty ubottu12:22
I_L_MicrosoftWhat's the difference?12:23
bazhangtelxt, what does apt-cache search iptc say12:23
bazhangI_L_Microsoft, wrong channel for it12:23
dlifreddy__, get a livecd, recreate the the raid112:23
ActionParsnipI_L_Microsoft: this is support only, the guys in #ubuntu-offtopic will surely help12:23
freddy__dli: sry ... it is the other way around... if i start up with the bad disc.. grub starts up but cannot find anything to boot, if I startup with the good disc grub does not start ...12:23
dlifreddy__, your /boot or /, which one on raid1?12:23
ThinkT510wh1zz0: thats for the battery tab, that looks fine, is it the same for the ac power tab? do you use it off the mains too? (i use my laptop off the mains all the time)12:23
freddy__dli: dont remember ... how can I see that ?12:24
wh1zz0ThinkT510: that's from the battery preferences12:24
I_L_Microsoftmannaggia alla madonna12:25
wh1zz0ThinkT510: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/808/screenshot1qx.png/12:25
telxtbazhang, i know there are some editor for linux, but it must fit my needs, so iam looking for someone to give me some tips12:25
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdo non si bestemmia12:25
wh1zz0So you see everything .. there's no suspend set anywhere12:26
work123456anyone know gambas the basic editor?12:26
dlifreddy__, what do you have? livecd or grub cli?12:26
work123456or using it12:26
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdI_L_Microsoft swore against the vergin mary, i'm an atheist, but u cant do that, out out!12:26
ThinkT510wh1zz0: yeah, that looks right, you don't close the lid do you?12:26
wh1zz0Not at all12:26
oCeanLoRd_UnDeRwOrLd: please drop it12:26
freddy__dli: I have a grub cli (connected from putty at the moment )12:27
ThinkT510wh1zz0: i can't see why it would suspend unless you told it to on purpose (but you said it happens for no reason)12:27
bazhangLoRd_UnDeRwOrLd, stop that12:27
wh1zz0ThinkT510: But each time my machine becomes idle it just goes into suspend mode instead of the normal lock screen mode.. which really baffles me and annoys me to a point I really want to disable suspend totally.12:27
dlifreddy__, what do you mean grub cli and putty?12:27
redfoxhi. is is possible to have a password cache when im using ubuntu and winbind in a windows domain? i want to use the same useraccount no matter if im in a domain or not12:28
Xaseronis it possible to watch a blueray movie with the ubuntu livecd?12:28
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdoCean: drop what? i just dont like ppl insulting, even if im an atheist, and that's what he did, in italian when he wrote this "<I_L_Microsoft> mannaggia alla madonna"12:28
freddy__dli: I run a ssh connection to my server via putty (terminal program) and when logged into the server via that, I can start grub from cli.12:28
coz_Xaseron,  you got me on that one :)  I have no idea12:28
Windowsredfox windows is my nick xD12:28
bazhangXaseron, mplayer has had bluray for a while now12:28
wh1zz0ThinkT510:  Cuz anytime it goes into suspend I end up losing all data.12:29
wols_Xaseron: no it's not12:29
coz_Xaseron,  although , without the codecs installed I doubt it12:29
ThinkT510wh1zz0: how is your battery power when it does suspend? (or are you using it from the mains?)12:29
dlifreddy__, so, you can boot up, right?12:29
redfoxWindows: your fault :-P12:29
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdoCean: he swore against the virgin mary12:29
wols_bazhang: and it can get to the video despite the DRM?12:29
wh1zz0Yes, from mains.. And my battery is fully charged12:29
Windowsredfox I'm sorry i'm spanish12:29
bazhangLoRd_UnDeRwOrLd, last warning12:29
ZykoticK9bazhang, i don't think mplayer with the non-free codecs is going to be available on the LiveCD is it?  Xaseron12:29
coz_LoRd_UnDeRwOrLd,  oo guy, not the place for that kind of posting12:29
freddy__dli: yes if I have the faulty drive and the nonfaulty drive into the machine, I can boot..12:29
ThinkT510wh1zz0: hmm, then i'm stumped, sorry i can't help anymore12:30
Olotiladr_willis, this is wubi install12:30
Olotilaseems to be the reason for problems12:30
bazhangZykoticK9, wols not sure, though he could dl the libdvdcss2 package its small12:30
WindowsWhat is the spanish channel?12:30
ThinkT510!es | Windows12:30
bazhangWindows, #ubuntu-es12:30
ubottuWindows: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:30
wh1zz0Usually once I unplug my batter cord from the power supply it goes into lock screen mode (which I don't also like, but I'm not complaining about this).. Now, when I unplug it goes into suspend12:30
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdbazhang: you're not getting me dude, i was asking some OP to kick him out for what he wrote12:30
OlotilaCan I move this installation to somewhere else, so that this would be native os?12:30
Olotilawithout windows virtual disk mess?12:30
dlifreddy__, cat /proc/mdstat12:30
wols_bazhang: no it could not. there currently is no linux bluray player. at all.12:30
ionitehi. anywhere here?12:31
charasWhile sharing a folder I get this error 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: share name sushi is already a valid system user name"12:31
bazhangionite, hi12:31
dlifreddy__, and cat /proc/mounts12:31
freddy__dli: md0 : active raid1 sda1[0] 234372160 blocks [2/1] [U_]12:31
wols_charas: that error is pretty self explanatory12:31
=== zz_ng_ is now known as ng_
freddy__dli: I have disabled the sdb112:32
ioniteHi.  I am running Windows XP Pro.  However I would like to switch to UBuntu 11.04.  Can I choose to format my C drive after Ubuntu installation is completed?12:32
wols_ionite: you can12:32
charaswols_: Using any other name gives this error "'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot convert name "Everyone" to a SID. Memory allocation error."12:32
dlifreddy__, can you attache a new disk without removing anything12:32
ZykoticK9ionite, are you installing from CD or from inside windows (Wubi)?12:32
wh1zz0ThinkT510: thanks for trying to help... BUT is there a way I can save my work or resume my PC when it suspends?12:33
wols_wh1zz0: what laptop is it?12:34
wh1zz0if there is please share so that I don't keep losing my data and I can manage the issue12:34
wh1zz0Dell Vostro 131012:34
=== juk is now known as Guest2924
ioniteZykotick9: I am installing from WUBI and it's now D/Ling from torrent for other files.12:34
bazhangXaseron, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/BluRayAndHDDVD12:35
freddy__dli: I'm afraid I cannot, there are no more slots in the machine (dell) and dell wants the old faulty drive back..12:35
bazhangXaseron, the issue is the "live cd"12:35
ZykoticK9ionite, if you installed using Wubi you CAN NOT delete windows, Ubuntu is actually inside windows.  wols_ it's important to find the Wubi cases ;)12:35
wols_wh1zz0: don't run any GUI (no X) and try to suspend and resume there12:35
merdal0rd frocio spione12:36
freddy__dli: its a dell  poweredge t10012:36
wh1zz0wols_: I don't understand12:36
wh1zz0You mean.. I should enter ttyl mode?12:36
wols_ZykoticK9: agreed. but can't I simply forget that wubi exists? much better to ignore all unpleasantries like this piece of garbage12:36
wols_wh1zz0: I mean you should shut down X (and gdm)12:36
ioniteZyk:  How do I install ubuntu in such a way that I will be able to format my C drive before installation?12:36
ZykoticK9ionite, from CD or USB12:37
ioniteUSB what's the min space required?12:37
ThinkT510wols_: with respect, that isn't how you are meant to enter and exit suspend mode12:37
ionitezyk: from CD meaning I am required to write a CD out?12:37
wols_ThinkT510: why not? you press fn+f3 and it better enters suspend. no matter if under X or console12:38
ZykoticK9ionite, yes, or write the CD to a USB drive (there is a USB Creator or Unetbootin)12:38
wols_sorry. fn+f412:38
ionitezyk:  USB, can it be an external HDD?12:38
wh1zz0I'm not running ubuntu server edition.. I'm running 11.04 (natty)12:38
wols_wh1zz0: doesn't matter12:38
wh1zz0So how do I shut down x and gdm?12:38
ZykoticK9!tab > ionite12:38
ubottuionite, please see my private message12:38
ThinkT510wols_: you shouldn't have to shut down X to do that, it should work from the gui12:38
ZykoticK9ionite, you can install from or install to an external USB.12:38
wols_ThinkT510: ever heard of something called "bugs" in software?12:39
wh1zz0I thought you meant pressing ctrl alt f212:39
ionite!tab > ionite12:39
ubottuionite, please see my private message12:39
nothingspecialwols_: Fn F4 does not sleep m laptop from console12:39
wols_ThinkT510: first law of troubleshooting: reproduce the problem with the most simple setup you can12:39
wols_nothingspecial: but it does (if he's configured it right) for ThinkT510's12:39
ZykoticK9ionite, if you want to get a factoid you can type "/msg ubottu foo" to get it privately12:39
nothingspecialwols_: but it does running X/gnome12:40
=== bsdboy is now known as Deesl
ionitezyk:  should i continue to chat with the bot or u?12:41
wols_nothingspecial: you don't get the point. read what I wrote above again please12:41
ThinkT510wols_: true, that is a good principle, thanks12:41
sktn07how to install ubuntu 11.4 in my netbook?...i use hp n550 @1.50GHz12:41
=== psycho_oreos is now known as tuxsavvy
wols_sktn07: use a usb stick12:42
bazhang!unetbootin | sktn0712:42
ubottusktn07: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:42
wh1zz0sktn07: Use USB stick12:42
ymasoryhi all. a certain disk of mine keeps failing as i write to it, turning into a read-only file system. yet 'mount' says 'type ext4 (rw,commit=0)'. what's going wrong?12:42
wh1zz0Okay guys.. is there a way I can resume after it's suspended?12:43
nothingspecialwols_: "why not? you press fn+f3 and it better enters suspend. no matter if under X or console"12:43
wols_wh1zz0: magical bullets don't exist12:43
wols_nothingspecial: and?12:44
ionitehow do i install from USB?12:44
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:44
wh1zz0Whew.. this is driving me nuts12:44
bazhangionite, use unetbootin12:44
ThinkT510wh1zz0: in my case it should just be a case of lifting the lid, or press the suspend buttons again12:44
wh1zz0Once I leave the PC for a few minutes it's going to happen again12:44
nothingspecialwols_: not from m console, but it does from X12:44
ZykoticK9ionite, i second bazhang's unetbootin suggestion12:44
nothingspecialmy, dodgy y key12:44
OlotilaMy problems are because of wubi-install, I will reinstall witout it12:44
=== ng_ is now known as zz_ng_
Sidewinder1ionite, You may wish to have a look at this: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index.php12:45
OlotilaLoopmounted Virtual Partition Manager might help, but seems unlikely12:45
wols_nothingspecial: do you own a thinkpad?12:45
wh1zz0Whew.. okie I just uplugged my battery cord and it didn't suspend.. :DDDDD12:45
wh1zz0I hope it doesnt happen again.. okie thanks guys. back2work12:45
sktn07ubottu: but which version to download which will sportable for my netbook (hp N550 @1.50GHz)?12:46
ubottusktn07: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:46
wh1zz0Yeah right.. you are intelligent12:46
wh1zz0Nice script.12:46
wols_sktn07: the normal ISO of ubuntu is fine for you12:46
nothingspecialwols_: yep, just tried Fn F4 now from console, nothing. Anyway, weather it does or not, doesn't help much and I'm not in the mood to argue12:47
ThinkT510wh1zz0: if you want to you could change the power setting to not suspend on low battery (which is why i asked earlier what your battery was like when it suspends)12:47
wh1zz0sktn07: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download ... Just follow this.12:48
coz_wh1zz0,  is the screensaver activated?12:48
wh1zz0sktn07: And when it says chose installation method, select USB stick and click show me.12:48
ionitehow do i use Unetbootin ?12:48
Titanoboawols_: i've tried many things since yesterday & i'm installing ubuntu 11.04 still won't work, though now I can use firefox from the LiveCD just fine. I've tried installing and re-installing countless times and there's a new (random it seems) error every time.12:49
coz_ionite,  it is pretty self expanatory,, is it opened?12:49
wh1zz0coz_: Nah, I didn't enable screensaver, is it enabled by default?12:49
sktn07which link should i go for  ubuntu 11.4 http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download  ?12:49
wh1zz0sktn07: Go for the recommended12:50
ZykoticK9wh1zz0, not only is screensaver on by default, it's set to lock by default...  annoys me ;)12:50
coz_sktn07,  you can also use this   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD12:50
wh1zz0ZykoticK9: Ouch12:51
Sidewinder1Titanoboa, Did you Md5sum the ISO, and then burn at the slowest speed?12:51
dassoukiis tehre a good recent read on flight sim games12:51
wols_nothingspecial: I just tried on mine. works fine in console (debian tho, but whatever debian can do, so can ubuntu).12:51
wh1zz0ZykoticK9: Is there no way to disable this?12:51
TitanoboaSidewinder1: that's greek to me :< I followed the instructions on the ubuntu page as well as i could and used infrarecorder or what it's called12:51
ZykoticK9wh1zz0, in screensaver settings12:51
sktn07i want to download the torrent...which one is best?12:51
TitanoboaSidewinder1: should i try to re-do it and lower the speed (and how do i do that?)12:52
Lasers!torrent | sktn0712:52
ubottusktn07: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P12:52
Sidewinder1!md5sum | Titanoboa12:52
ubottuTitanoboa: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:52
bazhang!torrents | sktn0712:52
wh1zz0ZykoticK9: Okie checking it out now12:52
ubottusktn07: Natty can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/natty/desktop/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/natty/server/ubuntu-11.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/12:52
Titanoboaokay Sidewinder1 i'll report back when i've tried it12:52
wh1zz0ZykoticK9: HAHAHAH.. thank you so much... I see everything now12:53
huntHi, I've got a Radeon X 1600 graphics card and compiz doesnt work, documentation says that 3D is supported with this card I'm on 11.04, can someone help?12:53
Sidewinder1Titanoboa, I would md5sun the ISO, then perhaps, reburn at the slowest speed and reinstall. If you stlii get the same errors, then try Lucid Lynx 10.04.12:54
wols_hunt: pastebin your Xorg.0.log12:54
wh1zz0ZykoticK9: Now I increased the time.. and disabled screensaver.12:54
Titanoboawaitwait, no way i'll remember that. save it for when i come back after trying the md5sum thing12:54
wh1zz0ZykoticK9: Thanks. :)12:54
ZykoticK9wh1zz0, glad to help12:54
Sidewinder1Titanoboa, Infrarecorder should have a parameter for you to set the burn speed.12:55
huntwols_: just a second I'm actually on another machine right now, brb12:55
gwelymernan hi um anyone here know of a server or a channel where doctors hang out?12:56
hiatusnot really ubuntu related, but can anyone assist me with my router?12:56
Sidewinder1Titanoboa, I'll be back in 10 min.12:56
wols_hiatus: #netwokring12:56
wols_hiatus: #networking12:56
wh1zz0Anyone got a free link to WinXP iso file?12:57
wols_wh1zz0: don't do that12:57
wh1zz0For VM12:58
wols_doesn't matter for what. STOP!12:58
wh1zz0wols_: Do what ?12:58
wh1zz0Oh sorry12:58
jiltdilis there no GUI of  chkrootkit12:58
wols_wh1zz0: ask for people to commit copyright infringement for you. now go away12:58
wols_jiltdil: no there isn't. it's a commandline program12:58
huntwols_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/650594/12:59
wh1zz0wols_: Don't take it the wrong way12:59
oCeanwh1zz0: drop that discussion now12:59
jiltdilhow to scan using it please tell the command12:59
wols_jiltdil: man chkrootkit12:59
wols_hunt: all looks fine to me. why do you think you have no 3D support?13:00
wdp_buntuDisplayPriority not working with ati kms?13:00
wols_hunt: did you make a xorg.conf btw?13:00
huntwols_: No, I did not.13:00
wols_hunt: then line 108 http://paste.ubuntu.com/650594/13:01
=== ok12345 is now known as knownBetter
wols_hunt: then line 108 [    15.142] (EE) Failed to load module "fglrx" (module does not exist, 0)  is a bit strange. but it loads radeon as it should after that just fine and all the config seems to be right too. so what is your actual problem?13:02
huntWell my problem is that I can not start compiz, everytme I do compiz --replace just the wallpaper is visible and everything else disappears13:03
cairnewhere can i find the folder for the jre and jdk in ubunutu 11.04?13:03
huntwols_: but I read that this card should have 3D support, so I would like to have that13:03
wols_glxinfo |grep direct13:03
wols_hunt: ^^ run that13:03
Titanoboalol, i don't even know how to open terminal. is that ubuntu symbol in the top left (11.04 UI) what i click to open terminal?13:04
huntwols_: it says direct rendering: yes13:04
wols_hunt: congrats you have 3D support13:04
huntwols_: yay13:05
wols_hunt: you do know that compiz is awfully old and not really needed or used anymore? e.g Ubuntu Unity cannot even work without 3D support13:05
huntwols_: but unity does use compiz, doesnt it?13:06
wols_so is there any special reason why you want compiz?13:06
ZykoticK9hunt, yes, unity uses compiz13:06
Titanoboanvm found it >_>13:06
wols_no it doesn't. it uses composite, the underlying X module compiz and many other modern WMs depend on13:06
Warrior`i have a file with several comma seperated words...how to replace commans with newlines?13:07
ZykoticK9wols_, i'm pretty sure Unity does infact use Compiz.  I could be wrong...13:07
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
huntwols_: I want to use classic mode with desktop effects, I do need compiz for that don't I?13:07
wols_ZykoticK9: compiz is a window manager, right?13:07
Sidewinder1Titanoboa, Please look here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index.php  It'll give you many "How-to s" for just about anything you'd like to do in Ubuntu.13:07
ZykoticK9wols_, Unity does use Compiz.  They re-wrote the origional, using mutter to use compiz.13:08
ActionParsniphunt: any effects needs compiz13:09
ActionParsniphunt: just disable the unity plugin13:09
huntActionParsnip what makes you believe it would run then?13:10
oCeanWarrior`: try cat yourfile.txt | sed 's/,/\n/g'13:10
ActionParsniphunt: what would run?13:10
huntActionParsnip: compiz13:10
philwireI'm having trouble with minidlna, it stops responding after a few minutes, however the process still runs. I have to kill it to make it appear again.13:11
huntActionParsnip: I believe this is a driver issue, its not like I could start compiz with unity, compiz just doesnt work (correctly)13:11
ActionParsniphunt: you can add a startup item to make it run13:11
Sidewinder1wh1zz0, I answered your question, above, in PM.13:12
huntActionParsnip: radeon.modeset=1?13:12
huntActionParsnip: what startup item do you mean?13:14
wols_hunt: is there any special reason you want to run compiz?13:14
huntwols_: yes, I want to have effects like transparency etc13:15
wols_*sigh* you already do. ever stared very very hard at unity?13:15
huntwols_: what? I do not run unity13:16
huntwols_: I'm in ubuntu classic without effects right now13:16
wols_hunt: and can you run unity?13:17
AlexDevilLXAny Default Volume up/down hotkey?13:17
coz_hunt,  and you want effects...yes?13:17
dr_willis!info minidlna13:17
mediaworkim wondering where my /var/log/messages   file is?13:17
ubottuPackage minidlna does not exist in natty13:17
coz_hunt,    open a terminal ,,,    compiz --replace & disown13:17
wols_mediawork: it better be in /var/log13:17
huntwols_: no I can not, unity as well as just ubuntu classic leaves me with a blank wallpaper with my cursor on ti13:18
huntwols_: so thats why i think this is a driver issue13:18
mediaworkwols_:  nope nothing...13:18
wols_hunt: I mean just running unity. not trying to use compiz inside it. cause if you can run unity, you have 3D support and there is no issue. as the glxinfo output can very much attest to. but sinec you know better I wish you luck in rewriting your driver. good day13:19
mediaworkwols_: http://pastebin.com/bukxLaMk13:19
coz_wols_,   Unity relies soley on compiz13:19
mediaworkwols_:  my version is 11.0413:19
mediaworkwols_:  and just installed... really fresh... an no messages file ?13:20
Titanoboaty Sidewinder1. Now I finally got mom off the windows machine, going to try to MD5Sum13:20
coz_wols_,  you cannont have Unity without compiz unless you install Unity2d13:20
wols_coz_: what do you think "unity" is? considering Unity doesn't use compiz as its window manager, something in your statement seems wrong to me13:21
coz_wols_,   Unity does use compiz as the window manager13:21
wols_above ZykoticK9 said it uses mutter13:21
coz_wols_,  you cannot have Unity and not have compiz13:21
Sidewinder1Titanoboa, Did you check out the psychocats web-site?13:21
LasersUnity is written as a plugin for Compiz. Unity2D is for metacity.13:22
AbhijitSidewinder1, i came late. just wanted to know for which issue you are referring psycocat website?13:22
wols_hmm. what is the minimum diskspace for 11.04?13:23
Abhijitwols_, 4gb approximately13:23
huntwols_: does the glxinfo output mean that my driver has 3D support or my gpu?13:23
wols_hunt: it does13:23
Laserswols_: 5GB according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements13:23
coz_hunt,   which video card do you have,,, in terminal    lspci | grep -i vga13:24
huntcoz_: its a radeon X 160013:24
Sidewinder1Abhijit, Just about anything a relatively new ubuntu user wants to know. :-)13:24
wols_Lasers: I doubt this statement. unless ubuntu grew more than 1GB in a year13:24
coz_hunt,  this may be a bit old      Compiz requires at least a Radeon 7000 (or M6). For 7000 to HDxxxx series cards, you can use the open source "radeon" driver. HD* cards are also supported by the proprietary "fglrx" driver.13:24
Laserswols_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_(operating_system)#System_requirements13:24
AbhijitSidewinder1, do not refer that how to remove k/u/xubuntu article on that website. it breaks it13:25
coz_hunt,  so according to t hat i would assume it should work13:25
wols_coz_: a radeon 1600 is anything but old13:25
coz_wols_,  no I meant the readout may be old13:25
wols_at least for compiz and such13:25
coz_not the card13:25
huntcoz_: how do I know which driver is currently in use?13:25
wols_hunt: radeon is in use, as seen in your Xorg.0.log13:25
coz_hunt,    for ati I am not sure,, I have absolutely no experience with ati13:25
Titan_windowsSidewinder1: i still haven't MB5Sum'd13:26
coz_hunt,   but the driver should already be installed,,,  you are in classic,,yes?13:26
Titan_windowsjust finally got a hold of the windows machine13:26
Sidewinder1Abhijit, With all due respect, did you even look at: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index.php13:26
huntcoz_: yes, classic without effects13:26
coz_hunt,  ok open a terminal13:26
* mediawork going to linux kernel to solve an ubuntu problem13:26
coz_hunt,     compiz --replace & disown13:26
coz_hunt,   that will allow compiz to start  as well as pushing into the background for you to close the terminal, h owever,, leave the terminal opened for error readouts  just in case13:27
AbhijitSidewinder1, i am talking about the how to remove the kde/gnome/xfce articel on that website. this is warning. i have tried it. it breaks. its upto you if you sill want to use(=break)  it13:27
Titan_windowsSidewinder1: at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM#MD5SUM%20on%20Windows it says to get Cygwin. Is that really necessary?13:27
Titan_windowsseems time demanding13:27
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Sidewinder1Abhijit, What he was asking had nothing to do with removing anything; unless I missed something, which has been known to happen, occasionally.13:28
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wols_Titan_windows: no. there are many md5sum programs for windows. any will do13:28
Titan_windowswols_: so clicking on "Download and install winMD5Sum" will do?13:28
CaptainQuirkMy PC under ubuntu froze twice in a row in the last 30 minutes13:28
CaptainQuirkI had to reboot13:28
CaptainQuirkthe first time, I got a set of nasty error message when booting13:29
Sidewinder1Abhijit, You may wish to advise the site owner of that. I'm sure he'll amend or warn, if he knows.13:29
CaptainQuirkthe second time, It did'nt reboot13:29
hunt_coz_: yeah so basically the same thing, just the wallpaper and cursor13:29
CaptainQuirkthe third time, I could select the OS in grub but it kept on rebooting each time13:29
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CaptainQuirkI try to fix the MBR with supergrub disk13:30
hunt_coz_: although the cursor changes depending on where its at, so the windows seem to be still there but invisible13:30
coz_hunt,   ok  hit alt+F2  type in gnome-penel13:30
coz_hunt,   gnome-panel13:30
CaptainQuirkit seemed that the program hanged on the reading of the grub files13:30
hunt_coz_: gnome-panel is loaded, I restarted via REISUB13:30
AbhijitSidewinder1, okies13:30
coz_hunt_,  ok so you have access to applications etc?13:30
CaptainQuirkI tried to launch a live session with a cd but it wouldn't start correctly13:30
hunt_coz_: yes13:30
coz_hunt_,   ok  did you install compizconfig-settings-manager ?13:30
hunt_coz_: back to classic mode again13:31
CaptainQuirkI get crc error : system halted13:31
hunt_coz_: well I can...13:31
dr_willisCaptainQuirk:  crc error = bad cd/optcal disk/media. or could be a ram issue13:31
coz_hunt_,  install it13:31
hunt_coz_: ok, done13:31
Sidewinder1CaptainQuirk, Fix MBR is usually done with the win. emergency repair disk, I think; it's been a while.13:31
coz_hunt_, ok now open that either  from the  system/preferences menu or in terminal or alt+F2     ccsm13:31
CaptainQuirkI don't have a dual boot, I don't need any win thing, I think. Super grub disk should do the job13:32
coz_hunt_,  you will probably notice that not much is enalbed at this point13:32
hunt_coz_: right.13:32
Sidewinder1CaptainQuirk, I'm not reading fast enough; sorry... :-(13:32
dr_willisCaptainQuirk:  a normal ubuntu live should do the job of reinstalling grub also. if you use the right commandline commands.13:32
coz_hunt_,   what you need to do is take a look at the list of cateories  on the left,,  you want to start with the window management category,, if you want ,, move to the #compiz channel and I can walk you th rough a solid basic compiz setup13:33
CaptainQuirkdr_willis, yeah ok, but how can I access the command line from the live CD13:33
Titan_windowswols_: woah, how do i know which one is the corresponding hash? :/13:33
PolahCaptainQuirk: Just open a terminal, command line right there.13:33
bazhang!hashes | Titan_windows13:33
ubottuTitan_windows: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.13:33
Titan_windowsyeah i have that open13:34
CaptainQuirkPolah, a terminal from where ? I cannot launch the live session13:34
Titan_windowsam i supposed to know which one i have :/ i just downloaded the "main one" so to speak.13:34
Edlerhey guys general question13:34
wols_Titan_windows: you know which ISO you downlaoded so you can easily compare13:34
Edlerin shared webhosting environnements13:34
Edlerhow can a php script (control panel), create webhosting accoutns13:34
Edlerdoesn't apache need root permissions for that13:34
PolahCaptainQuirk: Probably a bad disk, should shift during booting from the disk and select "verify integrity" (or something similar to that) from the menu it gives you. If you can't even get to that then you should probably redownload the image and reburn it.13:35
Titan_windows*facepalm* thx wols_13:35
oCeanEdler: there are various ways, but it has nothing to do with #ubuntu. You may try #ubuntu-offtopic13:35
SilverZI'm absolutely new to linux and ubuntu and I could use some help13:35
Edlerokay thanks13:35
Titan_windowswols_: ok so now that i know that the ISO isn't corrupt, should i also check my CD? can it be done the same way?13:36
PolahSilverZ: Ask away, we'll help as we can13:36
CaptainQuirkPolah, look at what I said, I have a "crc error" when I try to launch the live session and I experienced problems before that13:36
Titan_windowswols_: I bring the cd to the windows computer, click send to winmd5sum and compare with the hash?13:36
CaptainQuirkIt has nothing to do with my CD, I'm quite sure of that13:36
alex--aetas: pm13:36
SilverZpolah: thank you, I just updated a macbook to ubuuntu 10.4 lts, all was working fine until it did the auto updated and after restart it stated "kernel panic - not syncing : VFS: unable to mount root FS on unknown-block13:36
PolahCaptainQuirk: I didn't say launch the live session, I said to verify the disk integrity. Titan_Windows: You'll want to do this too to verify disk integrity. Hold shift while attempting to boot from it and select "verify disk integrity" or a line similar to that from the menu that drops down.13:37
PolahCaptainQuirk: If you can't even get to the menu, I suggest getting another disk or USB.13:37
Titan_windowsPolah: Liluo alright13:37
bazhangDarkfd, ?13:37
Titan_windowsPolah: alright.13:37
Titan_windowsbrb then13:37
Darkfdbazhang, pong13:38
Sidewinder1SilverZ, You updated to 10.04 from which version?13:38
CaptainQuirkI have the menu allright, but since I had some strange behavior of the OS, I don't think the cd 's faulty13:38
bazhangDarkfd, what does that have to do with ubuntu support13:38
PolahCaptainQuirk: If you can get to the menu then verify integrity to check if it is the disk or not.13:38
SilverZmax os x ...something i forget which version it was, it was an old laptop sitting in my closet that had died and i tried to revive it with ubuntu13:38
Titanoboaif i'm running from the LiveCD, linux should crash when i take out the CD right?13:38
PolahTitanoboa: Not instantly, but it'll fail when you try to do something.13:39
DarkfdSorry.  Pasten into wrong channel. Nevermind.13:39
ActionParsnipTitanoboa: i believe it will just ask for the cd13:39
Titanoboaok, might aswell close this for now then13:39
Sidewinder1SilverZ, So, you didn't upgrade? You did a fresh install?13:39
CaptainQuirkPolah, I get the following error message : invalid compressed format / system halted13:39
PolahSilverZ: I can't help you with that personally, perhaps someone else can; hang around for a while and wait.13:39
SilverZyes i did a fresh install13:39
SilverZok thanks13:40
Sidewinder1SilverZ, And after the fresh install you got a kernel panic?13:40
duelleHi there, my shortcuts for copy & paste seem to be "corrupted". If I copy "Test", the pasted String ist "`jm". In terminal I can still copy correctly via middle mouse.13:41
SilverZno the initial install went fine13:41
SilverZthen after it did the auto update and restarted i got the kernel panic13:41
PolahCaptainQuirk: You said you can get into the system but it doesn't function properly. Have you tried accessing another TTY (Ctrl+Alt+F1-F6) rather than the default graphical one?13:41
SilverZnow when I start the computer it just brings up the kernel panic message13:41
ActionParsnipduelle: i advise you install parcellite, it solves everything :)13:41
motzthe mouse arrow just stopped. what should I do?13:41
duelleActionParsnip: Does it fix the shortcuts etc or ist it "just" a gui for clipboard?13:42
ray9naHi. I've got Lucid on a netbook. How do I set up Evolution so I can just use the calendar? It wants me to give it an email address.13:42
Sidewinder1SilverZ, Try booting to LiveCD and have a look at the hard drive... See if anything "jumps-out" at you.13:42
Lasers!info parcellite | duelle13:42
ubottuduelle: parcellite (source: parcellite): lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3-1 (natty), package size 44 kB, installed size 368 kB13:42
CaptainQuirkPolah, I never said I could get to the system13:42
SilverZhmmm, i don't even know what i would be looking for13:43
CaptainQuirkI can see the live CD menu, but that's all13:43
Lasersduelle: It keep a list of all clipboard records so you can preserve many clipboards.13:43
Titan_windowsPolah: i can't find anything like that at all. I'm probably not doing it as you described13:43
SilverZi'm brand new to linux, I don't know what a "kernel panic" implies13:43
Sidewinder1SilverZ, Neither do I; it may be a hardware issue since you said the machine was old.13:44
slim_gazaHi guys I need your recommendation here. I am a student and I have 6 months to dedicate on a single technology. Which would you recommend I do, should I focus on improving my use with django or contributing to pypy? thanks guys13:44
duelleActionParsnip: Ok, just installed it. But the String displayed by parcellite seems still to be corrupted.13:44
PolahCaptainQuirk: You said it was acting strangely. I assumed that meant you could reach it but it was malfunctioning. The problem seems to be a malfunctioning disk. Checksum your ISO and redownload it if necessary and reburn the disk or create a LiveUSB13:44
oCeanslim_gaza: you can try #ubuntu-offtopic, this is ubuntu support channel13:44
humehi... I have a server and a client, both running ubuntu 11.04, but with different times set. Both run ntpd. What might be wrong? (how can ntpd give different times...?)13:44
slim_gazaoCean, okay thanks13:45
jiltdil<Sidewinder1>something issue related with ur grub i think13:45
ActionParsnipduelle: parcellite is a great paste manager, Linux needs the source app you are pasting from to be open to paste from it. Parcelite solves this well13:45
CaptainQuirkPolah, No, I said it was acting strangely before I was shut out of it13:45
PolahTitan_windows: When you put the disk in, hold shift during boot and it should give you a menu. One of the options (near the bottom, I think) is "verify disk integrity" or "check disc data" or something along those lines, I can't recall exactly.13:45
SilverZyeah I'm thinking it might be a RAM issue, I knew this laptop has had RAM issues in the past13:45
knoxyHi all.. I've 2 internet links (eth1 - 201.63.x.x and eth2 - 189.111.x.x) ... How can I do to make a balance-rr? I'm reading one article, but I dont understand the configuration of bond0 in interfaces file.. What IP I need to input to bond0? the ip of eth1 or eth2? font: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBonding13:45
Abhijithow to know which ports are open ? how to open the closed ones? i have lamp installed13:45
ThinkT510hume: they are not in different time zones are they?13:45
humeboth set to Stockholm, Sweden. difference is 5-10 minutes13:45
Titan_windowsPolah: I tried that (if you mean inserting the disc on the windows machine), and no menu came up at all13:45
Sidewinder1jiltdil, I have no idea as I have never had the pleasure of "kernel-panic", thank the deities/13:46
PolahTitan_windows: You need to shut down and boot into the disc, not just put it in while running Windows.13:46
Titan_windowsOh :/13:46
duelleActionParsnip: Sorry didnt get your point i think. If I copy "daemon" the resulting string displayed by parcellite is something like ´jm and a following special char13:46
Titan_windowsshould I rather do it on the other machine then?13:46
humeThinkT510, both set to Stockholm, Sweden. difference is 5-10 minutes13:46
Titan_windowsthe one i'm trying to isntall linux one13:46
AbhijitTitan_windows, if you want to test then you use vitual machine13:46
CaptainQuirkPolah, the supergrub disk I'm using to try to fix the mbr doesn't work either.13:47
duelleSo in which way can parcellite help to solve that problem13:47
PolahTitan_windows: Put it in whichever machine you're aiming to install or run Ubuntu on.13:47
ThinkT510hume: odd, sorry i can't think of what might be wrong13:47
oCeanAbhijit: sudo netstat -tulpa will show your listening processes at various ports13:47
SilverZthank you all for the help, take care13:47
PolahCaptainQuirk: I can't help you with that, perhaps try asking in #grub and telling them what error that's giving you.13:47
ionitei got an error when booting from my USB from bios.  It reads: Com 32R Image error 800113:47
AbhijitoCean, ok13:47
Titan_windowsPolah: so practically: start comp, press F8, select the CD, press enter and start holding shift?13:47
Titan_windowsuntil a menu pops up13:48
PolahTitan_windows, yes that should do it. Although, by default the machine will boot from the CD if there is a bootable disk present, at least it should do.13:48
jiltdilAbhijit: netstat -nlptun for locally13:48
humeThinkT510, got any idea on workaround? can I manually set a time-shift on the client? that sticks between reboots13:48
CaptainQuirkPolah, I think I could use any CD I want, it wouldn't work because I fear that my problem is hardware related13:48
ThinkT510hume: the only other thing i can think of is if they are set to different ntpd servers13:48
Abhijitjiltdil, thanks13:49
CaptainQuirkI'm just trying to narrow things down13:49
ThinkT510hume: sorry, i have no experience with that13:49
ionitecan anyone help me with my Error 8001. COM 32R Image error?13:49
PolahCaptainQuirk: If you're getting the same error then perhaps.13:49
ray9naHey, everyone. I'm trying to set up Evolution just so I can use the calendar function. I don't want it pulling in email. What's a good work-around for that? I'm using Lucid if that's relevant.13:49
jiltdilAbhijit:anytime :)13:49
Polahionite: If you were to give us some context of what's giving you that error.13:49
CaptainQuirkPolah, not the same error per se, but an impossibility to access the hard drive13:49
uboontuIf I don't check to format existing partition(in which I want to install Ubuntu), will my data on that partition be saved?13:50
ionitei'm booting from USB SD drive and the installation wont proceed.13:50
CaptainQuirkCan I force a root terminal session to make a fsck ?13:50
jiltdilionite: from bios menu select boot from usb13:50
Polahuboontu: Ubuntu will overwrite things it needs to etc. I'd back up the data you need to keep to be sure.13:50
ThinkT510uboontu: you thinking of using an existing /home partition with a new install?13:50
uboontuPolah, so it should not delete everything? I already did backup13:51
uboontuThinkT510, I already have Ubuntu on existing partition, and I want to do fresh install on it13:51
uboontuThinkT510, and I wanna know if my data in /home will be saved13:51
CaptainQuirkPolah, Can I force a root terminal session to make a fsck ?13:51
uboontuCaptainQuirk, yes13:52
duelleActionParsnip: Lasers : Is there any possibility to reset the shortcut settings to default? Or to control whether they are correct? Couldnt find copy/paste anywhere in keybind-settings13:52
CaptainQuirkuboontu, when and how ?13:52
ThinkT510uboontu: if it is a seperate partition you could choose to save it and not format it, but if it is part of your / partition its a little more tricky13:52
uboontuCaptainQuirk: I just answered your question13:52
uboontuThinkT510, I did not get anything so I will just format it :-D13:53
CaptainQuirkuboontu, I just got "yes"13:53
SoGooDhow can i make a small sized live ubuntu ISO? the one with only a web browser, a file manager, a network manager a media player and all essential system files :D13:53
Polah_ionite: Does it boot into the Live session at all?13:53
stercorWhat's a recommended firewall for Ubuntu?13:53
Polah_!minimal | SoGooD13:53
ubottuSoGooD: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD13:53
ThinkT510uboontu: i suppose you could back it up and then overwrite the /home partition from the fresh install with the backup (just be careful of usernames and installed applications)13:53
oCean!ufw | stercor13:53
ubottustercor: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.13:53
dr_willisSoGooD:  theres prob. some ubuntu-varants that allready do that.13:53
wh1zz0It just happened again13:54
SoGooD i need to do that because i got my SSD dead, and all i have now is a 2gb usb stick for my netbook13:54
CaptainQuirkuboontu, I would like to know if there's a way from the grub menu to launch a root session13:54
Polah_stercor: Ubuntu comes with one built in, you can use ufw to configure iptables to define access.13:54
wh1zz0I noticed that it happens when I unplug my battery from power supply13:54
ThinkT510wh1zz0: is this the 3rd time now?13:55
Sidewinder1stercor, Regarding security, you may wish to peruse: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51081213:55
wh1zz0ThinkT510: Yeah13:55
uboontuCaptainQuirk, oh sorry. I dont know13:55
wh1zz0And I lost every thing again13:55
dr_willisSoGooD:  you can set up a live/peristant save on a 2gb. but that will be tight. You can get a very useable tinycorelinux setup in 2gb13:55
alex--Are there any tutorials to secure a server?13:55
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jiltdil<CaptainQuirk> single usermode13:55
ThinkT510wh1zz0: when you showed me your settings last time it was set to suspend on low battery13:55
wols_CaptainQuirk: yes. kernel parameter: init=/bin/bash13:55
jiltdil<CaptainQuirk> Are you talking about this13:55
wh1zz0Not at all13:55
wh1zz0It wasn't13:55
Sidewinder1wh1zz0, I sent you a PN, did you get it?13:55
ThinkT510wh1zz0: it was13:55
wh1zz0In fact.. it was set to hibernate13:55
SoGooDwill that load up my wifi ccconnection?13:55
Sidewinder1PM, even.13:55
ActionParsnipduelle: its a dedicated app for copy / pasting so should handle it better, it also has history so you can paste past things (multiple clipboards)13:56
wh1zz0Sidewinder1: Not at all13:56
SoGooDdr_willis, will that load up my wifi ccconnection?13:56
Sidewinder1wh1zz0, Should I try again?13:56
wh1zz0Sidewinder1: A PM you meant?13:56
wh1zz0Yes try again13:56
alex--Are there any tutorials to secure a server?13:56
Sidewinder1Stand by.13:56
CaptainQuirkwols, you mean I have to edit the command ( pressing 'e' ) in the grub menu ?13:56
wendellHey, I just installed Ubuntu 11.04... first off it wouldn't boot so i had to do nomodeset and second when i logged in it said i couldnt run unity but i have run it before13:56
wendellplease help13:57
wh1zz0ThinkT510: It was?13:57
wols_CaptainQuirk: yes13:57
Titan_windowsPolah_: nope, no such menu appeared. I held shift from the moment i booted the CD until the "Try Ubuntu"/"Install Ubuntu" screen appeared13:57
dr_willisSoGooD:  with the  wifi drivers.. should.13:57
ThinkT510wh1zz0: sorry, hibernate, but to me thats the same thing13:57
Guest90727i am here13:57
wh1zz0Nopes.. there different13:57
Polah_alex--, that would depend on what type of server you want to secure.13:57
duelleActionParsnip: Ok, but even parcellite shows those strange strings. So it doesnt really solve the problem. Is there any possibility to reset keybinds/copy/paste back to default settings or to review those settings?13:57
ActionParsnipwendell: are you fully updated13:57
ActionParsnipduelle: very weird13:57
Polah_Titan_windows: Left shift? I recall someone having trouble before by holding right shift13:57
wh1zz0hibernate just shuts it down and resumes from where ever it was13:57
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alex--Polah_: i mean a list that says: change ssh port to 545345413:57
ThinkT510wh1zz0: regardless, hibernate powers off your machine13:57
ActionParsnipduelle: not sure where the setting is stored tbh13:58
alex--that kind of things13:58
Polah_alex--, here might be a good place to start: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security13:58
wendellActionParsnip: I haven't run Update Manager yet i literally just installed and am installing additional drivers13:58
Titan_windowsPolah_: i can try again with left shift... or i could just go straight ahead to burning a new CD at a lower speed and try that13:58
wh1zz0ThinkT510:  BUt this suspend just puts my machine to a standstill while the two lights keep blinking.. and there's no way to resume13:58
wh1zz0.. unless I power off13:58
alex--Polah_: thx13:58
Polah_Titan_windows: Try left shift.13:58
ThinkT510wh1zz0: you can tell i don't use suspend or hibernate13:58
Titan_windowsit takes so much time tho :/13:58
Titan_windowsfine. brb13:58
wh1zz0This thing it really killing me13:58
SoGooDhere's my idea, i will make a live usb, uninstall all unwanted packages, make a clone of the live usb after removing those packages. will that work?13:59
wh1zz0ThinkT510: How did you do that?13:59
ThinkT510wh1zz0: do what?13:59
wh1zz0ThinkT510: Or you don't use X at all?13:59
dr_willisSoGooD:   you mean do a normal install to usb...13:59
wendellActionParsnip: should update fix most if not all of the issues?13:59
wh1zz0ThinkT510: How did you disable hibernate and suspend?13:59
wendellActionParsnip: updating*13:59
Polah_alex--: I don't see anything about changing the SSH port in the SSH section there, but to change it edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and change the first line from "port 22" to "port <port you want to use>", save it and then restart the ssh service13:59
ThinkT510wh1zz0: look at your power settings, you have it set to hibernate on low battery14:00
alex--Polah_: make it harder for attackers to see which port i'm using14:00
SoGooDyes, i will install just into a usb stick, that's why i need to trim off its size14:00
duelleActionParsnip: Now im a bit confused. It works correctly now. But im not sure how long this will last. do you know the terminal command for copying text to clipboard and paste from clipboard?14:00
Polah_alex--: They can't see which port you're using. You might get connection attempts on port 22, which is why you should change it to something else so it'll just refuse SSH connections.14:00
CaptainQuirkwols_, I try to do it, but the computer reboots automatically14:01
alex--that's what i mean14:01
alex--i should change it from 22 to sth else14:01
wh1zz0So what should it be instead of hibernate..?14:01
alex--but isn't there a guide like that?14:01
wh1zz0ThinkT510: Cus I see only 3 options there.. shutdown, hibernate and suspend14:01
Polah_SoGooD: Don't get the normal ISO and then trim it down, get the minimal ISO and then build upon that to get what you want. Of course, depends on how much you plan to be adding/removing. If you're only going to remove a small amount then perhaps the normal ISO and then trimming would be more efficient.14:01
ThinkT510wh1zz0: look at the options in the drop down list14:01
Feriushi folks. have any one of you tried to run ubuntu 11.04 on machine with intel i7-2630qm with sandy bridge technology and Nvidia gt540m?14:01
wh1zz0ThinkT510: yEA.. Just looked at it again.. I have just those 3 options14:02
CaptainQuirkI think I'm screwed ...14:02
ThinkT510wh1zz0: you don't have a nothing option?14:02
Polah_alex--: I just told you how to do it. Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and change the first line (non comment) from port 22 to port 2350, for example. Or any port number you want really (within the range of ports, that is). Then save it and restart SSH14:02
SoGooDPolah_ : here's my problem, i got two laptops, the other is dead the other is what i'm using now.14:02
alex--Polah_: i mean a list which says: change port 22 to sth else, change port 21 to this and that, not only for ssh, but for all14:03
wh1zz0ThinkT510: At all14:03
ThinkT510wh1zz0: my options are nothing, suspend, shutdown and ask14:03
wols_CaptainQuirk: could be a bad disk or only bad files (like the kernel). can't say from here14:03
terryPolah_: alex-- AND, after you switch to a non-standard port, you could go a step further and set an iptables rule to block all port 22 traffic from outside.14:03
wh1zz0ThinkT510: Jesus.. Lol.. for real?14:03
ThinkT510wh1zz0: yup, using xubuntu14:03
SoGooDif i will use minimal iso and build it through the net, it can't be because my internet is only for a single machine14:04
Titan_windowsPolah_: same again. when exactly is the menu supposed to pop up? D:14:04
ThinkT510wh1zz0: i prefer xfce14:04
Polah_terry: alex--: Outside the IP ranges you want, else you wouldn't be able to connect to the SSH server anywhere.14:04
alex--terry: is there any way to let the attacker think i dont exist?14:04
Polah_Titan_windows: Pops up on your screen instead of loading the live session.14:04
alex--i mean: that the server doesn't says: hey i'm alive14:04
terryalex--: you can also block port 11314:04
Titan_windowsPolah_: so it's supposed to pop up before the try/install menu?14:04
Titan_windowsthen it failed14:04
Polah_alex--: Refuse unauthorised connections via iptables.14:04
CaptainQuirkwols_, well it would not explain why the live CD won't launch a live session14:04
terryalex--: And others  but mostaly 11314:04
alex--terry: is there any way to let the attacker think i dont exist? when you try on port 22, but the server just keeps itself quiet, so the attacker thinks: server is down14:04
Titan_windowsmy gut tells me to just try to burn a new CD14:04
Polah_Titan_windows: Yes, holding shift during boot should cause it to pop up.14:04
alex--is there any list which service uses whcih port?14:05
CaptainQuirkwols_, could it be ram related ?14:05
Titan_windowsPolah_: maybe my computer is too old for that or something?14:05
terryPolah_: What i'm saying is to block port 22 specifically.  That way, the hacker sees "filtered"14:05
Titan_windowsPolah_: it's from 1999...14:05
Polah_Titan_windows: Doesn't depend on the computer, depends on the disc you have.14:05
wh1zz0Whew.. Please is there anyone here using ubuntu (natty) who has the "Do nothing" option in power management preferences?14:05
terryPolah_: Since your not using port 22 anyway, it doesn't matter.14:06
Titan_windowsPolah_: well since i know the iso isn't damaged, i can just assume the disc is and i'll make a new one at the proper speed14:06
wols_CaptainQuirk: could be too. run memtest to check14:06
Ace2ohi guys,  is it better to use aptitude update or apt-get update?14:06
CaptainQuirkwolfric, Polah_ , I have an impressive number of errors in the memtest14:06
wols_Ace2o: doesn't matter. same14:06
SoGooDdr_willis: will this work? i will boot a live usb and plug in another usb stick where i will install ubuntu. Then, i will uninstall all the packages i don't want before i will install to that other stick.14:07
ThinkT510wh1zz0: i'm curious, can i see a screenshot of your dropdown list (i never use gnome or unity)14:07
Polah_Ace2o: whichever on you prefer.14:07
wols_CaptainQuirk: new mobo or new DRAM or new CPU in your future. congrats (I guess...)14:07
dr_willisSoGooD:  you dont 'uninstall' stuff from a live usb14:07
CaptainQuirkwols_, Polah_ , well, the problem is that I just bought a new one14:07
wols_CaptainQuirk: lower your settings. relax timings, lower the clock for your memory14:07
Polah_CaptainQuirk: Have you tried booting with alternate RAM?14:07
Ace2owols_,  is upgrading the same too?14:08
wols_CaptainQuirk: could be only one stick of your several is bad.try to change around14:08
CaptainQuirkPolah_, how do I do that ?14:08
wols_Ace2o: pretty much. is mostly a matter of choice14:08
Polah_Ace2o: You can't upgrade your system through apt, unless you mean just upgrading packages in which case again, whichever on you prefer to use.14:08
Ace2oi've read articles where they prefer aptitude over apt-get and it just confuses me14:08
CaptainQuirkPolah_, oh, you mean opening it and changing the ram14:08
Polah_CaptainQuirk: Find some alternate sticks of RAM and replace the ones in your computer with them and trying again14:09
wh1zz0Okie.. I think I've found a solution, I'll just go through it. http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/06/enable-do-nothing-when-laptop-lid-is-closed-in-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal/14:09
Polah_CaptainQuirk, if you have more than one stick, try booting with just one in and then if that fails try with just the other.14:09
CaptainQuirkPolah_, I'll start by that yes14:09
Polah_CaptainQuirk: Hopefully only one of the sticks will be malfunctioning, in that case.14:09
ThinkT510wh1zz0: seems like a silly feature to not include14:10
Ace2ook, so from what I understand i can update the repositories either way but only upgrade using "aptitude" right?14:10
Polah_ Ace2o: Upgrade packages or your OS version?14:10
wols_Ace2o: no. you can upgrade using either. or by using synaptic, or yet another libapt based program14:10
wh1zz0ThinkT510: Lol.. Why would that be totally forgotten14:10
Ace2ojust security and packages14:10
wh1zz0ThinkT510: Jeez14:10
Polah_Ace2o: Either one can upgrade packages. apt-get upgrade14:11
wh1zz0ThinkT510: Well, there must be a reason14:11
ThinkT510wh1zz0: things like that explain why i don't use unity or gnome14:11
anli_Where do I find gtk+ in synaptic?14:11
anli_Searching for gtk+ gives me a billion of blind hits14:11
wh1zz0ThinkT510: So what do you use? KDE?14:11
CaptainQuirkPolah_, Well, it seems to have done the trick but the thing is two months old14:11
ThinkT510wh1zz0: xfce14:12
wh1zz0Ahh okie14:12
ThinkT510!xubuntu | wh1zz014:12
ubottuwh1zz0: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels14:12
CaptainQuirkPolah_, I have four slots on my motherboard, two are yellow and two are black14:12
Myrtti!google | test14:12
ubottutest: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.14:12
dr_willis!info olvwm14:12
g0t__Results for | test on Google:14:12
ubottuolvwm (source: xview (3.2p1.4-25)): OpenLook virtual window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version (natty), package size 199 kB, installed size 488 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 arm armeb armel hppa i386 hurd-i386 kfreebsd-i386 m68k mips mipsel powerpc s390 sh3 sh4 sparc)14:12
g0t_Results for | test on Google:14:12
g0tResults for | test on Google:14:12
FloodBot1g0t_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:12
wh1zz0ThinkT510:  Can you do me a screenshot of how desktop looks?14:12
wh1zz0Or lemme use google14:13
Ace2ocan anyone tell me what is safe-upgrade?14:13
CaptainQuirkPolah_, is there any chance that they are supposed to be for different kinds of sticks ?14:13
ThinkT510wh1zz0: i customise it a bit from the default look (i'm in arch at the mo but same setup for xubuntu)14:13
Polah_CaptainQuirk: Alternating colours? Probably just for better aesthetics/ease of seeing them14:13
Incarus6anli_, what exactly are you looking for?14:14
Polah_CaptainQuirk: Perhaps you could return the faulty stick under warranty if it's only two months old. Depends how long the warranty you got on it is/was, of course14:14
CaptainQuirkPolah_, ok, then I'm going to add two 512 sticks to cover for the 2go loss until I get a new one14:14
SoGooDdr_willis : isn't that possible?14:15
Polah_Ace2o: I imagine it performs the same as apt-get's dist-upgrade. It only upgrades packages suitable for your distribution (I believe that's how it functions), useful if you aren't running the latest version of Ubuntu14:15
CaptainQuirkPolah_, Yeah, I will probably do that. If the memory test failed, is there any chance that it's for other reason ?14:15
ActionParsnipAce2o: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=893793 may help14:15
Titan_windowswhat speed should i burn it at then14:15
anli_Ah, I have gtk+ devel, but not the newest14:15
CaptainQuirkoverall temperature or anything else ?14:15
anli_configure: error: Package requirements (gtk+-2.0 >= 2.1214:15
Titan_windowsnot Maximum obviously but14:15
Polah_CaptainQuirk: Try running the test again to see if it passes or gives you more errors.14:16
ThinkT510wh1zz0: just uploading now14:16
Titan_windows24x, 12x, 6x, 3x?14:16
Ace2ogreat! thanks guys.14:16
Polah_Titan_windows: Most discs have their most suitable speed printed on the front14:16
ThinkT510wh1zz0: http://imagebin.org/16446414:16
CaptainQuirkWell, more errors than 150 000 at 60% of the first test run ... I doubt it's achievable !14:16
dr_willisSoGooD:  you do an install to the 2nd drive.. then boot it.. and remove stuff.14:16
Titan_windowsPolah_: 48x speed compatible, but the last CD obviously didn't work14:17
Titan_windowsso 24x should be safe, right?14:17
Polah_Titan_windows: Theoretically. I guess we'll find out soon enough.14:17
dr_willistry 1x speed :)14:17
Titan_windowsPolah_: no other settings i should be aware of?14:17
wh1zz0ThinkT510: :D hmm really looks good..14:17
Titan_windowsusing infrarecorder14:18
anli_Is it safe to install gtk+3.0 in my ubuntu?14:18
anli_will dev be included?14:18
Polah_Titan_windows: I'm not aware of any specific settings of burning discs except variable speeds.14:18
Titan_windowsso all settings default, and speed lowered14:18
thrillERboyHi, what is the best software for mounting iso and disk images?14:18
wh1zz0ThinkT510: who knows, perhaps maybe it's the bugs in unity causing most of my problems14:18
carl_Hi, I've just switched over from windows 7 which I found too slow to ubuntu. I used firefox before and I saved my profile into an archive. I read the instructions on the mozilla blog but when I try typing ./firefox -profilemanager it says no such directory exists14:18
ThinkT510wh1zz0: xfce is very underrated in my opinion, definitlt worth a try14:18
Polah_!best | thrillERboy14:18
ubottuthrillERboy: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:18
carl_My question is, where do I put my profile so when I start firefox, it loads my settings?14:19
Polah_thrillERboy, you could try AcetoneISO, it's what I've used. I don't know of any others.14:19
dr_willisthrillERboy:  use the mount command as needed . :)14:19
Polah_carl_: /home/<username>/.mozilla/firefox/profiles14:19
thrillERboyThanks Polah_ dr_willis14:19
Polah_carl_: Sorry, just /home/<username>/.mozilla/firefox14:20
dr_willis!iso | thrillERboy14:20
ubottuthrillERboy: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.14:20
=== Polah_ is now known as Polah
ActionParsnipPolah_: could just use $HOME/.mozilla/firefox14:20
wh1zz0ThinkT510: Does dreamweaver run fine on your machine using wine?14:20
carl_polah_:Thanks. I don't want to use the command line if I can avoid it, can I just drag and paste the profile from the file manager?14:21
wh1zz0ThinkT510: And can you share your LAN connection via WiFi adhoc?14:21
thrillERboyaetas: Remember me? can recover my disk file, so reinstalled. From now on, I'll backup root.disk every week ;)14:21
ThinkT510wh1zz0: never tried it, don't do any website editing, you can check the wine appdb14:21
anli_Can I make my ubuntu unusable by installing gtk+3.0 from src?14:21
dr_willislearn the command line.. :) just learn it. Your patience will be rewarded.14:21
Incarus6anli_, I think it is not inclued, you will need to install that package: http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/libgtk-3-dev14:21
Polahcarl_: Sure, go to your Home folder and press ctrl+H to show hidden files, open up .mozilla and then go down into firefox14:21
ThinkT510wh1zz0: never tried adhoc wifi mode14:21
thrillERboydr_willis: what should I give as mount point? sorry, me half n00b14:22
anli_Do I have to add something to my sources.list then?14:22
Polahcarl_: also like dr_willis said, you'd benefit from learning how to do things from command line14:22
dr_willis!mount | thrillERboy14:22
ubottuthrillERboy: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount14:22
dr_willisthrillERboy:  make a directory.. you mount to a directory14:22
Incarus6anli_, I don't think so but I suppose you use Lucid, correct?14:22
thrillERboySo I can mount to any folder?? dr_willis thats what furious ISO was doing I guess.14:22
dr_willisthrillERboy:  thats how mount works...14:23
anli_I use 10.1014:23
dr_willisthrillERboy:  sudo mkdir /media/PICKANAME      then 'sudo mount /dev/whatever /media/PICKANAME' is the basics of it all14:23
carl_I think I'm going to have to. I liked how with windows 98 I didn't need the command line anymore. I don't want to go back to it. There's a reason a GUI is so easy to use, but I'm not going to win any points by saying that14:23
dr_williscarl_:  i use the command line on windows7 all the time. :)14:24
wh1zz0ThinkT510: Okie ... still looking for a workaround and since I didn't find, decided to use VM14:24
dr_willisthere are text/ncurses based file managers14:24
kkb110Isn't there a utility that I can perform something like           'copy to clipboard 1'       'paste from clipboard 3'14:24
wh1zz0ThinkT510: But photoshop works well for me14:24
Sidewinder1carl_, I've been using ubuntu since 2007, and almost, never use CLI. :-)14:24
dr_williskkb110:  theres some clipboard utilitues with history buffers.14:24
ThinkT510wh1zz0: virtualbox i use though, its very good14:25
Polahcarl_: You're forgetting that the Linux command line is extremely powerful and there's a lot of things you can do with it. Often quicker than looking through a GUI.14:25
edbiancarl_: I have been using ubuntu since 2007 and I almost always use cli14:25
Stevezauis there a channel for 11.10?14:25
dr_willisStevezau:  #ubuntu+114:25
carl_good for you dr_willis. I see the command line as something that has to be used, not something I want to use. Anyway, I got into my firefox directory. Saw some profile called 685345f.default. No folder called "profile" though. I'm wondering where I put my stuff.14:25
PolahStevezau: #ubuntu+114:25
kkb110dr_willis, yes, but that's not enough to do that14:25
wh1zz0ThinkT510: So I heard, so mI'm giving it a try.. Buh I hope it doesn't hang up like a Remote Desktop Session?14:25
edbiankkb110: What did you ask for? I missed it.14:25
rbnswartzcarl_ yes the Linux command line is pure power and I use it quite a bit14:25
kkb110ed1703, Isn't there a utility that I can perform something like           'copy to clipboard 1'       'paste from clipboard 3'14:25
dr_willisPure Powar! :)14:26
dr_willisIve never noticed there being more then 1 clipboard..14:26
edbiankkb110: I'm not sure.  I could build one though using python! :)  IT would take me probably 1 month14:26
dr_willis!info xclip14:26
ubottuxclip (source: xclip): command line interface to X selections. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12-1 (natty), package size 19 kB, installed size 92 kB14:26
CaptainQuirkPolah, wols_ , thanks for your help, you saved my day .. Good by14:26
thrillERboythanks dr_willis14:26
kkb110dr_willis, a clipboard manager can emulate that I guess14:26
Incarus6anli_, you are probably looking for that package, try to install it: http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/libgtk2.0-dev14:26
Polahcarl_: For an example, to copy a file you need to open up both directories in nautilus, select it in one, press ctrl+C or right click > copy, switch to the other window and then ctrl+V or right click > paste. With command line you can just do "cp /path/to/file /path/to/destination". Unless you type really slow,  it'll generally be quicker.14:26
dr_williskkb110:  i mentioned using a clipboard manager earlier. :)14:27
edbiankkb110: xclip does not have multiple clipboards.  I don't think there is a linux tool that does14:27
kkb110edbian, lol but you think it's useful?14:27
kkb110dr_willis, but most of them just support history, not more, (a step left to get there)14:27
edbiankkb110: Eh, depends on what you wanna do.  It doesn't do anything the clipboard can't.  Just lets you put things on the clipboard using cli14:27
duelleThanks a lot for your help. byebye14:27
carl_ahh, I saw an ini file which says the path is 585hgsdkt.default, so If I change that to my profile's folder name, well, lessee what happens. Sorry, but you're not going to sell me the virtues of using the command line. I loathe it.14:27
dr_williscarl_:  firefox has a profile manager option. 'firefox -profile' (i think)14:28
carl_soo, what, type it into the command line?14:28
dr_willisto launch it.. yes..14:29
edbiancarl_: firefox --ProfileManager14:29
edbiancarl_: in a term14:29
dr_willis2 dashes or 1.. i never can rember.14:29
Sidewinder1carl_, For file manipulation, with root priv. use "gksudo nautilus, for editing root files use gksudo gedit.14:29
kkb110edbian, for example, let's say I use two sentences frequently, so I want to paste them often, but if would be better if there is a shortcut for each one that pastes the exact sentence I want14:29
edbian2 cause it is more than a single letter14:29
sudiptais there any channel for gnome shell?14:29
carl_profile requires a path it says14:29
dr_willisedbian:  not all apps follow that  standard.. java dosent i belive.14:29
edbiankkb110: I get the idea of 2 clipboards.  I do not think there is a tool in linux that does that.  xclip def does not do that.14:29
edbiandr_willis: oh really?14:29
dr_willisedbian:  try java --help vs java -help14:30
Polahsudipta: #gnome, ubuntu doesn't like gnome-shell though.14:30
Abhijitsudipta, #gnome on irc.gnome.org14:30
kkb110edbian, ok I see.. I guess the only option for me is developing it myself14:30
* edbian believes dr_willis 14:30
edbiankkb110: Or convincing and waiting for me to14:30
edbiancarl_: I think you have to get your profile out of that folder.14:30
Jeruvyedbian: glipper14:30
kkb110edbian, hahaha14:30
edbiankkb110: glipper14:30
dr_willisklipper! :)14:31
dr_willisapt-cache search clipboard14:31
edbianJeruvy: klipper14:31
edbiankkb110: klipper14:31
anli_I think its called Maverick, donny14:31
edbiandr_willis: glipper14:31
Jeruvyedbian: I don't use kde ;)14:31
edbianJeruvy: I was just being silly14:31
Polahanli_: Maverick is Ubuntu 10.1014:31
carl_edbian: I just did it. It was so simple. I dragged and dropped the profile from the archive it was in. Double clicked on the profiles.ini, changed path to "profile" (yes, very imaginative name I know). Started it up, and it all works, save for my pardus copilot addon, but that's fine14:31
Titanoboabefore i proceed, i might aswell check so im not doing anything wrong at the install..14:32
Jeruvyedbian: is all good.14:32
carl_Great, now I got that setup, lemme try music, see if it comes out via hdmi14:32
semitones_hey everyone14:32
Sidewinder1Titanoboa, Shoot...14:32
TitanoboaI should download updates while installing, and install the 3rd party software, right? that can\t cause it to fail right?14:32
semitones_I installed lubuntu yesterday, but I can't get boot to come up, all I get is boot rescue14:32
edbiancarl_: fixed! :D \o/14:32
dr_willisklipper, glipper, cliput14:32
dr_willisklipper, glipper, clipit14:32
edbianTitanoboa: It can cause it to fail if don't have internet I think.14:33
dr_willisTitanoboa:  i alwys instell updates, and 3rd party stuff14:33
TitanoboaI obviously have internet :)14:33
rbnswartzsemitones_ What happens when you boot up? Be specific14:33
edbianJeruvy: clipit14:33
edbiankkb110: clipit14:33
dr_willisTitanoboa:  without internet.. its not going to work of course. :)14:33
edbiandr_willis: clipit14:33
edbianTitanoboa: then you're good! :D14:33
dr_williswillis@CowBuntu:~$ apt-cache search clipboard | grep manager14:33
Sidewinder1Titanoboa, Install first; then enable 3rd party software sources; then update.14:33
edbiandr_willis: CowBuntu ?  Does your apt have super cow powers?14:34
dr_willisedbian:  yes it does.. its a gateway machine :)14:34
dr_willisGotta love the whole black/white cow Motif.14:35
semitones_rbnswartz, I get "error: out of disk. / grub rescue>"14:35
* Sidewinder1 Remembers twocows, rather fondly.14:35
Sidewinder1Or was it Tucows?14:35
TitanoboaSidewinder1: :O same error as the last time (first time i've had the same error twice)14:35
JeruvySidewinder1: its still around14:35
TitanoboaFailed to create a file system: The ext4 file system creation in partition #1 of SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) failed.14:35
edbiansemitones_: out of disc?14:35
rbnswartzdr willis why not just search for "clipboardr_willis why not apt-cache search clipboard\ manager14:35
semitones_I read on ubuntuforums that sometimes old bioses can't boot kernels off of a partition bigger than 8gb14:35
semitones_edbian, disk with a k14:36
dr_willisrbnswartz:  some times i dont get all the hits then14:36
edbiansemitones_: ha14:36
edbiansemitones_: Are your hdds filled?  That is a strange error for grub14:36
dr_willisthey really need some sort of 'tag' system to go with apt,  searching the descriptions often gets invalid hits.  or missed items14:36
edbianTitanoboa: Close the installer (not the liveCD just the installer) open gparted14:36
GeekManhow do i check what programs start up automatically on ubuntu 10.04.314:36
carl_ok, I'm going to need your help again. Little background info on my system. It's an Asus AT3ION-T, the graphics being an onboard nvidia ion. I have both hdmi and vga out. Currently I have sound going to my amplifier by a 3.5 to phono lead, and video going via the vga cable to my monitor. I have turned on my telly, which connects to the computer via HDMI. I have no picture or sound going to it14:36
semitones_edbian, I just installed on a new system. Old pentium 3, huge new hard disk14:37
edbianGeekMan: When you log in or when the system starts?14:37
GeekManwhen the system starts14:37
edbiansemitones_: That is strange.  Perhaps it has to do with the Bios large hdd option?14:37
compdocGeekMan, I install bootup-manager. works great14:37
semitones_edbian, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1331730&page=3, one person fixed it by making a /boot partition14:37
Sidewinder1Titanoboa, Perhaps, from LiveCD you could run System--> Administration--> Disk Utility and check the disk for errors/problems; it may be a hardware issue...?14:37
semitones_do you know how to do that?14:37
edbianGeekMan: Everything in /etc/rc2.d/ get started14:37
semitones_I can make an /ext2 partition, but I don't know how to move /boot there14:37
GeekManoh ill check that out and thank you i knew it was somthing with an r in it14:38
PolahWhat's the program that analyses boot time and programs and reports how long each of them run for?14:38
Sidewinder1Hey BluesKaj14:38
semitones_Polah, bootchart I think14:38
khjwe!!!FREENODERS GONE WILD!!! WATCH MRMIST DRESSUP LIKE A WOMAN/SEE LILO'S HIDDEN SEX CHANGE OPERATION AND MORPH INTO CHRISTEL/WATCH KLOERI GIVE LOREZ ANAL/SEE NIKO'S HIDDEN HARDGAY PORNO. CALL NOW! (405) 949-1961 IF LOREZ'S MOM DOESN'T CUSS YOU OUT IN SPANISH, SHIPPING IS FREE !!!FREENODERS GONE WILD!!!    khjwe Krishnandu dougl Tech-1 BluesKaj fardouk shiva_ GeekMan motz Paranoid_ xangua lulu_ jsurfer danileigh79 drbobb compdoc skpl frankl Titanoboa goshawk s14:38
khjwe!!!FREENODERS GONE WILD!!! WATCH MRMIST DRESSUP LIKE A WOMAN/SEE LILO'S HIDDEN SEX CHANGE OPERATION AND MORPH INTO CHRISTEL/WATCH KLOERI GIVE LOREZ ANAL/SEE NIKO'S HIDDEN HARDGAY PORNO. CALL NOW! (405) 949-1961 IF LOREZ'S MOM DOESN'T CUSS YOU OUT IN SPANISH, SHIPPING IS FREE !!!FREENODERS GONE WILD!!!    Roasted JasonO Incarus6 rbnswartz iceflatline pushpop george achton venol overlord_tm Ferius sa`tan qnix mluser-home guampa soreau draglor wendell turtl3 da14:38
khjwe!!!FREENODERS GONE WILD!!! WATCH MRMIST DRESSUP LIKE A WOMAN/SEE LILO'S HIDDEN SEX CHANGE OPERATION AND MORPH INTO CHRISTEL/WATCH KLOERI GIVE LOREZ ANAL/SEE NIKO'S HIDDEN HARDGAY PORNO. CALL NOW! (405) 949-1961 IF LOREZ'S MOM DOESN'T CUSS YOU OUT IN SPANISH, SHIPPING IS FREE !!!FREENODERS GONE WILD!!!    maakine anuvrat lollo64it exutux samsul Fireblasto ThinkT510 dr_willis khongkwan alexfpms_ aLeSD TonyRogers Nozy jymmy1 Milp_main blinkyb AlfE1 Vemboca ronq14:38
ubottukhjwe: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:38
ubottukhjwe: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:38
ubottukhjwe: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:38
ubottukhjwe: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:38
TitanoboaSidewinder1: ok, how do i run system14:38
FunnyLookinHatlol great.14:38
edbiansemitones_: Can you boot a live CD and look at gparted?  It says in post #25 your harddrive was not partitioned correctly14:38
Polahsemitones_: mount that partition at /boot and use grub-install there14:38
edbianTitanoboa: Are you talking to me?14:38
alex--who can kick him?14:38
LjLalex--: has already been banned14:39
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!14:39
semitones_edbian, sure I can do that, but I never posted on that thread14:39
* LjL rolls eyes14:39
* jiltdil hate ubottu when it says "I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)"14:39
Titanoboaedbian: i'm talking to Sidewinder1 :o14:39
BluesKajHi Sidewinder114:39
Polahsemitones_ that's the one.14:39
carl_I've used the nvidia x config thingy, clicked on detect displays, but it's not picking up the screen14:39
franklsevere autism detected in this channel14:39
shiva_good morning14:39
carl_oh herp de derp!14:39
Sidewinder1Titanoboa, Boot LiveCD; click on System--> Administration--> Disk Utility...14:39
edbiansemitones_: I know. someone who had the same problem said that happened to him14:39
wendellWhat was that?14:39
carl_Of course it won't pick it up, it's not plugged in14:39
edbianTitanoboa: k14:39
edbiancarl_: herp derp14:40
TitanoboaSidewinder1: but there's no "system" anywhere14:40
edbianwendell: spammer14:40
semitones_edbian, ok, live cd takes about 5-10 minutes to boot up, hold on14:40
edbiansemitones_: ugh :(14:40
wendelledbian: weird14:40
GeekManso if i dont see samba or smbd does this mean my samba doesnt start up unless i log on14:40
Sidewinder1!classic | Titanoboa14:40
ubottuTitanoboa: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".14:40
edbianwendell: It happens occasionally14:40
semitones_edbian, usb is faster, but I lent mine all out to other people :P14:40
semitones_PloP bootloader > USB14:41
TitanoboaSidewinder1: is that even possible on live cd?14:41
carl_To anyone using livecd's, if your system supports boot from USB, use it. So much faster and saves on cd's.14:41
Sidewinder1Titanoboa, I don't use 11.04, so I'm not sure the proceedure, sorry... :-(14:41
edbianGeekMan: mmm that's odd.  Do you have samba-server installed?14:41
GeekManyeah?? im looking under etc/rc2.d14:42
TitanoboaSidewinder1: what should i type into terminal to open it_14:42
Sidewinder1Titanoboa, But even in Unity, there's gotta' be a way to get into Disk Utility.14:42
GeekManmy hamachi is in there14:42
edbianGeekMan: Is smbd showing up in ps -e  ?14:42
carl_Anyway, the telly is plugged in both ends now, it's on, HDMI is selected from it'#s menu, but it's not being picked up my nvidias x server config util. I don't want to restart and have it as primary.14:42
edbianGeekMan: It's strange that it's not in there.  Perhaps there is another place it might be ....14:42
GeekManyeah it it14:43
dr_williscarl_:  ran nvidia-settings yet?14:43
GeekMani could just restart the server and check14:43
wendelledbian: while i have someone, am I able to listen to radio on last.fm via Banshee?14:43
Sidewinder1Titanoboa, I haven't the foggiest idea how to access Disk Utility from terminal.14:43
carl_dr_willis: I got the nvidia x server settings up right now14:43
edbianwendell: I think so.  I've never done it.14:43
Tech-1as root14:43
GeekManbut i just missed my service hours i set for shutting of the connection14:43
wendelledbian: ok14:44
edbianGeekMan: I'm fairly sure it will start on reboot.14:44
GeekManok :)14:44
dr_williscarl_:  you should be able to check twinview/enable the tv. and hit apply and it should turn on. but it wont be totally right untill you save the x config. and restart the X server.14:44
TitanoboaSidewinder1: well I have this "Install Ubuntu 11.04" icon right above the "Home Folder" icon. Maybe that's where "System" is supposed to be?14:44
carl_ugh, so system restart then?14:44
edbiancarl_: configuring graphics requires a lot of those14:45
edbianSidewinder1: Titanoboa is using unity on 11.04 sounds like.14:45
dr_williscarl_:   twinview will work without it.. but some apps may act oddly untill you do14:45
GeekManedbian: if im using ssh and do a system update that requires me to restart can i still shh log on after the reboot (its a stupid question)14:45
Titanoboaedbian: yes I am14:45
frankl!ops mrmist is trying to netsex me14:45
edbianGeekMan: yes.  ssh is another service so it starts before anybody logs in14:45
GeekManoh good :)14:45
Sidewinder1Titanoboa, Try in terminal palimpset14:45
dr_willisUnless the updates break things... :)14:45
wendellOn an offtopic note: Updating is taking FOREVER.... I really hope it fixes the issues14:46
TitanoboaSidewinder1: did you mean palimpsest?14:46
carl_ok, going to restart. That ususally solves issues. See you soon if it doesn't14:46
edbianwendell: How many package do you have to update?  The first one usually takes a long time14:46
giulyhi, i've got some troubles connecting my new printer via wireless. please can anybody  help me14:46
Sidewinder1Titanoboa, Check that! You'll probably need to use gksudo palimpset.14:46
TitanoboaSidewinder1: it opened disk utilities :)14:46
edbianwendell: That's a lot14:47
terrywendell: It WILL take a long time, depending on your connection speeds...14:47
edbianGeekMan: Can you pastebin ls /etc/rc2.d/  ?14:47
giulyit's a hp deskjet 3050 and ubuntu 10.10, hplip it's already installed14:47
wendellYeah, 128MB total....14:47
GeekManhold on14:47
edbianGeekMan: thanks14:47
TitanoboaSidewinder1: SMART Status says "Disk has a few bad sectors" with a green button next to it D:14:47
terrywendell: Is your connection speed 1.5Mbps ?14:48
Sidewinder1Titanoboa, Yes, gksudo palimpsest    sorry...14:48
wendellterry: I think it's more, but I'm too far away from my modem and router14:48
wendellterry: Too lazy to move the laptop... haha14:48
terrywendell: Wireless ?14:48
TitanoboaSidewinder1: just typing palimpsest opened disk utitilies (that's what we wanted right?) and gksudo palimpsest did nothing14:49
thauriswulfaHELP: Just installed xubuntu but their is no windows option in grub what to do?14:50
carl_Hi folks, back again. Restarted but nope, it's not picking up the telly14:50
Sidewinder1Titanoboa, "Few bad sectors" is not that unusual. It should, therefore, work; unfortunately, I've kinda' run out of idead, at this point, sorry. :-(14:50
edbianthauriswulfa: log into ubuntu, run sudo update-grub14:50
TitanoboaSidewinder1: what were we looking for in disk utilites though?14:50
Sidewinder1ideas, even.14:50
GeekMani forget how i use it i install pastebinit then type pastebinit -b ls    #under rc2.d dir14:50
=== Omega is now known as Troletariat
edbianTitanoboa: can you pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l  for me?  paste.ubuntu.com14:50
Titanoboasure thing, hold on14:51
edbianGeekMan: paste.ubuntu.com  is probably easier14:51
Sidewinder1Titanoboa, Stand by, let me look...14:51
giulyany idea?14:51
semitones_edbian, ok i'm in gparted, everything looks normal to me14:51
semitones_what did you want to look for?14:52
edbiansemitones_: Ummm, what is your error again? :P14:52
Titanoboaedbian: after doing the palimpsest no commands are working, do i have to type something to go back or something14:52
ionitei got this error vesamenu.c3214:52
Sidewinder1Titanoboa, Under Disk Utility, you should be able to click on "Check/Repair File System"14:52
edbianTitanoboa: IDK.  close the terminal and open a new one14:53
ioniteI got this error: vesamenu.c32: Not a com32R image                            what should i do?14:53
edbianGeekMan: reading...14:53
=== Troletariat is now known as Omega
edbianGeekMan: I am very confused.  ssh is not listed here either!14:53
compdocTitanoboa, before checking your filesystem, in palimpsest click the SMART data button14:53
thauriswulfaedbian: it was not found on upgradation, is  there  any problem ,because i deleted one 100 mb partition while partitioning?14:54
edbianthauriswulfa: That might be a problem :(  Is this windows 7 ?14:54
dr_willisthauriswulfa:  you may have deleted the windows 7 'boot' partition...14:54
thauriswulfadr_willis: is there any way to restore that?14:54
ionitecan anyone help me?14:54
Titanoboacompdoc: on the Hard Disk or the 690MB file (which i suppose is the livecd)14:55
dr_willisive herd you can somehow fix that and make windows not use one.. but id say ask in #windows, or google.14:55
GeekMani went under etc/ and there is the following rc0.d rc1.d rc2.d 3 4 5 6 rcs.d rc.local14:55
terryedbian: What are you trying to do?  "confused"...?14:55
crazy3k_How much RAM can I have in a 32-bit Ubuntu system?14:55
edbianGeekMan: yeah... all run levels14:55
=== maxx is now known as Guest41300
edbiancrazy3k_: approx. 3.2Gb14:55
Polahcrazy3k_: Approximately 3.2GB14:55
compdocTitanoboa, select the hard drive, and open its smart data. any reallocated sectors? (in the raw data column)14:55
edbianterry: GeekMan is missing services he has installed in /etc/rc2.d/14:55
Titanoboayeah compdoc14:56
Polahedbian: hmm, is it Gb rather than GB, or did you mean GB?14:56
GeekManmaybe i should look under local maybe it wants to start at a user level14:56
Titanoboacompdoc: i can't seem to copy/paste it though14:56
semitones__crazy3k_, i heard you could use more too with a special method14:56
compdocTitanoboa, how many reallocated?14:56
edbianPolah: I meant GigaBytes   because nobody ever mean GigaBits14:56
GeekMani have no clue :P14:56
semitones__edbian, what did you want me to look for in gparted?14:56
Titanoboacompdoc: 1 sector14:56
thauriswulfadr_willis: thanks I 'll try14:56
Polahedbian: If you're talking about networking people do (:14:56
edbianGeekMan: Those are run levels.  rc2.d is the one normally used.  0 is for shutdown, 6 is for reboot, 1 is single user mode.  The others aren't really used in debian14:57
Titanoboacompdoc: actually, 2 sectors14:57
edbianPolah: :P14:57
carl_just tried restarting the telly to see if that'd help, nvidia x server still won't pick it up. I thought HDMI was supposed to be easier than vga?14:57
compdocTitanoboa, thats good its not more. Any Pending Sectors Count? or Offline Uncorrectable?14:57
semitones_edbian, error: out of disk. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=133173014:57
Polahedbian: You need to be specific, there's a bit difference between the two!14:57
crazy3k_edbian, Polah, semitones__: Thanks.14:57
edbianPolah: :)14:57
consolecowboyhello, I have auto-login enabled, and every time I boot I need to unlock the keyring 2, 3, sometimes 4 times. Fairly recent issue. I tried changing the password in Passwords and Encryption Keys to blank, but it seems it's reverting to my normal password.14:57
compdocTitanoboa, reallocated sectors are a concern - its something you need to watch. if that number grows, you need to replace the drive14:58
ioniteI got this error: vesamenu.c32: Not a com32R image                            what should i do?14:58
=== patrick is now known as Guest92363
GeekManedbian thats nice to know i read about that somewhere but i have since for gotten so what should we do write some scripts i had to do something similar to make my fans work on an ibookg414:58
Titanoboacompdoc: my bad, 1 reallocated and 1 "Current Pending Sector Count"14:58
semitones_I'm going to make a new partition. How do I migrate /boot onto it?14:59
semitones_and is it ok if it's a logical partition, or should it be primary14:59
=== zz_ng_ is now known as ng_
edbianGeekMan: Well when you install ssh it should but a script in /etc/rc2.d/  Reboot the machine and see if sshd starts again.  Then we'll look for it.14:59
Polahsemitones: mount the partition at /boot/ and install GRUB there14:59
=== milosz is now known as haruair
GeekManok :)14:59
Titanoboacompdoc: the reason for getting linux in the first place is that windows wouldn't boot. I then realized it might be my hard drive, and so I took away the old master and put made the old slave master. Seems like both are broken?14:59
semitones_Polah, do I have to change fstop?15:00
Titanoboawhich makes me believe that it's something else's fault D:15:00
Polahsemitones_: Don't know what that is, sorry.15:00
compdocTitanoboa, it can happen. I repair computers for a living and have seen many things like that15:00
semitones__Polah, it's the thing that automatically boots partitions certain places15:00
Polahsemitones__: You mean fstab?15:01
Titanoboacompdoc: so if I were to buy a new hard drive, installing linux might work?15:01
Shaba1Hello does anyoneknow of any "wubi' specific forums15:01
dr_willisTitanoboa:  could be the controller, or cables also. ive seen nicked cables cause issues.15:01
compdocTitanoboa, 1 or 2 reallocated sectors is not going to prevent you installing an OS. something else seems to be going on15:02
TitanoboaYeah, because two hard drives breaking overnight seems illogical15:02
Titanoboacable would make more sense15:02
consolecowboyanyone else having issues with default keyring?15:02
GeekMan*same results15:02
dr_willisTitanoboa:  power surge perhaps.. but thats a bit rare.15:02
Tech-1could be a bad port15:03
semitones__has anyone else heard of old BIOSes not being able to boot a kernel past the 8GB mark on a hard disk?15:03
compdocsemitones__, that would have to be a very old bios15:04
semitones_compdoc, how old? mine is the middle 90's at least15:04
oncaI'd like to configure my ubuntu like the LiveDVD where should I begin.15:04
dr_willissemitones_:  old ones couldent handle past the 1024th cylinder..15:04
GeekManebdian: i wonder why its like this15:04
oncahow do I get that nifty menu and panel on the left?15:04
terryonca: You want the desktop to look the same?15:05
ioniteI got this error: vesamenu.c32: Not a com32R image                            what should i do?15:05
compdocsemitones_, oh, you mean too old to boot a partition thats been created past the 8G area?15:05
dr_willisionite:  this is on a live-usb flash drive you made?15:05
GeekMani can ssh and all that stuff when i log on and what not15:05
semitones_dr_willis, how much is a cylinder15:05
oncabut i have a older install.15:05
dr_willissemitones_:  it totally depends on the drive and controllers can remap them. so theres no set  size15:05
oncaI guess I should start by getting compiz-fusion ??15:05
dr_willissemitones_:  thats one of the reasons for the use of a /boot/ partition at the very very start of the hard drive15:05
compdocsemitones_, are you dual booting?15:06
semitones_compdoc, I don't know, either way my computer won't boot and it's a fresh install. I get error: out of disk, and the only plausible reason I've read of so far is that my partition is 150GB when some bioses can only handle ones that are less than 8GB15:06
Titanoboacompdoc/dr_willis: so I should try to replace some cables? which ones would I go for? the one with 40 pins?15:06
dr_willisonca: what verson are you using?15:06
semitones_dr_willis, see above also :)15:06
=== ng_ is now known as zz_ng_
terryonca: I suppose you could rm -rf ~/.gnome  and then boot the LiveCD and mount the HD and cp -a ~/.gnome /media/onca/  Something like that.  Oh,,, that is if you are using gnome.15:06
semitones_compdoc, singleboot, lubuntu15:06
dr_willisTitanoboa:  ide cables? i had a box of them. :)   i dont even have any more. moved to all sata15:06
oncathe live cd is http://www.gentoo.org/dyn/use-index.xml15:07
compdocsemitones_, what cpu does it have?15:07
Titanoboadr_willis: i have no idea what any of the cables' names are15:07
semitones_compdoc, Pentium 3, 733 MHz15:07
terryonca: gentoo?15:07
oncathe live cd is oneiric-desktop-amd64.iso15:07
dr_willisTitanoboa:  sata are little red normally.. ide are real wide.15:07
compdocsemitones_, that is old15:07
oncaterry, yah sorry.15:07
semitones_yep, but lubuntu runs fine, once I have it installed15:07
dr_willisonca:   you dont want to be using the 'alpha' testing release yet.15:08
oncabut the liveCD is the current one. I also like Ubuntu.15:08
Tech-1semitones  ya, go for the 40 pin on the hard drive15:08
Titanoboadr_willis: yeah mine are real wide (my comp is from 1999) and have 40 pins (how many contacts are there with 20x2 pins? :P)15:08
oncadr_willis, none the less.15:08
dr_willisTitanoboa:  i seem to recall an 80pin ide also..15:08
Titanoboadr_willis: so yeah i guess im talking about ide15:08
oncamy question remains the same.15:08
oncawhere do I begin15:08
Titanoboadr_willis: so ide is ancient stuff?15:08
oncato setup gnome like that?15:08
dr_willisonca:  all the more reason... its not supported here.. See #ubuntu+1  and lets just say that my 11.10 install has had X broken for the last 4 days. :)15:08
terryonca: You can customize your desktop to look like anything you wish. Just work with it a little until you get what you want.15:08
xanguaonca: by installing ubuntu 11.04 ¿15:09
semitones_oh weird15:09
semitones_it looks like gparted froze out on the lubuntu computer15:09
oncaxangua, there must be another way15:09
semitones_trying to move the 150GB partition15:09
dr_willisTitanoboa:  its old. :)  still around. but slowly going bye bye15:09
Tech-1i put debian on 1 of those 1nce, worked pretty good.15:09
dr_willisonca:  if you have the proper 3d drivers instdalled you should be geting the unity desktop.15:10
terrysemitones_: If you have a lot of data on that 150G partiton, it will take a while.15:10
semitones_terry, no data, fresh install. I just saw semitones__ quit :P15:10
GeekManhey should i use somthing like firestarter also guys if im using a vpn samba server (question open to all)15:10
terrysemitones_: Well, I don't understand why someone would be trying to move a 150GB partitions if it is empty.15:11
terryGeekMan: Depends on what you want to do with your firewall.15:12
GeekManlol i wouldnt know lol im a noob to networking i finally started to get it now15:13
ionitehi can anyone help me?15:13
terryGeekMan: A firewall (as far as security is concerned) is used to protect yourself from an untrusted network.15:13
GeekMani have clam run on a cron15:13
rbnswartzsemitones_ sorry I had to jump out. any progress15:14
Polahionite: Maybe.15:14
rbnswartzionite just shout out a question sombody should help you15:14
GeekManwell i know that but i thought you were asking what specific needs i need it for15:14
GeekManwhich i could only say to keep out snoops15:14
ioniteI got a problem: vesamenu.c32 Not a com32R image15:15
SoGooDwho among you have used XPUD?15:15
ioniteI got a problem: vesamenu.c32 Not a com32R image15:16
wh1zz0Hi guys.. I just wanna say I LOVE OPEN SOURCE.. :D15:16
GeekManterry but its a vpn so shouldnt i have a little more protection that way anyways i was just trying to see if it was something important at the moment. i only have a user base of 3 so15:16
terryGeekMan: If you are using it on a gateway computer, yes it will "keep out snoops".  But if you are on a LAN behind a router and a DSL modem or Cable Modem, not so important.  The router / DSL modem is probably protection enough.15:16
DarkfdAnyone here use gnome 3 and have tried the merlin file manager?15:16
GeekManterry THANKS :)15:16
rbnswartzionite Is Are you trying to boot a CD or USB device?15:17
ioniteUSB device15:17
ionitei tried boot: live and boot: help, both doesn't work. my screen just freezed at DOS mode15:17
xanguaDarkfd: gnome 3 is currently not supported15:17
rbnswartzionite have you tried rebuilding the USB device15:17
ionitewhat do u mean rebuilding?15:17
GeekMani kinda dont like gnome 3 or unity its sad i think but maybe it will get better soon anywho thats about as much rambling ill do for the day15:18
ssquirrelcan anyone tell me how to implement this command : sudo iptables -A udp_flood -m limit --limit 1/s --limit-burst 2 -j DROP ???15:19
ssquirrelit's not working for me15:19
ssquirrelmaybe OUTPUT15:19
rbnswartzionite make a new ubuntu USB device15:20
ionitei did15:20
Kre10s_hey. I want to list installed packages on command line... any way to do this with apt-cache?15:20
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate15:20
szalKre10s_: no, but 'dpkg -l'15:20
dr_willisthat command above puts them in a file 'my-packages'  Kre10s_15:20
Tech-1i should try that some time15:21
dr_willisif cloning frome system to a nother.. be carefull you dont install the wrong drivers for  the new system15:21
Tech-1does it require it to be the same h/d ?15:21
Kre10s_i don't have aptitude :/15:21
dr_willisinstall it then...15:21
mousewhat's the command again for the kernel version?15:22
Kre10s_I am trying to strip out packages from a system in a chroot environment... and need some way of knowing whats installed.15:22
Kre10s_uname -a15:23
ajahhow to i see the workgroup witch i create from samba server configuration gui15:23
rbnswartzionite What did you use to build it.15:23
BluesKajKre10s_, sudo apt-get install aptitiude15:23
semitones_terry, my computer won't boot from an 150GB partition, so i'm making a /boot partition infront of it. I didn't want to reinstall, but I think I will because gparted froze15:23
semitones_rbnswartz, no progress yet. Reinstalling with a /boot partition15:23
ioniterbnswartz: unetbootin15:23
dr_willisajah:  it should be in /etc/samba/smb.conf  or try the smbtree or findsmb command.15:23
Polahmouse: uname -r15:23
natrixnatrix89does anyone know where to download an older version of skype? the current one hangs all the time..15:24
rbnswartzUse the ubuntu live usb creator. It comes on the CD and the installed OS15:24
mousety Kre10s i was seeing if the kernel was still 2.3.68-10 or the new 315:24
natrixnatrix89or is it not the version problem?15:24
rbnswartzionite Use the ubuntu live usb creator. It comes on the CD and the installed OS15:25
dr_willisionite:  you may want to try some tools from the Pendrivelinux site to make the  live-usb.15:25
dr_willisionite:  what version of ubuntu are you using to make the usb? what bersion is on the usb?15:25
amanforindiais it possible to play dual subtitles on vlc?15:25
ionite11.04 natty15:25
dr_willisionite:  so you are using a 11.04 install to make a 11.04 live-usb ?15:26
ajahdr_willis MSHOME section what refers to15:26
dr_willisajah:  thats your workgroup i think15:26
ionitei'm using XP pro to install on a SD 8gb card and boot from the SD card15:26
mousehttp://news.softpedia.com/news/Linux-Kernel-3-0-Released-Adds-Support-for-Microsoft-Kinect-212844.shtml   <is it stable?15:26
Kre10s_so theres no way to list installed packages with just apt-* ?15:27
dr_willis grep  WORKGROUP /etc/samba/smb.conf15:27
exutuxKre10s_: man dpkg15:27
dr_willisionite:  ive never had booting from 'sd' work for me.15:27
ioniteit's a USB drive concept. it should work, shouldn't it? be it a thumb drive or SD card15:28
semitones_does /boot have to be on its own primary partition?15:28
dr_willisionite:  you may want to try some of the tools at pendrivelinux. its possible you may be able to edit the syslinux config on the live-install to boot  'live' or 'install' and skip the fancy menu.15:28
semitones_or can it be on a logical one and do fine?15:28
exutuxKre10s_: --get-selections  and --set-selections for reinstall, look in man15:28
semitones_remember, really old bios15:28
dr_willisionite:  ive had several pc's that never ever booted from sd card.  the built in controller was not bootable.15:28
ionitemy Bios allow boot from SD.  I'm trying out the Pen Drive linux u suggested. hope it works15:29
ajahdr_willis sorry for question but how can i access shares on my workgroup of ubuntu machine from windows xp machine ?15:31
dr_willisa few releases back. oI had to edit the syslinux configs to make live-usbs work with the usb-creator tools.15:31
dr_willisajah:  you should be able to browse to the machine, same as you would any other share on the network. You prob. should make the 'workgroup' the same15:31
dr_willisor enter the server and share name  directly...  \\\sharename15:32
ionitedr_willis:  What should I do if Linux Live USB creator doesnt works?15:32
ajahi`ll try15:32
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BluesKajhow's the state of nvidia drivers on X with the new 3.0 kernel release ?15:33
BluesKajoops , I should ask elsewhere15:34
ajahdr_willis thanks your second suggestion directly with ip of the host work for me15:34
ubuntuguestI know you guys are going to tell me to upgrade15:35
ubuntuguestbut my 9.10 ubuntu fails to boot all of a sudden do to the hard drive being disconnected (bad connection inside computer) while the computer was on15:35
xanguaubuntuguest: then do it15:35
ubuntuguestthe computer froze15:35
ubuntuguestyeah I was just wondering if there was a way to fix the existing ubuntu15:36
sharedr_willis: nice hilight :P15:37
ubuntuguestI don't want to upgrade because a) all the drivers are working for the hardware I have, B) backing up / restoring everything is a pain, and C) amarok 1.4 doesnt work (I dont think) for Ubuntu 10.x15:37
ubuntuguestthe computer works fine on the live cd, I ran fsck on /dev/sda1 and it says its ok,15:37
shareubuntuguest: so dont upgrade15:38
ubuntuguestwhat happens is when the computer boots, the screen flickers right as it is trying to boot, and then it just freezes15:38
gigenieksHi all!15:39
dr_willisbbl. off to store.15:39
ubuntuguestis there any way besides reinstalling the o/s that I can revive the os partition ?15:39
gigenieksI need help too15:39
gigenieksCan someone, posted my problems in ubuntuforums.org15:39
gigenieksso far no help :(15:40
gigenieksWhy doesn't anybody answer?15:41
th0rgigenieks: so far you have said absolutely nothing about the problem15:41
ronqbchow can i show hebrew in keepassx like in windows?15:42
gigenieksI am going to install Kubuntu15:43
gigenieksin dual-boot with Win715:43
gigenieksbut dont have any repair medium15:43
gigenieksso I made USB repair15:43
wols_gint900: we do not support windows. you have a windows problem15:43
wols_gigenieks: ^^15:43
Guest57977it is dangerous to have ubuntu and win 7?15:43
wols_Guest57977: no15:44
xanguaGuest57977: no15:44
Guest57977so why rescue flash?15:44
th0rdoes anyone remember the old burma shave signs. Reading some of these posts is just like speeding down the highway15:44
ReikokuOther than the inherent dangers of Windows 7 in general, no :P15:44
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wols_Guest57977: backups are always important to have15:44
gigenieksofcourse but it is my fathers pc15:44
love4linuxhello everyone... I am trying to install nrlOLSR (a routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks) and during 'make' I get this:15:44
naomi__backups why?15:44
gigenieksand I need to have both15:44
love4linux/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpcap15:44
love4linux../common/nrlolsr.o: In function `memset':15:44
love4linux/usr/include/bits/string3.h:82: warning: memset used with constant zero length parameter; this could be due to transposed parameters15:44
naomi__my ubuntu works nice15:44
love4linuxcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status15:45
love4linuxmake: *** [nrlolsrd] Error 115:45
gigenieksWin 7 & kubuntu15:45
love4linuxcan anyone help me with this?15:45
ReikokuUse pastebin15:45
FloodBot1love4linux: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:45
sharenaomi__: but OS doesnt prevent your harddrive from failing15:45
semitones_can I get a sanity check for my new partition table?15:45
semitones_600 mb primary, /boot15:45
naomi__how longn hdd operate without errors?15:45
gigenieksI'm kinda desperate... :(15:46
wols_!ot | gigenieks15:46
ubottugigenieks: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:46
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines15:46
wols_semitones_: about 4 times to big for boot15:46
trijntjegigenieks: whats the problem?15:47
semitones_10GB logical, /, 140GB logical, /home, 1GB logical, swap. Does that look sane?15:47
wols_semitones_: how much RAM?15:47
semitones_wols_, ok I can make it like 150 mb15:47
semitones_wols_, 512mb15:47
semitones_I was going by the 2x ram rule15:47
edbiansemitones_: Every logical partition must be inside an extended partition.  They can all be in the same one.15:47
wols_semitones_: I suggest xfce instead of unity15:47
gigeniekstrijntje, see link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11077918#post1107791815:48
wols_gigenieks: ##windows15:48
edbianwols_: I think unity will work for him15:48
gigenieksubottu: ok, so where I can go with my "windows problem" ?15:48
ubottugigenieks: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:48
wols_edbian: in 512MB? sure he can run it, but he doesn't want to15:48
wols_gigenieks: /join ##windows15:48
gigenieksis it Windows comunity or are there Linux guys helping with windows problems?15:49
Polahgigenieks, #windows15:49
semitones_wols_, i'm using lubuntu15:49
edbianwols_: semitones_ I just think it's too close a call to make the decision for you15:49
wols_semitones_: fine then :)15:49
edbiansemitones_: alright15:49
semitones_edbian, i just wanted to make sure that its ok to have / /home and swap all inside an extended partition15:50
edbiansemitones_: That is totally fine15:50
semitones_but I thought /boot probably ought to be primary15:50
gigenieksOK I will try...15:50
w3rd_hey guys is there any options to install linux right to the hard drive in a booted OS?15:50
edbiansemitones_: I don't think it has too but I guess it's a bit safer15:50
edbianw3rd_: You mean like wubi?15:50
w3rd_whats wubi/15:51
xanguaw3rd_: virtual box¿15:51
w3rd_actually yes15:51
wols_w3rd_: if the booted OS is a linux, then yes, you can use debootstrap15:51
w3rd_like wubi15:51
quentin   15:51
quentin 15:51
quentin 15:51
FloodBot1quentin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:51
w3rd_let me take a look at that15:51
tobiassjostenI have only one partition for / and now I want to use ACL for a directory in my home directory. Are there any downsides to enabling ACL in /etc/fstab for the entire disk for this?15:51
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Mandrakewhat is the packge to download youtube videos?15:51
edbianw3rd_: wubi15:51
edbianw3rd_: wubi lets you install while inside windows.15:52
love4linuxReikoku: i typed what I wanted in pastebin.. what do I do now ?15:52
xangua!info youtube-dl | Mandrake15:52
ubottuMandrake: youtube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube. In component universe, is extra. Version 2011.01.30-2 (natty), package size 30 kB, installed size 156 kB15:52
edbianw3rd_: It is not the best though...15:52
anli_ok, seems that I have harmed my system by installing gtk+ 3.0 from source15:52
Syniqer... grr15:52
anli_Is there a way to recover packages?15:52
w3rd_but i need to do that while in linux15:52
xanguaanli_: uninstall gtk315:52
anli_Maybe just reinstall all packages15:52
edbianw3rd_: Wubi runs in windows15:53
anli_xangua: You mean to run "make uninstall"?15:53
Mandrakethis dont work all the time15:53
Polahw3rd_: Someone mentioned above, use debootstrap15:53
love4linuxhow do I use pastebin?15:53
w3rd_will give debootstrap some research15:53
xanguaanli_: if it's from source yes15:53
Reikokulove4linux: You link the pastebin :P15:53
w3rd_is debootstrap specific to ubuntu??15:53
xanguaor follow the uninstal instructions anli_15:53
edbianw3rd_: nope15:53
edbianw3rd_: has Debian right in the name!15:54
anli_Or maybe if I just could redownload every package I have installed previously and install them again?15:54
anli_Then gtk+ would be overwritten15:54
Mandrakeremember to clean the cache15:54
love4linuxReikoku: http://paste.ubuntu.com/650672/15:55
edbianlove4linux: I think there is a problem with the source code15:56
edbianw3rd_: I suggest a real install as opposed to wubi.15:57
love4linuxedbian: hmm... any further suggestions, like how to find or provide more info?15:58
Reikokulove4linux: You're missing perl's pcap extension I believe15:58
* wols_ agrees with edbian wholeheartedly15:58
edbianlove4linux: Contact the developers.  Search for that error.  But you're doing things correctly on your end.15:58
love4linuxedbian: okay I will try to install it now and see how it goes15:58
edbianlove4linux: Maybe Reikoku is on to something...15:58
Reikokuedbian: That says that it can't find lpcap, that's the Net::pcap library for perl15:58
edbianReikoku: :)15:59
ReikokuHow you'd get lpcap on ubuntu, unfortunately, I don't know15:59
wols_love4linux: are libpcap and the -dev package both installed?15:59
edbianwols_: You agree with wubi, not love4linux problem right?15:59
ReikokuIt's probably not in apt :P15:59
wols_Reikoku: -lpcap looks for libpcap.so, not a perl library. perl doesn't care about linkers...15:59
idlemind324hey. with a netboot install from internet do i get to pick what flavor of ubuntu i install? aka ubuntu desktop or ubuntu server?15:59
wols_,info libpcap15:59
wols_!info libpcap16:00
ubottuPackage libpcap does not exist in natty16:00
th0rReikoku: it is probably the -dev that he is lacking16:00
Reikokuth0r: Quite probably16:00
wols_it's libpcap0.816:00
tsimpson!find libpcap.so16:00
ReikokuI only know of pcap as a perl module16:00
ubottuFile libpcap.so found in libpcap0.8, libpcap0.8-dbg, libpcap0.8-dev16:00
wols_love4linux: dpkg -l |grep libpcacp16:00
wols_edbian: I agree with you that wubi is satanspawn and should never be used16:01
love4linuxin synaptic I find libpoe-componet-pcap-perl and libnet-pcap-perl... are these the correct?16:01
edbianwols_: oh it's not that bad!16:01
C1iFFHi every1. Whenever I update the grub on my ubuntu i get a message that it couldn't find the splash image, but then it finishes the process as normal and even says done... However, this doesn't update the grub when I restart...HELP!16:01
idlemind324there is a libnet-pcap-perl ... that's the perl pcap you're thinking of16:01
Anom01yits me ubuntuguest16:01
Anom01yme comuter is fixed and I am still running 9.1016:02
Reikokuidlemind324: Net::pcap is the one I've used16:02
Anom01yno need to upgrade16:02
th0rlove4linux: it is probably libpcap-dev that you need to install16:02
love4linuxwols_ : comes up with nothing16:02
edbianC1iFF: What changes are you making when you update that aren't happening at the grub menu?16:02
wols_love4linux: then you haven't installed it and hence the error message. install both the lib and the -dev package16:03
PolahAnom01y, 9.10 isn't supported. I'd advise upgrading to continue to receive security updates and such.16:03
love4linuxwols_: okays16:03
Reikokuidlemind324: As a perl dev, I just instantly recognised pcap as something I've used :P16:03
Anom01yPolah, yeah Im not too worried16:03
idlemind324reikoku lol nice btw do you play eve?16:04
Anom01yId rather have a stable system than a system that is 1% more secure16:04
love4linuxwols_ : are you sure that is how it is written?16:04
Reikokuidlemind324: No, but I get asked that a lot :P16:04
Anom01ycan't afford new hardware to keep up with the drivers16:04
idlemind324ya old school corp named exactly as your name16:04
ReikokuI played eve around 2003-200416:04
love4linuxcause synaptic shows libpcap-dev as installed16:04
idlemind324ps getting ubuntu installed and booting from a usb disk is becoming a pain in the arse16:05
C1iFFedbian, Well, since a long time ago it didn't even finish the update-grub command saying 'error Splash image not found' then I fixed some quotation marks that had a different font in /boot/default/grub and then this started happening16:05
ReikokuReikoku = restless in Japanese16:05
Anom01yidlemind324, yes it is big time16:05
wols_dpkg -l will show ALL installed packages. I am sure16:05
edbianC1iFF: So what are you editing that is not producing changes?16:05
david_bi'm currently trying to read via 'screen' data from a digital scale. it uses a 'usb to rs232'-adapter and i already installed the driver for that. last time i succeeded a friend of mine helped me. with 'sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x0403 product=0x6001' and 'screen /dev/ttyUSB0 2400' we were able to see data coming from it. but since i reinstalled my netbook to 11.04 it's not working...16:05
idlemind324anyone got some tips?16:05
david_b...anymore --> error 'Cannot exec /dev/ttyUSB0: no such file or directory'. anyone know how i can get it running again?16:05
Anom01yI figured out how to boot from a USB by installing EEEbntu on my wifes computer16:05
Reikokuidlemind324: dont boot from a USB, the io will kill it in days16:05
anli_Whats the cli command to list all installed packages?16:06
edbianC1iFF: I think you mean /etc/default/grub16:06
love4linuxwols_: sorry my mistake.. it was installed16:06
C1iFFedbian, IDK that's what I'm wondering cause the menu.lst file is being made and all, but the GRUB list on startup doesnt change16:06
ReikokuThere is precisely 1 legitimate reason to boot from USB :P and that's bitcoin mining16:06
wols_love4linux: libpcap0.8 too?16:06
idlemind324reikoku, i want to create a router replacement style device. eventually i would like to be able to load ubuntu server 10.04 lts onto a compact flash similar to how esxi is installed nowadays16:06
ReikokuI use OpenBSD on my router16:07
wols_idlemind324: any special reason why you want ubuntu for that?16:07
idlemind324keep the platform the same16:07
idlemind324i'm ocd like that16:07
ReikokuAdmittedly it does very little work because my switch (Cisco IOS) does most of the work16:07
edbianC1iFF: Change the timeout to like 100 and it should be obvious that there is a change or not.  sudo update-grub of course when you're done.  What should the menu look like?  What does it look like?16:07
idlemind324well my dd-wrt is failing me16:07
ReikokuI hate building xulrunner from source :(16:08
idlemind324i have at&t uverse and wonderful company at&t sold me cheap static ip's problem is16:08
idlemind324at&t's modem only assigns 1 ip per mac address16:08
love4linuxwols_: now libpcap0.8 is installed16:08
idlemind324easy way around it is create a linux router and use virtual nic's16:08
Reikokulove4linux: Try building again (assuming you built -dev too)16:08
idlemind324i could use openwrt but i need a router that is supported and i fail =/16:08
love4linuxReikoku: trying now16:09
C1iFFedbian, yeah that's the file I edited... I just want the menu to show the newest kernels I installed since months ago.. or even the 11.04 when i upgrade... I havent upgraded in fear that I might not be able to access the new kernel16:09
idlemind324ps does anyone know why empathy window grows when you fill up the line install of scrolling. it's kind of annoying16:09
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Reikokuidlemind324: You planning to host stuff out of your home? :P16:09
edbianidlemind324: The ISP gives an cheap static IP to the modem.  The modem gives the IP to the router.  The router does NAT.  Any normal router does NAT.  What is the issue here?  Why is dd-wrt necessary?16:09
jnsl_how can i temporary disable compiz on 11.04 ? i cant get compiz switch to work16:09
idlemind324edbian, yes i have 5 usable external ip's16:10
ronqbchow can i show hebrew in keepassx like in windows?16:10
idlemind324edbian at&t doesn't allow you to tell your inside interface hey here is my subnet listen on all them16:10
edbianC1iFF: What version are you running?  What kernels does it show?  What kernels do you want it to show?16:10
MSLhello everyone16:10
MSLI have a problem with wget16:10
edbianidlemind324: Oh that sucks16:10
idlemind324you have to use their modem and their modem only passes 1 ip down to 1 mac address at a time16:10
idlemind324ya it does but cheap is cheap right16:10
Mandrakewhat is the time travel ubuntu package?16:11
MSLi want to download to Specific folder16:11
edbianidlemind324: port forward?16:11
love4linuxReikoku: with sudo make -f Makefile.linux shows this http://paste.ubuntu.com/650680/ . It means it is installed correctly is suppose16:11
idlemind324edbian, their modem basically controls the ip's so you configure a "dmz" pass through and you can send some or all traffic to 1 of your internal pc's for 1 address16:11
Mandrakewhat is the package to invade other people mind?16:11
dr_willisMSL:  i belive the wget command has options to do that. check man wget  yet?16:12
Reikokulove4linux: You probably have to do sudo make install as well16:12
idlemind324edbian it's pretty silly but leave it up to a large isp to do some foolishness16:12
edbianidlemind324: That sucks16:12
Reikokucd to the folder you want to download to16:12
ReikokuThen use wget :S16:12
MSLi know about -O but it download to file i want to choose folder16:12
idlemind324well i could just not be cheap16:12
love4linuxReikoku: yeah but for this stage it is okay, right?16:12
C1iFFedbian, im running 10.10 and im currently using kernel 35-25 when it says i have -30 installed on the update-grub output. Last line I edited was GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"16:12
idlemind324but what's the fun in that16:12
=== _ is now known as Guest63011
ReikokuMSL, wget downloads to the folder you use it from16:12
idlemind324ne ways ne one use empathy to chat here besides me?16:13
Reikokucd /folder/you/want/to/download/to && wget *16:13
ReikokuI have lynx as my only working browser16:13
Guest63011hello,ive made a mistake by moving a partition to where a windows partition was(now deleted) and im getting the error file missing,grub rescue, can any one help out please?16:13
edbianC1iFF: what output?  The output of sudo update-grub or the actual menu you get at boot time?16:13
Anom01ywhat security updates have been done since version 9.10 ?16:14
Anom01yI haven't had any problems for the last year except hardware connections16:14
idlemind324check this out. http://live.learnfree.eu/download16:14
love4linuxthanks guys now it is installed correctly16:14
idlemind324LIveUSB may solve my problems =)16:14
C1iFFedbian, the output of sudo update-grub says i have 35-30 and many others after -25 installed then "updating menu.lst file" then it says done...16:14
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edbianC1iFF: And if you reboot the menu shows them?16:15
=== Guest63011 is now known as chrisyboy
ReikokuGuest63011: Do you have a recovery CD? You need to chroot your OS and reinstall grub on the correct partition16:15
Reikokugrub is still looking for its configuration on the device it used to be on16:16
chrisyboyReikoku, i have a persistant usb if thats better also i have a cd16:16
C1iFFedbian, but before that sudo update-grub says "searching for splash image found... none found... skipping"    When I reboot, the GRUB menu doesn't show any kernels past 35-2516:16
Reikokuchrisyboy: Do you know how to chroot?16:16
edbianC1iFF: strange.  The splash image is totally unrelated.  You don't need one and it's fine that it didn't find one.16:16
chrisyboyReikoku, no!16:17
Reikokuchrisyboy: OK, reboot into your rescue medium in command line16:17
ReikokuI'm going to assume you know which /dev entry you are using :P16:17
chrisyboyReikoku, slight miss undestanding i have no rescue cd16:18
Kre10s_hey. I'm trying to do this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=688872 when I try to use qemu grub comes up but after that i get a black screen... any ideas?16:18
C1iFFedbian, its the only thing i could relate to the computer not using the menu.lst file in the GRUB menu... since I checked the menu file and it shows every kernel i mentioned16:18
ReikokuAny CD running the same kernel architecture as your PC will be fine16:18
huntmsg NickServ identify Komi@ICQ16:18
Reikokui.e. Don't use a 32 bit kernel CD and a 64 bit kernel PC16:18
ReikokuThat wont work16:18
chrisyboyReikoku, so i can boot use the install cd?16:18
Kre10s_pci_add_option_rom: failed to find romfile "pxe-rtl8139.bin"16:18
ReikokuShould be able to16:19
idlemind324here goes16:19
idlemind324LiveUSB save me =)16:19
chrisyboyReikoku,  what do i do?16:20
Reikokuchrisyboy: PM me, this room moves too fast :P16:21
s7ris any package for ubuntu which will act as a L2TP vpn server with IPsec?16:21
blackhawkthe owner/root is like the admin in windows right? how can i set myself as the owner?16:21
dr_willisblackhawk:  wyat are you trying to do exactly?16:22
Polahblackhawk: You'll be the owner of all the files you create. Using the root account generally isn't recommended16:22
blackhawkpermission to mount volumes and to have the full permissions on my system16:22
Polahblackhawk: Use sudo16:23
dr_willisblackhawk:  use sudo as needed, make proper fstab entries for volumes.. is how to 'do' it.16:23
dr_willisdepends on the filesystem on the volume also. :)16:23
tdruskhi guys. working with ssh. Any way to force it to prompt me with Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? every time?16:24
blackhawkah ok thanks,what about a ntfs volume,it is mounted but i'm wondering if it would allow me to do anything..edit,remove and all these things?16:24
dr_willisYou can set where users have full access to ntfs/vfat16:24
dr_willis!info ntfs-config16:24
ubottuntfs-config (source: ntfs-config): Enable/disable write support for any NTFS devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-9 (natty), package size 89 kB, installed size 900 kB16:24
idlemind324tdrusk, that is a client side thing16:24
dr_willisblackhawk:  install/rin that ntfs-config tool i just mentioned is one way.16:25
dr_willisfor automounting volumes.. for perment disks. you can make a fstab entry16:25
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions16:25
idlemind324tdrusk i think the file is /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts ... if you selected yes already you would need to delete the entry from that file16:25
wh1zz0Hi guys.. one quick question.. How come I can login to root form the login screen but I can sudo bash and authenticate as root? I'm on natty16:25
blackhawkok thanks willis16:25
BoxxyBabeeHai, my name is boxxy16:25
tdruskidlemind324: i understand this. is there anyway for me to ssh $IP -(some argument) to get that?16:26
idlemind324wh1zz0 do you mean you can't login as root?16:26
wh1zz0Hi guys.. one quick question.. How come I CAN'T** login to root form the login screen but I can sudo bash and authenticate as root? I'm on natty16:26
dr_williswh1zz0:  i think you missed a can/cant/ :) somewhere16:26
wh1zz0Yeah thanks16:26
dr_williswh1zz0:  you dont want to be directly logging into X as root.. big security risk.16:26
dr_willisand GDM specifically denys root.16:26
BoxxyBabeewhat is linux?16:26
dr_willis!linux | BoxxyBabee16:26
ubottuBoxxyBabee: Linux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as a kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux16:26
Polahwh1zz0: There is no root password. Sudo does not make you root, it just grants elevated privileges temporarily.16:26
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idlemind324wh1zz0 root login to gui is disabled by default16:26
AlanKeyyes loging as rute is not recomeded16:26
BoxxyBabeeok. im new to linux16:27
BoxxyBabeethats why i asked16:27
wh1zz0But even when I press ctrl+alt+ f1 and go into ttyl mode I still cant get into root16:27
lightahi guys, i'm trying to use screen and screen -x to do collaborate work witha friend but windows is quite short. Is there a way that screen can go up as tty ? Hope I'm understandable16:27
Polahwh1zz0: Correct. There is no root password for  you to log on with.16:27
BoxxyBabeebut i still prefer the convenience of my mac16:27
AlanKeyBoxxy, look around but i think you will find that ubuntu offers the most useful OS16:27
dr_williswh1zz0:  you dont directly login as root.. login as user. use sudo as needed16:27
* dr_willis perfers the cheapness of Ubuntu16:27
wh1zz0I see16:28
blackhawknow for the biggest problem which i still can't find a solution for it,my internet connection is unstable,i'm connected but it cuts of every now and then then comes back on it's own,the driver is installed and i'm working perfectly when i'm on windows so i know it's not the isp,can't live without the internet so i really need a solution or i would just uninstall the os :(16:28
wh1zz0I always wondered16:28
dr_willisand use sudo -i, not sudo bash16:28
BoxxyBabeei dont mind ubuntu, but its time consuming for people who are new to it.16:28
wh1zz0So it's something like UAC in windows right?16:28
dr_willisBoxxyBabee:  learning a mac would be time consuming to people who are new to it also... same for every OS out there.16:28
BoxxyBabeenot that bad16:28
Polahwh1zz0: Except more effective at privilege control.16:28
BoxxyBabeei guess i learnt quick16:28
wh1zz0Polah: Right.. thanks guys16:29
=== Jeremy is now known as Guest51237
AlanKey@blackhawk have to checkd the problem is not physical?16:29
blackhawklike the wire?16:29
AlanKeyand the ISP16:29
BoxxyBabeehey, alan key, thats *NOT* a fake name16:29
C1iFFcan anybody guess why update-grub would finish well but not update my GRUB list on startup??16:29
blackhawkit works perfectly on windows so it would have the same problem in it i guess16:29
AlanKeywhat type of internet do you have?16:29
MSLworking,and more one question,how can i use "random"  in gcc.. i want to put random number between two numbers16:29
blackhawkhome dsl16:30
blackhawkspeedtouch router16:30
BoxxyBabeeI still use dial up because I ROCK16:30
blackhawkbuilt in lan16:30
AlanKeyyes that is a possibilty, is the pc connected the same way as the linux box??16:30
blackhawkgigabyte motherboard16:30
Guest51237whats a linux box?16:30
ZykoticK9C1iFF, do you have more then one gnu/linux installed?  like dual-boot sorta thing?16:30
AlanKeyok so with an ethernet cable?16:30
BoxxyBabeeAlan, what do I do if I still use dial up16:30
dr_willisGuest51237:  a computer running linux....16:30
jefelexwindows sucks16:30
blackhawkyea ethernet16:30
BoxxyBabeeOS X FTW16:30
Guest51237oh thanks16:30
jefelexdialup does rock though!16:30
Guest51237i use windows 200016:31
BoxxyBabeeIKR. Dial up FTW16:31
Guest51237i dont even know whyy i am here16:31
J3D3is it possible to use two seperate wifi cards to access a single network simultaniously with then having a conflict?16:31
AlanKeyhave you tried reistalling the driver?16:31
szalGuest51237: your fault if you use a dead OS16:31
blackhawkhow? alankey?16:31
blackhawkalankey: how16:31
BoxxyBabeehey jezza?16:31
BoxxyBabeeWindows 2000, the FASTEST OS…………………………… IN THE WORLD16:32
AlanKeyim not sure off the top of my head but im sure there is an anserwer on the internet, google is your friend16:32
JeremyFocki dont know a google?16:32
dr_willisBoxxyBabee:  do you have an actual Ubuntu support question?16:32
BoxxyBabeeI personally prefer BING, because it's not google16:32
PolahJ3D3: I can't help you do it, but what you're looking for is called channel bonding. You might get some better answers if you ask people about that or search around using it as a term16:32
JeremyFocki use ask.com16:32
jefelexbox - get off here - this is an ubuntu forum16:32
jefelexwindows is complete shit16:33
BoxxyBabee@dr_willis uhm, I just wanna learn more16:33
AlanKeyplease keep to the topic16:33
AlanKeywhat qustions do you have?16:33
blackhawkyea i did alot of googling,actually i don't mind searching and taking time to learn but i still can't find the answer of a day of searching,do i have to get a wifi card?16:33
terryJeremyFock: Try google16:33
BoxxyBabeehey, I thought Linux was about freedom of speech, so why you guys telling me to get outta here?16:34
JeremyFock@terry can't i use yahoo16:34
AlanKeyi would try and establish the problem before buying anything16:34
AlanKeywhat version of ubuntu are you running?16:34
JeremyFock@alankey 9?16:34
blackhawkok i will try again,that's what i was thinking too,i don't want to buy then find it's another thing not the card16:34
dr_willisBoxxyBabee:  this is a support room..  if you want to sit and watch fine.. we dont care about  Non support related comments.16:34
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BoxxyBabeeIt's about freedom of speech16:34
terryJeremyFock: Sorry.  Never mind.16:35
AlanKeyyes thas the GNU16:35
LjLBoxxyBabee: no it's not. this is about support. please keep it about support.16:35
dr_willisBoxxyBabee:  if you want to chit chat. see #ubuntu-offtopic channel16:35
AlanKeyyes boxxy#16:35
AlanKeyplease dont clutter the chat16:35
BoxxyBabeeWow, that's it, gang up on me16:35
JeremyFockyeah boxxy16:35
dr_willisBoxxyBabee:  aparently you cant understand the point of a 'support channel'16:35
BoxxyBabeeClearly I do.16:35
terryBoxxyBabee: They are trying to help you.16:35
compdocBoxxyBabee, Windows 2000 was a nice OS at one time - now its too old to even protect itself from bad internet sites.16:35
LjLok, end of discussion, back to support16:35
wdpLjL, right. so youre helping me now.16:36
blackhawkcan i change when i click on the mail icon on the top menu and click on mail to make it open thunderbird instead of the default one?16:36
wdpLjL, :p16:36
LjLwdp: maybe. what is the issue?16:36
AlanKeynot too sure... the defualt one is still ok16:36
BoxxyBabeewhy don't you experiment? that's generally how you learn16:36
BoxxyBabeeHas anyone managed to get linux to dual boot on a mac16:37
blackhawki changed to thunderbird as the default mail app but it still opens the old one,i was just quite used to it when i was using OSX16:37
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages16:37
BoxxyBabeeI have tried this, but it seemed to break when I upgraded to lion16:38
sharewhy I can see this?16:38
AlanKeywhat version of ubuntu are you running?16:38
BoxxyBabeeme? the newest version16:39
wdpLjL, ati. What else? *scnr* Well. My mom always had issues with another operating system so i wanted to install her an ubuntu. my first try was kubuntu, now i'm at ubuntu. Everything is fine at that ubuntu except for one thing. The graphiccard flickers at some specific actions. When logging in and the ubuntu screen appears this happens a few times. as soon as the desktop is loaded it ended. When the screensaver starts its happening once (just one small f16:39
wdplicker) when i start a sound in rythmbox or how thats called and its starting the visualisation it happens once again. This flickering, annoys me. I was trying various things. my own xorg.conf (im sure DisplayPriority would solve this behavior but it seems thats not working with kms) no xorg.conf, trying to switch from ati kms to ati fglrx (the graphiccard is too old for that)16:39
wdpLjL, x1200 series (r300).16:39
wdpLjL, i also tried various versions of ubuntu, started with LTS, upgraded to 10.10, upgrades to the latest. none of them fixes it. I also saw various bug reports about that - Disabling compiz didnt help.16:40
wdpLjL, and.. it doesnt happen when i type in glxgears, so its not only related to opengl, i guess glxgears is opengl, isn't it?16:40
AlanKeywdp, that could indecate a hardware problem, i would ensure the drivers are up to date16:40
terryshare: Looks like an obsolete page has been removed.16:40
ZykoticK9wdp, glxgears is opengl yes16:41
C1iFFZykoticK9, dual-boot with windows but only one linux version installed16:41
wdpAlanKey, as it's ati kms, and as i already tried a kernel update and this didnt solve the issue AND keeping in mind its a old graphiccard i dont think thats the issue; the only thing which might cause that (hardware trouble) is that it's shared graphiccard (onboard) - The weird thing is, it happens with screensaver, logon, logout, rythmbox visualization, but NOT with glxgears.16:41
TBotNikAll: Good morning again!  Still working on my networking problem.  Have write up at :  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11077394#post11077394  or consult your log from chat. :)16:41
wdpalso, no errors in xorg.log apart from that it couldn't find /var/run/acpid socket or something. no errors in dmesg neither.16:41
ubottuPici_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:41
ZykoticK9C1iFF, ok just checking for the low hanging fruit ;)  best of luck.16:41
robin0800wdp, I guess your using the galium driver which still has a few problems16:41
BoxxyBabeeright, I have a question, Linux cannot find my ATI 6990, what can I do?16:41
wdprobin0800, nope. that was my last try. and that didnt helped neither. the flickering reduced tho.16:42
xanguak-line :O16:42
sysdock-line, schweet...:)16:42
wdpi really tried EVERYTHING yet and im running out of ideas :>16:42
wdpso.. apart from buying a new graphiccard, any ideas? :)16:42
dr_willisati - 'still not quite there' :(16:42
robin0800wdp, what does glxinfo say ?16:43
LjLwdp: no clue myself, seems you have already tried what i would16:43
dr_willisgiven how good of video cards ive seen for $50..16:43
wdprobin0800, with LTS it was direct rendering yes and not galium, also NOT software rasterizer. with my latest try it says galium and direct rendering yes.16:43
wdprobin0800, i might have the output of glxinfo of the LTS where the flickering also occured. if you gimme a sec to search it.16:44
terryTBotNik: See my pm16:44
wdphttp://pastie.org/2254112 @ robin080016:44
robin0800wdp, I think given the age of the card those are your only choices16:44
kural<dr_willis> follow this to the last dot. http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Main_Page16:45
dr_williskural:   i got no web browser on ths box.. so cant read it. :)16:45
wdprobin0800, so, time to give up? :/16:45
wonderwalany guide i can use to recompile kernel on ubuntu 10.10? im used to kernel compiles, but havent done it on ubuntu, was wondering if there's an ubuntu way?16:46
dr_willis!kernel | wonderwal16:46
ubottuwonderwal: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)16:46
kural<dr_willis> wget & html2text. nano/vi16:46
dr_williswhy are you needing to compile the kernel wonderwal ?16:46
robin0800wdp, as people have said buy a new card16:46
wdprobin0800, people haven't said so. That's the next step I would do, if theres no fix :)16:47
wonderwaldr_willis: to adjust an ipvs setting . http://kb.linuxvirtualserver.org/wiki/Performance_and_Tuning .  IPVS connection table size16:47
kural<dr_willis> also i compiled the latest kernel.16:47
wdpLjL, hehe, thx anyway tho :)16:47
kural<dr_willis> better option would be debian/squeeze16:47
wonderwaldr_willis: do you give me permission to continue? ;-)16:47
dr_williswonderwal:  You got the url/guide.. go for it.. ive never mssed with ipvs's16:48
dr_williswonderwal:  but watch out for old guides..16:48
kuralhas anybody managed xen-4.1.1 & latest kernel ?16:48
kuralon natty16:48
wdpi guess here are no xorg/radeon developers or? :)16:49
wonderwaldr_willis: okay,  i'll follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile , this will work with 10.10 server?16:49
dr_williswonderwal:  no idea.  ;) not need to compile a kernel since i gave up on gentoo16:49
Technicus_Hello . . . I was checking out Backtrack and noticed the slick verbose boot screen and was wondering how to configure Ubuntu to do that.  Or how do I just simply configure it to boot with verbose mode?16:51
knapper_techi have an executible that keeps getting an incompatible .so sent to it.    the issue is related to paths, and i've configured /etc/ld.conf not to  included the offending location (/usr/local/lib)16:51
dr_willisTechnicus_:  kernel takes a 'noquiet nosplash verbose' option i recall16:51
kiergewhen will the intel hd4000 driver improve to the point where there is no lockups on natty ?16:51
knapper_techis there another place that this can be defined in ubuntu?16:51
knapper_techthe nvidia driver from the edge repository is working thankfully16:52
kiergedr_willis, thank you16:52
Technicus_dr_willis:  I am under the impression that is a GRUB setting correct?  How can I manipulate the GRUB settings while being booted into the OS?16:53
dr_willisyou edit the /etc/default/grub file to do what optuions you want, and rerun update-grub16:54
dr_willissee grub2 guides for details.16:54
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)16:54
kiergeTechnicus_, sudo nano /etc/default/grub   then edit the proper line with splash quiet etc then save then sudo update-grub216:54
knapper_techdoes ubuntu have executible linker paths defined in places other than /etc/ld.conf?16:55
Jff55what type of encryption does ubuntu use to encrypt /home when installing?16:56
Technicus_dr_willis:  Thanks for the Muggs!16:57
AirandSeaI have no window decoration or panel decoration in gnome. Im using Natty and i all i did was change theme and remove then reinserted the RAM. Since the RAM doesnt seem to affect anything else im leaning towards an issue with the theme engine or some other daemon. Any suggestions ?16:58
Mandrakenone for the moment16:58
dr_willisAirandSea:  try alt-f2 and run 'compiz --replace' or 'metacity --replace' the wm may have crashed for some reason16:58
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kural<AirandSea> try running gconf-cleaner, if reboot does not help.16:59
vk4akp_Hi, Can anyone tell me how to remove the Nigerian Scam modules from the latest Ubuntu Distro? :/16:59
wdpi might have found the issue17:00
zykotick9vk4akp_, what in the world are you talking about?17:06
AirandSeadr_willis: That left me with windows that i couldnt type text into "metacity --replace". Rebooted and still the same issue.17:06
AirandSeadr_willis: Can i check the ram from grub somehow ?17:06
wdpomg. aetas LjL i solved the ati issue17:07
blackhawkcan someone tell me where can i get a firefox "4" version17:07
shareblackhawk: .deb ?17:07
dr_willistheres ppa's with differnt versions i recall blackhawk17:07
ubottufirefox is the default web browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion | To install plugins: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxPlugins17:07
blackhawkyea share17:07
AirandSeaVGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV28 [GeForce4 Ti 4200 AGP 8x] (rev a1) ... Maybe a Nouveau issue ?17:07
lightahi guys, i'm trying to use screen and screen -x to do collaborate work witha friend but windows is quite short. Is there a way that screen can go up as tty ? Hope I'm understandable17:08
dr_willisAirandSea:  boot a live cd and use the memtest option? or from, the grub menu17:08
blackhawkwell i want it to play quakelive which is not playable on 517:08
chrnovxHi. i restarted my computer and for some odd reason, my raid 5 (via mdadm) started rebuilding.  Should I be concerned?17:08
zykotick9blackhawk, FYI firefox 4 is no longer supported - 5 is.17:08
shareblackhawk: I think you can only get as tar.gz file17:09
dr_willisblackhawk:  you may want to just get the ff4 tar.gz file and keep it in the users home dir.17:09
shareor using a PPA17:09
dr_willisweid that quakelive dosnt do ff5 yet.17:09
share and grab .deb with synaptic17:09
blackhawkhow to install the tar.gz?17:09
shareblackhawk: you download extract it and read the README17:09
shareit explains17:09
AirandSeadr_willis: Alright. Im using the nouveau driver. Maybe its an update to my recently upgraded to Natty that is the issue. Because it worked fine before in Natty.17:10
wdpaetas, LjL: the "flickering" is caused by querying the "outputs" for settings; i.e. reproducable by issuing "xrandr" at the terminal. that'll cause the screen to flicker. You can disable that behaviour by using `xrandr --output <output> --set "load detection" 0` in my case, this was disabled for VGA-0 alrady; but it wasn't disabled for S-video. doing that for s-video will stop the flickering.17:10
AirandSeaRunning live cd with memtest... bbl17:10
LjLwdp: interesting17:10
wdpLjL, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/41040117:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 410401 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (Ubuntu) "[r300 KMS] modesetting not accepted by monitor" [Medium,Fix released]17:10
wdpfound out by reading there.17:10
blackhawkshare: For information about installing, running and configuring Firefox17:11
blackhawkincluding a list of known issues and troubleshooting information,17:11
blackhawkrefer to: http://getfirefox.com/releases/       that is what it says,the file and the link has no instructions17:11
dr_willisis the file a tar.gz ?17:11
dr_willisextacct it to some dir.. run the binary..17:12
blackhawksorry,sorry,it's tar.bz217:12
dr_willisextact it.. run the binary..17:12
blackhawkok will try17:12
dr_willisive herd of some issues with running differnt versions of FF. affecting the users profiles/settings17:12
elijahWhat command can I use to find out if and where phpmyadmin is installed?17:12
llutzelijah: apt-cache policy phpmyadmin17:13
blackhawkwhat is the application i should choose for excutable files?17:13
llutzelijah:if installed, dpkg -L  phpmyadmin17:13
blackhawkto run the .bin17:13
orsulahi, does anyone know where is a SMB share mounted? I can connect and view in Nautilus, but can't see it mounted anywhere. tnx17:14
Abhijitelijah, http://localhost/phpmyadmin in browser17:14
mafiHI! How can i write a com port output into a file?17:14
milen8204I have a bit problem whit my Skype, when I close it , it says online like process but I have no access to it17:14
elijahllutz: Thanks, both of those worked and gave me the correct path too. Do you know if I have to configure Apache to tell it where it is? localhost/phpmyadmin gives me nothing.17:14
blackhawk<dr_willis> what app should i choose to run the .bin file17:15
llutzelijah:  i neither use apache, nor phpmyadmin.17:15
milen8204when I click on it`s Icon the massage appears which says there is all ready working copy17:15
xanguablackhawk: double clic with your mouse17:15
matteo_How can I enter in ubuntu italian channel?17:16
shareblackhawk: ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/17:16
xangua!it > matteo_17:16
ubottumatteo_, please see my private message17:16
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:16
dr_willisblackhawk:  there should be a executable file you run. or some startfirefox script.17:17
kural<elijah> "dpkg -l | grep -i phpmyadmin" or dlocate -S phpmyadmin17:20
elijahkural: I found it, thanks, I had to add a line to the apache.conf file17:21
pietr101hello, can someone pls tell me if this harddrive is faulty, or not? http://pastebin.com/RFKkivzX17:22
Ray2I have two copies of Ubuntu 10.04..I want to uninstall one of them..How do I do this and not lose grub 2 ??17:22
kural<elijah> :)17:23
Laserspietr101: Looks like it?17:23
_3vi1_Delete the partition, then run update-grub from the other install?17:23
Laserspietr101: Either it's faulty or it's failing from long time usage.17:23
pietr101Lasers: yes, it looks faulty to me17:23
zykotick9Ray2, which ever you installed will be controlling Grub (by default)17:24
zykotick9s/installed/installed second/17:24
_3vi1_s/installed/\1 second/17:24
_3vi1_doh.. \&, or put in some parens.17:25
pietr101Lasers: how could it be failing from long time usage and not be faulty?17:25
Ray2zykotick9: The one on sda seems to be controlling since the last update of grub..the other one is on sdb17:25
Laserspietr101: All hard drives fails. It's the fact of life.17:26
zykotick9Ray2, only grub-install will determine which is in control - but you can always reinstall grub from a livecd if required - so not a huge deal.17:26
pietr101Lasers:  yes, but that means , that they become faulty :D no?17:26
Laserspietr101: Faulty -- When you buy a new hard drive and it isn't working properly -- It's faulty.17:27
Ray2zykotick9: Thanks for the help17:27
jarot /msg nickserv register jarotjuga darojat_k@yahoo.com17:27
kural<Ray2> take a lots of advice before you decide to act.17:27
zykotick9Ray2, good luck :)17:27
pietr101Lasers: true17:28
_3vi1_Ray2:  And, back everything up first!17:28
Lasersjarot: I love your password. It's so simple.17:28
Lasers(It's not identify). D'oh.17:28
=== michael__ is now known as Burzmali
Ray2_3vi1_: All non losable info backed up to second computer so should be okay17:30
_3vi1_Ray2:  Good deal.  As long as you have a liveCD for problems, have fun with the adventure!17:31
Ray2_3vi1_: Yes I have a good live cd17:32
dvdrive got a usb wireless usb adaptor (awuso36h), works ok in ubuntu but I can't get it to run in a linux virtual machine (under virtualbox). The wireless adaptor is detected, it shows available networks etc but when I try to connect to a wpa2 secured network it reports "bad password". The exact same settings work in the host (ubuntu) machine. Any ideas? The driver is the same for both cases (rtl8187)17:32
boywonderReikoku, im up17:32
vk4akp_Can anyone tell me where I can FTP the White version of Ubuntu please?17:32
Reikokuboywonder: ?17:32
xanguavk4akp_: white version of ubuntu¿17:33
Reikokuboywonder: Do I deserve a beer yet? :P17:33
vk4akp_xangua << Yes. For Western PC's. No Niggar App's etc?17:33
_3vi1_@dvdr: Sounds like a VirtualBox bug. Not all USB devices work in passthru with it. I suggest filing a bug report over in their database and asking in their forums.17:33
th0rdvdr: the internet connection in virtualbox isn't usually done like that. the ethernet connection in the vm bridges through the host to the internet17:33
boywonderReikoku,you have saved my life17:33
Reikokuboywonder: Have fun17:33
xanguavk4akp_: ubuntu.com , and drop that attitude17:33
boywondercan i ask what you did, becuase the whole grub2 thing confused me?17:34
Reikokuboywonder: In case you wonder what we did, we used chroot to jail ourselves inside your install, reinstalled grub and set the bootable flag on17:34
edbianIs there an easy way to print 25 text documents all in the same dir?17:34
dvdr_3vi1_:ok what more can I do to confirm that? Im wondering if ive done something wrong...17:34
boywonderReikoku,  is the window still open?17:34
PythonHi ed170317:34
ReikokuI installed the wrong version of grub first time, boywonder, so we had to put grub2 back on and reconfigure it17:34
PythonHi edbian17:34
edbianPython: hello17:34
blackhawkdescription: Ethernet interface17:34
blackhawk       product: RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller17:34
blackhawk       vendor: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.17:34
blackhawk       physical id: 017:34
blackhawk       bus info: pci@0000:04:00.017:34
blackhawk       logical name: eth017:34
Reikokuboywonder: Yes, but I can't copy paste :P17:34
vk4akp_xangua  << But does the White version still have the Nigerian Root-Kit installed? Because I don't want that. :(17:35
FloodBot1blackhawk: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:35
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:35
xanguavk4akp_: stop that17:35
Reikokuboywonder: I'm currently stuck in a tty without X ^^17:35
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luckysmack_is there a good desktop/gui firewall app for managing iptables. can anyone recommend one?17:36
vk4akp_xangua  <<< Yes they should stop that. It's bad to distribute a distro with built in Sam Botnet deployment.17:36
boywonderReikoku, lol hey but thanks abunch i have alot of stuff on this box that i couldnt afford re set up17:36
th0rluckysmack_: ufw and firestarter?17:36
terryluckysmack_: firestarter17:36
th0r!ops vk4akp_17:36
terry!firestarter | luckysmack_17:36
Reikokuboywonder: Fair enough, make sure to back up often :P17:36
ubottuluckysmack_: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.17:36
* boywonder Reikoku is now my hero(god like)17:37
Reikokuboywonder: I think there's a way to find out all the packages you have installed and throw them in a list so if everything all dies, you can reinstall your whole userspace with one command17:37
th0rboywonder: you might also want to look at aptoncd17:38
qin!clone | boywonder17:39
ubottuboywonder: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate17:39
kural<luckysmack_> do you understand iptables well enough ?17:39
nit-witfor saving and reinstalling all install.  dpkg --get-selections > installed-software17:39
nit-witAnd if you wanted to use the list to reinstall this software on a fresh ubuntu setup,17:39
nit-witdpkg --set-selections < installed-software17:39
nit-witfollowed by17:39
FloodBot1nit-wit: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:39
blackhawkhow to reinstall a driver,a builtin lan driver?17:40
jribblackhawk: reinstalling rarely solves anything; it's better to just state your actual issue17:40
nit-witsorry for the flood17:40
terryblackhawk: lspci17:40
terryblackhawk: (What is the make and model of  your wireless NIC?)17:41
kural<blackhaw>  name or make of the inbuilt interface would help17:41
blackhawkproduct: RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller17:41
blackhawkhere you are17:42
terryblackhawk: iwconfig |pastebinit17:42
terryblackhawk: That's not it.17:42
luckysmack_kural, i understand them ok. not real well though.17:42
terryblackhawk: What is the make and model of your wireless NIC, (as reported by lspci)17:42
terryblackhawk: lspci | pastebinit17:43
terryblackhawk: ... and send resulting URL17:43
blackhawkok 1 sec17:43
luckysmack_kural, i have a webserver i have custom IP tables setup on to only allow the right ports of 80 and 443 and 22 for ssh and block everything else. but i sometimes reference online articles to modify them.17:44
blackhawkpastebinit is not installed yet :/17:44
AirandSeadr_willis: Ram was ok. Surprisingly everything looks ok now. Very odd :)17:44
* _3vi1_ just learned about pastebinit. +1!17:44
terryluckysmack_: good advice, especially ssh.  Why don't you just use ftp?17:44
terryblackhawk: sudo apt-get install pastebinit17:45
_3vi1_Yeah... just did.17:45
terryluckysmack_: Do you really need port 22 open to outside?17:45
kural<luckysmack_> okay , sorry if i offended you with my question. that was not my idea17:46
luckysmack_terry, u typically just use ssh/sftp to transfer files.17:46
qinluckysmack_: How you transfer files then?17:46
terryluckysmack_: You tipically use ftp to transfer files.17:47
qinterry: Really?17:47
terryqin: Yes17:47
blackhawkterry: http://paste.ubuntu.com/650734/17:47
luckysmack_i usually use ssh17:47
AirandSealuckysmack_: FTPES is the best encryption.17:47
terryluckysmack_: From outside?17:47
qinterry: No, scp ssh17:47
terryluckysmack_: Not a good idea.17:47
terryat all17:47
blackhawkterry: is that what you wanted?17:48
luckysmack_whys that?17:48
terryBut that's up to you.  It is your server.17:48
AirandSeaPRoFTPD with GAdmin-PRoFTPD is nice.17:48
qinterry: Why not?17:48
terryqin: Security17:48
luckysmack_well no, i use ssh, but in order to access any of my machines in the first place you need an ssh key.17:48
qinterry: of ssh?17:48
tomodachiqin: ftp is a crappy protocol. Messy to get through firewalls. and not encrypted17:49
samsulhy there... what is the command to see how big our file?17:49
qintomodachi: This what I am saying17:49
luckysmack_i use keys for everything so without it youre denied access17:49
terryluckysmack_: Well, what is your question?17:49
tomodachiqin:  thought you were aksing :) srry17:49
AirandSeatomodachi: Bullswaggles. ITs as secure as ssh if you use encryption on both channels.17:49
terryluckysmack_: How can we help you?17:49
tomodachiAirandSea: well thats not "default" in ftp17:50
qintomodachi: terry's idea puzzled me17:50
tomodachiftp is not encrypted17:50
tomodachiftps is17:50
luckysmack_i was wondering if there are any good GUI apps to manage your firewall/iptables on natty.17:50
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.17:50
_3vi1_samsul:  You mean ls -l ?17:50
luckysmack_yea i dont use ftp. i use ftps/ssh17:50
qinluckysmack_: ^^17:51
AirandSeatomodachi: Well, most things cant be considered secure without knowledge or skills.17:51
luckysmack_qin, saw thanks17:51
AirandSeatomodachi: Take a car for instance. Theres a reson we dont put children infront of steeringwheels :)17:51
terryblackhawk: What type of wireless device are you using?  (I do not see it listed in the output of lspci.)17:51
qinluckysmack_: Good habit for ssh is to use fail2ban or maybe different port than 22.17:51
oCeanluckysmack_: tomodachi you probably mean sftp?17:52
* pfifo throws his 2 cents in, rsync + ssh is easier and much more secure than FTP, of course, thats speaking form the experience ive had copying foles between 2 linux machines17:52
_3vi1_AirandSea:  Go carts = Windows?17:52
tomodachiluckysmack_: or just use keybased quth instead of password based17:52
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blackhawkterry: you mean the router? it's a speedtouch17:52
qinlollo64it: Or if you really concerned knockd17:52
luckysmack_qin, yea my webserver uses fail2ban. i dont locally.17:52
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luckysmack_tomodachi, yea keys are what i use.17:52
tomodachioCean: luckysmack_  no ftp eith encryption is ftps17:53
AirandSeapfifo: Good, but not as updated repositores generally. Unless you can sync gigabytes per second ;)17:53
tomodachioCean: luckysmack_ sftp is not ftp with security17:53
pfifoAirandSea, rsync is exponentially faster than FTP17:53
oCeantomodachi: sftp is the command for using ssh, I have no binary ftps, not in any package I searched17:53
terryblackhawk: Your original question was about a built in wireless device.  Right?17:53
AirandSea_3vi1_: HAha, good one :) But at 10-15 years old they can learn how to press a  few buttons on the keyboard or mouse as well. Maybe enough to make a secure connection :)17:54
luckysmack_tomodachi, yea i know. i normally use ssh for file transfering.17:54
* pfifo gives dr_willis an oatmeal cream pie17:54
terryluckysmack_: Do you mean scp?   (You said ssh.)17:54
AirandSeapfifo: Yeah, rsync deserved more usage, so i made a gui for it :)17:55
LasersI have a question about those installing Ubuntu on Macbooks -- Apple button replacing Windows button?17:55
luckysmack_terry, oh yes. my bad. i use scp to transfer files.17:55
blackhawkterry: not it;s about a built in ethernet that's unstable although connected,and it;s working fine on windows17:55
terryblackhawk: Oh, sorry.  So what is it doing?  (or not doing?)17:55
terryblackhawk: Describe the situation.17:56
terryblackhawk: Do you have it set to dhcp?17:56
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AirandSeapfifo: tried gadmin-rsync ?17:57
samsulsomebody tell me, what is the command to show size of a directory?17:57
blackhawkterry: well,my internet is unstable although the cable is connected and fine and the router is fine,when i open a web page or even chatting here on irc it stops suddenly and then gets back after a min or few seconds17:57
AirandSeadf .17:57
terrysamsul: du -s  /dir/17:58
blackhawkterry: it\s set on automatic17:58
luckysmack_thanks for the input guys17:58
pfifoAirandSea, im a cli only type of guy17:58
AirandSeaWoops: "du -h ."17:58
samsulthanks terry17:58
terrysamsul: du -S  /dir/17:58
ciunixhi all17:59
ciunixwho can help me installing git?17:59
terrysamsul: Or    du -Sh  /home/samsul/Documents17:59
Captainkrtekciunix, I can help17:59
AirandSeapfifo: I like both, but i like to do "trivial tasks" :) ... such as setting up servers via gui's17:59
ciunixwell can you help me step by step?17:59
ritzzhi everyone im trying to figure this one out for long now when i mount a file or drive with truecrypt and cryptkeeper the file or drive appears on the desktop but also it's aviable to other accounts besides admin account (family and guest accounts) how can i set access only to admin account ?17:59
Captainkrtekciunix, sure17:59
samsulokay, i'll try all18:00
ciunixusually I use cvs18:00
Captainkrtekciunix, first open a terminal and enter: sudo apt-get install git-core18:00
AirandSeapfifo: Do you also like making dists from sources ?18:00
ciunixI did it before18:00
pfifoAirandSea, pm me were too off topic18:00
terryblackhawk: cat /etc/resolv.conf    #See if the nameserver(s) are correct.18:00
blackhawkterry: yes it is the same as the one i know and see on windows and mac osx i use18:02
samsuldu -s /dir more better for me..18:02
terryblackhawk: ifconfig -a    #Look at that and see if you see anything out of the ordinary.18:02
_3vi1_Try du -sh .18:03
blackhawkterry: i don't understand anything from what has just came up,shall i paste a link for ya?18:04
coz_ have to break for a bit , be back later18:06
chinmaya_n I recently migrated to debian. But I love the ubuntu font that is used for applications and in terminal! What are those fonts? I want them in debain as it is weird here18:12
ritzzno one?18:12
Abhijitchinmaya_n, http://font.ubuntu.com/18:13
ThinkT510!font | chinmaya_n18:13
ubottuchinmaya_n: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer. For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/18:13
TrDMonospace chinmaya_n18:13
samsuli use Monospace font in my terminal..18:13
chinmaya_nAbhijit, Ohk.. I guess even in ubuntu It uses sans(my assumption). But the sans in debian is diff.18:14
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chinmaya_nTrD, Ya... I'll look that now18:14
blackhawkterry: u still there?18:15
chinmaya_nAbhijit, I'm asking the fonts used in ubuntu ( applications , terminal etc) not the font of the title ubuntu :)18:17
StavaI renamed a file to nothing (an empty string), and it disappeared18:19
StavaHow can I recover it?18:19
tdruskI accidentally rm .ssh folder. How can I get it so that ssh will work again?18:19
Reikokusudo apt-get install openssh I think18:19
StavaNevermind, it reappeared where I cut it from18:20
oCeantdrusk: what is not working atm?18:20
chinmaya_nTrD, The application font is not Monospace !18:20
chinmaya_nCan somebody tel me which font is the Application Font in Appearence window in Ubuntu??18:20
TrDset the Terminal font to Monospace18:20
Adiswhere can I download the default Windows fonts?18:21
AdisI can't find it anywhere18:21
chinmaya_nTrD, Ya.. My terminal font is already Monospace18:22
oCeanchinmaya_n: it is the "ubuntu" font18:22
ThinkT510!find ttf-mscorefonts | Adis18:23
ubottuAdis: Found: ttf-mscorefonts-installer18:23
chinmaya_noCean, Oh... It says it is ubuntu !!18:23
oCeanchinmaya_n: http://font.ubuntu.com/18:23
chinmaya_noCean, I'll try to install that and see18:23
tucemiux_mobanyone knows how to use the ALT key inside virtualbox ?18:24
aikInsaanif i wanted to migrate my pidgin settings from windows to a linux box...where should I put the .purple directory?18:25
kural<chinmaya_n> how dare <Abhijit> ventures out to help you. :D18:26
chinmaya_ntucemiux_mob, for what are you using that 'Alt' I guess it works normally18:27
c4gru1hello everyone, regards from Sao Paulo, Brazil18:27
zroyschhow do I configure Unity?18:28
chinmaya_nkural, I didnt get u man !! :)18:28
zroyschhaving a really hard time finding any useful documentation on it18:28
ThinkT510!unity | zroysch18:28
ubottuzroysch: Unity is the default UI for Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. You can still boot to GNOME; see !classic.18:28
c4gru1Hey folks, how can I manage Ubuntu workstations just like Windows does with GPO?18:29
skrmmHey there. Is there any way to install Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS onto the USB Flash stick and use it as its HDD? I also want to preinstall some packages and my own upstart job18:29
tucemiux_mobchinmaya_n, i think the problem is on the OS im using in virtualbox, im goign to install gest additions18:29
ThinkT510!usb | skrmm18:29
ubottuskrmm: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:29
chinmaya_ntucemiux_mob, yaa... guest additions resolves many pro blems18:29
_3vi1_USB stick:  unetbootin18:30
kural<chinmaya_n> did you get what <Abhijit> meant  ?18:30
skrmmThinkT510, Than you, but before I'll dive in docs - is this possible as I've described?18:31
ThinkT510skrmm: sure, but i'm not sure how useful a server on a usbstick is18:31
aikInsaanif i wanted to migrate my pidgin settings from windows to a linux box...where should I put the .purple directory?18:31
chinmaya_nkural, Ya.. He directed me to the font which ubuntu title uses! and oCean told me that it uses ubuntu font !! so I'm dloading and trying it now!18:32
carl_Hi folks. I asked this question earlier but didn't get it to work. I have this computer (asus at3ion-t) with a vga and hdmi out. VGA works fine, no signal out on the HDMI. I'm plugging the HDMI into a telly, which I did get a signal with on windows 7. I don't want windows 7 on this system, it's too slow (plus my install drive is 16gb, windows was in danger of pushing past that)18:33
skrmmThinkT510, I just need to record audio with arecord and store/rotate audio files on the usb stick + web access to them. Anyway, thank you for your suggestion18:33
wdpmaybe i should try hdmi myself, then i could help people with it.18:33
wdpi see questions and problems regarding hdmi every day in various channels18:34
ThinkT510skrmm: wouldn't it be better to use the mini.iso rather than server to tailor your install how you like?18:34
the-newsmani need help to add shared printer on xp box to my BT box.18:34
Abhijiti was away18:34
Abhijitsomething happend in my back?18:34
Abhijitchinmaya_n, issue solved?18:34
carl_the at3ion-t has an nvidia ion chipset. Dunno if it's built into the processor itself, but if it's DX11 compatible then it shares workload with the cpu, and vice versa. Anyway, as well as a realtek sound chipset which works fine, it's got an nvidia HD audio chipset taht sends sound out via HDMI18:35
skrmmThinkT510, mini.iso? What do you mean?18:35
induzhow to mount a raw-cd ISO image on ubuntu??18:35
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ThinkT510!mini | skrmm18:35
ubottuskrmm: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD18:35
chinmaya_nkural, Abhijit , oCean : I just downloaded and saw it is not that font :-( It is what I was expecting -- UBUNTU title font/logo font.18:35
oCeanchinmaya_n: no, it is the font that is used in applications etc18:36
chinmaya_nAbhijit, Can u just look look in ur appearence window??18:36
the-newsmani need help to add shared printer on xp box to my BT box.18:36
chinmaya_noCean, Ohk... I'll just try a live CD of ubuntu18:36
induzI want to mount a ISO iamge to view its folder. How can i do it without buring it on a CD/18:37
skrmmThinkT510, Sounds really good. Thank you very much!18:37
induzbasically to run it virtually18:37
induzis there any programs for it on ubuntu?18:38
ThinkT510skrmm: no worries :) reminds me of an arch install18:38
Lasersinduz: Right-click on the ISO didn't work?18:38
th0rinduz: I think it is mount -o loop filename mntpoint, or install acetoneiso18:38
oCeanchinmaya_n: http://i.imgur.com/wqOSE.jpg  (it's kde, but still the ubuntu font)18:38
Lasers!iso | induz18:38
ubottuinduz: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.18:38
kural<chinmaya_n> System - Preferences - > Appearence -- fonts,18:38
habbaWhat would be the best way to have a program running with mono, restart if it crashes?18:39
habbais there a shell script to restart it when it crashes?18:39
Abhijit_chinmaya_n, ok18:39
kural<habba> watchpid based script18:40
induzinstalling acetoneiso now...hope it works18:40
habbakural is it as simple as a batch file using start -wait?18:40
kural<habba> Logic : when it starts: count down : check: action18:42
Abhijit_chinmaya_n, this is my fonts in lucid http://imagebin.org/16451218:42
Abhijit_chinmaya_n, but they are not default i think. i have a new theme applied.18:42
the-newsmani need help to add shared printer on xp box to my BT box.18:42
the-newsmanany1 to help me ?18:43
kural<habba> or you could use monit18:43
chinmaya_noCean, Ya... I could see the same font I  've downloaded(as people told here)... I might be searching for some other font. I'll look into a live CD and can anybody confirm.18:43
oCeanthenub3141: BT meaning backtrack?18:43
habbakural the program is running in termina., and when it crashes, it just goes back to the terminal path to its folder, is this script something that will just run the same command to start it again?18:43
kural<habba> monit would be a overkill tough18:43
chinmaya_nAbhijit_,Ya... this is the font I'm looking for...18:43
oCeanthenub3141: sorry, not you18:43
the-newsmanoCean yes18:43
Abhijit_chinmaya_n, ok18:43
the-newsmanBT =backtrack18:43
oCeanthe-newsman: unfortunately that's not supported here18:43
habbamonit looks like to much18:43
ThinkT510!backtrack | the-newsman18:43
ubottuthe-newsman: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition18:43
chinmaya_nBut As it says Sans But the sans in debian is so slim and thin18:43
oCeanthe-newsman: there's #backtrack-linux for that18:43
the-newsmanoCean BT is built on ubuntu18:43
oCeanthe-newsman: can be, but it is a not supported derivative18:44
the-newsmanoCean tell me how in ubuntu and it will be the same as BT18:44
Abhijit_chinmaya_n, ask debin people then18:44
oCeanthe-newsman: no, you have to ask in the appropriate channel18:44
kural<habba> if program pid doesnt exist , or dead. Remove dead pid file and xterm -e $program ? would that work ?18:44
the-newsmanoCean well i have actually both. can u tell me how in ubuntu ?18:44
habbakural, your talking a bit above my level18:44
techi_602anyone remember command which display only printable text from binary file?18:45
oCeanthe-newsman: No, you're talking about BT, stop asking here18:45
chinmaya_nAbhijit_, Yaa... I tried .. But many dont know what ubuntu uses. so i came here :) I've to try a live CD now ;)18:45
kural<habba> sorry , that i could not be of your use.18:45
the-newsmanoCean i talk abt ubuntu.18:45
Laserschinmaya_n: See Advanced (under fonts). Change types.18:45
chinmaya_nAbhijit_, Thanx a lot buddy...18:45
chinmaya_nLasers, Ya.. I did... but the results didnt fetch it..18:46
the-newsmanany1 here to help me how to add shared printer on xp to ubuntu box ?18:46
carl_Hey, in previous versions of Ubuntu I was able to zoom in using that button between crtl and alt, and the scrolly wheel on the mouse18:46
carl_it doesn't work anymore.18:46
Abhijit_chinmaya_n, show them the image then. ask them how to get these fonts.18:46
edbiancarl_: That button is called 'windows key' or 'super'  Install ccsm and turn on zoom desktop! :)18:46
pfifothe-newsman, samba/cifs dows sharing of UNIX printers to windows machines18:47
carl_so, apt-get ccsm? What's it called in the.. Unngh, where's synaptic?18:47
kural<habba> what exactly is the program you are running via terminal18:47
carl_I don't like how they got rid of the menus18:47
oCeanthe-newsman: what does lsb_release -d output?18:47
skjoedtHas anyone tried to get Ubuntu on Asus Eee Pad Transformer? What are your experience? What is not working at this stage?18:47
chinmaya_nAbhijit_, Ya... I'll do!! Thats a good Idea :cheers:18:47
the-newsmanany1 here to help me how to add shared printer on xp to ubuntu box ?18:47
Abhijit_chinmaya_n, welcome.18:47
habbakural, mono which is running an Exe18:48
edbiancarl_: You can use synaptic or apt-get:  sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager18:48
edbiancarl_: What menus are you talking about?18:48
nit-witcarl_, right pane box with the + is the applications click and type sysnaptic18:48
th0rthe-newsman: have you tried to find any info on the web? there are a number of good tutorials on that topic18:48
nit-witcarl_, sorrl left panel18:49
the-newsmanubuntu 10.0.4 LTS18:49
the-newsmanth0r can u give me one ?18:49
carl_well, up to this version, you had a menu on the top, it's still there, showing wireless, email and things like that, but on the left hand side used to be tabs like places, system, I think the leftmost was called ubuntu or applications18:49
Lasers10.0.4 does not exist!18:49
kuraluse pidof when exec the mono code. Store in a file & then watchpid ?18:49
th0rthe-newsman: http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=add+a+network+printer+to+ubuntu&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&channel=suggest18:49
edbiancarl_: You're talking about the gnome panel.  yeah those menus are gone now.  This new interface is called unity.  click the ubuntu button in the top left corner and you can search for synaptic or the term18:50
oCeanthe-newsman: still on the backtrack box?18:50
kuralokay goto to go ...18:50
pfifooCean, cause its impossible to use a 10.04 livecd of course18:50
carl_Oh right. I thought gnome was ingetral with ubuntu18:50
oCeanpfifo: ?18:50
habbakural, sounds like it would work, would this be an sh file?18:51
edbiancarl_: They use unity now which is built on gnome18:52
pfifooCean, if he says he is using ubuntu 10.04 now instead of BT thats good enough for me.18:52
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claviusmondim making a remove sh script with text editor, I need to change all the return pressings for spaces, how do I do that?18:53
dr_willisj #ubuntu+118:54
TraceHey, I got a question18:55
Hamradio2008how do I get t twitlive18:55
zroyschThinkT510: I want to configure the shortcuts in the top menu. I don't see documentation on this. I mean there must be a simple config file or something?18:55
dr_willis!info twitlive18:55
edbianTrace: and that is?18:55
ubottuPackage twitlive does not exist in natty18:55
TraceHow do you access a ubuntu distro without the pass, username, root, ect? You know, hack it?18:55
LasersTrace: Rip out the hard drive.18:55
TraceAnyone know how? Im just curious.18:55
habbaI have a bat file for windows that does this, its just a simple way to have the program restart. If the program crashes, it just cycles back and runs the command again.18:55
Hamradio2008I am using xchat and ubuntu and want to get to the twitlive chat room18:55
wols_Trace: don't ask this again18:55
dr_willisTrace:  if you have physical access to the box. You boot a live cd.18:55
zroyschLasers: that accomplishes alot18:55
dr_willisThis is why you keep the pcs locked away.18:56
ThinkT510zroysch: i don't use unity, and its my understanding they don't want it very configurable (i use xfce)18:56
wols_dr_willis: hacking and helping to is against freenode policies18:56
=== Trace is now known as LegacyTrace121
edbianTrace: Well one way is to send data to a service that is running on that system in such a way it causes that service to crash.  Sometimes it can crash in a way that allows you do have an effect on the system.18:56
edbianLegacyTrace121: ^^18:56
Hamradio2008Can someone tell me how to configure xchat to get to twitlive chat room18:56
andygraybealcan anyone recommend an adsl modem?   brand/model -- i use westell's at work only because verizon has supplied them.18:56
zroyschThinkT510: I see. That's incredibly retarded. I mean you're going to have the default gui with zero configuration? Huge mistake18:56
edbianLegacyTrace121: But that is extremely elaborate and usually impossible.  The most common way is to just guess username / paswords18:56
wols_andygraybeal: ##hardware18:56
andygraybealthanks wo18:56
dr_willisHamradio2008:  find the server you need and channel you need and connect to it.18:56
Hamradio2008how do you find the server18:57
dr_willisHamradio2008:  check their web page? ive neer heard of the thing18:57
edbianharisund: google it18:57
edbianLegacyTrace121: Hacking is an extremely broad term.18:58
dr_willisand vague term18:58
ThinkT510zroysch: if you think about it, from a support point of view less should go wrong and it should be easier to troubleshoot (theoretically)18:58
zroyschThinkT510: valid point18:59
zroyschThinkT510: So, is it stable? I've heard reports saying not so much18:59
ThinkT510zroysch: but i prefer my desktop to my liking, hence i stick with xfce18:59
ThinkT510zroysch: thats why i said theoretically18:59
Hamradio2008the wiki page says The servername to connect is irc.twit.tv on port 6667, and we are chatting in #twitlive but I dont know how to get my xchat there?18:59
scoateshello. I'm following the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/Jaunty and do-release-upgrade gives me "An upgrade from 'jaunty' to 'lucid' is not supported with this tool." ... help?19:00
edbianHamradio2008: /server irc.twit.tv    and then /join #twitlive19:00
edbianHamradio2008: But this is offtopic19:00
Hamradio2008where do you enter that in xchat? please help sorry for the questions that may be offtopic I am a newbe19:01
Lasersscoates: Do a clean installation. You're far off. It's probably the best idae.19:01
scoatesLasers: it's a remote server so that's not an option19:01
FloodBot1Trace: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:01
edbianHamradio2008: Same place you talk to us19:01
edbianTrace: I thought we could have a real discussion!19:01
=== BienVenido is now known as _BENNY_
edbianby by19:01
Hamradio2008 /server irc.twit.tv19:02
dr_willistry without the space... :)19:02
edbianHamradio2008: yes, without a space of course19:02
dr_willisthis is when you may want to go spend 10 min reading the xchat irc beginners guides...19:02
dr_willisif that web site had given the irc channel as a url like irc://irc.twit.tv/twitlive19:03
dr_willisit may have been trivial :)19:03
ConvolutedMusingI'm having a problems while scanning for package updates. I'm using 10.04 and get an error talking about not being able to find jaunty backport sources. Error output is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/650784/ Any solutions to this?19:04
dr_willisConvolutedMusing:  you are using Jaunty?19:04
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.19:04
dr_willisthe servers prob. have been moved/closed down.19:04
jmwpcAny recommendations for a dyndns client? I see several in the repos...19:04
ConvolutedMusingdr_willis: As I stated, I'm using 10.04 aka Lucid19:05
dr_willisjmwpc:  many routers have them built in. :)19:05
dr_willisConvolutedMusing:  then you dont need any jaumty repos/entries in your sources. remove them19:05
ConvolutedMusingdr_willis: How do I remove them?19:05
dr_willistext editor, or rm command.. depending on where they are comming from19:05
jmwpcdr_willis: Mine does... but I have a paid dyn dns account and it only appears to update the main domain name... I was hoping a client might update all of them for me.19:05
dr_willis /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.list.d/files19:06
dr_willisjmwpc:  Hmm. I just go the cheap route. :) so cant suggest any.19:06
jmwpcdr_willis: no problem... I'll keep digging here a bit. Maybe there is something on the dyndns end I can configure too19:07
white_magicis there a way to reset all network settings to default in ubuntu 11.04? specifically im concerned with wifi networks' settings19:09
jmwpcdr_willis: Looks like the router takes a comma separated list afterall. Problem solved :)19:10
quatrzhi, cant install ubuntu 11.04. from Live CD. it crashes at language pack. Google searching not helped19:10
aureianimusdo you have wired internet?19:11
slgmaare there any apps to control the mouse on another computer (not vnc, just the mouse)19:11
aureianimussorry, yes, quartz, you19:12
quatrzyea, wired and wifi usb stick also.19:12
GOMIwhat distro is best for a 10gig hd ??19:13
slgmawasnt talking to you specfically19:13
slgmabut thank you19:13
dr_willisslgma:  can you see the other pc's monitor? if so you can use synergy. to get a remote keyboard/mouse setup19:13
slgmalol willis19:13
slgmaabout 5 seconds before you said that, i intsalled synergy19:13
slgmagonna try it now19:13
dr_willisGOMI:  ubuntu can fit. but it depends on what work you want to do with it as to how useable it will be.19:13
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slgmahow do you run synergy19:14
aureianimusquartz, in that case, i don't know19:14
dr_willisslgma:  it can take a little tweaking.. its configuration could be s bit more friendly19:14
=== ng_ is now known as zz_ng_
dr_willisyou run synergys on the 'server' and syngeryc on the client. and configure both via a config file. theres some guis to it.19:14
dr_willis sudo apt-get install quicksynergy synergy19:15
Dan__hi, i reinstalled windows and changed grub to point to it but it says 'bootmgr missing' or something. it doesnt do this if i just select the drive in boot options, how do i fix it?19:15
dr_willisquicksynergy = gui to config it19:15
quatrz someone else can help me? ubuntu instalation crashing at language pack. cant install ubuntu.19:16
wols_Dan__: by installing windows properly this time. you changed boot order, installed windows and then changed the boot order back to how it was. that's bad and will not work.19:16
Dan__quatrz: you could try to install using the alternate install ISO19:17
slgmadr_willis  you still there19:18
white_magicanyone know how i might be able reset all wireless settings (and wifi networks' settings) in ubuntu?19:18
slgmai read the help but im not sure how to set this up19:18
dr_willisslgma:  quicksynergy = gui to config it19:19
dr_willisserver will be the pc you are typing/mouseing at.. client is the remote.19:19
slgmadr_willis, <319:19
slgmakk gotcha19:19
random0Q) What's the easiest way to update a Ubuntu 10.04 LTS iso image ?19:19
quatrzDan_:  which one? older version 10.04 or 11.04 64bit? No other choices is given.19:19
dr_willisrandom0:  you mean convert a 10.04 to a 10.04.4 image ?19:20
random0nope apt-get update, the current 10.04 so i can re burn19:20
random0chroot ?19:20
dr_willisrandom0:  you dont really 'update' an iso image file..19:20
dr_willis unless you some how resync/zsync/it.. easiest to just download the latest19:21
Dan__quatrz: http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ you will have to download and burn the ISO again.19:21
random0ok rebuild the iso like you could ages ago19:21
dr_willisI dont even recall the caommand to 'resync sync' them. used it in beta ages ago.. dident seem to work very well then.19:21
pfiforandom0, download and burn, use the 'toram' boot option if you only have 1 cd rom and only a live enviroment19:21
quatrzDan_: thanx i'll try.19:22
dr_willisit 'zsync' :)19:22
tucemiuxhow do you probe for another OS?19:24
ThinkT510tucemiux: sudo update-grub19:25
dr_willistheir upgrade tests redownloaded like 80% of the Iso. :)  not a lot of saveings i guess.19:25
tucemiuxThinkT510: thanks! that's the command I was looking for19:25
ThinkT510tucemiux: it should probe automatically, if it doesn't add to the list you need to add it manually19:26
tucemiuxThinkT510: update-grub should add another entry?? or do I need to run anything else?19:26
trismdr_willis: it's more useful for the ubuntu+1 daily cds, since they don't change much19:26
tucemiuxdoes every OS need to have its own /boot partition for the thing to work???19:27
dr_willistrism:  yea. thats about the only time ive seen it mentioned/used :)19:27
dr_willistucemiux:  not really.19:27
dr_willistucemiux:  but a /boot/ partition can be handy.19:28
ThinkT510tucemiux: no, it will find the kernels19:28
tucemiuxdr_willis: I couldnt install 11.04 without a "/boot" partition and now I just isntalled archlinux on another partition but grub2 cant boot into it19:28
dr_willisyou can install 11.04 with out a boot.. but i guess if you got a weird setup it may need one.19:28
dr_willisto boot properly19:28
ThinkT510tucemiux: works fine for me, added the arch entry automatically19:29
dr_willisyou may need to configure grub2 by hand to add it...19:29
dr_willisgrub2 can only be so smart. :) if the archlinux partiton is not mounted when you run update-grub - it may skip it.19:29
tucemiuxThinkT510:  how did you do it? I already have dual boot with XP and ubuntu set up, now I want to add archlinux in 10 gigs of free space19:29
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ThinkT510tucemiux: i just ran sudo update-grub, it added automatically19:30
daanishwhat is the best file manager?19:30
ThinkT510!best | daanish19:30
ubottudaanish: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:30
dr_willisdaanish:  depends on your needs.19:31
dr_willisdaanish:  depending on the task. i use differnt ones.19:31
daanishI was actually trying to figure out what the chatroom was for the bot ^_^ thanks!19:31
tucemiuxThinkT510: I have bad luck then 'cos its not happening on my machine, im going to try creatin  a "/boot" partition for arch19:31
ThinkT510!brain | daanish19:31
ubottudaanish: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots19:31
daanishdr_willis, can I just say that I've been in here about a dozen times over the last few years and I always always see you here. You are inspiring.19:31
tucemiuxThinkT510: wait, so y ou first installed arch without installing a boot loader, then you went into ubuntu and ran update-grub ?19:32
daanishthanks ThinkT51019:32
ThinkT510daanish: no worries :)19:32
rubenjrquery rypervenche19:32
ThinkT510tucemiux: yeah19:32
=== cypha`` is now known as cypha
dr_willisdaanish:  and yes. i have no life...19:33
ThinkT510dr_willis: correction, you have a life of service to the ubuntu community19:34
ArcademanMay I ask, is Gnome 3 going to be supported like installed on 12.04 near future19:35
daanishdr_willis, What ThinkT510 said. =]19:35
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ThinkT510Arcademan: i think it is going to be supported, when i'm not sure, i thought it was the next release 11.10()19:36
slgmathis doesnt work :/19:36
slgmaread that theres issues with ubuntu19:36
dr_willisslgma:  had it work in the past. not tried it lately19:39
dr_willisso 'issues with ubuntu' would be a bit far reaching. :)19:40
ronqbchow can i know if i have graphic accelaration?19:41
* everybody- says hi19:41
dr_willisdoh.. wrong paste.. :)19:41
dr_willissyngery howto --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynergyHowto19:41
everybody-Does anyone know if there's any difference between the normal and the alternative ubuntu isos, other than the GUI/CLI installation?19:42
dr_willisslgma:  one issue may be you need to set up the ip to hostname in /etc/hosts or just use the ip# in the configs19:42
dr_williseverybody-:  the alt-cd can be used for a upgrade. and a few other special cases. but the os they install is the same19:42
stephenthemartyrwould anyone know if the'low-latency kernel by Alessio Igor Bogani is any good?19:43
ThinkT510stephenthemartyr: my i PM you?19:46
stephenthemartyrsure do i have to have an acount to do that cuz i dont think i have one19:46
everybody-@dr willis, thanks. I've had some trouble with ubuntu on one PC. It installs fine, but doesn't startup past the bootscreen.19:47
everybody-btw, I've tried 10.04 and later versions.19:47
ThinkT510stephenthemartyr: check the left19:47
slgmai got it working by following a different tutorial, and downgrading it19:49
slgmathanks again for your help19:49
slgmaits amazing19:49
* everybody- needs further assistance with the above problem.19:49
edbianeverybody-: What is the problem?19:49
slgmado you happen to know of an audio client/server, like so i can hear the audio from the client pc19:49
everybody- I've had some trouble with ubuntu on one PC. It installs fine, but doesn't startup past the bootscreen.19:50
slgmadid you format the whole drive19:50
nothingspecialslgma: mpd19:50
slgmaor does it have multiple partitions19:50
edbianeverybody-: What if you turn off quite and splash, can you see any errors during boot?19:50
slgmathanks nothingspecial19:50
slgmais it hard to setup19:50
=== puff` is now known as puff
everybody-@edbian, How do I turn those off?19:51
edbianeverybody-: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313219:51
edbianeverybody-: How did I see that coming? :P19:51
edbianeverybody-: sure19:51
nothingspecialslgma: no, there is a commented example conf that ou need to edit19:52
slgmaawesome, thanks19:52
nothingspecialslgma: plenty of info through a search19:52
slgmakk, thanks again19:52
slgmanothingspecial, whats the best client to use19:52
slgmathe most lightweight one19:52
nothingspecialslgma: There are console clients such as ncmpc or ncmpcpp19:54
mrk1Hi everyone, i am using wine to run an application but it is giving me an error because i dont have bonjour installed any ideas?19:55
slgmanothingspecial, is it compatible with mplayer for videos19:56
carl_Banshee is greyed out but is still playing music. Oh, that's a point, what do I use to put music to and from my ipod? I dont' want to use itunes19:56
ReL1KAnyone experiencing issues with 11.04 and subversion checkins? I'm getting a "Couldn't perform atomic initialization" and in logs: SQLite compiled for 3.7.4, but running with 3.5.6 ", sqlite3 shows 3.7.4 as installed19:56
slgmacarl, what kind of ipod19:57
slgmarhythmbox worked great for ipods for me19:57
slgmawell, except for the ipod touch 4g19:57
nothingspecialslgma: no19:57
slgmaoh damn19:58
slgmanevermind then19:58
nothingspecialslgma: cvlc19:58
slgmaok forget it then ill just use headphones on the other pc19:58
slgmaits a slow pc and mplayer is the only media player it handles well19:58
slgmavlc is kinda bloated19:58
slgmathank you for all your help19:58
slgmai really appreciate it19:58
dr_willisvlc has a remote control feature. :)19:59
slgmaill try vlc on it19:59
slgmaand see if it doesnt lag like crazy20:00
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dr_willisi can controll vlc on the pc. via my AndroidPhone. :)20:00
nothingspecialslgma: going20:00
slgmai do the same thing with XBMC20:00
dr_willisactaully i can stream to my phone  via vlc, and xbmc, and gmote. and some other apps. :)20:00
slgmai control my xbmc with my android phone20:00
slgmayea airshare20:00
slgmaor whatever20:00
dr_willisI bought a Boxee box the other day also. :) its a Mini-pc that just runs boxee20:01
carl_Banshee is taking a long, two minute pause between songs. I have just given it my music library (dunno how big it is, but it's big) to sort, and it's finished indexing them. What's making it take so long?20:01
mrk1dr_willis can you also stream mkv files?20:01
dr_willismrk1:  i never noticed the file type matering.  Ive only done it a few times. its easier to just download and play them off the phones sd card.20:02
=== the-lark_ is now known as Senix
AMAGHello, I have an ubuntu 10.10 machine which I've just swapped much hardware on.  When booting, the display simply has "Ubuntu 10.10" and the progressing red/gray dots, and on vty1 is a few error messages including it not finding one filesystem, an "init: ureadahead main process (479) terminated with status 5" and a "[    9.127847] Too many connections"20:03
alex--AMAG: what do you mean exactly my much hardware?20:04
mrk1dr_willis but you have been able to do video though20:04
AMAGI'm not sure if there is disk activity as the disk is on a raid controller without any activity LED.  Is it likely the machine is busy running fsck and will proceed to boot eventually, or may it be confused and requiring intervention?20:04
ronqbchow can i know if i have graphic accelaration?20:04
ritzzis there a way to set internet speed for wireless and also to wired connections?20:04
alex--AMAG: what do you mean exactly my much hardware?20:04
alex--by *20:04
AMAGalex--:Same RAID card and disks, everything else changed.  Old CPU or mainboard failed, so I just replaced mainboard, CPU, RAM, DVD, PSU, etc.20:05
mrk1does anyone know what bonjour is?20:05
carl_great, and the damn thing doesn't only not take a long time to play, it doesn't play the songs from the start. Do I need the latest and greatest processor to run a media player?20:05
alex--AMAG: try to do it in steps, so first the ram, then the dvd, and when you insert something, no errors, you continue, and when you insert the part that is wrong, you know which one it is20:06
AMAGIf fsck is running it may take a long time since the machine previously crashed when the CPU failed, so the raid controller is no doubt doing a verify that will take a long time and greatly slow the disk access20:06
dr_williscarl_:  depends on the media.. 1080p can be a bit of a cpu hog.20:06
=== BienVenido is now known as _ENNY_
KagomeSI want to "downgrade" my Ubuntu.  I have the DVDs written.  Is Lucid Lynx or Maverick Meerkat better?20:06
carl_I was playing either mp3's or FLAC20:06
dr_willisKagomeS:  depends on your needds. many people stick to the LTS versions20:07
AMAGalex--:Well, I already bought all the new parts and swapped the raid/hdds into the new box.  I am just trying to figure out if it's hung right now or if it is just taking a long time to fsck.20:07
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)20:07
dr_williscarl_:  id think it need very little power to play audio files.20:07
alsunamrk1: maybe this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonjour_%28software%2920:07
alex--At which step are you in the booting process exactly amag?20:07
mrk1alsuna no i meant how to install it for ubuntu20:08
carl_Well it's taking about two minutes to laod up a song, then doesn't play it from the start, it plays it from however long the gap is. I think I'll just use VLC, and have to use a mac or windows machine to use the ipod20:08
KagomeSdr_wills - scribus, gimp, inkscape (graphics); lots of writing (mainly just open office, probably); OpenShot video editor, some games (logic ones mainly)20:08
AMAGI'm not certain.  There isn't much indication of what is going on.  vty1 only has 7 lines on it, the last one is that [    9.127847] Too many connections20:08
KagomeSI hate the Unity format, so probably will just stick with Lucid.  Thanks!20:09
alex--At which step are you in the booting process exactly AMAG20:09
edbianKagomeS: You can use 11.04 and gnome2.x or kde or xfce or any other!20:09
edbianKagomeS: 11.04 does not require unity20:09
AMAGalex--:I really don't know.  vty7 is displaying "Ubuntu 10.10" and the progressing red/gray dots, and vty1 just has those few messages.  The dot pattern on vty7 is still moving.20:10
alsunamrk1: i have no idea, just googling it now, what about this: http://avahi.org/20:10
alex--AMAG: press right arrow20:11
alex--you will see what's going on20:11
KagomeSedbian  Yes, I Have Natty Narwhal install right now.  It "works," but not all that wel. I have a disk for Maverick Meerkat written, too.20:11
edbianKagomeS: Why don't you try xfce on natty?  or gnome2.x?20:11
falatharis it possible to have both Ubuntu and Ubuntu Studio installed on the same partition at the same time?20:12
KagomeSedbian, I've tried classic and others on Natty.  I still have problems with it not responding correctly.20:13
AMAGalex--:okay, it looks like it was running fsck, but now that screen shows, at the bottom, "init: ureadahead-other main process (1743) terminated with status 4"20:13
edbianKagomeS: alright.  I just don't think you're going to get better performance on a  different version.  I suggest you grab the latest LTS if you're not going to use 11.04  (that's 10.04)20:13
alex--AMAG: i have no idea about that error20:14
AMAGhrm :-/20:14
KagomeSedbian, yes, going to use Lucid Lynx . . . I was doing well with that one.20:14
edbianbye apparently20:14
pfifofalathar, yes20:16
OxymoronI try again with HDMI. Have someone else tried to fix HDMI output from ubuntu? How do you search for bug search it? I googled and found a earlier bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/722501, I have exact same laptop ulvt with nvidia G21020:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 722501 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[g45] GMA 4500MHD on UL30Vt doesn't support HDMI output" [Undecided,Expired]20:16
pfifofalathar, to be more accurate, you can simply install all of ubuntu studios packages on a normal ubuntu20:16
falatharpfifo: okay, thanks :D20:17
ritzzplease any one?20:17
OxymoronLast try with nvida resulted in a defect xorg.conf file ... which locked me out fromUbuntu with fatal error xD20:18
ronqbchow can i know if i have graphic accelaration?20:18
edbianronqbc: unity works20:19
edbianronqbc: probably the easiest way to know20:19
JasFasolkaProblem involves files view. In "tight" view (my translate, I got polish version) it kinda "cuts" names of the files. If the file is long I can't see it all, hell, I see only a lil part of its name. Some way to change it so I can see more?20:19
ronqbcedbian, can you explain me more about what should works in unity?20:20
AMAGalex--:ctrl+alt+del rebooted and then it came up to gdm correctly.  Go figure! :)20:20
pfiforonqbc, i always run the program glxgears20:20
edbianronqbc: Either it lets you log into unity or not. that's all there is to it20:20
edbianronqbc: glxgears is another way20:20
pfiforonqbc, but with glxgears it only gives you a framerate, you would need to know beforehand what your systems is supposed to get20:21
ronqbcedbian, what is really unity? so it isn't the left bar?20:22
edbianronqbc: The left bar is part of unity20:23
ThinkT510!unity | ronqbc20:23
ubotturonqbc: Unity is the default UI for Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. You can still boot to GNOME; see !classic.20:23
tucemiuxThinkT510: do you have a "/boot" partition your ubuntu distro ?20:23
JasFasolkaProblem involves files view. In "tight" view (my translate, I got polish version) it kinda "cuts" names of the files. If the file is long I can't see it all, hell, I see only a lil part of its name. Some way to change it so I can see more?20:23
ThinkT510tucemiux: nope, just /20:24
ronqbcok thanks20:24
ThinkT510tucemiux: still can't get it to detect arch?20:24
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:24
john_ramboCan the live cd read ZFS ?20:26
=== RobinJ is now known as zz_RobinJ
tucemiuxThinkT510: screw it! Im going to reformat my hard drive, reinstall ubuntustudio and then install arch20:28
MrUnagiis there a postfix front end?20:29
intlkleinbluehi, i am wishing to encrypt a series of strings individually with AES256 on the fly from commandline using ubuntu, how do I go about doing this?20:29
Andy-at-homeguys, anyone familiar with VPNs on ubuntu? are there any considerations I need to think about? What package would yous recommend? How difficult to setup? I'm looking to use it for my android phone20:32
kenneth_Anyone here familiar with John the Ripper?20:32
Milp_mainhmm how would one make a script that gets automatically executed as soon as a chroot environment is started?20:32
edbianAndy-at-home: It's built into network manager isn't it?20:32
ThinkT510!vpn | Andy-at-home20:33
ubottuAndy-at-home: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN20:33
frostschutzintlkleinblue: are you sure you don't want gpg or similar? aes is a block oriented cipher so it's not that easy; both key and input string have to be of correct length (or padded accordingly). you can use any scripting language that supports crypt with this particular cipher, e.g. python.20:33
intlkleinbluehow would i use gpg to encrypt a string on the fly frostschutz ? i know you can do gpg -c 'file.txt'20:33
intlkleinbluebut how do i do say, gpg -c 'this string of text20:34
frostschutzMilp_main: chroot /path script? or a .bashrc within the chroot?20:34
alsunaintlkleinblue: gpg -e 'this string of text'20:34
Milp_mainsomething that automatically starts from inside20:34
kenneth_I am an uber-n00b and I desperately need some help.20:34
intlkleinbluealsuna: why does it have to have a reciepent?20:35
intlkleinbluei'm not really looking for public key crypto here...20:35
alsunaintlkleinblue: ok, then gpg is not for you20:36
edbiankenneth_: here for ya20:36
kyanHello! My computer displays a blank screen on boot. It starts booting normally but when it normally displays a graphical login, it is blank. What should I do to fix it?20:36
kenneth_I'm in a linux class and i can't figure out this assignment.20:36
edbiankenneth_: I can help.20:36
edbiankenneth_: wanna PM me?20:36
edbiankyan: Have you tried turning off splash and quite on the grub menu?20:37
th0rwish I had had irc in school20:37
kyanNo, how would I do that?20:37
edbiankyan: or turning on nomodeset?   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313220:37
edbiankyan: that link explains how to do all three.20:37
froggerhi all20:37
edbiankyan: more questions are welcome :)20:37
froggeri have a little dns related question that maybe someone can help me with20:37
nit-witkenneth_, what's up20:37
edbianfrogger: sure20:37
kyanedbian: Ok, thanks!20:37
froggeri have a bind server running on our net that does dns-caching as well as master for local dns20:38
edbiankyan: sure20:38
froggernow i would like to override an external domain to point to a server in our local net20:38
edbianfrogger: k...20:38
froggerwhat would be the smartest way to handle this?20:38
kyanedbian: I have had the graphical login working, but it stopped after a crash.20:38
relixHi, my root disk just ran out of inodes and I can't explain why20:38
kyanedbian: I'll try those.20:38
alsunaintlkleinblue: I'm just looking through the manpage, what you want is probably the -c option. put your string into a file, then do the gpg -c20:38
froggerwith dnsmasq this would be something like address=/example.com/
edbiankyan: sure, nomodeset is worth a short.  Turn off all kernel options to see some errors if it doesn't work.20:38
relixit's a 15GB partition, with apparently 960K inodes in (I didn't change this on install I think), and it's only used for /* and /tmp (so no /home)20:39
relixis it normal for your root disk to use up a million indoes, or did something go wrong? I already fsck with noresults20:39
frostschutzintlkleinblue: echo "foobar" | gpg --batch --passphrase "whatever" -c -o -20:41
Milp_mainhmm i got an lxde session and it wont start anything i cilck on, what could be wrong?20:43
anli_how do I reinstall every package thats installed?20:44
nit-witMilp_main, have you loggged out and back in to see if there is a change?20:45
Milp_mainuh i gotta see if i can20:45
Milp_mainno clicking logout doesnt do anything either20:45
Milp_mainthe run dialog still seems to work20:46
dr_willisanli_:  why do you want to do that?20:46
kyanedbian: Hmm, now I have a text-mode plymouth boot screen, but it gives me a vboxdrv hardware performance counter error, and does not finish booting. That's using nodmodeset.20:47
anli_dr_willis: its fucked up20:47
oCeananli_: control your language20:47
edbiankyan: What is the first error it shows you? (I know it scrolls fast).  What is the complete vbox error?  (is this a virtual machine?)20:48
anli_I should not have tried installing gtk+ 3.0 from src20:48
dr_willisanli_:  thats a little vague.. you may be better off doing a reinstall  if you have been messint with stuff from source.20:48
kyanedbian: when it crashed, I was trying to build Banshee from source (for no particular reason beyond curiosity)20:48
anli_dr_willis: I cannot do a reinstall, and if there is a way to reinstall every package, I dont need a reinstall20:48
edbiankyan: That should be fine.  Answer my questions please.20:48
dr_willisguess you could try reinstalling all the gtk* related packages. apt-get can take wildcards20:49
dr_willisanli_:  you would no tneed to reinstall EVERY pacakge...20:49
dr_willisapt-get install --reinstall gtk*    perhaps....20:49
anli_but I dont have to do that manually, computers are good on that stuff20:49
kyanedbian: It did not scroll fast, it displayed one error then stopped: vboxdrv: Warning: 2.6.31+ kernel detected. Most likely the hardware performance counter framework which can generate NMIs is active. You have to prevent the usage of hardware performance counters by echo 2 > /proc/sys/kernel/perf_counter_paranoid20:49
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate20:50
edbiankyan: it's telling you what command to run to fix the problem.  echo 2 > /proc/sys/...20:50
anli_dr_willis: Seems that such a command will try to expand filenames in the current directory starting with gtk20:50
dr_willisyou could modify that 'clone' trick above to reinstall i guess...20:50
dr_willisanli_:  if they exist...20:50
dr_willisanli_:  so do it in an empty dir.20:50
kyanedbian: no it's not a vm. Also I think I have gotten that error in the past with no problems.20:50
edbiankyan: Run the command it says to run20:50
kyanBut sure I will run it.20:50
edbiankyan: sure :)20:51
edbiankyan: Look at the file and see if there is a 2 there already20:51
anli_dr_willis: Hm, interesting, I get conflicts20:51
anli_Its strange there is no apt-get repair20:52
dr_willisanli_:  given what you are trying to do.. id be impressed if it worked..20:52
anli_dr_willis: for what reason?20:52
dr_willisplus trying to do all packages at once. will proberly fill up the bash command line buffer.. it can only be so long20:52
Milp_mainok correction: I can open the file explorer in lxde and open things like the run dialog or file permission windows, but i cant log out or open applications, the cpu usage will spike for a second and go back down and nothing happens20:53
anli_dpkg -l does not list packages as I want, one per line and only a single column20:53
dr_willisYou dont need to reinstall 'every' package for starters.. perhaps only 5% of the installed packages are gtk related20:53
dr_willisanli_:  check that !clone factoid abocve. it gves command lines to make a file with one per line20:53
anli_But if I reinstall all packages, I will reinstall that 5% of the packages as well20:53
dr_willisthen a command line to read the listing20:54
kyanedbian: I can't boot in recovery mode to be able to examine that file or to run the command.20:54
kyanedbian: IThe last message it gave me was: [sdc] Attached SCSI disk.20:55
anli_But what if I apt-get install --reinstall *20:55
edbiankyan: that last message is not an error.  It's saying found a hdd.  Can you boot a liveCD ?20:55
MrUnagiis there a postfix front end20:55
anli_I tried apt-get install --reinstall \*20:56
kyanedbian: Yes I have been able to. This recovery mode problem is wierd though because it's been able to boot in recovery mode in the past even after the crash that broke it.20:56
anli_Trying Iapt-get install --reinstall .\*20:56
dr_willisif the * gets expaneded to all the packages.. it will fill the bash command line buffer.20:56
MrUnagioh sweet20:56
kyanedbian: All my livecds though are for older versions that don't support ext4 partition though.20:56
edbiankyan: mmm ,strange.  Save that command (write it down or something) I forget it already.  echo 2 > /proc/sys/... something.20:56
anli_will apt-get install --reinstall .\* try to "reinstall" non-installed packages as well?20:57
edbiankyan: You need a live CD or recovery mode :/20:57
edbianor a live USB.  You have another computer?  Make a new liveCD / usb20:57
kyanedbian: Yes I saved it in a text file: echo 2 > /proc/sys/kernel/perf_counter_paranoid20:57
edbiankyan: cool20:57
kyanedbian: Yes I do that's how I'm chatting here :-D20:57
edbiankyan: yay!20:57
kyanedbian: I have a really slow connection though :-( so I can't download the image easily (it would take hours)20:58
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kyanedbian: and it's a mac  which does'nt make any thing easier for me since I don't really know macs well :-D20:58
edbiankyan: awww :(  Don't know what to tell you.  You need to edit a file on that hdd20:58
edbiankyan: ha :/20:58
andey<edbian> test20:59
andey<reply> kyan test20:59
edbiananders_office: :)20:59
kyanedbian: HA! Just got recovery mode by unplugging the offending disc.21:00
dr_williskyan:  :) that will teach that disk!21:00
edbiankyan: yay!!21:00
edbiankyan: try writing to the file but since the hdd removal fixed it I have my doubts21:01
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
kyanedbian: There is no file /proc/sys/kernel/perf_counter_paranoid21:04
th0rkyan: that command will create it21:04
edbiankyan: th0r is right21:04
kyanedbian: ???? Confused…21:04
kyanedbian: ok... when I ran the command (as root) it said bash: /proc/sys/kernel/perf_counter_paranoid: No such file or directory21:05
intlkleinblueubottu: !vpn21:06
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN21:06
intlkleinblueubottu: !irc21:06
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines21:06
edbiankyan: try again, if you do sudo echo 2 it should not complain about the file missing.  it should just create it21:06
dr_willisactually with using sudo and > redirecton. you may need to do the sudo tee trick..21:07
kyanedbian: Same response, but anyway I was already running as root21:07
dr_willisecho "foo" | sudo tee /root/somefile21:07
intlkleinblueubottu: !vim21:08
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code21:08
intlkleinblueinteresting, ubottu knows everything21:08
edbiankyan: make the file (with all those folders) and put a 2 in it21:08
intlkleinblueubottu: !life21:08
ubottulife is something very few people know about in this channel - and anyway, it's probably offtopic, perhaps you want to try #ubuntu-offtopic21:08
intlkleinbluegotcha, thx ubottu21:09
kyanedbian: I tried using nano to make the file as requested an it sais: [ Error writing perf_counter_paranoid: No such file or directory ]21:10
Andy-at-homeguys, the guide im using to setup pptpd says to look at /var/log/messages for the errors but theres nothing there21:11
edbiankyan: what?21:11
edbiankyan: did you use sudo nano  ?21:11
kyanedbian: well no I was already root21:12
kyanedbian: I can try again though with sudo21:12
kyanedbian: TRied with sudo, but it gave the same error.21:12
edbiankyan: How are you root?21:12
edbiankyan: nevermind can you copy / paste the command you're running?21:12
Brixius111Hello, in trying to install ubuntu from a usb key, ive used this key to install other machines, however its locking up on a toshiba laptop on boot.  Right after initializing net21:12
th0rkyan: do you have a hard drive running? Or did you unplug the only hard drive?21:13
Andy-at-homeas in theres no file /var/log/messages file21:13
kyanedbian: well not copy/paste but I can type it here: sudo nano perf_counter_paranoid; I ran that after cding to /proc/sys/kernel21:13
kyanth0r: I have two internal hard drives plugged in.21:14
kyanth0r: I don't think it would have booted without them because they are where the os is21:14
th0rkyan: ok...thought you had booted from a live cd21:15
edbianth0r: This is strange?21:15
kyanth0r: no. I did not.21:15
ubottupostfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer21:15
th0redbian: yeah, it is.21:15
kyanedbian: No kidding :-D21:15
anli_Is this a good reinstall script: http://pastebin.com/insQbhzF21:15
edbianr/o file system?21:15
th0rkyan: can you do a 'ls /proc/sys' and see if there is anything there? there should be, among other things, a kernel directory21:16
kyanedbian: shouldn't be. it's a normal hard disc, same one I used all along21:16
kyanth0r: sure.21:16
quidnuncHow do I adjust power management21:17
th0rkyan: I only see 7 folders in /proc/sys, but one is the kernel21:17
=== almoxarife1 is now known as almoxarife
quidnuncI can't find the setting in unityi21:17
kyanth0r: ls /proc/sys: crypto debug dev fs kernel net vm21:17
kyanth0r: Yes, seven21:17
th0rkyan: do ls -l and see if those folders are executable (x)21:17
TrentHI'm having a problem with window management? It seems whatever window is ontop say if I try to click on firefox, and terminal is opened ontop of it. It clicks on terminal instead?21:18
TrentHAlso window decoration keeps crashing21:18
kyanth0r: they all have the permissions r-xr-xr-x21:18
kyanth0r: so yes they are21:19
th0rkyan: can you cd into kernel?21:19
kyanth0r: Yes, I21:19
TrentHIf I enable OpenGL it fixs the window decoration...but then the windows start lagging when you drag them?21:21
kyanth0r: The three related files listed are perf_event_max_sample_rate, perf_event_mlock_kb, and perf_event_paranoid.21:21
kyanth0r: There isn't any perf_counter_paranoid though21:21
kyanth0r: that's all in /proc/sys/kernel21:21
th0rkyan: where did you see the three related files?21:22
Na_Klarcan I run OS X programms on my ubuntu machine? I looked at pearpc but to install a whole OS X seems to much for me. Since OS X and ubuntu have kind of a similar architecture, isn't there a plain way to achieve that?21:22
kyanth0r: in /proc/sys/kernel.21:23
th0rkyan: right, can you21:23
kyanth0r: the thread http://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=23223 says the error from vboxdrv can be ignored.21:23
th0rkyan: oops....can you 'cat /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid'21:23
kyanth0r: so I don't think that s the problem21:23
TrentHth0r, fix my issues mr ubuntu god21:23
kyanth0r: cat /proc/sys/kerne/perf_event_paranoid produces: 121:24
helihi have anybody had such problem than when you logout you see blank black screen and nothing happens?21:24
quidnuncHow do I adjust power management?21:24
th0rkyan: according to the error posted you need a 2 there...that is what that command is supposed to do21:24
helisame problem with shutdown21:24
edbiankyan: th0r: so it exists now...21:25
heliI have blank screen and then power dont go off21:25
kyanth0r: well no the error was referring to perf_counter_paranoid, not perf_event_paranoid.21:25
helianyone know this?21:25
osamayes i'm21:25
th0rkyan: oh....I must have pasted the wrong thing21:25
osamahow can i help u21:25
DaghdhaHi, tried to set up bonding of 2 nics? Not sure if it worked. I think it's wrong. Here's my ifconfig outpu http://pastebin.com/kyFhJjZw21:25
DaghdhaI think just 1 nic is in the bond21:26
kyanth0r: cat /proc/sys/kernel/perf_counter_paranoid produces:21:27
anli_How do I use sed to only get the first column of an output?21:27
kyanth0r: cat: /proc/sys/kernel/perf_counter_paranoid: No such file or directory21:27
quidnuncHow do I get to gnome-power-preferences through unity?21:28
Milp_mainWhat was the name of that one super hardcore lightweight window manager for linux?21:28
th0rkyan: you are right...I can't create that with sudo here either.21:29
TrentHAlright, can somebody help me pl0z?21:29
quidnunc!ask: TrentH21:30
kyanth0r: what the heck? Weird. I though sudo could write *anything*21:30
edbiankyan: it can...21:30
quidnunc!ask TrentH21:30
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:30
edbianth0r: What is happening?!!21:30
TrentHquidnunc, alright so if this chat window is ontop of the firefox window. I go to drag the firefox window...it drags this one instead21:30
* edbian 's world comes crashing down.21:30
kyanedbian: *very* weird.21:31
th0redbian: I am trying to get that file crreated here...the tee command didn't do it either21:31
edbianwhat file is it again?  I'll try on my system21:31
quidnuncTrentH: Difficult to understand exactly what the problem is based on your description. What is the chat application?21:31
edbianFound it, editing on my Debian system21:32
edbianMust be a bug in Ubuntu?21:32
th0redbian: echo 2 > /proc/sys/kernel/perf_counter_paranoid21:32
edbianI was able to sudo nano it21:32
alex--I wonder, do I ever need the root password on my server?21:32
TrentHquidnunc, XCHAT-Gnome But what happens is..if the Terminal window overlays my Firefox window or any other window. And if I go to click on the firefox window what it will do is drag the Terminal window instead.21:32
pfifoalex--, yes21:32
pfifoalex--, to login as root21:33
alex--why would i need that?21:33
th0rkyan: try sudo nano /proc/sys/kernel/perf_counter_paranoid21:33
edbiannano works21:33
quidnuncth0r: I have found that some files are protected (via apparmor?) in a way similar to windows and will silently discard edits21:33
TrentHquidnunc, if I have Window 1 and Window 2, Window 1 is sitting ontop of Window 2. I go to drag/minimize window 2. It clicks on Window 1 instead.21:33
kyanedbian: th0r: http://forum.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=16032021:33
th0rkyan: edbian: nano worked, but touch and cat didn't21:33
pfifoalex--, not something I can answer for you, its our server21:33
edbianth0r: wow21:33
alex--Can I use sudo?21:33
edbiani have to go21:33
alex--Instead of root?21:33
quidnuncTrentH: Terminal? I thought it was XChat + Firefox. Is there a terminal console as well?21:34
kyanth0r: Same error: no such file or directory.21:34
anli_is there a way to tell apt-get install --reinstall to not stop and start deamons that I am reinstalling?21:34
pfifo!sudo | alex--21:34
ubottualex--: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo21:34
TrentHquidnunc, it does it with any window...doesn't matter what program window it is.21:34
kyanth0r: I ran sudo nano /proc/sys/kernel/perf_counter_paranoid21:34
alex--pfifo: afaik i dont need the root account, I can just use sudo21:34
alex--Is there any way to temporary disable the root user?21:34
quidnuncTrentH: Can you do a screencast? Try gtk-recordmydesktop21:35
quidnuncTrentH: I cannot reproduce21:35
quidnuncTrentH: istanbul is another application you can try21:35
quidnuncto do a screencast21:35
* quidnunc has used neither one21:35
TrentHquidnunc, also my window decoration crashes?21:35
pfifoalex--, sudo is a command, root is a user, their not the same, you (YOU) may not need to enable root, but insome cases you may benefit from being able to login in as root, in which case you have to enable the root account21:36
quidnuncTrentH: I would try turning off compiz21:36
TrentHquidnunc, explain how I do this? :)21:36
TrentHquidnunc, whenever I disable OpenGL everything seems to work better?21:40
Andy-at-homewhere can i find the pptpd error log?21:40
=== pothos_ is now known as pothos
Andy-at-homethe /var/log/messages doesnt exist21:40
qinAndy-at-home: Maybe auth.log?21:41
Andy-at-homethat in /var/log?21:42
kyanth0r: I found https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/BlankScreen but it didn't seem useful21:42
Andy-at-homedoesnt appear to exist either21:42
qinAndy-at-home: What logs fo you have? grep ppt /var/log/*21:43
Andy-at-homejust dpkg.log21:44
Andy-at-homecomes up with any ppt21:44
Milp_mainthere is a vnc server running at :0 how do i kill it?21:45
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qinAndy-at-home: Do you run syslogd (htop)21:45
MrUnagii am trying to set up postfix and i get -su: cd: Maildir/new: Not a directory21:45
MrUnagianyone know why?21:46
quidnuncTrentH: Download one of those two apps, press record, upload the video somewhere, post the link so we can see it21:46
Andy-at-homehtop is installed21:46
pfifoMilp_main, i use `ps aux` to view running processes and then `killall -9 <process>` or `kill -9 <pid>` to end it21:46
the_owlhow i can switch from the startx at the text mod?21:46
qinAndy-at-home: So check if you run /sbin/syslogd21:47
TrentHquidnunc, I have to wait until this download is done21:47
quidnuncMilp_main: "pkill vnc" would work21:47
quidnuncTrentH: What download is that?21:48
qinthe_owl: "text mod"21:48
Milp_mainquidnunc yeah it did21:48
pfifoMilp_main, careful pkill vnc would kill more han just that one process21:48
TrentHquidnunc, VMWare..So I can do some windows things21:48
Milp_mainthats fine, all vnc is to be eradicated :)21:48
quidnuncMilp_main: See pfifo proviso ^21:48
the_owlyest the modality only text21:48
Milp_mainnow i just need to find out how this chroot environment automatically starts that vnc server every time i start it21:48
the_owlas the terminal21:49
quidnuncTrentH: I have to go but that approach is what I would suggest to get someone to help you. Graphics glitches are difficult to explain21:49
quidnuncand diagnose21:49
quidnuncthe_owl: ctrl-alt-f1?21:49
TrentHAlright thank you quidnunc21:49
pfifo!details | Milp_main21:49
ubottuMilp_main: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:49
the_owlok thank you21:50
Milp_mainwell its a chroot environment in img file, and as soon as i "chroot into it" it starts some sort of script that starts the vnc server, where should i be looking for that script?21:50
pfifoMilp_main, you are tellingit to run a program when you chroot, `man 3 chroot` for details21:51
Milp_mainoooh now i found it, thanks pfifo21:51
Milp_mainits /root/init.sh21:51
pfifoMilp_main, sorry, man 8 chroot21:51
Daghdhawhat would happen if one would say.. define eth0 and eth1 with the mode manual and assign it an ip, and then add them to a bond. with the same ip?21:51
Milp_mainnow if that chroot jail starts firefox in under 5 minutes im happy :)21:51
Havokheya guys, i've come here because i need help, now normally i don't come here, i use the forums, but its pretty critical and i'm a tad scared, before i even ask, is this the channel for those who.... are more cautious, like i'd rather get this fixed then work out how it got fixed.... i really am scared not lazy....21:52
DaghdhaWOuld it maybe.. prevent ubuntu from booting properlyt?21:52
Andy-at-homeim trying to running a pptpd server on my vps but i have only 1 ip address, is it possible to use it with the same localip and remoteip?21:52
BluesKajHavok, just ask your question21:52
pfifoHavok, ask your question, analyze the answer and then ask about cavets21:52
hukimHi all21:53
Havoki've got a new laptop, a HP DV6 and i've got a few problems, in order of importance, no right mouse button, now there's PLENTY on the forums and i've found some sollutions, the problem is its a multitouch pad, and the areas to push to click are apart of it, so dragging makes it jerk around erratically, and right click is over-ruled by the contact of a finger21:54
Havoki've founda  great thread, but its 15 pages long (or 13) and is full of about 6 different sollutions, i tried the one that got alot of thumbs up, compiling a kernel with a new driver, but there were errors, so i moved on.21:54
Havoki can't find a difinitive sollution, and if i can't get this working - this is my fear, a narrow window in which to return it, if i can, and i'm worrying about having auseless new laptop, so i'm asking you, in a way to research it for me, but there are so many threads, each magic bullet failing somewhere, does anyone know of a sollution that actually works21:55
pfifoHavok, multitouch and all the other latest greates devices may not work 100% in linux, they make this awesome device called a USB mouse that should suppliment your touch pad greatly21:55
cds-true that21:56
Havokpfifo, that's waht i was afraid one of you gus would say.21:56
alex--pfifo: you can't draw with it very good21:56
Havokwhy i was reluctant to come here in the first place21:56
Havoki don't want multitouch, sidescrolling all that crap, i just want a touchpad that works, like my old one.21:57
dr-willisHavok:  tried the next relesse yet? it may be fixed in it.21:57
pfifoHavok, sorry but its true, multitouch is a work in progress, these things take time, developers have to reverse engineer drivers since the manufacturer wont support linus directly21:58
Havokpfifo, again, i've read up on this, ubuntu supports a multitouch pad it just hasn't seen mine as being one, hence it takes the most recent finger-contact as the dominant one.21:58
linux_noobhi everyone21:58
linux_noobi really really need help with my ati card.....21:59
kroq-gar78!ask | linux_noob22:00
ubottulinux_noob: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:00
DaghdhaWOuld it maybe.. prevent ubifconfiguntu from booting properlyt?22:00
linux_noobok, i have an x800 ati card, i have no clue how to install xf86.conf to make the card work, i have found out flgrx does not support it anymore22:01
pfifoHavok, there might not be much you can do about it. but you can be a great help to others by filing bug reports and and explaining what does and dose not work. Eventually you <pice of hardware> will work, but it takes time22:01
kroq-gar78linux_noob: have you tried to install the ATI drivers yet through "Additional Drivers" program?22:01
linux_noobyes, empty22:02
kroq-gar78linux_noob: HAVE you installed the drivers or is that what you're asking? I don't exactly know what xff86.conf is so that's why I'm aksing.22:03
HavokMy next question is about ATI too, my new laptop prides itself on having two switchable graphics cards (can use their own ram, or share an extra 3gb from the system) Ubuntu only see's the lesser one, an ATI 4500M, and has given it (or its taken) 3gb of ram, the ATI Catalyst control centre, does not show any signs of seeing the second one, it was installed via aditional drivers22:03
Havokany suggestions?22:03
linux_noobwell, i have just downloaded xf86-video-ati from x.org, i don't know what to do with it, so i don't think it's installed22:04
pfifoHavok, can you disable the crappier card in bios22:04
kroq-gar78linux_noob: what do you mean you downloaded it from x.org?  don't you have to install the drivers from ATI's website?22:05
Havokno pfifo it can be hotswapped - works in windows (i know, i hate it too)22:05
linux_noobi have downloaded the proprietary drivers and installed the catalyst and flgrx, but found out they are not supported anymore, they don't work at all and cause serious errors22:06
linux_noobthey were from amd.com22:06
pfifoHavok, can you pastebin the output of `sudo lshw && sudo lspci && sudo lsusb`22:06
Havokpfifo, i did http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1388164&page=2 the first sollution on that page, but it got some "chunk fuzz" errors when i tried to compile22:06
kroq-gar78linux_noob: which version of ubuntu do you have?22:06
linux_nooblucid lynx now22:06
Havokpfifo, its huge just piping it to a file, give me a sec22:07
pfifoHavok, those instruction are not completer that is a low quality post22:07
kroq-gar78linux_noob: how did you download the unsupported drivers from amd? I reason that the supported ones are easy to get...22:08
kroq-gar78linux_noob: in case you haven't, look at this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI22:08
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pfifoHavok, yes its more than 3 lines :)22:09
linux_noobyup, been on that and did everything but it wouldn't work, i'll just go through it to remember where it crashed.22:09
linux_noobstep 11. is where it stops22:11
kroq-gar78linux_noob: what is the error?22:11
Havok[really huge]22:12
linux_noobwell i don't remember the error since it was almost a week ago, but it definitely did not work cause i tried a few times with those drivers, caused many bugs22:12
pfifoHavok, i want lspci, other helpers want lshw, paste `sudo lspci` and wait on the others then22:13
cissi'm currently fighting with bug #607560 (frequent jbd2 write access) on natty desktop. is there a solution that might have not found its way into the bug comments?22:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 607560 in linux (Ubuntu) "jbd2 writing block every 5 - 10 seconds, preventing disk spin-down and making noise" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60756022:13
kroq-gar78linux_noob: what's the error?22:14
cyperbgcan anyone write the exact command for copying 2 files from 1 folder and overwriting 2 same files in a different folder please22:15
MrUnagiis there a benefit to milder over mbox?22:15
pfifoHavok, ok explain the problem once agin with a bit more detail22:15
kroq-gar78linux_noob: can you try again?22:15
Andy-at-homewhy would /var/log/messages not exist?22:15
Amozcyperbg, cp dir1/file dir2/file, and then the same thing with the other file22:15
cyperbgAmoz is it possible for the whole command to copy both files?22:16
Amozcyperbg, you can separate the commands with && or ;22:16
cisscyperbg: do the target files have the same name?22:16
cyperbgciss yes22:16
cyperbgI want to overwrite22:16
linux_noobyou mean what it caused to happen? cause i don't remember the error in terminal but it was something like could not locate even though it was there. i wouldn't want to try it again because it sometimes stopped ubuntu booting, or it would auto boot in safe graphics and if it did ever boot normally then everything gets so slow and stops responding22:16
Havokpfifo, my laptop comes with 2 graphics cards, one is an ATI Radeon 4500M (mobile) and the other a 5750, these are switchable, this 'apparantly' means, they can be swapped at runtime (tested in windows) and they can go from 512mb dedicated memory to taking 3 gb of system memory (tested in windows to work) Ubuntu only sees the lesser card the 4500m and has given it 3gb of my ram... or its taken, one of the two22:16
cisscp file1 file2 targetdir/22:17
cyperbgdo I include -i22:17
Havokpfifo, my problem is, i'd like to be able to switch ebtween them and control weather they have ram or not22:17
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cyperbg-i, --interactive22:17
cyperbg              prompt before overwrite22:17
kroq-gar78linux_noob: try this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowTo22:17
cisscyperbg: you want it to ask?22:18
cyperbgciss no22:18
kroq-gar78then don't22:18
cissthen dont use -i22:18
cyperbgso it will overwrite automatically?22:18
Amozno questions asked, yes22:18
cyperbggreat 10x22:18
cisscyperbg: yes. try: cp --help22:18
cyperbglet's try22:18
DaghdhaHi, i am trying to bond two nicks. One of them keeps grabbing a static ip though. Not sure where that's coming from as it'snot in the interfaces22:18
pfifoHavok, you have 2 graphics cards, their output is the only thing that can be switched. #1 do you have a custome xorg.conf and if so #2 what PCI device are you telling it ot use?22:18
Daghdhait's set to manual22:18
linux_nooba link to a wiki how to page?22:18
daniel__hey what software do i use to burn a game that is in iso form to a disc ?22:19
kroq-gar78daniel__: brasero22:19
Havokpfifo, no, i come from nvidia (desktop) this is a totally different config as far as i am concerned, and its not true, according to the manual, one is actually disaabled and the other one enabled.22:19
daniel__kroq-gar78, would i use the burn image option22:20
linux_noobum, i confused, that page just explains what a how to page is...    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howto22:20
pfifoHavok, well according to linux, you have 2 devices, one on PCI 01:05.0 and one on PCI 2:00.0, this is reading as 2 different devices22:20
kroq-gar78daniel__: yes22:20
Havokpfifo, i trust that then :) so regardless, what's the sollution? get new drivers from the AMD website?22:21
kroq-gar78linnux_noob: what???? that's weird...22:21
i_is_broke 022:21
pfifoHavok, the solution is to tell X to use the one you want22:21
kroq-gar78linux_noob: I'm not sure why that link is there in the Ubuntu help wiki...22:21
kroq-gar78linux_noob: sorry22:21
linux_nooblol its ok22:21
Havokpfifo, is there a graphical program? like the Nvidia control panel? or is it research and learn?22:21
pfifoHavok, your basicly dealing with a dual monitor setup but with only one monitor22:22
Amozpfifo, lol wut?22:22
Havokdoesn't that defeat the purpose HP tried to do?22:22
Havok@ pfifo22:23
kroq-gar78linux_noob: ah this is what I meant... http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx22:23
pfifoHavok, no all you need is a cusomized xorg.conf, its really not hard, google search for ati based xorg.conf's and you shout get an example, then just fine tune it22:23
kroq-gar78linux_noob: then check if it supports...22:23
Havokthanks i'll come whine to you if i get stuck :)22:23
linux_noobyup, thats the driver that totally wrecked natty, maverick and almost lucid aswell22:23
pfifoHavok, i think HP is simply trying to put 2 cards into one output and allow the system to change between the two for power cunsumption aspects22:24
linux_noobim looking for that link that explains why its not supported...22:24
cyperbgciss, so I enter the folder where the files I want to copy are and do that: cp cards.lib common.lib ~/Autominer/22:24
cyperbgdoes it look alright?22:24
Havokpfifo, so they are not both powered both rendering a desktop?22:24
Amozcyperbg, yes22:24
cyperbg10x :)22:24
kroq-gar78linux_noob: yeah linux just doesn't have the market share that windoz has, so ATI doesn't really care as much... so is ur card supported?22:25
kroq-gar78by flgrx22:25
pfifoHavok, its probably way over your head but if you really want you can read the whitepaper on how PCIe works22:25
linux_noobthe card used to be supported, but it just doesn't work22:25
kroq-gar78linux_noob: what's ur card again?22:25
gikoskerhey is anyone expert in ubuntu here?22:25
gikoskeri have an issue22:26
GOMIwhy does it give this warning in .xsession    ".config/autostart/xfce4-settings-helper-autostart.desktop"22:26
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:26
kroq-gar78!ask | gikosker22:26
ubottugikosker: please see above22:26
pfifoHavok, but basically its only going to use power if its doing stuff22:26
kroq-gar78edbian: dang it u beat me :P22:26
GOMIproblem is i deleted xfce ?!? so why does it still say that22:26
edbiankroq-gar78: :)22:26
dlilinux_noob, which generation of card? ati seems to be fine for me22:26
PythonI'm making a new linux distro and I need a designer for making logos, wallpapers etc...22:27
Python any takers?22:27
linux_noobfrom the amd site, its the desktop version, x series, x8xx series linux x8622:27
kroq-gar78edbian: >:(22:27
linux_noobthe card is the x80022:27
jribPython: you know what's gonna happen next right?22:27
kroq-gar78!offtopic | Python22:27
ubottuPython: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:27
edbianoh thank god22:27
edbiananother distro22:27
jribPython: you keep talking about things you know are not on-topic here.  Please stop22:27
kroq-gar78jrib: yup ;)22:27
dlilinux_noob, weird, x800 should be stable enough22:27
kroq-gar78jrib: oh never mind22:27
kroq-gar78I was thinking something else22:28
gikoskerwhen i open a window in Natty 11.04 in minimize the buttons on the right don;t glow but on maximize they do what is the problem?22:28
exutuxGOMI: maybe you still have that command in autostart22:28
dlilinux_noob, just want to confirm, you are running the open source driver, right?22:28
exutuxGOMI: move it from ~/.config/autostart22:28
linux_noobthats the thing, i think i am but how do i check if i am running the open source driver?22:28
Barnabaslinux_noob, install glxinfo22:28
GOMIexutux,  okey ill try that22:28
Barnabasglxinfo | grep vendor22:28
linux_noobsudo aptget glxinfo?22:29
blinkhow can I use regex in the terminal?22:29
kroq-gar78linux_noob: sudo apt-get install glxinfo22:29
dlilinux_noob, you may check your xorg.conf (if exists), or /var/log/Xorg.?.log22:29
pfifoHavok, but yeah, install ATI drivers and tell X to use those drivers on the correct pci device and it SHOULD just work, it dosent appear any different from a dual head setup with only one monitor22:29
Barnabaslinux_noob, try typing glxinfo in a terminal22:29
Barnabasit should state the package to install22:30
ubottupostfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer22:30
linux_noobinstalling atm22:30
linux_noobReading package lists... Done22:30
linux_noobBuilding dependency tree22:30
linux_noobReading state information... Done22:30
prowerhello :> i have a roland um-1 usb-to-midi cable, it works fine in windows but in ubuntu it's not appearing in jack at all? lsusb just lists ID 0582:012a Roland Corp.22:30
linux_noobE: Couldn't find package glxinfo22:30
pfifoHavok, an I mean there isnt a KVM withc or any weird hardware controlling output, it seems to be a simple as if the good one has output the crap one dosent22:30
Barnabaslinux_noob, no the pkg is not called glxinfo22:30
linux_noobThe program 'glxinfo' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:22:31
linux_noobsudo apt-get install mesa-utils22:31
kroq-gar78oops sorry22:31
kyanHow can I see what is happening during the display of the plymouth splash screen during ubuntu boot? The splash screen is displaying interminably with no change other than the orange and white dots alternating. I am using ubuntu 10.10.22:31
pfifo!enter | linux_noob22:31
ubottulinux_noob: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:31
kroq-gar78pfifo: didn't know that one existed :P22:31
linux_nooboops, sorry22:31
Barnabaslinux_noob, that util is very very handy when fault finding your gpu driver22:31
MK``How do I change the language encoding in gedit? When I enter foreign characters it comes out wrong when I view it in a browser.22:31
* pfifo gives kroq-gar78 an oatmeal cream pie22:31
Havokpfifo, its a .run file22:32
Havokwhat should i do?22:32
kroq-gar78what's that mean? sorry if I did something wrong...22:32
AmozHavok, ./file.run22:32
pfifoHavok, no thats not right22:32
linux_noobkool, installed now, i typed glxinfo but i don't wanna paste that in here!22:32
MrUnagii don't understand, after issuing MAIL=/home/fmaster/Maildir i can no longer receive mail22:33
Barnabaslinux_noob, try to do a glxinfo | grep vendor22:33
Barnabasperhaps a glxinfo | grep direct22:33
pfifoHavok, im sorry but i onyl run nvidia, i cant tell you how to get ATI working, but i can tell you that you need to get AIT drivers installed, and then write an xorg.conf file to tell X to use X drivers with Y device22:33
Barnabaslinux_noob, but use pastebin or paste.ubuntu.com22:33
linux_noobserver glx vendor string: SGI, client glx vendor string: Mesa Project and SGI, OpenGL vendor string: DRI R300 Project22:34
kroq-gar78!pastebin | linux_noob22:34
ubottulinux_noob: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:34
edbianHavok: what card do you have?22:34
chrisyboyhi,i was here earlier, what i need to know is can i delete a partition with the swap partition on it?22:34
Havokedbian, a 4500M and a 575022:34
pfifoedbian, he has a weird dualie device http://pastebin.com/CdTKWE5U22:34
edbianchrisyboy: the swap partition is a partition.  You can delete it.  You cannot have a partition with a partition on it unless you are talking about extended partitions22:35
edbianHavok: ...and ?22:35
MrUnagii don't understand, after issuing MAIL=/home/fmaster/Maildir i can no longer receive mail nor cd into /hom/fmaster/Maildir/new22:35
chrisyboyedbian, yes its extended, i want to delete it then grow sda1 and put a new swap in?22:36
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claviusmondam i the only one that thinks konqueror sucks?22:36
edbianchrisyboy: sure, go for it22:36
kroq-gar78!offtopic | claviusmond22:36
ubottuclaviusmond: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:36
Barnabaslinux_noob, looks like the oss drivers to me22:37
edbianchrisyboy: delete the swap, (and everything in the extended) then you can remove the extended partitions22:37
Havokis there any way to find out if the kernel is 64 bit? or 32 bit?22:37
MrUnagiis there a mail support channel? lol22:37
Barnabasallthough I have not had a Radeon gpu in a while - can anyone verify?22:37
AmozHavok, uname -a22:37
chrisyboyedbian, thank you22:37
edbianchrisyboy: sure22:37
Havokwill ubuntu update t be 64 bit or should i have installed that out of the box?22:38
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edbianHavok: You cannot switch from 32 bit to 64 bit.  YOu have to re-install22:38
Havokk thanks22:38
edbianBarnabas: verify what?  I have an ATI radeon 955022:38
=== KurtB is now known as kurtBgone
Barnabasedbian, the output of glxinfo with the oss driver on a Radeon gpu22:39
Barnabasedbian, I am on a NVIDIA GPU22:39
edbianBarnabas: http://paste.ubuntu.com/650881/22:40
linux_noobso would i be able to configure it? i can try the flgrx again if someone would be able to assist me on the way...22:40
Barnabasedbian, thanks - that confirms it linux_noob, you are using the oss driver22:41
edbianBarnabas: 'radeon' is the name of the oss driver.  You can also use sudo lspci -k or lsmod | grep rad22:41
Barnabasedbian, yes but it will not tell you if it is just loaded or being used22:42
cissi've tried to add a commit=60 option to my fstab, but it gets overridden by an appended commit=0. this is the fstab content and mount output: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/445095/22:42
linux_noobdamn, that means the driver just isn't that good then...22:42
edbianBarnabas: If it's in use lspci -k lists it as a driver in use, not a module available.  lsmod does not list drivers that are not in use22:42
cissit's an lvm logical volume. does lvm add that option?22:43
daniel__how do i make a file executable if it says its read only22:43
linux_noobhas anyone got experience with flgrx?22:43
Barnabasedbian, well for example to test if you have direct rendering enabled22:43
edbiandaniel__: depends who owns it :)22:43
Barnabasglxinfo | grep direct22:43
edbianlinux_noob: I do22:43
bryce910is there any network traffic sniffer like tcpdump that doesn't require root to run?22:43
Barnabasstuff like that22:43
edbianBarnabas: That is more detail :)22:43
dlilinux_noob, I think fglrx doesn't support old cards any more22:43
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AlanKeyhi wold anyone be able to tell me the commands to upgrade to 11.04??22:43
chrisyboy2edbian, also what is the swap partition for? do i have to make it extended or can it be primary? when you have the time to answer thanks22:43
edbianbryce910: No, they are all going to need root to run22:44
linux_noobis x800 old enough?22:44
kroq-gar78AlanKey: gui or command line only?22:44
dliAlanKey, do-release-upgrade22:44
Barnabasedbian, but necessary info with the new desktop22:44
daniel__edbian, ok so i have the iso file to morrowind i burned the game to a disc using brasero and now i would like to play it with wine22:44
bryce910edbian: Is there a way to get past that?22:44
lion42Hi, sos I need help. I switched my hd from my old laptop (a thinkpad SL420) to my new laptop (a thinkpad t20i) and now my screen resolution is permanently stuck at 1024x768 and my fn keys don't work. I can't find a fix on google. Anyone got anything?22:44
ubottuMail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailing lists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com22:44
edbianchrisyboy2: It is used to store things when there is no more ram left and to suspend to disk (hibernation).  It can be primary or logical22:44
dlilinux_noob, yes, x800 is the r300 family (radeon r5xx)22:44
edbianBarnabas: :)22:44
lion42Er, a t420i22:44
dlilinux_noob, fglrx dropped support for r5xx and older years ago22:44
edbiandaniel__: It should be executable even though it is read only.22:45
chrisyboy2edbian, i just create it then im done it works on its own or do i have to edit somthing?22:45
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edbiandaniel__: It will be read only because it is on a CD22:45
edbianbryce910: Not that I am aware of22:45
linux_noob:(  well then i may just get a new nvidia, i hear they have good support?22:45
MrUnagican anyone help me set up postfix on ubuntu, i am having some issues22:45
dlilinux_noob, I don't know, I don't touch nvidia at all22:45
coz_linux_noob,  in terminal     lspci | grep -i vga22:46
edbianchrisyboy2: Swap is unique in that the system finds it at boot time all on its own.22:46
cissnevermind, found the reason: /usr/lib/pm-utils/power.d/journal-commit appends the option22:46
linux_noobwell are the radeonhd series compatible enough?22:46
edbianlinux_noob: why not try fglrx?22:46
chrisyboy2edbian, nice one thank you22:46
linux_noobfglrx no longer supported...22:46
edbianchrisyboy2: sure :)22:46
coz_linux_noob,   well   Compiz requires at least a Radeon 7000 (or M6). For 7000 to HDxxxx series cards, you can use the open source "radeon" driver. HD* cards are also supported by the proprietary "fglrx" driver.22:46
edbianlinux_noob: have you tried it?22:46
kroq-gar78linux_noob: somehwere I heard they were better supported than ATI, but not too sure... I haven't really had any probs with my comps yet22:46
Barnabaslinux_noob, buing a new gpu sounds to me as the last resort22:46
Barnabasnvidia have good support22:46
dlilinux_noob, you may try your luck with radeonhd22:46
edbianlinux_noob: yes, try radeonhd22:47
kroq-gar78linux_noob: I personally like NVidia better though. never had a problem with them22:47
Barnabaseven the new optimus setups work with the bumblebee extensions22:47
dlilinux_noob, or older version of radeon22:47
linux_noob@edbian  ye tried many times.22:47
edbianlinux_noob: sorry to hear that! :(22:47
coz_linux_noob,  go to the #radeon channel also22:47
Barnabaslinux_noob, could you msg me directly?22:48
linux_noob0.0 radeon channel?22:48
AlanKeykroq terminal only22:48
subsumeHow do I know where a package installs something? I cant' find libmemcached22:48
dlilinux_noob, yes, the #radeon people was quite helping, if you report info requested, they can fix it in days22:48
linux_noobthis is my first time on irc, how do i get in radeon channel22:48
edbianlinux_noob:  /join #radeon22:49
Andy-at-homeanyone got time to help an idiot? ive finally managed to retrieve an error message when my android phone connects to my pptpd daemon (on my vps) but I'm not sure about this error, im assuming it has to do with the ip addresses ive tried to use. http://pastebin.com/BKf8q3sF22:49
linux_noobthank you very much guys, i reall am pleased to change over to linux!22:49
lion42So I'm still having an issue. I switched my hd from my old laptop (a thinkpad SL420) to my new laptop (a thinkpad t420i) and now my screen resolution is permanently stuck at 1024x768 and my fn keys don't work. I can't find a fix on google. Anyone got anything? This is the first time after a long time on ubuntu that I've had a problem google couldn't fix.22:50
dlilion42, first, can you reset display mode, in Preferences menu or in command line: xrandr22:51
lion42"Screen 0: minimum 1024 x 768, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1024 x 76822:51
lion42but I know that's not right, as it works on windows above that22:51
kroq-gar78lion42: have you installed drivers if needed yet?22:52
Andy-at-homenoone else understands this error? http://pastebin.com/BKf8q3sF22:52
lion42kroq-gar78, the driver-searching tool isn't showing me that I need any drivers. All my past laptops have worked out of the box except for a couple wireless cards, so I'm a total fish out of water here, lol22:52
lion42oh, they're gone.22:52
edbianAndy-at-home: what error are you asking about?  The first one? 'not enough ip addresses given?'22:53
AirandSealinux_noob: Anonymous is always watching - Have a good time.22:54
AirandSeaedbian: Change nick22:54
Andy-at-homeim assuming the 1 was enough for just my client22:54
linux_noobim a little worried 0.o22:54
edbianAndy-at-home: Yeah I have no idea :(22:54
=== jef_ is now known as jfletcher
AirandSeaedbian now.22:55
Andy-at-homeGRE: read(fd=6,buffer=805a540,len=8196) from PTY failed: status = -1 error = Input/output error, usually caused by unexpected termination of pppd22:55
edbianAirandSea: now what?22:55
edbianAndy-at-home: no clue22:55
AirandSeaedbian: Change nick now.22:55
rwwAirandSea: stop that, please :(22:55
dlilion42, check your xorg.conf, maybe, 1024x768 is hard set22:56
pfifoAirandSea, stop while your ahead ;)22:56
lion42dli, okay, this is apparently me-being-stupid-hour. How do I do that?22:56
AirandSeaMy people can get angry :)22:56
TheEvilPhoenixAirandSea, stop before one of the channel gods show up and hurt you22:56
dlilion42, have a look in /etc/X1122:56
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ritzzis there any appl to create a cloud network with contacts that will aloud to connect to different peers?22:56
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AirandSeaThen they pull the electrical current ;)22:57
naptasticfglrx won't install; it says "Module build for the currently running kernel was skipped since the kernel source for this kernel does not seem to be installed." But the source and headers *are* installed. What's missing?22:57
AirandSeaSo be nice22:57
kyanHmmm. My boot process is freezing on "Checking battery state… [OK] Edit /etc/default/fetchmail to start/stop fetchmail". What could cause this?22:58
edbiankyan: Your system is all sorts of messed up! :(22:58
edbiankyan: I think there is an error in /etc/default/fetchmail22:59
lion42dli, not finding the file in the folder. -_-22:59
=== com64th is now known as com64
kyanedbian: No kidding. I'm getting really frustrated because I have been stuck using this mac I have no idea how to use for *three weeks* now since my machine got confused.22:59
dlilion42, anything in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/22:59
* naptastic reboots into a stock kernel22:59
f4rr3llfala noiado23:00
lion42dli, no23:00
edbiankyan: Can you boot the recovery mode and edit that file?23:00
kyanedbian: well I guess I should look on the bright side — at least it's not MS Windows, which I have no idea at all how to use.23:00
dlilion42, what's your video card?23:00
edbiankyan: You don't know how to use any OS! :P23:00
kyanedbian: I can, and already tried. It still displayed the error. So I think I'll remove fetchmail.23:01
rizzuh_laptopSeveral minutes after login I am asked for my password to unlock the "default" keyring. Why? What does that keyring store and why can't I set it up be unlocked automatically after login?23:01
edbiankyan: and does it say in that file?23:01
kyanedbian: Hey, no disses! I do know how to use ubuntu — or wait a minute, if I did I would n't be asking here :-D23:02
coz_rizzuh_laptop,  to you have the system to log in automatically?23:02
edbiankyan: :)23:02
Ex-Opesalm-sensors show fan2/fan3/fan4, I have only 1. How can I modify sensor's output and remove fan2/3/4?23:02
coz_rizzuh_laptop,   http://askubuntu.com/questions/867/how-can-i-stop-being-prompted-to-unlock-the-default-keyring-on-boot23:02
lion42dli, intel hd 3000 integrated23:03
kyanedbian: Every line is commented out except START_DAEMON=no23:03
=== hacked is now known as vinces
AirandSeaA waterglass tide.23:03
bazhangAirandSea, what?23:03
edbiankyan: yeah just remove that package.  I don't know the correct syntax (stop, start, false, true, no, yes)23:04
rwwAirandSea: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support. Please take other chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic.23:04
bazhangAirandSea, nonsense to #ubuntu-offtopic23:04
derphow can i merge 2 folders in Ubuntu?23:06
edbianderp: drag the contents of one into the other23:06
Pythonctrl+a ctrl+x and ctrl+v at destination23:07
Alexandra13Hey there guys, is there anybody that can help me with Ubuntu?23:08
edbianAlexandra13: that's what we do!23:08
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:08
bazhangAlexandra13, ask a question first23:08
pappa_bearAlexandra13, just ask the question23:08
blackhawkanyone here has experience with Internet connection / wired networking issues?23:08
Alexandra13Lol sorry23:08
edbianbeat ya'll to it23:08
edbianAlexandra13: no worries23:08
* pappa_bear lolz23:08
lion42... oh, irc.23:09
bazhangblackhawk, more details please23:09
tru3fatecan anyone help please. how do i get netfliz to work on Ubuntu 1123:09
lion42dli, got anything?23:09
edbiantru3fate: You can't :(23:09
bazhangtru3fate, netfliz?23:09
kyanedbian: Dang. Now it's stuck on "Checking battery state… [OK]"23:09
edbianbazhang: netflix I presume23:09
bazhangedbian, thanks23:09
edbiankyan: Yeah, turn off quite and splash to get more errors23:09
edbianbazhang: hahah sure23:09
bazhangtru3fate, you cannot23:09
lion42tru3fate, you can run windows on a vm and watch netflix at 1 frame per minute23:10
lion42if you so desire.23:10
edbianlion42: haha23:10
Alexandra13Well basically, I have 3 OS's. I'm on Windows 7 now, I am using VBox to run DamnSmallLinux and Ubuntu. The first two have full internet access. Ubuntu doesn't. I'm using an ssh tunnel to get internet to firefox. It works fine. The problem is that I want to use KVIrc and it won't connect to any servers.  I don't know how to sort this out.23:10
kyanedbian: Already did! I think whatever's getting stuck in its gizzard is what comes on *after* the battery check and the fetchmail daemon, and it just doesn't list it until it's done.23:10
edbiankyan: That's what I think too.23:10
el_seanoHey guys, I'm having some issues getting rhythmbox to run on this laptop.  Trying to run from a terminal with debugging turned on spews out this: http://pastie.org/226123123:11
edbiankyan: quite and splash are removed? Usually it doesn't show the items like it is if quite is removed.  It shows lower level stuff23:11
derpyshittyHow can i merge 2 folders in Ubuntu?23:11
lion42tru3fate, hulu+ works fine, and has an app that works with linux if I recall correctly. or you can dual boot into windows if you really need netflix.23:11
edbianderpyshitty: Didn't I just tell you?23:11
qinIs here someone from NY, please PM me.23:11
edbiankyan: Are you using fgrlx ?23:11
el_seanoso far, I've tried apt-get purge rhythmbox, and reinstalling, deleting everything rhythmbox related that lives in my homedir, and specificying blank db and playlist files with commandline options.23:11
rwwqin: try #ubuntu-us-ny23:11
pappa_bear@lion42 : i do that too (hulu+)23:11
bazhang!loco > qin23:12
ubottuqin, please see my private message23:12
qinrww: Thanks23:12
el_seanoall results in the same output.23:12
alex--Alexandra13: set the network connection on your virtualbox to 'network birdged adapter'23:12
tru3fatergr thanx23:12
edbiankyan: When it gets stuck can you ctrl + alt + F1  ?23:12
alex--derpyshitty: i'm not sure about which version you are using, but in 10.04 you will be asked what to do (merge, copy, skip)23:12
kyanedbian: If those are the things that go immediately before nomodeset, yes. I thought it was quiet, not quite, though, but that's probably just my brain being weird..23:12
edbiankyan: Oh, typo, it's quiet you're right.23:12
lion42alex--, its a troll that keeps getting banned. not a real question.23:12
blackhawki have a gigabyte motherboard with built in ethernet which i am connected to,the internet connection is really unstable and cuts of every now and then and comes back after a min or few sec,when i do a ping test it gives normal values for sometime then cuts of and suddenly the lagged numbers come out like 6000ms or so and sometimes it says unable to reach the server (google),when browsing or online gaming it's really unstable,even here on irc it lags like a23:12
blackhawkmin and a whole bunch of msgs come out23:12
alex--lion42: who, derpyshitty or alexandra?23:12
edbianblackhawk: sounds like the cable is bad23:13
Alexandra13Well I assure you i'm not a troll23:13
lion42alex--, derp23:13
alex--what means derp?23:13
kyanedbian: I don't know about fgrlx — google says it's an ati driver and I have an ati card so probably, but thta wouldn't be the problem probably because I have had graphics working fine before.23:13
edbiankyan: can you ctrl + alt + F1  when it's stuck?23:13
kyanedbian: ctl+alt+f1 worked.23:13
Alexandra13Alex, can I PM you?23:13
edbiankyan: log in23:14
edbianrun dmesg23:14
alex--ye, shure23:14
alex--sure *23:14
edbiankyan: look at the end for errors23:14
kyanedbian: Only possible error on last line: [42.767364] EXT4-fs (sda1): remounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro,commit=023:15
edbiankyan: Well that's bad.  It had to remount / as read only.23:15
edbiankyan: What other errors are in the output of dmesg?23:15
edbiankyan: You can do shift + page up23:16
kyanedbian: Everything else has to do with vboxdrv.23:16
edbiankyan: some samples?23:16
kyanedbian: Well there's that trying to deactivate nmi watchdog thing, and then it sais: Fount 2 prociessor cores. fAsync=0 offMin=0x4e8 offMax=0x15a8 TSC mode is 'synchronous', kernal timer mode is 'normal' Successfully loaded version 3.2.8_OSE (interface 0x00140001)., then the EXT4-fs mount error.23:18
edbiankyan: that is not an error23:18
kyanedbian: I bet the read-only problem is why nano was complaining about no such file or directory earlier.23:18
lion42SO my problem is still up and roaring, and it appears the person who was helping me has wandered off the IRCs. My screen resolution is stuck at 1024x768. I just switched this hd (which already had ubuntu on it, and was working fine) from my thinkpad sl420 to my new thinkpad t420i23:18
kyanedbian: No I think it's just telling me what my configuration is.23:18
edbiankyan: nano was weird earlier.  I don't know if this is related.  The read-only problem i likely the product of something else bad happening23:19
kyanedbian: Dang! What could it be?23:19
lion42It wont give me any other resolution options, xrandr tells me: "Screen 0: minimum 1024 x 768, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1024 x 768"23:19
edbiankyan: I need more errors to figure it out!23:19
edbiankyan: Give me all of the errors one at a timne23:19
kyanedbian: Oh no! Ok so I will go through that file from the beginning for errors.23:19
alex--kyan: i recommend you to put them on pastebin23:19
edbiankyan: pastebin will make it faster23:20
el_seanoHey guys, I'm having some issues getting rhythmbox to run on this laptop.  Trying to run from a terminal with debugging turned on spews out this: http://pastie.org/226123123:20
el_seanoso far, I've tried apt-get purge rhythmbox, and reinstalling, deleting everything rhythmbox related that lives in my homedir, and specificying blank db and playlist files with commandline options.23:20
kyanedbian: Ok.23:20
edbiankyan: sure23:20
el_seanoall results in the same output.23:20
edbianel_seano: see segmentation fault?  That means the program tried to access ram locations it is not allowed to access.23:21
adubzwhat is the command to run to launch network manager23:22
Khisanththat could be from the plugins23:22
adubzi do update-menus and i dont see network-manager23:22
Andy-at-homeok, im receiving GRE errors when I try to connect to my pptpd daemon so im assuming there is a something along the route that is blocking the GRE packets, theres a good chance that its my mobile network provider (tmobile) but i would like to make sure its not my vps. how can i check if GRE packets are blocked?23:22
mattalexxI am setting up a home network. Each computer will have a subdomain of ma0.me. I'm setting up an Ubuntu machine called bird.ma0.me. Should the "Your computer's name" field have "bird" or "bird.ma0.me"? king on #httpd23:22
mattalexx* Topic for #httpd is: Apache HTTP Server help || Register with Nickserv to speak in this channel || Step one: Look in the error log || httpd versions 2.3.12 (beta), 2.2.19 (stable) || Docs at http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/ || Paste http://pastebin.com/ || ##php for all your PHP needs || You are not entitled to free support, we are volunteers.23:22
mattalexx* Topic for #httpd set by barefoot!~barefoot@unaffiliated/barefoot at Mon May 23 06:19:45 201123:22
mattalexx<mattalexx> So when I am building a web server, I should set the clock to GMT?23:22
FloodBot1mattalexx: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:22
mattalexxWhoa, so sorry. My clipboard had different stuff than I thought23:23
edbianmattalexx: ha23:23
mattalexxMy real question is:23:23
mattalexxI am setting up a home network. Each computer will have a subdomain of ma0.me. I'm setting up an Ubuntu machine called bird.ma0.me. Should the "Your computer's name" field have "bird" or "bird.ma0.me"? http://i.imgur.com/UF36P.png23:23
NikyoHi :-)23:23
Khisanthadubz: here it's called 'NetworkManager' :)23:23
edbianmattalexx: nice arrow :)23:24
com64I'm trying to compile something, but ./configure fails: http://pastebin.com/axkNYecN . My config.log: http://pastebin.com/aQ8DH0hX . I've spent three days trying to get this to work...23:24
rwwcom64: install the package "build-essential"23:24
littlebearzmattalexx: it doesn'r really matter as long as your hostname is bird.ma0.me23:24
com64btw, I'm cross-compiling23:25
mattalexxlittlebearz, What exactly is that field setting?23:25
com64also, I've cross-compiled the exact same thing for a different platform without problems.23:25
littlebearzmattalexx: for mine, I put littlebearz while it serves vpn.xxw.ca23:25
littlebearzmattalexx: its up to the DNS to route to the correct IP and your webserver to accept the vhost23:26
el_seanoedbian: That's not terribly specific though, is it?  And how would I go about determing which parts of the RAM are inaccessible to just this program?23:27
edbianel_seano: Well it's really more like the programmer did not do his job well.  It's a bug.  (Most likely).  But you can get the source if you'd like.  It is not something a non-programmer could fix.23:28
edbianel_seano: If you wanna learn about what ram a program can access and which it cannot get a book about operating systems.  Memory management is a huge deal in developing an OS23:28
edbianel_seano: I don't fully understand it so I can't explain much more than that.23:29
Andy-at-homewhy dont i have iptables installed in a default ubuntu 10.04?23:29
Khisanthel_seano: you can try disabling all the plugins first23:29
edbianAndy-at-home: It is not a package.  It's built into the kernel23:29
edbianAndy-at-home: sudo iptables -L23:29
Andy-at-homedoes nothing23:30
edbianAndy-at-home: sudo iptables -L  does nothing?23:30
el_seanoKhisanth: disabling the plugins without running the program would entail moving or removing them I think.  I tried using rhythmbox with the --dry-run option, which I sort of figured would load it without any plugins or user settings, but no such luck,.23:30
Andy-at-homelol, aye, 'command not found'23:30
edbianAndy-at-home: you're using sudo ?23:30
edbianAndy-at-home: What os are you running?23:31
el_seanoedbian: It seems to me that the programs running under init should have access to the memory detailed by `free`, yeah/23:31
Andy-at-homeUbuntu 10.04 LTS \n \l23:31
Khisanthel_seano: well the only point of that is to determine if the segfault is from rb or one of the plugins23:31
edbianAndy-at-home: oh, look at that, it is a package :/23:31
el_seanoah, I see23:31
edbianel_seano: It's more elaborate than that :)23:31
el_seanoedbian: fair enough :)23:31
edbianel_seano: :)23:32
Khisanthel_seano: if you replace "memory" with "money" your rhythmbox is attempting a bank robbery :)23:32
Andy-at-homethis because its a VPS? maybe iptables controlled by the host operating system?23:32
Andy-at-homeinstalled now23:33
el_seanoah ha!23:33
edbianAndy-at-home: this is not default ubuntu23:33
edbianel_seano: ah-ha ?23:33
Andy-at-homethats mental, no logs until i install rsyslog and no iptables23:33
el_seanoso removing rhythmbox-plugins, rhythmbox-plugin-cd-recorder and rhythmbox-ubuntu-one-store let me start up rhythmbox23:33
el_seanohad to be all three23:33
el_seanodoing one at a time (well, incrementally anyway) was still spewing out segmentation faults23:34
Khisanthcould have been the last one removed :)23:34
Viper550Okay, I'm on Oneric with Virtualbox and guest additions on, why isn't it going to unity 3d mode?23:34
edbianel_seano: there ya go23:34
edbianel_seano: Tell those plugin devs they don't know what they're doing.23:34
el_seanoedbian: And how!23:35
edbianel_seano: ha23:35
Khisanthjust make sure the packager didn't patch anything first ...23:35
Andy-at-homeafter making changes to iptables do i need to do anything? reboot?23:37
edbianAndy-at-home: no23:37
Alexandra13Does anybody know anything about Virtualbox and ssh tunnels?23:38
edbianAndy-at-home: infact, if you do, it gets wiped out23:38
Andy-at-homelol, ah cool, thanks23:38
giuseppe__hi all23:38
kyanedbian: http://pastebin.com/Hfe1jJsy23:39
giuseppe__anybody can explain me how to install a git server in a my computer? not github.. but a repository like cvs but in git23:39
edbiankyan: reading...23:39
edbiankyan: what the heck is HEST table not found?23:39
Khisanthgiuseppe__: #git would be better for that23:39
kyanedbian: That included anything that looked like an error to me, or looked like it might be of interest.23:40
kyanedbian: I don't have any clue.23:40
edbiankyan: It's interesting23:40
kyanedbian: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/59971523:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 599715 in linux (Ubuntu) "HEST: Table is not found!" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:40
Pythonquery phrik23:41
edbiankyan: Comment that it's still there for you as well.  put your uname -a for them to see.  use an older kernel.23:42
Alexandra13Nobody knows anything about ssh commands?23:43
edbianAlexandra13: I do23:43
Alexandra13Then may I PM you?23:43
MrUnagihas anyone here successfully set up a mail server?23:43
edbianCan we talk in the channel?23:44
edbianAlexandra13: :)23:44
Alexandra13What is the following doing?: ssh -N -L23:44
ioniteCan I install Natty from my external HDD? Using it as a USB boot up device?23:45
lion42ionite, yes, you should be able to.23:45
edbianAlexandra13: well -N does not execute a remote command.  It is used to open ports23:45
ionitebut my HDD is NTFS23:45
Alexandra13That sounds about right23:46
edbianAlexandra13: This is in man ssh.  -L specifics what addresses / ports to forward23:46
KM0201ionite: are you wanting to install "FROM" (ie, use the usb to install to an internal drive) or install "TO" the external... Either way, the usb will have to be formatted.23:46
ionitecan i install from a SD card then? the concept is still the same, USB?23:47
Alexandra13I see, so in the following command it's forwarding port 9050 to an internal IP?23:47
Alexandra13ssh -N -L 9050: root@
KM0201ionite: , i thnk so.. never used an sdcard, but i don't see why not23:47
lion42ionite, if your computer can boot from your card reader, which I suspect some cannot?23:48
lion42But if it does, sure why not.23:48
edbianAlexandra13: That is a typo23:48
ionitecuz my thumbdrive is only 128mb but my SD is 8GB23:48
KM0201ionite: agree w/ lion42 as long as your machine can boot the sdcard, i don't see why you couldn't boot it.23:48
edbianAlexandra13: 9050:  you specify the port twice23:48
Alexandra13It works though23:49
KM0201ionite: i'd try following the steps to create a bootable USB, but instead of selecting a USB device, select your SD card23:49
ionitei tried booting from SD many times but i kept encountering error such as vesamenu32: com32r image error23:49
KM0201ionite: worst that happens, it doesn't work23:49
edbianAlexandra13: curious23:49
kyanedbian: Sorry what do you mean?23:49
edbianAlexandra13: you don't need the precceding 905023:49
edbiankyan: Comment on the bug, use an older kernel.23:49
edbiankyan: What don't you understand?23:49
lion42ionite, are you planning on installing ubuntu to the hd in your computer, or are you trying to run it off of sd/externaldrive/whatever?23:49
ioniteor recently another error is that: Loading Bootimage                           and the screen freezes there.23:49
kyanedbian: Oh, the bug. Sorry! Duh.23:50
Alexandra13I see, but it won't affect the command will it? Even if redundant23:50
edbiankyan: ha, sure23:50
ionitei'm installing onto my C drive from my SD card23:50
edbianAlexandra13: apparently not23:50
lion42ionite, why not just pick up a cd?23:50
Khisanthwould be odd if it did23:50
lion42Or a 5$ 2gb usb stick23:50
ionitei don't have a CD writer23:50
Alexandra13Ok then, so I'm not too worried about it. Maybe the latter 9050 doesn't need to be there. What's the comman actually doing?23:50
* lion42 shrugs. that's what I would do, in any case.23:51
KM0201lion42: i agree...23:51
edbianAlexandra13: forwards the port 9050 on address 10.whatever to the server your sshing to.  I'm not very sure on the details though23:51
Khisanthnot quite ...23:52
=== Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam
Khisanththat is sshing to .3.1 but the forwarding is to .2.2 :)23:52
Alexandra13Ok then, well let's say that this tunnel is providing 9050 with the internet, does this mean I can modify other applications to use the same port so that they also use the internet?23:53
kyanedbian: Like this?23:54
kyanedbian: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/599715/comments/1423:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 599715 in linux (Ubuntu) "HEST: Table is not found!" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:54
edbiankyan: lookgs good23:54
edbianquite ubottu23:54
buhmanI have an active-backup port-trunk/bond and I want to arbitrarily select which interface I want to be the active slave23:55
kyanedbian: I don't think that's what is keeping me from getting a graphical login to work though. It seems like quite a popular problem.23:55
KhisanthAlexandra13: sounds like you are trying to do transparent proxying23:55
Alexandra13Khisanth: You're correct.23:55
edbiankyan: yes.  switch to ctrl + alt + F1 and run sudo gdm23:55
kyanctrl+alt+f1 did nothing.23:56
duliWhat package should I install so firefox changes its language to the same of my system?23:56
edbiankyan: You can't switch to ctrl + alt + F1 anymore?  you could before?23:56
edbiankyan: Did you never leave it?23:57
kyanedbian: /usr/sbin/gdm-binary: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgio-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_mapped_file_unref23:57
kyanedbian: I don't think I ever did leave it.23:57
edbiankyan: That's the error you got?23:57
edbiankyan: sudo apt-get update23:57
edbiankyan: sudo apt-get safe-upgrade23:57
Alexandra13Khisanth: So far it's been set up to work. Ubuntu cannot connect to the internet, except through two ports where firefox is connected to. The ssh commands make this possible. My problems is that I can't get KVIrc to do the same.23:57
=== freek is now known as Guest90449
kyanedbian: Ok, thanks. I'll have to leave for a bit (only one machine can have internet at a time) though.23:58
edbiankyan: ok23:58
KhisanthAlexandra13: do you know what kind of proxy you are dealing with?23:58
edbiankyan: if it doesn't upgrade gdm you should sudo apt-get purge gdm and then sudo apt-get install gdm23:58
KM0201ionite: not sure where you live, but the CVS near me, they have 4gig thumb drives for like $8.. they're made by Lexar they work fine23:58
Alexandra13Khisanth: No. Is there any way I could tell? I didn't set this up myself.23:59
centHOGGspend $$$23:59

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