Yewbacca | Hi there! What path does patches to the Ubuntu Xorg Intel driver take? Xorg.freedesktop -> Debian -> Ubuntu? | 00:38 |
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Yewbacca | What path does patches to the Ubuntu Xorg Intel driver take? Xorg.freedesktop -> Debian -> Ubuntu? | 01:44 |
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Ampelbein | broder: When moving files from one package to another, policy recommends Breaks/Replaces instead of Conflicts: | 07:37 |
BullShark | I'm having trouble compiling gnome-applets deb-src. here's the error output Please help | 09:59 |
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oscalation | if i wanted to get started with development and bug hunting for ubuntu on a beginner/ entry level, can someone point me to the correct channel and maybe a link or page to "get started". How to set up a dev machine, what levels of support are available ect ect | 14:11 |
penguin42 | oscalation: You could start by some bug triaging and help on #ubuntu-bugs | 14:12 |
penguin42 | oscalation: If you're more interested in fixing stuff, then do you program, if so which language and what are you interested in? | 14:13 |
oscalation | is there a primiary language that a dev should know that is prevalent for ubuntu? | 14:13 |
oscalation | i am learning ruby, and know some python | 14:13 |
penguin42 | lots of stuff uses python, but packages use lots of things - quite a bit of plain C | 14:14 |
oscalation | penguin42, im new to programming in general, but ive found that c, compared to the ruby scripting language, is a pain. | 14:14 |
* penguin42 is more used to C | 14:15 | |
oscalation | just my opinion, maybe im wrong | 14:15 |
penguin42 | oscalation: It needs a different way of thinking on some stuff - but that's OK - there is plenty of python code out there to fix and work with! | 14:15 |
oscalation | so in order to really help in the open source world, would you recomend i pick up c? | 14:15 |
penguin42 | oscalation: You don't need to - there are lots of projects based around each language | 14:16 |
oscalation | is there any good links or pages that show new users how to get started in the dev world, like setting up your dev manchine/environment ect ect | 14:16 |
penguin42 | oscalation: Just set up a normal ubuntu installation with the programming languages you use (they tend to have their own dev packages); get yourself a launchpad account so you can comment on bugs etc | 14:17 |
dnivra | oscalation: I think the link in the topic might help? | 14:17 |
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oscalation | questions about gpg encr keys, im creating mine to sign my code of conduct, and its asking for my "real name".. once set, is this able to be changed ? | 14:55 |
oscalation | i go by a common pseudo name that i plan to use | 14:55 |
slangasek | oscalation: you can always revoke a uid on a pgp key and replace it with others with different information (name, email, etc), but once any uid is published it remains part of the data associated with that key | 14:56 |
juliank | oscalation: Do not use a pseudonym | 14:57 |
oscalation | juliank, i've always lived by a moto to not use my real personal information online, especially when 60%+ of americans use an email service provider that pratically hands over their search and email logs to anyone that comes knocking | 14:58 |
oscalation | juliank, i do appreciate your insite though, am i missing something, is there a reason why i wouldnt want to use a pseudonym | 14:59 |
juliank | oscalation: Pseudonyms are not helpful for gaining respect, and are simply uncommon. | 15:00 |
penguin42 | oscalation: It can also cause problems with licensing - e.g. how do we know that this code is really allowed to be open sourced if we don't know who wrote it | 15:01 |
oscalation | penguin42, good point | 15:01 |
persia | juliank: There's a number of folk in Ubuntu who contrinute with a pseudonym. Most of the more widely known tend to also have a registerd name on their key, or have paperwork assuring they have unique control over that pseudonym. | 15:02 |
juliank | oscalation: You also can't ever become a Debian Developer using a pseudonym (or use Google+) - and you might want to do some of this in the future | 15:02 |
oscalation | though, im more inclined to use something like.. diaspora .. or anonymous services | 15:03 |
oscalation | persia, so your saying, they use a handle, but their gpg keys are signed with their real name assuring the handle is owned and used by this one person? correct? | 15:05 |
juliank | persia: I don't care who does what with a pseudonym. I ignore them, get angry, or both. I tend to view the use of a pseudonym in communication with me as unrespectful behavior. | 15:05 |
juliank | I want to know who I am talking to without having to hire someone to find out their identity | 15:06 |
penguin42 | juliank: Assuming you know that it's a pseudonym | 15:06 |
oscalation | surely you can understand the need to protect free speech by allowing methods of anonymous communication and online services like search | 15:06 |
oscalation | i think the success of TOR, and the growing number of privacy aware services like freedombox and diaspora is proof in the making | 15:07 |
juliank | penguin42: Of course, yes. If I don't know that it's a pseudonym, I don't know it. | 15:07 |
oscalation | i do understand your points though | 15:08 |
penguin42 | anyway, this is getting rather odd and off topic | 15:08 |
oscalation | understood | 15:08 |
penguin42 | oscalation: I don't think people would get too annoyed if you were to bug triage using a consistent pseudonym if you think you need it, contributing code would probably raise a few more questions | 15:08 |
oscalation | penguin42, i can understand that, i think i should be ok with signing my key with my real identity though to be honest my gut tells me otherwise. The age of big brother is apon us. <0) puts on tinfoil hat | 15:10 |
juliank | oscalation: And for correctness, it's somehow good to know whether the person you're talking to is male, female, or something else | 15:10 |
oscalation | lol | 15:10 |
penguin42 | juliank: Heck I'm awful at remembering that even when I do know | 15:10 |
persia | Yeah, most folk who receive code check copyright, and would prefer that the claim of copyright be a legal name in some jurisdiction. Few folk care if it's a personal name, corporate name, registered pseudonym, etc. A random name one picked for use online is ararely acceptable. | 15:11 |
oscalation | persia, wait, maybe i miss understood, what do you mean by a registered pseudonym | 15:11 |
oscalation | are you refering to a user how registers their gpg key with the UID of their real name, but uses a handle commonly throughout the community ? | 15:13 |
juliank | oscalation: In certain countries, you can register pseudonyms with the government (and have them in your passport and/or similar things) and use them for official things. | 15:13 |
oscalation | *user who | 15:13 |
penguin42 | juliank: Wow, never knew that - weird! | 15:13 |
oscalation | lol wow... thats um.. | 15:13 |
persia | oscalation: Most governments accept registration of an alternate name for general e. Such a registration is generally accepted as a counterparty for contracts, which tends to allow software licensing, etc | 15:14 |
juliank | It's somehow important for well known artists who want to use their artist name everywhere | 15:15 |
oscalation | cant the information be verified by the keys though, the name assocaiated with the key should be irrelevant, as long as the keys match up then you know its me .. Mr+71nF01lHAT | 15:15 |
persia | Indeed. Also used widely for very small businesses that don't want to have a corportation. | 15:15 |
persia | No. You need to have a legal identity that holds copyright for the code you contrinute, which is completely independent of GPG. Mind you, if you're not contributing code, translations, or artwork, but just doing bug triage or support, then it doesn't matter. (but this is the development channel) | 15:18 |
* persia gives up because of latency | 15:19 | |
nigelb | latency? | 15:19 |
oscalation | understood, do you all know of a email provider that has built in gpg support from their web interface ? im using gmail and.. yeah | 15:20 |
oscalation | im willing to use a pay service | 15:20 |
nigelb | I don't know how safe it is to use a client that does gpg on the web. | 15:21 |
nigelb | This means your private key needs to be with the provider. | 15:21 |
nigelb | What you might want to look for is extentions to browsers which adds that functionality. | 15:22 |
oscalation | nigelb, any recommendations ? | 15:22 |
juliank | oscalation: browser? | 15:22 |
oscalation | ff, open to use anything else open source though | 15:22 |
juliank | oscalation: You could use FireGPG | 15:23 |
juliank | oscalation: or not, it seems discontinued | 15:23 |
oscalation | website says its discontinued | 15:23 |
juliank | oscalation: Then use a real email client. | 15:24 |
oscalation | thunderbird? | 15:24 |
juliank | oscalation: I guess it's your decision which to choose. Thunderbird needs a plugin for GPG, AFAIK. | 15:25 |
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Amoz | hm. sudo desktop-file-install --rebuild-mime-info-cache would be the right way to rebuild the .desktop files cache ? | 16:53 |
oscalation | got another question if thats ok | 17:34 |
oscalation | im all set up, im now attempting to request a mentor on the page | 17:34 |
oscalation | it says to set up my ubuntu wiki page, how do i get to that, there is no link | 17:34 |
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ahasenack | hi guys, anyone around to nominate a bug for a lucid SRU? | 23:29 |
ahasenack | | 23:29 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 813477 in Landscape Client "Update landscape-client to" [High,Fix committed] | 23:29 |
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RAOF | ahasenack: There aren't any tasks on that bug pending acceptance? | 23:40 |
ahasenack | RAOF: I can't add them | 23:41 |
ahasenack | ahasenack: meaning, I either don't have the privileges, or don't know how to do it. If I try to use "also affects distribution" and add ubuntu, it complains | 23:41 |
ahasenack | it was fixed in oneiric already (uploaded) | 23:41 |
ahasenack | er, talking to myself | 23:41 |
ahasenack | RAOF: ^^^ | 23:41 |
RAOF | Hm, quite true. | 23:43 |
RAOF | That's not a permissions problem, though; I can't seem to add a lucid task either :) | 23:43 |
ahasenack | I was told "core-devs" and "bug supervisors" could | 23:44 |
RAOF | | 23:46 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 813477 in Landscape Client "Update landscape-client to" [High,Fix committed] | 23:46 |
RAOF | *That* link should allow you to add a lucid task. | 23:46 |
micahg | RAOF: yeah, you have to focus on the Ubuntu task to nominate | 23:46 |
RAOF | micahg: Yeah. It just occured to me to try that. | 23:47 |
RAOF | ahasenack: Done. | 23:47 |
ahasenack | RAOF: thanks a lot! | 23:48 |
RAOF | micahg: Is there an extant bug in launchpad about that? Or should I file one? | 23:48 |
micahg | RAOF: idk, the permissions are tasked based since each project can have a different ACL, I think there's a bug for it | 23:49 |
micahg | RAOF: bug 249434 | 23:50 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 249434 in Launchpad itself "Can't nominate a bug for an Ubuntu release when in a non-Ubuntu context" [Medium,Triaged] | 23:50 |
RAOF | Ta. | 23:50 |
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