
RenatoSilvajelmer: hi05:10
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jimisemacs diff-mode is very interesting, thanks vila10:46
jimisjelmer: thanks for working on fixing the lp:gcc issues! Any ideas why it's broken?11:03
jimisis it just the hugeness of the tree that makes life hard for bzr?11:03
jimisor something deeper?11:04
jelmerjimis: it's the number of tags (and the fact that they are not on mainline revisions) in particular11:06
jimisinteresting :-)11:07
jimishow many tags are we talking about?11:07
jelmerjimis: I think it was a couple of thousand11:08
jimisdoing even basic work with this tree had given me trouble in the past11:09
jimisbut all is well now with 2.4, at least for me11:09
jimisofcourse it could be faster, but at least it's fast enough to do some basic work :-)11:10
jelmeryeah, jam did a lot of work to improve the performance on trees that are gcc-sized11:11
jelmerhi Anteru13:47
AnteruI'm trying to write a plugin, and I'm somehow can't get started.13:47
AnteruI have created a plugins/binstore folder in my home13:47
Anteruand put an __init__.py as wel as binstore.py in there13:47
AnteruWhich are completely bare-bones13:47
Anterubzr plugins -v tells me13:48
AnteruNo module named binstore13:48
AnteruUnable to load plugin u'binstore' from u'C:/Users/Anteru/AppData/Roaming/bazaar/13:48
Anteruerr, that last line-break shouldn't be there13:48
Anteru__init__.py is: http://pastie.org/226357113:48
jelmerAnteru: what's in the __init__.py file?13:48
Anterubinstore.py: http://pastie.org/226357213:48
jelmerAnteru: that looks like incorrect python syntax13:49
jelmerwhat does "python __init__.py" say?13:49
AnteruI have only python 3.2 installed, let me try anyway ...13:49
Anteruah I have 2.6 too13:50
jelmer(the import on line 6 of __init__.py seems incorrectly formatted to me)13:50
jelmer.bzr.log should also have some details13:50
Anteruyeah, the import was wrong, now python __init__.py complains about missing bzrlib13:51
AnteruHm, bzr plugins -v doesn't work though13:51
jelmerAnteru: any details in ~/.bzr.log ?13:52
jelmerhow does bzr plugins blow up?13:52
Anterujust the error message13:53
Anterubzr log: http://pastie.org/226359613:53
Anteruencoding issue?13:53
AnteruI don't understand what exactly is missing? binstore is a symlink under /plugins/, but that should be transparent for bzr ...13:56
AnteruI'm on Win7/bzr 2.3.3 fwiw13:57
jelmerit looks like you have invalid information in your version_info13:57
jelmerAnteru: can you comment out version_info and try again?13:58
Anterunew __init__.py: http://pastie.org/2263612 bzr.log: http://pastie.org/226361513:59
AnteruI also tried to replace binstore with blahstore to check if the from bzrlib.plugins. ... line is the problem, but it fails earlier14:02
jelmerAnteru: have you tried with an empty __init__.py ?14:09
Anteruhm, doesn't work either -- something is fishy here14:09
AnteruDo I have to do anything besides putting a folder into my plugins directory?14:09
jelmerputting it into the plugins directory should be sufficient14:10
jelmerthat said, I don't really have a lot of experience doing development on windows14:10
jelmerare you using the python-based installer or the standalone installer?14:11
AnteruI used the normal standalone installer14:12
AnteruEverything "stock" as much as possible14:13
jelmerAnteru: I think you might have to use the python based installer if you want to add plugins14:14
Anteruhm putting keywords there works14:17
AnteruWell, I did a branch of lp:bzr-keywords to plugins and that works14:18
Anteruafter removing setup.py from there, it works still14:19
Anteruif I copy and paste the __init__.py, I get the same error14:19
AnteruSo it's not my bazaar installation, but something specific to my binstore plugin14:21
AnteruIt does not work if binstore is a symlink14:21
AnteruI.e. if I symlink something from elsewhere to plugins, bazaar can't find it14:22
AnteruUah, that's weird at best.14:24
Anteru(me wonder what the heck bzr does that it breaks on symlinks on Windows)14:24
jelmerAnteru: what do you mean by symlinks here?14:24
jelmerAnteru: NTFS symbolic links?14:25
Anteruthe folder plugins/binstore was a symlink to V:/Dev/Current/Testing/binstore14:25
AnteruYes, NTFS symlink14:25
jelmerAnteru: bzr just uses python's import14:25
jelmerso presumably that has troubles with symlinks14:25
Anteruyes but it somehow sees the folder "binstore" but fails afterwards.14:26
AnteruOh well, first hour of plugin development spent  :)14:26
jelmerAnteru: yeah, that's annoying14:34
jelmerAnteru: are you working on a big file store of some sort?14:34
AnteruYeah, the one I wrote on the mailing list14:38
AnteruI'll be back in ~ 1.5 hours, gotta go14:38
jimishow can I see a what changes a "bzr merge" will do, but without merging yet?14:38
jimisor how can I "bzr diff" current branch with another branch?14:39
jelmerjimis: bzr diff should work14:41
jimisjelmer, I was expecting the following to diff "mytrunk" to current branch:14:43
jimisbzr diff --old=mytrunk14:43
jimisit outputs nothing14:43
jelmerjimis: bzr diff -rbranch:mytrunk14:45
jelmerthough --old should do the same thing14:45
jelmerit seems odd that mytrunk would be a subdirectory of the current branch though14:45
jimisthanks jelmer14:46
jimis-rbranch:mytrunk immediately reported that there is no such branch14:47
jimis--old=mytrunk just returned silently, with 0 return value14:47
jimisjelmer: Indeed mytrunk is a subdirectory of parent dir, but I thought it would find it :-)14:47
jimislet's say I want to merge 5 commits from another branch, but I want to commit them separately using the same commit messages used in that branch.15:20
jimisHow can I do that?15:20
jelmerjimis: bzr merge will preserve the commit messages15:24
jimisjelmer: thanks, I understand now. The message that "bzr ci" requests after that, does not erase the separate messages15:27
jelmer(if you merge and commit, it will show in e.g. "bzr qlog" or "bzr log -n0")15:34
Anterujelmer: Yes, I want to do this "store large files on the server only" thing16:37
jimishow can I commit selectively some of the changes I've made?17:39
jelmerjimis: "bzr shelve" the changes you don't want17:44
jimisjelmer: then the question is how to shelve selectively? :-p17:50
jimisfor example I have one file, changed in two places that I want to commit separately17:50
jelmerjimis: shelve is interactive - it'l prompt you for what chunks to shelve17:52
jimishah! I just read the wishlist: http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/BzrWishlist17:52
jimisbzr commit --interactive should run shelf's hunk-selection script.17:52
jimisjelmer: that will do thanks17:53
jimisshould I submit some bug report? I'd be very interested in interactive commit feature17:57
jelmerjimis: please file a bug about it17:58
jimiswill do, thanks17:58
jimiswas already there: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/30728518:05
ubot5Ubuntu bug 307285 in Bazaar "Support interactive commit" [Medium,Confirmed]18:05
jelmerjimis: in that case, please use the "This affects me too" thing18:05
jimisjelmer: I did, and posted a comment too :-p18:07
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Anteruhm, the content filter gets a chunk, where's the documentaton of what a chunk is?18:40
Anterucan't find it in the bzrlib documentation18:40
jelmerAnteru: it gets chunks18:40
jelmerAnteru: which are basically strings which contain a part of the file. the size of each chunk varies (it depends on the way the file was stored)18:41
Anteruoh ok, but its for one file?18:41
jelmerin other words, "".join(chunks) will get you the full file content as a string18:41
Anteruhm, that doesn't sound too good, as the return value is chunks, too. Which means I must have the whole file in memory once there if I want to have it in a single file.18:42
AnteruOk, I'll try using two files first then18:42
jelmerAnteru: that's true - this is a limitation of the current API18:42
Anterui.e. foo.meta stores the hash, and when retrieved, it produces a foo file with the actual contents18:43
jelmerand one of the harder challenges in adding support in bzr core for large files18:43
Anteruwhich will require manually touching of foo.meta if you update foo.bin18:43
jelmeryou can have a post-commit hook of some sort that does that automatically18:43
jelmeruhm, sorry, a pre-commit hook18:43
Anteruand a pre-commit too which checks18:43
Anteruyeah I wonder if that's not easier than a content filter?18:44
Anterui.e. have a pre-commit/post-commit hook which checks the file stamps and be done with it?18:44
jelmeryou'll need the content filter to create the file on checkout18:44
Anterupre-commit post-update18:44
jelmerI'm not sure if there is a post-tree-update hook at the moment18:44
jelmerother than the content filter stuff18:44
jelmerbut I wouldn't be surprised if there was one18:45
Anteruimplementation wise, it seems pretty simple, but getting into actually into bzr is going to be fun :)18:45
RenatoSilvahow to run selftest in Ubuntu? it complains module testtools is missing18:51
mgzaptitude install python-testtools18:52
RenatoSilvamgz: ok, but shouldn't it come with bzr or bzrtools?18:53
RenatoSilvamgz: it'll be a standalone installation now, related as orphaned package18:53
mgzit's like a build-depend, as you don't actually need it to *use* bazaar, just to run the test suite, it's not in the dependancy list18:55
jelmermgz: hi18:58
mgzhey jelmer!18:58
jelmermgz: did you see my bug report about some of the other failures I was seeing?18:58
mgzI've just commented on one that looked like it was about jml's latest testtools changes18:58
mgzyour first failure from the mp still mystifies me, it might help with that if you can set BZR_TEST_PDB and go up untill you get to the KnownFailure/_ExpectedFailure instance and have a look at it18:59
jelmerah, I must've missed that18:59
jelmermgz: the MP is about some different issues18:59
mgzit was just this second, you may have not got the mail yet19:00
jelmermgz: still haven't seen it19:16
* jelmer looks at ze web19:16
whitelynxis there any version of bzr-svn available that works with bzr 2.3.x? the newest i've been able to find only works with 2.2.x20:23
jelmerwhitelynx: only snapshots20:37
whitelynxaah ok... could you point me at the bzr branch that has the latest? the one used by the bzr-svn-bzr package in AUR seems older than 1.0.420:38
whitelynxcool, thanks20:39
whitelynxI get 'bzr: ERROR: Unsupported protocol for url "lp:bzr-svn"' when i try branching that... does that require an LP ID to branch?20:41
lifelessbut it does need the launchpad protocol20:41
whitelynxaah, ok... so --no-plugins is the issue20:41
whitelynxsweet, it works now!20:47
whitelynxjelmer, lifeless: thanks for the help :)20:47
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spivGood morning folks.23:59

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