
=== stdin is now known as tsimpson
ZetanorSo this is my first time running Ubuntu and the computer locks if I start X without a network connection02:18
ZetanorI'm assuming that it's not a common issue?02:19
stlsaintZetanor: start x?? meaning you are booting into command line or.....??02:21
ZetanorWell when I boot with any kind of WM, if my ethernet cable isn't plugged in, the computer completely locks up02:23
stlsaintZetanor: no that is not common, do you have some startup application that requires interenet or something?02:24
ZetanorIt's a clean install. I've tried both Ubuntu and XUbuntu02:25
stlsaintZetanor: what are the system specs?02:25
Zetanorstlsaint: Toshiba laptop with an E-350 cpu, Atheros AR8152 ethernet, Realtek RTL8188CE wlan card, an unidentified "HD Vision" graphics card02:29
stlsaintZetanor: does wireless work02:30
Zetanorstlsaint: Haven't tried, give me a second02:32
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ZetanorWell it works but it still crashes when I disconnect the ethernet cable, no matter what02:52
stlsaintZetanor: so when you reboot the computer with the ethernet cable in it works but as soon as you remove the cable the system freezes?02:53
ZetanorIt takes a short while. The disconnection notice appears and the freeze happens a few seconds later02:54
stlsaintthat sounds more like faulty hardware02:54
ZetanorCould it be driver related?02:54
ZetanorThe computer works perfectly well on Windows and Arch02:54
stlsaintZetanor: possibly driver or even kernel, what version of ubuntu are you using?02:55
ZetanorI've tried 32 and 64 bit Ubuntu, version 11.0402:56
stlsaintZetanor: i would suggest giving 10.04 a shot as it is the latest lts, if it still doesnt work than the option to play around with drivers is there but could make things worse02:57
Zetanorstlsaint: What kind of worse are we talking about?02:59
stlsaintZetanor: nothing fatal to the system, just the nic performance could be worse in the installed OS03:00
Zetanorstlsaint: Well I'm not familiar with Linux drivers at all so I'll do as you suggested and try the latest LTS version03:02
ZetanorOh and thanks for your time!03:04
stlsaintZetanor: no prob03:04
philipballewif i have mutiple computers on my network can i be logged into irc in all of them?05:21
holsteinphilipballew: nah05:22
holsteinthats got nothing to do with the network though05:23
holsteinyou can if you have multiple nicks05:23
holsteini do that with screen05:23
holsteinirssi in scree05:23
philipballewwell i have philipballew and philipballew_ but people dont want that in the chanel probably05:23
holsteini can ssh into my server from multiple locations and connect05:24
holsteinthe terminal size can be a little odd, but do-able05:25
philipballewi set up ssh a few weeks ago. the shiz-niz it has become i must say holstein05:26
philipballewit is the cats meow maybe is a batter thing to say...05:27
holsteinyeah, i started a few commandline only things as learning projects... irssi in screen was one of those.05:27
philipballewlast cli learning project i did was aircrack-ng05:27
philipballewheard of it?05:28
holsteini have05:28
holsteinwe had a presentation at our LUG... a really good one on cracking WEP05:28
holsteina white hat kind of thing05:28
philipballewwep is so innsecure05:29
philipballewits crazy how easy i could find my password05:29
holsteini should change my WPA pass more often05:29
philipballewi need to buy a new router. here its currently the att modem+ router combo05:30
holsteinim trying *not* to buy http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1683316203305:31
holsteini dont need it, but what a great deal05:31
philipballewi have a few routers with ddwrt but need to get a modem so i can hook them up05:32
philipballewit looks really powerful05:32
philipballewi need to get a pouter with a powerful antenna sometime. what kind do you have now?05:33
holsteinan early n linksys05:34
philipballewmine is still  g05:34
holsteineh, i only use the G anyways05:34
philipballewwhy is that?05:34
holsteinits a wrt 150 or 160 n05:35
holsteini forget...05:35
holsteinphilipballew: i dont have any N adapters anywhere05:35
philipballewi bought a alfa a few months back05:35
holsteinthe n helps with the range i find though05:35
philipballewhttp://www.amazon.com/Alfa-AWUS051NH-802-11a-Wireless-9dBi/dp/B002BFO490 this is my new toy05:36
holsteindoes the job?05:37
philipballewyeah, it piicks up wifi for a few hundret feet05:40
philipballewthen bought this http://www.buy.com/prod/trendnet-12dbi-outdoor-omni-directional-antenna-12-dbi-1-x-n-type/q/loc/101/207552271.html05:41
philipballewabout 6 feet high. it was on sale and used, the one i bought05:41
philipballewi put it in my car, haha05:41
holsteinlol... stay out of my neighborhood ;)05:42
philipballewhaha, gives me something to do when i live in san diego05:43
steve_____can anyone help guide me in the right direction?07:04
philipballewsteve_____,  go for it07:04
philipballewi can try07:05
steve_____I want to change a setting on my desktop - lets say the kickoff application launcher - then I want to make a copy that is distributable  amongst friends and have the setting remain how it was in the new .iso07:05
philipballewso what you really wanna do is make a iso with your own few custom settings?07:06
steve_____right! but I don't want any of the previous user settings to remain07:07
steve_____I am using remastersys07:07
steve_____I just don't know where to look07:07
steve_____I feel like there is a script somewhere that has the defaults in it07:08
steve_____and I just need to change the location of a png in that script07:08
steve_____but I don't know where07:08
philipballewRemastersys should do it. what setting are you trying to change?07:08
steve_____lets say the background and the kick start application icon07:09
steve_____if I change them normally as a user07:09
steve_____using the gui's07:09
steve_____and then choose the "make distributable amongst friends option"     it reverts to defaults07:09
steve_____the problem is that if I make a full back up, it will include all of my user settings07:09
steve_____and personal infomration07:09
philipballewUnit193, you see what this guy is saying? any ideas from your end?07:09
philipballewcan you make a seperete install for this purpose?07:10
steve_____philipballew: is that at me?07:10
steve_____philipballew: I know it is possible, i just need to figure out where that default script is (if it exists)07:11
philipballewno, i was asking someone else for his opinion07:11
steve_____philipballew: my bad07:12
philipballewremasterys probably has an irc channel as well07:12
philipballewlets try here first though07:12
Unit193philipballew: Eh? How did I get into this? I was just about to go to sleep.07:12
steve_____philipballew:  lol07:12
philipballewthen go to sleep Unit193 :)07:12
* philipballew needs to find a better sleep scheadule07:12
Unit193philipballew: Almost sounds like he wants a custom ISO07:13
philipballewthats what i told him, i just figured you might have more knowlege on this then me.07:13
philipballewi was gonna give him i link on how to make one07:14
steve_____hm... I want one using kde :)07:14
philipballewhttp://www.howtogeek.com/howto/22145/how-to-create-your-own-customized-ubuntu-live-cd/ use this maybe, but for ubuntu07:15
Unit193That would be Kubuntu (Or build your own)07:15
philipballewor kubuntu if you want kde07:15
steve_____kubuntu is actually causing all sorts of problems07:15
OmsniffiscentHaving major sound issues both in and out of wine. Mostly on VLC and my videogames through wine. I have no idea where to even start.07:16
philipballewthe wine irc channel Omsniffiscent maybe07:16
philipballewwe can here maybe to07:16
philipballewsteve_____, try 10.0407:16
steve_____that is what I am trying right now :)07:17
steve_____I just dled it07:17
steve_____then deleted gnome07:17
OmsniffiscentWell as I was saying it's not just wine.07:17
steve_____and installed kde07:17
philipballewi would recomend installing kubuntu fresh if it was me07:17
philipballewOmsniffiscent, what all is it?07:17
Omsniffiscentsystem sounds seem to be ok but VLC is just awful. Movie Player's sound is fine, though.07:18
philipballewbad install of vlc?07:18
Unit193steve_____: Take a look here too (Not the easy way) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization07:19
OmsniffiscentWell it did work at one time.07:32
philipballewOmsniffiscent, maybe an update07:32
OmsniffiscentYou think I have two separate sound issues? one with VLC and one with wine?07:32
philipballewmakes more sence to me.07:32
=== tester is now known as bobweaver
kristian-workhi all11:44
kristian-workholstein: you use weird methods now and then... ever tried installing anything on Compact Flash?11:44
shadeslayerhey, does anyone have the new macbook pro 8,2 model13:19
holsteinshadeslayer: i saw one.... didnt get to play with it though13:39
holsteinkristian-work: i have installed only to flash media like USB and SD cards, should be the same idea though13:40
holsteini can get you talking to someone who has a CF card in a netbook if you need13:40
holsteinCF drive**13:40
kristian-workholstein: I have about a zillion i/o errors13:49
kristian-workthis is in the adaptor13:49
kristian-work(as to "make it into" a 2.5 IDE hdd)13:50
holsteinkristian-work: those things go bad13:54
kristian-workholstein: my plan so far is to test it in a Win box13:54
kristian-work're new13:54
holsteinif you have several brand new ones acting the same.... otherwise, even a new one could be bad13:55
holsteini had a blueray drive that i was sure was either bad, or not supported in linux13:55
holsteinturned out to be something with the SATA controller card on my test/repair machine where i was trying it out13:56
kristian-workholstein: I have two boxen and several adapters... *nothing* works13:59
kristian-workbut, I was being a bit rough with them, due to a misunderstanding of what I should do... I may have wrecked them14:00
shadeslayerholstein: well ... i still have a couple of issues with mine, like the CD ROM isn't detected in kubuntu14:40
shadeslayerexcept for wireless and the CD ROM everything is working14:40
holsteinshadeslayer: i have an older one... maybe 1,2?14:41
holsteinwhite one, not the macbook pro14:41
holsteini just gave up on it... it would run decent for about 4 or 5 days, then it would hard lock14:41
holsteinthat was ubuntu 10.0414:41
shadeslayeri'm on oneiric tho14:42
holsteini tried something live... maybe 10.10, and that seemed worse as far as hardware support14:43
shadeslayeryeah, apparently you need to burn a CD as well as a USB drive, and then boot the CD, the cd doesn't boot and falls back to the USB which boots14:44
shadeslayerfunky stuff14:44
holsteineh... it was a free machine for me, so i bought snow leopard14:45
holsteinit wont come up for me that often14:46
kristian-workgotta go, see ya15:01
Mike_lbHi, I installed Lubuntu and selected the option to encrypt /home. As I understand, my /home is now encrypted with ecryptfs and I read that it encrypts the files but you could still read the filenames. So I booted from a live cd and tried to look at my /home but it's empty, why is it?15:28
nlsthznMike_lb: hey... I never encrypt so I may be wrong but I am assuming due to the fact that the live disc hasn't decrypted the partition is can't really read it (but I may be wrong)15:31
Mike_lbI'm not sure, but I think ecryptfs doesn't encrypt the partition, just each file15:34
Mike_lbso theorically you could boot from another distro and see those files encrypted15:34
nlsthzn... guess we have to wait for someone more knowledgable ... :)15:35
Sidewinder1Mike_lb, I've never used encryption but perhaps the "fs" in encryptfs stands for "file system" which might mean the entire filesystem?15:36
Sidewinder1Just a WAG, on my part. :-)15:36
Mike_lbI will have to investigate more15:37
Sidewinder1Mike_lb, You may wish to ask in #ubuntu.15:38
testerI need help setting up iptables can you help ?18:52
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nlsthznbobweaver: the closest I get to that is using ufw :p18:53
bobweaverthanks nlsthzn19:59
nlsthznbobweaver: sorry I wasn't of more help :)19:59
ubot2Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.20:06
holsteinbobweaver: what are you trying to accomplish?20:06
holsteinmaybe that'll help someone have an idea20:06
stlsaintoooooo iptables :D20:14
kristian-aalborglooks like I have to be a Win user in the near future :(20:41
kristian-aalborgcan I run the thing virtually?20:41
kristian-aalborgnot really install it... in a "garden" of sorts?20:41
nlsthznkristian-aalborg: virtualbox20:42
stlsaintkristian-aalborg: what are you referring to?20:42
kristian-aalborgnlsthzn, yes, that's what I was thinking20:43
* nlsthzn loves Virtualbox20:43
kristian-aalborga more proper phrasing would be "will it work, or is it a toy/ developer thing"?20:43
kristian-aalborgwhat I will need is MS Office stuff... mainly .docs and perhaps the odd spreadsheet20:44
stlsaintkristian-aalborg: yea just run M$ in a vm20:44
kristian-aalborgand it should really, really, work... not "almost" or "practically" like Google Docs or OOffice20:44
kristian-aalborgstlsaint, I hope you're right20:44
nlsthznwhen you run a OS in virtualbox it is really running :)20:45
stlsaintkristian-aalborg: i have never had a problem with it20:45
kristian-aalborgstlsaint, using it for the kind of stuff I'm talking about20:45
nlsthznthe OS thinks it is on a phusical machine20:45
kristian-aalborgperhaps I could have both XP and Win 720:45
kristian-aalborgbe some kind of OS Messiah20:45
nlsthznwith my distro hopping I have had a lot of different OS's on my one system at the same time :) (not all ruunning at once, my poor notebook can't handle that)20:47
kristian-aalborgthis is fairly easy to do?20:49
nlsthznVery very easy20:51
nlsthznkristian-aalborg: everything is wizard driven20:51
bioterrorwith virtualbox you're not using real hardware20:51
bioterrorjust some generic stuff20:51
nlsthznyou choose what OS, how many ram to dedicate, how big the virtual harddrive should be... mount the ISO and boot the image... install and use20:51
bioterrorit's not really the same as real computers20:52
stlsaintkristian-aalborg: for instance as to what bioterror was saying, you wont have a true video driver in virtualbox20:54
stlsaintkristian-aalborg: IE: You wont be running fedra with gnome=shell ;)20:54
kristian-aalborgthat's okay... I only need it for the Office stuff20:57
kristian-aalborgand Skype, but that's a secret ;)20:57
stlsaintkristian-aalborg: you need windows for skype?20:58
nlsthznyes you can run gnome shell20:58
nlsthznVirtualbox 4.1.x works very well with Gnome-shell and AFAIK also Unity now... but I haven't tried unity...20:58
kristian-aalborgstlsaint, I was joking (more or less)20:58
kristian-aalborgI run Fluxbox20:59
stlsaintnlsthzn: oh sorry yea i was referring to the parallels beta testing when i tried fedora20:59
nlsthznnp :)20:59
nlsthzndon't expext to play games on Windows if you use VBox...20:59
stlsaintnlsthzn: i have not tried vbox yet (though i am downloading it now cause my parallels install expired :| )20:59
nlsthznVBox has become better and better with every release...21:00
stlsaintnlsthzn: i see21:00
nlsthznI always install it... even if I don't plan on using it :)21:00
stlsaintnlsthzn: i usually do but then i got the parallels beta download, last time i went with vbox was back in the 3.x series lol21:00
nlsthznI have found that most Linux distro's now don't even need the Guest addition add-ons to be installed for full screen etc. to work, and mouse integration means you don't need to capture the mouse or keyboard anymore... it is very cool...21:02
stlsaintnlsthzn: very nice, looks like im back on track with package manager development :D21:04
stlsaintW00t VBOX!21:05
nlsthznIt is nice, you like :)21:05
stlsaintstill downloading....20 mins left21:05
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nlsthznstlsaint: you are getting the latest version from the Virtualbox site correct?21:09
stlsaintnlsthzn: yes21:10
nlsthznah cool... just making sure... the Ubuntu PPA is always to far behind :)21:10
stlsainti never go with vbox from repo21:10
stlsaintyea especially since im running 10.04 right now21:11
nlsthznouch... yes, that would have been a bad idea :)21:11
kristian-aalborgstlsaint, Lucid ftw ;)21:33
stlsaintkristian-aalborg: yes yes yes21:34
* nlsthzn strokes his natty install... then again in a few hours he is replacing him with a Geeko again :p21:37
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earthling_Anyone use mozplugger?23:04
earthling_wonder if its lighter and more stable than Adobe acrobat plugin23:05
philipballewmy desktop will not shut off. has anyone ever seen this?23:10
nlsthznphilipballew: maybe it has decided you haven't done enough work for the day23:14
nlsthznphilipballew: in terminal type sudo init 023:14
nlsthznthat should shut it down... or restart it... can't remember :p23:14
philipballewwhats that gonna do?23:14
* philipballew needs to remember terminal comands better23:15
* nlsthzn also23:15
philipballewthe few times it does shut down, it hangs on the good buy xubuntu screen23:15
nlsthznphilipballew: so this has happened before23:15
philipballewyes. its been happening since i installed 10.10 a few days ago23:16
philipballew11.04 was freezing on me23:16
nlsthznhmm... pretty sure there will be a log that can be checked ... curse me for not having the knowledge required :p23:16
earthling_#$^%! you don't you have the knowledge required23:17
nlsthznearthling_: hehe, thanks (I think)23:18
philipballewnlsthzn, im gonna type sudo reboot and see what i get23:18
nlsthznsure... I just always find it looks so much more leet going the init route :D23:18
CLF1need a hand...my samba4 is broken and I can't repair it any ideas how I can work this out23:18
ray_How do I cd into a directory that has a space or spaces in it's name?23:20
=== ray_ is now known as r4y
r4yWhy do I have to login to view the Ubuntu forums?, That stinks, O well.23:22
nlsthznr4y: not sure... have you tried putting the directory in " " quotation marks?23:23
earthling_I guess they want to reduce spam23:23
r4yI will try that out, but did find this link:23:24
earthling_search is quicker with login, you don't have to answer questions about corn or ears heh23:24
philipballewsudo reboot works but clicking reboot does not23:25
philipballew... odd23:25
r4yThank you that double quotes worked. I see then single quotes is different, as single quotes opens instead23:25
r4yinto the GUI that is23:26
r4yTY bye.23:26
nlsthznphilipballew: maybe give it a day or two just using the CLI to reboot/shutdown... just to reproduce the error...23:27
philipballewthats what was odd to me. no error was show. i could just look in my xorg logs23:28

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