=== asac_ is now known as asac | ||
Cradam | hello can anyone tell me why i get this message : The action would require the installation of packages from unauthenticated sources. | 07:05 |
Cradam | and it wont let me go any further in the update | 07:05 |
Lockal | hi! Are there any news about unity panel & firefox integration in ubuntu 11.10? | 13:13 |
Lockal | I searched for a bug on Lauchpad but have not found anywhere... | 13:14 |
Cradam | unity is already intergrated isnt it | 13:21 |
Lockal | Cradam, I mean download counter and progress in unity panel. Is this enabled in 11.10? | 13:27 |
Cradam | well im using 10.10 | 13:28 |
Cradam | i am not switching from gnome | 13:28 |
Cradam | would rather use windows | 13:29 |
Lockal | unity panel looks like windows 7 panel, so there is no special benefit to use windows) | 13:31 |
Lockal | also it would be good to highlight chrisccoulson | 13:33 |
Cradam | by windows i meant XP | 13:33 |
Cradam | plus ive used the old netbook edition and i must say the unity panel is not the win7 panel | 13:34 |
Cradam | thats like saying the win7panel is like the mac dock | 13:34 |
chrisccoulson | Lockal, there aren't any plans to do any additional firefox + unity integration work this cycle | 15:28 |
Lockal | chrisccoulson, is it possible to merge unityfox functionality into ubufox extension? | 15:29 |
chrisccoulson | Lockal, not really | 15:30 |
Lockal | any chance to get into 11.10 or 12.04? Does this mean creating the special .deb for this small feature? | 15:32 |
chrisccoulson | Lockal, it won't be going in for 11.10, and we certainly don't want any more extensions in the archive at the moment | 15:33 |
chrisccoulson | they're a pain with the new release schedule | 15:33 |
Lockal | chrisccoulson, and what's wrong with ubufox? The piece of code is rather small and should not interfere with non-unity systems | 15:38 |
chrisccoulson | well, for 1 thing, we're not allowed to just completely change the scope of an extension that we ship by default with firefox | 15:38 |
chrisccoulson | Lockal, perhaps you should read http://www.mozilla.org/foundation/trademarks/policy.html ;) | 15:39 |
greg-g | is it just me, or does the package from the stable thunderbird ppa report itself as 3.1.11 even though the pacakge says 5.0? | 18:54 |
micahg | greg-g: shouldn't be, which part reports as that? | 18:57 |
greg-g | micahg: the about dialog | 18:59 |
greg-g | and, a plugin is complaining that it isn't compatible (it isn't compatibale with 3.1.11, only 3.3+) | 18:59 |
greg-g | but, thunderbird --version gives me 5.0, and then i start thunderbird via "thunderbird" in the cli | 19:01 |
micahg | greg-g: can you run which thunderbird? | 19:19 |
micahg | 'which thunderbird' | 19:19 |
greg-g | /usr/bin/thunderbird | 19:19 |
micahg | that's weird | 19:20 |
greg-g | yeah : | 19:20 |
greg-g | ? | 19:20 |
greg-g | grr, :/ | 19:20 |
micahg | does dpkg -l thunderbird* show anything with a 3.1.11 version? | 19:21 |
greg-g | dpkg -l thunderbird* | 19:21 |
greg-g | hah! | 19:21 |
greg-g | yes, but only listed as "un" | 19:21 |
micahg | greg-g: no idea then, could you file a bug? The link to the PPA bugs project is in /topic and maybe chrisccoulson can have a look tomorrow | 19:23 |
gnomefreak | what is the pci command to check your pci cards :( i keep forgetting :( | 19:23 |
micahg | gnomefreak: lspci | 19:23 |
gnomefreak | micahg: thanks for getting tb to replace evo | 19:23 |
micahg | gnomefreak: good to see you :) | 19:23 |
gnomefreak | micahg: thanks | 19:23 |
gnomefreak | good to see you as well | 19:23 |
micahg | gnomefreak: I didn't do anything for it, it's all chrisccoulson | 19:23 |
gnomefreak | ah ill thank him when i see him thanks | 19:24 |
greg-g | micahg: cool, thanks for the help | 19:24 |
gnomefreak | that is something we were talking about during dapper dev cycle | 19:24 |
micahg | wow, well, 5+ years later, it's finally in progress :) | 19:24 |
micahg | greg-g: you're welcome | 19:25 |
gnomefreak | i have this bad feeling that since fglrx doesnt work that Radeon wont work either | 19:26 |
gnomefreak | i have spent the better part of a month screwing with fglrx and i still get nothing | 19:26 |
greg-g | micahg: you're not going to like this (as I don't) but I just restarted (because I also had a kernel update) and it now reports as 5.0 | 19:32 |
* greg-g shurgs | 19:33 | |
* greg-g shrugs even | 19:33 | |
micahg | greg-g: oh, yeah, if you have it running already, it won't change until you restart the app, it could've just still been open | 19:33 |
greg-g | micahg: yeah, that's probably it. oh well. thanks again for your help and sorry for taking your time :) | 19:36 |
gnomefreak | micahg: any idea on how to save bookmarks in firefox? other than sync | 20:14 |
gnomefreak | do i need to install xul-ext-webfav to save them | 20:16 |
gnomefreak | we purged greasemoneky? | 20:24 |
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BUGabundo | evening | 21:10 |
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