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zooko` | lifeless, jtaylor, et alia: it looks like Tahoe-LAFS v1.9 final release is going to end of August: http://tahoe-lafs.org/pipermail/tahoe-dev/2011-July/006567.html | 04:42 |
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zooko | I may try to get a feature freeze exception to upgrade Tahoe-LAFS in Ubuntu for Oneiric, if it looks like a sensible thing to do when Tahoe-LAFS v1.9 is released. | 04:43 |
ScottK | bdrung: I was wondering if you might look into getting audacious-plugins to build. We need to rebuild it for the libmtp8 transition, but ld and it don't get along: | 16:03 |
ScottK | /usr/bin/ld: /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: unexpected redefinition of indirect versioned symbol `nanosleep@GLIBC_2.0' | 16:03 |
ScottK | /usr/bin/ld: vtx.o(.text+0x294): unresolvable R_386_PLT32 relocation against symbol `g_hook_insert_sorted' | 16:03 |
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kroq-gar78 | hello all. I'm not sure why #launchpad isn't responding, so I'm posting here. Why is Launchpad building service giving me an error? It talks about ca-certificates-java failing fto install (or something like that, don't remember the package name). I'm trying to package my Java game that I made. Here is the link to the buildlog: https://code.launchpad.net/~kroq-gar78/+archive/ppa/+recipebuild/64264 | 19:18 |
tumbleweed | kroq-gar78: looks like a bug in ca-certificates-java | 19:21 |
kroq-gar78 | tumblweed: is there anything I can do about it? Apparently there was some stuff going wrong from intrepid to karmic, but after that, no more reports... | 19:22 |
kroq-gar78 | based off of a launchpad bug report | 19:22 |
tumbleweed | #launchpad is often quiet after-hours. I'll have a look at it in a minute | 19:25 |
micahg | #launchpad isn't the right place for those types of failures anyway, #ubuntu-packaging is | 19:26 |
micahg | FWIW, I have a similar issue in sbuild on oneiric | 19:26 |
kroq-gar78 | Thanks all ;) | 19:26 |
tumbleweed | micahg: I'd say recipe failures are launchpad issues | 19:27 |
kroq-gar78 | is this a recipe failure | 19:27 |
micahg | tumbleweed: they are if it's a recipe failure and not a build failure | 19:27 |
paultag | tumbleweed: if it's a LP issue, let the #launchpad folks know | 19:27 |
tumbleweed | oh, was this a packaging build? | 19:27 |
kroq-gar78 | uh.... I think... | 19:27 |
tumbleweed | launchpad confuses me :) | 19:27 |
paultag | Oh ya'll were talking about that :) | 19:28 |
paultag | sorry, carry on :) | 19:28 |
kroq-gar78 | I'm kinda a n00b when it comes to this... | 19:28 |
kroq-gar78 | oh wait I have to go :( bye | 19:28 |
tumbleweed | micahg: are the source packages built from branch as part of the build now? The first half of that log looks likea recipe build, the second half like a binary build | 19:30 |
micahg | tumbleweed: the problem is at dependency install, so actually, it seems more like a bug in natty than either a recipe or packaging issue | 19:31 |
micahg | actually, it seems like a problem with the build env, so #launchpad would be correct | 19:32 |
* micahg has the same problem with sbuild on oneiric | 19:33 | |
tumbleweed | micahg: oh it installs the build-deps for building the source package | 19:33 |
micahg | right | 19:34 |
* micahg wonders why recipies use pbuilder | 19:34 | |
jariq | can anyone advice irc channel like this one but for debian? | 19:34 |
tumbleweed | micahg: probably just for dependency installation | 19:34 |
micahg | jariq: for learning? | 19:34 |
tumbleweed | jariq: #debian-mentors on irc.debian.org? | 19:34 |
jtaylor | or debian-dev for development, all the teams usually also have their channels on that server | 19:35 |
jariq | micahg: i need to update package and need advice on build-arch and build-indep targets | 19:35 |
micahg | tumbleweed: well, regular PPAs use sbuild | 19:35 |
micahg | jariq: yeah, #debian-mentors would probably be good | 19:36 |
jariq | == jariq was kicked from #debian-mentors by ChanServ [Invite only channel] | 19:36 |
tumbleweed | micahg: no I mean for pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy | 19:36 |
micahg | jariq: not on this IRC network | 19:36 |
jariq | micahg: oh i see.. thx | 19:36 |
tumbleweed | jariq: advice on build-arch / build-indep is totally appropriate here too (well, preferably in #ubuntu-packaging, but here is fine) | 19:37 |
kroq-gar78 | ok, so back to my question (from 10 min ago...): The app builds perfectly on my laptop but not on launchpad :/ what did you guys say I vshould do again? | 19:38 |
tumbleweed | kroq-gar78: 21:32 < micahg> actually, it seems like a problem with the build env, so #launchpad would be correct | 19:38 |
tumbleweed | kroq-gar78: err that wasn't quite the line I meant to paste, but basically, it's a bug in natty | 19:39 |
jariq | so i am trying to push new version of my package to debian and after that also to ubuntu but i am still getting lintian warning debian-rules-missing-recommended-target for build-arch and build-indep targets.. but those are listed as optional in debian policy.. so what should i do? ignore? | 19:39 |
micahg | tumbleweed: I think it's specific to pbuilder/sbuild and certain setups | 19:39 |
kroq-gar78 | tumbleweed: ok thanks. yesterday NOBODY responded on there so I'll guess I'll try again... ty | 19:39 |
tumbleweed | kroq-gar78: as I said, it's quiet on weekends and evenings (launchpad devs work on launchpad as their dayjobs) | 19:40 |
micahg | kroq-gar78: well, you probably won't be able to get an official answer for another couple hours as it's still the weekend | 19:40 |
kroq-gar78 | micahg: pbuilder made my program fine on my laptop, just not on launchpad, so it' s prob a env-specific prob | 19:40 |
kroq-gar78 | lol ok cya ;) thanks | 19:40 |
kroq-gar78 | also, the #launchpad greeting message says to go to help.launchpad.net should I do that or ask on irc? | 19:41 |
tumbleweed | now that I've actually looked, it works fine for me in my natty schroot | 19:44 |
kroq-gar78 | so what's the prob :/ | 19:45 |
Raffa50 | hello | 20:15 |
Raffa50 | but | 20:15 |
Raffa50 | i'm try to upload my appù | 20:15 |
Raffa50 | i can't | 20:15 |
Raffa50 | i have a foder ehììwhit compiled files and the deb | 20:15 |
Raffa50 | i used dput revu | 20:16 |
Raffa50 | but didn't do nothing | 20:16 |
Raffa50 | i programmed it with gambas | 20:16 |
Raffa50 | so it generated all the files | 20:16 |
Raffa50 | how can i do? | 20:17 |
Raffa50 | (sorry i'm italian) | 20:17 |
tgm4883 | no need to appoligize, there is nothing wrong with being italian ;) | 20:18 |
tgm4883 | You can't upload binary files to REVU, you need to upload the source package. do you have a .changes file and a .dsc? | 20:19 |
Raffa50 | yes i have | 20:21 |
Raffa50 | i don't have signed gpg key | 20:21 |
Raffa50 | gpg --fingerprint | 20:21 |
Raffa50 | doesn't do nothing | 20:21 |
Raffa50 | tgm maybe my english is bad | 20:23 |
tgm4883 | Raffa50, ok, you'll need to get one of those | 20:23 |
tgm4883 | let me dig up the link | 20:23 |
Raffa50 | sotìrry i have only 18 year. thank | 20:23 |
Raffa50 | *sorry | 20:24 |
tgm4883 | You have a launchpad ID? | 20:24 |
tgm4883 | You'll need to go to https://launchpad.net/~<LAUNCHPADID>/+editpgpkeys | 20:25 |
Raffa50 | yes i'm registered in lunchpad | 20:25 |
tgm4883 | On that page there is a link that says "Learn more about OpenPGP keys" | 20:25 |
tgm4883 | Although I bet it's translated into italian | 20:26 |
Raffa50 | eh yes | 20:26 |
Raffa50 | i need to insert a code | 20:26 |
tgm4883 | Right, but first you need to generate a key | 20:26 |
tgm4883 | "System > Preferences > Passwords and Encryption Keys" | 20:26 |
Raffa50 | nah i can speak english | 20:26 |
tgm4883 | Step 1 open Passwords and Encryption Keys. | 20:27 |
tgm4883 | Step 2 Select File > New, select PGP Key and then follow the on-screen instructions. | 20:27 |
tgm4883 | Now you'll see your new key listed in the Passwords and Encryption Keys tool. | 20:27 |
Raffa50 | generating | 20:28 |
Raffa50 | and after i will see my project on the software center? | 20:29 |
Raffa50 | it's slow | 20:29 |
tgm4883 | it's a bit of a longer process than that. You generate your key, then upload your software to REVU (so peers can review the packaging), You might have to fix some packaging mistakes and reupload, but once it passes the REVU process it gets uploaded to the repositories and should be available via the software center in future versions of Ubuntu | 20:30 |
Raffa50 | my finger print isn't correct | 20:30 |
Raffa50 | 372A 2405 474F 1F0A 36F1 D061 F151 ACE8 BB3E 91C0 | 20:30 |
tgm4883 | what do you mean it isn't correct? | 20:31 |
Raffa50 | i inserted inthe box | 20:31 |
Raffa50 | and it says taht's wrong | 20:32 |
tgm4883 | ah ok | 20:32 |
Raffa50 | Launchpad could not import your OpenPGP key Did you enter your complete fingerprint correctly? (Help with fingerprints) Is your key in the Ubuntu keyserver yet? You may have to wait between ten minutes (if you pushed directly to the Ubuntu key server) and one hour (if you pushed your key to another server). (Help with publishing keys) | 20:32 |
tgm4883 | There are a few more steps before you do that part | 20:32 |
tgm4883 | Step 1 Open Passwords and Encryption Keys. | 20:32 |
tgm4883 | Step 2 Select the My Personal Keys tab, select your key. | 20:32 |
tgm4883 | Step 3 Select Remote > Sync and Publish Keys from the menu. Choose the Sync button. (You may need to add hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com to your key servers if you are not using Ubuntu.) | 20:32 |
Raffa50 | ah | 20:32 |
tgm4883 | That will upload it to the keyserver, although it might be 30 minutes before you can insert your fingerprint | 20:33 |
Raffa50 | syncronized! | 20:35 |
Raffa50 | i must wait 30 minutes? | 20:35 |
Raffa50 | oh dear | 20:35 |
tgm4883 | you can try, but it could take up to 30 minutes | 20:35 |
Raffa50 | i wait | 20:35 |
Raffa50 | 5 min | 20:36 |
Raffa50 | A message has been sent to Reloader90@gmail.com, encrypted with the key 2048R/BB3E91C0. To confirm the key is yours, decrypt the message and follow the link inside. | 20:47 |
Raffa50 | ehi | 20:47 |
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